98 Years Old Support Your ... and NEW Every Thursday Volunteers

OCEAN GROVE TIMES. TOWNSHIP OP NEPTll Mi. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. NOV. 8, 1973 T E N CENTS VOL. XCVIII NO. 45 ~ - ■■ = . :=. ------Volunteers Help Professional Office Complex Adjacent To Medical Center Retires Democrats Win Clean Cemetery In State, County,

NEPTUNE TVVPI — The weath­ Neptune Twp. er was perfect which helped make “Work Day” - October 27 - at Brendan T. Byrne, former. Mount Prospect Cemetery such a Superior Court-Judge, led the huge success. Democrat party to a statewide • Approximately 175 people at- landslide Tuesday, crurdihijr ended and many arrived, bringing his GOP opponent, Congress­ lwn mowers and grass cutting e- man Charles \V. Sandman, by quipment. over 750,000 voles.' Here’ Present were B oy Scouts and iNeptune Township tin: Gov- Scoutmasters, Unexcelled Firemen, ! ei'nor-Elect scored a plurality : Neptune First Aid with ambulance ' of nearly 2,0(i0 (4,670 to 2,- standing by, Neptune J.C.'s Ceme­ 700). y ,■/■:■ ;r, tery Trustees, many plot owners as I The Democrat candidates well' as-a lunch at noon. Most Df ■ rode the victory wave into .the; the food was donated. H. Y. Hall j township committee seats for Company, of' Manasquan, erected CLARENCE II. HILLMUTH, the first time in over '10 years, - a large tent, under which the JR., 140 Oxonia Ave., Nep­ . .vith Joseph M. Pope aild Gil- food was served,' with room for tune, retired October 31 from ■ bel t Melendez scoring 3,839 a registration booth. Jersey Central Power & Light ! and 3,801, respect ively, for - Two undertakers arrived with Company after 32 years serv­ . the three-year terms', while large power cutting machines ice with the utility. He was sen­ ! their Republican opponents, which did an excellent job. ior clerk in the Legal Records [jester -S. Goldstein and in­ Visiting the cemetery during Department. Mr. Hillmuth cumbent Dr. John Rizzo, poll- the day were Senator Richard R. joined the company in March, ! ed 3,736 and 3,627. . ’ I .Mrs. Almerth M. Battle, defeat­ Stout, attorney for the Cemetery 1942 and worked, in the Sta­ dental profession so as to sup­ ed the GOP candidate, Joseph A. Trustees, Acting' .Mayor Herman NEPTUNE TWP. — S & R Con­ tionery Department before plement the facility of Jersey Shafto, 4,040 to 3,598, for thc one- Johnson, and William Magill, for­ struction Co, proposes to construct Shore Medical Center. At the pres- transferring'to Legal Records Dr. Howard A. Jewell, Chairman year unexpired term of the late mer caretaker for many years. and develop a professional office sent time the developer.is contem­ in 1952. He and Mrs. Hillmuth, Gilbert Twelves. complex on the property adjacent plating the possibility of causing the former Mips Myrtle Conk­ A Civil War Monument at the to the jersey Shore Medical Cen­ one or more of the buidings to be Of County Heart Sunday Jan. 6 James T. Burke, incumbent tax entrance of the Cemetery w a s lin, have two daughters, Mrs. ter. The total office space area will condominiumized so that the med­ collector, was the only Republican cleared, painted and' inscription ical professionals might maintain Bernice Fournier, Wall Town­ be over 25,000 sq. ft. There will LONG BRANCH - The date o survivor, receiving 3,969 votes to painted by Mr. and Mrs. Robert the ownership benefits which the ship, and Mrs. Estella Rocn, be four separate buildings, which January 6, has been an his Democrat challengcr, Norman McKnight, of Ocean. They also condominium has to offer. Mazamanie, Wis. will contain approximately 6,300 Completion and occupancy is an-- as Heart Sunday, 1974‘by Dr Dorfman, who polled 3,728. beautified the Monument with ticipated for the summer of 1974. .. ------* ------— sq. ft. each and will contain mini­ A. Jewell, Ocean Grove State Senator Richard R. Stout, seasonal flowers. mum office; modules" of approxi­ The principals of S & R Con­ cian, who was appointed chairman o veteran legislator and native son Another “ W o r k Day” is being mately 850 sq. ft. The four build­ struction Co. are Michael'J. San- ings shall be connected by covered domeno and Louis Rosenberg, c-o the program ; which . was started thre; Dr. Ralph Perone of Neptune Tpwnship, lost in his planned for late in November. pedestrian walk ways and will be Alan C. Sugarman, 640 Mattison years ago by th e '’Monmouth; Count} reelection bid to Herbert J. Buoh- Cemetery Trustees are: D. Jo­ artfully landscaped. venue, Asbury . Park. Icr of Ocean Township. Here in H eart'Assoc.'.’ ’•* •': Assumes Practice seph Lopez,, president; Mrs. Ed- It is anticipated by the develop­ The property was stild by t h e Neptune Township the Democrat The Heart Sunday Screening Prc mona Brooks; vice president; er that the buildings will be used, Township of Neptune to the S sweep gave Buehlcr a 4,114 to 3,- and R Construction Co. for $62,000. gram h as' examined some 2000 Mon Mrs. Donna Doherty, secretary; exclusively by the medical and Of Dr. G. Locke 663 plurality. In this 10th district mouth County residents since it begai Helen A. Quering, treasurer; and Assembly contest, Democrats Mrs. in 1972, to determine their possibl Henry Patterson and Mrs. Eliza­ OCEAN GROVE — Dr. Ralph Gertrude Berman and William Public Concert At Redeemer risk of heart attack. The 1974 screen beth Hughes. Anthony Perone has assumed the Fitzpatrick were victorious over in------r r - « ------ing.will be held at Monmouth Mcdica Ocean Grove practice of Dr. Greg­ rumbent Brian T. Kennedy and ory Locke at 108 Main Avenue. Deal’s Mayor Daniel Kruman, Blood Bank At i,s in family practici All rccords and histories will be GOP nominees. In Neptune Toivn- is on thc cxccutivi moved to larger offices at 501 ship’the tallies were Berman, 3,884; St. Paul’s Nov. 19 of Jersey Shore Mcdica Seventh Avenue in Asbury Park. Fitzpatrick, 3,928; Kennedy, 3,724, Center and the Monmouth Count and Kruman, 3,532. OCEAN GROVE — The Mon­ Medical Society. He attended schoo Incumbent Freeholder Albert mouth County Blood Bank will re- New York, graduating from Nev Allen lost to Philip fHimbs, Demo­ ,'turn to St. Paul’s United Method­ York Medical College. He is marriei crat, in the county-.-wide race and ist Church, Monday, Nov. 19 at 5 and has fhree children. " \ also here in Nepraffi) Township, 3,- P.M. to receive donations of blood According to Dr. Jewell, f the screen 867 to 3,616. ' - ing program is promarily • geared . I for the church blood bank. Monmouth. County residents, age 3' When one of the worst storms to 65, who cannot afford to obtain of the season hit the Oct. 29 blood New Director Of a profile of their “risk factors” . , bank date, it became necessary to D n.. H o w a r d A . J e w e l l "Details of the screening are now N. J, National set up a new date. ’being discussed, but we already know Other committee members are: Nich­ ;:V' The Rev. William McClelland, that the. program will, include: blood TRENTON — G. Earle Under­ olas ArcQmano, M .D ., W . Long pastor, has announced persons in­ tests to determine cholesterol and tri­ wood has been elected to the board Branch; Mrs. David - Clausen, * R.N., terested in joining the blood bank glyceride levels and analysis gf patients' of directors of New Jersey. Nation­ Colts Neck; Mrs. Altpa Penn, R.N., should register at the church prior activities such as smoking, exer­ al. Corporation, parent company of to the date. Marlboro. Trenton-based New Jersey Natioi TIIE NEW ’ KINGSMEN, a singing group which is touring the cise and occupation*',; said Dr. Jewell. ■ y/Those donating blood at the al Bank; New Jersey National country under thc auspices of tiie Department of Evangelism of the of Princeton; and the Un­ bank will be registered as mem­ American Lutheran Church, will present a concert at Redeemer bers of the St. Paul's Church Blood Lutheran Church. 3531 Highway 33, Neptune, on Tuesday, Nov. Jersey Shore Medical Center Seeks derwood Mortgage and Title Com­ Bank and will also be members of 13, at 8 P.M. The New Kingsmen present a variety of instru­ pany, Irvington. " / •• mental and vocal music, including folk, folk rock, traditional, orig­ Mr. Underwood is President of the Monmouth County B lood inal, ppp and gospel. Tlie public, is invited. For Three-Part Program Bank. For.each pint of blood donat­ New Providence Fair, Inc., a sub­ ed, the donor assures himself and urban ■ shopping center located in vhis family full coverage for a year. Home-Owners Meeting ; NEPTUNE TWP; - A SI.250,000 meet priority medical equipment needs Union County a n (I is .Iso Vice fond raising campaign will be launched at the hospital,-.and for.air condition­ Frank L. Wilgus, blood bank Variety Show President of.Franke Associates, an. this fall by Jersey Shore Medical Ccnj ing .patient, rooms in the. South and' chairman, noted that this would be ; OCEAN GROVE — Due to ths Irvington, N, J. insurance agency. ter—Fitkin Hospital, it was .announced W est .wings of the. 500:bed institution. t h e third blood bank in Ocean At St. James Thanksgiving Holiday the Home , Mr. Uiidwerwood holds an AB dc- this week by John G. Hewitt, president “.The purpose of the Second Seventy. Grove. An Ocean Grove bank was Owners Association will hold their Dr. Ralph A. Perone 1 gree from SpringHill College, Mo­ of the hospital’s board of trustees. set up at the Methodist Home, and BRADLEY BEACH — A variety 'monthly meeting on November 16 Fund," Mr.'Hewitt stated, “is to com­ Qr, Perone completed his under­ bile, Alabama, and has completed; plete these projects how, as' we begin] the fire department, first aid and show spectacular, sponsored by St. ' at 7:30 p.m. in Thornlcy Hall. This graduate requirements at Mo n- studies at both New York Univer­ police set up a jointblood bank for James’ Episcopal Church, will be ' is to notify members that by mo- our.second seventy years of community., mouth College, West Long Branch, sity.and Upsala College. HP, resides service; and clear thc decks for a those services. held tomorrow (Friday) at 8:15 ;tion.passed at the last meeting the and received his doctorate degree in Maplewood, N. J. I date has been moved back one major reconstruction program "that will Both the Methodist Home and P.M. in Ascension Center, F i f t h fron-. the Columbia Institute of N e w . .1 e rs ey N a tional C orpora* j week. There will be a talk and involve nearly all sections of the- hos­ Fire blood banks have already been Avenue and Fletcher Lake, Brad­ Chiropractic in New York C'tv. II;; tion is th e.sta te’s, fifth hir«t-st h a n k | discussion period : on “Medicare” pital. The priorities for that pro^r-iin1 called upon for supply blood in ley Beach. Tickets are available at completed his internship at t h e 1 i h'” cor ipany S . • * . by Norman L. Ginsberg, Field Rep­ Will ‘.be set forth-in* a Master Plant cases involving those groups. the door. - • William Thompson outpatient clin­ excess of S 7 0 0 ;m illm n v n J tm e 'SO;- Joining the blood bank precludes All the, talent in the show is resentative of the Social Sccurily for fiiture hj.spit.d griiwth, \vhich: will1 ic of the college. He is the recipi­ 1973. the necessity of seeking donors drawn from members of St. James’ Administration. All are welcome sonn he subrnittc-d by the .hoard’s long' ent of a Laboratory Award for his ------from friends or relatives in the to a?k questions of Mr. Ginsburg. r.sn'te planning .ctftnm ittte" J Church under the direction of Mar­ performance and a certificate of Scouts V('a1 L, Joht ,14' * ilt \ i . , band and father. —15 large, economy size Shirley Tem­ 2:30 P.M. • at ThorrJey Hall. “Bring a friend, show our heroes take, place from. January to April of He is married to t h e former Ocean Grove, N. J., is participate TO SSNSOR CITIZENS ple in full costume singing “The Theresa Bollueei of Afbu^v Park - ing as g member of .the 83-mem- At Howard Johnson’s In Neptnne ! h e pride we . feel” spates Mr. 1974. Key campaign leaders are being- Good Ship Lollipop” and “Animal selected now, and their appointments; and- they have two. children, Jo­ ber Concert B a p d this year at and S*a Girt yon wiU always find Crackers in My Soup”. Straub. , speda* prices to suit your pockci Eric. C. BciiTElsen .will be announced 'hortly. Vseph who attends St.. Rose High Elizabethtown College. The Con­ The Variety Show is guarantied boot. —adT Neptune Diner • Now Open un­ Erik C. liertL’Isen, senior vice presi­ A resident Vf Ou-an T.iwitship. M r.i School and Stephanie Ann who at­ cert Band, an integral part1 of. the to give an evening .of good, clean der original ownership. Hr g. 6 College’s music program, presents: TAXI SERVICE dent and a Jirt-ctyr of First Merchants Ilertelsen. h.is lieen iissix'iatetl with First j tends Holy Spirit School. They re­ entertainment, with gales of laugh­ A.M.-12 midnight Snr. citizen spe­ 1 concerts tin and off the - campus George A. Ba»s«-Grove City I.iverv cials ?aily starting' $1.45 complete, National IJank. has been named cam­ Merchants.since 1958. lie is a director side in Asbury Park. 77S-35QP ______—21» ter. The public is invited. during the year. ;■ niway 35 & 33, Neptune. 774-2345. paign genera!: chairmaii of the com- ■ of the Shore -Area Y.MCA, anti a inem-J FLEA MARKET YARD SALE - SPEED OUEEV TOWNE COFFEE SHOPPEE . V —41 muiiitywide * j/ijval, which w i l l be lx*r of the Alonmqutfi iiuy Scouts, e.'tee-! Nov. !*. & 10. 8 A.M.-4:30 P.M. 405 Cookrnns1 Ave., A.P., nnsr 60 Main Ave. opp. O.G. Post Ofc. I Neptime Diner Tliaiiksgiving Day L&M Diner-Rcstaurant, Asbury called The Second Seventy Fund. utive council. lie is also a trustee of Piverview Academy. Shark River ; cream of turkey snun. New Eng- Jus Station, n o t & i>ermapr»s« breakfast - lunch - dinner, fountain. Hills, 775-5898. 44-45 Serving froni 7:30 A.M. 774-1676. Circle, Thanksgiving Day dinner Cain pai^jn ,.ceds will be usedlor. the Mcnmputh Countyv Bankers Assu- land elans chowder. Itoast sugar- dryers. Snow white wash, attended (full eoiirse) reasonably priced, ! cured ham with f*:iit saitee - roast always. • ... —tf '-•■•mrli-iMi o: the Oimmunity Mental citit i.-ii. lie i' niarrietl am! has . fritir KTHEL’S STATIONERY 988-8617 served all', day! ■ 45-.JG •'The Crerting Card.“Sto re" : ttirkey with drcKk;ngpetiroast :iif NAGLE’S MAIN. CENTRAL Ilealth C*:nur. f;>r a special ftintl ;to chiltlren. ': horf - freH stt.ffe:l shrimp / fried A THOUGHTFUL GIFT Opp. Post Office, Ocean Grove. BUS TICKETS to New fr.-V ' PHARMACY — Tel. 774-0204 .— Hit t of suie - v-al iniie: pnrmii'i- a ty available at Ethel’s SI*. All-year service. Drugs of quali­ For the colletje student • §3.75. CTIRfsTSIA.S IS COMING! DOLPHIN RESTAURANT ana with snagtteHi. Vegetal’’ tlonery. opposite P os» Offii-p ty for prescriptions. S u rs ii r j For the serviceman • 1 yr. - $4. Order your Christmas cards now! 68 Main Ave., O.G. open 8 to 7 THE BOAT DOCK — .‘0 Mnin ; S’eer t nstatees; string h*'ans, ' Ocean Grove. Roond trip £. one Items. Hours 8:30. A.M. to 8 P.M. ■Fer a friend * S5.00 a'.yea#. Siib-. Seleei front our dozen catalogues, P.M. Newly remodelled. Cooking in Av p . 0 (1 . onen Mon. thru Sat.; flower, e^ig»eji**fi lfi^ij'!!<**»»C'..*-. (i Hi lliUfi!! i AG»atBi5£Saf»ir~Tg*g ■« li -. •'■•W-i‘» •£ -*-w •:• *-' --W VV W»**m

f o r m r OCEAN SROVE TIMES. AND NEPTUNE TiME-v TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1973 :/ AKIWPW i . CRMS SR, (nan vwv. Mrrmnn *nd lirnr*. lacl- schonl Oct. 23. Mrs. Franco* Pot- appointed by the governor with the a most lovely young lady. 98;Year8 Old • ItKlrrVI h n tlm *>«n, «i hiWit. o dauphtct. Mitt president, presided consent of UL,the prc&idcnl, senate: presided. Although Mom and Dad ORANGI' —• Andrew ■ .1 Kpirr, If.-li.-iW tailwm. w hnmc: .a .toother,! Mrs. Jane Ross reported a profit have made. Some. mistakes IWAllc.- l>mat.»; .XvK; (out Mvicrv from,County thc Court daily judges cookie are appoint­ sales of . Jfc., «1 Onmrc, n rammer resident ...... A daughter forgives them, ...... , Mtv, . . Mn.. ed for five .years and may be re- Neptune and .. .and NEW « t Oowui Grew lot 40 Vr*rf M 05 M r, t.u I .U< < I.MI 1 on IUmlK-«uRamtani ami . Mil.. S8&.80. She also reported a Learn S®>.80. She also reported a Learn- the best she partakes. M rteh n 31 .akc ti...M-r.. diediI.ai) 071 Satur- jAiaiuan-i. \i ______I!..It.,isnlli. i.U>',h ..L ,*f.1 IlViron. . inn ing Vndival Festival trill will Ka be KpI held at the appointed. After thc third appoint­ Volunteers 'd®1. Oct 50 aftrr a tons illncw., 1 Mt». i «itir>m« lianU. Bronx. N:Y., school on Nov. 28, 29 and 30, un- t h„ . for jtfe unti, Ws H e r love ai\d tespcct Every Thursday *r Rsnr! «w 1,0m in Oranrr-ranp1 Mr., Itnl-v Sin.m.mv Miami, 1=1... dcr thc direction of Mrs. Jean or umii ms and the Will to do right Ocean Grove Residents —m.___------■.hr' spent Ltv,v vhnlr ...life ,Ylir and a (nands>n. , , Conover, !. seventieth sevpntinth birthday hirlhrtnv which u-hirh is is Iho Will hopefully always MUPrd from th r Orsnpo 5iavincs I Mrs. Thomas, program chairman, required retirement age. . be. her guiding light. The following list of holidays will be celebrated on. tbi Rant. In IBfiO *flrr 4.*i ycntv of MRS. CHARLES------BAILEY------'announced the speaker, for ... the Superior Court judges are ap- And when she is down day and month specified as Municipal Holidays: . OCEAN GROVE TIMES. TOWNSHIP OK NEPTl’KlO. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. NOV. 8, 1973 WUTIPT. M T 1 tlNUNU l CJ1T - -Mrs. Ruth Nov. 29 mceUng will b?,Dr.- Victor . . - • • 4 and feeling quite bad VOL. XCVIII NO. 45 U r waa a member of the Corin- . lmiK'\,, , Apartment1A]-n,..<...... 364A. .... RnRhton J. W; ChrisUc,------I | superintendent of Panted for 7 >ears and need to be 1 reappointed but once to acquire And her Mom and Dad » GENERAL ELECTION DAY, TUESDAY, NOV. 6, 1973 , thian Wasonir loripo in Oranpr. ■\; t t i ■ Anaflrnrnss, Wes’, Sylvania Ave., schools, are just nothing but sad the First Prrshjicnnn Church of a n-sidi-nt.hcrc'i.>i the past 30 rears,1 Mrs. Ruth Reed, budget cbair- life tenure, thc 70 year age limit • THANKSGIVING, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 32, 1973 Democrats Win Oranpe, and thr American Federa­ died last 1AH-S,la\ at I erst-v Shore man presented the budget for the She always can manage Volunteers Ilelj Professional Office Complex Adjacent To Medical Center applies here also. to pull us through • CHRISTMAS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1973 tion o f Musicians. Ixiral No. 16. Medical a-ntct. She was'57. 973-74 year. The total budget is As salaries go, t h e grade of SurvivinF arc hif- wife. Lavina, Intcrtncnt was at Monmouth M em -1S640. 1 : , W ithout a daughter, • NEW YEAR’S DAY, TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1974 In State, County, a dauphtcr, Lucille, and a son. An- orial I'arV. Nc« Shrcwshure. ; Walter Bird, principal, introduc- court governs this from the Mu- what would we do? • ’LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1974 Clean Cemetery d m t. She is' survived hv a brother. Mat- od the teachers; who were present- incipal Judge up; the County and tliew: E. West. »f HanlvsVillc. S.C:. ed with corsages AH parents were Superior Court judges receive 37,------• ‘WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY, MONDAY, FEB. 18, 1974 Neptnne Twp. and two, sicp-dauphters. Airs, lane then invited to yisit the classrooms rnxxwrt-t r. gelzer 000 annually. • GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 12/ 1974. N’m t l M - M.ivw.11 r . G cl/rr. Hcnen. Neptune, and Mrs. Charlene and -meet the teachers, who ex- liailey. Asbun- Park. ! plained a little of what the chil- • ‘MEMORIAL DAY, MONDAY, MAY 27, 1974 •171S llnitH.ml An-.. i * main years . . :------* ------Serving Our Country [I Brendan T. Byrne, former enrf 'al lhi Cosmopiliiiiti •' Rcstair- *.."____-__ *■ idren will be doing in the coming • INDEPENDENCE DAY, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1974 ( Superior Conrt Judge, led the rant, A>tm:v l\>ik. M onday' at J. W. BARKER year. • LABOR DAY, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1974 . OCEAN GROVE - Tames W. Bar- Refreshments were served by .; Democrat' party to n statewide Ict^cv ShiKt- M rJual V triir:. 1 it- was ‘COLUMBUS DAY, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1974 ■j landslide Tuesday, crushing 1... -.. ■ .': •• kcr. 99 Central Ave.. died Monday at the 1st grade mothers in the cafe- Cbe Poet's Corner A rrsulnit ,.1 the’ a:<-a l.n • the past lersey Share Mcdieal Center. Neptune,. te'na. • ‘VETERANS DAY, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1974 j his GOP opponent, Congress-1. after a short illness. | Attendance awards were won by .49 \tars. iip u.i- :hi husband of the (•State of New Jersey, Monday Holiday Bill) >L man Charles VV. Sandman, by latr l).imthv I’.iirnii Gchcr. ; Services were private, with the Mrs. Smith’s 4th grade and Mrs. j over 750,000 votes. Here in Ocean Grove.Memorial1^ Home in chafge Battaglia’s 1st grade. •' • ■ Surviving ate .' daughter. I-.icanot Wliat Is a Daughter No refuse collections will be made to resident households j i Neptune To.wnship the Gov- 'Johnson, of N,’’V ShrrwsVun-. and a of-arrangements «(« on these dates, with the exception of Independence Day, Wednes­ II (-re. Miss Carrie .C,ci?c,-. w ith.w hom Mr. Barker, a resident here 10 years, I j ernor-Elect scored a plurality by Janut C a c c ia n o day, July 4, when the regular refuse collection. schedule will he .lixrd I-retired in 1953 after. 3S years1 with the JUST FACTS of nearly 2,000 (4,670 to 2,- ______.National Biscuit Co.. New -York. Just what is a daughter anyway? be in efTect. Holiday refuse will be collected on thc neatt rcgu- ’ , 700). HR. CHARLES J. STRAHAN L As a 'crc\vni;in on ’the Cnrn.ithi.i. Mr, lar collection day. Perhaps it’s a little difficult to say. i s * | The Democrat candidates. OCEAN G1VC>\'K —'D r. Chiulcv 1.1 Harkcr t«v>K the fust published photo- Navy Lieutenant JDouglas B. : Straham of the ll.-u-l La l’iem-; a for- graphs of the Titanic, thc British liner To describe the things The Neptune Municipal Offices will be closed on all Munici­ 11 rode tho victory wave into tl)e 1 Tncr. state commi'M.mct «*f educ.ition "liich sank with 1.513 persons in 1912 that make her tick • - Quelch, son of Mr. and^Irs. Don­ pal Holidays. Thc Neptune Library will also he closed, .«j township committee seats for' Would really be a pretty good trick. ald D. Quelch, 56 Merritt Ave., anti iomH’T M. nin.-u;!i Onimy super* NcwfouncHand. after striking an with thc exception of Lincoln's Birthday, Good Friday, Colum­ CLARENCE II. lULLMVTII, ! the first time in over 40 years, Jnscridcnt of‘schools JieJ last Saturday icer.vrp. The Carpathia tvas one of A daughter is someone Neptune City, crossed the Article the rescue ships bus Day, and General Election Day. JR., 140 Oxonia Ave., Nep­ , -.vith Joseph M. Pepe and Gil- at. Jerscv Sh**ie Mt »iical CVntcr. Nejv who enters thc world Circle. while participating with i tune. lie Was,96. • . . • Survivinq ate his widow..Mrs. Kate! tune, retired October 31 from i hert Melendez scoring 3,839 I.. Barker; two sons,- John K., Stratford^! and delights her parents, NATO’s Atlantic fleet in an an­ 3,801, 1 IJom in Claik'tburp. Dr. Siiahan just because she’s a girl. Jersey Central Power & Light ! and respectively, for. Tesidcd -in •AHcnttAvn for 20, years Conn.. and ,A. James, Rumsoh; Six nual naval exercise here named She’s famous for playing Company after 32 years serv­ | the three-year terms, while befoa* movinu here jhout a' year ago. grandchildren, and four great-grand- “Swift Move.” More than 30 ships in all kinds of messes ice,with the utility. He was sen­ i their Republican opponents, .He received hi'* tl»*ctorate from Rut* ehildren. « ’ • ' : • ! from seven countries took part in .L ester S.' Goldstein and in­ , >:crs University. He taught in several Like lipstick and powder ior clerk in the Legal Records PETPR PALSIR The courts, as a rule are not con- the maneuvers. He is serving on AfonmouHi:county schools and at New and candy-coated dresses. Department. !\Ir. Hilimuth cumbent Dr. John Rizzo, poll­ board the USS Elmer Montgomery. NEW MODERNIZED •York - and Columbia universities. NEPTUNE - Peter Palsir, 111 W il-'sidered vcry PopuIar places- This A daughter can’t wait joined the company in March, ed 3,736 and 3,627. Ifc was the' first executive secretary son !!d.. an area resident most of his attitude pervades our thinking and for her first day of school A 1961 graduate of Neptune' Mrs. Almerth M. Battle, defeat­ 1942 and worked in the Sta: of the New Jersey. Education Associa­ jife, died Monday at Jersey Shore Med. puts a damper on any enthusiasm And is eager to learn High School, he is a graduate of ed the GOP candidate, Joseph A. tioncry Department before tion and the founder of the Strahan ieal Center. 1 le war 86. 1 about learning about them, except of the Golden Rule. Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Shafto, 4,040 to 3,598, for the one- Teachers Agency.* now thc Hartigan Dr. Howard A. Jewell, Chairman transferring to Legal Records Francioni'.5 Taylor ond L o ,^ Fune'ral, dually the hard way; and then the In her* Marv-Jane shoes . Y., in 1.965 and joined the N a vy OPENS SATURDAY, NOV. 3 year unexpired term of the late Agcncy, Manasquan. and her hair in a braid in 1952. He and Mrs. HiUmuth, Home, with interment at Westminster guiding hand may be a lawyer in- in January 1968. Gilbert Twelves. -T , Surviving is a brother, Dr. Frank G .. tlie former Miss Myrtle Conk­ Strahan, Tomisend, Vi. Cemetcrv, Phila. . stead of our own inclination to She’s the'prettiest thing . Of County Heart Sunday Jan. 6 James T, Burke, incumbent tax that God ever made. lin, have two daughters, Mrs. ■ A retired carpenter and cabinet- ]earn collector, was the only Republican HATTIE £ MASLIN maker, Mr. Palsir was an army veteran; c . ", ,,,,_. .. , , And then comes the stage Army Reserve Chaplain (First Bernice Fournier, Wall Town­ survivor, receiving 3,969 votes to OCEAN GROVE - Miss Hattie E. of World War 1 I States differ m their court set- when she* can’t stand boys Lieutenant) Lawrence L. Lyford, LONG BRANCH - The date of ship, and Mrs. Estella Roen. Towne Coffee Shoppe his Democrat challenger, Norman Maslin. of the Francis Asbur)’ Manor He was predeceased, by his wife,1 up. New Jersey no longer has a. Or her parents, or spinach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Sunday, January 16, has beeri an­ Methodist Home. 70 Stockton Ave., j J ' \ ' • Mazamanie, Wis. Bertha. justice of the peace, the office so or toothpaste or toys. nounced as Heart Sunday, 1974 by Dr. Dorfman, who polled 3,728. died Sunday at her residence. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. popular in dramas. Lyford, 12 Vanada Dr., Neptune, She hates to wash dishes 60 MAIN AVENUE OCEAN GROVE Howard A. Jewell, Ocean Grove physi­ State Senator Richard R. Stout, /Hie Francioni, Taylor and Lopez .Mona Iiverson, with whom he lived, ______,,___ or pick up her clothes completed a nine-week Chaplain Funeral Home, Neptune, was in charge anti Mrs. Ruth Walser, Anderson, Disorderly persons are those cian, who was appointed, eh airman of veteran legislator and native son And thinks she’s quite ugly, . Officer Basic Course at the U.S. of arrangements. .. j Ind.; a sister, Mrs. Evelyn" ‘ Kalnin, Oak­ * ■ who commit crimes of low or lesser Dr. Ralph Perone of Neptune Township, lost jn his especially her nose! Army'Chaplain School, Ft. Hamil­ (Opposite the Post Office) " the program . whiph , was started three Miss Maslin, 89. was the retired as­ land, Calif.; three grandchildren, and , reelection bid to Herbert J. Bueh- degree and find themselves in Mu­ ton, N. Y. years ago by the-Monmouth County sistant secretary of thc American Sav­ five greatgrandchildren. Her hair is too short, ler of Ocean Township. Here in nicipal Court, where a local magis­ her skirts are too long, • The course is designed to pro­ . v : , : Serving from 7:30 A.M. H eart Assoc. I Assumes Practice ings Bank, New York City. Neptune Township thc Democrat She is survived by two cousins. trate will preside'. This judge may And to go to the dentist vide basic Branch training arid mili­ The Heart Sunday Screening Pro­ ELLA M. WESTON sweep gave Buehler a 4,114 to 3,- NEPTUNE — Miss Ella M. Wes­ sentence and fine or hold persons is certainly wrong. tary orientation to newly commis­ gram has exam ined»some 2000 Mon­ MRS. DAVID R. ALBRECHT • BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER Of Dr. G. Locke 663 .plurality. In this 10th district ton, 217 Poplar PI., retired principal for Grand Jury. Her father's (too strict sioned chaplains. Subjects such as mouth County residents since it began NEPTUNE - Mrs. Geraldine Prit­ of the Eleanor Van Gelder Elementary and needless to say, Assembly contest, Democrats Mrs. For the layman the County and character guidance, military lead- in .1972, to determine their possible chard Albrecht, 628 Green Grove Rd., School, Edgcwater, and a former teach­ She’s even had dioughts OCEAN GROVE—: Dr. R a 1 p h Gertrude Berman and William died last Thursday at New York Uni District courts are very much a- er in the Edgewatcr and Hopewell of running away. ership and methods of instruction . ^ FOUNTAIN SERVICE Public Concert At Redeemer risk of heart attack. The 1974 screen­ Anthony Pcronc has assumed the \ Fitzpatrick were victorious over in- veTsity Hospital, New York City at public schools, died last Saturday at like. If a case is to go to one of prepare the clergymen for the ing will be held at Monmouth. Medical the age of 48. these an attorney would be aware Then, all. of a sudden, as if overnight Ocean Grove practice of Dr. Greg- I rumbent Brian T. Kennedy and Jersey Shore Medical Center. She was particular needs and requirements Center.' ’ - • Mrs. Albrecht had been a resident 95 years of age. of which one by knowing the dif­ Everything seems to work out Call 774-1676 ory Locke at 108 Main Avenue. Deal’s Mayor Daniel Kruman, here 28 years. Miss Weston was an 1896 graduate kind of right. of military units and communities. D r. Jewell* who is in . Family practice ] All records and histories will be GOP nominees. In Neptune Town- Surviving are her husband, David ferences at this level. Blood Bank At of Trenton State Teachers College The worries and tears ------— in Ocean Grove, is on the executive | moved to larger offices at 501 ship the tallies were Berman, 3,884; R.; her stepmother,Mrs. Viola Pritch­ It is in this category that wills are now rather shady •.Surviving is a niece, Mrs. Nellie SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES St. Paul’s Nov. 19 committees of Jersey Shore Medical. Seventh Avenue in Asbury Park. Fitzpatrick, 3,928; Kennedy, 3,724, ard, of Trenton: a son, Diivid II, at Barker, with whom she lived.1 are probated. Our daughter’s become home; three, daughters, Mrs. Pavenie $5 A YEAR BY MAIL Center and the - Monmouth County. and Kruman, 3,532. Wallace, of Matawan, Miss Maureen ------*------Superior Court functions state­ Medical : Society. He attended ; school, Incumbent . Freeholder Albert and Miss Eleanor, at home; and i Tax Unit Endorsement wide and liears cases brought up in New: -York, . graduating from New Allen lost to Philip fftfmbs, Dcmo: brother, John Pritchard, of Valinda from the lower courts. In New York Medical College. He is married Calif. ; ™ . , H ..(|3*||U crat, in the county' -" wide race and. IRVINGTON — The basic single Jersey there is a movement to and has three;chucfren. ->-’v also here in'NeprafiS Township, 3,- HERMAN STUBBS issue in th e 1973 gubernatorial make some changes in the Super­ According to Dr.^Jewell, the, screen- .V:" :’C-. I P l l i S ; 867 to 3,616. NEPTUNE - Herman Stubbs, 4 campaign in New Jersey is that of ior Court because of th e heavy ing, program is promarily -geared to j Borden Aye., a resident here 40 years, case load and some overlapping of Monmouth Coun ty- residents, age 30 ■ d ia l Oct. J.?> at Jersey Shore Medical a State Income Tax, Halsey T. Keep Monmouth County Breat Center, Neptune. He was 49. Burke, chairman of the New Jer­ some points of jurisdiction. T he to 65, who cannot afford to obtain such Interment was a: White Ridge Cem- sey Citizens for Tax Relief, warn­ Superior and County courts have a profile of their, “risk, factors"; • Dr. Howaud A. J e w e l i . C tC T V . . very similar jobs. "Details of the screening are now ed voters this week. Burke said 1 ■ Mr. Stubbs was a member of the m1 <, t f j 'being discussed, but we already know Sccond Baptist Church, Asbury Park. that the only major candidate to 1 Cases not satisfied w.ith t h e Other committee members are: Nich­ that the program -will include: blood Surviving are his widow, Doris; two unequivocally oppose the tax is judgment of the trial court may olas Arcomano, M .D ., W . Long tests to determine cholesterol and tri­ Republican nominee .Charles Vf. appeal to the Appelate Division of Branch; M rs. David Clausen,'R.N., I glyceride levels and analysis of patients’ Sandman. the Supreme Court. There are 18 i * Colts Neck; Mrs. Alma Penn, R.N.,: daily activities such as smoking, exer­ judges siting in this division with Marlboro. Farry Memorial the judges working.in banks of 3, TOE NEW KINGSMEN, a singing group which is touring the cise and occupation*V said Dr. Jewell. Learning Festival making six divisions. country under the auspices of the Department of Evangelism of the In the State Supreme Court there RE-ELECT American Lutheran Church, will present a concert at Redeemer Home At Bradley Park Lutheran Church, 3531 Highway 33, Neptune, on Tuesday, Nov. Jersey Shore Medical Center Seeks are seven justices. They hear cases 403 Third Avenue 13, at 8 P.M. The New Kingsmen present a variety of instru­ BRADLEY PARK — The Brad­ by petition, that is a person never RICHARD R. STOUT mental and vocal music, including folk, folk rock, traditional, orig­ A8BUBY PAKK, N. 3 . ley Park School PTA met at the takes his case directly to the State inal, pop and gospel. Tlie public is invited. §1,250,000 For Three-Part Program William P. Walton, HI M gr. Supreme Court. It arrives there aft­ FOR STATE SENATOR er being heard, and the decision Home Owners Meeting 775-0434 • I not to the liking of the party sue- Dean of N.J. Senate with 22 years of service. ing. The cases heard here have I STOUT KNOWS HOW TO GET THjNGS DONE ' .V '1;, UIHMJLl their bearing on any rights of the ' SUttUB State or U.S. Constitution question. Co-sponsor of Senate bill banning deepwater port. m s i n a u t I The decision is final except when STOUT SAFEGUARDS YOUR INTEREST , • *• the case deals with, the U.S. Con­ An attorney & graduate of Princeton University & ■I stitution, and these are relatively Ocean Grove few. Such cases then may go to Rutgers Law School. ’ the U. S. Supreme Court where the STOUT HAS THE CREDENTIALS Memorial Home decision is final. World War II veteran. Ely There was a time' when an At­ 1X8 Main Avenue STOUT BELIEVES IN PATRIOTISM FUNERAL HOME torney at Law and a Councilor at OCEAN GROVE, N. J. Law had quite different functions. Trustee of Jersey Shore Medical Center & Monmouth Donald ’ R. Newman, Mgr. Today one still finds lawyers prac­ County Historical Association. : Subscribe to The ticing under one or the other of STOUT'S INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY 774-1753 these titles but the differences in Times $5.00 a Year their duties has been practically Resident of Ocean Township.... Married and.the abolished. At one time Councilors father of six children. Volunteer Parade Meeting were the only ones allowed to take RE-ELECT STOUT FOR SENATOR appeals. OCEAN GROVE — Hugo Straub Examinations for the bar, or the invites residents to attend the 1st E l e g a n t test to become a lawyer are given meeting to arrange for that big day, twice a year in February and July. next summer.’s parade to honor To take the test one must be a Ocean Grove ;heros-volunteer First DINING Aidmen, volunteer Firemen, and graduate of any accredited law RE-ELECT ELECT at Popular school and must be a resident of RE-ELECT their auxiliaries, and the Police, New Jersey. Brian T. Daniel S. Albert next' Thursday, November 15 at Prices . . . ■New Jersey judges are appoint­ KENNEDY KRUMAN "BUDDY" 2:30 P.M. at Thornley Hall, ed. The municipal judge gets the FO R TH E FOR TH E ALLEN "Bring a friend, show our heroes • DAILY appointment from the mayor of GENERAL FOR t h e pride we feel” states Mr. GENERAL Straub. '. the municipality with the consent ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY FREEHOLDER LUNCHEONS of the council. All other judges are • Experienced. Elected to Assembly ■ Mayor of Deal since 1967. ■ Spearheaded creation of Counly DINNER SPECIALTIES in 1971. ■ Graduate of N.Y.U. Police and Fire Academy. ■ Prime.Advocale ol N.J. Welfare ■ President of Seaboard Service • Steak Margarita • Bracioula FRANCIONI, Reform. ■ Counly Director of Bridges. Fuel Company. • Boneless Breast of Chicken Parmigiana ■ Instrumental in construction of. » An attorney & graduate ot U.S. Mil­ • Chicken Cacciatora, Mushrooms TAYLOR and • Member of Advisory Board.N.J. , County's first land fill site. itary Academ y & N.Y.U. Law School. National Bank ... Treasurer N.J. • Steaks • Chops ' • Ala Carte LOPEZ, Inc. ■ Former.U.S; Army Officer. » Trustee of Bayshor'e Community f Conference of Mayors ... Member Hospital ‘ . j = CLOSED TUESDAYS - EXCEPT HOLIDAYS FUNERAL IIOME • Member of Belmar Kiwanis Club of Monmoulh-Ocean Develop­ DANIEL L. FRANCIONI and American Legion. ment Council. ■ World War II combat veteran. J Fine Italian THOMAS W. TAYLOR » Resident ol Wall Township ... Mar­ ■ Veteran ol World War II. • Member Rotary International... i | MOM’S KITCHEN D. JO SEPH LOPEZ . Board member.ol United Fund. v; ;' i Families Called for ried and the father of four children. » Resident of D eal... Married and = . 1129 —,5th Ave., Neptune. Phone 775-4823 *•4 - 7th Ave. Asbury Park lhe father ol four children. ■ Resident of Matawan Township = Take Out Orders * Freezer Size Pizza Specialties Tel. 776-0021 Married arid Ihe father ol live lttb & Atkins Ave. Neptnne children. • . Tel. 775-0028 Paid tor by Benjamin H. Danskin, Republican Campaign Chairman, P.O. Box 928, Freehold. N.J. 07728 *] . .u n i; ninK .v m w ivsai*' Ol1' NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1973

'. against tho sky.” parent visitations on Tuesday, Wed­ were just beautiful. While driving times it was late in the season ond Dr. Christie Veterans Day Speaker LETTERS TO Respectfully, nesday and Thursday evenings. through Kentucky they made two. the bears were hibernating. With REV. F. A. LANGWITH Teacher demonstrations, brief stops, one being, My Old Kentucky all the snow on the ground they IHE EDITOK S3 Main Ave. discussions, student demonstra­ Home State Park in Bardstown. were searching for food along the Ocean Grove tions, displays of artwork materials This is where - Stephen Foster highway. and projects were presented ijv wrote the song of the same name. In Virginia, the Stahls stopped such a way as to familiarize the' The next stop \yas at Mammoth off to see Natural Bridge and a Not On Sunday visitors with the various programs Cave. As the winter outside Was in little further on the Luray Cav­ underway in the schools. EDITOR, TIMES: • tho eighties it -was a relfef to en­ erns. Trying to get as much in as Dr. Christie reported that ihe 1 thought the following news ter the cave where the temperature they could .they stopped at'Hair-, parents and staff members were item might interest your readers— is always 57 degrees. The tour was per’s Ferry. Here a movie w a s very pleased with the events of “Private motorists in Holland a two mile walk in which there shown about John Brown and the American Education Week. There are to be kept off the roads every were Indian artifacts to be seen. battle that took place there. A were a number of requests that the Sunday starting Nov, 4, the Dutch There is an underground river in stroll down the streets to the quaint Administration consider, spreading government decided today (Oct. the cave where there a r e fish novelty and Souvenir shops made visitation dates over a longer pe­ 20, 1973). The only vehicles on which have no. eyes and are color­ the day complete. It is nice to go riod of time. The matter lias been the roads are to be public trans­ less. away but it is nicer to get hack discussed with administrators and port, ambulances and taxis.” The next stop was in Nashville, home. board members and plans for next Holland may become the Ocean Tenn., called Music City of USA. year will include this recommenda­ Grove of Europe. They attended the Grand Ole Opry tion. Further, tlie Superintendent Poster Winners Sincerely, House. Their next stop was Mem­ KENNETH ULMER commended the staff members on phis, Tenn. While in Mississippi their enthusiasm in the many Are Announced Murray Hill, N. J., tyiey visited the Capitol in Jack­ OCEAN GROVE — Winners in md Ocean Grove hours of effort put into this an­ son, also National Military Park in nual event. the .Ocean Grove Recreation Pos­ Vicksburg which is the Gettysburg ter Contest for fourth graders at of the South. From here they went the Ocean Grove Schol, are: 1st Over 2500 Parents The Burton Stahls tto Natchez, Miss, to see the anti-' Prize, Marsha Williams;-2nd Prize, bellum homes there. Eric Weber, 3rd Prize, Debbie Jus­ Visit Schools Enjoy Vacation Finally, their destinaitori - New tus and Laurie Weber; honorable Orleans. While there they visited mention, Richard McEwan. the different - clubs such as Al Poster Judges were Mrs. Clyde NEPTUNE TWP. — Dr. V. J. W. OCEAN GROVE — Mr. and Mrs. Hurts, Pat O’Brien’s and Pete Packard, Mrs. Forman Bailey and Christie, Superintendent of Stahl of the Imperial Hotel have Fountain’s. As customery they fin­ Mrs. Joseph Hemphill, members of Schools, reports that between 2500 just returned home after a two ished their evenig with the French the commission. and 3000 parents visited the Ncp- weeks vaction. Their destination doughnuts at the Cafe Du Monde Winners were given cash prizes. tune Public Schools during the re- was New Orleans, La. right at the Mississippi River. They were judged for the neatness, cently concluded American Eduea- In order to enjoy the foliage On the way back home they stop­ workmanship, eye appeal, subject tion Week. The Township schools they drove through West Virginia, ped off at Selma and Montgomery, content and originality pertaining were opened for the purposes of the Mountain State. The leaves Alabama, also Atlanta, Georgia. to the subject. . , Next stop was the Great Smoky The commission reported it was Mountain National Park. Begin­ difficult to choose the winners, as ning at Cherokee, N.C., they drove they were all so well done. through the Park to Gatlinburg, Others who participated were: Tenn. The mountains were ablaze Pam Edwards, Joyce Jordan, with color but as they reached the Stanley Robinson, Jeffrey Cooper, very top of the park they ran into Beth Coleman, Michele De Ro s e, snow and ice. It was a beautiful Lorna Merwin, Bruce Harvey, sight to see as snow was on the Heather Deuchar, Patty Coumbe, ground and the trees were encased Bobby Harter,- Isaias Calderone, in ice. Many pictures were taken. my Zimmerman, Anna Mobley. T ~ As Mr. Stahl stopped to take a And, Robert West, Anne Pilot, picture a black bear came from James Bell, Twain Albano, Peter out of nowhere and sat in a posed Tommy Zimmerman, Anna Mobley. position as if he,wanted to have Werner, Robbie Beachley, Thom- his picture taken. Mr. Stahl oblig­ kis, Peggy Fant, Larry Ellington, ed. This w a s a thrill, as other Laura Mertikas.


$1,000 Minimum Several weeks ago, the Government put a lifutt on the number of higher rate Savings Certificates we could self, 4-Year Minimum M a tu rity fl|§ i THANKS TO YOU, we were sold out in eleven days. Now, EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, the law has changed again, Compounded Daily allowing commercial banks to pay 714%. Which bark moved first to make the highest rate available to you? You Guaranteed Rale jfW] guessed it! Your RED CIRCLE Bank has done it again. Income or Growth Options T *§ IN SHORT,, THE GOVERNMENT MADE ITS MOVE. . . Monthly Deposit of Interest WE MADE OUR M O V E ... to Savings or Checking Account, NOW, IT’S YOUR MOVE! or, Quarterly Interest Checks m NEW ^ be Wise and Save forJ>735 '•V ■ JERSEY 1 Join The Central Jersey Bank and 1 1 national! Trust Company Chanukah Club now. NOTICE: Federal Regulations permit withdrawal prior to 25 offices In Mercer, Monmouth, T k BANK Memberships start from as little maturity ot time deposits provided the Interest rate on and Hunterdon Counties. as 500 a week. Wd don't Just the amount wilhdrawn Is reduced to the passbook rat® collect your Chanukah Club r.-.snay and three months Interest Is forfeited. we pay 5% Interest on it. See how our Chanukah Club accounts build up. over a 50-week period: .50 a week—$ 25.63 5.00 a week— 256.25 1.00 a week— 51.25 10.00 a week— 012.60 J Minimum deposit $1,000. NEW 2.00 a week— 102.50 20.00 a week—1,028.00 f a Maturity 90 days. 3.00 a week— 153.73 on completed Clubs • Interest paid quarterly. JERSEY NATIONAL CAN WE HELP YOU ? Minimum initial deposit $250. L BANK A Additional deposits $25 or more. Money must be on deposit 90 days. ■A3XTO TTFK-JST C03VH=AIsTV' SftV MONMOUTH COUNTY • Allenhurst • Allantown BradJ$y Qoach • Eatontown • Farmingdale • Fort Interest from day ol deposit to Monmouth • Freehold (2) • Freehold Township (2) HoweO • Long Branch (2) •Mannlapan • Marlboro day of withdrawal. ($5 minimum Matawpn • Neptune City • Ocean Township • Rum* balance at end of quarter.) 7-jSrgi son • Sea Bright• Shrewsbury • Spring Lake Heights Withdrawals permitted anytime. ( m g j u n i o n OOUNTY • Mountainside . • Westfield THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 8, 1973 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, AND NEPTUNE TIME1!. TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JEKSK 1 PAGE THREE BOWLING Queen and Court Elected SQUAW’S LEAGUE

Delawares 18 6 Apaches 16 8 • Naya'nos •15 , 9 Hopi 14 10 Comanches 12 12 Iroquois 12' 12 Scminoles 11% 12% Cheyennes 7% 1616 Mohawks 7 17 Pawnees , 7 17 Games over 160; Muriel Kelly, 178; Doris Schaub, 179, 161; Joan Burke, 169; Bettie Sapp i66; Joyce Egbert, 164; Lee Atkinson 184; m m Ruth Denbigh 164; Alice Gilby, 163; Joyce Diglio 160. j m Top 10 averages D. Schaub 154.9 M. Kelly 151.6 J. Dabler 149.16 146.9 B. Sapp THE STUDENT BODY of Neptune Senior liigli School electcd Save this amount J. Catley 140.13 their Homecoming Queen and Court for 1973. From left to right: each week R. Denbigh 139.17 Kathy Gelay, Diane Sammons, Andrea Zawadzky, Queen; Mae !5ray, for 50 weeks 81 *2? 83 *5. 81 0 82 0 C. Meyer 139.5 .?oAnn-Holcomb and Vickie Boa. Tlie girls were honored sit half D. Leverieh , 137.15 time of the Neptune-Matawan Football game Oct. i. J. Burke 135.17 Next October V* • V E. Stevens ■ 135.0 NORTH SHORE CHURCH buterfly, lion, little green giant, BOWLING LEAGUE paper bag soldier, robot, school You Will g *51.25 102.75 *154.00 *256.50 *513.00 "1,026.00 Receive Results, October 31, 1973 boy, Santa and helper, and flower. , OCEAN GROVE BUSINESS­ Mem. Meth. 4, 1st Pres., A.P. 0; The winners were as follows: O •ft i MEN’S BOWLING LEAGUE Craftsmen Club 4, 1st Meth. A.P. Terry Schmidt, Rebecca Cadigan, Morawe’s 18 9 25 0; Belmar Meth. 4, Belmar Pres. 0; Michelle Grace, Laura Lynn Lat- Flowers 17 14 23 Shoremen 4, Calvary Baptist 0; siiaw, Nancy BeUng,' Gordon Mc- Barbers 16 Vi 10% 22% Ballard Meth. 3, Avon Moth. 1; St. Cutcheon, Jimmy. Macaluso, Step­ Olds 2 15 12 21 Paul's Ushers 3, Trinity Ushers 1; hen Downing, Paul Gluckow, John Home 15 12 19 West Grove Sloth. 3, Crusaders 1. Gluckow, Eddie Simon Beth Seis- Olds 1 14 13 19 James Young with games of 242, er, Sara Prout, Lynn Crease, Fet­ ' Smith’s 12% 14% 14% 224, 212 for a 678 series led his ter Nordhausen, Eddie Deuchar, Market 9% 17% 12% Craftsmen Club team to a 2774 se­ D'iana Dielhenn, Bonnie Deuchar, TV 9 18 12 ries. Sandra; Ansktra, Scott Ankstra, Cleaners 8% 18% 11% 200 games were also turned in by; Bobby Kopp. / ...” ... ■ Good bowling put. Morawe’s Car- Neil Campbell 223, Don Johnston , Winners tlie second hour were petbagersback in first place in the 221, Joe Strunce 220, Art Lusey dressed as. tlie prettiest: Japanese Ocean Grove Businesmen's League 218, Bill Eckler 216, 208, J o e girl, Indian girl, tennis player, bal­ .C" Monday night at Bradley Lanes. Yake 215, Bill Arneth 210, Charles lerina, Puritan girl; funniest: Boo- l i p Morawe’s rolled over the Grove Erdman 20G, Don Hawlk 202, John Berry, soccer ball, Dracula, Ragge­ Cleaners for 4 points. Mike Crelin Taylor 201. dy Ann and Andy, roller deby; jr a R n * led the Baggers with games ot 212, Team Standings most original: robot, candy kiss, 192, 172 for a 576 series. Bill Cre­ West Grove Meth. Sherlock Holmes, duck, doughboy, ! lin had a 214, 192 for. 552. Bob Cre­ Craftsmen Club Xmas pack, Pinnocchio, gladiators, lin Jr., helped out with 191-190— 1st Meth., A.P. Mr. Frito, Peter Pan. 531. Dave Johnson led the losing Shoremen The winners were: Peggy Fant, cause with a 544 series on a nice Ballard Meth. Jimmy Watson, Beth Thompson, 212 game. Ocean Grove Flower & Avon Meth. Wendy Ward, Laura Mertikas, Lor- Gift Shop slipped back to 2nd place Memorial Meth. na Merwin, Beth Coleman, Deb­ as Desiderio Olds 2 took them for Crusaders bie Rush, Jef Downig, Glen D e n 3 points. Jack Bastedo ,was tho Calvary Baptist Braven, Scott Devlin, Heather De­ high man for Desiderio with a. 860 Beimar Meth. uchar, Lisa Rcnery, Brant Greisin- series on games of 198, 186. Bill Trinity Ushers ger, Debbie Ward, Barbara Thomp­ Smith chipped in with a 208 game. Belmar Presbyterian son, Denise LaBarre, Connie Olson, Campbell’s Barbers also had a los­ St. Paul’s Ushers Mark Mackowitz, Nancy McEwan, ing night as they lost 3 points to 1st Pres., A. P. Robbie Beachleyi Robbie Newman, Bonded TV. Tom Hand led Bond­ John Neidenstein. ed with steady games of 187, 177. The judges, Mrs. W. G. Forres­ The loss dropped Campbell's to 3rd Halloween Party ter, Mrs. Louis R. Stubb and Mrs. place. The Ocean Grove Memorial Joseph O. Hestiano felt that every­ Homd put together some good Enjoyed by 200 one was a winner. There were so bowling & took 4 points from Des­ many wonderful costumes it was iderio Olds 1. Vince Alfieri was Children In Gym very hard to distinguish who would top man for the diggers with a 551 or would not win. series on games of 199, 182. Bill OCEAN GROVE—Approximate­ ------Smith had a 528 and Larry Hand ly two hundred children enjoyed Atonement Lutheran Notes an even 500. Neil Socha came in the Halloween Party given by the ASBURY PARK — Guest speak­ with a 188 game. Bill Mowery led Ocean Grove Recreation Commis­ er at the Atonement Lutheran the losers with a 568 on a big 231 sion on' Oct. 31st. in the gym, of Church, First Ave. and Heck St. the Ocean Grove School, service game. Smith’s Hardware also had our this Sunday at the 9:25 and 10:45 a good night as they bested Path­ Winners the first-'Hour were A.M. services, will be t h e Rev. way Market for 3 points,. Dick Fur- dressed as the prettiest: bride, fly­ Ralph Shockey, pastor-superintend- beck was the big gun for Smith's ing nun, little Bo-Peep and Pilgrim ent of the Lutheran Home at. Lady; funniest; hillbilly, pumpkin, with a nice 587 series on games of Moorestown. In January, 1972, he 315, ( 203. Ken O'rr came in with leafman, hobo clown, witch;, and was appointed by Gov. Cahill as a 200, 192 for a 538. the Most Original: «urse, artist, member of the Health Care Admin­ istration Board of the State Depart­ ment of Health. He is also District OCEAN GROVE Governor - Elect, District 764 of the Rotary International. In .1972 he was honored with the Doctor of WINDOW CLEANING CO. Divinity degree by Susequehanna Complete Janitorial Service University. Residential ★' Commercial Industrial COAL & Rental Units ★ Homes Cleaned for Summer FUEL OIL • SORRY, we regret we cannot accept any more Highway 35 & 3rd Ave. window cleaning orders this Fali. Spring window clean­ ing orders accepted - window cleaning to begin March NEPTUNE CITY 1, 1974 (weather perm itting). <74-5352 Rug Shampooing Residence 95 Broadway Ocean' Grove — 774-2591 Floor Waxing - All Types fnm nlete Office Cleaning

FULLY INSURED & FREE ESTIMATES COURTEOUS and RELIABLE SERVICE Quite the contrary. Any. time m to bridge the gap between you CALL 988-0900 OIL BUBNEB SERVICE •you have a question or prob­ and us. and to provide the 24-tIrs. Dally Ocean Grove, N. J. 07756 Including; Sunday lem with your phone service, personalized service we want we want to hear about it. And you' to have. generally,, the person to call is To you the rep might be the ® in te rsta te ® -v your service representative. voice of the phone company, M M E f MM®USH3E ..It's his or her job to .solve fo us, he or she is the voice of SSIVAY 34, WAUL TOWNSHIP, H J- your problems—no matter the public. So any time you SCHEDULED SERWCES*+£ how big or small — as well as want to make your voice heard, S SJB'JL eo answer any questions you call your local Telephone Busi­ I® W might have. That's why we ness Office and ask for-; a ser­ have service representatives — DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE SLIGHTLY ADDITIONAL vice representative. • MMUY HAN • UP TO 45% DISCOUNT FOR GSOUPS C? 4 03 MOftE. (M f W* E sm A Ceanttr m d A Etpm tntatlv* At Airport Pot Ypar Brtarri rm iM M i b m ofdT n ru r ucttaxo b k c b l u l t s a n th m jo ) u m o c u x m an n a a aom aifu a o o u n c o tm > rates and reservations New Jersey Bell cm rm 681-5200 Being good isn't good enough. PAGE FOUR OCEAN GROVE TIMES, AND N E P fPN B TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY ' THURSDAY,' NOVEMBER 8, 1973 that season for Nov. 20, it was Neptune. High School Seniors Fifteen Years Ago announced by Dr. Onsvilie J. recognized for places on the high Moulton, Neptune supervising prin­ honor and honor rolls were: High :i~— 1958 cipal. Honors - Henry Tustin, Ruth ' FOR SALE — 12 rooms, 3 apart­ White. H nors - Eugene Capibian­ (From the Nov. 7, 1958 1)0 WA nnd Neptune Times ments. Hot water heat, $4,000. 14 co, Forrest Holmes, Albert Kirms, Published Thursday. Telephone 77S-0007 Issue of Tlie Times) room, all improvements, ..$3,200. Joseph Patterson, Robert Tompk­ WILLIAM T. KRESGK, Editor nnd Publisher ." Mfo anti Mrs. Norman Packard, MEMORY Mary L.. Walker, fliS Mt. Hermon ins, Stanley Wagg, Maybell Hur­ J’cpKy HoJl'niid .lean lVMU.unson, Loral Editors \Vc!)b Ave., Occan Grove, 8IXTY-FOUK MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY 07756 Way, Ocean Grove. ry, Johanna Lutman, Margaret Entered as second class mail In the Post Office, Ocean Grove, New Jersey ivcro the proud parents of a son, A further study of the-damage Phillips, Mary Prati, Ruth Vail; SUBSCRIPTION: $5.00 yearly. ?3.00 sem i-annually. Single copies 20c ea. their fourth, born Nov, 1 in Fitkin ADDRESSES changcd on request — always ri *c former .address. ’ LANE done to the Ocean Grove beach and Edith Wright. ADVERTISEMENTS: Rates will be furnished by us on request. . Hospital. They h a d named the front by tile recent storm had con­ Howard Heck, Ocean Grove fire­ T1IE TIMES is on sale .at the following news stands: Oconn Grove—Ethel's babv Brian Lee.’ Stationery and Ruth's Stationery and Edaie’s Market. 125 Heck Ave: Asbury fronted the business committee man injured in responding to a Pnrk~Flo’s Luncheonette. 400 Cookman Ave.: Neptune—Warner Drug, Abbott's Joseph Wardell of Neptune and. with the fact that the mere cost of Soda Shop, Muller's Delicatessen. Colonial House. .Uunplnp Brook Dell, Mike & false alarm Hallowen’en night, was Nina's. Gables Drug, Nick's- Store, Cracker Barrel in Shark River Hills; Neptune T. Hadtord Catley of 0 c c a n Girl Scouts of Troop 30, Shark party in the high school gymnas­ repair and replacement could not able to be about town on crutches. City—Tommy's: Bradley Beach—1Mary Ann S.hop. Grove, were re-elected to member­ Rivet Hills, invested Oct. 30, by ium. She was awarded a parakeet run less that $35,000. His broken foot was doing as well : WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER FOR THE EXPIRATION OF ship of the Neptune Township YOUR SUBSCRIPTION their leaders, Mrs. Raymond Loren­ and cage, donated by Charles as could be expected but it would Committee by more than 1500 ma­ zo and Mrs. Richard Burr, were Lambert, a member of the Recrea­ be some weeks before he’ could use jorities. The Township favored the Jonet Ackerman, Teresa Burr, Jo tion Commission, which sponsored Fifty Years Ago it naturally. Water Bona Act, the School, Bond Ann Drake, Donna Evans, Barbara the annual party. Winners in the Ground was broken for the new. proposition and the Policc Pay Johnson, Imogene Kasemir, Kath­ pre-primary throtfgli 3rd grade building of the Ocean Grove Na­ raise. leen Lorenzo, Joy Martuscelli, were Susan Jones, prettiest; Sobert 1923 tion Bank, Harry Steelman, Asbury TAKE .Karen Matthews, Linda Paugh, Hendrickson, funniest; most origi­ (From the Nc)V. 2, 1923 Park, contractor. Foundation work Atending from Ocean Grove Dona Splovikos. Jo A a n Sturm, nal,' Linda and Karen Allgood, Issue of The Times) was underway for the new building FIVE were D, C. Melchior, Mrs: Ruth Donna Beth Swingle, and Betty Winners in the 4-8 grades were Mr, and Mrs. Sandford C. Flint of the Asbury Park and Ocean Morrison, Sirs. Thomas W. Davis, Walker. Gale Catley, prettiest; Judy Brace, had recently returned from a fort­ Grove Bank at Main Ave. a n d By FRED W. KOKE Mrs. Ruby Fleischer, Mrs. Clara D. The mariage of Miss Connie Kay funniest, and Judy Larrison and night’s honeymoon, trip to the Pilgrim Pathway also. I. R. Taylor Langwith, Mrs. Elmer Baldwin, Gooch, daughter of Mrs. Lee Gooch Susan Gluck, most original. Judges Southland had ;at up housekeep­ Co., Asbury Park had this contract Miss Dorothy Quinn, Miss Gertrude o£ Anacortes, Wash., ts Lt. Rees were Mrs. B, Harrison Decker,' ing in a new bungalow at 1334 Lo­ and also that for remodeling the Neiburh, Joan Mildred Kurch, E. Noren,‘son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ Mrs. Ethel Selby and Mrs, Mar­ cust Dr., Asbury Park. Association building. The tumult and the shouting die and. the candidates win NOreri, 9 Webb Ave,, Ocean garet Selfridge, are back home on tlie range nursing swollen hands from all Mrs. H. D. Baldwin, Mrs. H. G. ■ ------* ------that shaking. "Now hear this! There will be a long pause Knust, Mrs. Ivan Hall, Mrs. Walter Grove, took place Oct, 18 in the for tired paws recuperation. That is all!” • Schriek, Mrs, . George Dredger, chape' at Aui: Field Naval Air Mrs. Robert Woystiner, Mrs." A. H. Station, Whidbey Island. Thirty Years Ago J Changing Times... Dietz, Mrs. John L Gallc and Dr. Charles B. Smyth became the We know one politican’s wife who is happy. She said, Mrs. Eleanor C. Hamilton. 16th Headmaster o£ the Penning­ “Wow! No more being awakene a t 3 o’clock in the morn­ Others attending were Mrs. ton School at ceremonies perfom- 1943 The demand for Ocean Grove properties has ing by my husband shaking my hand and mumbling in his Philip Grambalvo, Marilyn Bittner, ed Nov. 1. (From the Nwember 5, 1943 depleted the “for sale’ list. However, there sleep, “Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet Issue of The Times) you.” Mrs. M. Kaufman, and Mrs. Janet Little Gale, Catley, costumed in are a number: of property owners In Ocean Carr from Neptune City; Mary A. white .with plastic snow blocks and G. Adrain Schantz, 103 Mt, Her­ Grove who are not reaHj contemplating the Shelly from Brooklyn, N. Y.; Terry snowballs, received the grand mon Way, Ocean Grove, was com­ f ate of their property, but an offer might put When interviewed about today’s fowl situation, an old Schiavone and Connie Rasp fronj prize at t h e annual Hallowe’en missioned a, second lieutenant n ibem in such a frame of mind. Drop In and gobbler said, “This year the turkeys will not be the only Oakhurst; Mrs. Jane Sauta from the Coast Artillery Corps after discuss your needs with our office and well ones getting it in the neck,” successfully- completing the offi­ Ocean; Mrs. John P. Kelly from OCEANFRONT go »ut and comb the Grove for sack a prop­ South Belmar; Mrs. T. C. Miller, cer candidate course at the. Anti­ erty. We knot? of two right now that are de­ TO THE BANK, JAMES! Jr., and Mrs. (M. Dellett of Brielle; . HOTEL aircraft Artillery School, C a m p ciding whether to sell their property. Both A most ingenious man, and Mrs. A. J. Caggran from Sea <2-Bedroom owner’s ant . . . 2 Davis, N. C. ihese properties are in the 38,000 range and ' Is Johnnathan L. Berky; Girt. bedroom summer rental apt. Edward Holl, son of Mr. & Mrs. they are truly gems of the Jersey seashore, • -plus - W renting rooms, (3 During a coffee break, Because of the fine response to with private baths; „ ... new Lee Holl, 19 New York Ave., to the income field, seasonal with nice year- He financed his turkey. these Cultural Hours, the Novem­ hot water testing system on 1st Oceain Grove, was graduated from rotond living accommodotions, we have two A lter seeing the movie, Johnathan Livingston Seagull, ber 27th demonstration and "lec­ floor . , «ew hot water 30-gal. the Philadelphia College of Phar­ excellent opportunities. One at $25,000, the ture will be held in the Neptune tank . . , Washer and Dryer, macy and Science. otter at $32,000, both near the ocean. Both are my friend, Charlie, the short-order cook said, "I’d give it Room for garage. three feathers. To tell the truth it was over my head. I Township Meeting Room adjacent After a space of 15 years, the fully furnished and have heated living accom­ to ought !t neded a few sexy ahe-gulls- But thn \\'ho am I to to fhe Neptune Library. It will.be Price $44,500 football athletic relations between modations for family year round living. In the fa'i‘ ,vi!cl ^ an Abbott & Costello man from a wav .held al 2 P.M. with Mrs; Bobbie Call 774-0191 Neptune and Asbury Park high event yon are. considering the purchase or sale Chick of Neptune discussing the back. So much for mature cinema criticism. after 5 P.M. schools had again been cemented of a property in Ocean Grove. Call 774-1058, Art of Car4!emaking, and a game hat? been scheduled We take pride in assisting and- not insisting. (From Peggy Goodrich! Dried 1 lower Pressing Program At ■ Nov. 1, 1973) ACT FAST Neptune Library’s Cultural Hour Summer Hotel B£A1ESTAT* • INSURANCE • MORTGAGES * " ESI 1V20 • Three of the properties in last week’s ad have been 53 MAIN AVE. 774-2080 OCEAN GROVE NEPTUNE TWP. — Seventv- dried flower frame pictures but al­ . 44 Rooms sold. This week, why don’t you get a piece of the E ves: A L ULRICH - 775-7500 fivc arei. residents attended the so demonstrated making a framed IN CENTURY-OLD highly action? second Cultural Hour held at the picture from pansies she had dried. respected resort communi­ DWELLING , Neptune Library on October 30th She used a pair of pointed tweez­ ty. Totally wholesome, re­ Lovely home,.room for garage, well built, good condi­ to enjoy Mrs. Elfie Lange’s dem­ ers and a small paint brush to ar­ freshing atmosphere. Own­ tion. Seven rooms, four bedrooms. Priced at $37,500. onstration and lecture, on the art range the flowers and stalks, until er occupied a p t. possible. BUNGALOW "Designed for Retirement, of pressing dried flowers and ar­ she had achieved a harmonious, Ocean view in fine conven­ ranging them artistically for Very good condition, near parking, easy to maintain. balanced design. On the tip of a ient location and attrac­ Four rooms, two bedrooms. Asking $25,000. With Income” framed pictures. small stick, she applied a little tively priced for net return "If you like flowers as much as I white glue to the back of each on the investment. SMALL BUNGALOW TWO FAMILY HOME: SECOND BLOCK FROM do,, flowers can be yours to look flower and stalk. Then the last Suitable for one or two persons, low overhead, year- OCEAN, NEAR TMAIN'AVE. at on the walls of"your home year step Was to mount the picture in' round home. Priced at §13,500. round, preserved by the simple FIRST FLOOR: Large Laving Room, Full size bedroom, the frame. HOTEL process of pressing flowers and Attending the Cultural Hour, co­ Laundry room with lavatory and new Washer, and A few step3 to the ocean, operated successfully for creating pictures out of these,” sponsored by the Township of Nep­ Dryer — Ultra Modern Kitchen with Dinette - Small Mrs. Lange, of Neptune stated. many years. 37 rooms, fireplace, dining room, and rear Bedroom with S/S Bath. tune Historical Society a n d the kitchen on street level. Priced to settle estate—$44,500. “Not all flowers are suitable for Neptune Library, were Mrs. Ralph SECOND FLOOR: Large Living Room. Two full sized pressing Some lose their colors, Hunt, Mrs. Joseph Ricduti. Mrs. bedrooms, Bright Sunny Kitchen, Modern Tile Bath, spine are too big. In general, the W. Schmidt, Mrs. Eliwood Hend­ ALVIN E. BILLS, Realtor and Powder Room. yellow, orange and dark blue flow­ ricks, Mrs. Madeline Fortunato, (Ope anti! 9:0# P.M.) Member of SMLS ers keep their colors well. Some of Mrs. Vi Schneider, Mrs. M. Allgor, 300 Main St. 2517 Rt. 35 Large front porches, with Ocean View, for both apart­ 78 MAIN AVE. OCEAN GROVE ments. HEAVY DUTY ELECTRIC SERVICR, Cellar- th e flowers you can buy in a flow- Mrs. Marge Brown, Mrs. Jean Brod- Allenhurst ' Wall Twp. Dial 774*2124 ■er shop or you can grow them in water, Mrs. Marie Mignelli, 'M rs. Healtor-Insuror HOT WATEE BASEBOARD OIL HEAT, (2 zone sys­ your garden. Pansies are the eas­ Ella H. Sparks,- Rose Richne, Mrs. 531-2500 — 328-7111 tem) Domestic Hot water from heating boiler - SEP­ iest to start with, and my favorite Harry Finn, Mrs. Robert Knowles, ARATE ENTRANCES - 2nd floor tenant goes with flpwers .are wild flowers that you Mrs. Louise Cannon, Mrs. Daniel SALE - A WELL BUILT HOME IN EXCELLENT can pick, such as delpheniums.” Atkinson, Mrs. ; Martir. Downey, $16,000_5 rooms and bath. Automatic heat. Basement. CONDITION. - ‘Now that you have the flowers, Mrs. Ralph Blanchard, Mrs. H. D. HOTEL_Finest location. Modern Owner’s Apt., Most attrac- PRICED LOW FOR QUICK SALE - 527,000.00 you have to press them when they Grumbine, Mrs. Kenneth Hallgring, FOR S ALE • tive rooms, arc as fresh as possible. You need Mrs. Richard Hart. Mrs. Wm. Cham­ GUEST HOUSE — near Ocean. Owner’s apartment, plus ef­ Came in and let aa dfae n 1st .Uoor apartment plus 4 renting rooms on second 66 MAIN AVENUE OCEAN GROVE tilt' books in a dry place for at Valerie Caddock. Brenda Garvey! five bedrooms, bath. floor. Automatic heat. Basement $23,500. Phone 774-4132 least 6 weeks." Kathryn Dudik. Mrs. Harold John­ Other listings available in houses, Cottages and business Established Over CO 'Tears Mr* Lange not only discussed son, Mrs. Micki Finn and Mrs. Pef- Corner property, home in very properties. - nnd displayed same of her lovely jgv Goodrich of Neptune. good condition/living room, din­ ing room, kitchen, four bed­ ___ - mpKTTAI.S - rooms, bath, good heating sys­ tem, full basement. V. M. KUBLER, Realtor BARGAIN HUNTEK’S DELITE! 29 OCEAN PATHWAY • OCEAN GROVE AH spick & span and ready for This large three unit duplex is the investment you Jennie Meyer TeL 774-1142 have been looking for. Living room, Dining Room, AGENCY Formerly located at 117 Main A v e n u e . ______a buyer - You can be in before Kitchen, 2 Bdnus., fuli bath on first floor. “Fireplace in ditting room.” 2nd,and 3rd floor - 2 bd’s. complete, REAL ESTATE facilities - live rent free. $26,900. Don’t delay. CaU to- 47 Yj Main Avenue Christmas. : day. Ocean Grove, N. J. Grand Prize (with Garage) TRICK OR TREAT TeL 774-3061 Large 5 bedroom home in the finest location in ful Ocean View - 3 full baths ...... Asking $42,500 Delightful Living Room - two sided porch with outdoor This can be your treat. House Hunters Delite. 2 story carpeting - awning - modem kitchen with dining al­ colonial home with 3 bdrms, 1 Va baths, spacious living 2 F ori cove., One bedroom and bath 1st flower. 2 bedrooms, room and dining room, country kitchen. The trick will Buying, Selling, Renting 2 Year-Round homes in top notch condition One 2 bedroom be on you if you don’t take the time to move up the one 1 bedroom — Move right in and Uve rent fre fe - second floor, Corner property. Nice grounds. Asking social ladder. Ocean Grove is the place for you! Don’; Homes, Apartments, Delay call today. $23,500. Income Properties, Lots $28,500. ' and Acreage, Businesses INCOME WANTED — Listings! We may have a buyer for Members .of Multiple Listing Service* 3 apartment home - 2 one bedroom and one 2 bedroom - excel­ your home.. VA & FHA m o r t g a g e lent condition - good location...... Reduced to $32,500 Specialist* RENTALS CALL or WRITE OCEAN GROVE REALTY Yearly and winter homes and apartments' 1 bedroom • 2 bedroom - 3 bedroom. 50 MAIN AVE.. OCEAN GROVE IPCHJB Garra REALTOR - MEMBER SM15 Realtors. Appraisers, EASTON REALTY, Realtor 428 M AIN SI., ASBURY PARK Phone: - 7744331 or 681-8134 Property Managers “ OUR ONLY OFFICE" 324 Cookman Ave. 89 MAIN AVE. OCEAN GBOVE, N.J. ’ HOURS:—10 A.M. to 2 I’.Sl. Daily tl A.M. Asbury Park, N.J. 0371£ ScrvUv with protection since IbSi Member Phone 988-3636 Eves: Francis E, Kelly 775-8680 to 8 P. M. Saturday 201 - 988-1000 M.C.M.L.S. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1973 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, AND NEPTUNE TIME 3. TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY p a g e " ™ ?

Tuesday evening, Oct. 23rd at 8 Members are asked to bring a $2 p.m. at the home of Carol Deuchar, exchange gift to be distributed by COMING 9 Surf Ave., here. “Santa.” Helen Stocum opened the meet­ In addition to those mentioned EVENTS ing with a meaningful devotions, others •attending included Mrs. followed'by a short business meet­ Beatrice Erhnrdt, Mrs, Margaret ing. The evenings lesson on “Faith" Mauclv, Mrs; Edna Swank and Miss was led by Marilyn Shotwell. Next Mary Mojstrik. months lesson will be on “Hope.” AH'present’ seemed to bo anxious for another chapter and' felt they WCTU Places 3rd were receiving many blessings.thru MEMORIALS the study of them. With Scrapbook ' The fellowship was enjoyed by OCEAN GROVE — The 18 Naomi Aligood, Carol Veltre, Jan­ At Ocean City ft. Memorial Cross on the ice Flay, Marilyn Shotwell, Bon­ front of thc Ocean Grove Aud­ nie Asay, Helen Stocum, Norma itorium, facing the sea, will be Wood, Norma Orr, Eiaine Furbeefe, lighted .the week of Nov.-10-17 Doris Hall, and Carol Deuchar. in loving memory of Jean Ann The next meeting will be Tues­ MlHerlng by Mr. & Mrs. Fred­ day evening, Nov. 29th, at 8 P.M. erick MUlering, 65 Abbott at the home of Elaine Furbeck, 203 Avenue, here. Pittenger Place, Shark River. The Memorial Sign on the • : ; ■_— ______Auditorium roof will be light­ ' EDNA BRADLEY ed the same week In memory The Edna Bradley Circle met in of Joseph Sandford Jr., by Mr. the Annex Room of St. Paul's and Mrs. William R. Braccoc Church; on Oct! I6- Mrs. Marion ere of Nutley. Minerley and Mrs. Hans Nielsen were hostesses. Mrs. Jack:Lawrow, leader, pre­ sided. Mrs. Jesse Loeser gave the lesson. v ; :■ ST. PAUL’S Those present were Mrs. Jack Lawrow, Mrs. Jesse Loeser, Mrs. William Witt, Mrs. Hans Nielsen, OCEAN GROVE At the 10:45 Mrs. Frances Richards, -Mrs! Carl A.M. Morning Worship Service Wilson, Mrs. Lawrence Seagrave, Sunday, the Rev. John.iD, Merwin Mrs. Herbert Barties, Miss Edith will speak on “Signs of The OCEAN GROVE Clerihew, Mrs. Marion Minerley, Times". Dr. Dan Yaffa will have Mrs. Frederick Fliner., > "Just a Closer Walk With Thee” . ' ELIZABETH STROW The October meeting of the The next meeting will be at As­ “Just Across the Bridge” arr. by Hughes as his prelude and Elizabeth Strow Circle' was held bury Manor on Nov. 27 at 1:30. Tre Come in, relax and let our hair stylists pamper ‘Sinfonia” by Silfler as his post­ hostesses will be Miss Edith Cleri­ lude. The Chapel - Celeste Choir hew and Mrs. Jack Lawrow. you. Give YOURSELF a treat. will sing “The Kingdom Come” by Vandre and “We Joyful Adore CLEM’S Mrs. Mildred Shaw Thee” a Welsh Tune; The Cherub No Beauty on Choir will sing “We’re Glad To­ Appointments a Budget day,” and the Chanecl Choir will Beauty Salon OES Club Hostess sing “Let Thy Mantle Fall on Me” by Hawkins. 89 Main Avenue NEPTUNE — The regular monthly meeting of the. Friendship At the 7 P.M. program a group OCEAN GROVE Club of Ocean Grove Chapter No of young people from Teen Chal­ 'TeL 775-7161 170, O.E.S. was held Monday night lenge will Sing,. Witness, and toll at the home of Mrs. Mildred Shaw, what Christ is doing in their iives Specialising In 116 Knox Boulevard. Miss Ethel and the lives of many others. .Come Permanent Waving Monahan, president, presided and TOTAL GLAMOUR and enjoy an hour of inspiration. led the devotions. Hostesses for SPECIAL the evening were Mesdames Alvina Regularly . .. Haircut 3.50; Exclusive, Perm. In­ Oriel, Jean Marshall and Florence (Restyle or Shag) cludes, Shaping-, Styling Ketcham. Shampoo & Set $2.95; & w ritten guarantee. ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING CENTERPIECE NOW! Tite Curl .25 Mrs. Doris Schaub, Worthy Ma­ Total $6.70 Available for regular & fine tron of Ocean Grove Chapter, an­ Mon., Tues., Wed. tinted bair. y OCEAN GROVE FLOWER nounced the official visit of t h e .only S / i Worthy District Deputy to t h e Chapter on November 13; also a New Hours 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. S i and GIFT SHOPPE covered dish luncheon and Christ­ mas bazaar on December 5 at noon 560 COOKMAN AVENUE, ASBURY PARK at the United Temple, Corlies Ave­ Use Our Layaway Plan for Christmas! nue, Neptune. ■ Mrs. Ethel Duncan who was the Just arrived from California— first president of the Friendship Classified Advertisements delightful New miniature CERAMIC ANIMALS! Advertisement for these columns should be In the office of “Tbs Club in 1930 was welcomed back Times" NOT LA TEH THAN 5 P.M. Tuesday of each week. BANK AMERICARD and MASTER CHARGE Accepted as an active member. Forty - two cancer dressings. were prepared CLASSIFIED AD RATES • Telephone 775-0007 Tel. 988-7900-7901 during the evening. Mrs. Marshall 25 words or less, If paid In cash at time of Insertion — ....— fi.li won the prize for cards, Mrs. Jane OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK 44 MAIN AVE. • OCEAN GROVE 23 word* or leas. If charged ------.. .------... 11.50 p er week Beatty the special award and Mrs. A dditional W ords ABOVE 25 ------Three Cents per Word — Mrs. Hose J. Cariddo, Proprietor Ted Trouwborst, Proprietor Night Phone 774-3084 For use of Times Box Number, there Is a 15-cent weekly charge for MiUicent Lind and Mrs. Florence replies to be picked up at office, or a 25-oent weekly charge for re­ Hours 8:30 AJH .- 6 P.M. F rid ay tU 8 P.M. Ketcham the non-players awards. plies to be mailed to you. Tempo Hairdressers 1 The next meeting of the club There Is a 15-cent charge per Une for each Une Indented, capitalized will be a Christmas party at the dr in bold face. 44Vi M AIN AVE., OCEAN GROVE P Copy mailed In, given to a. representative or brought to office, per­ home of Mrs. Mary Stackhouse, 86 sonally must be accompanied by cash or stamps to cover cost Copy Mt. Hermon Way, Ocean Grove, on accepted over phone as a co#urtesy and convenience to customers. Tele. 774-9511 £ December 3. Hostesses for that Bills due Immediately upon presentation. SPECIAL—Effective Nov. 1 • Shampoo EDGEWATER LODGE eyening will be Mrs. Gladys Miller- & Set $2.50 Tuesday & Wednesday. 90 Lake Ave, Ocean Grove ing, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Dorothy McCormick,'Mrs. Florence BANJOS, MANDOLINS. GUTTARH • ANY RINSE, HALF PRICE! • Duyer and Mrs. Emma Devonshire. wanted. Interested In buying old must- ca linstrum ents, please c a ll. 433-259S PRIVATE and SEMI-PRIVATE ROOMS alter 6 pjn. __

overlooking the lake. THREE TASTY MEALS CASH IMMEDIATELY . ’ Experienced and We purchase entire contents O0 A DAY. We cater to mature ladies. homes, estates or individual Kerns Responsible Couple would Fine furniture, paintings, bronzes, or­ iental rugs, tapestries. Tiffany glim like to manage a large sterling silver. Jewelry. Chinese art. Telephone '988-8968 etc. FRIEDMAN GALLERIES, uo MuS Guest House or Hotel without St.. O cean G rove. 774-3143 eves.—l-73tf salary, for a reasonable percen­ WANTED—Antiques, furniture. brl»> a-brac, paintings, bronzes, and rugs. “Everything for the Table” tage and an option to buy the Abrams, llth and Railroad Aves., Neth tune. TeL 774-5900______j f e Cor. Pilgrim Pathway & Olin St. Phone 774-1749 property. Now, or in 1974 sea- COUNTY HISTORIES, family histor­ OCEAN GROVE son. ies. genealogies, by private collect** who uses them for research Genealo­ • STORE HOURS 8-5:30 P.M.' • gist for Tennent Chapter DAR, Mrs. 6 8 1 -0 4 2 4 .Howard Ely. 3316 Rte. 33. Neptune, m c a ll’ 775-0567. Will pay reasonable WEEKEND SPECIALS NOV. 9 & 10 price. —to LOVELY 1st floor apartment, central­ ly located, fo r responsible person. CUSTOMER WANTS S20.000 to $23.- Heated sun porch, living - bedroom., 0OO home in Ocean Grove, two bed­ U.S. CHOICE carpeted kitchen and back porch, rooms minimum, for Income rental ami (which can be used-as bedroom), and vacation. Shark River Associates Real full bath. Write Holland. Box 91 Red­ Estate Agency. 774-4205. —u t f Cross-Rib Beef ROAST - - §1.49 lb BREAKERS HOTEL ding. Conn. 06875 WE WILL BUY almost any Item you 4 SURF AVE., OCEAN GROVE, N. J. 07756 SECOND FLOOR apartment; avail­ no longer need. Furniture, rugs, pic­ able Nov. l. All utilities except electric tures. crockery, - trunks, silver, coins, Dining room Open Permanently November 9th included. Full bath, kitchen. large etc. We pay spot cash for things stored living room and bedroom, back yard In your attic or basement. For a pleas­ BREAKFAST DINNER also. Rent $165.00 per month. Call 776* ant surprise call J. F. Campbell and 7:30 - 9:30 A-BL Daily S M ; 6657. , ■ 44-45 sons, 631-M24-. —11-46* Sunday and Holidays .;, Sunday and Holidays BOOMS FOR RENT 8:00*10:00 AJ1L . 12:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. OCEAN' GROVE — 80 Mt. H erm on Make Your Reservations Now for • FURNITURE SALE at 35 Mt. H er­ Way, 1 block town center, second floor, Complete Thanksgiving Dinner . mon Way. Ocean Grove, Friday and sunny single, next to bath and kitchen, FANCY LEAN ^ ■' r: r7- = Saturday, Nov. 9 and 101 Living room used by three senior ladies. Inspect $4-50 Per Person and dining room set, one bedroom set, 2-4 P.M. Vacant. $10.00 p er w eek plus We are also taking Reservations for Christmas Dinner some antiques, plus many more Items. kitchen charge. < —44* Corned Beef ROUNDS - - - - $1.55 —«• — CALL 775*9526 — OCEAN GROVE — Pleasant bed­ OPEN rooms. fum.. with cooking privileges. HOUSES FOB BENT Large dining room. &65 a month, yearly rent. Everything supplied. 933-6670. VICTORIAN HOUSE in Ocean Grove. California LETTUCE Two story, 3 bedroom, w to w car­ YEAR-ROUND pet, year. round ren tal $225.00 a m onth PRIVATE HOME, cheerful, furnished plus utilities. Call 775-3592 .afterr noon room. Business gentleman or student TURLEY WINESAP for appointment.. House avail. after preferred. Call 775-2357. ------« Sept. 22. —r m COLUMBIA BOOH & BOABD APPLES Arberton Hotel YEAR ROUND RENTAL — unfurn­ ished. three bedrooms, sleeps six: OCEAN GROVE — Lovely home on HOTEL six; modem kitchen, tiled bath, porch, the lake. Private i t semi-private rooms. FUDGE, MAPLE, PETITE TEA 7 SEAVIEW AVE. side yard. Call 991-3319 o r 830-2172. 3 tasty meals - quiet atmosphere. Ph. OCEAN GROVE Open All Year OCEAN GROVE — Year round. Con­ venient location to bus and shopping. Attractive, Comfortable Accommodations for Permanent and _ • The kind of place you Enjoy hearty, home - v.-ooked meali, FRESH CIDER No Preservatives Transient Guests . . , Meals for Permanent Gaests only : - IS THERE a", couple who would like oc**n view, TV. laundry and maid ser­ would like to. live; at a price a . week’s holiday - beautiful, private vice. Rates $50 and up per week. CORNER MAIN & BEACH AVENUES OCEAN GROVE New .E ngland'E state; N ovem ber 13-25. Hotel Albatross. 775-2035.. . —31tf FRESH - HOMEMADE CUSTARDS & SALADS you can afford to pay! • exchange for. some moving, driving NEW DELIVERY SCHEDULE FOR OCEAN GROVE and'cleaning? ?7<-544Q. v- 45 SITUATION WANTED OPEN ALL YEAR IS: TUES., THURS. & FRIDAY P.M. No Deliveries on (201)774-1323 Subscribe to The Times YOUNG lady v.*ants position, office clerk. *A-altres3. kitchen aid. child sit­ Monday and Wednesday . DEANS 55 Embury Ave., Ocean Grove ting and com panion. Call 775-7042. 775-4076 Breakfast Served 8 to 10 S5 .a Y ear By Mail -*3-48 PAGE SIX OCKAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP, OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 197? Mrs. T...Higgins, 988-3556, or Mr. tea table was done by Mrs. Fred Methodist Church, Neptune. T h e and Mrs. E. DeLaurentiis, 774-2708. Smith Jr. • > -;V pastor, the Rev. Sherman S.- Robin­ .Mr. and Mrs. John Scarito, 5 Di­ The special guests attending son, will give the message at the LET’S TAKE ane Drive, .welcomed a toy on Oct.. were: Mrs. Alfred Townley, Fifth 0:30 and 11 A.M. services. An­ 29th at Jersey Shore Medical Cen- District Literature Chairman; thems will be sung by the Chapel ' ter . . .. Donna Hastings, daughter President, Mrs. A. H. Dietz, Jr., and Chancel Choirs under Mr. TO NEPTUNE | of Mr. .and Mrs. James A. Hast­ and Mrs. Robert'Woyshner of the James McKimm, organist-director. By Peggy Goodrich - Museum Curator in g s, 107 Pittinger PI., is engaged Woman’s Club of Ocean Grove; The pastor will administer the Sac­ Historian & Chronicler of The Times ' to Ralf Arroyo, son of Mr. and Sirs. C.. F. Tassy,-president oMVIan rament of Christian Baptism at 11. 128 PROSPECT AVE,, SHARK RIVER HILLS Mrs. Jack Arroyo, 80 Avondale asquan Woman’s Club, Mrs. Walter The Sunday School will meet at Avenue : . . The 2nd Cultural Towne; Mrs. Joseph Gardiner, Mrs 9:30 A.M. Hour was held at the Neptune Li­ Hail: Monrose; Mrs. T. E. Lucas, Thc[. United Methodist Youth October was a beautiful Indian Shore Medical, Center arid to Bill brary to a capacity audience last Mrs. E. C. Chase, State Chairman Fellowship will meet on Sunday at summer month and we ave now en­ Hoffmann, Audrey Place, who is week & a separate article is in Tlie of Arts Center Project; Mrs. Fred­ 7 PiM. ■■ '../.V' joying brisk, football weather in convalescing at home . . . The La­ Times. Be sure and mark your cal­ erick Holman, Mrs. Clifford Mil The Youtli Confirmation Class November . . Congrats to Nep­ dies Aid of-the First Presbyterian endar now for the 3rd Cultural ler.Jr., Mrs. L. Bouwmcester, State; will mee,t at the church on Mon­ tune’s Soccer Team on winning the Church of Belmar elected new of­ Hour to be held at 2 P.M. on Nov. Drama Chairman; Mrs.' Edward day at 7 P.M. ' ■ Shore Class Soccer Title by win­ ficers on Nov: 1st. Elceted from 27th in the Neptune Township Mu­ Weizci, •; Mrs. E. Buckwald, Mrs. The Committee on Nominations ! ning over Toms River Nojcth 2-0 on thc Hills, were President - Mrs. nicipal Meeting Room, adjacent to E. Buckwald, Mrs. Louis Barbour, and Personnel will meet in the Friday, Nov. 2nd. Emil Schmaltz; 2nd Vice Presi­ the library . . . Birthday greet­ Mrs. Earl McLaughlin, Mrs. Wil­ Church Office Monday at 8 P.M. It's Jersey Shore Medical Center dent- - Mrs.' Carl Deckert; Secre­ ings go belatedly to John Ennis of liam Skelton, Mrs. Milton Ham- Tlie Children’s Choirs will meet tary r Mrs. Bertha Manz: and Chap­ Country Store time again! tin No­ 1310 11th Avenue who celebrated melfc: • Mrs: Charles Tomlinson, on Tuesday, Cherub Choir at 7 and lain - Mrs. Millie Henningsen, Mrs. vember 15, from 9 a.ni. to 4 p.m., his birthday on Nov. 5th. Fifth District’ International Af­ Carol Choir, 7:30 P.M. the Annual Country Store will be Wm. Housle of Belmar became 1st Birthday greetings go this week fairs Chairman Mrs. Edward Ro- The Special Building Committee chuck full of holiday gifts a n d Vice., President. ■ " in the Hills to Ethel Slocum and chau, President of Belmar Wom­ will meet in the Church Office home-made goodies to benefit the John Westbrook, Admissions James Thatcher today; to Mrs. Emil an’s Club. Tuesday at 8 P.M.. combined Auxiliaries to the James Counselor from Brookdale Com­ Schmaltz on the 9th; to Mr. J. Col- The Northeast District Council HOSPITAL FOIE SAFETY — was the topic of a special two day F. Ackerman Federation in aiding And, Mrs. Maver Campbell, State munity College, visited the senior onese and Otto Henningsen on the on Ministries; will meet in th e program held at Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune, lor the the hospital in new projects and Drama Librarian; Mrs. Bruce Mil­ benefit; of its 1,100 employees through the cooperation of the class of Riverview Academy on 10th; to Barbara Johnson, Jeffrey Hamilton Church Wed;, Nov. 14 at equipment. Mrs. Martha Hurry of ler, Mrs. George Boelm, Mrs. Rich- Asbury Park and Neptune Township Fire Departments. Explaining Nov. 1st as part of the Academy’s Meyers, Marjorie Dunfee, Susan 7:30 P.M. thc Gables is General Chairman. rd Goldsberry, President of Nep­ the use of a fire extinguisher to three members pf the hospital’s ' admission counseling program . . Voung and Barbara Klahre on the Plans are. being completed for house staff are (left to right) John Polhemus, Fire Inspector, Also don’t forget you can enjoy tune Woman’s Club; Airs. Frank Rev. Thomas Murray, pastor of ith; to Aimee DeLaurentiis on the the United Thanksgiving Service Neptune Township; M. H. Al-Asha, M.D., resident in Internal luncheon that day in thc "Tea­ Fluhr, Mrs. August Wilkins, State Medicine; Priscilla Magsalin, M.D. and Ruben Silva, M.D., both Taylor Memorial!! Church in Avon, 12th; to Scott Thompson; Elaine to be held in the Hamilton Church room" with homemade sandwiches, Education Chairman; Mrs, Charles interns in Internal Medicine. was tlie guest speaker at the.Riv­ Bennett and Claudia' Wolcott on on Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 21, at cakes, coffcc and tea. Genter, Fifth District Vice Presi­ erview Academy Student Chapel the 13th; arid to Kathy Phillips, 7:30 P.M., sponsored by five Unit­ Mr. and Mrs. David F. Pyle of dent; Miss. Maria Marucci, Fifth mond Allbee, Mrs. Gladys Logan, on Nov. 1st.. ,.. 14 teachers of the George May, Billy Neaves, Susan ed Methodist Churches of the Hawthorne Avenue, celebrated District: Safety Chairman; Mrs. Methodist Homes Mrs. Carolyn McCague, Mrs. Clif­ Academy will attend today and to­ Connolly, Bob Leverich and Diane Greater Neptune Area. . their 50th wedding anniversary on Harry Kendall, Fifth District Civic ford Kunckel, Mrs. J. T. Angell, morrow in Atlantic City the 25th Santa on the 14th.’ Wedding anni­ The Administrative Board will Auxiliary Meets Oct. 31st. They have lived here all and Legislation Chairman; Mrs. El­ Mrs. Walter Schriek, Mrs. Ivan annual Teachers' Conference of the versary best wishes go in the Hills meet tomorrow (Friday) at 8 P.M. of their married life and. have two izabeth Birch, Mrs. Jane Gorman, Hid - Atlantic Christian Schools to Mr. and Mrs. Marvjn Rbsehfiel.d 'Hall. '■ children, Herbert of Wall Town­ Mrs. Vincent Malone, Mrs. Edward in the . Fireplace Room. .* OCEAN GROVE — The Method­ Association;' . • and Mr: and Mrs. Ricliard Connol-. And, Mrs, Olive T. Crook, Mrs.. ship and Mrs. Doris Chopin, Nep­ Krampert, Mrs. Robert Howd, Jr., ist Homes Auxiliary-met in the Parold L. Sturges,' Mrs. Edith .Tlie community was saddened by ly on the 14th. tune, 10 grandchildren and 2 great­ Fifth District American Home Junior Room at St. Paul's Church Sharp, Mrs. Anna Murray, Mrs. tlie death of Howard L. Smith of Chairman;. Mrs. Robert Leete, Salter Honored on Monday, Oct. 29. Mrs. Alice grandchildren. We wish you. many Ocean Grove last week. He was be­ Emma Devonshire, Mrs. E. Kitting, more happy, healthy years togeth-' President of Red Oaks Woman's Bean presided.. Florence Cruickshank, Mrs. Mil­ loved by ail and an active civic Club Celebrates Club; Mrs. Elmer Brookman, In Forked River M r s. Homer Kresge presented er . . . Get-well wishes go to leader and our depest sympathy dred Martens, Maybelle Sharp. Marie Woodruff, Prospect Ave., President of • Laurence Harbor Mrs. E. Mack who sang a few selec­ V' •' ' goes to his wife Catherine, s o ni Federation Niglit tions. Mrs. Dorothy/ Cuttrell' sang who is a.surgical patient at Jersey Woman’s Club; Mrs. Dorothy Ry­ ; FORKED RIVER — Edwin Sal­ Flea Market Nov. 9 & .10 Howard, of Ocean Grove and Mrs. an, President of Long Branch- Wo­ two solos. They were accompanied Murial Wilson of the Gables . . . . OAKHURST ■— Federal Night ter (1824-1888) author of “Salt­ man's Club, and Mrs. Hilton Hug-, er’s History of Monmouth and. at the piano by Mrs. George Alle- ..NEPTUNE — The Riverview For All Your ‘ Babv congrats go to Mr. and Mrs. was celebrated by. Jersey Shore k e r.:" man and Mrs. J. M. Fitting. i General Lennox, 705 Green Grove Woman's Club last Thursday eve­ Ocean Counties, N. J.” was mem­ Academy Fellowship willsponsor a ----- ~ * ------orialized last Sunday afternoon, Games were played. Mrs. Caro­ Flea Market and Yard Sale on Place, on Oct. 26th on the birth ning at t h e Oakhurst Methodist lyn McCague maSe the decorations Floorcovering Nov. 4, when an historic marker Friday, Nov. 9 and Saturday, Nov. I of a girl at Jersey Shore Medical Church. Many fifth district offi­ for the 12 birthday months. Mrs. Hamilton to Host was dedicated, designating the 10 from 8. A.M.. to 4:30 P.M. at i Center . . . The Annual Meeting of cers attended. Attention was call­ Alleman and Mrs. Ivan Hall were site of his old home on the main the academy, off South Riverside • Needs . ; thc Shark River Beach and Yacht ed to the Arts Center at Douglas Thanksgiving Eve in charge of the refreshments. : Club will be held at 8:30 P.M. on College and the special fund rais­ road in Forked River. J. Owen Drive in Shark River Hills. Items — S E E — Grundy, city historian of Jersey. Members untile to attend are on sale will include household I Nov. 9th at the Shark River Hills ing projects .which are being devel­ United Service requested to bring blessing offer­ City, was t h e featured speaker.. goods, books, and toys Materials Firehouse, Brighton Avenue. Also oped to support this interest. ings to next meeting which will Davison Rugs Grundy Had the marker made at for this sale have been collected a Gala Christmas Ball is being A musical program provided by NEPTUNE — “Whose Is It? — be held on Not. 26 at 2 P.M. 39 Pilgrim Pathway his own expense to honor Salter, and tagged by volunteers from the planned by the Club at the Terrace the Junior Woman's Club of Man­ The Stewardship of Possessions" The following aiso attended: OCEAN GROVE, N. J. his grand uncle. He was co-author Fellowship, headed by Mrs. Jean Gardens, Wanamassa on Dec. 8th. asquan was presented. will be the subject of the sermon Mrs. William R. McClelland, Miss - Tel. 775-7371 • For reservations, contact Mr. an d The flower arrangement for thc Sunday at the Hamilton' United with' Judge George C. Beekman of FtV\ " ‘ M1SS Ahlstrom, 5 Coral Way, this place. "Old Times in Old Monmouth,” a s’ V‘ All proceeds from this sale are des­ well as the writer of many other 1M i F 1 ® Temel, ignated for the academy’s facili­ historical and genealogical books •' er, Jf r s. Ray- ties improvement fund. and articles. Salter was Speaker of New Jersey House of Assembly in 1859, the only Ocean County man ever to have their honor, and was and Heating: Problems . . . first Free Soil member of New Jersey legislature. Through descent from Capt. Richard Salter, of Monmouth' Coun­ ty, he was a cousin of President Residential & Commercial . . . Free Estimates - . . All Work Guar­ Abraham Lincoln. anteed . . . Electric Sewer The marker reads: “Edwin Sal­ Cleaning ter! 1824-1888. On this site was the Home of the historian, who 115 Newgate Lane here wrote "The History of Mon­ ILT. AYERS CO. Neptnne, N. J. mouth and Ocean Counties. A de­ scendant of Capt. Richard Salter, First Settler in 1G84, lie was a cousin of Pres. Abraham Lincoln and in 1859 Speaker of N. J. House DON’T WAIT of Assembly. He was first Free Soil Member of N. J. Legislature and For the Busy Spring Forked River’s most Disinguished and HIGHER PRICES! Citizen.” Make Your Repairs NOW! It: COSTS LESS NOW to repair, modernize your home, hotel or guest house . . . Call to ® for Free Estimates . . . Carpentry - Masonry - FALL FLOWERS Electrical-Plumbing, etc. now THANKSGIVING JOHN J. GASSNER - 681-1871 ARRANGEMENTS 1806 Monmouth Road — Wall Township you can KRUSCHKA T H E FLORIST — We Telegraph flowers — your neighbors in 783 Wayside • Neptnne Tel. 775-6758 A Complete Line of New Chevy Cars & Trucks ‘OK” Used Cars arid Transportation Specials our Christmas Clubs OCEAN GROVE Service and Shop Facilities for Any Repair Needs . Nursing Home “SERVING THE SHORE SINCE 1928” 63 CLARK AVE. • 775-0551 • Reasonable Rates • Newly Renovated • 24 Hr. R. N.- Coverage CHEVROLET • Diabetics.— Cardiacs Be Wise and • Convalescents — Post- Operative MAIN ST. & SECOND AVE. Medicaid and Save for 1974 Medicare Approved ASBURY PARK, N.J. Join The Central Jersey Bank and Trust Company Christmas Club now. Memberships start from as little as 50£ a week. We don't just ALTERATIONS “Everything To Build Anything” collect your Christmas Club money we pay 5% interest on it. REPAIRS SEE OUR DISPLAYS! CAN WE HELP W O ? “A complete home- See how our Christmas Club accounts remodeling service with CENTRAL JERSEY BANK build up over a 50-week period: one contractor!” Since 1919 GOAL A T s n o • ~ r x = z u s r r c o m i ^ n v and $ .50 a week—$ 25.63 Kitchens & Bathrooms M O N M O U T H COUNTY • AOcnhurst • Attentown LUMBER 3rod»oy B«?och • E fltontow n • ForminfidaJo • F o rt 1.00 a week— 51.25 Company M o nm ou th * Froef>oid (2) • Froohoid Township (2) — Our Specialty — HowoO • Long Branch (2) • M a n a lip a n • M arttioro 2.00 a week— 102.50 M a ta w a n - Neptuno City • Ocoan Townthip • R u m - 3.00 a week— 153.75 1 son • Sea Bright • Shrewsbury • Spring Lake Haights . W. L. NEAVES UNION COUNTY • MountatruWo • WeatfteW 5.00 a week— • 256.25 10.00

Miller, Mrs. Solvcig Hagstrom, Miss Florence Cruiekshank, and Mrs. Jessie Hagdnbuch, Miss- Louise Nixon! . .. .' Also Miss; Harriet Howard Miss Ethel Jennings,' Miss Myrtle Cody, Mrs. Marie Griffen, Mrs. J, Subscribe to The Meyers, Mrs. J, WiUson,- Mrs. A. Holloway, Mrs. A. Flendreau, Mrs. ■ J. Moreland, Mrs. H. Furbod:, Mrs. F. Post, Mrs. Jean Atkins, Mrs. Hardy, 'Miss Alice Burgoync... : : Also, Mrs. It. Snyder, Mrs. Mary. • .Wheel Alignment Drake, Mrs. Mary Buchmari", Mrs. Muriel WestaiI,:Miss Marjorie Mor­ fr ShiK'ks & Mufflers ’ ris, Mrs. U. Nixon, Mrs. Vera Tain- • Brake Service tor, Mrs. W. Snively, Mrs. A. An­ derson, Mrs. ft. Davison, Mrs.. It. • General Repairs Harley, Mrs. E. Emmons, Mrs. W. fo u r Safely 19 Our Business! Schriek.; And, Mrs. Ruth Clark, Mrs. Ir­ ene Dredger, Mrs. Beatrice Weav­ PETE LaVANCE er,'Mr. ana Mrs, K. E. Quier, Mr; 604 Highway 35. and Mrs, J. Rudge, Mr. W. Folley, Neptune Dial 774-2442 Mr. S. Sutherland, Mrs. J. Ferrier, 'Mrs. W. Schlasman,; Mrs. Carolyn McCaguc. Mrs, Elizabeth Temel, Pickup fe > Delivery Service * 7 Tel. 774-230* nosZ'iii For Old Gold , and Silver and GROVE-CITY Old Jew elry CLEANERS 49 Main Avenue, Ocean GrovH Complete Collision 122 So. .M ain Street, Ocean G rore Repair Service JEWELER We operate our own cleaning and Pressing Machine* OCEAN GROVE__ POST™OFFICE BUILDING SUBSCRIBE TO T H t TIMES $3.00 A VEAR BV MAIL


Try liquid CPM painless drain surgery for grease, soap RADIO CAB APPLIANCES — Repairs & Service GLASS—-Aulo, Home and Business and detergent clogged drains . . . Kills odors, too! PRospect Eastern Service Co, - 988-7242 COAST GLASS SERVICE - 775-8400 • 24 Hr. Service - Repairs on All Major Appliances - Commercial Re­ 805 FOURTH AVE., AT RAILROAD, ASBURY PARK For DRAINS, SEWERS, DRAIN- frigeration, Air-Conditioning and Humidifiers installed and serviced. SAFETY GLASS PLEXIGLAS - MIRRORS • TABLETOPS • ETC. FIELDS, SEPTIC TANKS, CESS­ 5-5600 POOLS, GREASE TRAPS, CARPENTER GENERAL CONTRACTOR Call — 43 MAIN AVE., OCEAN GROVE EDWARD B. HOLL, Ref. Pfc ECONOMICAL General Contracting — Carpentry — Alterations — Jobbing Phillips - 775-1676 24 HOUR SERVICE NAGLE’S Main - Central Pharmacy Courteous, Comfortable, CleaK JAMES W. DAY - 988-1914 “Doctors Advise NagleV’ Tel. 774-0204 • Safe and Dependable 70 ABBOTT AVE., OCEAN GROVE — Free Estimates PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED ______BEST QUALITY DRUGS

FA ST SERVICE — Plumbing, Heating, Auto­ Carpentr*? Alterations Property Eepalr & Remodelling ; ELECTRICIAN matic Water Heaters, Gas Heaiing Equipment, Howard L. Smith JOHN J, GASSNER The Hardware Store ADAMS ELECTRIC Electric Sewer Cleaning, etc. iSOS'MONMOUTH BLVD., WALL TOWNSHIP . - TEL. 581-1871 of Ocean Grove Free Estimates. ’• Experienced Quality Workmanship Wiring — Fixtures — Appliances D, Darrin Adams, Jr. Dial 322-9S1* 1 Vanada Drive, Neptnne, N. J. HARDWARE We make.a specialty of small'lobs — Free Estimates PAINTS and OELS . WHITTIER & LASHEK, 774-1805 MOVING — STORAGE — PACKING' Large Selection Plants, 409 MONMOUTH AVE., BRADLEY BEACH AGENTS • 931 Garden Supplies Experienced & Insured • Free Estimates • William Nutt, Ocean Grove ASBURY AVB. Gift Items ALLIED ASBURY PARK FULL LINE OF Standard Home Improvements 774-0192 VAN LINES Painting (Inside & out) - Remodeling - Panelling - Floor and Ceiling Tile Call 775-3*93 KITCHEN Add a Room, Dormer, Bedroom, Bath, Garage MOVING AND STORAGE UTENSILS BEN FRANKLIN BUILDERS MILK AND CREAM 51 Main Avence Remodeling, Renovations, Additions, Suspended Ceilings. WARDELL’S DAIRY OCEAN GROVE, N. J, Phone 774-4741 NO JOB TOO SMALL • FREE ESTIMATES DAIRY PRODUCTS (201) 449-5379 • 2145 OLD MILL RD., SEA GIRT, N. J. 08750 NEPTUNE, N. 1. 774-111* PAINTING - DECORATING CARPETS AND LINOLEUM GILLAN PAINTING SERVICE DAVISON RUGS • Call 775-7371 INTERIOR — EXTERIOR Aluminum Combination Storm Windows • Doors • Gt BALES • VARIED SELECTION • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Bill GHUn, Prop. • 775-8727 • P.O. Box 842, O eeu ( CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK NEIL SOCHA - 774-6266 Painting & Decorating • Interior & Exterior FABIO BATTAGLIA 13 OUN STREET, OCEAN GROVE, N. J. now FaHy Instared - Expert Work McGarry’s Custom Remodeling Ocean Grove,- N. J. • . Free Estimates • • Call 98 Psinting - Papering ■ Psnelliag - Tiling .'Light Cirpent ____ Aluminum Stona Windows PLUMBING and HEATING COAL AND FUEL OIL Residential & Commercial Estimates Cheerfully Gttvea FRANK J.ECKART — 774-0656 Thompson Fuel Company 418 BURLINGTON AVE. • BRADLEY BEACH, B. I. FUEL OIL PROPERTY RECONDITIONING ESSO WATCH DOG SERVICE 117 So. Main St. - MERRILL H. THOMPSON, Prop. The WM. R. HOGG COMPANY, Inc. PLUMBING HEATING AIR-CONDITIONING A. Sarian - 774-4060 - Cold Storage CONTRACTORS • Dial 775-319* “Serving the Shore Area Since 1900” FUR COATS READY TO WEAR — Large Mleetion of Mink, Persian Lamb, Muskrat, Fox, etc. Also custom-made. Remodeling, Repairing, 1-day. cleaning, dyeing, appraising; cold storage, rentals. Master-Charge Bankamertcard. Fourth asd Railroad Aves. Asbury Park, N. J. 617 MATnSON AVE., ASBURY PARK— E st 1922 RADIO & TELEVISION — SALES & SERVICE GARAGE — STORAGE TELEVISION & APPLIANCE • 775-808* Color T.V„ Btereo, B&W J.Y , Air Conditioner*—AH major tjKT ancea. Also complete, •election of mall appL, Including b m Toasters, Radios, Vacuum. Cleaners, ate. 89 HIGHWAY U • NIPTUNZ CITT, K. 1. ROOFS — SIDINGS GENERAL ROOFING CO. ROOFING — SIDING — GUTTERS — LEADK88 OMBINATIO; V.SNDOWS FREE ESTIMATES Dial 776-82^5 1408'/i Corlies A v e., Neptune Robert De** Phone 774-1439 24 HOUR SERVICE OLSON ROOFING & SIDING CO. SHAFTO’S GARAGE CORP. RE-ROOFING - SIDING - GUTTERS - LEADERS STORAGE — BATTERY — TOWING SERVIC1 - REPAIRING 810 FIRST AVE., ASBURY PARK ESTABLISHED 1903 TeL 775*785 Corner Corlies Avenue and Main Street Neptnne, N, J. FREE ESTIMATES - PAGE EIGHT OCEAN GROVE TIMES, AND NEPTUjfe TIME^. TOWNSHIP Q)F NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8.1973

HOWARD L. SMITH Branch. at the Belmdnt Inn, New Shrews­ Senior High Fellowships-will meet seph Adams; Webelos Keith Cono­ cation to the Engineer and payment of during the yeor 1974. U ,<■ Eulogy - Mrs. Robbins was director of the Fifteen ($15.00) ■ Dollars for cost of The said gasoline and diesel oil tc:* bury, died last Monday at Jersey at 7 P.M. ver, iScott Hewittson, Leon Keels, preparation. be delivered to the Public Works Gar­ OCEAN GROVE — Mourners Social Service Department at Jer­ Shore Medical Center. He was 53. This Saturday at 3 p.m., t h e John Shannon,. Kevin Thomas, Bids must be made on the standard age, 2201 Heck Avenue, Neptune, at proposal form in the manner design.. such times and in such quantities as filled St. Paul's Cluirch, here, last sey shore. Medical Center, Nep. Mr.'^Egerton had resided here for, church organist and th e church Frank Valosich, Jr., Wayne Boris, therein and required by the specifica­ determined by the Public Works Sup­ Friday morning for the funeral ser­ tune, aiid a member of the N e w the last 32 years and was former­ choirs will present an Evening ;if and Michael Bonavita. tions and must be-enclosed in a sealed ervisor. envelope bearing the' name & address The bidder will be required to furn­ vice and farewell to Howard L. Jersey Business and Professional ly of'-Levvisburg, N.C. Music in the sanctuary. Earlier in Also, Boy Scouts - Bobby Boyce, of. the bidder and the name of the ish the necessary tanks to provide for Smith, Ocean Grove hardware mer­ Women’s Club, Monmouth County. Surviving are his widow, Ros- proposed work on the outside, address­ storage of 8,000 gallons of regular gas­ the day, from 10:30 a.m. until 8 Billy Boyce, James Bennett, Jeff ed to the Township Committee of the oline, 4,000 gallons of high test gaso- . chant and church and civic worker She was a former night supervisor etta; a son, Jeremiah, at home, a p.m., the United Methodist Women Bennett, Dennis Keefe, Carl Ryd­ Township of Neptune, and must be ac­ line, and 2,000 gallons of diesel oil, and/ in the nursing department of Jer­ companied by either a certified check, all the pumps and. other equipment ; for 50 years. stepson, David .Tackson, Fitzger­ will sponsor a Christmas Bazaor in er, Michael Curto, Michael Estelle cashier’s check or bid bond lh the sum necessary for the storage of the prod­ sey Shore Medical Center and had ald, Ga.; a stepdaughter. Julia of not less than 10 per cent of the a- ucts and the refueling of the Town­ the new addition to the church John Newman, Jeff. Lomack, Troy mount bid but not more than $20,(iulj. ship trucks. • -■ also been head nurse of obstetrics Jackson, at home; a brother, Wil­ building. . Collazo, and Burt Bailey. Leaders and a. Bond Certificate and must be .Bidder must submit a bid for all th ere., liam. Asbury Park, and three delivered at the place and on.the hour three, items, regular gasoline, high test , • ------* — — - —Jim Bennett, Frank Valosich, above named,: gasoline, and diesel oil, or the bid will She was. a member of Mt. Pisgah grandchilden. Sr., Bill Boyce, Janet Bennett,- Eu­ The Mayor and Township Committee be rejected. Special Concert of the Township of Neptune reserves The bids are to be enclosed in seal-, Baptist Temple, Asbury Park and nice Thomas; Phyllis Ryder, Carl .-the right to reject any or ail bids if ed envelopes bearing the name and ad­ its Chancel Choir. She was an ac­ SIRS. ANNIE BAKER Ryder Sr., Jean Conover, Dot deemed to the best interest of the dress of the bidder and the name of At Redeemer Township so to do, and reserves the the proposed work on the outside ad­ tive worker in the Baptist Training NEPTUNE — Mrs. Annie Bak­ Boyce, a n d Charles Lomack; right to hold all bids and proposal dressed to the Township Committee of guarantees of the three (3) lowest reg­ the Township of Neptune, New Jersey. Union and helped with the Sunday er, a life-time resident of the As- Friends, Keith Thomas, Carl Rob­ u lar blders for (30) th irty days before NEPTUNE—The -Rev. Eugene The Township Committee reserves the School of the church. bury Park Neptune area, died last inson Carol Ann Ryder and Phil­ making an Award of Contract- and the right to reject any or all bids if deem­ W Beutel Pastor of Redeemer bidder agrees: that he will not with­ ed to the best interest of the Town­ Surviving are her husband, John Wednesday at Jersey Shore Medi­ ip Ryder. , draw his bid for that period ,of.time. ship to do so. F. Robbins, Cocoa Beach, Fla.; a cal Center, here. Lutheran Church, has announced By order o£ the Mayor and Town­ By order of* the Township Commit­ that.-Ms sermon theme for the 'The Webelo Den had an over­ ship Committee of the Township of tee of the Township of Neptune, Mon­ son, Donald C. Robbins, a student Mrs. Baker’s home was at 1601 night Nov. 2 at the Manasquan Neptune. mouth County, New; Jersey., - a t Mercer County Community Hedk Avenue. B.15 and 31 a.m. service this Sun (Signed) DATED: Octobcr 29,. 1D73 dy will be: “To Receive or to Narrows under the Leadership of JOSEPH WARDELL (Signed) College, Trenton; two sisters, Mrs. She was a member of the Sec­ M ayor ;• JOSEPH E. BENNETT Bill Boyce and Kevin Conover A ttest: ' Marion P. Wade, and Mrs. Grace L. ond Baptist Church, Asbury Park, Give”. Sunday School classes for .Township Clerk Pack 48 has received special rec- JOSKPH E. BENNETT —15 $12.15 Link, both Neptune, and a brother, w here, she was • the pastor’s aide. all age groups will meet at 9:30 C lerk A.M. ognization for enrolling twenty Dated: November 0, 1073 • NOTICE Robert C. Lewis, also, Neptune. She was also a member of the new Cub Scouts and the new lead­ — 15 $14.72 NOTICE is hereby given that sealed . , Nep tune Area Christian bids will be received by the Township Missionary Circle, Crescent Club, ersat their Sept. Pack night. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Committee of the Township of Nep­ MRS. B. HARRISON DECKER Social Club, Golden Age Club, and Brotherhood Council Will meet . NOTICE is hereby given that sealed tu n e o n Tuesday, N ovem ber 20,' 1973,. PENNSAUKEN — Mrs. Marion an usher in the Seacoast Auxiliary at the. Church at. 7:30 P.M. this .bids will be received by the Township at 8 P.M.; in the Township Committee. ounday.■ > . , “ ' Bank American! Manager •Committee of the Township • of Nep­ Meeting Room, Neptune Municipal Martonis Decker, 85, of. 2535 Sher­ of the church. tune, New'Jersey, for the furnishing of Complex, 25 Neptune Boulevard, Nep­ Pastor Beutel has returned bituminous coricrete. type, SM or FABC, tune, New Jersey, -for furnishing man Ave. here and formerly of Mrs. Baker was .also a member TRENTON — New Jersey National road gravel, sand, rock salt, and' top- tiresr tubes, recaps, and road service Howard L. Smith Ocean rove, died last Thursday, from attending the 1973 Lutheran soil and opened and read in public for'the equipment of the Township, of and treasurer of the West Side Bank has announced the promotion of in the Township Committee Meeting Neptune; for the* year 1974. “Howard Smith’s life w a s a after a lengthy illness.''. Woman's Club for many years, r ? rUT ™ Soci!>l Concern in Vincent J. Nartlo to’: the position of Room, Neptune Municipal Complex. 25 Specifications for the said work may eulogy,” Rev. Loujs W. Mitchell, Cleveland, _Ohio,. and the Annual Neptune Boulevard, Neptune,' New Jer­ be secured from the office of the . Mi's.. Decker was the widow pf Surving are a sister-iii-law, Mrs. BankAmcricard.Sales' Manager. He.will sey,- on Novem ber 20, .1973, at-8 .PM.; Township' Clerk during regular busi­ fellow Occan Grove trustee a n d the late Rev. Dr. B. Harrison Dec­ Mary A. Simms, Asbury Park, and. Standard .Time; ' ness, : hours.,, nH ierinn ^ l0r’s Coherence at be responsible for BankAtnericard ex­ Specifications for the proposed work, friend, said, noting that the "great­ ker, former district superintendent three nieces suit! three nephews. ■ .. !* falls, Pa., where he pansion at both the consumer aiid prepared by Thomas. ,w., Birdsall, The bids are to be enclosed, in sealed' ness of Howard was that of an or­ was the designated leader for one Township : Engineer,--South . Belmar, envelopes bearing the name and ad- ■ of thc New Brunswick District of merchant ■ levels, Nardo joined New New Jersey, are on file in said Engi­ dress of the bidder and the name of dinary man encompassed by God.” of the devotional periods. the proposed work on the outside ad­ the Methodist Church, and pastor LEONARD H. WRGIIT Jersey, National Bank in 1968; he was n eer's Office and m ay be inspected by.' dressed to the Township Committee of The public is invited to’ attend prospective bidders. during business Quoting the Apostle Paul, Rev. of St. Paul’s Methodist Church, NEPTUNE CITY—A shore area previously with Household Finance hours. T h e standard proposal form is the Township of Neptune,- New Jersey. the special concert which is be- The Township •Committee reserves, Mitchell declared that Howard fol­ Ocean Grove, from 1046-1952. resident all his life, Leonard H, Corporation. attached to the specifications, copies the right to reject any or all bids If lowed these Christian principles, *n?, given at the Church at of which-will be .furnished upon appli- deemed to the best interest of the Mrs. Decker Was born-July 13, Wright, 83 Riverdale Ave., died caton to the :Engineer and payment of Tow nship . to do so. remaining steadfast in his friend­ 1888 in Bethlehem, Pa., and was last Wednesday at home at the age P.M. on Tuesday, Nov. 13, by the Ten (510.00), Dollars. Five ($5.00) Dol­ By order of :the Township Commit­ New Kingsmen. The group re­ Vocational Board Elects lars of which will be refunded upon tee of the Township of Neptune, M on-. ships, steadfast in his devotional and daughter of Frank W. Martenis of 91. V / Y ■■' FREEHOLD — Marvin A. Clark has return of the. specifications to those mouth County, New Jersey. life and “then let nothing move arid Mary E. pepp. . Mr. Wright was born in Asbury cently completed a European tour who submit a bona fide bid. / ... DATED: October 31,1973 been re-elected president of the Mon­ Bids must be.' made oh the'standard (Signed) __ you when you are right in the sight She had resided here for the Park. He was a retired, self-em­ m t P-“ CntS a Variety of music; mouth County Vocational Board of Ed­ proposal form in the manner designat­ JOSEPH . E. BENNETT, of God and man.” folk, light rock, traditional and ed therein and required by the. specifi­ Township Clerk past 2V4 years, and formerly lived ployed contractor and builder, and ucation, a post he had held since the cations‘and must be enclosed in a seal­ —45 . $7.82 Rev. William McClelland, St. at 132 Cookman Ave., Ocean Grove. was a. former New Jersey trap- spirituals.: Piano, guitar, banjo ed envlope bearing the name and ad­ board was formed in 195E. dress of the bidder and the name of Paul’s pastor, used Acts 11:24 for She was a member of St. Paul’s shooting champion. ; trumpets, trombones, flute and PROPOSALS Re-elected with him was 'Sidney. B. the proposed work on the'outside^ad­ NOTICE is hereby given that sealed his eulogy, “For he w a s a good United Methodist Church. ; - Surviving are his widow, Mrs. ass are used as accompaniment dressed to. the Tbwnship Committee of bids will .be received by the Township Johnson, mayor of Monmouth Beach, the Township of Neptune, and must Committee of the Township of Nep­ man, full of the holy spirit and Services were held last Saturday Matilda Knee Wight; 2 sons, Al­ for solos. The group, endorsed by be accompanied by a certified check tune. ■ on Tuesday. N ovem ber. 20, 1973, faith.” And he didn’t expect any at the Stephenson Funeral Home, bert, Boca Raton, Fla., and Ed­ the Evangelism Department of The vice president. The board reappointed for. a sum not less than ten (10%) per at 8 P.M.. in the Township Committee' John I. Dawes,* attorney; Armour S. cent! of the amount: bid, and must be Meeting Room, Neptune MunidpaT earthly rewards for his faithful­ 33 W. Maple Ave., Merchantville, ward, Neptune; a daughter, Mrs American Lutheran Church, has re- delivered at the place and on the .hour Complex, 25 Neptune Boulevard, Nep­ ness to t!ie church, his loyalty and with interment at Bloomsbury leased three albums, which will be Hulsart, auditor, and John W. Cam- above named. ■ . V tune, New Jersey, for the purchase of Virginia Parker, Farmingdale, and The Township Committee of the Booroximately ■ 180,000 lbs. of . liquid! love of Christ, his witness to the Cemetery, Bloomsbury. The Rev. a stepdaughter, Mrs. Naomi Kel­ available after the concert. cross, Manasquan, representative to the Township of Neptune, New Jersey, re­ chlorine for use during the year 1974. N.J. School Boards Association. serves the right to reject any or all The said liquid chlorine is to be irr Savior and his service to his fel­ Wm. R. McClelland, Ocean Grove, lers, Wall Township. — - * — — . bids if deemed to the best interest of 2.000 lb. containers; and delivered a t low man. officiated. WEDAi NOTICE the Township so to do. . ;r.. .-j the Sewerage Disposal Plant, Pennsyl-. Favorite hymns of t h e church By order of the Township Commit­ vania Avenue*, Ocean G rove, and th e Surviving are one son, Everett SOLOMON WILLIAMS Science Club Has NOTICE TO BIDDERS tee of the Township of. Neptune, Mon­ N^ntima Water . Pollution Control , plant No. 2, Old Corlies Avenue. Nep­ were played by Bob Batdorf, a T., Woodbury; four daughters, Mrs. NEPTUNE CITY.— Solomon l..5,OT?£5 ls given that sealed mouth County,‘New Jersey. / DATED: O ctober 30, 1973 • tune,. at such, times and, quantities aff neighbor of the Smith family dur­ Hariet Blaetz, here, with whom Williams, 128 Morris Ave., died Work Field Trip bids will be received by the Mayor and H^termined .by the Township Sewer Township Committee of the Township \ • • (Signed) Superintendent. ; ing his schoolboy years and now on last Tuesday at Jersey Shore Med­ of Neptune, Monmouth County New JOSEPH E. BENNETT * she lived; Mrs. Eleanor Rose, West The bids'are to be enclosed In seal­ furlough from his "Word of Life” ical. Center, Neptune. He was 49. Jersey, for dteposal of sewage sludge - - • Township Clerk Caldwell; Mrs. Grace Berger, tt*dayEoSJ2 r VfcJ* 2 the '^ Neptune T 0n Senior Mon' -from the Neptune Township and Ocean “ 45 $12.42 ed envelooes beiaring the name and ad­ assignment in Germany. j Springfield, 111.; Mrs. Evelyn Al­ Services were last'Saturday with Grove primary sewage treatment facili- dress of the. bidder and the name of High School Science Club - Exnlor ;ies* and.opened and read fn public at NOTICE fHp nrnoosed work on the outside, ad­ Interment was in the Hamilton exander, South Carolina; two sis­ interment in Monmouth Memorial the Municipal Complex, 25 Neptune NOTICE is hereby given that seal­ dressed to the Township Committee of SrfSSK1 n89 .™ited E U isP o in tin the Township of Neptune, New Jersey. Cemetery family plot, nestled be­ ters, ten grandchidlrcn and four Park Cemetery. ?Sl During this outing the Boulevard, . NeptUne, New - Jersey on ed bids will be received by the Town­ rubbish from the N ovem ber 20, 1973, a t 8:00 P.M., Day­ ship Committee of the Township of The Townshio ; Committee reserves neath the dogwood trees. great-grandchildren. Born in Sumter, S.C. he had.liv­ light Saving/Standard Time, which­ Neptune,. on Tuesday, . ^evember 20, ♦he rle h t . to, reject any or -all* bids i f The complete obituary on How­ on the Manasquan ev er prevails. - • ^r .' : 1973, a t 8:00 P.M., in th e Tow nship tl^mfHi to the best Interest of the ■; Memorial contributions may be ed here 32 years. He was a World pi* r> ?estlnS area for Bald Specifications for the proposed work Committee Meeting Rm.,' Neptune Mu­ T^wnshiD to do so. ard L. Smith was published in The made to thc B. Harrison Decker War II army veteran. Pate Ducks, Mallards, and Sea prepared by Thomas \V. Birdsall, nicipal Complex. 25 Neptune Boule­ Bv order of the Township Commit- . Township Engineer, 635-17th Avenue. vard. Neptune. New Jersey, for the tee of the Township of Neptune. Mon-, Tinies last week. .Memorial Fund for Student Pas­ Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Belmar, New Jersey are on file in said purchase of approximately 225,000 gal­ m/vtth Countv. New Jersey. ar£ a. was covered with as- Engineer’s office and may be inspected lons, more or less, of, regular gaso­ DATED: O ctober 30, 1973 tors, c-o St. Paul’s United Meth­ Margaret Williams; six brothers, by prospctive bidders during businr^ line at leu:.! 90 octane: 40,000 gallons, MRS. JOHN F. ROBBINS rubbish which could possib- hours. The standard proposal forms are (Slimed) odist Church, New York and Em­ Lang, Asbury Park; Luther, Nep­ y contaminate the waters and more or less, of high test gasoline. 100 JOSEPH E. BENNETT OCEAN TWP. — Mrs. Bessie attached to the specifications, copies octane or more: and 15,000 gallons, Township Clerk bury Aves.,'Ocean Grove, N. J. tune; John, Horatio, S.C. and Dave,. prove detrimental to the hird’c of which wil be furnished upon appl!- more or less of diesel oil *260, for use —45 • $8.74’ I, . Robbins, 1510 Garden Drive, James and Charles, Washington; health. In addition to this it wa* o n nobvious eyesore to th /c o m ' Building 33, Apartment No. 9, and MRS. DANIEL BAUMAN and a sister, Mrs.' Hester Harris, formerly a resident of Neptune for NEPTUNE CITY — Services Neptune City. . \ . 40 years, died Oct 30 at St. Mi­ those members who at­ were Monday at the Francioni, tended the clean-up were Shari chael’s Hospital, Newark. Taylor & Lopez Funeral Home, MRS. ELMER STEVENS nl°iwm’nn'ft p -esi(icnt' s teve Con- She was a , graduate of local Neptune; with interment at Mon­ NEPTUNE — Mrs. Ethel A n n S?j& P°sf vice-president, Jay schools and obtained her degree Stern, Dawn Metz, Steve z in g e r mouth Memorial Park, for Mrs. Stevens, 92 2510 Rte. 33, died last Doreen Lehman, Rich Behn Jn from Hampton College- in Virginia. Lucy R. Bauman, who died Sunday Wednesday at her home. She also did graduate work at chael Benni'ttJarry W!leeler’ Mi- at her home, at Brighton Arms Services were Monday at the Monmouth C ollege, West Long Scott Herman, fcaroTSnway^Con’ Apts., W.. Sylvania Ave. She was Francioni, Taylor and Lopez Fu­ me Jackson, Tom Brady, * Tom 69. neral Home, with interment at Her husband was the late Daniel I Hamilton Cemetery. pTohs°tma & an(1 Mr- Scot® Bauman. Mrs. Stevens was a member of Farry Memorial the Spring Lake Chapter, Order f r e 1 S e i hnV ra°?„o^,T|damree: Surviving are two sons, Stanley following their project, this was a and Howard; two sisters, Mrs. Rose of Eastern Star, and the Grand senous endeavor to help improve Home La Barbera, Staten Island, N c w Avenue Reformed Church, Asbury the ecological status of the com York, a n d Mrs. Joseph Pollard, Park. munity. The clean-up project w?s 403 Third Avenue another episode in Explorer Post Spring Valley, N. Y.; a n d two J ’ Her husband was the late Elmer ASBURY PARK, N. J. 189 s continuing efforts in purl ­ grandchildren. Stevens. ing one of the purposes of their WUllam P. Walton, III Mgr. Surviving are two sons, Wallace organization - a clean environment. Nelson, Hamburg, N.Y., and Ralph ---- .. -tj t- .775-0484 ZOLL1E T. EGERTON Church Family Night. NEPTUNE — Zollie T. Egerton, Stark, Sr., here, five grandchil­ 53, of 604 Stamford Drive, a chef dren, three great-grandchildren Kim *n and a great-great-grandchild. BRADLEY BEACH — The Rev. sittcm Dr. John B. Coburn, president of MQincunf The Francioni, Taylor, and Lopez Funeral Home, here, was in the House of Deputies of the Gen- charge of arrangements. : • e ra r Convention of the Episcopal ------* ------Church and Rector, of St. James’ Ocean Grove Church, New York City, will be Music Evening the guest speaker at a Family Nite Memorial Home program to be held Thursday, Nov. ! At West Grove 15 at 7:15 p.m. in St. James Episco­ 118 Main Avenue pal Church, here. The public is in­ OCEAN GROVE, N. J, NEPTUNE — This Sunday, at vited. Dr. Coburn will speak on tlie both the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services recent decisions and events of the Donald R. Newman, Mgr. I of the West Grove United Meth- general convention concluded in Ely 1 odist Church, Corlies and Walnut October in Louisville, Ky., with an B W PAffc mUTUAi AID 774-1753 FUNERAL HOME I Avenues, the Rev. John B. Kirby, explanation of the change in di­ 9 / © CHRISTMAS CLUBS Jr., will deliver a sermon entitled vorce laws in the Episcopal Church (on overage bolanee) j ‘The Healing Gift.” At the 11 o'­ permitting the remarriage of di­ clock service, the Chancel Choir vorced persons in the church. PLUS FREE HOLIDAY CANDLES I and the Wesley Choir will sing, , , L HAND DIPPED SCINTfD BAYBEHRV as! At both services,' Jacqueline Bix- E l e g a n t “ “ ■ lor, church organist will play. At Pack & Troop 46 11, Barbara Miller and Kathleen DINING Rahilly will serve as acolytes. Mrs. Help Area On Edward Eliis will serve as litur- 2 Clean-Up Dates at Popu/ar gist at 9:30 and Rev. Robert Frost at 11. Nursery care will be provid­ NEPTUNE — As a continuing Prices . . . ed during the 1 o’clock service, un­ Soar Project, Pack 46 and Troop NO CHARGE FOR INCOMPLETED CLUBS • N O CHARGE IF YOU CANCEL der the leadership of Mrs. Edna Re- • DAILY 40 returned to Neptune Boulevard fert. between W. Bangs Ave. and Route CHOOSE THE CLUB THAT FITS YOUR BUDG ET Church School will meet at 9:30 6G (the back road to Sears). Twen­ SAVE !]N t J5M LUNCHEONS A.M. and the Junior High and m wiw 288 *3“ *10" *20** ty-seven cubs, 12 Boy Scouts, 10 tou nt DINNER SPECIALTIES leaders and four friends collected fOR 50 WEEKS $50 ’100 *150 *250 *500 *1000 7,170 pounds of debris. NtirOCTOKIi Steak Margarita • Bracioula FRANCIONI, Oct. 27, the two Scout groups >011 AiCEIVE $51» ‘102s* *153” *256“ *512s# *1025 Boneless Breast of Chicken Parmigiana TAYLOR and participated in a community pro­ Chicken Cacciatora; Mushrooms ject at the Mt. Prospect Cemetery. Steaks • Chops • Ala Carte LOPEZ, Inc. Those participating in the Soar CLOSED TUESDAYS EXCEPT HOLIDAYS §~ FUNERAL HOME Project are: Den 2 - Timothy Mil­ ler, Joseph Lacour, Tito Medina,' MutualAidSavings Fine Italian S DANIEL L. FRANCIONI THOMAS W TAYLOR Peter Reyes; Den 4, Chris Boyce, MANASQUAN OFFICE: HIGHWAY 71 AND MAIN STREET 223-3.434 I MOM’S KITCHEN Cuisine s£ D. JOSEPH LOPEZ Haro.'d and Herbert Murphy, Rod- Families Called for HOWEtl-OFFICE, ROUTE 9 AND REDWOOD ROAD 364-7300 ". ■ . 112? — 5th Ave., Neptune. Phone 7754823 114 - 7th Ave. Asbury Park ny Collazo a n d Donny Lomack; AttovnU mtwtcdyo Ip S20.000 by Tb«- frdytol & loAn li»urow» Take Out Orders • Freezer Size Pizza Specialties Tel. .775-0021 Den 3 - Keith Felder, William lttb & Atkins Ave, Neptune Coles, Tony Burros, Michael Luc­ Tel. 77M028 ky, and Allen Williams; Den 5. Jo­