Neurobiological and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Chronic Drinking

Neurobiological and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Chronic Alcohol Drinking

Alcoholism comprises a set of complex behaviors seeking behaviors, have been developed. These in which an individual becomes increasingly models, which remain an integral part of the preoccupied with obtaining alcohol. These study of alcoholism, include animals that pref- behaviors ultimately lead to a loss of control over erentially drink solutions containing alcohol, consumption of the and to the development animals that self-administer alcohol during of tolerance, dependence, and impaired social and withdrawal, animals with a history of dependence occupational functioning. that self-administer alcohol, and animals that self- administer alcohol after a period of abstinence Although valuable information regarding toler- from the drug. Genetic models for alcoholism ance and dependence has been, and continues to also exist and include animals that have been bred be, gathered through human studies, much of the selectively for high alcohol consumption. Studies detailed understanding of the impact of exposure using such models are uncovering the systemic, to alcohol on behavior and on the biological cellular, and molecular neurobiological mech- mechanisms underlying those behaviors has been anisms that appear to contribute to chronic obtained through the use of animal models for alcohol consumption. The challenge of current alcoholism and a variety of in vitro, or cellular, and future studies is to understand which specific systems. Through the use of cellular systems and cellular and subcellular systems undergo mole- animal models, researchers can control the genetic cular changes to influence tolerance and depen- background and experimental conditions under dence in motivational systems that lead to which a specific alcohol-related behavior or chronic drinking. neurochemical change occurs. and Reward in It is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain an Chronic Drinking animal model that by itself incorporates all of the signs, symptoms, and behaviors associated with Because alcoholism centers on compulsive, alcoholism. However, several animal models often excessive, use of alcohol, the concept of of chronic drinking reflecting the different reinforcement or motivation is a crucial part of components of alcoholism, including alcohol- this syndrome. A reinforcer is defined as any

Tolerance and Dependence

Tolerance is present when, following prolonged exposure is defined as the manifestation of to alcohol, the brain becomes less sensitive to the acute either physical withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors actions of alcohol. For example, research shows that and seizures, after abrupt cessation of alcohol intake or larger doses of alcohol are needed to produce an alcohol- psychological symptoms, such as a negative emotional specific effect, such as sedation, in animals that have state after intake ends. The physical and psychological been given alcohol for several days or weeks compared symptoms that occur following termination of alcohol with animals given the drug the first time. Tolerance intake are collectively referred to as the alcohol with- appears to occur through adaptations at the cellular and drawal syndrome. Alcohol’s ability to induce pleasurable subcellular levels as the brain attempts to overcome the feelings, reduce tension and anxiety, and ameliorate the acute effects of alcohol intake; with prolonged alcohol symptoms of withdrawal make it a powerful and abuse, these adaptations often lead to permanent “attractive” drug. adverse changes in the structure and function of neurons.

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event that increases the probability of a response. However, alcohol may, under certain conditions, This explanation also can be used to define serve as a deterrent to the seeking or obtaining of reward; in fact, “reinforcement” and “reward” more alcohol. Research shows that alcohol can be frequently are used interchangeably. However, aversive at high doses and, in animals, can cause reward often also connotes an additional both place avoidance, in which animals avoid an emotional value, such as pleasure (White and environment where they have previously received Wolf 1991). Many sources of reinforcement, alcohol, and taste avoidance, in which animals such as pleasure, mood elevation, and removal avoid a taste previously paired with alcohol of negative emotional states, contribute to ingestion (Cunningham et al. 1992). Alcohol- compulsive alcohol use during the course of dependent individuals have what is known as alcoholism. elevated aversion thresholds; that is, they can consume higher levels of alcohol than non- The primary pharmacologic action of alcohol dependent individuals before they stop drinking produces a direct effect through positive or or avoid alcohol. This elevated aversion threshold negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement may contribute to excessive drinking among refers to a pleasurable or otherwise positive event dependent persons. that increases the likelihood that additional alcohol will be sought. Alcohol itself can serve By applying these concepts, researchers can as a powerful positive reinforcing agent through explore the neurobiological bases for the acute its ability to induce pleasurable or mood-elevating positive reinforcing effects of alcohol, the negative feelings (so-called euphoric or euphorogenic reinforcing effects imparted by the dependent effects). In contrast, negative reinforcement state, and the conditioned reinforcing effects describes an adverse event or situation that also associated with protracted abstinence and relapse will lead the individual to obtain more alcohol. (Koob et al. 1993). Examples of negative reinforcement include situations in which an individual or animal self- Insights Into Features of Alcoholism medicates in an attempt to overcome an existing From Animal Models aversive state (depression or anxiety) or to treat a drug-generated aversive state (alcohol-related The importance of animal studies lies in their withdrawal) (Wikler 1973). Both the positive potential for providing insight into alcoholism and negative types of reinforcement encourage in humans. Although not all the factors alcohol-seeking behavior and appear to contribute contributing to alcoholism, including the genes to chronic drinking, alcohol dependence, and a responsible for alcohol-related behaviors, have return or relapse to drinking among persons been discovered, animal models of alcoholism are recovering from alcoholism. proving to be instrumental in identifying genetic and biological factors that confer predisposition The secondary pharmacologic effects of alcohol to alcoholism. Such models enable researchers also can have powerful motivating properties. to perform controlled analyses of genetically and Conditioned reinforcement—when an individual environmentally influenced traits and behaviors learns to associate the reinforcing effects of that resemble certain aspects of human alcohol- alcohol with a previously neutral event or ism, such as alcohol consumption and preference, stimulus—results in secondary positive reinforc- innate sensitivity or tolerance to alcohol, and ing effects. In practical terms, a person entering metabolic rate of alcohol elimination. Much a familiar bar or pub can experience positive of the study of genetics and alcohol-related feelings similar to those induced by consumption behaviors or traits is conducted through the of alcohol. Secondary reinforcing effects can be use of selectively bred animals, such as alcohol- negative or positive; someone can also learn to preferring and alcohol-nonpreferring rats and associate particular stimuli with unpleasant mice. Additional studies use animals that are aspects of abstinence, such as withdrawal trained or conditioned to choose alcohol over symptoms. water or other usually preferable solutions.

108 Neurobiological and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Chronic Alcohol Drinking

Animal Models for Alcoholism

Validated animal models exist for many of the components alcohol, unless they have been bred for a specific genetic of alcoholism. Validation of an animal model focuses predisposition for alcohol preference. Thus, the results on three factors: face validity, reliability, and predictive of alcohol preference tests provide researchers with validity (predictability). Face validity is how similar, at least information regarding an innate preference or aversion to superficially, a behavioral effect in an animal is to that in the pharmacologic effects of alcohol or the extent to which humans. Face validity is a valuable starting point in an animal’s initial aversion to the taste or smell of alcohol alcohol research studies using animal models but is may be overcome to the point where the animal seeks out often difficult to truly achieve. Reliability refers to the the alcohol solution. However, this type of task involves consistency and stability of the variable of interest in little work or effort to obtain alcohol. the animal. Predictive validity refers to how closely and In contrast, in operant behavior models of self- accurately the animal’s condition mimics or predicts the administration, access to alcohol requires a specific condition in humans, based on the behavior of the animal learned behavioral response (or series of responses), model. such as pressing a lever or running a course through a The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, maze. The amount of alcohol consumed is related to the Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric amount of work an animal is willing to perform. Studies Association (1994) defines the criteria that provide a that incorporate an operant behavior model not only can framework for studying the neurobiological bases for the measure preference for alcohol, they can also provide excessive consumption associated with chronic alcohol insight into an animal’s motivation or persistence to obtain ingestion (Koob et al. 1998). Of seven behavioral features alcohol under a given set of conditions. DSM-IV uses in its criteria to define alcoholism, six have at least somewhat analogous counterparts in animal models, Another model used to study alcohol-seeking behaviors conditioned preference tasks. that is, face validity. “Tolerance” to the reinforcing effects in animals involves Through these tasks, animals learn to avoid or seek an of alcohol can be inferred from the increased consumption environment (place preference vs. place avoidance) or a observed in dependent animals; more research in this flavor (taste preference vs. taste avoidance) that previously area is needed, however. “Characteristic withdrawal has been paired with alcohol. Thus, using conditioned syndrome” has both face and predictive validity in animal preference tasks, researchers are able to assess the models. “Persistent desire” can be modeled through reward value of alcohol in association with specific conditioned positive reinforcement with alcohol, which has environmental cues. been demonstrated in animals. “Substance taken in larger amounts than intended” could be modeled through monitoring alcohol intake during withdrawal and following Studying the Effects of Alcohol periods of abstinence (the “alcohol deprivation effect”). Alcohol’s acute stress-reducing and (anxiolytic) Both of these models have some predictive validity. effects, working in concert with its mood-elevating effects, “Important activities reduced” is difficult to model in are thought to contribute to the rewarding and positive animals, but advances in behavioral economics, in which reinforcing effects of the drug. Alcohol’s anxiolytic and the “cost” of alcohol (the amount of work an animal is mood-elevating effects also may contribute to continued willing to do to obtain alcohol) is studied, would be alcohol abuse. The anxiety associated with withdrawal applicable here. “A great deal of time spent in activities from alcohol use and the early phases of abstinence may necessary to obtain the substance” might be modeled by motivate a person or an animal to continue to seek alcohol a progressive ratio-type schedule in which the animal in an effort to relieve that stress or anxiety, thus must work increasingly hard to obtain alcohol. contributing to the negative reinforcing characteristics of alcohol. Animal Models for Alcohol-Seeking Behaviors Recognizing the importance of these effects in alcohol Animal models for the acute positive reinforcing effects of abuse and relapse, researchers have developed a series alcohol and for alcohol-seeking behaviors have been well of tests to study the anxiolytic-like properties of alcohol. established and validated (Roberts et al. 1996; Samson One type of test involves exposing animals to a situation 1986, 1987). Two predominant approaches to the study that generates approach-avoidance behavior. In such of self-administration of alcohol are oral preference and a test, animals trained operantly to respond to a stimulus operant behavior models. In the oral preference model, such as food or alcohol will then occasionally be given an animals are given free access to two different solutions, electrical shock when choosing the stimulus; with time, alcohol and a nonalcohol reinforcer, such as a sweetened the animal learns to avoid responding to the food or water solution; preference for alcohol versus the alcohol. This avoidance behavior can be reversed by nonalcoholic fluid is then established by determining a class of known as , such as benzo- which solution is consumed more by the animals. diazepines, which act as to reduce stress. Animals normally consume, at most, small amounts of (continued on next page)

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Alcohol-associated anxiety-like behavior also may be dose has been measured and BAL’s have been moni- studied using the elevated plus maze test, in which tored clearly establish models, such as operant self- animals are given a choice between spending time on the administration, drinking preference, and place preference, enclosed versus the sideless (open) arms of a plus-shaped as reliable means of measuring the positive reinforcing apparatus that is raised above the floor. Experiments effects of alcohol (Hyytia and Koob 1995; Koob et al. show that animals treated with alcohol spend more time 1994b; Rassnick et al. 1993; Samson et al. 1993). These on the open arms than animals not exposed to alcohol. models have been a boon to neuropharmacologic analyses The response of the alcohol-treated animals is interpreted of alcohol reinforcement. as a reduction in anxiety-like behavior. Use of Highly Palatable Solutions To Induce Alcohol Another behavioral test, the social interaction test, takes advantage of the observation that normal social Self-Administration interactions are suppressed when rats are placed in an Animals normally have an aversion to the taste of alcohol. unfamiliar and brightly lit environment. Under these Thus, scientists studying the effects of alcohol consump- conditions, anxiolytic drugs cause a marked increase in tion in laboratory animals, especially high levels of alcohol social activity. intake, need to overcome the animals’ typical aversion to the drug. One method for inducing high intake of alcohol Drug Discrimination Tests is to combine the alcohol with a highly palatable solution such as sucrose or saccharin. Numerous studies have A wide range of drugs can stimulate or inhibit specific shown this approach to be successful. For example, using neurotransmitters in the brain. Drug discrimination tests an operant approach combined with the sucrose fade-out are used to determine the extent to which drugs known procedure (when the sugar sucrose is gradually replaced to activate or block specific neurotransmitter receptors in with alcohol in a solution), researchers showed that rats the brain are perceived as being similar to alcohol or are more reliably self-administered large amounts of alcohol capable of reducing the subjective effects of alcohol, such when the sucrose was removed (Files et al. 1995; Hodge as euphoria and anxiety. Drug discrimination tests cannot et al. 1992; Schwarz-Stevens et al. 1992). directly demonstrate the reinforcing properties of alcohol. However, they are important in providing information about Selective Breeding for High Alcohol Intake neurobiological mechanisms that may contribute to the rewarding effects of alcohol. Both alcohol-preferring (P) and alcohol-nonpreferring (NP) lines of rats have been selectively bred to drink high In these tests, animals are trained to make one response and low amounts of a 10-percent solution of alcohol, in the presence of alcohol and a different response when respectively, when given continuous access to alcohol in they cannot recognize alcohol. Later, when the animal addition to free access to water and food (Li et al. 1982; trained to respond to alcohol is given a new drug that has Lumeng et al. 1977). The selective breeding for alcohol the same subjective effects of alcohol, the animal will preference in P rats decreases the animal’s initial respond as it would for alcohol. Conversely, the alcohol sensitivity to alcohol and leads to a more rapid develop- cue can be modified by concurrent administration of ment of tolerance than in animals not bred for this potential antagonists (compounds that counter the preference (Kurtz et al. 1996). Typically, P rats drink as physiologic effects of alcohol). Discrimination tests and much as 5 grams of alcohol per kilogram of body weight procedures have been and continue to be used to identify each day (as opposed to less than 2 grams per kilogram the neurotransmitters and receptors that modulate many in NP rats) (McBride et al. 1989) and can have BAL’s as of the effects of alcohol. Researchers anticipate that high as 200 milligrams per deciliter (0.2 percent) under drug discrimination tests in particular will lead to the conditions of continuous access with intragastric (directly development of highly targeted therapies capable of into the stomach) self-administration (Waller et al. 1984). altering or blocking some of the biochemical effects (By comparison, a BAL of 100 milligrams per deciliter of alcohol and, in turn, related behaviors. (0.1 percent) is the legal limit of intoxication in most states.) Alcohol as a Reinforcer Similar increases in either initial sensitivity or more rapid alcohol as a In models and tests designed to study development of tolerance also have been observed in the reinforcer, alcohol is considered a reinforcer when the alcohol-preferring C57BL mice (Kakihana et al. 1966; presentation of alcohol increases the possibility of a Tabakoff and Ritzmann 1979) and the alcohol-preferring response. A specific pharmacologic effect is implied when Finnish AA rats (Le and Kiianmaa 1988). The neuro- intake of alcohol results in a measurable, biologically chemical differences in these alcohol-preferring animals meaningful blood alcohol level (BAL) or blood alcohol involve neural substrates, or clusters of neurons or neural concentration (BAC). (See also the box “The ABC’s tissue in the brain, that are similar to those implicated of BAC’s” in the chapter on prevention research.) A in the neuroadaptive changes associated with chronic meaningful BAC is a level known to produce alcohol- alcohol self-administration. These findings suggest that specific effects or behaviors, such as sedation. Results both environmental and genetic factors can converge to of studies in which the relationship between alcohol and drive excessive drinking.

110 Neurobiological and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Chronic Alcohol Drinking

Self-Administration During Withdrawal: maintained at blood alcohol levels (BAL’s, also Dependence called blood alcohol concentrations, or BAC’s) associated with mild to moderate is an important factor in the withdrawal symptoms. (See the box “The ABC’s continued use of alcohol by alcoholics. It is of BAC’s” in the chapter on prevention research characterized by the appearance of a withdrawal for more information.) Therefore, any with- syndrome following the cessation of alcohol use. drawal symptoms that the rats did exhibit would Dependence leads alcoholics to consume alcohol be predictably quite mild and would not be not simply for its mood-elevating effects but expected to interfere with their ability to self- also to avoid or reverse the negative symptoms administer alcohol. Results of this study showed associated with withdrawal (Cappell and Le Blanc that the dependent rats consumed more alcohol 1981; Edwards 1990). Alcohol dependence is than the nondependent control rats did. Rats studied experimentally by measuring either with BAL’s higher than 100 milligrams per physical or motivational signs of withdrawal, deciliter (0.1 percent) at the time of withdrawal some of which may reflect the desire or craving from the liquid diet sustained high levels of for alcohol. Researchers often use evidence of alcohol self-administration throughout four physical symptoms upon termination of alcohol withdrawal sessions (Schulteis et al. 1996). consumption (physical dependence) as an index Thus, above and beyond the training effects, of dependence in animals. These physical dependent rats consumed more alcohol than symptoms, known collectively as the alcohol nondependent rats did, even when withdrawal withdrawal syndrome, range in severity from symptoms were mild. mild tremors to massive convulsions. Similar symptoms, as well as hallucinations, are seen in In a subsequent study, rats were trained to lever humans undergoing withdrawal. The develop- press for 10-percent alcohol using the saccharin ment of alcohol-dependent animal models with fade-out procedure, in which saccharin in a water the goal of understanding how reward mecha- solution was gradually replaced with alcohol to nisms mediating alcohol intake differ in depen- increase the amount of alcohol the rats would dent and nondependent animals is potentially consume (Roberts et al. 1996). Over the course important for understanding alcoholism and of five 12-hour periods of withdrawal, the rats dependence. Measures of reward dysfunction were allowed to respond for alcohol and water. in animals during withdrawal include brain Dependent rats, who maintained BAL’s above stimulation reward thresholds (the level of brain 100 milligrams per deciliter (0.1 percent) during stimulation needed to elicit a response consistent the entire withdrawal period, responded to a with reward), conditioned aversions, drug greater degree than nondependent controls did. discrimination, and response to natural rewards. In addition, dependent rats allowed to respond Developing animal models for the negative for alcohol avoided the withdrawal sympto- reinforcement associated with alcohol dependence matology present in dependent rats not allowed has proven difficult, however, especially with to respond for alcohol during the withdrawal rodents. phase. Responses across withdrawal sessions appeared to become more stable, suggesting that Attempts to develop reliable and useful models the rats learned to respond in a manner that of alcohol consumption in dependent rats have controls their BAL and minimizes or avoids taken into consideration various factors that withdrawal. influence dependence, such as consumption of alcohol to overcome symptoms of withdrawal. In one study, for example, rats were trained to Alcohol Self-Administration Following Periods consume 10-percent alcohol prior to contin- of Abstinence in Rats With a History of uous exposure to alcohol in a liquid diet or air Limited Access: Craving vapor. During this training phase, alcohol was A predominant feature of human alcohol abuse established as a reinforcer, and potential taste and alcoholism is a reported desire or craving to aversions were overcome. The animals were

111 Chapter 2: Alcohol and the Brain: Neuroscience and Neurobehavior

consume alcohol that is accompanied by frequent Alcohol Self-Administration Following Periods bouts of excessive drinking following periods of of Abstinence in Rats With a Prior History of abstinence. These and other factors, such as the Dependence: Relapse mood-altering and anxiety-reducing effects of Relapse, or the return to alcohol abuse following alcohol, may be responsible for relapse to periods of abstinence, is one of the principal excessive alcohol drinking. Studies in rats, mice, characteristics of dependence on alcohol. Even and monkeys have shown increases in alcohol so, little is understood about the neurobiological consumption following periods of forced factors involved in this phenomenon. Research abstinence (Kornet et al. 1990, 1991; LeMagen suggests that the development of dependence 1960; Salimov and Salimova 1993; Sinclair 1979; plays an important role in the maintenance of Sinclair and Senter 1967, 1968; Spanagel et al. compulsive use and relapse following periods of 1996; Wolffgramm and Heyne 1995). Two abstinence. aspects of drug dependence could contribute to these increases. One reflects the negative Dependence is, in fact, the basis of the negative reinforcement produced by self-medication of reinforcement theory of alcoholism that suggests a withdrawal state seen in animals who have that alcoholics continue to drink to avoid prolonged access to alcohol. The other process withdrawal symptoms (Cappell and Le Blanc involves changes in the positive reinforcing 1981; Hershon 1977). In more modern properties of alcohol seen in abstinent animals conceptualizations, this theory suggests that and may reflect changes other than negative alcoholics drink to avoid the negative effect reinforcement. Developing a reliable model of (emotional state) associated with withdrawal excessive drinking has led to reevaluation of the (Koob and Le Moal 1997). However, because alcohol deprivation effect in animals with limited relapse can occur even after withdrawal signs have access to alcohol and would likely be important ceased, the neurochemical changes that occur to understanding changes in the reinforcing during the development of dependence may effects of alcohol that occur with abstinence. persist after the overt signs of withdrawal are no longer present. Indeed, research using animal For example, rats trained to lever press for models has shown that prior dependence lowers 10-percent alcohol and water using the saccharin the dependence threshold. In other words, fade-out procedure established stable baseline previously dependent animals made dependent responding for alcohol. They were then subjected again display more severe withdrawal symptoms to various alcohol deprivation periods (3, 5, 7, than do animals receiving alcohol for the first 14, or 28 days) during which no alcohol was time (Baker and Cannon 1979; Becker and Hale available (Heyser et al. 1997). Responding for 1993; Becker et al. 1997; Branchey et al. 1971). alcohol increased as a function of the duration of This finding supports the notion that alcohol the deprivation period, compared with baseline experience and, in particular, the development levels. This increase was temporary and returned of dependence can lead to relatively permanent to baseline levels within 2 to 3 days. The shortest alterations in responsiveness to alcohol. Thus, a effective deprivation period (the shortest interval relapse model would allow research into the long- after which consumption increased) was 5 days, lasting changes in the alcohol and the rats showed no signs of withdrawal. produced by prior dependence. Thus, this transient increase in response for alcohol does not appear to be related to the Future research should include studies in which manifestation of dependence and withdrawal. animals previously made dependent are allowed Rather, this increase may reflect changes in alco- to consume alcohol. Enhanced responding for hol’s positive reinforcement properties. These alcohol in animals without a history of depen- results may provide a useful tool to elucidate dence that are given extended training in operant neuropharmacologic mechanisms underlying tasks also warrants further study. The possibility human alcohol-seeking behavior and relapse.

112 Neurobiological and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Chronic Alcohol Drinking that the total experience with alcohol is a major positive reinforcing effects of alcohol and other predictor of the degree to which alcohol con- drugs (Legault and Wise 1994; Leith and Barrett sumption resumes after abstinence is another 1976; Markou and Koob 1991, 1992; Parsons et important question for future investigations. al. 1995).

Alcoholism and the Neural Structures Extended Amygdala of Reward Information about the anatomy and function of Research suggests that the neural substrates— the brain suggests that the neurological structures the tissues and neural components changed by associated with the reinforcing actions of alcohol exposure to alcohol—and neuropharmacologic and other drugs may involve a common neural mechanisms associated with the motivational circuitry that forms a separate entity within the effects of alcohol withdrawal may play a role in basal forebrain, the extended amygdala (Alheid the negative reinforcement associated with alcohol and Heimer 1988). The term extended amygdala dependence. Thus, the same neural systems refers to a large structure composed of several implicated in the positive reinforcing effects of smaller basal forebrain structures that are similar alcohol also appear to be involved in the aversive in cell structure, function, and neural connectivity motivational effects of alcohol withdrawal. (Alheid and Heimer 1988). This system has extensive connections to brain regions that play Acute alcohol withdrawal is characterized by central roles in reinforcement and reward. symptoms that fall into four main categories: autonomic system hyperactivity, neuronal Rats trained to self-administer alcohol during excitation and seizures, distortions of perception, withdrawal show neurochemical and neuro- and motivational effects. Autonomic system pharmacologic changes indicative of alterations hyperactivity includes hypertension (high blood in gamma-aminobutyric acid-activating pressure) and increased heart rate. Neuronal (GABAergic), dopaminergic, and serotonergic excitation includes tremors and seizures. Dis- function in specific components of the extended tortions of perception include hallucinations, amygdala. (Previous sections in this chapter delirium, and disturbed sleep. Motivational provide background on these neurotransmitters effects include restlessness, anxiety, dysphoria and alcohol’s impact on neurotransmitter (a sense of ill-being), and depression-like function.) For example, inhibitory GABAergic symptoms. Although animal models exist for mechanisms in the central nucleus of the many of these symptoms and physical signs have amygdala have been implicated in the acute been used to explore the neural basis for alcohol reinforcing effects of alcohol (Heyser et al. 1995; withdrawal (Meert 1994), motivational measures Hyytia and Koob 1995). One study showed a are a more important focus. reduction in alcohol self-administration in nondependent rats following injections of a Measurement of reward thresholds throughout highly selective and potent GABA antagonist the course of alcohol withdrawal has shown that (an agent that blocks or reverses GABA’s usual these thresholds are increased following chronic actions or effects) into the nucleus accumbens administration of alcohol and all other major and central nucleus of the amygdala, with the drugs of abuse, including opiates, psycho- most sensitive site being the central nucleus of the , and . Stated another way, amygdala (Hyytia and Koob 1995). (The nucleus the amount of stimulation required to produce accumbens is a brain structure implicated in the the same reward or effect increases when drug reward properties of drugs of abuse—the medial administration is discontinued. This effect, nucleus accumbens is encompassed in the which can last for up to 72 hours depending extended amygdala described above.) Other on the drug and dose administered, may reflect investigations have demonstrated selective changes in the activity of the same system—the activation of dopaminergic transmission in the midbrain-forebrain system—implicated in the shell of the nucleus accumbens in response to

113 Chapter 2: Alcohol and the Brain: Neuroscience and Neurobehavior

acute administration of virtually all major drugs of abuse (Pontieri et al. 1995, 1996; Tanda et al. Figure 1: The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis 1997).

Additional research suggests that the extended Stress amygdala may be involved in the negative reinforcement effects associated with alcohol Hypothalamus withdrawal. Rats lever pressing for alcohol during CRF withdrawal showed a return toward baseline levels of dopamine and serotonin in the nucleus accum- Anterior pituitary

bens, in contrast with the usual decreases in these ACTH neurotransmitters during acute withdrawal (Weiss et al. 1996). A subsequent study revealed that the Adrenal glands central nucleus of the amygdala was particularly Kidneys Cortisol sensitive to the suppressant effects of GABA on alcohol self-administration by Metabolic effects dependent rats (Roberts et al. 1996). (Agonists are agents that mimic the actions or effects of In response to almost any type of stress, either physical or psychological, the hypothalamus secretes corticotropin- other agents.) Other supporting data include releasing factor (CRF), which in turn increases secretion of evidence for the activation of corticotropin- adrenocortotropic hormone (ACTH) by the anterior pituitary releasing factor (CRF) systems in the central gland. In response, within minutes, the adrenal glands, located nucleus of the amygdala during alcohol atop the two kidneys, increase secretion of cortisol. The released cortisol initiates a series of metabolic effects aimed withdrawal (Merlo-Pich et al. 1995), and for at alleviating the harmful effects of the stress state and, the blocking of the anxiogenic-like responses through direct negative feedback to both the hypothalamus associated with alcohol withdrawal following and the anterior pituitary, decreases the concentration of injection of CRF antagonists into the central ACTH and cortisol in the blood once the state of stress abates. + = Excites; – = Inhibits. nucleus. CRF is a neuropeptide that is critical Source: Emanuele and Emanuele 1997. to the body’s response to stress.1 It is secreted in the hypothalamus, the brain stem, and the limbic system, a network of brain structures that neurobiological mechanisms associated with together function in the expression of emotional vulnerability to relapse and with concepts such as behavior (figure 1). craving, both of which may involve secondary conditioned reinforcement. The research on the extended amygdala may ultimately link recent developments in the neurobiology of drug reward with existing Hippocampus and Ventral Tegmental Area knowledge of the substrates for emotional Researchers have hypothesized that alcohol’s behavior (Davis 1997), essentially bridging what effects on GABAergic neurotransmission involve have been largely independent research pursuits. alteration in the expression of GABA receptor Perhaps more important, this neuronal circuit is subunits in specific regions of the brain that occur well situated to be modeled to explore the with chronic treatment or alcohol. A recent study suggests that these effects are found not only in 1Stress-induced physical demands, psychological distress, and adaptive changes initiate a cascade of neural and endocrine (or neuroendocrine) the (cerebral) cortex but also in the hippocampus, events that lead to the release of glucocorticoid hormones from the a brain structure involved in the consolidation of adrenal glands. These hormones, in turn, have widespread effects on new memories, and the ventral tegmental area the body's metabolic and immunologic processes. The activation of this neuroendocrine system involves the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, (VTA) (Charlton et al. 1997). The VTA is the which refers to the brain structures and endocrine glands in the system. source of dopamine in the mesolimbic system, a (The hypothalamus is a brain structure involved in the maintenance of the internal environment and in mediating hunger, thirst, and emotional drives.) region of the brain involved in the mediation of Release of CRF from the hypothalamus activates this stress-response system.

114 Neurobiological and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Chronic Alcohol Drinking

Figure 2: Dopaminergic pathways in the brain


Extended Ventral amygdala tegmental area

To spinal cord

Most dopamine-containing neurons are located within the midbrain, extending to the striatum as well as to various sites in the forebrain. Dopamine modulates such varied functions as emotion, aggression, cognition, the coordination of movement, and aspects of the development of . Source: Adapted from Heimer 1995. alcohol reinforcement. The cell bodies of this With prolonged alcohol abuse, these adaptations mesolimbic dopamine system originate in the can lead to permanent adverse changes in the VTA and send projections to the nucleus accum- structure and function of neurons. Under- bens and basal forebrain, transmitting infor- standing the mechanisms of these adaptations mation to the dopamine receptors in these brain may ultimately lead to therapeutic interventions areas (figure 2). Exposing laboratory animals to prevent the neurological abnormalities asso- to alcohol for 12 consecutive weeks decreased ciated with protracted alcohol use and abuse. α GABAA 1 subunit activity in the VTA and hippocampus, suggesting potential changes in Tolerance and withdrawal are key to the idea that brain structures implicated in the rewarding neuroadaptive processes are initiated to counter and cognitive effects of alcohol, respectively. the acute effects of alcohol. Historically, most Researchers failed to detect a similar change models of alcoholism have emphasized the in these regions after only 4 weeks of exposure development of tolerance and withdrawal. In to alcohol—a clue to the involvement of these contrast, some more recent discussions have areas specifically with chronic alcohol exposure. reduced tolerance and withdrawal to optional criteria, while other current conceptual models Neurochemical and Molecular in animals emphasize selective aspects of tolerance Adaptations to Alcohol and withdrawal, focusing on motivational measures rather than physical signs (Koob 1992). Research suggests that the brain attempts to overcome the acute effects of alcohol through Another neuroadaptive process that has been adaptations at the cellular and subcellular levels. proposed as a key element in the development of

115 Chapter 2: Alcohol and the Brain: Neuroscience and Neurobehavior

motivational aspects of alcoholism is , function. Neural substrates for the physical signs which is the opposite of tolerance. In brief, of alcohol withdrawal historically have involved sensitization is the increased response to alcohol substrates for central nervous system rebound or the effects of alcohol that follows repeated hyperexcitability (the excessive brain activity intermittent exposures (Stewart and Badiani seen after exposure to, and then removal of, 1993). In general, sensitization is more likely the activity-dampening effects of alcohol); these to occur with intermittent, repeated exposure signs reflect a decrease in function of one of the to alcohol (or other drugs of abuse); in contrast, major inhibitory brain neurotransmitters, tolerance is more likely to occur with continuous GABA, or an increase in function of one of exposure. Some authors have suggested that the major excitatory brain neurotransmitters, sensitization may play a role in drug dependence glutamate (Grant et al. 1990; Hoffman and by causing a shift toward or a progressive increase Tabakoff 1994; Morrisett et al. 1990). Addi- in the desire (wanting or craving) of drugs of tional research has begun to implicate other abuse through repeated exposure to such drugs; neurotransmitter/neuromodulatory systems these authors used the transition to a patho- that could contribute to a hyperexcitable state, logically strong wanting or craving to define including serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, compulsive use (Robinson and Berridge 1993). adenosine, gangliosides, and (table 1) (Adams et al. 1995; Concas et al. Alcohol-related neuroadaptive processes appear to 1994; Crabbe 1992; Finn et al. 1995; Grant persist long after the alcohol has cleared from the et al. 1990; Hoffman and Tabakoff 1994; brain. Such neuroadaptations are under investi- Kotlinska and Liljequist 1996; Meert 1994; gation at all levels of alcoholism research, from Morrisett et al. 1990; Snell et al. 1996). behavioral to molecular studies (Koob and Bloom 1988). Motivational hypotheses involving both Anxiogenic-Like Responses in Alcoholism sensitization (Stewart and Badiani 1993) and changes in the central nervous system that Sedative-hypnotic drugs, such as , counter initial neuroadaptive alterations (Wikler , and alcohol, all acutely produce 1973) have been generated; these hypotheses have a characteristic euphoria, disinhibition, anxiety particular relevance to the phenomena associated reduction, sedation, and hypnosis. These drugs with excessive consumption of alcohol (Wikler exert antianxiety or anxiety-reducing (anxiolytic) 1973). Both neuroadaptive models incorporate effects that reduce aggressive behavior normally the concept of change in reward function that exhibited by laboratory animals in conflict situa- accompanies the development of alcohol or drug tions. This anticonflict effect correlates well with dependence (sensitization and counteradaptive these drugs’ ability to act as anxiolytics in humans mechanisms) (Koob 1996). in a clinic or treatment setting (Sepinwall and Cook 1978) and may be a major component of the reinforcing actions of these drugs. Reinforcement and Withdrawal Although the study of the mechanisms for the The sedative and anxiety-reducing effects of physical signs of alcohol withdrawal can provide sedative-hypnotics are associated with facilitation clues to the nature of the neuroadaptive responses of the GABAA receptor (Richards et al. 1991), that chronic alcohol exposure produces, the but the actions of sedative-hypnotics on this emotional or affective aspects of alcohol with- receptor are complex. These drugs do not bind drawal have the most motivational relevance directly to the GABA-binding site on the GABAA (Koob and Le Moal 1997). The two major receptor; instead, they appear to bind to other categories of responses that reflect motivational sites on the GABAA receptor complex, through measures are anxiogenic-like responses (those that which they facilitate activation of the receptor produce anxiety or stress) and changes in reward by GABA. Support for the role of the GABA

116 Neurobiological and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Chronic Alcohol Drinking

Table 1: Agents shown to suppress alcohol withdrawal

Neurotransmitter Dependent system Agent measure Reference

Physical Signs GABAergic Seizures Crabbe 1992 Abecarnil Seizures Crabbe 1992

Serotonergic Tremor Meert 1994 Mianserin Tremor Meert 1994 Tremor Meert 1994

Dopaminergic Haloperidol Tremor Meert 1994

Noradrenergic Tremor Meert 1994

Glutaminergic antagonist Tremor, rigidity Adams et al. 1995 MK 801 Seizures Grant et al. 1990; Morrisett et al. 1990 Glycine antagonists Seizures Hoffman and Tabakoff 1994 Polyamine antagonists Seizures Kotlinska and Liljequist 1996

Adenosine A-1 antagonist Tremors, seizures Concas et al. 1994 Gangliosides Tremors, seizures Snell et al. 1996

Neurosteroidal 3α-Hydroxy-5α-pregnan- Seizures Finn et al. 1995 20-one

Motivational Signs GABAergic Open field Meert 1994 Open field Moy et al. 1997 Social interaction File et al. 1989, 1992 Shuttle box avoidance Criswell and Breese 1993 Alcohol self-administration Roberts et al. 1996 in dependence

Serotonergic Ritanserin Open field Meert 1994 Mianserin Open field Lal et al. 1993; Meert 1994 5-HT3 antagonists Plus maze Costall et al. 1990 Social interaction File et al. 1993

Noradrenergic Propranolol Open field Meert 1994

Neuropeptidergic Corticotropin-releasing Plus maze Baldwin et al. 1991 factor antagonist receptor in association with alcohol’s anxiety- (Meert 1994). Numerous other neurotransmitter reducing effects is found in studies showing that systems have been implicated in the anxiogenic- the anxiogenic-like effects of alcohol withdrawal like effects of alcohol withdrawal, including are blocked by administration of GABA agonists serotonergic, noradrenergic, and neuropeptidergic

117 Chapter 2: Alcohol and the Brain: Neuroscience and Neurobehavior

systems (see table 1) (Baldwin et al. 1991; Costall effects on voltage-gated ion channels, particularly et al. 1990; Criswell and Breese 1993; File et al. sodium and calcium channels (Fitzgerald and 1989, 1992, 1993; Koob et al. 1994; Lal et al. Nestler 1995). These actions occur only with 1993; Meert 1994; Moy et al. 1997; Rassnick extremely high BAC’s and do not appear to be et al. 1993; Sarnyai et al. 1995). involved in the reinforcing actions of alcohol, but they may contribute to the severe nervous system Compromised Reward: Clues From Other depression, even coma, that often accompanies Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs severe intoxication. Studies of the neuropharmacologic basis for Other Neurotransmitters the anxiolytic properties of sedative-hypnotics provided some of the first clues to the reinforcing In addition to its initial effects on the GABAA properties and abuse potential of these drugs and NMDA receptors, alcohol may influence (Koob and Britton 1996). Research demon- several other neurotransmitter systems in the strating the ability of GABA antagonists to reverse brain that are believed to be involved in alcohol’s many of the behavioral effects of alcohol led to reinforcing properties. Neurochemical systems, the hypothesis that GABA has a role in the such as the serotonergic and opioid peptide intoxicating effects of alcohol (Frye and Breese systems, likely contribute to the mediation of 1982; Liljequist and Engel 1982). More alcohol’s reinforcing actions; in fact, researchers recent studies have shown a reduction in self- have suggested that multiple neurotransmitters administration of alcohol among rats following combine to orchestrate the reward profile of microinjection of potent GABA antagonists into alcohol (Engel et al. 1992). (Opioid peptides are the brain, with the most effective area to date endogenous compounds, naturally occurring in being the central nucleus of the amygdala the body rather than externally supplied, with (Hyytia and Koob 1995). opiate-like activity.) A large body of evidence also implicates dopamine in the reinforcing The antagonist actions of alcohol toward the actions of low doses of alcohol that do not induce N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (a dependence. More specifically, studies show that receptor for the excitatory neurotransmitter dopamine receptor antagonists reduce lever glutamate) also appear to contribute to the pressing for alcohol in nondependent rats (Pfeffer intoxicating effects of alcohol (Hoffman et al. and Samson 1988). In addition, extracellular 1989; Lovinger et al. 1989) and perhaps to the dopamine levels have been shown to increase in dissociative effects (antisocial and aggressive nondependent rats self-administering low doses behaviors, memory and learning deficits) seen of alcohol (Weiss et al. 1992). in people with high BAL’s (Tsai et al. 1995). As with the effect of sedative-hypnotics on the Further research suggests that modulation of GABAA receptor, alcohol inhibits the functioning various aspects of serotonergic transmission, of the NMDA receptor not by blocking the including increases in the synaptic availability glutamate binding site but via a more complex of serotonin (5-HT), blockade of 5-HT reuptake, effect on the receptor unit; this complex inter- and blockade of certain 5-HT receptor subtypes, action decreases the glutamate-induced flux can decrease alcohol intake (Sellers et al. 1992). of sodium and calcium through the receptor 5-HT3 receptor antagonists appear to decrease channel, which, in turn, interferes with neurons’ self-administration of alcohol (Fadda et al. 1991; ability to transmit information (Fitzgerald and Hodge et al. 1993), and 5-HT2 receptor Nestler 1995). (Other sections in this chapter antagonists, including some agents with both discuss in detail alcohol’s effect on the NMDA 5-HT2 receptor antagonist action and 5-HT1A receptor.) Whether alcohol’s effect on the receptor activity, selectively decrease acute NMDA receptor also contributes to alcohol’s alcohol reinforcement (Roberts et al. 1998). reinforcing effects remains to be established. Several double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical Alcohol can also exert more general inhibitory studies (studies in which neither the investigator

118 Neurobiological and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Chronic Alcohol Drinking nor the study participant knows which treatment al. 1992). Several studies indicate that abnormal the participant is given) have reported that control (dysregulation) of pituitary adrenal selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) function persists during early abstinence (Costa produced modest decreases in alcohol consump- et al. 1996; Kreek 1987; Kreek et al. 1984; tion in humans (Naranjo et al. 1990). One such Muller et al. 1989). Both stress and repeated inhibitor, fluoxetine (Prozac), has been shown to administration of glucocorticoids can augment reduce depressive symptoms and alcohol con- the behavioral effects of psychostimulants, and sumption in depressed alcoholics (Cornelius et al. some researchers have hypothesized that circulat- 1997), but it may be of limited use in preventing ing glucocorticoids can function to maintain a relapse in nondepressed alcoholics (Janiri et al. sensitized state (Piazza and Le Moal 1996, 1997). 1996; Kranzler et al. 1995). The findings of clinical trials using SSRI’s have been equivocal CRF function outside of the pituitary-adrenal (Johnson et al 1999). axis (the complement of interactions between the pituitary and adrenal glands) also appears to be The opioid receptor antagonists, naloxone and activated during acute withdrawal from alcohol naltrexone, also reduce alcohol self-administration and many other major drugs of abuse (, in several animal models, implicating opioid opiates, cannabinoids) and, thus, may mediate peptide systems in acute alcohol reinforcement behavioral aspects of stress associated with (Hubbell et al. 1991). However, some data abstinence (Heinrichs et al. 1995; Koob et al. suggest that antagonists of specific opioid receptor 1994; Richter and Weiss 1999; Rodriguez de subtypes in certain brain regions might have more Fonseca et al. 1997). How this activation selective effects (Hyytia 1993). Of note are contributes to the decreased reward associated double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials in with acute withdrawal or prolonged abstinence which naltrexone significantly reduced alcohol remains to be determined (Koob and Bloom consumption, frequency of relapse, and craving 1988; Koob and Le Moal 1997). for alcohol in humans (O’Malley et al. 1992; Volpicelli et al. 1992). These data suggest that Alcoholism: Lasting Changes in the Brain alcohol’s interactions with opioid neurotrans- mission may contribute to certain aspects Research into the molecular and cellular mech- of alcohol reinforcement, particularly those anisms of alcohol dependence has begun to focus important to the motivation associated with on changes in neurochemical systems known to relapse. be highly sensitive to the acute effects of alcohol. A large body of evidence has documented that The same neurotransmitter systems implicated chronic alcohol administration reduces GABA- in the acute reinforcing effects of alcohol may ergic neurotransmission. be changed by withdrawal from chronic alcohol administration. The changes associated with Prolonged alcoholism also is associated with a withdrawal include decreased dopaminergic decreased ability of alcohol to potentiate GABA- and serotonergic transmission in the nucleus stimulated chlorine flux, which alters GABA’s accumbens (Rossetti et al. 1992; Weiss et al. 1996) normal inhibitory effects on neuronal activity and and decreased GABAergic and increased NMDA transmission of information (Frank et al. 1972; glutaminergic transmission (Fitzgerald and Nestler Morrow et al. 1988). However, in the absence 1995; Roberts et al. 1996; Weiss et al. 1996). of evidence of a decreased number of GABA receptor sites following long-term exposure to alcohol (Karobath et al. 1980), it appears that Stress-Related Systems alcohol may instead alter the composition or As mentioned above, pituitary adrenal function function of GABAergic receptors. Subsequent is also activated during dependence and acute research has demonstrated that chronic alcohol α α withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs of abuse intake can decrease expression of the 1– 5 in humans (Guaza and Borrell 1984; Roberts et subunits of the GABA complex in the cerebral

119 Chapter 2: Alcohol and the Brain: Neuroscience and Neurobehavior

cortex (Devaud et al. 1995; Mhatre et al. 1993) GABAA subunits and the specific aspects of the as well as other subunits (Devaud et al. 1997; motivation for excessive alcohol consumption Tabakoff and Hoffman 1996). Interestingly, outlined above provides a challenge for future chronic intermittent exposure to alcohol results research. in a long-lasting “kindling” effect, in which the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal increase in Other modifications in receptor function severity with repeated episodes of intoxication following protracted alcohol exposure include and multiple attempts to stop drinking; this changes in calcium ion channels. In animals, effect is paralleled by an increase in the GABAA calcium ion channel antagonists have been shown α 4 subunit (Mahmoudi et al. 1997). to attenuate alcohol withdrawal symptoms, particularly those associated with physical signs Chronic alcohol consumption is also associated and seizures (Colombo et al. 1995; Watson and with increases in specific subunits (NR1 and Little 1997). Histologic (tissue and cell) studies NR2A) of NMDA receptors (Trevisan et al. indicate that alcohol withdrawal excitability in 1994). For example, long-term exposure to the hippocampus involves increased activity of alcohol has been shown to upregulate (stimulate) calcium ion channels (Shindou et al. 1994). The NMDA receptor function in cultures of neurons ability of chronic alcohol exposure to increase from the cortex (Hu and Ticku 1995). Another protein kinase C activity could, in turn, regulate study showed that chronic alcohol treatment calcium ion channels and the expression of genes increased the number of NR2A and NR2B for these channels (Messing et al. 1990, 1991). messenger ribonucleic acid subunits—a signal Finally, alcohol withdrawal results in decreases in that the cell is synthesizing the proteins encoded the firing rate and firing pattern of dopaminergic by ribonucleic acid—during withdrawal but not cells in the VTA area of the mesolimbic dopamine prior to withdrawal (Follesa and Ticku 1995). system (Diana et al. 1995). Although calcium Consistent with these observations, prolonged ion channel antagonists have shown promise in alcohol intake enhanced NMDA-stimulated nitric animal studies, additional research is needed to oxide formation without causing an increase in establish the potential of these agents in humans the number of receptors, suggesting the presence (Johnson et al 1999). of other possible receptor sites for alcohol to enhance NMDA receptor function (Chandler The persistent changes in alcohol reinforcement et al. 1997). Research suggests that nitric oxide, mechanisms that characterize addiction suggest a gas with neurotransmitter and neurotoxic that the underlying molecular mechanisms are actions, is the chemical mediator linking excit- long lasting. Indeed, considerable research is atory neurotransmission, a process that leads to focused on drug-related regulation of gene significant increases in intracellular calcium, and expression. For example, researchers have cell death. Alcohol withdrawal also results in hypothesized that two types of transcription increased extracellular concentrations of glutamate factors, CREB and novel Fos-like proteins in the striatum, a part of the brain where up- (termed chronic Fos-related antigens), may be regulation of the NR1 and GluR1 subunits of the possible mediators of chronic drug action (Hope glutamate receptor complex has been observed et al. 1994; Hyman 1996; Widnell et al. 1996). following long-term exposure to alcohol (Rossetti Transcription factors alter the expression of other and Carboni 1995). genes that may contribute to the long-lasting effects of neurotransmitters on alcohol tolerance Such findings link the neuroadaptive changes (Hoffman 1994; Szabo et al. 1996). Alcohol can in the glutamate complex to the motivational induce changes in c-fos in limbic structures in the systems implicated by pharmacologic and brain (Costa et al. 1996; Muller et al. 1989). The neurochemical studies (Ortiz et al. 1995). challenge for the future will be to relate regulation Defining the relationship between the molecular of a specific transcription factor, such as c-fos, to changes in alcohol-receptive elements such as the specific features of drug reinforcement in

120 Neurobiological and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Chronic Alcohol Drinking connection with specific histories of drug The neurotransmitter AVP is localized in the administration. hypothalamus and basal forebrain; alteration of vasopressin systems influences learning and Tolerance memory. Administration of a selective AVP antagonist to alcohol-tolerant mice produced Tolerance to the reinforcing actions of alcohol an increased rate of loss of tolerance, which is also may contribute to excessive drinking. As opposite the effect of exogenously (externally) with most studies of withdrawal, until recently, administered AVP (Szabo et al. 1988). One studies of tolerance have focused largely on more recent study found that an antagonist to physical measures, such as loss of the righting the transcription factor c-fos blocked the ability reflex and impairment of motor coordination. of AVP to maintain alcohol tolerance (Szabo Evaluation of the neural substrates associated with et al. 1996). motivational measures of tolerance suggests that these mechanisms may differ from the neural Another possible mechanism of tolerance, substrates linked with the physical signs of hypothesized from a cell culture model, involves tolerance. alcohol-induced changes in the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signaling system, with Researchers have hypothesized that the neural roles for the enzymes protein kinase A, protein substrates for alcohol tolerance may overlap phosphatase, and protein kinase C. (See the significantly with those associated with acute sections “Setting the Stage: The Structure and withdrawal because tolerance and withdrawal Function of Neurons” and “From Cell Membrane sometimes appear to be components of the same to Nucleus: The Effects of Alcohol on Brain neuroadaptive process. Tolerance also depends on Neurons” earlier in this chapter for additional learning processes, as has been well documented information about these signaling systems and in the context of alcohol (Young and Goudie proteins.) For example, the inhibition of adeno- 1995). Molecular mechanisms for tolerance that sine uptake by certain cell cultures exposed to appear to overlap with those for dependence alcohol (Krauss et al. 1993; Nagy et al. 1990) (Nestler et al. 1993) include increases in intra- requires cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity. cellular calcium and protein kinase activity that (Adenosine is a compound with numerous occur in the presence of alcohol and also appear functions, among them that of an inhibitory to produce increases in transcription factors, such neurotransmitter.) Inhibition of protein kinase A as c-fos and c-jun. Acute moderate doses of activity, in turn, mimics alcohol tolerance (in alcohol also induce the expression of c-fos in which alcohol no longer inhibits adenosine the extended amygdala, resulting in apparent uptake), which can be prevented by inhibiting tolerance with repeated dosing (Ryabinin et al. protein phosphatase activity (Coe et al. 1996a). 1997). Mechanisms for these learning processes may involve several neurotransmitters inde- In another study, activation of protein kinase C pendent of their role in acute withdrawal, also was shown to produce the characteristics of including norepinephrine and 5-HT (Tabakoff tolerance in naive cells (cells not previously and Hoffman 1992), glutamate (Collingridge exposed to alcohol), while inhibition of protein and Singer 1990; Khanna et al. 1992, 1994), kinase C activity during chronic exposure to and arginine vasopressin (AVP) (Hoffman 1994). alcohol prevented the development of tolerance (Of note is that mice with a disrupted subtype of (Coe et al. 1996b). Again, the challenge for the 5-HT receptor [5-HT1B knockout mice] future studies will be to identify and understand developed less tolerance than mice with the intact how these specific cellular systems undergo the receptor but developed the same level of physical changes that are responsible for tolerance to dependence [Crabbe et al. 1996].) motivational effects of alcohol.

121 Chapter 2: Alcohol and the Brain: Neuroscience and Neurobehavior

Sensitization hypothesized from results of studies showing that administration of NMDA receptor antagonists The repeated administration of drugs, including blocks the development of sensitization to alcohol, can result in an enhancement of their psychomotor stimulants (Karler et al. 1989; Wise behavioral effects, particularly if the treatment 1988). The locomotor activation produced by regimen involves intermittent, noncontinuous acute doses of alcohol in mice does appear to administration (Phillips et al. 1989). Sensitiza- depend on dopaminergic mechanisms (Koechling tion has been observed in association with the et al. 1990). How the neuropharmacologic locomotor effects of alcohol in mice but changes observed with intermittent exposure to not rats; this association is also highly dependent stimulants relate to sensitization of the motor- on the strain of mouse being studied, suggesting activating effects of alcohol and the potential a strong genetic component to sensitization sensitization to the rewarding effects of alcohol (Phillips et al. 1997). Studies of the neuro- remains a challenge for future studies. chemical substrates for sensitization have focused primarily on increased activity in the mesocorti- Another form of sensitization that has gained colimbic dopamine system (Stewart and Badiani significant clinical interest and that may con- 1993; Wise and Leeb 1993). Research suggests a tribute to excessive drinking and vulnerability time-dependent chain of neurobiological changes to relapse is the enhanced withdrawal responses within this system that lead to sensitization observed during repeated intoxication and (Henry and White 1991; Kalivas and Stewart withdrawal, known as a “kindling” effect because 1991; White and Wolf 1991), with the likely site of its similarity to the kindling of brain seizures of action identified as the dopamine-producing (Ballenger and Post 1978; Becker et al. 1997; cells in the VTA. One of these studies showed Kokka et al. 1993). Mice exposed chronically to that repeated administration of cocaine produced alcohol vapors (to produce dependence) and then a decrease in the sensitivity of dopamine D2 subjected to repeated withdrawal episodes showed autoreceptors (dopamine receptors on a cell that progressive increases in the intensity of with- itself releases dopamine); dopaminergic function drawal seizures (Becker and Hale 1993; Becker et was enhanced with subsequent injections (White al. 1997). Rats subjected to repeated withdrawal and Wolf 1991). Although the time course of from chronic alcohol also showed a kindling dopaminergic subsensitivity was only 4 to 8 days, effect on seizure activity. This kindling effect behavioral sensitization persisted for weeks. subsequently was blocked by administration of More prolonged effects that last for weeks include diazepam, a drug that enhances GABA activity changes in the nucleus accumbens, such as super- (Ulrichsen et al. 1995), and has been linked to sensitivity of D1 receptors and changes in second- decreases in GABA receptor-mediated inhibition messenger systems (internal cell signaling) (Koob A (Kang et al. 1996). The challenge for future and Nestler 1997), suggesting that the initial research will be to test the hypothesis that these events triggered in the VTA are followed by more kindling phenomena extend to motivational prolonged neurochemical adaptations. In measures of alcohol-seeking behaviors. addition, increased release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens accompanies the increased behavioral responsivity to psychomotor stimulants Relapse such as cocaine or alcohol (Kalivas and Stewart The study of neurobiological mechanisms 1991). associated with relapse has been limited. Animal models for the study of alcohol relapse are under Stressors can also cause sensitization to stimulant development (Koob 1995). Neuropharmacologic drugs; research suggests an important role for the agents that activate the mesocorticolimbic dopa- hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal stress axis and the mine system can rapidly reinstate drug self- extrahypothalamic CRF system in stress-induced administration in trained animals, but this sensitization to psychostimulant drugs (Koob activation can be extinguished through intra- and Cador 1993). In addition, a role for brain venous self-administration of alcohol (de Wit glutamate systems in sensitization has been

122 Neurobiological and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Chronic Alcohol Drinking and Stewart 1981; Stewart and de Wit 1987). VTA, resulting ultimately in disinhibition Chronic alcohol administration with a liquid (Spanagel and Zieglgansberger 1997). diet to induce dependence has been shown to produce increases in - and cocaine- Identifying and understanding the neurological induced locomotor activity up to 2 months after substrates and the biochemical and molecular exposure to alcohol (Manley and Little 1997). mechanisms underlying relapse following These findings suggest that a history of depen- abstinence from alcohol should facilitate the dence may produce a sensitization of the meso- development of treatments and/or therapeutic limbic dopamine system. Consistent with this agents that will reduce or eliminate the likelihood conclusion is the observation that psycho- of relapse. stimulant drugs can potentiate conditioned reinforcing effects produced by alcohol (Slawecki References et al. 1998). Adams, M.L.; Sewing, B.N.; Chen, J.; Meyer, Research using other animal models, cell systems, E.R.; and Cicero, T.J. Nitric oxide-related agents and drugs is limited but shows some promise. alter alcohol withdrawal in male rats. Alcohol Clin Acamprosate, a drug being marketed in Europe Exp Res 19(1):195–199, 1995. to prevent relapse in alcoholics, blocks the increase in drinking observed in nondependent Alheid, G.F., and Heimer, L. New perspectives in rodents after a forced abstinence (Heyser et al. basal forebrain organization of special relevance 1996, 1997; Holter et al. 1997; Spanagel and for neuropsychiatric disorders: The striatopallidal, Zieglgansberger 1997; see also the section amygdaloid, and corticopetal components of “Treatment of Alcohol Dependence With substantia innominata. Neuroscience 27(1):1–39, Medications” in the chapter on treatment 1988. research). Acamprosate may modulate glutamate activity, possibly by enhancing the effects of American Psychological Association. The glutamate under certain situations (Madamba et Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental al. 1996) and inhibiting glutamate activation in Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC: American other situations (Spanagel and Zieglgansberger Psychological Association, 1994. 1997; Zeise et al. 1993). Baker, T.B., and Cannon, D.S. Potentiation Similarly, opioid antagonists have been shown of ethanol withdrawal by prior dependence. to prevent an increase in drinking of alcohol Psychopharmacology 60(2):105–110, 1979. by animals following their exposure to certain stressors (Volpicelli et al. 1986). Subsequent Baldwin, H.A.; Rassnick, S.; Rivier, J.; Koob, studies demonstrated naltrexone’s efficacy in G.F.; and Britton, K.T. CRF antagonist reverses preventing relapse in alcoholics who had the “anxiogenic” response to ethanol withdrawal undergone detoxification (O’Malley et al. 1992; in the rat. Psychopharmacology 103(2):227–232, Volpicelli et al. 1992). Naltrexone may act by 1991. modulating some aspect of the mesolimbic dopamine reward circuitry, either presynaptically Ballenger, J.C., and Post, R.M. Kindling as a or postsynaptically (Spanagel and Zieglgansberger model for alcohol withdrawal syndromes. Br J 1997). For example, some studies have reported Psychiatry 133:1–14, 1978. that naloxone administered through a micro- dialysis probe in the nucleus accumbens inhibits Becker, H.C.; Diaz-Granados, J.L.; and alcohol-induced dopamine release (Benjamin et Weathersby, R.T. Repeated ethanol withdrawal al. 1993; Widdowson and Holman 1992). Other experience increases the severity and duration of studies have shown that naloxone blocks the subsequent withdrawal seizures in mice. Alcohol inhibitory effect of endogenous opioids on 14(4):319–326, 1997. GABA-releasing neurons in the dopaminergic

123 Chapter 2: Alcohol and the Brain: Neuroscience and Neurobehavior

Becker, H.C., and Hale, R.L. Repeated episodes Colombo, G.; Agabio, R.; Lobina, C.; Reali, R.; of ethanol withdrawal potentiate the severity of Melis, F.; Fadda, F.; and Gessa, G.L. Effects of the subsequent withdrawal seizures: An animal model calcium channel antagonist darodipine on ethanol of alcohol withdrawal “kindling.” Alcohol Clin withdrawal in rats. Alcohol Alcohol 30(1): Exp Res 17:94–98, 1993. 125–131, 1995.

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