m — MMtCm W fglt HEBALD. Moator. Aarll» . a r t

MANCHESTER | I S W O R I D SPORTS Untiis i s w MANOftSTCK. MNrtMT- IT Seorklaalll Tawn- 3 BEDfKKMl In Bast 1 BEDROOM apartment, nwSiMTRSAr SASRfT^grgkagSSrB F O N T M e W d Nw. LAvMv 7 roam haaaa condo af Barasf Flalpli fUMd ¥fWII Intemges Sako CBpturuB H a r tfo r d . $ S » p a r heat, hotwaiar, carpah lease. 3100 sauara hnf weeks, SIBM ^ Nnk r w ar bssr Cowr M a tu m 3 b«tf> Wldea> spaclausrooma, month. Haot and hot ing, air canMtlonlng. wtfh office. Easy ac­ chicks, 3tbr M JBl Fak­ Btfi Pfcana. roonwr m boflw, flr«^ fV i Baths, aircallanf m m n wotar mcludad. w all to All appllancas. fNca cess to 1-04. Call BIB in g ^ c k lfn g e , SESP. ggle NBtg«y p im c t, ftotl flnlMml sfaroga, fully ep- wall corpafing. 3ep. laCTf^.^lOfS. 7401.______Rebvfurksyssasn. 7MB- gggk Justice Boaton Maralhon pnoncad kitchan, amlk- 08M . 11am-<. n m m t J i r m n St u d i o fypa apart- lte ,b e « e tiw verd . w m out boaamant fa potia, VEBNON. S room oport- mant. Fartly fur- PLACING AN AO In dOe- iidSr.eray. . . . p w g o 7 n «t trnm fl3>,«i. S«n- cantr^ air, 1 cor dof- manf In 3(bm lly homo. slflad Is a very easy, FimXNG A cosh buyer SaBRHFT^Oa W^w W' papae nlshad. Working Angle tar sporting goods aao^ tr y Rm M B w t* . M3- ochad carport raitocad Quiat stroaf srith nica 1- w n r. Ota mala pralbrrad. Lease. Ampla process. Just diol can Bin PicAia. 4W»J» to f145,MS. Jackson B yard. MSB with goroga. lamPn s ig saw. ns 64J-3711. W e'll help you mant Is easy when you Security. No pets. 643- odyartisa in d asslttad. iO LfdN. N«w to Jackson Baal Estaia. Utlltttas axtra. Sacur- WA a sMhs ssBuiay. word your ad for maxi­ W N fM if m " m . 4 morkat. Goraaout M7-MW .0 Ity raaulrad. Coll tn - mum response. BcvHwdSr,sms. C onfam aorarv C op* tn MANCHI^STiR. Bxtro -TeanheusM MANCHESTER. 3 bed­ prastidlous orao. claon. fl77,fW. 3 bad­ Hik#ON 3 badfooms, , assi, root Nd room oportmant by a m Ptesne. LwMly tamllv room, roam condominium In oppnoncas, wall to wall WA ia mawL psBunt)) Cantor Springs Fork. jiiFehmdiM S S m T " 1st flaar. Applloncas. P 3 » fiX C T « r WraHoca. dan. 3 car mova-ln condition. Ap- corpafing, parking. fla n wopen, 4 evnwdar. earada «Hfk (area (aft pllancad kitchan, liv­ Haof, hot wafer. SS9D FOR Sola. ptua aaearata work- ing room and dining Collar storoga. S5» month. Rafarancasond entry dears. Atumimim deal con Bin Pt- (area dack, wall orao arlth Mldtrs to monthly . 64B3P1. 1 month security ra- T v / f m / sheaf A^Sng. BsiRahNr. aufrad. 640-l3« oflar B49-747I.______landaeapad lot with balcony. Stofa fOyar, iTORRS. 3 bedroom, op- •ye- NS peA nW n maw H f U M R I brook. IM,Mb.Santrv 1VI> baths, goroga. Unit Oteuniy OttSS plus uMMee 34 FOklT Peal with DE WWTiirw rWraRrg; iHaurhratrr HrralJi plloncas, privota an- WHIRLPOOL 19S1 wash­ finer, dismantiad and 4dOPmnas,btaa.OMIS. Rad galeta. 6j9-4Me.o In convamant aulat lo­ tronca, yard. S3fS. Call o. eiNeoew - omee w Far your bast dsol eon fhafhraalteioaaPrasafica cation. D. W. Fish 44BM16. Cones CempWe. f »Bdliie ing mochlna. Excafisnt ready to go. IBIS. B4B Bse e n s y condition. Asking Bni pfcana. W t4 tn . of (Ms four badroam, Raolty. M3-1SS1 o r t71- tar AeeesnMwr, taeursnee rE R BKRI m bofb Calenlol will I4M.O dAKLAND Haight oport- mam Wfp. ata. STS to. n. S13S/basf o ffer. Coll of- BOY'S 36" Shogun H M iig a & tX "n n sm m iweiine. tnapertok. W A 3 tar 6pm 64MI531. ovarwtialm you os you mants w ill ba accepting mSw iSDutKy. MANCHESTER- Newer 3 speed. IS M m llas. LHta TuBBday. April 21.1907 wowdar from room to oppllcoHons for 1, 3, bedroom duplax- ^v» AMANA chest type new. SITS. 6494744. Isogoadttmataadvartlsa 3 0 C a n ts room. Locotad In a flna and 3 bedroom opart- ».W. nSH RfJILTV baths, oti oppKoncas- freezer, good condl- MdViNd, Must sail orao of South Windsor mants on Apni 3 3 ,1907. Basamant, deck, $750 nen. S IM . Coll 64B67D6. aulck. Oosronga,frw- uaa. Lot a O assWIsd ad M-FOAktOPM con. N runs (boraty) homas naor lha Mon- From 13 noon to 5pm plus utilities. No pets. dtdra, drop Mof fobla, MmWwaEeB chasfar llna this prop­ tlwd a cosh bwvar fo r you. Onlyl Apply In parson • 4 3 - l S t l References and secur­ ono prooiWfT wwiiv A Ouncon Fyfa fabla. arty naads only radaco- i a m ______at (ha Community Ask for John ity . 649-7174 a fte r 6. \ y m m V ary raoM nalba. 646- pass iHsgacttsn, but n roltne to bring It bock Room a t 360 Oakland would ba batter far Town educators to review state’s AIDS booklet to Its gtoryl Braaza- Straat, Manchester. ports. Graot AM radial way, 3cor gorogaondo A bargain at 07S. Con By George Loyng C LEA N i rooms, 3rd 649P341 waskandb or The booklet is designed for use in community. Prega said. "so limited it’s hardly even an booklet, that ioformathm should be "Special Topic Cnrricaliim Re- p nca In thaStSO's m ake FMREIIT ENDROLLS Heratd Reporter high achool classes. It urges absti­ It a pnca busting buy. COLUMBIA Loka. Sao- floor, heat and hot MANCHESTER TapfaRj tTEwMBt-aPP nights, and keep Board e l Education Chairman exposure to AIDS.” more available. ■oarce Packet on AIDS.” was water. RellaMa adults MANCHESTER. New trying. nence from sexual intercourse and Richard Dyer said today be could He saM that the subject is Atthough R is designed for high Blanchard B Rossatto. sonal cottoga. 3 bad- 2- bedroom Condo. Any ■mount OdheriA Also, fSI. IPKwMBi-tfarapg The state Department of Educa­ drafted over the winter by the "Wa Guorontaa Our rooms, flraploca. with references. Secur­ Fully opplloncad spacious 3 beckoom, grmwi. •ton* and berk muloft. MUST be ptabeO up el Swl IurCiTTkviark"T?9i', drug use as the best way to prevent not comment on the booklet be­ mentioned in leaaona concerning school studems, Chesterton said ity deposit reoulred. tion is (listrlbiitinK a frankly Department of Education and the Housas” . MS-2«B3.a $103,000. Baozlay 537- klfchan, central air, V/> bolhs. Colonial In PobeW. beekho* 6 taeoar mnM. parts car, V-6, styla AIDS, said Kathy R. Prega. a cause be had not seen it. In general, other sexually transmitted dis­ sections of it may be naed for lower Department of Health Services. Is 3446. No pats. 643-5363. fam ily nalgborhood. I worded booklet on AIDS to puMic spokeswoman for the state Depart­ carport, pool, tennis be saM he supports AIDS educa­ eases. such as venereal (Haease. In grades, altbdughbehasnotyetseen P RAWS CBRETBBCfiSR addition toasampie lesson ^an«Nf and rac orao ovollo- Walk to schools. Near wWiI I 5110 gftor $ or schools throughout the state, in­ ment of Education. tion, but said first the material the high school, AIDS lessons are the volume. bus line. Available B - SB facts aboirt the (Hsesse. I* contains Ma. 1 small pat oc- 72 14 ThuraSay bataie tl am. only- weekends. cluding Manchiester. Also included are sections about must be reviewed to see if it is availaMe in health class, but that Is Aa for the reaction by parents to M ay 15th. S975 plus The material will not be used this information about three video c a p to b la . S7S0 p ar security. No pets. 647- how the use of condoms during appropriate. an elective, he said. AIDS ethication in achool, Chester­ instruction programs and a IM of month. 1 year lease Automotive g g g p e i B / school year, but Director of Curric­ sexual relations can lessen the risk However, Dyer also quoted U.S. Chesterton said educators will ton said H has been "very good.” M L f m i M f n R u u M95. ulum Allan B. Chesteron said this additional teaching resources. plus sacurNy deposit. R g O A / a M L / of infection, she said. The book Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, probably not make the health class Parents have the cation of exclud­ AIDS attacks the body’s immune morning that educators will review explains how the disease attacks who has said, "If you think AIDS is mandatory, but will use other ing their chiMren from such les­ * * * the booklet this summer to see if it system, and is most prevalent HARLEY Davidson f3 the body, and how it is transmitted. on your way to your community — means — such as spedal video­ ions, but the number who have done among intravenous drug users and 3- bedroom town- can be used at Manchester High Some drawings are used to illus­ house, fully oppll­ in w r E BTY ■FOB SALE XLH. New point. Over you're wrong. It’s already there." taped lectures — to inform so can be counted on one hand, be homosexuals. There are no known $13M In chroma ofena. School next year. In addition, the trate the material, she said, but In Manchester public schools, students. ■aid. oncad kitchan, newly Runs axcaHant. tstit. officials will be considering curea or effective treatments, and decorated. Close to MARTH/T? Vineyard. P iR E W O O b they are not explicitly of the body. only one mandated class for eighth- The main reason more lessons "Most parents want it taught to health officials fear H will spread to SS3 cord. • foot lonanw, PONTIAC PMro NB4 Indy Cell 5BB7613.______Avollobla week ly Juna- a pace cor. Perfect can- changes to health courses from Towns are not required to use the graders indudes lessons on AIDS. have not been taught Is the lack of the studenta." he aaid. bus lln a . S6iM par Saptambar. New 3 bed­ eroon, dollvorod, S cord m ini­ kindergarten on up. he saM. the general population if it is not month. 1 year lease dltlon. Loaded. Only HARLEY Davidson mo- material, hut it is being sent toeach Chesterton said the discussion is material, he said. With the new The state publication, entitled controlled. room Contemporary mum. MASTRR/VISA CARD SM mode. Sunroof, au­ tercycla, 1976 PXE plus security deposit. Cope, fully equipped, ISM. Excallant condi­ TOftSCN CAt Bin^kS No pats. naor Edgortown and tomatic, ofr condWon- Ing, power everything. tion, comglatalv re­ WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANTI South Beach. 643-0557. built, oil chroma. Ask­ 6 4 9 - 0 7 9 5 Evenings. 2 7 2 ^ 1 # Top of tho lint stereo. THE CHRYSLER IMPORTS BY MITSUBISHI... $10M0/best oftar. 333- ing S4aM. 64341913. Insurance COMPARE THE VALUE. PERFORMAfRSE... 6i17. Linnas arrives C0LTE3-000R CONQUEST CABS CABS suRARuifeo.6oodcon- I CABS dltlop. MM or best firms earn HATCHBACK TSi FMSALE FOB SALE FOB SALE offer. 649-1549. Leove FOB SALE m essoge. •j high profits in Soviet Union COLT VISTA WAGON 4x2 By Alan From Tho Assoclotad Prass WASHINGTON - The nation s after expuision W 7 ^10,711 n6,035 property and casualty insurance companies earned high profits on their investments despite losing ••DRIVEN TO BE THE BEST,.. billions of dollars on policies in the decade ending in IMS, a congres­ Accused war criminal W HAT E L S E IS T H E R E ir sional investigator says. The insurers earned $81.1 billion in after-tax profits during the faces death sentence I IB.4% A.P.B. period, including $19 billion in INS, 2 IIP TO when the liability insurance crisis was at its peak, the General MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet officials Asked about plant for Linnas, 72 MBNTNt Accounting Office says. today flew Karl Linnas, who faces Gerasimov said, “He was fMt- Towards the end of the period, execution on charges he supervised enced to capital punishment. He’s insurance premiums also rose the killings of 12,OM prisoners at a entitled to ask for a pardon." dramatically, making some poli­ Nazi death camp, to his native Tass did not aay if a new trial waa CHRYSLER PLYAAOUTH, INC. cies become hard or impossible to 3 5 WINDSOR AVENUE .VERNON* 873-331 I Estonia. planned. obtain, the GAO says. The industry The 67-year-old Linnas was only In a report on Linnas, Tass said: blamed skyrocketing premiums the second person accused of Nazi "In World War II, he was chief of a and cancellations on excessive Nazi concentration camp in Tartu, court Judgments In wrongful action war crimes to be deported from the /veV 1987 cases. United States to the Soviet Union. in the floviet Republic of Estonia, The figures were Included in He fought an eight-year legal battle where he personally participated In • 40 YEARS OF FRIENDS • 40 YEARS OF FRIENDS testimony obtained by The Asso­ to retain his U.S. citizenship and the mass execution of civlllaiis, ciated Press that was prepared for stay in the United States. including the elimination of women SPECTRUM delivery today by William J. The official Soviet newa agency and children.” Anderson, an assistant comptroller Tasi said Linnas was put on a plane The Soviets have said he super­ Front Wheel Drive general of the GAO. to Tallinn, capital of Soviet Estonia, vised the deaths of 12,OM people as Anderson was to tell the House after he was turned over to Soviet head of the camp In 1941-42, while Japanese Export ■ k commerce, consumer protection authorities at the airport in Prague, witnesses at hearings in the United and competitiveness subcommittee Czechoslovakia. He arrived in States put the number at 2,0M. 38 MPG City that the insurance industry actu­ Prague this morning after a flight Tass and Radio Moscow critic­ TRUCKS 44 MPG Highway ally lost $64.8 billion during the from New York. ized U.S. officials for falling to decade on the policies it Linnas accused the United States deport Linnas earlier. 643-2791 underwrote. of murder as he was put aboard the "The butcher evaded Just retri­ Sale applies But during those same years, the Czechoslovak Airlines flight at bution and found sanctuary in the to in stock industry more than offset that loss, John F. Kennedy International U.S., where he was granted Ameri­ WHAT'S ON SALE? Vehicles Only! earning $144.3 billion by investing Airport. can citizenship," Tass said. its capital, and collecting $1.6 “What they are doing right now is Linnas has argued that the Soviet NSW 1987 Dodge New 1987 Dodge billion in federal tax refunds and murder and kidnapping," the re­ Union may have falsified evidence future tax credits, Anderson said. it provided for his deportation trial, Caravan LE Dakota Shortbed The past decade has seen cycles tired surveyor shouted as he was Tnno-ton.. V-S. cloth bmeh. fiuf. pkf.. 6 ii S mirron, led into a police office at the New and he said a recent book and luaury aquIpiTWnt paekaaa. lowtr body, lid* midt.. r. iIm bumptr, PS. of steep increases and sharp drops AR photo •W. |7BM. P203-7SR15 BSW tirn. illi. |7S79. in insurance company earnings, York airport. artlclea on Soviet disinformation accompanied by intermittently ris­ Linnas entered the United States provided grounds to re-examine the ing and falling premiums. Rate Karl LInnas (center) is escorted by on charges he supervised the execu­ In 1951, lived in Greenlawn, N.Y., evidence against him. Sale *13.853 Sale *9.776- increases in recent years have led federal agents at New York's Kennedy and became an American citizen. Anu Linnas, the daughter of the *prlc* Includ** 5900 c**h r*b*t* tions of 12,000 people at Nazi concen­ He was sentenced to death In the Estonian native, vowed Monday to businesses, municipalities and doc­ Airport to an awaiting plane Monday. tors to complain that It is difficult or tration camps. LInnas arrived In hie Soviet Union after being tried In keep fighting. NOW THRU APRIL 25th LInnas was flown back to the Soviet native Estonia today. absentia In 1N2. His deportation "I maintain that this is the worst New 1987 Please turn to page $ Union, where he faces a death sentence came despite appeals to the U.S. foreign policy mistake that thla Naw 1987 Dodge Dodge Raider Supreme Court and Justice government could ever have done," Dakota Longbed Two-ton*, cloth buck*ti. oil rd. ph(.. lold Department. Ms. Linnas said on ABC-TV’s Banch bmI. gBUft pkl. AT. V-6 tng.. r. stop down r. Mil. iport Hr. cover, AT. r. dtt. r. FACTORY bumptr. PS. stfc. #750. wipw, AC, cu., chrom* whMl*. tlk. |7320. Tass initially said Linnas would ".” "My father is inno­ be taken to Moscow, but the Soviet cent. I will prove that if it takes Sale *11.945 Real secretaries don’t need flowers Foreign Ministry spokesman, Gen­ every God-given strength that I Sale *9,259 *pric* Includ** $5M ca*h r*bat* r e m t nady Gerasimov, would not con­ have for aa long as it may take." 9 *pric« Includtt $5M caih in seeking a delay from the 9 firm the report. By Jarry Nochtlgol president of the organization. "Se­ from an Industrial to a aervice- "office wife" whose main duties Tht Asiodotad Prtst cretaries Week would be an ideal oriented economy have created a "He’s on his way to the Sdviet Supreme Court, Ms. Linnas had consist of fixing coffee and water­ Union, not necessarily to Moscow,” hoped to make a personal appeal to time to give a raise or a bonus.” huge demand for secretaries. The ing plants "is almost dead now," New 1987 New 1987 KANSAS CITY, Mo. - What’s the Professional Secretaries Day is U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Ms. Louis said. he said at a Moscow news briefing Attorney General Edwin Meese III' PLUS best gift for America’s bosses to part of Professional Secretaries projected a 29 percent increase in “Managers, especially the today. In a report issued later, Tass for time to find another country Chrysler Coupe Chrysler Coupe give their secretaries Wednesday said Linnas was on a plane "that willing to accept her father, said PW. POL AT. lurbQ nv|.. cau.. road Cloth bucktl PW. POL PS, turbo coupe. Week, April 19-25. The U.S. secre­ the number of secretarial Jobs from younger ones, now receive special pep. (quip. pAf .. *tk. |7S4a. AT.I8' row! whMli. ilk. |7S47. CARTER on Professional Secretaries Day? tary of commerce proclaimed the 1982 to 1995. training in how to work effectively has taken course for Tallinn." family lawyer Larry Schilling. "Com* Driv* Tiw N«w Coup*" Flowers? Candy? Lunch at a nice first such week in 1952. ‘ ‘Some of the big cities, especially with their secretaries.” restaurant? Studies by Professional Secretar­ Washington, New York and Los Ms. Louis is a self-appointed 8 Sale *12.993 None of the above, aays Candace ies International, founded 35 years Angeles, are experiencing a critical Sale *12.741 -pric* include* 5I0M c**h r*b*t* media watchdog for her profession, *prlc* Includ** $10Mt*ih r*bat* iREMTE Louis, spokeswoman for Kansas ago, show that management’s shortage of qualified professional firing off letters of protest anytime TODAY'S HERALD City-bai^ Professional Secretar- perception of the role of secretaries secretaries,” Ms. Louis said. ■he sees a stereotype of secretaries iei International, the world's larg­ is changing as companies restruc­ "We’re seeing advertisements list­ fostered on television or in QUALITY CUSTOM VANS est secretarial association with ture and become leaner for eco­ ing salaries of $30,009-plus, and advertisements. 43,0M members. nomic reasons. incentives such as a company car." Drug bill advancts Chanea of showsrs S new 19B7'a to chooM Irom. all aquippad tha way quality convariions should bt- "We suggest education and train­ Increasingly, secretaries are Salaries in the field are slowly Last year she complained about a AM/FM starao cassattas wllh powar amp, CBs. color TVs, powar slaapar solas, ing for secretaries," she said. viewed as an integral part of office improving, but there’s a lot of room U.S. Postal Service ad that por­ A legislative committee has Tonight, Cloudy with a chance of talliatar. convanianca cantar. minl-blinds draparlas. swival captain chairs, plush “Send your secretary to a seminar management, forming a team with for Improvement, Ms. LaRue said. trayed a daydreaming secretary as overwhelmingly approved a bill ■howert late at night. Low near N . carpatini, (tanoramlc windows, daluxa cabinatry, running boards, root rack A or sympoaium. Buy your secretary the best reason for employers to use allowing employers to subject 7 laddar, tilt whaal, crulsa, PW, PL, AC, custom whaals 6 tiras, custom two-tona. executives, and are assuming more The average secretary makes Wednesday, mostly cloudy with a M 7 a subscription to a professional middle management and supervi­ about $20,OM a year. However, a its Express Mail Mrvice. The workers to drug tests, but only if percent chance of showers. H i^ publication.” sory duties. Professional Secretaries Interna­ Postal Service later withdrew the there Is "reasonable suapicion" around M. Details on page 2. ''Raised Roofs” Gifts of candy or flowers are "Technology has freed the secre­ tional survey of 1,0M secretaries ad. that employees are using narcotics. Com * Soo Tho OuoUtv O f Thoto Cuttom Vsnt CARTEL superf Idal, but broadening a secre­ tary from spending a lot of time on showed that new secretaries earn Another company ran full-page Story on page 5. tary's buiiness knowledge and the lower level skills of typing and only ll.OM less than thoae with 20 newspaper adi for its liqueur iCtNimlar 7 yr/70,000 mNa Hrnttod warranty on aN naw 1987 ■kill! benefit both the employee and shorthand," Ms. LaRue said. years of experience. during Secretaries Week. The ad, I n d a x IctNyalar lioler Caira aiHI Padga TniciH.______the company in the long , Ms. "They are doing things more Secretaries without a high achool hinting at romance, pictured a IS pagat, t $getlon$ Louis says. diploma make $2,SM less a year bottle with a card attached from the CHEVROLET managerial in nature. Secretaries W ItntM lacants What about honoring the nation's also are leaders in learning how to than those who do, while a m atter’s boei reading, "I wish you weren’t Advice-— 12 Lottery 2 "Since 1936" 4 million secretaries with raises? use ahd master computers and degree added $1,5M to the average my secretary." A witness who was expected to Claaamed . 14-1$ OMtuarica____ • "Certainly I feel very strongly other office equipment. They’re ■alary. Pay for all levels of "It was 10 aexlst it was unbelieva­ testify against Sgt. aayton J. .Comica 6 OpinKm 4 MANCHESTER 188t Main SI., Manchealor . that secretaries should be compen­ taking on greater roles In meeting education between thoae two ex­ ble,” Ms. Louis said. "We wrote a Lonetree In the Marine guard ComwcHcut__S Paopla t Open Evee.'M t, Ftl.'IN 6 0 4 D -0 4 o 4 80 Oakland St., Exit 63 Off 1-84 sated tor the contributions they the public, acting as ambaaaadora tremes is about the same, the letter to them saying, 'We certainly espionage scandal has recanted hit Entertainmeot 12 8 p o r t t - _ _ ^ 1 t make to any buiineu or organlia- for the company." survey found. hope your liqueur has better taste 643-2791 Fivt Star SarvicB Award testimony, according to a defCnae Focua_—_12 TslewWen— .12 Uon," said Adella C. LaRue, Technology and America’a shlR The image of aecretariea aa the than your advertiiing afeacy.'" attorney. Story on page 7. Loom neue—3, $ U.B./gkM td_7 4C >EARS OF FRIENDS n . i m

'HE WEATHER REGIONAL WEATHER ^ P=f Ralph Road gets the/lee^lMMher'fofcc»t 8 A.M . WMrtesd^.Ai)fa& Accu-W eather' forecast for Wedriosday Ctaytimo Conditions and High Tempornfuror. Its way as PZC F ID orders dead end

By John P. Kirch Famw, Umiting access t» die Hdrotif Rdpertdr neWNwhedd for Are and peace veWcles. He said if that rood A town-propoeed road tiiat wmtid becoiwea Mocked, residents there connect the Redwood Farms neigh­ woidd have mejm* proltema during S e e r e t e r f e e B w e lr borhood with a proposed siriMlivi- an emergency. rton to its north was temporarily It’s ^ofeasional Secretariea W eek. UndoabtedRy, some trapped Monday nightlyttetown ’’you’re wrong," Gates toM aeeretariee woald like to celebrate as this one did, by Planning and Zoning Commission. commission members who voted steamrolling their typewriters and dictaphones. Offices for the temporary ttoad^iid. He and O ■» •. If I bi a 3-2 vote, the PZC decided to HowToyd said they doubted die were actually off-limits to women until the 1890s. But in nioivrs allow the Baldwin Conetroetion Co. town wouldever goback and extend W.**.hinqfon jfyO I that decade, the demand for office workers b ^an to to buiM 38 shigle-famfly houses City View Read. ( -.HoWIU-. att Wami Com StaHonary 60 exceed the Oupply, and women were given their chance. Hillstown Road in southwest Man­ Although the City View/Ralph Ar. .1 W.- ... . Daring World War I, female secretaries became chester. However, the commission Road connection was not part of die Z is reqidring that a temporary dead commonplace. Some famous^ male secretaries include d evelo p ^ s original proposal, plan­ end be ^aced on one of the roatfi in ning officials recommended that it Mark Twain, Carl Sandburg, and Lyndon Johnson. the subdivision so that it does not be put in to improve traffic connect the proposed neighborhood DO YOU KNOW — What song recorded by Dolly circulation through the area. Cold front stretches with the older Redwood Farms A Parton expresses the complaints of office workers? subdivision. But (hiring an April 8 public Farm acene hearing on the plans, residents of MONDAY’S ANSWER — Ingrid Krfstianson won Itw The decision nteans that Baldwin Ralph Road showed op in force to Buds have started appMrIng on trees, which is good rainy weather. The 30-adre Peila farm on Bidwall Straet is across South, North woman’s dhrtukm of ifw Boston Marathon lost yoor. can build the controversial City oppose the street. nows for anyone who’s had enough of the recent cold and seen in the distance. View Road on a SO-foot town right of 4-21-87 c Knowledgo Unlimited. Inc 1987 The resideiits favored Baldwin’s way to the end of its property line. It Siowen and thundentorma Lakes region, the National plans to build the 2S bouses. But leaves open the possibility that City O’Marra ayaa aavinga ranfed oat of a cold front Weather Service said. A Wtiwigip m_ it Frogram they said the proposed City View View and Ralph Road, which is part ■tretcMnf from soutliweat Taxaa Unseasonably high tempera­ AgoAMTOf, bg Road would bring excess traffic to of Redwood Farms, will eventually into northern Michigan today, tures were expected today from The M an-eater Herald their neighborhood and make local P be connected. while temperatures were unusu­ the lower Mississippi Valley to streets dangerous for children. ally high east o f Uie front. New England. The vote pitted commission Monday’s decision brought Few show up at 8th budget hearing Oremight temperatures were Snow ended over most of the members Ronald Gates and Tru­ mixed emotions from the crowd of in the 78s from south central central Rockies but an advisory man Crandall against PZC Chair­ Ralph Road residents who packed By G eoree Loyng sultant may not all be used. He Street firehouse, was Margherita figures are not yet known. He saM Texas to western lower Michigan. for snow remained today for the man Alfred W. Siaffert Sr. and the Lincoln Center hearing room, Herald Reporfer noted that the town of Manchester Tripp of Hilliard Street, who asked that there Is no way to know exactly northern and central mountains members William Bayer and Leo some wearing sweat shirts with the More than S8 record highs were is currently looking for a full-time if the Board of Directors bad a how much revenue will be corning of Colorath). Kwash. inscription: "City View: NO.” set Monday afternoon, mainly in Only two of the 15 people who engineer for a salary less than that breakdown of how much revenue in, or how much the utility autlml- Gates and Crandall argued for "That’s like no decision,” said the Missinippi Valley and Great Skies were mostly clear over show ^ up at a public hearing figure, the district receives from its fire ty’s Mils will be for the rest of the April 21. 1987 the Ralph Road connection, saying Glastonbury attorney Thomas the eastern third of the nation Toda/8 weather picture Is by Mett Charter of Sycamore Lone, TO D A Y ’S M O O N Day after Monday night spoke on the Eighth ’"nwre may be some room for tax and its sewer assessment. 1880-87 fiscal year, which ends June it would improve traffic through the Nieridan, who represented the except for early-momtng fog and a fourth-grader at Martin School. Today la the 111th Iasi quarter. ______Utilities District’s 91.2 million savings," he said. If so. it would be The Eighth District charges 2.75 90. entire area. They received support residents during the April 8 public Weather Trivia drizzle along the northern and day of 19B7 and the 19S7-SS budget. "wise management” to put the mills for fire protection and 2.7S TOOArS TSfVIA: What novel did from alterante commission hearing. " It satifies the immediate middle Atlantic Coast. 33rd day of spring. The hearing, which lasted Just 10 money into the fund so that when It mills for sewer service. One item still unknown is bow Charlotte Bronte gain fame for writing? members Theodore Brindamour concerns.” What is Pte cloudiest U S city‘s Today’s forecast called for minutes, drew no criticism on the comes time to purchase new fire Director Thomas Landers ex­ much the Eighth District's insu­ (a) "Jane Eyre” (b) "Pride arsf Preju­ and Josh Howroyd, who can discuss "W e feel good that we won the thunderstorms from southern CONNECTICUT WEATHER tmeks. there will not be "rate plained that there is no exact TODAY’S MSTORY: On this day tn dice" (c) "Wuthermg Heights" plans but can not vote on them. battle," said Edward Faber of budget, which represents a 2.28 rance coverage will coat. Bids are ■hock” for Eighth District breakdown, but more than half of New Mexico across Inland Texas; 1060, Brssma, ttw new city in BrazH, Brindamour said there was only Ralph Road. "But we have not won percent increase over the current scheduled to be opened on May If. showers and thunderstorms scat­ Central, Eastern Interior, Southwestern Interior: was procMmed ine natlonai capitai. year’s spending. residents. the revenue comes from the fire tax Landers, the board’s tnsurance one main road going into Redwood the war.” because every property owner in tered from Oklahoma to lower Tonight, cloudy with a chance of showers late at night. TODAY’S BARBS Thomas R. O'Marra. a Schaller The proposed apparatus fund for commissioner, said that it does not TODAY’S aatTHDAYS: Cattierina the Road resident who is also a 1987-88 was trim m ^ from 850.000 to the Eighth District must pay this. look like the ifistrlct will have any Michigan; and rain scattered Oreat, emprese of Fhjssia (1720); Char- BY PHS. PASTORET Low near SO. Wednesday, mostly cloudy with a 30 member of the Eighth District Fire 845,000 by the directors last week. However, only those that hook into problems obtaining insurance cov­ from Kansas across Iowa Into k>tle Bronte (1816); Anthony Quinn Roomera are what you take in. Rumors The Eighth District provides fire the Eighth District sewer lines erage this year. Last year, the bids southern Wisconsin. percent chance of showers. High around 60. (191S); Queen EHzahelh li of Qreat are what you gel taken In by. Department, urged the district Our neighbor says he has a high-tech West Haven firm Board of Directors to put any protection and sewer service to must pay the sewer assessment. received did not meet the specifica­ Highs were expected to be in Britain (1926) most of northern Manchester. Of He said that instead of actually the SOs from the central Rockies drunk on his hands. His brother-in-law savings that might result at the end tions, and new offers were solicited. West Coastal, East Coastal: Tonight, cloudy with a TOOArt Q U O TB : “True patrlotisfn of the 1987-88 budget year Into a those at Monday's hearing, about counting the revenue, a formula is across the central Plains and the Is quarta-powered. Insurance was not obtained until chance of showers late at night. Low near 50. doesn't exclude an understanding of fund used to buy fire apparatus. half were either Eighth District used to determine how much each after residents adopted a budget. Texas Panhandle as well as from Wednesday, mostly cloudy with 40 percent chance of lha patriotism of others" — Qtieen TODAY’S TRIVIA ANSWIRS; (a) Char- to buy Yarn Mill O'Marra said that the 150.000 officials or firefighters. levy brings in. "W e dlo to anva you from time to time to get To ptoce a ctosemed or diaplay minister V.M. Molotov. FOR THE Mancbeeter HenM, P.O. Box 8S1. edvertteefnent. or to report e ntwe monay with our Mmoua protaction. reader reaction. Readera are MenebesNr, Oobn. 08040. TEACHER-OF- kern, Moty or ptetura Idee. caS Juat playing So can or drop by our now offioa aoon. Invited to comment on any If you don't receive yourHetnldby THE-VtAR S43-t7t 1. Offlee hours ere 8:80 e.m. EMERGENCY aspect of the Merald’a corn­ 8 p.m. weekdays or 7:80 a.tn. to B p.m. Monday tbrougb Frtdey. ___ AWARP !" Sabirdaye, ptaase tetepbone your ifiviviveeiHs nSfWO is s way is the fact that the play equipment Fire — Police — Medical ice. Send your comments to: center. If you’re weMe to leecb Danielle Trevino of Manchester takes friVIfVIWT Of VyW advantage of the play equipment outside the fast*food restaurant begins Features Editor, Manchester your center, con woeettfeereendee Audit Bureau ofCtreulsttoneendtbe DIAL 911 Phone: 643 * 6286 A lista ir Herald. F.O. Bok 601. Man- e* 64MS40|2^ey||Jw«kdaye lor New England Newepeper outside Burger King on C w te r Street. A to fill with youngsters. In Manchester TT3BT sure sign that the good weather is on its M Bm tft iNiiiifcj . abtb « . m y ^ n c m a m H HBmiJD. tUeBts». Aarilgl. M W -f OPINION Panel backs drug-testing curbs ■v JwM IvBrnart - lier versfon of the Mil that wotrtd “ makes it more costly without raggmted that A e minimum be 36. .Thu ABBB ClOtBd FfBBB have ailowed randwn, spot testo for necessarily increasing the reliabil­ but oppoaents argued Aat eueh a any wiwker. ity'' of the Mats. Mgb ntmiber would void Uie leglria- J RABTFORD — A legMative The venden that was approved ' Also Monday, the committee ture's efforts in recent years to Compromise ,66PiMttee has overwhrimingiy “ reqtdrea there be some reason to approved a Mil requiring Uie promote "merit selection" of approved a bill allowing emptoym believe that the employee is under Judicial SelecUon Commiesimi to lodges reducing ptAUcal iiUlu- J a c k tasabjeet workers to di^ tesU . but Uie fadlnence of drugs." said Rep. come up with no fewer than five ence on A e procera . only if Uiere is "reasombte suspi- lUciiard D. ’lUHaano, D-Rocky Hill, names for each vacancy on the "You do away merit selec- welcom e on «ien” that employees are using committea ca-chairman. bench. From that liat, the governor Am if you use a pool of 29," said iwrcotics. Ori0naily the Mil called for two would nominate a judge and the Rep. UMHam L. WoBenherg, B- , Before any action could be taken poaHive drug teats, bm at the mmination would have to be Farmington, ranking RepoMiemi against a worker, he or she srould request of Rep. Richard Wum- confirmed by the General on the committee. drug testing Isive to test poritive for drugs in enUial, D-Stamford, the committee AsaemMy. But AvaHoae said he was inter­ three separate tesu, under the Mil booated the number to three. Currently the commission, which ested in giving Uie gsveraor mwe mnroved Monday by the The The change disappointed the screens potential judicial nomi­ latitude, since A e governor makes General AssemMy*s Judiciary Connecticut Business and Industry nees. must give the governor a list the final nominations. Congress ..Committee. Association, but CBIA staff attor­ of names from which to choose, but "It ought to be, ultimately, the The drag-testinf bin approved by the The bill, approved on a 23-2 ney Janet C. Spegele said "businesB a minimum number is not governor’s prerogative,” Avallone LegiaMwe’a JvSM»Ty Committee MoiNby .dommittee vote, advances to the could probably live with” the specified. said. .Bouse of Representatives. revaedMIl. Sen. Anthony V. Avallone, D-New The Mil was approved on a 17-t offers a good step toward emnrhig fliat The committee rejected an ear­ Requiring three tests, she said. Haven, committee co-chairman. vote and rent to A e House. workers are not arbitrartty sobfected to drug would rather tests that could min their careers or reputations. The bin pndribits raiHhmi drag testing in the tax than trim Talks on Sikorsky drug plan ordered work piMe unless an employer has A - NEW HAVEN (AP) - Members alcohol testing program could hurt in a complaint filed in federal court union, he said. A "reasonable suspicion” that a worker is using WASHINGTON - The good news is that •Bl a Teamatera union and Sikorsky employees of Sikorsky Aircraft and that A e policy causes workers Edward J. Dempsey, an attorney drags or alcohol to the detriment of his or her Presiffont Reagan’s campaign against government Aircraft must get together to refused to restrain A e company irreparable harm because they are for Sikorsky, said the company met Job performance. The Mil requires that any waste saved the taxpayers a resounding 936.6 .ifttcuss the company’s revised from carrying out the policy. out of their jobs while waiting for with the union on Feb. 5 to Ascuss initial positive finding be confirmed by two billion in fiscal 1966 and will save another 936.4 drug-and-alcohM testing program, But Cabranes told Sikorsky, a test results, it damages their testing for drug and alcohol abuse, billion in fiscal year 1967. This enormous savings a federal judge ruled. reputatiiHis, and offers them no but Teamsters leaders had little to additional tests before action can be taken division of Hartford-based United should increase each year hereafter. ’The two groups were going to Tecbnol«Mies Corp., to continue recourse for collecting back pay say. against an employee. meet today to discuss whether the talking with A e union about after A e process is completed. Dempsey also said a "manage­ RURAL A/weRiCAN RATCNWOWc The bad newk is that this still leavek more than The MH, proposed by Rep. Richard 9160 Mllion in annual waste that has been policy should be pursued Arough whether the issue should be The union also contends that t)ie ment’ rights” clause in the contract binding arbitration. policy represents an invasion of allows Sikorsky to impose some P Tulisano, D-Rocky Hill, also prohibits uncovered but not eliminated. Another 916C billion pursued through binding P ’The comimny has said that the arbitration. privacy. work rules unilaterally. is lost each year in careless haMts and wasteful employers from disclosing test remits. drag policy was agreed upon The Sikorsky policy requires job "The only reason for A e drug "We put the union on notice and Under the Mil, randmn drag tests would be ways. between Sikorsky and the union applicants and anyone returning testing is to impose discipline,” said we're going to do it (drug and permitted only where required by federal law, The worse news is that the reassembled Congress before their contract was signed from a layoff to take a drug test. said Robert Cheverie, a union alcohol testing) ... we offered to AF photo is in a spend-spend, tax-tax mood. Its first notaMe where workers have agreed to such testing Open Foram rarHer this year. But A e union Employees who are involved in attorney. listen to their suggestions, but they achievement was to ram through a highway Mil Cimtenda they didn’t agree to the accidents at work could also be Cheverie said the union had cimse not to propose anything,” Three-whBBlIng and where workers are engaged in high-risk larded with pork. We counted 170 pork-barrel Hems policy and want tt bandied Arough asked to submit to testing. asked Sikorsky to discuss drug Dempsey said. occupations as defined by the state labor in the bill, which will cost the taxpayers 96.4 Mllicm Mndlng arMtration. Random testing for drug and testing during contract negotia­ Cheverie said representatives of Sergio Tievine of Turners Falls, Mass., site on his son’s commissioner. to finance. '" On Monday, U.S. District Court alcohol abuse is not planned, a tions In January and February. The the Teamsters and Sikorsky man­ Yes, and also to expand our lots to know what is best for the residents company, however, implemented a agement will meet today to discuss tricycle in front of the Connecticut River recently while Despite the safeguards it contains, the bill Consider needs The extravagance of Congress and the laws of Judge Jore Cabranes rejected the company spokesman said. a reasonable depth so that we can of Redwood, yet we were rtever union’s claim Aat the dnig-and- Teamsters Local 1150 contended program without consulting the arbitration. his son plays along the banks of the river. economics, meanwhile, have been pushing the has its share of shortcomings. It does not have a semblance of a back yard. approached about our opinion on of town today public deM relentlessly up, up, up. Government extend the protection against random drag Please note the depth of these lots this matter. The majority of spending has ascended to heights that economists tests to Job applicants, and the bill’s definition To the Edilor: range from 106 feet to 12S feet Redwood homeowners are regard as beyond all realHy. They warn that except for two lots with more against this proposal. We have of "reasonable suspicion" is vague. spending policies must be reversed to avoid an Cimnecticut In B ri^ Surrogate-contract ban placed on hold Responding to your editorial of But the MU offers what may be the best depth because of their angled expressed our discontent to the economic smashup. April 10.1 can respect but do not location. town through a petition that was possible compromise between the interests of approved bills expanding the between Mary Beth Whitehead and stems from alleged absentee ballot agree with your statement that Yes, we are concerned about signed by 134 residents and by our Prosecutors try to block retrial By Brent Loymon organized labor and business, which have Y E T MEMBERS of Congress seem impervious The Associated Press state’s investigative grand jury William Stern in the Baby M case fraud in A e May 20 detogate "the town should acquire the right the needs of the town and we ask, large attendance at the April 6 to the gravitational pull of economic reality; they HARTFORD — State prosecutors are trying a new tactic to system, protecting the rights of would be unenforceaMe in Connec­ primary between supporters of generally been at odds over the issue of drug of way to preserve it for recreation "What other options are there to public hearing. So, In conclusion, block a retrial for Charles Thurman, the Torrington man whore must let some air out of the balloon before it bursts HARTFORD — The legislature’s artists, and increasing the chances ticut. An infant born to a surrogate Gov. William A. O’Neill and TM>y testing. or possible transportation use in explore and attainable at we urge our town officials to conviction of assaulting his wife became the focal point for the and plummets down, down, down. They are Judiciary Committee has voted to that those arrested on probable mother would be the woman’s Moffett, who unsuccessfully chal­ Labor grou|» and civil libertarians contend the future.” present?" As a suggestion for a please listen to the Redwood anti-domestic violence movement. cause for drunken driving will lose already close to losing control of the economy, study the legal and moral issues of "legal offspring,’’ according Rep. lenged O’Neill for Ae gubernatorial What possible forms of rMrea- walkway or trail; 1. Beginning at Farms residents request and ’The state Appellate Court, in a 2-1 decision March 30, said their licenses for at least 90 days. R ^ a rd D. Tulisano. D-Rocky Hill, nomination. that drug testing represents a violation of some experts fear. surrogate parenting for a year tion could a narrow rail line be Center Street walking north on disapprove the proposed City Thurman should get a new trial because Superior Court Judge before acting on a proposal that The Judiciary Committee had a Judiciary Committee co-chairman Waterbury State’s Attorney JMm individual lights and should be limited Another botched federal budget, with all its used for? Surely not football, the line to Center Springs Pond, View connector. Walter Pickett had erred in not instructing the jury that it could would effectively bar surrogate deadline of S p.m. Monday for and sponsor of the Mil. A. Connelly applied for a grand jury severely. Business leaders maintain that they forbidding consequences, could be avoided simply baseball, hockey or other forms of which can be more fully not draw an adverse conclusion from Thurman’s failure to take contracts in Connecticut. acting on Mils before sending them The bill had been drafted as the to investigate the alleged fraud but have a right to productive, drag-free workers by trimming out the fat. The campaign to locate, to the full legislature. Tempers celebrated Baby M case in New active group sports other than a developed for recreation use. Mrs. OeraM LaPIne the stand during his trial in 1984. Rep. Edith Prague. D-Columbia. was denied because current law flared because A e committee ran Jersey was going to trial. A judge in and should be allowed to use drag testing as walkway, trail or bikeway. In From Center Springs Pond one identify and eliminate government waste, so far, The state wants arguments heard in front of all six state argued Monday that surrogate does not cover Class D felonies, 162 Ralph Road out of time and didn't get to a that case, which is on appeal, ruled which include election law they see fit. can follow Bigelow Brook has cost about 963 million. Not one dollar of this appellate judges instead of three in an effort to resolve the case arrangements provide the only reference to future transportation Manchester number of bills, including one to the contract was valid and award violations. northwest to connect with the was charged to the taxpayers; every dollar was more quickly.. alternative for some childless cou­ It would not be in anyone’s interest to write use, Ibelievethetownhasalready ples and warned that the General impose a commuter tax on out-of- custody to the father, William made a statement to the effect Hockanum River Linear Park donated by concerned Americans. The amount that Clark said prosecutors could have taken the case to the state regulations so narrow that no worker can ever has been saved is already running close to 940 Supreme Court, but a decision on that level would have taken Assembly has not studied the issue state residents who work in Connec­ Stern. Under Tulisano’s bill, Mary The Mil protecting the rights of that the spur line is too narrow at Trail at New State Road. 2. The Boisvert offers ticut, didn't get acted on. Beth Whitehead would have gotten be tested for drags. Nor would it be helpful to until at least December. Using the alternate procedure, an carefully enough to move forward artists stems from a Asputf some points to consider a north- Nike Site has enormous billion a year. For each dollar that has been spent That means A e bills are dead the child. pass regulations so broad that all workers are lot of experience Appellate Court ruling could come in June,. Clark said. with the original proposal. between Walt Spitzmiller, a Red­ south highway. recreational potential. Why is it since President Reagan launched the anti-waste "The issue had not been dis­ unless they are petitioned to the "To boil it down to the black and ding artist, and L.L. ^ a n Co. subject to random drag tests. campaign, 9990 is now being saved every year. Thurman, 26, has been serving a 14-year prison sentence on his 2 not being considered? cussed before the Baby M case floor or introduced as amendments white of contract law — to me Spitzmiller Is suing L.L. Bean for To address the problems and To the Editor: conviction of first-degree assault. 2 The issue of drag testing is too important to The amount that has been saved has been came before us," Prague said after to other bills. there's something wrong with it," altering a painting he did for the desires of the resident property Alphonse Reale meticulously tracked by the Office of Management A number of lawmakers ex­ Tulisano said. company's fall catalogue. be decided wholly on the self-serving owners now, today, is of great 204 Hawthorne St. Monday's meeting. "All of sudden At a time when Andover is and Budget, which gives credit to the national Danbury man dies after mutilation pressed support for a ban on what The committee voted to expand arguments of labor groups or management. significance, not in the future. we have a bill before us that would Manchester facing the biggest tax Increase In campaign headed by J. Peter Grace and Jack have outlawed surrogate mother­ one called "baby brokering." the authority of state grand juries The bill, which now goes the Please do not insult the intelli­ DANBURY — A 41-year-old city man who had been attacked The bill that cleared the Judiciary its history, I don’t think we can Anderson. The 0MB has described their effort as hood in the state of Connecticut. The original surrogate bill speci­ to investigate election fraud. House, would protect an artist from gence of these neighbors and and sexually mutilated, died early today, a Danbury Hospital Committee is a healthy compromise that Proposed road afford a well-intentioned but "extraordinarily successful.” The Judiciary Committee also fied that contracts like the one The election fraud proposal alteration of his work by the buyer. deserves passage. taxpayers whom you addressed totally Inexperienced first select­ spokeswoman said. as "some people along the 1.9-mile will help no one man. That is why I am supporting Yehyah Muflahi died at 4:09 a.m, according to Nursing path. ... They say their privacy THE PRODIGIOUS government waste, Supervisor Marianne Fuchs. the Boisvert ticket in the May 4 meanwhile, is driving up the deficit to dangerous will be Invaded by joggers, To the Editor: Muflahi was found Sunday night by a neighbor and taken to Law contest brings out town election. levels — an estimated 91.7 billion for 1937. Rather walkers and bike riders close to From Nellie we can expect Danbury Hospital with head and other injuries, police said. than cut out the waste, the special interests have Police sources told The News-Times of Danbury that Muflahi their back yards." Let me clarify I have been a resident and sound management of our $1 appealed to Congress to raise more taxes. This has Z had been sexually mutilated. the silly and serious and Correct you on that point. Our taxpayer of Manchester for 26 million-plus general government resulted in a marriage of the appropriators and Lt. Arthur Sullo refused to confirm or deny reports of privacy has been. I repeat has HARTFORD (AP) — Some of the William Uricchlo of Windsor and years. For 18 of these years I have budget and, just as Important, we spenders against the taxpayers. been. Invaded for many years by mutilation. He called the attack a "serious molestation offense." entries in this year’s "There Ought Caroline LaFleur of Ridgefield, two lived in Redwood Farms and my can expect Nellie to see that Of course, members of Congress are willing to joggers, walkers and/or bike Sullo said police were were looking for a relative of the victim To Be A Law” contest weren’t quite other winners, say computer­ ORAL CANCER family and I have enjoyed the Andover receives every penny we dip their big toes gingerly into the waters of thrift. who might have information to help their investigation. riders. peace and tranquility of this are entitled to from state as serious as others. generated telephone calls should be They have joined the Grace Caucus, which has There was the entry from Sean banned. These residents from West nelghborhood.lt seems that this government. SCREENING issued this ultimatum to fellow members: "W e Reynolds, an eighth-grader from Uricchlo said that one night while Middle Turnpike north to Wood­ will soon come toan end if the town Tree cutter killed by falling trunk Nellie will bring to the first believe Congress should eliminate government Killingworth, who proposed a law he was waiting for a call back from land Street are in an area fully approves a road to connect our selectman’s office not only her WESTPORT — An employee of a tree cutting company died "to prevent little sisters from his son's doctor, he received a contained and occupied with waste before it even thinks about increasing development to the new proposed years of experience as a member taxes.” after he was struck by a falling section of a tree trunk, authorities entering their big brother's room.” computer-generated call, which he single- and two-family homes on Bramblebush V subdivision. The of the Boaid of Selectmen and as But most members of Congress still put politics said. But Waterbury third-grader said went on for a couple of minutes both sides of the tracks. The area town feels that this road is Mandy Schroeder had an important after he tried to disconnect, making town clerk, but also her career in ahead of economics. "Pork-barrel spending may George Wilson, 40, of Bridgeport, was standing under a tree he south of West Middle Turnpike, necessary and would be an proposal that stemmed from an him "very aggravated." state government. be poor economics, but it’s good politics,” one and other employees of the Bartlett Tree Cutting Service were except for several homes on Essex advantage to both Redwood resi­ incident with her little sister; she Winner Mary BrazauskI of East congressional leader told us, not for attribution. working on when a rope snapped and a section of the tree trunk, and South Hawthorne streets, is dents and the future Bramblebush Susan P. B. Losee about 8 Inches in diameter, fell down on him Monday, Assistant says there ought to be a law Hartford says dairy products such zoned Business IV. Some of the "You can’t explain economics to the American requiring warning labels on poison­ as yoghurt should have plastic homeowners. I am not opposed to Long Hill Road people," he added, with a shrug. Fire Chief Kenneth Lee said. track area is wooded. North of Wilson was transported to Norwalk Hospital’s emergency ous plants. safety seals under the lid so that new construction but this pro­ Andover We think he’s wrong. "When my sister was little, littler they cannot be opened and tam­ Woodland Street to the end of the posed road is not advantagous to center where he was later pronounced dead, Lee said. \ than she is now, she ate a poinsettia pered with. Richard Rizzuti of West line is all Industrial zone. anyone. AH the road will serve to ’The Herald reserves the right The exact cause of death had not been determined. and she got sick and my father had Haven says there should be manda­ Th« ••lling of Amorlca Our concerns are to Improve the do is increase traffic and create a to edit letters in the interests of to call the poison control center,” tory safety inspections of trucks quality of our property by trying to Government officials are uneasy over the O ’Neill defends waiving of penalties > 1MT by NtA. me hazardous condition for children brevity, clarity and taste. Miss Schroeder told several dozen and cars. obtain the privacy we have in a neighborhood that is other­ stampede by foreigners to buy pieces of American state officials, family members, Consumer Protection Commis­ Address letters to: Open Fo­ HARTFORD — Gov. William A. O’ Neill has defended the awaited for so long which can be wise peaceful and traffic-free. businesses and real estate. Foreign-owned capital teachers and news reporters sioner Mary M. Heslin said the rum, Manchester Herald, P.O. waiving of penalties against companies that were delinquent in 'Here's to affirmative NON-actlont" available now, not in the future. Box 691, Manchester, CT 06040. now exceeds 91 trillion — more than double the crowded into Gov. William A. winners’ ideas would be forwarded The town seems to feel that they paying taxes they owed to the state. amount of foreign investment in 1980. Economists O'NeiH's office for the awards to the appropriate legislative com­ "Some of these are judgment calls," O’Neill said Monday, are afraid that the country would slide into a ceremony. mittees for study and, possibly, adding that he was satisfied that in "the vast percentage of the Schroeder was one of five depression if foreign investors suddenly withdrew enactment into law. timea,” the waivers were justified. winners announced Monday in the However, she said, in the three VP’s racist remarks didn’t warrant firing their money. Adding to the concern is the fact that “ The tax department isn’t (there) to put people out of business, state Department of Consumer years the contest has been run, no one knows exactly who owns all the assets, it’s (there) to try to collect the taxes,” O’Neill said. Protection's annual contest. More none of the ideas actually became because disclosure laws are inadequate. The more than affection for a bundle of ill thought out The Hartford Courant reported over the weekend that the state than 800 Connecticut citizens sent in law. The firing of Al Campanil is one of those five-day foreign investors could be legitimate, or they could entries. attitudes, noncommitment to clearly articulated Tax Review Committee violated its own official policy by news stories. Mr. Campanil was the Los Angeles be crooks, commies or cocaine dealers, and may waiving penalties against companies that were repeatedly 9 Dodgers’ vice president for player personnel until values. We can expect Baseball Commissioner 9 have gained access to vital U.S. defense and A' Peter Ueberroth, a dedicated right winger and delinquent. Court boots out • AUTO Oral cancer... easy fo detect; he opened his mouth to Ted Koppell on Nightline to N ich o la s high-tech industries. tell the world that he didn’t think black people had preacher of social conformity, to be in favor of easy to cure. "the necessities” to occupy managerial positions 6 © punishing people for their opinions, but liberals? Or Camp to get DWI prisoners soon ruling on ankles • HOMEOWNERS Mlnl<«dttorlal One half of this year’s 27,000 oral, cancer victims oft the field. He compounded his felony by likening V o n H o ffo ra n is it the liberal position that freedom of speech is to WINDSOR LOCKS — The National Guard training center at be granted to those who say things liberals agree Could we be the only ones who had a feeling of HARTFORD (AP) - The state will not be treated and the disease will be allowed to this lack of necessities to black people not having Camp Hartell has officially become a state prison for men Supreme Court has ruled that a • LIFE with? deja vu the other day when a "senior State the "bouyancy” to make it as competitive convicted of drunken driving, but prisoners won’t be moved in Superior Court Judge erred when he reach advanced stages. Nearly 10,000 will eventually swimmers. A case could be mode for firing Mr. Campanis if Department official’’ told a reporter that agents of until later this week or early next week, correction officials said. threw out a suit challenging a ruling INSURANCE die—most needlessly. Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi may be When what he had done dawned on Mr. he had Mr. O’Malley’s job, because it contradicts The temporary prison will eventually house as many as 100 by a state board allowing podia­ 8 justice and sound social policy to have people in the plotting new acts of international terrorism? The Speak up...get your entire family checked. 8 Campanis, he apologised but by the next day a has worked for the Dodgers for over 40 years. Are male inmates serving short sentences for driving under the trists, or foot doctors, to treat ankle Let us help you reluctant Dodger management had sacked him, ' we to believe that in all those decades no one In the top power jobs who hold such opinions about official, of course, spoke only on the understanding influence, said William H. Carbone, chairman of the state problems. The Connecticut State Medical Wtidnetday, April 22,1987 the California State Assembly passed a motion of Dodger management knew their vice president’s minorities. The key thing here is that everybody that he would not be identified. It was just a few Commlasioner on Jail and Prison Overcrowding. manage your Society and an individual doctor censure and every man, women and child In views on promoting minority-group members? agrees that in his work, on the job, Al Campanis did months ago that the world learned about a secret The Department of Correction agreed to several conditions to 11:00 a.ln. - 5:00 p.m. Nonsense. If Al Campanis should have been not discriminate against anybody because of race, administration "disinformation" campaign quell local opposiUon, including the placement of only one sign at had challenged as "arbitrary and personal America with access to a computer dumped on capricious" a ruling by the Board of ConduetsU by MsnohsMtr Denial Soetoty fired, so too should Peter O’ Malley, the head of the but only on account of talent. directed at Gadhafi. Is this more of the same? The the entrance and installation of lights at A e camp. him. Only , the Dodger’s Examiners in Podiatry that podia­ insurance needs. tragedy, of courae, would be it this latest leak entertalnlBfly ailly manager, had a good word to Dodger organisation. It’s his fault that this trists could treat ankle problems say for Al Campanis in public. Everybody else was "racist" was kept in a position of respo^bility. BASEBALL IV O P L E caught taking drugs are turned out to be authentic, but, like the Aesopian ’Family’ bills targat Inmates, poor because "the ankle is part of the 7 Beyond that, while Mr. Campanis had an important sent to rehaMiitation centers to get shepherd hoy’s cries of "W olf! ” , nobody b^ ev ed foot and the foot Is part of the 7 having a good time denouncing the "racist.” HARTFORD — Women inmates will get more employment rafet posiUon in the Dodger organisation, he bears no reprogrammed. I have some misgivings about it. ir Bni .training, more low-income families will get rent subsidies and ankle.” feom 10 comptmlet P B IU IA n MR. CAMPANIS is a racist, but responsibility for the fact that there are no black sending people to centers to get re-educated. That Superior Court Judge Howard F. National PrtBcrtpilon Ctnitrs more money will be set aside for day care under a 927.7 million perhapa radat Is one of those slippery words of smacks of the kind of thing they do in communist Zoarski dismissed the medical third base coaches, no black managers or general "fam ily agenda" that is part of A e state budget. 348 Main Street inexact definition. Apparently, when it came to China, but at least Mr. Campanis could have been society’s suit Monday, saying Aat managers in a sport where half the players are . - The package of bills was put together by Senate President Pro Call or Stop in (Oenwr of Htynto 81.) Judging haseball talent. Mr. Campanis was able to Mack. For that, once again, Mr. O’ MaUey and his offered an opportunity to be exposed to some neither the .society nor the doctor, iHanrbrstrr Hrrald Tempore John B. Larson, D-East Hartford, and is part of the Enzo Sella had the proper "stand­ Manchester choosie the moat able player regardless of skin equals on the other mador league teams must take different kind of thinking. Instead of firing the and see us. 1997-19 sAte budget scheduled to be acted on by the ing" or right to sue because they piginentatlon. la his younger days, Mr. Campanis man, why didn’t O’Malley suggest that he take a Founded In 1661 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦to 640-1028 not some of the Marne, but all of the Marne. If we’re - Appropriations Committee today. were not aggrieved by the board’s played on the sante team as and leave of absense and go to the University of going to run around calling people names, let some Also included is 91L8 million to improve "pay equity" in state ruling. VALUABLE COUPON • CLIP & SAVE evidently was regarded as something of a standup California at Berkeley and study under Professor PENMV M. SIEFFERT...... PuMNIwr names be shouted in Mr. O’Malley’s direction. DOUQI.AS A. BEVINS . EmeutN* EdRor Jobs, 1 0 that men and women performing similar jobs receive But the Supreme Court said Sella OLIVER-ZUCCAiDY guy, who opposed the racial hating Robinson was Harry Edwards, a Mack man who is generally ALEXANOEN UIRELU . A Modal* EdSor aimilar pay. There is also 99.8 million to increase state subsidies had shown he was aggrieved Insurance Agency suMocted to. On the other hand, whenitcomesto THERE ARB OTHER grave problems here. No considered the specialist in the sociology of sports. for day-care to low-income workers and to boost eligibility levels because of new competition he SAVE «3.00 envisioning Mack men and sromen in higher matter how ignorant, wrongheaded and, yea, even The harsh treatment meted out to Al Campania OENISE A. nOBERTS...... Adneitlelne pkdcMir " so A a t more familes can get day-care assistance. would face if the board's ruling 767 Main Street ON ALL NIW ON TaAMSFaNRaD FNatCNIFTIONt poaMona in management, Mr. Campanis’ views may bring a modicum of social Justice to baseball MARK F, ABRAITIS...... ButMdM Manaear SAte emiUoyees would also be aMe to A ke up to 24 weeks of were allowed to stand. The society racist, Mr. CampaMs’ views are, should he he fired SHELDON C O H E N ...... CompoaMs Manasat Manchester COUPON LMMTONE COUPON leave a feed deal to he desired. forexpressing them? This is a helluva precedent management, butit will only serve to mask the ROBERT H. HUBBARD. . ...Ptaaatdom Mawagar unpaid leave upon A e M rA or adoption of a child or illnesB of a itself also had the right to sue EXPIRES because its member doctors would PER FAMILY Nevsithsless, why was ha fired by the Dodgers and that a mob of vacuous liberals should applaud same unjust practices in other, more important JEANNE Q. FROMERTH.. .. CIrcuiaHon Manas ar ~ child or parent. □ be aggrieved. 643-9555 on a line spring day in April I N T Mr. CampanU makes one sronder if being a liberal means much industries. ± = L MAWCBggTER HERALD. Ttteidw. April »l. i m liM T - * ^aloha - oy‘ WA8U bf Bnic» I nwNiTB brciwfNir. I *-« «« » » &- iNCvAnre ■meTEACHSlSAIPI Ik' MAT^. CMMDOMM. ©-«»- l-ooic. PIP you HgAlt g»-8« S/VNOS O f 8t-gi 81- vffi«icR;w «« J ^ A T , /VIARCie^ U¥kS£^61D0E'mE Japanese-Amerfcans want bHHons 2ip owe G c r , VA/WoM M Brftf «»»n» n*' 8H0WDA 8«-gl-81-81- S«we TKK6T4 Jm ^STjiaf WAT imfcdnmcj l?l-8 l - 8 l- m-nm«DtKiD ooNPerri ' ' MAy C^ueEN"! WSr&t. Bl-Bt-gt (cNfitm cocc ^aeMnmotfBR To MWW/I WOmiS IT 6 P » f / I »-g »-8 i . g l » 6 » (ovT- t*€ HCWl CiCirr lacoe THBIWMIGQIVINS ut^Toa.'.'; gi gi-g|- SovliMn dMiy Mp eMwntMf 'WURKMe txrt wouto DWPWWDC to help erase emotional scare LCfflWCf w> WMr I MtlP Too.'.' 1 — SoYfet Voeettft Wafstry ■patasmsB Gemathr AN NOUQ.? e w ^ m o v today denied tiiat a team of ftndet eomtolar oOieiale [oG ^3ad eanceled a planaed vieit to Israel. Btf Jomes H. RMiln claims radmftted ta die bflU ou of from their homes and pat in , GerMlmov was aAed at Ms regiriar news brfeflng abont a The Aseoelotetf Press dcBnrx. eoBceatration camps for opto fear -wtement made in tlie United Arab Bmfrates VkNBmir ’The appcaia court said the years. An estimated 00,660are stBl Pwiweky, the Soviet depnty foreign mtntarter. P e tro v ^ bad WASRING’TON - William Hohri, guvenuuent itmy bsve to pay fbr Mive. NO, SHE 5AIP IF VOU I KNEW THERE said the consular visit wncanceled ’’after brael tried toexiHoit who was 15 in iM t when Ms property Iw h s rafteieif Oooe m o d sMd dm camps were "ft C 5 IMPROVE VOOR 6RAPE6, UW5 A "MAY" IN tbe vieit for Uackmail and for applying pressure." Japanese-American family was imprtaowed wfto were not among depfarabtr episode. The aiHes dW you MAY6ETTO THERE SOMEPLACE Gerasimov raid. “ ’Tbe dckeu have not yet been b o ^ t , the forced into "an absolute mintmal 2ft,66ft peopte compenrateif imder a sot always adhere to dm values for BE QUEEN.. vtras not yet applied fbr, but tbe visit has not been canceled.” existence” in an American prison 1945 law pfuviMm some benefits. WIULII \aVy wVrV ligilUiV« He gave no oOier details o f the situation. camp, rays Iw is sorry tobe fighting HMiri w W die atkniniranrtioa ia After dm Japeiese attack on die Justice Deportment for Ms HAQAII TMC HOfmWLe *f (Mt ■ ro «n « s. Petrovsky did not elaborate on the allegations of Israeli trying to perraode the court to Feart BEsibor in IMI, FrmMMt pressure. But he appeared to be referring to reports that Israel ciMstKudooal ri^ u . avoid dm raderiyi^ iraun in die FranMta D. Rooeeveit aatheriaiiM Now 60 and a computer operator would CMMider a proposed iMernaUonat MBtMe East peace caee and ONTiMr it am on die baMa of the forcible removal from dmir in ^ fc a p i, Hohri was at the PfiOBA0 LY conference if die Soviet Union restoredties with die Jewish state. temkriraBdes. homee of JapoBcac-Antericana and 6e T 0LmBQ ftipreme Court seeking reilress "I ant aorry we have a Depart- Japanese eftisene living ht CM fer FoRTttAT Monday for what ^ Reagan ment of Justice we have to to Bla and parts of Oregon, WsohBig- oiw Ni Sofflli Afrtec adhninistradon acknowledges is an affirm our eonadtutfonai ri^ t a ,” ten and Arixoim. 3 episode that brought shame a.m. (2:40 a.m. EDT) at the ’IlaiH Municipal Police Training ‘=“3 i r 2 o 1UREEBEP&. Center. government lawyers urged the high much balm we woirtd like to apply veied later suggest no such mfl- court to kill a lawsuit that could CH€DO\m>, Bureau qnikesman Deon van LiMgorenberg said 5l trainees to the wound.” Itary necessity eMsted. mean billions of dollars for prison He said the 1963 suit seeking OM f TDO^OFT, . wereadmittedtoSoweto'sBaraganwatbllospital, fmirofdiemin WILLIAM KOHRI ^ b r i said be was ^aced in one camp survivors and their families. compensation for property loeaes room with Mg mother and fire A N ? 0 N F 3 U $ r ■ serious condition. The bureau said earlier that TOwSre injured. 10 ... talks to court TI«B H AN rO M by tM Falh ft Sy BMTy " I don’t feel American,” Hohri suffered by tboee imprisoned w ai brodmrs and sMers at a detention v zn o n :. : seriously, but van Logigerenberg raid be could not explain the said in recalling his experiences. (Hfferent figores. filed in dm wrong federal court and camp in Mansaimr, Calif. )OU’RE OWf NOW, "We lost our freedom, which is very The Reagan administration was filed too late. R was ”an abaoiute nrininial lOMM. ftSAW. FOR Z No arrests were reported and die origin and type of hand precious to us.” asked the court to overrule a But Fried also condemned the existence,” Hohri said after the grenade were not known, the bureau raid. The court is expected to announce federal appeals court decision P A B\6 9N\H&>. internment, in which ]20.900 U.S Justices heard argument;. He said Tbe center commandant. Pieter de Beer. toMtbe South African by July whether the suit may ordering the government to defend cMxens and resident aliens of the family riiar^ a mattress, a Press Associadon that an undetermined number of peecause we seek war, but because we want peace; a Just and Stuhff, who described the devel­ Bracy,” he said, referring to the M Ms statement was "one of many guard eaplonage scandal has re­ opment as "curious,” said it _eomprehensive peace on the basis of tbe Palestinian right to second Marine arrested in the case. factors” diat prompted the defense canted his testimony, according to provided additional evidence of "We don’t belfeve they have a ~kelf-determination and to an independent state with Jerusalem last Thursday to seek a delay in a defense attorney. heavy-handed conduct by investi­ case.” pre-trial hearings until next month. I'm its capital,” Arafat declared Monday at the opening of the IMh Michael V. Stuhff, the attorney, gators and undermined the prose­ Lonetree and Bracy allegedly Stuhff decHn^ to identify Willi­ session of the Palestine National Council. said Monday he had been notified cution’s case. became sexuaBy involved with ams beyond saying he had served He said Palestinian leaders ’’now all stand together” after he by Marine prosecutors last week "Williams has recanted his state­ Soviet women. ‘The Marine Corps as an embassy guard in Mospow ARLO AND JANIS by Jimmy Johnson patched up differences with tbe two largest hard-line guerrilla that a man identified as CpI. Robert ment and told the prosecutors that has charged the two with espion­ ami Vienna, Austria. factions opposing him for the past four years. More than 2,000 delegates, officials and observers of the council, the parliament-in-exile of the 5 million Palestinians, met in the heavily guarded Club des Pins conference center 15 miles Ex-inmate slams west of Algiers. Abrams wants better choking test Soviet labor camps PLANNING YOUR

ON THE FA8 TRACK by Bill Holbrook WASHINGTON — The New York attorney general is asking the . Consumer Product Safety Commission to use a larger device to By Susan J. Smith country’s largest newspapers, with The Associated Press a circulation of 3-4 million. ' measure whether toys can choke small children, saying children The paper, which published Stav- under age 3 have choked on objects that met tbe government’s VACATION MOSCOW — A former prisoner rovsky’s letter in its current Weu.,1 HAVe SoMffHllJO- c fis s m - C V S * . ' standard. criticized the Soviet labor camp edition, wrote in a commentary: H MY DESK THATLt CURE TriPfU 6otVe Af>iTril»kr/ - Attorney General Robert Abrams, in a petition filed Monday system in a letter to one of the "It is high time to say what is going with the CPSC, asked the commission to increase the standard to nation's largest newspapers and on in the corrective labor camps.” 2 a diameter of at least 1.68 inches for all toys intended for children charged that Inmates are turned it wrote that some readers under 3. Tlw present minimum is a diameter of 1.25 Inches and into hardened criminals instead of probably would be upset by publica­ length of 2.25 inches. being re-educated. tion of a convict’s letter, but that “ Parents and other purchasers of children’s toys and products "the rules of glasnost (openness) are being duped by age labels predicated upon the CPSC small "The development of vicious tolerate no exceptions." The refer­ parts requirement,” said Mary Ellen Fise of the Consumer inclinations in the individual flour­ ence was to Soviet leader Mikhail S. Federation of America, which Joined in the petition. ishes,” the former inmate, identi­ Gorbachev’s program of publiciz­ “ They believe that because a product's label states that the toy fied only as V. Stavrovsky of ing some social problems. is appropriate for babies newborn through 3 years, that the Smolensk, wrote in the weekly Soviet media have published product is safe and will not pose a choking hazard,” she said. Literary Gazette. examples of miscarriages of justice "They say this is a formal over the past year, and some re-education, but In reality it is a high-ranking officials have called continuation of the process In which for better protection of citizens Feds seize LaRouche’s office one constantly feels suspicion and against false arrest and LEESBURG, Va. — Federal agents today seized control of the mistrust, either in himself or Imprisonment. headquarters of political extremist Lyndon H. LaRouche in an others,” he wrote. "The so-called Stories have told of ineffective political and education work Is just ALLEY OOP * by Dave Qraus attempt to collect on part of more than $21 million in fines facing defense lawyers, corrupt Judges, . LaRouche-related groups. wretched." beatings during Interrogations and Declarer should have taken the WHAT'S I EXPECT OSCAR I f 30 IF THE LAW GETS UMMm ! I WELL, SINCE WE'LL ...I BELIEVE IT Officers of the U.S. Marshal’s Service occupied LaRouche Western diplomats said It may be convictions of innocent people. Knowing right I TROUBLING , BACK HERE / " ’^A.CURIOUS.WE MIGHT THINK I V P<^VE TO RETURN VMOULO BE WISE the first letter published In the spade ace right away because he YOU, DOC? ANY MINUTE / YEAH! ) HAVE QUITE A organization offices at three locations around Leesburg shortly Stavrovsky’s letter said little NORTH 4-tl-l7 SEE WHERE ^— i HENRY TO HIS TO DO rr AS SOON official mass media criticizing the knows that West did not have an origi­ WITH THE I SO...?) TIME EXPLAINING YOU'RE COMING S OWN TIME, rf AS POSSIBLE! before 7 a.m. about camp conditions, which have ftAS from wrong nal holding of K-Q-J-x-x. (Anyone with SHERIFF! ,.<^WHO YOU AND HENRY FROM I WHATCHA ( ANYWAY... labor camps, which are estimated been described In detail by former VK64 ARE AND WHY WANT US TPO? They were acting under an order signed by a federal By James Jacoby that holding would certainly have led YOU'RE HERE! to hold at least 1 million prisoners political prisoners freed in a recent 6K 10 7 5 3 the spade king.) Therefore, East has at bankruptcy Judge, said Assistant U.S. Attorney David Schiller. and about which almost no official review of dissident cases. Don’t Forget To Plan ftS64 least one honor in spades. If the suit di­ 'The sealed, involuntary bankruptcy order was regarded as a information is available. Me also did not say where he was The deals this week are about hold­ vides 4-3, declarer has nothing to fear rare legal maneuver by the government. One government “ It's possible something like this imprisoned or for what offense. WEST EAST ups, but you must remember that OK J863 4Q7 in three no-trump. The danger is that ; source, who demanded anonymity, said the intent of the move appeared before in legal publica­ Stavrovsky said he had "several manv times it’s wrong to hold iip. T J 5 2 YQ 10 8 7 the opening leader has five spades and was to ’’keep the companies operating and to pay money to the tions, but that something with a convictions” and believes repeat Maybe the defenders will hurt you by 6 A 2 6«84 East only two. By taking the spade ace creditors,” meaning the government. How You Will Catch Up switching suits, or maybe you can't critical tone of the camps should offenders are much more numer­ 4Q32 410 9 7 5 immediately, declarer assures that Schiller said the order directed marshals to seize the assets and hold up long enough for the play to do show up in the Literary Gazette Is ous than those serving first terms. the opponents will not be able to take SOUTH any good, or perhaps you have no way niiroperty of three LaRouche organizations that face fines of more astonishing," a Western diplomat "Having served his term, the more than two spade tricks if the 4 109 4 2 to prevent the dangerous opponent than $5 million each. The fines were levied by a federal Judge in said, speaking on condition of person Is simply incapable of YA93 spades were originally 5-2, since de­ Boston for contempt of court for failing to turn over financial anonymity. keeping to the norms of life On ALL The News from gaining the lead no matter what clarer blocks the suit by taking the ♦ Q J6 you do. There’s a good reason for not records sought by a grand jury. Literary Gazette is one of the common in society.” he wrote. 4AK J first trick. FRANK AND ERNEST ' by Bob Thave* holding up in today’s deal. Cover the Vulnerable: Both East and West hands and see If you can A new book by James Jacoby and his Dealer: North figure out that reason. ^WOULO You ufcE A z Qov*t not liable for cancer father, the late Oswald Jacoby, Is now Airlines may continue While You Are Away. available at bookstores. It Is “Jacoby C50T MILKY WAY?, ; SALT LAKE CITY — An appeals court has overturned a Weil North Eait Sooth When declarer played low from on Card Games, "published by Pharos Pass Pass 1 NT dummy at the first trick. East won and federal Judge’s ruling that government negligence in above- Pass 3 NT Pass Pass Books. 5AP5 AW MOON returned a spade to dummy’s ace. Ete- I ground nuclear weapons tests from 1951 to 1962 caused cancer in Pass low summer air fares clarer played a diamond back to his ’ tome residents downwind from the Nevada test sites. I After reviewing the case for more than IS months, the three Opening lead: 4 6 queen, but West grabbed the ace and The Philippines were given inde­ By Bill Menozes supposed to end May 20. Those Call took three more spade tricks to set the pendence by the United States on July fu d ges of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled The Associated Press non-refundable fares are dis­ contract. 4. 1946. '.unanimously Monday that the government could not be held counted as much as 80 percent from 'liable because of the discretionary nature of the actions it was NEW YORK - The nation’s regular fares and are less than the Today And -sued for. major airlines are expected to offer "supersaver" fares that previously Have - The iS-page opinion filed in Denver reversed the May 10,1084, deeply discounted fares through the were the industry’s lowest. 9 end of the peak summer travel Polly’s Pointers ~hillng by U.S. District Judge Bruce Jenkins In Salt Lake that Analysts said they expected the found the government negligently failed to warn or educate season, analysts said following The moves taken or planned by several major airlines to follow, especially WINTHROP v>by Dick Cavalll downwind residents of radiation hazards from the above-ground carriers. because the summer fares would be teats. higher and slightly more restrictive Manchester would like a copy of this issue should Jenkins presided over a 13-week 1982 trial of the suit in which Continental and Eastern airlines, What will remove DEAR POLLY — Leftover jams units of Texas Air Corp., said than the current Maxsavers. send $1 for each copy to POLLY’S and jellies are great in mince pie. 1,102 plaintiffs contended that fallout caused people in Nevada, Herald Monday they planned to continue "Those are two positives," said POIN'I'ERS, in care of this newspa­ Also, ‘/i cup of sour cherries added to southern Utah and northern Arizona to sicken or die from cancer. glue on a blouse? per, P.O. Box 93863, Cleveland, OH offering the deeply discounted Louis Marckesano of Janney Mont­ the mincemeat makes it yummy. — After hearing tesUmony of 08 witnesses and considering 1,602 Saved In A 44101-5863. Be sure to include the ti­ D.T.H. "M axsaver” fares they introduced gomery Scott Inc. in Pittsburgh. By Polly Fisher tle. - POLLY ' exhibits, the Judge ruled after 17 months of deliberation in favor in January, although the tickets "W e were hoping they would 8 Vacation Pak . of the government on 14 of the claims and postponed a decision in will be more expensive and carry modify pricing upward and or DEAR POLLY — Help! I squirted DEAR POLLY — Here is a tip that one case. more restrictions. increase the minimum stay super glue on my favorite cotton DEAR POLLY — I covered a small will make any pie-dough recipe bet­ Minneapolis-based Northwest involved." And blouse and it won’t wash out. Do you crack In the corner of a plate-glass ter. Chill a large, thick pottery mixing Airlines said it expected to match Thomas G. Plaskett, Continen­ have any magic solutions? — KAREN mirror with a few flowers cut out of bowl to mix the dough in. Chill all Chinese pandas coming to NYC the extension, while several other tal’s president, told a news confer­ Catch Up On DEAR KAREN — Nail polish re­ Contac paper. I cut out the flowers utensils, flour, shortening and water major airlines said they were ence that an estimated 3 million before using them. — ERNIE ' NEW YORK — The Bronx Zoo is stockpiling hundreds of mover will dissolve most of the “su­ and leaves first, then peeled off the passengers had purchased Max- ‘pounds of bamboo, putting up plexiglass tree guards and hiring studying the move. per” glues. Test some on a hidden spot backing. They make a cover-up or The Maxsavers currently offered saver tickets from Continental and dorans of extra people in a flurry of activity surrounding the to make sure it won’t change the color decoration that’s cheaper than buying by Continental and Eastern were Eastern since Feb 1. of the fabric. Don’t, however, nse null decals. — J.N. DEAR POLLY — Recently I had arrival of two rotund visitors from China. 7 U.B. ACRtft by Jhn Davik polish remover on acetates or acetate stains in the toilet bowl that did not Ling Ling and Yong Yong, two giant pandas on loan from the All The News When You Return blends. It shonld be fairly safe for come off with the usual removers or • BeUing Zoo, arrived Saturday and were placed In quarantine cottons. DEAR POLLY - When using a cleaners. I thought that if my denture ; until their three-month display begins April 30. CAR RAFFLE I’m sending yon a copy of my news­ large paper grocery bag for a trash cleaner cleans my dentures, why not Pandas ha ve not been on view In New York City since the Bronx bag, fold the top edge over about an try it! I dropped two denture-cleaner letter ’’Glide to Spots and Sulns, • Zoo exhibited them from 1M8 to 1951. Zoo officials expect up to 2 MSNCHESnR ELKS which gives first-aid measures for the in ^ from the top all the way around. tablets in the bowl. I left them in all ' million people will come to America’s lai-gest urban too to visit most common stains on clothing and This will keep the bag open. — day, and the second day, the bowl was 1988 UrcoIr Towr Car honsehold furnishings. Others who ARTHUR white. - BETTY ! the endangered creatures. ' ” It’B very exciting for the public and for the too,” said William Only 300 tickott will bo told ; Conway, general director of the New York Zoological Society, CALL TODAY! ! which runs the too. •100“ per ticket Only one panda will be on display each day, and tickets will be Drawing & Buffet Dinner PEOPLE WHO k n o w ' designated for specific hours to ease congestion, Conway said, know there's a certain magic I i I i VVW b ■ ■ • estimating that up to 1,000 people will get to see the pantjasevery Saturday May 9 about Classified Advertising. 643-2711 ! hour. 646-9262 6 4 7 - 9 9 4 6 t - MANCtfESTER HERALD. Tuewtey. Awil ^1, 1W7 Smelly liquid creates proUems at Coventry dump SPORTS

■v JocQucllne Beniiet him the pnibiems were being tslm i is entered from the sooth. ptefcup. The m atter will be dto' Kerold Cerrespendcnt care of. However, the reassurance OOer profetoms with soltd-waste cussed again M a Peering LM smt Wit® BOX CHOugll. •*Th« blu^-grtfon Kqufcl is dsUnKsly organic ~ disposal, affiectinf many towns in Committee meeting next Mondey COVENTRY - A n m lly Ikpiid "T think he'll be happy when he It stinks,” said Town M anager Harold Hodge. BUlWiaiicv aiHi swiiaivu iiiTcr naw Conneefletrt, were (toeumed l9 die nigM. Anally sees results.” Hodge said. councA Monday night. Council members admitted adiled prabtoms totlietewn lamHUI. Blanchard also sent die council a Seko cops Boskxi Marathon Mary Ann Germaine, chairwo­ they're in a Mad becaww the sUd» wlileli is already an eyesore be^ letter with a record of dally cm se of mounting trarii. aceorcHng man of die Conservation Commis­ wants ail lantfHls dosed wtthhi Avd violations at the landAII. though,” Hodge said "It’s the only said that younptera hired to do the P y J l m H a m av toorle snecen in bis fint-ever slow pace,” attrflwtod the forwier and be to town officials. sion, and Roger BeAard, superin­ years and WERE is die oMjr "A t some point he should come to organic substance burled there, so cleanliir recently AAed M trash tendent of streets, recommended recovery unit willing to accept I ulo jiww I® w n w r marathon hi Lea Angeles, he to the strong headwind. Jones and Althougb he did not attend a a council meeting.and see that tMs it must be that.” bags Half the money was left, and ceuidB’t match ambWon arifii per­ Smith, who ran together the Anal 'Ail I can be is pMloeepMcal meeting of the Town Council held that the councA fmrm a committee Coventiys trash. is something we're all dealing with Hodge said the landAII openMon the cleanup will be Anished within BOSTON - Par one. it was a formance in Ms flnt appearance six mitoa, totod to go with Seko, but out K,” ’Treacy, fito two-time Monday night at the Town Office to investigate the Windham Energy CouncA member Fatricfc Flw-' and trying to do mmething about.” uses a cell method. Itie cMI space two days, be added. Recovery Facility, a trash-to- herty said he advocates a traiwltien jubilant celebratleB and reaoser- over the 36.8 mile distance since ciNddn’t manage the task. Ruilding. resident Charles Blan­ said council Chairwoman Rose where the meat is buried is clone to Recently, council members com­ energy plant. tlon sTMs ra rt at the ornimit or dto then. “I think we were both running as chard sent eigM idctures of litter- from one-town Jurisdiction over Eowler. the nanchard property, and the plained about the unsightliness of Germaine said it now costs fSS a world maraOwn Itot. “Pm very, very itopfwimed.” hard as we eoMd,” the SByear-oM strewn conditions at thelamHtll site W ERF, by tito town of WlmBiam, to Blanchard could not be reached meat will have to be buried ctoeper, the Increasing amount of trash at ton to dnnp trash at the WincMam For another, fervent hopes were the M-year-ohf’Treacy, a Warwidi, totth nid. “We were hophw that along Route 31. Blanchard also sent re^onal control. for comment this morning. he said. the landAII, which has a permit for lAant. She said die faclKty is the "Politically, it would be better i f dashed and replaced by severe R.I. resident, said, “m prebahfo Seko wunld Mow down and die. He I literally lived for this rate ter t a Vito of smelly liquid that he said is Hodge said the smelly liquid The problem of litter around the a 30-foot-high expansion. The trash only one operating in the state and down the road it goes to Hartford," dIaappoIntiiieHt. reflect on it for a week and try toput pot hi saeb a surge. There’snosort last II months. I’ll pick up the flowing onto Ms 3>A-acre property, probaMy came from a large site occurs every year, acconhngto is visible through the trees that Japan’s Toshihiko Seko broke it behind me. I really truly warned of letting go. We tried as hard as we pieces. There’s no doubt about M.” has not made a profit yet, and town Flaherty said. He said the state Is ----a-g rs next to the landfill. quantity of meat that was buried at Judy LeDoyt. vdio lives across the surround the area and is piled 15 to away fram a pock of l l rmmers. on to do well in Boston becaw e it was fMnUO. Treacy said he'll run the marathon "The blue-green liquid is defi­ officials are concerned that the more likely to listen to a group of the lamfAtl. The meat went bad street, fflie said winds during 30 feet Mgh. Eltxabeth Fatersem, financial problems might result in his ascent up the frnied 'Heart- my home race.” 4#oim, wBv rMWCifica minMif in the 1366 Summer Olympics in nitely organic — it stinks." said several towns asking for bdp. when freezers at Coventry High March and April cause the the councA’s vice chairwoman, has excessive costs to the town. In the meandme. May 2bas been hreM Rill’, and eaMly won the 61st Steve Jones of Wales, the second from a dismal 26Hi-|dace perfor­ Seoul, South Korre. Town Manager ffarold Hodge. School broke down (hiring Hurri­ proMem. said the landAII eyesore is bad for She said the su^ested commit­ designated Rid Litter Day. Voh»- annaal Boston MaraOien Ifenday. fastest marathoner ever (1:67: IS), mance in the marathon in the B odge said he spoke with Blan­ cane Ghuria in September UK. Two weeks ago the council Coventry's image be<»use it is one tee could also investigate a recy­ teers will work on cleanup all over R was Sefco's second Boston tri­ out dueled England's Geoff Smith European Championships six The other major dtsappolatment chard earlier in the day and told "It wasn’t buried deep enough. allocated MM for cleanup. H tx^ of the first things visible as the town cling program or curbside trash Coventry, according to Hodge. umph, having also won in 1661. for second place. Jonea flnished in montts ago in Stuttgart, West was from TamaMa's Juma Bwn- Despite what many eomider to be 2; 13; 37 while Smith was caught in Germany, feH Boston was Ms gaa, the No. I rated maraflioner in the Anew field of marathoners ever 8; 13:62. Smith, a two-time winner chance to climb back up the world the world, who faded to lltb afier amembled, tactics, together with a in Boston, finished seventh in the marathon list. being among the leaders through 16 A Bolton board asks that cuts prevailing, strong headwind, pre- 1366 Manchester Road Race. "That race (Stuttgart) was six miles. duded any thon^its of a erwrae or Seko coRected 346.660 and a months ago,” the 36-year-old BMt- world record. Seko’s winning time Mercedes worth 331,600 for his ish Royal Air Force member said. Rosa Mota of Portugal eaMly won was 8; 11; 56 while the world record victory while Jones and Smith “I just umA this race as it came and the women’s race with a time of in its budget be reinstated is 2:67:12 set by Portugal’s Carlos received 320,060 and 315,000, re­ used the opportunity of rumdng 2;2S:21. The top Connecticat fln- Lopes in 1365. A field of 6.313 took spectively. A total of 3347,000 in against the best people in the world Mier WM 37-year-oM Hartford prize money was distributed anumg to bring myself back into native Mike Cobb, who attended “ S m , Seko celebrated his eighth By Andrew Yurkovskv the hearing that it was his under­ the top 15 finishers In the men’s and contentton.” Northwest Catholic H i^ School Finance, asked how the 345.0Mcut marathon victory in his last nine women’s race. The 36-year-old DefemHng champion and coarse Herald Reporter standing that the school board was would affect the school budget. and Boston College. Cobb finished a P attempts (Seko dneed I4th in the not asking for the entire 345.M0 to Seko, rated No. 4 in the world in the rec(»d-b(d(!lw, Rob de Castella of fine 31st wifli a time of 2:24;22. Pairkman said that money for less 1364 (Nympics). Ireland’s John BOLTON - The Board of Ednca- be reinstated. marathon, exMbited a powerful Australia, finished sixth in 2:14; 24. Former East Catholic HMh stan­ important Hems would have to be Treaty, the 1364(Hympic marathon Aon has asked that about IlS.OMcnt Only two residents — both of surge up Heartbreak Hill after the de Castella was bumped at the start dout Bob CTifferd, an East Hartford diverted to items that are deemed silver medalist and one of the from the proposed $3 * million them candidates in the May 4 13-mile mark to subdue his by a race official and fell to the native and now residing in Newton, more crucial. pre-race favorites along with Seko, adversaries. school budget be reinstated by the election — showed up for the ground as the gun went off in Mass., was 24th in 2;21:46. “Cuts are double whammies for fMMtod a disappointing 14th wHb a HopMnton. Toshihiko of Japan crosagstho finish linstowtnthg Board of Finam^e. hearing at the Community Hall. "At that point (13-mile mark), I Seko us.” he said, noting that the school time of 2; 17:36. 'The crestfallen Treacy, whose The top American finisher was The school board wants 318.425 One of the residents. Thomas A. had so imKh left. I feK the pack was 91st annual Boston Marathon Monday. Soho’s winning board would simply have to seek As Treacy, four-time winner and slow, so I started to pull away,” training had revolved around Bos­ Dave Gordon of Eugene, Oregon, reinstated for a portable classroom Manning, a Republican candidate financing in future years for items ecmrmcourse ftewo^fMOBTrecord-holder inm thetiie Man­Man- sefcoSeko said titmignthrough an interpretor.fntdrpretor. ton for the Instlast year, feltfeH that anall wnowho fmtsneofinished loimn.fourth. TneThe zf-year- 37-year- timo was »2 swi*fw,hours, e11 t ivsesswawaw, minutos, SO ^vw.vww.soconds. .-awHo won tho at the high school. The classroom for the Board of Education, ciuesti- that have been cut this year. Chesterchester Road Race, achieved me- Seko, who was “bothered by the marathoners experience bad days old’soM’8 timeAnte was 2:13:30.2:13; 36. '81'81 Boston Boston MSfSthon. Marathon. win be needed because of an oned several budget items, indicat­ increase in enrollment and because ing that some of them appeared The budget figures presented by construction of a media center is unnecessary. the finance board during the expected to disrupt some classes, hearing were higher than estimates school board members told the Among the items was 344.9M to made during Its final workshop Anance board during a public update business-education equip­ earlier this month The school Record-tying Brewers enjoying it while they can hearing Monday night ment from typewriters to wort board originally requested processors " I just find it hard to 33.730.321. but the latest finance The finance board cut 345.0M By Bob Greene ’T m healthy now and I plan on believe that it can be this high." board total — even with a M5.0M By Bob G reene ’’I’m“I’m going going to to tell tell them them we we have have to to DougDoug Jones, Jones, 6-1, 6-1, walked walked Ranee Ranee “I ’m heaHhy now and I plan on AARiMlea S lM le a 1 10, 0 , A Angalfii MOIB 0 from the IM7-88 school budget rc~ The Associated Press staying healthy," Saherha^ saM Manning said. He also (piestionrt cut figured in — is about 3170.0M The Associated Press play better tomorrow night. We A f B oim iflip MulllniksMulllniks with wHb one one ^ out In in the the 10th *1!^!!!?’” ^***^.*"1 AA baaes-loadedbases-loaded homehome rwran In the during a workshop two weeks ago. were lucky tonight. When we got Monday after Improving his record the value of the cooperative work higher, at 33.897.035. and then gave up consecuUve top of Aie nfnth hniiig by Tony The board did not indicate what The Milwaukee Brewers know behind, we fought to get even. And to 3-0. experience program, saying. "I Ursin said he could not account singles to Erato Whitt and Gruber PMIHpa aealed OaUaad's irfetoiy Items should be cut in order to meet their winning streak can’t go on we got even. We went ahead and we Saberhagen, winning three wouldn't do that at all.” for the discrepancy, and would look as the Indians lost for the ninth time over CaHfornfa. The Atiilettca had that total. Af pfWtO forever. But they are enjoying it had the right guys in at the right games In a row for the first Ame into it. a fielder’s choice. Dale Sveum also in 11 games. taken a 6-5 lead In the aigbtti oo "It's going to be difficult to come School board Chairman Jam es H. while H lasts. tim e." since September, 1608, settled (town bounced out before Molitor doubled The Blue Jays’ Mg rally consisted Reggie Jackaon's MfleM roller, up with recommendations (tor Marshall said that the program, In addition, the selectmen’s Splattered with pizza sauce, a Connecti­ sauce Monday afternoon in Waterbury. “Everybody has to be realistic,” The right guys turned out to be after a rocky start and allowed only into the toft field corner to score of five walks, one Mt batter, two wMcb scored Mike Davis from cuts), because our budget is rather which allows students to receive budget is slightly higher than cut Transit bus bears heavy damage said RoMn Yount, whose bloop relievers diuck Crim, who gained seven singles, retiring the last II Ten people were injured. Surhoff with the tying run. Molitor wild pitches, a passed ball and tMrd base to snap a 5-3 Ae. tight," School Superintendent Ri­ school (rredit for on-the-job train­ original estimates Including the after it was struck by a truck carrying single In the seventh inning the victory In relief of Juan Nieves, Lloyd Mosehy’s three-run douMe. batters be faced In order before chard Packman said after the ing. is required by the state. then scored on Yount’s bloop single Dave Stewart, 1-2, went seven capital reserve fund, that budget knocked in the winning run and and Dan Plesac, who pitched the to right. “They gave us the bangame," letting Dan Quisinberry mop up in a hearing. Packman said he does not Manning also questioned the fact 1-2-3 ninth. Innings to snap a peralmal six-game totals 33.121.248. an increase of 31 Increased Milwaukee’s season­ ninth Inning to earn his fifth save. “When things are going good, yon Mosebr said. believe the Board of Finance is that the high school, with one percent over the 1988-87 budget hMing streak (toting back to tost opening victory streak to a major The Brewers broke the ALrecord get those kind of breaks,’’ Yount “I never got tMngs going last likely to reinstate more than the full-time and one part-time gui­ Despite the increases, the 1987-88 league record-tying 13 games. year ligM fnnn day (me in spring year. Ja y HowMI went Aw float two of II straight victories to begin the said. “This was sort of a different Royola 10, Rod Sox 2 innings for Ms tbe Atblettos* fln t I18.0M required for the portable dance counselor, has a higher tax rale is likely to be lower than “ We're not going to win every season set by the Oakland A’s when training,” Saberhagen said. "I’d classrooms. Bus crash game. Most of the others have been Danny Tartabull, Larry Owen save of the seoaon. counselor-to-student ratio than the Ursin had estimated earlier. Ac­ game, but you have to ride it when rather just forget about last year. they posted their 12th consecuUve well played. I didn’t think it was and Frank WMte Mt their first Finance board Chairman Ray­ national average but has only an cording to the budget presented at you can.” I’m staying healthy, and that’s a CalAomia starter Kirk McCasMH victory on Sunday, scoring five that well-played but we got the homers of the season as Kansas toft tbe game after six ImAngs wftb mond A. Ursin said that the hoard average proportion of students the hearing, the tax rate would Milwaukee tied the record of 13 Mg part of the way I’m pitcMng runs in the ninth inning to (fown break on the bloop hit. City defeated Boston, spoiling the AgMness In Ms right elbow. Mike wtnild consider putting money back going on to college. increase 1.85 mills to 35.75 mills, or 10 injured when truck smashes into bus straight victories by coming from Texas 6-4. rIgM now.” “These guys believe they have a 75th anniversary of the opening of Cook cam e on and gave op a doable Into the school budget for the Mary M. Van Buren. a Demo­ 335.75 for every 31.000 of assessed behind Monday night to nip the “ You have to think about getting chance to win every time they step Fenway Park. Yankoot f, Tfgofa 2 to Jose Canseco to lead off tlw portable classrooms. He said after cratic candidate for Board of property. WATERBURY (AP) - The Bus passenger Richard Tippett, split open, spilling tomato paste on Chicago White Sox 5-4. The Brewers caught up in all the h ^ l a . ” on the field.” Bret Sabertiagen, the 1905 Cy seventh. Dwayne Murphy then 2 driver of a delivery truck that .59, of New Haven was In critical the road. Police closed East Main can break the mark set by the Molltof said. “But the nice part is Don Mattingly, Mike Pagllaralo smashed into a commuter bus and condition at St. Mary's Hospital CrIm, 2-0, got the victory, while Young Award winner, struggled in homered to knot the game at 5-8. Street for three hours while crews Atlanta Braves in 1682 when they that these games are not that Plesac came on In the ninth to get and Claudell Washingt(m slam imd injured 10 people has been charged today, a hospital spokeswoman cleared debris. the first three innings before two-nin homers to power New York take on the White Sox tonight. crucial. We still have a long way to his fifth save. settling down and improving his Tfififw 13, MaifnwB S with reckless driving, police re­ said. Another passenger, Lois Fas- “Somewhere along the line we’re to its seventh strai^ t victory as the Bolton GO P’s ‘non-platform’ go. We shouldn’t feel pressure that record to 3-0. ported today. sio, 41, of New Haven, was in fair The truck left black skid marks going to lose,” said Milwaukee's the winning streak Is the key to the Yankees downed the Detroit Gary GaeAi and Roy Smalley The bus driver and seven pas­ condition, the spokeswoman said. that stretched for 158 feet, police Greg Brock, who hit a two-run season” Jtya 8, Indlant 7 At 21, Saberhagen beame the Tigers. capped a six-run first Inning wftb sengers, as well as the truck driver The spokesowman didn't know said. homer in the first inning. “ We just Molitor said the streak “didn’t Kelly Gruber scored one of five youngest Cy Young Award winner MatUngly, who was celebraAng consecuAve home runs to power and his passenger, were Injured in what their injuries were. John Flnateii of Waterbury, a have to remember not to get too mean that much until we got to the Toronto runs In the ninth inning — a in American League history while his 26th birthday, connected with Minnesota over Seattle. Minnesota does make a few promises the accident on Monday, hospital starter Mike Smithson lifted Ms The remaining victims were passenger in the 28-foot long cargo high” point where we were going to break rally that Included just one hit — pitching the Royals to the 1608 one out in the first inning off Jack officials said. Four passengers record to 3-0 as the Twins Increased treated at Waterbury Hospital, and truck, said he and Kohiberg wereen With Chicago leading 4-3, Paul the record. And the way we’ve been then drove in the game-winner with championship. Morris. 1-2. It was his his second By Andrew Yurkovskv a platform at one point despite ney. a Republican, the first select­ remained hospitalized today. their home record to 4-0. two remained hospitalized this route to Cappl's Cheese Corp. in Molitor doubirt home the tying run playing, we have a chance for it a single in the 10th inning as the At 22, plagued by shoulder and home run of the season and his third Herald Reporter initial disclaimers. man. Although the GOP also had a The 5:30 p.m. accident occurred morning. Passenger Robert Lane, Waterbury. with two outs In the seventh inning, tomorrow.” Blue Jays rallied to defeat other injuries, he slipped to 7-12, his homer in 23 career at-bats against Joe Klink pitched tbe final two “It Is a platform.” Republic majority on the board when Demo­ when the rented truck carrying 56, of Cheshire was in good then scored the winning run on After Brock’s two-run homer, the Cleveland. worst record In four professional Morris. innings for the Twins,l ^ n s . giving up a BOLTON - The Republican Town Chairman Mark Johnson crat Henry Ryba was first select­ cheese and pizza supplies struck a condition, while Barbara Koren- "We were going around the Yount’s double. White Sox tied the game in the After Toronto took a 7-0 lead In baseball seasons. Rick Rhoden, 2-1, gaveuponerun solo twiner to SeaAle’s Ken Plieipe Town Committee has announced admitted this morning. He said, man. Johnson said the first select­ Connecticut Transit bus on East chuk, 55, of East Haven was being corner and the weight must have “That’s another one,” Brewers second Inning, helped by an error the top of the ninth, Cory Snyder Now, just turned 23, the rigM- on five hits in 0 2-3 innings. Dave In the eighth. that it will not put forward a however, that It Is an unusual man Is “the power behind the Main Street, police said. held for observation, a spokeswo­ shifted. The next thing I knew we Manager Tom Trebelhora said. by Nieves. lined a solo homer, bis fourth of the hander is healthy again, apparently Righetti pitched the final two Seattle starter Mike Morgan, 3-2, platform for the May municipal platform because it doesn’t prom­ board.” The driver of the truck, Carl E. man said. The spokeswoman didn't were going over. It happened so “The only reason we play is to win, Then came Milwaukee’s seventh. season, off winner Jeff Musselman, back in form challenging hitters the innings for bis fourth save as New didn’t retire any of the six batters elections. ise everything to everybody. Kohiberg, 32, of Wolcott, was know the extent of their injuries. quick,” he said. and this one is as important as any Bill Schroeder walked and pinch- 1-0, to send the game into extra way he did when he was the toast of York remained unbeaten in seven he faced as th e‘Twins sent lOmen to Henry Kelsey, the Democratic Calling a platform "a grab bag of "Everybody wants something, charged with reckless driving, said Both vehicles sustained heavy Finaterl suffered a bruise over of them. runner B .J. Surhoff took se(x>nd on Innings. the World Series. games at home. the plate in the first. promises," the Republicans said in and they’re saying, ’Fine, we’ll give town chairman, said today that Capt. Raymond Tartaro. . damage. The side of the truck was his right eye. a letter released Monday that them to you,” ’ Johnson said of the some of the accomplishments instead, the party would continue platform approved In February by claimed by the Republicans in the work already begun during the the Democrats. He criticized two letter — a new firehouse, a proposal Boycott not discussed as Jackson meets with Ueberroth present Republican planks in the Democratic platform to renovate the Community Hall — administration. — a smoking ban In Bolton schools were Initiated by the previous Insurance firms earn billions discussion” Monday when he met front of baseball’s Park Avenue positions of authority In all sports. “We have to wefrk out a plan for ploratory” offices nationwide to Among the achievements the and increased police protection. He Democratic administration. He By John Nelson The Associated Press for nearly two hours with baseball headquarters, Jackson charaiHer- Jackson said he would meet change, and that change should assess his chances in a presIdenAal letter credited to the OOP were said a smoking ban is already being also said that the boards and Continued from page 1 try, which currently is regulated tries, such as the banking, trans­ Commissioner Peter Ueberroth. Ized his session with Ueberroth as a again with Ueberroth In the near begin this year,” the civil rights bid for 1336, threw his (%Icefo- Improvement of town roads, new evaluated by the schools, while committees Involved were chiefly by the states. portation and utility industries,” NEW YORK - A black boycott "Owners must know their pres­ “planning meeting and not a future and that he also hoped to leader said. “ We need to set goals based Operation PUSH into tbe playing fields at Indian Notch Park statistics show that the crime rate bipartisan. Impossible for them to get "Despite faring poorly in recent said Anderson. hasn’t been ruled out as a tool to ent policies are immoral and unjust confrontation.’’ meet with commissioners David and a timetable for affirmative controversy over minority Mring^M and new lighting at Herrick Mem­ In Bolton has actually gone down in Insurance. “The Democrats are looking to years, the industry's profitability In Anderson said the study by the combat baseball’s racially restric­ and that the broad base of Ameri­ He said that during the meeting Stern of the NBA and Pete Rozelle acAon. ... There are people out baseball earlier this month. The orial Park. the past two years. Congress has been studying the future and trying to plan for It,” terms of its rate of return on net GAO, Congress’ investigative arm, tive hiring practices, the Rev. Jesse can people will not accept them,” he and Ueberroth tried ,to lay the of the NFL. The coalition also would there who are qualified for jobs who action came after racial remarka The two-page letter announced. "(The Republicans) are just whether to approve legislation that Kelsey said, suggesting that the worth over this 10-year period was found that the industry’s earnings Jackson says. Jackson said. "But we need not groundwork for an aiflrmaAve include other civil rights leaders, have never been considerrt." made by vice "Bolton Republicans Don't Have a continuing what we have bwn would oversee the Insurance indus­ Republicans are content to main­ comparable to that of other Indus- improved from 39.7 billion in 1985 to Jackson, however, said the threat operate on the basis of threats.” action coalition that would attempt ballplayers and other minorities in preaiitont Al Campanis, who later Platform for 1987,” but despite the doing.” he said. tain existing programs. about 319 billion in 1986. of a boycott was not a “matter of In a sidewalk news (inference In to bring more minorities into sports. Jackson, who has opened “ex­ was forced to reaign. disclaimer, it does put forward Johnson admitted that some of The testimony noted that the certain promises, including com­ the work accomplished during the Other proposals in the Republi­ Talk on ground water set insurance industry disagrees with pletion of Community Hall renova­ past two years was carried out with can platform Include completion of some of the technical assumptions tions and road Improvements. It bipartisan support, but he said, the Town Plan of Development and A panel discussion titled "Ground tion, pending state legislation and GAO made in computing the also vows to provide "ongoing ’"rhese things were started and "continued support for those resi­ Water Management: ACommunIty ground water management. The figures. But even if the industry’s Emotions costly to Montreal as Nords take opener support" of town employees straightened out during the last dential neighborhoods being en­ Responsibility" Is scheduled for panel of speakers will Include objections are taken into account, through updated job and salary couple of years. I think that being croached upon by industry” The April 30 at the South Windsor Town Manchester Planning Director insurance companies still profited, evaluations. the majority party, you have to take platform also calls for a look into Hall, the Capitol Region East Mark Pellegrini. after taxes, by 384 billion, the By Ken Rappoport ■ ■ Wednesday night. Going home with tmytfiA Dhfltion The letter, prepared by Republi­ two wins would really be credit for many of these things.” why the proportion of Bolton High League of Women Voters has The public is encouraged to testimony said. The Associated Press The Edmonton-Wlnnlpeg series can Town Committee members somethina.” The Republicans have a majority School graduates going on to announced. attend this meeting to learn about The testimony did not provide NHL Playoffs figures to be fast-paced, with both John Esche, Thomas A. Manning of three members on the Board of college is “low by regional and The discussion will examine common aquifers and watersheds, details for individual Insurance Coach Michel Bergeron of the ■■ Potrlck'DIvlaion teams relying on speed and skaAng and Ginny WIckersham, calls itself Selectmen, with Douglas T. Che­ national standards." ground water flow, acquifer protec­ such as the Hockanum River, companies. Quebec Nordiques thinks that a as their primary weapons. week’s Inactivity may have hurt the ton in the Smythe and Toronto lim Kerr Apped In three goals, two on power plays, to lead “Even their big gure can skate,” Montreal Canodiens in the NHL against Detroit In the Norris. Oltor co-coach Jimn Muckier said of 9 playoffs. But It was a penalty that Philadelphia over the Islanders. 9 Adama Dlvlilon Kerr, who has scored 80 or more the Jeta, who eliminated the Obituaries Bombing in Sri Lanka kiiis at feast 50 hurt them more In the openi opening of second-place Calgary Flamea In their Adams Division series. Niton’s second penalty of the goals In each of the tost tour regular game, 38 seconds into the third seasons, accounted for two goals the first round. “Their game to COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) - A With the score tied 4-4 early In the the scene, as did police and the Beginning Just before midnight India. They claim they are discrim­ period, could have been avoided. early in the first period for. a 3-0 speed end fineee. 1 think It’s Ronald E. Haldaman Mason, Ohio, is in charge of bomb exploded today at the main third period Monday night, Mont­ army bomb squad. Sunday, Tamil guerrillas burst Into inated against by the majority The Montreal player got his stick up strength versus strength, (is arrangements. bus terminal in the heart of the Sri real’s Cliris Nilan drew a double lead. He increased the Flyers’ edge Ronald E. Haldeman. 60, of The bombing was the first in the four houses in the remote Sinhalese Sinhalese, who are Buddhists. in a retaliatory gesture against a to 4-0 Just 3:11 Into the second against them." Memorial donations made to a Lankan capital, and police said capital since a series of blasts last village of Vannela, tied up 15 minor and not long after that, As the highest-scoring team In Mason, Ohio, died Sunday at his Quebec’s Dale Hunter deflected Nordiques’ defender, and referee period as the Flyers took a 1-0 lead charity of the donor’s choice. there were many casualties. year that were blamed on Tamil villagers and shot them to death. The Tamil rebels are battling to the NHL tMs season, the Oilers will home. He was the husband of Nancy Steve Finn's shot from the blue line Andy VanHellemond Just happened In the beit-of-seven Patrick Div­ The United News of India quoted insurgents. On Friday, Tamil guerrillas establish an independent homeland have a sUff challenge in WlnnijMg, Gail (Bercaw) Haldeman and the to provide the Nordiques with a 8-4 to be a close onlooker. When Niton ision final. 8 8 witnesses as saving at least 50 father of Harry Boyd Haldeman of Margarat Proctor Today’s blast follows two attacks killed 128 civilians, mostly Sinha­ in the island’s northern and eastern berated the official from the The Islanders were coining off a which had the best peMlty-Mfling people were killed or wounded. The by Tamil guerrillas that claimed toad. record. And although they were Manchester and Paula Kay Champ Margaret (Sargent) Proctor of 67 lese, after dragging them from provinces, where most of the penalty box, he was assessed grueling quadruple-overAme vic­ report could not be immediately 141 lives in the past week in the Reeling from that power-play 3-8-0 againat Edmonton, the Jets of Coventry. Spruce St. (lied Monday at Man­ buses and other vehicles on a jungle Tamils live. President Junius R. another two minutes, as well as a tory over the Washington Capitals confirmed independently. goal, the Canadlens allowed two had the beat record wltlijhlhe tough He was bom in CInneihati, Ohio, chester Memorial Hospital after eastern Trincomalee district. The road 10 miles outside Vannela. Jayewardene’s government has' misconduct. on Saturday nIgM that advanced The bomb went off about 4:45 more quick icoree, by John Ogrod- Smythe DIvtoion at lol^O . and he lived in Manchester for being stricken at home. She was the Tamils, who are a minority in this Tamils, most of whom are proposed provincial councils to “It was an unneceesary penalty,” them to the second round. Against p.m. (7:18 a.m. BDT), when island nation, have been fighting nick and Paul Olllli, and the "Don’t underestimate that many years while employed at wife of the late George Proritor. Hindus, account for 18 percent of give greater autonomy to the north Canadians (foach Jean Perron said. the Cape, the Islet be(rame omy the workers were leaving their offices Nordiques went on to a 7-8 victory. team ,” Edmonton Coach Olen Arrow Hart in Hartford. He was an She was bora In Darry-Vain, for four years for a separate the 16 million people on Sri Lanka, and east, but refuses to consider an “As a team, we have to be able to tMrd team In playoff history to in Colombo. Ambulan(^es went to homeland. "We weren’t In control of our Sather said. “They play awfully accomplished musician and pianist Northern Ireland, and she cam e to an island off the southern coast of independent Tamil nation. control ourselves in criAcal titua- overcome a 3-1 deficit In a beat-ot- emotions end It cost ut,” said well In both ends of the rink.” and a member of the worldwide this country in 1913 and settled in Montreal forward Bobby Smith, Aoni. Things like that can happen. seven eeries. 7 organization, the Guild of We’re Just going to have to The Oilers, regular-season div­ 7 Manchester. She was a member of Islanders goaltender Kelly Hru- reflecting on the Canadlens’ first ision chomplona, advnncod to tha Carillonneurs. the Salvation Army and the Salva­ loss in lOgamee. "We had a 4-3lead, rMTOup.” dey, who made an Incredible 73 Besides his wife and children, he tion Army Home League. Legislators recommend $5.64 billion budget The Canadians had swept the savee against the Capitato in the Smythe final by beaAng Loe An­ and then It was 4-4 after two geles in five garnet. Is survived by his mother. Anna She Is survived by two sons. John periods. Boston Bruins in their firet-round Islanders’ 3-2 victory Saturday Smith of Cincinnati, Ohio; a G. Proctor of Houston, Texas, and HARTFORD (AP) - The co- because of the state’s robust General Assembly. "W e’re used to playing Aght Adams series and were riding a night, allowed three i m Is in the brother, Harry Leslie Haldeman of The budget has three major William T. Proctor of Manchester, chairmen of the legislature’s Ap­ etnmomy. accounts; the 64.61 billion General games, and using four Unee the way 13-gBme winning streak wlih a first period against the nyors. New Norrlt DMfilon Columbus, Ohio; two stepdaugh­ with whom she lived; a sister. propriations Committee today re­ "This is the first time in my ll The 35.64 billion budget proposal, Fund, the 6863.6 million Transpor­ we do, it shoura have been to our 13-6-1 record in their prerioua 14 York Coach Terry SImpaon re­ Alter a tough, nhyelcal elx-ganM ters , Melissa Barton of Largo, Fla., Minnie Sullivan of Watertown, commended for the 1367-88 fiscal years up here that we’ve had the about 311 million more than O’Neill advantage. But it just seemed we games. Bergeron said the week of placed him with veteran Billy and Suzanne Spaeth of ^ Ica g o , tation Fund and the 6136.8 milUon aeriee with St. Louto, the Maple Maas.; three grandchildren; and year a state budget of 35.64 billion, money, the resources, to address had sought, represents an increase Educatirm Excellence Fund. were Mliing penalAes every Ame inacAvity probably hurt the Cana- Smith after the dieaetroui flnt Leafb expect more of the anme firm III.; two stepsons, Barry Spaeth several nieces and nephews. slightly more than Gov. William A. things that too long have gone of about U.5 percent over this we turned around, end that’s not diena, and he expreiaed the hope period, with Ms team tralUng 3-0. and Thomas Spaeth of Mason. Detroit. The private funeral will be at the O’Neill proposed spending. unfunded because the state didn’t year’s spending. The chairmen’s rerwmmemtod our game.'■me. that Me team could conUnuc to tain Slmpoon oald he didn’t Mnme Ohio; one granddaughter; and Aapheio “It’e going to bt physical, but I Holmes Funeral Home. 460 Main St. Rep. Janet Polinsky, D- have the money,” Polinsky said General Fund budget is actually In other NHL playoff acAon advantage of It. Hrwtey fUr any of tho gonli. don’t know If you eon got more three stepgreat-grannference surplus funds, but Polinsky said 63.4 million less than O’Neill’s Phllodolphla’a Tim Karr raactb after tcoring tha socond of Mondaisy night, Uie nilladelpMa “I Just thmiidit I’d taka Mm out physical than what we Just went A memorial service will be Harper, D-New Britain, said they of two here,” be saM after the game TTiere are no calling hours. at the state Capitol. that won’t be necessary bwause proposal. But Harper and Polinsky FlyerslI beat the New York Iilanden (after tho first ported) and one If throngh," anM Toronto lorwnrd niursday <»t the Mason were able to added money to hit throa goals against tha ibiandor* Monday night in at the Montreal Fonim. “Now, wo Memorial donations ""»y be The Appropriations Committee tax revenues are projected to be are recommending that money be 4-1 In the Patrick DIvteion. Two Billy Smith ctuMgM got ua going,” R k iV alvo. “We know wfent wt Prfc.L,’ -'■‘•n Church in Mason made to the Salvation Army 66i CN eill’s proposals for housing and meets today to vote on the prop<»ed thoir Patrick Diviaion finai in Phiiodaiphio. The Fiyara other divteion flnato start tonlgM, have to avoid a letdown on Slmpoon oald. “ Wo get hontM - Ohio. The Shorten r uneml Home in shiAed into the education and havotedo.R (^It.LnutoaMtae) Main S t . Manchester 66646. for aid to cities and towns primarily budget before sending it to the (nil strong. tranaporuUon funds. won Qamt 1.4-2. with WInnInee niavine at Bfimon- cauaa wo didn’t play woUJ* wee a Mt taaaen for na.“ m m um fm nmsm. tmmn. AMan. lam- n McCormick Sports Complex dedication on May 7 Manchester nine falls short against Rockville

Tlw OniMic ir«C«niiiek SpofU Compinr on O k tertnftialed after ftnr and one-balf beximr referee and one-time Sm i iMteaqw IW C H V R iE — It'd Bdt wHot to Ckarter. different players hit safely for now 1-2 and their next match to Itp GoBcge eampw will be team ia iMftBf by wor more roM oorreedypredtefodS^arRay ~"aapaetvfetary up (VutH that only MUMS Manehea- Hw M » f t Th e WCC attiletie if the etetttaif tem baa a M «r Keith DiYesa Mandieofor. Tboaifey at Wettersfteid. ttr Htgii'i baaoMI foam has been lin tt The fotHans return to mtlon t MMltteCsegarClab will liMt a tancbeiM at aitehaaier Cammaaify CoOege WMe Mfota m a Hartford WMen' playoir _ H .8. •griwiEe BOOT ta Mek eirtte pragmn. rttebenefltortteniletoibi»-iwlBe«er6reraflM neoiviug dffiHMivg puiwli from tte (Rockville) A ttft kit the Wedhesday at 213B p.m. at Wimtoor Jtltov ife twtfmirtrtet Mi^toy at were BBteaayfobOTdfo siftiattoBinBBatOT for RddSbn ^tMRldfifolMNtfiW(mifer. frotte ~ bat gfojr found beta. It High School. H e fiMBMea, wMck Indode a b a a e M I (Hanieaif, a gmws m Eenw^r Park dds season is ^Mt as tmwh. All 01,04; LSVd___ K rta m iS m ^ Chester C om fry Cleh h iteBkall aeeeer flekf and tenaia eenrta, will Irnior Earl Yost otter tsNvttinit tta^a been laek- I of ttdoe daya wbere tteir 02; MOtnwws (BH) t ______uhronen Vinai Tech, Ol, and lM»i and akyview seats have been sold and onfy a inr. ae evMent in Monday'aSTIOBa bits paid off.” Race said, 30, 03, 04: ^ o i TrecdoHVKOng MeCaraiielt wto played a oiajar part to die expamdon SpOftB Eddof Emmitud limited number of grandstand ateats are available at to Rockville High in CCC East e iito ^ (mi) dor. memmm o% 20 POrtlaadingh.Oi.Thel of llw eollege beftwv Ma deadi. ■fanchesfor'a next game to Ned- S o ftte i Tennis 0 1; R ttv (S w Ltop StwrWon- MwhhtteirnextB this arridng, none for any aeries with the New York DMNmplay. nesdayat II a.m. ogaiitotcneBtown K o ^ OTirov 0 1, i i , O I; OroeoRgrlnt a t home against lligCoOTtleltw aaalaotte fatter of die New Eagiand Pamiliear chant heard die-hard foltowers of the (Stff dsr. Anne Sannar-Tharmo RiMv Yankees. •tbe fop ttrae (Jon Eoe, Aria East CatboHc at Muriarty Field. ecb oriiiifi Rocky HRI. Relapa. the two'day track and field and road race Hartford WiMlerB la "Walt undl next year.” Boaton The Ifaiicheafor Army and Navy Chtt, wMch baa iRunarg and Mke Charter) have 0 1, 0 1. proniodon eaeb Aaae in MMcbcater. Red Sox follearera ate wed aware of that cry. been able to secure a Mock of dcketa for a Red Sox Some tbodttfdefenfo turned to be The East Catholic boys’ tennis ' vs. vinel — ; The complex waa M U witk over fW.PW in eanryingaefl its downfall aa ■fanebeofor IRgb The Whalers loat to Quebec because the Nordiques game in die past, had its cheek returned and waa MM eiM forCoe^______team shut out Sooth CaflMfe, 7-0, in contiflWdona and aerviee of vohinteers ■e, haa opened for the aeaaon and were a better team, plain and shnpie, In die ptoyolfo. Boston was unable to honor any group request, Dnbtt l*-«, to vteiting Rockville its mafob Mond^r at Manchester S O N ; M Hte M o ra y (L . we can't beat at^bottr ttdng that, ~ inCCCErntDivlOTMi Golf faciNdea are available for many outdoor events Kartford could not match the winners with their EopMy reported. ufe need imre bitting ttroc^iout Community College. The Eaglea’ Including a^ttall and tenaia. spedai foams and goalie Mhe Lint araa otty sowo. Leo Diana launched MsMth season tMarHOTthaa an action at Fitsgerald next match to Erlday, May l PW|f*r ZCT*tt^r, d h M -v x EC trhfm pfio CKinwy vt. George Bemqnriil aerve ae prerident of the Redred Best ofRciatiitg job of die playoflb aras OMiied in by aedve member of the Manchester Clwpfor of die Sfanchester fen to M sritt the V V M . TOMM agalmt Fairtldd Prep at MCC. d s r.M e p srw Gene lohaaon. anccenful maai^er of Moriarty Swlngera* folftng group at the Mancheater Country Don Koharski ia Game Else in Hartford, won I9 ComMcdem Board of Approved Baseball Umpfees. "They (Rockville) got their ram East is M . TRUMBULL - The East Ca­ loee. 1-3 in the CCC East, Rockville on wMka and errors, our okl story Brothen’ entry ia die Greater Rartfonf Twilight Chtt dila aeaoen. Quebec, 7-S. ttx ttiTerent referees worked the games He's dfo serdor man in service aridi dfo asen in blue. guea fo M overall, M in tte CCC tholic golf team opened its season Baaeban League, reporta bia liaeop ia pretty get for the Ladtea* DhrMon at die country Club will awing into invofoing the Whalers. 3b»-»SOk (from loot year),” said Manehesfor nWE,'" on the right note by notching a 5-1 sffV FflWgm POTIT* F«9*d97. Mke Saimond, of Mmcheater, to serving as East srith tte whi. _e_»vvi, Coach Mary Eaignant. t- t t mam comiag aeaaon wittMMiter Ralph Giaaaanti dw main actfcm Witt dkr ilrat event of die aeaaon Thuraday secretary ofTke Athletics Congress amt in Conneetieut The homestandlitg Rama scored 01, 00;. victory over St. Joaepb’s i addition The latter is a foriner minor leaguer who also morning with the flrat teepff time at 8; 30. which oversees distance runniiig. Saimond to also jCnseSt^ Each tide received 10 walks. East’s Kevin LeBlane took Ertfl on tMNIm ifiynf on iwrQWi seven times In tte second inning. ArehambouN■ ~ - W .a jp_ - VO —v — iW ,^1 Zsk z 10; Roekville't defense, ttough, ac- dWO^^Dolv04:f f . 02; ... played in Europe. SeiHible nrte adoption thia aeaaon by the New aedve in die proop as a participant and a member of Mgbligbfod by Wayne Kivi^a Horn* tt 3O0». J. j.jawttord ts Todd Seovor dsT. Morrsnd Pastor Oi, tot honors with a 4B. The Eagtes’ BOSTWI (AP) - The WIekbam Park, located on the Manchmter-Eaat England Juidor CoRege Conference Baaeball Commit- I Told You So Department; Veteran Mancheater Laurtnms rf S -l-0 « T o M eenSng to Eaignaiit was tte differ­ *-T, Stova DatmontOKayto McDonald next match to next Monday at Notre City Royals wfll be wHhont the *lk City r baaetKidearing triple. They added ent. "They ptoyed a Nnng (fefen- two nma In the fourth. Manchester (EC) dor. Lulv-Radriouar OO, OO. Dame of West Haven. h a ^ a n George ttett for at I sive game,” ebe cited. two weieka beeauae of a rtt httwy plated three runs in the third on Monchattor MO OM 4— 7-0-3 The visitors are new in the EC girit bow LiiHeM|U),*f: Owls Atolle Rockvino W I N s-0-11-4 t-\ 4343; ______(EC) dot. Boom suffered when he fenled offapifoh. freshman Aria Leonard’s three-run Coaov, Rosmua (3), Klttock (4), CCC East, 2-2 overall while the The East Catholic High girls’ A 444t: I Motwr (EC) dor. McDondto homer over the right Held fence. Arctrambautt « ) and Ctiortor; Do- Brett was placed on the iPdoy Indians fall to 1-2. tennis team dropped a close 03 434>; (EC) dot. Anetoea4044: dimbled Itot Monday a f ^ f The Indians made it interesting in nolHia, Donovan (7), Monearailo (7) Rockville had nine hits, three off ScOTSowtow (EC) dot. Orobtoe 4045; the seventh inning with four runs. ond Amoiko. decision Monday to Sacred Heart at . (SJ) dot. Mark OTvira dlagnoaed Ms injury as 1 SCOREBOARD WP- Donotiva; LP- COtov. the bat of DebUe Raber. while six Wickham Park. The Eagles are 434S. East tooktoot th# modal point, 3SO-373. cartilage. YmkiiB8lTi|irs2 TwfRBlMisrlRiri S IM iltP iim S Mets meet after another loss SaATTLg H o c k e y G o lf rb rn si • rn M P WMlokrlb 4 0 1 1 wtoeiMnct 3333 Moses et Shertmrf 3010' ‘ 5 130 PBroOlylt By Herschel Nissenson home runs off Rick Aguilera. off with Ms first home run since rssmOsn it 1 0 0 0 ,Mtnolvib 3313 — iS Wiri l p i g 7. C iR iiliiii » The Associoted Press RooMe Logan Easley allowed one returning to the Giants tMs year. isatMsdh 10 0 0) WtoMOrfWkineMrf 4031 ML Roaiuhip hit and struck out four over the last Chili Davis drove in what proved to Herperph 1000 PM awit 5010 LOW Not — Closo A — M urM MoHon DoCmlb 110 0 OetorUd 5 131 Presley M I 1 M, CMOS B — Phynso ttonotn 10, C10M C En route to the lOM world two innings and was credited with be the decisive run with a sacrifice t L pet. M 1 0 0 0 Pstnitolb 5 113 ADovlslb t t — Koy Roftorty 30; LOW Puffs— CMosA championsMp. the New York Mets’ the victory. fly off Tom Niedenfner later in the sr. Lovii Orobbit 10 3 1 minnsr c 3000 KMssry rt _WwR Portod-1, Menwool, Srnmi 4 — iH ary Aormra 15, CMss B — JM y longeM losing streak was four inning after singles by Mark Davis NSW York 2 5 S i v y neoihrT 10 0 0 Tonoson ss 3 110 (W swar) , i, QiN boc Ooviot 7 Flock 13, Class C — Ann Aoooefvs 13. until Mike Diaz’s three-run pinch- P h H N M 4, E x p o s 3 CoiesM 4000 fKouigt,Moaor),PlB.3iMentreot,R*eiwr 3 games in a row — once in August, hit homer capped a four-run and Aldrete off Hershiaer. 6 » m 7Vi Montreal’s Jay Hbhs to(A a 2-0 CMCOSB 4 7 .»4 1 Lemon ct 40 10 (Nw m m d, m e n m ). m.rr. ponow oo once in September — and tifoy were seventh inning after New York had Davis gave way to Scott GarreHs Lorrryc lead into the ninth innfng in the 4 7 .IM 3 10 10 beaten by the Pittsburgh Prates taken a 6-S lead with four runs in the after walking Steve Sax to start the 4 V .M 4 0 100 Expos’ home opener but Miladel- BrookMss 1010 M5105 bmoMtuA, 3:40; Phei, Quo (hser- B a ske tb a ll Just once in 10 meetings. top of the inning on homers by pinch eighth inning. Garretts gave up a ssrsiw )^^3l; Lsmtsw»,Mon,d8ubNmlnor phia’s Von Hayes was safe on a W L Pet. M TS a 3 7 3 T< M ono Both of those things already have hitter Dave Magadan off John single to Mariano Duncan and a 11 1.7H — »msSnS S ! ^ V occurred this seas- struck out before Lance Parrish, New York 3. LO»-DelrenV, New York 11. ___ 8 S 8=1 ausbse, A. SMWny 1 ager Davey JMmson to berate his Randy Myera with a solo Mmier in the fourth. Candy Maldonado had a SonOWee 3 13 .141 V isota 7. 3B— akish, HTbek, Outnones, OomoWInnjBo RBI — Oosker (1). tatting only .107, hit a 3-1 pitch for 3B— Woshlnaton, Brookens. HN— . to PM odter. HP— Ooetn m . (McRoo), 1;3t. 5, Ql McNoocNoo 1 M.(A. troops in a 15-mimite postgame the bottom of the seventh, Ms leadoff infield single, stole sec(md, Motnnoty (3), poomniio (I), r SMsinv, P. SMMtry), 11:45 A . Ms second home run of the year. rrvvrol^Wl^vW ftk IVWvTITwOT J (1), Phelps (4). SP— Buin, LOB-ChichwiRSksien^wV^S!? meeting, although he said the second of the game. Myers retired continued on to third on catcher NSW York s ID.SB m rstimotend). Lorrrteux3(Smilh, Noohaid), 13;'..hStSr?: H^awaPYP MPrIf 2 Glenn Wilson followed with Ms N RBII SB so nitago I Porkor, OosSsr CgntotJ. »— Mmorecs, LOTeto I (Corbwinoov), > 01 Rosson, tp m . tongue-IasMng wasn’t entirely be­ the next two batters but walked Scioscia’s throwing error and insanoisao) N RRR RR to ------HN-%rksr (41. second home run for a4-2lead. That ^ ___ dseos, Lssi J»W. 0, Queboc, A. SMshty I 17:10 olOeSlas,t;10pm. cause of the losing streak. Mike LaValliere and Rafael Itol- scored on Chris Brown’s groundout. Morris L,V3 71-3 10 0 0 7 3 man. PsnesiNs NiMn, Mon (MobWlcklno, 5MMo1UMn,P10 proved decisive when pinch Mtter Onivi H R B R B R B O "There were things that needed liard and was replaced by Doug Thurmond 3-3 3 0 0 0 1 WMam^lno), 3:W; RochoSsrt, Quo Dave Engle bomered in the bottom R«df 12, PadTM 3 New York Mtods 1-3) ot Piwsbuiiiti MiO VmO (Mthelfekind). 7:n; P. Stosfny, Om to be said. I needed to get them off Sisk. Diaz, hatting for Jones, then 7 3 1 3 3 of the ninth. Kent Tekulve pitched (KjMNr vn, 7:«p!m. ah00snw,3-1 «V3 5 1 1 4 5 (Msbenmino), n:3i; Lombort,Quo(siasb- in d ta m o t my chest, and I did.” Johnson said. hit his third home run of the season Dave Parker homered and Ron cismsnis 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 3 1110 Ino), 15:30: Corson, Mon (cross- UfoshthsSors sS a ie a ^ (tiejii » i i ot st. Louts chocklno) 15:30. " I ’m not gMng to go into details, but in only 20 at-bats. out of trouMe by retiring Tim Oester went 4-for-4 to lead an 18-hit (POreeli hi), 0:* p.m. R M ^ 5,4 3 3 1 0 1 0 ^t^ni^r^tsss^n^r t^t Wallach and John Stefero with the AflsnSs (Z. J r n m h i) ot Houston Clements oltchsd lo 1 batter In Ihe Mh. SmHhson W,M 33-3 0 5 5 1 1 HouotanafIf PorlMnd, 11 pm. we’ve had four rough days and I "That’s what they pay me to do,” Cincinnati attack while Guy Hof­ German 11-3 1 0 0 1 1 Third Porlod-a, Queboc, Hunter 1 bases loaded. (Knopper VI), pm. umpires— Home, Wssce; Firsi, Rrkwi- Knnk Booksr 1-3 3 3 3 0 0 Opbsdpv, AdiR M think things can get to people. I Diaz said. "M ike Diaz ia nobody fman held San Diego to two runs ^ OndUMn (Soto 00) at Son DMso mon; Second, Coonoy; Third, Roflly. Merpon pNchoO to 0 bottors in llw W. Denver ofI L.A.______Lokers, 1:30 _ p.m. "W e can use all the ufriifting and seven hits In eight innings. T-3;0«. A— M.1I1. HRP—B ----- Loftsrts 133 4 3 3 1 3 Seoflle at DolMe, 0:30 pm. wanted to dispel that. right now and America doesn’t (Mow 0-1), m m p.m. V BrunonskynskybvMonN Drovsekv 2 3 3 3 1 4 (MMler, Colo), 7:3|. 13, Montroot, iSrmc events we can get these days,” The victory was the Reds’ 10th in MAruntos (LsorvPDatsonPrancfseo by Hulsmann. WP-rvp—Omntioon, HBP— StlMwpll by Drovocky. rVP— 1 OoMsn SMts 01 Uteb, P30 p.m. “ There’s going to he a lot of believe in the Pirates, but you look (Deem VO), 10;M pm . Umptrss— Homo,wno, Oorclo; P (Rtcher), M;W. PonoWoo Ntton, Mon, Parrish said. "W e haven’t had too 13 games and the loss was the fourth WihgMd UBwmwAOTwPltst, MorrSI; people against us and this team. around this locker room and you Drily c SoconO, Rood; TT'infril/ rTfrw iKP dsublo mMor-mlsconduet (hMStmcklno, CMcoso at Boolen, 1 p.m. many good things happen to us so straight and 12th in 14 games for the M m Jfftl, bitflMisTnOlmifiiff) T — 3:41. A— 11,11,037. „Urnptros7-Motno, _C.Wlliiams; First, upmrtgtmm* cenii^, :8: McRoo, PMtodMpbto at iwnwavliao, 3:30 p.m. Thia team doesn’t need a chink in its don’t aee many losers. Tomorrow's KMsr; Socond, Frotrntninp; Third, far this year.” Padres. In the last two games, San Cn I S, l:3Sa.m. Quick. M (htobWIcklniO, 7;ri; Corbonnoau, Houston at Portland, 3:30 p.m. armor. I ’m kind of making sure the another day and another game hut WosMnoten at DotroR, 7 pm. Galarraga drove In Montreal’s NSW York 01 r~ , 7;W a.m. CLRVRLAND N in tR lI Li T— 3:45. A— 11,3S5. gates are closed.” this one was fun.” Diego pitchers have allowed 21 runs Chterwearr 1 pm. m m M brbM '&XlSSr ,S,T iggff: & IndMna at AtlonM, TEA first two runs with a single and and 34 hits. Aftariw at 1 {hoidiiw), fsTto. TSHdiv, AprB a First baseman Keith Hernandez ” A comeback like this is the 30 10 Franco 3b 0 3 4 1 Shofs on soot— Queboc tvii Boston at Chfeopo, 0 p.m. double off Kevin Gross before The Reds snapped a 2-2 tie with » 1000 TobNrlb 50 10 fllMilt 4, D M ftri 3 said Johnson’s rare closed-door greatest feeling in the world,” said Lotw AevMWSR CR 909 PeOBCftCO# l0»39 PMHIm 4 .E x p n 3 root IVW-S-N. Portland at Houston, 1:30 pjis. 80,402, the first crowd to watch a three runs in the fourth inning off 3010 Cartsrrf 4 3 3 1 Powsr-eMvOPPortunlltss QuobsclofI; Dallas ' sessiim "rates as the top meeting of Bream, who had four hits, including p.m. GntoorSb 5 13 1 ThmtnOh 4 011 1 game under the new dome on loser Storm Davis. After singiro by LOO ANOBLS SAN PHAN MonPool 1 of I. my career. He knows what it takes an RBI single in the fourth inning. Moesbyef 0 113 MHolllf 4 0 13 PHILA MONTREAL Ooottss ChNboc. Oossstln (13 shots-37 MHwoiAso at PhItadsiphM, 7:10 p.m. Olympic Stadium. Diaz and Dave Concepcion, Ron OBoll It 0 130 Oanefhr If 0000 obrhM db rh M obrbM irb M to get his point across. This meeting "Just like losing’s a haMt. winning ArmtIcm LssfititMdlnfi Sax3b 4 100 AMroMlb 4 14 0 Detroit ot Woshlneton, • pm. Oester tripled for a 4-2 lead and BarfWdrf 3 110 CCofllll It 1000 MThmpef 40 10 Condotllf 3 130 AtMnM at Indiana, 1:30 pm. wasn’t because we had lost four In a can become a habit when you win Olantt 4, D odg«rs 3 2 Upshaw 1b 40 10 Snydorss 5 Somuellb 4 0 10 Wsbsitr rf Duncan ss 4 110 CDovfscf 3 03 3 111 5030 Gutrrtrif 4 110 Lsonordlf 4 010 L .A . LcSisrs 01 Donver, NhSO p m . row; it was more internal. It was games like this. These are the kind scored on Daniels’ triple. Cincin­ PIsMsrdh 300 1 Jacoby 3b 5 110 Hovn lb 4 10 0 Golorrs 1b 4 03 3 Roforoo— Andy Von Hollomond. Mark Davis held Los Angeles to nati added four runs in the sixth, McGrrtdh Dompsyc 4 0 10 SchmdtSb 3 100 Wollamsb Morsholrf 30 13 Mhbidarf 4 110 absolutely a must.” of things that create a winning 1100 4 000 MHtchrib Brown 3b 300 1 Lhwsmsft— Kovtn Conins, Loon Slfcklo. four hits in seven innings and Chris MHwoukw ShrprsnJb 30 11 ONIxoncf 3000 Easier If 4 0 10 StofSro c 4000 10 11 Betlon at CMcope, N notsssory, S p.m. The setback dropped the Mets habit.” with Parker hitting a twcMun Now York Lsoctilf 1100 CJomcslf 0 0 0 0 Lowlb 4 000 Stubbs lb 1000 RThpsnlb 1000 Speier homered as San Francisco homer on the first pitch after Craig Otwniisc 30 10 Porrhfi c Sdosctac 4 0 10 Molvinc 4000 Portland at Houston, N noeossorv, I into a second-place tie with Pitts­ Mookle Wilson’s second-inning APgiioto 4 13 3 FOIty ts 30 10 Weodmlb 3000 3b boosted Its record in one-run games Lefferts replaced Greg Booker. Toronto MulinksM 1300 OWIIsenrf 4 13 1 Wlriahmcf 3000 K 3 13 1 Flywi4.ltlitiMri2 Dallas at SooHIo, N noeossorv, W :a burgh in the National Leaguye homer off Rick Reuschel gave the Ootrolt 4M11 4 TofSSs 41 7 n s Londrxph 0000 nsss 3000 to 9-0. The Giants had 18 hits. "They say that the mark of a Pittsburgh’s Barry Bonds looks to second base umpire Acwovoss 3 0 0 0 NIcfiolspti 100 0 Romsoy cf p.m. East, I'/i games behind St. Louis. Mets a 2-1 lead but thg Pirates KOrossp 3000 TIbbsp 3 100 3000 MDovIsp 3 110 Prtdpv, Mtnr i Including four by Mike Aldrete and successful person Is how high you OfVRiantf ON m NS V-0 Jackson 00 00 SfClolrop I Ml aiiM p 30 10 OarroHsp 0000 NY. isMndin 0 I 1—0 The Mets had beaten the Pirates scored three times in the third when John MeSherry for the safe call as Mets’ shortstop Rafael 0 0000 NIodnfur 0000 PhROMlbM i 0—4 Altanto a t Indiana, tt noeossorv, 1:30 three by Speier. bounce back after hitting rock lit Nl SOI 0-7 OOrossph 1 0 00 Enoloph 1111 1 p.m. 18 consecutive times — including Andy Van Slyke walked and Johnny Santana makes the late tag In their NL game Monday Oomt Wlimlno RBI — Orubtr (1). Schtrdrp Motsrk 1000 PlrstPsrlod-1, Phltodslptria, T. Korr 4 They chased Orel Hershlser in bottom." Davis said. "W ell, I think (ZOMI,, Hill), 3:58. 1, PMIodsIpbto, T. Utah ol OoMsn Stole, N nteottory, 11 pm. the first two games of this season — Ray and Bream hit consecutive E— MuMnlks. LOB— Toronto 11, Clovs- Tskulvep 0000 SI 103 31 one the seventh inning when Speier led we’ve hit bottom.” night In Pittsburgh. The Pirates won, 9-6. Cofffomto lond 11. 3B— Barfield, Jacoby, Cortor, Toisss » 4 7 4 TolelS M I f 3 Toblor, OBoll, Mostby. 3B— WWW OTn^OTfWM DofroN at Woihlngten, N nocosoory, w^wiTvV Fomondtr. HR— Corfor (S), Snyder (4). Crossmon), 14:31. Ponottlso- Kromm, NY • N M Oomo WlnnliM RBI — Brawn (3). (hookinp), S;54; Carton, Phi (crost- Mllwaukoo at Phitadolphto, H noeos- SB-1d1,Wwo83Rto,11. jjSBVJp season week and became the third player in history to surpass players involved demanded to take coming to a head in about 09 days,’' Mfwmn Cmllfl* AMI Mg / again, was the winning pitcher. He 30,000 points fo r his career. The Manchester Community Col­ the test to prove they were ■aM Larry Debus, the ottenwy for J.MI fanned 14 In the two games, drug-free." Dr. J. scored 38 points in his last home gam e and then hit 24 in lege baseball team (11-8) swept a Edwards. "But the county ottonwy MMayilNiMnim doubleheader against Norwalk allowing Just five hits. Bassett hail The three players were tested for his final game Sunday, finishing with 30,010, behind only Kareem has made a media event out of the . 8 8 i 1 Community College on Monday. three R B I’s. Norwalk’s record falls cocaine and or heroin under terms situaUon. It will be impoaalble for S ch o la a tic Abdul-Jabbar (30,474) and Wilt Chamberlain (31,410). MCC took the twtnblll, 10-0, and to 1-7 while MCC returns to action of the NBA’s drug agreement with these three feilowa to gM a fair trail ntal. iJOfr-Oakland nVXLmjtoveto; It-t. Peter Frankovitch recorded today at home at 3 p.m. against the players' union. 'The agreement after this. I will try to get a change R ad io , T V . nitamsprtnrm) NNto t.‘m OotMoo, Ml Otans Pms (Doers) . B n ^ (4), t£ £ toL^lfolln'Sfcv m- Nlgves AL player of the weak the shutout on the mound in the flrat Tunxis Community College. does not provide for penalties In the of venue, but one of the flrat tMwga Albany (YonkoMl U N I j y n m b i i game while Bob Mounta, Todd Norwalk J M 00-0^7 case of marijuana use. we'll try for is a (Utmlasal due to (8D,, PhimpsPhlttl (31. ti l- J t ^ d l S i Oesosr^ I S mCC (11)12 lx— l i l 3 ) K-mUPS (» , *^-'*** "»•»««' NEW YORK — Milwaukee left-hander Juan Niever,~who Mercier, Mike Bassett, and Dan Prizia and Wilson; Pator Pronkavltcli " I knew the teats would come misconduct by the preoecutor’e iNwBritolnSuSew U ? ManSi^ lT ^ toagsB Rockvino, Slondli .RBO Auto.ll 17-15, RtO Bontempo each had two Mto in the and Tony SSotsalll. back negative," Edwards said at a office. But I don’t ta ttm the 7 p.m. — ShetoePArotee, Chonnol 0, k— Ororid Skill. Auto » - McN

5 :0 0 ^ ® NMW«; Tra* df 0«i«w' (EWPN] Dhrlnsi MeOonaWfe American Jana Powell. Pater Lawfbrd. 1951. Wliito hwitins haff-ttarvwl hofsd* o«w Cup From Mission Viejo. CA (9 0 min.) (E S P M SpertsCansar tun-pdretMd land, two cowftoyt baeotaa building at Merrie-Wood [H B O ] Unde Itenatedt with the FIsIsen p>ay fo f attaap raiaan wOo elatm thara'a 1 1 :3 S P M ® Entaftainmant Toniglii fnddio Otdhaebe Selactions include not anoupti food and watar to go ar­ Interview: Frankie Avsion and Annatts "W h e fa New ," "I'v e Got a Crush on ound A -vaondaffut WOrtd Of OtanatT Funicallo. (In Stereo) I f your troop UsCeniag to PoUee Officer Lorry praaantatton. Jtm I>aw(a, Larry Wileoa. You" and "C re iy He Calls Me". (60 min.) (In Stereo) 1 1 : 5 0 R M [8 W > ] On Looetian: Sam treaznry ia run­ 1978. Part 1 of *. fnisas, who shored oome ol hto (M AX] MOVIE: 'Aet of Lover (CC) A ' Kiniaon Comedlen Sam Kinieon delivers ning low aft this [B8M1) ^ o 8000908 Taam Arm W >aa police experiences. young man stands trial for murder after hit views on everything from sex to rali- time of year, we tKng From Lao Vagao. Novada. gion with his "primal scream" approach The eveix lasted firom 8 a.m. to 3 honoring his parslyrad brother's last have good news [T M C ] M0VI8: 'Loot in Amarlea' (CC) A wish. Ron Howard, Robert Foxworth, to comedy. Special appearance by Rod­ Girl S co«t p.m. and ended with ail giris dtailfuaionad young eouplo daciitoa to Mickey Rourka. 1980. ney Dangarfiald (60 min.) (In Stereo) for you. completinf dM sentence, “ Say ’NO’ aaeapa tita rat raca and noliaeovor (I M A ] RIptido 1 2 : 0 0 A M ® Taxi On May 88, the K o m d f i p to Drugs bocauae ...” w tt tteir Amarlea. Atborl Brooka, Julia Hagarty. Manchester- Garry Marahall 1985 Rated R. ® ® Aak Dr. Ruth responaea written on a huge poster 8:30fMVI (X) 39 Sladgo Hammari (CC) Bolton Girl L o i s O R r y Sledge stands trial for the murder of one (3D Star Trek that will be used at future events. S:3iM PM [ESFW) Beholaatle Sperta Scout Associa­ o f the city's most notorious hoods (In 39 Talaa o f the Unaxpaetad A series of Stereo) neer-fstsl accidents follows the mar tion is planning i C n n r •tO om M (3) d ) is> ® Nowa ® N ovela: La Dame do Roaa riega of a recant w idow to an unem­ a giant tag sale Office IMsaMlitles Specialist OP •nwaafa Company ployed actor 9 :0 0 P M CD Camogla HaH: Th e Grand at the MaiMftee- Linda Miller will lead the " I Care" CP Magnum. R.l. Reopanlng ^ X ) Highlights of reopening ® MOVIE; Try to Catch o SoinT The ter Workrimp, the old Bentley Each Brownie will receive a volunteers in their second vM l to ceremonies at the music hall, which ini- lawyer-daughter of a famous attomoy School, on H o lM e r Street. n w n i e Day patch. Chairman fiw (S) Slmma a Brook tskoa on the case of a philanthropist the Oak m n School In Harffimf. bally opened its doors in 1891. include ; Thee# Depraeelon-glaee juicers, o r ter packrat. Care to take a gueee which The hours of the sale are 8:30 a.m. tfUs evei* is Dianne ftromert. O Mork and Mindy performances by celebrities including charged with murder. Sueon Clark. Ri­ Volunteers will ieam to be of l 9 M*A*S*M Benits Vslanta. Leonard Bernstein. cardo Montalban 1975 reem era, ere the property of a M anches- one is m ore vafuabte? to 3 p.m. Baked goods wffl be sold, service to cHsaMed young people, ( 8 Nawo (Livo) Frank Sinatra aiHf Yo-Yo Ma. Taped De­ MlrrUO llllOnOOOK rrOUvnIv aad Diaaae Stromert’s troop win pltqilBg games, feedhM aad caring cember 15. 1986. (2 hrs.) (In Stereo) ten hot doga aad soda. I S Ooeaar Who ® Nowto; Yotondu Lu)«n Girls from rix Manchester troops for them, and being a friend aad (X) ® M oo«ll9htin9 (CC) An escape sr- AH troopa may reserve a table. S CharRa^a Angola (ID HoHywood and tlM Stars and 18 giris from East Hartfoni companion. This visit will take tisf s w ife fears her deceased husband The event is a fund-raiser for the S O u in e y will fulfill his promise to return from the [CNN] Nswsnight 'Troop 887, Jane Kvadis, leader. place on Saturday. The first visit m dead. (60 min.) (R) [CSRN] SportsLook Depression-glass juicers are Inge Anderson center, a new Oak Hill was on April 11. For more ® Weponerdl Abby BeMte, co-leader) will be A Buffalo high building proposed at Camp Merrie- ® MaoMaHAafiiar Wawahour (8 ) ® Gimme a Break (CC) Nell and [M AX] MOVIE: Ensmy MlnsT (CC) A advanced to cadette rank at a informatiem about the " I Care” Addy team that mixing business and tpacs pilot and his half-human, half Wood, Inge Anderaon was a leng- ® Carol Buman and Frionda brid^ng ceremony Sunday at program, contact Linda Miller at friendship is a bad idea (In Stereo) raptilian anamy must put asida thatr dtf- R esiden fi o f the Buffsio, N. Y „ suburb of d e g r a a s M o n d a y a l o n g t h e a h o r e t o f th e time Mancheater Girl Scout leader the council office In Hartford. r p ie i M O V *:'The Advanturea af Fterk farancaa in ordar to survive on a daao- Camp Merrie-Wood. The Mahehes- IS6 (S ) Frartdina (CC) U S. policy toward Q rand Island an)oy a record high of 84 Niagara River. who died laat year. Twain' Animatad clay figurea brin( Nicaragua from the 1979 revolution to , iata pfanat. Dennis Chiatd, Louis Gossett ter Junior Scoots are from Troops Mark Twain and hia atoriaa to Ufa. Vote Jr, Brion Jamas 1985 Rated PG-13. (in worth at least a look or two Troopa can keep 88 percent of the the Reagan administration is studied. 888. 818. 832, M8. <39, and 683. Craft fair of: Jamaa Whitmora. 1985. Rated 6. (60 min.) Stereo) profit, and domite 48 percent to the (E8FM) Bportatoek [U SA] Dragnet builiHiig fund. Naturally, troopa More than 38 professional crafts ® Novate: Eaa Muchaeha da Ojos Cafa A loeM pack- cents to a buck plain, and 18 to $10 WtocfrugB (M A X ] Cinamax Cotnady Exporii can also elect to idve their entire people will have booths at S e i ^ (CNN] Larry King Live 1 2 :0 5 A M ® T.J. Hooker Hooker's rat brought In with the lettering, and what if wRahaal Dovfac U fa o f the Party Co- A dvice profit to the camp fund. Drugs are the number one Troop 2’s annual crafts fair al daiarminad to clear the name of a slain t:h e a e tw o garbled? madian/iugglar Michael Davia throws a (DI8) MOV*: 'House of Dios Drear' A cop after a large sum of money is found meifical and social problem in the Center Congregational Church on P If you can’t g ^ to the sale but family moves into a house reputed to be The place to throw a problem like party featuring his comadic antics (In among his personal effects (70 min.) (R) lemon-orange want to donate Hems, call 648-5295 U.S. A. today. Not only is drug abuse May 18. Troop 2 will provide Star^ haunted by its builder, an abolitionist jnlcera and Collcctors* this would he the National Reamer who was active in the underground rail­ 12 :3 0 A M ® w k r p in Cincinnati or 648-7275 to make arrangements. crippling and numbing this coun­ refreshment tables and activities (U SA] Carteorw daked "A re they Collectors Association, Route I, road. Howard E. Rollins. Shavar Ross, ® NW itlifa (In Stereo) If you want to know more about the try's future by devastating our for children. Be sure to mark this 6 : 3 0 P M CP S too ctoao for Comfort Joe Seneca 1984. Rated NR. worth Cormmr Box 200. Grantaburg. Wise. 54840. youth, but it is also strongly linked ® To Bo Announoad. Dad puts his teen in soiitary, sale, can 843-7801. day on your calendar! The group might have a "Manny” ( P S ABC fMaao (CC). (HBO] Graatost Sports Upsets Clips anything? ’ ’ to the spread of deadly disease. 39 PTL Club R u m M acKendrick 9 ]) Banaen from eleven o f sports' greatest upsets, ' O natlpfrom a specialist in the bouse. Say "y e s " to drugs and say no to including the U S hockey team's Olym­ ( ® ^ 9 Lato Night with David Lattarman A third edition of KHchen Glass­ Brownig Dgy Ctosn up tbs rfvgr 3 1 8CTV ifoighbor, 1 all you might have been. This is why pic victories in 1960 and 1980: the (R) (In Stereo) ware has just been published, ft is 1985 NCAA basketball final; the Jets called reamer The annual Brownie Day will be On April 11 Girl Scouts from all ® SNBCNaara 39 Alfred HKoheoek Proaonte Girl Scooting, dedicated to guiding 1969 Super Bowl victory and Man o' dotlector Jane now 224 pages, up from 182, and held on Saturday at Camp Merrie- development of values and individ­ over Manchester cleaned the trails War's loss in 1919. (60 min.) 39 Mora Real Roopla hoping report card improves features some new finds. There are Zadnik of 48 ® I Wood from 8 a.m. to 4; 38 p.m. This ual self-worth, held a “ Say No To that run along the Hockanum from (TM C] MOV*: Coda Name: Emarakf A 3D Gone Seen fbom oa Drive for help. ment should be saying, according to more than 3,088 pieces in full color, ® Love Cormaettan year's theme is outdoor fun. Two Drugs" event on April 11. Coordina­ Economy Electric to Cheney Re­ U S. double agent infiltrates the Ges­ [E S P N ] Top Rank Boxing from Atlantic We worked with Gem Florence’s the book, "Marniy. Pat. Aug. 25. with size, patterns and current hundred and twenty-five Manches­ gional Vocational Technical (C N N ] BhoaaWi Today tapo to protect a captured Allied officer City, NJ (90 min ) (R) DEAR could be filed under "monkey.” tors for this event were Senior book, "Kltdten Glaaaware of fhe IMS; Nov. 12. 1888; 2 pats. Dec. 2 values. The price is 819.85, from ter Brownies will be divided into Scouts, volunteers and staff from School. (ESAN]fMMTaday with advance knowledge of the DDay [USA] Edge of Night A m V : M y par­ invasion. Ed Harris, Max Von Sydow. Dopresslon Yeara.” The reamer on ’98; Jum ’28; July 30. ’88.’ ’ Collector Books. P.O. Box 3089, This service project enabled the ents are di­ MSAR ABBY: Will yon please groups for a wide game, consisting varioos towns in the c:onnecticiit (HSO] MOV*: 'Say Vaa' A playboy Eric Stolcr. 1985. Rated PG. 1 2 :5 0 A M [HBO] MOVIE: -Final Con- the right, wMch la light green, When you invert the piece and Paducah. N Y. 42082. girls to earn a 75th amriversary pianist can aeguira a quarter o f a billion vorced and I lire save our sanity and print the letter of trail-tracking and trail signs, Valley Girl Scout Council. (U S A ] Boxing: Darrin Van Horn vs. Ro­ flict* A priest sets out to destroy the S a ­ seems to be the hocking glass, top take a good look it reads: "R egis­ patch. Congratulations, Troop 882, dollars, but oir^ if he gats married bo- tanic mission of Damien, the antichrist. with my father. someone sent in about wind friendship ties and leaf rubbings, About 88 girls met at O n ter fora his birthday. Jonathan W in­ man George Darrin Van Horn (28-0. 19 Dear Abliy handled, that is Hated at M to $10. A tered 168708. MANNY'S PAT’S ..." MANPEX-87 News Release; The an ecology hunt, and other Interest­ 883, 881. 658, 677, 618, 838, 633, 656, KOs)vs. RomanGeorge(l8-2-1,12KOs) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. Lisa Harrow My 17-year-oM chime's? We are being clanged to Congregatimal Church for work­ ters. 1988. Rated PG-13. 1961 Rated R (In Stereo) garden variety, and nothing like the and goes on from there with the Manchester Philatelic Society will 610 and 636. in a junior middlewight bout scheduled sister Hves with death here? We’d like to mall it to ing activities. shops In making collages (with (M A X ] MOV*:'What Comas Aroumf A for 10 rounds, from Rupp Arana in Lex­ [T M C ] MOVIE: Lost in Americe' (CC) A Abigail Van Buren Mock Sunklat on another page dates OK until It comes to the Jum. host its 27th annual spring stamp our mother in the neighbors In our circle who are Juniors will run these wide-game "good" and "b ad " word-picture Nsahvilla star, saddled with a drinking ington, Ky. (2 hrs.) (Taped) disillusioned young couple decides to priced at |S2S. which is spelled "L U N E ” (as in exhibition and dealers’ bourse on Lois Gary Is a member cf problam and a conniving manager, another town. causing us slecf^ss nights and workshops. Seniors and cadettes themes and "self-esteem boxes"); escape the rat raca and rediscover The Item on the left, however, Loom y Turns). and from there on Saturday and Sunday in the cafete­ Maachester SeMar Traap 8. If yan plana a ripyoaring revenge. Jerry Reed. 9 :3 0 P M 38 odd coupia America Albert Brooks, Julie Hagerty, I'll be IS next driving us crazy, fhope you can find will cook campfire stew and bake answering Dear-Abby letters and Barry Corbin. Bo Hopkins. 1986. Rated gives us more of an entertaining the dating Is a mishmash. ria of Manchester High School. 134 have news for tMs eatomn, write to (2D (S T orta in s Nick tries to make up for Garry Marshall. 1985 Rated R. month. Last sc- It. cupcakes for the Brownies to viewing a peer pressure film strip, PG. lost time by paying mqre attention to An­ aong and dance. Note the pegs A priceless rarity? Or a botched- E. Middle Turnpike. Time; II a m. her In care of the Manchester 1 :0 0 A M C£) Archie Bunker's Piece mcBter I flunked J.D. decorate. There will be morning follow ^ by a group discussion; y .- O O P M CP CBS flawa thony. (In Stereo) ground the com — 21 of them. (The up re-issue? Author Florence is to 5 p.m. each day. Admission is Herald, P.O. Bax 191, Manchester C£) Here's Lucy almost all of my and afternoon divisions, with role-playing situations in which CP S S M *A*8*H (E S P N ] VoKeyball: USA va. Braiil (90 IffiAR J.D.: It was a breeze; Idea muat have been to strain out already tearing his hair at the free. slightly varying activities for both. they might find themselves; and m in) CS) Joe Franklin subjects. Up until now I ’ve done trips, he has developed a friendship CP S Whaaf of PortuiM •Beds.) In the idioto here, you can proliferation of reproductins. and 3D Twilight Zone quite well in school, hut I guess I with a woman from bis office who Russ MacKcndrIck Is an author­ P Majer ta a sua Sasabalt: N ew York 1 0 :0 0 P M ® X ) 3D ® News ra iA R ABBY: Why do people Jtitt tfiscem some lettering at the this may be more of the same. In his ( S Maude Ju8t got lazy. M ats at PWebursh Pirataa (3 hrs.) (Live) ® 3 9 Max Headroom Edison fleas also attends these three-day aemln- assume that everyone In the world baae of the reamer. This emboss- 1884 book, Manny’s item is worth 50 ity on collectibles. from Th6 aiithoritiei aftor being framed [CNN] Crossfire My father took away my stereo, ars. The first time, he took her out (D ) Jaffamena (CC). likes wind chimes? My neighbors Cheney Library lists new books on criminal charges (60 min.) (In Stereo) [U SA] Search for Tomorrow radio and all my tapes. I am not S Seat of Saturday Night for a drink and dancing. The second hung some right o u ts it my bed­ d 9 Police Story allowed to accept any telephone time, they had breakfast together S MaeNan/Lahror Nawahour 1:0 S A M (D IS ] MOVIE: Cluny Brown' room window, and In the middle of (S> Wild, Wild W est A housemaid repairs soma leaky plumb­ calls or make any. I have to stay every morning — just the two of New books at the Mary Cheney Jeroensen — Successful real ostote Snelder — Fotlent power S Bamay MHIar the night It sounds as If my soles ooreements Sengs of the IfTCi (S ) ® NBC Newa Speeleh A Trillion For ing and wins the lord of the house. Jen­ after school every day for an hour them — even though there were A bou t Town Ubrary include the following; Songs of tho 1910's S Barmy HI8 nifer Jones, Charles Boyer. Peter Law- telephone is ringing. Somebody Kehret — Winning monologs for Oefe nee; What Have W e Bought? (CC) and a half to study, plus I am not seven people from the same office stole their first set, and 1 don’t dare Pictlen veuno octers Songs of the 1940's S MeSywaed Sguaraa NBC News correipondent Garrick Utley ford 1946 Briakin — Drtoma ore not enoueb Knight — The Beot vision Songs of the 1950's permitted to sleep after 8 a m. on there. They spent every evening to say anything because they might ® Neyala. Cana da Loboa examines the effects of the current arms 1 :1 5 A M ® MOVIE; T h e Laiarua Broome — GunfloMera Krumhonsl — Opportunities In physi­ Stine — The corporate survlvora buildup and problema in aeguiring state- the weekends. T h m are the rules together — with him walking her to think I took them. (Believe me, I Hutband