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Seizure 22 (2013) 589–600

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Molecular mechanisms of antiseizure activity at GABAA receptors

L. John Greenfield Jr.*

Dept. of Neurology, University of Arkansas for Medical , 4301W. Markham St., Slot 500, Little Rock, AR 72205, United States


Article history: The GABAA receptor (GABAAR) is a major target of antiseizure (ASDs). A variety of agents that act at

Received 6 February 2013

GABAARs s are used to terminate or prevent . Many act at distinct receptor sites determined by

Received in revised form 16 April 2013

the subunit composition of the holoreceptor. For the , , and ,

Accepted 17 April 2013

actions at the GABAAR are the primary or only known mechanism of antiseizure action. For ,

, , losigamone and , GABAAR modulation is one of several possible


antiseizure mechanisms. , a metabolite that enhances GABAAR function,


led to the development of . Other agents modulate GABAergic ‘‘tone’’ by regulating the


synthesis, transport or breakdown of GABA. GABAAR efficacy is also affected by the transmembrane

Antiepileptic drugs

gradient, which changes during development and in chronic . This may provide an

GABA receptor

Seizures additional target for ‘‘GABAergic’’ ASDs. GABAAR subunit changes occur both acutely during status

Chloride channel epilepticus and in chronic epilepsy, which alter both intrinsic GABAAR function and the response to

GABAAR-acting ASDs. Manipulation of subunit expression patterns or novel ASDs targeting the altered

receptors may provide a novel approach for seizure prevention.

ß 2013 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Seizures frequently result from an imbalance of excitation and central water-filled pore, which gates to conduct Cl when

inhibition due to a failure of inhibitory . Most GABA is bound (Fig. 1). Individual subunit subtypes confer


agents that enhance GABAA receptor (GABAAR) function have different sensitivities to GABAAR modulators including BZs ,

13 14

antiseizure properties due to their ability to increase inhibitory loreclezole and ions (Table 1).

tone. The evidence linking epilepsy with GABAARs are the target not only of the BZs, but other ASDs


dysfunction of GABAergic inhibition is substantial, and has been including barbiturates and agents like and


extensively reviewed . that increase GABA concentration at the . and

, which are GABAAR antagonists, induce seizures in

1. GABAARs and epilepsy

animals and epileptiform activity in brain slice preparations.

Several animal models of epilepsy have altered GABAAR number or

GABAARs are pharmacologically complex, with binding sites for 1,2,15

function . GABAAR subunit expression is altered in the

benzodiazepines (BZs), barbiturates, , general anes- 16

hippocampi of experimental animals with recurrent seizures

thetics, loreclezole, and the convulsant toxins, picrotoxin and 17,18

and in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy . Angelman’s

bicuculline. subunits from seven different subunit fami-

5 6 syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated

lies assemble to form pentameric transmembrane chloride

with severe mental retardation and epilepsy, which is linked to a

channels (Fig. 1). In mammals, 16 subunit subtypes have been 20

7 8 deletion mutation on chromosome 15q11-13 in a region

cloned, including 6 a, 3 b and 3 g subtypes, as well as d, p , e and 21

9 encoding the GABAAR b3 subunit . Two mutations in the g2

u and alternatively spliced variants of the b2 and g2 subtypes. 22 23 24

10 subunit that impair GABAAR function , K289 M and R43Q ,

Subunit expression is regulated by region, cell type and

11 have been linked to a human syndrome of childhood absence

developmental stage , reducing the number of isoforms

epilepsy and febrile seizures, and a loss-of-function mutation in

expressed in specific brain regions and individual . The

the a1 subunit causes autosomal dominant Juvenile Myoclonic

most common composition includes two a1, two b2 and a single 25

Epilepsy . The R43Q mutation in the g2 subunit reduces BZ

g2 subunit; the d subunit is found instead of g in receptors 26 27–29

sensitivity by altering GABAAR assembly and trapping the

expressed extrasynaptically. The subunits are arranged around a 30

receptor in the endoplasmic reticulum . Other point mutations in

GABAAR subunits have also been associated with generalized

(see Fig. 2). Hence, GABAAR modulation by GABAergic

* Tel.: +1 501 686 7236; fax: +1 501 686 7850.

E-mail address: ljgreenfi[email protected] ASDs is likely critical to their antiseizure activity.

1059-1311/$ – see front matter ß 2013 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seizure.2013.04.015

590 L.J. Greenfield Jr. / Seizure 22 (2013) 589–600

Fig. 1. Model of a GABAA receptor in the plasma membrane. A. A space-filling model of the pentomer in side view (A) and top view (B) based on the high sequence homology

with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. There are two binding sites for GABA, between a and b subunits (bent arrows), and one for BZs between the alpha and gamma

subunits (arrow). C. A schematic view shows the topology of each subunit with a large extracellular loop containing a cysteine loop and 4 transmembrane domains (M1-M4),

the second of which forms the chloride channel. Binding of GABA allows the channel to open and conduct Cl ions, resulting in the fast inhibitory post-synaptic potential

(IPSP). D. Putative arrangement of 5 subunits to form a pentamer with central chloride channel lined by the M2 subunit. [Derived from the published structure: RCSB PDB


Database PDB ID: 2BG9 from Unwin, N. (2005) . Images modified from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GABA_A_receptor, used with permission (public domain)].


2. Benzodiazepines and . In 1965, was first used to treat status


epilepticus in . was introduced in the 1970’s


BZs were initially developed as agents in the 1950’s. primarily as an ASD, and , a 1,5 , was

31 35

Chlordiazepoxide was introduced in 1960, followed by diazepam later developed as an ASD with less effect. However, the

Table 1

Antiseizure Drugs and their GABAAR Effects.

Anti-seizure drug Subunit specificity Site of action GABAAR action Other mechanisms

Benzodiazepines a1–3, a5; g a/g interface, Left shift of GABA Possible increased

a1(H101) C/R curve, " GABAAR channel conductance

open frequency

Zolpidem a1 > a2,3; g a/g interface ‘‘ ’’


Barbiturates b subunits? M3 residues? " channel open time & Use-dependent Na channel block

burst duration

Loreclezole b2, b3 B2(N289) -like? inhibits GABAAR at " concentration

Ganaxolone a, b, d, # with e a1(Q241) Barbiturate-like, also " Open channel block at high conc.

open frequency

+ 2+

Topiramate a6 > a4 > a1-a2? unknown Enhanced GABA currents Na /Ca channel block, AMPA/kainate

receptor block

Felbamate unknown unknown Barbiturate-like Blocks NMDA receptor currents

Retigabine unknown unknown Increased GABA IPSCs Opens KCNQ2/3 potassium channels


Losigamone unknown unknown Enhanced GABA Use-dependent Na channel block

receptor current

Stiripentol a3, # with b1, e unknown Barbiturate-like CYP450 inhibition

Vigabatrin GABA transaminase increases [GABA] –


Gabapentin, Glutamic decarboxylase " GABA synthesis? a2-d subunit of voltage-gated Ca channel

+ 2+

Valproic Acid Glutamic acid decarboxylase " GABA synthesis? block of Na , T-type Ca channels

Tiagabine GAT-1 (GABA transporter) Blocks GABA reuptake

L.J. Greenfield Jr. / Seizure 22 (2013) 589–600 591


Fig. 2. Model of a prototype GABAAR subunit (based on a1 subunit diagram from Olsen & Tobin, 1990) showing approximate locations of point mutations associated with


generalized epilepsies (see also Macdonald et al., 2012 ) in black, and locations of point mutations associated with ASD sites of action. See text for details.

induction of tolerance limits their use as ASDs. The 1,5 BZs may receptor with high affinity for the , , defining the


produce less tolerance than the 1,4 BZs, but tolerance to 1,5 BZs ‘‘BZ-1’’ (or V-1) receptor type. The a2 and a3 subunits result in


does occur. receptors with moderate zolpidem affinity, termed BZ-2 receptors.

BZ activity at GABAARs is a function of the drug’s affinity for the GABAARs containing the a5 subunit and/or the g3 subunit are

BZ binding site and its intrinsic allosteric effect on the GABAAR. The sensitive to diazepam but not to zolpidem and are termed BZ-3

efficacy of individual compounds varies widely. Most BZs in receptors. GABAARs with the a4 or a6 subunits are insensitive to

clinical use are full that maximally enhance GABAAR most BZs.

activity. , a competitive antagonist used to reverse BZ- The subunit composition not only determines the affinity for


induced , binds to the BZ site without affecting GABAAR particular BZs, but also the clinical/behavioral effect of the BZ at

39 40 41

function. , , and are ‘‘partial that receptor. The role of the a subunits in BZ pharmacology was

agonists’’ at the BZ site which have antiseizure efficacy in animal revealed by the discovery of a single histidine (H) residue found in


models and appear less prone to tolerance. Several b-carbolines all BZ-sensitive a subunits (H101 in the rat a1 subunit), but not in


are ‘‘inverse BZ agonists’’ that inhibit GABA binding and can the BZ-insensitive a4 or a6 subunits, which instead have a


induce seizures or . charged arginine (R) residue. This H residue was discovered in a

Antiseizure Activity. BZs are effective against most experimental strain of ‘‘-non-tolerant’’ rats, which were found to have a

seizure types, but individual drugs vary in their potency/efficacy in spontaneous point mutation in the a6 subunit (R100Q) that made


specific seizure models and their other clinical effects. BZs are their a6-containing GABAARs (found mostly in the cerebellum)

particularly effective against convulsive seizures induced by diazepam-sensitive, accounting for their and BZ intoler-

46 53

and less effective against tonic seizures ance. Mutation of R100 to H in a6 dramatically increased BZ


induced by maximal electroshock. BZs also slow the develop- binding in this normally insensitive subunit, while mutation of

48 52

ment of kindling. H101 to R in a1 reduced BZ sensitivity. BZ-insensitive a subunit

GABAAR Subunits and BZ Pharmacology. BZ augmentation of mutations were subsequently ‘‘knocked-in’’ to identify BZ

GABAAR currents requires a g subunit, and the selectivity of BZ actions at receptors containing that subunit. In homozygous


responsiveness is determined by which a subunits are present. a1(H101R) knock-in mice, the anxiolytic effect was intact, but

The BZ binding site is located in a cleft between the extracellular BZs were not protective against pentylenetetrazol-induced


amino termini of the a and g subunits. The a1 subunit results in a convulsions and did not produce sedation or , suggesting

592 L.J. Greenfield Jr. / Seizure 22 (2013) 589–600

that binding to the (wild type) a1 subunit is responsible for surface of inside-out patches prevented the diazepam-induced


sedative, amnestic and antiseizure actions. Moreover, the increase in conductance, they hypothesized that the apparent

sedative-hypnotic, zolpidem, showed no sedative effect in single channel conductance changes induced by BZs are due to


a1(H101R) mice. Unfortunately, these findings underscore synchronized openings of multichannel clustered GABAARs via

the association between sedative and antiseizure efficacy at a1- concerted action through the interacting cytoplasmic loops of


containing GABAARs. Similarly, the anxiolytic and myorelax- conjoined receptors. Such interactions might occur through


ant properties of BZs appear to derive from a2- and a3- shared transmembrane domains between interacting receptors,


containing GABAARs, while the a5 subunit was critical for as observed in G-protein-coupled receptors. This hypothesis


amnestic effects. BZs may also have a true analgesic effect could be addressed using concatenated subunits, chimeras and

independent of their sedative and anxiolytic actions, associated other strategies. However, synchronization of multiple identical


with the a2 and a3 more than a5 subunits. Since there is no channels by such a mechanism should still require a discrete 9 pS

evidence of biophysically distinct effects of BZs on receptors unitary conductance of which the larger conductance states are

composed of different a subunits, the different behavioral effects integer multiples, which has not been reported.

are likely due to the brain regions and neuronal populations

expressing these specific GABAAR isoforms. New a2/a3 subunit- 3. Barbiturates


selective BZs appear to be anxiolytic but not sedating, and non-


sedating antiseizure BZs that do not induce tolerance may also was synthesized by Emil Fischer at Bayer in 1911

be possible. and introduced as an ASD by Alfred Hauptmann in 1912. Its


BZ Actions at GABAARs. BZs increase the amplitude or decay tendency to produce sedation and cognitive slowing or confusion,


time of GABA-mediated inhibitory post-synaptic potentials as well as paradoxical hyperactivity in children, has curtailed its

64 77

(IPSPs). Current noise fluctuation analysis and single channel use in favor of more modern alternatives. In addition to their


studies demonstrated that the BZs increased the opening enhancement of GABAAR currents, barbiturates also inhibit


frequency of the GABAAR chloride channel. In patch-clamp repetitive firing at neuronal sodium channels

recordings of CNS neurons, BZs produce a leftward shift of the by reducing fractional open time and shifting the potential of half-

66 79

concentration-response curve for GABA, due to an increase in the maximal opening towards hyperpolarized potentials. These

affinity for GABA at its binding site, with no change in the kinetics actions contribute to both their antiseizure action and their


of channel gating or single channel conductance. In contrast, an adverse effect profile.

inverse at the BZ site reduced the channel opening When co-applied with low concentrations of GABA, barbitu-

frequency for a given GABA concentration. These findings are rates increased the mean open time, but had no effect on the


consistent with binding studies showing the allosteric interaction lengths of 3 distinct open state durations. The increase in mean

between the BZ and GABA binding sites. By increasing the affinity open time resulted from fewer openings in the shorter two

of the receptor for GABA through slowing the unbinding rate, the durations (O1 and O2) and more long duration (O3) openings.

BZs increase the current produced by low GABA concentrations, There was also an increase in long burst durations, but no change

but not by high GABA concentrations at which receptor binding is in the single channel opening frequency or in the closed


saturated, as observed in the synaptic cleft . Thus, BZs generally frequency duration histogram. The increase in channel open

do not increase the amplitude of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic time results in greater chloride current flux and increased

currents (mIPSCs) from individual , but instead prolong likelihood that channel openings will summate, producing larger


the mIPSC decay phase by slowing the dissociation of GABA from inhibitory currents. In the absence of GABA, high concentrations


the receptor. Prolongation of the mIPSC increases temporal and of (EC50 0.33 mM) and phenobarbital (EC50 3 mM)

spatial summation of multiple synaptic inputs, which in turn directly activated GABAAR chloride currents with lower efficacy


increases the amplitude of stimulus-evoked polysynaptic IPSCs. (smaller maximal currents) than GABA . Barbiturate-activated

The BZs thus increase the inhibitory ‘‘tone’’ of GABAergic synapses, GABAAR currents were blocked by bicuculline and picrotoxin,

which reduces the hypersynchronous firing of populations and at high concentrations both phenobarbital and pentobarbi-


that underlies seizures. tal produced open channel block that rapidly terminated the

An alternative mechanism for BZ enhancement of GABAAR induced currents. The concentrations involved in both direct

currents has been proposed based on the controversial finding activation and open channel block are far higher than usual

that BZs progressively increase GABAAR ‘‘single channel’’ conduc- therapeutic levels, thus the main antiseizure mechanism is likely


tance. Unlike prior reports of a 27 pS main conductance level the GABAAR allosteric effect in concert with synaptic and

65 70

and a 19 pS subconductance level, Eghbali et al. found extrasynaptic GABA.

conductance levels ranging from 8 to 53 pS in response to GABA Unlike the BZs, barbiturate sensitivity does not require a

alone, and 70–80 pS in the presence of diazepam, with up to 7-fold specific subunit composition. Homomeric b1 receptors expressed

increase in conductance observed when diazepam was added. The in Xenopus oocytes were directly activated by pentobarbital even

increases in conductance were seen predominantly in cell- though they were not responsive to GABA; these currents were


attached patches onto neurons expressing native receptors, but blocked by picrotoxin or but not bicuculline.

were also observed in outside-out patches. They found similar Pentobarbital also induced current in both a1-b3 and b3

71 84

increases in channel conductance induced by pentobarbital, homomeric GABAARs. At saturating GABA concentrations,

72 73 74

neuroactive , , and GABA itself. The same pentobarbital markedly potentiated a1-b3-d currents, increasing

75 85

group subsequently found that high conductance (>40 pS) desensitization and single channel open duration, suggesting

GABAAR channels were not observed in recombinant a1-b1-g2 that barbiturates may be particularly effective at enhancing tonic

GABAARs expressed in L929 cells, nor was conductance increased GABAAR currents at extrasynaptic sites activated by low GABA

by diazepam unless the GABAAR-associated protein (GABARAP) concentrations. The e subunit, which increases spontaneous


was also co-expressed, apparently facilitating clustering of GABAAR channel openings, significantly reduced but did not


GABAAR through its interaction with the cytoplasmic completely eliminate barbiturate responsiveness when co-

loop of the g2 subunit as occurs at synapses with native receptors. expressed with a and b subunits. These findings suggest that

Since mimicking the intracellular g2 loop (g2 381–403) barbiturate sensitivity does not require either an a or a g subunit

self-associate, and application of this to the cytoplasmic as it is present in b homomeric receptors; however, presence of

L.J. Greenfield Jr. / Seizure 22 (2013) 589–600 593

the d or e subunits that substitute for g can dramatically modify found to inhibit r1 homomeric GABAC receptors with an IC50 of

barbiturate responsiveness by altering the efficacy of GABA for 0.5 mM, which was proposed as a rapid means of pharmacological


activating the channel. identification of these receptors.

Chimera and mutagenesis studies have identified domains and

residues that contribute to barbiturate action, though in less detail 5. Ganaxolone

than for the BZs. Mutation of the proline (P228A) in the first

transmembrane domain of the b1 subunit reduced barbiturate Ganaxolone (3a-OH-3b-methyl-5a-pregnan-20-one) is the

enhancement of GABA-evoked currents in a1-b1-g2L GABAARs 3b-methylated synthetic analog of the , allopregna-

while increasing apparent GABA affinity, without otherwise nolone, a natural metabolite of progesterone that allosterically


altering single channel kinetics. A chimera study using enhances GABAAR current. It has a broad range of antiseizure


constructs created from the amino terminal end of the b3 subunit activity in animal epilepsy models including seizures induced

and the carboxyl terminal end of the r1 subunit, which forms by bicuculline, t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS, a high

homomeric GABAC receptors that are insensitive to barbiturates, affinity for the GABAAR picrotoxin site), aminophylline and

found that residues of the b3 subunit involved in pentobarbital corneal kindling, and is well tolerated and effective against

binding to GABAARs are located downstream from the middle of seizures in humans. Ganaxolone is currently under evaluation for


the M2 region. Similarly, mutation of a r1 tryptophan (W328) in partial onset seizures. It may have special utility in women with

the third transmembrane domain to a hydrophobic residue catamenial epilepsy who have increased seizures during periods of

produced both allosteric and direct channel activation by low progesterone in the menstrual cycle, as well as in children with 90 101

pentobarbital. infantile spasms.

The antiseizure effect of neurosteroids is not due to action at the

4. Loreclezole progesterone receptor (PR), as exogenous allopregnanolone pre-


vented seizures in PR knockout mice. Moreover, progesterone’s

Loreclezole has antiseizure activity in a variety of seizure antiseizure effect requires metabolism to allopregnanolone, as it

models, acting more like a barbiturate than a BZ in that the was blocked by finasteride, a 5a-reductase inhibitor that blocks

increase in seizure threshold produced by loreclezole was allopregnanolone synthesis from progesterone. Hence, the antisei-

potentiated rather than blocked by the BZ antagonist, flumaze- zure effect of allopregnanolone (and ganaxolone) is mediated by


nil. In the hippocampal slice, loreclezole, potentiated paired GABAARs.


pulse inhibition and inhibited epileptiform discharges induced Specific neurosteroids can allosterically modulate GABAAR

2+ 2+

by low Ca or low Mg . Loreclezole strongly potentiated activity, either positively or negatively, via distinct binding sites


recombinant GABAARs containing a b2 or b3 subunit but did on GABAARs. Since a variety of GABAAR-interacting

93 105

not enhance currents from b1-containing receptors. A single hormones are synthesized in the brain, these agents represent

asparagine residue (b2(N289) or b3(N290)) at the cytoplasmic endogenous modulators of GABAAR function. Allopregnanolone is

end of the 2nd transmembrane domain confers sensitivity to synthesized in two steps from progesterone: 5a-reductase


loreclezole; this amino acid is a serine in the b1 subunit. converts progesterone to 5a-dihydroprogesterone, then 3-a–

Mutation of b1S290 to N conferred loreclezole sensitivity to b1- hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase reversibly converts 5a-dihydro-

containing GABAARs, while mutation of b2N289 or b3N290 to S progesterone to 3a-OH-5a-pregnan-20-one (allopregnanolone).

eliminated loreclezole enhancement. When both b1 and b3 were Addition of the 3b-methyl group on ganaxolone does not alter

co-expressed in the same receptor, loreclezole sensitivity was binding to GABAARs, but prevents further metabolism of the 3a-

95 100

abolished, suggesting a dominant effect of the b1 subunit. OH group and thus prolongs its GABAAR-modulating actions.

Coexpression with different alpha subunits altered the degree of Ganaxolone enhanced GABA and BZ binding via positive allosteric


loreclezole potentiation (a1 = a2 = a3 > a5 > a4); expression modulation of GABAAR activity, and at nanomolar concentrations

of a5 and b3 with the p subunit reduced loreclezole potentia- potentiated GABA-evoked currents at a1-b1-g2L, a2-b1-g2L or


tion, while a1-b3-e receptors showed normal loreclezole a3-b1-g2L GABAARs expressed in Xenopus oocytes, while direct


enhancement. activation of chloride flux occurred to a limited extent only at


At higher concentrations (> 6 mM) loreclezole caused micromolar concentrations.

concentration-dependent inhibition of GABAAR currents by The effects of GABAAR-enhancing neurosteroids on single


enhancing the rate of apparent desensitization. The effect channel GABAAR currents were studied using

was inconsistent with open channel block as it was voltage (5a-androstan-3a-ol-17-one) and (5b-pregnan-

independent, non-competitive, and increased with increasing 3a-ol-20-one) but likely apply to other positive steroid

GABA concentration. The BZ site was not involved as the GABAAR modulators including ganaxolone. Like the barbitu-

inhibition was not antagonized by flumazenil and did not require rates and loreclezole, these agents increased the proportion of

a g subunit. This finding has important clinical implications, since openings to the two longer open states (O2 and O3) without

inadvertent high levels of drug could inhibit rather than enhance altering the intrinsic durations of those states, and produced


GABAAR function and potentially trigger seizure activity. longer burst durations. There was no change in single

Loreclezole inhibited a1-b1-g2L GABAAR currents that were channel conductance. Unlike the barbiturates, however, the

not potentiated by low concentrations of loreclezole, suggesting neurosteroids also increased single channel opening frequency

separate sites for enhancement and inhibition. At the single and reduced closed time durations in all but the shortest closed

channel level, high loreclezole concentrations decreased a1-b1- time distributions (thought to represent intraburst closures).

g2L mean open time by decreasing the average durations of the At high concentrations (10 mM), both agents reduced open

open states, and also increased the occurrence of a 20 ms closed channel durations consistent with open channel (‘‘flickering’’)

state. Loreclezole inhibition was equally effective when applied block.

to the intracellular side of the receptor, suggesting that its The subunit selectivity of GABAAR-enhancing neurosteroids


inhibitory binding site was accessible from both sides of the was initially controversial. An early study of recombinant

membrane, and pre-application of loreclezole prior to GABA receptors expressed from combinations of a1, a6, b3, g2 and d

inhibited the subsequent GABAAR current, indicating that showed loss of neurosteroid responsiveness with combinations

binding did not require an open channel. Loreclezole was also containing the delta subunit. There was also reduced sensitivity of

594 L.J. Greenfield Jr. / Seizure 22 (2013) 589–600

cerebellar granule neurons to neurosteroids later in in vitro topiramate’s site of action on GABAARs is independent of the BZ


development, when d subunit expression increases. These findings site. Subunit selectivity studies have been inconsistent.

were interpreted as showing inhibition of neurosteroid respon- Topiramate (1–100 mM) reversibly inhibited Cl currents evoked

siveness by inclusion of the d subunit. However, mice in which the by 1–10 mM GABA in Xenopus oocytes expressing a1-b2-g2S and

d subunit was knocked out showed decreased behavioral a2-b2-g2S GABAARs, and reduced the apparent desensitization


sensitivity to neurosteroids. Moreover, in receptors composed (‘‘current-fading rate’’) in a1-b2-g2S-expressing oocytes, but

of a1 or a6, b3 and either g2L or d, the greatest potentiation by potentiated GABA-evoked Cl currents and increased the desensi-

tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (THDOC) was seen in a1-b3-d tization rate in a6-b2-g2S GABAARs, with no effect on a4-b2-g2S


GABAARs. At high concentrations (1 mM), THDOC inhibited this receptors or mixed population GABAARs expressed from rat brain


isoform. There is currently consensus that d subunit-containing mRNA. In contrast, another study found that topiramate could

receptors are more sensitive to neurosteroid enhancement, though both potentiate and directly activate b2 or b3-containing


other subunits are also involved in mediating neurosteroid actions. heteromeric GABAARs, with greatest effect on a4-b3-g2S;


Presence of the a6 subunit reduced neurosteroid sensitivity. positive or negative effects on b1-containing GABAARs depended

THDOC (1 mM) enhanced a1-b3-d more than a6-b3-d currents, on the co-expressed alpha subunit. Additional studies are needed

but increased the extent of desensitization and prolonged to clarify the site and mechanism of action.

deactivation for both receptor isoforms; a1-a6 and a6-a1

chimeras (spliced in transmembrane domain M1) suggested that 6.2. Felbamate

differences in deactivation rate and its voltage-dependence

correlated with N-terminal domains, while the extent of desensi- Felbamate was launched as a promising novel ASD in 1993 with

tization and its voltage-dependence correlated with C-terminal an uncertain mechanism of action, but its use was curtailed after

111 126 127

domains. In dentate granule cells from epileptic animals, an early reports of aplastic anemia and hepatic failure.


increase in a4 subunit expression was associated with decreased Felbamate inhibited binding of the GABA antagonist [ H]T-BOB


neurosteroid enhancement. In receptors composed of one a with a regional pattern different from that produced by GABA


subunit (from a2 through a5), b2 and g2S, neurosteroid agonists, bicuculline, zinc or neurosteroids, and enhanced

potentiation was dependent on the conserved residue GABA-elicited Cl currents in cultured cortical neurons. Felbamate

(a1(Q241)) in the first transmembrane domain of the respective a enhancement was not blocked by flumazenil, and felbamate did


subunit. The d subunit did not affect neurosteroid binding but not affect pentobarbital potentiation or PTX inhibition of GABA-

likely influenced the efficacy of neurosteroid potentiation. Muta- evoked currents, suggesting an independent site of action. It

tion of a1Q241 to L abolished neurosteroid potentiation, while prolonged the mean burst duration of GABA-activated single


mutation to W mimicked the effect of steroids and prevented channel currents, suggesting a barbiturate-like effect. Felba-

further augmentation; the neighboring S240 residue also partici- mate also blocked N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor cur-

114 130

pated in steroid binding. A subsequent study using concatenat- rents, an alternative possible antiseizure mechanism. Derivative

ed subunits demonstrated that a single functional binding site (not compounds including fluorofelbamate and that are

disrupted by the Q241 mutation) was sufficient for neurosteroid not associated with hematopoietic or hepatic toxicity may revive

115 131

modulation. interest in felbamate–like agents.

6. GABAAR effects of other ASDs 6.3. Ezogabine

6.1. Topiramate Ezogabine (also known as retigabine) is a novel ASD effective in

a variety of animal models. Its primary effect is enhanced

Topiramate is a heterotricyclic sulfamate with several mecha- activation of heteromeric potassium channels composed of the


nisms of action including inhibition of sodium and calcium KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 subunits which underlie the ‘‘M current’’

channels, inhibition of carbonic anhydrase, and augmentation of that is a major determinant of resting and

GABA-evoked currents. Topiramate’s effects on GABAARs may neuronal excitability. However, ezogabine also dose-dependently

contribute both to its antiseizure efficacy and its side effect profile and reversibly potentiated GABAAR-dependent IPSC peak ampli-


including memory problems, fatigue and psychomotor slowing. It tude, decay times and total charge transfer. EPSCs were

is approved for partial and generalized seizures, the Lennox unaffected, and paired pulse depression was unchanged, suggest-

Gastaut syndrome, and migraine. ing a post-synaptic effect at GABAARs. Ezogabine potentiated

Topiramate inhibited voltage-gated sodium channels, with a GABA-induced currents in rat cortical neurons in a concentration-

116 132

left shift of the steady state inactivation curve resulting in dependent fashion at 10 mM and above. This action was not

intermittent blockade of sustained repetitive action potential antagonized by flumazenil, indicating a non-BZ site of action.


firing during prolonged . It also blocked repetitive Subunit dependence and binding site are not known.

firing in hippocampal CA3 neurons from spontaneously epileptic

rats, and reduced excitatory post-synaptic potentials and 6.4. Losigamone

responses to bath-applied glutamate, suggesting blockade of


post-synaptic glutamate receptors, affecting kainate-evoked Losigamone is a novel ASD which inhibited the persistent


but not NMDA-evoked currents. Topiramate also inhibited both component of sodium currents in hippocampal neurons at

120 134

L-type and non L-type high voltage activated calcium currents depolarized potentials, suppressed sustained repetitive firing

and reduced production via inhibition of carbonic and decreased the frequency of spontaneous action potentials

121 135

anhydrase, which may contribute to its antiseizure effect. without affecting miniature post-synaptic current amplitudes.


Topiramate (10 mM) enhanced chloride flux into cerebellar Losigamone stimulated Cl influx into spinal cord neurons in the


granule neurons stimulated by 10 mM GABA, but did not absence of GABA, and potentiated Cl influx stimulated by


significantly increase chloride influx alone. It also enhanced submaximal GABA concentrations; both effects were blocked by


GABA-evoked currents in cultured cortical neurons that were bicuculline or picrotoxin. Losigamone did not affect the specific

3 3 35

insensitive to the BZ, clonazepam, and clonazepam-potentiated binding of [ H]GABA, [ H]flunitrazepam, or [ S]t-butyl-bicyclo-

GABA currents in topiramate-insensitive neurons, confirming that phosphorothionate (TBPS) to their receptors, and there was

L.J. Greenfield Jr. / Seizure 22 (2013) 589–600 595

no difference in the effect of the + or –stereoisomers or the racemic hippocampal slices, tiagabine alone induced a significant

mixture. The site of action at GABAARs is unknown. chloride conductance, suggesting that GAT-1 activity controls


the basal level of extracellular GABA. Tiagabine prolonged

6.5. Stiripentol hippocampal IPSC duration in a lamina-specific fashion, with

greater effect in stratum radiatum (167%) than stratum oriens


Stiripentol is as an adjunct ASD which was thought to act by (115%). Tiagabine reduced the frequency of epileptiform


inhibiting cytochrome P450 involved in metabolism of discharges in hippocampal slices exposed to low Mg or 4-


conventional ASDs. Recently, stiripentol was found to enhance aminopyridine. The ability of tiagabine to prolong GABA

recombinant GABAAR currents, with greater potentiation of a3- currents was preserved in hippocampal slices from pilocarpine-

containing receptors and reduced potentiation with the b1 or e treated epileptic rats, hence the GAT-1 transporter remains a


subunits. It caused a leftward shift in the GABA concentration- functional target for regulating GABA levels in this model of


response relationship without increasing maximal GABA-evoked temporal lobe epilepsy. Tiagabine was effective as an adjunct

currents, and did not involve sites associated with neurosteroid or agent against partial onset seizures, though its prolonged


loreclezole potentiation. Saturating barbiturate sites with titration period, requirement for multiple daily doses and CNS

pentobarbital occluded stiripentol enhancement, and stiripentol side effect profile (dizziness, tremor, , mood dis-


increased the duration but not the frequency of opening of GABAAR turbances and rare psychotic symptoms) have limited its use.


channels, suggesting a barbiturate-like mechanism.

6.10. Vigabatrin

6.6. GABA-enhancing agents

Vigabatrin (g-vinyl-GABA) has a unique mechanism of action,

An additional mechanism for enhancing GABAAR-mediated functioning as a ‘‘suicide inhibitor’’ of GABA transaminase, the

inhibition involves increasing the concentration or duration of primary for GABA catalysis. This leads to permanent

GABA in the synaptic cleft and perisynaptic/extrasynaptic sites. inhibition of the affected enzyme, requiring synthesis of new

Enhancing GABA synthesis or blocking its reuptake or catabolism GABA transaminase and hence prolonging the biological half-life


could prolong GABA IPSPs and increase perisynaptic spill-over, beyond its pharmacokinetic half-life of 8 hours. It is effective


increasing tonic/extrasynaptic GABA currents which likely play a against complex partial seizures, Lennox–Gastaut syndrome

major role in seizure prevention. and West Syndrome, for which it has become an alternative to

156 157

ACTH particularly in children with tuberous sclerosis.

6.7. and pregabalin Vigabatrin increases the extracellular concentrations of GABA

158 159

both in vitro and in vivo. The anti-seizure effects of

Gabapentin was designed as a GABA analog, and some studies increasing GABA concentration may be complex. Biphasic

have suggested that it modulates the action of the GABA synthetic responses to vigabatrin administration have been observed, with


enzyme, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and the glutamate an early proconvulsant effect. A biphasic effect was also seen on

synthesizing enzyme, branched-chain amino acid transaminase, after-discharge duration with an early facilitation of the limbic


resulting in increased GABA synthesis. Gabapentin increases pattern of epileptiform discharge and later suppression at higher


non-synaptic GABA responses from neuronal tissues in vitro and doses. Elevated GABA concentrations may increase neuronal


increases GABA levels in brain. Its other (likely primary) mode of synchronization, particularly of thalamic neurons in absence

action involves binding to the a2-d binding site on L- or P/Q-type epilepsy, and there have been several reports of vigabatrin

presynaptic voltage-gated calcium channels, presumably inhibit- worsening absence seizures or precipitating absence status

141 162

ing excessive neurotransmitter release by interfering with epilepticus.


calcium channel functional expression or trafficking . Pregaba- A major limitation to the use of vigabatrin is the relatively high

lin, which binds to the a2-d calcium channel subunit with higher incidence of vision disturbance associated with chronic use. In 21

potency, may have similar mechanisms of action. Most studies of 30 children treated with vigabatrin who were screened for vision


emphasize the calcium channel as the primary site, though a disturbances despite no report of visual symptoms, 4 had visual


contributory effect on GABA metabolism is possible. field constrictions, which did not improve after discontinuation of


the drug. One study associated visual disturbances with


6.8. Valproic acid infantile spasms rather than the drug. The prevalence of vision

problems ranged from 10 to 40% of pediatric and adult patients


Valproic acid may affect GABA production, among other ASD exposed to vigabatrin. This adverse effect may be directly

mechanisms. caused non-significant increases in cere- related to elevated GABA concentrations, as hippocampal neurons


bral GABA levels but elevated brain GAD activity significantly. grown in depolarizing conditions (25 mM KCl) showed 20% loss of

Valproic acid increased GABA synthesis and release in brain MAP-2-positive neurons in the presence of vigabatrin, which was


regions including substantia nigra, which is thought to be mimicked by GABA (100 mM) and blocked by bicuculline or

147 166

involved in the control of seizure generation and propagation. It picrotoxin. The cellular mechanism of this toxicity is not

also reduced the release of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid and entirely clear, but in situations in which GABA is depolarizing,

attenuated neuronal excitation induced by NMDA-type glutamate excessive GABA could promote calcium entry through L-type

147 167

receptors. Additional ASD mechanisms include enhancing (slowly desensitizing) voltage-gated calcium channels, which in


sodium channel inactivation (like ) and reducing T-type turn could result in activation of caspases and cell death.

2+ 148

Ca channel currents (like ), perhaps explaining

its utility against both partial onset and absence seizures. 7. Excitatory GABAA currents

+ +

6.9. Tiagabine Early in CNS development, neurons express the Na /K /Cl


cotransporter, NKCC1, rather than the K /Cl cotransporter, KCC2,

Tiagabine is a derivative of nipecotic acid that binds to the which is expressed in adult neurons. NKCC1 increases intracellular

presynaptic GAT-1 GABA transporter and blocks GABA reuptake, Cl resulting in a depolarizing Cl , while KCC2

without acting as a ‘‘false neurotransmitter.’’ In control exports Cl yielding the hyperpolarizing Cl reversal potential

596 L.J. Greenfield Jr. / Seizure 22 (2013) 589–600


found in adult neurons. As a result, activation of GABAARs may In the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy, the a1


be excitatory during early development. Excitatory GABAAR subunit in dentate granule neurons was downregulated and a4


currents may play a trophic role in neuronal migration and subunit was upregulated, while in younger (postnatal day 20)

171 172 191

connectivity, but may also contribute to epileptogenesis. animals, the a1 subunit was increased after status epilepticus.

Endogenous GABA appears to be proconvulsant in early postnatal GABAAR subunit changes after pilocarpine-induced status are

rat hippocampal slices, as GABAA antagonists blocked epileptiform associated with altered physiological properties including reduced

+ 173

activity induced by depolarization with high external [K ] . neurosteroid sensitivity and an increase in a4-containing recep-


However, BZ and barbiturate antiseizure efficacy appear to be tors colocalized with synapses rather than extracellular sites.

intact, likely because persistent opening of GABAAR channels (in Such changes might contribute to the propensity for spontaneous

the presence of allosteric agents) may reduce the depolarizing seizures or alternatively represent a functional adaptation to

chloride reversal potential, resulting in ‘‘shunt’’ inhibition. reduce seizure expression. Substitution of a1 with a4 might

Alternatively, subthreshhold GABA-evoked depolarization may reduce synaptic (phasic) but increase extrasynaptic (tonic)


inactivate sodium channels and prevent action potential firing. inhibition, and BZ sensitivity would be lost in a4-containing

The current through GABAAR channels can also be altered by receptors. Using an adenovirus vector to insert the a1 subunit gene


changes in intracellular bicarbonate, [HCO3 ], which can flow driven by the a4 promoter resulted in a decrease in seizure


through the channel. Changes in [HCO3 ] may underlie reduced frequency, suggesting that the GABAAR subunit changes were

176 192

synaptic GABA currents during development of BZ tolerance. contributory toward epileptogenesis. Hence, altering GABAAR

Depolarizing GABAAR currents may also be a source of interictal subunit expression in brain regions critical to seizure development

spike activity, as observed in epileptic subiculum neurons in may provide a new therapeutic strategy for seizure prevention.

hippocampal brain slices from patients with temporal lobe Alternatively, novel ASDs targeting the specific epilepsy-associated


epilepsy. Changes in the GABA current reversal potential might subunit composition might provide a less invasive approach

also explain why diazepam can be less effective in children with toward seizure control.


epileptic encephalopathies, and rarely can cause status epilep- Long term exposure to the GABAAR allosteric agents


ticus in patients with the Lennox Gastaut syndrome. themselves can alter GABAAR composition and function. In rat

Bumetanide, an inhibitor of NKCC-1 used clinically as a potent pups exposed to therapeutic concentrations of diazepam or

loop diuretic, has been proposed as an adjunctive agent to reduce phenobarbital from postnatal day 10 through 40, then tapered

intraneuronal chloride accumulation and reverse the depolarizing for 2 weeks and euthanized on postnatal day 90 showed

chloride gradient that makes GABAARs excitatory, particularly in increased mRNA expression in dentate granule neurons for


the neonatal setting. Bumetanide improved the responsiveness GAT-1, 3 and 4, GABAAR subunits a4, a6, b3, d and u and GABAB

of hippocampal slices to phenobarbital in reducing epileptiform receptor subunit R1, and decreased mRNA expression for GAD65,

2+ 180 193

discharges induced by low Mg , and also suppressed electro- GAD67 and GABAAR subunits a1 and a3. Tolerance- and


graphic seizures in neonatal rats. Depolarizing GABA currents dependence-associated changes in GABAAR subunit composition

194,195 196,197

may occur in cortical more than subcortical brain regions, possibly with chronic use of BZs and barbiturates have been

explaining the electroclinical uncoupling that occurs with pheno- reported, and may reflect tolerance to either the antiseizure or


in neonatal seizures. adverse CNS effects. However, these findings suggest that not

Bumetanide has been used successfully in a single reported only seizures, but their prolonged treatment with GABAergic


human neonate with seizures, and a agents, can alter inhibitory neuronal function for extended

(NCT00830531) is in progress. However, elimination of the periods or even permanently, with possible cognitive and

depolarizing Cl gradient during development may have adverse behavioral consequences that must be considered when

consequences; a permanent reduction in AMPAR-mediated contemplating chronic GABAergic ASD use.

excitatory neurotransmission and sensorimotor gating deficits


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