Baseball Is Back

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Baseball Is Back — Volume 9 Number 39 In (Sana Unlver stty-Purdu* Untvaratty at Indianapolis February 0.1980 Study Room opens at Union Student Assembly Vice Presi­ _ In <Aher SA news, the student give up representation on the dent John Emley has announced activity fee proposal will be Student Services Advisory tiie opening of the SA’s 24-hour making another appearance on Council and the Student Pro­ Study Room, located in the the agenda, this time in the form grams Advisory Committee. sixth floor lounge of the Single of BiU No. 1. These students would pay a Student's Dorm (adjacent to the higher fee to participate in any The measure, which will be student activity funded by the Union Building) As of this considered at the SA's next week, students looking for a tru­ fee assessment, according to the meeting, would recommend as­ text of the bill. ly quiet place to study may use sessment of a 12 50 fee per se­ this facility Monday through Brinkman emphasized that mester per student, with the ex­ the activity fee funds would nec Thursday from 10 p.m.-8 a.m., ception of Law, Dental, and and Friday from 6 p.m.-8 a.m. essarily have to be supplemental Medical School students. Repre to the $60,000 general fund allo­ The hours will be limited to sentatives of these professional cation for student activites, weeknights until additional schools were primarily responsi­ since it would make no sense for work-study personnel become ble for the defeat of activity fee the students to pay more for the available to monitor the Study proposals in previous years. same activities or services they Room, Emley said. He added SA President Frank Brink- currently participate in. that the experimental program man explained that the accep­ Bill No. 1 will be considered at may be expanded or improved tance or rejection of the IUPUI the meeting on Monday, Feb. upon, depending upon the re- activity fee would be up to the 11, at 8 p.m in Lecture Hall qxmse by students. The location governing boards of these Room 103 or 105. For more de­ will be patrolled on a random schools, and that students from tails, contact the SA at 264* basis by University Police. non-participating schools would 3907. Brinkman addresses committee by John Krevei ty's recruitment situation. pective campuses.) An unidentified player lunges for e cetch In preseason Subjects ranging from the He also told the New Albany In other action before the pratlce for IUPUI’s varsity baseball squad. (Photo by Bri­ student activity fee proposal to gathering about a tutorial pro­ Board. IU President John Ryan an Clouse) the installation of bank ma­ gram involving IUPUI student announced interim administra­ chines on campus were covered volunteers in helping motivate tive plans in preparation for in Student Body President disadvantaged high school stu­ Vice President Robert O’Neil's Frank Brinkman’s address to dents toward a successful educa­ exit from IU. O’Neil will divide tion. Baseball is back the Student Affairs Committee his time between universities by Brian Clouse of Physical Education gym on of the IU Board of Trustees last Brinkman requested the com­ until June, when he assumes full It's almost that time of year the north side. Later in the sea­ Saturday at IU-Southeast. mittee's assistance in expedit­ duties as president of the Uni­ again when the nation's favorite son. they hope to move to a big Brinkman commented that ing his request for an IUPUI versity of Wisconsin. pastime—baseball—will begin ger gym with an indoor batting the proposed activity fee of flag. The request has met with Ryan also announced appoint­ working its way back on the cage. •2.50 per IUPUI student per "a nangup in the IU central ad­ ments to the 12-member Search scene, and IUPUI will be follow "In college baseball, you have semester would generate two ministration" that is impeding and Screen Committee for ing suit with varsity baseball. to be in mid-season shape before its progress, he charged, though O’Neil's replacement. The ap­ and one-half times the current Baseball has been played at the season begins." Bunnell student activities allocation. In there is general acceptance of pointments. he noted, were commented With practices the need for a flag on all admin­ based on the recommendations IUPUI in the past, but only as order to preclude Law, Medical, an intramural sport. In Decem­ scheduled for almost every day and Dental School opposition, istrative levels. The banner, he of university faculty, students, until the season opener, that is said, "would help strengthen the and staff organizations. The ber of 1977. Jeff Vessely, now he explained that the "govern­ with the School of Physical Edu­ one thing Bunnell hope t> ac­ ing boards of the respective pro­ identity of this university as an only non-Bloomington member complish institution." of the committee is IUPUI As­ cation, started out the intramur­ fessional schools" would decide al program with participants IUPUI is affiliated with the whether to participate in the fee Brinkman was joined by sociate Professor of History Miriam Langsam. paying dues of five dollars a NAIA, a small-college version of payment. student body presidents from the NCAA. The baseball Metros IU-Southeast, IU-Southbend. "Bob O’Neil has done much to piece to cover expenses. In the In updating the Committee re­ help us work out new definitions spring of 1978, IUPUI’s intra­ will be playing a total of 34 and IU-Bloomington in his en­ games, with 29 of them counting garding IUPUI Student Assem­ dorsement of a Board feasibility for new times." commented mural team played local high schools. Finally, in August of toward NAIA standings. The bly activities, Brinkman de­ study of bank machine locations Ryan. "Whoever assumes the team plans a spring road trip to tailed plans for the SA’s Central on IU campuses. (The full Board position as head of the campus last year, baseball was officially named an IUPUI varsity sport Nashville, Tennessee, where Indiana Outreach program, a later approved a resolution for must be able to exert the same they will play a series of six "students talking to students" preliminary implementation of qualities of leadership and dedi­ Dr. Robert Bunnell now heads games before returning home approach to aiding the universi­ bank machine plans on the res­ cation." the varsity squad, and is looking The IUPUI players will be c \ forward to an exciting season. earning this first road trip; they How do you fool about re­ Even with limited equipment are in the process of selling per Inside and practice space. Bunnell is sonalized notepads to afford the N ew t.......................... instating registration and quite enthused over heading this trip. (Anyone interested in fur­ new program. "Baseball and Opinion...................... the possibility of register­ thering the new cause should coaching baseball are my life.” contact Bunnell at the School of The Leisure ing women for the mili­ relates Bunnell. "It's something Physical Education.) Tim et................... .pages 4,5 tary? Phone In your views that I've always liked to do."’ Bunnell is not only looking at Classifieds............... ...p a g e 7 Practices and try-outs for the the present, but is also planning to 264-2539, afternoons new team started Jan. 28 and the program s future. A limited Kelly A Duke........... through Thursday, Feb. 7. will be going on daily until the scholarship fund is in the works. season opener against Butler and Bunnell says that baseball March 19. At the present time, players from area high schools the team practices at the School would most likely be scouted 1 Sagamore 2/6/80 7hort/ Women’s record stands at 8-7 by Briaa Clowe Judy Pluckebaurn adding 10. five minutes in style, whipping IUPUI s women cagers are Saturday’s excursion to Renn- out six unanswered points by finding their currant road trip a seiner turned into a fiasco, as the shutting down the Butler last- little bit more than they bar­ ladies of St. Joseph’s College break. Butler quickly recovered, gained for. losing two against roasted past IUPUI 67-47. “The however, zipping to a 36-14 land St. Joseph’s and Butler, and team lacked cohesiveness,'’ la­ at halftime. In s second half Christian Fellowship... only defeating IUPU-Fort mented mentor Kathy Tucker, brought more of the same, as All students are invited to attend the next meeting of the Inter- Wayne. Their season record who also said that a lack of Butler hauled down every re­ Varsity Christian Fellowship, to be held Friday, Feb. 8, at 7:30 stands at 8-7. shooting accuracy and poor re­ bound in sight, and all but shut bounding led to the defeat. off any field goal attempts by p.m. in the Union Building. Mezzanine Floor. For details, contact The Metros started the trip Jeff, 632-1229. IUPUT still had throe people out on the right foot, defeating in double figures, with Plucke- IUPUI s Kathy Gaddle fouled host IPFW 60-52 Friday night. baum leading the way with 14 out toward the middle of the fi­ Coach Kathy Tucker's crew points. Masengale and Barb nal period, and the Meta gasped started out slow, but got their Spears each chipped in 10 tallies their last breath. High scorer for Accounting Club... act together before the first in the unsuccessful effort. the Metros was Masengale with The Accounting Club will hold its next meeting on Saturday, stanza ended, closing within one Monday night brought even 12 points.
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