Socialist Integration Varangians in Russian Historiography
Joint Efforts for Disarmament Socialist Integration Problems of the Theoretisotion ^ of Knowledge Varangians in Russian Historiography Developing Countries and Transnational Corporati Literary Criticism in the System of Culture Youth and Society A quarterly of (he Section of the Social Sciences. USSR Academy of Sciences. Founded in 1970. Published in MoscoijD in English, and also in French. Sciences Soclales; in German, Gesselscliaftswissenschaften; in Spanish, Ciencias Sociales and in Portuguese, Ciencias Socials The journal is published by agreement: in Bengali, Sainaj Bijnan (Bingsha Shatabdi Publishers, Calcutta, India); in Japanese, .Shakai Kagakti (Shakai Kagaku, Co., Tokyo, Japan); in Greek, Kinoiiikes epistenie.'i (Planet Publishers, Athens, Greece); in .Arabic, .M Uluin al-ljliiiia'it/a (Dar al-Farabi Publishers, Beirut, Lebanon) iti Portuguese, (".Avante!" Publishers, Lisbon, put out tbe edition lor circulation in Portugal). The Spanish edition is reprinted in Colombia by Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Sociales (CEIS) Publishers, Bogota. Since 1976 the Editorial Board has been publishing the journal Obshchestvennie nauki (Social Sciences) In Russian. It appears six times a year. For subscriptions apply to national distributors dealing with V/O "Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga" that are listed at the end of this issue. © Social Sciences, 1979 Reprints authorised with written permission from the Editorial Board. "Social Sciences" Editorial Office, 33/12 Arbat, Moscow, 121002, USSR USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Philosophy History SOCIAL Economics Politics SCIENCES Sociology Law Philology Vol. X, No. 2 1979 Psychology Ethnography Archaeology CONTENTS To the Reader 5 B. Ponomaryov For Cooperation In the Struggle Against the Arms Race and for Disarmament 7 P. Fedoseyev The Philosophy of Marxism and Scien tific Cognition 23 Socialist integration Yu.
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