Fees & Charges
Fees & Charges Council discloses its pricing policy by showing a Revenue Policy pricing code against each individual fee within the Council will charge a range of fees in 2020/21, as attached Schedule of Proposed Fees and Charges, detailed within the attached Schedule of Proposed as: Fees and Charges. Market Council provides a good / The legislative basis for these fees may be found in service in a competitive Section 608 of the Local Government Act 1993 which environment provides that Council may charge and recover an approved fee for any service it provides, including the Full Cost Council intends to fully recover following: the direct and indirect cost of – supplying a service, product or commodity; provision plus any community cost – giving information; – providing a service in connection with the Partial Cost Council intends to partially exercise of Council’s regulatory functions, recover the costs of provision including receiving an application for approval, granting an approval, making an inspection and Legislative Prices are dictated by legislation issuing a certificate; and Zero Council absorbs the full cost of – allowing admission to any building or enclosure. delivery Under the principle of “user pays”, fees are introduced to offset the cost of service provision, or in Security Deposit Refundable deposit against the case of commercial activities, to realise a possible damage to Council reasonable rate of return on assets employed by property Council, in order to support the provision of services and to alleviate the burden that would otherwise be All fees are quoted in “GST Inclusive” terms, as this is unfairly placed upon ratepayers.
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