#545 18 - 24 March 2011 16 pages Rs 30

MIN RATNA BAJRACHARYA WATER WEEK? A long wait at the communal taps in Nakabahil, Patan, HOLI WATER Thursday. 2 EDITORIAL 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545 QUAKING

f late, global events have resonated strongly in . The uprisings in the Middle East reminded Osome of our recent past; the earthquake in Japan would have reminded others of a possible future. Both kinds of upheavals, human and natural, also had a more direct bearing on members of the Nepali diaspora who live and work in these places, and their worried families. There are plenty of Nepalis still stranded in Libya and Japan, but our government has done little to assuage their anxiety. Granted, Japan’s Nepalis may still be better off where they are. But hundreds live in fear of their lives in Libya. Despite a cabinet decision to repatriate them at the earliest, Libya’s Nepalis are largely dependent on the goodwill of other states to get home before they are caught in the crossfi re. Instead, the government appears to be focused on implementing measures that attract a lot of attention but mostly inconvenience the public that does live here. The decisions to outlaw digitally printed number plates and banknotes with likenesses of the Shah kings were both necessary, perhaps, but the hasty implementation betrayed the fact that this state is an adhocracy. The tragedy is that even when the correct decisions are taken, their implementation is bungled. Allowing both the media itself, obsessed as it is with the twists and turns of So you’d expect a lot of coverage when Japan digital plates and kingly notes to be printed upto this Nepali politics, only rouses itself to indulge in sensationalism was hit by all three. The problem lies in how the point, then suddenly demanding they be withdrawn from that sells. Reduced to covering Khagendra Thapa Magar’s media covered the disaster. We don’t yet know what circulation immediately only invites more problems. How public appearances, the media hit the jackpot in its coverage the ultimate consequences of the nuclear accident at will the majority of Nepalis, who can’t just hop down to the of the events in Japan. And in this respect, it followed the Fukushima will be. What we do know is that thousands neighbourhood bank to exchange what has been deemed lead of media outlets across the world. of Japanese people have perished in the earthquake illegal tender, conduct transactions in the meantime? Earthquakes are big. There’s something fundamental that triggered these events. Where is the concern for The decision to revoke the withdrawal only confi rms the about the earth shaking that grabs the attention of all, even these victims when media outlets are busy fuelling panic muddled thinking of those expected to have the clearest when it happens regularly. Tsunamis are bigger. Complete about radiation clouds? Unless they are grounded in vision for Nepal. with terrifying visuals of giant waves rushing through coastal reliable sources, sensational coverage does not help; it If the state does not take adequate measures to cities, they remind us that this earth we live on is an island. stoops to the level of those who send out text messages ensure its citizens are made aware in good time of But nuclear disasters are the biggest fi sh of all: going all the warning people thousands of miles away from Japan to changes that directly affect them – through the media way back to the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they stay indoors. A word to the wise: don’t believe everything – then the media must take the lead the best it can. Alas, constitute the apogee of human technology gone wrong. you read.

ON THE WEB www.nepalitimes.com

HIGHWAY TO HOPE great job pointing it out (‘(Don’t) keep the such scenarios unfolding in Nepal (‘Re- not simply build a museum to house Very inspiring as well as enlightening change’, Paavan Mathema, #544). Also, engagement’, Prashant Jha, #544). The them? Better and cheaper, and more (‘Road to prosperity’, Kunda Dixit, we need to discuss what the next steps are changes in leadership in Lainchaur which honest. #544). I had no idea that the means to rectify the situation such as: a stronger are soon to come and the invitation of You cannot preserve culture. Culture by which roads are constructed enforcement of rule of law with retailers, Bhattarai to India were all preliminary is either dynamic and alive or dead. can result in such different a public feedback forum/platform (say a steps to set up how things can be Only artifacts can be preserved. economics. Indeed, a road is not just phone number that collects and publishes infl uenced in Nepal again. A country such Therefore it is only natural that people a road if built correctly. information from the public on which as India with its diplomatic and military who have loads of money should be hange businesses engage in such practices). leverage in Nepal cannot be confused the ones interested to keep them Manish about the current situation. I am sure in good condition. This is much the As a Bhojpure I think I have a there was a contingency plan in place. same as the family which has fallen right to ask a few questions – why Would a business take a candy if you I think by now India must have a set of on hard times and wishes to sell was Bhojpur completely neglected by were short a rupee? I think the answer plugs that they can pull based on what some antiques that have been left successive Panchayati governments is no, so why let businesses cheat you the issue is. If I were so concerned with rotting in the attic in order to buy the and subsequently by Congress/UML openly? security, I would have such policy tools to new car/luxuryholiday/prada shoes or governments for so long? Why didn’t Bipaswi hand. So let’s see how India’s presence whatever. it deserve to be connected to rest unfolds here. Indigenous culture?? This is just of the country? Why this prejudice We do not know the value of money. Saroj something for the tourist sales talk. against the district of Ganesh Rasik, Last time I was in Nepal, I made it a point Glad you have fallen for it. who has probably written more to ask for change from taxi drivers. When PROPPING UP CULTURE jange patriotic songs than anybody else? they would reluctantly hand me the change, Interesting piece. As usual for articles of Why did Bhojpur have to wait for the I would hand it back, which surprised most this sort the most interesting questions UK to start building roads there? of them. It was not because I did not want are left in the air (‘Whose heritage is it Despite this, I am delighted to to tip them that I asked for change but to anyway?’, Marit Bakke, #544): Weekly Internet Poll # 545 read that villages in Bhojpur are make them realise that it is their duty and How is it that our ancestors, who being connected with roads and my right to get the change back. I also were less numerous, had less Q. What does Nepal need most now? people are benefi tting in so many made it a point to carry change around. All technology and were generally less ways. I trust there will be many of this is to say that we as customers need well off than we are, were able to Total votes: 1,942 following Laxmi’s and Bibas’ steps. to be smart about our money. It all starts create these things but that we are RAP is a total success. Thank you for with us, because they are doing business not? yet another positive story – this time and if they can squeeze the extra paisa out We are already abandoning the from my own district! of the customers why wouldn’t they? cultural basis and philosophy R Rai Krisha that produced these things. Is it worthwhile to preserve these artifacts CONSUMER RIGHTS CHANGE IN COURSE? when we have abandoned the roots Loved the new article. Unaccounted I think the article was interesting, but I that produced them? No problems Weekly Internet Poll # 546. To vote go to: www.nepalitimes.com for change may seem trivial but on an seriously doubt Prashant’s assumption with preserving them as historical Q. Should ‘kingly notes’ have been ousted? aggregate level it is substantial so a that Indian intelligence had not thought of and artistic curiosities. But then why

Publisher: Kunda Dixit | Editor: Rabi Thapa Published by Himalmedia Pvt Ltd | Chief Operating Offi cer: Sunim Tamang | Hattiban, Godavari Road, Lalitpur | GPO Box 7251 [email protected] | www.nepalitimes.com | www.himalmedia.com | Tel: 01-5250333/845 Fax: +977-1-5251013 Design: Kiran Maharjan | Marketing: Arjun Karki, Surendra Sharma [email protected] | Advertorial/features: Ram Krishna Banjara | Subscription: Santosh Aryal [email protected] Printed at Jagadamba Press | 01-5250017-19 | www.jagadambapr.com OP-ED 3 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545

– the state, businesses, and unions. year runs out. They encourage conflict at times, for This deeply distorted, ad hoc, Dysfunction, Inc. instance by encouraging unions to and corrupt political-economic push aggressively for pay hikes, or system has become normalised. It is when government tries to squeeze these distortions and illicit networks government agencies and parties particular businesses. But they step that make it stable; otherwise there PLAIN SPEAKING make life miserable for them by in to prevent these battles from would be greater anarchy. Imagine if crossing a certain threshold because politicians and businesses were not Prashant Jha using draconian laws despite inviting them to invest in the first place, and their interests are also tied to the collaborating in myriad ways; imagine seek to extract benefits relentlessly. private sector. if the rule of law was indeed strictly Labour is unhappy with pay in times Capitalists fund their election implemented – which politician mong the multiple battles that of soaring inflation, and periodic campaigns, party jamborees, and or private company would escape play out every day in Nepali outbursts through strikes and lockouts personal expenses. There is a unscathed and what would the Apolitics – between individuals, are fueled by unions. Capitalists relentless stream of requests from implications on the national economy parties, identities, ideologies – few say it is precisely these tactics that politicians to big companies to be; imagine if there weren’t informal are as critical to our future as the affects their bottom line even more provide jobs to their constituents. Key mechanisms and mediators to resolve relationship between state and adversely, diluting their capacity to business leaders have links spreading capital labour disputes outside of capital, and capital and labour. create and spread wealth. across party lines, and play an active tribunals. This is no justification of Several incidents in the past few Add it up and it is indeed a mess, behind-the-scenes role in stitching how things are, merely an attempt to weeks reflect how Nepali capitalism with direct negative consequences on alliances together. Many political show how the system hasn’t broken and the broader political society in revenue, employment, growth, social leaders, including Maoists and UML down despite the weak fundamentals. which it operates are struggling to stalwarts who are pushing for greater If lawmakers try to alter the find the right equilibrium. control of private capital, have balance too drastically in favour of the Bankers are unhappy with Corrupt politicians invested their unaccounted for wealth state, there is a danger that business central bank regulations. Lawmakers grease the cogs of our in industries and the service sector, confidence will be further shaken are unhappy with how banks are using other businessmen as frontmen. and we will inherit the worst features owned and run, and would like dysfunctional political- Corruption undermines rules, but of the license permit raj killing the to redirect the economy, both in economic system also mitigates conflict. Businessmen entrepreneurial energy that Nepal terms of nomenclature and policies. buy over key labour leaders in witnessed post-1990. But the private Businesses complain that the state exchange for stopping protests. sector, which remains dependent on does not deliver on its part of the harmony, and political stability. Ministers strike deals with new government in multiple ways, would bargain by providing infrastructure, How does such a dysfunctional investors and go easy on rules or do well to recognise the new political electricity, security and stability, system – laced with all the non-payment of loans by businesses realities, wherein a large section of the yet expects productive investment. ingredients of conflict – manage to to state institutions. In the districts, political class is uneasy about ‘neo- Government complains that most sustain itself at all? government budgets drive local liberalism’, and prepare accordingly. businesses cheat on tax returns, Counter intuitive as it may sound, economic activity across sectors, and For now though, the balance of engage in illegal practices, and it endures because of politicians and politicians distribute funds to their power indicates that neither the undermine rules, making tighter corruption. favoured contractors in return for a state or the capital is powerful or control necessary. Political leaders are the only cut – as we will witness in the coming developed enough to dominate the Ministries point out how foreign ones who have a stake in and months as money trickles down other. The uneasy accommodation investors use external influence influence over the three elements that from the centre and the pressure to will continue, till a systemic crisis to bend rules. Investors say constitute our economic structure spend increases before the fiscal breaks the compact.


Wagle convicted The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld the decision of the Special Court to convict former minister and leader Chiranjibi Wagle on corruption charges. It announced an 18-month jail sentence along with a penalty of Rs 20.3 million, though in 2004 the Special Court had handed down a 30- month jail term and a fi ne of Rs 40 million. The Commission for Investigation of the Abuse of Authority brought Wagle to court in 2002, accusing him of amassing property by misusing his authority as a minister. An expert group’s fi ndings, quoted in the verdict, stated that Wagle had accumulated Rs 34.32 million between 1991 and 2002, when he assumed seven ministerial offi ces. Only Rs 14 million was deemed to have clear legal sources. Wagle is the fi rst senior political leader and minister to have been convicted of corruption since the restoration of democracy. Anandi Devi dies Anandi Devi Singh, Patron of Nepal Sadbhawana Party (Anandi Devi), passed away in Rajbiraj on Sunday. She was 76 years old. Singh is the widow of the founding President of Nepal Sadbhawana Party, Gajendra Narayan Singh. Following the demise of her husband, she became the President of the Party and then its patron. Super YCL The Maoists formally unveiled the ‘People’s Volunteers Bureau’ on Tuesday, which aims to mobilise 500,000 youths. Standing Committee member and Bureau coordinator Netra Bikram Chand said, “The motive behind setting up the Bureau is not to support the party’s strategy of a people’s revolt, as some outsiders have implied.” The party claims that the Bureau will work for peace, the new constitution, development works and public security. According to Chand, the Bureau will also be mobilised to rebuild physical infrastructure destroyed during the confl ict. 4 AVIATION 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545 Grounded too long

o plot the trajectory of the this month, someone actually stole downfall of Nepal Airlines, you the Fly Away Kit that always has to GUEST COLUMN Thave to go back to the 1990 be on board a 757. Vijay Lama pro-democracy movement. People Nepal’s fl agship, which once power may have been good for the had four jets and 11 Twin Otters, country, but it spelt disaster for the now has just two 757s and three airline. The two main political parties airworthy Twin Otters, and even of the time competed to milk the these are grounded most of the cash cow until it ran dry. time. The four million Nepalis who Nepali Congress was in work in India, the Gulf, Malaysia, Let’s unshackle power for longer, so it had more Korea and Japan have to use the time for mischief. Corruption, airlines of other countries to come our national mismanagement and interference home. While Qatar Airways has 21 destroyed a once proud airline that fl ights a week between Kathmandu airline from was known for its viable international and Doha, Nepal Airlines can barely service that subsidised domestic air manage two to service the half a the clutches of travel. million Nepalis who live in Qatar. The list of scandals is long, KUNDA DIXIT Nepal Airlines would be viable if it politicians once but three stand out: the Lauda Air did nothing else but just fl ew Nepali lease, the Dhamija scam, and the politicians, when they couldn’t were heftier. workers back and forth. But because and for all unfortunate sale of two perfectly pocket kickbacks from infl ated Today, the pickings have the airline was never allowed to grow good fully depreciated 727s that we purchase prices, started skimming become so slim and the greed and respond to that demand, Nepali hear are still fl ying in South Africa. off the over-invoiced hourly lease so insatiable that politicians and passengers have to pay premium UML learnt from NC and tried to rate of jets. Obsolete aircraft their appointees in the airline try to tariffs to foreign airlines. Most of the get kickbacks on later aircraft deals like 737-100s were leased just cheat even on engine maintenance money our workers save through as well. It got to a point where because the payoffs to politicians contracts and other purchases. Just their blood and sweat doesn’t even stay here with a Nepali airline. What could be more tragic than that? Every time the airline has tried to add aircraft to respond to passenger demand, vultures have moved in to scuttle the deal. The current debacle over the Airbus purchase is a case in point. The Europeans removed middlemen, and offered a package deal on a 330 and 320 for 16 per cent off the rack price. What did we do? We hauled the CEO off to jail for transferring Airbus Industrie an advance for the two jets as per contract. If the deal had gone through, Nepal Airlines would by now be fl ying 320s on our India and Thailand routes, and the 330 for the Gulf, Malaysia and Japan. It would have been a big boost to NTY 2011. But we bungled it, and even if we decide to revive the deal now it will cost us Rs 2 billion more, not counting the opportunity cost. To be sure, it is not just the politicians to blame. Nepal Airlines management has allowed itself to be manipulated and divided by political factions in government. The internal polarisation in the airline today refl ects the country’s political polarisation. Look at how the private domestic airlines in Nepal have grown and prospered and see what we could do if the politicians left us alone. We need a CEO who is not the puppet of the minister of the moment. Domestic private airlines pay Rs 600,000 per month to a captain, but the allowances and salary of a jet captain on NAC is barely Rs 130,000. Experienced NAC captains are now fl ying for foreign carriers and earning $10,000 a month. The crew exodus is now so serious that even if the airline buys new planes, there will be no one to fl y them. People ask me why I still stick with Nepal Airlines. I reply that I will only quit when it is fl ying high again, or when it has to close down. When I joined Nepal Airlines in 1988 I made a silent promise to myself that I would proudly wear my uniform and fl y my country’s fl ag around the world. There are many motivated staff like me in Nepal Airlines: pilots, fl ight attendants, managers, ground staff. And that is what gives me hope for the future of Nepal Airlines.

Vijay Lama has been fl ying Twin Otters and Boeing 757s for Nepal Airlines for the last 24 years. BUSINESS 5 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545

accepted by Nabil ATMs and POS network. Nabil has Business talk also opened its 47th branch in Gorkha. Pradeep Kumar Shrestha, Ex-President of FNCCI, led an 11-member business delegation to the 25th Confederation of Asia Pacifi c Chamber of Commerce Hi-tech and Industry (CACCI) Conference in Istanbul, Turkey. Teletalk, distributor of Spice Mobile The conference was attended by more than 400 phone, has launched the Android delegates from 27 Asia-Pacifi c countries. Shrestha was 2.2 based touch phone, Mi-310. The nominated as one of the three executive committee phone is equipped with wi-fi , AGPS members. and GPS. The screen has a resolution of 320 x 480 pixels and comes with a Milky deal 2MP camera. Bank of Kathmandu (BOK) and Dairy Development Corporation (DDC) have signed an agreement whereby Keeping time BOK will grant loans to cooperatives recommended by Him Electronics has opened the fi rst exclusive Timex outlet, The Time Factory, in Civil Mall, Sundhara. The store showcases international watch brands under the Timex Group. Timex was launched in Nepal a year ago.

New ride CG Automobile, the sole authorised distributor of TVS motorbikes, has introduced Wego, a two-wheeler scooter. The 4-stroke 110cc scooter has wide tyres to enhance balance. Available in black, white, brown and gold, Wego is priced at Rs 149,838.

DDC. Three-year loans will be granted for the purchase Healing hands of livestock, dairy equipment and the establishment of Hotel Shangri-La, Kathmandu, has opened Spa By dairy chilling plants. Healing Hands on its premises in Lazimpat. Operated by Malaysian spa professional Donald Cha, the spa offers traditional therapies. It also provides parlour All new services, nail art, yoga, meditation, massage therapy, Nabil has launched China Union Pay (CUP), a bank body treatments, shirodhara, facial treatments and card association similar to VISA. The card will be hand/foot treatments.


COVER Economic Transition Liquidity tensions Transcript of Himalmedia interaction with bankers and Nepal Rastra Bank Governor Yubaraj Khatiwada

EDITORIAL Government should inspire economic confi dence

PROFILE Tributes to KP Bhattarai Purshottam Dahal: The road ahead for Nepali Congress Dipkumar Upadhayay: Memorable Kishunji CK Lal: A radical Nepali Congress

REPORTS Lessons from Japan for Nepal The politics of media in the Madhes

www.himalkhabar.com 6 BUSINESS 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545 Student discount, please!

student identity card is a highly valued asset in Nepal. So much so that even those who Ahaven’t stepped into a classroom for years bribe the local photocopy guy into attesting one for them. Flash your student ID and the microbus conductor is compelled to charge you less, you get to see the zoo animals for cheap, and get discounted entry at many shows and exhibitions. Things are set to get even better for students here. With the introduction of the International Student Identity Card (ISIC), held by over 4.5 million in 120 countries, Nepali students will now be able to extend discounts received to participating restaurants, clothing outlets, and bookstores.

Zen Nepal introduces the International Student Identity Card

Zen Nepal Tours and Travels, which introduced ISIC to Nepal, is upbeat about its prospects. “We thought it was a great opportunity to help students access more services,” says Mitali Ghosh, manager of Zen Nepal. The card is issued only to full-time students, aged above 12, at a cost of US$22. It is valid for a year and can be reissued at any ISIC provider around the world. In operation since January, Zen Nepal has already issued 125 ISICs. A majority of the clients that visit Zen Nepal’s office for the new card are those who have been accepted into foreign universities. “Most issue this card for the discounts it provides on airfares,” explains Ghosh. “But there are even more benefits once they arrive at their destination.” Worldwide, 41,000 merchants accept ISIC. Bhumi Puri, who has been marketing the ISIC card in Nepal, asserts that the card is not just for those about to leave the country. Zen Nepal has involved 150 local merchants in the ISIC discount program, and expects the number to reach 200 by the end of the month. “Students living here can avail themselves of 7-25 per cent discounts at participating stores,” says Puri. “And we have carefully selected businesses that are appropriate for students.” It’s a win-win situation for the businesses too because it opens them to a pool of Nepalis who otherwise might not be able to afford their products as well as foreign students with ISIC cards who may visit Nepal. For the same price, non-students can apply for a youth card for similar benefits, and teachers can also sign up for a special International Teacher Identity Card. zennepal.com LIFE TIMES 7 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545

Aghori, 2000

The Aghori sub-sect of Shaivas most closely resembles one of the earliest organised groups of Hindu ascetics, the Kapalikas or ‘bearers of skulls’. Like the modern-day Aghori, Kapalikas worshipped the terrifying manifestation of Shiva, Bhairab, and were known to perform human sacrifi ce. Though these extreme practices have evolved into symbolic acts today, the Aghori still use human skulls, as seen here. By drinking out of a skullcup (kapala) the sadhu partakes of the deceased’s life-force.

Sadhu Friendship, 2002

Mundane motives often mix with spiritual aspirations when a person decides to join the brotherhood of sadhus. These young sadhus may have done so to be adventurous, or simply to be practical, with few other options if they were orphaned or impoverished.

Sadhvi, 2000

Though the vast majority of sadhus are men, women too renounce the worldly life for spiritual practice. Sadhvis, like the Vishnu devotee in this portrait, typically enter the ascetic life when they are older, usually widowed or still unmarried. Not all sects accept women, while a few are composed entirely of sadhvis. BODY LANGUAGE ALL PICS: THOMAS L KELLY

THOMAS L. KELLY Volatile and unpredictable as that speak volumes. A sadhu’s body is they are, spontaneous photography a map of the Hindu universe, for the of sadhus can be dangerous. You body is a microcosm of the cosmos. adhus are an enigma to me, living can easily be trampled or attacked if As a photographer, I try to be as the mystery of ancient questions you immerse yourself in a naga baba invisible as possible. Yet for sadhus, Sthat have no answers. Tricksters, procession after a mass Kumbha Mela it is their very outlandish visibility, derelicts, madmen, charlatans, bathing. There’s no such thing as the powerful symbols of the divine wanderers, mystics and yogis, their achieving photographic acceptance they paint on their bodies, which help boldly painted bodies confront us with within the Sadhu mandala. For me, them not to become invisible, but to the essential questions at the heart of photographing at ritual time is always transcend self. Disturbing, annoying, existence. Like walking mysteries the most dynamic and fluid. Once inspiring, exasperating, irrational, of the human soul, for me, sadhus rapport has been established, a camera wise and powerful, sadhus are a living provoke the question, who am I? is tolerated, often with a sense of lila question that people have forgotten In my adopted home of Kathmandu, or maya, play and illusion. to ask. some sadhus survive primarily My initial inexplicable attraction off alms from tourists allowed to to the Sadhu world was mostly Thomas Kelly came to Nepal as Peace photograph them, considered a form visual. As a photographer, I loved Corps Volunteer in 1978 and has lived of darshan. They are a spectacle how they allowed their bodies to here ever since. These photos are part Textual Tilaka, 2002 and love to play their assigned role become symbols of the sacred from of the exhibition ‘Body Language: The in the illusion or drama of society. walking around naked to remind us Yogis of India and Nepal’, currently While some sadhus value a more energetic Sadhus have formally abandoned of our naked selves, to wearing ash to showing at the Rubin Museum of Art, and impressionistic approach to tilaka, others conventional time; their world is remind us what are bodies become, New York. value precision and complexity in their body dense with its own complex politics, to dreadlocks to remind us of our art, such as this Vaisnavite ascetic, who has social hierarchy, taboos and customs, natural wild natures devoid of social www.rmanyc.org written sacred text across his face. often making access challenging. convention. Their bodies are texts www.ThomasKellyPhotos.com 8 LIFE TIMES 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545 31 May 2011, fi nal submission EVENTS deadline (for fi lms made after April 2010): 31 June 2011, Film Southasia Secretariat, Patan Dhoka, 5552141, www.fi lmsouthasia.org, fsa@fi lmsoutasia.org

Artists in the city — Urbanization and Urban Culture, presented by Social Science Baha and the Bronco Billy, offers Tex-Mex and Interactive Mapping and Archiving Indian dishes. They make their Project. 20 March, 5.30pm, Patan own corn tortillas, which get a Museum (book launch, music and big thumbs-up. Pulchok opposite theatre), 21-22 March, 9am to 7pm, Namaste Supermarket Basantapur Darbar Square Chobi Mela VI: International (3 installation art pieces), 23-31 New Orleans, offers a wide variety Festival of Photography, selection March, 4.30pm, Nepal Art Council of western dishes that are of works showcased at the Chobi (theatre, art exhibition, documen- scrumptious yet healthy. We got festival in Dhaka this year. 18 to 19 tary) hooked on the rosemary chicken March, 6pm to 7.30pm, Bakery Cafe, and hamburgers. Jhamel, 5522708 Sundhara MUSIC Waf fl es promotion at The Lounge Lives and Faces, pictures from from 12.30pm to 4.00pm every day, the Maoist insurgency in India by Vegetarian Buffet at The Cafe Mustafa Quraishi. 17 March to 17 Absolute Live Music, by Rashmi & every Tuesday from 6.30pm, and April, 11am to 4pm, closed on Kitcha Band every Friday and Arabian Nights at The Cafe every Tuesdays, Shanti Sangrahalaya, performances by Shabnam & Friday from 6.30pm at Hyatt Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya, Patan Cannabiz Band every Wednesday. Regency, Boudha, 4491234, Dhoka, 5549948 7.30pm onwards, Absolute Bar, 4489362 Hotel Narayani Complex, Mithila Cosmos: New Narratives, Pulchok, Lalitpur, 5521408, 1905 Restaurant, feast on roasted an exhibition of Mithila paintings by 5549504, [email protected] delights within this converted SC Suman. Till 5 April, Siddhartha aristocratic residence. Walled Art gallery, Babar Mahal Revisited, Ke-sang in acoustic guitar and ambience and green surroundings 4218048 vocals. Every Saturday, 7pm make it an oasis within the city, onwards, New Orleans Coffee Shop Kantipath, 4215068 Garden, 5522708 for reservations Station BBQ, don the chef’s hat, Sunday Jazz Brunch, enjoy a make your own BBQ. Jhamsikhel, relaxing Sunday in The Terrace at 5522083 Hyatt Regency Kathmandu with barbeque and live jazz music by In- Aqua Java Zing, soar high on a low ner Groove. 12pm to 3.30pm, Hyatt budget, buy one cocktail, get one Regency, Boudha, 4491234, free, buy two hookahs, get one free, 4489362 only during happy hours from 2pm to 6pm. Ganesh Man Singh Road, DINING Thamel

Screening of Once, directed by John Carney. 19 March, 4pm, Docskool, Kathmandu Academy, Mahendra Bhawan premises, Naxal, 4471104

Retrospective, 1970 to 2011, selected works by Birendra Pratap Singh. Till 24 March, Chai Chai Gallery and Cafe, Pulchok, 9808580436, 5528258

Rato Ghar Documentaries and Film Show, screening of Aakrant (based on the Maoist confl ict in Nepal) followed by a brief talk on Forever Café, specialising in a the fi lm. 20 March, 4pm, Rato Ghar, variety of steaks and stroganoffs, the GETAWAYS Ravi Bhawan, 984172009, café offers carnivorous affairs you’ll [email protected], Rs 10 for not forget. Thamel, 470078 Charikot Panorama Resort, students, Rs 20 for others enjoy mountain views and local Milk Coffee ‘n Cocktail Cafe, culture at the historic town of coffee house during the day and Charikot. Special packages on a cozy lounge serving cocktails at offer. Charikot, Dolakha, 5529463, night, try their yarchagumba and [email protected] molecular cocktails along with the famous Starbucks. Woodland Com- Overnight Package at The plex, Durbar Marg Dwarika’s Himalayan Shangri-La Village Resort, for local residents, package includes accommodation in Himalayan sfd ;fgf] 7'nf] eGg] x'“b}g . kl;gfsf] s'g} room, dinner and breakfast. Dhulikhel, Rs 4,000 (Single), Rs /ª / hft klg x'“b}g . sfd u/]/ vfg nhfpg' 5,700 (Double). The package klg x'“b}g . rf]/]/, 9f“6]/, 5n]/, n'6]/ vfg rates are subject to a 10% Service charge. For more information/res- kf] nhfpg'k5{ . hf] hxf“ /x]/ h'g sfd u5{ pm ervations call 4479488 Dwarika’s To;}df /dfpg'k5{ uf}/a ug'{k5{ / ;dlk{t Hotel, Sales & Marketing Depart- Watercolour paintings of unique ment. eP/ ug{'k5{ . sfd g} zlQm xf], elQm xf] / and exquisite orchids, by Hemlata Pradhan. 17 March to Happy Holi at Shivapuri Heights d'lQm xf] . sfdsf] OHht u/f}+, 1 May, Serindia Gallery, O.P. Cottage, Holi celebration, kl;gfsf] ;Ddfg u/f}+ . Garden, Soi Charoenkrung 36, delicious Nepali and western food Charoenkrung Road, Bangkok, 02 Splash Bar and Grill, continental and a spectacular full moon view. 2386410, serindiagallery@gmailcom and Mongolian BBQ. Till March 19 March, at the edge of Shivapuri end, every Wednesday and Friday, National Park, Rs 1,800 per g]kfn ;/sf/ Call for entries for Film Southasia, 5.30pm to 9.30pm, Radisson Hotel, person, half price for children and ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/ dGqfno a festival of South Asian Lazimpat, 4411818, Rs 1,500 nett overnight package for Rs 2,500 ;"rgf ljefu documentaries. 29 September to 2 per person, includes BBQ platter, and Rs 3,500, 98510122455, October, early submission deadline: snacks and a bottle of San Miguel [email protected] LIFE TIMES 9 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545 Nepali films in...Toronto

SURENDRA LAWOTI Krishna Gaudel, an accountant who lives in downtown Toronto, said of Kesang Tseten’s In Search of the Riyal: “In many ways I felt the story parallelled he Second Toronto Nepali Film my own migratory experience.” The fi lm Festival took place on 12 March documents the exploited lives of Nepali Tthis year, and drew over 300 migrant workers in Qatar and won one of fi lm lovers from the Greater Toronto the Audience Choice Awards. Sherpas: Area. Nine Nepali fi lms were screened, The True Heroes of Mount Everest comprising documentaries, shorts and won the other audience award. Boyan experimental fi lms. Jimmy Ghimire, Mihaloyv, a Bulgarian student, wondered a Nepali realtor based in the Toronto why it was that “the western climbers suburb of Mississauga, said, “The pay $60,000 but the Sherpas only get program had a good mix; some fi lms $5,000?” were funny, some intense, and some The festival was also a world premiere made you think.” for Vancouver-based Pradeep Kumar The festival kicked off with The Last Sharma’s The Rat Hunters. After a day of Race, a short fi ction feature fi lmed in intense viewing, then, the festival closed the Manang Valley. As Anjan Chettry, a with a story-telling dance performance TNFF director put it, “The fi lm was so by Kalimpong-born Deepali Lindbloom, beautiful, just like a postcard.” David YouTube-like video proved to be a really funny, based on a Nepali journalist’s and an energetic dance performance by Dunne, a Professor of Marketing at moving and profound fi lm.” There was plenty 15-month detention in Kathmandu’s Toronto’s very own Swechchaa Pokharel. the University of Toronto, commented of praise for Forgive! Forget Not! as well, an Bhairabnath barracks. It was awarded the The author is the curator of the on In Three Years: “What started as a experimental documentary by Pranay Limbu Jurors Choice Award. Toronto Nepali Film Festival.

Black Pepper

dinner, with some expensive The Charcoal Jalkapur items that tempt then deter. Fish with lemongrass sauce SOMEPLACE ELSE Given that it was lunch, was generously presented, I reluctantly ordered a and the white flesh was firm, mocktail – a Tipsy Guava tasty, and offset perfectly – and was impressed enough by the browned crunch of or me, Jhamel arrived by the combo of unReal juice, the exterior. The buttery not when St. Mary’s ginger slices and lemon to herbed veggies weren’t just lemony side – less would the consciously cool posters FLane was overwhelmed want to dunk a shot of vodka an afterthought either, and have been more. on the walls – a three-hour by the attack of the restobar into it (I didn’t). With some my only complaint would be The Grilled Pork Chops wifi session with Chris de clones. It happened when trepidation, then, we tried the that the luridly yellow sauce, (with mash and mixed salad) Burgh, Cliff Richards and The trendy Black Pepper Cafe & Bruschetta. while an interesting variation, didn’t disappoint either, Carpenters on loop just about Pub opened shop just around The French bread on was a bit too much on the with a creamy apple sauce did my head in. the corner from my phuphu’s which it was served could that lent the juicy, savoury http://blackpepper.com.np dowdy residence, joining the hardly compete with Bu meat a sweetish tinge. The Nepali Kukur lane hitherto dominated by Keba’s corn, olive measly portion of the Tom local stalwarts Greenwich and buckwheat, Yum soup, on the other Head south from the Summit and Summit. but the zucchini, hand, was tasty but had Hotel, pass Greenwich, then a It’s clear Black Pepper tomato, capsicum, little in common with the junction, and Black Pepper is is serious about the mushroom and fiery original. The overly on your right. competition. There’s a onion toppings sweet and messy looking nice open courtyard (with were superior. Flambe Crepe Suze de retractable roof) framed What’s more, the Orange, too, didn’t quite Space with carved wooden pillars, Bruschetta was come together. though you can choose accompanied by Black Pepper, like Bread ‘n water loungier chairs or an inner a tartly dressed many of its compatriots, Service sanctum if you don’t fancy salad mix, with mint, has a solid line in thalis, Deal-icious the sun. rocket, chives and momos, fried rice and the Mains start from Rs 250 lettuce supplying a range like. Now all they need to Rep-eat? for lunch and Rs 450 for of flavours and textures. do is match the music with 10 HAPPENINGS 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545

GUFFADI get 3 police wallahs till he is 80! And Kamal dai is not even our WEEKEND WEATHER President sresident…he is ‘Bring by NGAMINDRA DAHAL back Lord Vishnu or die’ movement ko khiladi #1! And we know Kamal dai will After over a week of sunny weather, Gau jau live till 80 or even 90 because the skies over the Himalaya have KATHMANDU he he is them national tennis started receiving fresh clouds from champion pani…55+ haroo advancing westerly fronts. On hallu Baba...our Prime-Monster baroo... tyo paisa lay desh ko bato Thursday afternoon, the westerly ma! I don’t know much about front had already reached the western is busy all day…trying to make ghato baw-naam naw...hoinuh? Prachandey dai...I think he only hills of Nepal with fl urries of snow and Jthem everyone happy! And Why not send our civil servants reads Mahabharat and plays ‘Ludo’ rain. Satellite pictures indicated the now he has come up with a new to them rural areas as well and hola…and drinks like 7-8 pegs of front would reach eastern Nepal with FRI SAT SUN ‘idea’...if you received one mantra- make them work ni baroo...WFP ko them ‘Black Label’ stuff rey…! some rain-bearing moisture. Expect laya then get one or two free as work for food bhanya jastai...send So SLC is here...Hamro windy, stormy afternoons, cloudy well! our civil servants to Dolpa and only youngster haroo lai pani kya bore... days and a drop of temperature over Barshaman Dai gets them pay their salaries when they come April fool’s day ma last exam kya! the weekend. 25-10 26-9 26-9 ‘Youth & Sports’ portfolio…abuh back a year later, after building Last year, 64% managed to get hamro youngsters haroo them schools, health posts and past the ‘Iron Gate’...hamro paala lai ‘Peace & bato ghato kya! ma tuh...it was only 32% hehe...but Reconstruction’ ma And now our dailies tyeti bela ahiley jasto 14 ghantey pani involve garnaw report that more than load shedding pani thiye naw ni! milcha ki! Ani tyo 3,000 personal security So...no batti = increase in passing bela ko ‘Peace offi cers have been rate hola ni! Corps’ jastai… deployed for them ex- And nowadays…everybody is hamra yuva haroo mantris, sarkaari hakims getting them ‘distinction’…hamro lai gau-ghar ma ani thekey-daar ruh byapari pala ma...fi rst division was like 2-3 mahina volunteer haroo lai pani rey! winning a gold medal in them garney plan slan garney ki? So the state provides Olympics! The whole tole sole College credit sredit pani pau- them thulo mancheys with them ma halla…’ye falano ko choro tuh ney, gau ghar ko geet seet, dance police-wallahs for a certain period khatara…fi rst division haaney cha sance pani siknay, ani yeso help of tyam rey! But then...our netas mora ley!’ selp ma pani garney ni...ki kaso? forget rey...and they keep them We still know Dr. BRB as It’s good to be them civil government vehicles, guards and the ‘board fi rst’ wallah...even servants in ‘New’ Nepal kyaaruh! what not…afnai bau ko sampati though he has a PhD…we don’t The Ministry of Tourism and Civil jastai! care…SLC ma fi rst ayo...pugyo... Aviation is coming out with this Rana Saa-shun dekhi ahiley Baburam could have quit school so-called ‘new’ concept ...’leave ko Hawa Saa-shun ko sabai lai and it wouldn’t have mattered…he tourism’…to promote domestic security ho ki kya ho? Yestai ho could hang around New Road all tourism for them civil servants rey! bhaney baroo ko day and drink local twaat but folks Hamro civil servants lai khalak dekhi Kalu Pandey ko naati would be like...’jay bhaye pani motivation cha-hiyo bhaney lai pani guard shard diye hooncha board fi rst ho kya’... haha! baroo…hami sabai milay-raw ek dui ni! Abuh yo jawana ma...kay ko laat hanyo bhaney chahi thik thau When Obama walks out of the SLC…scrap it...siddhai 10+2 tiruh ma aucha ki? I think Devi Prasad White House...he will get them 2 laagey bhaye naw bhanya! But I Regmi should go on a ‘slapping secret service agents…tyo pani still have my SLC ko result in them tour’ across the country! For each only for 10 years rey! Hamro desh golden frame srame…hahah…First BIKRAM RAI slap…we will donate Rs 1,000 ni ma chahi...Kamal Thapa will still Division…taan toon garey raw! UPS-A-DAISY: Actress Karishma Manandhar at the opening of Panache, a painting exhibition by Rishika Jalan at The Art Shop, Darbar Marg, on Tuesday. Free cancer treatment?

pro bono to poor patients with CML DHANVANTARI in the developing world. In Nepal Buddha Basnyat, MD today, there are over 500 patients with CML being treated with free Glivec. In Kathmandu, Dr Gyan Kayastha helps run the programme from Patan Hospital and n 2001, Dr Mark Zimmerman, then director Bharatpur also has a similar set up. of Patan Hospital, was left flabbergasted For the oncologist (cancer doctor), Iwhen a patient of his insisted that free Glivec has become a poster boy in treatment for his cancer was readily available. the treatment of cancer. Unlike many Forty-year-old Krishna Prasad suffered from other cancer drugs that kill cells Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), a form indiscriminately in the human body, of blood cancer. Zimmerman was puzzled Glivec targets specific cells and genes. because he knew the revolutionary drug The target in this case is the Philadelphia Krishna named, Glivec (Imatinib), easily cost chromosome, which characterises and MIN RATNA BAJRACHARYA helps diagnose CML. The activity of this chromosome is MORNING HIGH: A group of street children take a morning stroll on detrimental to the body and Wednesday in Darbar Marg. triggers among other things the growth of a massive spleen. The tremendous expense of developing cancer drugs would be worth it if the drugs cured or even promised a lasting remission of the disease. But the vast majority of new cancer drugs achieve very modest results. Hence the excitement when an anti-cancer drug like Glivec is found to be so exceptionally effective. Unfortunately, as often happens with drug therapy, $30,000-40,000 per annum, and it needed to resistance to this wonder drug has be taken year after year. And here Krishna developed, but thankfully new drugs to was saying he was getting it for free. overcome this resistance are available. SANU MAHARJAN Incredibly, what Krishna had discovered The good news is that the generous people CHECK THAT: The new Czech ambassador to Nepal, Miloslav Stasek, through the internet was true. Novartis, who are supplying Glivec to patients in speaking at a reception on Wednesday at the Hyatt Regency. Stasek a Swiss drug company working with the Nepal are committed to supplying these said the Czech republic was keen to explore investments in Nepal and to Max Foundation, was providing this drug other drugs for free, too. cooperate on tourism. SPORT 11 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545 villages, their inhabitants, and their surroundings. In the relative ease of the Chure, mountain and Tarai come Riding up a storm together most perfectly. In the mornings, we beheld the glassy flats of commute, thinking I might watered fields dotted with KALAM venture out on longer trips farmerfolk looking up with Rabi Thapa when the occasion presented a smile and a remark, as the itself. But apart from one morning mist cleared across flying downhill ride from the river. In the evening, as Dhulikhel, I was pretty much the huge orange disc of the hen I purchased a just shuttling from home to sun sank below the treeline, mountain bike a work, braving the mad micros we wound weary and sated Wyear ago, I didn’t and bastard buses, smug through quiet sal forests. really see myself hurtling in the fact that I was only And in the heat of the day? down hills and through ingesting and not producing We put the ‘resort’ into the forests, threading narrow smoke, and smugger in the owner’s vision, and resorted paths demarcating fields, and face of petrol queues. to cold beer by the pool. protesting the calls of ‘Kuire! Then the occasion Nirakar Yakthumba has a Kuire! Kuire!’ flung our presented itself, and I loaded vision beyond the celebrity way by irrepressible village my bike onto one of two afforded him by 1974AD, brats. I didn’t see myself pickups heading to Hetauda, one of Nepal’s most loved somersaulting through the air not knowing quite what to and durable rock bands. to land in a jumble of bruises, expect. It was only when my It involves transforming a cuts and snapped bike chains travelling companions began few bighas of land into a either. Yet all of the above pointing out what to me were resort, complete with rooms, eventuated last weekend on a RABI THAPA tented camps, a fish farm, trip to Nirakar Yakthumba’s Nirakar Yakthumba’s cycling resort outside (though it might be quite piggery and yes, a ‘pump cycling resort across the Rapti material if you ‘biff’ or do a track’, to attract cyclists keen from Hetauda. Hetauda is a call to arms for all those Nepalis ‘superman’, also known as an to explore the countryside I’m an inveterate walker, with bikes that don’t see the mountains ‘involuntary dismount’). Of around Hetauda. “I just and love nothing so much as course, if you do feel faint- want people to cycle, to get a wander in the hills of this hearted, you simply walk or out of the city, to exercise, country nature has blessed the ubiquitous cattle and to admire the scenery every lug your bike up and down to have fun,” he says. “I and cursed in equal measure. walking trails with cries of now and again. the impossible bits (to the want Nepalis to come here Walking clears the mind: not “Check out that single track!”, Off-road cycling is amusement of village boys for the weekend, with their so much to work through and trading stories studded not for the faint-hearted. turned out to see you do families.” For now, it may one’s issues as to simply clear with a jargon wholly alien Connoisseurs of the sport will stunts). But once you feel well be ‘kuires’ who will the mind of mental furniture, to me (pump track, free ride, take almost any trajectory to confident enough to look up heed his call. But soon, one and luxuriate in the sensation bunny hop) that I realised I get where they want to go, and away from the ground hopes, the village boys will of being, in an environment. wasn’t just going to be easing and whether there is a track beneath your feet, you can’t be compelled to change their I bought the bike to along country roads, stopping to follow or not is immaterial help but begin to see the tune. 12 ENVIRONMENT 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545


Bamyan visited Nepal this the private sector and the part of the tourism industry,” week to learn from Nepal’s community can be highly says Foladi. “This is another tourism experience and beneficial. “We saw that lesson for our group.” understand tourism models the local people were very Ebrahim Akhari, Head that involve the private involved in tourism and of Bamyan’s Department of sector and the community. that this helps the tourists Information and Culture, The group visited Bandipur, to get acquainted with the says that the trip has been a Pokhara and Kathmandu. area’s culture firsthand,” learning experience. “It has “Nepal serves as a positive says Foladi. “We also saw helped us understand that example for us,” says Amir that local traditions have tourism has to move forward Foladi of the been incorporated by integrating the private Aga Khan GREEN SCENE into the hotels and sector and also by protecting Foundation tourist centres, the environment.” VONBERGES.NET (AKF), allowing tourists In Kathmandu, the group n 2001, Bamyan made (pic, above )and has potential Afghanistan, who is leading to experience something studied the workings of the the news when the to grow as an ecotourism the study tour. In 2009, different and at the same Nepal Tourism Board so that ITaliban destroyed huge and adventure trekking he led a group of Afghan time be comfortable.” a similar institution can be 6th century statues of the destination in Afghanistan, officials to Nepal to introduce In Pokhara, the group established in Bamyan to Buddha. The province, home for locals as well as them to tourism. attended workshops market its potential. Says of the Hazara people, is now international visitors. Foladi says that the by Nepali tourism Foladi: “Our group is taking a slowly rebuilding itself and A group of 16 senior tour has allowed the entrepreneurs and the Three pool of ideas from Nepal, and is trying to re-open its doors Afghan government officials, group to understand that Sisters Trekking Company. we hope to implement those to tourism. Bamyan is a conservation leaders and development of tourism “The sisters explained to us ideas back home to develop UNESCO world heritage site private sector operators from with the involvement of how women can also be a Bamyan’s tourism.” INTERNATIONAL 13 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545 Quakes and nukes


hen the magnitude along the eastern coast make 9.0 earthquake the tsunami risk something Wstruck in essentially impossible to Hachinohe in northern guard against. It is hard to say Honshu Friday afternoon, if the combined earthquake- the shaking seemed to go tsunami-nuclear trifecta on for an eternity. Despite of threats will prove more the panic, I thought, “I’m deadly than the poverty, so glad this is happening in poor construction and lack Japan and not back home.” of disaster preparation that In my eight months in Japan, marked the Haiti quake in earthquakes have been 2010. Certainly, when a major frequent and often strong. quake hits Kathmandu, the During a 7.2 the previous aftermath will have more Wednesday, my Japanese in common with the latter co-workers seemed unfazed, than with Japan or the recent merely standing up on the Christchurch earthquake. alert rather than ducking Most worrying of all, the for cover. Nepali public is woefully The power outage was unaware of how best to the first indicator of the prepare for and react to seriousness of Friday’s DZEMU an emergency situation. quake. Here in Aomori Japan’s devastation would prefecture, damage seemed joked feebly. streets were full of debris undoubtedly have been minimal – my telephone The school was stocked and a thick sludge. When Japan’s much, much worse without fell off its perch and danced with emergency lights, power was gradually restored the years of earthquake across the floor, and spice battery-powered radios, from Saturday evening on, natural preparation and drills that boxes tumbled across the kerosene heaters, and a news footage showed that preceded it. Still, the steam countertop. While dire varied selection of instant Aomori had been extremely disaster and smoke billowing from predictions of what will ramen and energy drinks. fortunate in comparison to preparedness the reactors have something happen when even a modest Other evacuees arrived with neighbouring prefectures to in common with the deadly earthquake hits haphazard, well-packed emergency bags, the south. was offset by rubble of massive ‘tofu’ overcrowded Kathmandu putting our hastily assembled Worse, the initial buildings in China’s Sichuan have been around for jumble to shame, and were explosion at the Fukushima man-made and even the horror of the BP decades, Japan is lauded duly documented. Teachers reactor was dominating oil spill. for its meticulous disaster even had hand-powered coverage even as rescue and perils As the world continues to planning and strict building dynamos to recharge their recovery workers scrambled move towards high-density codes. Even my second-floor mobile phones, which are to find survivors. Further urban living with ever- apartment is constructed built to pick up television explosions, venting of be downplaying the risk increasing energy demands, to sway accommodatingly signals – we watched news radioactive material and involved, as the over 50 avarice and hubris prompts during seismic activity, and being broadcast by presenters fires plagued the plant, until other plants must continue us to build systems and every neighbourhood is in hard hats under lights Tuesday the government to function for the Japanese structures that ultimately close to at least one school or swaying from aftershocks. announced radiation in economy to recover. prove as destructive as public building that doubles The electricity and high- the area had reached levels In Japan, the national nature’s worst. In Nepal’s as an emergency contact speed internet services were dangerous to human life. propensity for pragmatism, desperation to join the centre and refuge. off for less than 36 hours in Japan began producing preparedness and social order charmed clique of developed As an island nation, some neighbourhoods, and nuclear power in the 1960s, greatly reduced the impact countries, too often we tremors were only the water supplies unaffected. and the country’s enviable of the actual earthquake unsuccessfully chase their beginning of the crisis in Cell phone reception infrastructure and status and the aftershocks, and dreams without learning from Japan. Heeding a tsunami was patchy but often still as the world’s third largest precluded mass hysteria, their mistakes. Japan teaches warning, a friend and I serviceable. Even amidst economy depends on its looting and price gouging. us that it’s always worth evacuated to the school I reports that this was thermonuclear power However, the geographic preparing for the worst, and work for to spend the night. Japan’s biggest earthquake program. Speculation realities of living in islands that includes keeping our Despite strong aftershocks, on record, for many is rife that officials may with volatile tectonic plates consumption in check. the atmosphere was surreally people in Hachinohe the calm. We cruised through conditions were arguably an the city towards the hills, improvement on your average Desk Editor the legendarily courteous winter Friday evening in Do you have an extraordinary flair for the English language? Japanese nodding and Kathmandu. Are you a naturally inquisitive person? Are you detail-oriented? bowing their way through Only when driving Do you work well in a team? intersections with defunct through the devastated port traffic lights. Stopping areas the next day did the Infographics/Web Designer Have you had training in computer graphics? Can you do web at convenience store, we extent of the damage become design? Are you creative? grabbed junk food off apparent. Fishermen were is emptying shelves before surveying beached shrimping If the cap fits, send your resume, a sample of your work, and a joining a snaking but orderly boats and smashed trawlers. looking 300-word statement on why you are interested in joining us to: queue to pay. “Anywhere Cars were tipped over and for a... [email protected] else we could have just lodged almost comically been looting by now,” we against buildings, and the 14 FROM THE NEPALI PRESS 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545 Off to the villages Madhes Bharat Sharma in Rajdhani, 14 March he Health Service Department is sending out 72 doctors to Tdistrict hospitals and primary health care centres in areas where there is a shortage of medical officers. These medical media politics students, who completed their medical studies on scholarships, have to practice in government hospitals for two years for their degrees to be recognised. Navin Jha in Himal Khabarpatrika, leader Kumar Sharma runs Radio Dr Yashovardhan Pradhan, General Manager of the 15-29 March Jaleshwarnath. Department, says that the department has a strict policy not to MJF(D) leader Ram Aadhar send doctors to areas that already have one. In order to ensure that Kapadi is the promoter of Appan rural areas benefit from the presence of doctors, the Department Rajendra Mahato, president of Mithila. Unity Centre (Mashal) leader has focused on the far west and some districts of the Himalayan Sadbhawana Party, has built a small Chakradev Kamati runs Salahesah FM region. Rolpa, Rukum, Doti, Bajhang, Bajura, Kalikot, Jumla, and media empire in the Madhes. He in Siraha. UML leaders run Samagra Humla are some such districts without doctors. Each student publishes the daily Madhes Post FM in Siraha. has been personally interviewed by Pradhan and though female from Malangawa and Janakpur. Analysts say the involvement of doctors were allowed to choose a district, five still opted to go Now he is set to launch FM radios the Madhesi leaders in FM radio will to the far western rural areas. The doctors will be paid Rs 25,000 in these districts. The Mahato-run prove disastrous as they are primed to per month. Radio Madhes will also be aired from promote their own political interests. Rautahat. Bijay Mishra, who did his PhD on However, Mahato is not the only the Madhes movement, believes Madhesi leader running media outlets that conflict is imminent. “Initially, for politics. TMLP Vice President they invested in Brisheshchandra Lal the media at the Dr Shanti local level as they felt excluded by Barun Paneru in Nagarik, 11 March the Kathmandu- centric media. But unhealthy espite living in the jungles of Sirsha-6, Rajaydaka, the Raute rush their Dsick directly to health centres, pregnant Raute women get pre- and post- competition has natal care, and they are all aware of family planning methods. At the forefront cropped up that of this positive development is Shanti will lead to a Shahi, the village’s only Raute female conflict,” he health volunteer. says. Although illiterate, Shahi has been TMLP actively contributing to health awareness president for 13 years. Everyone in the community Mahendra calls her ‘doctor’. “When I was 30 years Yadav, for old, my fi rst baby died because he could instance, was transferred to Local not get medical treatment,” says Shahi. runs Janaki FM Administration from the Ministry of “We didn’t know about hospitals or health centres then. I work like this so that there in Janakpur. TMLP leader Bijay Commerce and Industries when the is awareness and everyone has access to Kumar Singh owns Janakpur FM. previous government reshuffled its health care.” Maoist leader Subhash Yadav runs cabinet. Radio Madhes of Sadbhawana Earlier, many female health volunteers Bhorukwa FM in Saptari. Mai FM Party subsequently aired the news that from outside the community had attempted of Sarlahi district belongs to TMLP Yadav had been demoted. Mishra says to serve the Rautes but with little success. (Nepal) leader Mahendra Yadav. this kind of propaganda will instigate BARUN PANERU “It was important to involve a Raute to Sadbhawana leader Anil Jha an internal conflict in the Madhes provide access to health services to the runs Sanskriti FM in Rautahat. Mahottari-based reporter Dasarath community,” says Bir Bahadur Dhami, a health worker. “Shanti has helped Spokesperson of Sadbhawana Bhandari says, “The media has been minimise health problems in the Raute community.” Party Ram Naresh Raya runs Radio used as a tool to hide the weaknesses of Shanti was recently recognised for her contribution by the Dadeldhura Rudraksha in Mahottari. Maoist leaders and criticise their opponents.” Trade and Commerce Association. Says Shanti: “I am happy that I have been able to do something for my community and will continue to serve them.”

Kids launch book

Dambar Krishna Shrestha in Himal Khabarpatrika, 15-29 March

chham: 13-year-old Jauwa Khanal recently shared a Aplatform with UML CA member Bhaire Kami, Maoist CA member Sarad Singh Bhandari, and John Brittain, Chief of Communication for UNICEF Nepal. Jauwa was chairing a program for the launch of ‘The State of the World’s Children 2011: Adolescence – An Age of Opportunity’, which took place in Mangalsen, Achham district, on 11 March. Jauwa walked for two days from Rama Roshan-4 to Mangalsen to take part in a two-day workshop conducted by the NGO Coordination Committee for UNICEF, on the problems faced by and opportunities for adolescents. The youngest of 28 participants, she jointly released the report and concluded the launch. Participants also staged plays followed by a cultural show. The report examines the condition of 70 million children across the globe. Saying that children’s issues should be taken seriously, Brittain said, “Providing education and health facilities is not enough for adolescents. We should listen to them and consider what physical and psychological discomforts they Man: Trade Union may be suffering from.” Board: UCPN (Maoist) Third grader Jauwa tops her class even while helping out her mother at home, and has seven siblings. Her father rears goats. Abin in Kantipur, 17 March At the start of the workshop, she was understandably shy. But two days wrought a transformation. By the end of the program, she was addressing a public gathering. NATION 15 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545

Images of the other


Lives and Faces Images of the Indian Maoist War by Mustafa Quraishi 17 March – 17 April, 2011 Shanti Sangralaya Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya Patan Dhoka 11am- 4pm, except Tuesdays

ustafa Quraishi Quraishi’s photographs is a noted Indian will go on display for photojournalist a month on 17 March, and his images alongside an exhibition of Mhave been published widely images from Nepal’s own around the world. After Maoist war at the Shanti being assigned to Hyderabad, Sangralaya in Patan Dhoka. he started documenting the The pictures depict the Indian Maoist insurgency by reality of everyday life for pictures are particularly security threat”. Spread over that has acquired terror travelling frequently into the Naxalite guerrillas: women striking because they could 200 districts in 20 of India’s ramifications and the hinterland. In doing so he fighters lay down their guns have been taken during our 28 states, covering 40 only way to deal with delved into the other side of to cook, read, hold babies; own 1996-2006 insurgency. per cent of the country’s area, it is to understand the India: not the gleaming glass guerrillas stand on patrol as Andhra Pradesh could very the Maoists now control 92,000 socio-economic roots, blocks of multinationals villagers look on; a police well be Dang. sq km of territory, mostly which is what I have tried and the call centres of officer in the city exhibits India’s Maoist conflict forests. About 10,000 people to portray in my work,” ‘Cyberabad’, but the tribal criminals posing as Maoists has been described by Prime have been killed in the last 30 says Quraishi, who was in areas where state neglect has wearing black hoods to the Minister Manmohan Singh as years of low-intensity conflict. Kathmandu for the launch fed a violent uprising. media. For Nepalis, these the country’s “biggest internal “This is a social movement of his exhibition. 16 BACK SIDE 18 - 24 MARCH 2011 #545 Here today, GON tomorrow

This is also the season to travel and see the world. A delegation of Madhesi parties

is in Delhi to meet mentors www.nepalitimes.com about forming a united centre-right front. Almost-PM Dahal has been invited once more by the non-existent Asia-Pacific Foundation to Singapore but the bet is he is meeting his uncooked handlers again, and stopping by at the bank as long as he is there. But soon after he returns, Fierceness is preparing to visit India, even ahead of Jhola Nath ll this week, Speaker withdrawn its strike than the cantonment supervision in a and with the coming of who can’t seem to wangle an Name Bang must eh-Maley union shut down meeting of three leaders on spring everyone is on the invite. Ahave felt like a school the college. Bravo! Yay! integration at the PM’s office, warpath. Jumla airport has FG principal. Out of the 597 Then down in Hetauda, and then goes right off to been closed for two weeks members in his august house, the FNCCI was negotiating his Peaceful Ministry to tell by women protesting air fare Headline we’d have liked to a head count showed that a salary increase with the the Special Committee no hikes, and the party front see this week: attendance of CA members unions of all the three big such agreement was reached. organisations are all coming ‘BAFIA To was an average of 62, like parties. Agreement had been Something going on here we out of hibernation to compete Tackle Mafia’ 10%. Where are all the reached with one wing of a should know about, like bad with each other to declare others? One CA member government-affiliated party blood between Pun and Deb? rival bunds next month. was traveling to Australia when another wing of another on some other CA member’s govt-affiliated party decided FG passport (Only in Nepal: “In to continue with the strike. A The Mau Mau have finally an emergency the passport of baddie is the labour minister responded to the universal one legislator is endorsable but his union strikes against demand to dismantle the to another legislator provided his own party? Bravissimo! YCL by creating a Super YCL the two bear a photographic that they have inventively resemblance.”). Others came FG called the ‘People’s Volunteer to BICC just to collect their Just to make things more Bureau’. It will include allowances and slipped out exciting, the Cranticurry guerrillas in cantonments, to do some moonlighting on trade union is now split disqualified fighters, baddie secondary jobs. three ways, which means students and workers. Just FG extortion has increased three- proves what the Ass has fold and negotiations with been braying about for three Will someone explain this the Jamcuttle factions is not years now, that whatever to me? Maobaddies and the acceptable to the Budgegain name they go by (PLA, Eh-Maleys are both in the faction, and both are not valid YCL, ANASFU-R, UNCPM, coalition, right? Both have for the Limbo-led union. Khaobuddies, SNAFU-R) affiliated trade unions and Fissures are appearing all over they are all baddies at heart. student unions that they use the place. Comred Red Flag The new vanguard Bureau is to spread mayhem when was humiliated in his own being led by none other than necessary. So far, so good. But home district, and not allowed Comrade Netra, an acolyte even though both parties are to speak by Awesome’s of Com Kiran himself. The in government, their student sister’s nephew, who wanted Bureaucats will be deployed unions have taken turns in to show him who’s boss. if all hell breaks loose on shutting down Kathmandu That’s when BRB gave his 28 May and the Baddies need University for more than ‘Bhimsen Thapa’ speech. to unleash a Red Oktober two weeks now because (Actually Bhimsen Thapa did kranti. That is the plan, of an election wrangle. No become PM before he died.) anyway. sooner had the Cranticurry Then Rain Man agrees to sub- ‘Tis the season to be restless, ISSN 1814-2613 CDO Regd No 194/056/57 Lalitpur, Central Region Postal Regd. No 09/066/67