Understanding the Impact of Network Infrastructure Changes Using Large-Scale Measurement Platforms
Understanding the Impact of Network Infrastructure Changes using Large-Scale Measurement Platforms Vaibhav Bajpai Understanding the Impact of Network Infrastructure Changes using Large-Scale Measurement Platforms by Vaibhav Bajpai A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science Dissertation Committee: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schönwälder Jacobs University Bremen, Germany Dr. Kinga Lipskoch Jacobs University Bremen, Germany Prof. Dr. Filip De Turck University of Ghent, Belgium Date of Defense: May 30, 2016 DECLARATION I, hereby declare that I have written this PhD thesis independently, unless where clearly stated otherwise. I have used only the sources, the data and the support that I have clearly mentioned. This PhD thesis has not been submitted for conferral of degree elsewhere. I confirm that no rights of third parties will be infringed by the publication of this thesis. Bremen, Germany, May 30, 2016 Vaibhav Bajpai This thesis is dedicated to my mom for her love, endless support and encouragement ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Jürgen Schönwälder for providing me constant feedback and support throughout the entire duration of my doctoral research. I would also like to thank my thesis committee consisting of Jürgen Schönwälder, Kinga Lipskoch and Filip De Turck for guiding and supporting my doctoral research. I am grateful to my co-authors: Steffie Jacob Eravuchira, Saba Ahsan, Radek Krejˇcí,Jörg Ott and Jürgen Schönwälder with whom I learned to be a productive collaborator. Special thanks to: Sam Crawford, Philip Eardley, Trevor Burbridge, Arthur Berger, Daniel Karrenberg, Robert Kisteleki, Al Morton, Frank Bulk, Dan Wing and Andrew Yourtchenko for providing valuable and constructive feedback for improving my manuscripts.
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