The Tennessee -& Magazine
Ansearchin ' News, vol. 47, NO. 4 Winter zooo (( / - THE TENNESSEE -& MAGAZINE THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 9114 Davies Pfmrauon Road on rhe h~srorkDa vies Pfanrarion Mailng Addess: P. O, BOX247, BrunswrCG, 737 38014-0247 Tefephone: (901) 381-1447 & BOARD MEMBERS President JAMES E. BOBO Vice President BOB DUNAGAN Contributions of all types of Temessee-related genealogical Editor DOROTEíY M. ROBERSON materials, including previously unpublished famiiy Bibles, Librarian LORElTA BAILEY diaries, journals, letters, old maps, church minutes or Treasurer FRANK PAESSLER histories, cemetery information, family histories, and other Business h4anager JOHN WOODS documents are welcome. Contributors shouid send Recording Secretary RUTH REED photocopies of printed materials or duplicates of photos Corresponding Secretary BEmHUGHES since they cannot be returned. Manuscripts are subject Director of Sales DOUG GORDON to editing for style and space requirements, and the con- Director of Certiñcates JANE PAESSLER tributofs narne and address wiU & noted in the publish- Director at Large MARY ANN BELL ed article. Please inciude footnotes in the article submitted Director at Large SANDRA AUSTIN and list additional sources. Check magazine for style to be used. Manuscripts or other editorial contributions should be EDITO-. Charles and Jane Paessler, Estelle typed or printed and sent to Editor Dorothy Roberson, 7 150 McDaniel, Caro1 Mittag, Jeandexander West, Ruth Reed, Belsfield Rd., Memphis, TN 38 119-2600. Kay Dawson Michael Ann Bogle, Kay Dawson, Winnie Calloway, Ann Fain, Jean Fitts, Willie Mae Gary, Jean Giiiespie, Barbara Hookings, Joan Hoyt, Thurman Members can obtain information fiom this file by writing Jackson, Ruth O' Donneii, Ruth Reed, Betty Ross, Jean TGS.
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