m — MMtCm W fglt HEBALD. Moator. Aarll» . a r t MANCHESTER | I S W O R I D SPORTS Untiis i s w MANOftSTCK. MNrtMT- IT Seorklaalll Tawn- 3 BEDfKKMl In Bast 1 BEDROOM apartment, nwSiMTRSAr SASRfT^grgkagSSrB F O N T M e W d Nw. LAvMv 7 roam haaaa condo af Barasf Flalpli fUMd ¥fWII Intemges Sako CBpturuB H a r tfo r d . $ S » p a r heat, hotwaiar, carpah lease. 3100 sauara hnf weeks, SIBM ^ Nnk r w ar bssr Cowr M a tu m 3 b«tf> Wldea> spaclausrooma, month. Haot and hot ing, air canMtlonlng. wtfh office. Easy ac­ chicks, 3tbr M JBl Fak­ Btfi Pfcana. roonwr m boflw, flr«^ fV i Baths, aircallanf m m n wotar mcludad. w all to All appllancas. fNca cess to 1-04. Call BIB in g ^ c k lfn g e , SESP. ggle NBtg«y p im c t, ftotl flnlMml sfaroga, fully ep- wall corpafing. 3ep. laCTf^.^lOfS. 7401.________________ Rebvfurksyssasn. 7MB- gggk Justice Boaton Maralhon pnoncad kitchan, amlk- 08M . 11am-<. n m m t J i r m n St u d i o fypa apart- lte ,b e « e tiw verd . w m out boaamant fa potia, VEBNON. S room oport- mant. Fartly fur- PLACING AN AO In dOe- iidSr.eray. p w g o 7 n «t trnm fl3>,«i. S«n- cantr^ air, 1 cor dof- manf In 3(bm lly homo. slflad Is a very easy, FimXNG A cosh buyer SaBRHFT^Oa W^w W' papae nlshad. Working Angle tar sporting goods aao^ tr y Rm M B w t* . M3- ochad carport raitocad Quiat stroaf srith nica 1- w n r. Ota mala pralbrrad. Lease. Ampla process. Just diol can Bin PicAia. 4W»J» to f145,MS. Jackson B yard. MSB with goroga. lamPn s ig saw. ns 64J-3711. W e'll help you mant Is easy when you Security. No pets. 643- odyartisa in d asslttad. iO LfdN. N«w to Jackson Baal Estaia. Utlltttas axtra. Sacur- WA a sMhs ssBuiay. word your ad for maxi­ W N fM if m " m . 4 morkat. Goraaout M7-MW .0 Ity raaulrad. Coll tn - mum response. BcvHwdSr,sms. C onfam aorarv C op* tn MANCHI^STiR. Bxtro -TeanheusM MANCHESTER. 3 bed­ prastidlous orao. claon. fl77,fW. 3 bad­ Hik#ON 3 badfooms, , assi, root Nd room oportmant by a m Ptesne. LwMly tamllv room, roam condominium In oppnoncas, wall to wall WA ia mawL psBunt)) Cantor Springs Fork. jiiFehmdiM S S m T " 1st flaar. Applloncas. P 3 » fiX C T « r WraHoca. dan. 3 car mova-ln condition. Ap- corpafing, parking. fla n wopen, 4 evnwdar. earada «Hfk (area (aft pllancad kitchan, liv­ Haof, hot wafer. SS9D FOR Sola. ptua aaearata work- ing room and dining Collar storoga. S5» month. Rafarancasond entry dears. Atumimim deal con Bin Pt- (area dack, wall orao arlth Mldtrs to monthly . 64B3P1. 1 month security ra- T v / f m / sheaf A^Sng. BsiRahNr. aufrad. 640-l3« oflar B49-747I.____________ landaeapad lot with balcony. Stofa fOyar, iTORRS. 3 bedroom, op- •ye- NS peA nW n maw H f U M R I brook. IM,Mb.Santrv 1VI> baths, goroga. Unit Oteuniy OttSS plus uMMee 34 FOklT Peal with DE WWTiirw rWraRrg; iHaurhratrr HrralJi plloncas, privota an- WHIRLPOOL 19S1 wash­ finer, dismantiad and 4dOPmnas,btaa.OMIS. Rad galeta. 6j9-4Me.o In convamant aulat lo­ tronca, yard. S3fS. Call o. eiNeoew - omee w Far your bast dsol eon fhafhraalteioaaPrasafica cation. D. W. Fish 44BM16. Cones CempWe. f »Bdliie ing mochlna. Excafisnt ready to go. IBIS. B4B Bse e n s y condition. Asking Bni pfcana. W t4 tn . of (Ms four badroam, Raolty. M3-1SS1 o r t71- tar AeeesnMwr, taeursnee rE R BKRI m bofb Calenlol will I4M.O dAKLAND Haight oport- mam Wfp. ata. STS to. n. S13S/basf o ffer. Coll of- BOY'S 36" Shogun H M iig a & tX "n n sm m iweiine. tnapertok. W A 3 tar 6pm 64MI531. ovarwtialm you os you mants w ill ba accepting mSw iSDutKy. MANCHESTER- Newer 3 speed. IS M m llas. LHta TuBBday. April 21.1907 wowdar from room to oppllcoHons for 1, 3, bedroom duplax- ^v» AMANA chest type new. SITS. 6494744. Isogoadttmataadvartlsa 3 0 C a n ts room. Locotad In a flna and 3 bedroom opart- ».W. nSH RfJILTV baths, oti oppKoncas- freezer, good condl- MdViNd, Must sail orao of South Windsor mants on Apni 3 3 ,1907. Basamant, deck, $750 nen. S IM . Coll 64B67D6. aulck. Oosronga,frw- uaa. Lot a O assWIsd ad M-FOAktOPM con. N runs (boraty) homas naor lha Mon- From 13 noon to 5pm plus utilities. No pets. dtdra, drop Mof fobla, MmWwaEeB chasfar llna this prop­ tlwd a cosh bwvar fo r you. Onlyl Apply In parson • 4 3 - l S t l References and secur­ ono prooiWfT wwiiv A Ouncon Fyfa fabla. arty naads only radaco- i a m ______________ at (ha Community Ask for John ity . 649-7174 a fte r 6. \ y m m V ary raoM nalba. 646- pass iHsgacttsn, but n roltne to bring It bock Room a t 360 Oakland would ba batter far Town educators to review state’s AIDS booklet to Its gtoryl Braaza- Straat, Manchester. ports. Graot AM radial way, 3cor gorogaondo A bargain at 07S. Con By George Loyng C LEA N i rooms, 3rd 649P341 waskandb or The booklet is designed for use in community. Prega said. "so limited it’s hardly even an booklet, that ioformathm should be "Special Topic Cnrricaliim Re- p nca In thaStSO's m ake FMREIIT ENDROLLS Heratd Reporter high achool classes. It urges absti­ It a pnca busting buy. COLUMBIA Loka. Sao- floor, heat and hot MANCHESTER TapfaRj tTEwMBt-aPP nights, and keep Board e l Education Chairman exposure to AIDS.” more available. ■oarce Packet on AIDS.” was water. RellaMa adults MANCHESTER. New trying. nence from sexual intercourse and Richard Dyer said today be could He saM that the subject is Atthough R is designed for high Blanchard B Rossatto. sonal cottoga. 3 bad- 2- bedroom Condo. Any ■mount OdheriA Also, fSI. IPKwMBi-tfarapg The state Department of Educa­ drafted over the winter by the "Wa Guorontaa Our rooms, flraploca. with references. Secur­ Fully opplloncad spacious 3 beckoom, grmwi. •ton* and berk muloft. MUST be ptabeO up el Swl IurCiTTkviark"T?9i', drug use as the best way to prevent not comment on the booklet be­ mentioned in leaaona concerning school studems, Chesterton said ity deposit reoulred. tion is (listrlbiitinK a frankly Department of Education and the Housas” . MS-2«B3.a $103,000. Baozlay 537- klfchan, central air, V/> bolhs. Colonial In PobeW. beekho* 6 taeoar mnM. parts car, V-6, styla AIDS, said Kathy R. Prega. a cause be had not seen it. In general, other sexually transmitted dis­ sections of it may be naed for lower Department of Health Services. Is 3446. No pats. 643-5363. fam ily nalgborhood. I worded booklet on AIDS to puMic spokeswoman for the state Depart­ carport, pool, tennis be saM he supports AIDS educa­ eases. such as venereal (Haease. In grades, altbdughbehasnotyetseen P RAWS CBRETBBCfiSR addition toasampie lesson ^an«Nf and rac orao ovollo- Walk to schools. Near wWiI I 5110 gftor $ or schools throughout the state, in­ ment of Education. tion, but said first the material the high school, AIDS lessons are the volume. bus line. Available B - SB facts aboirt the (Hsesse. I* contains Ma. 1 small pat oc- 72 14 ThuraSay bataie tl am. only- weekends. cluding Manchiester. Also included are sections about must be reviewed to see if it is availaMe in health class, but that Is Aa for the reaction by parents to M ay 15th. S975 plus The material will not be used this information about three video c a p to b la . S7S0 p ar security. No pets. 647- how the use of condoms during appropriate. an elective, he said. AIDS ethication in achool, Chester­ instruction programs and a IM of month. 1 year lease Automotive g g g p e i B / school year, but Director of Curric­ sexual relations can lessen the risk However, Dyer also quoted U.S. Chesterton said educators will ton said H has been "very good.” M L f m i M f n R u u M95. ulum Allan B. Chesteron said this additional teaching resources. plus sacurNy deposit. R g O A / a M L / of infection, she said. The book Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, probably not make the health class Parents have the cation of exclud­ AIDS attacks the body’s immune morning that educators will review explains how the disease attacks who has said, "If you think AIDS is mandatory, but will use other ing their chiMren from such les­ * * * the booklet this summer to see if it system, and is most prevalent HARLEY Davidson f3 the body, and how it is transmitted. on your way to your community — means — such as spedal video­ ions, but the number who have done among intravenous drug users and 3- bedroom town- can be used at Manchester High Some drawings are used to illus­ house, fully oppll­ in w r E BTY ■FOB SALE XLH. New point. Over you're wrong. It’s already there." taped lectures — to inform so can be counted on one hand, be homosexuals. There are no known $13M In chroma ofena. School next year. In addition, the trate the material, she said, but In Manchester public schools, students. ■aid. oncad kitchan, newly Runs axcaHant.
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