AGRIFOOD ATLAS Facts and Figures About the Corporations That Control What We Eat 2017 2U2: IMPRESSUM
U1: TITEL 1 AGRIFOOD ATLAS Facts and figures about the corporations that control what we eat 2017 2U2: IMPRESSUM IMPRINT The AGRIFOOD ATLAS is jointly published by Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin, Germany Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, Germany Friends of the Earth Europe, Brussels, Belgium Chief executive editors: Christine Chemnitz, Heinrich Böll Foundation Benjamin Luig, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Mute Schimpf, Friends of the Earth Europe Executive Editors of the German edition: Christian Rehmer, Reinhild Benning, Marita Wiggerthale Managing editor: Dietmar Bartz Art director: Ellen Stockmar English Editors: Paul Mundy, Oliver Mundy Proofreader: Maria Lanman Contributors: Christophe Alliot, Dietmar Bartz, Stanka Becheva, Reinhild Benning, Christine Chemnitz, Jennifer Clapp, Olivier de Schutter, Stephen Greenberg, Roman Herre, Saskia Hirtz, Nina Holland, Emile Frison, Benjamin Luig, Sylvian Ly, Elise Mills, Heike Moldenhauer, Sophia Murphy, Christine Pohl, Christian Rehmer, Shefali Sharma, Christoph Then, Jim Thomas, Jan Urhahn, Katrin Wenz, John Wilkinson Editorial responsibility (V. i. S. d. P.): Annette Maennel, Heinrich Böll Foundation This publication is written in international English. First English edition, October 2017 Produced by HDMH sprl, Brussels, Belgium This material is licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported“ (CC BY-SA 4.0). For the licence agreement, see, and a summary (not a substitute) at
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