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1'115 Herbert J --;~, .~ .. .~ .. A List of the VASCULAR PLANTS of JASPER RIDGE BIOLOGICAL PRESERVE 1'115 HERBERT J. DENGLER 219 WYNDHAM ORIVE POFffOl.A VAL.L.e;Y. CALJF. $11402D - 1 - DIVISION C ti.LAlvlOHlYr.rA p:guisotac eae. Porsetri il__ F'ami._!.Y. :E;quisetum telmateia Ehrh. var. braunii (Milde) ~.1ilde. Giant_Horsetail E. hyemsle L. var. afl'ine (Engelm.) Eaton 11/est<:rn Scourin~?; Rush DIVISION P.r~HOFHY'l'A Class Filicinae Salviniaceae. 'o'i3ter Fern or Sc.1l~inia Family Azolla filiouloides LRm. American ~ater Fern Polypod:i.:o:cene. Fern Fn:nil.y Polypod.ium californicum Kaulf. California Polypody Pityrogramma triangularis (Ksulf.) ·:~axon. Goldback Fern Pol;ysth:hum mnnitum (Kaulf.) Freli.'l. ;!estern f)l.'Or(i. ··~-;r:1 F. c~ l'i.fornic :J.r:J (E9ton) Und.erw. 8alifornia .Jhicld ~<=;!'n Cystopteris fracilis (L.) Bernh. ~rittle 7ern. D~yopteris arguts (Kaulf.) ~att. Coastal flood ~ern AdieP.t'..L"l jordani :1•!uell. C::iliiornia ·.laid.enh<:dr A. ;-.(~datum L. var. aleuticum iiupr. F.ive-fi:J.;er '!:'._!rn T"ce.t'j_di\:-.:n ac;uilinum (L.) Kuhn var. pubescf:r.s Under-.';, Bracken Pe1lr.tea c'\ndromedaef0lia (t<auLf.) Fee. Coffee Fern P, mucrons.ta (.Ea·ton) EB.ton. Ei rds Foot Fern C l:J ss G;y rar.ospcrn~:.te P~~:.~-~- Pine F2.mily :?seur:iotsuga :;nen?..iesii (j\1irb.) Franco. Dou!!l:->s Fir Taxodiaceae. Toxodiu~ F'amill Sequoia sempervircms (Lamb.) Enc'll. Co:-1st Redwood Cln.ss !~ngj_osper:nae Sul,clans ~.'!onocotylerloneae T_vr,hnc~?~Q.~~t-tail Famil,y Typha l~tjfolia L. Broad-leAved Cat-teil - 2 - Typh3 angustifolio L. Nsrrow-leAvcd Cat-tail Sp.n·;;;:tninceae. Rurreed Fnmily Sp'1rc;anium eurycarp~m gngelm. Broad-fruited Burreed ,?otom_Q_getonaceae. :rondvJeed Fami~. Potomogeto~ illinoensis Moron~. Illinois Fondweed P. crispus L. Curl-leaved Pondweed P. pusillus L. var. minor (Biv.) Fern & Schub. P. foliosus Raf. var. macellus Fern •. Leafy Pondweed Naindaceae. Naia_s or Water Nymph Family Naias guadalup':)nsis (Spreng.) ;,1orong. Guadalupe or Common We.ter Nymph Lilaeaceae. Flowering Quillwort Family Lileae scil.loi~~G (Poir.) Haun. Flowering ?uillwort Alism~~ace~~~-;:{ater Plantain Family Alisma planta~o-3ouatica L. Com~on Water Pl~ntRin Ech:l nodu£'...t.S ber.teroi (Spreng. ) r.·Rssctt. U!:!'ight Bo.rtead. ~§roc:-J~!_~acea~~JPnf..E,?SS or Frogbit Family Elodea cana"l.ensis i·:Iichx. Canadian ·;:.gterv.:eed Grorn i.i1.§.£..o:__Q~:r; ~§_)''ami ll_ "Festueeao. }'escu,; Tribe Cortaderia selloana· (Schult.) Aschers. ?.· Graebn. Pampas Grass (destroyed Oct. 26, 1969) Eragrostis pilosa (L.) Beauv. Pilose Erggro~tis Briza !DiD or r,. Little QuFlking Grass Dactylis glomcrata L. Orchard Grgss Bromus trinii Desv. Chilean Brame Grass B. carinatus H. & A. California Brame Grass B. m&rg:inatus Necs. Large Mountain Bro:ne Grass B. vulgaris (Hook.) Shear. Narrow-flowered Brome GI'ass B. laevipes Shear. Woodland BrO'I1C Grass B. pseudolacvipes \Vr1gon. B. racemosus L. Smooth-flowered Soft Che3t B. mollis L. Soft Chess - :? - Bromus co;nmu.tatus Schrad. Hairy Chess B, rubens L. Rt~d B.rome, Foxtail Chess B. madretensis JJ. Spanish Brome Grass B. ~igiclus Roth. Ripgut Grass Poa a~~ua L. Annual Foa P. howellii Vasey & Scribn. Howell's Bluegrass P. pratensis L. Kentucky Bluegrass (On.e found during the cattle grazing times when-bay waP brought in.) •' P. scabrella ('l'hurb.) Benth. ex.. V:-:.2-ey. Pine or :,1alpais ..... Bluegrass i'lel ica geyeri i\lunro ex Bolander. Geyer's Onion Gr~ss M. californica Scrib~. Western Melica M. torreyana Scribn. Torrey's Melica M. imp8J:·fActa Trin. SJnall-flowered Melica ~estuca groyi (Abrams) Piper. Gray's Fescue F. mega ltu·a l~utt. Foxtail or West ern Six-v:eeks Fescue ~. myuros L. Rattail Fescue F. octoflora Walt. Slender Fescue F. de.r·tonensis (All.) Asch8rs. & Grae'bn. Six-weeks ?ef'ctH: F. pacifica Piper, FRcific Fescue F. elmeri Scribn. ~ Merr. Elmer's Fescue F. californica Vasey, California Fescue Hordeae. Barley Tribe Hordcu:n brachyantheru~ Nevski. Meado·.v Barley H. vulgare L. Common Barley H. leporinum Link. Farcwr 's Foxtail H, hystrix Roth. MediterruneRn BYrley Sitanion hanseni (Scribn.) amith, Hansen's Squirreltail S. jnbatum Smj_th, Big S'luirreltail Elymus glaucus Buckl. t:estern Rye Grass E. vi.rescens Piper. Pacific i"Xye Grass E. triticoides Buckl. Alkali Rye Grass - 4 - Lolium temulentum L. ~arnel L. perenne L. English or Perennial Ryegrass L. multiflo.rum Lam. Italian or Australian R,yegrass Agropyron repens (1.) Beauv. luack Grass Aveneae. Oat Tribe Avena barbata Brat. Slender ~ild Oat A. fatua L. var. fatua. Wild Oat Danthonia californica Bolander var. californica. California Vv'ild Oat Grass Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Spreng. June Grass Holcu~ lanatus L. Velvet Grass Deschampsia danthonoides (Trin.) ~unro ex Benth. Annual Eair Grass D. elongata (Hook.) i.1unro ex Eenth. Slender Hair Grass Aira caryophyllea L. Silvery Hair Grass. Tri::=eturn canescens Buckl. Tall :rrisetu:n Agrost ideae. Timothy Tr·i be Cryp~is nilaca Fig. & DeNot. Prickle Grass Heleochloa schoenoides (L.) ~:ost. Folypogon monBl')€1 iensis (L.) .::>esf. Rabbit's Foot Grass ?. inter•rupt~J.s !fBK. Beard Grass Stipa lepidD Hitchc. Small-flowered Gtipa S. pulcb.ra Hitch~. Nodding Stipa Gastridiurn. ventricosum (Gouan) Schinz & Thell. Nit Gr:H>S Ag.rostis semiverticillata (Forsk.) Christ. Water Bent Grass A. halli Vasey. Hall's Bent Grass A. diegoensis Vasey. Leafy Bent Grass A. exarata Trin. var. ~xarata. Weste1•n Bent Grass A. cxarata •rrin. var. pacifica V:Jsey. Pacific }··;ent Grass A. microphylia Steucl. Small-leaved Bent Grass Chlorideae, Grama Tribe Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pcrs. Ber:nuda Grass Hierochloc occidcntalis Buckl. 'Nestern Vanilla G.L'ass - 5 - Phalaris californica H. & A. California Canary Grass P. tuberosa L. var. stenoptera (Hack.) Hitch. Harding Grass P. minor Retz. Mediterranean C3nary Grass Paniceae. Millet Tribe ~ Digitaria SAnguinalis (L.) Scope. Crab Grass Paspalum dil:Jtatum Poir. Dallis Grass P. distichum r,. Knot Grass Echinochloa cruz-galii (L.) Beauv, Barnyard Grass Qy~eraceae. Sedge ~smily Carex tumulicola Iv:acKenzie, Foothill Sedge C. densa (Bailey) Bailey. D~nse Seige G. subbracteata ~~iacKenzie. Small-bracted Sedge c. gracilior MacKenzie. Slender Sedge c. nudata Boott. Torrent S~dge c. barbarae Dewey. Santa Barbara Sedge c. senta Boott. Rough Sedge c- c. globosa Boott. Round-fruited Sedge c. serratodens Boott. Bifid Sedge Cyperus eragrostis Lam. Tall Cyperus C, erythrorhizos ?f!uhl. Red-rooted Cyperus C. esculentus L. Chufa Eleocharis acicularis (L.) R. & S. Needle Spike-rush E. macrostschya Britton. V/ire Grass Scirpus acutus :~·iuhl. ex Bigel. Com:non •rule s. microcarpus Fresl. Small-fruited or Fanicled Bulrush Araceae, Calla or Arum Famill Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng. Calla Lily Lemnaceae. Duckweed F1mil~ Lemna gibba L. Gibbous Ducbvecd L. minor L. Srn1'lller Duckweed L. minima Philippi. Least Duckweed - 6 - JuncC'lceae. Rush FFnnily Juncus patens J,1eyer. Common ~ush J. effusus L. var. pacificus Fern & Wiag. J. occ identalis (Cov. 'Nieg. \Vest ern Rush J. bufonius L. Toad Rush J. xiphioides Meyer. Iris-leaved 3ush. J. phaeocephalus Engelm. Bro\'m-headed 3ush Luzula multiflora (~etz.) Lejeune. Common Wood Rush Melanthaceae. Bunch Flower F11mily Zygadenus fremontii (Torr.) '.(lorr. ex Wats. var. fremont ii Fremont's Star Lily or Zygadene Liliaceae. Lily Famill Chlorogalu~ ~omeridianum (DC.) Kunth. Amole, Soap Plant Lilium pardalinum Kell. Leopard or Tiger J.,ily Fritillaria lanceolata Pursh. :diseion Bells Calochortus albus Dougl. ex nenth. 'Hhite Fairy J.,antern C. 1 ut eus Dougl. ex Lindl. Yellow :~lariposa C. venustus Dcugl. ex Bent h. '(/hi te or Butterfly :.1.:?!riposa Convallariaceae. Lily-of-the-Valley Family Trillium chloropetalum (·.rorr.) Howell. 8o;n:non •rrillium Smilacina racemosa (L.) Desf. var. amplexicaul is (Nutt.) :. <;ts. Fat Solomon Seal S. stellata (L.) Desf var. sesEilifolia (Baker) Renders. Slim Solomon Seal Disporum hookeri (Torr.) Nichols. Eooker's Fairy Bell Amaryllidaceae. Amaryllis Family Allium lacunosum Wats. Pitted Onion A. amplect ens ·rorr. l-iarrow-1 eaved Onion A. dichlarnydeum Greene. Coastal Onion A. unifolium Kell. One-leaved Onion A. breweri Wats. Brewer's Onion Brodiaea pulchella (S~lisb.) Greene Ground i..uts, Blue Dicks B. congesta Smith. Ookow - 7 - Brodiaea laxa (Benth.) 'Hats. Ithuriel 's Spear B. 1 utea (Lindl,) ~.1ort. Golden Brodiaea B. hyacinthina (Lindl.) Baker. White Brod.iaea B. terrestris Kell. Dwarf Erod.iaea B. elegans Hoover. Harvest Brodiaea B. coronaria (Salisb.) Engler. f.arvest Brodiaea Iridaceae. Iris Family Sisyrinchium bellum 'llats. Blue-.:eyed Grass Iris douglasiana Herbert. Dou~las' Iris ~. pseudacorus L. Yellow Iris I. foetidissima, a garden escape, has appeared in woods a long Corte <!ad era Cr. and above Nolan Cr. OrchidacP.ae. Orchid fanily Habenaria unalascensis (Spreng.) '.iiats. var. elata (Jeps.) Correll. Elegant Fiperia Corallorhiza ~aculata Raf. Spotted. Coral ~oot C. striata Lindl. Striped Coral Root Subclass Dicotyledoneae Salicaceae. Willow "':::J'Ilil.Y Populus trichocarpa T. &.G. ex Hook. Black Cottonwood Salix hindsiana Benth. Hinds' ~illow S. coulteri Anders. Coulter's Willow S. lasiolepis Benth. Arroyo Hillow S. la~iandra Benth. Yellow Willow S. laevigata Bebb. Red Willow Ju~l?ndaceae. Walnut Family - Juglans hindsii (Jeps.) Jeps. • Betul3ccae. Birch FG~ilv Alnus rhombifolia Nutt. Shite Alder Corylacc:1e. Hr.1zel F:'l11ily Corylus californica (A. DC.) Rose. California Hazel - 8 - Fagaceae. Oak or Beech Family Quercus kelloggii Newb. California Black Oak Q. agrifolia Nee. California Live Oak, ~ncina Q. wislizenii A. DC. var. frutescens En~elm. Interior Live Oak Q. douglasii H. & A. Blue Oak Q. lobata Nee. Valley Oak, Roble Q. chrysolepis Liebm. Maul Oak, Golden Oak Q. durata Jeps. Leather Oak (;~.>< r11~~'··.hv...> ,!- p..- hy6,.,.,Q o( ·Hybrid Oaks: &. k~jlc."f.C'j; +- 6Jt.J,.z.l.~"""'' lf o o {,t?. ~ork.r -tH 7) Q. agrifolia x kelloggii ( II = n"> em.'.,{ u/.f _ J .tA.A c1 1-j <f ,~c.
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