I Urban Sustainability Programs: Case Studies David J. Hess, Editor
i Urban Sustainability Programs: Case Studies David J. Hess, editor Suggested Citation: Hess, David J., ed. 2013. Urban Sustainability Programs: Case Studies. Sociology Department, Vanderbilt University. www.davidjhess.net. Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved These case studies are from undergraduate research projects. They are collected here with the students’ permission for use in educational settings. This course focused on sustainability policies; other courses in the Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program focus on climate change, environmental justice, and other issues. ii Table of Contents 1 Amsterdam: The Cycling City, by Lauren Bolhack, Alycia Bouchard, Hannah Duckworth, Morgan Goddard, and Sarah Sams 7 Barcelona’s Sustainability Plan and Solar Programs, by Timour Kamran 13 Berkeley, California: Sustainability and Transportation in America’s Greenest College Town, by Ryan Zauk 19 Environmental Policy and Energy Initiatives in Berlin, by Stephen Kornblum 25 Bogotá’s TransMilenio System, by Spencer Ciesla, Charlie Ewing, Zack Jaworski, Chong Lim, and Breana Moore 30 Sustainability and Green Space in Chicago, by Emily Heald 35 Greening the Built Environment in Dallas, by Sahil Batra, Robert Cross, Nathanael Gabler, Amber Gerdes, Sydney Pedigo, Yi Zeng 43 Transportation Practices in Denver’s Sustainability Initiatives, by Partha Reddy 47 Green Businesses in Ithaca, Beau Baldwin, Jamie Braunstein, Alma Farooque, Daniel Rubin, Henry Strohm 54 Sustainable Transportation in London, by Brooke Bartley, Becca Cunningham, Brandon
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