Brain Research Reviews, 11 (1986) 157-198 157 Elsevier

BRR 90048

Enduring Changes in Brain and Behavior Produced by Chronic Administration: A Review and Evaluation of Animal Models of Amphetamine Psychosis

TERRY E. ROBINSON and JILL B. BECKER Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Laboratory Building, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, M148104-1687 (U.S.A.)

(Accepted December 31st, 1985)

Key words: amphetamine -- -- -- -- catecholamine -- schizophrenia -- amphetamine psychosis -- animal model -- striatum-- stress-- sex difference -- conditioning-- neurotoxicity -- stereotypy -- autoreceptor

CONTENTS 1. Introduction ...... 158

2. The effects of continuous amphetamine administration on brain and behavior (amphetamine neurotoxicity) ...... 159

3. The behavioral consequences of repeated intermittent amphetamine administration (behavioral sensitization) ...... 160 3 1. The major characteristics of behavioral sensitization ...... 161 3.1.1. Behavior ...... 161 3.1.2. Injection paradigm ...... 163 3.1.3. Sex differences ...... 163 3.1.4. Summary ...... "...... 164

4. Behavioral sensitization and amphetamine neurotoxicity as animal models of amphetamine psychosis ...... 164

5. The biological basis of behavioral sensitization ...... 167 5 1. Drug dispositional/peripheral hypotheses ...... 167 5_2 Drug-environment conditioning hypotheses ...... 167 5.3. Neural hypotheses ...... 169 5.3.1. The nigrostriatal dopamine system ...... 169 5.3_1.1. Evidence for postsynaptic changes ...... 169 5.3.1_2. Evidence forpresynapticchanges ...... 172 Dopamine autoreceptor subsensitivity ...... 176 Other hypotheses ...... 179 5.3.2. The mesolimbic and mesocortical dopamine systems ...... 179 5.3.3. Other neurotransmitter systems ...... 182 5.3.3 1. Opiate peptide-dopamine interactions ...... 182 5.3.3_2. ...... 182 ...... 183 Amino acids ...... 183 5.4. The neural basis of behavioral sensitization: conclusions and a hypothesis ...... 184

6. Generalizability of sensitization ...... 185 6.1. and stress ...... 185 6.2. Sex differences, stimulants and stress ...... 186

7. Conclusions ...... 187

Correspondence." T.E. Robinson, The University of Michigan, Neuroscience Laboratory Building, 1103 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1687, U.S.A.

0165-0173/86/$03.50 © 1986 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division) 158

8. Summary ...... 188 Acknowledgements ...... 188 References ...... 189

1. INTRODUCTION nence 248'3°2 (cf. ref. 99). There are also anecdotal re- ports that 'physical or psychological stress' can pre- The use of drugs to decrease fatigue and cipitate a psychotic episode in 20-25% of former to heighten physical and mental abilities began when AMPH addicts 3°2'3°3. This suggests that chronic people first identified plants with these properties. AMPH use produces a very long-lasting change in For example, in ancient China herbal teas were some neural system(s) involved in the psychotomi- brewed with plants containing , and coco metic effects of AMPH. leaves, the source of , were chewed in South These clinical observations generated considera- America by the ancestors of the Incas (see ref. 12 for ble interest in the effects of chronic AMPH adminis- an excellent historical review of central nervous sys- tration on brain and behavior in non-human animals, tem stimulants). Today, stimulant drugs such as the and in the development of animal models of AMPH- remain among the most widely used induced psychosis. There are now many studies and abused of the many psychoactive compounds showing that chronic AMPH administration has en- available. Although at one time amphetamine during consequences for behavior and brain function (AMPH) was prescribed in great numbers, for exam- in non-human animals, and one purpose of this paper ple as an anorexic in the treatment of obesity, its is to review this literature. However, even a cursory medical use has been greatly curtailed in recent examination of the literature reveals that at least two years. AMPH is now usually prescribed only for the different paradigms have been used to study the ef- treatment of narcolepsy and childhood hyperkinesis. fects of chronic AMPH administration. With one Nevertheless, illicit AMPH is still widely available paradigm, elevated brain concentrations of AMPH and extensively used for its ability to decrease fa- are maintained for a few days, either by the continu- tigue, elevate mood and produce euphoria 96 (AMPH ous administration of AMPH or by multiple repeated will be used to refer collectively to D-, L-, DL- and injections of high doses. The other paradigm involves meth-amphetamine). the repeated intermittent administration of AMPH, However, it is not fully appreciated that AMPH is usually by discrete daily injections of relatively low also a potent psychotomimetic. In some schizophren- doses. Since it will become obvious that these two ics it can rapidly intensify psychotic symptoms, and if paradigms produce different effects on brain and be- a patient is in remission AMPH may precipitate a havior, studies relevant to each will be reviewed sep- psychotic episode 265,275. In fact, an AMPH-induced arately. exacerbation of symptoms in medicated schizophren- Continuous AMPH administration produces a syn- ics is predictive of relapse following neuroleptic with- drome that will be called 'AMPH neurotoxicity'. The drawal 3°5. Perhaps the most dramatic effect of literature on AMPH neurotoxicity has been re- AMPH has been described in people who chronically viewed recently (e.g. ref. 81), and therefore will be use the drug. It has been well documented that non- only briefly summarized to provide a comparison psychotic individuals who repeatedly use AMPH with the effects of repeated intermittent AMPH ad- sometimes develop a psychosis that is very similar to ministration. The major portion of this paper will fo- paranoid schizophrenia ~s,32° (for reviews of AMPH cus on a phenomenon that will be called 'behavioral psychosis see refs. 124, 213, 264, 268, 275). This sensitization', which is produced by repeated inter- AMPH-induced psychosis usually dissipates upon mittent AMPH administration. In particular, an in- withdrawal from the drug, but former AMPH addicts depth and critical analysis of hypotheses concerning are reported to remain hypersensitive to the psycho- the biological basis of behavioral sensitization is pre- tomimetic effects of AMPH even after years of absti- sented. In addition, AMPH neurotoxicity and behav- 159 ioral sensitization are evaluated as animal models of es about as though stimulated on various parts of the AMPH psychosis. skin 'sx (p. 756). This behavior is similar to that re- The review is confined almost exclusively to stud- ported to sometimes accompany tactile hallucina- ies with AMPH, because much more is known about tions in AMPH addicts (e.g. ref. 253). AMPH than about other psychomotor stimulants. There are now many studies showing that continu- The enduring effects of cocaine have been reviewed ous AMPH treatment is neurotoxic, and that the ap- recently by R.M. Post 213'216. pearance of hallucinatory-like behavior in non-hu- man animals is accompanied by brain damage. It was 2. THE EFFECTS OF CONTINUOUS AMPHETAMINE originally thought that hallucinatory-like behavior ADMINISTRATION ON BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR (AM- was related to the inactivation of serotonin systems, PHETAMINE NEUROTOXICITY) but more recent evidence suggests it may be due to alterations in function s5'297. The con- AMPH addicts often ingest increasing quantities tinuous infusion of relatively low doses of D-AMPH of AMPH in 'runs' that can last 3-6 days, during via pellet implants has a fairly selective effect on the which time their behavior becomes increasingly dis- nigrostriatal DA system, resulting in a depletion of organized 165. Since blood levels of AMPH may re- striatal DA and its metabolites, a decrease in striatal main elevated during these 'runs', some investigators hydroxylase (TH) activity and a decline in have continuously administered AMPH to non-hu- the number of striatal DA receptors a2,s3'sS'2°°'229 (for man animals in an attempt to mimic this pattern of review see ref. 81). These effects are presumably due drug use. In this context the phrase 'continuous to degeneration of striatal DA terminals 77'82'2°3'23°. AMPH administration' refers to the maintenance of Similar damage to nigrostriatal DA neurons has been elevated blood levels of AMPH for a prolonged peri- reported following a single injection of D-AMPH or od of time (usually 3-6 days). This can be achieved in meth-AMPH in rats pretreated with iprindole, a drug one of 3 ways. The first is to implant a silastic pellet 117 which inhibits the metabolism of AMPH 94"2°7'284'285, or osmotic pump that slowly and continuously re- or following repeated injections of extremely high leases AMPH 19s.229`2sS. The second is by frequent re- doses of D-AMPH 2°3,287'3°s. peated systemic injections of high doses (e.g. refs. There are a number of factors that determine how 270, 308, 309), and the third by concomitant treat- regionally and neurochemically specific the neuro- ment with drugs, such as iprindole, that inhibit the toxic effects of continuous AMPH treatment are, in- metabolism of AMPH 94'2s4. As will be described, all 3 cluding: (1) the dose of AMPH, (2) the duration of methods can produce comparable effects on brain AMPH treatment, (3) the species, (4) the age of the monoamine systems and behavior. organism, (5) the type of AMPH used (D-, L-, DL-, or The behavioral changes associated with continu- meth-AMPH) and (6) prior drug history. For exam- ous AMPH administration have been reviewed re- ple, Steranka 2s5 studied the effects of infusing D- cently by Ellison and Eison sl (see also refs. 80, 83, AMPH for various periods of time on striatal DA. He 199,200, 231). Briefly, in rats there is an initial short gave rats a priming injection of 15 mg/kg of AMPH period of hyperactivity and then almost continuous (i.p.), and then continuously infused 1.36 mg/h via an intense stereotypy, followed by a period of inactivity. osmotic minipump. Six hours of infusion did not de- After 4-5 days, what has been described 'hallucina- plete striatal DA, 8 h produced a moderate depletion tory-like' behavior appears. The details of this hallu- and 16 h produced a marked depletion (approx. cinatory-like behavior depend on the species, but it is 50%). This depletion of striatal DA may be perma- similar to that seen after the administration of hallu- nent because it had not recovered 6 months later. In a cinogenic drugs, such as LSD 122'123. In the rat it is similar study, Ricaurte et al. 229 found that the contin- characterized by 'wet dog' shakes, limb flicks and ex- uous infusion of meth-AMPH via an osmotic pump cessive grooming and biting of the skin. This groom- (with no 'priming' injection) at a rate of 4 mg/day for ing and biting behavior is also pronounced in mon- 3 days produced toxic effects in the striatum. Howev- keys and may 'develop into episodes of parasitotic- er, lower doses, for example, 1 mg/day for 12 days, 2 like picking at the fur, during which the animal danc- mg/day for 6 days or 4 rng/day for 1.5 day, were not 160 sufficient to deplete striatal DA. Since the average tection against the neurotoxic effects of high doses rat in these studies weighed approximately 250 g it given later, an effect that may be partly due to can be concluded that in the rat AMPH is neurotoxic changes in the disposition of meth-AMPH 255. only if approximately 48 mg/kg is continuously ad- The mechanism by which continuous AMPH pro- ministered over 3 days (16 mg/kg/day229), or if 102 duces its toxic effects is not well understood. One mg/kg is given over 16 h 285. Schuster and Johanson z58 possibility is that 6-hydroxydopamine is formed from report that if D-AMPH is given to rats by discrete the massive quantities of DA released following high multiple injections a minimum of 12.5 mg/kg (s.c.) doses of meth-AMPH 256'27~. This idea is consistent twice a day for 4 days is required to deplete striatal with the observation that the integrity of the DA up- DA. take carrier is required for meth-AMPH to have its Whether D-AMPH is toxic to other monoaminer- toxic effects on striatal DA neurons TM. gic systems depends partly on how extreme the drug Although it has been argued here that the different treatment regimen is. Ridley et al. TM reported that treatment paradigms which continuously elevate vervet monkeys given D-AMPH in increasing doses brain levels of AMPH produce comparable effects on (from 4 to 12 mg/kg/day for 35 days) were depleted of brain and behavior, it should be remembered that norepinephrine (NE), serotonin and DA in the cau- they are not identical. For example, the neural date and cortex. In addition, striatal tyrosine hydrox- changes produced by the continuous infusion of low ylase activity was reduced and the turnover of all the doses from a pellet implant are not exactly the same monoamines decreased. Interestingly, striatal cho- as those produced by multiple repeated injections of line acetyltransferase and glutamine decarboxylase extremely high doses, and even the continuous infu- activity were normal TM. Cats seem to be especially sion with pellets vs pumps may produce slightly dif- sensitive to the neurotoxic effects of AMPH z9s. For ferent effects71. Therefore, there actually may be example, Levine et al. 179 found that caudate DA was more than one 'AMPH neurotoxicity syndrome'. 'depleted in cats for up to a year after only 3 injections Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the prolonged of 1, 2 and 4 mg/kg of D-AMPH, with each injection and sustained exposure to AMPH produces progres- separated by 10 days. This is probably due at least in sive changes in behavior that are associated with part to the much longer half-life of AMPH in cats brain damage. (6.5-8.5 h) than in rats (45-60 min; see ref. 268, The repeated intermittent administration of p. 147 for references). AMPH also produces progressive changes in brain Most studies on the neurotoxic effects of AMPH and behavior, but these are quite distinct from those have utilized its methylated form. Methampheta- produced by continuous AMPH treatment, and are mine (meth-AMPH) appears to be more toxic than discussed next. D-AMPH, and more non-selective. There are many reports of damage not only to striatal DA neurons 3. THE BEHAVIORAL CONSEQUENCES OF REPEAT- following sustained treatment with meth- ED INTERMITYENT AMPHETAMINE ADMINISTRA- AMPH 77'113'181'228'270'309, but also to serotonin and TION (BEHAVIORAL SENSITIZATION) NE systems, especially in cats 23"113'194'207'228'257'297'299. Nevertheless, there is still some selectivity. In adult Many of the initial studies on the effects of repeat- animals the striatum, olfactory tubercle and cortex ed AMPH administration were primarily concerned appear to be more sensitive to the toxic effects of with its potent effects on the autonomic nervous sys- meth-AMPH than the , hypothal- tem. It was found that with repeated administration, amus or median eminence; and cholinergic and gluta- rapid tolerance developed to AMPH's autonomic ef- minergic systems are not affected (e.g. refs. 23, 194, fects, including those on body temperature, blood 218,228). In immature gerbils frontocortical neurons pressure, heart rate and respiration. Tolerance to may be especially sensitive 3t°. Prior drug history also AMPH's anorexic effects were also observed (e.g. influences the toxicity of meth-AMPH. For example, for reviews see refs. 50,164,180). However, the first Schmidt et al. 257 found that pre-exposure to increas- studies on the motor stimulant effects of AMPH were ing doses of meth-AMPH provides considerable pro- equivocal concerning the development of tolerance 161

(e.g. refs. 68,262,321; for review see ref. 164). of forward locomotion, head movements, sniffing In the late 1960s, a re-examination of the effects of and rearing (i.e., the animal becomes generally hy- repeated AMPH treatment was prompted by de- peractive) and a concomitant decrease in the inci- scriptions of an evolving syndrome of progressively dence of other behaviors, such as grooming z19,251 (for bizarre stereotyped behavior produced by repeated, reviews see refs. 51, 120). If a low dose of AMPH is increasing doses of AMPH 73'75'76'79. It soon became administered, this general hyperactivity persists for apparent that there was not merely a lack of toler- the duration of the drug's action. With higher doses ance to the motor stimulant effects of AMPH, but the initial hyperactivity is soon followed by stereo- that the repeated intermittent administration of the typed behavior. During the stereotypy phase, loco- same dose of AMPH produced a progressive en- motion and rearing cease, the animal assumes a hancement in many behaviors. In addition, it was crouched posture and engages in continuous or near- found that this enhanced sensitivity to AMPH per- ly continuous repetitive head movements, forelimb sisted for very long periods of time following withdra- movements, sniffing, licking or biting. The intensity wal from the drug. For example, Magos 185 reported and duration of focused stereotyped behavior in- that in rats two injections of 6 mg/kg of D-AMPH creases with increasing doses of AMPH. given 2-5 weeks apart enhanced the behavioral ster- When a constant dose of AMPH is repeatedly and eotypy produced by a third injection given 4 weeks intermittently administered many (but not all) of the later. This treatment did not change the LDs0 for behaviors described above are progressively en- AMPH. Similarly, Wallach and Gershon 3H reported hanced or otherwise altered. For example, in animals that the daily administration of AMPH to rats, cats or that have been previously exposed to AMPH, subse- dogs enhanced the stereotypy produced by a subse- quent AMPH treatment produces: (1) more intense quent injection of a lower dose. stereotyped behavior; (2) a reduced time to the onset it is now well established that repeated intermit- of stereotypy following injection of AMPH; and/or tent injections of AMPH sensitize animals to its ster- (3) the development of stereotyped behavior follow- eotypy-producing effects 152'153"267. Since the early ing administration of a lower dose of AMPH than 1970s there have been many studies on the behavior- would usually produce stereotypy (e.g. refs. 49, 112, al consequences of repeated intermittent AMPH ad- 146,152,176, 177,185,263,267,316). However, the ministration (for reviews see refs. 17, 157, 158,210, stereotyped behavior produced by AMPH actually 216, 264, 268), and these will be summarized here consists of a complex array of discrete behavioral ele- only for the purpose of outlining the most salient fea- ments, and not all of these show the same pattern of tures of the behavioral phenomenon. The term be- sensitization. For example, in rats, sniffing and re- havioral sensitization will be used to refer to the pro- petitive head and limb movements show rapid sensiti- gressive and enduring enhancement in many AMPH- zation, but oral behaviors (licking and biting) do induced behaviors produced by the repeated inter- not 69,224. We recently confirmed these findings and mittent administration of AMPH. Other terms that the results are shown in Fig. 1 to illustrate the typical have been used to refer to the same phenomenon in- pattern of sensitization to the stereotypy-producing clude reverse tolerance, behavioral augmentation effects of AMPH (see also ref. 191). The effects of and behavioral facilitation. repeated AMPH treatment on oral behaviors may be especially complex. Eichler et al. 69 reported that 3.1. The major characteristics of behavioral sensiti- daily AMPH injections resulted in the development zation of tolerance to AMPH-induced stereotyped licking behavior over the first 21 days of treatment, followed 3.1.1. Behavior by the sensitization of licking behavior over the next The behavior produced by AMPH depends on a 44 days of treatment. number of factors, including the species and sex of The locomotion and rearing produced by low doses the subject, the dose administered and environ- of AMPH are similarly enhanced with repeated in- mental surroundings. In rats, an acute injection of termittent AMPH administration, but this may also AMPH initially produces an increase in the incidence result in the emergence of focused stereotypy. After 162

NOT ALL BEHAVIORAL ELEMENTS OF intense stereotypy; but not by any change in the du- STEREOTYPY SHOW SENSITIZATION ration of stereotypy (see Segal et al. TM for review). On the other hand, Eichler et al. 69 reported that daily 52 AMPH treatment produced a progressive increase in 28 the duration (and intensity) of stereotyped sniffing. Leith and Kuczenski ~77 have shown that it is possible 24 (..9 to dissociate different components of behavioral sen- Z 20 F- sitization within the same animal. They found that or" 16 I L I I I the decreased latency to the onset of stereotypy and

0_ the enhancement of post-stereotypy locomotor activ- )-. IO-D, ity seen with repeated AMPH developed at different I-- 0 rates and persisted for different periods of time. Fur- w 8- nr thermore, of 10 different strains of rats, all showed w 6 the decreased latency to the onset of stereotypy with repeated AMPH treatment, but only 5 showed an en- 2 r~ LIMBMvrS. ORAL MVTS. hancement in post-stereotypy locomotion 177. Some 12" ~ l l I i,. I I I of these differences between studies are probably re- I 5 5 9 I 5 5 9 lated to procedural differences, and especially to dif- NUMBER OF AMPHETAMINE INJECTIONS (5.0 rng/kg) ferences in how behavior is quantified. However, as pointed out previously 69A77"264, many may be real Fig. I. The effects of repeated intermittent injections of am- phetamine on stereotyped behavior. Adult female rats (Holtz- and reflect a multiplicity of neural changes. Obvious- man) received an i.p. injection of 3.0 mg/kg of o-amphetamine ly, it will be important to consider these aspects of be- sulfate in their home cage once every 3-4 days for a total of 9 havioral sensitization in trying to relate behavioral 'injections. Stereotyped behavior was rated at 10 and 30 rain fol- lowing the injection, and then every 30 min for a total of 150 sensitization to enduring changes in specific neural rain, following the first, 3rd, 5th and 9th injection. Overall ster- systems. eotypy was rated using the scale described by Dougherty and Although in most studies of behavioral sensitiza- Ellinwood 65, and the individual components of stereotyped be- havior as described by Rebec and Sega122~. Note the progres- tion, stereotypy or locomotor activity were quanti- sive increase in stereotyped sniffing, repetitive head and limb fied, it should be noted that the repeated administra- movements and overall stereotypy. In this experiment there tion of AMPH sensitizes many other behaviors as was no significant change in oral movements (mvts.) over time. well. These include: (1) rotational behavior, in either animals with unilateral damage to the nigrostriatal the emergence of stereotypy the enhanced locomo- system or animals without lesions66'67'24°'244; (2) tion and rearing produced by repeated AMPH treat- drinking behavior17-247'294 ; (3) intracranial self-stimu- ment are confined to the initial 'pre-phase' of hyper- lation217236; (4) acoustic startle behavior156't59; (5) activity, before the appearance of stereotypy, and cage climbing behavior in micel86; (6) tail pinch- the later 'after-phase' of hyperactivity, when the ef- induced behaviorlS; and (7) performance in a Y- fects of AMPH are in decline 22'110.176-177.267,273. It maze TM. In addition, repeated AMPH administra- should be noted that the pattern of locomotion pro- tion has been reported to progressively disrupt meas- duced by AMPH is not normal in all respects, but is ures of'selective attentfon' and 'latent inhibition' 56' 277 . itself abnormally stereotyped 223,252,264. The sensitizing effects of AMPH do not seem to be Although there is general agreement that stereo- species-specific. An enduring behavioral sensitiza- typed behavior and locomotion are augmented by re- tion to the repeated intermittent administration of peated intermittent AMPH treatment, not all re- AMPH has been reported in every mammalian spe- searchers have reported exactly the same profile of cies studied to date, including: rats, cats, guinea pigs, changes. For example, Segal and his colleagues have mice, non-human primates and humans (rats 49'112"145' typically found that the sensitization of stereotyped 176,17-7,185,224,240,263,267; cats88,31~; guinea pigs152,153; behavior is characterized by a decrease in the latency mice22"67js6'273'274; dogs3~; non-human primates 76, to the onset of stereotypy, and at some doses, more 95,231,232,303; and humansl°'~6s,24s'3°2). 163

3.1.2. Injection paradigm havioral sensitization 15 or 30 days after withdrawal The paradigm used to administer AMPH is an ex- from repeated AMPH treatment than after only 3 tremely important variable to consider in evaluating days of withdrawal. studies on sensitization (cf. ref. 147). It will be docu- The importance of allowing time between treat- mented below that many of the conflicting reports in ments, presumably for some change in the nervous the literature, particularly regarding the neural con- system to develop, has been discussed previously by sequences of repeated AMPH administration, can be Antelman and Chiodo ]6 and Post 21°'m (although, for traced to the enormous variety of treatment para- an incongruent report see ref. 87), These authors digms that have been used. have suggested that the closer together in time injec- One variable to be considered is the number of in- tions are given, the more likely tolerance will devel- jections. In most studies of sensitization AMPH is ad- op, and the less likely sensitization will occur. Of ministered (i.p. or s.c.) once or twice daily for 1-2 course, giving injections too close together in time, weeks. However, there is tremendous variation especially when large doses are used, is functionally around this 'average'. For example, AMPH has been equivalent to continuous administration and will pro- administered for up to 9 months, by injection, or in duce AMPH neurotoxicity. In order to evaluate re- the food or water (e.g.1°9'125'2°5"231; see Table 3 in ref. ports of sensitization, it is critical to exclude studies in 210). But it is not necessary to repeatedly administer which toxic AMPH injection regimens were used AMPH for long periods of time to produce behav- (see below). ioral sensitization_ In fact, one injection is sufficient. Behavioral sensitization has been reported follow- A single injection of AMPH has been reported to en- ing the repeated administration of both very low hance the stereotypy 4°'83'26~, drinking behavior ]7, (<1.0 mg/kf 4°) and very high (10 mg/kg 273) doses of and rotational behavior 67'24°'244 produced by a subse- AMPH, and therefore this does not seem to be a cru- quent injection of AMPH given weeks later. Never- cial variable 2]°. More robust changes may be pro- theless, the repeated intermittent administration of duced by higher doses, but extreme doses are not AMPH does produce a progressive enhancement in necessary and only increase the risk of producing behavior, over-and-above that produced by a single neurotoxic effects. injection (e.g. ref, 240). A second, and probably even more important vari- 3.1.3. Sex differences able, is the interval between AMPH treatments [6'21~. Although most researchers use male animals, fe- To produce robust behavioral sensitization AMPH males show much greater rates of sensitization than must be given intermittently 64J97'2]~. There is even do males. Robinson et al. 244 first reported that gona- evidence to suggest that injections given relatively dally intact female rats show a greater enhancement far apart in time are more efficacious than those in rotational behavior following a single injection of given more frequently 16'2t~. For example, locomo- AMPH than do gonadally intact males. This obser- tion in mice is progressively enhanced to a greater ex- vation was verified and expanded in a later study tent if 10 injections of meth-AMPH are given 3-4 using rats with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions of the sub- days or 7 days apart than if they are administered stantia nigra 24°_ Again, a greater enhancement in daily ]1°. Similarly, male rats given 1.0 mg/kg of D- AMPH-induced rotational behavior was found in fe- AMPH once a week for 5 weeks show a greater el- male than in male rats after either a single injection evation in rotational behavior than those given 5 in- or repeated intermittent injections of AMPH. The jections once a day for 5 days 24°. In addition, Hitze- sex difference in sensitization to AMPH is not unique mann et al.l~2 reported that after 3 weeks of twice to rotational behavior. Unpublished studies in this daily AMPH injections it was necessary to withdraw laboratory by D.M. Camp 43 have revealed similar the animals from the drug for more than one day to sex differences in the sensitization of stereotyped be- observe behavioral sensitization (i.e., animals with- havior and locomotion (see also ref. 213). drawn for one day did not show evidence of sensitiza- Sex differences in behavioral sensitization may be tion, whereas those withdrawn for 7, 14 or 28 days due to the influence of endogenous gonadal hor- did). Similarly, Kolta et al. 161 reported greater be- mones on this form of . Ovariecto- 164 mized (OVX) and gonadally intact female rats sensi- above for references). The repeated intermittent ad- tize at a comparable rate. However, castrated male ministration of AMPH produces behavioral sensiti- rats show increased rates of sensitization relative to zation, does not deplete DA, but enhances DA re- gonadally intact males, and are comparable to fe- lease (see below). It is obvious that behavioral sensi- males in this respect 43'24°'244. The lower rate of sensi- tization and AMPH neurotoxicity cannot both be tization in gonadally intact males may therefore be 'animal models' of the same thing, i.e., AMPH psy- due to the suppression of sensitization by a testicular chosis. Unfortunately, there is no single piece of evi- hormone. Of course, testicular hormones could influ- dence that clearly establishes one or the other syn- ence sensitization indirectly, perhaps by their action drome as the more valid animal model of AMPH psy- on the pituitary. There is evidence that at least one chosis. However, it is argued below that the weight of pituitary hormone (vasopressin) can modulate the the evidence supports the idea that the phenomenon sensitization to cocaine 214. of behavioral sensitization provides a reasonably good model of AMPH psychosis, but that the AMPH 3.1.4. Summary neurotoxicity syndrome does not. Arguments against In summary, the most salient features of behavior- the AMPH neurotoxicity syndrome as a model of al sensitization include the following: (1) Behavioral AMPH psychosis are given first. sensitization can be produced by a single injection of (1) The main reason neurotoxic AMPH treatment a relatively low dose of AMPH. (2) Behavioral sensi- regimens have been used to model AMPH psychosis tization is greater after multiple intermittent injec- is because it has been suggested this more closely tions (as opposed to continuous treatment) than after mimics the conditions that result in AMPH psycho- a single injection. (3) Behavioral sensitization per- sis 81. This idea comes mainly from the observation sists for months following withdrawal from AMPH. that many AMPH addicts, who present at hospital .(4) Behavioral sensitization is greater in females than emergency wards with psychotic symptoms, have in males, and greater in castrated males than intact taken large quantities of AMPH, usually in 'runs' males. lasting a few days 74'165. Although this is true, it does not follow that extremely large doses of AMPH are 4. BEHAVIORAL SENSITIZATION AND AMPHETA- necessary to produce AMPH psychosis. It may be MINE NEUROTOXICITY AS ANIMAL MODELS OF AM- misleading to rely on doses used by hard-core 'speed PHETAMINE PSYCHOSIS freaks' to estimate the dose required to produce AMPH psychosis. People using smaller quantities of Much of the interest in the effects of chronic AMPH may also develop psychotic symptoms, but AMPH treatment in non-human animals is because because they would be less likely to turn up in hospi- AMPH is commonly abused by humans, and because tal emergency wards, their symptoms would proba- chronic AMPH use can produce a psychosis similar to bly go undiagnosed. Angrist and Gershon 11 describe paranoid schizophrenia 4s. It is therefore important to such a case (see also ref. 1). In fact, there is consider- discuss the fact that two completely different syn- able evidence in the clinical literature which suggests dromes, behavioral sensitization and AMPH neuro- that large doses of AMPH are not necessary to pro- toxicity, have been proposed as animal models of duce AMPH psychosis 2~'268. AMPH psychosis (e.g. refs. 81, 264, 268). As de- A brief and selective review of studies in which scribed above, behavioral sensitization and AMPH psychotic symptoms were produced in non-schizo- neurotoxicity are produced by different treatment phrenic subjects following the administration of rela- regimens and have different effects on behavior. tively low known doses of AMPH follows (see also They also have different long-term effects on the ner- ref. 264). Griffith et al. 1°° administered 10 mg of D- vous system. (This latter point will be dealt with in AMPH i.v., and then 5-10 mg orally each hour until detail in the next section of this review.) For exam- psychotic symptoms appeared. Six subjects devel- ple, continuous AMPH administration, which pro- oped an AMPH psychosis within 1-4 days following duces the AMPH neurotoxicity syndrome, destroys a total of 120-375 mg of AMPH. Two subjects devel- striatal DA terminals and depletes striatal DA (see oped symptoms within one day, two within 2.5-2.75 165 days and two within 4 days. For the sake of estimat- over 3-4 days to produce AMPH neurotoxicity in ing the dose relative to body weight, let us assume the rats, In striking contrast, AMPH psychosis can be subjects weighed around 65 kg, on average. Using produced by as little as 0.5-2.0 mg/kg/day, that is, the 65 kg figure, it is estimated that the subjects in the with doses at least 12.5-50 times less than those that Griffith et al. l°° study showed psychotic symptoms are toxic in rats. after a total cumulative dose of 1.8-5.8 mg/kg. If cal- (2) A prediction that follows from the idea that the culated on a mg/kg/day basis, on the order of 3.1-6.2 AMPH neurotoxicity syndrome models the changes mg/kg/day was required to produce psychotic symp- in brain and behavior associated with AMPH psycho- toms. Bell 32 obtained similar results. Bell 32 infused sis, is that people who have experienced AMPH psy- meth-AMPH in divided doses over 60-75 min. His chosis should show signs of degenerative changes in subjects showed psychotic symptoms following a to- brain DA systems. Unfortunately, we know of no ev- tal of 50-640 mg. The 640 mg dose was unusually idence available on dopaminergic function in such high, as the subject requiring the next highest dose to people. It has been reported that AMPH psychosis is produce psychosis showed symptoms after only 260 accompanied by increased cerebral blood flow, es- mg. Again, assuming an average weight of 65 kg, pecially in the anterior frontal lobes 33. However, it is psychotic symptoms were produced after only not clear if this is consistent with damage in this re- 0.8-4.0 mg/kg over 1 h. Similarly, Sato et al. 24s re- gion or not. To resolve the issue, PET studies or stud- cently reported that 30-90 mg over 1-6 days ies on DA metabolite levels in the CSF of former (0.5-1.4 mg/kg, assuming a 65 kg b. wt.) was suffi- AMPH addicts would be extremely valuable (cf. ref. cient to produce AMPH psychosis. Sega1264'26s has 218). compiled a Table listing 13 different reports of (3) The idea that a paranoid psychosis is due to de- AMPH psychosis following doses of less than 100 mg creased dopaminergic activity runs counter to nearly of AMPH (see also ref. 99). It is clear from this Table all the available evidence on the neurobiology of that there are many cases in which the daily adminis- schizophrenia. There is considerable evidence that tration of only 0.3-1.2 mg/kg of AMPH produced paranoid schizophrenia is not accompanied by DA AMPH psychosis (assuming an average weight of 65 depletion, and most current theories stress the idea kg). In addition, it is supposedly common for narco- that DA systems are hyperactive in schizophre- leptics being treated with low doses of AMPH to de- nia5S,306. velop paranoid tendencies (S. Watson, personal (4) One salient characteristic of AMPH psychosis communication and ref. 320). is that it typically appears only during the time an in- Although there are clearly problems in making do- dividual is on the drug and dissipates following with- se-response comparisons across species, and caution drawal from the drug. But the depletion of brain is required in doing so, the available evidence sug- monoamines produced by toxic doses of AMPH ap- gests the dose required to produce AMPH neurotox- pears to be permanent, and certainly is present fol- icity is many times higher than that required to pro- lowing withdrawal from AMPH (see above for refer- duce AMPH psychosis. Studies by Ricaurte et al. 229 ences). If the depletion of brain monoamines were and Steranka 2s5 in rats suggest that it is necessary to causally related to AMPH psychosis it might be ex- administer approximately 48 mg/kg of AMPH con- pected that the psychosis would also persist following tinuously over 3 days, or 102 mg/kg over 16 h to pro- withdrawal from the drug; but it does not. Of course, duce neurotoxic effects. Schuster and Johanson 25s re- it might be argued that presynaptic compensatory port that, if given twice daily, 25 mg/kg/day for 4 days processes mask the 'depletion-induced psychosis'. is required to produce neurotoxicity. Furthermore, if (5) Lastly, it is well documented that former animals are initially exposed to low doses of AMPH AMPH addicts show an enduring hypersensitivity to (as is usually the case with addicts), even much high- AMPH 24s'264,26s, and the AMPH neurotoxicity syn- er doses than this would be required to produce neu- drome does not account for this important feature of rotoxicity, because of the protective effect of pre-ex- AMPH psychosis. Animals given toxic doses of posure to low doses 257. Therefore, on the order of at AMPH, then withdrawn from AMPH and later chal- least 25-50 mg/kg of AMPH must be administered lenged with an acute injection are not hypersensitive 166 to AMPH (e.g. ref. 197). That is, the AMPH neuro- ious objects, including own body; repetition of single toxicity syndrome is not accompanied by an enduring words or phrases; stereotyped writing and/or draw- hypersensitivity to AMPH. This is not surprising, be- ing. (2) Social stereotypies: prolonged sexual inter- cause the DA depletion produced by toxic doses of course without ejaculation. Collective monologues AMPH (around 30-70%) is not sufficient to produce (talking without listening). (3) Social withdrawal postsynaptic DA receptor supersensitivity. This ('autism', social isolation). (4) Paranoia. (5) Halluci- usually requires a greater DA depletion, on the order nations and illusions; auditory, visual, tactile, olfac- of 85-90% (e.g. refs. 54, 190,288). tory. (6) Micro-hallucinations (worms, insects, etc., It is concluded, therefore, that the changes in brain coming out of the skin) ''253 (p. 114). Sega1264 has com- and behavior produced by neurotoxic AMPH treat- mented extensively on the similarities in the increas- ment regimens in non-human animals do not provide ingly perseverative and restricted behavior patterns a good model of AMPH psychosis (see also refs. 204, seen in both human and non-human animals repeat- 231,264). It is more likely that the neurotoxic effects edly exposed to AMPH. Although more speculative, of AMPH are related to the toxicity produced by Solomon and his colleagues 56'277 have also attempted structurally similar compounds, such as p-chloroam- to relate progressive alterations in attentional proc- phetamine or MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-l,2,3,6-te- esses produced by repeated AMPH treatment in rats, trahydropyridine), and as such may represent a mod- to theoretically similar deficits in schizophrenics. el of presymptomatic Parkinson's disease (e.g. ref. (2) 'A sustained course of changes'. The progres- 93). sive development of increasingly stereotyped behav- Next, how well behavioral sensitization models ior with repeated intermittent injections of AMPH AMPH psychos~s will be addressed. Schiorring 253 has been thoroughly documented, and was described (p. 115) has suggested that the basic requirements for in detail above. In a similar fashion, the probability a 'model' of schizophrenia or AMPH psychosis are: of producing the cognitive abnormalities associated '(1) Lsimilarities in behavioral disorders'; (2) 'a sus- with AMPH psychosis in people is thought to in- tained course of changes', i.e., progressive changes crease with repeated exposure to the drug 79. Howev- in brain and behavior; (3) 'liability to exacerbation', er, it should be noted that AMPH psychosis has been i.e., an enduring hypersensitivity to AMPH; and (4) reported following the first exposure to the 'absence of gross morphological lesions in the AMPH 99'219"265, just as an appropriate acute dose of brain'. The phenomenon of behavioral sensitization AMPH can produce stereotypy in rats. Nevertheless, produced by the repeated intermittent administra- with the repeated intermittent administration of tion of AMPH meets all of these requirements. AMPH, and the development of sensitization, (1) 'Similarities in behavioral disorders'. Obvious- AMPH becomes progressively more potent in pro- ly, it is impossible to determine if non-human animals ducing stereotyped behavior and psychosis. experience cognitive abnormalities comparable to (3) 'Liability to exacerbation'. The enduring na- those described in people repeatedly exposed to ture of the changes in brain and behavior produced AMPH. However, it is possible to compare the ef- by repeated intermittent AMPH treatment is one of fects of AMPH on motor behavior, and striking simi- the most intriguing aspects of sensitization. Both hu- larities have been found 196"219'220'253. Indeed, the de- man and non-human animals that have been pre- scriptions of AMPH-induced stereotyped activities viously exposed to AMPH remain hypersensitive to shown by human and non-human animals are some- the drug for very long periods of time. Former times eerie in their remarkable similarity 253. In hu- AMPH addicts have been reported to be hypersensi- mans AMPH-induced changes in behavior include: tive to the psychotomimetic effects of AMPH even "(1) stereotyped, bizarre movements of arms, hands, after years of abstinence 24a'3°2, and animals sensi- legs; continuous chewing on the tongue or lips; lick- tized to AMPH remain hypersensitive to the motor ing on the lips; nail-biting; plus other kinds of aimless stimulant effects of AMPH for at least months, and activities such as walking up and down the streets perhaps much longer 185'24°. without any goal; walking in circles; standing immo- (4) 'Absence of gross morphological lesions'. bile for several hours; 'pottering', 'punding' with var- There is no doubt that robust behavioral sensitization 167 can be produced by the repeated intermittent admin- mention in their paper that the changes in AMPH up- istration of AMPH in doses that do not produce brain take they found could be due to the loss of body fat or damage, as will be documented in the following sec- decreased metabolism of AMPH resulting from liver tion. In fact, it will be argued below that if an AMPH damage associated with these extremely high doses treatment paradigm damages DA neurons this con- of AMPH. stitutes prima facie evidence for AMPH neurotoxici- Further examination of the literature reveals little ty, not behavioral sensitization. support for any simple dispositional/peripheral hy- pothesis, as noted in a number of recent pa- 5. THE BIOLOGICAL BASIS OF BEHAVIORAL SENSI- pers 62A69'210'264. For example, it has been reported TIZATION that chronic AMPH treatment with lower doses does not alter whole brain or regional brain (e.g. striatum, It is clear that the repeated intermittent adminis- cortex, olfactory tubercle) levels of AMPH 37,6°' tration of AMPH produces very long-lasting changes ~27,312. There is certainly no evidence that the behav- in behavior, and there has been a great deal of inter- ioral sensitization produced by a single injection, or est in how this occurs. An understanding of how stim- intermittent injections of relatively small doses of ulant drugs produce enduring behavioral changes AMPH is accompanied by changes in the uptake of may provide insight into how they produce their psy- AMPH into the brain. chotomimetic effects, and thus into the neurobiology It has also been suggested that the formation and of psychosis. But regardless of whether behavioral retention of the major metabolites of AMPH, p-hy- sensitization is analogous to AMPH psychosis, it is droxyamphetamine (pOHA) and p-hydroxynore- important to determine how such a short-term altera- phedrine (pOHE), could contribute to either the tol- tion in neural function can produce such long-lasting erance or sensitization produced by repeated AMPH consequences. A number of hypotheses have been administration 6°. However, there is very little experi- entertained, and these can be divided into 3 catego- mental support for this idea (see ref. 62 for review). ries: (1) drug dispositional or peripheral hypotheses; For example, some authors have reported that (2) drug-environment conditioning hypotheses; and AMPH pretreatment does not alter the formation of (3) neural hypotheses. Each of these hypotheses will pOHA or pOHE ~7°. More importantly, these metab- be evaluated in turn, taking into consideration the olites are not formed after the administration of L- characteristics of behavioral sensitization summa- AMPH or , but repeated injections rized above. of these drugs do produce behavioral sensitiza- tion 4°'316. In addition, guinea pigs do not form pOHE 5.1. Drug dispositional/peripheral hypotheses from D-AMPH, but still show behavioral sensitiza- tion 272. Lastly, as noted by Lewander ~s°, it is difficult It is possible that the increasing behavioral re- to imagine how dispositional/peripheral factors could sponse produced by repeated AMPH administration account for the development of tolerance to some of is due to some change in the disposition of AMPH. the effects of AMPH (e_g. autonomic effects) simul- For example, AMPH pretreatment may increase the taneously with the sensitization of others (e.g. ster- amount of AMPH that reaches the brain due to eotyped head movements, rotational behavior). changes in AMPH metabolism, or because AMPH In conclusion, there is a general consensus that dis- accumulates in adipose tissue and is released lat- positional]peripheral factors cannot account for the er 255'2s°. In support of a dispositional hypothesis, behavioral sensitization produced by repeated inter- Kuhn and Schanberg 17° reported that AMPH pre- mittent injections of low doses of AMPH 62'169'210'264. treatment increased the rate of AMPH uptake into the brain (at 10 min), although it did not influence its 5.2. Drug-environment conditioning hypotheses rate of removal from the brain (at 1, 4 and 12 h). It should be noted, however, that Kuhn and Schan- When the administration of a is berg 17° administered AMPH daily, increasing the repeatedly paired with a unique test environment, dose by 1 mg/kg each day from 10 to 32 mg/kg. They the test environment can sometimes acquire the 168 properties of a conditioned stimulus (CS). In this sit- AMPH-induced rotational behavior in 3 different uation, behavior previously elicited only by the drug groups of rats, all of which had a unilateral 6-OHDA (the unconditioned stimulus) is eventually elicited by lesion of the substantia nigra. One group (sensitized) the environment (the CS) in the absence of the was given AMPH in the rotometers (the unique en- drug 182"292. Psychomotor stimulant drugs, including vironment), and a second group saline in the rotome- AMPH, are subject to this kind of drug-environment ters weekly for 3 weeks. During the first 3 weekly test conditioning. It has been suggested, therefore, that sessions, a third group (pseudoconditioned) received drug-environment conditioning may be at least par- saline in the rotometers, and AMPH in their home tially responsible for the development of behavioral cages following removal from the rotometer. On the sensitization72,110,209,2t5,226,250,293. The important 4th week, all rats received 3.0 mg/kg of AMPH in the question here is not whether the behavioral effects of rotometers and rotational behavior was recorded. AMPH can be conditioned, because there is no doubt Both of the AMPH pretreated groups showed great- they can, but whether drug-environment condition- er AMPH-induced rotational behavior during the 4th ing is necessary for behavioral sensitization. That is, test session than did saline pretreated rats. The sa- can drug-environment conditioning alone account line pretreated rats made the same number of rota- for the characteristics of behavioral sensitization? A tions as the sensitized animals the first time sensitized review of the literature reveals that it cannot, as illus- animals received AMPH in the rotometers. These trated by the following points. studies establish that it is not necessary to pair (1) Sega1263 has previously argued that drug-envir- AMPH administration with a unique test environ- onment conditioning cannot account for behavioral ment to produce sensitization 4°,24°. sensitization. For drug-environment conditioning to (3) The evidence discussed thus far does not sup- occur it is necessary to pair drug administration with port a drug-environment conditioning hypothesis, a unique test environment 25°'293. However, in all but it is still possible that some form of interoceptive their studies on sensitization, Segal and his col- conditioning is involved. However, this idea is not leagues minimized conditioning variables by housing supported by studies showing that under appropriate animals continuously in the 'test' chambers. They experimental conditions, a saline injection fails to found that under these conditions the repeated ad- mimic the locomotor and stereotypy producing ef- ministration of AMPH still p~roduces sensitiza- fects of AMPH in sensitized animals 43'263"267, and tion 4°'263'264'267. Similar results have been obtained in weekly injections of AMPH do not produce condi- this lab. For example, the data illustrated in Fig. 1 tioned rotational behavior24°. were obtained from rats that were always adminis- (4) A further argument against conditioning hy- tered AMPH in their home (wire-hanging) cages, not potheses has been raised by Sega1263. He pointed out in a unique test environment. that when rats are repeatedly administered a low (2) Segal and his colleagues have also shown that it dose of AMPH, which initially produces only loco- is not necessary to treat animals with AMPH in the motion, that dose eventually comes to elicit stereo- test environment to produce sensitization 4°. Browne typy_ That is, the pattern and character of the behav- and Segal 4° pretreated rats with 2.5 mg/kg of AMPH ior elicited by the drug evolves from that associated or saline daily for 4 days in one of 3 different environ- with a low dose to that associated with a higher dose ments: (a) the test chamber, (b) a plastic cage, singly of the drug. This is not consistent with a conditioning housed, or (c) a plastic cage, group housed. On the hypothesis, because if locomotion were being condi- 5th day, all rats received 2.5 mg/kg of AMPH in the tioned to the test environment one would expect to test chambers. All 3 groups pretreated with AMPH observe conditioned locomotion; not the appearance (regardless of environment) showed sensitization, as of a new behavior 263. indicated by a more rapid onset of stereotypy relative (5) Lastly, there have now been many reports that to saline-pretreated control animals. Similar findings a single injection of AMPH can produce a very long- have been obtained in other studies where rotational lasting enhancement in a variety of AMPH-induced behavior, stereotypy or locomotion were meas- behaviors 4°'24°'244'264. It is difficult to imagine that ured 43'67'240. For example, Robinson z4° compared conditioning could account for these enduring effects 169 of one exposure to AMPH, since most conditioning cific neurotransmitter systems. Most researchers phenomena require repeated pairing of the CS and have studied brain DA systems, and so evidence for UCS. Furthermore, as pointed out by one of the changes in nigrostriatal, mesolimbic and mesocorti- anonymous reviewers of this paper, 'sensitized re- cal DA systems will be reviewed first. There is only sponses grow with the passage of time . . . whereas limited evidence that behavioral sensitization is ac- conditioned responses should decline with companied by changes in other neurotransmitter sys- time,16,17,161. tems, and so this will be reviewed second. Since the The conclusion to be drawn from the evidence just literature is large and there are multiple hypotheses summarized is clear; drug-environment conditioning as to the nature of neural changes, studies proposing cannot fully account for behavioral sensitization. It a primarily postsynaptic vs presynaptic basis to sensi- needs to be emphasized, however, that even though tization will be dealt with separately. drug-environment conditioning does not explain be- havioral sensitization, it is probably a major factor in- 5.3.1. The nigrostriatal dopamine system fluencing many studies of behavioral sensitization. If Most attempts to identify a neural correlate of be- animals are repeatedly and frequently tested in a havioral sensitization have focused on the nigrostria- unique environment, it is very likely that drug-envir- tal DA system. This is to be expected because AMPH onment conditioning will occur 110'215'250'293. It is causes striatal DA release ~92, and many of the behav- therefore difficult to interpret and evaluate studies of iors that are sensitized by AMPH (e.g. stereotypy, behavioral sensitization that are confounded by con- rotation) are thought to be caused by the release of ditioning variables because the extent to which DA from nigrostriatal neurons 51"119"192'193'300. changes in behavior can be attributed to sensitization Evidence for postsynaptic changes. In one vs conditioning is unclear. It is probable that some of of the earliest papers on behavioral sensitization Kla- the apparent discrepancies in the literature are due to wans and Margolin L52 proposed that the repeated ad- differences in the extent to which conditioning varia- ministration of AMPH produces postsynaptic DA re- bles predominate in any particular study (see below). ceptor supersensitivity. They based this idea on an Nevertheless, neither drug-dispositionai nor condi- experiment showing that guinea pigs sensitized to tioning hypotheses can fully explain behavioral sensi- AMPH were also hypersensitive to apomorphine tization, and so other hypotheses must be enter- (APO), a direct-acting DA receptor agonist. In a lat- tained. er paper they provided neurochemical evidence for striatal DA receptor supersensitivity in AMPH-pre- 5.3. Neural hypotheses treated guinea pigs TM. Further studies to examine the hypothesis that It has been suggested that the repeated intermit- postsynaptic DA receptors are supersensitive in tent administration of AMPH causes a long-lasting AMPH-sensitized animals have largely utilized one change in neural systems that mediate the motor of two approaches. (1) If AMPH-pretreated animals stimulant effects of AMPH, and that this is responsi- have supersensitive postsynaptic DA receptors they ble for the heightened behavioral response seen upon should be hypersensitive to the behavioral effects of subsequent exposure to the drug 152'186'267. The idea direct-acting DA receptor agonists, as reported by that a central change is involved is supported by the Klawans and Margolin 152. However, these data are observation that rats given repeated systemic injec- equivocal. Table I shows that in the majority (12 out tions of AMPH are hypersensitive to the locomotor- of 20) of studies of this type (albeit a small majority) enhancing effects of a subsequent intraventricular in- it was found that AMPH-pretreated animals are not jection of AMPH 225. Research on the neural corre- hypersensitive to APO. lates of behavioral sensitization has addressed two (2) The second approach has been to study DA re- basic questions: (1) what is the locus of the ceptor binding. However, studies on DA receptor change(s), and (2) what is the nature of the binding do not support the contention that striatal change(s)? Because of the character of this research, postsynaptic DA receptors are up-regulated in the locus of change is largely defined in terms of spe- AMPH-sensitized animals; and in fact, most of these 170

TABLE I The effect of amphetamine sensitization on behavior induced by a subsequent injection of apomorphine APO, apomorphine; M, male; F, female; D, n-AMPH; M, meth-AMPH; L, L-AMPH; mk, mg/kg; d, day; mo, month; inj, injections; wk, week; h, hours; m, minutes; ---~, increasing doses.

Reference Species Sex AMPH Injection schedule Withdrawal Behavior APO period behavior enhanced Antelman and Chiodo ~7 Rats 9 D 4 mk/d x 6 d 11 d locomotion No Bailey and Jackson z2 Mice M D 4 mk/d × 20 d 8 d locomotion No 4 Conway and Uretsky 49 Rats M ? 5 mk 2 ×/d x 5 d 3 d stereotypy No Hitzemann et al. 1~2 Rats M D 34 12ink2 x/d x 3wk 1-30d stereotypy No Hitzemann et al. ill Rats F D 6 mk 2 x/d x 1-4 d 16-20 h stereotypy No/yes 5 Jackson et al. 121 Rats M D 5 mk/d x 25 d 7 d stereotypy No Jenner et a1.125 Mice M D 2.5 ~ 20 mk/d x 3 mo 1 wk-3 mo rotation No 1 Kilbey and Ellinwood l't6 Rats F D 7 mk/d x 14 d 5 d stereotypy No/Yes 6 Rebec and Sega1224 Rats M D 5 mk/d x 4 d 1 d stereotypy No 3 Robinson 24° Rats F D 3 mk/3-4 d x 5 inj 7 d rotation No Weston and Overstreet 316 Rats M D 2 or 8 mk/d x 3-17 d 1 d locomotion and No sniffing L 6 or 16 mk/d x 3-17 d 1 d locomotion and No sniffing Wilcox et al. 319 Mice M D 4 mk/d × 20 d 4 d cage climbing No 2

Bailey and Jackson 22 Mice M D 4 mk/d × 20 d 8 d locomotion Yes 4 Echols 66 Mice M D 4 mk/wk × 4 wk 1 wk rotation Yes Klawans and Margolin 152 Guinea M D 4-5 mk/d x 21 d 3-10 d stereotypy Yes pigs Martres et alJ a6 Mice M D 5 mk/90 minx 4 inj 30 h cage climbing Yes ,Nelson and Ellison ~97 Rats M D 3.2-3.7 mk/d x 7-30 d 1 or 30 d stereotypy Yes Nishikawa et alfl°2 Rats M M 6 mk/d x 14 d 14 d stereotypy Yes Weiner et al. 3~2 Guinea M D 5 mk/d x 21 d 10 d stereotypy Yes pigs Wilcox et al. 3~9 Mice M D 4 mk/d x 20 d 8 or 12 d cage climbing Yes 2 i Also added AMPH to drinking water; DA depleted and rotation depressed. 2 No if 4 d withdrawal, yes if 8-12 d withdrawal. 3 Re- duction in oral stereotypy. 4 No with 0.25 or 0.5 mg/kg and yes with 1-4 mg/kg APO. 5 Yes with some treatments, but not others. 6 No with 1 mg/kg APO; small effect on onset of stereotypy with 3 mg/kg but no effect on intensity.

studies report that in AMPH-pretreated animals crease in striatal [3H]spiroperidol binding in AMPH- there is either a decrease in DA receptor binding, or pretreated rats. Attempts to identify changes in DA- no change (Table II). In only 4 of the 24 experiments stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in sensitized an- summarized in Table II were AMPH-pretreated ani- imals have also been negative 7'H~,114,115. mals found to have increased DA receptor binding. In conclusion, the idea that behavioral sensitiza- These 4 reports differ somewhat from the rest in that tion is due to hypersensitive striatal postsynaptic DA in 3 of them [3H]DA or [3H]ADTN were used as the receptors is not supported by most of the available ligand. In contrast, [3H]spiroperidol was used in most evidence. In fact, much of the evidence suggests the studies reporting a decrease or no change in binding. opposite, that is, a small down-regulation of postsyn- Furthermore, the Klawans et a1.154 study is unusual aptic DA receptors in AMPH-pretreated animals. because they reported an increased affinity for The idea that postsynaptic DA receptors are actually [3H]DA at 'high affinity' sites with no change in Bmax, hyposensitive in AMPH-pretreated animals is fur- but an increase in the number of receptors at 'low af- ther supported by a recent electrophysioiogical ex- finity' sites (see also ref. 98). This is difficult to inter- periment by Kamata and Rebec 136 (see also refs. 8, pret. The only report of increased [3H]spiroperidol 295), who found that the ability of iontophoretically binding is an abstract by Robertson 238, but in two applied DA to inhibit glutamate-induced striatai unit subsequent papers Robertson 237'239 reports a de- activity was reduced in AMPH-pretreated rats. 171

TABLE II The effect of amphetamine sensitization on striatal dopamine receptor binding Abbreviations: as in Table I. NC, no change; ADTN, 2-amino-6,7-dihydroxy-l,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene.

Reference Species Sex AMPH Injection schedule Withdrawal Ligand Competitor Bind- period ing Akiyama et al. 6 Rats M M 4 mk/d x 14 d 7 d ~ 4 mk 2 [3H] spiperone Down Akiyama et al. 5 Rats M M 4 mk/d x 14 d 7 d [3H]spiperone butaclamol Down Daiguji and Meltzers9 Rats M D 5 ~ 15 mk 2/d x 20 d I 17-20 h [3H]spiroperidol ADTN Down Hitzemann et al. m Rats F D 6 mk 2 x/d x 1-4 d 16-20 h [3H]spiroperidol butaclamol or Down sulperide Howlett and Nahorski ~5 Rats M D 5 ~ 15 mk 2 x/d x 20 d I 17-20 h [3H]spiroperidol butaclamol or Down dopamine HowlettandNahorski ll4 Rats M D 5---~15mk2x/dx20d L 17-20h [3H]spiperone ? Down Kaneno and Sh.imazono 139 Rats M M 6 mk/d x 14 d 10 d [3H]spiroperidol in vivo3 Down Muller and Seeman 195 Rats M 9 10 mk/d x 14 d (oral) 1 d [3H]apomorphine apomorphine Down Riffee et al. 235 Mice M D 4 mk/d x 14 d 3 d [3H]spiroperidol apomorphine Down or butaclamol Robertson 237 Rats M D 5-10 mk 2 x/d x 21 d 1 d [3H]spiroperidol domperidone Down Robertson 239 Rats M D 10 mk 2 ×/d x 21 d 24-36 h [3H]spiroperidol domperidone Down

Akiyama et al. 5 Rats M M 4 mk/d x 14 d 7 d [3H]spiperone ADTN NC Algeri et al. 7 Rats M D 10 mk/d x 7 d 1 d [3H] haloperidol NC Burt et al. 41 Rats ? D 5 mk/d x 3 wk 5-7 d [3H]haloperidol dopamine NC Howlett and Nahorski n5 Rats M D 5~ 15 mk 2 x/d x 4 d I 17-20 h [3H]spiroperidol butaclamolor NC dopamine Howlett and Nahorski 114 Rats M D 5 ~ 15 mk 2 x/d x 4 d L 17-20 h [3H]spiperon e 9 NC Jackson et al. 121 Rats M D 5 mk/d x 25 d 7 d [3H]spiperone butaclamol NC Muller and Seeman 195 Rats M ? 10 mk/d x 14 d (oral) 1 d [3H]haloperidol pimozide NC Owen et al. TM Vervet M D 4---)12 mk/d x 35 d 1 d? [3H]spiperone butaclamol NC and F Riffee et al. 235 Mice M D 4 mk/d x 14 d 1 or 5 d [3H]spiroperidol apomorphine NC or butaclamol

Borison et al. 35 Rats M D 3.75 mk/d x 5 wk 5 d [3H]dopamine butaclamol Up Klawans et al. TM Guinea M D 5 mk/d x 4 wk 7 d [3H]dopamine apomorphine Up pigs or butaclamol Robertson 239 Rats M D 10 mk 2 x/d x 21 d 24-36 h [3H]ADTN dopamine Up Robertson 238 Rats M D 5 mk/d x 22 d 2 d [3H]spiroperidol ? .UP Also added 25 ~ 75 mg/ml to drinking water. 2 Given 4 mg/kg of AMPH 1 h before kill. 3 Cerebellum used to estimate non-specific binding.

Since the weight of the evidence is strongly against AMPH with a unique test environment even an injec- the DA postsynaptic receptor supersensitivity hy- tion of saline will produce many of the behaviors pre- pothesis, it is curious that there are so many studies in viously associated with only AMPH administration which 'cross-sensitization' to APO was found (Table (see above for references). It is therefore possible I). It is not clear what differentiates the studies in that the enhanced behavioral response to APO that is which cross-sensitization to APO was found from sometimes observed in AMPH-pretreated animals is those in which it was not. The most obvious varia- due to drug-environment conditioning, and not to an bles, such as treatment regimen or withdrawal peri- up-regulation of postsynaptic striatal DA receptors. od, do not account for the discrepancies. One hy- It should also be noted briefly that there have been pothesis, that unfortunately is impossible to test post- no studies of striatal DA receptor binding in animals hoc, is that apparent cross-sensitization to APO is ac- treated with a relatively conservative AMPH injec- tually due to drug-environment conditioning effects. tion regimen (for example, every 4-7 days for a total It is known that AMPH can act as an unconditioned of 5-10 injections), and then withdrawn for longer stimulus, such that after the repeated pairing of than 7 days. Therefore, despite the many studies on 172

DA receptor binding shown in Table II, it is not of AMPH neurotoxicity (as indicated by the use of known whether the behavioral sensitization pro- high doses of AMPH with accompanying DA deple- duced by intermittent injections of AMPH is consis- tion). Studies on the effects of chronic AMPH admin- tently accompanied by a small down-regulation, or istration that were excluded on the basis of these cri- any other change in DA binding. teria include refs.: 90, 91, 113, 142, 155, 194, 231, Evidence for presynaptic changes. Upon 269, and others discussed above in regard to AMPH cursory examination the evidence for presynaptic neurotoxicity. There is considerably more consensus changes in the nigrostriatal DA system of sensitized as to the nature of presynaptic changes accompany- animals appears to be contradictory and confusing. ing behavioral sensitization when only those studies But much of this confusion is because different relevant to the phenomenon of behavioral sensitiza- AMPH treatment regimens produce different effects tion are examined. on presynaptic indices of DA function. As discussed The following review includes experiments in above, AMPH is neurotoxic if elevated brain concen- which presynaptic DA function was estimated by trations are sustained for very long, either by contin- either: (1) measures of DA concentrations; (2) meas- uous administration or frequent multiple injections ures of DA synthesis; and/or (3) measures of DA uti- of high doses. AMPH neurotoxicity is manifested by lization or release. Each of these will be discussed in many presynaptic histopathological and neurochem- turn. These measures were obtained under either ical changes, including degeneration of nigrostriatal steady-state (resting) conditions, or following an ad- DA terminals and striatal DA depletion. However, it ditional 'challenge' injection of AMPH, and this is will be shown below that robust behavioral sensitiza- also noted. tion can be produced by a regimen of repeated inter- (1) DA concentrations. Table III lists studies in mittent AMPH injections that does not result in DA which striatal DA concentrations were measured in depletion secondary to degeneration of striatal DA animals sensitized to AMPH. It is clear from Table .terminals. Furthermore, behavioral sensitization III that AMPH pretreatment can produce robust be- persists for months following the withdrawal of havioral sensitization without causing a reduction in AMPH, in the absence of damage to nigrostriatal the steady-state concentrations of striatal DA (e.g. DA neurons. Therefore, to realistically evaluate refs. 43,167,202 and unpublished studies by the au- whether behavioral sensitization is accompanied by thors)_ Following a challenge injection of AMPH, changes in presynaptic striatal DA function it is im- pretreated animals sometimes show a slightly greater perative to exclude studies in which the AMPH treat- decline in striatal DA concentrations than control an- ment regimen may have been neurotoxic, and where imals202; but this is not always found 167. Two studies measures were made without having withdrawn ani- in which whole brain concentrations of DA were mals from the drug. Otherwise, the neurotoxic ef- measured are also included in Table III, because fects of AMPH, or the well known presynaptic com- striatal DA would comprise the largest fraction of pensatory responses that occur following partial whole brain DA. Again, AMPH pretreatment had damage to dopaminergic systems 3A°4'288, could easily no effect on the whole brain concentrations of DA. be mistaken for neural correlates of behavioral sensi- On the basis of the studies listed in Table III we tization. would argue that a long-lasting depletion of DA in It is sometimes difficult to determine from a paper AMPH pretreated animals, over-and-above the tran- whether the AMPH treatment regimen used was sient changes that might occur following enhanced neurotoxic. Some multiple injection regimens may DA release (e.g. ref. 202), is prima facie evidence for produce a mix of toxic and sensitization effects. To AMPH neurotoxicity. avoid mistaking the neural correlates of behavioral (2) DA synthesis. Table IV lists studies in which sensitization with those associated with AMPH neu- striatal (or whole brain) DA synthesis was estimated rotoxicity, studies were excluded from the following in AMPH-pretreated and control animals. The most analysis if: (1) AMPH was given more than two times consistent finding is that AMPH sensitization is not per day; (2) animals were withdrawn from AMPH for accompanied by changes in striatal DA synthesis un- less than one day; or (3) there was clear evidence der steady-state conditions, or following a subse- 173

TABLE III The effect of amphetamine sensitization on striatal dopamine concentrationfl

Abbreviations: as in previous Tables.

Reference Injection schedule Withdrawal period Effect A. Steady-state (resting) conditions Alloway and Rebec9 1 mk 2 x/d x 6 d 1 d NC Alloway and Rebec 9 5 mk 2 x/d x 6 d 1 d Down Camp and Robinson43 2-3 mk/4 d x 10 inj 8-13 d NC Eichler et al. 69 2-12 mk/d x 65 d 1 d NC Jackson et al. 12t 5 mk/d x 25 d 7 d NC Kuczenski and Leith 167 3 mk/d × 6 d 2 d NC Lynch et al. 183 0.5 --* 2 mk/d x 14 d 36 h-7 d NC Nishikawa et alfl°2 6 mk/d x 14 d 15 d NC Pearl and Seiden2°5 (note 2) 2.5 mk/d x 60 d 28 h NC Pearl and Selden2°6 (note 2) 2.5 mk/d x 60 d 28 h NC Riffee and Gerald TM (note 2) 2.5 mk/d x 7 d 1-2 d NC

B. After challenge3 Kuczenski and Leith 167 3 mk/d x 6 d 2 d NC Nishikawa et alfl°2 6 mk/d x 14 d 15 d Down i Excludes studies in which: (a) AMPH was given more than two times per day; (b) animals were withdrawn for less than 1 day; (c) very high doses of AMPH were used (see text for rationale). -" Whole brain. 3 After a subsequent challenge injection of AMPH.

quent challenge injection of AMPH 34'167'2°2. None of tivity. Although Algeri et al. 7 and Taylor and Ho 29° the studies in which whole brain 2°6'233.273 or fore- found a decline in tyrosine hydroxylase activity in brain 1~8 DA synthesis was estimated report any effect AMPH-pretreated animals, it should be noted that of prior AMPH treatment (Table IV). Besson et al. 34 they used a very large dose of AMPH (10 mg/kg) and did report a small decline in the formation of withdrew animals for only one day. It is unlikely that [3H]DOPA in AMPH-pretreated rats, but the same this latter effect is related to behavioral sensitization, paper reports no change in tyrosine hydroxylase ac- but may be due to AMPH neurotoxicity. The only re-

TABLE IV The effect of amphetarnine sensitization on striatal dopamine synthesis

Abbreviations: as in previous Tables.

Reference Injection schedule Withdrawal Measure Effect period A. Steady state (resting) conditions Algeri et al. 7 10 mk/d x 7 d 1 d Tyrosine hydroxylase Down Besson et al. 34 1 mk/d x 8 d 1 d Tyrosine hydroxylase NC Besson et al. 34 1 mk/d × 8 d 1 d [3H]DOPA formation Down Hulme et al. 1Is (note 1) 11.7 mk/d x 3-7 d 9 Tyrosine hydroxylase NC Kuczenski and Leith 167 3 mk/d x 6 d 2 d [3H]Tyrosine ~ [3H]DA Up Nishikawa et al. 2°2 6 mk/d x 14 d 15 d Tyrosine hydroxylase NC Pearl and Seiden 2°6 (note 1) 2.5 mk/d x 60 d 28 h DOPA accumulation NC Riffee and Gerald 233 (note 1) 2.5 mk/d x 7 d 2 d [3H]Tyrosine ~ [3H]DA NC Taylor and Ho 29° 10 mk/d x 5 d 1 d Tyrosine hydroxylase Down

B. After challenge Kuczenski and Leith 167 1 ~ 12 mk 3 x/d x 4 d 2 d [3H]Tyrosine ~ [3H]DA NC Nishikawa et al. 2°2 6 mk/d x 14 d 15 d Tyrosine hydroxylase NC Short and Shuster273 (note 1) 10 mk 2 ×/d x 5 d 3-25 d Tyrosine hydroxylase NC L Whole brain or forebrain. 174 port of an increase in striatal DA synthesis following mostly formed from DA after re-uptake into the pre- AMPH-pretreatment is by Kuczenski and Leith ~67. synaptic terminal 162A74Ag7'246 (but see ref. 47). Table They found a small (11-18%) enhancement in the V also includes experiments in which the decline in conversion of [3H]tyrosine to [3H]dopamine in DA concentrations following inhibition of tyrosine AMPH-pretreated rats. However, they also point hydroxylase was used to estimate DA utilization 38. It out that the effect is not strong because, 'a statistical- should be noted that both of these measures of DA ly significant increase is only observed when the num- 'turnover' are sensitive to changes in release. ber of animals is large' (p. 407). It would be informa- It is clear from Table V that there is little evidence tive to know if this effect persists for longer than the for a change in striatal DA utilization in AMPH-sen- two-day withdrawal period used by Kuczenski and sitized animals when they are tested under steady- .Leith 167. In contrast, Kuczenski and Leith t67 did not state conditions t67't83't91'2°2'243. In addition, sensitiza- find that AMPH-pretreatment enhanced DA synthe- tion does not alter the basal rate of endogenous DA sis following a subsequent challenge injection of efflux from striatal tissue in vitro 161'242'244, although AMPH (Table IV). the physiological significance of basal DA efflux in (3) DA utilization/release. Table V lists studies in vitro is questionable because it is both temperature- which the concentration of DA metabolites and/or and calcium-independent 29. In contrast to these neg- the metabolite to transmitter ratios were used to esti- ative findings, Camp and Robinson 43 recently found mate DA utilization. Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid significantly higher striatal DOPAC to DA ratios in (DOPAC) concentrations are thought to provide a AMPH-pretreated than in control rats, suggesting good estimate of DA utilization/release because it is enhanced DA release. However, this was only in re-

TABLE V The effect of amphetamine sensitization on striatal dopamine utilization~release Abbreviations: as in previous Tables. DOPAC, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid; HVA, homovanillic acid; MPT, alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine.

Reference Injection schedule Withdrawal Measure Effect period A. Steady-state (resting) conditions Camp and Robinson (M) 43 3 mk/4 d × 10 inj 8-13 d DOPAC/DA NC Camp and Robinson (F) 43 2.6 mk/4 d x 10 inj 8-13 d DOPAC/DA Up Jackson et al. 12~ (note 1) 5 mk/d x 25 d 7 d Decline in DA after MPT NC Kolta et al. 16t 5 mk 2 ×/d × 5 d 3-30 d Endogenous DA release NC Kuczenski and Leith 167 3 mk/d x 6 d 2 d DOPAC; HVA NC Lynch et al_ 183 0.5 ~ 2 mk/d x 14 d 7 d DOPAC NC Lynch et al. 183 0.5 ~ 2 mk/d x 14 d 12-48 h DOPAC Down Mittleman et al. jgl 3 mk/3 d × 9 inj 1-2 mo DOPAC/DA NC Nishikawa et al. 2°2 6 mk/d x 14 d 15 d DOPAC; HVA; DOPAC/DA NC Robinson and Becker 242 5 mk 2 ×/d x 5 d 10 d Endogenous DA release NC Robinson et al. TM 1.25 mk once 3-5 wk Endogenous DA release NC Robinson et al. 243 3 mk/d x 7 d 8 d Decline in DA after MPT NC Robinson et al. "-43 3 mk/3-4 d x 9 inj 10 d Decline in DA after MPT NC

B. After challenge Jori and Bernardit'-7 5 mk/d x 4-10 d (mice) 1 d Elevation in HVA NC Jori and Bernardi L27 5 mk/d x 4 d (rats) 1 d Elevation in HVA Down 5 mk/d x 10 d (rats) 1 d Elevation in HVA NC Kolta et alJ 61 5 mk 2 x/d × 5 d 3 d Endogenous DA release NC Kolta et al. 161 5 mk 2 ×/d x 5 d 15-30 d Endogenous DA release Up Kuczenski and Leith 167 3 mk/d × 6 d 2 d Decline in DOPAC and HVA Up Nishikawa et al. 2°2 6 mk/d x 14 d 15 d DOPAC/DA Up Robinson and Becker 242 5 mk 2 ×/d × 5 d 10 d Endogenous DA release Up Robinson et al. TM 1.25 mk once 3-5 wk Endogenous DA release Up Robinson and Becker (note 2) 3 mk/3-4 d x 10 inj 10 d DOPAC; HVA Up i Whole brain minus cerebellum; a Unpublished observations -- footshock stress challenge. 175

male, but not male rats (Table V). Studies in which AMPH stimulated more DA release in sensitized male rats were used report no effect of AMPH-pre- than in control animals. Furthermore, Kuczenski and treatment on steady-state (resting) DA utiliza- Leith t67 found that a challenge injection of AMPH tion 167'191'2°2. This sex difference may be related to was more effective in decreasing DA metabolite lev- the sex difference in behavioral sensitization 43,24°,244. els in AMPH-pretreated than in control rats; an ef- Perhaps because female rats show more robust be- fect that could be due to a leftward shift in the AMPH havioral sensitization than males, the neural corre- dose-response curve. In contrast, Jori and Bernar- lates of behavioral sensitization will be more appar- di 127 found that AMPH pretreatment did not alter the ent in females. On the other hand, AMPH-pre- effect of a challenge injection of AMPH on HVA treated female rats did not show a greater decline in concentrations. However, this could be because Jori striatal DA following tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition and Bernardi 127 withdrew animals from AMPH for than control female rats 243. It is not clear what ac- only one day, and there is evidence to suggest that counts for the difference between the two methods more robust behavioral sensitization results if ani- for estimating DA utilization. Perhaps the effect is mals are withdrawn for more than one day 16A12'161. small and the former method is more sensitive to the Considering the tendency of behavioral sensitization neural consequences of repeated intermittent to 'grow' over time following the withdrawal of AMPH administration than the latter. Also, in the AMPH 16'17A61, it is important to note that Kolta et Robinson et al. 243 study only one point in time was al. 161 found that AMPH-stimulated striatal DA re- sampled after tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition, and a lease was not significantly enhanced 3 days after the more complete analysis of the rate of decline of DA is last AMPH treatment, but was enhanced 15 and 30 required to more accurately estimate DA utilization, days later. This latter finding underscores the impor- especially given the low rate of striatal DA turnover. tance of withdrawing animals from AMPH for a few In contrast with the paucity of evidence for days in studies concerned with the biological basis of changes in DA utilization/release under steady-state behavioral sensitization. conditions, there are a number of reports of en- In conclusion, there is strong evidence that the be- hanced striatal DA utilization/release in AMPH-pre- havioral sensitization produced by the repeated in- treated animals given a subsequent challenge injec- termittent administration of AMPH is accompanied tion of AMPH (Table V). Robinson and Becker 242 by an enduring enhancement in the release of striatal first reported that repeated intermittent injections of DA produced by re-exposure to AMPH (Table V). AMPH in vivo produce an enduring enhancement (at (It should be noted that a neurotoxic regimen of least 10 days) in the AMPH-stimulated release of en- meth-AMPH administration does not enhance DA dogenous striatal DA in vitro, and more recent stud- release, but may actually decrease meth-AMPH ies suggest this effect persists for at least 30 days fol- stimulated DA release 255. ) lowing the last AMPH treatmend 6~,244. In addition, As an aside, there is an interesting difference be- Robinson et al. TM found that even a single injection tween the reports of Kuczenski and Leith 167 and Ni- of 1.25 mg/kg of AMPH enhanced the AMPH-stimu- shikawa et ai. z°2 which deserves comment. lated release of striatal DA measured in vitro 3-5 Kuczenski and Leith 167 found that an acute injection weeks later. An enhancement in AMPH-stimulated of D-AMPH decreased striatal DA metabolite con- striatal DA release in sensitized rats has now been centrations, but Nishikawa et al. 2°2 reported that an obtained in 5 different studies conducted in two dif- acute injection of meth-AMPH increased DOPAC ferent iabs 45A61'242'z44, and therefore it would appear levels in AMPH-pretreated rats. The former effect to be a robust phenomenon. would be expected if D-AMPH also blocked DA re- The effects of AMPH sensitization on DA release uptake into presynaptic terminals, thus reducing in vitro are consistent with a number of in vivo studies DOPAC (and HVA) formation 166. The latter effect (Table V). Nishikawa et al. 2°2 reported that the el- would be expected as a consequence of enhanced DA evation of DOPAC to DA ratios produced by a chal- release, but only if meth-AMPH did not prevent the lenge injection of meth-AMPH was'enhanced follow- re-uptake of DA into presynaptic terminals and its ing meth-AMPH pretreatment, suggesting that conversion into DOPAC. Perhaps meth-AMPH is 176

not as potent a re-uptake blocker as D-AMPH, and tors (Table II). It is possible this reflects a change in therefore DOPAC formation is enhanced following presynaptic DA receptors. meth-AMPH, but decreased by D-AMPH. Unfortu- Much of the evidence for DA autoreceptor subsen- nately, we know of no direct comparison between the sitivity in sensitized animals comes from electrophys- re-uptake blocking vs release enhancing properties iological studies. These are summarized in Table VI. of meth-AMPH and D-AMPH (e.g. ref. 89 and R.M. The firing rate of most mesencephalic DA neurons is Ferris and K.E. Moore, personal communication). decreased by the systemic application of either Because behavioral sensitization is accompanied AMPH or APO, and this is thought to reflect nega- by an enduring enhancement in the utilization/re- tive feedback mediated by DA autoreceptors 222. In lease of striatal DA produced by re-exposure to animals previously exposed to repeated intermittent AMPH, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that pre- injections of AMPH, both AMPH and APO are less synaptic changes in striatal DA neurons are at least effective than normal in reducing the discharge rate partially responsible for the behavioral phenome- of dopaminergic cells in the substantia nigra, zona non. Of course, this would not exclude changes in compacta (SNC 16'133'134) and ventral tegmental area other neural systems as well. But before reviewing (VTAI35'317). In fact, the firing rate of some DA cells evidence for changes in other neural systems, ideas is actually enhanced by AMPH or APO in AMPH- concerning the cellular basis of enhanced striatal DA sensitized rats, an effect never seen in control ani- release in sensitized animals will be discussed. In mals 16A33. Furthermore, the spontaneous firing rate doing so, it should be kept in mind that hypotheses of SNC and VTA units is increased 134,3t7 (although regarding the nature of the cellular change(s) respon- see also refs. 133, 134, 135 and Table VI), and the sible for enhanced DA release are constrained by ev- ability of iontophoretically applied DA to inhibit idence that it occurs in the absence of changes in VTA unit discharge decreased in AMPH-sensitized striatal DA concentrations (at least under steady- rats 317. These effects could be due to subsensitive DA state conditions; Tables III, IV). autoreceptors. The experiment with iontophoretical- Dopamine autoreceptor subsensitivity_ ly applied DA 317 suggests that DA autoreceptors lo- One hypothesis is that the repeated exposure to ab- cated on the cell bodies and/or dendrites of VTA cells normally high concentrations of DA produced by re- are hyposensitive in sensitized animals. In contrast, peated AMPH administration causes DA autorecep- the sensitivity of nigral zona reticulata neurons to tors to become subsensitive 16'26A86'195'259. It is AMPH is increased following repeated AMPH ad- thought that autoreceptors on the presynaptic termi- ministration ~37, as is the sensitivity of SNC neurons to nals, cell body and/or dendrites of DA neurons con- APO following a neurotoxic regimen of AMPH ad- trol DA synthesis, release and the discharge rate of ministration TM_ the cell via negative feedback 86,314. Subsensitivity of Although electrophysiological studies have sup- these autoreceptors would result in a reduction in this ported the DA autoreceptor subsensitivity hypothe- negative feedback and enhanced DA release. In sup- sis, biochemical/pharmacological studies designed to port of this hypothesis, Muller and Seeman ~95 report- test the same hypothesis have not (Table VI)_ One ed that repeated AMPH administration produced a biochemical approach has been to study the ability of decrease in [3H]apomorphine binding, but no change low doses of APO to reduce the formation of the DA in [3H]haloperidol binding (Table II). They argued metabolites, DOPAC and HVA, an effect thought to that the low concentrations of [3H]apomorphine used be due to the selective stimulation of DA autorecep- in their study reflected presynaptic DA receptor tors 49A68. However, the repeated intermittent admin- numbers. There is some question about this conclu- istration of AMPH does not alter the ability of APO sion, however, for as White and Wang 317 pointed out, to reduce striatal DA metabolite levels, as would be [3H]apomorphine may not selectively label DA auto- expected if DA autoreceptors were subsensi- receptors ~75'26~. Nevertheless, the most consistent tive 49A68. A second approach has been to measure finding from striatal DA receptor binding studies is the ability of APO to inhibit DA synthesis stimulated that repeated AMPH administration produces a by gamma-butyrolactone, which is also thought to be small down-regulation (or no change) of DA recep- due to the action of APO at DA autoreceptors. But 177

this is not altered in sensitized animals either 49. A Wilcox TM reported that sensitization to AMPH does third approach involves behavioral estimates of DA not alter the ability of APO to inhibit the locomotion autoreceptor sensitivity. These have produced mixed produced by challenge injection of AMPH in mice support for the subsensitive autoreceptor hypothesis. (also R.E. Wilcox, personal communication). At very low doses APO produces a decrease in loco- It is not clear why the electrophysiological and bio- motion, presumably because DA autoreceptors are chemical estimates of DA autoreceptor sensitivity selectively stimulated and this reduces DA release. If are so discrepant. Perhaps one should disregard the DA autoreceptors were subsensitive in AMPH-pre- biochemical/pharmacological studies for the moment treated animals, low doses of APO should be less ef- and ask how well the available electrophysiological fective in reducing locomotion, as reported by Antel- evidence accounts for behavioral sensitization. The man and Chiodo ~7. However, using a very similar answer is, not that well; as illustrated in the following paradigm, Conway and Uretsky 49 found no evidence examples. One problem is raised by the studies of for DA autoreceptor subsensitivity in AMPH-pre- Kamata and Rebec 133,134, who pretreated rats with treated animals (Table VI). Furthermore, Riffee and either i or 5 mg/kg of D-AMPH two times a day for 6

TABLE VI Evidence relevant to the dopamine autoreceptor subsensitivity hypothesis Abbreviations: as in previous Tables. SNC, substantia nigra, zona compacta; VTA, ventral tegmental area; GBL, gamma-butyrolac- tone; Up, some cells showed an increase.

Measure Challenge Injection schedule Withdrawal Effect Reference drug period A. Electrophysiological evidence 1. Ability of AMPH or APO to APO 4 mk/d × 6-15 d 2-11 d Down Antelman and Chiodo t6 inhibit SNC unit discharge APO 5 mk 2 x/d x 6 d 1 d Down Kamata and Rebec TM AMPH 5 mk 2 x/d x 6 d 1 d Down Kamata and Rebec 133 APO 4mkonce 7-16d NC Antelman and Chiodo 16 APO lmk2 x/d x 6d ld NC Kamata and Rebec TM AMPH 2.5-5 mk 2 x/d x 8-16 d 1 d NC Staunton et al. 2~3 AMPH 1 mk 2 ×/d x 6d ld Up Kamata and Rebec ~33 2. Change in spontaneous discharge - 5mk2 x/d x 6d 1 d Up Kamata and Rebec TM rate of SNC cells - 1 ink2 x/d x 6d 1 d NC Kamata and Rebec TM - 1-5 mk 2 x/d x 6d ld NC Kamata and Rebec 133 - 1.5-5 mk 2 ×/d x 8-16d ld NC Staunton et al. 283 3. Ability of AMPH or APO to AMPHandAPO 1-5mk2x/dx6d ld Down Kamata and Rebec t35 inhibit VTA unit discharge AMPH and APO 5mklor2x/d x7d ld Down White and Wang 317 AMPHandAPO 5mk2x/d×7d 8d Down White and Wang 317 AMPHandAPO 5mk/dx7d 8d NC White and Wang 3t7 AMPH and APO 5 mk once 1 d NC White and Wang 317 4. Change in spontaneous discharge - 5mk2 x/d × 7d ld Up White and Wang 317 rate of VTA cells - 1-5mk2 x/d x 6d ld NC Kamata and Rebec j35 5. Ability of iontophoretic DA to inhibit VTA unit discharge DA 5 mk2 x/d x 7d 1 d Down White and Wang 317

B. Biochemical/pharmacological evidence 1_ Ability of APO to reduce striatal APO 5mk2 x/d x 5d 3d NC Conway and Uretsky 49 metabolite levels APO 3 mk/d x 6d 2d NC Kuczenski et al. t6s 2. Ability of APO to inhibit GBL- induced DA synthesis APO 5mk2x/dx5d 3d NC Conway and Uretsky 49 3. Ability of a low dose of APO to decrease: - locomotion 6 mk/d x 6 d 2-11 d Down Antelman and Chiodo 17 5mk2x/dx5d 3-10d NC Conway and Uretsky 49 5 mk2 x/d x 5d 3d NC Riffee and WilcoxTM - rotation 3mk/d x 5d 7d NC Robinson 24° 178

days, and then tested them after one day of withdra- evidence of DA autoreceptor subsensitivity after 8 wal (Table VI). Pretreatment with either 1 or 5 days of withdrawal. These results suggest that in the mg/kg of AMPH produces behavioral sensitization. VTA the electrophysiological signs of autoreceptor However, when subsequently challenged with APO, subsensitivity do not persist sufficiently long to ac- only those animals pretreated with the 5 mg/kg dose count for behavioral sensitization. More studies will of AMPH showed evidence of DA autoreceptor sub- be required to clearly establish whether the electro- sensitivity TM. In animals pretreated with 1 mg/kg physiological signs of autoreceptor subsensitivity in there was actually a significant increase in the ability the SNC persist longer than in the VTA, as suggested of AMPH to inhibit SNC unit discharge 133 (Table by Antelman and Chiodo 16. VI). This latter effect is opposite to that predicted by There is a third feature of behavioral sensitization the DA autoreceptor subsensitivity hypothesis. not accounted for by the electrophysiological evi- A second problem with the electrophysiological dence for DA autoreceptor subsensitivity. It is clear studies concerns their ability to account for the per- that enduring behavioral sensitization is produced by sistence of behavioral sensitization. Animals remain a single injection of AMPH t7"4°,24°,268, as are endur- hypersensitive to the motor stimulant effects of ing changes in striatal DA release TM.HOwever, both AMPH for months after the cessation of treat- Antelman and Chiodo 16 and White and Wang 317 re- ment 185'24°. As mentioned above, there is even evi- ported that a single injection of AMPH does not alter dence to suggest that for some period of time follow- the ability of APO to inhibit SNC or VTA unit dis- ing withdrawal from AMPH there is a progressive in- charge (Table VI). crease in sensitivity 16'm'161'2n. The enhancement in A final argument against the DA autoreceptor AMPH-stimulated striatal DA release in AMPH- subsensitivity hypothesis is provided by studies on sensitized animals is also very persistent, being evi- the role of DA terminal autoreceptors in the regula- dent weeks to months following withdrawal L61'242'244. tion of AMPH-stimulated striatal DA release. Auto- .It is therefore unfortunate that in so many of the elec- receptors on the presynaptic terminals of nigrostria- trophysiological studies animals were withdrawn for tal DA cells are thought to regulate the depolariza- only one day before testing (Table VI). This not only tion-induced, calcium-dependent release of DA via decreases the probability of observing changes re- negative feedback 92A72. However, it has been report- lated to behavioral sensitization, given that the be- ed that AMPH-stimulated striatal DA release, a havioral effect and effect on AMPH-stimulated stria- process that is calcium-independent and may involve tal DA release is larger with longer withdrawal peri- an exchange-diffusion process 92, is not modulated by ods 161, but does not allow an evaluation of the per- presynaptic DA autoreceptors ~32_ It is difficult to sistence of electrophysiological changes that are ob- imagine how the increase in striatal DA release in vit- served_ ro produced by sensitization could be due to a change Antelman and Chiodo ~6 did report that the de- in presynaptic DA autoreceptors if these receptors crease in the ability of APO to inhibit SNC unit dis- do not normally modulate AMPH-stimulated DA re- charge seen in sensitized rats persisted for at least 11 lease 173. days_ However, White and Wang 3~7 found that in the In summary, the DA autoreceptor subsensitivity VTA this effect was greatly attenuated after only 8 hypothesis initially seems to provide an attractive ex- days of withdrawal. White and Wang 317 gave rats 5 planation of behavioral sensitization and enhanced mg/kg of AMPH for 7 days, either daily or twice striatal DA release in animals given repeated inter- daily, and then withdrew them for one or 8 days be- mittent injections of AMPH, but it is not without fore testing (Table VI). Both of these pretreatment problems. First, the electrophysiological evidence regimens produce behavioral sensitization. In rats does not account for a number of critical features of pretreated twice daily and withdrawn for 8 days, the behavioral sensitization. These include: (1) the be- decrease in the ability of AMPH or APO to inhibit havioral and neurochemical effects persist for weeks VTA unit discharge was only 50% of that observed to months and, at least in the VTA, the electrophys- after one day of withdrawal. More importantly, in iological effects dissipate quickly317; (2) behavioral animals pretreated daily with AMPH there was no sensitization and enhanced striatal DA release are 179

produced by a single injection of AMPH, but there is ily releasable pool, and a concomitant decline in the no evidence for DA autoreceptor subsensitivity after size of the storage pool, there might be an en- a single injection (Table VI); and (3) pretreatment hancement in AMPH-stimulated DA release without with low doses of AMPH result in electrophysiologic- changes in overall DA concentrations. al effects opposite those predicted by the DA autore- Another possibility is that the primary effect of ceptor subsensitivity hypothesis 133. Second, the bio- AMPH sensitization is on neurons afferent to striatal chemical studies do not support the electrophysiolog- DA terminals, and these presynaptically facilitate ical evidence for DA autoreceptor subsensitivity, DA release by hyperpolarizing DA terminals. This and the pharmacological/behavioral studies are could also increase the rate of DA/AMPH transport, equivocal. Third, AMPH-stimulated DA release in and thereby enhance AMPH-stimulated DA re- vitro appears not to be modulated by presynaptic DA lease 92A4°. To date there is no evidence for such an autoreceptors ~73. It is concluded that the available hypothesis. But it is an intriguing one, especially evidence does not provide strong support for the hy- since the sensitization to electric shock in Aplysia de- pothesis that either behavioral sensitization or the scribed by Kandel and his colleagues is thought to be enhanced striatal DA release produced by repeated due to the facilitory effect of a hyperpolarizing pre- intermittent AMPH treatment is caused solely by synaptic serotonergic input on subsequent transmit- subsensitive DA autoreceptors. Of course, it is possi- ter release 138. It would be very interesting if a similar ble that there is a cascade of cellular changes that mechanism was involved in the behavioral sensitiza- leads to the enduring behavioral and neurochemical tion described here. There is only limited evidence signs of sensitization, and that changes in DA autore- for changes in serotonergic activity in AMPH-sensi- ceptors represent but one stage in this process. tized animals (e.g. ref. 281 and unpublished obser- Other hypotheses. If subsensitive DA au- vations by the authors), and this requires further in- toreceptors are not directly responsible for the en- vestigation. There is also very little known about the during effects of sensitization, there must be other influence of serotonin on striatal DA release 3~5, and ways that repeated intermittent AMPH treatment we know of no studies on the effects of serotonin spe- produces an enhancement in AMPH-stimulated cifically on AMPH-stimulated striatal DA release. striatal DA release 242'244. These alternative hypoth- In conclusion, there is good evidence for changes eses remain to be tested, but a couple deserve men- in the nigrostriatal DA system of sensitized animals, tion here for the sake of completion. but considerably more work is required in even this One possibility is that there is simply more DA most extensively studied system. Although it has available for release in AMPH-sensitized animals. been shown that striatal DA release/utilization is en- This could occur, in the absence of changes in overall hanced following an AMPH challenge in sensitized DA concentrations, if there was a shift in the distri- animals, the cellular basis of this effect is not known, bution of DA between two hypothesized intracellular and its relationship to behavioral sensitization needs 'pools' of DA. It is thought that striatal DA is distrib- to be further clarified. Furthermore, the nigrostriatal uted in two functional pools within the presynaptic DA system is probably not the only brain DA system terminal -- a newly synthesized, readily releasable altered by the repeated intermittent administration pool with a rapid turnover rate, and a storage pool of AMPH. Evidence for changes in other DA sys- that turns over more slowly97'192. AMPH may stimu- tems is discussed next. late DA release from the more readily releasable pool, because the behavioral response to AMPH is 5.3.2. The mesolimbic and mesocortical dopamine not depressed by depletion of vesicular DA stores systems with , but the motor stimulant (and euphor- There are a number of reasons for suspecting that ic) effects are depressed by synthesis inhibition with AMPH sensitization might alter mesolimbic or me- a-methyl-p-tyrosine2'126'192'249"313. The fact that socortical DA systems. First, according to the cur- AMPH-induced DA release is calcium-independent rent Zeitgeist it would be expected that any treat- supports this idea 29'26°'318. Therefore, if AMPH sensi- ment known to produce severe cognitive and affec- tization produced an increase in the size of the read- tive disturbances in humans would also produce ab- 180

normalities in one or many limbic and cortical struc- tor binding (Table VII). It should be noted that in tures. Second, there is indirect experimental evi- most of these studies extreme AMPH pretreatment dence suggesting that mesolimbic or mesocortical regimens were used, and animals were withdrawn DA systems are involved in behavioral sensitization. from AMPH for only one day 59,111,114'204,237'239. As For example, Eichler and Antelman7° reported that previously mentioned, it is doubtful that this para- electrical self-stimulation in mesolimbic or mesocor- digm provides information relevant to the neural ba- tical pathways sensitized rats to a subsequent injec- sis of behavioral sensitization. As in the case of the tion of AMPH. AMPH pretreatment also enhanced striatum (Table II), it is concluded that there is no electrical self-stimulation at medial prefrontal cortex consistent evidence for changes in mesolimbic DA sites 236. Segal et al. 266 found that 6-OHDA lesions of receptor binding in association with behavioral sensi- the nucleus accumbens attenuated the development tization. of behavioral sensitization, further implicating the In the two studies on DA receptor binding in the mesolimbic DA system in sensitization7°. In spite of frontal cortex that were found, a decline in in vivo this indirect evidence, there is not much direct evi- [3H]spiroperidol binding was reported in one t39, and dence for changes in either mesolimbic or mesocorti- no change in [3H]spiperone binding in the other 6. It is cal DA systems in animals repeatedly exposed to difficult to compare these studies because in the lat- AMPH. This should not be taken to indicate that ter one the animals were challenged with AMPH 1 h such changes do not exist, because it will become ob- prior to being killed. Obviously, there is not suffi- vious in the following discussion that there have been cient evidence to draw any conclusions about very few attempts to identify neural changes in these changes in mesocortical DA receptors in sensitized structures using paradigms relevant to the phenome- animals. Nevertheless, the decrease in frontal cortex non of behavioral sensitization. DA binding reported by Kaneno and Shimazono t39 is Studies on mesolimbic DA receptor binding in ani- interesting in relation to evidence that AMPH sensi- .mals pretreated with AMPH are equivocal (Table tization enhances frontal cortex DA utilization243 VII). There are 4 reports of an increase, 3 of no (see below). This may be similar to the situation in change and 5 of a decrease in mesolimbic DA recep- the striatum, where there appears to be a small

TABLE VII The effect of arnphetamine sensitization on mesolimbic (accumbens or accumbens plus tubercle) dopamine receptor binding Abbreviations: as in previous Tables.

Reference Species Sex Drug Injection schedule Withdrawal Ligand Competitor Bind- period ing Daiguji and Meltzer 59 Rat M D 5---~ 15mk2 x/d x 20d I 17-20h [3H]spiroperidol ADTN Down Hitzemann et al. |11 Rat F D 6 mk2 ×/d × 1-4d 16-20 h [3H]spiroperidol butaclamolor Down sulperide Kaneno and Shimazono~39 Rat M M 6 mk/d x 14 d 10 d [3H]spiroperidol in vivo2 Down Robertson 239 Rat M D 10 mk 2 x/d x 21 d 24-36 h [3H]spiroperidol domperidone Down [3H]ADTN dopamine Down

Akiyama et al. 5 Rat M M 4 mk/d x- 14 d 7d [3H]spiperone ADTN NC Howlett and Nahorski 1t4 Rat M D 5---~15mk2x/dx20d I 17-20h [3H]spiperone 9 NC Owen et al. TM Vervet M D 4---~ 12 mk/d × 35d ld? [3H]spiperone butaclamol NC and F

Akiyama et al. 5 Rat M M 4 mk/d x 14 d 7 d [3H]spiperone butaclamol Up Akiyama et al. 6 Rat M M 4 mk/d x 14 d 7--~ 4 mk 1 h [3H]spiperone spiperone Up prior to kill Howlett and Nahorski ll4 Rat M D 5---~ 15 mk 2 x/d x 4 d l 17-20 h [3H]spiperone 9 Up Robertson 23s Rat M D 5 mk/d x 22 d 2 d [3H]spiroperidol 9 Up i Also added 25 ~ 75 mg/ml to drinking water. 2 Cerebellum used to estimate non-specific activity. 181

down-regulation of DA receptors in response to en- sensitized and control animals (Table VIII). There hanced DA release in sensitized animals. was a similar discrepancy between the reports of Evidence that behavioral sensitization is accompa- Kuczenski and Leith 167, who used D-AMPH, and Ni- nied by presynaptic changes in mesolimbic DA struc- shikawa et al. 2°2, who used meth-AMPH, in regards tures is also quite limited (Table VIII). There is a striatal DA utilization (Table V). In conclusion, consensus that the steady-state concentrations of me- more work is required to determine if AMPH sensiti- solimbic DA are not altered by repeated intermittent zation produces changes in mesolimbic DA activity. injections of low doses of AMPH t67,t83`2°2 (and un- They may very well occur, but are only apparent in published studies by the authors), although sensi- female animals, or when sensitized animals are sub- tized animals may show a greater decline in DA lev- sequently challenged with a stimulus that increases els than control animals when subsequently chal- dopaminergic activity (e.g. see the discussion of lenged with meth-AMPH 2°2. The only study to exam- opiate-DA interactions below). ine mesolimbic tyrosine hydroxylase activity reports We are aware of only one report that repeated in- no change in sensitized rats, suggesting mesolimbic termittent injections of AMPH produce enduring ef- DA synthesis is not altered 2°2. AMPH sensitization fects on DA neurons projecting to the neocortex also does not seem to influence mesolimbic DA utili- (Table VIII). In two independent experiments, Rob- zation under steady-state conditions, as indicated by inson et al. 243 found an enduring enhancement in me- DA metabolite levels 167,ts3,2°2, or the rate of the de- dial prefrontal cortex DA utilization in OVX female cline in DA after tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition243 rats previously exposed to AMPH, as indicated by an (Table VIII). However, Camp and Robinson43 have increase in the rate of decline of DA following tyro- obtained preliminary evidence for enhanced nucleus sine hydroxylase inhibition. The significance of these accumbens DA metabolite levels (utilization?) in enduring changes in mesocortical DA neurons to be- sensitized female, but not male rats. When sensitized havioral sensitization, and how they are related to rats were subsequently challenged with meth- similar changes in the striatum (Table V) will be ex- AMPH, Nishikawa et al. 2°2 found that mesolimbic plored in future studies. Nevertheless, it is encourag- DA utilization was enhanced, but in a similar study ing that there is enhanced frontal cortex DA utiliza- Kuczenski and Leith 167 found no difference between tion in this animal model of AMPH psychosis, be-

TABLE VIII The effect of amphetamine sensitization on presynaptic indices of rnesolimbic and rnesocortical doparnine activity Abbreviations: S, steady-state (resting) conditions; C, after a challenge injection of AMPH.

Reference Structure Injectionschedule Withdrawal Condition Measure Effect period Alloway and Rebec 9 Accumbens 1-5 mk 2 x/d x 6 d 1 d S DA concentrations NC Eichler et al. 69 Accumbens 2-12 mk/d x 65 d 1 d S DA concentrations NC Kuczenski and Leith ~67 Mesolimbic 3 mk/d x 6 d 2 d S or C DA concentrations NC Lynch et al.lS3 0_5 ~ 2 mg/ml/d x 14 d 1-7 d S DA concentrations NC Nishikawa et al. 2°2 Mesolimbic 6 mk/d x 14 d 15 d S DA concentrations NC Nishikawa et al. 2°2 Mesolimbic 6 mk/d x 14 d 15 d C DA concentrations Down

AIIoway and Rebec9 Accumbens 1-5 mk 2 x/d x 6 d 1 d S DOPAC NC Camp and Robinson (F) 43 Accumbens 2.6 mk/4 d x 10 inj 8-13 d S DOPAC; HVA Up Kuczenski and Leith t67 Mesolimbic 3 mk/d x 6 d 2 d S or C DOPAC; HVA NC Lynch et al.lS3 Amygdala 0.5-2 mg/ml/d x 14 d 1-7 d S DOPAC NC Nishikawa et al. 2°2 Mesolimbic 6 mk/d x 14 d 15 d S or C Tyrosine hydroxylase NC Nishikawa et al. 2°2 Mesohmbic 6 mk/d x 14 d 15 d S DOPAC; HVA; DOPAC/DA NC C DOPAC; DOPAC/DA Up Robinson et al. 243 Accumbens 3 ink/l-4 d x 7-9 inj 8-10 d S Decline in DA after MPT NC

Robinson et al. 243 Frontal cortex 3 mk/1-4 d x 7-9 inj 8-10 d S Decline in DA after MPT Up 182 cause dysfunction in the frontal lobe has been impli- tization to DALA, which is similar to the situation cated in the manifestation of AMPH psychosis and following AMPH sensitization (Tables III, V). Fur- schizophrenia33,160,201,306. thermore, animals sensitized by intra-VTA DALA are hypersensitive to the motor stimulant effects of 5.3.3. Other neurotransmitter systems systemically administered AMPH or intra-VTA neu- Opiate peptide-dopamine interactions_ rotensin, effects thought to be mediated by mesote- Although the effects of repeated AMPH administra- lencephalic DA neurons. They are not hypersensi- tion on brain opiate peptide systems have not re- tive to the motor stimulant effects of , which ceived much attention there is accumulating evi- are thought to be non-dopaminergic j29. Kalivas 129 dence that some of the enduring changes in behavior also presented evidence that neither changes in produced by the repeated administration of opiates nor postsynaptic DA receptors underlie intra- may be mediated via changes in dopaminergic activ- VTA DALA-induced sensitization. It is concluded ity. As with AMPH, tolerance develops to many of that both AMPH and opiate peptides may produce morphine's effects, but its motor stimulant effects are some of their enduring effects on behavior by altering progressively enhanced upon repeated intermittent the presynaptic activity of mesotelencephalic DA administration, either systemically2° or into the ven- neurons. tral tegmental area (VTA128,3°7). The sensitizing ef- Norepinephrine. The effects of repeated fects of systemic morphine are also very persistent, intermittent injections of AMPH on indices of brain lasting for months following withdrawal 21'25. Mor- norepinephrine (NE) activity are summarized in phine-induced sensitization of motor activity is prob- Table IX. Some researchers have reported a small ably due to morphine's action on an endogenous mes- decline in brain NE concentrations after repeated encephalic opiate system, because the daily adminis- AMPH administration 9'~s3,2°5,273, but in all instances tration of a peptidase-resistant enkephalin analog animals were treated at least twice a day, for very (DALA; D-Ala2-D-MetS-enkephalinamide) into the long periods of time, and/or with relatively high VTA also produces a progressive and enduring en- doses of AMPH. Certainly AMPH treatment regi- hancement in the motor stimulant effects of a subse- mens that are toxic to DA neurons may also deplete quent intra-VTA DALA challenge TM. This DALA- NE 113'228'299. When a less extreme treatment regimen induced behavioral sensitization is blocked by nalox- is used, or when animals are withdrawn for a longer one; and morphine or D-Ala2-D-LeuS-enkephalin, period of time, repeated AMPH administration does but not dynorphin, partially substitute for DALA TM. not alter brain NE concentrations 9,69A°9'121'233 (and On the basis of this evidence Kalivas et al. TM have unpublished studies by the authors)_ There is also suggested that delta or mu, but not kappa opiate re- little evidence for changes in NE synthesis or release ceptors are probably involved in DALA-induced in AMPH sensitized rats~21,2s~; although admittedly sensitization. there has been insufficient effort to identify such Behavioral, electrophysiological and neurochem- changes. One exception comes from studies on the ical studies suggest that some of the motor stimulant noradrenergic input to cerebellar Purkinje cells. So- effects of opiates are due to opiate-DA interactions, renson et al. 279 reported that 50 days following with- and therefore the sensitizing effects of opiates could drawal from repeated AMPH treatment the dis- also be due to opiate-DA interactions (see refs. 129, charge rate of Purkinje cells was abnormally low, and 131 for references). In support of this, Kalivas 129 has disruption of the NE input to these cells from the lo- shown that in animals sensitized by daily intra-VTA cus coeruleus partially reversed this effectzTs. Fur- DALA injections a subsequent challenge injection of thermore, cerebellar cortex 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy- intra-VTA DALA produces a greater enhancement phenyl glycol (MHPG) concentrations were elevated in nucleus accumbens DOPAC and HVA concentra- 10 days after withdrawal from AMPH, perhaps indi- tions than in non-sensitized controls, and that this ef- cating enhanced NE release. MHPG levels had re- fect persists for at least 7 days. Interestingly, the turned to control levels by 30 days of withdrawal 27s. steady-state concentrations of nucleus accumbens The authors concluded that sensitization to AMPH DA, DOPAC and HVA are not influenced by sensi- enhances NE neurotransmission in the cerebellum. 183

However, this cannot completely account for the ef- ratory), there is one intriguing report of altered sero- fect on Purkinje cells because removal of the NE in- tonergic activity in AMPH-sensitized rats. Sparber put only partially reversed the effect 27S. and Tilson TM reported that AMPH-stimulated The evidence for enduring changes in NE recep- [3H]serotonin release into the lateral ventricle was tors is largely negative (Table IX). For example, Ba- significantly enhanced in rats treated with 2.5 mg/kg nerjee et al. 24 reported an increase in [3H]DHA bind- of AMPH each day for 8-12 days and withdrawn for ing after 1-2 days of withdrawal, but normal levels of one day. In control animals AMPH failed to stimu- [3H]DHA binding by 4 days of withdrawal. late significant [3H]serotonin release. Serotonin. Serotonin-containing neurons Amino acids. It has been suggested that modulate both brain DA activity and the behavioral glutamate release is decreased in schizophrenics 149, effects of stimulant drugs, and therefore could be in- and therefore the effects of sensitization on amino volved in the development of behavioral sensitiza- acid transmitters is of interest. The repeated inter- tion. However, there is very little direct evidence for mittent administration of meth-AMPH (4 mg/kg changes in serotonergic systems in AMPH-sensitized daily for 14 days) did reduce [3H]kainic acid binding animals. Again, this may be due to insufficient effort in rat cerebral cortex, when measured 8 days after to identify such changes. Although steady-state brain the last AMPH treatment. This suggests a reduction 5-hydroxytryptophan activity and serotonin concen- in glutamate receptors 143. Unfortunately, it is diffi- trations are not influenced by the repeated intermit- cult to assess how relevant studies on presynaptic in- tent administration of non-toxic doses of dices of amino acid transmitter function are to behav- AMPH t°9`lls'29° (and unpublished studies in this labo- ioral sensitization, because in two studies animals

TABLE IX The effect of arnphetamine sensitization on indices of brain norepinephrine activity Abbreviations: as in previous Tables. NE, norepinephrine; ctx, cortex; hpc, , ot., olfactory tubercle; cAMP, cyclic AMP; MHPG, 3 methoxy,4-hydroxy-phenyl-glycol.

Reference Structure Injection schedule Withdrawal Measure Effect period Alloway and Rebec9 striatum 5 mk 2 x/d x 6 d 1 d NE concentrations Down AUoway and Rebec9 striatum 1 mk 2 x/d x 6 d 1 d NE concentrations NC Eichler et al.69 neocortex 2-4 mk/d x 65 d 1 d NE concentrations NC Eichler et al. 69 neocortex 8-12 mk/d x 65 d 1 d NE concentrations Down Herman et a1.1°9 cerebellum 3 mk/d x 9 mo 3 d NE concentrations Down Herman et a1.1°9 ctx, striatum, thalamus 3 mk/d x 9 mo 1-3 d NE concentrations NC Jackson et a1.121 whole brain, minus cerebellum 5 mk/d x 25 d 7 d NE concentrations NC Lynch et al.lS3 hpc, striatum, brainstem 0_5 ~ 2 mg/ml x 14 d 7 d NE concentrations Down Lynch et al.lS3 ot., amygdala, midbrain 0.5 ~ 2 mg/ml x 14 d 7 d NE concentrations NC Pearl and Seiden 2°5 whole brain 2.5 mk/d x 60 d 1 d NE concentrations Down Riffee and Gerald 233 whole brain 2.5 mk/d x 7 d 1-2 d NE concentrations NC Short and Shuster 273 whole brain 10 mk 2 x/d x 5 d 3-25 d I NE concentrations Down

Jackson et a1.121 whole brain, minus cerebellum 5 mk/d x 25 d 7 d NE decline after MPT NC Sorensen et alY 8 cerebellum 2 mk/d x 21 d 10 d MHPG concentrations Up Sorensen et al_ 278 cerebellum 2 mk/d × 21 d 30 d MHPG concentrations NC Sparber and Tilson TM perfuse lateral ventricle 2.5 mk/d x 8-12 d 1 d [3H]NE release NC

Banerjee et al. 24 whole brain, minus cerebellum 10 mk/d x 6 wk 4 d [3H]DHA binding 3 NC Banerjee et al. 24 whole brain, minus cerebellum 10 mk/d x 6 wk 1-2 d [3H]DHA binding ~ Up Chanda et al. 46 whole brain, minus cerebellum 10 mk/d x 6 wk 4 d NE stimulated cAMP NC Chanda et al. 46 whole brain, minus cerebellum 10 mk/d x 6 wk 4 d [3H]DHA binding 3 NC Howlett and Nahorski L14 striatum, limbic forebrain 5---, 15 mk 2 x/d x 4-20 d 2 1 d [3H]DHA binding 3 NC i NE concentrations steadily increasing to near normal by 25 d. z Additional AMPH added to drinking water. 3DHA = dihydroalpre- nol, displaced with NE. 184 were not withdrawn from AMPH for even one tized animals is not known. A number of possibilities day L4s,163, and in the other AMPH was provided con- are schematically illustrated in Fig. 2B. One possibil- tinuously in the drinking water 1B4. ity is that the autoreceptors regulating DA release or discharge rate are subsensitive ('3'). However, as 5.4. The neural basis of behavioral sensitization: con- discussed above, the available evidence for autore- clusions and a hypothesis ceptor subsensitivity is equivocal, and fails to account for many of the characteristics of behavioral sensiti- Despite many attempts to identify an enduring zation and the persistence of enhanced DA release. neural change associated with repeated intermittent Other possibilities include presynaptic facilitation by AMPH administration perusal of Tables I-IX re- hyperpolarization of the DA terminal via a presynap- veals that the neural basis of behavioral sensitization tic input ('4'), or a shift in the distribution of DA from has not been thoroughly characterized. Neverthe- a 'storage pool' to a more readily releasable pool less, the available evidence does provide some prom- ('5'). There is no evidence for a change in total DA ising leads. The section of this review on 'neural hy- concentrations, at least during the resting state (note potheses' began with two questions: (1) what is the that the number of DA 'molecules' illustrated in Fig. locus of the neural change(s) underlying behavioral 2A and B is the same), or in DA synthesis rate ('6'). • sensitization; and (2) what is the nature of the Future research on the nature of presynaptic changes change(s)? In answer to the first question, there is in mesotelencephalic DA systems, and on changes in sufficient evidence to conclude that repeated inter- other neurotransmitter systems that influence dopa- mittent exposure to AMPH alters mesotelencephalic minergic activity will be required to further elucidate DA systems. Of course, other neural systems are the neural basis of behavioral sensitization. In partic- probably involved as well, but only DA systems have ular, it will be important in future studies to try and been studied in any detail. In answer to the second relate changes in specific neural systems (e.g. the 0question, we propose that behavioral sensitization to mesolimbic, mesocorticai or nigrostriatal DA sys- AMPH is at least partly due to presynaptic changes tems) to changes in specific behaviors (e.g. locomo- characterized by enhanced DA release. tion, the various components of stereotypy, rotation- Fig. 2 schematically illustrates some of the changes al behavior). in brain DA neurons that could occur following the One final point to be made here concerns the ambi- repeated intermittent administration of AMPH. Fig. guity created in the literature when studies involving 2A illustrates the release of DA induced by AMPH in neurotoxic AMPH treatment regimens are cited as an animal exposed to AMPH for the first time. Note being relevant to the neural basis of behavioral sensi- that DA release can be modulated by autoreceptors tization, and vice versa. This should be avoided. on the presynaptic terminal (autoreceptors on the Some of the problem is simply because the same cell body and dendrites are not illustrated), and/or by terms are frequently used to refer to different phe- a presynaptic hyperpolarizing input (indicated by nomena. For example, the phrase 'repeated AMPH '-'). Fig. 2B illustrates the same terminal after the an- administration' is used to refer to both: (1) treatment imal has been repeatedly and intermittently exposed paradigms in which very high doses are repeatedly to AMPH, and then after a withdrawal period (weeks given, which in effect continuously elevates brain to month later) is again challenged with AMPH. It is concentrations of AMPH and produces neurotoxici- known that there is an enhanced behavioral response ty; and (2) paradigms relevant to behavioral sensiti- to this challenge injection of AMPH, and the best ev- zation, in which repeated but intermittent injections idence available to date suggests it is due to enhanced of non-toxic low doses are used. It is suggested that DA release (item no. 1 on Fig. 2B). There is no con- individual researchers make a greater effort to iden- vincing evidence for changes in postsynaptic DA re- tify whether the paradigm they use is more relevant ceptors (indicated by '2' on Fig. 2B), except perhaps to the 'AMPH neurotoxicity syndrome', or the phe- a small down-regulation that we propose is secondary nomenon of behavioral sensitization; and to be care- to enhanced DA release. The nature of the cellular ful about citing evidence relevant to only one phe- change underlying enhanced DA release in sensi- nomenon as being relevant to the other. 185

AI NORMAL B. SENSITIZED hances many of the central and behavioral conse- quences of subsequent stress 4'13'14'17"44'282. Of direct relevance to the behavioral sensitization produced by stimulants is evidence that daily injections of cocaine produce a progressive enhancement in plasma nor- epinephrine (NE) and epinephrine concentra- • :." tions ~°2, and in particular that repeated exposure to stress sensitizes brain DA systems ~s'1°3'216. It has even been suggested that some of the enduring ef- fects of stimulant drugs on brain and behavior are Fig. 2. A schematic illustration of possible changes in dopa- due to their action as stressors 17-t9,212. minergic neurons following the repeated intermittent adminis- Much of the evidence for an association between tration of amphetamine. A: an illustration of the release of DA from a dopamine terminal the first time it is exposed to amphet- AMPH sensitization and sensitization to stress comes amine. The black dots represent DA 'molecules' that are local- from a series of experiments by Antelman and his ized either in a 'storage pool' (enclosed circles), or a more colleagues, who studied the effect of a variety of 'readily releasable pool' (freely distributed in the cytoplasm). Postsynaptic DA receptors are black, presynaptic autorecep- stressors on the stereotyped behavior produced by a tors are white and a presynaptic receptor receiving a hyperpo- subsequent injection of AMPH (for review see ref. larizing input from another cell is striped. B' an illustration of 17). Exposure to stressors such as tail pinch, food the same terminal after the animal has been sensitized to am- phetamine. It is known that there is an enhanced behavioral re- deprivation or footshock all enhance the stereotypy sponse to amphetamine in a sensitized animal, and it is sug- (or polydipsia) produced by an injection of AMPH gested that this is due to enhanced DA release (item no. 1) given weeks later 15't7'19'7°. Studies by other research- Numbers 2-6 illustrate other possible changes, including changes in postsynaptic receptors (2), presynaptic autorecep- ers have subsequently shown that immobilization or tors (3), a hyperpolarizing presynaptic input (4), the intracellu- footshock stress also produce an enduring en- lar distribution of DA (5), or DA synthesis (6). See the text for hancement in AMPH-induced locomotion l°s and ro- a discussion of each of these possibilities. tational behavior 24t (see also ref. 105). Not only does previous exposure to stress enhance 6. GENERALIZABILITY OF SENSITIZATION AMPH-induced behavior, but previous exposure to AMPH may influence the effects of subsequent 6.1. Stimulants and stress stress. For example, Antelman et al. 15 reported that rats previously exposed to AMPH are more sensitive Thus far behavioral sensitization has been de- to the activational effects of tail pinch. The effects of scribed as a special kind of behavioral plasticity, footshock stress on indices of brain DA activity are where a relatively short-term pharmacological ma- also altered by sensitization to AMPH (unpublished nipulation (exposure to AMPH) produces a very studies by the authors). Mild footshock stress is long-lasting change in the response induced by subse- known to enhance DA utilization in a number of quent exposure to the same stimulus. However, it is brain regions, as indicated by increased DOPAC worth noting at this time that behavioral sensitization concentrations, or DOPAC to DA ratios 174"227 (cf. is not unique to the psychopharmacology of psycho- ref. 291). We have found that 5 min of mild footshock motor stimulant drugs, but can be produced by non- produces a greater elevation in the ratio of DOPAC pharmacologic environmental stimuli as well. For ex- to DA in the medial prefrontal cortex and hypothala- ample, there are many studies showing that repeated mus of sensitized female rats than in saline-injected intermittent stress can sensitize the hypothalamo-pi- or non-handled control animals, perhaps due to en- tuitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Daily immobilization or hanced DA release (unpublished studies). Thus, it footshock stress produces a dramatic and progressive appears that AMPH and stress may be to some extent increase in plasma corticosterone concentra- interchangeable in producing sensitization. tions 1°6'2~9, and in adrenal tyrosine hydroxylase and Evidence that sensitization to stress may involve -N-methyl-transferase activity enduring changes in mesotelencephalic DA systems (PNMT~71). Repeated intermittent stress also en- is also suggested by recent studies by Kalivas et al. t30 186 on the effects of intra-VTA injections of the enkeph- release of ACTH to a 3 min 'psychological' stress is alin analog, DALA. When injected into the VTA, also greater in female than in male rats 178. DALA produces hyperactivity, an effect that is These sex differences may be related to the effects thought to be due to the DALA-induced release of of gonadal hormones on brain DA activity and the DA in the nucleus accumbens TM. Furthermore, the HPA axis. Gonadal hormones are known to mod- repeated intermittent administration of DALA pro- ulate striatal and hypothalamic DA release and re- duces a progressive sensitization of motor activity, ceptors in a sexually dimorphic manner 28'3°'116'3°4, and this is accompanied by sensitization of mesolim- and male and female gonadal hormones differential- bic DA systems 129d31. Interestingly, previous expo- ly effect the HPA axis. For example, Kitay 52'~5° has sure to mild footshock stress also sensitizes animals shown that ovariectomy (OVX) decreases both the to the motor stimulant effects of intra-VTA DALA, pituitary secretion of ACTH and plasma corticoster- and animals sensitized to DALA show an exagger- one 57, presumably due to a reduction in ACTH syn- ated dopaminergic response to subsequent stress ~3°. thesis and the sensitivity of the pituitary to corticotro- In conclusion, there is sufficient evidence to sug- pin-releasing factor (CRF). In sharp contrast, castra- gest that the repeated intermittent exposure to either tion (CAST) of male rats increases plasma ACTH at pharmacologic or environmental stimuli that activate rest or after stress, and this is reversed by testoster- brain DA systems can produce enduring changes in one replacement 53a5°. Kitay 15° has suggested that en- DA neurons, and that these changes are character- dogenous gonadal hormones in males and females in- ized by hyperresponsivity to stimuli that subsequent- fluence HPA activity in an opposing fashion. ly activate brain DA systems_ (b) Chronic effects. As discussed above, females show much more robust sensitization to repeated in- 6.2. Sex differences, stimulants and stress termittent injections of AMPH than males, and this is not affected by OVX 24°'244. In contrast, CAST males It was mentioned above that there are robust sex show greater sensitization to AMPH than intact differences in the sensitization to AMPH. If sensiti- males and are comparable to females. We know of zation to AMPH and stress are to some extent inter- only one study on sex differences in the response of changeable, as just suggested, it follows that there the HPA axis to repeated intermittent stress, but the should also be sex differences in the sensitization to similarity to the pattern of sex differences seen with stress. Although the evidence is limited, a review of AMPH sensitization is striking 1°6. the literature reveals that there are remarkably simi- Hennessy et a1.1°6 (see for review ref. 107) showed lar sex differences in both the acute and chronic ef- that in gonadally intact female mice the plasma corti- fects of AMPH and stress. costerone response to footshock stress is sensitized (a) Acute effects. Female rats show a much greater by daily footshock sessions. OVX produced a general behavioral response to an acute injection of AMPH decline in the circulating levels of corticosterone in than males, as indicated by measures of locomotor all groups, but OVX rats still showed a clear sensiti- activity ~88, stereotyped activity 27 or rotational behav- zation of the corticosterone response with repeated ior 31"36'244"245. This sex difference in AMPH-induced stress. In contrast, gonadally intact male mice did not behavior is not due to sex differences in the metabo- sensitize to repeated stress. That is, in intact males lism of AMPH 1°1,144as9, because it persists when the elevation in plasma corticosterone was the same males are given considerably higher systemic doses after the 10th shock session as it was after the first. of AMPH than females 36, or when doses are titrated On the other hand, CAST male mice did show sensi- so males and females have equivalent brain levels of tization, having significantly higher plasma cortico- AMPH 31'43. There is a similar sex difference in the sterone levels after the 10th than after the first shock response of the HPA axis to acute stress. Female rats session 106. show a much greater and more persistent elevation of In summary, the available evidence suggests that: plasma corticosterone than males in response to (1) females show more robust sensitization in re- either immobilization, footshock or forced running sponse to repeated AMPH or stress than do males; stress 141ASl, or to a direct injection of ACTH TM. The (2) removal of the ovaries has no (or little) effect on 187 the sensitization produced by repeated AMPH or neurochemical alterations. Perhaps with the devel- stress; and (3) removal of the testes enhances the de- opment of new non-invasive techniques for imaging velopment of sensitization to both repeated AMPH neural activity in humans (e.g. PET, NMR) some of or stress. It is therefore possible that a testicular hor- these issues will be resolved. Nevertheless, it is inter- mone directly or indirectly retards the development esting to note in this regard that plasma HVA levels of enduring changes in brain and behavior produced are elevated in schizophrenics. There is also a strong by the repeated intermittent application of either positive correlation between the severity of the psy- AMPH or stress_ chosis and HVA levels 61,2°s (see also ref. 295), and the reduction in psychosis produced by neuroleptic 7. CONCLUSIONS treatment is correlated with a reduction in plasma HVA levels 2°s. Enhanced plasma HVA levels could In conclusion, we agree with previous suggestions be due to elevated levels of DA release, but unfortu- that the hyperdopaminergic state and resultant nately there are many other possible explanations for changes in behavior produced by an acute injection these results (e.g. ref. 47). of moderate to high doses of AMPH provides a rea- There is growing evidence to support the sugges- sonable model of some changes in brain and behavior tion that sensitization is not unique to the psycho- associated with some forms of schizophrenia 196' pharmacology of stimulant drugs 17'19'212, but can be 219.220264. That is, amphetamine psychosis, and possi- produced by any stimulus that greatly increases brain bly paranoid schizophrenia, are associated with, catecholamine activity, including environmental 'high concentrations of DA at the synapse '2°4 (p. stimuli. For example, we discussed evidence that the 216). Lower doses of AMPH do not usually produce repeated administration of AMPH, an enkephalin the perseverative stereotyped behavior so similar to analog or stress all sensitize brain DA systems. It re- that seen in AMPH psychosis and schizophrenia. mains to be determined if the sensitization produced However, when low doses of AMPH are repeatedly by different agents has the same cellular basis, but and intermittently administered they also come to thus far the sensitization produced by AMPH and produce high DA concentrations at the synapse, stress seems to be quite interchangeable. Animals which we propose is due to a progressive en- that have been previously exposed to AMPH or hancement in DA release_ This enhancement in DA stress often show an exaggerated response when sub- release is manifested as behavioral sensitization in sequently challenged with an injection of AMPH, or non-human animals and AMPH psychosis in hu- further stress. In fact, it may be that sensitized ani- mans. Furthermore, in individuals sensitized to mals are hyperresponsive to any stimulus that activates AMPH other stimuli (e.g. stressors), that do not nor- brain catecholamine systems, and that the effects of mally cause a large release of DA, may come to do sensitization are not obvious in the absence of such so, thereby also producing symptoms associated with stimuli. This may help explain why psychosis only psychotic disorders. tends to recur in former AMPH addicts following re- It will require considerably more research with exposure to AMPH or exposure to 'physical or psy- new techniques to establish whether schizophrenia chological stress '3°2, and why stress is considered a and AMPH psychosis are accompanied by enhanced precipitating agent in psychiatric disorders thought DA release. The fact that the neurochemical effects to involve brain catecholamine dysfunction 13A7'~' of sensitization have been difficult to identify under 39,63,103,210 steady-state conditions, but are often apparent only Lastly, it should be noted that there is great indi- following a 'challenge' to the system, may help ex- vidual variation in the susceptability to sensitization, plain why evidence for presynaptic changes in schizo- just as there is in the acute effects of stimulants and phrenics has been to elusive 1°3'3°6. Not only is it diffi- stress12,a2,99,191,22t. cult to obtain valid measures of presynaptic activity It was discussed how sex-related hormonal varia- in human subjects, but matters are further compli- bles may influence the development of sensitization cated because it may be necessary to 'challenge' sub- to AMPH or stress, and some researchers have be- jects just prior to analysis in order to easily detect gun to explore genetic influences 42A77'274. But for the 188 most part, factors that account for individual varia- cused on mesotelencephalic DA systems, and sug- tion in the responsiveness to stimulants and stress gestions that behavioral sensitization is accompanied have received very little attention. Increased knowl- by: (1) an increase in postsynaptic DA receptors; (2) edge of these will be important in understanding the an increase in DA synthesis; (3) an increase in DA etiology of stimulant-induced psychosis and the ma- utilization and/or release; and (4) a decrease in DA jor endogenous psychoses, especially given the com- autoreceptors, are evaluated. It is concluded that plex interplay between environmental and biological there is not convincing evidence for an increase in variables in the development of psychoses 13'18,99"216. postsynaptic DA receptors or in DA synthesis in ani- Research on how genetic, hormonal and environ- mals sensitized to AMPH. In contrast, there is strong mental factors influence sensitization to stimulants evidence to support the notion that behavioral sensi- and stress will be valuable in this regard. tization is due to enhanced mesotelencephalic DA release, especially upon re-exposure to the drug. The 8. SUMMARY evidence that this enhancement in DA release is due to autoreceptor subsensitivity was found to be equiv- Some people who repeatedly use stimulant drugs, ocal, and therefore other hypotheses should be en- such as amphetamine (AMPH), develop an AMPH- tertained. induced psychosis that is similar to paranoid schizo- Lastly, evidence is discussed in support of the idea phrenia. There has been, therefore, considerable in- that behavioral sensitization is not unique to the psy- terest in characterizing the effects of chronic stimu- chopharmacology of stimulant drugs, but may be lant drug treatment on brain and behavior in non-hu- produced by many environmental stimuli that direct- man animals, and in developing an animal model of ly or indirectly activate brain catecholamine systems. AMPH psychosis. A review of this literature shows For example, there are many studies showing that that in non-human animals chronic AMPH treatment AMPH and stress are to some extent interchange- "can produce at least two different syndromes, and able in producing both behavioral sensitization and both of these have been proposed as animal models long-term changes in brain DA systems. It is con- of AMPH psychosis. The first syndrome is called cluded that sensitized animals may be hyperrespon- 'AMPH neurotoxicity', and is produced by maintain- sive to any stimulus that activates brain catechola- ing elevated brain concentrations of AMPH for pro- mine systems, and that the effects of sensitization are longed periods of time. AMPH neurotoxicity is char- not obvious in the absence of such stimuli. This may acterized by what has been termed 'hallucinatory- be related to the fact that psychosis only tends to re- like' behavior, which occurs in association with brain cur in former AMPH addicts following re-exposure damage resulting in the depletion of striatal DA and to AMPH or stress, and that stress is considered a other brain monoamines. The second syndrome is precipitating factor in psychiatric disorders thought called 'behavioral sensitization', and is produced by to involve brain catecholamine dysfunction. the repeated intermittent administration of lower doses of AMPH. Behavioral sensitization is charac- terized by a progressive and enduring enhancement ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in many AMPH-induced behaviors, and is not ac- companied by brain damage or monoamine deple- Research by the authors described herein was tion. It is argued that the changes in the brain and be- partly supported by grant no. 37277 from the NIMH havior associated with the phenomenon of behavior- and Research Career Development Award no. 00844 al sensitization provide a better 'model' of AMPH from the NINCDS to T.E.R. We thank E. Castane- psychosis than those associated with AMPH neuro- da, M. Washburn, an anonymous reviewer, and es- toxicity. pecially I.Q. Whishaw for their very helpful com- Much of the review involves a critical analysis of ments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Kathe hypotheses regarding the biological basis of behav- Davids deserves thanks for her patient secretarial ioral sensitization. Research on this question has fo- services. 189

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