The Walrus The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things: Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings. - Lewis Carroll Vol LXIII, No. 5 St. Sebastian’s School March 2010 Harvard Trustees Visit Classes BY TOM HOFF ‘11 classes. However, beyond religion Apparently, the trustees were very classes, many were impressed with overjoyed when relaying their Gets the Job Done On Thursday, the 4th, many trustees the teachers’ use of technology, impressions to Mr. Nerbonne about visited numerous classes here at St. and Mr. Nerbonne reinforced what I how teachers suggested to students Sebs. According to Mr. Nerbonne, had heard on these subjects: “In the in the classes that they should the trustee visit is “an annual event meeting that followed the day’s hap- receive extra help. At other schools, when the trustees send in requests penings, I heard so much about the including the high schools that to see three departments that great things that the trustees saw. most of the trustees probably went interest them, and they see what They talked about student – teacher to, teachers wouldn’t really want to happens in some classes of one of relationships, energy and enthusi- stay after 2:30 or whenever school those departments.” During the asm, the quality of instruction and ended. Some may even be like the day, many wishing to learn more how the teachers made sure that teachers in The Hangover, when the about the daily life of our school sat the students understood everything, teachers says that “School’s over, it’s in on classes. They observed how a and especially how well the teachers the weekend, I don’t know you any- teacher runs a normal class, how the use the new technology.” more.” However, I’ve met with many students and teachers interact, and From that quote alone, we can see teachers, no matter what hours, and how the students learn the informa- that the visiting day was a success. the teacher has never wanted to say tion which they are taught. We all The fact that the technology was so that he didn’t know me. know that if a trustee visits our room, well used has shown many that our All in all, the purpose of we should make it be a normal class, school can keep up with not only the trustees’ visit was to open our but also be on our best behavior. modern, but very effective ways of school and show how we function as In my U.S. history class, Mr. Thomasy learning. The smartboards gener- a community. People wanted to see joked that “We need to pretend that ated the most love. They have be- what happens, and we were willing we actually do something in this come a part of the way that teachers to provide them with that experi- class.” That’s not to say that we all instruct us here. ence. We don’t want to say that they don’t learn valuable lessons from Mr. However, we need to focus on the saw what makes us great, but that’s Thomasy’s great lectures, especially other things that Mr. Nerbonne what it ended up being, and I’m not his rants about the government. mentioned. The student-teacher trying to brag. Along with Mr. Ner- Unfortunately, our class didn’t get relationships are perhaps the defin- bonne’s quote from above, we know a trustee, and Mr. Thomasy barely ing factor of our school, other than that what the trustees told Mr. Burke Dillon Ecclesine ‘11 enjoys time with fellow Congressman Colleen Josephs last weekend. survived. However, from what I’ve learning about our religion. In our and Mr. Nerbonne was great news. heard from others, there were a lot classes, as the trustees saw on Thurs- As Mr. Nerbonne said, “The feedback government, such as the Presidential ways, like protesting, which basi- BY JOE ALBANESE ‘10 of trustees in the religion depart- day, teachers respect students, and was overwhelming.” Simply put, the Cabinet, the media, and the National cally consisted of big signs and lots ment, as that’s what distinguishes students respect teachers. I have trustees loved what they saw. What Security Council. After first sign- of yelling and interruption. In one Who would have thought that a our school. never seen a class in my five years in they saw was the defining factors ing up for the Congress in October, case the libertarian think-tank, CATO bunch of teenagers from around It was very important for these which a student feels that he cannot that set St. Sebastian’s apart from twelve St. Sebastian’s upperclassmen Institute, lacking a Harvard under- the country could do the gov- people to see exactly what types ask a question. The teachers will other secondary schools. Here, it’s were eventually given their own spe- grad to supervise its group, decided ernment’s job better than, well, of spiritual discussions in which we always answer so that the student not about the superficial things that cific positions. After a few months of to kidnap the Harvard student who the government? Spending the partake a few times a week. The stu- understands, and feels that he can people associate with a school, but researching their roles and preparing was playing President Obama, make weekend at the Sheraton Hotel in dents were encouraged to say their ask for more help. In particular, one rather about the relationships that for the Congress, students departed a hostage video, and demand free , supervised primarily by full beliefs and not to change what thing that I have been impressed we form, what we learn to help us from school in February on the day ice cream for the delegate dance. Harvard students, the men of St. they said because someone was in with, just like the trustees were, is in our later years, and the lasting of parent-teacher conferences. They were subsequently tried by Sebastian’s were given a prime op- the room, and that was a good move the fact that teachers don’t just give, impression that the school leaves on On the first day, the Sebs the District Court special program, portunity to run everybody’s show. as it showed what happens in the but encourage extra help. us. Whether it was shunning nay- group was split up, and each student although not convicted of treason. sayers with a verbal dose of Krav went off to find his own show to The lobbyists also hosted an ice Maga, or blowing away stiffs with run. All the juniors and one senior cream party in a suite near the top some well-choreographed dance were assigned to leg it up in the floor of the hotel, which was widely moves, Harvard Model Congress Senate and House of Representa- attended by other members of spe- was certainly a good time for all. tives, where they discussed issues cial programs. Surprisingly, however, Harvard Model Congress, as the such as Somalia pirates, the death the consensus was that the National name implies, is a simulation of the penalty, health care, and torture. Economic Council was the most fun government con- Special programs spent their time on special program. This was due to ducted by Harvard undergraduates more specific goals; the Media spent the fact that the chairs from Harvard with over a thousand high school their time reporting, interviewing were very, well, open-minded, and students from various regions of and writing stories. Lobbyists had allowed for the delegates in that the country. Students are given a great deal of freedom, basically group to call in whomever they roles to act out- mostly they are roaming around different commit- wished for a bro session. By Sunday, meant to imitate a Congressman or tees, testifying before Congress and at least half of the St. Sebastian’s Senator and within that role craft showing why the bills proposed by crew had been adopted by the their own laws to debate and vote the Democratic majority were favor- Council. This group’s activities con- on with other students. There are able or flawed (the latter was mostly also “Special Programs” roles which the case). They were also given a CONTINUED on page 2 include other facets of American free hand to be obnoxious in various National Foreign Languages

Week Sweeps through School Mr. Elcock ‘77 of the Board of Trustees sits in on Mr. Drummond’s English 12H Class.

of the most lively, enthusiastic cul- The aim of the assembly is to spark cious assortment of bakery goods tures to date. This diverse, interna- an interest among the entire com- and refreshing Italian-ice treats, for tionally rounded population enables munity and in essence, “get the ball which sales would be donated to the United States of America to be rollin’’” in terms of beginning what al- New Orleans and the Haitian relief. a “petri-dish” for some of the most ways proves to be an event-packed, National Foreign Language vibrant, unique culture the world has highly educational week. This year, week is not only vitally important to to offer. the assembly consisted of a series of the mission of the International Club The International Club speeches designed to provide the of St. Sebastian’s, but also to the offers an opportunity for students students of St. Sebastian’s with fur- growth and nurturing of the entire in grades ten through twelve to ther insight into not only the unique school community. The foundation delve deeper into the fascinating culture of specific nations, includ- and advancement of cultural and studies of culture. However, for one ing Haiti, , and , but also international education is extremely week each year, the club extends its generic, commonplace aspects of important in today’s world, which curriculum to the entire St. Sebas- culture that tend to differ drastically seems to be shrinking in size and tian’s school community in honor of over borders. growing in connectivity with each National Foreign Languages Week. Students also were able to passing hour. The fostering of a This one critical week is vital for the enjoy traditional meals from coun- multi-cultural education is truly success of the International Club, as tries such as Ireland and in the key to success in our country, it provides them the opportunity to celebration of the drastic differences of which 100% of the population promote their mission and to foster in tradition worldwide. Strolling can trace ancestry back to a group Tom Kelly ‘10, President of the International Club, addresses the school community. the multi-cultural education of the through hallways decorated by of humans with a unique, valuable entire community. striking, eye-catching posters and culture. While the purpose of Foreign BY NICK CREEGAN ‘11 is considered to be a minority. How- international continent. The remain- The week began with projects, students were able to finish Language week is to highlight and ever, about 99% of the population ing 1% of the total population is the annual assembly, a traditional their stressful days with involvement educate about the unique, individual About 35% of the vast population of the entire country can trace some considered to be of native, tribal de- school-wide gathering designed to in a series of offered games, created aspects of international culture, the of the United States of America is ancestry back to a foreign land, be it scent, a group of people who even introduce the student body to the to enrich the minds of each partici- final result is one of collective unity, classified under some ethnicity that in Europe, Asia, Africa, or any other today practice and demonstrate one international education yet to come. pant. Finally, the club offered a deli- understanding, and intellect. NEWS SPORTS

What’s with the Snow Days? Talent Show, March SADDness Swimming Undefeated Again Check Out Page 5 do not appear in Photo Check Out Page 8 Page 2 The Walrus: School & National News March 2010 Top Ched:Our Lenten Challenge We know this time of year far too I personally appreciate most. Take ring problem in the Lenten season Quotes of the well. March Break is a glimmering my father, for instance. He goes into is the steryotypical nervous child mirage in the distance as we trudge the standard “Blackberry Coma” in who fears that he will be smited through the desert of black winter. At which he will sit with his Blackberry by the wrath of God lest he give the lunch tables, we throw napkins tucked neatly into his palm, with his something up for Lent. If you’re that at our friend’s faces, fill their drinks left pointer finger scrolling through sort of guy, which I am hoping you with salt, and pull their seats from applications and web pages. He aren’t, allow me to reassure you; out from under them. In the words chose to give his comas up for Lent you wont be smited. Lent is only an Month of Mr. Nunan, “At this point, you guys and work on his auditory skills, and encouragement; a pushing in the are just sick and tired of each other”. I must say, we’ve been communicat- right direction, if you will. We simply This may be true in some sense; ing really well as of late. A little effort set guidlines and boundaries for “What John Donne is saying, is that the workload is laughably difficult, goes a long way, as Papa Murph ourselves, and if we meet them, then our stress levels don’t have ceil- suggests. great: we have conquered a tough ings anymore, and us students find Another facet of Lent is challenge and proven our ability Earthquakes aren’t that big of a deal....I ourselves trapped in a perpetuated helping others reach their goals. Of to live without something that is cycle of rigorous academics and busy course, reaching our own personal imbued in our lives. If we don’t meet mean, just look at Chile...” athletic schedules. On top of that, Lenten Challenges are aimed at the Lenten goal, however, we can the Lenten season is upon us, when communing us with God, but it is find the greatest encouragement in Catholics are encouraged to relin- always nice to snag a moral vic- our failure. Though you may have -Mr. Chris Lynch to his AP Lit Class quish a favorite activity, indulgence, tory real quick. At Sebs, however, fallen short, as I did, with my Lenten or desire, for the forty days of Lent this is not that easy. In fact, giving pledge, its never too late to start (not counting Sundays, as Mr. Ryan things up is never easy at the school again. When we ffail, we know what informed me). However, it’s not that we attend. You often hear public it was that made us fail, so on our You are a bird of are a falcon... easy to give something up if it is truly school kids and siblings saying, “I secondary efforts, wwe can attack of significance to you. For instance, really have to give up being so mean those points of weakness and make you are nimble and quick like the princess if Mr. Chambers gave up playing the to my sisters, brothers, and friends”. ourselves stronger people. Needless high falsetto keys on his organ, he But for some reason, we don’t have to say, the Lenten Challenge is not would surely struggle (as would the this sort of remorse around here. At for the faint of heart, and is an ex- in Mario Kart.” entire student body, because it’s the Sebs, cracking jokes and lunch table tremely difficult conquest. But if you most entertaining thing we’ve ever shenanigans and “ripping on kids” stand alone at the end (and trust me, -Mr. Jenkins to Jack Adams before a swim meet heard). All jokes aside, however, Lent are some of the best components of theres a pretty good chance of you is a challenge, and one that affects a our high school experience. I indeed being alone), then my friend, you great number of our student body in had an internal conflict concern- have taken the road less traveled, some way. ing perhaps relinquishing my own and for the sake of being poetic, I Some of us choose to rippings-on and lunch table lunacies, truly hope it makes all the difference. embrace Lent as it comes, and others and I thought I’d give it a try. I failed Now, as I lament my first at- “Well, I pretty much am a Ledg.” subtly sacrifice. Ned Kingsley ’10, the following day, and then came to tempt at Lenten glory, I think its time chooses the latter, for when I first epiphany that my Lenten resolution I get in touch with what Lent is really -Mr. Albertson asked him what he was giving up this was far too idealist, and that only in about, which is sacrifice, almsgiving, season, he responded with authority, a perfect world could I ever leave and prayer. However, I’m ready to get “Nothing”, but then laughed it off, behind my jokery and trickeration. started on my secondary “give-up”, and continued, “Just kidding…I gave But I think I can speak for everybody the nature of which I cannot reveal up a lot of stuff, I’m just not going in the resolution I’ve come to, which to readers so as to uphold some to tell you”. You can clearly see how is that whatever you give up for sense of anonymity. But, I wish you “You know who had a great head of hair? sacred Lent and the pledges we make Lent can’t ever be something that all luck on your respective journeys, are to each of us, as Ned got really helps you through the day and is and may you be valiant as He was, Joseph Stalin.” defensive when I asked him to share. of no harm to yourself or to others. ‘gainst the impending disaster that is However, it is the spirit of Lent that Take away what is holding you back possibly headed your way. Be strong, should be held closest, not neces- from being great. They don’t call me resist temptation, and Godspeed sarily what we are giving up. The Confusc-Mund for nothing... into the horizon. Welcome to Lent, -Greg Kinlan, on his beautiful flow effort to give something up is what I think an annually recur- gentlemen.

“We live in a mathematical universe.” Senior Class Gift A Terrific -Mr. Palmaccio, pondering life Addition to School Gymnasium By CHRIS MOSES ‘10 all of the tournaments won in Seb’s ing people and their achievements history. at Seb’s.” The Class of 2010 donated a gift The pictures of each varsity sports that not only represents their team are currently being placed; The gift has also inspired Seb’s to class, but every class that has the project will be completed by eventually create a similar recogni- graduated and will ever gradu- graduation so that 2010 varsity tion wall, but in the academic build- ate from St. Sebastian’s. The gift sports teams are on the wall and for ing, honoring scholastic achieve- is located in the hallway by the Reunion 2010. This gift will capture ments. This year’s senior class gift is Harvard Model Congress: small basketball court in the gym the history and future of St. Seb’s. without a doubt an everlasting one building, also known as the Flynn With this new gift, St. Sebastian in that sense, as it has inspired the Family Gymnasium Lobby. On members will be able to look at all of school to continue adding memories Worthwhile, Fun Adventure each side of the hallway is a wall the varsity sports teams, and will be in the future. of wood, the same wood that great for summer reunions. Although the past few gifts have The whole Seb’s community is school, and to hang out outside of conference. borders the halls of the Birming- been great, the stonewall welcoming highly anticipating the new gift. Mr. Continued from page 1 4. The rest of the people there. That night, there were hours of ham Academic Building and the people to St. Sebastian’s at the front new wall donated by the class Nerbonne claims it will completely of the school and the huge wooden sisted of economic bull sessions and This proved extremely true in all designated free time which included of 2009 in Ward Hall. Each wall is transform the gym. It will honor wall in Ward Hall with the Seb’s logo running around different Congres- cases, and was especially entertain- dinner and also time for the Con- framed by a glass case, which will all those who competed and won emplaced in the center, the Class of sional sessions, waving American ing when kids who cared too much gressional Ball. With the curfew of hold the pictures of every varsity awards. When I asked Mr. Nerbonne 2010 gives an extraordinary gift that flags and dancing to “Party in the about the conference were pitted 1 AM, students could choose either sports team at Seb’s. There will about the project he said, “The gift is every Arrow and family member will USA”. One of the luckiest things to against those who arguably cared to go on their own way around also be a glass trophy case for what this school is all about, honor- appreciate forever. happen to the St. Sebs delegation too little. Boston, or to hit it up at the dance. was the general lack of crises (at Free time at HMC was divided be- For the majority of those from Sebs, least in my room). A “crisis” at HMC tween meals, Harvard Day, and the the dance was the way to go. Unlike is something that special programs Congressional Ball. Meals consisted some school dances, which can be have every year, which usually of a block of a few hours, allowing small and infested with grimy fresh- involves everybody being woken up for runs to the food court or out into men, this one was filled with grimy in the middle of the night from their Boston itself. In the morning before high school delegates and sketchy hotel rooms, and being brought sessions began, the choice of break- Harvard chaperones. The playlist The Walrus down for a briefing. The crisis this fast was usually between Dunkies was hit-and-miss, with some great year involved a volcanic eruption in and Au Bon Pain (more like Painfully highlights (a dance choreographed A St. Sebastian’s Publication Indonesia, and brought up issues of gross, am I right?) Lunch was usually to N’Sync) and some low points (no how to deal with foreign aid, as well best suited by the food court in the Sandstorm? Really?) Senior Editors: Brendan Ecclesine ‘10, Ned Kingsley ‘10, Edmund Murphy ‘11, as the safety of Americans in the Hynes Convention Center attached By Sunday morning, worn out from David Ruffolo ‘10 area. to the hotel. The selection there the dance and the weekend of HMC, After our arrival, we found that one was varied but generally very good- delegates were disappointed to Apprentice Editors: Greg Kinlan and the gang Flamer’s, Panda Express, Qdoba, Ben leave. For the most part, Sunday was of the best characteristics of the Head Writers: Joe Albanese ‘10, Chris Marino ‘10, Chris Moses ‘10, trip was the freedom offered to us. & Jerry’s and Pizza Regina. Suppah the time where people prepared to From the time we were given our was provided by the plethora of Bos- leave, and spent their time finish- Mike Sanderson ‘10 (Feature Writer) rooms, we became responsible for ton restaurants, with a P.F. Chang’s ing up leftover bills in Congress, or, our meals, we were given hours of and a Cheesecake Factory on the for the most part, hanging out with CONTRIBUTORS: Joey Kelly ‘10, Will Connolly ‘10, Dillon Eccelsine ‘11, Nick free time between sessions, and the very same block as the hotel itself. those they had met over the past Creegan ‘11, Sam Racine ‘11, John Barrack ‘11, Mike Sanderson ‘10, John Ka- only timelines we had to meet were Harvard Day consists of a late start few days. The conference com- volius ‘10, Joe Albanese ‘10, Lou Heck ’11, Will Vietze ‘12, Ryan Kilcullen ‘10, for sessions, which began around menced with closing ceremonies, in based on when those sessions start- Luke Sullivan ‘09, Chris Stadtler ‘12, Scott Neuberger ‘10, Chris Moses ‘10, ed, and curfew. This was extremely 2:00 on Friday (since the students which “Barack Obama” gave his State liberating, especially since most of running HMC had classes that morn- of the Union address, awards and Peter Cimini ‘12, Alex Spear ‘11, Brendan Ecclesine ‘10, Tom Hoff ‘11, John the other students at the conference ing). This allowed not only for more recognitions were given out, and a O’Connor ‘11, Ryan Bacic ‘11, Andrew DeMatteo ‘11, Brad Walker ‘10, Ricky came from other cities and were un- free time, but for an opportunity guest from the conservative think- Mulroy ‘10, Tom Nunan ‘11, Tom Keefe ‘11, Nick Chappel ‘11, Jared Chase ‘11, to allow HMC delegates to sit in on tank Heritage Foundation spoke familiar with Boston, thus they were Ben Thai ‘12, Lucas Mykulak ‘11, Will Adams ‘11, Ryan McCarthy ‘10, Chris forced to stay together constantly. Harvard undergraduate classes all and fielded questions (Ned Kingsley: Indeed, one of the most fun char- morning. For the most part, that “why are you so right all the time?), Picher ‘13, John Donovan ‘12, Kevin Wolfe ‘12, Chris Nadeau ‘12, Joe Dudley acteristics of the conference was program is a disappointment for much to the dismay of the mostly- ‘12, Matt Fechtelkotter ‘12, John Cheever ‘12, Bobby Wright ‘12, Sean Fraz- interacting both with people from Sebs kids. Most of the classes are liberal crowd. early in the morning, and getting Aside from the major points of zette ‘12, Michael Hoff ‘13, Thayer Wade ‘13, David Leith ‘11 school, as well as meeting so many Editors Emeritus: Derek Morrison, Tyler Smith, Brian Walker, John Wolfe other people during committees and into Cambridge from the hotel is a the conference, the weekend was free time. There was a great diversity bit of a hike that early. That function peppered with many other fun mo- Faculty Advisor: Mr. Dan Drummond of students there in terms of their was mostly for students who were ments; from harassing French people reasons for attending the confer- A. looking at colleges- which was in our hallway, to Ned Kingsley and The Walrus is the official student newspaper of St. Sebastian’s School. The Walrus ence. According to Urban Dictionary, not the case for the seniors, or B. for Dillon Ecclesine playing girly songs seeks to provide news and entertainment for the St. Sebastian’s community, as well as Harvard Model Congress kids could those who don’t live in Boston and on the piano, to Greg Kinlan show- have never been to Harvard. Since casing his dancing skills, to crafting to provide an open forum for students to offer opinions on issues related to world, na- easily be divided into: tional, and school affairs. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect opin- 1. Kids who really care about politics these things don’t really apply to our bills for legalized whale hunting, and usually get emotional about school, the only real incentive to go cloning Chuck Norris, and freeing ions of the faculty advisors or senior editors of The Walrus or of St. Sebastian’s School. controversial issues is if one is extremely interested in Lil Wayne from jail. As a two-year Correspondence to The Walrus should be addressed to The Walrus, c/o St. Sebas- the topics being discussed. veteran, I highly recommend attend- 2. Kids looking to meet girls at the tian’s School, 1191 Greendale Avenue, Needham, MA, 02492. Senior Editors and produc- delegate ball [edited for content In terms of the social life at the Con- ing HMC. Not only is it interesting to from original text] gress, everything led up to Saturday those who follow politics and enjoy tion staff reserve the right to reject, edit, or admit any or all submissions. To submit an 3. Kids who go to miss two days of night. At that point, everybody had public speaking, but it is an overall article, email it to [email protected]. met new people and were excited good time for anybody with a pulse. March 2010 The Walrus: School News Page 3 Drama Festival Stunned by MOOT Court Pushes On: Sebs’ Stellar Acting Crew The Best is Yet to Come

Nerbonne, and Schell. The judges With the bar of intellectual debate BY TOM KEEFE‘11 ultimately select the victor, who then and rhetorical fervor set as high it is, has the privilege to proceed to the the competition will surely be at it Do you know what it means to next round. fiercest it has ever been by the time Moot? Do you enjoy Mooting? Do The procedure of a Moot the finals roll around this spring. you like to “Moot it, Moot it”? If you Court is as follows: First, each side I myself am no stranger to answered yes to the previous ques- presents their opening statements the Moot Court Competition. Last tions, you are hereby a professional at the podium, outlining the crux year, I and my buddy Nick Franco ’11 Mooter, and you have no reason to of their argument. Next, each team entered the fray as the first sopho- read this article. Alas, if only the rest is exposed to a volley of questions more team in Seb’s Moot Court of the student body could be as well from the judges. The questions tend history, and we paved the way for a educated as yourself! Ah, but that is to be riddled with traps and higher swath of sophomore teams this year. why I am here: to tell you all about level thinking, designed to muddle The competition of 2009 was quite a St. Sebastian’s renowned Moot even the most skilled Mooter. Finally, wild ride. Franco proved a demi-god Court Competition. each team presents their closing of both history and cognitive rea- A Moot Court is a bit like statements, summing up their soning, and coupled with my own a mock trial. In it, a pair of two-man stance on the issue. The rest is up to humble stage-presence and writing teams go head to head over a hotly- the judges. What suspense mounts skills, our team was able to witness debated Supreme Court issue, most as the teams await the victor to be heightened success as a sophomore of which were decided by the close displayed on the third floor wall for team. We survived two rounds, only majority of 5-to-4. Each team has a all to see! to be kept out to of the semi-finals side from which they must present The Moot Court Competi- by the team of MacNamera-Coffee in their argument regarding the case. tion, now in its third year, began as a heated debate. Now veterans, we For a silly example, if the topic was the brainchild of Mr. Cleary, chair are eager for a new season of Moot “Who stole the cookie from the of the History department at St. Court and hope to display our Moot- Bobby Wright ‘12 (left) Joe “Milk Duds” Dudley ‘12 (right) perform “Dress Reversal” at WHS. cookie jar” (perhaps, Angry Mom Sebastian’s. Having witnessed the ing prowess once again. vs. Pouting Child), one team would august competition at the college A great big shout out of limit, it was a very good abridged worked perfectly because of its sim- take the Angry Mom side, while the level, he was keen on bringing the gratitude to our faculty judges, BY JOE DUDLEY ‘12 version of the famous story. Next, plicity, and because it was compiled other would fight the noble cause Moot Court Competition to the especially founder Mr. Cleary, for all Wakefield Memorial high school The St. Sebastian’s cast of Dress with excellent actors that knew each for the Pouting Child. In order to presence of St. Sebastian student. that they do in making this great put on a play called Pandora’s Reversal walked into Wellesley other well, flowed seamlessly as win the case, the team must prove It quickly gained steam, expanding program a reality. And good luck to Book, which was about a young girl high school auditorium on the day everyone complimented each other themselves worthy to the faculty rapidly, and now holds 24 teams of all those Mooters out there, ready to named Pandora, who let out all the of Drama Festival much like how perfectly throughout the play. judges, consisting of Messrs. Cleary, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. take their crack at unlimited glory! Hickory from walked into their bad stories from a book, much like Indiana state championship game in in the story of Pandora’s Box. But After the hilarious three skit the movie Hoosiers. The size audi- this Pandora was able to recover performance from Wellesley high torium made the venue of Ward Hall them by living the stories. The Seb’s school, the actors waited anxiously look like the minor leagues. Other cast was unable to view the next for the acting awards and to find schools brought in immense casts, play put on by Cambridge, as it was out which high schools would move whose tech crews were larger than necessary for them to return to their on to the next round. Because the their actual casts. The nine mem- room to prepare for the perfor- Seb’s cast did not go in competi- mance. Seniors Enjoy 100 Days bers of the Seb’s cast, Tom Keefe, tively, there was nothing stopping John Barrack, Paul Lee, Tom Murphy, the cast from enjoying the rest of Sean Frazzette, Bobby Wright, Mark After a line bash and a the festival. After a dance, referred Lane, Joe Dudley, and Thayer Wade, quick dance party to the music of to as the shindig, each cast was T.A.S.T.E, the Seb’s cast was mentally brought back to the auditorium for to Graduation Breakfast felt a bit out of place travelling with prepared for their performance past several months, the alumni their lone tech member, Scott King- the acting awards and the decisions Director of Alumni Programs, talked of Dress Reversal. Little did the office collected photos and rosters sley. There were many other schools on the winning high schools. Four BY NED KINGSLEY ‘10 about his connection to the school cast know, but they were about to of every varsity team that has ever joining Seb’s at the festival includ- Arrows won acting awards for their After nearly six years at St. Sebastian’s, and the critical role that the School have the greatest performance of played at St. Sebastian’s (dating from ing Melrose high school, Lexington roles in Dress Reversal, Paul Lee, Tom it’s hard to believe that it’s almost has played in his life. Graduating in this play that they have ever had. the original teams of the 1940s up to Christian Academy, Billerica high Keefe, Tom Murphy, and Sean Fraz- time to move on. It seems like just the ‘60s, he stayed close to Sebs as From beginning entrance of Tom the current day). Mr. Bartlett stressed school, Wakefield Memorial high zette, all went home as members of yesterday that we sat as new seventh, an alumni representative for his class Murphy and Thayer Wade to Paul how important and meaningful this school, Cambridge high school, and the all-star crew. The all-star crew is eighth, and ninth graders in our first and he often returned for reunions, Lee’s knockout punch of Tom Keefe, gift is for all Arrows, current students Wellesley high school. the equivalent of gaining an all ISL Corporate Chapel, listening to Mr. alumni events, and sports games. He the crowd was laughing nonstop. and alumni alike. All Arrows will honor in a sport, and for such a small Burke welcome the new school year. is the parent of two alumni, both of Many times throughout the play the be forever remembered for their The day started out with cast to gain four awards is a great Yet time has flown by, and in just whom graduated in the 1980s, and actors were forced to stop and wait dedication and commitment to the the performance of Melrose high feat. At the end of the day, director under 100 days the Class of 2010 will a daughter who attended the St. for applause and for the laughter to athletics success of the school, even school. Their play was about a Mr. Rodgers and assistant director say farewell to these halls, joining Sebastian’s Senior Prom a few years die out. At the end of the perfor- long after they have graduated and high school teenager who was Ms. Carol, were told by a judge that the ranks of alumni. Yet, as they were later; Mr. Davis’s family has remained mance, the cast was sent off with moved on. Hopefully the project will deeply troubled by the loss of his had the Seb’s play gone competi- reminded at the 100 Days to Gradu- intimately connected to the St. a roaring standing ovation. Incase be completed in time for Reunion best friend. The play was a very tively, we would have moved onto ation breakfast last week, they will Sebastian’s community and he urged you missed the comedic gold that is 2010, which will take place in mid- good drama. Lexington Christian, the next round. With that news the remain Arrows forever and will, we all of the seniors to maintain and Dress Reversal when it was per- May. however, lightened the mood with play hopes to possibly go com- hope, maintain a lasting connection cherish that same connection even formed at Ward Hall, it was about a Headmaster Bill Burke concluded the their rendition of the comedy He petitively in the following years and to this outstanding school. after graduating. Mr. Davis finally rehearsal of a play about a murder event; he reminded the seniors that Said, She Said. Their cast was the have more successful plays to come, The breakfast was hosted by the commented on some of the vari- mystery, and all the wacky things time still remains in the year and only one smaller than the Seb’s cast, with the possibility of having the Alumni & Development Office on ous initiatives that are run by the that could and did go wrong with it. urged them to take advantage of all and they were able to make use of same returning cast the play should Tuesday, February 23rd. At 7:30, Alumni & Development Office, which Many of the other plays used fancy the opportunities still before them. their small cast to put on a witty be as successful as ever. In closing seniors gathered in Ward Hall to break provide networking opportunities lights and exotic costumes to win He once again reaffirmed that we and amusing play on gossip. Next, the drama club had a very success- bread and listen to various addresses for recent graduates to connect the crowd over, and were carried are all Arrows Forever, and should Billerica put on One Flew over the ful performance, which without the by prominent members of the St. with older alumni as they enter the by their main characters, lacking in continue to live as Arrows even after Cookoo’s Nest. Although shortened help of Mr. Rodgers and Ms. Carol Sebastian’s community. Joe and his business world in search of jobs and the supporting cast. On the other we have graduated. greatly due to the 45 minute time never could have been possible. internships. hand, the Seb’s play had a set, which staff prepared quite the buffet, and the Class of 2010 held nothing back in Unfortunately, the breakfast marks devouring every morsel in sight. For Next, Mr. Andy Bartlett ’03, assistant “the beginning of the end,” so to the first part of the event, everyone Director of Alumni Programs, spoke speak, for the Class of 2010. Yet while sat and enjoyed a hearty meal and about the upcoming Senior class one chapter in their story ends, an- conversation with their classmates. gift. Through the generous dona- other begins, and so they prepare to After a short while, Mr. Arms, Di- tions of the parents of the Class of embark on their journey as alumni. Rewarding Freshman Re- rector of Alumni & Development, 2010, the alumni office has estab- They now know that they truly are introduced a number of individuals lished “Arrows Hall” in the foyer of Arrows Forever, and the lessons and who addressed the students follow- the Flynn Family Gymnasium across memories of St. Sebastian’s will help ing breakfast. First, Mr. Ed Davis ’65, the street. Over the course of the treat Brings Frosh Together to guide them throughout their lives.

BY PETER DeMATTEO ‘10 around the room with a white sheet teens, who were street racing, hit to represent clouds. After this little their car. There is an emotional court On both February 9th and March story came to a close, the Freshmen scene, which eventually ends with 2nd, the Freshmen class traveled to were told another story about “their the father asking that the criminals La Salette Shrine in Attleboro for a little friend Justin” who had a “big do no jail time because it would not retreat. Mr. Eaton’s and Mr. Joyce’s hurt”. While the leader told the story, help him, but instead join the father classes traveled down to the retreat she wore a long night cap that made in a program to stop reckless teen first in every member of the retreat feel behavior. After this ended, we had February, and in March Mr. Dan like he was still a little kid getting a lunch, which was pasta. Goulet’s and Mr. Jack Goulet’s story told to them by their mother. After lunch was over, the classes went. After a nearly hour After this finally finished, there was a retreat got temporarily delayed, long bus ride, the Freshmen went fifteen minute break when the class because many students did not into the shrine, and specifically into went outside. After coming back return to the Cave until half an hour a room painted in many different inside, we went up to the chapel later than what was supposed to be. bright colors that was creatively instead of the cave. While walking, we saw many of the called the Cave. After a brief delay Upon reaching the chapel, parts of the shrine, which included to sort out a problem with name the woman told us to take up a set a rosary on a lake, and a gift shop tags, the retreat officially began. of watercolors and paint on the floor in a very modern looking building. of the chapel. We were told to paint When everybody finally returned The first event that the freshman did a picture including a variety of dif- to the Cave, we finished the movie in this spiritual get away from the ferent things. These included a time up and went back to the colorfully world was playing a game in which when we felt hurt, what we thought decorated chapel to have mass. the leader gave individual students God looked like right now, and if we This mass was centered around the different fast food restaurant names, could get anything we wanted from Gospel, which was acted out by the and then one person would call out God what we would want. Despite students in a dazzling performance. a name. This was kind of like musi- these drawings being pitifully poor, After returning to the seats, mass cal chairs without music and much and in many cases not necessarily continued and concluded. After the more violent. Luckily, nobody got related to the questions, they were mass, everyone was given special La hurt. Next, we saw a video of the put all around the altar, giving the Salette crosses. Then, the Fresh- Beijing Olympics where the Olympic chapel a feeling like a rainbow. After men class got back on the bus and torch was being lit in 2008. After- this was complete, we went back to returned home from the day off from wards, the leader gave a little story the cave and watched a movie about school, but not off from a chance to about Noah’s Ark. Students were a tragedy in a family. A mother and engage with our classmates togeth- Robbie Donahoe, Ricky Mulroy, and a host of other seniors pile their plates high with food. told to make animal noises and run daughter were killed when some er. Page 4 The Walrus: School News & Entertainment March 2010 Debate Team Marches On March Madness is Back!!! the Seb’s debate last year. Last year, By DILLON ECCLESINE ‘11 much about the meat-packing in- David was actually a debater (in By SAM RACINE ‘12 dustry. I knew we should have stud- If you have never been to a debate the novice division, as I’m sure you ied meat-packing the night before… guessed), and he did big things out before, I highly recommend that The time of the year has come but either way, we put up a good there…big things as in, he managed you go: you will not be the same again. The days where you sit down fight against people who, for some to disqualify himself from a debate. person when you leave. They are and watch college hoops all day, odd reason, knew facts and figures While discussing energy efficiency, quite interesting, and you meet filled with excitement, cheers, and about the meat-packing industry. Oh David began arguing in support of some characters. On February 21st, upsets. It’s March Madness, the well, just your average day debating. the opposing side for all of eight St. Seb’s hosted a debate with over NCAA tournament, my personal There was also a great deal minutes. At the end of the round, the 10 schools. It was quite the crew. favorite sporting event of the year. of behind the scenes help that made judge asked him if he was kidding. The advanced team was For years, people have spent hours the debate fun and successful. Obvi- David, thinking that the judge was comprised of Nick Creegan ’11, filling out their brackets, hoping to ously a big shout out to Mr. Ner- complimenting him on an extraor- yours truly, Jack Connolly ’12, and pick all the right teams. This sports bonne as well as the other teachers dinary effort, immediately told her Pat McLaughlin ’12. The novice tournament is cherished by many who helped out: Mr. Jim Sullivan, Mr. that she was too kind. The judge, team was comprised of many new as most people in America sit back, Deschenes, and Mr. Rest. Many se- thinking David was mocking her, debaters, as well as Julian Matra ’13 relax, and enjoy some college bas- niors also helped out, including Joe sent David out of the room. It was (you might recognize him as Darius ketball. On Sunday March 14, a final Albanese, Ned Kingsley, Chris Ma- not until later that night that I had the Dragon) and Mike Pietro ’13. bracket will be made comprised of rino, Andrew Spencer, Taylor Peck, to explain to David that he had not The advanced team faced some 65 teams, all with one goal: to win and Tom Gregg. Without the help of been sent out of the room to receive Indianapolis is the site of this year’s NCAA Final Four. tough competition, as Nick and I the whole tournament and claim these seniors and faculty members, an award, but because he had had a took home a not-so-respectable 0-3 the title: King of college basketball. going to be #1 seeds. There are heard of, like George Mason, an #11 the debate would not have been the rough day at the office. record. However, we got completely The bracket is set up in a way where teams called “bubble teams,” who seed who went to the final four in major success that it was. I recommend to all of dismissed by many of the judges, the best teams from the regular have played well, but not quite well 2006. I’m not saying pick every upset David Leith ’11 also helped out at you that you at least try to debate. and probably should have gone season receive a better place in enough to be considered a definite ever and be different than every- the debate, though I can’t say his Debating is a good skill to have in 3-0, and we definitely deserved to the bracket and receive the weaker team in the tournament, so it’s one picking a #1 seed, but it’s a bit help was very much appreciated. life, and it will certainly help you. take some hardware home. We did opponents. For example, the best unsure of whether they’ll be in the boring to pick every single favorite He volunteered to show up, but un- Also, it is one of the few academic indeed face some tough competi- team in the nation will receive a #1 tournament until “Selection Sunday”, to win. In fact, a #16 seed has never fortunately he came two hours late, competitions that someone at Seb’s tors, including one boy who had a seed, and will play a #16 seed in the on March 14. Some of these “bubble beaten a #1 seed, but there have and when he finally did get there, he can compete in, so it is actually a ponytail to the floor. He knew how tournament. #16 seeds are consid- teams” are Notre Dame, Minnesota, been #15 seeds beating #2 seeds, immediately went to the breakfast cool experience. You also meet some to let the flow breathe. (On a side ered the worst in the tournament, Rhode Island, Dayton, San Diego which makes the tournament so fun. line. After he got his plate of break- bright people, many of whom are note, after talking with Mario for a and are likely very small schools that State, Virginia Tech, Mississippi State, I, along with many others, always fast, he turned around and knocked so bright that they struggle to hold little bit, we discovered that he actu- made the tournament because they St. Mary’s, Ole Miss, Seton Hall, root for the underdog, as I love the someone over, who went down for a simple conversation, but you can ally went to the same hairdresser as won their conference tournament, Memphis, and Cincinnati. Some of upset of a small school with high the count. He actually cut his elbow just sense how smart they are. Even David Leith ’11). but I’ll get to that later. So, a #1 or #2 these teams didn’t do well at the hopes and determination beating a and suffered a few bruises on his if you aren’t an amazing debater, There were some very in- seed team, very strong teams, will start of the season, but have picked power house who overlooked their knee cap. Needless to say, David they are still very fun to compete in. teresting topics discussed. Nick and play easier teams, and a #15 or #16 it up and are getting hot right at the opponent. So, for this year I see a shrugged it off, stepped over him to Debates give you an excuse to argue I even managed to debate about seed team will have a tougher road. end, which makes it questionable if few powerful teams that could go fill up his juice, and then proceeded with people you don’t know about the meat-packing industry, and how For the first round, it goes like this: they’ll be selected. A great example very far in the tournament. The first to Ward Hall. random things, and you can’t get in it is unsanitary. Not quite sure how #1 vs. #16, #2 vs. #15, #3 vs. #14, #4 of this kind of team is UConn, who is Tennessee, who could possibly be This David Leith experience is noth- trouble for raising your voice. It’s a we got on that topic, but needless vs. #13, #5 vs. #12, #6 vs. #11, #7 vs. struggled at the start, but turned a #4 seed. They’ve had a solid year, ing compared to his journeys at good time. to say, Nick and I did not know too #10, and #8 vs. #9. Since there are 65 hot when they needed to, and have but they’ve had two huge wins, over teams (really 64, as two teams play beaten quite a few strong teams Kansas and Kentucky, both likely #1 each other for the spot of one #16 right at the end. UConn is most likely seeds. They beat Kentucky by 9, and Movies with Mike: seed), there are four main regions going to get into the tournament Kansas by 8, and this shows they each of 16 teams, and the winners now, as long as they don’t mess up have been there before and have the of those regions each play in the big time in their conference tourna- capability of pulling a huge upset “Shutter Island” Final Four. So, that’s how the bracket ment. A lot of these teams are from over a higher seed. UConn also has is set up, but one may be wondering much smaller conferences, and have tons of potential, as they’ll probably how exactly the teams are picked? done well but don’t necessarily have be a #12 seed, to win in their first Well, first of all, not all teams in Divi- a tough schedule, meaning they round, and even second round, be- sion 1 NCAA are actually picked. In haven’t played many tough teams cause they’ve done extremely well fact, for many teams it’s an honor to prove themselves as tournament at the perfect time. That is, of course, to be selected into the tournament. worthy. The future of these “bubble if they actually make it, which they’ll Depending on how a team does teams” really depends on their probably do, as long as nothing in the regular season isn’t all that conference tournaments, for if they goes horribly wrong in the last few matters, as at the end of the regular stay strong and do well, they can not games and conference tournament. season, and before the tournament, only be accepted into the tourna- Pittsburgh, a likely #3 seed, also has there are conference champion- ment, but do well in the tournament potential to pull off upsets late in ships, where teams of the same if they stay hot. There are many small the tournament. They’ve had ups conference have a tournament of conference teams, most never heard and downs, but have beaten many their own. This can make or break of before, who win their conference ranked opponents, including Syra- a team’s chances of the tourna- tournament and get an automatic cuse, Villanova, and West Virginia, ment, for the team that wins their bid, because their conference is in all of which are going to be high conference championship gets an Division 1 NCAA, even if it’s not as seeded in the tournament. This, once automatic bid into the tournament. good as the bigger ones. The first again, shows how they have experi- If a team that had a solid season and and second rounds are all played in ence with upsets, and have the abil- was likely to be in the tournament four days, in different regions across ity to defeat tough opponents late. loses in the first round of their con- the nation, and the winners of these Florida, Georgetown, Texas A&M, ference championship, they’re less advance to the Sweet Sixteen. Next and Richmond all have capabilities likely to make the big tournament. is the Elite Eight, the Final Four, and of pulling off upsets. Texas A&M and A Shutter Island patient warns moviegoers that this movie is not for the faint of heart. On the other hand, if a team with a the Finals. Both the Final Four and Georgetown could go far, if matched rough season suddenly breaks out the Finals are being played in India- up with the right opponents in the By MIKE SANDERSON ‘10 you can skip over this paragraph, as mysterious facility. Michelle Williams and does really well in the tourna- napolis this year. second and third rounds, and Florida it is a plot synopsis (no spoilers, of also has a good amount of screen ment, they now have a better shot Making your own bracket is a truly and Richmond have capabilities to The latest entry into what has course). The film opens with Leon- time in flashbacks as DiCaprio’s wife, to make the tournament. awesome experience. Picking who’s pull off upsets for the first round. become the most talked-about ardo DiCaprio, who plays the lead but I didn’t like her in this one. To be So, now that the basics have been going to win it all, what team will I simply love March Madness. The segment of The Walrus, Movies character, a US Marshal and WWII fair to her, that’s probably because laid down, I’ll talk to you about this make an upset, and choosing your multiple games going on at once, with Mike, is the greatest film I’ve vet named Teddy Daniels, throwing I was so enthralled by the main year’s tournament. The four pos- favorite teams make it fun. If some- the possibility of huge upsets, the yet reviewed, “Shutter Island”. I was up in a bathroom. He steps outside plotline(s) that any time a flashback sible #1 seeds are Kentucky, Kansas, one just picks the projected winner, excitement all are great. The spirit, shocked at how much I enjoyed to greet his companion and, as we started I couldn’t wait for it to be Duke, and Syracuse. Remember, this and has the four #1 seeds in the Final the heart and determination of these the film, as almost every one of my later learn, new partner in the US over, so I could return to figuring out was written early March, so some- Four, that’s no fun. I know it’s tough young men is outstanding, and it classmates who had seen it before Marshals, Chuck Aule. As the camera the mystery. There are also a lot of thing drastically could have hap- to go against a great team, going goes to show anything can happen. me warned me that it was a film pans over the front of the boat and fringe celebrities who play smaller pened between the time I’ve written against another team you’ve never I hope you watch even a little bit of roughly on par with “The Happen- the ominous music crescendos, we roles, mostly as patients, who almost this and the time you’re reading it heard of, but if you correctly pick an the NCAA tournament, for it is an ing”, but I decided to see it anyway realize that the two are about to all do a stellar job. Perhaps the most that could change the predicted unheard of upset nobody else saw, awesome time where character of and form my own opinion, and I arrive on the fabled Shutter Island. credit for this great film goes to field for the tournament. Anyways, you’ll feel like the man. In fact, that’s these players is tested, and they put am glad I did. I can’t really recall Shutter Island is a Massachusetts director Martin Scorcese. This film is these are the four strongest teams, what March Madness is all about! it all on the line for victory. another example of a film that has area mental hospital (filmed at the latest entry into his unparalleled and are most likely, in my opinion, Any team could do something un- so polarized the St. Sebastian’s Medfield State Hospital) that houses career, and while some people find community; it literally seems to be some unstable criminal offenders, his films to drag on a bit, none of his exclusively loved or hated. While I one of whom has just escaped. Upon movies are anything less than great. loved Shutter Island, I can certainly arriving, they take a long ride up a His vision and ability to flesh out his understand why so many people winding road through the dense for- characters and make them real is al- Costa Rica is Happenin’ did not, and what will be my rave est to meet with the head psychia- ways enthralling, and “Shutter Island” review does come with something trist, Dr. Cawley, portrayed by the is no exception. According to Mr. Beilin he has always to engage in some form of a service of a disclaimer. enthralling Ben Kingsley. Cawley tells In closing, “Shutter Island” is one By M. FECHTELKOTTER ‘12 wanted to for to Costa Rica and he project. As of now, there are a few Shutter Island is based on a the Marshals that he hopes they can of my favorite movies ever, but as I As the 2009-2010 school year comes felt like it would be fun to go with a possible projects that the students novel by the same name, written by find out how this patient vanished told you, some people are just going to a close, the majority of the St. few students who also want to go and moderators might help out our friend Dennis Lehane. As many from her room, which by all accounts to hate it. It is VERY confusing, and Sebastians student will return to their to Costa Rica. He also believed that with. One possibility is that they will of you may remember, last year Mr. is impossible to escape from. you have to pay close attention if homes and prepare for their long it would be a good idea to have the help paint repaint a school. Another Lehane visited St. Sebastian’s, and That storyline alone sounds like a you hope to appreciate it. If you can summer break. For eleven students, kids help out in the local communi- possibility is that they might help re- discussed that book, along with pretty decent movie, but Shutter Is- manage that, however, this will be however, before they prepare for their ties. Therefore, it was decided that build or fix one of the many bridges his most famous creations, Mystic land takes so many twists and turns one of the most enjoyable films you break they will have to prepare for Costa Rica was the best place to go, that people cross everyday. One final River and Gone Baby Gone, which that the viewer never has time to ever see, and I cannot exaggerate their trip to Costa Rica. for it had all of the qualities from the possibility is that the students will were also adapted into great films. get complacent, and I can’t imagine how gratifying it is to someone like For those of you who don’t checklist. help to build buildings in villages. That track record is what convinced that all the people claiming they me, who loves film. Up until the very know of Costa Rica, it is a country in The trip is set to begin the Overall, they will mainly be helping me to see the film in spite of the figured it out 20 minutes in are be- end I was still unsure as to whether I Central America located between week after we finish exams. Seven out with the infrastructure of the general ire it produced among my ing honest, as I truly had no inkling liked it or not, but DiCaprio’s last line Nicaragua and Panama. It is located eighth graders, three ninth graders, Costa Rica. It would be during this classmates. I haven’t read the novel of how it all turns out. I think part of is without a doubt the single most near the equator and has a tropical and a single tenth grader, Mr. Beilin time that the educational part of the myself, but my consigliore Kam Cal- the reason I was so suckered in is the powerful line of dialogue I have climate, which is perfect for its many and Mr. Brendan Sullivan are plan- trip can be visible, for according to low has, and he also saw the movie. tremendous acting. DiCaprio turns heard, and it makes the film, posing beaches on both the Caribbean Sea ning to embark on their trip, taking Mr. Beilin, a lot of the students who He assures me that having read in yet another outstanding perfor- a philosophical question that the and North Pacific Ocean. Costa Rica a flight from Logan Airport down are going on the trip are students of the novel does not spoil the film; mance as the Bostonian lead in a viewer can grapple with forever. It also has a great deal of jungles that to Costa Rica. When they arrive in his. Therefore, during this time, they in fact, it enhances it. According to Scorcese film. His character, without covers psychological complexes like take up a great deal of the country. Costa Rica, the first thing that they will hopefully use what they have Kam, anyone who has read the book giving away too much, is complex denial and paranoia, and provides a The idea for the trip was will do is travel to a large volcano. At been taught and interact with many should have no qualms about see- and tormented by his past. Mark powerful glimpse into the lives of so proposed by Mr. Beilin, a Spanish this volcano, there is hot springs and of the locals. After a little over a ing the movie, as it can be confus- Ruffalo (whom Dave Ruffolo ‘10 still called “crazy” people. Shutter Island teacher, who wanted to go on a trip they will be able to watch the sunset week the students will return home. ing, and reading the novel helps you claims to be related to, even though receives 5 out of 5 stars in my book, that was not only fun, but also had and sunrise. Next, they will spend a With the trip nearing, it understand the action a lot better. no one believes him) does a solid and is a film that you must see, if and a greater purpose to it. For example, few days lounging on the beautiful seems like all of the students and So anyone who has read the novel job playing DiCaprio’s tag along, but only if you can put in the effort to he wanted to go on a trip in which beaches that Costa Rica offers. Fol- even the moderators are excited to and thought there was no point in he is overshadowed by the numer- follow the progression of the mind- Spanish students could use what they lowing, these few days of lounging, travel down. Mr. Beilin even said that to hear a story you already know, ous other great performances in this bending story. You will definitely have learned in a real life situation. they will travel to white water raft he is definitely excited and he thinks rest assured you can still get a lot of one. Ben Kingsley, one of my favorite hate it if you’re a casual moviegoer However, he also wanted to go to and fly around the canopy of the for- that it will be a good time. enjoyment out of the lengthy film. actors, plays an eccentric oddball, as looking to kill a couple hours, but if a place that would still be fun and ests of Costa Rica. The students and Hopefully everything goes If you have read the book, usual, and he does a superb job as you can invest yourself in watching it interesting for any Latin students too. faculty moderators will also head out well and it will be a great time. Dr. Cawley, the man in charge of the is can be a rewarding experience. March 2010 The Walrus: School News Page 5 Celebrity Look-A-Like Snow Day!? No way!!! BY BOBBY WRIGHT ‘12

At 6:45am, a wakeup call from my alarm clock sends me darting over to my bedroom window. Pulling up the shades, I am immediately thrown into the mystical, magical land of Narnia: a snow covered, winter wonderland covered with ice laden trees, piles of luscious, fluffy white snow stacked up well past your knees, a single large Victorian era street light, and a large, jubilant, and loquacious semi-aquatic ro- dent, who goes by the name of Mr. Beaver. As I began to climb out my window to accompany Mr. Beaver on a journey to free our dear friend Mr. Tumnus from the grasps of the evil white witch, I was stopped by Does no snowfall still qualify as a snow day? I guess so! my father. “Get dressed, you have school.” ing in our pajamas all day. However, to the window to revisit the winter A tear streamed down my there are a few, very rare exceptions wonderland, yet curiously, there was face as I tossed on my Seb’s at- to this no snow day policy. no snow. Throughout the day, there tire and rode into school. I walked On February 10th, 2010, a were slight snow flurries here and Mr. Nerbonne Nicholas Cage through the halls, past scattered massive snow storm, projected to there, but never were we dumped packs of petite middle schoolers hit at about noon, was predicted by on by 10-12 inches of sloppy, wet weeping as they struggle to finish trustworthy meteorologists all over snow. This has not been the first time all the homework they had planned Boston. They warned the population this has happened, one fateful day in on saving for the snow day. I sat that the streets would be virtually 2009, a similar situation occurred. down at a table in the library, sur- un-drivable and everyone should Now, we are certainly not rounded by my fellow sophomore stay inside. The evening of ninth, the upset at the fact that we are receiv- Why No Talents to Show? classmates. No one talked. The only day before the storm, over two hun- ing these no-snow snow days, in fact thing I could do was ask myself the dred and twenty schools had already our reaction is quite the opposite. BY TOM NUNAN ‘11 talent, but it is often a talent in itself priate. question, “Why?” By now, even the been cancelled, yet still not Seb’s. When asked what his feelings were just to persuade students to display As Mr. Grohmann, one of the Talent most recent seventh graders are Arrows everywhere were panicking. towards the “no” snow days, fellow aware that the St. Sebastian’s school That night, I fell asleep anxiously sophomore Joe Dudley responded, The annual St. Sebastian’s Talent their own gifts. Often we resist Show’s usual judges, reminded me, is notorious for their lack of snow awaiting the early morning call from “ Well if I’m gonna be able to stay Show was slated to take place on Fri- revealing our gifts because we are the St. Seb’s Talent Show was a real days. Whilst other schools such as Mr. Sullivan. home, I’m not gonna complain.” day, March 5 at 7:00 in Ward Hall, but unsure how they will be received by mainstay of the School’s calendar Newton Country Day, Catholic Me- The next day, I awoke. My Wise words from the bearded man. because not enough acts came for- our peers. As inclusive as St. Sebas- years ago before it took an ex- morial, Belmont Hill, Ursaline, and eyes immediately shot over to the In conclusion, though they may not ward, the event never happened. So, tian’s is, many often do not feel com- tended hiatus. It was revived two Xaverian are all enjoying their days clock. 11:32am. Hark, the herald an- come through in the clutch, the St. the Talent Show is another addition fortable enough performing in front years ago, and at that point those off, we Arrows are stuck slaving over gels sing, a new king is born today. A Sebastian’s snow day committee to the list of several annual activities of other members of the community. who attended the show discovered our work, wishing we could have snow day. I jumped out of bed send- gets their job done. Keep up the that never came to fruition this year, I can say from personal experience many instances of talent of which the luxury of sleeping in and loung- ing my covers everywhere and ran good work! some of the others being the March that even people who regularly they would not have conceived. So, SADDness tournaments and the Mad- participate in evenings like the Tal- perhaps it is not so horrible to take den tournament. ent Show and the Spring Revue feel a short break from the Talent Show, Now the question arises of how to reluctant to prepare something for because when it does come back, in- explain this somewhat troubling an upcoming event because they terest for it created in its absence will phenomenon. The obvious explana- fear they are repeating themselves build, and we will again see wonder- tion for why the Talent Show never or that audiences will not appreci- ful performances. ate their act. Even though St. Seb’s The Fine Arts Department no doubt US Owns Winter Olympics went up is that students are simply concerned with too much other work has made tremendous progress in wishes that the Talent Show did not may argue that Mancuso is the bet- and too many other activities to focus its appreciation of the arts, some have to be cancelled. Ms. Rynne, By Mark Cunningham‘12 cross, Lindsey Vonn in the downhill, ter skier Lindsey Vonn edges her out on “getting their act(s) together.” The students (albeit not a huge number) another veteran judge, says, “I was and the U.S. Men’s Bobsled team. in the category of charisma. trend at St. Sebastian’s seems to be still have an attitude of mockery disappointed to hear that the show The Winter Olympics were fun- The bobsled team was led by Steve The Olympics were also filled with that every year becomes more in- toward their peers who perform. was cancelled due to lack of interest packed and record breaking this Holcomb who piloted a bobsled mistakes and not only triumph for tense and more full of commitments Such an attitude will often inhibit a or unwillingness to commit. I am year, but ended with small amount he called the “night train,” breaking the United States and the rest of which must be honored. Paradoxi- student who is thinking about “put- a huge proponent of making and of disappointment. I think we all the course record and then their the world. The opening ceremonies cally, that trend also seems to pre- ting himself out there” from actually taking time for fun. I have enjoyed know what the disappointment was, own course record on their way to started with a mistake with the cipitate the cancellation of events as following through. It is absolutely my role as a venerable judge and am the U.S. Men’s hockey team’s loss to the gold. The speedy bobsled team lighting of the torch. The torch- well. Essentially, at a certain point we true, though, that a vast number of always astounded by the number of Canada. The young guns of the U.S. was anchored by Curt Tomasevicz,a lighters, including the great one and become overworked and cannot do students support their peers when our students with so many gifted just could not hold off the Canadian former Nebraska football player who Steve Nash waited for just less than anything else. No one wants to put they participate in the arts. We just talents. Talent mixed with humorous team comprised of sixteen all-stars. can squat 500 lbs. The most impor- three minutes for a fourth pillar of in extra time for even the fun events have to work to continue that at- courage to elicit a laugh is a winning Although the U.S. lost to Canada in tant gold medal winner of all frankly the torch to rise out of the ground, like the Talent Show, and so the only titude of support. combination.” the gold medal game, they won the was Lindey Vonn. When we saw her but it never did due to mechanical option is to cancel them. We must point out, however, that It really is not too early to consider overall medal count with thirty seven in tears the week before she won failure. This Olympic ceremony in Several people I talked to believe that the Talent Show encompasses more displaying your skills at the next medals—setting an all-time Winter gold in the downhill, no one thought no way, shape or form compares to the general enthusiasm for events than just music and drama. A wide Talent Show. Contemplating your Olympic record. Apollo Anton Ohno she would even ski in the Olympics, the Beijing opening ceremonies. The at school this year has dwindled to a variety of talents and skills can be participation well in advance will also set the record for most medals never mind win gold. She had a Olympic staff had another mishap depressing low—not a good thing, exhibited at the Talent Show, and make preparation less stressful, and by an Olympian although he only has badly bruised shin, but showed off but it came a few days later in the but people’s fatigue, and not people they certainly do not have to be you will feel even more confident in one gold medal in three Olympics. her skillful technique by shifting her long track speed skating. There were themselves, is probably responsible. “artsy.” Acts are often funny, surpris- your abilities. Let your School know The United States skiing and snow- weight meticulously in the down- three different zambonis to clean the St. Sebastian’s students certainly ing, and even puzzling, but any act is what you can do. boarding teams had a great showing, hill. She also went on to get bronze ice at the Olympic skating track and possess an extraordinary amount of welcome provided that it is appro- earning twenty one out of the thirty in the Super-G. The muscular 5’10 seven medals obtained by the United 160lb Vonn flew down the mountain each of them failed, leaving the ice States. Germany was the runner up at full speed every time she put on in poor condition for the skaters. As with thirty medals. her skis and stopped at nothing, I mentioned before, Lindsey Vonn The United States won nine gold except for the fence during the Giant crashed into the fence on the giant Grade 7 Trip to Challenger medals in total and each of the gold Slalom. Vonn crashed in the Super slalom and broke her pinky. As I also medals was special. They started Combined and Giant Slalom, much mentioned the United States hockey their gold medal run when Hannah to her teammate, Julia Mancuso’s team lost to Canada in the gold Kearney won gold in the women’s dismay. It was clear throughout the medal game by a goal scored by a Proves “Exciting” Time moguls, which, in my opinion, is one Olympics there was great dissension now nationally hated man, or shall I of the hardest Olympic events. The between the two. Mancuso thought say kid, Sydney Crosby. For the sec- the Planetarium. “The students even stalking, Will clarified that they were other gold medal winners included Vonn got too much attention and ond straight time, Lindsey Jacobellis BY SEAN FRAZETTE ‘12 went as far as clapping their hands,” just watching the other visitors and Bode Miller in the downhill, Shani that she was the better skier, but we fell in the snowboard cross when she said Ackel, “but [the teacher] stayed the fun that they also experienced. Davis in long track speed skating, all know she is just jealous of Vonn. was headed to victory. The world’s Because I was not here in seventh asleep with [his or her] mouth wide President Santosuosso also said they Evan Lysacek in men’s figure skating, Mancuso did win two silver medals, best long track speed skater, Sven grade, my knowledge of the an- open.” The fun did not stop however continually joked about the strange Bill Demong in Nordic combined, the but she also cried after Lindsey Vonn Kramer, who skates for the Nether- nual trip to the Challenger Center when they left the Planetarium. In resemblance between the Planetari- Flying Tomato Shaun White in the basically ruined her chances at gold lands lost a race in tragic fashion. He in Framingham is less than what Mr. fact, it just gained steam as they um teacher and Santa Clause, as well half pipe, Seth Wescott in snowboard in the Giant Slalom. Although some was headed to the outside lane to Thomasy thinks is a “short” announce- proceeded into the pure excitement as how “obnoxiously smart” he was. make a turn and his coach instructed ment. However, the gripping title of of a simulation landing on the Red The enjoyment had to end, him to go to the inside, with Sven such a trip made me interested in this Planet. Greg Barletta stated that “it as always though, as the seventh making the switch at the last second. story. Therefore, in order to discover was really cool to be in a NASA envi- graders boarded the bus to return Sven was on his way to gold, but the more about this class trip, I had to ronment,” while all the other young to the halls of their newfound home. race had to be stopped because his venture into the throng of little men men agreed. It was the general The trip, although now in their past, coach told him to go into the wrong that display more immaturity than consensus that they every time they will never be forgotten, as shown lane, leaving Kramer heated and a certain Mr. Cunningham that is completed a mission successfully, by John Donovan and Matthew unhappy. How could any of us forget the seventh grade library table. The they felt a sensation of accomplish- Fechtelkotter ’12 who recounted the what started the Olympics with the table was filled with young, ambi- ment. Every seventh grader claimed trip as “exciting all the way through.” Georgian Luger, Novar Komaritash- tious seventh graders that included the trip to be a huge success and The seventh graders were granted vili, who died shortly after raging the man of myths, Danny Beam, class extremely fun. Even former seventh with a trip that will provide them into a pole at over eighty miles per Vice President Will Supple and class grader, John Donovan ’12 said that knowledge that will stay with them hour. The young, inexperienced President CJ Santosuosso. he remembered the trip as one of throughout all their lives. Do not be Komaritashvili was going over eighty These growing young men the best ever, and wishes he still was surprised if one day you see little miles an hour and crashed into a explained to me the basics of the trip, a seventh grader, just so he could go ol’ Danny Beam standing barely metal pole. Was it his fault for going summed up perfectly by Danny Beam to the Challenger Center again and visible behind a Jeopardy desk, too fast on a training run, or was it who said, “It was…we did stuff.” Later, again. The feedback from all these waiting to be able to demonstrate the fault of the Olympic staff for not Ackel Jreije translated this statement students made me wish that I were all of the knowledge he learned in putting up more padding? We will saying that they went to a Planetari- here four years ago to experience that Planetarium. Who knows, the never know. um where they learned how the sun such a spectacular event. next great space scientist may have These Olympics were full of triumph, rises and sets, and also experienced However, the class of ’15 been inspired by the presentation defeat, and tragedy. There were re- an interactive landing on Mars. The did not just have fun during the at the Challenger Center in the cords broken for gold medals in the chaperones on the trip were Ms. Byre, real learning experience, but also ancient town of Framingham. No Olympics, overall medals and much Mr. Joyce, Ms. DiBlasi, and Mr. Thom- through the bonding and joking matter what may come of this trip more. It seemed as though these as, all of which the seventh graders around that they shared during the that has been remembered by older winter Olympics excited the world said showed a fantastic exuberance trip. According to Vice President St. Sebastian students, the current for the Olympics in 2014 at Sochi. and interest in the trip. That is, except Supple, not only did he learn about seventh graders no that they have It certainly excites Americans to be for one of the teachers whose name solar patterns and Mars’s surface, just experienced a unmatchable trip. able to see Lindsey Vonn, tearing up will remain anonymous for his or her but also that “Jack Maxwell is a bad Stated best by the often quoted, one the slopes once again. own safety, who according to the eye- dancer” and that it is really fun “stalk- of kind, Danny Beam: “It was a trip of witness of Danny Beam, Kerry Lyne, ing people from the other rooms.” By a lifetime.” Lindsey Vonn celebrates after winning gold in the Downhill and Ackel Jreije, fell asleep during Page 6 The Walrus: School News March 2010 POINT - COUNTERPOINT: Which Olympics Season is Best? SUMMER WINTER RYAN BACIC ‘11 the 100 m butterfly, providing two two events which are not up to par of the most dramatic moments of a JARED CHASE ‘11 athletically, the Summer Games When it comes down to which of very memorable Summer Olympics. are allowing these two events to the two versions of the Olympics is The Olympics have been a staple in The Beijing Olympics also alter the image and integrity of the better, the answer is unquestionably the world’s history since they began gave us godly sprinter Usain Bolt, Games all together. the Summer Olympics. Such warm- in the 8th century BC, taking a little whose performances in the 100 m What is more important, the weather sports, not the frozen Winter hiatus until 1896 when the sum- and 200 m dashes were nothing integrity of an event or the integrity games, is what ancient had in mer Olympics were held in , short of insane. Brian Clay of the of an athlete? Integrity, the adher- mind when they held the first Olym- Greece. Since their inception they United States won the decathlon at ence to moral and ethical principles; pics in the 700’s B.C.: running, boxing, have been a two week escape for Beijing, earning him the traditional soundness of moral character; wrestling, long jumping, discus feuding countries, allowing the world title of “World’s Greatest Athlete.” honesty or the state of being whole, throwing, and more were featured. to take a break from violence and Bode Miller, Shawn White, and entire, or undiminished, if possible, Skiing and curling were, sadly, not hate to celebrate and compete in especially Johnny Weir cannot even seems to apply more to the athletes on the menu. It’s no mistake that the sports. However, today the argu- try to lay claim to that. In general, of the Winter Games then to the first modern Olympics held in 1896 ment of which of the games, Winter the truth is that the athletes at the athletes of the Summer Games. featured only events that are today or Summer, holds superiority tears Summer Olympics just have to be in How often do you hear of skiers or compiled into the Summer games. societies apart in a fervent duel. So better physical shape than those at lugers being found with banned Having a winter variation of the Olym- which is better, the Winter Games Machu Picchu, one of many wonders of Peru, is awesome. the Winter games. Sorry Vietze and substances in their system in order pics was only an afterthoughtwith or the Summer Games? Objectively Chappel, but no matter how fast to enhance their performance? I the inaugural Winter games held in speaking and subjectively speaking you’re going down that mountain, cant recall a time when a winter 1924evidently signifying that the without question the Winter Games Students Prepare gravity’s still doing most of the work. athlete has even been accused of events featured during the wintry are the gold medal recipients of this Of the two Olympics, the Summer using steroids of any type, however months are generally less popular almost joke worthy tilt. How could games are by far the more rigorous allegations of summer athletes using than those of their summer counter- one even ask a question so obvious? of the two. banned substances is a common parts. Firstly one must take a look at to Travel to Peru The Summer Games feature occurrence. Sure the nature of the However, we do not even the events held, both legitimate and more mainstream sports than the events in the Summer Games may need to bother looking to history to illegitimate. Yes the Winter Olympics Winter ones as well, or at the very make steroids more tempting to determine which of the two is better. have fallen victim to the joke that is least ones that are much easier to use, but in both games, the highest Rather, all that one needs to do is look curling, which is more an example of Over Spring Break follow. Like I said before, I may not reward is always the same: a gold at the present-day games themselves inertia then competition. However, watch swimming regularly but I medal, yet the athletes of the Winter ing in January, the railroad to the site and the answer becomes pretty clear. despite this seemingly irrecoverable By KEVIN WOLFE ‘12 know that the guy who touches the Games resist. is still under repair. Though we will While the Winter Olympics have only embarrassment one cannot look far wall first wins. Following biathlon, in The Winter Games also offer About every two years, St Sebastian’s not be seeing Macchu Picchu while fifteen different sports, the Summer with out finding the skid marks of which cross-country skiers randomly more than the thrill of competition, has its traditional March Break trip to in Cuzco, there is still more than Olympics have upwards of forty. You the Summer Games: Speed-walking stop to shoot targets then do pen- they offer a sense of am bivalency, a Spanish-speaking country. In 2008, enough to soak in from the region. don’t get ridiculous “new” sports and table tennis. Speed-walking, a alty laps for every miss, not so much. setting ones desire to do well up we all remember a crew of nearly 20 The first day in Cuzco will in the Summer games by simply “sport” any one could view at their Everyone can watch the Summer against one’s desire to maintain students heading down to Costa Rica include an excursion to the “Sacred combining two other sports, like ski local track, watching 60 something Games and get pumped up rooting their body. What’s more interesting, for some fun with a group of Canadi- Valley of the Incas.” Although the site jumping and cross-country skiing year olds make their way around the for their country’s success, but with watching a skier throw himself down ans. Though the pack is not quite as may not be well known, there are together make up Nordic combined, quarter mile oval. The only entertain- the Winter Games, the casual fan of- a steep piece of ice or a sprinter big this year, there is no doubt that still many ancient ruins and other which is then suddenly treated like ment that this event, which stemmed ten flips right past NBC to something running in a straight line for 9.58 the trip to Peru will be exciting pieces of Incan history that should it is something completely different from Pedestrianism in 1880, guar- else more interesting. seconds or whatever the next world On March 12, Mr. Ryan make the day quite interesting. The and exciting than its two parts are antees is the spirited appeals of the What the answer to this record is? The chance of failure that Moore will be leading the group proceeding days will be similar to separately. Instead, in the Summer walkers when they are disqualified question will ultimately come down results in more than a bad finish, but comprised mostly of sophomores each other, but all the while exciting, Olympics you’ve got all the classics: for breaking the allowed technique to for most guys, though, can be a broken leg or worse, seems more and freshmen on their way to the as we will make various trips in and swimming, track and field, tennis, soc- which demands that “one foot must solved via a simple mathematical appealing and interesting. The ratio great country. After a series of flights out of famous Incan sites. cer, basketball, diving, cycling, the list appear to be in contact with the equation: Nastia Liukin + Shawn of risk to reward is more thought through Boston and Miami, the group The change of pace comes goes on and on. Even the ones most ground at all times.” While this event Johnson > Lindsey Vonn. Do the provoking for the athlete and the should arrive safely in the capital of on the seventh day when the group people have probably never seen calls into question the legitimacy math. You could even thrown in Ali- viewer, not only are they competing Lima. Though to American standards will travel to the quaint town of before, like water polo, are really cool of all events in the Summer Games cia Sacramone ( a Winchester native) against their fellow athletes, they Lima may still have some cleaning Andahuaylillas. Like Cuzco though to watch. it also poses the question: why not in there on the left to further prove are competing against the chang- up to do, it is nevertheless a beauti- much smaller in size, this town has In the Water Cube at Beijing just run? And then onto table tennis the point. ing conditions, the snow and the ful city with much to offer to those also held onto much of the Incan in 2008, it was extremely exciting to more commonly referred to as ping But let’s not lose sight of thoughts of a horrific crash. The Win- who visit it. After a rest at Lima’s Best past that once made up Peru. see world and Olympic records (a pong, which also does not need the the major points here. In the end, ter Game’s value lies not in that there Western, the group will awake to a Among the sites is the 17th century feature not included in the majority constant coverage of NBC for any it’s the memories that endure, and is competition between participants busy day of sightseeing and tour- Church of San Pedro, which is still of the winter sports) being shattered American can travel to a friend’s base- while the Winter Olympics have but because the participants are ing the city. For the day, we will be considered the Sistine Chapel of left and right, constantly keeping ment and watch a thrilling battle. A the Miracle on Ice the Summer competing against everything from accompanied by a local tour guide America by those who have been an eye on the timer in the corner of product of the British in 1800s table Games have certainly had their own the person next to them to the hired through the travel program. captivated by its beauty. the screen and the record line racing tennis, was often an after dinner ac- fair share as well. Notably, the U.S. conditions to the consequences of a With a knowledge about Peruvian life Perhaps the most en- right alongside the swimmers. I had tivity for Britain’s upper class and was Dream Team beat no opponent by small mistake which could leave you and culture, the guide will ensure that tertaining day during the trip will never paid any attention to profes- known as “Wiff-Waff” but was coined less than thirty-two points on the in a hospital. none of us leaves the city without be the excursion by boat on Lake sional swimming before the Beijing as “Ping Pong” by manufacturer J. way to the gold medal in Barcelona While the Summer Olympics getting a full taste of its rich flavor. Titicaca. The lake, one of the highest games but any time that Michael Jaques & Son Ltd in 1901. However, in 1992. The images of Kerry Strug offer an extremely high level of After a full day of enjoying navigable bodies of the water in the Phelps was racing it was impossible despite its humble beginnings the nailing a vault on one leg to earn competition, when compared to Lima, the group will return to the ho- world, holds some rich history. While for me not to tune it, following him as “after dinner activity” has emerged as the U.S. a gymnastics gold in 1996 the competition found in the winter tel for the second night. The next day on the lake, we will pay a visit to the he carved his place in history as the a competition worthy of an Olympic and Jesse Owens’s four gold medals Olympics, it lacks in comparison. will involve flying to and checking out totoro islands of the Uros Indians most-decorated Olympian in history. medal. No, no it isn’t. Sure it takes in the midst of the Nazi regime in The competition found in the Winter the new destination: Cuzco. This city, and hopefully become acquainted The way in which he got to that point some sort of athletic prowess, but is Berlin in 1936 will live on forever. It Games is reflected in the excitement the second largest in Peru, was once with their way of life. These Quecha- was incredible too, including Jason that prowess worthy of the Olympics? is moments like these that make the each event brings to the viewer and the ancient Incan capital hundreds of speaking Indians still have main- Lezak’s amazing comeback in the 4 The Olympics are supposed to ac- Summer Olympics so great, mo- it why the Winter Olympics are sim- years ago. Even with heavy Spanish tained many of their cultural cus- x 100 m freestyle relay and Phelps knowledge the world’s most athleti- ments that only hockey in the Winter ply superior to the summer games in influence, it is still the center for the toms that were prevalent even 500 beating out Serbian Michael Cavic by cally gifted humans and, by allowing Games can hope to match. every aspect. indigenous lifestyle in Peru. The city is years ago. After some experiences in one-one-hundredth of a second in also the starting point for many tour- this area that should be memorable, ists before they make their way up to the group will fly back to Lima and the well-known Machu Picchu village. later return home to Logan. Unfortunately, due to intense flood- T.A.S.T.E. Rocks Ward Hall BY CHRIS MARINO ‘10 was unable to make the trek to had a really strong stage presence Needham, and the game was moved and really got the crowd involved Basketball Finishes Strong With the winter season nearing the to the following afternoon. (including a duet with Keefe and end and spring break right around While it was certainly disap- his brother Tom Keefe ’11). Special the corner, the student body had a pointing to have some of the major thanks should go out to Mrs. Lynch, a victory as they faced Governor’s they took in the first half. The Arrows Continued from page 8 day of celebration planned – Winter events of Winter Fest 2010 moved, the concert chaperones and the Academy. Seb’s came out energetic dominated the game in the end Fest. This annual event was sched- the planned finale still occurred. The SADD Chapter for putting together a for revenge against Middlesex after and aggressive as they dominated winning 86-55. The team could not uled for February 26, 2010, however annual SADD Concert had a new great night. the Zebras defeated the Arrows last the Governor’s team, winning think of any better way to end their due to several coincidental happen- group performing, called T.A.S.T.E. Unfortunately the day did year in the tournament, but this triumphantly 77-63. The Arrows season then a triumphant victory ings, a majority of the festivities did The band’s frontman is fellow Arrow not go as planned but regardless revenge the Arrows did not find. On were pleased that they had finally where every senior on the team not occur. Originally, the schedule James Keefe. His band played a students still had the opportunity to this Friday night, nothing seemed ended their losing streak, but had scored in. During this game, the held a Chili Cook-off, a Varsity Bas- number of fantastic songs, ranging enjoy one aspect of Winter Fest, and to be going well for the Arrows as no time to celebrate as they were Arrows competed fiercely, but most ketball game against St. Paul’s and from their own self-made tracks to many took advantage of the great they went down 46-39. Seb’s had to face the league’s third-best team importantly, they had fun. the annual SADD Concert. However, some covers of well known songs. event. The whole point of the day now been on a 3 game losing streak, Milton Academy. The Milton team On Sunday afternoon, Mr. the Cook-off was postponed due to One of the highlights of the perfor- is to bring the school together, and which only looked like it would had acquired a new 6’11” center Morelli received the call informing us the Lenten obligations of “no meat mance was certainly a remix of Miley is definitely a great way to end the increase as they were set to face the and had been on a tear, defeating we had finished 9th in New England on Fridays.” Also, due to inclement Cyrus’ “Party in the U.S.A.,” which had winter season before the last portion league’s top two teams: St. Mark’s all of the teams in the ISL except for for private schools, which was a weather in New Hampshire, St. Paul’s everyone singing along. The band of the school year. and Lawrence Academy. Both of Lawrence and St. Mark’s. The Arrows phenomenal achievement, but sadly these teams are always in a league of needed this marquee win if they had meant that our season was over. their own atop the ISL and this year any playoff aspirations. St. Sebas- Despite just missing the playoffs, was no different. The Arrows fought tian’s came out to start the first half the atmosphere among the players courageously against both teams, with tremendous energy and drive was not angry and depressed, but but the overall height, speed, and as they went into the locker room instead satisfied and happy with the skill of both teams were too tough at half-time with a five point game. way we finished. to overcome. St. Mark’s is led by the The Arrows started the second-half The team graduated 8 reining Gatorade Player of the Year, with even more energy, creating an seniors, the most out of any season Nate Lubick, who is committed to intense, exciting, close game. The in Mr. Morelli’s tenure as coach, leav- play basketball at Georgetown on Arrows, however, came up short as ing 4 returning players for next year. a full ride. Lawrence Academy is the Mustangs were able to squeak These 8 seniors have put in a lot of led by junior point guard Shabazz out a 56-52 victory. Despite the dedication to the program and will Napier who is getting offers from vital loss, the Arrows still kept their leave behind a legendary legacy. many top D1 programs, in particular, heads high as they went into their A special thanks to coaches Memphis. The Arrows lost two both final game against St. Paul’s. This Morelli, Durgin, and Threatt for their of these powerhouses which left game would most likely serve as the continued hard work and effort them 7-5 in the ISL, on a dismal five- last game for the team comprised of throughout the season and to the game losing streak. eight dedicated seniors. The seniors team’s two captains, Ryan Hayes The Arrows were deter- took charge of this final game, ’10 and Ryan Kilcullen ’10, for their mined to reverse the trend and earn incredibly sinking almost every shot leadership and commitment. Sebs Alumnus James Keefe takes the stage with his band, T.A.S.T.E. at the SADD Concert March 2010 The Walrus: School News & Sports Page 7 Robotics Club Tries Hard Wrestling Takes Over about two months to try to figure and me, along with Connor’s dad, with each day. Furthermore, Andrew ‘Scarpone’ Fiore (140 lbs) showed BY A. DEMATTEO ‘10 out Robot C, the programming BY NICK CREEGAN ‘11 who was driving, set out (Donovan Sullivan (130 lbs) also continued to his dedication to the squad and the On Saturday, February 27th, the Ro- software, until finally Mr. Wilbur and Ward had the flu and unfortunately Four years ago, the small gym adja- improve both as a wrestler and a sport in his hard work and improve- botics Club traveled to Pathfinder Re- Donovan Ward got it working one couldn’t come). Mr. Wilbur would cent to the basketball team’s larger, teammate, displaying his future po- ment throughout the season. Finally, gional High School for its annual ro- day. The next main trouble was we meet us at the competition. We ar- hardwood court was solely used tential for both leadership and vic- Anthony D’Amato, Jordan Perry, and botics competition. We had prepared kept breaking the encoder wires, rived at Pathfinder at 7:55, and pro- for a few scattered games of dodge tory. Brian O’Malley (160 lbs) trained Nick Creegan( 152 lbs) each proved for it hard as it took many weeks to which send information from the ceeded to get to our station where ball and middle school basketball. I with passion and dogged effort each to be a valuable wrestlers to the Ar- finally get the robot working. After NXT brick, which runs the operation we set everything up and went to personally remember a single game day, resulting in arguably one of the rows squad and a difficult opponent late nights on both Wednesday and to the motors. the judging room, where they asked against Catholic Memorial that I most successful freshman seasons for numerous ISL wrestlers. Friday,while we had never actually From then on we could be- us questions about the robot: how played in the small gym during my an Arrow has ever had. Brian’s efforts The entire team was pro- practiced, we were confident going gin working on our design. Our first we built it, what our design did, and seventh grade year. However, three earned him a dominating presence pelled to victory by the vital leader- into the competition that we would idea was a pitching machine, which what our team was like. During the years ago, with the support and in the ISL and a final position of 9th ship of the seniors this year. Firstly, do reasonably well. we would use to shoot the balls into questioning the judges asked about determination of a group of seniors place in the New England Prep Wres- heavyweight Severin Chambers Every year there is a new the goal. Then we would have a our log book, which we conveniently from the class of 2009 and Mr. Ryan, tling Championship. In addition, returned to wrestle after a season- challenge to achieve. This year’s mini-gun on the back, which would forgot, but we got by without it. the St. Sebastian’s wrestling team was both Henry Kennedy and Matthew long injury last year to impact the game is a twelve by twelve square rotate and carry the balls up to the After the judges we went to the formed. McGuire (171 lbs) displayed impres- ISL and Arrows squad. Severin beat with 4 starting boxes in it. There are top of the machine were they would inspection room, where more judges Last year, in the team’s sec- sive strength and improving tech- numerous heavyweight wrestlers two teams, red and blue, which each be shot. We would pick up the balls inspected our robot to make sure ond season, they reached thirteenth nique that will result in sure success that weighed substantially more start on opposite sides of the field. with a flicker of sorts and flick them everything was legal, which it was. place in the Graves Kelsey ISL cham- in the future. Switching between than him and were more experi- The challenge is to shoot wiffle balls back onto a tray where they would There they taught us how to connect pionship meet. As a young program, both 189 lbs and 215 lbs were Mike enced; his hard work with Coach into the three goals, marked with funnel into the mini-gun. Unfortu- the robot to the computer wirelessly, the team’s success was a fantastic Petro and Scott Kingsley, two larger Lynch each practice proved to not your respective color, after knocking nately it didn’t work. via Bluetooth, and we were ready to precursor to the domination that was wrestlers that did not let their size only strengthen him, but increase his them out of a pipe with the robot Our next idea was using a start practicing on the practice field. yet to come. At these championships, hinder their speed, determination, awareness and skill. Severin is also by hitting a lever. The middle goal hammer on the end of a motor to go Just minutes before our first match, a number of Arrows wrestlers, such as and potential. The entire freshman notable for his good sportsmanship consists of two boxes raised about 2 golfing. This worked great, and we we hit four or five shots in a row, Paul Federico, Sean O’Malley, and Kyle class was surprisingly and admirably throughout the season, congratu- inches off the floor. One half is red had to experiment with the length and we were very confident that we White dominated their respective successful this season, upsetting lating and working with numerous and the other is blue. If you shoot a of the hammer to get it just right. would do well in the first rounds. weight classes. numerous key wrestlers in the ISL wrestlers in the ISL, particularly ball into this goal, you receive 1 point. From there we designed a chute to We carried the robot out This year, the Arrows and forging their position as future from Lawrence Academy. Finally, Above this goal is the five point goal. drop the balls down into the spot into the gym where the arena was, wrestling team seemed to face a champions in the league. senior Paul Federico (145 lbs) had It is a rotating basket with a nine where the hammer would strike and everything still was going great. reconstructive season. Worry and an- The freshman class was yet another historical, undefeated inch hole for the balls to go through. them. We fashioned a conveyor belt However during the human control ticipation faced the entire team and complimented by the valiant efforts season in the ISL. Paul’s leadership as There are two holes facing opposite to carry the balls up to the top of the period, we found that our left wheel coaching staff as the upcoming sea- of the rest of the team, comprised of a captain led the team to a unified, directions, one red, the other blue. machine, with Lego pieces zip-tied did not run, and the robot was turn- son quickly approached. The varsity five sophomores, four juniors, and enjoyable, successful season. Paul This basket is good for 5 points. The on acting as cups to hold them. The ing aimlessly in circles. The second squad at the beginning of the 2009- two seniors. Sophomore first-year wrestled nail-biting finals matches final hole is 4 feet outside the playing final part of our machine consisted round was even less successful than 2010 season was only comprised of wrestler Alex Morin, St. Sebastian’s in both the ISL and New England field. The ball has to be propelled of a bucket made of sheet metal the first; all we did was shoot balls five returning wrestlers; furthermore, first 103 pound varsity wrestler, be- tournament, during both of which out of the field in the air and land in attached to an arm which swung up randomly around, hoping to hit the team could only look to the gan an uncontested run against his he achieved a 2nd place victory. This the square bucket. Like the others, to dump the balls into a tray which something. One of our balls actually leadership of returning captain Paul competition in the ISL. In one of his impressive success earned Paul a trip one half is red and the other is blue. funneled the balls into the conveyor landed in one of our opponent’s Federico and senior Severin Cham- first matches, Alex fought defeat nu- to the National Tournament as well, This basket gives 10 points per ball. belt. From there the ball fell into robots, which promptly shot it into bers as the first match approached. merous times before finally pinning where he would also finish with a 1-2 During the thirty second autonomous the slot and the metal arm whipped the goal for five points. It was a Soon, however, the effort his opponent. At the end of the sea- record. period, the time where the robots run around and smacked it toward the disaster. For the next two and a half and passion of the wrestling squad son, St. Sebastian’s first 103 pound Next year, the Arrows by themselves, each team receives goal. hours, we and many other teams became impressively evident as the wrestler was one of two Arrows to wrestling team hopes not only to double points for every ball scored, The week before the tried to get it working. No one team began to dominate weight wrestle an undefeated season in the continue to fill and develop each and 5 and 10 points for opening their competition was extremely hectic. could. We determined that it was classes and opposition that had pro- ISL. At the ISL tournament, Morin weight class, but to proceed in the color ball chute. After the two minute The Wednesday before, everyone not the motor, but when we replace vided much difficulty in the past. achieved St. Sebastian’s first wres- upward, victorious swing the team human controlled period begins, worked until around 8:45 at night, the wiring, it still would not work. This year, the varsity wres- tling championship by beating many has experienced. The team hopes to anyone can knock out balls from any except the committed Ben Piersiak Experts checked and rechecked our tling team included an unusual six difficult, skilled wrestlers. At the finish even higher in the ISL tourna- chute. It is important to note that and Charles Conigliaro, who were code, but it was sound, no one knew freshman wrestlers. To the outside New England Prep Championship, ment this year, with numerous re- only during the final thirty seconds there until 10:30. Then, everyone what happened. Eventually we had eye, the St. Sebastian’s team seemed Alex also won 5th place, against an turning varsity wrestlers and an skill- of the human control period can the came in during parent-teacher to give up; no one had any more to have numerous holes in its lineup even more skilled and experienced ful graduating middle school class. teams shoot a ball into the outside conferences between nine and ten ideas of what to do. Still, there was that would be exploited throughout competition, which qualified him for Next year, the team captains will be bins. Also during this period the and was there for five more hours. one bright spot in our miserable fail- the season. However, as the season a trip to the National Tournament Robert Spencer, Nick Creegan, and teams can drop a yellow ball into play, Friday night was also hectic, as we ure: despite the fact that they were progressed, the freshman of the team (where he would go 1-2). Robert John Fiore, and the entire varsity which doubles the score of whichever worked on it from after school till competing against us, other teams showed their true potential as they Spencer faced some of the most im- team looks forward to another win- basket it lands in. about 8:00, and I stayed for another helped us out, even though it could began to win matches against wres- pressive competition in the league ning season. As the team develops, it This challenge was much hour preparing everything to take to have cost them. tlers 2-3 years older than them. Fresh- and nation in his most successful is evident that no longer is the little harder than last year’s, mainly the competition the next day. Just a final shout-out to all man Brandon Jones (119 lbs) had season to date. His undying efforts gym across the street made for ama- because it involved objects fling We woke up before six to the other people who claim to be in an extremely successful season, as will definitely prove to provide teur dodge ball games, but instead through the air, unlike last spring, get to school and leave by 6:20am. the robotics club: don’t show up for he wrestled with determination and the Arrows with much success in for the development of wrestling where all we had to do was dump the When we arrived, we made some the photo unless you actually go to heart each match, visibly improving years to come. Furthermore, John champions. plastic hockey pucks into the goal. last minute preparations with the meetings. Even our honorary mem- Also we faced another setback this help of Paul Lee, who kindly showed ber, Johnny Rodriguez, and Jared year with the departure of Mr. Mateo, up early for his drama festival to Chase showed up more than a good who is a programming genius, and help us. Then the four of us, Connor amount of you. Robby (Sasha) Harwood. It took us Wiik, Charles Conigliaro, Ben Piersiak, V. Skiing Off To Fine Start BY WILL VIETZE ‘11 great race results. In the first run I a crazy day. A thick fog settled right finished in third, with Nick Chappel over the course, making it extremely This year the St. Sebastian’s ski team closely following in fifth, beating out difficult for racers to maneuver the embarked on its very first season as a our Belmont Hill foes. Kevin Wolfe difficult courses. Nick Chappel took varsity sport. We did not know what and Richard Arms had similar results the silver medal in the giant slalom to expect from the season, but went once again, and the rest of the team race, although some believe a timing in with high hopes for success in the improved upon the last race. In the mistake robbed him of first. He also competitive ISL league. Last year our end we beat out Rivers and Lawrence finished fifteenth in a tough slalom team lacked the general appearance Academy, nearly edging out Milton race, putting him in tenth place of a team, so this year we bought in the overall standings. overall. The results for other racers new GS suits, decked out in arrows, The turning point of our season are not entirely certain due to bad to improve the overall style of the came while skiing at Stowe Moun- timing caused by the fog, so I do not team. With the style aspect taken tain in Vermont. On day two of the the exact results. The team overall care of, Ms. Rynne decided to create trip Nicholas “Talks With His Hands” had a great day finishing in ninth out a structured practice schedule, as Cortese was skiing down a steep trail, of fourteen teams, in our first New well as scheduled workouts.Before when he caught sight of a lonely England Championship. our first race we had two practices skier on the side of the trail. He After these relatively up at Nashoba Valley to figure out checked so see if the skier was a girl, easy giant slalom races, the league Michael Phelps executes a beautiful butterfly stroke -- Mr. Jenkins would be proud. the skill level of each skier, so that we so he could engage in lengthy con- decided to hold two slalom races. could have an accurate seeding order versation with her, only to discover Slalom is an extremely technical for the race. At these practices we that it was in fact not a girl. Dis- event in which the racer must swiftly started to work on racing technique, tracted by this, he hit a large mogul, maneuver around poles, which are Swimming Dominates but overall they were only scheduled and tumbled down the trail, in the placed in close proximity to each to get a feel for the team and for the process spraining his ankle. To make other. I couldn’t race in these slaloms The final score of the meet stood; St. in 24.97 and the 100 free in 55.91. snow. To say the least, our first race of due to a pesky concussion sustained Continued from page 8 Sebastian’s 683, Portsmouth Abbey Vandini swam the 200 IM in 2:35.16 a long story short, Cortese is an idiot. the season did not go as smoothly as On a more serious note, the next while training slalom, so I had a good seventh place with times of 6:31.72, 667, Landmark 332, and so on. The and the 100 fly in 1:06.80. Tambu- we had hoped. The bus casually rolled day the team trained with a local ski view of the races from the bottom. 7:05.75, and 7:10.77. In the 200 yard Arrows had captured first place in rello swam the 100 fly in 1:15. Mulroy up to school close to fifteen minutes instructor who imparted his wisdom Just from watching, it was easy to see freestyle relay, J. Supple, J. Adams, only their first year swimming at the swam the 50 free in 28.53 and the late, ensuring that we would not of racing upon the team. We trained a large gap between the top couple Spencer, and W. Adams won with a EIL Invitational Championships. 100 breast in 1:14.31. J. Adams make it to Nashoba on time and that gates and worked on many helpful guys and the rest of the pack. Nick new record of 1:36.28, and Bergeron, Also at this meet five swim- swam the 200 IM in 2:34.43 and the we would look like fools in the ISL. drills for most of the morning, receiv- Chappel had a great day, finishing in Hunnewell, Walker, and Tamburello mers were awarded All-League Hon- 100 back in 1:05.77. Many personal Nick Chappel luckily made his heat on ing constant tips from our instructor. second place behind an extremely finished in fourth in 1:51.87. ors for finishing in the top two in an records were set by these swimmers, time, but soon realized that his skis Every team member could honestly quick Middlesex racer. Both Richard After that was the 100 Individual event or swimming on the and Coach Jenkins was very excited were too long for the tight course, say that they improved after this ex- Arms and Kevin Wolfe had solid yard backstroke, in which J. Adams winning relay team. Vandini for the At the finals session later and thus did not achieve the results tremely productive morning at an in- finishes, as did Henry Finnegan, finished first with a new record 400 free relay, J. Adams for the 100 that night, W. Adams had a great he had hoped for. I personally missed credible mountain. The next day we Connor Wiik, James Astrue, and Chip time of 1:05.27. Hunnewell finished back and 200 free relay, Spencer in ninth palce finish in the 200 free my heat by a few seconds and had had our third race at Nashoba, which Cabot. Junior Varsity racers Patrick fifth in 1:18.88, and Walker finished the 100 breaststroke, 200 free relay in a time of 1:47.95 and a twelfth to race at the back of the pack along proved to be our best race up to that Ciapciak, Parker Hentz, Will Barnard, and 400 free relay, J. Supple in the 50 place finish in the 100 free in a eighth in 1:25.82. The last individual with Richard Arms. To add to the point, and the best race of the entire and Chris Riley found success on the free, 100 free, 200 free relay, and 400 time of 48.80, new team records even of the meet was the 100 yard troubles on the varsity side, our junior season. Nick Chappel impressively giant slalom course adjacent to the free relay, and W. Adams in the 200 in both events. The medley relay breaststroke and the Arrows were varsity skiers completely missed their finished the race in second place, varsity course. The next slalom did individual medley, 100 fly, 200 free of J. Adams, Mulroy, Vandini, and holding on to a mere seven point race and were not allowed to even ski. losing to Alex Katz of Nobles by only not go as smoothly as the first. Nick relay, and 400 free relay. W. Adams Tamburello finished in twenty-first lead. The team was lead by a great When I finally got onto the course, I fractions of a second. I finished in Chappel, Richard Arms, Kevin Wolfe, was also awarded MVP of the League place. The 200 free relay of Supple, race by Spencer who came in second hit a gate weirdly, dropped my pole, fifth place, followed by: Arms and and Nick Cortese fell, meaning that honors as voted on by the coaches. Vandini, Spencer, and W. Adams in 1:13. 85. Vanasse followed in sixth and then skied out of the course, Wolfe both in the thirties once again, only Chip Cabot, Henry Finnegan, In addition to this great finished in ninth place in 1:34.60, in 1:22.27, and Sullivan finished ending my day. Both Kevin Wolfe and Finnegan in the low forties followed and Connor Wiik finished. We techni- performance, seven swimmers, J. a new school record. And in the seventh in 1:23.15. With these Richard Arms finished with nearly the closely by James Astrue. Connor cally had once more race left in the Adams, W. Adams. J. Supple, Ricky 400 free relay, Supple, J. Adams, strong results, the team headed into same times, putting them in middle Wiik, who moved up to varsity, due season, but it didn’t really count Mulroy ’10, Spencer, Vandini, and Spencer, and W. Adams finished in the final event of the meet, the 400 of the ISL pack. In the seventh seed to Cortese’s injury, fell on his second since most teams did not attend. We Tamburello also qualified for the fourteenth in 3:33.21. The Arrows yard freestyle relay with an eight for our team James Astrue had a run. The next week we had another would’ve liked to end the season on New England Prep School Cham- as a team finished in fifteenth place point lead over Portsmouth Ab- solid finish as well as fifth seed Nick giant slalom at Nashoba, with similar a better note, but we were happy bey. The relay of J. Supple, Vandini, pionships. During the morning overall and fourth in the small school Cortese, helping the team out by results to the previous week, except with the season as a whole. Next year Spencer, and W. Adams had not session, W. Adams finished tenth division, an improvement over last finishing, since Henry Finnegan also that Chip Cabot replaced James we hope to see even more improve- been defeated in the race all season, place in both the 100 and 200 yard year’s performance, capping of the didn’t finish. We came into the race Astrue on the varsity roster. ment, and hopefully move into the and they defended their streak by freestyle, qualifying for the finals perfect season with much success. wanting to prove we could compete, Next came the most important race top five of the league and hopefully winning in a record time of 3:35.51. session in both events, to be swum The season is finished for now, but but failed to do so, but came into the of the season, the New England the top five at New England’s. Chip Bergeron, W. Supple, Walker, and Va- later that night. J. Supple swam the the team looks for new faces to join next race with an increased vigor. We Championships held at Mount Snow. Cabot is the only member of the nasse held off the other Portsmouth 50 free in 22.94 and the 100 free in them next season in their quest for a had exams that week and were all in I could not attend due to a concus- team who is leaving, so next year our Abbey relay to finish in fourth place. 50.73. Spencer also swam the 50 free third straight undefeated season. a mental fog, but we came out with sion, but from what I’ve heard, it was goals are completely within reason. ARROWS SPORTS

Vol LXIII, No. 5 St. Sebastian’s School March 2010 Hockey Team Ends Strong, Bright Future Lies Ahead

BY ALEX SPEAR ‘11 Coffey put in the game’s first goal got into some trouble with penalties, as a result of solid passing between and Belmont Hill quickly took ad- The St. Sebastian Varsity Hockey he and line mates O’Reagan and Joe vantage of the penalty, scoring two Team’s lengthy season came to a Prescott ’12. Midway through the goals within five minutes to make close in the latter days of February, first, the Rebels tied up the game. the game a thriller. Anyone who and their overall record of fifteen In the second period, Lawrence had thoughts of a “Fenway Game wins, eleven losses, and one tie controlled the puck for the most repeat” couldn’t have been more (overall) is proof that this season part, but the Seb’s defense and wrong—stalwart Arrow defense, a was a successful. The team—led by Sophomore Goalie Gordon Donnelly third O’Reagan goal, and impeccable Coaches McCann, Doherty, Lalor, and played outstanding defense to keep goalkeeping from Junior Donny Mc- Captain Tom O’Reagan ’10—fought their team in the game. The second Guirl wrapped up a fantastic Arrow through three months of hockey in period ended with the same score victory over Belmont Hill, 4-2. arguably the most competitive, fast- as the first—one to one—and in the In the final week of the paced, and toughest league in the third period Bergin ripped a shot season, the Arrows played Lawrence United States of America, The Keller from the point on the power play to Academy once more and then took Lax Bro Peter Burke ‘10 pushes the puck up the ice as Don McGuirl ‘11 looks on from the net. Division on the Independent School’s give the Arrows a 2-1 lead and give down Thayer Academy, 3-2, from League (ISL). And with six seniors, Bergin his third goal in two games. some late-game heroics at Walter four juniors, five sophomores, and Lawrence Academy brought on the Brown Arena, Boston University’s for- four freshmen, the Arrows earned an pressure in the remaining minutes of mer hockey rink. The Arrows finished impressive record above .500. the third, but Donnelly kept the puck off their season with outstanding Resilient Varsity Basketball So here’s the game-plan: out of the net and O’Reagan sealed play, capping off a great season. first, let’s see how the Red and Black the deal with an empty netter…3-1 The team’s season was capped off their season in Febru- W. Donnelly had an outstanding indeed a great one—from the 12-1 Finishes 9th in New England ary, then we’ll go over some of the performance saving 47 shots on assault on Brooks, to the Christmas season’s highlights, and, to wrap up, net from the Rebels. In the next few Tournament Win, to the Mutch Cup BY DAVE RUFFOLO ‘10 February would be an extremely their shots were not falling. The you can expect a rundown of what days, the squad dropped two more Victory, to the unforgettable Fenway The St. Sebastian’s Varsity Basketball difficult month for them. After com- game winded down as the Arrows we can expect for next year. tough games against St. Paul’s and Game, to the overtime win over Gov- team finished the year with a very re- pleting the first month of the season were not able to pull it together The Arrows began the Governor’s Academy, but these two ernor’s Academy, to the exciting win spectable 14-9 (9-6 in the ISL) record. undefeated (7-0) in the ISL, the team ultimately losing 56-52. This loss felt month of February, their final season games led up to the one of the most over Belmont Hill, and all the way The team competed valiantly to the had high hopes and aspirations. But, bitter because it was the first ISL loss of play, against a very talented exciting games of the season—St. to the dramatic season-ending win end, just missing out on an invitation each player knew that the easy part for the team against a team the Ar- Milton Academy team. This meeting Seb’s vs. Belmont Hill…the Arrows over Thayer Academy, the coaches to the NEPSAC tournament. While of their schedule was over and it was rows knew they should have beaten. was the third between the Arrows vs. the Sextants (??)…or, in the and the players are very happy with missing the tournament left some now time to embark in the ardu- The Arrows had no time to and Mustangs—thus a great game words of Vice President Joe Bergeron the season on the whole. players feeling bitter, the year can ous month of February facing the feel sorry for themselves, however, was expected and a great game was ‘10: “Men vs. boys” (you know which Senior defensemen Mike only be viewed as a success as the league’s top competition. February as they were to compete against the delivered. In the first period, Milton team is named “Men” and which Ewing and Robbie Donahoe, senior team worked extremely hard from began with a home game against new and improved Rivers squad on Academy’s forwards took advantage is “boys”). Seb’s had the home-ice forwards Tom O’Reagan, Peter Burke, start to finish. The basketball team BB&N. The Arrows were determined Friday night. The Arrows were ready of a breakdown in the Arrows’ defen- advantage, and they sure took full Mike Green, and Ryan Coffey are lost its two main contributors last to keep their undefeated record to leave behind their sad thoughts sive crew after just a minute and half advantage of it. Right from the first leaving this year, and their presence year, Greg Jacques and Corey Willis, alive, but ran into some trouble early about the BB&N game and earn a in to the period and netted their first face-off, this game was fast, this surely will be missed. But with next and the team quickly filled their shoes against the Knights. The Arrows great victory against Rivers. The goal to take a one to nothing advan- game was physical, and this game year’s returning seniors in Donny and continued on without skipping a were used to seeing man defense Arrows competed hard, but they had tage. That would be all of the scoring was just great hockey to watch. At McGuirl, Desmond Bergin, Gerard beat. Looking back, if anybody said the entire year and were caught to give credit to Rivers Red Wings as for nearly the remainder of the game the end of the first period, the score McEleney, and Joe McIntyre, along that the team would finish 9th in New a little off guard as the Knights they were able to respond to each of as the rest of the first period show- was 1-0 in favor of The Men, coming with all of the underclassmen, the England, being the last team cut for employed zone defense. After going the Arrows late game pushes to earn cased back-and-forth, fast-paced from a Tom O’Reagan goal. To start team should be in great shape for the 8 team tournament, everybody down at halftime, the Arrows came a 53-43 victory. The Arrows then had hockey. In the second period, how- the second period, the Hillies had a next year—especially since both would be happy. back rejuvenated and focused the little time to regroup as they were ever, the Arrows controlled the puck 5-on-3 man advantage, but the Ar- goalies are returning, which is key. Looking at the schedule in in the second half. The Arrows were set to face Middlesex. Seb’s sought in their offensive zone, but couldn’t rows penalty killers squandered the From the entire school, playing good defense and getting formulate opportunities because of early December, the St. Sebastian’s CONTINUED on page 6 attack, leading the way for another we congratulate the players, the Varsity Basketball team knew that good shots, the only problem was some tough Milton defense. In fact, O’Reagan goal and, later, a Ryan Cof- coaches, and junior managers Dan both defenses stepped up signifi- fey goal. With a 3-0 lead, the Arrows Aisenberg and Charlie Callanan on a cantly in the period, shown by the great season. combined seven shots on goal for period number two. The third period was a thriller—more back-and-forth plays like in the first period, but with more scoring chances and some Varsity Results outstanding goalkeeping from both sides. As the clock started to wind down in the third period, the Arrows had a 5-on-3 Power play, but could not find the back of the net despite Varsity Basketball: a bunch of exciting chances. The Mustangs squandered the Arrows’ power play, and ended up tallying St. Mark’s L 74-53 their second goal with an empty- netter with about a minute left in the third. A great game, but a tough Lawrence L 78-61 loss for the Arrows. Three days later, the Arrows ventured off to Tabor Governor’s W 77-63 face-off against the Sea Wolves in the annual “Travis Roy Cup,” which honors former Boston University Milton L 56-52 hockey player, Travis Roy. For those of you who do not know Travis Roy’s story, he was recruited by the Boston St. Paul’s W 86-55 University Terriers to play hockey, and in his first shift as a freshman, Ryan Kilcullen ‘10 looks to score as he blasts past a Tabor opponent on his way to the hoop. he was hit from behind into the boards, leaving him paralyzed. Today, he speaks to high school kids and Varsity Hockey: younger children about his life and Swimming Finishes the significance of education. Roy attended the game, and a multitude St. Paul’s L 2-1 of fans gathered in Tabor’s Ice Rink in support of Travis Roy and the two teams. As for the game itself, the Ar- Governor’s L 5-4 Undefeated Yet Again rows applied tons of pressure earlier, and a Tabor goal snuck in between 29.21, and Marlon Matthews ’14 in Belmont Hill W 4-2 Vanasse ’10, Joe Tamburello ’13, the pressure from Seb’s. Midway BY WILL ADAMS ‘11 tenth place in a time of 34.57. Half and Cam Kelly ’14 finished in sixth through the second period, Junior way through the meet, the Arrows place overall in 2:20.05. The Arrows Desmond Bergin rushed the puck UNDEFEATED. found themselves in more comfort- Lawrence L 5-3 trialed Portsmouth Abbey by just end-to-end and finished his chance The Arrows recently capped able fifteen point lead. eight points after the first event. a goal as he whipped a wrist shot off another perfect season by defeat- After the brief intermission, The 200 yard freestyle followed the above the Tabor goalie’s blocker. In Thayer W 3-2 ing the Pingree School and Milton W. Adams narrowly edged a swim- relay. Kelly finished in ninth place in the second half of the second period, Academy in their final two meets of mer from Berwick Academy to set 2:39.01, W. Supple seventh place in Tabor took advantage of their op- the year, bringing their record to 10- another league record with a time 2:26.95, Hunnewell fifth in 2:21.97, portunities, scoring three goals in 0. At these two meets, juniors John of 55.07 in the 100 yard butterfly. and J. Adams fourth in 2:16.00, a short amount of time. In the third Barrack, Lou Heck, and Paul Lee swam Vandini and Tamburello finished in which put the Arrows in first place period, Bergin scored another goal, well in what would be the final meets fourth and fifth place with times of Varsity Wrestling: by a single point after two events. this time from the point on a power of their season, as they were unable 1:13.74 and 1:17.22, respectively. The next race was the 200 play. Down by two, the Red and to attend the League Championships Next, J. Supple lead the Arrows in yard individual medley. The Arrows Black peppered a few more shots on ISL Graves Kelsey 10th Place on February 28. the 100 yard freestyle in a time of were lead by Will Adams ’11, who net, but none found their way past At the League Champion- 49.43, a new league record. An- won the race with a time of 2:03.61, the opposing goalie. With a late third ships, the first race was the 200 yard drew Spencer ’10 followed in third a new league record. Vandini fol- period goal, Tabor defeated Seb’s 5-2. medley relay, two laps of each stroke in 55.43, Bergeron captured fifth lowed in fourth place in 2:37.69, Although dealing with two with an exchange of swimmers after in 1:04.55, and Matthews finished Tamburello finished sixth in 2:45.98, tough losses, the team impressively each stroke. Jack Adams ’15, Sean twelfth in 1:26.14. The next event Varsity Swimming: and Sullivan captured eight in the bounced back as they hopped on Sullivan ’11, Matt Vandini ’13, and was the 500 yard freestyle in which race in 3:03.13. In the next race, the the bus and took the long voyage to Alex Hunnewell ‘11finished in third W. Supple, Kelly, and Brad Walker 50 yard freestyle, Jack Supple ’10 Lawrence Academy. The first period place in the event with a time of won in a record time of 22.57 follwed ’10, finished in fifth, sixth, and EIL Tournament 1st Place 2:03.34 earning themselves a bronze was hectic one and gave the fans by Joe Bergeron ’10 in fourth place CONTINUED on page 7 tons of action. Senior forward Ryan medal, while Will Supple ’15, John in 28.82, Vanasse in sixth place in