Yo. Cu M«k. DOLLARS Witk Ym Cu Main I CENTS Bj U>iaf DOLLARS WitW Th« CUi.ified CENTS By U«i., AdrertiiemenU THE WESTFIELD LEADER Th. Clarified THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY FOKTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 26 WESTF1KLD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. 1932 16 Pages—S Cent! GIRL SCOUTS TO HOLD COUNTY CHORAL PETDOM AGOG OVER ;ioo HAVE^ ;TW0 YOUTHS HURT FESTIVAL TO BE H.D-WmTER RALLY Events of the Month R1IRFAn 122 Merit Badges Will ANNUAL SHOW AT SERVICE BUREAU| ACC,DENm B March 4 Afternoon-Evening HELD HERE MAR. 10 Awarded At Event ' Much interest Shown In New HERE MARCH 11 Pet and Poultry Club Show, ARMORY FRIDAY Organization Launched Saturday Night Westfield Armory. STRAY BULLETS plans Completed For Event Last Week Groups Arrange For Talk By 428 Specimens Of Prize Win- In Which 1000 Students Boys Injured By Others Shoot- One hundred and twenty-two mer- Curator On Animals March 4—Evening ning Calibre Pruning Will Participate it badges will be presented at the Approximately 100 uf the leading ing At Targets. Police And Reptiles Dance Event, Miss Isabella ' For Exhibit business and |)!\I,V.-;HKIIM1 nit'ii and Annual Mid-Winter Girl Scout Rally Mansun. Masonic. Temple. | To Curb U»e which will be held in the Junior High Thi' Union County Choral Festival, other prominent residents of (lie town School Saturday evening at 7:15 "Our Animal Friends and Foes"' is in which 1,000 students from the Final plan.* i'*>r the Fifth Annual have joined the IMter business Serv- Police Chief John C. lioseerans has p. m. the interesting topic chosen by Dr. March 7—8:15 P.M. IVt and Poultry Show, which will be Union County schools will take part, ice itureau in the wvcl; that has is-ued cirdcrs to hi* men to rigidly en- Mrs. O. N. Coombe, chairman of Raymond L. Ditmars, curator of Mum- Co-operative Group Plan," hclil Friday afternoon and oveninK wil] lie held at the Roosevelt Junior elapsed since the movement was the Court of Awards for the West-[ mals and Reptiles at the New York Dr. James F. llosic, Teachers' in t he Westiield Armory, are prac- force ordinance relating to the High School on Thursday afternoon College, Columbia University. launched last Tuesday. field Council, will present the badges, | Zoological Gardens, for his coming tically completed. The figures state use of firearms and has instructed and evening, March 10. Grant School. assisted by Mrs. Charles E. Bingham,, lecture on Friday evening, March 11 that there are 128 pets entered in Within a fev days those who have the olliceis to confiscate all rifles and At the afternoon concert, 500 sel- the show this ye»r, exceeding all pre- commissioner. I at the Roosevelt Junior High School. already signed will nieel lo I'm ma 1- revolvers of various calibre, air guns ected voices from the third to sixth March 11—Evening vious records. The pets entered in- grades will give a well-chosen pro- Members of Troop 1, Girl Scouts,! In this lecture Dr. Ditmars shows ly organize. At that time ullicers and similar weapons as well as blank Lecture, Dr. Raymond L. Dit- clude 115 dojis. (U cats, <H) rabbits, m consisting of unison songs for under the direction of Mrs. Adolf II. j a variety of species useful to man 25 guinea ]»itfs, JO chickens, 17 ban-will be elected and additional plans1 cartridge pistols, that they find in the iris, unison songs for boys, and com- Schwennesen, captain, and Miss Eliz-[ and others that are equally danger- mars. Roosevelt Auditorium. tams, S ducks, 48 pigeons, 2 horses, will be formulated to further th "ims possession of boys. bineined unison songs, as well as two- • abi-th Kuehn, second lieutenant, arejous. In the series the American 'J pitfs, M K()l*(s. ^ turkeys. 1 goose, of the group. part songs for girls, boys, andd com- j'• presentinpresentingg aa playleplaylet t callecalledd ""AA PrinPr'm-- 1beave bi r i's proved . to b.e a skillfu. l en- March 14—8:15 P. M. 4 ruts, 40 iish, H turtles, 1 'possum, This action by Chief Rosecrang is ( t>ss (>f The organization has for its main bined two-part songs. : ' Many Knots." As in this pie- gineer, cutting down trees, repairing Holy Name Meeting, Holy 1 alligator, 1 salamander, 2 snails purpose the establishing of honesty a result nf two noys having been The program of the evening eoneon-- |tU1'1'' thl' sl;"uts »nrawl » ' Trinity Auditorium. Speaker, and 4 animalcule. in business anil the support f local painfully, but not seriously wound- A. Longfellow Fiske. ill be given by another chores The VM'ioits committees have work- independent merchants in (be belief through accidental shootings on ed hard to assume the success of the that this is the most forward move-' Saturday. March 15—Evening show. Many pupils have given vent ineiii that can be made lo betlcr: Joseph Stern, son of Mrs. Randall Ninth Annual Banquet, West- ! to their imagination and have made the welfare of all residents of Wesl- «,.,,,.„ ,,f .,o2 .Stanley avenue, was shot field Board of Realtors wild some attractive postern for (lie show (u'"'- through the left arm shortly before three-r lUisini'ss Men. F.Iks Club, Elm three interesting playlets which will which will also be nn exhibition. Applicants tin- membership .sign n U o'clock Salui'ilay afternoon as he with a mixed four-part chorus. Street. be given at the rally. Thirty-live cups have been donated pledge which sets down various pol- uas passing a vacant field near the Towns in Union County taking No admission fee will be charged by friends nf the cltih and animal icies which thi' organization is fos- end of Kairmouut avenue. A group part in the Choral Festival include: but it is hoped that each scout and lovers and these are now on display Icring. Aiming these arc "to trade ;uf hoys were apparently at target Plainfield, Scotch Plains, Westiield. EXHIBIT TO SHOW scout parent and friends will bring in the window of K. Uninner's jew- wheiievi'i- possible with local inde- piacl ire and it i believed that a Garwood, Cranford, Roselle, Kosellc ' s one" small ran of food which will be elry store oil Kast Broad street. The pendent merchants and to employ the J stray bullet .'truck the Sterna lad. Park, Elizabeth, Linden, Rahway, WORK OF WOMEN collected in large baskets and turned cups have been donated by U. S. Sen- professional services of local people" He was taken to (he ollico of Dr. Summit. Hillside, Mountainside, New over to the Welfare Council for dis- Handwork To Be Shown At ator Hamilton F. Kenn, (low A. Har-aud lo ".support an educational cam- diaries T. Pecker on Kim street Providence, Clark Township and tribution. An invitntion is extended ry Mooro, Albert. Tnyson Terhuue. paign of a constructive nature to fur-, where the wound was treated and .Springfield. i to all to attend Ibis rally, lioy Scout YWCA Assembly Room Iher the retention in Wesllield of a later removeMdI lo his home by his 1 Dr. Gordon Losee, Roger Stephens, Then will be directors presort and (iirl Scout fathers are especially March 18 Dr. J. H. Kngol, Miss Frances I'eirce, largo percentage if I he net profit mother. arising out of the from various parts of the county urged. Mary Armsf rong, Mrs. Kohert (J. •eluil trade of the liieul. John J. Somers was dis- community." The schools of the county have been On tin1 afternoon and evening of (iris'wold, Kdwiinl Miller, A. V. Hav- patched on the cull and Patrolman (jiving ardent attention to the prep- | Friday, March IK, there will be an ens, Paul {}. Oliver, l>r. Frank I,. Iln- Members uf the orgiini/.af ion will <icolire Morton was sent out lo con- arations for the festival, which prom- : NO NEW POST OFFICE exhibition of woman's handwork at ber, Charles Holy, Martin Wallberg receive emblems which have been fiscate the rillis. He rounded up two iscs to he exceedingly interesting and HERE FOR SOME TIME the YWCA. The idea is to stimulate Post :!, American Legion, llotary prepared for display in places of busi- weapons and later K. H. Kussell of varied. women to do things wilh their hands; Club, ThoWesllield Trust Co., The ]nras - '1'hese are to remain the prop- .'US South Kuclid avenue brought in irl (l There will be no admission charge , Resp()n(linp t0 an jnnuj,.y ])y Rl.,,. and the inception of the idea prob-1 Peoples Bank & Trust Co., Hie S. P. ! ] i'ly "•of' Ihi'»'e bureabureau anand arare subjecsubjectt Iwo more rifles. to either of the concerts. The after- Irosenlativ e perc.y n Stewart of Plain- ably grew out of the remarkable' C. A., Doener & Kons, (Iray, removal in the event that inember- Curtis Damni, Jr., aged 8, son of DR. RAYMOND L. DITMARS !slli is noon program begins at 3:30 p. m. ifio](]| lhc Post offlc[1 Department hnsj work done in (he jewelry class at tin; 11. N. Taylor C< Norris Clievrolet l' revoked. I Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Damm of lO'.ll and the evening program at 8:15. j advised that no appropriation will be|« 'lam and performing other intricate "Yr" Miss Andersen, having some Co., Wesllield Hird Club, the Pet Considerable interesl has develojied it'enlral avenue, received two bullets The committee selected from the sought at this session of Congress for'w'ork under the direction of an ex- connection with Jenson on 57th street,; Club.
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