Parish Council

Minutes of the monthly meeting held on 25th of ovember 2010 in the small Hall, Worplesdon Memorial Hall

36110 Chairman Mr R McShee, Mr T Cater, Dr P Cragg, Mr M Dillon, Mrs A Hunt, Mr E Marks- Oldham, Mrs S Morgan, Mr D Slaymaker, Mr P Spragg, Mrs A Trevena, Mrs M Wilson, Mr R Welch and Mr C Venables.

Also in attendance were Cllr N Sutcliffe, PC M Patey, Cllr V Searle, Mrs M Monan and Mrs L Belton.

Mr McShee welcomed Mrs Anita Trevena and Mr Chris Venables to the Council.

36210 Public participation

Mrs Belton raised concerns about planning application number: 10/P/02093 -34 Envis Way. Mr McShee thanked Mrs Belton for addressing the council and advised that her concerns would be taken into account when the planning application is considered later in the meeting.

36310 Lucky Locals Lottery

Mrs Michelle Monan, the promoter of a new local lottery in , addressed the Parish Council. Mrs Monan explained how the lottery would function and enquired whether the Parish Council would like to be involved with the decision on how any community money would be spent, if she was successful in promoting the lottery in Worplesdon.

Mr McShee thanked Mrs Monan for addressing the Council and invited her to the following meeting on 27 January, when further consideration would be given to her enquiry.

Appendix 1 – Local Locals flyer

36410 To accept apologies and reason for Absence in accordance with the LGA 1972, Sch12, para 40.

Apologies and reasons for absence were received from Mrs E Nagle, Mrs D Robinson and Mr N Sherwin. Apologies accepted.

Apologies were also received from Cllr Chan and Cllr Laker.

36510 Declaration of Personal or Prejudicial Interests by Councillors on any of the agenda items below in accordance with the Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 – (SI.2007/1159)

Mr McShee declared a prejudicial interest in item 26 on the agenda. Mr McShee left the room whilst this item was discussed.

36610 Register of Interests – To declare any amendments

No declarations were made.

123 36710 Declaration of Gifts or hospitality over £25

No declarations were made.

36810 Police matters in Worplesdon

PC Patey gave the following report:


17 crimes - including two non-crimes

1 x assault 5 x burglary 8 x thefts 1 x criminal damage 1 x public order 1 x harassment

Wood Street Village

5 crimes - including 4 non-crimes

1 x assaults 2 x damage 1 x drugs 1 x public order


1 crime and1 non-crime

1 x criminal damage

Jacobs Well

3 crimes

1 x burglary 1 x criminal damage 1 x theft

This compares with 37 crimes for the same period in 2009.

PC Patey advised that the police still do not know who is writing and publishing the Village Watch newsletters.

A serious road traffic accident had taken place recently near Cobbett's Close following a high speed police pursuit. The driver and passenger were not local. Both men are recovering from their injuries.

Mr Marks-Oldham enquired how many of the crimes have been solved. PC Patey advised that it would take time to ascertain that information. 124

Mr Slaymaker advised that a fatal road traffic accident had taken place in Slyfield on Tuesday and enquired as to the nature of the accident. PC Patey advised that a pedestrian had been hit by a car.

Mr Welch advised that youngsters are continuing to climb on the roof of St Alban’s Church and requested that additional visits be undertaken, by the police, in the hopes that the children could be caught in the act. PC Patey advised anyone witnessing children climbing on the roof to call the main police switchboard as the local police team were not always available – 0845 125 2222.

Dr Cragg enquired when PC Redfern would be arranging Community Speed Watch training. PC Patey advised that he would chase this matter up on behalf of the Parish Council.

Mr McShee thanked PC Patey for giving his report. PC Patey then left the meeting.

36910 Councillor’s report

Cllr Nigel Sutcliffe gave the following report:

1. Community car park – Land beside Luxford Cottage (Possible Exchange Land)

Chris Mansfield is considering the Parish Council’s request. The request will be considered as per the Borough Council’s new Asset Management Framework. Cllr Sutcliffe stated that he was optimistic about the outcome of Parish Council’s request.

The money secured by Cllr Nevins towards the application fee for the exchange land must be spent 31st of March or it will be lost.

A planning application needs to be submitted as soon as possible.

2. Borough Council Gypsy meeting (date??)

This meeting had been cancelled as too many people were due to attend the meeting which would have become very unwieldy.

3. Roundabout bottom of Holly Lane

Mr Newcombe Guildford Borough Council remained confident that the saplings and other shrubs would be removed before the year-end.

4. Park Smart campaign shops

Cllr Sutcliffe stated that a two-hour parking scheme in West Horsley had proved to be successful.

5. Speed data recorder (SDR) – Black Box

The Parish Council will need to obtain a quotation for an SDR box, before Cllr Sutcliffe's request can go to the Local Area Committee.

6. HGVs parking in the layby outside Worplesdon Memorial Hall

125 Cllr Sutcliffe suggested that parking bays be marked out in the lay-by because any HGV parking lengthways across the bays would then be creating an obstruction and could then be moved on by the police.

Members of the council concurred with Cllr Sutcliffe's suggestion and asked that he investigate the feasibility and cost of marking out parking bays.

37010 Minutes of the previous meetings

It was proposed Mr D Slaymaker, seconded Mr M Dillon that the minutes of the meeting held 21st of October 2010 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record. Agreed.

It was proposed Mr P Spragg, seconded Mr E Marks-Oldham that the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held 11 November be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record agreed. Agreed.

Matters Arising

37110 “Fairlands – Local shops” sign

The Clerk advised that the local shops sign had finally been re-erected.

37210 Tree surgery – Perry Hill Green

A planning application will be required for the tree surgery needed within the Conservation Area of Perry Hill as the trees are not dead/dying or dangerous.

37310 Grass cutting arrangements, Worplesdon

Email received from Dominique Stephens SCC confirming that we will be able to continue to act as Agents for the County Council. The exact amount of funding for the year 2011/2012 is to be confirmed.

The Clerk would duly arrange for the tender documents to be issued.

37410 Transport Plan (LTP)3 – Final consultation “Travel Planning Strategy” deadline 10 December 2010.

Mr McShee offered to look at this consultation on behalf of the Parish Council.

37510 Worplesdon Public Art – Sime Gallery

Mr Cater gave a report to the Council.

Appendix 2.

37610 Finance

1. Bank reconciliation – October 2010

The RF0 had prepared the bank reconciliation for October 2010 in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2006. The Chairman duly signed the bank reconciliation and bank statements.

126 Appendix 3.

2. Monthly budget report

The RF0 had prepared the monthly budget report for October 2010 in accordance with the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations. The Chairman duly signed monthly budget report.

Appendix 4.

3. Letter of thanks received from Wood St. Village Hort. Soc.

A letter of thanks for the £200 donation had been received from Mrs H Barker.

4. Algae treatment – Fairlands and Jacobs Well play areas

Quotation received from Playground Facilities Ltd – Total cost to treat the play surfaces with microbiological surface biocide - £401.50 & VAT. Record RSS’s playground inspector had advised that the area be treated with Roundup.

Mr Venables and Dr Cragg advised the Clerk to contact the Manufacturer in the first instance to establish whether the active chemical would deactivate on the play surface as it does in soil.

This item is to be on the agenda of the next full council meeting.

5. Surrey Pension Fund AGM

Copies of the County Council’s presentation had been received for information.

6. Mulberry & Co – Interim Internal Audit Y/E 31 March 2011

Mr M Mulberry had submitted the Interim Internal Audit Report for the Council's consideration. Mrs Morgan asked to read the report on behalf of the Parish Council.

7. VAT refund – 1.4.2010 – 30.9.2010

A BACS payment of £5,937.74 had been received from H M Revenue & Customs.

37710 Invoices for payment

It was proposed Mr T Cater, seconded Mr R Welch that cheques to the value of £5, 101.21 be approved and signed. Agreed.

Chq. o: Payee: Details: £:

001120 Norris & Gardiner Ltd Remove fallen willow limb 127.30 001121 Blue Sky H & S Inspections & materials 875.96 001122 Salary/Exps 001123 Staff costs Salary/Exps 4,097.95 001124 PAYE/NIC 001125 Pension conts Ee’s & Er’s

Total £5,101.21

127 37810 Clerk’s Report

1. Annual Parish Meeting 2011 – 16 March 2011 – 7.30pm

It was agreed that Ken Bare, Trustee of the Surrey Hills Society be invited to give a presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting on 16 March at Jacobs Well Village Hall. There will be a small charge of £30-£50.

2. Schedules of meetings 2011

Copies of the schedules had been issued to all members and had also been posted on the Parish website.

Appendices 5 & 6.

3. Local Government Boundary Commission Electoral Review

Documentation received for information.

Cllr Sutcliffe advised that he had attended the meeting on 25 October on behalf of the parishes he represents. The aim of the Electoral Review is to reassess the County Council wards. Ash currently has constituents 14% below the national average. Worplesdon currently has 4% above the national average. Criteria have been established that will enable any imbalances to be addressed. The community's identity will be respected. The commission wants to establish the views of local residents and in particular Parish councils.

There will not be any boundary changes, however, it is possible that a ward within Worplesdon may be transferred to another parish to equalise the number of constituents.

Cllr Sutcliffe did not think there would be any changes in this area, but advised that it would be wise for the Parish Council to make a case for the Parish to be kept intact and that no areas should be removed from the current wards.

4. ew councillor seminars GBC offices in Millmead Monday 29 ovember and Monday 31 January 2011 at 7pm

Anyone wishing to stand for election as either a Borough Councillor or Parish Councillor is invited to attend.

5. SWT – Annual Report 20092010

Received for information.

6. Local Committee (Guildford) meeting – 8 December 2010

Dr Paul Cragg had agreed to attend this meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.

7. Renaming of a section of Worplesdon Road (Rickford)

Mr Marks-Oldham advised that some of his neighbours are deeply puzzled as to why their addresses have suddenly changed to include Worplesdon Road when, historically, the area has been known as Rickford, Worplesdon (as per the Domesday Book).

128 The Clerk had contacted Sue Pickering at Guildford Borough Council to enquire why this change had taken place. Ordnance Survey maps indicate that Worplesdon Road has continued to Fox Corner for, at least, the last 25 years.

It was proposed that the section of Worplesdon Road from “Tarkwa” to Fox Corner be renamed “Rickford”. It was agreed that Sue Pickering would undertake a public consultation of the residents of Rickford, Royal Mail, councillors, the Parish Council and Surrey County Council. If the proposed re-naming is approved, street nameplates will be erected at either end of this stretch of the road.

8. Affordable Housing Survey

E-mail received from Mona Johansson stating that the full cost of the survey, including printing the questionnaire, the freepost envelopes, sending out the questionnaire second-class to 3,378 households and return postage based on a 30% response rate would be in the region of £1,225. The final figure would, of course, depend on how many questionnaires are returned.

If the survey were hand-delivered with the Parish newsletter the total cost would be £900.

The clerk advised that she had obtained a quotation from Knaphill Print for the cost of printing the survey and return envelopes which came to £804.60.

The cost of delivering the survey with the Parish newsletter would be £237.

It was proposed Mr McShee that any decision on expenditure be deferred until the January meeting, as this item had been inadvertently omitted from the agenda.

This item is to be on the agenda of the next full Council meeting.

9. Letter of thanks John and Carol Wright

A letter of thanks, together with a box of chocolates and a Thanksgiving card had been sent to the Parish Council by Dr John Wright and his wife Carol, as a gesture of their sincere appreciation for the gifts and information sent to them following the WW2 plaque unveiling ceremony in October.

The Clerk was instructed to send an e-mail of thanks to John and Carol Wright.

10. Christmas tree on Wood Street Village Green

Wood Street Village Association had requested permission to erect a Christmas tree on the Green and for carols to be sung on the Green on Saturday, 18 December. All are welcome.

It was proposed Mr T Cater, seconded Mr R Welch that permission be granted.

11. Parish website

The Clerk had asked members of the Council to look at the Parish website and advise of any changes required. Mr Spragg requested that the Google adverts be removed from the website. Agreed. Total cost £24.99 pa.

37910 Chairman’s Report

Mr McShee gave the following report:

129 1. Repairs to car park in Broadacres (damaged retaining wall and split concrete slab)

Two quotations had been obtained for the remedial works. 1) Labour only £2,400 - Parish Council to purchase materials 2) Total quote £3,200.

The Clerk advised that three quotations would be required, as the sum involved exceeds £2,000. A decision could not be made either, as the item had not been included on the agenda.

It was proposed Mr R Welch, seconded Dr P Cragg that power to approve the quotation be delegated to the General Purposes & Finance Committee. Agreed.

This item is to be on the agenda of the next full Council meeting.

2. Meeting with Merrist Wood 25 ovember 2010

A meeting had been held with John Nutt and councillor Matt Furniss.

Copies of the minutes would be issued to all members.

Appendix 7.

3. Slyfield Area Regeneration Plan – SARP

Mr McShee advised that this is a long-term, 10 to 15, year plan. A further meeting was scheduled for 3 December. Details of the outline plan will shortly to be revealed by the Master Planners (Scott Brownrigg).

Post meeting note: This meeting was cancelled due to adverse weather conditions. The meeting will now be held in January.

38010 Planning Applications for consideration

Planning Application o: 10/P/02083 - 1 The Willows, Worplesdon Road, Guildford - Demolition and reconstruction of end of terrace garage on new piled raft foundation.

No comment.

Planning Application o: 10/P/02093 - 34 Envis Way, Fairlands - Proposed ground and first floor extension to side and rear of property.

It was agreed that the Parish Council object to the above planning application on the following grounds:

1. The proposed extension is unduly large and would have an unacceptable effect on the existing context and character of the adjacent detached properties, contrary to policy H9 of the Local Plan 2003.

2. The size and scale of the proposed extension would not only have an overbearing effect on the adjacent property (no. 36) it would also affect the daylight to the rear of no. 36, contrary to policy H9 of the Local Plan 2003.

130 38110 Health and Safety Inspection Report

Mr Trevena had undertaken the weekly and monthly inspections as a result of which the following report was given:

Weekly playground inspections


Mr Trevena had replaced the brackets on one of the benches and had also replaced the spring on the gate.

Jacobs Well

Algae is affecting the play surfaces.


White sealer, or mastic, had been smeared over the BMX equipment. This had subsequently been removed.

Monthly inspections


Bus shelter near Liddington Hall Drive needs some undergrowth to be cleared.

Jacobs Well

No problems noted.


No problems noted - Top rail on bench by the village pond had been replaced.

Reports accepted.

Mr Marks- Oldham and Mr Venables advised that there are a number of overgrown trees and shrubs overhanging the footpath/cycleway between the Memorial Hall and Rickford Hill. This would be reported to the County Council.

38210 Parking outside Fairlands shops

Mrs Morgan again raised her concerns about the limited parking available outside the shops in Fairlands. She advised that the lay-by in front of the shops in West Horsley has parking limit of two hours. Whilst this is not enforced, the majority of residents do abide by the two-hour parking limit.

Following discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council write to Guildford Borough Council requesting the introduction of a two-hour parking limit in front of the shops in Fairlands.

Mrs A Hunt left the meeting at 9.30 p.m.

131 38310 Finger post – White Hart , Wood Street Village

Nathan Pass, Manager at the White Hart pub, had submitted details of the finger post by Signs of the Times, which he would like to be erected near the notice board on the Village Green. The text of the post will read:

“The White Hart Country Pub and Dining”

A small circular finial on top of the post will read “Wood Street Village”.

Members of the council supported the proposal. Mr Pass would be advised to contact the Borough Council to establish whether, or not, planning permission will be required.

38410 Jacobs Well Recreation Ground

An organised group is playing football on a Saturday and parking their vehicles within the Grounds which are causing severe ruts.

Following discussion it was agreed that a polite letter be sent to the organiser of the football games requesting that parents avoid parking on the grass area during the winter because of the damage being caused. Mr J Gunner had offered to erect wooden posts on the right-hand side of the recreation ground to protect the particularly vulnerable area in front of the pond, free of charge, as a gesture of goodwill. Mr Gunner’s offer was gratefully accepted.

38510 WW2 plaque – Queenhythe Road

As the plaque is low to the ground and the area is unlit the plaque presents a trip hazard. Mr Trevena has prepared the wooden posts and purchased chains, and hooks etc. to fence off the plaque. However, due to the proximity of the adjacent services advice is being sought before the posts are installed to ensure that the services are not damaged in any way.

Mr Trevena was due to meet with a representative from British Gas in the near future. It was agreed that work be delayed until confirmation had been received that the installation of the wooden posts would not cause damage to any of the adjacent services.

38610 – Flood Forum

The Clerk gave a brief report to the Council. Copies of the minutes and revised Action Plan would be issued to all members in due course.

Appendices 8 & 9.

38710 SDR Radar Traffic Classifier

It was agreed that the Clerk obtain a quotation for one Speed Data Recorder.

This item is to be on the agenda of the next full Council meeting.

132 38810 Jubilee Celebrations 2012

Members agreed that a commissioned map of the Parish, which would include pictures and annotations of all historic buildings within the parish would be a good way to commemorate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee .

It was also agreed that a sub-committee be formed to deal with the formalities. The sub-committee will be chaired by Dr Cragg and will comprise of one member from each ward plus Dr Cragg as ex- officio.

This item will be added to the agenda of the next full council meeting.

38910 Complaints procedure – Habitual or vexatious complaints

This item was deferred until the next GPs meeting.

39010 Training – Statement of Intent

This item was deferred until the next GPs meeting.

39110 Public Value Review of Countryside – Consultation on the Initial recommendations – Deadline 29 November 2010.

Mr McShee offered to read the consultation paper and, if necessary, respond on behalf of the Parish Council.

Mr McShee left the meeting whilst following item was discussed. Dr Cragg chaired the meeting in Mr McShee's absence.

39210 -Admin Assistant’s request to continue working after retirement age

It was proposed Mr R Welch, seconded Mr T Cater that permission be granted for Mrs McShee to continue working as part time Admin Assistant following her birthday. Agreed unanimously.

Mr McShee return to the meeting.

39310 Date of next meeting – Thursday 27 January 2011.

Meeting closed approximately 10 p.m.