A.H.S.A. NEWSLETTER Published by the Aviation Historical Society of Australia Inc. A0033653P, ARBN 092-671-773 Volume 29 Number 1, March 2013 Print Post approved 318780/00033 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.ahsa.org.au Editor: NEIL FOLLETT Obituary Missing Log Book. Norman Valentine Robertson 1918-2006 was one of the Robert Ernest Pollock MID. 13 June 1923 - 8 Jan. 2013. early RAAF recruits (serial no. 400046) to the Empire Air Long-time member Rob. Pollock grew up on his father’s Training Scheme in World War 2, and he then flew Cata- farm in the Gatton area of Queensland, attended Gatton linas with 11 Squadron to the end of the war. His children High School and, at an early age, decided to become a Heather and Philip Robertson would appreciate any infor- pilot. However, after joining the RAAF for aircrew training in mation that may help locate his pilot’s logbook. He lent it to April 1943, a medical problem brought about a transfer to "a man writing a book" in the 1970s or possibly 80s and it technical training in August. In January 1944, he was classi- was not returned. There is no record of Norman Robertson fied as a Flight Mechanic. at the Canberra War Memorial despite his having been pre- sent on many momentous and historic occasions during the He remained in the postwar RAAF, becoming a Sergeant war in the Pacific, and this is apparently the case for many Engine Fitter by March 1952, and in August 1953 was post- Australian aircrew of the time.