Economic Impacts of Drought on Water Users of Umhlathuze Municipality of South Africa

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Economic Impacts of Drought on Water Users of Umhlathuze Municipality of South Africa © JHE 2020 J Hum Ecol, 69(1-3): 127-133 (2020) PRINT: ISSN 0970-9274 ONLINE: ISSN 2456-6608 DOI: 10.31901/24566608.2020/69.1-3.3211 Economic Impacts of Drought on Water Users of uMhlathuze Municipality of South Africa Ntandoyenkosi Nokuthula Buthelezi1, B.K. Rawlins2, Kehinde D. Ilesanmi3 and Abiodun Omotayo Oladejo4 1Department of Hydrology, University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa 3886, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa E-mail: 2Department of Hydrology, University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa 3886, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa Email: 3Department of Economics, University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa 3886, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa E-mail: 4Department of Sociology, University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa 3886, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa E-mail: KEYWORDS Drought. Economic Impacts. KwaZulu Natal. Lake Mzingazi. uMhlathuze ABSTRACT The 2015-2016 drought severely affected KwaZulu Natal, one of the Provinces in South Africa, and undercut its economy. Although the drought’s economic impacts on the Province are to some degree covered in literature, however, there is lacking any research inquiry into the impacts of the drought on uMhlathuze Municipality, which is an important economic hub in the Province. This paper, therefore, investigates the economic impacts of the 2015-2016 droughts on commercial agriculture and industrial activities in uMhlathuze Local Municipality. Relying on field observation and the use of secondary data, the findings showed that the 2015-2016 drought impacted flows in rivers, lakes’ water level, agricultural sector, industrial sector and other sectors, which operations depend on water availability, and reduced the share of the gross domestic product contributed by the Municipality. The study recommends improved water conservation and redistribution strategy that ensures judicious water use and efficient drought preparedness. INTRODUCTION the supply of natural resources such as food, water for domestic use, farming and herding, Water plays an important role in the socio- agro-based raw materials, forest resources and economic life of any society given its centrality seafood, to mention but a few (Maia et al. 2015; to rain-fed agriculture and water-dependent in- Abrams 2003; Bradford and Bell 2017). It has dustrial activities (Freund et al. 2018; Mniki 2009). been described as a threat multiplier capable of Therefore, water stress, in form of drought, con- producing knock-on hazards and conditions that stitutes a serious climate change issue today. threaten human lives with such problems as loss Drought is defined as an extended period of of land, persistent poverty, displacement and abnormally dry weather with less precipitation migration, and may trigger competition over in- causing resource imbalances. It is a natural haz- creasingly scarce natural resources, which can ard that results from a deficiency of precipita- result in societal tensions (Assembly 2010). So- tion from expected or normal, which results in cio-economically, drought is regarded as the most shortage of water supply for socioeconomic ac- severe natural disaster in terms of its impact on tivities (Wilhite et al. 2007; Estrela and Vargas livelihoods and gross domestic product (GDP) 2012). Drought negatively impacts various sec- of people and countries across the world (Buck- tors of the economy due to their dependence on land and Eele 2000). Drought results in low crop water for production of goods and services yield, famine and other conditions, which lead (Wilhite et al. 2007; Maia et al. 2015; Tànago et to loss of crop, death of animals, and stagnant al. 2016; Kilimani et al. 2018). Drought threatens economic growth (Mniki 2009). In some cases, it 128 NTANDOYENKOSI NOKUTHULA BUTHELEZI, B.K RAWLINS, KEHINDE D. ILESANMI ET AL. leads to increase in farmers’ suicide rate. For the water demand and deplete the resources example, Katalakute et al. (2016) reported a thir- available. The results further revealed that ma- ty-five percent increase in farmers’ suicide in jor losses were experienced, which included the the State of Maharashtra, India between 2011 number of livestock mortalities owing their oc- and 2015 as a result low crop yield cause by currence to the drought. Mniki (2009) examined drought. It has been argued that drought is one the economic impacts of the 2004 drought-in- of the consequences of un-circumspect exploi- duced disasters on farmowners of Nkonkobe tation of nature’s resources and the concentra- Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Province of tion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (Ibra- South Africa. The findings revealed that the crop him 2010; IPCC 2007). A contrary argument sug- production and size was reduced during the gests that drought is simply a natural phenome- drought period. Drought-related impacts are non, which is not caused by anthropogenic fac- more severe in areas with the overall yearly food tors (Ashraf and Routray 2013). Regardless of deficit, and these effects include losses in crop these opposing views, drought remains an exis- production and livestock, loss of national eco- tential threat across the world today. nomic growth and development, income loss for The world over, African countries and other farmers, the decline in food production and in- developing have experienced the highest level crease food prices, and unemployment from drought-related casualties (Masinde et al. 2018). drought-related production losses. On the so- cial aspects, there is food shortages as a result In these countries, drought has a great impact of drought occurrence (malnutrition, famine), on economic performance due to the fact that loss of life from food shortage and drought-re- these economies depend on rain-fed agriculture, lated conditions, the conflict between water us- which accounts for over seventy percent of food ers and water authorities, increased poverty, the production, employment and income generation decline in living conditions in rural areas (Wilhite (Masinde et al. 2018). In this respect, evaluating 2005). the impact of drought is important in formulat- In South Africa, water shortfall occasioned ing drought mitigation and adaptation policies by regular exposure to unfavourably low rainfall (Logar and van den Bergh 2013). and unfavourably high temperature coupled Several studies have been conducted on the with increased water demands that far exceed its intensity of drought, the impacts of drought in- supply is a huge challenge. Drought has been troducing new strategies and policies to miti- cutting jobs in South Africa (Johnston 2009), gate it. For example, Howitt et al. (2015) exam- and it is partly responsible for worsening living ined the economic impact of the 2014 drought conditions of rural and agrarian communities in on agriculture in California. Findings of the study South Africa. In KwaZulu Natal, drought remains revealed that the drought was responsible for a major challenge to agro-allied activities (Piet- great reductions in water availability, ground- erse 2019) and responsible for why scarce fresh- water availability, low crop yield and ultimately water resources are under extreme pressure to loss of revenue and jobs. It is estimated that in sustain the fast-growing agricultural and indus- 2015, a total of USD 2.74 billion losses were re- trial activities in the Province. The Province’s corded as well as 21,000 jobs losses as a result experience during 2015-2016 drought was exten- of drought during the period (Howitt et al. 2015). sive and it touched crop production, herding, In addition to that, California lost a total of USD and it strained domestic and industrial water use. 1.3 billion in gross domestic product due to Although, theoretical and empirical literature drought. Similarly, Ngaka (2012) assessed the exists on the impacts of 2015-2016 drought on economic impact of the 2007-2008 drought in the Province, there is dearth of scholarly inves- tigation on the impacts of the last drought expe- South Africa. The findings revealed that the fre- rience in 2015-2016, on uMhlathuze Local Mu- quency and impact of natural disasters in farm- nicipality, which is (a) an important economic ing communities in South Africa have increased and political hub in KwaZulu Natal Province, significantly. The severity of drought becomes and (b) more importantly, which has Lake Mzin- prominent not only from the degree of rainfall gazi, that has been supporting agricultural and deficiency, but human activities that increase industrial activities in the district. J Hum Ecol, 69(1-3): 127-133 (2020) ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF DROUGHT ON WATER USERS OF UMHLATHUZE 129 Objective of 795 km2 (see Fig. 1) and within it are situated a number of towns namely Richards Bay, Em- This paper, therefore, investigates the so- pangeni, Esikhaleni, Ngwelezane, Enseleni, Fe- cioeconomic impacts of the 2015-2016 droughts lixton and Vulindlela. Richards Bay and Empan- on commercial agriculture and industrial activi- geni are the economic hubs of the Municipality ties in uMhlathuze Local Municipality. because of the appreciable presence of industri- al activities and service businesses there. Their Questions contribution to the overall economy of the Mu- nicipality is quite significant. The questions that the paper sought to pro- vide answers to are: Climate and Hydrology of the Study Site 1. What is the impact of rainfall deficiencies and increased temperature on Lake Mzin- uMhlathuze has a combination of warm, hot gazi’s water level? and humid
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