Congressional Record-Senate. 31
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1901. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 31 . INFANTRY ARM. Walter T. Duggan, Tenth Infantry. Lieut. Col. Stephen P. Jocelyn, Twenty-fifth Infantry, to be Leon A. Matile, Fourteenth Infantry. colonel, February 28, 1901, vice Wheaton, Seventh InfantryJ ap Butler D. Price~ Fourth Infantry. pointed brigadier-general, United States Army. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMEYT, Lieut. Col. Charles Keller, Twenty-second Infantry, to be colo nel, February -8, 1901, vice Davis, Twenty-third infantry, ap Capt. John T. French, jr., to be quartermaster with the rank pointed brigaruer-general, United States Army. of major. Lieut. Col. WilJiam F. Spurgin, Sixteenth Infantry, to be REGISTER OF THE LAND OFFICE, colonel, March 1, 1901, vice Hall, Fourth Infantry, appointed John W. Miller, of Wisconsin, to be register of the land office brig11dier-general, United States AJ:my. at Wausau, Wis. Lieut. Col. Charles .A. Coolidge, Ninth Infantry, to be colonel. POSTMASTER. March 2, 1901, vice Daggett, Fourteenth Infantry, appointed brjgadier-general, United States Army. Ira R. Allen, to be postmaster at Fairhaven, Vt. Lieut. Col. Charles A. Dempsey, First Infantry, to be colonel, March 4, 1901, vice Bates, Second Infantry, appointed brigadier general, United States Army. Lieut. Col. William E. Dougherty, Seventh Infantry, to be SENATE. colonel, March 5, 1901, vice Randall, Eighth Infantry, api>Ointed SATURDAY, brigadier-general, United States Army. March 9, 1901. Maj. William V. Richards, Seventh Infantry, to be lieutenant Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. colonel, February 28, 1901, vice Jocelyn, Twenty-1ifth Infantry, The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro promoted. ceedings. Maj. Theodore F. Forbes, Fifth Infantry, to be lieutenant Mr. SIMON. I ask the unanimous consent of the Senate that colonel, February 28, 1901, vice Keller, Twenty-second Infantry, the further reading of the Journal be dispensed with. promoted. , Mr. MONEY. I object. Maj. David B. Wilson, Twenty-fifth Infantry, to be lieutenant The VICE-PRESIDENT. Objection is made. The Secretary colonel, March 1, 1901, vice Spurgin, Sixteenth Infantry, pro will proceed with the reading. moted. The Secretary resumed and concluded the reading of the J ourna1. Maj. Walter .T. Duggan, Tenth Infantry, to be lieutenant The VICE-PRESIDENT. Without objection, the Journal will colonel, March 2, 1901, vice Coolidge, Ninth Infantry, promoted. stand approved. Maj. Leon .A. M.atile, Fourteent~ Infantry, to be lieutenant colonel, March4, 1901, vice Dempsey, First Infantry, promoted. SWEARING IN OF PRESIDENT PIW TEMPORE. Maj. Butler D. Price, Fourth Infantry, to be lieutenant-colonel, Mr. ALLISON. As a question of privilege, I ask that the oath :March 5, 1901, vke Dougherty, Seventh Infantry, promoted. be now administered to the President pro tempore of the Senate. POSTMASTER. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The President protempore will please Ira R. Allen, to be postma..ster at Fair Haven, in the county 'Of advance to the desk and take the oath. Rutland and State of Vermont, in place of Ira R . .Allen, whose Mr. FRYE was. escorted to the Vice-President's desk by Mr. commission expired March 1, 1901. (Reappointed.) ALLISON,and the oath prescribed bylaw was administered to him. SE~ATOR FROM OREGON, CONFIRMATIONS. Mr. SIMON. Hon. John H, Mitchell, who was chosen by the · • Executit•e nominations conji7"1Jted by the Senate Ma1·ch 8, 1901. legislature of the State of Oregon a Senator from that State for the term commencing March 4, 1901, is present. His credentials · DISTRICT JUDGE. have heretofore been filed, and I ask that the oath of office be now J. Otis Humpbrey, of Illinois, to be United States district judge administered to him. for the southern district of Illinois. The VICE-PRESIDENT. It wfll be so administered. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY. Mr. Mitchell was escorted to the Vice-President's desk by Mr. SrnoN. Thomas Worthington, of Illinois, to be attorney of the United rManifestations of applause in the galleries.] States for the southern district of Illinois. The VICE-PRESIDENT. If there is any applause the Sergeant RECEIVER OF PU13LIC MONEYS. at-Arms will be directed to clear the galleries. James L. Mcintosh, jr., of Sidney, Nebr., to be receiver of pub The oath prescribed by law having been administered to Mr. lic moneys at Sidney, Nebr. MITCHELL, he took his seat in the Senate. CONSULS. Sundry messages in writing from the President were com Frank C. Dennis, of Mah:.e, to be consul of the United States at municated to the Senate by Mr. 0. L. PRUDEN, one of his secre St. Johns, Newfoundland. taries. Ernest A. Man, of Florida, to be consul of the United States at COMMITTEE ON INTEROCEANIC CANALS. Bre lau, Germany. Mr. MORGAN. Mr. President, I wish to ask the consent of the Martin J. Carter, of Pennsylvania, to be consul of the United Senate, and to make a brief statement before I present the request. States at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. The Senator from Oregon, Ron. Mr. McBride, who has just re SECRETARIES OF LEG.ATIO~ • tired from this body, was a member of the Committee on Inter· Robert H. Green, of Kentucky, to be secretary of the legation oceanic CanaJ.s, and a very highly valued member of that commit of the United States to Guatemala and Honduras. tee. His successor, Mr. MITCHELL, who has just been sworn in, Philip M. Brown, of Massachusetts, to be second secretary of bas been a long time familiar with that subject and perhaps has th~ legation of the United States at Constantinople, Turkey. given as much study to it as any person in this country. Inas much as the vacancy exists, which ought to be filled, for reasons PROliOTIO~S L~ THE ARMY. that I need not now state to the Senate, I thought I would ask the CAVALRY ARM. Senate that by unanimous consent Mr. MITCIIELL might be put Lieut. Col. William M. Wallace, Second Cavalry, to be colonel. upon that committee as a member, vice Mr. McBride, who has re Maj. Eugene D. Dimmick, Tenth Cavalry, to be lieutenant-colo tired from the Senate. nel. I wish to say just one word more. I do not know of any ar Capt. George L. Scott, Sixth Cavalry, to be major. rangement which has been made about the committees, and I do not propose to interfere with any arrangement that is made or any liD'ANTRY ARM. that is likely to be made. I merely make this an exceptional case Lieutenant-colonels to be colonels. on account of the peculiarity of the circumstances. Stephen P. Jocelyn, Twenty-fifth Infantry. I therefore ask unanimous consent that Mr. MITCHELL be placed Charles Keller, Twenty-second Infantry. upon the Committee on' Interoceanic Canals. William F. Spurgin, Sixteenth Infantry. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from asks Uharles A. Coolidge, Ninth Infantry. ·unanimous consent that the vacancy upon the Committee on In Charles A. Dempsey, First Infantry. teroceanic Canals be filled by the appointment of the Senator from William E. Dougherty, Seventh Infantry. Oregon rMr. MITCHELL]. Is there objection? The Chair hears none, and the vacancy is so filled. Maj01•s to be lieutenant-eolonels. Mr. HOAR. Mr. President, for very obvious reasons no one William V. Richards, Seventh Infantry. objected to the request of the Senator from Alabama, but I feel Theodore F. Forbes, Fifth Infantry. bound to say that the repetition of such a request from a single David B. Wilson, Twenty-fifth Infantry. Senator, without consultation with either ~ide of the Chamber, 32 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARcH 9, would give rise to great inconvenience, and if another such re LIEUT. COL, H, 0. S. HEISTAND. quest be made from any quarter I shall feel bound to object to it. Mr. HAWLEY submitted the following resolution; which was The VICE-PRESIDENT. The presentation of petitions and considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: memorials is in order. · - Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs have leave to sit during PETITIONS, the coming recess of Congress and to make the investigation ordered by Sen ate resolution No. 583, agreed to during the second session of the Fifty-sixth Mr. FOSTER of Washington presented the petition of E. F. Congress, and to act by full committee or subcommittee, and to administer Knight and sundry other citizens of Vancouver, Wash., and the oaths by subcommittee, and summon witnesses, and send for persons and petition of W. J. Stoddard and sundry other citizens of Pleasant papers. Prairie, Wash., praying for the enactment of legislation t_o pro NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. hibit the sale of intoxicating liquors, opium, and firearms m the The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate a New Hebrides and other islands of the Pacific; which were referred resolution coming over from the preceding day, which will be to the Committee on Foreign Relations. read. Mr. HOAR presented the petition of H. F. Janes and 23 oth~r The Secretary read the resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. · citizens of Worcester, Mass., praying for the enactment of legis HoAR, as follows: lation to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors, opium, and fire Resolved, That a committee to consist of two Senators be appointed by the arms in the New Hebrides and other islands of the Pacific; which Chair to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that, unless he may have some further communication to make, the Senate is was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. ready to adjourn without day. He also presented the petition of F. 0. Cunningham and 51 other citizens of Massachusetts, praying for the adoption of an amend The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to the ment to the Constitution to prohibit polygamy; which was referred resolution.