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OCTOBER 1957 ******






ALTA A. DAYTON, the Compiler, and LELA.ND M. DAYTON, who gave valuable assistance in making this volume possible.

DedtColeci to f/2e ZJ escenclanl:s. of

Sq;-nt:iel Jla/ltJ'rJ/J J'ra I I17




Children Grand G·Grand Total Living Children Children Descendants Children

Richard G 10 22 103 2 Aretta Jane 10 47 345 l c:iarinda M 8 20 89 1 J K Polk 9 40 237 4 John B 2 l 4 0 Thomas L 8 Z5 103 6 M Caroline 8 47 246 1 D Webster 7 7 33 2 A Jaclcson 12 46 228 8 Alsie 3 10 57 l William 1

Total 11 85 265 1446 26

Abreviations and Symbols used in this book

**** indicates children of Samuel Harrison Smith underline, indicates grand Children of Samuel H Smith ~-dau abbreviation for daughter md abbreviation for married bap abbreviation for baptism End abbreviation for Endowment ***********

Mou111tai1w Vieu,, .Missouri

Main Street

• Jacks Fork rh·er i· here fishing and float trips abound, always a fishing hole handy for a few free hours.

SPRING at the forks or JACKS FORK Rrv~ Scl!ne on picturesque Eleven Points River near Thoma sv i 11 e :.:o ;.'im R Smith Slain here

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Many years have long since fled Since this good man trod earth, But we his loved descendants pause In honor of his birth. To him and his two cherished wives, As angels by his side, In settling mid-America We look to them with pride.

They stood for honor and purpose high They and their children ten. They plowed and toiled and felled the trees, Each night praised God again. They stood for right and with their might They pioneered the land, Their price was high--for some 'twas ndie'• Fighting life with Christian hand.

And now you descendants in this book, What pioneers are you-- Will you build great as those before, ~ill you build strong and true? Work with zeal, have faith in God, Accept the challenge of this age, Your sacrea trust: let those unborn Enjoy your rich heritage.

Helen Alldredge.


SAMUEL HARRISON SMITH, Worthy, Loyal, Revered Pioneer of the now famous Ozark Mountains, was born about 1814 in Oregon County Missouri. Most of his early life was spent near Thomasville, Oregon County Missouri, where he learned what it meant to be a real pioneer~ and to reclaim and settle that thickly timbered, mpuntainous region. Wild animals roamed constantly in the forest as well as- the savage Indians in the territor,y. He worked-and labored long and vigorously in assisting his fat-her to establish a permanent homeo It is lmawn that Samuel helped survey the Batesville and Jefferson Cjty St"lte Roa.d. Samuel .Harrison Smith's grandfather WILLIAM R SMITH was a pioneer, frontiersman and explorer. He was born in South Carolina about 1713. With his wife and I two sons, Richard D Grimes Smith, ~nd Jo~..n Sm~th, of which we have record, turned their faces westward and went to the young and sparsely settled State of Ken.­ tucky., Here they stayed for sometime at a settlement lmown as Slaughtersville Kentucky. The urge to exp­ lore and to improve tneir conditions was uppermost in their thoughtss and so they started west again. They crossed the Mississippi River at a point called Old Jackson, near the ?resent city of Cape Girardeau, Mo. Here they st.ayed two years. In 1814 they finally made a permanent se-:tlement on Barren Fork mi Elevenpoints-' River near Thomasville Missouri$They were rugged pio-· neers~ who made their log homes in the mountainous Ozark Hillso Their supply of meat was plentiful, for in the woods nearby could be found elk~ deer~ bears 1 and wild turkeyo There was great need to protect and guard themselves from the numerous Indians w~o roamed through that section of the territory as well as from the wild animals~ wolves, bears, pan~hers, and many types of snakes. WILLIAM R SMITH went on a hunting trip with his sons and several other settlers. They camped at what is 2 now known as Cold Springs where the two prongs of the Jack's Fork River combine in Shannon County, The hun­ ters left the aged William R Smith to skin and pre­ pare the wild reat and also guard the camp. When the hunters returned, they found him lying upoL the ground, with his head split open with a tonahawk, he had also been scalped. He was then one hundred two years old, a sad fate for a Revolutionary War Veteran. His son John Smith never made peace with the Indians, for he killed redskins on the sly, to avenge his fath­ ers death, which_occured in the fall of 1816.

RICHARD D GRIMES SMITH, son of William R Smith and grandfather of Samuel Harrison Smith was born about 1794 in South Carolina. He cane with his father and family to Thomasville Missouri, where he ret and IIRT­ ried Jane Edwards, who was born about 1794 in Kentucky. Richard D rmde gunpowder in a cave about a half mile from Thomasville, which was used by the settlers of that . Richard D Grires and Jane Edwards Smith were the par­ ents of eight known children, all born in Oregon Co. Missouri. They are: Andrew, Samuel W, Alsie, Clarinda, Demaris, Lorena, Pernita, Aseneth.

ANDREW SMITH. son of Richard D GrinEs & Jane Edwards Smith was born about 1812, he IIBrried Nancy. Their children were: Wilson Smith born 1829; Richard Smith, born 1830; Jacob Smith born 1831; Andrew Smith, born 1841; Samuel Smith, born 1844; George Smith born 1846; Margaret Smith, born 1846; Alice (Alsey) Smith born 1849; Amy Smith, born 1852; Dicey Smith, born 1853. These children were all born in Missouri.

These records were taken from the U.S. Census of 1850 and 1860 of Oregon and Shannon Counties Missouri.

CLARINDA SMITH, dau of Richard D Grimes and Jane Edwards Smith, was born about 1825 in Oregon County Mo. married JOHN THOMAS, born in Missouri. Their children are: Mary Thoma.s, born 1847; Elizabeth Thorms born 1849; George Thanas born 1852 , Ma.litia Therms, born 1854; Sgrah Thoms born 1856; ·william Thomas born 1857; Lafayette Thomas born 1858. 3

Donsel:.a Thomas, born 1860. All these children were ~orn in Missouri.

These records were taken from the 1860 Oregon County illissouri, UeS. Census.

Richard D Grimes Smith with his wife and children, mcved to Spring Valley Mo. He and his wife died in ~he 1860s. within three days of each othero

SAMUEL HARRISON SMITH., son of Richard D Grimes and Jane Edwards Smith., md 1840 CAROLINE MOONEY, dau of Jacob Mooney., who came from Ireland about 1815 and settled "in MeMinneville Tennesee. Came to Arkansas about 1837. Caroline Mooney was born about 1820 in Mountain Home Arkansa£. Samuel and Caroline's first child, Richard Grimes Smith was born in a Hanter's Camp on the Current River in Shannon County Missouri. About three months later they went to Thomasville Missouri, and took up a claim on some land about two miles north of the settlement up Elevenpoints River. The place is still known as "Sam Smith's Hollero" It took courage and determination to establish and protect their cabin home and family. One day when Caroline was returning home from the fields with Aretta-Jane in her arms, the tiny child began to cry. An old panther heard her and came very near them ma.king hideous noises. Carol~ne ran to the house., left Jane and then called the dogs,· who treed the panther and Caroli~e-shot ito o~ ~nothar cccasion Caroline held a torch light while her husband shot the panthers who tried to kill their hogs. At Sam Smith'--s Holler in Thomasville they had four chil­ drer T,hey now h~rt~ Richard Grimes; Aretta Jane; Clarinda Ivfy-rinda, James K Polk.; and John Byes Smith. After the birth of the last child in 1850 Caroline died and was buried on their own farm in Thomasville Moo Samuel took his five little motherless children and moved to Mountain View Missouri. Here he met and married in 1850 MARY ELLEN BATNiAN CANADA, a widow lady who had two daughters, Ellen born 1843 in St, Francios Cci.mty Missouri., died 1861; Hannah born 1845· .. in St Francois County Missouri, married Joe Frederick, they lived in Arkansas" Mary Ellen Batman~ dau of Mr Batman, part Indian. and Mary Caroline Peyton Batman, born 4

2 Mar 1825 at a French Village in St Francois County, Missouri. According to Martha Seay Davis. Mary was a slender, very active and pretty young lady. She -was a good woman and truly mothered Samuel's five little children, who have talked of her kindness and love for them. To Samuel and Mary six children were born; Thomas Lee; Mary Caroline; William; Daniel Webster; Andrew Jackson; Aisie. Samuel a~d Mary secured a hamestead, north and eErat of Mountain View Missouri. Samuel was a good man and together they worked long and hard to main­ tain their large young family. In 186i, Samuel contracted a severe cold from which he never recove­ red, and passed away when he was about forty seven years of age. He was buried on the homestead where he and Mary had lived for ten happy years. Fifteen years later on 19 March 1876, Mary was laid to rest beside her devoted husband.

May the memory of this fine, good, honorable man, SAMUEL HARRISON SMITH, and his devoted, loyal companions, CAROLINE and MARY ELLEN SMITH, bring to each descendant an urge and a determination to live in honor and goodness, and to pass on to those yet to come, a heritage of lasting worth. . ":"•" _.-:(~i\;:t

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****RICHARD GRIMES SMITH, son of Samuel Harrison & Caroline Mooney Smith, born in a Hunter's Camp en the Currant River, in Shannon County Mo. on 11 Aug 1842e His weight was about two and one half pounds. A tea­ cup was put over his head and only the tips of his ears were out. When three months old his parentq took up a claim and moved to Thomasville, Oregon Cou..~ty Mc on the Elevenpoints River. He spent his boyhood dayE. i~ Oregon County. which included all the territory in Oregon, Howell~ Shannon -and Carter Countieso Dick as he was called, hunted, ·fished, tilled the soil and did all kinds of farm worko The Civil War started~ he felt the urge to do his ptrt so he walked from Thomas-, ville to Rolla Mo. It took ten days to make the trip, he would sleep in the woods in the qaytime and walk during the night. He enlisted in Company A 12th Mis~ souri Calvary, in the Union Army. He took part in twenty eight battles and skirmishes. He was mustered out at Fort Riley , and returned to Howeli Co~­ nty 17 Apr 1866. RICHARD GRIMES SMITH married 27 Jul 1866 at Moun­ tain View Mo NANCY CAROLINE TAYLOR, a pretty little Confederate girl. He took up a homestead at Mountain View Mo. Here they lived for fifteen years then moved to a farm two and one half miles northeast of viest Plains Tvi_). The family remained here for twenty 'tWC years. He was a contractor and a very good carpent-erc He was active in all public matters and held many civic positions. He wa.s an active always contending vigorously for what he thought was right.o He was an enterprising, fearless pioneer, and made a valuable contribution to the settlement and growth of West Plains and of Howell County Mo. He contributed articles to newspapers describing the conditions and experiences of the early pioneers of the County. He was a 1I1ember of-the GoA.R. Organization, and proud:y wore his badge. In 1915 the family moved back to Mountain View Uo. He married 2nd Mary Matlock., who died in Texas, thPv had a son Richard G Smith., who died in infancy, in Florida. Richard married 3rd Minnie Y{escott; 4th Katherine A Dixon. Richard G,. 6

Smith had an unusual personality.: His sense of humor ·was tremendous, and his ability to remember stories and L~cidents was uncanny. His descendapts now tell of the many tricks and practical jokes he played on them and others of the Community. He had his own cas­ ket made of mrtive walnut lumber and kept it in the upstairs room of his home, together with all his burial clothes. He showed them often to lmlny folks, for he seemed to have no fear of death because of his absolute faith in going to meet his reward and his God and he was unafraid. He passed away at hi~ Mountain View Home on Saturday morning 10 Jan 1931 and was buried at the Barnett Cemetery, where the headstone he had made himself marks his final resting place, beside his beloved wife NANCY C.AROLillE TAYLOR SMITH., who was born 6 Dec 1852 in Tennessee. She died 24 Feb 1899 at Mountain View Mo.

Their Children:

Mary Theodosia, Thomas Jefferson, Leonidas Artego, Phillip Felix, Ida Mary, Matilda Jane, E. Artella., Louis Lafayette, Amelia Caroline, Albert Edwin.

MARY THEODOSIA SMITH., dau of Richard Grimes and Nancy Caroline Taylor Smith, born 27 Jun 1867 at Mountain View Mo died 22 Apr 1949 at West Plains Mo. md 5 Nov 1885 at the Family home in West Plains, Mo. CHARLES RUFUS SPRADLIN, son of Jolm & Mandy Spradlin, born 16 Jan 1862 at Ne,.burg Mo. di-ed 28 Jul 1937 at the family home in West Plains Mo. Rufus and Maggie first lived on a farm in Peace Valley Mo where four of their children were born. The~ moved to West Plains Mo. He held many civic positions, he was ?udge in Howell County for twenty years. He was a farmer and raised fine stock. Their home reflected the sweet and kind personality of Maggie and her devoted husband Rufus.

Their Children:

Walter Claud, Grover LeRoy., Bessie Lu Vergie, Nora Mabel, Ruel Rufus, Richard Boyd, Ruby Irene, Oren Orlando.

WALTER CLAUD SPRADLIN, son of Charles Rufus & Mary 7

Theoaosia Smith Spradlin, born 18 Jul 1886 at Peace Valley Mo. died 30 11£.r 1945 at Longmont Colo. md 15 Jan 1913 at Brandsville Mo. BERTA MARSHALL, dau of Walter Y & Nancy Lancaster Marshall., born 5 Jul 1883 at West Plains Mo. Berta now makes her home at 927 Golden Ave Compton Calif.

Their Children:

Marshall Claude., Walter Raymond.

MARSHALL CLAUDE SPRADLlli., son of Walter Claud-& Berta Marshall Spradlin, born 21 Nov 1916 at Longmont Colo md Apr 1946 at Nerth Platte Nebr SARAH E POPE., dau of Thomas Walter & Anna O Lentz Pope., born 26 Oct 1916. in Ansa County No Carolina. Marshall is an Agronomist. They reside at 2417 W Okla St Grand Island Nebr.

Their Children:

MARSHA ANITA SPRADLIN., born 29 Aug 1950 at Grand Island Nebr. TOMMY SPRADLIN; born May 1952 at Grand Island Nebr.

WALTER RAYMOND SPRADLIN, -·son Of Walter Claud & Berta Marshall Spradlin., born 29 Dec 1928 at Longmont Colo md 8 Jtm. 1954 at Los Angeles Calif IMOGENE LOIS VAUGHN, dau of Ivan LeRoy & Erma L Clendenin Vaughn., born 20 Sep 1929 at Denver Colo. Walter is a Laboratory Technition. Their home is 41 W Scott Long Beach Calif

Their Children:

DAVID RAYMOND SPRADLIN, born 15 Jul 1955 at Long Beach California RANDALL CRAIG SPRADLIN, born 3 Jun 1957 at Long Beach California

GROVER LEROY SPRADLIN, son of Charles Rufus & Mary Theodosia Smith Spradlin., born 9 May 1888 at Peace Valley Mo. md 18 Dec 1912 at St Joseph Mo ROSALEE HARRIS, dau of Riley W & Lydia Lee Lorton Harris, born 17 Aug 1891 at Kirksville Mo. Grover is now retired. Their horrx~ is at 7547 Beck St No Hollywood Calif o

Their Ghil dren: 8

1Ia.rion Eloise, Inez Maxine, Donald Grover., Lloyd WilS1:>n, Charles Harris., Margaret Louise.

MARION ELOISE SPRADLrn., dau of Grover LeRoy & Rosalee Harris Spradlin, born 10 Nov 1913 at St Joseph Mo. md 6 Jun 1931 at Glendale Calif ELBERT WILLIAMS., son of Olivera Williams, born 15 Jul 1909 at Romero Texas. Elbert is a Building Superintendant. They reside at 10815 Memory Park San Fe~ndo Calif.

Their Child:

GARY WESLEY WILLIAMS., son of Elbert & Marion Eloise Spradlin Williams., born 8 Nov 1933 at Glendale Calif. md 25 Jun 1955 at San Dimas Calif SHIRLEY BAYRD. Gary is a student majoring in Agriculture. They live at 210 hte St Pomona Calif.

INEZ 1v1AXINE SPRADLIN., dau of Grover LeRoy & Rosalee Harris Spradlin., born 20 Dec 1914 at West Plains Mo. died 16 Jan 1915 at West Plains Mo.

DONALD GROVER SPRADLIN, son of Grover LeRoy & Rosalee Harris Spradlin. born 6 Apr 1916 at Salina Kansas md 23 s~~ 1939 at Yuma Ariz CHARLINE DEATON• dau of Charles & Bertha Scott Deaton., eorn 22 Jan 1919 at Los Angeles Calif. Don~ld is a Machine Operator. They live at 13680 Terra Bella Pacoi~a Calif.

Their Children:

JAMES LLOYD SPP~DLIN born 16 Feb 1942 at Glendale Calif Til~0THY CHARLES SPRADLIN., born 21 Apr 1949 at San Fernando Calif.

LLOYD WILSON SPRADLIN, son of Grover LeRoy & Rosalee Harris Spradlin, born 12 Feb 1919 at Rosedale Kansas; md 10 Nov 1945 at Salt Lake City Utah RUTH MILLER, dau of William Lewis & Blenda Johnson Miller, born 16 Dec 1918 at Garfield Utah. Lloyd is a Research Draftsman. They reside at 13850 River Circle Dr. Saratoga Calif.

Their Children:

HILDING KEILI LEE SPRADLIN., born 30 Mar 1947 at Van Nuys California. 9

STEG MARK SPRADLIN, born 10 Apr 1950 at Burbank Calif KEVIN LLOYD SPRADLIN, born 7 May 1952 at Van Nuys Cal

CHARLES HARRIS SPRADLrn, son of Grover LeRoy & Rosalee Harris Spradlin, born 21 Aug 1920 at Rosedale Kansas died Sep 1920 at Rosedale Kansas

MARGARET LOUISE SPRADLIN, dau of Grover LeRoy & Rosalee Harris Spradl-in, born 29 Dec 1922 at Rosedale Kansas md 17 Apr 1942 at Glendale Caiif VICTOR WOLSKI~ son of Lee & Victoria Wolski, born 22 Dec 1916. at San Pierre Ind. md 2nd on 20 Mar 1950 at las Vegas Nevadas JOSEPH FRANCIS AUBIN, son of Joseph O & Susan Swartz Aubin, born 21 Jwi 1918 at Hibbing Minn. Joseph is a Wholesale Distributore They live at Kernville Califo Star Rou.teo

Their Child:

VICTOR WOLSKI AUBIN, born 16 Jan 1943 at Glendale Cale

BESSIE LU VERGIE SPRADLIN~ dau of Charles Rufus & Mary Theodosia Smith Spradlin, born 5 Jun 1890 at Peace Valley, Mo. died-25 Dec 1948 at Long Beach CalifG md 4 Jan 1912 at Omaha Nebr LAWRENCE WILLIAM HEINZ, son of Lawrence & Minnie Roedjoski Heinz~ born 5 Sep 1885 at Petersburg Nebr. He is retired Druggist.

Their Children:

Charles Keit-fl, Robert William.

CHARLES KEITH HEINZ~ son of Lawrence William & Bessie Lu Vergie Spradlin Heinz~ b 31 Oct 1915 at Omaha Neb. He is a Supervisor. Address 122 San Antonio Leng Beach Ca:

ROBERT WILLIAll HEINZQ son of Lawrence Willaim & Bessie Lu Vergie Spradlin Heinz., born_20 Aug 1921 at Lamont Colo. md 23 Aug 1942 at Long Beach Cal if ORION I.AMOTIJI PORTER dau of James Carl & Alice Ruth 1!e.rtin Porier~ born 31 Oct 1923 at Long Beach Calif~ Robert is a ~ar sales­ man. They reside at 1830 W 15th St Santa Ana Calif. Their Children:-

G.llRY ROBERT HEDJ7!' born 7 irov 1944 at "!_cng Rea:::~h r.aJif

SHARON t.YNN FtEilJZ 3 born 15 ,Tul 1947 at T~ng Reach r.alif 10

NORA MABEL SPRADLIN, dau of Charles Rufus & Mary Theodosia Smith Spradlin, born 5 May 1893 at. Peace Valley Mo died 22 Apr 1928 at Kansas City Kansas md FREDERICK W HAYDON, son of O L Haydon, born 1891 at West Plains Mo died 1938 at Kansas City Kans

Their Children:

Edward Handley, Kenneth Lyle.

EDWARD HANDLEY HAYDON, son of Frederick W & Nora Mabel Spradlin Haydon, born 2 Apr 1920 at Springfield, Mo md 2 Aug 1942 at St Charles :Mo EVELYN ANNE MOORE., dau of W'alter Franklin & Evelyn Duncan Freeman Moore., born 11 Aug 1942 at Newburg Mo. Their residence is 212 Northeast Circle Dr. Kansas City Mo.

Their Children:

EDWARD HANDLEY HAYDON JR. born 13 Aug 1949 at Kansas City Mo. FREDERICK FRANKLIN HAYDON, born 7 Dec 1952 at Kansas City Mo.

KENNETH LYLE HAYDON., son of Frederick W & Nora Mabel Spradlin Haydon, born 5 Jun 1925 at Kansas City Kansas Before 1952 he was in the Roofing Business in Denver Colo

RUEL RUFUS SPRADLIN., son of Charles Rufus & Mary Theodosia Smith Spradlin, born 9 1897 at West Plai?iS Mo died 28 Mar 1918 at West Plains Mo.

RICHARD BOYD SPRADLIN, son of Charles Rufus & Mary Theodosia Smith Spradlin, born 12 Feb 1900 at West Plains Uo md 2 Aug 1922 at West Plains lvfissouri, MARY HELEN vYEATHERLY, dau of Lemuel & Stella Clemens Weatherly, born 12 Jul 1905 at Peace Valley Mo. They operate a successful Produce Business in Springfield Mo and have a lovely modern home at 618 W Commercial St Springfield Mo.

Their Children:

Richard Elwin, Jean Louise, Loren Wayne, Robert Dale. 11

RICHARD EL~VIN SPRADLIN., son of Rich..a.rd Boyd & :Jary Heien Waetheriy Spr-adlin!J born 2 Aug l924 at West Plains Mo md 16 Mar 1946 at Springfield Missouri

3ERNICE JOHNSON~ dau of Oscar & Agnes Johnson 5 born 5 Dec 1922 at Brandt So Dakota~

Their Children~

PATRICIA ANN SPRADLIN.? bcrn 1 Jan 1947 at Spri..TJ.gfield Mo RICHARD MICHAEL SPRADLIN born 27 Apr 1952 at Wichita Kan t1"'EAN LOUISE SPRADLIN, dau of Richard Boyd & Mary Helen

Weatheriy Spra.dlin9 born 24 Sep 1928 at Kansas City Kan md 6 Jul 1946 at Columbus Kans LOUIS WILEY MYRES 9 son of Hobert Lester & Albertha Vann Myres, born 10 Sep 1923 at Ellington Mo

Their Children~

REX LOUIS MYR.ES.9 horn 4 Aug 1947 at Springfield Mo ClJRTIS DAVID MYRES, born 25 Jul 1952 at Springfield Mo JAY EDWARD MYRES., born 23 May 1956 at Springfield Mo

LOREN 'NAYNE SPRADLIN_, son of Richard Boyd & Mary Helen Weatherly Spradlins born 14 May 1931 at Kansas City Kan md 12 Dec 1952 PEARL LEATRICE MCKD·JNISj dau of Frank &

Mary McKinnis 9 born 15 Nov 1928 at Laredo Texas

Their Childreni

CLAIRE LORENE SPRADLIN$ born 14 Mar 1954 at Laredo Tex KENNETH LEE SPRADLIN_, born 5 Jul 1956 at Springfield Mo

R033RT DALE SPRADLINs sen of Richard Boyd & Mart He:1.en Weatherly Spradlin, born 17 Jul 1933 at Kansas City Kan md 5 Jul 1952 FRANCES LOUISE SHAY.HAN dau of Lloyd & Mary Shayhan.'.) born 19 Sep i932 a.t Springfield Mo.

Their Child~

DOUGLAS WAYNE SPRADLIN_, born 25 Dec 1954 a"t Springfield Moo

RUBY IRENE SPRADLIN, dau of Charles Rufus & Mary Theodosia Smith Spradlin~ born 30 Jul 1907 at West Plains 12

Moe md 28 Jan 1927 at Long Beaoh Cali.f RUBERT MYERS, son of William E & Anna Belle Getter Myers, born 5 Jun 1903 ·at Tekamah Nebr. Rubert is a Sunervisor at Union Oil Co. IreEe, oapable, charming~·with vivacious ·persoBality has been most oooperative in gathering her fathervs family recordso.· She and ~ubert reside at 1119 Alto"Ja A-ve. Wilmington Calif

Their Cp.ild:

MARY ANNE MYERS, born 25 Feb 1931 at Wilmington Calif md 8 Jan 1951 at Wilmington Calif ERNE~T PAUL MCCULLOUGH ·s·on of~ Cla-ren-ce George & Lavada Ovida Dixon McCullough., bo·rn 6 Oct 1927 at New ·smyrna Beach Fla. Ernest is an Instrument Engineer at Shell Oil Co. Their add·ress is 26343 Bell Porte Ave Harbor City Calif.

Their Child:

KEVIN PAUL MCCULLOUGH., born 2 6 Jan 1957 at· Los Angeles Calif o

OREN ORLANDO SPRADLIN., -son of C.harles Rufus & Mary Theodosia Smith Spradlin., born 4 Oct 1912 at West Plains Mo. md 7 Jan 1939 at West Plains Missouri RUTH DURHAM, dau of James William & Hazel B


ARLINE MARIE SPRADLIN bbrn 28 Jan 1940 at West Plains Mo RONALD JP.MES SPRADLIN born 18 :Mar 1941 at West Plains Mo LAUREL LEE SPRADLIN., ·born 13 Aug_ 1943 at West Plains Mo SHARON KAY SPRADLIN. borri 22 N.ov 1945 at We·st Plains ]l[o DENNIS WAYNE SPRADLIN born 17 Oct 1953 at Long Beach Cal

THOMAS JEF:FERSON Slll:ITH., son of Richard Grimes & Nancy Caroline Taylor Smith, born 15 May 1869 at Mountain View Mo. died 14 Nov 1870

LEONIDAS ARTEGO SMITH., son of Richard Grimes· & Nancy t!"aroline Taylor· Sm'ith, born 15 Apr 1872 at Mountain View Mo$ died 26 Dec 1942 at Lincoln Kansas. md 13

8 Feb 1905 a:t West Plains .Mo MYRTLE ROUNDTREEs dau of

William Murphy & Ann Judson McElro:,,; Roundtree-8_ . born 20 Y..ay 1880 at ·Westmorland Kansas•o :Myrtle:,· gentle and lovely· resides with her kind brother Guy at 420 So 2:nd Si:;;reeL .L v 'L 1ncoinO "II Ka· n,saSJ

m,J.neir o (;;1,-,...., ... .:.iJ..areng: "~ .,

Myrtle Elle~a· William·Richarda Albert L~e Benjam~na Helen Lorraino·

MYRTLE ELLEN Sl[ITH·,. dau of Leonidas Ar-tego _& Tut7rtle Roundtree Smiths· 1c·orn 31 Deo 1905 at Paradise Kansas died 9 Jan 1906 at Paradise Kansas

WILLIAM RIC~D- SMITH.!> son of Leonidas Arte-go & Myrtle

Round~rea Srn-ith~ born ,3· Jul 1910 at Sharon Springs 9 Kans died ,15 Ju.l 1954 .at Garden Cit-y- Kans md 30 1~y . 1936 at Syra.cusa.Kans EDYTHE LEONA COONS$ daµ of James S .& 'Mary Irlisha Oldfield Coons$. born· 9 Oct 1915: at Lakin ¥_ans-~ :she is.a most·e-f·ficient~ charming employee at ,_the Post Of:f'ioe in Garden City Kansas~ in which City- she resides~;

Their Childre?f~

JJtMES RIC~.RD S]J[.CTH borC'n 28 Sep 1941 at Garden City Kan KATHLEEN ANrl SMITH, born. 7 Jan l-M5 at Garden City Kan

ALBERT LEE BENJMIIN. SMITii,:, s·on Leonidas Ar~ego & Myrtle Reund-tree Smith&-born 4 Dec 1915 at Watson Okla n;.~.--3 itpr 1937 a:~ Langle~r Kans FLORENCE IRENE H0DGS0N3 dau.. of E Ned G & Zella: Hodgson~ born 26 Dec 1916 at Little- River Kansas_.$ :·where -t;hey ·now liveo

Their Children~ ,.

JANA -LEE Siv1lTH8 born 22 Ju.l 1939 at Little River Kans GAR.LYN MAE. S~/lITH born 26 WJS.y 1942 at ·Little River Kan JILThTI.A A~ SMITH born 14 Jul 1944 at I.iittle River Kan CRAIG ALBR.~T SMITH.?. ~bo1~n 3 F-e=o 1'949 at Sterling Kans STEPHANA LOUISE S11ITH born 24 1\Kay- 1952 at Little River Kansas RICF..A..~D ROBERT _SMITH~ born 12 Apr 1954 at Little River Kansas -died -15 -1954 at Litt;le River Kansas 14

I-IBIBN LORRAIN SMITH, dau of Leonidas & Myrtle Roundtree Smith, born 12 Jul 1911 at Watson Okla md 24 Apr 1937 at Manhattan Kans THOMAS EUGENE COUGHER, son of James C:Jugher, born 13 _Aug 1914 at Hutchinson Kans. Their home is at 819 E Holly -Mundelien Ill.

Their Child:

TOMA LEE COUGHER, born 19 Nov 1940 at Hutchinson Kans

PHILLIP FELIZ SMITH1 son of Richard Grimes & Nancy Caroline T~ylor SmithJ born 17 Apr 1873 at Mountain View Mo died 11 Aug 1899

IDA MARY ~ ITH 1 dau of Richard Grimes & Nancy Caroline Tayl~r Smith, born 15 Aug 1875 at West Plains Mo. died 1 Aug 1895 at Chariton County Mo. buried in Elmwood Cemetery near Bucklin Mo. md 1893 WILLAlU) DAVID OWEN, son of David & Lucy Corbin Owen, born 13 Mar 1873 in Missouri died 1943 at Spokane Wash. buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in Spokane Wash. Ida Mary Smith Owen is remembered b_v her Smith relatives as being a charming., lovableJ mild tempered girl, full of .f'un and always able to see the humorous-and comical side of every situation. To be in her presence was a joy for every one.

Their Child:

LUCY CAROLINE OWEN, born 22 ..Jun 1895 at Keytesville, Missouri., md 3 Jul 1919 at Spokane Wash DR WILLIAM A PATRICK, son of Ethan Patrick, born 1885 in died 1956 in California. md 2nd on 10 Jun 1933 at Long Beach Calif LAWRENCE E JOIDJSON, son of James & Elnora ,Johnson, born 1895 at Independence Mo. Lucy was reared 1ay· her Aunt and Uncle Joseph J & Ella 3 Owen. Lucy said "I was a most fortllllate baby to fall into such good hands. No child coul

:S. }\.RTSLLA dau of Ri~P.a.!"d Grime2 & Nancy ,,...... · ..,., ~ S · t· h ., ,.. D - 8 ,...~ .. W · \.,aro_ine .La.y·-cr mi •.h_~ ...,crn ... ~ eo ~ t~ av est P.:.ains 1k· died 6 Dec 1880 buried at Barnett Cemetery s nea::e West P:ains Mo.

L~UIS LAFAYETTE SMITH, son of Richard Grimes & Nancy Caroline Taylor Smith, born 4 Aug 1883 at West Plains

:Jo~ died 15 May 1950 at West Plains Mc1 of a heart attack~ md l90: QUILLA MCFARLANDj dau of Merida & Frances Benn€tt 1uic:Farland.i bcrn 28 Sep ::..864 at Peace Vq_~ley Mo-> Qui:la. now resides at 27 So 65t:b. S,;r-eet M1.1no:.e Kansas.

Their' Ch.ildreni

Estelle Pea!"l.

STELLA.. EVA SMITH: -:ia.u of Louis Lafa.yet-se & Qui:i.:.a ~.ic:r'ar..:'--anct Sm.ith born 7 Dec ~905 at West P:::.ains Mc() a 9 rr.i 24 Dec· -1926 at Kansas Cit--y Mis20u.:ri HAR..l{Y ELLIOTT, i,7l00:JS0N) sc-:i of Charle:5 W & Ro~e El.:i.ic~t,p born 28 J ,·'Y? - "'J. 1...~ 1' ,,..i::,,:: ::: ·=' t.....:'-=.....,C'. ,...:_ ·--"._,.. ti +.... v,.n_·::~ -.;-.;;.1.. -~ ·-~ c_., ~vY M,....'-0 1.,;...... r· adrov. .... ,•. ,~-· 1_:._, 8:_,..,,, h J.. h-~·.K~ M~r.y• " B-~,~;n• -'-'· ...,.,.. i..;s~ ·' L",.L.i.,.. ~ ..L ..:..1. ... r

Lewis .'J Ard.en Marie.,

r :If'. D ~ .,.., C: 'T ,:,,irr...,. ~ .,...,L'T -o"j"T ,., i1.cti'... L.t:n... J.-l'..: n ~ u .t.i ,..:... l .... ~

.ARDEN I.·~-RlE ELLIOTT:> da1.1 cf Harry & S-r:.e<; ~... a. E7a ~mitn :s:~::.o· ~ ) bc.r-n 9 No7 ~929 s:c Kansas City Kan5as md :.6 A-er ~94., at Ho~).s"t;on Texas DONALD DWAIN HEMSWORTH~ J.. <:_;-,.., ,._r, 1 i a_··..;,::, .L i:::i-:-n,:::uT~r,-rh _b ___ 4 Fe-..., c~ ara pn.CA.- mesr "-' ,..,._l '-' .._ ._. _ .).~:..:. ,_. CC ·.. C· H'V~•··.., '" v .. -.•J.-.9 '-'- .LJ. ·- ... 1927 at Minneapc:js, Minno The i::- heme is !j. +-, ·.::c ·• c. "Q--.: ..., "" .:: - .... Ano :.-a Minn- v .J. ~ .._J4 J...::- ·- ..:. ;.. - ✓ . .' - .[\. - - - 16 DONALD DWADJ HEMSWORTH born 14 Sep 1948 at Houston Tex CONNIE MARIE HEMS1-VORTH born 2 Oct 1951 at Minneapolis Minnesota HARRY CLARK HEMSWORTH born 5 Dec 1952 at Minneapolis Minnesota

HARRY CI.ARK ELLIOTT, son of Harry & Stella Eva Smith Elliott, born 6 Feb 1936 at West Plains Mo.

CHARLENE LOUIS ELLIOTT~ dau of Harry & Stella Eva Smith Elliott., born 15 Sep 1942 at West Pla~s Mo.

ESTELLE PEARL SMITH, dau of Louis Iafayette & Quilla McFarland Smith, born 9 Nov 1907 at West Plains Mo. md 10 Jan 1925 HARRY RAY WEBB., born 22 Mar 1906 at Adair, Oklahoma.

Their Child:

NORMA JEAN ~BB, born 15 Jul 1927 at Kansas City Mo. md 27 Jul 1947 at Nevada Mo HARRY HART, son of Harry & Alice Hart, born 28 Mar 1922 at Nevada Mo.

ESTELLE PEARL SMITH WE~BJ dau of Louis Lafayette & Quilla McFarland Smith, md 2nd on 17 Aug 1935 ARTHUR M WYRICH

Their Children:

SHARON K WYRICHJ born 30 Nov 1949 at Kansas City Kans LINDA KAY WYRICH, born 3 Jun 1952 at Kansas City Kans

A.i\1ELIA CAROLlliE SMITH, dau of Richard Grimes & Nancy Caroline Taylor Smith., born ·16 Feb 1888 at West Plains Mo md 24 Feb 1911 at Paradise Kans ADA.11 ROY WINNINGHAM son of George Washington & Sippy Josephine Simmons Winningham, born 6 Aug 1888 at Mountain View Mo. Adam is retired from the Union Pacific Railroad. He and Carlie spend much time htmting and riding horses in the hills of Wyoming. Carlie is an accomplished Horsewoman, her hobby is photography in which she is highly skilled. They have a summer home in the hills~ and their perma­ nent home is 507 14th St Rawlins Wyo. Their Children: 0:a::. l€Rcy ;1 L0r-ai:ne Josephine, Raymon:! r.s i~:;

Eu~s. Nadi!le 9 Al-oer-ta Leis., Do:l.o~es An~c

ORAl. 1~1.0Y w1n:~J:NG3A:;r~ son 0f Adam Rey & km.el~ a C9.r·o2.ine Smith Winningham, born 3 May ::_9~4 a·:. Pa~a­ di~-E- Kansas died 8 Apr 1931 in a raii='oad. a.c-:.:.0.e~t. o~:r- ied e.~ Rawl ins Wyoming

LORAINE JOSEPHINE WlNNINGHAMj dau of Adam Rey & Amelia Caroline Smith Winningham, born :o Nov 1915 at Paradise Kansas died 4 Apr 1925 at Rawlins

P..AY}AOND NEIL WINNINGHA1v1~ son of Adam Roy & Ame:2.ia Cs.reline Smith Winningr1a.m, born 26 Dec :9l6 at Para­ dise Ka.ns diec. 5 Au~ i.944 as a -valient s~:.d±a::· in Wcrl.d War l:I at 11enens Fr.ancejl baried at Ra.wiir...s Wycc, md 5 Dec l941 at Casper Wyo MARGARET BARBARA GAZDIKj dau of Jolm J & Julia Fazekas Gazdik; born 14 jun 1919 a~ Hudson Wye died 18 Jan 1948 a:t Whea:~ricige Colo Their Childg RAYMOND ROY WINNINGHAM, born 28 Jun 1942 at 1fJrtle Point Oregon

ElJLA NADINE WlliNINGHAM., dau of Adam Rey & .Arc.elia Carcline Smith Winningham., born ~7 No-v 19~ 0 ~.t Salina Kans md 28 De~ 194: at Kimball Nebr HU3ERT R FKRRENS~ son of Cicero·Ale-xander & Hazel Kellog~ FRrrens~ born :il :May 191 7 at Bu~l ington JlH:lction Mo~ Hilbert is emp::..oyed by the Railroad and a. Trui:king Cc;o These hospitab~e folk live at 2528-13th St Cheyenne Vvyc.

J""lJLL~ D...u.RLENE FAilliENS.s born 2 O~t. 1942 a:~ Cc,:;.:retia Sc-uth Care~ RAE DEEN FARRENS, born 21 Oct 1946 at CheyerJ1E- Wye

ALBERTA LOIS WIN1JilJGHA.1i.9 dau of Adam Rey & A1ne.:.:.9. Caroline Smith Winningham, bc~n 6 Oct 1922. s.t Rawlins W-fO md 16 Mar 1946 at Cheyenne Wy~ming GEORGE HOR11E FINKBINER!) son of Robert2cn Ramb:,ugh & Gertrude B~ancha.rd Finkbiner? bcrn 27 Apr l920 .a:.i; Boulder C:~a~ :Ie is employed at -the 01~~ B-.AlK Fianto They reside at 517 Ryan St Ra.wlir.:S vVyc~,.

::'heir ChildrenJ 18

JAMES RAYMOl~D FINKBINER, born 14 Oct 1950 at Rawlins Wyoming BAYLY RANDOLPH FINKBINER~ born 22 Mar 1954 at Rawlins Wyoming LORI LYNN FINKBINER, born 10 Jun 1957 at Rawlins Wyo.

DOLORES ANN WINNINGHAM, dau of Adam Roy & Amelia Caroline Smith Winningham_ born 17 Aug 1936 at Billings Mont md 8 Mar 1957 at Seattle Wash LAWRENCE.BESTE, son of Benjamin Franklin Beste, born 15 Jul Seattle Wash He is employed at the Boeing Aircraft Co. Their address is 956 No 42nd St Seattle Wash.

ALBERT EDWill SMITH, son of Richard Grimes & Nancy Caroline Taylor SmithJ born 27 Mar 1889 at West Plains Mo md 5 Jun 1912 at West Plains Mo BEULAH ALICE COLTHARP, dau of Whimpey G & Sarah Barton Coltharp, born 13 Apr 1887 at Mayfield, Graves Co. Ky. Albert has retired from his lucrative and successful Cons­ truction Business. He built several Churches in Tulsa Okla. The last one was a quarter million dollar edifice. Albert and Beulah now liye in a charming· home surrounded by well cared for gardens, at West Plains Mo. R # 2

Their Child:

OPAL FRANCES SMITH, born 19 Apr 1926 at Tulsa Oklao md at Tulsa Okla JESSE SAMPLE, born in Tulsa Okla. She md 2nd on 14 Feb 1952 at Tulsa Oklahoma, DEi~NIS L CHIS1JM, son of William Chiswn, born 12 Apr 1928 in Kansas. They live in Tulsa Okla.

Their Children:

JESSE EDWIN SAMPLE CHISU1v1, born 19 Apr 1926 at Tulsr Oklahoma CHRIS CHISill{, born 18 Apr 1955 at Tulsa Okla CRAIG CHISUM, born 1 May 1956 at Tulsa Okla Pass-Jane Alldredge

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Orella Janecfmi/-h Cllldrecl9rv

****ARETTA JANE SMITH, dau of Samuel F_arrison & Carol­ ine Mooney Smith, born 9 Nov 1843 at Thomasville, Mo. bap 13 Sep 1868 End 11 Jan 1869 died 17 Get 1909 at Pleasant Grove utah, buried in the Pleasant Grove Cem­ etery, md by William Goldsberry 1 Jun 1860 at Mountain 'Hew Mo. PARSONS ALLDREDGE., son of Isaac & Mary Brown Wilks Alldredge~ born 12 Feb la-36 in Jackson County, Ill. bap 31 May 1868 End 11 Jan 1869 died 21 Oct 1904 at Pleasant Grove Utah, buried in Pleasant Grove Ceme~ tery. Parsons Alldredge Came to Mountain View Mo with, or to visit his brother William B Alldredge an~ family. While there he met and married :Aretta· Jane Smith. Here in 1!otmtairrView they lived on a farm, which is . known -as the ..Joel Rushing Place., where their child Isaa~ was born. Parsons and brother ,William -B and their families moved to Perry County Illinoi~ where Parsons had lived when a child. In Illinois, Parson's and William's you­ nger brother Isaac, then about nineteen years of ag~, who had been reared by their Uncle John Brown in Utah, stopped to visit them. He -was enroute to -England where he was to serve as a Mi-ssionary for tm Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He talked. with Pars-ans and William, .alrold them of tM Territory of Utah, it's opp­ ortunities~ climate and advantages. He also explained to them the doctrines of the -Church he represented., It was sometime after his departure Parsons and- Wil;Liam & their wives discussed very earnestly the mesa~ge Isaac had brought to them. They finally decided to go west to Utah. Into wagons they loaded their belongings and went to Council Bluffs , ~hinking perhaps they may join a covered wagon caravan going to the west. Upon their arrival at Council Bru.ffs, they found that there were no companies leaving for some time. They met an­ other man, Jesse Ballinger, and his family there, who ~;as interested in making the trek west., and so the th­ ~ee families, each in their own wagon~ began the long journey westward~ of over a thousand miles. Many har­ rowing experiences were had by thes_e young, adventurous., fearless and sturdy pioneers. They arrived in Utah in 1867, going directly to Pleasant Grove Utah, the home of their Uncle John Brown. In Pleasant Grove they made their permanent home. They joined the Church of' Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. a year later. in 1868 and 20 were loyal members the rerr~inder of their lives. They were friendly, helpful neighbors, and good citizens, of ~ne ce>nnnllllity. Jane was a happy, enthusiastic~ en­ ergetic person, with a great sense of humor, ·and her witty sayings of Missouri philosophy were enjoyed by all who knew her. Parsons was a quiet~ unassuming, steady, faithful husband and father, alw~ys ma.intaine,l right and true principles that governed his life' s activitieso He was a wheelright, skilled carpenter., casket maker and wagon maker. Their ~hi.ldren and de­ scendants honor and revere this courageous couple for their righteousness and devotion, and for the her:itage they bequeathed to those who would come after.

Their Cltildren:

Samuel Isaac., Mary Caroline., Martha. Jane., Ada Mandua.,., Claririda, Minor Wilks., Ruby Aretta., Clara Malinda, Rue 1 LeRoy •.

SAMUEL ISAAC ALLDREDGE, son of Parsons & Aretta Jane Smith Alldredge., born 27 Jun 1861 at Mountain View Mo. bap 29 Aug 1869 End 10 Aug 1882 S to P 30 Nov 1943 died 11 May 1928 at Rexburg Idaho of cancer. md 10 Aug 1882 at Salt Lake City, . Utah, Endowment House, MAHALA JANE WOODARD, dau of Francis Snow & Mary Kath­ erine Mathews Woodard, born 26 Jun 1861 at Provo Utah bap 1869 by Israel Evans End 10 Aug 1882 died 24 Oct 1935 at Salem Idaho., buried at Rexburg Idaho. They made their first home in Deseret Utah where thev., far- med and were among those who really were pioneers in that country. Ike did his full share in building dams and digging irrigation ditches to bring that vast fa­ rm area under cultivation. At Deseret Utah four chi­ ldren were born to this worthy couple. They moved to Minersville Utah, then they made their permanent home at Rexburg Idaho. Ike was engaged in the Sheep Busi­ ness, which took him away from home a great deal, but his devoted and capable wife Jane, taught their chil­ dren righteous principles as a standard to govern and control thP~.r lives. Ike and Jane's lives were full of joys and many great problems and hardships.because of the time and places where they lived. They can be re­ membered, revered and honored for their devotion, co­ urage and righteous lives. Their Children: iJary Aretta, Mahala, Ezra Parsons, Ethel Amelia, Nora, Duane L, George, Alta Isabell, Leda I.aRue, Reed Isaaco

MARY ARETTA .ALLDREDGE, dau of Samuel Isaac & Jane Woodard Alldredge, born 14 May 1883 at Deseret Utah bap 7 Jul 1892 died 9 Jul 1927 at McCall Idaho of a heart ailment. md 17 Aug 1906 at Rexburg Idaho :m.A LATH...\M son of Andrew J. & Ella A Wilkinson Lath.ams born 9 Oct 1883 in Michigan, died 6 Apr 1935 at Asht~n Idaho.. They made homes in Rexburg, Ashton, St Anthoqr ~nd McCall Idaho.

Their Children:

Zona Gale, Arthur Reed, Fern, Donna Bell, Ella Jane.

ZONA GALE IATHAM, dau of Ira & Mary Aretta Alldredge Latham., born 17 May 1907 at Rexburg Idaho md 28 Dec 1937 at Ogden Utah RALPH RAPHAEL GESAS, son cf Barney & Estelle Raphael Gesas.born 17 ;u1 1902 at Ne-w Ycrk NY Ralph is a wholesale distributor of the Shell Oil Coo They reside at 213-13th St. Idaho Falls Idaho.

Their Children:

LYNNE GESAS, born 21 Sep 1943 at Idaho Falls Ida. ANN GESAS., born 20 May 1945 at Idaho Falls Idao

ARTHUR REED LATHAM, son of Ira & Mary Aretta Alldredge Latham, born 1 Dec 1908 at Rexburg Idaho md 15 Se~ 1933 at Boise Idaho J1JANITA GUIDINGER., dau of Edgar A & Margaret Brown Guidinger, born 6 Feb 1912 at Dc-wney Ida.ho. Arthur is employed by the Union Pacific RQRo Their r..:>mt! is at 528 W 1st No. Salt Lake City Utah o

Their Children:

Aretta Jane~ Arlane.

AR.ETTA JANE LATHAM, dau of Arthur Reed & Juanita Guid­ inger Latham, born 13 Jul 1936 at Boise Idaho md 12 Aug 1956 at Salt Lake City Utah RICHARD OWEN CAULKINS son of Ernest W & Mary Reed Caulkins, born 11 Sep :935 at Los Angeles, Calif. 22

ARLANE IATHAM, dau of Arthur Reed & Juanita Guidinger Latham, born 29 Oct 1937 at Boise Idaho.

FERN LATHAM, dau of Ira & Mary Aretta Alldredge Latham born 11 Feb 1914 at Ashton Idaho md at Cheyenne, Vfyo. FABIAS WHITNEY HARRISON, son of Thomas & Anne Harrison born 21 Mar 1914 at Cheyenne Wyo. Fabias is employed at the Warren Air Base. They live in Cheyenne Wyo. at 101 East 4th Street.

Their Cliild:

GALE HARRISON, born 30 Mar 1942 at Salt Lake City Utah

DONNA BELL LATHAM, dau of Ira & Mary .Aretta Alldredge Latham, born 8 Mar 1916 at Ashton Idaho md 28 May 1943 at Salt Lake City Uta~ RONALD LEWIS ALIEN, son of Lewis Riley & Lois Winegar Allen, born 17 Sep 1915 at Parker Idaho bap 13 Jul 1924. Their present address is 4715 Mason Dr. Boise Idaho.

Their Child:

SANDRA KAY AI,J.EN, born 4 Jan 1946 at Cheyenne Wyo.

ELLA JANE LATHAM, dau of Ira & Mary Aretta Alldredge Latham, born 16 Aor 1918 at Ashton Idaho md 16 Mar 1938 at Ogden, Utah MORRIS RAY SWillG, son of Dallas Tela & Goldie Rae Brumbaugh Swing, born 15 May 1914 at La.Crosse Kansas. Morris is an employee at Warren Air Base. They reside at 3933 Hynds Blvd Cheyenne.Wyo

Their Child:

SUSAN RAE SWING, born 28 May 1947 at Cheyenne Wyo.

MAHALA ALLDREDGE., · dau of Samuel Isaac & Mahala Jane Woodard Alldredge~ born 1 Nov 1885 at Deseret Utah bap May 1894 End 11 Jan 1924 died 12 Feb 1943 at Pocatello Idaho of cancer md 11 Jan 1924 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple THOMAS CEERRY, son of John James & Laura Bratton Cherry, born 27 Sep 1870 at Centerville Utah bap 22 Aug 1880 End 15 Nov 1893 died 14 May 1936 at Victor Idaho. Burial for both is at Victor Idaho. Their Child: 23

JANE CHERRY, born 21 Nov 1925 at Victor Idaho bap 31 Dec 1933 md 27 Sep 1946 at Bozeman Mont k~RL JAMES KAY son of Frederick H & Louise Osborne Kay, born 13 May 1923 at Rigby Idaho. Myrl is employed by the Post Office Department. They live at 1042 Willow St Pocatello Idaho

Their· Children:

DENNY MYRL KAY, born 27 Jul 1947 at Driggs Idaho bap 2 Feb 1957 VICKI ALEEN KAY, born 26 Dec 1950 at Pocatello Idaho BRENT DAVID KAY, born 8 Jun 1951 at Pocatello Idaho

EZRA PARSONS AIJ,DREDGE, son of Samuel Isaac & Mahala Jane Woodard Alldredge, born 24 Jul 1887 at Deseret Utah bap 5 Aug 1896 End 9 Oct 1912 Died 19 Aug 1946 at Logan Utah of a heart attack md 9 Oct 1912 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple LULA JOHNSON, dau of otto & Anna M Peterson Johnson, born 24 Aug 1892 at Preston Idaho bap 29 Sep 1900 End 9 Oct 1912. Lula now lives at S 3008 Latawah Spokane Wash.

Their Children:

Ezra Weldon, Donald J, Zelda, Carma Rae, Lula, Eugene Reed.

EZRA WELDON ALLDREDGE, son of Ezra Parsons & Lula John~ son Alldredge, born 23 Jul 1913 at Rexburg Idaho oap 23 Jul 1921 End 25 Oct 1939 md 25 Oct· 1939 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple CAROL-ELSIE BENNETT, dau of Frank I & Elsie Ashworth Bennett, born 24 Dec 1915 at Provo Utah bap 13 Jan 1924 End 25 Oct 1939. Weldon is an Airline Pilot. They live at 20110 S 2nd Seattle Wash.

DONALD J. ALIDREDGE, son of Ezra Parsons & Lula Johnson Alldredge, born 25 Feb 1916 at Rexburg Idaho bap 5 Jul 1924 End 27 May 1936 md 27 May 1936 at GWENDOLYN NORl'\tJA HARRIS, dau of Joseph Emer & Maudell Leone Woolsey Harris, born 30 Nov 1915 at Cardston Alta Canada bap 9 Mar 1924 End 27 May 1936. Donald is an Airline Pilot. They reside at 325 Mobley Dr Boise Idaho

Their Children: 24

JA1BT ALLDREDGE, born 12 Feb 1937 at Los Angeles Calif died 12 Feb 1937 at Los An6el!- s Calif. DONALD Ei,fF'R. ALLDREDGE, born lf; Jan 1942 at Spokane Wn ba.p 2 Apr 1950 KIRK HARRIS ALIDREDGE, born 22 Sep 1944 a.t Boise Idaho bap 1 Nov 1952

ZELDA ALLDREDGE,dau of Ezra Parsons & Lula Johnson Alldredge., born 5 Nov 1919 a.t Preston Idaho ba.p 17 Jul 1928 md 18 Nov 1943 JOHNS BURROWS, son of John R & Rachel Overton Burrows, born 15 Dec 1913 at Nashville I Tenn. He is President of Coffee Service of Spokane. They live at S 3008 La.tawa~ St Spokane Wash.

i'1.1e ir Children:

JOANNE SHELBY BURROWS., born 20 Jan 1947 at Spokane Wn CYDNE BURROWS., born 25 Mar i948 at Spokane Wn.

CARMA RAE ALLDREDGE., dau of Ezra Parsons & Lula John­ son Alldredge, born 11 Jul 1925 at Preston Idaho bap 3 Feb 1934 md 7 Jul 1952 ROBERT BURTON CHERNICK, son of Michael H & Signe Larson Chernick, born 31 M$.r 1925 at Bismark No. Dak. Robert is engaged in the Man­ ufacturing Business. They live at 20738 - 14th South Seattle Wash.

Their Children:

CANDACE CHERNICKg born 23 Jul 1953 at Seattle Wash ROBERT BRYAN CHERNICK., born 6 'May 1955 at Seattle Wn

LULA ALLDREDGE, dau of Ezra Parsons & Lula Johnson Alldredge, born 1 Jun 1927 at Preston Idaho bap 6 Jun 1936 md 30 May 1953 at Seattle Wash RICHARD DONALD WAY son of William Nelson & Evelyn Vandergrift Way, born 6 Nov 1924 at Philadelphia Pa. Richard is an Airline Navigator. Their address is 27224 Via Alametos St San Lorenzo Calif.

Their Children:

MELDIDA SUE WAY, born 16 Sep 1954 at Seattle Wash RICHARD KEVIN WAY, born 20 Feb 1956 at Seattle Wash 25

EUGENE REED ALLDREDGE, son of Ezra Parsons & Lula Jolm­ son Alldredge, born 27 Oct 1928 at Preston Idaho bap 22 Mar 1937 md 28 Nov 1952 at Salt Lake City, Utah BAR3ARA BAXTER., dau of Charles V & Hilda Mudd Baxter., born 8 .Mar 1931 at Taft Calif. Eugene is engaged in the Insurance Business. They live at 3888 E Swift Fresno Cal

Their Child:

BRETT REED ATJJ>'R.EDGE., born 4 Jan 1954 at Salt Lake City Utah

ETHEL AMELIA ALLDREDGE, dau of Samuel Isaac & Mahala Jane Woodard Alldredge, born 4 Jul 1889 at Deseret Utah died 1892 at Deseret Utah

NORA ALLDREDGE., dau of Samuel Isaac & Mahala Jane Woodard Alldredge., born 11 Apr 1892 at Deseret Utah bap 9 Jun 1900 End 10 Jan 1918 died 29 Apr 1940 at Driggs Idaho of cancer md 23 Dec,1913 at Ashton Idaho ORAL MCGEE HARRIS., son of Eli :McGee & Mary Bell Karren Harris, born 16 Aug 1891 at Lewiston Utah bap 16 Aug 1899 End 30 Nov 1910 Set Apart by B.H. Roberts 29 Nov 1910 for a Northern States Mission Returned 9 Aug 1911 Oral now lives at 601 Ocean Blvd Seal Beach Calif.

Their Children:

Elwin McGee, LeRue V, Phil, Quintin Alldredge, J Orden., Glen Duane., Twila Jane., Gaye Don., Nora Aretta.

ELWIN MCGEE HARRIS., son of Oral McGee & Nora Alldredge Harris, born 21 May 1915 at Green Timber Idaho. bap 19 Aug 1923 md 28 Oct 1936 at Driggs Idaho LARUE DEUEL dau of Lewis Easton & Clema Isabel Barr Deuel, born 9 May 1917 at Burley Idaho bap 6 Sep 1925. McGee is em­ ployed by the union Pacific R.R. Their home is at 445 So Grant Pocatello Idaho

Their Children:

RONALD MCGEE HARRIS, born 7 May 1938 at Driggs Idaho bap BRUCE J. HARRIS born 21 Apr 1946 at Pocatello Idaho hap 13 Apr 1952 26

LINDA JEAN HARRIS., born 21 Apr 1946 at Pocatello Idaho bap 13 Feb 1955

LERUE V., HARRIS, dau of Oral McGee & Nora Alldred~e Harris, born 17 Sep 1916 at Warm River Idaho bap 5 Oct 1924 md 24 Dec 1943 at Long Beach Calif FREDERICK LYLE PENNELL, son of Lyle A & Pearl Ingleright Pennell, born 8 Jun 1915 at Berrien Springs Mich. They reside at 540 N Bluff Berrien Springs, Mich

Their Children:

LYLE BROOKS PENNELL., b 22 Oct 1946 at Benton Harbor Mich LOA LAYNE PENNELL, born 8 Nov 1950 at Benton Harbor Mich

PHIL HARRIS, son of Oral McGee & Nora Alldredge Harris born 20 Apr 1918 at Marysville Idaho bap 27 Mar 1927 md 5 Sep 1942_ at Pocatello Idaho NELL FRANCES HUFF, dau of Thomas Albert & Rose Hester Tuck Huff. born 8 Mar 1921 at Teton City Idaho bap 5 Jul 1930. Phil is an Auto Parts Salesman. They reside at 441 So Grant Pocatello Idaho.

Their Children:

DENNIS PHIL HARRIS, born 26 Jul 1943 at Rexburg Idaho bap 9 Sep 1951 JANIS VEE HARRIS, born 1 Jun 1947 at Pocatello Idaho died 5 Sep 1947 at Pocatello Idaho

QUINTIN ALLDREDGE HARRIS, son of Oral McGee & Nora Alldredge Harris, born 7 Dec 1919 at Green Timber Ida bap 29 Jan 1928 md 1st MINNIE D .. GREEN md 2nd on 22: Jun 1951 at Ririe Idaho CARMA HANSEN ANDERSONJ dau of Nephi & Clesta Thornock Hansen, born 10 Apr 1926 at Idaho Falls Idaho bap 4 Aug 1934. Quintin or Ike as he is called is a Salesman for the So. Idaho Indwitrial Equipment Co. Their home is at 361 E 14th Street Idaho Falls Idaho.

Their Children:

LORNA LEE ANDERSON HARRIS~ born 29 Jun 1948 at Idaho Falls Ida. DEANN HARRIS, born 15 Dec 1951 at Idaho Falls Idaho PAMELA HARRIS. born 3 Jun 1954 at Idaho Falls Idaho 27

J. ORDEI HAIUlIS, son of Oral McGee & Nora Alldredge Harris, born 16 Aug 1922 at Marysville Idaho bap 20 Apr 1931 md 23 Dec 1949 at Las Vegas levada WIS ELAINE LEONARD, dau of Lawrence William & Emily Jane Gordon Leonard, born 2.7 Apr 1925 ·at Ht1I1tington Utah bap 10 Sep 1933. J. Orden is Assistant Manager of the Dutch Village Drug Co. Their home is at 3908 Cane Bill Ave Long Beach Calif. Their Children:

DIE LAINE HARRIS., born 25 Dec 1950 at Long Beach Calif ROBYll JAYNE HARRIS born 22 Jan 1952 at Long Beach Calif

CLEI DUANE HARRIS. son of· Oral McGee & Bora Alldredge Harris~ boM" 8 May 1S24 at Marys7ille Idaho ban 29 Apr 1934 md 13 Mar 1948 at Las Vegas 1'ev llARGARET AD MYERS daa e£ James E & Nova Sousl~y Myers, born 8 Aug,1917 at Gladstone M~. Thei~ home 6214 Longwood Kansas City Kana

TWILA. JANE HARRIS, dau of Oral McGee & Nora Alldredge Barris 1 born 12 Nov 1926 at Pratt Idaho bap 24 Feb 1935 ind 15 Jul 1954 md 7 Mar 1947 .at Salt Lake City Utah JEROLD DNHE'l'H ROGERS., son of Relville J & Ethel Brown Rogers~ born 26 Jan 1921 at Aberdeen So Dakota bap 22 Apr 1953 End 15 Jul 1954. Jerold is a Barber9 Their home is at 255 'Ir 19th Idaho Falls Idaho.

Their Children:

BARBI ROGERS~ born 17 Nov 1947 at Idaho Falls Idaho bap 31 Mar 1956 D KIMBERLY ROGERS born· 23 Nov 1949 at Idaho Fails Ida. CHAD KENNETH ROGERS born 18 Jan 1953 at Idaho Falls Ida JEFFREY KIRK ROGERS born 26· Feb 1955 at Idaho Falls Ida

GAYE DON HARRIS, sen of Oral McGee & lore. Alldredge HarrisJ born 5 Aug 1929 at.Pratt Idaho bap 30 Jul 1939 md 28 Dec 1953 at Den-ver Colo COLLEEN MARIE WENZINGER., dau of Joseph Henry & Kathryn·Bu.escher Wenzinger~ born 15 Jul 1927 at Blue Hill Nebr. Don is a successful sal­ esman. They now live at 5530 So Keenland Ct Denver Colo

Their Children: 26

JAUET NORA HARRIS, born 22 Oct 1954 at Denver Colo. JILL KATHRYN HARRIS, born 23 Dec 1955 at Denver Colo.

1;0RA AR3TT},_ HARRIS, dau of Oral McGee & Nora Alldredge Harris, born 30 Dec 1933 at Driggs Idaho bap 29 Mar 1942 End 11 Dec 1952 md 11 Dec 1952 at Mesa Arizona Temple OTTO LEE tfERKETT, son of Arthur Lee & Jeanetta Cobabe Merkett, born 20 Jan 1932 at Los Angeles Calif bap 2 Jun 1946 End 11 Dec 1952. Otto is owner of a Paper Business. They live at 15321 Pacific St. Midway City Calif.

Their Children:

LEEANNA JAYE MERKETT born 5 Nov 1953 at Long Beach Cal MATHEW KENT t,·IERKETT, born 30 Oct 1955 at Pasadena Cal.

DUANE L ALLDREDGE., son of Samuel Isaac & Mahala Jane Woodard Alldredge., born 28 May 1893 at Minersville Utah bap 6 Jun 1903 died 25 Aug 1949 at Salt Lake City utah buried at Rexburg Idaho md 8 Apr 1918 at Ft Lewis Wash GERTRUDE WHITTLE., dau of John C & Zina Pond Whit­ tle, born 8 MB.r 1897 at Marysville Idaho bap 8 Mar 190f died 28 Oct 1918 at St Anthony Idaho, buried at Rex­ burg Cemetery. Duane md 2nd on 18 Feb 1930 ARDELLA HAWKER, dau of John S & Lois Firkind Hawker, born 5 Dec 1908 at Menan Idaho bap 2 Jul 1932

Their Children:

Ethel Loy, Del Duane.

ETH3L LOY ALLDREDGE., dau of Duane L & Ardella Hawker Alldredge, born 4 Feb 1931 at Rexburg Idaho md 1948 ~:-IBSLF:Y F. .4.J."Cffi..:aLL S~v'E~N3Y. 1{es is a Sar gent in the 1.:Iarines.

Their Children:

KA.R:N SWEEN1Y 1 born in 1948 DUPJJE SWEENEY, born in 1949 FEMALE CHILD, born 1951 29

D~L DUAlJE ALLDREDGE., s:>n of Duane L & Ardella Hawker Alldredge, born 14 Oct 1934 at Rexburg Idaho bap 14 Jan 1945 md at Pocatello Idaho CAROL JEAN BOVEE., dau of Edward J & Mabel O Jolmson Bovee., born 6 May 1936 at McCook Nebr.

Their Child:

PEGGY JOE ALLDREDGE., born 21 Oct 1956 at Pocatello Ida

DUANE L ALLD?.EDGE. son of Samuel Isaac & Mahala Jane Woodard Alldredge, md 3rd on 23 Jan 1942 at Pocatello Idaho JULIA BARNARD KIRKENDALL., dau of Erastus H & Irene Pierce Barnard, born 24 Sep 1898 at Rockland Ida

GEORGE ALLDREDGE., son of Samuel Isaac & Mahala Jane Woodard Alldredge., born 20 Nov 1895 at Iona Idaho bap 7 May 1905 died Jun 1941 at Butte Mont.

ALTA ISABELL ALLDREDGE, dau of Samuel Isaac & Mahala Jane Woodard Alldredge., born 1 Sep 1899 at Rexburg Ida bap 6 Jul 1907 End 15 Jun 1939 md 11 Oct 1926 at Idaho Falls Idaho WARREN MORTENSEN, son of Morten Peter & Mariah Jensen Mortensen, born 9 Aug 1897 at Salem Idao bap 2 Sep 1905 End 15 Jun 1939. They have maintained a good home on their farm at Salem Idaho. Their address is R # 2 Rexburg Idaho.

Their Children:

Ronald Yfarren., Karla :Marie. Hallie Jane., Wana Blanche., Myrna Lue., Joe Gleed.

RONALD -~'U.. RREN M:ORTENSEN, son of Warren & Alta Isabell Alldredge Mortensen., born 13 Aug 1927 at Salem Idahc bap 3 Nov 1935 End 1 Jun 1950 md 1 Jun 1950 at Cardston Alta. Canada Temple MARY LOUISE LYONS, dau of George Edward & Ilene Betts Lyons, born 11 Feb 1929 at Leth­ bridge Canada~ ·bap 4 Apr 1937 End 1 Jun 1950. Ronald is employed by ~he ,, Atomic Energy Commission. Their home address is R =fr 1 Thornton Idaho.

·.rheir Children: 30

RAYDE WARREN MORTENSEN, born 31 Jul 1951 at Idaho Falls Idaho DALLAS ILENE MORTENSEN, born 23 Jul 1952 at Idaho Falls Idaho ROUALD GEORGE MORTENSEN~ born 9 Feb 1954 at Idaho Falls Idaho KERRY LEE MORTENSEN born 20 Dec 1954 at Idaho Falls Ida.

KARIA MARIE MORTENSEN, dau of Warren & Alta Isabell Alldredge Mortensen, born 6 Nov 1928 at Salem Idaho bap'5 Dec 1936 End 1 Oct 1947 md 1 Oct 1947 at Idaho Falls Idaho Temple NILE FRANK WILDiliG, son of Frank 0 & Alice Knight Wilding, born 20 Aug 1928 at Sugar City Idaho bap 5 Dec 1936 End l Oct 1947. Nile is an employ­ ee of the Challenge Creamery Co. Their address is R # 2 Rexburg Idaho. Their Children:

MERRILL LYNN WILDmG, born 26 Jun 1949 at Rexburg Ida.. NILE FRANK WILDlNG JR.born 27 Jun 1950 at Rexburg Ida. MERLIN DEE WILDING, born 16 Oct 1951 at St Anthony Ida. NYLA MARIE WILDING, born 7 Oct 1956 at Rexburg Idaho

HALLIE JANE 1lORTENSEN, dau of Warren & Alta Isabell Alldredge Mortensen. born 23 Sep 1931 at Salem Idaho bap 30 Sep 1939 End 23 Sep 1949 md 23 Sep 1939 at Idaho Falls Idaho Temple FARON LAVELL DAVIDSON, son of Arthur & Charlotte Rhodehouse Davidson, born 16· Nov 192'7 at Egin Bench Idaho bap 5 Jul 1936 End 3 Nov 1948 Set apart 3 Nov 1948 for a Northern States Mission. Faron is a successful farmer and they live on the Star Route at Mesa Wash.

Their Children:

GARY FARON DAVIDSON, born 28 Dec 1950 at Egin Idaho SUSAN GAY DAVIDSON~ born 9 Jul 1952 at Egin Idaho LANNY LAVELL DAVIDSON, born 14 Aug 1953 at Egin Idaho COLLETTE DAVIDSON, born 7 Nov 1954 at Egin Idaho

VlANA BLANCHE 1~10RTENSEN., dau· of Werren & Alta Isabell Alldredge Mortenson born 29 May 1934 at Salem Ida. bap 1 Sep 1942 E~d 15 Oct 1954 md 15 Oct 1954 at Idaho Falls Idaho Temple BILLY MEAD· JENSEN, son of Cyrus 3l

Peter & Sena Sorenson Jensen, born 5 Jun 1934 at Red­ ~ond Utah bap 27 Sep 1946 End 15 Oct 1954. Billy is a designer for the Sperry Engineering Laboratories. They reside a± 512- 4th Ave Salt Lake City Utah.

Their Child:

KRISTY JENSEN, born 6 Feb 1957 at Idaho Falls Idaho.

MYRNA LUE MORTENSEN. dau of Warren & Alta Isabell Alld~ redge Mor+.ensen, born 11 Jun 1937 at Salem Idaho died 24 Dec 1938 at Salem Idaho of Pneumonia.

JOE GLEED MORTENSEN, son of Warren & Alta Isabell Alld­ redge Mortensen, born 20 Oct 1940 at Salem Idaho bap 4 Dec 1948.

LEDA LERUE ALLDREDGE, dau of Samuel Isaac & Mahala Jane Woodard Alldredge, born 21 Jun 1901 at Rexburg Idaho bap 21 Jun 1909 End 10 May 1934 Died 21 Oct 1916 at Rexburg Idaho of a heart attack.

REED ISAAC ALLDREDGE, son of Samuel Isaac & Mahala Jane Woodard Alldredge, born 16 Aug 1904 at Rexburg Idaho bap 2 Jun 1912 End 6 Dec 1928 md 6 Dec 1928 at Salt lake City Utah Temple ANNIE :MARIE BEVAN, dau of Heber James & Marie Tuttle Bevan. born 23 Tuia.y 1900 at Cache Idaho bap 6 Jun 1908 End 6 Dec 1928. Reed is a Union Pacific RoR. employee. Their home is at 1215 1Jo ~in Pocatello Idaho.

Their Children:

Reed Wendell., George Alvin, Heber James:, Colleen~ Nina Jean, Larry Samuel.

REED 1V~1IDELL Jl..LLDR3DG:S, son of Ree.d Isaac & Annie I1Iarie Bevan Alldredge, born 28 Oct 1929 at Tetonia Idaho~ bap 29 May 1938 md 21 Jun 1952 at Pocatello Idaho MARILYN

FAYE SMITH, dau of Marvin & LaVai :McCammon Smith3 born 19 Jan 1935 at Georgetown Idaho bap 11 Jun 1944~ We~dell is a diesel truck mechanic. Their address is 218 So 8th Pocatello Idaho.

Their Children: 32

C_.'.;__"iJIB SUSAfJ P....LLDR3DGE. born 16 Apr 1953 at .Pocatello Ida roR:.L.t..H R.A.LPH ALLDR3DGE, born 30 Jul 1954 at Pocatello Ida CPRLA FAYE ALLDREDGE, born 29 Sep 1956 at Pocatello Ida

G-~ORG3 ALVIN ALLDREDGE, son of Reed Isaac & Annie 11arie Bevan Alldredge, born 9 Feb 1931 at Driggs Idaho bap 10 l.:S.r 1940 md 7 Dec 1956 at Pocatello Idaho RUTH LAKER, dau of Joseph Henry & Bertha Susanna Hymas Laker born 25 Jan 1933 at St Charles Idaho bap 1 Jun 1041. George is an employee of the Union Pacific R.R. They live at 247 No 9th Pocatello Idaho.

IIBB.3R J.A1.fES ALLDREDGE, son of Reed Isaac & Annie Marie Bevan Alldredge, born 11 Apr 1932 at Driggs Idaho bap 14 Jul 1940 End 3 Aug 1954 md 3 Aug 1954 at Idaho Falls Idaho Temple CAROL ANN OLSON, dau of Carl Keith & Eliza Margaret Denny Olson, born 15 Har 1934 at Downey Idaho bap 28 Mar 1942 End 3 Aug 1954. Heber is an employee of the Mountain States Tel. Co They live at Shelly Ida.

Their Children:

JAMES ISAAC ALLDREDGE born 29 Aug 1955 at Pocatello Ida JED KEITH ALLDREDGE, born 27 Aug 1956 at Idaho Falls Ida

COLLEEN ALLDREDGE, dau of Reed Isaac & Annie Marie Bevan \lldredge, born 22 Apr 1934 at Driggs Idaho bap 1 Jul 1942 md 29 May 1953 at Pocatello Idaho LAVERN PHILLil'S, son of James Burt & Elmira Wheeler Phillips born 10 Mar 1930 at .Aberdeen Idaho bap 6 Jul 1940 Lavern is employed by the Vico Co. Tneir address is 112 W. Gould Pocatello Idaho

Their Children:

:.IIC:--ifl3L L.ti.V3RN PHILLIPS born 16 Aug 1954 at Pocatello Ida 3~:IIT LYNIJE PHILLIPS born 12 Nov 1956 at Pocatello Ida

lJTIJA "JE.AN ALLDREDGE, dau of Reed Isaac & Annie Liarie Bevan Alldredge~ born 11 Apr 1937 at Driggs Idaho bap 15 Jul 1945 md 24 Sep 1955 at Pocatello Idaho BRYCE ANGUS STOCKS, son of Angus Arthur & ~;iarvella James Stocks, born 25 Nov 1934 at Newdale Idaho bap 10 Oct 1943. Bryce is an employee of the Union Pacific R.R. Their Children: SAlIDRA JEAN STOCKS, born 20 Sep 1956 at Pocatello Ida BONNIE KAY STOCKS, born 21 Sep 1957 at Pocatello Ida CONNIE FAY STOCKS, born 21 Sep 1957 J..t Pocatell0 IC.Re

LARRY SAMUEL ALLDREDGE, son of Reed Isaac & Annie L1a~ie Bevan Alldredge, born 16 Jun 1941 at Pocatello Idaho bap 23 Oct 1949.

MARY CAROLINE ALLDREDGE, dau of Parsons & Aretta Jane Smith Alldredge, born 2 May 1864 in Perry County Ille died 18 Jan 1868 at Pleasant Grove Utah.

MARTHA JANE ALLDREDGE, dau of Parsons & Aretta Jane Smith Alldredge, born 10 Feb 1868 at Pleasant Grove~ Utah bap 24 Jun 1877 End 21 Jun 1894 died 5 Aug 1948 at Salt Lake City Utah at the home of her devoted chi:= dren, John & Clara Morgan. buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery md 19 Nov 1885 at Pleasant Grove Utah ISAAC

CANHAM, son of Thomas & Matilda Cann Canham, born 24 9 J Apr 1857 at Weymenham, Norfolk, England. bap 1866 by Elder Paxman, End 21 Jun 1894, died 18 Sep 1929 at Lindon Utah~ buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery. Isaac~s father Thomas Canham joined the L.D.S. Church in Eng­ land, and came with his wife and son Robert to Utah in 1875 and settled in Deseret Utah. Two years later Isaac came to Utah. As soon as the train stopped in Salt Lake City, a young man came into the car and called a.loud for Isaac Canham. What a welcome from. Daniel Hunte!" 3 and it was the beginning of a life long friendshipo Isaac went to the home of his father in Deseret Utaha Sometime later Martha Jane Alldredge was vis it ing -there at the home of her Uncle William B Alldredge~ The ~NG met, romance followed and they were married by Joht Brown in Pleasant Grove Utah. They made a fa.rm home in Hinckley Utah. After the death of their little da;_.;_ghte:­ they sold their fa.rm for forty dnllars and on ::.1 Nc7c 1895 they moved to Lindon utah. They later li ::.n Salt Lake City where Isaac was a successful restaurant operator for many years. Martha was a fine seams+ress _:, a good cook and a capable home maker. She inheritei that fine sense of humor and witty sayings, and where-, ever she was, her conversation was sparkling~ humorous; and full of practical philosophy. Ike and Matt as -hey were affectionately called moved back to Lindon Utan, where they made an attractive, comfortable home s-:z­ rounded by unusual and beautiful flowers~ a prcduct of Ike's interesting hobby. Their Children: 34

Clarinda Aretta, Hazel Matilda.

CLARINDA ARETTA CANHAM, dau of Isaac & Martha Jane Alldredge Canham, born 11 Nov 1886 at Pleasant Grove Utah, bap 6 Jun 1895 md 15 Jan 1907 at Salt Lake City Utah JOHN ARTHDR MORGAN son of Hugh Francis & Kather­ ine Bolan Morgan, born 17 Jul 1886 at El Paso, Texas From Jan 1916 they have lived in their present home, at 824 West 7th South Salt Lake City Utah, where hun­ dreds have partaken of their kind hospitality. They celebrated their Golden Wedding 15 Jan 1957. John is a retired boilermaker, Clara a charming mother, grand mother and a devoted friend to all.

Their Children:

Lynn Arthur, Phillip Canham, Helen Aretta.

LYNN ARTHUR MORGAN, son of John A & Clarinda Aretta Canham Morgan, born 30 Aug 1907 at Salt Lake City Ut. md 15 Jun 1936 at Farmington Utah GLADYS CROMPTON, dau of Steven George & Gena Whitenburg Crompton, born 4 Oct 1909 at Salt Lake City Utah. Lynn is co-owner of the M.& M Distributing Co. The:ir ·home address is at 3034 Sequoia Ave Salt Lake City Utah

Their Children:

LYNN CROMPTON MORGAN, born 10 Dec 1941 at Salt Lake City Utah died 11 Dec 1941 at Salt Lake Cit~r Uta._½.. SHAUNA LYNN MORGAN, born 22 May 1949 at Salt Lake City Utah.

PHILLIP CANHAM MORGAN, son of John A & Clarinda Aretta Canham Morgan, born 24 Nov 1909 at Salt Lake City Ut. md 3 Feb 1935 at Murray Utan BERTHA ENDERSON, dau of Clyde & Celia Underwood Henderson, born 7 Sep 1913 at Idaho Falls Idaho bap 29 Aug 1924. Phil is a foreman at the Howard Pipe Co. They reside at 1658 Brookside Dro San Leandro, Calif.

Their Children:

SANDRA JANE MORGAN, born 9 Dec 1943 at Vallejo Calif. GARY CLYDE MORGAN, born 26 Sep 1947 at Oakland Calif. MARCIA LEIGH MORGAN born 25 Apr 1950 at Oakland Cali£ 35

HELEN ARETTA MORGAN, dau of Jolm & Clarinda Aretta Can--­ ham ~organ, born 24 Aug 1913 at Salt Lake City Utah md 2 Nov 1935 at Salt Lake City Utah GEORGE THOMAS KINGDON son of Albert & Mamie Thomas Kingdon, born 28 Dec 19:2 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 3 Sep 1921. George is assoc­ iated with the Travelers Ins. Co. They reside at 2119 St. Mary's Dr. Salt Lake City Utah.

Their Children:

THOMAS MORGAN KmGDON• born 14 Feb 1938 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 31 May 1950 ANN CLAJR KINGDON., born 22 Mar 1944 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 17 Mar 1953 SUSAN JANE KINGDON~ born 20 Dec 1947 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 24 Jan 1956

HAZEL MATILDA CANHAM~ dau of Isaac & Martha Jane Alld­ redge Canham, born 26 Oct 1889 at Pleasant Grove Utah died 10 Feb 1895 at Hinckley Utah of Diptheria. buried at Deseret Utah Cemeteryo

MARTHA JANE ALLDREDGE CANHAM, dau of Parsons & Aretta Jane Smith Alldredge md 2nd Mar 1936 SAMUEL O STRONG son of William & Julia Dyer Strong, born 24 Apr 1864 at Alpine Utah bap 6 Aug 1872 End 15 Dec 1886 died 15 Feb 1956 at Orem Utah Buried in Alpine Cemetery.

ADA MANDUA ALLDREDGE, dau of Parsons & Aretta Jane Alldredge, born 24 May 1870 at Pleasant Grove Utah, bap

25 Jun 1879 End 8 Anr.J.. 1896 died 8 Jun 1953 at Salt La.k6 City Utah buried at Pleasant Gro~e Utah md 29 Oct 1886 at Pleasant Grove Utah GEORGE FREDERICK RICHARDS~ son of Frederick & 1Aa.ry Twelves Richards, born 6 Sep 1868 at Pleasant Grove Utah bap 24 Jun 1877 End 8.Apr 1896 died 9 Oct 1944 at Pleasant Grove Utah buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery. George and Ada lived on a farm in Lindon Utah over forty years. Their home was a happ½ industrious one. George specialized-in raising fine cat­ tle and horses. They spent twenty four interesting s~~­ mers at their momitain home at Mutual Dell in A~erican Fork Canyon. George was a guide for tourists arr campers to Mount Timpanagos. His pack of Burrows carried their riders safely to the top of this famous mountain. Ada attended their store, while George was out on those dar­ in~ ~ours. Her fingers were never idle, for she embrci- 36 dered beautiful Temple aprons and the mending was upiD date always. They moved from Lindon to a newly built modern home in Pleasant Grove, where they spent many happy years together. Ada was cared for, during her last illness by her devoted daughter and son ·in law Les and Clara Theobald. All of her children were unu­ sually attentative and considerate of her comfort.

Their Children:

Parsons Frederick, William Allen, Mary Aretta, Clara Amelia~ Moral Amos, Martha Luella, Avlyn Alldredge. Timothy Isaac.

PARSONS FREDERICK RICHARDS, son of George Frederick & Ada Mandua Alldredge Richards. born 29 Jul 1887 at Pleasant Grove Utah bap 4 Apr 1896 End 11 Feb 1907 died 31 Mar 1946 at Gangey Utah of a heart attack, buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery, md 11 Feb 1907 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple HAZEL BERTHENA KEETCH, dau of Alfred G & Emily Harris Keetch, born 6 Jul 1889 at Pleasant Grove Utah bap 3 Jul 1897 End 11 Feb 1907 died 21 Jul 1917 at Bingham Canyon Utah buried at Pl­ easant Grove Cemetery. They made good, happy homes in Lindon, Mercur, and Bingham Canyon Utah. Parse as he was called was especially skilled in handling horses.

Their Children:

Hazel, Elmo Keetch, Blanch Ada~ Rue Frederick.

HAZEL RICHARDS, dau of Parsons Frederick & Hazel Berthena Keetch Richards, born 18 Nov 1907 at Lindon Utah bap 1 Sep 1916 md 12 May 1924 DELMA ALBERT JACOBSEN, son of John & Selma-Johnson Jacobsen, born 29 Aug 1898 at Santaquin Utah bap 2 Jul 1916. They reside at 25418 So Vermont Harbor City Calif.

Their Children:

Darrell Richards, Betty Jean, Bruce Leland, Ernest LeRoy. Shirley Ann. 37

DARRELL RICHARDS JACOBSElf, eon of Delma Albert & Haze! Richards Jacobsen, born 7 Feb 1925 at Long Beach Calif bap 4 Aug 1935 md 1 Sep 1955 at San Pedro California LILLIP.. N P.IB.K., born 16 Oct

BETTY JEAN JACOBSEN, dau of Delma Albert & Hazel Rich­ ards Jacobsen. born 4 Nov 1926 at Long Beach Calif bap 4 Aug 1935 md 15 Mar 1944 at Ft La~derdale Florida, CHARLES ELWOOD DICK, son of Paul & Florence Dick~ born 25 Jun 1922 in Colorado

Their Children:

CHARLENE JEAN DICK., born 9 Jan 1946 at Long Beach Cal. bap 6 May 1950· LINDA SUE DICK, born 29 Apr 1947 at Long Beach Calif bap 6 May 1956 CHARLES ELWOOD DICI born 6 Jun 1950 at Lon& Beach Cal. BECKY ANN DICI, bon.i 20 Sep 1g51 at Long Beach Calif.· died 15 Jan 1952 · ROBERT ALBERT DICK, bani 9 iov 1953 at Long Beach C&l.

BRUCE L!L!ND JACOBSEN. son of Delma Albert & Hazel Richards Jacobsen~ born Z4 Oct 1928 at Long Beach Cal. bap 7 Aug 1938 md 23 Dec 1948 at Long Beach California DOROTHY MAE ANDERSON, dau of Floyd & Lelia Sanders .Andersot1., born 7 Feb 1929 at Long Beach Calif.

Their Child:

SUSAN LEE J..A.COBs:.:;1:., born 1 Dec 1952 at Long Beach Cal.

ERNEST ~OY JACOBSEN., son of Delrrw. Albert & Hazel Richards Jacobsen~ born 15 Jul 1930 at Long Beach Cal. bap 7 Aug 1938

BiiIBLEY ~:•~111 JACOBSEN~ dau of Delma Albert , Hazel Richards ,.Jacobsen, born 9 Feb 1935 at Long Beach Calif bap 6 Jun 1953 md 14 Mar 1955 PAUL ROtlALD OGLE, son of Lewis & Uw.rgurite Dick Ogle, born 23 Jan 1935 at Long Beach Calif.

Their Child:

MICHAEL LYNN OGLE, born 29 De'o 1956 at San Pedro Calif 38

ELMO KEETCH RICHARDS, son of Parsons Frederick & Hazel Berthena Keetch Richards, born 25 Jul 1909 at Lindon Utah bap 1 Dec 1917 md BEATRICE MON~ON, md 2nd on 13 Dec 1934 MELVA LAMB, dau of S S ~ & Emma Wall lamb, born 31 Oct 1918 at Wallsburg Utah bap 30 Apr 19490 Their home is at May Idaho Their Childreng: ELMO LEROY RICHARDS, born 11 Dec 1935 at Pleasant Grove Utah bap 5 Feb 1944 PARSONS EUGENE RICHARDS~ born 1 Oct 1938 at Shelley Idaho bap 30 Apr 1949 KAY RICHARDS, born 14 Nov 1942 at Idaho Falls Idaho bap 1 Dec 1951

BLANCH ADA RICHARDS~ dau of Parsons Frederick & Hazel Berthena Keetch Richards, born 8 Aug 1911 at Mercur Ut bap 6 Sep 1919 md 28 Jan 1931 at Salt Lake City Utah WILLIAM SHERWOOD HERDER, son of Wm Edward & Flora Brown Herder, born 26 May 1912 at Springville Utah. He is a Truck Driver. address 1301 ~ Electric Av Alhambra Calif

RUE FREDERICK RICHARDS, dau of Parsons Frederick & Hazel Berthena Keetch Richards, born 17 Jan 1913· at Lindon Utah bap 5 Feb 1921 md 17 Jan 1934 at Ucon, Ida CLARA ANN MESSICK, dau of Joseph Perry & Clara Josephine Johnson Messick, born 7 Dec 1914 at Basalt Idaho bap 1 Jun 1924. They live on R # 5 at Idaho Falls, Idaho Their Children: GARY RUE RICHARDSj born 23 Sep 1935 at Easalt Idaho bap 5 Feb j,_944 BERTHA DENICE RICHARDS., born 21 Jun 1940 at Shelley Idaho bap 3 ,r,11 1948 CHERYL ANN RICHARDS., born 6 Aug 1944 at Shelley., Idaho bap l Nov 1952

PARSONS FREDERICK RICHARDS., son of George Frederick & Ada Mandua Alldredge Richards md 2nd on 2 Feb 1925 at Moroni Utah TERESSA DRAPER MALLINSON~ dau of James & Thressa Morley Draper, born 13 Dec 1886 R~ ~!oroni Utah bap 14 Jul 1895 End 2 Dec 1914e Parse and Thressa lived at Moroni Utah about nine years then moved to Pleasant Grove Utah., where Thressa now resides. Their Child: 39

HAZEL LAWANA RICHARDS, born 7 Sep 1928 at Moroni Utah bap 27 Sep 1936 md 24 Dec 1945 ROLAND BARNHARDT, son of J Lester & Vernice Eleanor Slater Barnhardt, born 24 Dec 1925 at Lehi Utah bap 2 Sep 1934. Roland is employed at the Geneva Steel Co. Their home is at Pleasant Grove Utah.

Their Children:

ROLAND KENT BARNHARDT, born 23 Mar 1947 at Lehi Utah bap 19 Apr 1955 CYNTHIA BARNHARDT, born 1 May 1948 at American Fork Utah bap 26 May 1956 TERRY L BARNHARDT born 9 Jul 1951 at American Fork Utah GLORIA BARNHARDT born 26 Aug 1953 at American Fork Utah SHEILA BARNHARDT born 31 Jul 1954 at American Fork Utah KIM R. BARNHARDT born 24 Aug 1956 at American Fork Utah

WILLIAM ALLEN RICHARDS, son of George Frederick & Ada Mandua Alldredge Richards, born 24 Sep 1889 at Lindon Utah died 1890 of diptheria, buried at Pleasant Grove Utah Cemetery.

MARY ARETTA RICHARDS, dau of George Frederick & Ada Mandua Alldredge Richards, born 8 Sep 1891 at Lindon Utah bap 3 Mar 1900 End 8 Sep 1909 md 8 Sep 1909 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple ROBERT WALKER, son of Apolas B & Jane Holman Walker, born 1 Oct 1887 at Pl­ easant Grove Utah bap 6 Nov 1895 End 8 Sep 1909 died 24 Feb 1938 at American Fork Utah of high blood pres­ sure, buried in Pleasant-Grove Cemetery. Robert was a fine, capable School Teacher for thirty uears. at the time of his passing he was Principal of the Plea­ sant Grove High School. Mae as she is called is a retired employee of the Utah P~ner & Light Company, having worked more than sixteen years. She has given freely of her musical talent to hundreds of friends and many Civic and Church Organizations. She is a devoted, loving mother, and a charming hostess to all those who enter her modern, comfortable home at 169 No 2nd East in Pleasant Grove Utah.

Their Children:

Jesse Richards, Don B. Maxine., Louise, Maralyn. 40

JESSE RICHARDS WALKER, son of Robert & Mary Aretta Richards Walker., born 30 Oct 1910 at Lindon Utah bap 5 Jul 1919 End 23 Nov 1930 Set Apart 3 Dec 1930 for a Northern States Mission md 23 Dec 1937 at Salt La.kB City Utah Temple ELAmE-DEGRAFF dau of Charles & Nellie Clyde DeGraff, born 25 Apr 1910 at Heber City Utah bap 5 Jun 1920 End 12 Oct 1931 Set Apart for a Northern States Mission 14 Oct 1931. Jesse and Elaine are both teachers at the Pleasant Grove High School. They live at 133 E 2nd No Pleasant Grove Utah.

Their Children:

ROBERT JAN WALKER., born 18 Nov 19319 at Delta Utah. bap 13 Jun 1948 STEVEN CHARLES WALKER, born 15 Oct 1941 at Payson Utah bap 13 Nov 1949 JERRY LYNN WALKER., born 23 Oct 1944 at Spanish Fork Utah bap 10 Nov 1952 MARDA WALKER., born 21 May 1948 at Heber City Utah bap 17 Jun 1956

DON B. WALKER., son of Robert & Mary Aretta Richards Walker., born 25 Apr 1915 at Lindon Utah bap 2 Jun 1923 End 22 Nov 1938 md 22 Nov 1938 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple., EVA NAOMI MANGLESON. dau of Lorenzo & Evaline Rosquist Mangleson., born 12 May 1915 at Levan Utah bap 4 Aug 1923 End 22 Nov 1938 Don is an employee of the Geneva Steel Co. They also have a fine farm at Lindon Utah.

Their Children:

LINDA KAY WALKER., born 20 Dec 1940 at American Fork, Utah bap 17 Apr 1949 DIANE WALKER, born 3 Sep 1942 at American Fork Utah. bap 17 Sep 1950 DEBRA MAE WALKER, born 16 Feb 1953 at American Fork, Utah died 23 Dec 1955 of a brain tumor.

11AXINE vYALKER., dau of Robert & Mary Aretta Richards Walker., born 20 Jan 1918 at Lindon Utah bap 28 Feb 1926 End 12 Jan 1940 md 12 Jan 1940 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple DAN WILLARD PETERSON son of I'vlartin & Martha Larson Peterson, born 7 Apr 1916 at Pleasant Grove Utah bap 11 Jan 1925 End 12 Jan 1940. Dan is Principal of the Lehi High School They live at 469 No 1st East Lehi Utah. 41

Their Children:

3RENT D}.JJ P::.:TERS ON, born 2 9 Jan 1942 at Arner ican Fork Jtah bap... 19 Feb 1950 ~y AN!I PETZRSOU, born 23 Jul 1945 at Heber City Utah bap 16 Aug 1953 :.IA:RTIN VAN PETERSON, born 23 Jul 19~5 at Heber City, Utah bap 16 Aug 1953 ADA ALANE PETERSON, born 25 Jun 1949 at American Fork, Utah bap 30 Jun 1957

LOUISE WALKER, dau of Robert & Mary Aretta Richards Walker, born 7 Sep 1924 at Lindon Utah bap 25 Sep 1932 md 2 May 1946 at Salt Lake City Utah DALE JlARK DEVEREAUX son of Ira & Pearl Richins Devereaux, born 18 Xug 1922 at Pleasant Grove Utah bap 25 Sep 1930. Dale is an Appliance Salesman. Their home is at 28 Roosevelt Ave. American Fork Utah.

Their Children:

LA.URIE DEVEREAUX, born 12 Dec 1949 at American Fork Ut. BRAD W DEVEREAUX, born 10 Nov 19pl at Pocatello Idaho DALE SCOTT DEVEREAUX born 1 Jan 1954 at American Fork Ut., PAULA DEVEREAUX, born 12 Aug 1955 at American Fork Utah

MARALYN WALKER, dau of Robert & Mary Aretta Richards Walker, born 24 May 1932 at Lindon Utah bap 26 May 1940 End 4 Sep 1957 md 4 Sep 1957 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple CHARLES EUGENE HOI.MAN son of Charles Uilton & Florence Hansen Holman, born 26 Sep 1929 at Pleasant Grove Utah bap 27 Feb 1938 End 4 Sep 1957 Gene is with the Republic Supply Co They live at R2i.. E Hadley Whittier Cal •

CLARA AlilELIA-RICHARDS, dau of George Frederick & Ada 1andua Alldredge Richards, born 20 Dec 1893 at Lindon Utah bap 6 Sep 1902 md 19 May 1917 at Salt Lake City, Jtah JOIDJ LESTER T:IBOBALD son of Steven Moroni & Elizabeth Orrock Theobald, born 14 Mar 1889 at Sugar­ House Utah, bap 1897 at Salt Lake City Tabernacle. Les was employed by the Intermountain Electric Co~ He and Clara owned and operated The Luncheonette Cafe at Pleasant Grove Utah, in addition to delicious food ser­ ved, there was always a pleasant, friendly atmosphere~ made so by t~e capable owners. Clara has a real talent 42

in the fine art of cooking, and spreads her cheer and and good will to her friends and neighborsJ as well as her family, by a tasty pie or delicious cake. Together they have worked and planned well for now they enjoy the fruits of their labors. They are retired from the cafe and now have real estate interests in Salt Lake City Utah where they reside at 1576 So State Street.

MORAL AMOS RICHARDS, son of George Frederick & Ada Mandua Alldredge Richards., born 15 Jun 189 6 at Lindon Utah bap 2 Jul 1904 md 23 JWI 1919 at Salt Lake City Utah FLORENCE MILLWARD, dau of James & Iva Huntington Millward., born 17 Oct 1901 at Grantsville Utah. baptised. Moral was a coach at the Cyprus High School, where he was highly respected because of his capabilities and friendly personality. He is now Head of his Department at the Tooele Utah Ord­ nance Depot~ a U.S. ~ernment facility.

Their Child:

FLORENCE ELAINE RICHARDS. born 22 Feb 1920 at Grants­ ville Utah bap 6 Jul 1930 md 1939 at Los Angeles Cal GABRIEL DEL VILLA md 2nd in Jul 1956 at Las Vegas, Nevada EMERY COFIELD, from Georgia. Their home is at 910 Oakey Blvd Las Vegas Nevada

IvlARTHA LUELLA RICHARDS., dau of George Frederick & Ada Ma.ndua Alldredge Richards., born 15 Feb 1899 at Lindon Utah bap 12 Jun 1907 md 15 May 1920 at Salt Lake City Utah CONP... A.D THOMAS ATKTii, son of Norman Brian & Emma Alice Gard Atkin, born 28 Aug 1896 at Lake Fork Ill. He is employed at the Mare Island Ship Yards. Their home is at# 1 Fairview Vallejo Cal

Their Children:

Conrad Thomas, Boyd FranklL~, Gladys Luella.

CONRAD THOMAS ATKIN, son of Conrad Thomas & :Martha Luella Richards Atkin, born 25 Dec 1922 at Taft Cal bap 28 Dec 1930 End 28 May 1951 md 11 Aug 1947 at San Francisco Calif JERRY COLLEEN Ril~BAULT, dau of Emile Francis & Lillian Joyce Lambert Ri-mbault., born 11 Aug 1927 at Miami Okla.bap 18 Jan 1948 End 28 May 1951 43

Their Children:

CONRAD THOMAS ATKil'! I-.!I. born 11 Oct 1950 at Eureka Cal LARK SUZANNE ATKIN, born 4 May 1953 at Oakland Calif CAMERON EMILE ATKrn, born 11 Aug 1955 at Willows Calif

BOYD FRA~1CLrn ATKilJ, son of Conrad Thomas & Martha Luella Richards Atkin., born 16 Oct 1924 at Long Beach, Calif bap 26 Feb 1933 md 16 Jul 1949 at Gridley Calif MARGARET JOYCE CAMPBELL, dau of Charles Lester & Berdina Cecelia Robblee Campbell, born 7 Oct 1933 at Palermo Calif bap 31 Mar 1956

Their Children:

BOYD FRANKLIN ATKIN., born 27 Sep 1951 at Vallejo Calif CECELIA DENISE ATKIN born 18 Oct 1952 at Vallejo Calif NORMA BRYAN ATKIN., born 7 Mar 1954 at Vallejo Calif LESTER THOMAS ATKIN born 1 Mar 1957 at Sacramento Cal.

GLADYS LUELLA ATKIN., dau of Conrad Thomas & Martha Luella Richards Atkin., born 7 Jun 1933 at Long Beach, Calif bap 21 J1.m 1941 md 15 Oct 1949 at Vallejo Calif JAMES RAYMOND ELLIS, son of Emmett Joseph & Leora Grace Marley Ellis., born 14 Jul 1929 at Oakland Calif bap 5 l&ir 1938

Their ChildrAn:

VICKIE LUELLA ELLIS, born 28 J:m 1951 at Vaiiejo Calif JAMES RAYMOMD ELLIS, born 7 Dec 1952 at San Francisco., Calif. DOUGLAS TIMOTHY ELLIS, born 25 Dec 1954 at San Rafael, Calif. TODD MITCHELL ELLIS, born 5 Jul 1956 at San Francisco, Calif.

AVLYN ALLDREDGE RICHARDS, son of George Frederick & Ada Mandua Alldredge Richards, born 22 Mar 1901 at Lindon Utah bap 31 Jul 1909 End 26 Jan 1921 md 26 Jan 1921 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple :MARY ANN COOK, dau of John C & Matilda Whipple Cook, born 23 Jun 1900 at Provo Utah bap 26 Jul 1908 End 26 Jan 19~1. Mary now resides at 962 East 1st No. Provo Utah.

Their Children: 44

Beth, Pa-u.l Cook, Virginia, George Owen, William Dean

BETH RICHARDS, dau of Avlyn Alldredge & Mary Ann Cook Richards, born 28 Mar 1922 at Lindon Utah bap 27 Dec 1931 died Jun· 1936 in an automobile accident buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery.

PAUL COOK RICHARDS, son of Avlyn Alldredge & Mary Ann Cook Richards, born 22 Dec 1923 at Lindon Utah died 5 Fdb 1926 at· Lindon Utah of Scarlet Fever buried in Pleasant Grove Cemetery.

VIRGINIA RICHARDS, dau of Avlyn Alldredge & Mary Ann

Cook Richards 1 born 16 Dec 1925 at Lindon Utah bap 14 Jan 1934 End 31 Jul 1945 md 31 Jul 1945 at Logan Utah Temple BLAINE CORDNER, son of Jesse William & Mary Jane Ferguson Cordner, born 9 Sep 1921 at Orem Utah bap 11 Mar 1929 End 31 Jul 1945. Blaine is Office Manager at A.L. Duckett Co. They reside at 962 E 1st No. Provo Utah.

Their Children:

RICHARD BLAINE CORDNER, born 15 Oct 1946 at Provo Ut.

SUSAN MARY CORDNER. 1 born 8 Dec 1947 at Provo Utah.

GEORGE OWEN RICHARDS, son of Avlyn Alldredge & Mary Ann Cook Richards, born 22 Dec 1928 at Lindon Utah. bap 13 Nov 1938 md Apr 1948 JOVETA LANGFORD, dau of John Carroll & Rhoda May Brown Langford, born 7 Sep 1932 at Gilmer Texas bap 28 Sep i940. George is in the Motor Transportation Business and they reside at Phoenix Ariz.

Their Children:

LINDA RICHARDS, born 16 Oct 1949 at Orem Utah PATTY RICHARDS, born 30 Mar 1950 at Orem Utah PAUL GEORGE RICHARDS, born 2 Jul 1953 at Orem Utah JilvLiY RICHARDS, born 16 Dec 1954 at Orem Utah.

WILLIAM DEP..N RICHARDS, son of Avlyn Alldredge & Mary Ann Cook Richards, born 29 Apr 1931 at Lindon Utah bap 10 Sep 1939 md Jun 1951 VERNA VICKLUND, dau of HO & Lucy Mae Muhlestein Vicklund, born 13 Apr 1932 45 at Dividend Utah bap 28 Apr 1940. William is employed by the U.S. Government as a Geologist. They reside at 2122 Christina Av~ No. Las Vegas Nevada.

Their Children:

WILLIAM DAVID RICHARDS, born 17 Nov 1951 at Provo Utah VICKIE RICHARDS, born 20 Sep 1954 at Provo Utah

AVLYN ALLDREDGE RICHARDS, son of George Frederick & Ada Mandua Alldredge Richards md 2nd on 13 Jan 1934 at Heber City Utah VIRGINIA JACO~SEN, dau of Neils & Nellie Thorne Jacobsen, born 10 Sep 1912 at Orem Utah bap 24 Feb 1924. Avlyn is Superintendent of all painting of highways in the State of Utah. They live at 85 E 100 No. Orem Utah.

Their Children:

GLENDA RICHARDS, born 23 Dec 1938 at Orem Utah bap 26 Oct 1947 HARLEY LYNN RICHARDS, born 29 Mar 1949 at Orem Utah

TJMOTHY ISAAC RICHARDS, son of George Frederick & Ada Mandua Alldredge Richards, born 10 Nov 1903 at Lindon Utah bap 4 May 1912 md 22 Nov 1920 at Provo Utah JENNIE ADAMS, dau of James Huggard & Charistina Marie Nielson Adams, born 7 Nov- 1901 at American Fork Utah bap 3 Oct 1910. Jennie is a skilled seamstress and Tim was an outstanding baseball and basket ball player. He is now a Deputy Sheriff in South Salt Lake Utah. They reside at 1139 Roosevelt Ave. Salt Lake City Utah.

Their Children:

Ray A, Earl, Fern Irene.

RAY A RICHARDS, son of Timothy Isaac & Jennie Adams Richards, born 3 Apr 1921 at American Fork Utah bap 28 Sep 1929 md 24 Nov 1944 at Evanston Wyoming, ESTELLA ADAlJS, dau of John & Rose Pratt Adams, born 10 Nov 1923 at Eureka Utah bap 3 Jan 1932. Their home is at 1047 S.E. N Street Grants Pass Ore.

Their Children: 46

TIMOTHY R.A..Y RICHARDS, born 20 Jun 1949 at Salt Lake City Utah MICHAEL RICHARDS, born 21 Jun 1951 at Salt Lake City Utah

EARL RICHARDS, son of Timothy Isaac & Jennie Adams Richards, born 4 Oct 1922 at Salt Lake City, Utah. died 6 Oct 1922 buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery

FERN IRENE RICHARDS, dau of Timothy Isaac & Jennie Adams Richards~ born 27 Feb 1924 at American Fork, Utah bap 17 Apr 1932 md 2 Nov 1942 in California, REECE JAMISON, son of Joseph & Oneta Seei'ey Jamison born 8 Dec 1922 at Castle Dale Utah bap 1 Feb 1931. They reside at 1044 S.E. Clarey Ave Grants Pass Ore

Their Children:

LANA RENEE JAMISON, born 7 Oct 1943 at Payson Utah bap 28 Feb 1953 RENNIE MARIE JAMISON, born 28 Feb 1946 at Culver City Calif bap 2 Mar 1956 DARRELL REECE JAMISON, born 28 Nov 1947 at Grants Pass Oregon bap 2 Mar 1956

LUIE ALLDREDGE, dau of Parsons & Aretta Jane Smith Alldredge, born 30 Nov Pleasant Grove Utah died 20 Mar 1874 buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery

CLARINDA ALLDREDGE, dau of Parsons & Aretta Jane Smith Alldredge, born 18 Sep 1875 at Pleasant Grove Utah died 25 Oct 1880 buried at Pleasant Grove Utah Cemetery.

1.IINOR VvIL...i;cs ALLDREDGE., son of Parsons & Aretta Jane Smith Alldredge, born 7 May 1878 at Pleasant Grove, Utah, bap 7 Oct 1886 End 18 Jun 1915 died 11 Oct. 1943 at Salt Lake City Utah of Silicosis, buried at Magna Utah Cemetery. md 14 Dec 1897 at Fillmore Utah IDA DESERET BL.A.CK dau of Joseph Smith & Nancy Cynthia Allred Black, born 28 Jul 1880 at Deseret Utah bap 12 Aug 1888 End 18 Jun 1915 died 8 Dec 1939 at Magna, Utah, buried at Magna Utah Cemetery. Minor was six feet tall~ slender, and straight as an arrow, with coal black hair. He was interested in all sports, 47 especially mrseball. He was a kind, friendly person, with a deep sense of humor and ready w~t. lwfinor and Ida first lived on a farm at Abraham U~ah, after two years they moved to the boom town of Mercur Utah. HA worked at the mill where gold was produced. He became the City Marshall. In 1914 the family moved to Magri~ Utah. Minor was a retired thirty year employee of the Kennicott Copper Co. He was a devoted, faithful husband and father.. He and Ida ma. intained a good home where correct principles were taught their family.

Their Children:

Ida Alta, Reta, Minor·Merton, Otha !Ayton, Myron Ruvon, Oren Claron, Lylas June, Oleta Dayle, Arva Jane.

IDA ALTA ALLDREDGE, dau o-f Minor.Wilks and Ida Deserest Black Alldredge, born 14 Apr 1899 at Hinckley, Utah bap 4 May 1907 End 6 Sep 1922 md 6 Sep 1922 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple LELAND MATHIAS DAYTON, ,son of William Freeman & Mary Jane Follick Dayton, born 10 Mar 1898 at Dingle Idaho bap 5 May 1906 End 27 Nov 1919 Sep Apart 27 Nov 1919 for a Western States Mis­ sion returned 4 May 1922 Set Apart 21 Apr 1952 for an Eastern States Mission, returned 21 Nov 1952. Leland is a School Teacher. carpenter and has inter­ ests in Apartments. Alta was Postmaster at Magna Utah for fourteen years, she also filled an Eastern Staes Mission in 1952. They reside at 2324 So 9th E Salt Lake City Utah. Their Children: Leland Kay, Brent Alldredge.

LlLAND KAY DAYTON, son ~f Leland Mathias & Ida Alta Alldredge Dayton, born 1 Apr 1924 at Magna Utah bap 28 May 1932 End 21 Aug 1946 md 22 A~ 1946 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple HELEN ~OSEPHINE LilIDSAY dau of Warren I & Mary Christine Anderson Lindsay,born 14 Jun 1925 a:t Salt Lake City Utah bap 23 Jun 1934 End 21 Aug 1946. Kay is a Medical Doctor,and has specialized in Internal Medicineo Their address is 341 No 6th East Price Utah Their Children: 48

:;__ ;_ ~JIA DAYTON, born 28 Jun 1948 a.!~ Atlanta Ga bap 22 Jul 1956 EILEEN DAYTON, born 27 Oct I,,949 at Salt Lake City U:tah ban 2~ Oct 1957 LELAND WARREN DAYTON b. 9 Aug 1951 at Salt Lake City uta:. RUTH HtUN DAYTON, born 20 Jwi 1953 at Dragerton Utah MARK LINDSAY DAYTON, born 26 Nov 1954 at Price Utah DARYL KAY DAYTON, .born 29 Mar 1956 at Price Utah died 29 Aug 1957 buried at Price Utah

BRENT ALLDREDGE DAYTON, son of Leland Mathias & Ida Alta Alldredge Dayton., born 24 Feb 1931 at Salt Lake City utah bap 25 Feb 1939: End 11 Jan 1951 Sep Ap~t 14· Jan 1951 for a North Central States Mission Retur­ ned 17 Jan 1953 md 19 Aug 1955 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple CAROLEE --LLYOD., dau of Henry Harries & Lucile Fidkin Ashton Lloyd., born 13 Apr 1935 at Salt Lake City Utah bap l May 1943 End 17 Aug 1955. Br~nt is an ac~owitant and has interests in Apartments. They reside at 2181 Lake Street Salt Lake City Utah

RETA ALLDREDGE, d~u of Minor Wilks & Ida Deseret Black Alldredge., born 27 May 1903 at ,Mercur Utah. bap 11 May 1911 md 11 Feb 1920 at Magna Utah LEON.ARD ALVIN PETERSON., son of Charles Christian E '& Johanna Elizabeth Christiansen Pe"tlerson~ born 12 Jun Mt Pleasant Utah bap 5 Sep 1902. Leonard is employed by the Veterans Administration at Muskogee Okla. Their Children: I.,eonard Varr., Don M, Reta Jean.

LEONARD VARR PETERSON, son of Leonard Alvin & Reta Alldredge Peterson, born 20 Feb 192, at Utah bap 29 Nov 1929 md 19 Apr 1942 MARY LENA HUBBELL, dau of Clarence G & Nancy Ann Roselle Hubble, born 29 Sep 1922 in Wagner County Okla. Varr is employed by the Vete·rans-- Admini-stration in the Department of Social Service. Their home is at 1219 West 27th No Wichita Kansas Their Children:

LilIDA JEAN PETERSON, born 14 Nov 1948 at Norman Okla. 49

1'.lARY ANN P~TERSON, born 27 Feb 1953 at Kansas City Kan DON ALLEN PET~SON, born 3 May 1955 at Wichita Kans.

DON :.: PETERSON, son of Leonard Alvin & Reta. Alldredge Peterson, born 23 Jul 1923 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 8 Aug 1937 died 7 Jul 1944 in airplane crash, at BrWl­ ning Nebr. World War 11. Don was a Pilot. buried at Minneapolis Minn.

RETA JEAN PETERSON, dau of Leonard Alvin & Reta Alld­ redge Peterson~ born 13 Apr 1925 at Salt Lake City, Utah bap 4 Jun 1933 md 15 Jun 1950 at Long Beach Calif iaA.RK D MINER son of Albert U & Esteila Day Miner, born 6 feb 1921 at Fairview Utah bap 18,Aug 1929 md 2nd Dec 1953 at Las Vegas Nev. LLOYD CLA.ffi TAYLOR, son of Orrie & Marie Le Boes Taylor, born 18 Jul 1916 at Deer Lod~e Mont. IJ.oyd_is a Sign Painter. They live at 2622 Easy St Long Beach Calit

RETA ALLDREDGE PETERSON, dau of Minor Wilks & Ida Des­ eret Black Alldredge md 25 Mar 1932 at Lincoln, Nebro WILLIAM HERBERT WILLES, son of Lyman Benjamin & Sarah Ann Mmms Willes, born 1~ Nov 1899 at Lehi Utah bap 8 Feb 1908. Willes is District Supervisor of the Manchester Biscuit Co. Reta is Head of the Millinery Depart at Dayton Co. They reside at 5712 Chicago St. Minneapolis Minn.

MilJOR MSRTON ALLDREDGE, son of Minor Wilks & Ida Des­ eret Black .Alldredge., born 24 May 1905 at 1vlercur Utah bap 2 Jul 1914 End 10 Nov 1926 md 10 Nov 1926 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple STELLA JONES, dau of Alfred T & Sarah Jane Lester Jones, born 1 Sep 1906 at Liurray, Utah bap 5 Sep 1914 End 10 Nov 1926. Merton has been an employee of the Kennecott Copper Co since 1918 and is Foreman of the Repair Department at the Arthur 1.:ilJ a Their home is at 2820 So 8750 West Magna Utah

Their Children:

La.Vee., Joyce~ Minor Merton., Karen.

LAVEE ALLDREDG~» dau 0£ Minor Merton & Stella Jones

Alldredge 1 born 1 Apr 1928 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 25 Apr 1936 End 21 Nov 1952 rad 21 Nov 1952 at SaJt 50 lake City Utah Temple WAYNE LA.MAR NELSON son of Reynold Oluf & Annie Bethiah Wells Nelson, born 25 Sep 1927 -at Salt Lake City Utah bap 25 Jan 1936 End 21 Nov 1952 La:Ma.r is employed at the Garfield Refinery. Their home is at 3110 So 8490 W Magna Utah

JOYCE ALLDREDGE, dau of Minor Merton & Stella Jones Alldredge, born 19 Jan 1933 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 25 Jan 1941 End 29 Aug 1957 md 29 Aug 1957 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple JAC DUANE CARSEY, son of Herbert George & Etta May Newbold ~arsey., born 16 Jul 1933 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 6 Sep 1941 End 29 Aug 1957. Jae is the M-q.sic Instructor at Salina High School. Their new home is at Salina Utah.

MilIOR MERTON AIJ.OREDGE., son of Minor Merton & Stella Jones Alldredge born 24 May 1943 at Salt Lake City., Utah bap 26 May 1951

KAREN ALLDREDGE, dau o~ Minor Merton & Stella Jones Alldredge., born 15 Oct 1945 at Salt Lake City, Utah bap 31 Oct 1953

OTHA LAYTON ALLDREDGE. son of Minor Wilks & Ida Deseret Black Alldredge. born 31 Dee 1907 at Mercur Utah bap 5 Aug 1916 End 21 May 1927 Set Apart 24 May 1927 for a South African Mission Returned 19 Mar 1930 md 17 Jun 1936 at Durban South Africa HILDA FRIEDA HUBERT, dau of Herman Chri-stian & Johanna Ninow Hubert born 20 Jul 1914 at Bloemfontien OFS So Africa, bap 20 Jul 1922 End 14 ~m 1939. Laite was co-owner of a Refreshment Business in So Africa. He now owns the Alldredge Homes, Construction Co at Magna Utah. They reside at 3901 Parkview Dr Salt Lake City Utah.

Their Children:

Oe REX ALLDREDGE., born 6 Aug 1942 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 5 Aug 1950 . DIANNE ALLDREDGE., born 29 Dec 1946 at Salt Lake Ci-bJ Utah bap 27 Mar 1955 0 LAYTON ALLDREDGE, born 9 Apr 1949 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 26 Apr 1957 CAROL ANN ALLDREDGE, born 18 Dec 1953 at Salt Lake City Utah 51

~~ON RUVON ALLDREDGE, son of Minor Wilks & Ida Deseret Black Alldredge, born 22 Aug 1911 at !.:ercur Utah bap 27 Oct 1923 End 21 ;ray 1926 died 28 Nov 1925 at Salt Lake City Utah of an intestinal disorder, buried at Magna Cemetery.

OREN CLARON ALLDREDGE~ son of Minor Wilks & Ida Deseret Black Alldredge~ born 28 Nov 1913 at Magna Utah bap 27 Jun 1922 End 1 Jul 1936 Set Apart 8 Jul 1936 for a South Africa Mission Returned 9 Nov 1938 md 3 Jul 1936 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple HELEN ISABEL HUNTER, dau of Daniel & Mary Weir Calderwood Hunter, born 1 Jun 1913 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 4 Nov 1922 End 3 Jul 1936 Claron ha.sbeen associated with the F.H.A. and is now a Partner in the Alldredge Homes Construction Co. They reside at 1725 Browning Ave Salt Lake City Utah.

Their Children:

KATHRYN ALLDREDGE., born 10 Apr 1943 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 2 :May 1951 0 CLARON ALLDREDGE, born 2 Jan 1945 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 28 Jan 1953 MARY ALLDREDGE, born 27 Apr 1947 at Salt Lake City Utah han 27 Apr 1955 JEAN ALLDREDGE born 20 Nov 1951 at Salt Lake City Utah SHERMAN RAY ALLDREDGE born 12 Jun 1953 at Salt Lake Utah

LYLAS JUNE ALLDREDGE» dau of Minor Wilks & Ida Deseret Black Alldredge, born 7 Apr 1916 at Magna utah bap 26 Apr 1924 End 11 Aug 1937 md 11 Aug 1937 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple ARTHUR VERNON BULKLEY, son of George Albert & Amelia Larson Bulkley, born 13 Jan 1913 e~ Rockland Idaho bap 29 Jan 1921 End 22 Mar 1935 Set Apart 27 Ua.r 1935 for East Central States Mission Returned Apr 1937. Arthur has excelled in the Boy Scout Organization,served as Town Board Member, and has his own Construction Co. They reside at Layton Utah. f Their Children:

LYLAS JEANENE BULKLEY, born 29 May 1938 at 1Jurray Utah died 30 May 1938 at Murray Utah buried at West Jordan Ut VER.LANE B~r, born 10 Aug 1939 at Murray Utah bap 7 Sep 1947 ENT VERNON BULKLEY, born 24 Feb 1941 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 6 Mar 1949 LYNN J_RTHUR BULKLEY, born 15 Mar 1942 at Salt Lake City utah bap 6 Mar 1950 VAN LARRY BlJLKL.tJ-nr, born 15 Nov 1946 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 5 Dec 1954 JAN BULKLEY. born 12 Jul 1953 at Ogden utah.

OLETA DAYLE ALLDREDGE., dau of Minor Wilks & Ida Deseret Black Alldred~e, born 1 Mar 1918 at Magna Utah bap 27 Mar 1926 End 26 Jan 1939 Set Apart 30 Jan 1939 for Japanese Mission Returned 29 Aug 1941 md 11 Sep 1946 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple JOHN LA}'RENCE BTI,IS son or Jol:m Iawrenoe & Agnes LeCheminant Bills. born 11 Jul 1920 at Moore Idaho bap 11 May 1929 End 10 Sep 1946. John has a Doctor's Degree in Chemistry from Stanford University. He is now Research Director of .American Potash Chemical Co. of Los .Angeles Calif. Their h-ome is at 1519 E. Plymouth Long Beach Calif.

Their Children:

LilIDA DAYLE B-IIJS, born 23 -Aug 1947 at Long Beach Calif bap 24 Sep 1955 JANET GAYLE BIT.TS., born 4 May 1949 at Long Beach Calif bap 4 May 1957 JUDY LEE BJJ.T.S., born .14 Dec 1952 at Long Beach Calif CHERYL KAY BILLS born 12 Jan 1955 at Long Beach Cali£ CYNTHIA ANN BILLS born 1 Oot 1956 at Long Beach Calif

ARVA JANE ALLDREDGE• dau of Minor Wilks & Ida Deseret Black Alldredge, born 7 Apr 1922 at Magna Utah bap 26 Apr 1930 End 26 Apr 1943 md 26 Ap~ 1923 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple CLARENCE WILLIAM LANGDORF,- son of Clarence Andrew & Della Rae Dean La.ngdorf, born 10 Dec 1921 at Dillon Mont bap 26 Apr 1930 · End 26 Apr 1943. Bill has made a career in the U.S. Arrrw and is connected with the Embassy D~partment at Santiago Chile. Their add.res~ is US.ARMIS to Chile c/o US Embassy Santiago Chile.

Their Children:

SHAWN RILEY LANGDORF ~ born 28 May 1948 at Salt lake City Utah bap 2 Jun 1956 KDJ ALLDREDGE L.AJiGDORF, born 16 May 1950 at Salt lake City Utah SCOTT VvILLIAM LAUGDORF, born 12 Mar 1952 at Camp ~tone­ man Calif SUSAN JANE LANGDORF, b_prn 26 Nov 1954 at Hampton Va:. :.iIUOR KELLY LANGDORF, born 8 Nov 1956 at Ft Gulick C~Z. lUBY A.RETTA ALLDREDGE:, dau of Parsons & Aretta Jane

Smith Alldredge 6 born 25-0ct 1880 at Pleasant Grove Utah bap 9 May 1891 by Jacob Carlson md 18 Dec 1899 at Pleasant Grove Utah JOHN FRANKLIN ATNOOD son of Walter A & Julia Dibble Atwood, born 12 Aug 1866 at South Cottonwood Utah bap 30 Apr 1875 End 21 Oct 1891 died 13 Jan 1922 at Crescent Utah buried at Murray Cemetery Frank was a School Teacher and farmer, specializing in raising sheep and cattle. They made treir first· home in Crescent Utah, because of their business interests they lived at Bellevue, Shoshone and Hailey Idaho$ The permanent family home was Crescent Utah. Ruby is an excellent home maker, a faithful friend, and a devoted mother. She loves to travel, dance and visit with fam- ily and friends. She now lives in an apartment~ at 445 E 3rd So. Salt Lake City Utah

Their Children:

Allen-Alldredge, Parsons Elwood, Vanda, Walter Henry, Clara. Virginia.

ALLE~I J.LLI;R2:UGE iiTviOOD, son of John F_ranklin & Ruby Aretta Alldredge Atwood~ born 4 Dec 1900 at Crescent Utah bap 10 Sep 1911 End 30 :May 1941 md 6 Dec 1923 at Crescent Utah STELLA BERNICE NELSON, dau of Nels Peter & Ingrid Hokansen Nelson, born 6 Dec 1904 at Crescent Utah bap 3 Aug 1913 End 30 1:Tay 1941. Allen is a twenty year employee of the Douglas Aircraft Co. They reside at 3323 W 113th Inglewood Calif.

Their Children:

Bernice, Renee, Jay Franklin, Paul Robert.

DONNA BERNICE ATWOOD:, dau of Allen Alldredge & Stella Bernice Nelson Atwood, born 24 Jan 1927 at Crescent Utai."1-i bap 31 }Tar 1935 md 29 1-!a.y 1947 at Inglewood Calif 54

R ICHA ..."{D GOODWIN POLLOCK, son of Roscoe Conklin & Grace Goochvin Pollock~ born 10 May 1926 at Hawthorne Calif. Richard is an Architect.

R3NEE ATffOOD, dau of Allen Alldredge & Stella Bernice Nelson Atwood, born 10 Nov 1928 at Murray Utah bap 28 Mar 1937 md 8 Aug 1947 at Santa Barbara Calif. DONALD MAX KENT., son of A Thomas & Anna Higgenbotham Kent., born 23 Jul 1928 at Bingham Canyon Utah. Donald is a Carpenter.

Their Children:

THOMAS ALI£N KENT born 25 May 1948 at Inglewood Cal. SHELLY KENT~ born 21 Nov 1950 at Inglewood Calif CURTIS DAVID KENT born 4 May 1953 at Inglewood Calif

JAY FRANKLIN AT,VOOD, son of Allen Alloredge & Stella Bernice Nelson Atwood., born 27 Feb 1932 a+. Crescent Utah bap 2 Mar 1940 End 3C Jun 1953 md 30 Jun 1953 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple ANNA MAE LOVEGREN., dau of Irvin Albert & Vera Mae Crawfo!d -Lovegren, born 1 Sep 1932 at Santa Monica Calif. bap 28 Jun 1952 End 30 Jun 1953 Jay is a Lieutenant in the US Air Force

Their Children:

CYNTHIA JEAN ATV'fOOD born 4 Nov 1954 at Inglewood Cal RONALD FRANKLIN ATWOOD, born 16 Jun 1956 at Kittery Maine.

PAUL ROBERT ATVlOOD~ son of Allen Alldredge & Stella Bernice Nelson Atwood, born 31 Aug 1951 at Inglewood California.

PARSONS SLVfOOD ATiroOD, son of Jolm F.~nk:lin & Ruby Aretta Alldredge Atwood~ born 22 Jul 1902 at Silver Creek, Idaho bap 6 Jul 1913 End 29 Nov 1945 died 18 Nov 1924 at Bennion Utah in a train-automobile crasho buried at Murray City Cemetery.

VANDA ATflOOD. dau of John Franklin & Ruby Aretta Alldredge Atwood~ born 26 Jul 1904 at Mill Creek Utah bap 6 Jul 1913 End 26 Oct 1923 md 26 Oct 1923 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple SAMUEL SWENSON PARKER 55. son of William E & 1.:Iary Swenson Parker, born : Ja:n 1898 at Taylorsville Utah bap 3 A~ 1907 End 5 Jan 1921 Set Apart 11 Jan 1921 for Central States Mission Returned 22 Feb 1923 died 28 Apr 1956 at Salt Lake City Utah buried at Taylorsville Cemetery. Sam was an employee of the State Road Commission. Vanda now lives at the family home in Crescent Utah.

Their Children:

Rayola, William Elwood, Dennis; Atwood~ Patty Ann.

RAYOLA PARKER, dau of Samuel Swenson & Vanda Atwood Parker., born 4 Jan 1925 at Bennion Utah bap 2 May 1936 She is a Private Secretary.

WILLIAM ELWOOD PARKER, son of Samuel Swenson & Vanda Atwood Parker., born 13 May 1926 at Bennion Utah bap 2 May 1936. He is an auto Mechanic.

DENNIS ATWOOD PARKER., son of Samuel Swenson & Vanda Atwood Parker, born 19 Sep 1934 at Murray Utah bap 4 Mar 1944. He is with U.S. Army

PATTY ANN PARKER, dau of Samuel Swenson & Vanda Atwood Parker, born 6 Apr 1937 at Murray Utah bap 1 Jun 1946 End 27 Oct 1955 md 28 Oct 1955 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple WAYNE C DAHL, son of Conrad Soren & Rita Cundid<: Dahl, born 20 Sep 1937 at Murray Utah bap 3 Sep 1945 End 27 Oct 1955. Wayne is an employee of the Fuller Paint Co. Their home is at 3625 So 23rd East Sal~ Lake City Utah

Their Child~

CURTIS VlAYNE DAHL, born 24 Sep 1956 at Murray Utah

WALTER HENRY ATWOOD~ son of John Franklin & Ruby Aretta Alldredge Atwood, born 5 Jan 1906 at Crescent Utah bap 7 Jun 1914 md 4 May 1929 at Mar Vista Cal.ifo :JA.RGARET ELZETA EDMUNDS, dau of Hyrum & Margaret Elzeta Adams Edmunds, born 21 Nov 1905 at Granger Utah bap 31 Aug 19180 Walter is a skilled weldere Their address is 41516- 25th St West Lancaster Califc

Their Children: 56

Derelys, John Edmund.

DERELYS AT~VOOD, dau of Walter Her..ry & Margaret Elzeta Edmu..l'J.ds Atwood, born 9 1',1ay 1931 at Venice Calif bap 30 Sep 1939 md 1 Dec 1949 at Las Vegas Nevada DAVID JOSEPH GARETTO, son of David Joseph & Mary Bertola Garetto., born 19 Jul 1930 at Burbank Cal.

Their Children:

TYREE GARETTO, born 25 Dec 1950 at Burba~k Calif CHENNY GARETTO~ born 15 May 1953 at Glendale Cal RAND GARETTO, born 7 Feb 1954 at Glendale Calif

JOHN EDMUND ATWOOD, son of Walter Henry & Margaret Elzeta Edmunds Atwood, born 19 Dec 1933 at Los Ang­ eles Calif bap 5 Apr 1941 md 20 Aug 1954 at Lynwood Calif MARILYN DIE, dau of James Albert & Juliette Margurite Colucci Die# born 16 Nov 1934 at Los Ange­ les Calif

CLARA ATW'C)OD, dau of John Franklin & Ruby Aretta Alldredge Atwood, born 19 Oct 1907 at Cre~oent U~h died 27 Aug 1908 at Crescent Utah of Whooping Cough.I

VIRGINIA ATWOOD, dau of John Fra~lin & Ruby Aretta Alldredge Atwood, born 29 Aug 1911 at Crescent Utah bap 3 Jul 1921 md 7 Jun 1930 at Palms California FREDERICK BELL DAVIS-SR~ son of George Schyler & Helen Letitia Bell Davis, b0rn 19 Oct 1905 at Cleve­ :a~d Cnioe He is an Accountant, their home is at 10689 R-a.dwin Ave. Sunland Calif

Their Children:

Frederick Bell, Frankie Louise, Corilee K.

FREDERICK BELL DAVIS JR, son of Frederick Bell & Vir~inia Atwood Davis, born 28 Feb 1931 at Palms, Cal bap 29 Aug 1942 md 26 J~l 1952 at Las Vegas Nev. BETTY JEANIE MOORE, dau of Emmett & Ross Dura Gal­ latin Moore~ born 29 Sep 1925 at Arlington Texas. He is a Ma-chinist and they live at Sunland Cal if.

Their Children: 57

SCOTT 3ELL DAVIS, born 5 Apr 1953 at Glendale Calif KERRY ELLEN DAVIS, born 12 Jan 1955 at Glendale Cali~

FRAJ;KIE LOUISE DAVIS, dau of-Frederic-k Bell & Virginia Atwood Davis, born 6 Nov 1932 at Palms Calif bap 29 Aug 1942 md 4 Apr 1953 at Great Falls Montana, FOREST ELWOOD HUNK son of Alphonso & Iva Pearl Green Hunk, bern 28 Aug 1931 at Garrettsville Ohioo

Their Children:

KATHLEEN RUBIE HUNK, born 2-9 Nov 1954 at Burbank Cal. RONALD ELWOOD HUNK, born 11 Oct 1956 at Burbank Cal.

CORILEE K. DAVIS, dau of Frederick Bell & Virginia Atwood Davis, born 4 Jun 1938 at Los Angeles Calif bap 18 Dec 1954

RUBY -~?.ETTA ALLDREDGE ATWOOD, dau of Parsons & Aretta Jane Smith Alldredge, md 2nd on 10 Sep 1933 at Salt Lake City Utah REDELL STEPHEN TERRY, son of Joshua & Mary E Reid Terry, born 6 Jan 1880 at Draper Utah bap 17 Aug 1890 End 22 Oct 1903 died 22 Nov 1948 at Salt Lake City Utah

CLARA MALINDA ALLDREDGE, dau of Parsons & Aretta Jane Smith Alldredge, born 2 Mar 1883 at Pleasant Grove, Utah bap 9 May 1891 End 18 Jun 1914 died 4 May 1910 at Pleasant Grove Utah md surmner 1900 at Provo Utah JOHN NIELS JENSEN (ALBEAN) sor- of Nils Albaan & Elna Isaacson (Nilson) Jensen, born 2 Apr 1875 at Webeck, Huard, Christianstad, Sweden, bap 27 Sep 1883 End 10 Jun 1897 Set Apart by B H Roberts 16 Jun 1897 for Southern States I~Iission Returned 13 May 1899. Ordainai Elder 5 Jun 1897 Ordained Seventy 16 Jun 1897 by Seymour B Young. died 15 Oct 1915 at Salt Lake City, Utah buried at Pleasant Grove Utah Cemetery.

Their Child:

JOHN MELVILLE JENSEN (ALBEAN) born 24 Jul 1901 a.t Pleasant Grove Utah, blessed and named by A Bullock 2 Sep 1901 bap 31 Jul 1909 died 4 Jul 1926 at ForG Collins -Colo, in an Independence Day military accident Melville joined the Army when seventeen years of age and ~ought through the battles in France in World War: 58

He and t\vo others were the only survivors of a whole regiment. His hair became white because of the rigors of war he had endured. md 5 Jan 1919 at Fort Collins Colo NORA ITRES DELAY, dau of John Thomas & Henrietta Dickson DeLay~ born 9 Nov 1901 at Edmond Okla. Itres A. Judd now lives at 700 Magnolia Denver Colo.

Their Child:

ELIZABETH CORRINE JENSEN(ALBEAN) born 9 Nov 1920 at Fort Collins Colo. md 8 Oct 1949 at New York City NY WILLIAM E TITTERTON son of William Andrew & Catherine Francis Elliott Titterton, born 21 Nov 1924 at New York City NY. They reside at 4 Hamilton Ct. Whippeny N.J.

Their Children:

WILLIAM MELVILLE T ITTERTON, born 11 Mar 1952 at Hoboken N.J. ROBERT JOHN TITTER.TON, born 13 Aug 1953 at Newark N J

RUEL LEROY ALinREDGE, son of Parsons & Aretta Jane Smith Alldredge, born 3 Sep 1885 at Pleasant ~rove UtaL bap 17 Sep 1893 Died 11 Oct 1956 at Salt Lake City Utah of cancer, buried in the Midvale City Cemetery md 9 Jul 1913 at Crescent Utah IDA uESERET JAYNES dau of Frederick Delmar & Ida Atwood Jaynes, born 16 Jul 1895 at Crescent Utah bap 7 Oct 1904. They made a home at Crescent later moved to Midvale utah. Ruel was a retired electric welder, employed by the International Smelting and Refining Co. at Midvale Utah. Rue liked to sing and dance and play the guitar. His witty, clever quips and unusual sense of humor sniced his conversations. Because of his health, he spent the last several winters in the warm climate of Arizona. He loved his children deeply and his constant anxiety and concern was for their well being and happiness. Ida maintains her home at 121 So Main, Midvale Utah

Their Children:

Phillip R, Frederick D, Ida Elaine. Jane La.Rue, Chester Parsons, Fern, Minor Wilks, Melba, Ruby, Dorothy, Del Ray. 59

?riILLIP R ALLDREDGE, son of Ruel LeRo,;r &: Ida D Ja;.r~As Alldredge, born 28 Oct 1913 at Sandy Utah bap 4 Jun 1922 End 4 Jan 1937 md 4 Jan 1937 at Salt Lake City, Utah Temple ~-~GGIE BURGON dau of "vYillard Charles & :.~ry Ann ~Va lk:er Eurgon, born 1 Jan 1918 at Union, Utah bap 1 May 1926 End 4 Jan 1937. Phil is an emplc-yee of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, he also raises Nutria. Their home is at 421 E 7200 So Midvale Utahe

Their Children:

FLOYD R ALLDREDGE, born 29 Aug 1937 at Murray Utah bap 4 Nov 1945 DEE W ALLDERDGE, born 7 Apr 1941 at Murray Utah bap 5 Jun 1949 BRENT KAY ALLDREDGE, born 18 Dec 1942' at Murray Utah bap 7 Jan 1951 JOAN ALLDREDGE, born 27 Jun 1946 at Murray Utah bap 4 Jun 1954 PHILLIP NED ALLDREDGE, born 1 Dec 1948 at Murray Utah be.p 2 Dec 1956 JANET ALLDREDGE, born 2 Jul 1951 at Murray Utah.

FREDERICK D ALLDREDGE, son of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes Alldredge# born 9 Mar 1915 at Sandy Utah bap 2 Nov 1924 End 21 May 1941 md 21 May 1941 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple GWENN GEORGENE LOADER dau of Earl Elias & Eva May Lewis Loader, born 16 Sep 1920 at Pleasant Grove Utah in a home built by Grandfather Parso~s Alldredge, bap 22 Nov 1931 End 21 May 194le F.D. is Assistant Manager of Hewlett Coo They reside at 542 E 11000 So. Crescent Utah

Their Children:

30NNIE JEANNE ALLDREDGE, born 9 Sep 1942 at l1,1idvale Ut FRED EARL ALLDREDGE, born 19 Sep 1946 at Murray Jtah bap 15 Oct 1954

PEGGY ALLDREDGE, born 12 May 1948 at Salt Lake City 3 Utah bap 17 May 1956 DE1~iIS KAY ALLDREDGE, born 12 Sep 1951 at Murray Utah KIM LEVfIS ALLDREDGE, born 7 Mar 1953 at Murray Utah SUZANNE ALl.,DREDGE, born 7 Jun 1955 at Murray Utah 60

IDA ELAINE ALLDREDGE, dau of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes Alldredge, born 16 Nov 1916 at Sandy Utah bap 5 Sep 1926 md 24 Aug 1937 a~ Crescent Utah RUSSELL R.AY son of Edward & Zina Lloyd Ray, born 15 Aug 1916 at Midvale Utah bap 6 Sep 1925 For seventeen years Russell has been an employee of the US Smelter. They live at 59 -4th Ave Midvale Utah

Their Children:

Roylance Elaine, Barbara, Russell LeRoy, Rodney Dale.

ROYLANCE ELAINE RAY, dau of Russell & Ida Elaine All- dredge Ray, born 20 Mar 1939 at Midvale, Utah. bap 1 Jun 1947 md 24 Jan 1957 at Salt Lake City Utah SHIRLEY JAY SUNDELL son of Birger John & Amelia Thomsen Sundell, born 22 Sep 1938 at Murray Utah bap 28 Sep 1946 He is employed at Steve Booth Service Station. Their home is at 2260 W 3500 So. Granger Utah

Their Child:

PAMERA RAE SUNDELL, born 20 Aug 1957 at Murray Utah

BARBARA RAY, day of Russell & Ida Elaine Alldredge Ray, born 19 Jul 1940 at Salt Lake City Utah died 19 Jul 1940 buried at South Jordan Cemetery.

RUSSELL LEROY RAY, son of Russell & Ida Elaine Alldredge Ray, born 21 Nov 1942 at Murray Utah bap 6 May 1950

RODNEY DALE RAY, son of Russell & Ida Elaine Alldredge Ray, born 7 Jun 1954 at Salt Lake City Utah

JANE LARUE \LLDREDGE, da.u of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes·­ A-lldredge,. b.orn 24 Oct 1918 at Sandy Utah bap 4 Sep 1927 md 24 Sep 1936 at Crescent Utah JAMES EARL SMITH son of Hyrum J & Berdie Mitchell Smith, born 19 Feb 1914 at Price Utah bap 15 Oct 1922

Their Children:

DELORES SMITH,born 12 Nov 1936 at Crescent Utah bap 13 Mar 1952 RAMONA SMITH~ born 8 May 1938 at Lehi Utah ba.p 1 Sep 1946 DONALD EARL SMITH, born 7 Jan 1940 at American Fork Utah bap 13 Mar 1952

RITA ELLEN SMITH, born 6 Sep 1945 at American Fork Ut

JANE LARUE ALLDREDGE SMITH, dau of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes Alldredge, md on 4 Oct 1950 at Crescent Utah LEO LEONARD HALLSTROM, son of Carl Iva & Harriet Masters Hallstrom, born 7 o~t 1899 at Preston Idaho bap 11 Dec 1907. Leon is a Car Salesman. They live at 8 Roberts Ave. Salt Lake City Utah

Their Children:

LEANN HALLSTROM born 17 Aug 1951 at American Fork Utah LEO LEONARD HALLSTROM born 17 Jan 1954 at .Am Fork Utah CliRISTINA JANE HALLSTROM born 21 Nov 1956 a.t Am Fork Ut

CHESTER PARSONS ALLDREDGE, son -of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes Alldredge, born 6 Nov 192~ at Sandy Utah bap 5 Jan 1930 End 19 Mar 1940 md 19 Mar 1940 at Salt Lake City Utah Temple MARJORIE HAMNETT, dau of David Alma & Esther Healey Hamnett, born 2 Mar 1921 at Alpine Utah bap 10 Mar 1929 End 19 Mar 1940. Chester is employed at Geneva Steel Co. They also have a fine fruit farm. They live at Alpine Utah.

Their Children:

LINDA LOU ALLDREDGE, born l May 1941 at murray Utah ban 15 May 1949 IDA JOYCE ALLDREDGE, born 1 May 1943 at Murray Utah bap 20 May 1951 DOUGLAS J ALLDREDGE, born 19 Aug 1948 at American Fork Utah bap 19 Aug 1956 DAVID AUU. ALLDREDGE, born 16 Dec 1950 at Am Fork Utah DALE ADRIAN ALLDREDGE, born 3 Jun 1954 at Am Fork Utah

FERN ALLDREDGE, dau of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes Alld­ redge, born 19 Feb 1924 a.t Crescent Utah bap 3 Apr 1932 md 10 Sep 1941 at Salt Lake City Utah THEODORE JAMES ALEXANDER son of Chris Theodore & Blanch May Reid Ale~Ander~ born 2 Mar 1923 at Midvale Utah bap 29 Mar 1931 md 2nd on 24 Sep 1942 at Salt Lake City Utah RAYMOND LEONARD JEPSON ~~n of Leonard & Gladvs M Kearns, born 7 Mar 1915 at Gunnison, Utah. :)aD 62

Their Child:

STAHLEY CRAIG JEPSON, born 23 Aug 1944 at Salt Lake City Utah

FERN ALIDRE~GE, dau of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes Alldred!!;E ::.. d ~rd l")n 27 Feb 1947 at West Jordan Utah JA.MSS MAURICE ATWOOD JR, son of James Maurice & Nancy Uay Dumayne Atwood, born 15 Apr 1925 at Crescent Utah bap 29 May 1933. Fern md 4th on 20 Jan 1951 at Salt Lake City Utah FRED MLAKER., son of Anton & Angline Lebstick Mlaker., born 20 Jan 1927 at Midvale Utah.

MINOR WILKS ALLDREDGE., son of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jay­ nes Alldredge~ born 16 Dec 1925 at Crescent utah bap 30 Sep 1934 md 13 Mar 1948 at Salt Lake City Utah BARBARA JANET LORING dau of James Arlen & Della Carrig Loring., born 17 Nov 1931 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 5 Feb 1956. Minor is an employee of the Fur Breeders Coop Assn. They live at 579 W 6400 So Murray Utah

Their Children:

DANIEL JAMES ALLDREDGE, born 6 Sep 1948 at Salt Lake City Utah bap 3 Nov 1956 SHEILA ANITA ALLDREDGE., born 19 Dec 1952 at Murray Ut

MELBA ALLDREDGE., dau of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes AlldrP-rl~e., born 21 Oct 1927 at Crescent Utah bap 7 Nov lS37 md 5 Jul 1945 at Salt Lake City Utah. JACK 1NOODNEY SEVE~SOM., son of Charles A & Loretta Rogers Severson., born 5 Jan 1927 at West Jordan Utah bap 3 Dec 1944. 1if1ELBA md 2nd on 10 Jan 1948 at Salt Lake City Utah DON JAMES BUSBY, son of James C & Harriet Wilton Busby, born 2 Oct 1925 at Salt City Utah. Don is an employee of the American Foundry Co. They reside at 424 Leslie Ave. Salt Lake City Utah.

Their Child:

REBECCA ANN BUSBY, born 28 Aug 1948 at Salt Lake City Utah.

RUBY ALLDREDGE, dau of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes 63

Alldredge, born 27 Feb 1930 at Crescent Utah bap 2 Oct 1938 died 18 Dec 1948 in an Automobile accident. buried in Mid-vs.le Cemetery.

DOROTHY ALLDREDGE, dau of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes Alldredge, born 19 Mar 1933 at Crescent Utah bap 7 Jun 1942 md 10 Sep 1950 at !As Vegas Nev CHARLES EDWARD GRIGGS son of George W & Julie Griggs, born 30 Jmi. 1926 at Harding W. Va.

Their Childs

CASANDRA GRIGGS born 3 Mar 1951 at Salt Lake City Utah

DOROTHY ALLDlIBDGE GRIGGS, dau of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes Alldredge, md 2nd on 9 Jul 1955 at Murray Utah STANLEY GENE ERICKSON, son of-Walter E & Hazel Jane Roan Erickson, born 21 Mar 1929 at Murray Utah bap 6 Nov 1937. He is an Auto Mechanic at Ashworth Tran­ fer Co. They live at 5976 So 85 West Murray Utah.

Their Child:

DEBRA JEAN ERICKSON, born 14 Aug 1956 at Murray Utah

DEL RAY ALLDREDGE, son of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes Alldredge, born 16 Jun 1935 ~t Crescent Utah bap 4 Jul 1943 md 5 Apr 1953 at S.alt Lake City Utah. OPAL ALENE GLASGLOW, dau of Clayton & Melba Brooks Glasglow, born 16 Oct 1937 at Salt Lake City Utah

Their Child1

JAMES DEL ALLDREDGE, born 16 Feb 1954 at Salt Lake City Utah

DEL RAY ALLDREDGE., son of Ruel LeRoy & Ida D Jaynes Alldredge md 2nd on 30 Aug 1957 at Utah LUELLA HENDERSON, dau of Calvin Henry & Ma~ine Crosby Henderson, born 30 Aug 1938 at Kanab Utah bap 30 Oct 1946 64 PEDIGREE OF ~BE ALLDREDGE FAMILY

REV HENRY ALLRED~ Vicor of Worstead Norfolk Engla~d'.liviag 1553 so:m. JOHN ALDRIDGE md 9 Feb 1583 at Wo~stead Norfolk Eng­ land, Anne or Ag; 'Rolfe or Roffe SOE. CLEMENT ALDRIDGE or ALDRICH md Susan Bothwel.l at Worstead, Norfolk En.gland, 2• Jul 1'626 som. CLEMENT ALDRIDGE or .ARLEDGE md:16 Oct 1668 Elizabeth Tilles of Worstead., Enge Will proved 19 Jam· 1698 in Virgimia son. CLEMENT ALDRIDGE or ARLEDGE md Ist Elizabeth md 2nd Mary SOE. WILLIAM ALDRIDGE 1704-17.70 son ·WILLIAM ALDRIDGE 1733-1789 md Elizabeth son -EZEKIEL ALDRIDGE bor~ 18 Apr 1757 md Rachel Hu££ som. ISAAC ALLDREDGE rod lst-----md 2nd ::Mary Brows Wilks SOll.S WILLIAM*PARSONS-ISAAC ALLDREDGE

WILLIAM & SARAHI WJALINDA BROCK ALLDREDGE. had ohildrea: Peliska Daniel Parsons, Martha Emeline$ George· Waijhi:m.gton, Mary Jane; ·Ulysse~ Sidney, .Naomi ·zero., Wij.liam Isaac.,.. ,· John Labon~ Sarah Malinda, Emily Caroli~e6

ISAAC & SUSANNAH EVAN~ ALLDREDGE had childreu: Isaac Jr.; John, Su~ie, Em:rp.a., Mary., Des,ret3 ~ettie., Virginta., Leo~ ·Jooosa.

Complete records of these families may be foUE.d i~ the Ge~ealogical Society~ Salt I;.,ake City Utah. A ' ' T7""\ "' 1------'-'('I -~~' ~i~

J ~ Ja;r1et:ta.. >{}

&-Doc.....Janetta.::\; . ""---,, . Grandc~-hilctren,., ..... ,,- ·.... ' ... ·::·-:.,., ...... J-Rud;yT"

****CLARINDA MYRINDA SMITH, dau of Samuel Harrison & Caroline Mooney Smith, born 7 Apr 18i7 at Thomasville Mo. died 3 Dec 1928 at her in West Plains Mo bur- home . . ied at Dripping SprinP-s ·Cemetery _in· Bonne Co. Mo •. md 5 May 1867 at Salem., Mo ADOLPHUS ALLISON CAGE., son of Wilson & Mary Jane'Aget Cage, born 26 Nov 1845 at Jackson., Madison Co. Tenn. d.ied. 6 Jan 1930 at Ottumwa Iowa., buried ·at Dripping Springs_ Cemetery in Boone Co Mo. ·Theywere a·happy couple with their seven sons and one charming.,· mild·mannered daught~r. Dolph was a carpenter., -stone ·mason., blayksmith _and a_ farmer. Their farm-was located about eight miles northeast of West Plains Mo. They were well respected and honored by their friends and·neighbors and especially their own children. Today their worthy ~crsterity honor and revere their names.for the pric~less heritage they bestowed upon them.

Their Children:

. . John Cal~in Wilson, James Richard Samu~l LeRoy~ William Webster~ Nathaniel Allison, Andrew Jackson3 Lucian Carrick, Mary Caroline., Salathiel.

JOHN CALVIN WILSON CAGE., son of Adolphus Allison & Clarinda Myrinda Smith Cage., born 25 Apr 1868 at Salem Mo died 1 Nov 1944 at Pomona Mo md 17 Mar 1891 at Salem Mo SAR..L\H EUDORA WILLIAMS, dau · of James & Elmira Lowe Williams, born Jul: 1874 at Salem Mo. died Jun 1947 at We·st: Plains· Mo.

JAMES RIClIARD SAMUEL LEROY CAGE~ son. of Adolphus Allison & Clarinda Myrinda Smith Cage, born 1 Mar 1870 at Salem Mo died 4 Jan 1950 at Lindsay Okla md 20 Jun 1899 at West Plains Mo IDA RONELL., dau of John Leona.rd & Charlotta Catherine Peterson Ronell., born 11 Aug,. 1871 at Spink So Dak died 18 Dec 1948 at Lindsay Oklao James R.-S.L. Cage ·was a Minister in the Church of Christ and lived an exemplary life, so he c_ould teach a.nd in­ fluence others to observe.the Teachings of The Master.

Their Children: 66

Minta Oneta., Allen Allison., James LeRoy.

MINTA ONETA CAGE., dau of James Richard Samuel LeRoy & Ida Renell Cage., born 13 Aug 1901 at Pomona Mo. md 1 Jun 1926 at Davenport Okla ALBERT CASWELL MILLER, son of Andrew Johnson & Rebecca Jane Hill Miller., born 3 Oct 1898 in Union Co. Tenn. Their address is Box 202 Lindsay Okla.

Their Child:

RICHARD ANDREW MU,.LER., born 26 Feb 1930 at Shawnee., Okla. md 26 Aug 1956 at Stuttgart Germany JANE KENNICOTT LILLARD., dau of Gerald Francis & Lucille Kennicott Lillard., born 8 Jul 1938 at West Point N Y Richard is now with the U.S. Army in Germanyo His parents visited them· iJl July 1957

Their Child:

REBECCA JANE M ER born 7 Jun 1957 at Nurnberg Germany

ALLEN ALLISON CAGE., son of James Riche.rd Samuel LeRoy & Ida Ronell Cage, born 29 Apr 1904 at Luther Okla. md 22 May 192 6 at Ponca City Okla JOHNNIE SHARP., dau of John Fletcher & Belle Davis Sharp., born 22 Oct 1904 at Geary Okla. Allen operates a Hardware Business at Muskogee Okl_a.

Their Child:

CAGE., born 31 Mar 1930 at Tulsa Okla

JAMES LEROY- CAGE, son of James Richard Samuel LeRoy & Ida Ronell Cage, born 20 Apr 1904 at Luther Okla. md MARY HENRIE'I'TA HARVEY., dau of John William &: Georgia Duff Harvey., born 1 Jul 1904 at Grimes Okla. James LeRoy is now retired from the United States Navy, where he gave distinguished service to his Country. They now reside at Gore Okla. on Rural Route# 1

Their Child:

BETTY SU CAGE, born 8 Mar 1926 at Hartshorne Okla md 22 Mar 1951 at Muskogee Okla RUDOLPH JOSEPH NEMIC JR. 67 son of Rudolph Joseph & Minnie I Spencer Nemic, born 4 Feb 1922 at Muskogee Okla. He is a Music Teacher. They live at 319 Locust Dr Colorado Springs, Colo.

WILLIAM WEBSTER CAGE, son of Adolphus Allison & Clarinda Myrinda Smith Cage~ born 15 Feb 1872 at Salem Mo died 13 Feb 1954 at Rock Island Ill. md 28 Dec 1897 at West Plains Mo REBECCA JANE HOUSE, dau of James & Jane House, born

Their Children:

Ollie Mae, James Rudolph, Raymond Francis, Oscar, Mary Pauline.

OLLIE MAE CAGE, dau of William Webster & Rebecca Jane House Cage-, born 19 Nov 1898 at West Plains Mo •. md Oct 1920 at West Plains Mo JOHN SCOTT BELL, son of John & Susan Cafferty Bell, born 20 Nov 1897 at Gotebo Oklahoma.

Their Children:

Opaline Lorena, Geraldine Mae, Ronald Scott.

OPALINE LORENA BELL, dau of John Scott & Ollie Mae Cage Bell, born 12 Aug 1921 at Early Ia died Oot 1921

GERALDINE MAE BELL, dau of John Soott &: Ollie Mae Cage Bell, born 24 May 1923 at Early Ia md 17 Oot 1939 CLEO BENNETT, son of Sam & Elsfe Luvey Bennett, born 27 Jul 1936 at Curall Mo.

Their Children:

Jackie Sue, -Larry Gene, Garry, Randall, Debra Sue.

JACKIE SUE BENNETT, dau of Cleo & Geraldine Mae Sell Ben­ nett~ born 30 .Oct 1940 at West Plains Mo md 27 Apr 1957 at Rock Istand Ill WIILIAM V G-OSNEY, son of William V & Mildred Mulch Gosney• born 10 Mar 193;9 at Rock Island Ill. LA.B.RY GENE BENNETT, son of Cleo & Geraldine Mae Bell Bennett, born 4 Feb 1943 at Rock Island Ill. 68

GARRY BEN1IBTT, son of Cleo & Geraldine Mae Bell Bennett born 5 Nov 1950 at Rock Island Ill

RANDALL BENNETT, son of Cleo & Geraldine Mae Bell Bennett, born 19 May 1952 at Rock Island Ill

DEBRA SUE BENNETT, dau of Cleo & Geraldine Mae Bell Bennett, born 22 Feb 1954 at Rock Island Ill

RONALD SCOTT BELL, son of Jo1m Scott & Ollie Mae Cage Bell, born 15 Apr 1925 at Early Ia md BETTY PRESCOTT dau of Roy & Mabel Eldredge Prescott, born 4 May 1922 at Milan Ill

Their Children:

TERRY LEE BELL, born lo May 1952 at Rock Island Ill RODNEY SCOTT BELL, born 24 Dec 1955 at Rock Island Ill

OLLIE MAE CAGE BELL, dau of William Webster & Rebecca Jane House Cage~ md 2nd on 11 Feb 1956 JOEN A HUDSON. Their address 320-8th St Rock Island Ill

JAMES RUDOLPH CAGE, so~ of William Webster & R13becca Jane House Cage~ born Jun 1900 at West Pl~ins Mo. died Nov 1918 at West Plains Mo. of influenza

RATivfOND FRANCIS. CAGE~ son of_. William Webster & Rebecoa Jane House Cage, born 29 Jun 1904 at West Plains ~o md ~PAL T PIERCE, dau of Frank G & Ethel E Layinam Pierce, born 5 Dec 1910_, at Birch Tree Moo Their Child: · ROSALIE GENEVIEVE CAGE, born 1 Mar 1928 at Springfiled Mo me 26 Jun 1948 at St Louis Mo RICH.ARD EDWARD MUNDY, son of Harry E & Marie Rose Choinacki Mundy, born 19 Dec 1926 at St Louis Mo. Their Child: RONALD EDvVARD IwrJNDY, born 15 Jul 1949 at St Louis Mo. RAYMOND FRANCIS CAGE, son of William Webster & Rebecca Jane House Cage, md 2nd Betty Ell is at West Plains Mo.

OSCAR CAGE, son of William Webster & Rebecca Jane House Cage, born 1905 at Pomona Mo died 1906

1~1&.~Y PAULINE CAGE, dau of William Webster & Rebecca Jane House Cage, born 7 Jun 1912 at Pomona Mo. died Jul 1919 at West Plains Mo. 69

:KATHANIEL ALLISON CAGE, son of Adolnhus Allison & Clarinda Myrinda Smith Cage, born 21-Bep 1873 at Salem Mo died Apr 1944 md MONA FISHER, dau of Talitha Rumall Fisher

ANDREW JACKSON CAGE, son of Adolphus Allison & Clarinda M'yrinda Smith Cage, born 11 Nov 1875 at Salem Mo. died 1 Nov 1930 at Springfield Mo md 22 Sep 1891 at West Plains Mo SARAH JANETTA ESSEX, dau of Thomas W & . Melvina Briggs Essex, born 4 Jul 1877 at Paulding died 9 Deo 1954 at Springfield Mo. Sarah Janetta came to West Plains Mo in 1899 with her parents. Her father Thomas Essex was skilled in the art of fruit growing, and grafting peach and apple trees. She met and married Doc Cage as -he was called. Together they made a .good home for their family. Bible reading and family prayer brought satis£action and joy to the children. They also had family .singing experiences and now that the parents have passed on, the children and grandc~tldren get together on the second Sunday ai'ternoon, as all attend Church Services Sunday Morning, to sing and visit and cement the family ties of love and affection for each other. What a great and noble heritage tni~ worthy couple have bequeathed to their posterity.

Their Children: A, Clara, Andrew Jackson Jr, Martin Luther, Mary Edith, Sarah Janetta, Jo}m Calvin, Jessie Kathleen, Wilma Ruth.

RUDOLPIIDS A CAGE, son of Andrew Jackson & Sarah Janetta Essex Cage, born 26 Jun 1898 at West Plains Mo. md 31 Jan 1923 at West Plains Mo JOSIE REISH, dau of Jobn S & Delphia F Spradlin Reish, born 10 Feb 1900 at Peace Valley Mo. Rudy is owner of a Shoe Store. Their address is Greenfield Mo.

Their Children:

George Harlin, Preston Eugene.

GEORGE HARLilJ' CAGE, son of Rudolphus A & Josie Reish Cage, born 8 Oct 1924 at Early Ia md 19 Mar 1950 at Thomasville Mo W. JUANITA WALTON, dau of John Richmond & Mildred Lorene Clark Walton, born 7 Aug 1931 at Ness 70

City Kane A Postal Employee, home Branson Mo 513 College Their Child: PAMELA ~.-SAN CAG~, born 24 Sep 1952 at Branson Mo

PRESTON EUGENE ~AGE, son of Rudolphus A & Josie Reish C~ge, oorn 24 Dec 1927 at Springfield Mo.

CL..\.ri.A CAGE, dau o~ Andrew Jackson & Sarah Janetta Essex Cage, born 8 Nov 1899 at West Plains Mo. md 29 Jun 1917 at West Plains :Mo J.A11ES ALFRED SMITH., son of David Richard & Ennna Wineland Smith, born 20 Oct 1891 at West Plains Mo. Alfred and Clara have a fine productive farm and live in a newly modernized f~rm h~me on Rural Route# 2 West Plains Mo. Clara with her sweet, kindly disposition and friendly and cooperative atti­ tude~ has rendered to her family a great service in collecting her brother~s and sister's family records. They are most appreciative of her admirable qualities of character.

Their Child:

DONALD RUDOLPHUS SMITH, born 4 Nov 1922 at West Plains Mo. md 25 Jul 1943 at Grove Spring Mo ~!ARY LOUISE LANGSTON, dau of Guy Russell & Veda Lillian Shaddy Langston, born 16 Jan 1926 at Grove Spring Mo. Donald is a ~ocalist, and directs music in his Church. He and his wife and four lovely children reside at liixa Mo R # 1

Their Children~

CAROLYN S1JE SUITE, born 15 Jun 1944 at West Plains 1'1o JM:3S ANDREW SL':ITH., born 12 Oct 1945 at Springfield Mo JO~J-J DWAilrE S1-.~ITH, born 19 Jan 1947 at Springfield Mo DONWA LO'JISE SMITH., born 1 Dec 1950 at Springfie] d Mo

AlifDREW JACKSON CAGE JR., son of Andrev; Jackson & Sarah Janetta Essex Cage., born 22 1vTay 1902 at West Plains Mo md 16 Sep 1925 at Blue Jacket Okla AIM.A VICTORIA GUINN dau of Htmley Severe & Mary Isabel Buttram Guinn, born 31 Jul 1906 at Grove Spring :Jro. A J is a farmer also is an employee of the Frisco RR Their address is R # 1 Springfiled Mo. 71

Their Children:

Naomi Jean., Nora Lea.

NAOMI JEAN CAGE, dau of }..ndrew Jackson & Alma Victoria Guinn Cage, born 15 Jul 1926 at Springfield Mo md Aug 1944 JIMMIE POWELL., born 19 Jul 1926 at Springfield Mo Naomi Jean lives at Springfield Mo R ff 1

Their Children:

!ANNA JANEL POWELL, born 30 Apr 1946 at Springfield Mo JAMES ELVIS POWELL, born 26 Jul 1950 at Springfield Mo

NORA LEA CAGE 1 dau of .Andrew Jackson & Alma Victoria Guinn Cage, born 12 Jan 1930 at Blue Jacket Okla. md Jul 1948 at Springfield Mo JESSE MAlJUEL, born 8 Mar 1926 at Columbus Kansas

Their Child:

JENNIF'ER ELAINE MANUEL, born 9 Jun i949 at Springfield Mo.

MARTIN LUTHER CAGE, son of Andrew Jackson & Sarah Janetta Essex Cage~ born 4 Feb 1904 at Sedgwick Ark. md 14 Dec 1922 at Des Moines Ia VELMA AI.MEDA BROWN, dau of William Green & Arminta Smotherman Brown, born 17 Feb 1903 at Summersville Mo. Martin Luther is a Frisco RR Inspector. They reside at 2156 Kellet St Springfield Mo.

Their Children:

Luther Edmond., Durwood Loyd, Velma Lou, Herbert Rue.

LUTHER EDMOND CAGE~ son of Martin Luther & Velma Almeda Brovm Cage, born 31 Jan 1924 at Springfield Mo md. 14 Feb 1946 at Springfield Mo HELENE MCCULLOUGH, dau of Earl & Blanch Winemer McCullough, born 20 Sep 1923 at Oil Hill Ke.ns. He is in the US Service, They live at Springfield Mo.

Their Children: 72

LINDA EILENE CAGE, born 1 Dec 1946 at Springfield Mo LOURETTA ALEENE CAGE, born 1 Jan 1948 at Springfield Mo

DURWOOD LOYD CAGE, son of Martin Luther & Velj]B, Almeda Brown Cage, born 4 :Mar 1926 at Springfield Mo. md 3 Jun 1948 at Portland Ore NANCY JO WALTRIP, dau of Wilber T & Mary Belle Hun-uer Waltrip, born 7 Feb 1930 at Stansberry Mo. They live in Oregon.

Their Children:

NANCY LOU CAGE~ born 27 Oct 1950 at Portland Ore PATSY SUE CAGE., born 27 Oct 1950 at Portland Ore

VELMA -LOU CAGE, dau of Martin Luther & Velma Almeda Brown Cage, born 24 Apr 1940 at Springfield Mo

HERBERT RUE CAGE., son of Martin Luther & Velma Almeda Brown Cage., born 22 Oct 1941 at Springfield Mo.

MARY EDITH CAGE., dau of Andrew Jackson & Sarah Janetta Essex Cage, born 14 Feb 1910 at West Plains Mo md 29 Jun 1930 at Springfield Mo NUEL CLARK HOLT., son.of William Houston & Ennna-Stockton Holt., born 29 Nov 1906 at Seneca Mo. Mary resides at 18 E Lee St Aurora Mo.

T™'ir Children:

Vernon Nuel., Danny Leon., Ellis Wayne, Carolyn Fay.

VER.NON Nlf~L HOLT, son of Nuel Clark & Mary Edith Cage

Holt 1 born 16 May 1931 at Springfield Mo. md 27 Sep 1952 at Joplin Mo TuiAXINE CASADA, dau of Fred Casada, born at Joplin Mo. Vernon's interest is Business Ma~hines at Christian College in Abilene Texas.

Their Children:

DANNY LEE HOLT, born 22 May 1953 at Joplin Mo. died 24 !wfay 1953 DAVID VERNON HOLT, born 24 Jtm 1954 at Abilene Texas CHARISSA MAXINE HOLT born 23 May 1956 at Abilene Texas

DANNY LEON HOLT, son of Nuel Clark & Mary Edith Cage Holt, born 15 May 1933 at Springfield Mo. died 25 May 1946 at Joplin Mo. He was accidently drowned. 73

ELLIS WAYNE HOLT, son of Nuel Clark & Mary Edith Cage Holt, born 18 Apr 1938 at Miami Okla.

CAROLYN FAY HOLT, dau of Nuel Clark & Mary Edith Cage Holt born 31 Mar 1942 at Miami Okla.

SARAH JANETTA CAGE 1 dau of Andrew Jackson & Sarah Janetta Essex Cage, born 29 May 1912 at Brandsville Mo md 16 Nov 1931 at Ozark Mo ELLIS NEASE, son of Richard Ulysses & Sarah Alice Clifton Nease, born 29 Aug 1907 at Marshfield Mo. He is a farmer and Iron employee. They live at Springfield Mo R # 1

JOHN CALVIN CAGE, son of Andrew Jackson &: Sarah Janetta Essex Cage, born 12 Feb 1914 at Brandsville Mo md MARY Vffi.GINIA STEPHENS., dau of Robert Edward & Effie Mentel Hanson StephensJ born 12 Nov 1917 at Springfield Mo. He is an employee of Kraft Co. Their address is 900 A Missouri Springfield Mo

Their Child:

CAROL JANE CAGE 1 born 17 Oct 1948 at Springfield Mo

JESSIE KATHLEEN CAGE 1 dau of Andrew Jackson & Sarah Janetta Essex Cage, born 21 May 1917 at West Plains Mo md 12 Aug 1935 at Springfield Mo FRED EARNEST GLENN, son of James Matt&: lAVerne Rain~s Glenn1 born Z6 Nov 1914 at Springfield Mo. He is a Carpenter and Contractor They live in Springfield Mo

Their Children:

Dorothy Fay, Jack Eugene, Helen Louise, Fred Anthony.

DOROTHY FAY GLENN, dau of Fred Earnest & Jessie Kathleen Cage Glenn, born 7 May 1936 at Springfield Mo md 13 Feb 1956 at Springfield Mo TIREL WESLEY HART JR. son of Tyrel Wesley & Gladys Pearl Rankin Hart, born 26 Jan 1937 at Springfield Mo. They live in Springfield Mo.

Their Child:

TYREL WESLEY HART III, born 31 Jan 1957 at Springfield Missouri. 74

JACK EUGENE GLENN, son of Fred Earnest & Jessie Kathleen Gage Glenn, born 3 Jan 1939 at Springfield Mo

:IELEN LOUISE GLENN., dau of Fred Earnest & Jessie Kathleen Cage Glenn, born 19 JU?1 1942 at Springfield Mo

FRED ANTHONY GLENN, son of Fred Earnest & Jessie Kathleen Cage Glenn., born 19 Jan 1947 at Springfield Mo wVIIMA RUTH CAGE, dau of Andrew Jackson & Sarah Janetta Essex Cage, born 9 Sep 1919 at West Plains Mo. md 22 Jul ~935 at Ozark Mo. EVERETT LAVERNE GEORGE, son of Fred Frank & Edith Janett Kingston George., born 29 Nov 1915 at Sidell Ill. They reside at 331 No Nettleton St &pringfield Mo.

Their Children:

BARBARA LUCILE GEORGE, born 30 Dec 1935 at Springfield Mo. died 25 Jul 1936 at Springfield Mo

FRED LAVERNE GEORGE born 18 May 1937 at Springfield Mo

CAROL JEAN GEORGE, born 31 Jul 1939 at Springfield Mo died 4 May 1949 at-Springfield Mo. struck by a truck.

SHffiLEY JANETTE GEORGE born 17 Nov 1941 at Springfield Mo

DAVIE LEW GEORGE, born 24 Jul 1948 at Snrin~field Mo. died 19 Feb 1951 at Springfield Mo. rare case of measles

LINDA JUNE GEORGE, born 12 Aug 1950 at Springfield Mo

LARRY GENE GEORGE, born 25 Jul 1952 at Springfield Mo

LUCIAN CARRICK CAGE, son of Adolphus Allison & Clarinda Myrinda Smith Cage, born 2 May 1877 at Salem Mo. died 22 Jun 1948 at Corcoran Calif. md 23 Aug 1906 at West

Plains Mo LOUDORA BR0Vffl6 dau of William Green & Arminta Smotherman Brown, born 27 Oct 1885 at Sunnnersville Mo Loudora now resides at 1237 Van Dorsten Corcoran Calif.

Their Child: 75

CARYLN CAGE 1 born 19 Sep 1908 at Pomona Mo. md 16 Jun 1934 at ottumwa Iowa BEULAH BLACK, dau of Burley~ &

Lena Swenson Black1 born 30 Jul 1914 at Ottumwa Iowa They now live in Eureka Calif

Their Child:

Bb-iv-ERLY JUNE CAGE., born 26 Mar 1935 at Ottumwa Ia. md 26 Dec 1956 at Eureka Calif ROY NORRIS., son of Mace & Leda Bolin Norris, born 18 Dec 1927 in Oklahoma

MARY CAROLINE CAGE, dau of Adolphus Allison & Clarinda Myrinda Smith Cage, born 10 Aug 1880 at Salem Mo. md 22 Feb 1903 at Pomona Mo. HAWLEY CHAPPELL YOUNG, son of George K & Emma Chappell Young, born 1 Feb 1872 at Troy Mo. died 18 May 1948 at Springfield Mo. buried at Pomona Mo. -Mary, the charming, gentle, kindly person lives in her attractive~ spacious home at 905 Missouri Ave. West Plains Mo.

Their Child:

MARYLYN YOUNG, born 20 Mar 1934 at Springfield Mo. md 19 Dec 1952 at West Plains Mo CHARLES EDWARD WARD, son of Elizabeth Ward, born 16 Mar 1933 at Kansas City, Kansas. They reside at 905 Missouri Ave West Plains Mo.

Their Child:

CHARLOTTE LOUISE WARD, born 29 Jun 1956 at West Plains Missouri

SALA.THIEL ISAAC CAGEJ son of Adolphus Allison & Clarinda Myrinda Smith Cage, born 15 Oct 1888 at West Plains 1-I0. died 6 Dec 1951 at Dallas Texas md Sep· 1914 at West Plains Mo CORA FERRES.

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. Jolm-Naomi Smith Family

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****JAMES K POLK SMITH., son of Samuel Harrison & Caro­ line Mooney Smith., born 8 May 1849 -at T.homasville., Mo. at Sam Smith's Holler, _two miles up Elevenroints River. died 26 Jun 1894 at lv.Iountai-n View Mo. buried in the Gili Cemetery northeast of Mountain View Mo_. m.d 1868 in Mountain View 110. JANE REESE~ dau of Sherwood & Miss House 'Reese, born about 1850 ·in Mountain View Mo. die~ about 1875 at Mountain.View Mo. Polk was a fine, hard working:, mild nianneredi reliable young·,nan. He helped his father diligently in clearing the timber from the land so that crops could be planted. In -those days_ their lives depended on what could be raised .from the -soil. After P_olk and Jane were married they settled on a farm of their own and began the task of estab­ lishing a home and means of maintaining a family.

Their Children:

James David., Lutecia.

JAMES· DAVID SMITH, son of James K Polk & Jane Reese Smith~ born 16 Feb 1869 ·at Mountain View Moo died 12 Feb 1941 at Marianna Ark. md 4 A,ug 18:96 at Mountain View Mo MILBRY PETTY, dau of J Franklin & Martha·Petty$ born 5 Jul 1878 a~ Dixon Tenn. died June 1954 at Marianna Ark. They spent the last years o-f their lives at Marianna Arkansas.

Their Children:

Ruth, Wade., Alfred Algie., Gladys, Iris., James Richard., Roy., Joe, June~ Mae.

RUTH SMITH, dau of James David & Milbry Petty Smith., born 1897 at West Plains Mo died 1908 at West Plains Mo. buried at Gunter Valley Mo.

WADE SMITH~ son of James David & Milbry·Petty Smith, born 25 Jul 1900 at West Pla :ins Mo. md 31 Dec 1922 at Marianna·Ark VELMA HOLLOWAY., dau o~ Thomas Luther & Bessie Lee Hunter Holloway, born 24 Oct 1904 at Mari­ anna·Arke Wade is a Carpenter. They live at Clinton3 Tenn. R # 4 78 Their Children:

Wade Ko James Luther, Iris Joy, Vada Fern, Robert Dalton, Mardis Ann, Linda Ruth.

WADE K SMITH, son of Wade & Velma Holloway Smith, born 22 Nov 1923 at Marianna Ark, md 12 Dec 1946 at Memphis Tenn SHffiLEY 'MCCONNELL, dau of Walter Waonda & Bertha Lee Garrard McConnell, born 10 Nov 1924 at Memphis Tenn.

Their Children:

SANDRA KAY SMITH, born 12 Feb 1947 at Forrest City Ark MICHELLE LEE SMITH born 25 Jul 1953 at Jacksonville Fla

JAMES LUTHER SMITH., son of Wade & Velma Holloway Smith born 6 Nov 1925 at Marianna Ark~ md. 27 Feb 1949 at NArianna Ark JANET WARREN, da.u of Clell Warren

IRIS JOY SMITH., dau of Wade & Velma Holloway Smith., born 16 May 1927 at Marianna. Ark. md 25 Nov 1947 at Marianna Ark RICHARD HOPPER, son of Jesse & Jessie King Hopper., born 24 May 1922 at Marvel Ark.

VADA FERN SMITH., dau of ..Wade & Velma Holloway Smith, born 26 Jun 1928 at Marianna Ark. md 10 Jun 1946 PHILLIP EUNCH., son of Willie M & Bertha Ada Leach Bunch., born 19 Jun 1925 at Clinton rTenn.

Their Children:

PHYLLIS JOY BUNCH, born 5 Jan 1951 at Forrest City Ark BRENDA KAY BUNCH:, born 4 Feb 1954 at Knoxville Tenn. JUDY LOIS BUNCH, born 18 Jun 1957 at Knoxville Tenn.

ROBERT DALTON SMITH, son of Wade & Velma Holloway Smith, born 24 Aug 1929 at Marianna Arkansas

MARDIS ANN SMITH1 dau of ~Yade & Velma Holloway Smith., born 6 Nov 193-5 at Marianna Ark. md 24 Jan 1953 at Brinkley Ark ALTON JONES, son of Woodrow Turner & Estelle Kyzer Jones., born 9 May 1934 at Palestine Ark

Their Children: 79

JANNIE LYNN JONES, born 5 Feb 1954 at Forrest City Ark DANA RENEE JONES, born 7 Jul 1957 at Ypsile.nte Mich

LINDA RUTH SMITH~ dau of Wade & Velma Hollmmy Smith, born 7 Oct 1947 at Marianna Ark

ALFRED ALGIE SMITH, son of' James David & Milbry Petty Smith, born 28 Feb 1901 at West Plains Mo md 1st RUTH md 2nd on 3 Jul 1954 at Home of Baptist Minister in • Marianna Ark LUCll,I,E MA.NNmG, dau of Jesse Allen & Ollie Virginia Campbell Manning, born·19 Nov 1920 at Carlisle Ark. Alfred is retired from the U.S. Navy after giving valuable service to his Country. They now live at Marianna Ark. R =#= 4 Box 7 .B

Their Child:

MILLIE VIRG mIA SMITH, born 8 Sep 1956 at Marianna Ark uIADYS SMITH, dau ot James David & Milbry Petty Smith born· 25 Jan 1904 at West Plains Mo died June 1954 at Marianna. Ark md WILLIAM GOODWIN, son.of BF & Dove Harris Goodwin, born 8 Sep 1899. He is a Carpenter.

· Their Children:

Benny, June.

BENNY GOODWIN, son of William & Gladys Smith Goodwin, born 13 1"8.r 1934 at Marianna Ark. md 6 Jul 1957 POLLY DOUGLAS, dau of E O Douglas. They live at 310 Price st Springdale Ark.

JUNE GOODWIN, dau of William & Gladys Smith Goodwin, born 20 Jan 1936 at :Marianna Arkansas

ffiIS SliITH., dau of James David & Milbry Petty Smith, born 1906 at West Plains Mo died 1920 at LaGrange Ark of-Typhoid Fever. buried at LaGrange Arkansas

JAMES RICHARD SMITH, son of James David & Milbry Petty Smith~ born Apr 1909 at West Plains Mo. rod LURELINE·REYNOLDS, dau of William C & Helen Bolden Reynolds, born 1 Jan 1918 in Jackson Co. Ark. James is an Electrician. They live at 267 Rogers Street Marianna Arko 80

Their Children:

Dickie Lois, Kenneth Robert.

DICKEY LOIS SMITH~ dau of ~ames Richard & Lureline Reynolds Smith, born 30 Oct 1938 at Marianna Ark, md 16 Jun 1956 REV NORMA.NH GREENE, of the Baptist Church Their address is South Side Baptist Church Pine Bluff Arkansas

Their Child:

NORMAN RICHARD GREENE. born Jul 1957 at Pine Bluff Ark

KENNETH ROBERT SMITH~ son of ~ames Richard & Lureline Reynolds Smith, born 24 Deo 1943 at Marianna Arkansas

ROY SMITH, son of James David & Milbry Petty Smith., born Aug 1911 at West Plains Jlissouri. md OLA HANKS, dau of Louis P & Dora McField Hanks, born 19 Nov 1916 at_ Jonesboro6 Ark •.~ Their home address is 1969 Felix Ave. Memphis Tenn. Roy is a carpenter. Their. Children; . . jA~JES LF!ROY s:lITH., born 8 May 1931 at Marianna Ark md JEREL LOUIS ~MITH, born 18 Nov Memphis Tenn. JOSEPH EDWARP SMITH, born 19. Jun 194:7 at Memphis Tenn

JOE SMITH., son of James David & Milbry Petty Smith, born Aug 1913 at West Plains Mo. md at Marianna Ark MARY FRANCES FITZGERALD. They awn a Cafe. Their address is 148 Rogers St Marianna Ark

JUNE SMITH., dau of James David & Milbry Petty Smith, born 1915 at West Plains Mo died 1929 at Marianna Ark of appendicitis buried at La.Grange Ark.

MAE SMITH, dau of James David & Milbry Petty Smith, born Aug 1917 at West Plains Mo. md DAN EVANS, He is in the Army. Their Address is 910 Sydia Dr. Pacific Grove Calif. Their Children: DANELLA. EVANS, born 1945 at Marianna. Ark JANE REESE EVANS, born 1954 at Marianna Ark 81

LUTECIA SMITH, dau of James K Polk & Jane Reese Smith born 1871 at Mountain View Mo. died 1888 at Marianna Ark. md at Marianna Ark WILL DARROW, born 1870 at Oil Trough Bottoms Ark.

****JAMES K. POLK SMITH, son of Samuel Harrison & Caroline Mooney Smith, born 8 May 1849 at Thoms.s;ville Mo at Sam Smith's Holler, two miles up Elevenpoints River. died 26 Jl.Ul 1894 at View Mo, buried at the Gill Cemetery northeast of View Moo rad 1872 at Motn1tain View Mo SARAH MALISSA GILL, dau of Samuel & Mary Roberts Gill, born 26 Sep 1852 in Decator County, Tenn. died 24 Sep 1936 at Mounta:m View Mo. buried beside her beloved husband James K Polk Smith in the Gill Cemetery. Polk and Malissa OWl'led a fine productive farm east of the Gill Ceme­ tery. The farm was made productive by- the hard work of Polk and every one of his children~ for it was necessary to obtain the necessities of life from the soil. Polk was an expert in drivi~g £our head of oxen, and was also ~killed in making yoke for the oxen. Polk and Malissa made a good home for their busy children. They encouraged them to use and deve­ lop-their natural talents for music. Each one could either sing or play a musical instrument and this was their most enjoyable recreation at home and at Church. Polk and Malissa were real pioneers, and endured the hardships and trials of early settlers in Mowitain View and Northern Howell Co. Missouri.

Their Children:

Samuel K~ Hulda Hestora, John Webb, David Edgar, Mary Lillie~ William Isaac, Lottie Maeo

SA111BL K SMITH, son of James K Polk & Sarah Malissa Gill Smith, born 31 Aug 1873 it Mountain View Moe died 18 Nov 1898 at Mountain View Moo buried at Gill Cemetery.

HULDA HESTORA SMITH, dau of Samuel Harrison & Sarah Gill Smith, born 1875 at Mountain View Mo. died 1898 at Mountain View Mo, of complications resulting from child birth. buried at Gill Cemetery. md 1889 MELVIN NEwrON BELLER, son of Eli & Miss Dewese 82

3eller, born 2 Feb 1866 in Shannon Co. Mo. died 23 Feb 1923 at Mountain View Mo. buried in Mountain View Cemetery.

Their Children:

Arthur Harrison, Etta Mae, Elmer Grant, Roy Carrick, Johnnie Alvin.

ARTHUR HARRISON BELLER, son of Melvin Newton & Hulda Hestora Smith Beller, born 2 Jul 1890 at Mountain View Mo. died 29 May 1951 at Springfield Mo of cancer. buried at Molllltain View Gemetery. md 11 Sep 1911 at Teresita Mo EMMA EVE MA.LONEa dau of James & Nancy Lambert MaloneJ born 26 Jul 1891 at Mountain View Mo. Emma spends much ti" visiting her fine family in many Cities. She had a trip to Denver~ Ogden and Salt Lake City Utah in July 1957. She maintains a comfortable attractive, modern home in Motmtain View Mo.

Their Children:

Arthur Harrison, James Melvin, Ralph Grant, Eva Josephine, Pauline, Joy Arthur., Roy Elmer, Troy Charles, Goy Newton, Billy Ray, Lula :Ma.e. ' .ARTHUR HARRISON BELLER~ son of Arthur Harrison & Emma Eve Malone Beller, born 18 Jun 1912 at Mountain View Mo. died 18 Jun 1912 buried at Gill Cemetery, northeast ef Mountain V~ew Mo.

JAulES 1vlELVIN BELLER, son of Arthur Harrison & Emma Eve :Malone Beller, born 16 Jul 1913 at Mountain View Mo. md 27 Nov 1937 in Oklahoma DEllJA ARRENA PARTON., dau of Ernest & Erma Bernice Simmons Parton1 born 13 Jul 1911 Greensburg Kans. Melvin is an Auto Mechanic Their home is at 1461 Locust Denver Colo.

RALPH GRANT BELLER, son of Arthur Harrison & Emma Eve Malone Beller~ born 20 Mar 1916 at Liberal Mo. his address is 544 W 63rd St Chicago Ill.

EVA JOSEPHINE BELLER, dau of Arthur Harrison & Emma Eve Malone Beller, born 8 Jan 1919 at Liberal Mo. md 16 Mar 1938 at West Plains Mo RUSSELL RAMSEYER, son of 83

Ray & Lelia Speckelmeyer Ramseyer, born 14 Sep lSl~ at Mahall Okla. Their address 1001 24th Des Moines Ia

Their Children:

JOAN RAMSEYER, born 9 Feb 1939 at Dallas Center Ia LESLIE RUSSELL RAMSEYER born 27 Deo 1942 at Granger Ia ROGER DEAN RAMSEYER born 18 Jan 1945 at Des Moines Ia

PAULINE BELLER, dau of Arthur Harrison & Emma Eve Malone Beller, born 15 Aug 1921 at Mowitain View Mo. md 8 Jul 1944 at Chicago Ill CARL BARSZ, son of Mike & Helen Wojick Barsz., born 5 Jan 1920 at Mosiner Ill He is District Sales Manager for Farley Candy Co. Their address is 3625 Glencairn lane Indianapolis Ind

Their Children:

JAMES BARSZ, born 14 Jul 1947 at Chicago Ill JERRY BARSZ, born 16 Mar 1949 at Chica.go Ill PAMELA JEAN BARSZ born 1 Jan · 1957 at· Indianapolis Ind

JOY ARTHUR BELLER, son of Arthur Harrison & Emma Eve Malone Beller, born 9 Jan 1924 at Mountain View Mo. md 27 Jul 1948 at Bayreuth Germany RUTH ELSE HUEBNER dau of William Daniel & Else Hildegard Hering Huebner, born 21 May 1928 at Berneck Germany. Joy is employed at Hill Air Field Base, and is also a very good carpenter. He built their home at 2051 Robbins Ave Ogden Utah

Their Child:

SYLVIA LORI BELLER., -born 19 Mar 1954 at Ogden Utah

ROY ELlv1ER BELLER., son of Arthur Harrison & Ennna Eve Malone Beller, born 30 Dec 1924 at Mountain View Mo md 13 May 1945 at Adel Iowa JULIA NAD IlJE HORNEY, dau of Edwin & Pearl McLain Horney, born 5 r~rar 1927 at Leon Iowa. He is associated with the Hunter Oil Coo They reside at 202 East Jefferson Knoxville Iowa.

Their Children: 84

LES rt0Y BELLER, born 1 Dec 1945 at Marshalltown Ia RONNIE DALE BELLER, born 15 Feb 1949 at Redfield Ia DENNIS EDVfIN BELLER, born 15 Jun 1951 at Des Moines Ia DIXIE NADINE BF.T,T,ER, born 21 Feb 1954 at Des Moines Ia

TROY CHARLES BELIER., son of Arthur Harrison & Emma Eve Malone Beller., born 3 Jan 1926 at Mountain View Mo. md JANE MITCHELL born 12 Jul 1919 in Kansas Troy is a Truck Driver. Their home is at 2023 Mayfair East Fresno Calif

Their Children:

MICHA.EL BEILER, born 16 Dec 1948 at Roseburg Ore. RICKEY BELT.ER, born 12 Dec 1950 in Kansas ROGER BEIJ,ER, born 12 May 1953 in Kansas

COY NEWTON BELT.ER, son of Arthur Harrison & Emma Eve Malone Be·ller, born 5 Jan 1927 at Mountain View Mo. md 1 Jun 1949 at Salem Ark ZELPHA MAE GOANS, dau of Paul & Osa Jolm.son Goans, born 22 Jun 1934 at Denver Colo. Coy is a Truck Driver.

Their Children:

SANDRA FAY BELLER, born 2 Nov 1950 at St Louis Mo DEWAYNE BF.LY$!?, born 23 Sep 1952 at St Louis Mo JUDITH KAY BETJ,ER., born 18 Nov 1953 at Mountaia View Mo

BILLY RAY BELIER, son· of Arthur Harrison & Ennna. Eve Malone Beller'., born 3 Apr 1932 at Mountain View 1Jo. md 25 Jan 1951 at Codell Kans DELLA ANN THOMPSON., dau of William Benjamin & Eliza Faye Blaclanore Thompson, born 4 Nov 1932 at El Dorado Kans. ·Billv is associated V with the Construction Business. They reside at 7322 So Halsted Chicago Ill.

Their Children:

PEGGY ANN BELLER. born 27 Jul 1952 at St Louis Mo BARBARA KAY BELI.$RJ born 29 Sep 1954 at Chicago Ill LDIDA FAY BELLER., born 27 Feb 1957 at Chicago Ill

LULA MAE BELLER, dau of Arthur Harrison & Emma Eve Malone Beller, born 15 May 1935 at Mountain View Mo. 85 ~d 2 Aug 1955 at Mountain View Mo KENNETH BAY, son of Albert & Minnie Webb Bay., born 1 Jul 1928 at 3reen Bridge Mo. Kenneth is enlisted in the Air Force US Arrrr;r. They reside at 2729 A Telegraph Rd Lemay 23 Mo.

ETTA MAE BELLER, dau of Melvin Newton & Hulda Hestora Smith Beller, born 1891 at Mountain View Mo died 1917 in Okla md TOM FERRIS of Oklahoma

EIMER GRANT BELLER, son of' Melvin Newton & .Hulda Hestora Smith Beller., born 11 Jul 1893 at Mountain View Mo died 23 Jan 1950 of a heart attack., md MARTHA BUSBY, dau of Cyrus & Missouri Simmons Busby, born 7 Aug 1898 at Mountain View Mo Their Children:

Willard Roy., Edna, Grace, Fern.

WILLARD ROY BELT.ER, son of Elmer Grant & Martha Busby Beller, born 20 Jun 1917 at Braman Okla., md 5 May 1951 at Houston Tex DOLORES BEATRICE GOLLAR, dau of Herbert & Beatrice Hill Gollar, born 20 Feb 1922 at Galveston Tex. Bill is a Salesman. Their new home is at 3010 Soway Houston 24 Texas

Their Child:

KEITH MANNING BELLER., born 10 Jul 1952 at Houston Tex

EDNA BELLER, dau of Elmer Gr.ant & Martha -Busby Beller born Mar 1919 at Mountain View Mo md ROY J. MILLER, son of Alonzo & Lilly Nevotney MillerJ born 1913 in Oklahoma. They live in Mountain View Moo

Their Child:

GLENDA JEAN MILLERJ born 17 Jul 1941 at Mountain View Missouri

GRACE BELLER., dau of Elmer Grant & Martha Busby.Beller born 1921 at ?Jountain View }Jo died 1921 at Mowitain View Mo buried at Gill Cemetery.

FERN BELLER, dau of Elmer Grant & Martha Busby Beller 86 born 1923 at Mountain View Mo died 1923 at Mountain View llo buried at Gill Cemetery

ROY CARRICK BELLER, son of Melvin Newton & Hulda Hestora Smith Beller, born 1894 at Mountain View Mo died Mar 1952 at Kansas City Mo md GLADYS WILLES from Kansas City Mo

JOHNNY Al,VTN BELJ.ER., son of Melvin Newton & Hulda Hestora Smith Beller, born 1895 at Mountain View Mo died 1956 in Mexico md MARIE from Oklahoma.

JOHN WEBB SMITH, son of James K Polk & S-ara.h Malissa Gill Smith., born 27 Sep 1878 at Mountain View Mo. md 1898 at Mountain View Mo NATHA. NAOMI MOORE., dau of Hugh & Catherine Taylor Moore, born 1880 _at Mountain View Mo. died 18 May 1949 at Nevada Mo. buri~d at Arcadia Kansas

Their Children:

Lula, Albert Roy, Lee Raymond, Lilly May, Ruben Rudolph, Mabel Marie., Henry Burley.

LULA SMITH, dau of John Webb & Natha Naomi Moore Smith born 30 Oct 1900 at Mountain View Mo md 27 Apr 1916 at Arcadia Kans ffiVEN ARBUCKLE GARTON, son of James Monroe & Jennie Arbuckle Garton, born 7 Dec 1893 at Moundville Mo. He is employed by the School Board. Lula is a Bible Class Teacher. They have a lovely home at Arcadia Kansas

Their Children:

Paul Irven, Earl Monroe, Marilou.

PA1JL ffiVEN GARTON, son of Irven Arbuckle &: Lula Smith Garton, born 31 Oct 1916 at Arcadia Kansas md 1937 at 1v.1uskegon Mich. TuIARIAN1'E M ENGLE, dau of Frank & Cecelia Engle, born 1919 at Muskegon Mich.

Their Children:

PAULA ANN GARTON, born 18 Jun 1939 at Muskegon M1ch CHARON ADELE GARTON born 8 Oct 1941 at :Muskegon Mich 87

PAUL EARL GARTON, born 28 Jul 1945 at Muskegon Mich CANDICE MARIE GARTCN, born 17 Sep 1~50 at Muskegon Mich DAVID ALLEN GARTON, born 8 Oct 1955 at Muskegon Mich

EARL MONROE GARTON, son of Irven Arbuckle & Lula Smith Garton., born 30 Sep 1918 at Willys ~amp Mo. died 19 Feb 1944 at Oakland Calif. md INA CLARK from W Va.

MARILOU GARTON, dau of Irven Arbuckle & Lula Smith Garton, born 8 Sep 1940 at Arcadia Kans. She is an accomplished Musician.

ALBERT ROY SMITH, son of John Webb & Natha Naomi Moore Smith, born S Jan 1902 at Arroll Mog 22 Aug 1921 at Bristow Okla GLOTHA WHITE, dau of Thomas Marion & Mary Francis Henderson White, born 25 May 1903 in Miller County Mo.

Their Children:

Lloyd Earl., Mary Belle Maxine, Mathew John Edward~ Albert Roy Jr~ Donald Gene.

LLOYD EARL SMITH, son of Albert Roy & Glotha White Smith, born 3 Mar 1922 at Bristow Oklahoma md 1st GLORIA. WEITZACKER. md 2nd-24 Oct 1952 at Carlsbad New Mex FRANCES WILSON, born in July at Sweet Home Ore. He is employed at the Sporting Goods and Gun Shop, Pecos Texaso They live in Barstow, Texaso

Their Child:

JULIE 1.IAXINE SMITH., born 10 Apr 1957 at Pecos

MARY B-ELLE MA.XIlH: SMITH, dau of Albert Roy & Glotha White Smith, born 13 Sep 1923 at Bristow Okla md RICHARD POMEROY DUNCAN, son of Claudia Duncanj born 10 Jun 1922

JOHNNIE EARL DUNCAN, born 23 Oct 1943 a.t Monahans Tex

MARY BELLE :SfAXINE SMITH DIDJCAN~ dau of Albert Roy & Glotha White Smith, md 2nd HOMER WARREN PEVETO, so• 88

of Burris & Oma McGee Peveto., born 5 Jun 1923 at Orange Texas-. They reside at 917 Mackenzie Dr Hobbs New Mex

Their Child:

DONNA ROYCE PEVETO., born 6 Sep 1946 at Monahans Texas

MATHEW JOHN EDWARD SMITH., son of Albert Roy & Glotha White Smith. ·boni 18 Jam. 1925 -at Bristow Okla

ALBER'l'--ROY S-MITH JR, son of Albert Roy &: Glotha White Smith, born 30 Sep 1928 at Bristow Oklahoma md 1st GENE PHILLIPS., boni. in Brownwood Texas

Their Child:

CHERLYN SUE SMITH, born 28 Nov 1945 at Mol'l.a.hans Texas

ALBERT ROY SMITH JR., son of Albert Roy & Glotha White Smith, md 2nd 9 Jun 1956 at Odessa Texas ALVA EULALA. WHITE. Hetis associated with a Jewelry Store Pecos Tex

DONALD GENE SMITH, son of Albert Roy & Glotha White Smith, born 2 Jul ,1934 at Bristow Oklahoma md 26 JUJ1 1955 at Monahans Texas VELVA JO WEED., dau of William M & Alto Pauline Powers Weed, born 17 Sep 1934 at Lubbock Texas. Donald is an enployee of the Gulf Oil.Corporation.

Their Children:

TERESA LYNN SMITH., born 30 May 1954 at .Monahans Texas GLENN ALLEN SMITH, born 19 May 1955 at Monahans Texas

ALBERT ROY SMITH SR, son of Jolm Webb & Natha Naomi Moore Smith, md 2nd 21 Oct 1955 in Mexico City Mexico NATALIE MORALES, born 27 Jul 1933 at Leon Suanjuato Mexico. Roy is associated with the Gulf Oil Corp. at Wickett Texas

Their Child:

LEON.ARD SMITH~ born 26 Nov 1956 at Mexico City Mexico

LEE RAYMOND SMITH., son of John Webb & Natha Naomi Moore 89

Smith, born 23 Jul 1904 at Mountain View Mo died 1906

1r.u1.,y MAY SMITH, dau of John Webb & Natha Naomi Moore Smith, born 12 Mar 1906 at Mountain View Mo md 1 Apr 1922 at Arcadia Kans OSCAR RAYMOND CURNUTT~ son of James William & Symanthia Ja•e Vane Curnutt, bona 26 Feb 1893 at Arcadia Kans. Oscar is now the City Jlarshall of Arcadia Kansas, where they make their home.

Their Childre:a:

Oscar Raymond, Allen Fairfax, Patricia La.Von.

OSCAR RAYMOND CURNUTT JR, son of Osca! Raymond & Lilly llay Smith Curnutt, born 24 Jan 1923 at Arcadia Kans md Mar 1950 at Monahans Tex JOY MARIA GULLEDGE~ born 1914 at Fort Worth Texas. Oscar is a Railway 14ail Clerk. They live at Texarkana Ark.

Their Child:

GLENNA PATRICIA CURNUTT, born 20 Jan 1951 at Ft Worth Texas

ALLEN FAIRFAX CURNUTT, son of Oscar Raymond & Lilly May Smith Curnutt, born 23 Dec 1928 at Arcadia Kans md 1 Jun 1951 at Ft Scott Kans ETTA MCGREW, dau of Tom & Maude Catt McGrew, born 21 Dec 1928 at Ft Scott Kansas

Their Children:

CONNIE LYNNE CURNUTT born 28 Jun 1952 at San Diego Cal SHERRY LEE CURNUTT, born 24 Jul 1953 a.t San Diego Cal TERRI ANN CURNUTT, bon 23 :Mar 1957 at Covina Calif.

PATRICIA LAVON CURNUTT, dau of Oscar Raymond & Lilly Ma:r Smith Curn.utt., born 15 Aug 1938 at Arcadia Kansas Pat is a Nurse.

RUBEN RUDOLPH SMITH., son of John & Natha Naomi Moore Smith., born 6 Oct 1907 at llotmtain View Mo. md 10 t.,.Un 1928 at Bristow Okla VERA GLADYS WHITE., dau of Tr .. :""'"ilS.S Marion & Mary Frances Henderson White, born lC Aug 1909 at Bristow Okla. Ruben Rudolph is 90 associated with the Gulf Oil Corporation at Wickett Texas Their CrJ.ldren:

Mary Freda, Allen Rudolph, Reba Naorr.a: Neal Lavonne, Ronnie Lloyd, Michael Dale Shane.

MARY FREDA SMITH, dau of Ruben Rudolph & Vera Gladys White Smith, born 14 Mar 1930 at Bristow Okla md 14 Mar 1948 at Odessa Tex ARLIE wmsTON SNEAD, son of John Yates & Emma Charlotte Bradden Snead, born 8 Sep 1919 at Choctaw City,· Ft Towson, Oklahoma. Arlie is a Gang Pusher at the Shell Oil Co. Their home is at 1207 So Calvin St 14onahalls Texas

Their Children:

WINSTON SCOTT SNEAD, born 8 Dec 1948 at Monahans Tex JACINDA LYNN SNEAD, born· 21 Apr 1952 at Monahans Tex JONATHA REGINA SNEAD., born 22 Dec 1954 at Kermit Texas

ALLEN RUDOLPH SMITH, son of Ruben Rudolph & Vera Gladys White Smith, born 6 Feb 1933 at Bristow Okla. died 6 Sep 1933 at Bristow Okla

REBA NAOMA SMITH., dau of Ruben Rudolph & Vera Gladys White Smith~ born 4 Sep 1934 at Bristow Oklahoma md 30 Jan 1953 at Monahans Tex JIM-CONLEY MCCORMICK, 111 ..,on'" .,_..,,. ,.....p..,.._ f""ho,.j..,.._..,._.._ .,..., _,...... , • ~ Uo...,,-1"_..,....,,...,;,. .J u.,, .. ?!ar .....J .....i.._'ti'i.: .&. zai..e+i..,...; \J,1..1, .;na ..... II .J....;).:""" Ji#a.v"",,o--.:: V .t. UJ..&.1,J.a., ,...1,,- born 29 Jan 1926 at Quanah Texas. Jim is an employee of the Humble Oil Co at Wickett Texas.

Their Children:

JIM CONLEY MCCORMICK JR, born 1 Sep 1953 at Monahans Tex SHA.NE ALLEN MCCORMICK~ born 5 Aug 1955 at Monahans Tex

NEAL LAVONNE SMITH, son of Ruben Rudolph & Vera Gladys White Smith~ born 28 Oct 1937 at Wicket~ Texas

RONNIE LLOYD SMITH, son of Ruben Rudolph & Vera Gladys White Smith, born 24 Jul 1943 at Kermit Texas

MICHA.EL DALE SHANE SMITH., son of Ruben Rudolph & Vera Gladys Vvhite Smith~ born 3 Jul 1947 at Monahans Tex 91

MABEL MARIE SMITH, dau of John Webb &: Natha Naomi Moore Smith, -born 7 Nov 1910 at MoUl!tain View Mo. md 11 Aug 1926 at Bristow Okla THOMAS DAVID LANGLEY, son of Tilden & Mary Holt Langley, bona 2p Apr 1902 in Clay County Ky. Their address is Depew Okla R# ?

Their Children:

Mary Julane, Geneva Naomi, Lore•e May, John David.

MARY JULANE LANGLEY, dau of Thomas David & llabel Marie Smith Langley, born 13 Jul 1928 at Bristow Okla md 13 Jul 1944 at Bristow Okla WILLIAM GLEN GREGORY, son of Lon & Jessie Rogers Gregory, born 12 May 1925 at Bristow Okla.

Their Children:

GLENDA MARIE GREGORY, born 19 Apr 1945 at Bristow Okla ROGER DALE GREGORY, born 21 Aug Bristow Okla REDONDA SUE GREGORY, born 16 Oct 1950 at Bristow Okla

GENEVA NAOMI LANGLEY• dau of Thomas David & Mabel Marie Smith Gregory, born 20 Jun 1929 at Depew Okla md 8 Sep 1945 at Bristow Okla LAVAN OWEN GOWDY, ·son of VernoK & Virgie Frazier Gowdy, born 26 Nov 1927 at Bristow Okla

Their Children:

RONALD VAN :GOWDY, born 19 Mav 1948 at Bristow Okla KENNETH GENE GOWDY, born 5 Apr 1951 at Bristow Okla LARRY NEIL GOWDY, born 12 Aug 1953 at Amarillo Texas

LORENE MAY LANGLEY, dau of Thomas David & Mabel Marie Smith Iangley, born 2 May 1931 at Gypsy Okla. md 28 Feb 1949 at Bristow Okla CLAUDE LEE GILMORE, son of Paul & Josie Orr Gilmore, born 1 Mar 1929 in Missouri

Their Children:

CLAUDIA LORENE GILMORE., born 25 Jun 1950 at Bristow Okla DAVID lEE GILMORE, born 31 May 1952 at Bristow Okla died 15 May 1953 92

LORENE MAY !ANGLEY GILMORE. dau of Thomas David & Mabel Marie Smith Langley, md-2nd 25 Jul 1957 at Wagoner Okla OBIE JACK EARP, son of Otto & Fanny Cummings Earp., born 9 Sep 1925 at Stroud Okla. Their home is at Depew Okla Rural Route# 2

JOHN DAVID LANGLEY., son of Thomas David &: liable Marie Smith Iangley., born 26 Nov 1933 at Gypsy Okla.

HENRY BURLEY SMITH, son of John Webb & Natha Naomi Moore Smith., born 21 Jun 1912 at Mountain View Mo md 16 May 1948 at Bristow Okla MYRTLE DAVIDSON., dau of Dutch & Minnie Cowan Davidson born 1920 Okla

Their Children:

MA.RY M\RGARET SMITH, about 1949 NAOMI MARIE SMITH, about 1950 JOHN SMITH about 1953 WESLEY HENRY SMITH about 1954

JOHN WEBB SMITH., son of James K Polk & Sarah Malissa Gill Smith, md 2nd-24 Nov 1920 at Iron Post Okla MARY HENDERSON WHITE dau of Allen: Jackson & Nancy Cathe~ rine Cochran Henderson., born 5 Mar 1883 in Miller Coo 1io. J9hn. & Mary rf;3side at· 211· E 3rd Bristow Okla.

DAVID EDGAR SMITH., son of James K Polk & Sa.rah Ms.lissa Gill Smith., born 2 Oct 1882 at Mountain View Mo. died 11 Apr 1957 at Redlands Calif md 20 Dec 1903 at West Plains Mo DELIA WHITAKER., dau of John & Sarah "White Whitaker., born 20 Nov 1885 at West Plains Mo died 3 Aug '1957 at the home of her devoted daughter Ida in Lubbock Texas. During Delia's many vears of suffering and lonelines~., she received from Ida, comfort and loving care.

Their Children:

Alma Letha, Ida., Theodore

ALMA LETHA SMITH., dau of David Edgar & Delia Whitaker Smith~ born 28 Apr 1905 at West Plains Mo. died 12 May 1936 at Lubbock Texas md 23 Dec 1923 at Boswell Okla CLARENCE ERNEST FURLONG, son of Pinky & Cassie 93

Maggie Wells Furlong, born 23 Oct 1902 at Loui~ville Ky. Ernest is a Carpenter

Their Children:

Helen Grace, Truman Theodore, Thelma Mae, Velma Frances, Kenneth Arlee, Gloria.

HELEN GRACE FURLONG, dau of Clarence Ernest & Alma Letha Smith Furlong, born 30 Dec· 1924 at Post Texas md at Morton Texas BLEUFORD EMORY YORK

Their Children:

Sharon Kay., Margaret Ann.

SHARON KAY YORK, dau ~f Bleuford Emory & Helen Grace Furlong York, born 9 Nov 1940 at Morton Texas md 27 Dec 1956 at Roswell New Mex BOBBIE JOE CHRISMAN, son of W J & Callie Dorman Chrisma~, born 12 Sep 1935 at Hagerman New Mex. Bobbie Joe is a farmer. Their address is Hagerman New Mex. Box 772

MARGARET ANN YORK., dau of Emory & Helen Grace Furlong York~ born 21 Jul 1943 at Morton Texas

HELEN GRACE FURLONG YORK., dau of Clarence Ernest & Alma Letha Smith Furlong, md 2nd on 15 Dec 1945 at Roswell New Mex CLAYTON LEE FRANKLIN, son of AN & Ethel Lee Daugherty Franklin, born 7 Jan 1924 at Tahoka Texas. Clayton is a farmer and their address is Hagerman New Mexico Box 772

Their -Children:

WANDA SUE FRANKLIN born 20 Dec 1946 at Hagerman New Mex JANICE LEE FRANKLIN born 23 May 1950 at Hagerman New Mex

TRUMAN TEEODORE FURLONG., son o~ Clarence Ernest & Alma Letha Smith Furlong, born 3 Dec 1925 at Lubbock Texas md 27 Mar 1947 at Pecos Tex ALLIE MAE CRISP, dau of Thomas Francis Marion & Minnie Eleanor Laster Crisp, born 1 Oct 1928 at Uvalde Texas. Truman Theodore is employed in the Aircraft Industry. They reside at 1346 West Ave H-15 Lancaster Calif. Their Children: 94

TRUMAN THEODORE FURLONG JR, born 4 Ma~ 1948 at Roswell New Mexico RICF.ARD DALE FURLONG, born 18 Nov 194S at Roswell New Mexico PATTI JA1~ FURLONG, born 25 Apr 1957 at Lancaster Calif

THELMA MAE FURLONG, twin dau of Clarence Ernest & Alma Letha Smith Furlong, born 9 Oct 1927 at Post Texas md 6 Apr 1946 at Roswell New Mex DORMAN REX FOX, son of George A & Jessie Lois Lambert Fox, born 8 Sep 1914:at Eastland Texas.· Dorman is a successful Salesman. They reside at 1501 W Walnut St Roswell New Mexico

Their Children:

JACK REX FOX,-born 10 Feb 1948 at Roswell New Mex STEVE LEE FOX, born 12 Aug 1952 at Roswell New Mex

VELMA FRANCES FURLONG, twin dau of Clarence Ernest & Alma Letha Smith Furlong, born 9 Oct ,1927 at Post Tex md 2 Dec 1940 at Carlsbad New Mex MATHEW JAMES CRISP SR son of Thomas Frances Marion & Minnie Eleanor Laster Crisp, born 17 Nov 1922 at Uvalde Texas. Mathew is a farmer. Their address is Leesville Texas Box 135

Their Children:

VELMA ANN CRISP, born 2 Sep 1943 at Hagerman New Mex MATHEW JAMES CRISP JR, born 31 Aug 1945 at Stockdale Tex PRISCILLA QUE CRISP, born 12 Sep 1947 at Nixon Texas MARION DUD~~ CRISP, born 8 Nov 1949 at Stockdale Tex BARBARA NELL CRISP, born 25 Sep 1953 at Nixon Texas

KENNETH ARLEE FURLONG, son of Clarence Ernest & Alma Letha Smith Furlong, born 23 Jan 1930 at Lubbock Tex md 28 Dec 1951 at Lovington New Mex REBA PATSY MILLER dau of George & Myrtle May VanHay Miller, born 23 Sep 1931 at Salinas Calif. Kenneth is employed as a pwnper at the San Juan Oil Co. Their address is Iran Texas P.O. Box 603

Their Children:

KENNETH RAY FURLONG., born 24 Sep 1952 at Roswell N Mex RICKY CRAIG FURLONG., born 12 Aug 1955 at Andrews Texas 95

GLORIA FURLONG, dau of Clarence Ernest & Alma Letha. Smith Furlong, born 26 Sep 1932 at Shellwater Texas died 8 Mar 1956 at Hobbs New Mex burial at Loving­ ton New Mexico. md at Portales New Mexico JAKE HARRISON MENDENHALL, son of Mattie Fisher Mendellhall born l Apr 1916

Their Children:

ALMA. VANELL MENDENHALL born 15 Aug 1948 at Portales New Mexico EARNIE DWAYNE MENDENHALL~ born 4 Jul 1951 at Lovington New Mexico CALVm DALE MENDENHALL., born 15 Oct 1953 at Hobbs, New Mexico

IDA SMITH, dau of David Edgar & Delia Whitaker Smith born 2 Nov 1906 at Paradise Kansas md at Boswell Okla FRANK TURLEY, son of John David & Sissin Bell Batese Turley, born 3 Feb 1907 at Boswell Okla. Frank is associated with the People's Ice Co. T~ey reside at 2018 6th St Lubbock Texas

Their Child:

BETTY JERL TURLEY, born 23 May 1929 at Lubbock Te~s md 12 Feb 1949 AUBREY J BROOKS JR. son of Aubrey J & Allene Smith Brooks

Their Child:

PAMELA JEAN BROOKS, born 3 Jan 1957 at New Orleans La

THEODORE SMITH, son of David Edgar & Delia Whitaker Smith, born 20 Feb 1908 at West Plains Mo. md 23 Dec 1925 OLA. BEATRICE BROOKS, dau of Arthur Baxter & Ida Mae Shields Brooks, born 12 May 1910

Their Children:

PATSY RUTH SMITH, born 19 Aug 1932 at Levelland Tex md CARL BURLES IE JD&IE WAYNE SMITH, born 25 Jul 1935 at Post Texas ROGER NIEL SMITH~ born 24 May 1938 at Rockland Calif SHARON ANN SMITH~ born 8 Feb 1941 at Redding Calif. 96

MARY LILLIE SMITH, dau of James K Polk & Sarah Malissa. Gill Smith, born 6 Apr 1884 at MoU11taiJl View Mo. md 18 Oct 1898 at Mountain View Mo JAMES WESLEY HILL, son of David & Eliza Kennedy Hill, born 12 Apr 1879 at Batesville Ark. He is now retired from the Ra,ilroad. Lilly is a devoted mother and grandmother. They live in a modern, confortable home at 206 E 3rd St Willow Springs Moo where their family delight to retu.ra to enjoy again the enduring family ties.

Their Children:

James Edward, Roy Lowell, William Samuel. Harold 10var,. Nettie Evaline, Mabel Laverne, Elsie Mayree, Velma Grace, T~elma Mae, Veda Lucile.

JAMES EDWARD HILL, son of James Wesley & Mary Lillie Smith Hill, born 22 Feb 1900 at Mountain View Mo. died 1 Feb 193'4 at Pomona Mo. md 26 Dec 1923 at West Plains Mo LULA FARMER, dau of James & Ennna Cowu Farmer~ bont 13 Jul 1901 at Pomona Mo

Their Children:

:Mary Frances~ James Edward Jr.

MARY FRANCIS HILL dau of James Edward & Lula Farmer Hill born 6 May 1925 at Ka•sas City Mo.

JAMES EDWARD HILL JR, son of James Edw~rd & Lula Farmer Hill, born 13 Apr 1926 at Pomona Mo. md 24 Apr 1945 at Avon Park Fla. BETTY JO STOCKSTILL (REVARD), dau of William & May Hensley Stockstill, born 11 May 1926 at Willow Springs Mo. They maintain their home at 401 W 4th St Willow Springs Mo.

Their Children:

EDWARD MAC HILL~ born 13 Sep 1948 at Willow Springs Mo BEVERLY JO HILL, born 19 Feb 1952 at Willow Springs Mo ERIC LYNN HILL~ born 13 Aug 1953 at Willow Springs Mo

ROY LOWELL HILL, son of James Wesley & Mary Lillie Smith Hill, born 1 Feb 1902 at MoUlltaill View Moo died 8 Aug 1947 at Valley Park Mo. md 5 Jul 1923 at West 97

Plains Mo. IDA WATSON, dau of Henry & Molly Arrell Watson, born 22 Feb 1902 at Willow Springs Mo. Ida now maintains her home at 625 Calhotm Springfield Mo

Their Children:

Roy Lowell Jr, Jaculina Louise, Coy Gene.

ROY LOWELL HILL JR~ son of Roy Lowell & Ida Watson Hill, born 26 Sep 1925 at Willow Springs Mo md 19 Jan 1946 MILDRED L APPLEGATE. Roy is connected with the US Border Patrol at McAllen Texas

JACULINE LOUISE HILL, dau of Roy Lowell &: Ida Watson Hill, born 6 Sep 1928 at Willow Springs Mo md 23 Feb 1947 KENNETH SMITH. Their address ij'a.wthorne: Cal

COY GENE HILL, son of Roy Lowell & Ida Watson Hill~ born 4 Dec 1932 at Willow Springs Mo. md 24 Dec 1956 JEAN M RODIER.. They live in Florida.

WILLIAM SAMUEL HILL, son of James Wesley & Mary Lillie Smith Hill, born 25 Nov 1903 at West Plains Mo. died 5 Jan 1953 of a heart attack at Kansas City Mo. md

19 Dec 1925 at West Plains Mo MAMIE MOLTE 3 dau of Albert & Della Songer Nolte, born 19 Feb 1907 at West Plains Mo died 28 Mar 1929 at Willow Springs Mo

HAROLD OVAL HILL, son of James Wesley & Mary Lillie Smith Hill, born 2 Jul 1907 at West Plains Mo. died 22 May 1908

NETTIE EVALINE HILL, dau of James Wesley & Mary Lillie Smith Hill, born 17 Mar 1909 at West Plains Mo md 16 May 1932 at Kansas City Mo ROBERT EIDSON, son of Charles & Myrtle Cowan Eidson, born 15 Mar i909 at West Plains Mo. They reside at 416 W 35th Kansas City Mo Their Children:

Carol Lee, Joyce Elaine.

CAROL LEE EIDSON, dau of Robert & Nettie Eva.line Hill Eidson, born 20 Jan 1935 at Willow Springs Mo. md 16 Feb 1954 at Murfreesboro Tenn AULTON FULTZ, son of 98

Willie & Jessie Nipper Fultz, born 1 Jan 1936 at Laverne Tenn.

Their Children:

DEBORAH LYNN FULTZ, born 6 Sep 1954 at Kansas City Mo GREGORY LAWRENCE FULTZ, born 24 Jul 1956 at Leavenworth Kansas

JOYCE ELAINE EIDSON, dau of Robert & Nettie Evaline Hill Eidson, born 18 Dec 1938 at Kansas City Mo

MABEL LAVERNE HILL, dau of James Wesley & Mary Lillie Smith Hill, born 9 Apr 19-11 at Pomona Mo., md 20 Dec 1929 --at Willow Springs Mo RAY WILSON, son of John & Faye Tabor Wilson~ born 23 Sep 1909 at West Plains Mo Ray is a Master Sarge~t in the Army. They reside at 378 B Stone ct Fort 1 Riley Kansas

Their Children:

Jackie Harold, Billy Ray, Yoshiko Itoe

JACKIE HAROLD WILSON~ son qf Ray & Mabel Laverne Hill Wilson, born 14 Nov 1930 at West Plains Mo

BILLY RAY WILSON, son of Ray & Mabel Laverne Hill Wilson, born 28 Jun 1934 at West Plains Mo md 1 Mar 1957 at Coeur d'Alene Idaho WANDA SUE DAVIS, dau of · Kelsey Charles & Gladys Clara Brack Davis~ born 1 Jun 1936 at Umpieo Ark

YOSHIKO ITO WILSON, adopted dau of Ray & Mabel Laverne Hill Wilson, born 15 Jan 1948 at Tokyo Japane

ELSIE MAYREE HILL, dau of James nesley & Mary Lillie Smith Hill, born 4 Jul 1913 at Pomona Mo md 6 Sep 1931 at Kansas City Mo COY JOY DUGGER, son of Alfred & Mary Ann Turner Dugger., born 26 May 1911 at Berryville Ark. Their home is in Adrian Mo

Their Children: JOY MAYREE DUGGER• born 28 Apr 1941 at Kansas City Mo BILLY JOE DUGGER., born 31 Mar 1943 at Kansas City Mo 99

VELMA GRACE HILLj dau of James Wesley & Mary Lillie Smith Hill, born 19 Mar 191.7 at Pomc,na Mo md 30 Jan 1937 at West Plains Mc ROBERT MAGRUDER~ sen of Lee & Sarah Moore Ma.Gruder, born 27 Oct 1910 at Granville Mo. They live in Paris Moo

Their Children~

ROBERT LEE MAGRUDER, born 14 Nov 1938 at Shelbina Mo JUDY KAY born 18 Dec 1940 at Shelbina Mo MARY GRACE MAGRUDER, born 15 Sep !945 at Shelbina Mo LARRY GENE MAGRUDER, born 22 Jul 1947 at Shelbina Mo

THELMA MAE HILL, dau of James Wesley & Mary Lillie Smith Hill, born 19 Mar 1917 at Pomona Mo md Jun 1941 at Yuma Ariz EDISON EASTWOOD, son of ~oseph & Clara V Schluderberg Eastwood~ born 2 Apr 1914 at Baltimore Md. Their address is 372: Yolander Rd Baltimore 18 Md

Their Children:

PAMELLA :~STWOOD~ born 29 Jan 1942 at West Plains Mo RHEA .A.tJi~ EASTWOOD, born 18 Apr 1943 at San Diego Calif

VEDA LUCIILE HILL, dau of James Wesley & Mary Lilli~ Smith Hill, born 17 Mar 1919 at Pomona Mo md Ncrv 1939 MICHA.EL KELLY, son of George & Gliech Zakieh Kelly, born 3 Apr 1915 at Kan~RS City Moo They now live at 11525 Norby Rd Hickman Mills Mo

Their Children~

ELINORE ZAKIEH KELLY, born 2.9 Jan l94:. at. Kansas City Mo MICHAEL .KELLY, born 13 Mar :_945 at Kansas City Mc

WILLIAM ISAAC SMITH, son of James K Pc:k & Sarah Malissa Gill Smi~hs born 2 Ap~ :886 at. Mountain View Mo. md 26 Apr 1912 at Mountain Vie-v'! Missouri MARTHA JANE ·,YEA.VER., dau of Hezekiah & Mary Jane Willbanks Weaver$ born 4 De8 1892 at Winona Mo. Isaac has been a real pioneer in Howell Coi...;.nty, having literally subdued the landa He h~s worked as rail- ro-:-..d builder, farmer and carpenter. Mattie is a charming~ lovable mother and homemakero Their kind hospitality has been extended to many friends and 100 kinfolk. Isaac and his sons and granddaughter Pat, have an Orchestra~ They have played for many dances in four Counties and also on the radioo This music brings no end of pleasure and enjoyment in their family life. Isaac and Mattie have been most help­ ful and cooperative in searching for and securing data for this book. Their new home is a~ Teresita Moo Their mailing address is Birch Tree Mo R #= 2 Box 58

Their Children:

William BeufordJ Ruel Lelan.

WILLIAM BEUFORD SMITH, son of William Isaac & Martha Jane Weaver Smith., born 14 Nov 1912 at Eminence Mo. md 6 Dec 1933 at Eminence Mo ~ONORE PUGH, dau of James Tolbert & Hattie Devore Pugh, born 11 Sep 1915 at Wiggin Colo. Beuford is Foreman at the Smith Padgett Flooring Co. They have a new rambler type home with elegant hardwood floors at Teresita Mo.

Their Child~

LORETTA PATRICIA SMITHJ born 11 Jul 1939 at Teresita Mo

RUEL LELAN SMITHJ son of William Isaac & Martha Jane Smith., born 4 Dec 1918 at Coffeyville Kansas md 10 Oct 1945 at Salem Ark HAZEL SPANGLERJ dau of Wayne & Delsia Thomas Spangler., born 29 Aug 192·5 at Montier Mo. Ruel is an employee of the Smith Padgett Floorin~ Co. He is a great hunter and has a pack of purebred hunting dogs. With his capable wifes they maintain a good home on a farm at Birch Tree Mc R # 2

Their Children:

SIEGLINDA SMITH, born 28 Jan 1947 at Teresita Mo MARTHA MAE SMITH,· born 12 Mar 1948 at Teresita Mo LILLY RUAH SMITH., born 13 Jul 1949 at Teresita Mo JOHNNY EDWARD SMITH, born 27 Jun 195D at Terestita Mo RITA KAY SMITHJ born 7 Jun 1953 at Teresita Mo RUEL LELAN SMITH JR. born 18 Nov 1955 at Mountain View Mo. LOTT IE MAE SMITH, dau of James K Polk & Sarah l.1a~ :.s :::a Gill Smith, born 30 Sep 1889 at Mountain View Mee m~ 30 Jan 1907 at Mountain View Mo JAMES BENNETT WILLBANKS son of John H & Louisa Barnett Willbanks, born l3 Ma: 1886 in Shannon County Mo. died 6 Feb 1948 at Wil~cw Springs Mo. buried at Guthrie Okla. He was a retired Railroad employee. Lottie Mae a devoted energetic mother, now resides at 2111 E Maple St Enid Ok~a~ Their Children: Carl, James Audra, Violet Audine.

CARL BEUFORD WILLBANKS., son of James Bennett & Lettie Mae Smith Willbanks, born 16 Jan 1908 at Ripley Ok:a died 18 Jan 1940 at Enid Okla. JAMBS AUDRA WILLBANKS., son of James Bennett & Lct"!jie Mae Smith Willbanks., born 10 Apr 1909 at Ripley Ok:ae md 25 Jun 1933 at Edmond Okla WILMA JOHNSON, dau c:f Henry S & Lena Foiler Johnson., born 6 Jan 1912 at Prague Okla. James is associated with the Grocery Business. Their residence is Guthrie Okla. Their Child: JAMES HENRY WILLBANKS, ~o,..n 27 May 19~4 at Oklahcma City Okla md 2"5 Nov 1955 at Guthrie Okla PHYLLIS Ai~N DAVlS, dau of William & Hazel Lynch Davis, bcrn 23 Oct 1937 -at Oklahoma City Okla Their Child: JAMES MICHAEL WILLBANKS, born 4 Nov 1956 ~.-t G:!~:-::.s Ok2.a

VIOLET AUD·INE WILLBANK~~ dau of James Bennett & Lcr.-rie Mae Smith vwillbankr. ,)orn 12 Jun 1913 at Ripley Okl.~ md 28 Jun 1940 at Alhambra Calif CECIL CARROLL$ son of John·& Ethel Welch Carroll, born 17 Oct 1912 at Wayn~ 0kl8.homa. He is employed by an Oil Co.

Their Children~

EDWIN HUGH CARROLL., uorn 31 May 1941 at Guthr~e Okia JACK AUDRA CARROLL, born 23 Jun 1943 at Enid OkJ..9. JACQUETTA AUDINE CARROLL, born 23 Jun 19 1943 at En:.d Okla GARNETTA SUE CARROLL, born 23 Oct 1945 at Enid Okl.a.


Jo/21? ..ires Srn1'fl?

***•JOHN BYES SMITH, son of Samuel Harrison & Caroline Mooney Smith, born Feb 1850 at Thomasville 1'Io. died 9 Jun 1924 at Sedalia Mo of nneumonia. F'tllleral held at 1st Baptist Church in Sedalia, the preacher was Rev Enloe. buried in Triplett Lot at Crown Hill Cemetery in Sedalia Mo. married Miss Ross about 1883

Their Child:

NORA LOUISE SMITH, born 9 Sep 1884 at Sedalia Mo. died 17 May 1956 at Louisiana Mo of coronary thrombosis, buried 19 May 1956 in Riverview Cemetery at Louisiana Mo. md 28 Jun 1910 at Sedalia Mo MIGHAEL DENNIS CR1AMER, son of Michael B & Mary O'Brien Creamer:, born 16 Oct 1879 at Louisiana Mo died 17 :May 1956 at Louisiana Mo of parkinson's disease. buried in the Creamer Lot at Riverview Cemetery at Louisiana Mo. -Mike as he was called was a Letter Carrier for the Post Office Dept. He was a fine upright man and very popular with his patrons and with the townspeople in general. He was quite a nature enthusiast, and loved to hunt and fish. He retired at sixty five years of age. Shortly after he suffe~ed from an incurable disease. he also broke his hip. Nora cared for him patiently and well all those failing years. She was a ca~able, energetic and lovable ~~rson. At one time she worked iri the office of a Floral Co. She was a member of the Century Literary- Club., the Garden Club and the Civic Club. She was a beloved teacher of Teen-agers in the Baptist Church for many years. She passed away four hours after her husband went to his reward. "'-..,_ Their Child: 1~Y LOUISE CREAMER, born 26 Anr 19il at Louisiana Mo died 11 Jul 1925 at Louisiana Mo of appendicitis. , buried in the Creamer Lot at Louisiana Mo. Mary Louise"­ was a beautiful, sweet and talented girl. She could sing and play the piano, and was ready to enter High School when stricken with terrific pain. Arter the discovery was made of the cause it was too late to save her life. 104

****JOHN BYES $MITH~. son of Samuel Harrison & .. C.aroline Mooney Smith, md 2nd ~n 1892 at Sedalia Missouri FRANCIS E'.11HEL T~IPLETT., dau .ao_f William S & Sidney A Preston Triplett~ born 18 Nov 1857 at Labelle Moe died 7 Oct 1945 · at the·· Baptist· ·Home for the aged at Ir-0nton Mo. - · The funeral ·was held at Nora's Home in Louisiana Mo. buried 10 Oet 1~4~ in the Creamer Lot in Riverview Cemetery in Leuisi'a~ Molt -Nora said$ ta·rt was -jus-t l±ke ·an An:gel come i:a when Mother Smith came to our homeeu A lovely tribute-to_a ·step mothero Fannie as she wa.s called., was an unusually quiets mild$ sweet and a v~ry refi1'.letl persono She was loyal to the Baptist Church- and taught a class :of young ladies for many years., who highly respect~ revere ..,· and honor her for the love and devotion ~o thems ·and to her Church. ·_ ·sh~ maintained a lovety home at 1805 So Ohio ·'Street in Sedalia Mo. During two school years 1910~1912 Miss Myrza. Quain.ta.nee» now ·Mrs CeVa.n · Jones of 503 E 5th St Sedalia Mo. lived- with the Smiths• .She pays---a fine tribute to·:them for-their _high Christia:n Principles and s-ays she -enjoyed thoroughly every day . spent with this ·worthy ·coupleo Somet.ime after Hoha., h~r husband passed on she·went·to live at the Baptist Home for the aged at Ironton Mo., where she died of pneumonia. John ·Byes -Smith ·worked -r~or· ·the ~ailroad in. Sedalia$ and was also a s-alesman for ·the H.a.r'.ris Candy Co of Sedalia.

Manufacturers of -fin-e Candies·e' Mr OeBe Poundstone . writef that he considered·the Smith Family as his friends, and that he esteemed ·them very highlyo

Their Child:

ROSS TRIP.LETT SMITH., born 15 :Mar 1893: at Ivla.rshall MoG died 17 Ivfar 1953 at-Los Angeles Calif of cancere His ashes buried -i"D.·-the Creamer L9t at Riverview Cemetery at Louisiana Mo on 27 Mar 1953 md 23 Apt 1921 at Kansas· City Mo M:ARY ELIZABETH VAN VALKENBERGo. Ross Triplett was given this name because it was the maiden -names of his 'father's two wiv~so Ross and Mary lived ·first in--Missouri and -then in 1949 moved to California~ Ross was mild mannered· and had a retiring personality and avoided all types 'of publicity~ He was a salesmane Mary·now lives at 2816 Southern Ave South Gate Californiao We are indebeted to :Mrs Leo Creamer of Louisiana Mo for most of this information, to whom we express our deep appreciationo -~ .;:~:-:<-~':•·

...... ~ " ~ .. , . ,-.-~ Jos & Willie Leona )iillie ·i~onard ~ ~-=3 r old-Archie-Albert ~9n~r S.ra.ndchildren .,,., .....- ~~\

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****THOMAS LEE SMITH, son cf Samuei Harrison & Mary Ellen Batman Smith, born 26 Apr l851 at Mou~tain View Uo. died 16 Dec 1899 at ~ountain View Mo. md 1869 at wVest Plains Mo filiILY HOOD~ dau of Hulon & 1!iss Straka Hood, born? Apr 1851 at Mountain View Mo. died ~ Nov 1875 at 1viountain View Mo buried in the Hood Cemetery about five miles west of Willow Springs Moe Thomas was a hard wcrking~ rugged pioneer. He was a very good carpenter and an industrious farmer. From ~he soil he earned a comfortable living for his young familyo

Their Children~

Nancy America~ Arzillai Mary Janee

NANCY AMERICA SMITH, dau of Thomas Lee & Emily Hood Smith~ born 10 Nov 1870 at Mountain View Mo~ md May 1888 at Mountain View 110 JAMES MADISON KilIDER, son of Madeline Powhatan Kinder, born, 26 May 1868 at White River Ind died 4 Nov 1923 at Cement Okla. James was a farmer and they spent part of their life in Mountain View Mo and then moved in 1902 to Cement Okla. Nancy has lived to enjoy her numerous posterity and now lives uear her daughte~ Cammie in Goliad Texase

Their Children~

Burley LeRoy, Jessie Verbena~ Fie.yd Sylvester, Grace Mae~ Charles Ccurtney~ Cammie Beatrice, Ray E, Everett Edmond. nJRLtir LBROY KD·JD.:;R, sc-n cf <-Tames Madison & Nancy America Smith Kinder, born 2:. Mar l89C at Mcuntain View 1~1oe died r26 Jen 1946 at; L-eon Kansas buried at Cement Oklao md 6 Aug 1.9CJE at Mountain View Mc ORA ETHEL HINTONJ da.u. of To:n Hin~,on ·born l I:.1ar 1892 in Tenn

Their Children~ Leo Everettt Iva, Thcma;:3 James" 106

LEO EVERETT KINDER, son of Burley LeRoy & Ora Hinton Kinder, born 14 Jul 1910 in P~wnee County Okla. md 16 May 1931 at Omaha Nebr HELEN MARIE HONNER, dau of John F & Kathryn Petrik Honner., born 16 May 1913 at Tabor So Dak. Their address is Wagner So Dak Box 585 Their Children:

SHIRLEY ANN KINDER., born 2 Aug 1932 at Geddes So Dak md 27 J1.m 1957 at :Wagner So Dak CLARENCE P JUSSELL son of CF & Florence T Jussell b 9 Aug 1931 at Beardley ~ RIC:rkuw LEO KINDER., born 1 Oct 1939 at Omaha Nebr. JOHN E KilIDER., born 29 Apr 1946 at Wagner So Dak. KATHRYN LEE KINDER~ born 12 Mar 1951 at Wagner So Dale

NA IINDER., dau of Burley LeRoy & Ora Hinton Kinder born 1914 at Cement Okla died Jun 1916

THOMAS JAMES KINDER., son of Burley & Ora Hinton Kinder, born about 1916 at Cement Okla.

JESSIE VERBENA KINDER., dau of James Madison & Nancy America Smith Kinder, born 30 Sep 1893 at Mountain View Mo died 30 Oct 1944 at Ponca City Okla. buried at Ponca City Okla. md 19 Oct 1910 in Caddo County Okla ARTHUR RAY TIPTON., son of John & Ida Alice Slipe Tipton, born l Mar 1890 at Cripple Creek Colo Ray is now retired a:rter working many years for the Oklahoma Gas and Electric -Co.

Their Children:

Hazel Alice, Alma Louise., Myrtle Marcella.

HAZEL ALICE TIPTON., dau of Arthur Ray & Jessie Verbena Kinder Tipton, born 18 Jul.1911 at Cement Okla md 4 Nov 1929 LAWRENCE WffiTH, she md 2nd on 30 Aug 1942 at Ywna Ariz HORACE GERALD HALSEY, son of Neal & Edna May Sandlin Halsey~ born 29 Jan 1913 at Wewoka Okla. They reside at 412 Southwest 54th St Oklahoma City Okla.

ALMA LOUISE TIPTON, dau of Arthur Ray & Jessie Verbena Kinder Tipton, born 7 Mar 1913 at Cement Okla. died 14 Mar 1920 at Ponca City Okla of burns. 107

;:YRTLE MARCELLA TIPTON, dau of Arthur Ray & Jessie Verbena Kinder Tipton, born 15 Dec 1917 at Drwnright Okla md 29 Aug 1936 at Alice Tex. THOMAS RALPH F~LTON son of Elbert & Susie Joslin Felton, born 20 Nov 1912 at San Gabriel Texas Their address is Mirando City, Texas PO Box 447

Their Children:

MARCI RAYE FELTON, born 21 Apr 1950 at La.redo Texas THOMAS RALPH FELTON JR, born 6 Feb 1955 at Laredo Tex

FLOYD SYLVESTER KINDER~ son of James Madisqn & Nancy America Smith Kinder, born 22 Mar 1895 at Mountain View Mo. died 4 Mar 1931 at St Anthony Hospital in Oklahoma City Okla. buried at Cement Okla. md 14 Nov 1912 in Missouri MYRTLE BLANCHE LYONS, dau of Tom Lyons, born 4 Mar 1896

Their Child:

VERNON LOYD KINDER. 1 born 18 Sep 1916 at Cement Okla. md 28 Jun 1936 at Long Beach Calif LUTIE DELL HILJ., dau of Roy Robert & Myrtle Irene Boyd Hill, born 12 Aug 1919 at Kewanne Ill. Their address is 447 Norton Ave Long Beach Calif.

Their Children:

Robert Floyd~ Sharon Janet.

ROBERT FLOYD KIND&.-q, son of Vernon Loyd & Lutie Bell Hill Kinder, born 20 Sep 1937 at Long Beach Calif. md 8 Aug 19-6-5 at Long Beach Calif SHARON GAIL TABOR~ dau of Carl David & Frances Eveiyn L-0ney Tabor, born 20 Nov 1939 at HAnderson Ky. He is in the Service of his Countrye Her address is 1029 Linden Av Long Beach California

Their Child:

JACKIE LYNN KINDER, born 15 Aug 1956 at Long Beach Cal.

SHARON JANET KDJDER., dau of Vernon Loyd & Lutie Dell Hill Kinder_<) born 27 Nov 1940 at Long Beach Calif. 108

GRACE MAE KilIDER, dau of James Madison & Nancy America Smith Kinder, born 25 Nov 1896 at Mountain View Mo md 30 Jun 1916 at Andarko Okla LEE WILLIAM BIGLEY, son of John & Mary Elsa Bigley, born 23 Feb 1894 at Enid Okla.

Their Children:

Ivan LeMont, Roland Pittman.

IVAN LAMONT BIGLEY, son of Lee Willi8.lll & Grace Mae Kinder Bigley, borrr 6 Noy 1917 at Cement Okla. md Feb 1938 at La.redo Texas MADELINE CUSTOR, dau of Dewey & Faye Custar, born 15 Sep 1922 in Texas

Their Children:

IVAN LEE BIGLEY., born 15 Mar l939 at Bruni Texas ROIAND DEWEY BIGLEY;born 28 Nov 1943 at Bruni Tems NANCY LAVERN BIGLEY, born 2 Nov 1948 at Freer Texas

ROLAND PITTMAN BIGLEY, son of Lee William & Grace Kinder Bigley, -born 8 Aug 1921 at Cement Okla md 2 6 Jun 1945 at San Antonio Texas MARY BELLE RAMSEY, dau of WM Ramsey., born 23 Feb at San Augustine Texas

Their Child:

MARY RAMSEY BIGLEY, born 21 May 1946 at San Augustine Texas

GRACE MAE KINDER BIGLEY, dau of James Madison & Nancy America Smith Kinder md 2nd ROBERT T. MATHERS. They have a. Cleaning Establish­ ment. They reside at 1714 Hayes St San Francisco Calif.

CHARLES COURTNEY KilJDER., son of Jame-s Madison & Nancy America Smith Kinder., born 30 Sep 1898 at Mountain View Mo. md 15 Dec 1920 DOLLIE STEWART Charley has been confined in a Government Hospital for a long period of time. His address is now Ardmore Okla P.O. Box 985 Their Child: 109

PEGGY CHA..."R.LENE KINDER., born 1923 at Cement Okla died 12 Sep 1944

C.i~J:U,IIE BEATRICE KilIDER., dau of James Madison & Nancy America Smith Kinder, born 24 Apr 1900 at Chandler., Okla. md 12 Jun 1919 at Andarko Okla CARL OSWELL SMITH son of Jesse & Lillie Smith Smith, born 4 Jul 1899 at Tenaha Texas. Carl is a capable and prominent Oil Field Superintendant. Their address is Goliad Texas P.O. Box 81

Their Children:

Dorothy Beatrice, Carl Oneal, ~ames Jesse.

DOROTHY BEATRICE SMITH, dau of Carl Oswell & Cammie Beatrice Kinder Smith, born 7 Apr 1924 at Bronson Tex md 5 Apr 1942 at Center Texas JULIUS FAULK, son of William Jarrell & Minni~ Bell Wilson Faulk, born 31 Aug 1923 at Center Texas. Julius is a Gasoline Plant Supervisor & Operator. Their address is Box 51 Falls City Texas.

Their Children:

MICHAEL FRANKLIN FAULK., born 6 Apr 1943 at Center Tex CLAUDIA BEATRICE FAULK, born 1 Aug 1944 at Center Tex

CARL ONEAL SMITH, son of Carl Oswell & Cammie Beatrice Kinder Smith., born 27 Feb 1926 at La.redo Texas, ~d 30 Apr 1957 at Goliad Texas DOLORES ANGELA ZIELONKA, dau of Steve & Sophie Hahn Zielonka., born 3 Oct 1935 at Cuero Texas. Carl is employed in the Measurements Deps..~tment of a Natural Gas Co. Their address is Box s: Goliad Texas.

J.A1!ES v"ESSE Sii1ITH., son of Carl Oswell & Cammie Beat­ rice Kinder Smith., born 7 Jan 1932 at Laredo Texas., md 27 Nov 1954 at Kingsville Texas JEANENE BURRIS, dau of Harvey Granville & Hazel Kirk Booth Burris, born 5 Jan 1936 at Kingsville Texas. James is a valued employee of a Natural Gas Company in the Measurements Department. They reside at 3rd Ave Villa Apt# 58 Texas City Texas. 110

RAY E KINDER, son of James Madison & Nancy America Smith Kinder., born 18 Aug 1902 at Cement Okla md ALINE born 13 Jun in Oklahoma

Their Children:

JIMMY KlliDER, born 13 Jul 1948 at Chickasha Okla MARY ALICE KilIDER, born 11 F~b 1950 at Chickasha Okla JOAN MAR-IE KilIDER., born 11 Feb 1953 at Chickasha Okla

EVERETT EDMOND KilIDER., son of James Madison & Nancy Americ~ Smith Kinder, born 15 Jun 1905 at Cement Okla aied 14 Jun 1955 ~t Barstow Calif in an automobile accident. md 1923 BERTHA ARMOUR, born in Oklahoma died 1945 in Oklahoma md 2nd JUNE

ARZILLA SMITH, dau of Thomas Lee & Emily Hood Smith. born 19 Mar 1872 at Mountain View Mo. died 10 Jun 1946 at Mountain View Mo md 15 Sep 1895 at Mountain View Mo. JOHN WILLBANKS, son of Lawson· & Catherine Garrett Willbanks, born 19 Apr 1873 in Miller Co. Mo died 5 Nov 1949 at Mountain View Mo. They are both buried in the Mountain View Cemetery. Jolm was a good farmer, they lived about four and a half miles Southeast of Mountain View •. After Arzilla passed away John sold the farm and moved into the .east part of Mountai1! View Mo.

Their Children:

Walter Marvin, Willie Gertrude, Edith Dolone.

WALTER 1.WtVIN WILLBANKS, son of John & Arzilla Smith Willbanks., born 20 Jul 1896 at Mountain View Mo. died 10 Feb 1898 at Mountain View Mo.

WILLIE GERTRUDE WILLBANKS., dau of John & Arzilla Smith Willbanks, born 23 Dec i897 at Mountain View Mo md 21 Feb 1918 at Mountain View Mo WILLIAM JOSEPH LEONARD., son of Charles & Minnie Essinger Leonard., born 22 Jun 1899 at Olney Ill. died 29 Aug 1954 at Mountain View Mo of complications resultin.P- from high blood pressure. He was a farmer. Willie lives in a charming, comfortable home in Mountain View Mo which reflects her sweet, gentle personality. The_ir Children: 111

Albert Leland, Archie Eugene, Harold Kenneth.

AL3ZRT 13LA1;D LEONARD, son of William Joseph & Vfillie Gertrude Willbanks Leonard, born 24 Dec 1918 at Moun­ tain View Mo md 19 Jan 1946 at Mountain View Missouri LUCILE MARIE MCGR..A_TH, dau of William & Ivle Edna Black­ burn 11cGrath, born 28 Aug 1925 at :Mountain View Mo. Albert has a farm and in addition is Manager of the M.F .A. Coop Store in Mountain View Mo. Their home is on Rural Route#= 2 Mountain View Mo.

Their Children:

ROBERT LEE LEONARD, born 7 Ju.1'1948 at St Louis Mo. DONNA ANN LEONARD, born 20 Jan 1951 at Mountain View Mo

A..~CHIE EUGENE LEONARD, son or William Joseph & Willie Gertrude Willbanks Leonard, born 20 May 1920 A.t }J.toun­ tain View Mo. md 11 May 1945 at Springfield Mo WILMA LOUISE DUNN, dau or Louis Albert & Willie Etta Williams Du.Im, born 25 Aug 1926 at Birch Tree Mo. Archie is a farmer and does custom butchering. Their address is' Mountain View Mo. R # 2

Their Children:

TRUDY DARLENE LEONARD, born 8 Jan 1946 at Springfield Missouri CAROL JEAN LEONARD, born 15 Oct 1949 at Mountain View Missouri

HAROLD KENNETH LEJN.ARD, son of William Joseph & Willie Gertrude Willbanks Leonard, born 26 Apr 1922 at Ranson Kansas md 5 I·.1ar 1944 at Mountain View Missouri RUB~ JRPHA REESE, dau of James & Grace Renegar Reese, born 1 Oct 1926 at ]!ountain View Moo Harold is a farmer~ also cuts timber for the Smith Padgett Flooring Co1' TheiT address is Mountain View Mo. R ff 2

Their Children:

LARRY EUGENE LEON.ARD, born 14 Nov 1944 at Mountain View Mo. JUDITH FAY LEONARD born 14 Jan 1947 at Mountain View Mo BARBARA SUE LEONARD born 29 Aug 1951 at Mountain View Mo ROGER DALE LEONARD born 2 Feb 1953 at Mountain View Mo 112

EDITH DOLONE WILLBANKS, dau of Jolm & Arzilla Smith Willbanks, born 9 Aug 1906 at Mountain View Mo. died 9 Aug 1923 at Mountain View tlo of Tuberculosis, buried in Mountain View Cemetery.

MARY JANE ~.JITH1 dau of Thomas Lee & Emily Hood Smith1 born 30 Nov 1873 at Mountain View Mo md 21 Feb 1898 at West Plains Mo JOSEPH RILEY BARNETT, son of Zachariah & 1ielinda Barnett, born 24 Jan 1868 at Mountain View Mo. died 6 Sep 1939 at Seneca Moe Mary Jane is patient and kind in her advanced years, together with her devoted step daughter Addie McCullough they live at Seneca Mo.

Their Children:

Edna Jane 1 Rena, Orval Monroe 1 Marvin Sylvestero

EDNA JANE BARNETT, dau of Joseph Riley & Mary Jane Smith Barnett, born 29 May 1901 at Miami Okla md 18 Feb 1917 at Peoria Okla WIILIAM FARRIS, son qf James & Nancy Weaver Farris, born 20 Dec 1895 at Peoria Okla. died 27 Sep 1939 buried in Evergreen Cemetery at Tucson Ariz

Their Child:

LEONARD FARRIS, born 4 May 1919 at Seneca Mo md 29 Oct 1947 at Lordsburg New Mex MERTICE JUNGNATACH, dau of

Paul & Agnes Holler Jungnatach1 born 1 Jan 1922 in North Dakota

Their Child:

PATRICK FARRIS, born 2 Nov 1948 at Phoenix Arizona

EDNA JANE BARNETT FARRIS, dau of Joseph Riley and Mary Jane Smith Barnett~ rod 2nd F-ENRY A.DEN, born 25 Oct 1895 at San Antonio Texaso They maintain their home at 5701 So Fontana St Tucson Arizona-

RENA BARNETT, dau of Joseph Riley and Mary Jane Smith Barnett, born 9 Oct 1902 at Miami Okla. died 27 Aug 1917 in Miami Okla of Typhoid Fever, buried at Seneca Mo

ORVEL 1AONROE BARNETT, son of Joseph Riley & Mary Jane Smith Barnett, born 14 Feb 1909 at Miami Oklahoma md 4 Mar 1931 at Neosho Mo LONA TAYLOR, dau of Monroe & Rosy Snow Taylor, born 10 Jun 1912 at Seneca Mo.

Their Children:

Jack Cleo, Donald Monroe, Joe.

JACK CLEC BARNETT son of Orvel Monroe & Lona Taylor Barnett, born 25 Sep 1931 at Miami Oklahoma, md EVA FRY, dau of Charles Fry of Seneca Mo.

Their Child:

NILE DAVID BARNETT., born 14 Aug 1951 at Neosho Mo

DONALD MONROE BARNETT., son of Orvel Monroe & Lona Taylor Barnett. born 21 Jan 1933 at Miami Okla md May 1953 at Neosho Mo ALVERDA FRIEND, dau of William & Pearl Friend, born at Seneca Mo

JOE BARNETT., son of Orvel Monroe & Lona Taylor Barnett born 19 Apr 1938 at Miami Okla md 22 Dec 1956 DARLENE PICXENEN, born 10 Jan 1938 from Miami Okla.

MARVm SYLVESTER BARNETT• son of Joseph Riley and Mary Jane Smith Barnett, born 21 Apr 1911 at Miami Okla. died 4 Apr 1948 at Seneca Mo of cancer md l4 Oct 1930

ESTHER HEAD., dau of Robert & Pearl Snow Head 1 born 12 Apr 1914 at Seneca Mo. Esther is employed at the Milnot Plant and lives at Seneca Mo.

r.:'heir Children:

Billy Dean, Patricia Jean.

BILLY DEAN BARNETT, son of Marvin Sylvester & Esther Bead BarnettJ born 18 Jun 1933 at Seneca Mo md 16 Apr 1952 in Arkar~as KATHY COLLINS, dau of Bill & Leah Smith Collins, born 2 Feb 1935 at Springfield Mo.

Their Child:

TER.~Y iJ~t~ BARNETT, born 2 Aug 1954 at Seneca Mo

PATRICIA JEAN BARNETT, dau of Marvin Sylvester & Esther Head Barnett, born 4 Sep 1939 at Seneca Mo. 114

MARY JANE SMITH B.ARNETT, dau of Thomas Lee & Emily Hood Smith, md 2nd at Miami Okla SHERWOOD REESE, son of Sherwood Reese, born 26 Dec 1872 in Arkansas died of a stroke 15 1fay 1951:t: in Miami Okla. buried in Mountain View Mo.

***TRO!.~AS LE:-? S!.:ITH son of Samuel Harrison & Mary Ellen Batman Smith md 2nd on 9 ~ep 1~77 at Mountain View Mo

MARTHA wv·1.L1,fu\NKS 1 dau of John & Susan Shel ton Willbanks born 7 Apr 1851 at Mountain View Mo died 29 Mar 1924 at .Arkansas City Kansas of Pneumonia. They are both buried at Mountain View, Yo. Martha was a kindJ patient and lovable wife and 111other to her own children as well as three step daughters who loved her dearly. To this day her kindness is spoken of by those who lmew her very well. Tom and Martha lived ab:out four miles east of Mountain View on a good productive farm.


Almeda Victoria, Lewis MarvinJ Richard Lee 1 John Samuel, Susan Leona.

AIMEDA VICTORIA. SMIT[, dau of Thomas Lee & Martha Willbanks Smith, born 17 Feb 1880 at Mountain View Mo md 1895 at Momrtain View Mo WILLIAM H RO.ARK, son of Christopher Ellis & Mary Katherine Harris Roark, born 23 May 1875 at Birch Tree Mo died Oct 1944 at Santa Rosa, Calif buried at Santa Rosa, Calif. Almeda lives not too-far from her son Ira, her address is Box 211 Monte Rio Calif.

Their Children:

Roy Noal, Ira Edwin; Everett Oran.

ROY NOAL ROARK, son of William H & Almeda Vi.ctoria Smith Roark, born 15 Jun 1900 at Ripley Okla died 16 Jun 1943 at San Francisco Calif, buried at San Francisco Calif. md 6 May 1922 at San Francisco Calif MYRTLE FRANCES SHERWOOD, -ua-0 of Harry G & Laura Ehret Sherwood, born 19 Apr 1901 at San Francisco Calif. Myrtle is a capable business machine Operator for the Aetna Life Ins Co. She lives at 306 Fair Oaks San Francisco Calif. 115

Their Child:

DORIS ALMEDA ROARK, born 6 Feb 1923 at San Francisco Calif. md 22 Oct 1944 at San Francisco California MICHAEL ANGELO LIMA, son of Manuel & Frances Mis·tretta Lima, born 23 May 1922 at Chicago Ill.

Their Child:

MICHAEL ANGELO LIMA, born 23 Jul 1945 at San Francisco California

IRA ROARK, son of William H & Almeda Victoria Smith Roark, born 10 Jul 1902 at Ripley Okla. md 6 Jul 1925 GRACE SPILLER, dau of William V & Annie Grace Spiller born 19 Jul 1899 at San Francisco Calif

Their Child:

NORMA GRACE ROARK, born 15 Jun 1930 at San Francisco Calif md HENRJ H WEIDMANN, son of Herman Weidmann, born 19 Sep 1930 at San Francisco Calif.

Their Children:

RICHARD WEIDMANN born 9 Feb 1952 at San Francisco Cal. RONALD WEIDMANN., born 1 Aug 1956 at Palo Alto Calif DONALD WEIDMANN, born 6 Feb 1957 at Palo Alto Calif

IRA ROARK, son of William H & Almeda Victoria Smith Roark, md 2nd in Reno Nevada EDITH KING

EVERETT RO.ARK, son of William H & Almeda Victoria Smith Roark, born 30 Sep 1911 at Ripley Okla died 1942 as a Prisoner of World War II in Manila P.I.

LEWIS MARV J.i-J SMITH, son of Thomas Lee & Martha Willbanks Smith, born 21 Sep 1884 a.t Mountain View Mo md MAY BALCOM, dau of Robert Balcom, born 30 Dec 1890 in Kansas. ?e md 2nd FRIEDA STOLP., dau of Fred & Emma Strubk Stolp., born 13 Jul 1892 at Whitewater Wisc. Marvin and Frieda have a fruit and vegetable farm. They live comfortably and well at Marysville Wash. Route ·:. ?. Box 212 116

RICF..ARD LEE SMITH, son of Thomas Lee & Martha Willbanks

Smith1 born 25 Sep 1887 at Mountain View 110. died 1 Sep 1888 at :Mountain View 110.

JOIDf SAMUEL SMITH, son of Thomas Lee & Martha Willbanks Smith, -born 5 Sep 1891 at 11ountain View Mo. md 7 Jan 1917 at Arkansas City Kansas JOSEPHINE PFISTERER~ dau of Charles Lia.thew & Han.'tlah Marie Scherer Pfisterer., born 10 Nov 1888 at Arkansas City Kansas. John is employed as a Car~nter. They live on a farm, and their address is Newman Kansas Box 13

Their Children:

Ma.rtlae. Hannah, Helen Maxine, Thomas Lee, Charles Everett., Harry Louis.

~THA. HANNAH SMITH• dau of John Samuel & Josephine Pfisterer Smith~ born 10 Feb 1919 at Salt Lake City Utah :n.d 20 Jun 1942 at Sioux City Iowa HERMAN BOYD WALLING., son of George & Niocola Ouderkirk Walling., born 13 Sep 1915 at Aurora Iowa. They live at Topeka Kansas

Their Child:

CORWIN BOYD WALLING 1 born 2 Oct 1952 at Great Bend Kan

HELEN MAXINE SMITH., dau of John Samuel & Josephine Pfisterer, corn 12 Feb 1921 at Arkansas City Kansas md l Mar-1945 at San Francisco Calif LAVWRENCE CLilJTON :ru~H., son of Benjamin & Emilie Hergert Muth., born 21 Sep 1920 at Otis Kansas. They live in Topeka Kansas

The fr Child: iVADE ALLEN MUTH• born 3 Feb 1955 at Topeka Kansas

THOMAS LEE SMITH, son of Jolm Samuel & Josephine Pfisterer Smith., born 18 Aug 1923 at Arkansas City Kansas md 10 Nov 1946 at Mound City Kans LOREE JUNE JONES, da.u of William Paul & Mary June Willes Jones born 19 Jul 1930 at Utleyville Colo. They live on a farm at Newman Kansas P.O. Box 13 Their Children: 117

DAVID LEE SMITHJ born 16 Jan 1948 at Mound City ¥Ansas THOMAS EUGENE SMITH, born 28 Apr 1949 at Topeka Kansas LOREE KAY SMITH, born 6 May 1952 at Topeka Kansas

CHARLES ~....RETT SMITHJ son of John Samuel & Josephine Pfisterer Smith, born 15 Apr 1925 at Arkans~s City Kans died 12 Aug 1939

HARRY LOUIS SMITHJ son of John Samuel & Josephin~ Pfisterer SmithJ born 14 May 1928 at Arkansas City Kans died 19 Feb 1944

SUSAN LEONA SMITH~ dau of Thomas Lee & Martha Willbanks Smith, born 8 May 1894 at Mountain View Mo. md 26 Apr 1913 at Arkansas City Kansas ROBERT FORD, son of S & Mary E Anderson Ford, born 26 Mar 1889 at Arkansas City Kansas. Robert is an employee of the Santa Fe RR They live at 214 No D St Arkansas City Kansas.

Their Children:

Roberta Marie, Clarence Lee Robert.

ROBERTA MARIE FORD, dau-of Robert & Susan Leona Smith Ford, born 24 Aug 1916 at Arkansas City Kans md 1 Jun 1935 at Arkansas City Kans ORVILLE C COPPENB.ARGER, son of Charles & Agnes Seanor Coppenbarger, born 27 Jan 1907 at Gueda Springs Kans. They reside at 2013 S Market· St Wichita Kansas

JEANETTE SUZANNE COPPENBARGER, born 19 Jul 1941 at Wichita Kansas KA.i:3N JOY COPPENBARGER, born 3 Dec 1943 at Wichita. Kans

CLARENCE :~E ROBERT FORD, son of Robert & Susan Leona Smith Ford, born 16 Sep 1920 at Arkansas City Kansas md 2 Aug 1945 at Liege Belgium. ANNA MAE KRAL, dau of Anton & Florence Pen:iergast Kral, born 21 Jun 1920 at Onago Kansas He is a Staff Member of Production at the Beech Aircraft Co. They Live in Wichita, Kans R # 2 Box 250

Their Children: 118

RE~ECCA ANN FORD, born 20 Jan 1948 at Arkansas City Kansas died 20 .Jan 1948 DEBRA LEE FORD, born 30 Aug 1950 at Arkansas City Kans. {·~~: ~'."~ ...-·-.: ,' ,,, ;.,, :....~. ',j \3 ·..,,; , ... ; :.,.,'(_

****MARY CAROLilJE SMITH., da.u. of Sam~-el -Harrison & Mary Ellen. Batman Smith., born 19 F-eb 1852 --at Mountain· View~ Iv1o. died 25 Jul 1914 at- Paradise Kansas md 12 Sep· 1869 at Mountain View Mo. ROBERT FARRELL PADGETT son of Abraham &·Nancy Robins Padgett., born 14 Nov 1849 at Middleton, Hardeman Co. Tenn. died 25 Oct 1923 at Luray Kansas. They ·are both buried at Paradise Kansaso Mary Caroline was a lovely~ devoted mother with a deep and unusual sense of humor. Their home was one where fun 3 harmony and ~ood Christian principles were taught the children. Robert was a Machinist~ Blacksmith and an energetic farmer. They spent the early part of their lives on a farm in Howell County Mo. Later they moved to Paradise, Kansas where t.heir young family grew to maturity. Their numerous posterity can surely honor and revere this devoted couple for their courage, str­ ength and devotion to fine Christian ideals.

Their Children:

Isaac Edward., Mary W., Andrew Jasper., Cordelia Ann, Lizzie, William Webster., Lelia Blanohe., ...... Nancy::=--Elle:o.e

f.SAAC EDWARD PADG~TT., son of Robert Farr-ell & Mary Caroline Smith Padgett, born 24 Jan 1871 at Mountain View Mo. died 9 Oct 1944 at Homer Mich. of a heart ' ailment. ·buried at Homer Mich mcl 17 Dec 1891 at Hutton Valley Mo itAARY JANE BEAN, dau of Daniel J & Nancy J Wallace Bean., born 26 Jul 1870 at Seminary Ill. died 17 Mar 1918 at Dolores Colo of complications.from child birth. bur-ied at Dolores Colao Isaac was a farmer and rancher in Dolores Colao He was a carpenter in Cheyenne Kansas.

Their Children:

G,ovea Lou, E;tva Cordelia, Alba Russell., !Letha Mercys iobert Daniei., Alverta Jan?, Alvern~~ Harrell Farrell H, Louella$ Victor., Chester, Isaac Edward JrG 120

GOVEA LOU PADGETT, dau of Isaac Edward & Mary Jane Bean Padgett, born 7 Jan 1893 at Alton Kansas ~d 30 Aug 1911 at Osborne Kansas DANIEL ED~VARD NICHOLS!) son of ·oscar Edward & Ferbenia Davidson Nichols~ born 16 Feb 1885 at Lucas Kansas. Dan & Govea are happyj with most of their children and grandchildren living near them at their home in Cortez Colo. Box 871

Their Children:

Edward Daniel, ~wrence OscarJ Edria Ferbenia, Dale Robert, Norma Lee, Mary Maxine.

EDWARD DANIEL NICHOLS, son of Daniel Edward&: Govea Lou Pad~ett Nichols, born 23 Jun 1912 at Lucas Kans md 3 Mar 1937 at Bolivar Mo. ROSE WISKAR They reside at Cortez Colo

Their Child:

MELVIN FRANCES NICHOLS, born 9 Mar 1940 in Mo

LAWRENCE OSCAR NICHOLS., son of Daniel Edward & Govea Lou Padgett Nichols., born 7 Aug 1916 at Dolores Colo md 19 Jun 1938 in Baptist Church Parlors at Cortez Colo MARJORIE LESTER, dau of -John T & Bernice L Fahey Lester., born 5 Apr 1919 at Ottawa Kansas. They live en the Rural Route# 1 Box 112- Cortez Colo. He is an l empl~e of Cortez Sales Barn.

Their Children:

JUDITH KAY NICHOLS, born 29 Mar 1940 at Ottowa Kansas JOYCE ELAINE NICHOLS, born 6 Aug 1945 at Cortez Colo CAROL LEE NICHOLS, born 10 May 1952 at Cortez Colo

EDRIA FERBENIA NICHOLS, dau of Daniel Edward & Govea Lou Padgett Nichols, born 13 Apr 1918 at Dolores Cclo md 5 Jan 1939 in Baptist Church at Dolores Colorado HARRY FRITZ MURRAY, son of William L & Maude L Sharp Murray, born 12 May 1915 at Rector Arke Fritz is a good farmer. Their address is Dolores Colo R # 1

DALE ROBERT NICHOLS, son of Daniel Edward & Govea Lou Padgett Nichols, born 10 Jun 1920 at Fowler Cole. md 121

11 !.!ar 1941 at Globe Ariz MARTHA UTLEY, dau of Robert & Bessie Heber Utley, born 28 Feb 1924 at Deming New Mex. Dale is a farmer and their address is Cortez Colorado Box 871

Their Children:

DANIEL ROBERT NICHOLS, born 11 Aug 1945 at Globe Ariz DEBBIE ELIZABETH NICHOLS born 29 Aug 1955 at Cortez Colo

NORMA LEE NICHOIS, dau of Daniel Edward & Govea Lou Padgett Nichols, born 10 Mar 1924 at Goodland Kansas md 27 Mar 1940 at Aztec New Mex ROBERT ENGLEHART, born 27 Mar 1918 at Cortez Colo. son of Seth C & Ousta G Harmon Englehart, address Victoria Tex 2:010 Mesquite St Their Children: DONNA MAE ENGLEHART born 21 Mar 1941 at Espanola N Mex DWANE ENGLEHART, born 13 Jun 1944 at Cortez Colo WANDA LEE ENGLEHART, born 27 Feb 1946 at Roy Utah RICKEY DEAN ENGLEHART, born 18 Aug 1948 at Cortez Colo BETTY LOU ENGLEHART, born 18 Oct 1950 at Cortez Colo

M!RY MAXINE NICHOLS, dau of Daniel Edward & Govea Lou Padgett Nichols, born 27 Oct 1926 at Princeton Kansas md 7 Jul 1947 at the Platt Home in Deer Trail Colo. Elli!ER C PLATT, son of" Lyman:· c~ ·& Mamie Pushall Platt~ born llJun 1920· at Stillwater Okla. ~ddress 11133 Coolhurst Dr Whittier Calif. He is il1 the Police Department Their Child: CALVIN GENE PLATT, born 29 Aug 1951 at Montebello Calif

ELVA CORDELIA PADGETT, dau of Isaac Edward & Mary Jane

Bean Padgett1 born 13 Jan 1895 at Dolores Colorado md B&-q:aEHT DEUCHOLZ, son of Sopha Nunn Deucholz, born 18 Au~ 1891 at ~ouisville Kv md ?.nd ~LBIN OLSOV. He is retired and they live at 2114 W Wilshire Phoenix .Ariz:

ALBA RUSSELL PADGETT~ son of Isaac Edward & Mary Jane Bean Padgett, born 28 Apr 1897 at Natoma Kans md 27 Nov 1919 at Middletown Mo LAVERTA EI.LEN RHOADS, dau of G B & Sophronia L Davis Rhoads, born 17 Aug 1896 at Middletown Mo. Their Present address is 908 So 9th St Canon City Colo 122

Their Children:

Russell Junior, Mary Ellen, Jimmy Lee.

RUSSELL JUNIOR PADGETT, son of Alba Russell & I..averta Ellen Rhoads Padgett, born 18 Apr 1922 at Olathe Colo md 14 Feb 1946 LORAINE WINIFRED, dau of Ben & Mabel Winifred, born 21 Apr 1924 at Los Banos Calif.

Their Child:

MA.RION LOUISE PADGETT, ·born 9 Dec 1949 at Hallister Cal

MARY ELLEN PADGETT, dau of Alba Russell & Laverta Ellen Rhoads Pad~ett, born 8 nea 1924 at Middletown Mo md 16 Sep 1949 at Raton New Mex ROBERT C MATHEWS., son of Joe Mathews born 20 Oct 1918 at Chattanooga Term.

Their Child:

MARY ELLEN MAT.tlEWS• born 9 Aug 1948 at Colorado Springs . Colorado

JIMMY LEE PADGETT, son of Alba Russell & Iaverta Ellen Rhoads Padgett. born 10 Apr 1936 at Canon City Colo md 10 Aug 1952 at Raton New Mex BEVERLY mELA.ND, dau -of Floyd & Arlene Richards Ireland, born 20 Jan 1936 at Canon City Colo.

Their Children:

PAMELA MARIE PADGETT, born 1 Sep 1954 at Canon City Colo GARY LEE PADGETT, born 12 Sep 1956 at Canon City Colo

LETHA MERCY PADGETT, dau of Isaac Edward & Mary Jane Bean Padgett, born 12 Oct 1900 at Dolores Colo. md FRED J HART. she md 2nd BERN.ARD SMITH

ROBERT DANIEL PADGETT., son of Isaac Edward & Mary Jane Bean Padgett, born 10 Jan 1902 at Dolores Colo. md 1st AMELIA ELJZABETH CORPES, born 2 Feb 1914 -iiid -end 195~ ESSIE SJt,iITH. Robert is a construction Eng­ ineer. They are at Glen Ganyou Damsite. Robert & Amelia's family are: Their Children: 123

Edward Daniel1 Harold Cecil.

EDWARD DANIEL PADGETTJ son of Ro~ert Daniel & Am3lia Elizabeth Cospes Padgett, born 28 Mar 19~S at Ho~do Texas md 20 Oct 1943 LOUISE BEI.MONT, dau of Louis & Mary Ellen Harg~tt Belmont. Edward is an Engineer.

Their Children:

CECIL JAMES PADGETTJ barn 18 Feb 1946 at Dumas Texas KATHRYN LEE PADGETT., born 3 Jan 1948 at Phoenix Ariz FRANK EDWARD PADGETT., born 29 Oct 1951 at Globe Ariz

HAROLD CECIL PADGETT, son of Robert Daniel & Amelia Elizabeth Cospes, born 13 Feb 1934 at Bisbee Ariz md BETTIE LOU SMITH, dau of Roscoe Sanders & Mattie. McCoy Smith, born 3 Sep 1934 at Hackett Ariz. Cecil is a Pumpman.

Their Children:

DEBORAH PADGETT, born 9 Aug 1954 at Miami Ariz BARBARA ELI.EN PADGETT, born 2 Oct 1955 at Miami Ariz ROBERT ROSS PADGETT• born 15 Sep 1957 at Miami Ariz

ALVERTA JANE PADGETT, twin daughter of Isaac Edward & Mary Jane Bean Padgett, born 10 Aug 1904 at Cheyenne Kansas md 15 Apr 1921 at Muskegon Heights Michigan HOWARD LOUIS STIENER, son of Frank Franklin & Daisy Ma.e Wood Stiener, ~orn 11 Jul 1900 at nig Rapid Miehe Howard is a Welder. They reside at 243 Amity Ave Muskegon Mich.

Their Children:

Norman Dale, Lois Irene, Kenneth Wayne, Ila Pearl.

NORMAN DALE STIENER, son of Howard Louis & Alverta Jane Padgatt Stiener, born 14 Feb 1926 at fuuskegon Heights Mich md 19 Jan 1942 at Muskegon Michigan LOLA IRENE BRIGGS, dau of Louis & Nellie Saxton Briggs born 16 Mar 1927 at 1v1uskegon Mich. Norman is a Mechanic. They live at 4255 Central Rd Muskegon Mich., Their Children: 124

DALE LOUIS STIENER, born 18 Aug 1944 at Muskegon Mich SHIRLEY LOUISE STIENER, born 17 Aug 1947 at Muskegon Michigan CHARLENE RAE ST IENER, born 12 Jul 1951 at Muskegon Mich

LOIS IRENE ST IENER, ·tnm of Howard Louis & Alverta Jane Padgett Stiener, born 26 Feb 1927 at Muskegon Mich md 12 Oct 1946 at tiuskegon Mich ARLICE GEORGE HEFTER, son of George & Leona Elliott Hefter, born 18 May 1925 at Muskegon Mich. He is a Mechanic. Their address is 1400 Logan So. Muskegon Mich.

Their Children:

RAELENE KAY HEFTER, bont. 16 Feb 1951 at Muskegon Mich GEORGE LOUIS HEFTER, born 2 6 Aug 1953 at Muskegon Mich

KENNETH WAYNE STIENER, son of Howard Louis & Alverta Jane Padgett Stiener, born 9 Mar 1931 at Muskegon Mich md 3 Jun 1950 at Muskegon Mich. MYRNA ANN PETERSON, dau of Pete & Leona Elliott Pet-arson, born 26 Aug 1933 at Muskegon Mich. Kenneth is a Cabinet Maker$ Their home address is 1340 Anna St Muskegon Mich Their Children; DAWlI ANN STIENER, born 4 May 1952 at San Diego Calif died 5 May 1952 . HOWARD WAYNE STIENER, born 1 May 1954 at Muskegon Mich MARY MAY STIENER, born 5 Jul 1956 at Muskegon Mich died 5 Jul 1956

ILA PEARL STIENER, dau of Howard Louis & Alverta Jane Padgett Stiener, born 10 Aug 1933 at Muskegon Mich, md 5 Aug 1950 at Muskegon Mich ROBERT GEORGE BISSON, son of George & Ruth Howard Bisson, born 29 Aug 1932 at Muskegon Mich. Robert is an employee of the Telephone Co. Their home a--ddress is 1467 Dangill Rd Muskegon !vlich.

Their Children:

ROBERT JONES BISSON~ born 27 Jan 1951 at Muskegon Mich LINDA LUE BISSON, born 10 Jan 1952 at Muskegon Mich SANDRA LEE BISSON, born 10 Apr 1953 at Muskegon Mich TOMAS GEORGE BISSON, born 3 Apr 1955 at Muskegon Mich 125

ALVERNA ?ADGETT, twil! dau of Isaac Edward & Mary dan~ ~ean Padgett, born 10 Aug 1904 at Cheyenne Kans died 31 Aug 1905 at Cheyenne Kansas if burns.

FARRELL H PADGETT, twin son of Isaac Edward & llary ,Tini.e Bean Pad P-A+.t, born 8 Dec 1905 at Cheyenne Kans md Nov 19:le NONA MAE ELMER dau of Frank Oliver & Ilavilla Watkins Elmer, born 13 Jun 1910 at Safford Ariz Farrell is Superintendant of the_Reg~l Mine at Globe Arizona in which City they rEraide •.

HARR~LL -PADGETT,, twin son of Isaac Edward & Mary Jane Bean Padgett, born 5 Dec 1905 at Cheyenne Kansas md 10 Jun 1928 at Detroit Mich IRENE MCLA.UGHLm, dau of Frank & Nina M stevenson Mcl.aughlin., born 2 Jul 1911 at Detroit Mich. Harrell is a Plainer Operator Their address is 328 Park Dr ClawS'On Mich.


Nina Mae 1 "Harola- William, Donald Melvin, I.arry Lee, Douglas Roy.

NINA MAE PADGETT, dau of Harrell .& Irene McLaughlin Padgett, born 5 Jun 1931 at Clawson Mich md 4 Sep 1947 at Southfield Mich DONALD STEWART, son of Earl H & Ruth Ann Mercer Stewart., born 11 Apr 1930 at Birmingham Mich. Donald is a Manufacturers Repres­ entative. They live ·at 133 Kirk. Lane Birmingham Mich

Their Children:

LrnDA DEAN STEWART, born 12 Jan 1949 at Clawson Mich RICHARD P STEWART, bor~ 15 Jam 1952 at Royal Oak Mich DONALD EARL STEWART, born 8 Jan 1954 at tloyal Oak Mich

HAROLD. jyILLIAM PADGETT, son of Harrell . & Irene McLaughlin Padgett, born 15 Jan 1936 at Royal Oak Mich

• DONALD.~L_VIlJ PADGETT, son of Harrell - & Irene McLaughlin Padgett, born~ 20 lw!ar 1939 .1t Clawson Mich

LARRY LEE PADGETT~ son of Harrell .. & ~ Irene Mclaughlin Padgett, born 2 Au~ 1942 at Clawson Mich 126

DOUGLAS ROY PADGETT., son of Harrell &. Ire•e I McLaughlin Padgett, born 7 Oct 1944 at Royal Oak Mich

LOELLA PADGETT, dau of Isaac Edward & Mary Jane Bea• Padgett, bQrn 7 ~pr 1911 at Cheyenne Kans died 8 Mar 1918 at Dolores Colo of influenza

VICTOR PADGETT., son of Isaac Edward & Mary Jane Beu Padgett~ born 12 Aug 1913 at Paradise Kalls died 6 Jul 1928 at Fruitport Mich. He was drowned.

CHESTER PADGETT, son of Isaac Edward & Mary Jane Bean Padgett. born 12 Aug 1915 at Cheyenne Ka.Jls died Aug 1917 at Paradise Kans of aK intestinal disorder.

ISAAC EDWARD PADGETT JR~ son of Isaac Eciward & Mary Jane Bean Padgett, born 28 Feb 1918 at Dolores Colo md 11 Aug 1939 at San Diego CalU JEAli MARIE ZULLEI, dau.of Lawrence & Patricia Zulea, boria Z4 Dec 1916 at Chicago Ill.

Their Child:

PATRIC!! LOUISE PADGETT., born 26 Feb 1948

ANDREW JASPER PADGETT, som of Robert Farrell & Mary Caroline Sm.,ith Pa~gett, bor~ 18 Mar 1875 ~t Mountaiit View Mo. died 6 Oct 1951 at Canon City Colo md 6 Oct 1894 at Russell Kalla JESSIE ANN FRAZIER., dau of Frank & Rebecca Smith Frazier, born 1 Mar 1882 at Platts­ mouth Nebr. died 28 Mar 1952 at Canon City Colo

Their Children:

Robert Ruel., Myrtle Cordel_ia, Leo Winfield, Agnes Caroline, Ila Rebecca, Lewis Franklin,

Cyrus Eaward 1 .Ruoy Violet •.

ROBERT RUEL PADGETT, son of Andrew-Jasper & Jessie Ann Frazier Padgett, born 30 Jul 1895 at Lawton K~s md 27 Oct 1915 at Osborne Kans BERTHA AGNES MONTGOMERY dau of James W & Mi,ss ,Lo)!-g Mon~gomery born· 16 May 1898_ Hoxsie Kans died 29 Aug 1939 at Pueblo Colo, buried at Canon City Colo. Their Children: 127

Retarba Rulland., James Jasper, Russell Ruel.

ROBERTA ROLLAND PADGETT, dau of Robert Ruel & Bertha Agnes Montgomery Padgett, born 4 Sen J q, S Pi": A~P!1ahoe Colo md WILLIAM GREENE, ~d Nov 1938 at Pueblo Colo ~.'i MERLE BARTLETT, born 13 May 1915 at Colo Springs Colo

Their Children:

LOUELLA MARLENE BARTLETT., born 30 Jul 1939 at Colorado Springs Colo JOAN MAXINE BARTLETT, born 6 Feb 1941 at Canon City Colo

ROBERTA ROLLAND PADGETT BARTLETT, dau of Robert Ruel & Bertha. Agnes Montgomery Padgettj md 18 Nov 1944 at Reno Nevada JcR. BENNETT, born 6 Jan 1916 at Alva Okla He is a Printero Their address is 1406 E Cheyenne St Colorado Springs Colo

JAMES JASPER PADGETT, son of Robert Ruel & Bertha Agnes Montgomery Padgett., born 19 Sep 1920 at Osborne Kans md 9 Jul 1940 at Rat-on New Mex LEIA LAMB., dau of Daniel James & Alpha May Brose lamb, born 16 Jul 1921 at Peyton Colo. Jack is a Barber. They reside at 1501 W Kiowa St Culorado Springs Colo.

Their Children:

JAMES RUEL PADGETT., born 1 Jan 1941 at Colorado Springs Colo JACQUELINE LEE PADGETT, born Mon 28 Sen 1942 at .J. Colorado Springs Colo. died 20 Jan 1943 JANET RQWELENE PADGETT, born Sun 19 Mar 1944 at Coloraco Springs Colo RONALD DENNIS PADGETT., born Sat 7 Sep 1946 at Colorado Springs Colo GARY LYNN PADGETT, born Fri 20 May 1955 at Coi.orado Springs Colo

RUSSELL R't.JEL PADGETT, son of Robert Rue2. & Bertha Agnes Montgomery Padgett, born 2~ Aug 1922 at Silver Cliff Colo md ANITA SPORE, md 2nd on 7 Nov 1945 at Phoenix City Ala NEVA UAR.IE 1YILC0X, dau of Beulah Wilcox born 19 Aug 1924 in Oklahoma. Their Children~ 128 CONNIE MARIE PADGETT, born 19 Dec· 1946 at Lodi Calif LARRY PADGETT, born 11 Nov 1948 at Colorado Springs Colo

RUSSELL RUEL PADGETT, son of Robert Ruel & Bertha Agnes Montgomery Padgett, md 3rd on 11 Aug 1956 at Raton New Mex MARY MANSHEIM, dau of Frank & Caroline Otte Mansheim,'boni 31 Aug 1922 at Salida Colo. Russell is a Chef. ~They reside at 1406 Boulder St Colorado Springs Colo

Their Child:

KA.THY ANN PADGETT~ born 13 May 1957 at Colorado Springs Colo.

ROBERT RUEL PADGETT~ son of Andrew Jasper & Jessie A:nn Frazier Padgett, md in Ka.Jllsas AGNES LORAINE SMITH born 5 Jan 1898 at Gretna Nebr. Ruel is an expert Cook. They live at 1601 Harlan st Lakewood Colo

MYRTLE CORDELIA PADGETT. dau of And~ew Jasper & Jessie Ann Fraz'ier Padgett, born 1897 9rt Lawton Kansas died 1898 at Lawton Kansas

LEO WINFRED PADGETT., son of Andrew Jasper & Jessie A.Rn Frazier-Padgett~ born 17 Apr 1899 at Natoma Kans md 12 Jal'J. 1924 at Westcliffe, Colo HAZEL SEALEY, dau of Frank & ota lane Sealey~ born 18 Sep 1908 at Pueblo Colo. Leo is a Barber. Their home is at 2556 E Monument St Colorado Springs Colo.

Tneir Children:

La.Vada, Bennie, Lonnie.

LAVADA PADGETT, dau of Leo Winfred & Hazel Sealey Padgett, born 19 Dec 1926 at Westcliffe Colo md ROY WILSON

Their Child:

DIXIE ROLENE WILSON, born 29 Dec 1944 at Canon City Colo

IAVADA PADGETT WILSON, dau of Leo Winfred & Hazel Sea Sealey Padgett, md 2nd JAMES STETLER Their address is 2023 So Corona St Colorado Springs Colo 129

Their Children:

JAMES WINFRED STETLER, born 5 Jul 1955 at Colorado Springs Colo 3RENDA LEE STETLER, -born 6 Aug 195 7 at Colo Springs Colo

BENNIE PADGETT, son of Leo Winfred & Hazel Sealey Padgett, born 1 Oct 1928 at Westcliffe Colo md 14 Dec 1952 at Harrah Okla MARY ANN JAMES, dau of Harvey J & Alice Curtis James, bom 11 May 1932 at Oklahoma City Okla. They live at 3225 Newark Denver Colo.

Their Children:

PATRICIA ALICE PADGETT, born 29 Jun. 1953 at Denver Colo PAMELA JEAN PADGETT, born 20 Nov 1955 at Denver Colo

LONNIE PADGETT~ son of Leo Winfred & Hazel Sealey Padgett, born 4 Aug 1943 at Canon City Colo

AGNES CAROLINE PADGETTj dau of Andrew Jasper & Jessie Ann Frazier Padgett, born. 4 May 1901 at Codell Kansas md 26 Aug 1916 at Cheyenne Wells Colo PAUL HOLCOMB, son of Mathew & Anna Reedley Holcomb, born 8 Jan 1894 at Weskan Kansas

Their Children:

Ruby Pauline, Imogene Agaes, Coral Marlene.

RUBY PAULINE HOL~OMB, dau of Paul & Agnes Caroline Padgett Holcomb, born 1 Oct 1917 at Sharon Springs Kans md 20 Apr 1937 at Pueblo Colo EARL BOND STEEPLES son of George & Stella Maude Sawyer Steeples~ born 1 Apr 1908 at Tulsa Okla. They now reside at 911 Madison St Canon City Colo

Taeir Children:

BARBARA 1MRLENE STEEPLES, born 16 Feb 1942 at Wichita Kansas WILBER LAWRENCE STEEPLES, born 26 Mar 1945 at Canon City Colo

IMOGENE AGNES HOLCOMB, dau of Paul & Agnes Caroline 130

Padget~ Holcomb, born 16 Apr 1923 at Sharon Springs Kans md 24 Apr 1941 at 1Vichi ta Kans 1VILLIAM JOSEPH TROMBLEY sen of W1l:1am & Flcssie Williams Trombley1 born 30 May 1922 a~ Detroit Mich~ Their address is i0343 Best Dr Dallas Texas

Their Childrent

BILLY JEAN TROMBLEY, born 23 Jan 1943 at Wichita Kansas PENNY LEE TROMBLEY~ born 6 Aug 1946 at Colorado Springs Colorado

CORAL MARLENE HOLCOMB, da~ of Paul & Agnes Caroline Padgett Holc~b~ born 26 Nov l932 at Canon City Colo md 3 Jul 1953 at Raton New Mex JOHN JOSEPH MA.ESTES~ son of ABthony & Anna S:ifka Maestes~ born 13 Jan. 1928 at Colorado Springs Colo. They reside at 1334 So E. 125th Pe:rtland 16 Oreo

Their Children~

CHARLOTTE ANTOINETTE MAESTESj born 14 Apr 1954 at Seattle Wash LINDA DIANE MA.ESTES!} born 26 Nov 1955 at Seattle Wash TERRY MICHAEL MA.ESTES~ born 23 Jan 1957 at Seattle Wash

AGNES CAROLINE PADGETT HOLCOMB, dau of Andrew Jasper & Jessie Ann Frazier Padgett md 2nd en 29 Apr 1942 at RatoE New Mex CHARLES E~RT, son of William & Louise Leidg~n Ehlert, born l6 Sep ~913,at Milwaukee Wisc. Charles is an smployee of the Pest Office Department. Tl'-.eir lovely home i:s a~ 804 So Prospect Street Colorado Springs Co:oe

ILA REBECCA PADGETT, dau of Andrew Jasper & Jessie Ann Fraz i€:o Paa.get-t ., tern l Jul 1903 at Natoma Kansas rod 31 May 1920 at 1Va.:..:.a.:;e Kan~ VIRGIL BROWNsi son of Gec-rge W Brovm.() bcY'n 2.3 Dec :..898 at Sharon Springs Kans They reside at :82 7 So Ccrona Cclorado Springs Colo

BETTY LOREE BROWNil born 23 Dec l923 a-t Sharon Springs Kans md l Nov 1942 a~ Wichita Kans TEO LYNN, born 18 Oct 1920 in Burlingt,on Co:oo Their address is 506 Williams Colorado Sp=ings Coloe 131

Their Children:

VIRGILAN SUE LYNN, born 17 Feb 1944 at Wichita Falls Tex KAREN KAYE LYNN, born 13 Dec 1948 at Colorado S~rings Colorado

LEWIS FRANKLm PADGETT, son of Andrew Jasper & Jessie Ann Frazier Padgett, born 1905 at Lawton Kansas died 1906 at Lawton Kansas

CYRUS EDWARD PADGETT, son of Andrew Jasper & Jessie Ann Frazier Padiett, born 30 Sep 1906 at Waldo Kansas died 30 Jun 1953 at Colorado Springs Colo buried 1 Jul 1953 at Canon City Colo md 18 Feb 1933 at C~no•

City Colo EUNICE KOCH., dau of Victor & Rose Koch3 born 28 Apr 1913 at Milwaukee Wisc. Cyrus Edwa~d was a Mechanic. Eunice is associated with Renovator Cleaners and lives in Canon City Colo.

Their Children:

LeRoy, Anita, Petie J, Reta Kay, Cheri Lynno

LEROY PADGETT, son of Cyrus Edward & Eunice Koch Padgett, born 10 Dec 1934 at Canon City Colo

ANITA PADGETT., dau of Cyrus Edward & Eunice Koch Padgett, born 23 Aug 1936 at Milwaukee Wisc. md 13 May 193-6 DAVID COLEMAN, son of Lowell ~ Wilma E Teaters Coleman, born 18 May 1926 at Colorado Springs Colorado. Da-vid is in the US Arey

Their Child~

TONYA IlA.RIE COLThf..AN, born 26 Feb 1957 at Cclorado Springs Colo

PETIE J. PADGETT, twin son of Cyrus Edward & Eunice Koch Pad,ge~, born 26 Apr 1946 at Canon City Colao

RETA KAY PADGETT~ twin dau of Cyrus Edward & Eunice Koch Padgett., born 26 Apr 1946 at Canon City Colo.

CHERI LYNN PADGETT, dau of Cyrus Edward & Eunice Koch Padgett~ born 29 Jan 1954 at Canon City Colo. 132

RUBY VIOLET PADGETT, dau of Andrew Jasper & Jessie Ann Frazier Padgett, -born 23 Mar 1908 at Waldo Kansas md 29 Dec 1926 at Westcliffe Colo GOLDEN CECIL LESTER, son of Stephen & Ella Bowden Lester~ born 8 Feb 1900 at Rapid City So Dak. Golden is associated with the Insurance Business. Violet is Cashier at Royal Gorge Bridge Co. They reside at 1518 No 8th Street Canon City Colo.

Their Children:

Donna Darlene, Lola Lue, Bonnie Dee.

DONNA DARLENE LESTER, dau of Golden Cecil & Ruby Violet Padgett Lester, born 9 Dec 1929 at Canon City Colo md BENNIE FRANK ROBERTS, son of I J -& Money Loveless Roberts, born 22 Nov 1924 at Strong City Okla. He is a guard at Colorado State Pe•itentiary. They live at Canon City Colo.

Their Children:

FRANKIE DARLENE ROBERTS, born 1 Oct 1947 at Colorado Springs Colo TERRI CATHLEEN ROBERTS, born 19 Jun 1949 at Ca11ora. City Colo JOYCE GAYE ROBERTS, born 8 Nov 1951 at Cason City Colo

LOLA LUE LESTER, dau of Golden Cecil & Ruby Violet Padgett Lester, born 21 May 1934 at Ca.non City Colo md 14 Dec 1952 JAMES RICHARD COX. He is a student at Colorado State College. Their address is P 122 Jackson Blvd. Greeley Colo.

Their Child:

MICHAEL LESTER COX, born 16 Feb 1954 at Canon City Colo

BONNIE DEE I.ESTER, dau of Golden Cecil & Ruby Violet Padgett Lester, born 11 Jan 19J7 at Canon City Colo.

CORDELIA ANN -PADGETT, dau of Robert Farrell & Mary Caroline Smith Padgett, born 6 Sep 1871 ~t Mountain View Mo. died 10 Oct 1947 at Luray Kansas md 29 Sep 1895 at Natoma Kans LEWIS FRANKLIN BUSTER, son of Jake 133

& Mallissa Rothwell Buster, born 15 Apr 1872 at Summersville Mo. died 20 Feb 1944 at Salina Kans.

Their Children:

Ida Wave, Cecil Jasper, La.Vada Mae, Virgil Lowell. 1

IDA WAVE BUSTER, dau of ;Lewi~ Frallklin & Cordelia Ann Pad~ett Buster, born 4 Sep 1896 at Natoma Kansas md 16 Dec l.914 at Linoolll Kau WILFORD MOSES BEACH, son of Moses Beach, born 4 Deo 1892 at Luray Kansas died 22 Sep 1949·-e:t Wichita Kans. Ida is owner of a high . class, well stocked Gi.ft Shop at 200 E Main Street at Chanute Kansas. She is a charming, successful mother and businesswoma.m.

Their Children:

Ma.rgola Mae, Geraldine Lowell.

MAR.GOLA MAE BEACH, dau of Wilford Moses & Ida Wave Buster Beach, born 15 Nov 1916 at Lu.ray Kansas died 23 Jul 1952 at Garnett Kansas md 9 Feb 1909 HAROLD WAYNE SMITH, son of Earley D & Jennie Elliott Smith, born 16 Dec 1912 at Stuart Iowa

Their Children:

CAROL JANENE SMITH., born 25 Sep 1938 at St Paul Minn SHERRY LYNN SI~ITH, born 19 Nov 1942 at Parsons Kans.

GERALDINE LOWELL BEAOH, dau of Wilford Moses & Ida Wave Buster Beach, born 12 Aug 1919 at Lu.ray Kansas md 1941 at Wichita Kansas HOWARD BROCK of Wichita Kan

Their Child:

MARDEAN BROCK, born 9 Apr 1947 at Salina Kansas

GERALDINE LOWELL BEACH, dau of Wilford Moses & Ida Wave Buster Beach, md 2nd on 3 Jul 1948 at Salina Kan CHARLES RUSSELL SWARTZ, son of Charles Swartz, born 4 Dec 1912 at Dwight Kans. Their home is located at 108 E Prescott St Salina Kansas Their Children: 134

11ARY LEE SWARTZ, born 15 Nov 1949 at Salina Kansas MARLO JO SWARTZ, born 24 Sep 1951 at Salina Kansas

CECIL JASPER BUSTER., son of Lewis Franklin & Cordelia ABK Padgett Buster., born 14 Sep 1897 at Natoma md 1 Jun 1924 at Manhattan Kans HAZEL MAE WILSON, dau of Gail & Daisy Ellen Meeker Wilson., born. 6 Apr 1896 at Waldo Kans. Cecil is a prominent Dentist, his professional life has been spent in Manhattan Kansas rheir c~ining home is near the University of Kansas campus at 816 No Sunset Ave Manhattan Kans.

Their Children:

Virginia Lee., Donald Lew.

VIRGINIA LEE BUSTER., dau of Cecil Jasper &: Hazel Mae Wilson Buster, born 29 Mar l-925 at Manhattan. Kansas md 19 Oct 1947- at Manhattan Kansas ALBERT EUGENE WHITESIDES., son of Mabel Whitesides, born 8 Sep 1922 at Fort Scott Kansas

Their Childrea:

DEBRA SUE WHITESIDES, born 26 Sep 1951 at Salina Kans TIMOTHY EUGENE WHITESIDES, born 21 Sep 1956 at Kansas City Kansas

DONALD LEW BUSTER, son of Cecil Jasper &: Hazel Mae Wilson Buster., born 15 Apr 1928 at Maahatta• Kansas md 17 May 1953 at McCracken Kans DONNA JOAN RYAN, dau of Glenn&: Ruby Elmore Ryan., born 12 Sep 1931 at McCracken Kansas ·where they maintain their home.

Their Child:

GREGORY liYAN BUSTER., born 19 Feb 1954 at Topeka Kans

LAVADA MAE BUSTER., dau of Lewis Franklin & Cordelia Ann Padgett Buster, born 30 Sep· 1898 at Natoma Kans md 12 Jun 1917 at Salina Kans MANNY RAY WILSON., son of Gail & Daisy Ellen Meeker Wilson, born 5 Aug 1894 at Waldo Kans. He is manager of the Gambel Store. They reside at 815 So Evergreen Chanute Kans. Their Children: 135 Robert Dolan, Cora La.Donna, Gloria Ann, Eloise La.Yadao

ROBERT DOLAN WILSON, son of Manny Ray & La.Vada Mae Buster Wilson, born 12 Jul 1920 at Luray Kans. md 12 Sep 1944 at New York City NY ROSEMARY PEAK, dau of August & Betty Bea Brinnen Peak, born 26 Jun 1920 at Manhattan Kansas

Their Children:

PAMELA GAIL WILSON, born 19 Aug 1945 at New York N Y GARY ROBERT WILSON, 'Jorn 25 Aug 1946 at Topeka Kans BETTY BEA WILSON, born 1 JM 1952 at Garnett Kans DEBRA JOYCE WILSON, born 15 Oct 1955 at Chanute Kans

CORAL LADONNA WILSON, dau of Manny Ray & ~Vada Mae Buster Wilson, born 23 Feb 1925 at Miltonvale Kans md May 1947 at Burlington Kans HARRY DEAN DOUGLASSJ son of Harry & Miss Benser Douglass., born 1923 at Burlington Kansas

Their Chi 1 dre:n:

LADONNA LYNN DOUGLASS, born 4 Oot 1947 at Burlington Kansas LINDSEY DIANE DOUGLASS, born 3 Nov 1951 at Colorado Springs Colo

GLORIA ANN WILSON, dau of Manny Ray & La.Vada Mae Buster Wilson, born 5 Oct 1929 at Chanute Kansas md 28 Jan 1953 at Emporia Kans HARRY EDELBERT REDFIELD son of Edelbert & Blanch Redfield, born 7 Jun 1928 from Georgia

Their Children:

KERRY LEE REDFIELD, born 12 Jun 1954 at Hastings Nebr RANDALL REDFIELD, born 30 Sep 1956 at Chandler.- Ariz

ELOISE LAVADA WILSON, dau of Manny Ray & La.Vada Mae Buster Wilson, born 15 Feb 1931 at Chanute Kansas md 27 Jan 1951 at Manhattan Kans KENT S1lITH, son of Ray & Lois Cooksey Smith, born 2 Oct 1931 in Kansas

Their Children: 136

DAVID KENT SMITH~ born 26 Jtm 1952 at Garnett Kansas FREDERICK RAY SMITH, born 9 Oct 1954 at Garnett Kans TRACY LEE SMITH., born 29 Jan 1957 at Burlington Kans

VIRGIL LOWELL BUSTER, son of Lewis Franklia & Cordelia Ann Padgett Buster., born 2 Aug 1900 at Natoma Kansas md 6 Sep 1929 at Topeka Kans SYIVIA LOUISE KAECKELL, dau of Louis Frank & Emily Anders~n Kaeckell, born 7 Jan. 1907 at Eskridge Kansas. These friendly folk make a home at Garnett Kansas.

WILLIAM WEBSTER PADGETT, son of Robert Farrell & Mary Caroline Smith Padgett., bont 27 Aug 1882 at Hutton Valley Mo. died 7 Feb 1946 at Tacoma Wash md 6 Sep 1902 at Hays City Kans JESSIE PEARL COOPER., dau of Philip & Cora B Leas Cooper, born 2 Apr 1884 at Hope­ ville Iowa died 23 Jul 1949 at Tacoma Wash, where both are buried. Wm Webster ·was a farmer in Kansas They later moved to Tacoma Wash

Their Children:

Dorothy Caroline, Lydia Velma, Cloyd Webster.

DOROTHY CAROLINE PADGETT~ dau of William Webster & Jessie Pearl Cooper Padgett, born 1.7 Mar 1904 at Paradise, Kans md 31 Dec 1925 at Paradise Kansas SUMNER HENRY WILLES, son of Stephen He:ru-y & Edith Maude Hodgenson Willes, born 25 Feb 1898 at Denver Colo. Sumner is employed by Na~ley Mfg Co. They reside at 3610 East 104th Tacoma Wash.I Their Childre:e:

Dorothy Eunice, Edith Maude, Edna Pearl, Sumner Earl.

DOROTHY EUNICE :~rILLES, dau of Sumner Henry & Dorothy Caroline Padgett Willes, born 21 Jan 1927 at Los An~eles Calif md 9 Jul 1949 ROBERT C CHRISTOFFERSON, son of Conrad O & Lillian Jones Christofferson, born 1 Nov 1927 at Tacoma Wash. Robert is an employee of the Post Office Dept. They live at 3139 So 18th St Tacoma Wash.

Their Children: 137

JANE~ LOUISE CHRISTOFFERSON, born 15 Jun 1951 at Tacoma Wash SARBARA LYNN CHRISTOFFER.SON, born 1 Jul 1952 at Tacoma Wash ROBERT ALLEN CHRISTOFFERSON, born 23 Apr 1953 at T:-icoma. Wash DAVID PAUL CHRISTOFFERSON, born 12 Sep 1956 at Tacoma Wash.

EDITH MAUJE WILLES 9 dau of Sumner Hen:y & Dorothy Caroline Padgett Willes, born 24 Oct 1928 at Denver Colo md 22 Feb 1948 JAMES O\LE ROLFE, son of C W & Ruby Cain Rolfe, born 3 Feb 1917 at Brainerd MinnQ James is the Tacoma Representative O'f the Veterans Administration. They reside at 3402 No Pudget Sound Tacoma. Wasili.

Their Children:

EDITH CECILIA ROLFE, born 3 May 1950 at Seattle Wash SUSAN ELAINE ROLFE., born 6 Dec 1954 at Tacoma Wash

EDNA PEARL WILLES., dau of Sumner Henry & Dorothy Caroline Padgett Willes, born 21 Aug 1950 at Hugo Colo md 15 Apr ROBERT GORDON LOPER"_. son of Roy & Oc:ta Elma Thomas Loper., born 9 Dec 1928 at Des Moines Iowa~ Robert is manager of the Rainwater Poultry Coe Their home is at 11915 Rainwater Rd Tacoma Wash.

Their Children:

STEPHEN ROY LOPER, born 1 Oct 1951 at Fort Worth Tex RICHARD GORDON ll)PER., born 21 Feb 1952 at Tacoma Wash CLIFTON LOUIS ROPER~ born 13 Sep 1956 at Tacoma Wash

SUMNER EARL WILLES~ son of Sumner Henry & Dorothy Caroline Padgett Willes, born 2 Dec 1936 at Yakima Wn

LYDIA VELMA PADGETT, dau of William Webster & Jessie Pearl Cooper Padgett~ born 28 Sep 1905 at Paradise Kansas died 10 Oct 1909

CLOYD WEBSTER PADGETT, son of William Webster & Jessie Pearl Cooper Padgett, born 26 Aug 1907 at Paradise Kans md 25 Apr 1934 at La.Veta Colo VEVA :MAE JARNAGIN, 138 dau of James H & Willa Coffman Jarnagin, born 26 Sep 1908 at Aldrich Mo. Cloyd is a valued employee of the Western Lumber Co. They r~side at 3803 So 8th St Tacoma Wash.

Their Children:

Jessie Florence, Carolyn Mae. Gladys Maurine.

JESSIE FLORENCE PADGETT, dau of Cloyd Webster & Veva Mae Jarnagin Padgett. born 28 May 1935 at Denver Colo md 23 Aug 1956 at Tacoma Wash GERALD AMBROSE, son of George A & Aurora Lazzari Ambrose, born 22 Nov 1934 at Tacoma Wash. Gerald is a Seaior Student at College Their home is at 3014 N Baltimore Tacoma Wash

CAROLYN MAE PADGETT, deu of Cloyd Webster & Veva Mae Jarnagin Padgett, born 27 Jan 1938 at Copalia Beach Wash md 17 May 1957 at Tacoma Wash LARRY LEE KOCH, son o~ Henry & Grace Uzzell Koch, born 5 Nov 1937 at Fort Collins Colo. Iarry -is an Ene:ineer Draftsman for the Boeing Aircraft Co. Their address is 4116-12th N.E. Ant# 301 Seattle Wash ' -

GLADYS MAURINE PADGETT, dau of Cloyd Webster & Veva Mae Jarna.gin Padgett, born 3 May 1940 at Copalia Beach Wash

!ELIA BLANCHE PADGETT, dau of Robert Farrell & Mary Caroline Smith Padgett, born 7 Dec 1884 at Hutton Valley Mo. died 18 Nov 1951 at San Diego Califo buried a.t Salina Kans md 30 Jun 1901 at Natoma Ka.ns LUTHER MACAM SHELLEY, so~ of John Wesley & Mary Jane Bybee Shelley, born 8 Apr 1876 at Green Grove, Cumberland Co. Ky. Luther, a revered and honored father, lives with his daughter Flossie at 3526-29th St San Diego Calif.

Their Children:

Violet Viola, John Robert, Isaac Jackson, Elsie Ellen, Flossie Wave, Blanche May, Lula Fern, Cecil Arnold Wallace, Martha Margaret.

VIOLET VIOLA SHELLEY, dau of Luther Macam & Lelia Blanche Padgett.Shelley. born 4 Apr 1902 at Osborne Kansas died 10 Feb 1920 139

JOHN ROBERT SHELLEY., son of Luther Macam & Lelia Blanche Padgett Shelley, born 17 May 1903 at Osborne Kans died 6 Sep 1954 at Cimarron Kans in an auto crash md 9 May 1928 at Salina Kans MARGARET ALICE RASETTE, dau of Joseph L & Lillie Belle ~uck Rasette, born 19 Jan 1904 at Salina Kans. Margaret and sister live in an elegant home at 3907 E Skinner Wichita Kans

Their Children:

Betty Jean, John Arthur.

BETTY JEAN SHELLEY, dau of John Robert & Margaret Alice Rasette Shelley. born 4 Jul 1929 at Salina Kans dien 7-Sep 1954 at Cimarron Kans in the same auto crash tha:t killed her father. md 11 Jun 1950 CECIL JAMES SIMPSON., son of Cecil James & Mabel Simpson., born 22 Deo 1927 in England

Their Child:

SHARON KAY SIMPSON., born 6 Jan 1953 at Longmont Colo

JOHN ARTHUR SHELLEY, son of Jolm Robert & Margaret Alice Rasette -Shelley• born 28 Feb 1935 at Junction City Kans md SHIRLEY RUTH MEANS., dau of Clyde & Norma Mae Brian Means. born 23 Deo 1934 at Wichita Kansas John is associated w~+,h a Bank. They live at 2310 So Fountain Wich.1:~a Kans

Their Child:

JOHN M.A.RC SHELLEY, born 6 Jan 1957 at Wichita Kansas

ISAAC JACKSON SHELLEY, son of Luther & Lelia Blanche Padgett Shelley, born 21 Oct 1904 at Osborne Kansas died 29 Aug 1905

ELSIE ELLEN SHELLEY., dau of Luther Macaxn & Leiia Blanc he t?adgett Shelley., born 14 Oot 1906 at Paradise Kans. md 24 Dec 1926 at Salina Kansas ERNEST OTTO SCHNEIDER., died 1937

Their Child: 140

ELAINE ELSIE SCHNEIDER, born 21 May 1933 at Salina Kans md 19 Sep 1953 at Dayton ROBERT RAYMOND OWENS son of Robert Virgil & Frances Irene Hopkins Owens, born 29 May 1932 at Dayton Ohio. They reside at 5456 Ferngrove Dr Dayton Ohio

ELSIE ELLEN SHELLEY SCHNEIDER, dau of Luther Macam & LeL: Bl~nohe Padeett.Shelle1, md 2nd on 9 Oct 1937 DOUGLAS PA:J She lives at 2936 30-t=h St San Diego Calif

FLOSSIE WAVE SHELLEY, dau of Luther Macam & Lelia Blanche Padgett Shelley, born 23 Jan 1908 at Paradise Kans md 16 Jul 1927 EUGENE B DALRYMPLE. Flossie and her revered father live at 3526-29th San Diego Calif

BLANCHE 11A Y SHELLEY., dau of Luther Macam & Lelia Blanche Padgett Shelley. born 27 Oct 1909 at Paradise Kans md 3 Feb 1929 JACK CHARLES JENSEN

. Their Child:

JO.AN MAY JENSEN, born 20 Feb 1932 at Oxnard Calif md 9 Oct 1949 at Lovelock Nev NEAL FREDERICK TALCOTT, son of Fred Samuel & Fern Louise Frienderson Talcott, bor• 26 Jun 1928 at Unionville Nev. Their address Lovelock Nevada Box 3 5l

Their Children:

KATHLEEN LOUISE TALCOTT.,_. born 6 Sep 1950 at Lovelock Nev DAVID HAROLD TALCOTT, born 20 Sep 1953 at Lovelock Nev

BLANCHE MAY SHELLEY JENSEN, dau of Luther & Lelia Blanche Padgett Shelley, md 2nd on 2 Sep 1949 JOHN W BROWN. She resides at 508 Hillcrest Dr Reno Nev

LULA FERN SHELLEY, dau of Luther & Lelia Blanche Padgett Shelley, born 29 May 1911 at Weskan Kansas died 14 Dec 1940 in a train auto collision.

CECIL ARNOLD WALLACE SHELLEY, son of Luther Macam & Lelia Blanche Padgett Shelley~ born 2 Sep 1913 at Weskan Kans md 9 Nov 1953 at Elko Nev EVA MENNICUCCI, dau of Ben & Maria Mori Mannicucci, born 14 Aug 1903 at Winnemucca Nev. Their address Winnemucca Nev Box 681 1 1:ARTHA MARGARET SHELLEY., d9. .: cf l'..,. the:r Macam & Lelia Blanche Padge~t Shel~ey, bor~ :~ Oct :916 ~~ We~kan Ka ns d ie d r~ J tm -_ 9 r:::\.,4 m• j T -Tcr.. ..-•--i...· c~ c KLO'-nAl'dJ ~ rr..J., ~rrc.r - c,n 15 Jul 1947 EDWJL~D GODFREY~

NANCY ELLEN PADGETT, da.:::. cf R·.:"ce~:: Farre:.. ~- & Ua.ry Caroline Smith Padgett~ bo:cn 2::. De: ~.58-3 a. t Hutt.c·n Valley Moo md 23 t.Tun :90:i at Paradise Kan~ EDGAR PERRY BROWN, sen of Ha~rison & Martha He:en Hukel Brown, born 31 Jan i.875 a~ Grand River Iowa. died 19 Mar 1951 at Sawteile Ca1if cf pneumcnia. They spent the major part cf their lives on a farm in Kansas. Later they mo-ved tc Cal.if., Nancy Ellen lives near most of her .f'ami:y who bring her 8c~ much happiness and joyo He~ add~efs i~ 9:35 Goebe: St.reet Los Angeles Ca:.ifc·rnia.

Their Childrent

Royal Harrison., Sylvia Blanche, Or-ve.: Edgari Treva Cordelia., Edith Emeline, Creta. Fern~ Golda Mae.9 William Raymond.9 Oral Kenneth~ Edgar Perry .Jr.

ROYAL HARRISON BROWN, sc,n of Edgar Perry & Na.nay Ellen Padgett Brc-wn.9 bcrn 2Ci Mar :. 905 a"':', Os bor-ne Kans md 31 Jul 1930 at Den·ver Co~c• GRACE ::INDLEY MATHEWS, dau of William Wal~e~ & G~ace Ferd Cook Ma.thewsD born 14 Jul 1908 at Gcwer Mc,o Rciya.1 i-3 an employee of Douglas Aircrafi: Ceo Their address 260E, W 27th St-reet San Pedro Cal1f

R03.tJ1T DEAN BROfflI;- bc.rn -~5 J9.n :9'34 a-:: Ga~den City Kan CA ...-qQLYN GRACE 3ROWN be tr: ;::, I1ifu.:-/ : 9~ 6 a:. Ga r-cien City Kan ~".T~,. TER➔ _i-~v, • .:.4.? i - - .,,.ILLT~~rti ~1 ,V.h.L . ~RO'\,iNILJ- ~, J...... _rm,.., _ .. .L -:: : _ ..,.~, - J • ..._ a··• ..L..-\..· ".::· Ange-·.. .l. e-;::; ra.,..,. ..i. SUSAN R1JTH BROWN, b0:rn.- 27 lb3.y -~ 944 at Lr:s P..nge:es Ca2.

SYLVIA 3LANCHE BROY{N 1 ds.'.; c :""' Ec.gat' Pe~ :;y & Nancy EJ.ien T 11 ... • "'tr "L'" ~ ~ '? Padgett Brown~ tern 22 -}...:.~ ~-906 at ....;:.,.c. ~- v n.::;.i..:ln ;::.- ..i..:. '-· " Sep 1925 at Sal.in3. Kans ZEPHER NOLAN DAIIDTJRA.ND~ son of A J & S R 1vfa~topp Danii..:·rar..d; t,c.rn 27 Aug ::._904 a-c Au!'ora. Kansa3 142

Tr€ssa Blanche, Ellen Marie, Doris Mae.

TRESSA BLANCHE DANDURAND, dau of Zepher Nolan & Sylvia Blanche Brown Dandurand, born 8 Oct 1926 at Salina Kansas died 2 Mar 1928

ELLEN MARIE DANDURAND, dau of Zepher Nolan & Sylvia Blanche Brown Dandurand~ born 12 Sep 1929 at Salina Ka.ns md 3 Feb 1949 at Altadena Calif RONALD WILGUS CLIFT, son of Cecil Nolan & Kathryn Delia House Clift, born 24 Jul 1926 at Pasadena Calif. He works at the Fire Dept. They reside at 19568 Delford Duarte Calif

Their Children:

SYLVIA MARIE CLIFT, born 18 Mar 1950 at Duarte Calif ROSELLEN CLIFT, born 21 Apr 1951 at Duarte Calif RONNIE EUGENE CLIFT, born 14 Mar 1955 at Duarte Calif

DORIS lviAE DANDURAND, dau of Zepher Nolan & Sylvia Blanche Brown, born 23 Apr 1931 at Salina Kansas md 23 Jun 1948 at Los Angeles Calif RAYMOND LOUIS KING JR son of Raymond Louis & Myrtle Mae Richa.rdbille King, born 3 Apr 1923 at Redlands Calif. He is an electronic ·-engineer. Their address 6476 Western Ar~ington Calif

Their Children:

BILLIE RAYMOND KING, born 29 Mar 1950 at Los Angeles Cal DOLORES MAE KING, born 16 Feb 1952 at Los Angeles Calif BARBARA ANN KING, born 26 Mar 1957 at Los Angeles Calif

SYLVIA BLANCHE BROww'N DM1JURAJ.~, dau of Edgar Perry &

Nancy Ellen Padgett Brown 1 md MILTON CRAIG, They reside at 4152 W 61st St Los Angeles Calif

ORVAL EDGAR BROWN, son of Edgar Perry & Nancy Ellen Padgett Brown, born 7 Feb 1908 at Paradise Kans ·bap 13 Jul 1950 End 13 Sep 1952 md 12 Mar 1934 at Los Angeles Calif MILDRED STUART, dau of Robert & Margaret J Hendry Stuart, born 28 Dec 1906 at Wellsville Utah bap 3 Feb 1915 End 13 Sep 1952. Orval is connected with the Motion Picture Business. Their home is at 14438 Benefit Sherman Oaks Calif.

Their Children: 143

ORVAL NICHOLAS BROWN, born 19 Jun 1939 a.·:. Los Angeles Calif bap 8 Feb 1947 ROBERT ANTHONY BR01ffi, born 20 Jul 1942 at Los Angele~ Calif bap 29 Jul 1950 ~GARET ELLEN BROWN, born 9 Jan 1948 at Los Angeles Calif bap 4 Feb 1956

TREVA CORDELIA BROWN, dau of Edgar Perry & Nancy El:en Padgett Brown, born 11 Oct 1910 at Paradise Kans md 19 Jan 1929 at Salina Kans 1:lATHEW BONIFACE ELSER, son of Albert & Anna Printz Elser, born 19 Mar 1904 at Codell Kans. He is a brewmaster. Their home is at 6555 Jaboneria Rd Bell Calif

Their Children:

Donald Lee, Jackie Dean., Mathew Boniface, Jennetta Maries

DONALD LEE ELSER, son of Mathew Boniface & Treva Cordelia Brown Elser, born 10 Sep 1932 at Salina Kans md 3 Jul 1954 at Bell Gardens Calif FLORENCE JOY BEVER., dau of Carl & Erma Hamner Bever., born 10 Oct 1934 at Bell Gardens Calif. He is employed at brewery. Their address is 14139 Joanbridge Baldwin Park Calif

JACKIE DEAN ELSER, son of 1fa.thew Boniface & Treva Cordelia Brown Elser~ born 3 Sep 1934 at San Jose Cal md 13 Apr 1954 at Bell Gardens Calif NORMA MAE BURROWS, dau of Leo Albert & Inez Ernestine Glase Burrows., born 11 Dec 1935 at Minneapolis ;Jinn. He is employed at brewery. Their address is 14531 !)1.1c~-t S-t San Fernando Calif

MATHEW BONIFACE ELSER, son of Mathew Boniface & Treva. Cordelia Brown Elser, born 14 Sep 1938 at San Jose Cal

£KNETA fwIARIE ELSER, dau of !11lathew Boniface & Treva. Cordelia Brown Elser, born 7 Oct 1944 at Bell Calif

EDITH EMELilJE 3ROWN, dau of Edgar Perry & Nancy Ellen Padgett Brown, born 7 Jan 1912 at Grand River Iowa 30 Nov 1933 CARLY~ ~b:ERT CARLSON

CRETA FERN BROWN, dau of Edgar Perry & Nancy Ellen Padgett .Brown, born 28 Apr 1913 at Grand R 7ver Iowa 144 md 6 Sep 1931 at Salina Kans CLARENCE ~DWARD SMITH, s~n of Charles Edward & Sadie Frances G:.:_s~ Smi+:1-i, 1-·0rn 22 Mar 1900 at Mtnneanolis Minn. He is emu- - ~,,~c- 2-~~ an Auto Shop. Their address 178 Van Buren Twin f:,.:>·ls Idaho Their Children: Kenneth F-rancisJl Curtis Edward, Nancylea"

KENNETH FRANCIS SMITH., son of Cla.r~-~-:~e Edward & Creta Fern Brown Smith, born 11 Jan 1935 at Salina Kans md 2 Dec 1956 at Twin Falls Ida DONETTA MAE REDUCE., dau of Martin Henry & Lenora Ros-e Peters Reinke~ born 11 _ Aug 1938 at Twin Falls Ida. Kenneth is employed at Reese Motor Co. They live at 638 E Highland Twin Falls Idaho

CURTIS EDWARD SMITH, son of Clarence Edward & Creta Fern Brown Smith, born 9 Nov 1938 at Russell Kans md

16 Dae 1956 at Twin Falls Ida CONSTANCE PAMELA ROTH 3 dau of Carl & Margorie Wells Roth., born 15 May 1939 at Hollywood Calif. Curtis is a mechanic~ .Tbeir address is 178 Van Buren Ave Twin Falls Idaho Their Child: CYNTHIA LYNN SMITH, born 19 Jul 1957 at Twin Falls Ida NANCYLEA SMITH., dau of Clarence Edward & Creta Fern BrOWll Smith., born 22 Aug 1943 at Twin Falls Idaho

GOLDA MAE BROWN 1 dau of Edgar Perry & Nancy Ellen Padgett Brown, born 8 May 1917 at Paradise Kansas died 27 Feb i92i at Saiina Kans of pneumonia

WILLIAM RAYMOND BROWN, son of Edgar Perry & Nancy Ellen Padgett Brown~ born 1 Jan 1919 at Paradise Kans md 1 Jan 1948 at Los Angeles Calif Olli·fA LOUISE DA..~DIS dau of John ChPrles & Irene J Hopkins Dardis; born 7 Sep 1926 at.Das Moines Ia~ William is an electrician They reside at 542"2 E Indianapolis Ave Fresno Calif

Their Children:

CINDY LUE BROWNi born 15 Feb 1950 at Los Angeles Calif DEBBY SUE BROWN, born 24 Aug 1951 at Los Angeles C~lif WILLIAM RAYMOND BROWN II. born 13 Sep 1955 at; Fresno California 145

ORAL KENNETH BROWN, son of Edgar Perry & Nancy Ellen Padgett Brown, born 12 Jan 1921 at Salina Kansas md 25 Jun 1951 at Las Vegas Nev BETTY JANE FRENCH, dau of Rich.a.rd Harding & Elizabeth McNamee French, born 10 Jan 1923 at Brooklyn NY. Oral Kenneth is an aircraf't engineer with North American Co. Their home is at 1049 So Killne Rd Columbus Ohio

Their Childrem:

MICHAEL KENNETH BROWN., born 3 May 1954 at Columbus Ohio RICHARD EDGAR BROWN., born 27 May 1955 at Columbus Ohio NANCY ELLEN BROWN, born 19 Nov 1956 at Columbus Ohio

EDGAR PERRY BROWN JR, son of Edgar Perry & Nancy Ellen Padgett Brown, born 10 Nov 1922 at Salina Kansas md 25 Jun 1951 CONNIE Wlll,IAMS. md 2nd on 27 May 1955 at Los Angeles Calif RUTH EVELYN DUNCOMBE, dau of Edward Francis &: -Grace Genevieve Gray Duncombe., borm. .. 31 Dec 1923 at Masontown Pa. Edgar Perry is employed by the Los Angeles Police Department. They reside at 2941 Knoxville Ave Lomg Beach Calif.

Their Child:

Chris Edgar Brown., bont 15 Jun 1956 at Long Beach Calif

LIZZIE PADGETT, dau of Robert Farrell & Mary Caroline Smith Padgett, born 11 Feb 1879 at Hutton Valley, Mo died 17 Sep 1879

MARY W PADG1TT, dau of Robert Farrell & Mary Caroline Smith Padgett, born 9 Jun 1873 at Mountain View Mo. died 10 Jun 1873

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****DANIEL WEBSTER S]ltITH., son of Samuel Harrison & Mary Ellen Batman Smith., born 24 Aug 1-856 at 11:ountain View Mo.· died 15 Feb 1945 at Yarnaby Okla. md in. 1877 at Mountain View Mo SALLY WALKER, dau of Rutherf.ord & Elizabeth Thornton Walker., born 1862 at Hickman Co Tenno died 1881 at Mountain View Mo. buried on the Jess Roberts Place at Mountain View Mo. He md 2nd on 24 Sep 1884 in Mountain View Mo _LA~ ANN COMPTON., dau of Frank & Mary Jane Dollarhide Compton., born 13 Apr 1868 in Mountain View Mo. died 31 Mar 1936 at Durant Oklae Mack as he was called owned a farm in Howell County Mo. In October 1897 they moved to the Indian Territory i;n Oklahoma., a neighbor ·we:nt along with them. They had three covered wagons. Everett drove the teams of one wagon. In Oklahoma they secured another farm. Those were hard, no schools., -very few doctors or neigh­ bors. They ·were pioneers in every sense of t'he wordo They knew hard work from early .. morning till dark at night. Mack was a mild tempered -man~ kind and good to his family. In their home with Laura, a good devoted mother, the children were taught to work., .:to be honest and treat ~very one right. W~th the loss of two of their sons$ who were slain by Indians., their many friends and· ne-ighbor.s comfort·ed them in these tr~gio experiences. They paid a high price for their part 'in the settlement of the Indian. Territory. They lived to celebrate their Golden. ·-w,Jdding,--when their family and .­ friends gathered to honor this loved and highly resp­ ected couple.

Their Children:

Everett·Edward~ Walter Franklin~ :Mary Ethel, Ida May~ Es~ie D, Annie B, Wo Claude.

EVERETT ED~D SMifH., son-of Daniel Webster & Laura Ann Compton Smith, born 10 Sep 1885 at Mountain View,

Mo md 18 Aug 1918 at Yuba Okla URITH ARMILDA HUG.A.RT 9 born 7 Mar 1891 in Hancock Co. Ky. They ar-e loved and 'r-espeoted in Durant Okla as weli as in their present home at 5160 Cochran St Beaumomt Texas, Everett i1;3 a retired farmer and Urith a retired school teacher:!) 148

Their Child:

CLAUDIA RuTH SMITH., born 26 Jan 1920 at Yuba Okla. md 8 Mar 1946 LUCIAN SIDNEY MCGUIRE JR. son of Lucian Sidney McGuire. Lucian owns a Welding and Repair Shep They reside at 5164 Cochran Beaumont Texas

Their Children-:

CLAUDIA KATHRYN MCGUIRE born 14 Dec 1948 at Beaumont Tex LUCIA ARVELLA. MCGUIRE born /~ Feb 1950 at Beaumont Tex LUCIAN SIDNEY MCGUIRE III born 7 Aug 1951- at Beaumont Tex

WALTER FRANK.LIN SMITH., son of Daniel Webster & Laura Ann Crompton Smith., born 1 Oct 1886 at Mountain View Mo died--£ Sep 1915 at Durant Okla. Walter was a Deputy Sherriff and while driving in his buggy on the way to a singing practice at his Church, was stopped by an Indian on horseback., whe was intoxicatedo He threatened Walter, who tried to reason with him but to no availo The Indian threw a whiskey bottle and hit him in the ·head. He lived only a few hours. Walter was well respected in the Community as a fine Officer of the law and a good citizen.

MARY ETHEL SMITH., dau of Daniel Webster & Laura Ann rrompton Smith., born 22 Nov 18B8 at Mountain View Mo md 27 Apr 1905 at Yuba Okla JOSEPH ALPHA LEWIS, son of Joseph LT & Rebecca Preston Lewis., born 18 May 1878 in Hopkins Coo Texas. He was a farmerQ Ethel now lives with her devoted daughter and family at 3020- 38th Lubbock Texas, where she can be in comfort and remember many harrowing, eventful experiences in her early life and enjoy the companionship of her lovely children and grandchildreno

Their Children:

Essie B., Haskell Ray., James Alfred~ Gladys A, Hazel E, Walter Thomas.

ESSIE B L.t.---WIS, dau of Joseph Alpha & Ma_ry Ethel Smith Lewis~ born 12 Jan 1906 at Yuba Okla md 19 Sep 1925 at Durant Okla WILLIAM ARNOLD LEWIS., son of Charles Peter & Dorothy Lewis born 18 Jul 1905. He is an employee of Odessa Pe.eking Co. Their address is Box 95 Odessa Te! 149

Their Children:

Juanita Armilda, J.C, Patsy Darlene.

JAUNITA .ARMILDA LEWIS, dau of William Arnold & Essie B Lewis Lewis, born 12 May 1927 at Utica Okla md 1947 CARL T SMITH

J.C. LEVrIS, son of William Arnold & Essie B Lewis Lewis, born 4 Deo 1930 at Utica Okla md 17 Dec 1956 at Clovis New Mex ROBERTA RUTH HOLLINGSWORTH, dau of Ira Hansell &: Mildred Ethel Evans Hollingsworth, born 21 Jan 1935 at Pine Ridge Ark.JC is in College majoring in Finance. Their address is 3102 Ave H Lubbock Texas.

PATSY DARLENE LEVrIS, dau of William Arnold & Essie B Lewis Lewis, born 21 Apr 1947 at Lubbock Texas

HASKELL RAY LEVrIS~ son of Joseph Alpha & Mary Ethel Smith Lewis, born 1 Jan 1908 at Wynne Wood Okla. md 5 Jan 1928 MINNIE MILLER, dau of Richard & Lucy Neal Miller They reside at 420 A:rroya Dr Martinez Calif. He is associated with the Shell Oil Co.

Their Child:

ELLA JEAN LEWIS, born 21 Jan 1929 a.t Yuba Okla. md 14 Jul 1947 at First Baptist Church in Martinez Calif JAMES LEE SHUMATE, son of Roy & Audie May- Haynes Shum.ate, born 27 Jul 1925 at Wellington Texas. James is a Surveyor. Ella Jean is a Correspondence Supervisor in the US Navy. They live at 116 De Norma.ndie Way Martinez California.

JAMES ALFRED IEWIS, son of Joseph Alpha & :Mary Ethel Smith Lewis, born 8 Mar 1911 at Yuba Okla md 13 Aug 1930 at Durant Okla GI.ADYS DUNCAN, dau of Sam & Susie Whittle Duncan, born 23 Aug 1910 at Utica Okla. James is associated with Reynolds Aluminum Co. Their address is 9309 W Monroe Tolleson Ariz.

Their Child: GLENNA KAY LEWIS, born 7 Oct 1933 at Utica Okla. md 150

25 Oct 1952 at Tolleson Ariz RALPH R CHRIST:SNSEN~ son of Charles Myron Wood & Ruth Main Christensen., born 20 Oct 1933 at Clyde Ohio.

Their Children:

LilIDA SUSAN CHRISTENSEN., born 11 Aug 1953 at Riverside California MA.RION KAY CHRISTENSEN., born 3 Dec 1955 at Phoenix Ariz

GLADYS A LEWIS, twin dau of Joseph Alpha & Mary Ethel Smith L3wis. born 18 Jan 1913 at Yuba Okla. died 4 Deo 1926 at Yuba Okla of heart & kidney trouble. buried at Yarnaby Okla.

HAZEL E LEWIS., twin dau of Jos~ph Alpha & Mary Ethel Smith Lewis, born 18 Jan 1913 at Yuba Okla. md 12 Aug 19.34 at Yuba Okla ,VILLIAM ARTHUR VINSON., son of Rev Walter A & Maggie Bell Hudgins Vinson, born 15 Aug 1911 at Yuba Okla. He is a Dealer for the U.S. Royal Tire Co. They reside at 3020-38th St Lubbock Texas.

Their Children:

Karl Wayne, I.a.Verne., ,Jerry Arnold.

KARL-WAYNE VINSON., son of William Arthur & Hazel E Lewis Vinson, born 29 Jul 1935 at Yuba Okla., md 6 Sep 1954 at Lubbock -Texas BARBARA JANELLE HUFF., dau of Ozzro: & Velma Lee Wilson Huff., born 6 Sep 1936 • m in .Lexa.a.

Their Children:

SHERRY JAYNE VINSON., born 14 Jun 1956 at Lubbock Texas KAREN DENESE VINSON, born 15 Jun 1957 at Lubbock Texas

LAVERNE VINSON, dau of William Arthur & Hazel E Lewis Vinson., born 13 Jun 1938 at Lubbock Texas md 23 Mar 1956 at Lubbock Texas JERRY DEE JONES., son of J D & Alice Agatha McGehee Jones., born 29 Sep 1936 at Clovis New Mex • He is Co-owner of the Western Wrecking Yard Their address is 5701 Geneva Lubbock Texas. Their Child: 151

DE'AUN JONES, born 16 Dec 1956 at Lubbock Texas

JERRY ARNOLD VlliSON, son of William Arthur & Hazel E Lewis Vinson, born 3 Mar 1944 at Lubbock, Texas.

WALTER THOMAS LEWIS 1 son of Joseph Alpha & Mary Ethel Smith Lewis, born 30 Aug 1915 at Yuba Okla md 6 May 1939 at Yuba Okla PAULINE SAVAGE, dau of Oscar & Mattie Kidwell Savage. Walter is associated with the Shell Oil Cc, address 2210 Tacoma Ave Martinez Calif

Their Children:

MARY NELL LEWIS, born 19 Nov 1941 at Kenific Okla BOBBY JUNE LEWIS, born 1 Nov 1943 at Okla WALTER CLINTON LEWIS, born 14 May 1946 at Lubbock Tex ROGER RAY LEWIS., born 14 Feb 1949 at Martinez Calif

IDA MAY SMITH, dau of Daniel Webster & Laura Ann Compton Smith, born 23 Apr 1891 at Motmtain View Mo died 23 Nov 1902 in Indian Territory of Appendicitis

ESSIE D SMITH, dau of Daniel Webster & Laura Ann Compton Smith, born Jun 1893 at Mountain View Mo. died 18 May 1894 at Mountain View Missouri of Diptheria.

ANNIE B Sl~ITH, dau -of Daniel Webster & Laura Ann Compton Smith, born 18 Apr 1895 in Shannon Co. Mo died 23 Dec 1899 in the Indian Territory. Okla.

W. CLAUDE SMITH, son of Daniel Webster & Laura Ann Compton Smith, born 8 Jul 1897 in Shannon Coe Mo. died 29 Jun 1916 at Yuba Oklao Claude was a fine, hard working, friendly, good young man, the youngest child of the familyo He was shot in the head by an Indian, who claimed that it was an accidente He lived about three weeks but finally passed away as a res u.l t of the woundo lie was b1iried beside his beloved brother at the Yarnaby Cemetery~ Yarnaby Oklahoma.


Beverly Pro11-ence

****ANDREW JACKSON SMITH, s-on of Samuel Harrison & Mary Ellen Batman Smith~ born 20 Sep 1858 at Mountain View Moo died 24 Feb 1940 at Durant Okla. md 17 Jan 1878 at Mountain View Mo TiJ.lARY CAROLINE WALKER, dau of Rutherford & Elizabeth-Thornton Walker, born 29 Jan 1860 in Hickman County., Tenn. died 26 Feb 1920 at Lib­ eral lvlo. buried at Liberal Mo. Jack as he was; always called.had an-unusual personality. He was a vigorous worker~ a rugged pioneer, a daring individual in the face of all obstacles and difficult problems, and a faithful husband and father. The experiences of his hard and rigorous life mellowed his emotions and out­ look upon life and its trying events9 After the passing of his beloved wife Caroline, he went to Durant Okla. where he spent the remainder of his l~fe.

Their Children:

A~-~~e Asalee., · Samuel Rutherford., William Webster~ Naomi~ Benjamin Andrew, Iviary Elizabeth, Walter .Lee~ Bertha Ann, Almeda, :Myrtle Ivy_, Flossie Fern., Elsa Fay.

_fl.LICE ASALEE SMITH, dau of Andrew Jackson & Mary Caro­ line Walker Smith, born 13 Dec 1878 at Hoxsie, Fulton Co. Ark died 3 Aug 1950 at Jantha Mo. buried at Shiloh Cemetery, near Liber~l Mo. md 9 Aug 1896 at West Plains Mo. SELISTINE BROOKS~ son ~f Clarence Andrew & Anna Ferry Brooks, born 17 Dec 1874 in Ohio died 13 Jan 1917 at Liberal Mo. buried in Shiloh Cemetery, T_hey _made good happy homes in Arroli Summersville and Liberal Mo

Their Children:

Clarence Andrew.,-Raymond Dewey., Virgil Webster., Zola Ms.e,. Lola Fern., Genevieve :Mary~

CLARENCE ANOREW BROOKS., son of Selistine & Alice Asalee Smith Brooks., born 3 Aug 1897 at Arroll ru10c md 21 May at La.mar Mo. lv1INNIE PAULINE SMOTHER1v10N., dau of Sam & Pearl Kendell Smotherman., born 22 Jun 19G O 154 at ArrollMo. Their address is R =#= 1 Yuma Ariz. Box 680 Their Children:

Joy Allen, Max DelosJ Alma D.ea.nJ Roy Carl, Elbert GlenJ Doris Lou Alice~ Jerry Lee.

JOY ALLEN BROOKS, son of Clarence Andrew & Mi;Dllie Pauline Smothennon Brooks, born 3 Mar 1921 at Liberal Mo md 18 Oct 1952 in Ida. BETTY MARIE DANNELY dau of Ed Dannley, born 28 Aug 1934 in Alabama. They live in Yuma Arizona

Their Child:

WAYNE ALLEN BROOKS, born 20 Nov 1953 at Yuma Ariz

MAX DELOS BROOKS, son of Clarence Andrew & Minnie Pauline Smothermon Brooks, born 10 May 1922 at Liberal Mo md 1 Aug 1956 at Phoenix Ariz BETTY BLEVDlS, dau of Myrtle Roberts Blevins.

Their Child:

WILLIAM GLEN BROOKS, born 13 May 1957 at Little Rook Ar~.

AIM.A DEAN BROOKS, dau of Clarence Andrew & Minnie Pauline Smothermon Brooks, born 4 Aug 1923 at Liberal Mo md 28 Sep 1945 at Colmnbia Kans CHARLES EDWARD

0 ""'"'6 ~, DUNLAPJ -~Q!l- .. o_f' f"!1°...1 ...... , ...... v~ v.-~ ~. s~e~ 'D,,_,._,._ "'4€,J..A. .4.J"""-A.~-,r.,..1.ap J horn.., 24 Nov 1922 at Jasper Mo. They live at Yuma Ariz.

Their Children:

JOHNNIE LEE DUNLAP born 16 Jim 1946 at Webb City Mo CHARLES RAY DUNLAP born 9 May 1947 at Webb City Mo PHYIJ.,IS DEAN DUNIAP born 7 Oct 1949 at Webb City Mo

ROY CARL BROOKS, son of Clarence Andrew & Minnie Pauline Smothermon Brooks, born 22 Aug 1926 at Liberal Mo md 8 Jun 1953 MARY LOU STEPHENSON, dau of Henry StephensonJ born 3 Apr 1937 at Bowling Green Ohio. They live at Yum.a Ariz.

Their Child: 155

KENNETH LEROY BROOKS, born 14 Apr 1954 at Yuma Ariz.

ELBERT GLEN BROOKS~ son of Ciarence Andrew & !Linnie Pauline Smotherman Brockss born 10 Feb 1929 at Liberal Mo.

DORIS LOU ALICE BROOKSj dau of Clarence Andrew & Minnie Pauline Smotherman Brooks~ born 10 Jan 1932 at Liberal Mo md 30 Aug 1955 at Yuma Ariz GILBERT N RUIZ$ son of Basilio & Ramona Nunez Ruiz, born 8 Jun 1925 at Somerton Ariz. They live at Yuma Ariz.

JSRRY LEE BROOKS~ son of Clarence Andrew & Minnie Pauline Smotherman Brooks~ born 26 May 1944 at Liberal Mo. died 29 May 1945

RAYMOND DEWEY BROOKS 3 son of Selistine & Alice Asalee Smith Brookss born 21 Mar 1899 at Arroll N.t0 md 31 Aug 1918 GLADYS SMOTHERMON~ dau of Samuel & Pearl Kendall Smotherman$ born 16 Mar 1898 at Arroll Mo. Their home address is Mulberry Kansas R # 1

Their Children~

Wayne Selistine~ James Earl., Raymond Doc, Charles Lee, Carrall Dean~ Phil.

WAYNE SELISTINE BROOKS, son of Raymond Dewey & Gladys Smotherman BrooksD born 26 Mar 1920 at Arcadia Kansas md 4 May 1940 at Nevada Mo LOIS STOUTi dau of Fred & Nora McClarion Stout, born 7 Apr 1919 at Arcadi~ Kans

Their Children~

JM1ES JOSEPH BROOKS, born 23 Mar 1941 at Arcadia Kans ROBERT RAY BROOKS, born 16 Dec i942 at Arcadia Kansas

JAMES EARL BROOKS 1 son of Raymond Dewey & Gladys Smotherman Breaks, born 30 Sep 1922 at Liberal I.To. md 17 Jun 1943 CLAUDIA 1VEA~.uR, dau of George & Susan McWilliams Vleaver$ born l7 Oct 1925 at Liberal lv1oe

Their Children~ KENNETH WAYNE BROOKS, born 4 Mar 194S at Pittsburg Kan NANCY t.TI~AN BR00KS.P born 22 Dec 1951 at Pittsburg Kans. 156

RAYMOND DOC BROOKS, son of Raymond Dewey & Gladys Smotherman Brooks, born 20 Sep 1925 at Liberal Mo md 23 Aug 1945 at Girard Kans JUANITA BLAKE, dau of Lawn & Lena Trotter Blake., born 14 Mar 1927 at Liberal Mo.

Their Children:

LilIDA BROOKS, born 4 Dec 1947 at Liberal Moo ROBBIE RAY BROOKS., born 8 Oct 1953 at Joplin Mo.

CHARLES LEE BROOKS., son of Raymond Dewey & Gladys Smotherman Brooks., born 26 Jan 1929 at Arcadia Kans died 12 May 1930

CARRALL DEAN BROOKS., son of Raymond Dewey & Gladys Smotherman Brooks, born 19 Aug 1935 at Arcadia Kans md 5 Sep 1956 at Decatur Ga. JUDITH ILENE ANSELENE, dau of Frank & Evelyn Johnson Anselene$ born 14 May 1939 at Arma Kansas

Their Child:

CHERYL LYNN BROOKS., born 21 Aug 1957 at Pittsburg Kan

PHIL BROOKS. son of Raymond Dewey & Gladys Smothermon Brooks., born 15 Dec 1940 at Arcadia Kansas

VIRGIL WEBSTER BROOKS., son of Selistine & Alice Asalee Smith Brooks., born 20 Sep 1901 at The Strip Okla. died 1 Apr 1949 at Pittsburg Kans md 1 Sep 1923 at Nevada Mo.SUSAN DELLA SMOTHERMON, dau of Samuel & Pearl Kendell Smotherman$ born 29 Dec 1904 at Mountain View Mo. Della has recently moved to 619 Freemont Apt 2 Salinas Calif.

Their Children:

Russell Webster, Oliver Clarence, Sarruny Lee, Wanda Sue.

RUSSELL vVEBSTER BROOKS., son of Virgil Webster & Susan Della Smotherman Brooks, born 17 Sep 1926 at Liberal Mo md 10 May 1952 at Yuma Ariz MARTHA LUCILLE MULLINS dau of William & Jessie May Carman Mullins, born 22 Feb 1929 in New Mexico. Their address is 1107 No Main Salinas Calif. 157

Their Children:

CAROLYN LUCILLE BROOKS, born 24 Ma.y 1953 at Yuma Ariz JOHNNY RUSSELL BROOKS, born 14 Jun 1954 at Yuma Ariz VIRGIL 7vILLIAM BROOKS born 30 Dec 1955 at Salinas Cal

OLDT'j!\_ CI.AIGNCE BROOKS, son of Virgil Webster & Susan Della Smotherman Brooks, born 14 Feb 1930 at Liberal Mo md 12 Dec 1948 at Yuma Ariz AUDREY MARIE MULLINS, dau of William & Jessie May Carman Mullins, born 30 Jun 1931 in New Mexico. Their address is 193 Prunedale Rd Salinas Calif.

Their Children:

JIMMY RAY BROOKS, born 9 Sep 1949 at Lamar Mo. JANICE SUE BROOKS, born 24 Sep 1952 at La.mar Mo.

SAMMY LEE BROOKS, son of Virgil Webster & Susan Della Smothermon Brooks, born l Jun 1937 at Minden­ Mines Mo.

WANDA SUE BROOKS, dau of Virgil Webster & Susan Della Smothermon Brooks, born 4 Jan 1941 at Pittsburg Kansas died 1941

ZOLA. MAY BROOKS, dau of Selistine & Alice Ase.lee Smith Brooks, born 10 Apr 1905 at Arroll Mo. md 6 Sep 1924 at Nevada Mo LAWN CARL TRUSKETT, son of La.vm Walton & Victoria Curtis Trusketti born 23 Oct 1905 at Mulberry Kans. They live on a fine farm at Liberal Mo.,

Their Children:

Betty Fern, };ia.rgaret Ua.y, Willa.rd Gene, David Carl.

3ETTY FERN TRUSKETT, dau of Lawn Carl & Zola L~y Brooks Truskett, born 17 Jan 1926 at Liberal MoQ md 25 Apr 1951 at Kansas City IJo ROBERT JOSEPH SCHAFFHA.USEN, son of Joseph J Schaffhausen, born 16 Apr 1925 at Kansas City Mo. Their Address is 430 ColtL~bia Anna Rd Home Wood Alabama. Their Child: 158

CAROL ANN SCHAFFHAUSEN., born 4 Feb 1954 at ' Birmingham Alabama

-MARGARET "MAY TRUSKETT, dau of Lawn Carl & Zola May Brooks Truskett, born 27 Jun 1927 at Liberal., Mo. md 24 Jul 1945 at Pittsburg Kans LEWIS CHARLES BOVvMA.N son·or William E & Hazel Ball Bowman, born 15 Feb 1923 at Liberal Mo. Their address is 10830 -78th Terrace Raytown Moo

Their Child:

SUSAN LYNNE BOWMAN, born 20 Nov 1956 at Kansas City Mo

WILLARD GENE TRUSKETT~ son of Lawn Carl & Zola May Brooks Truskett, born 11 Aug 1929 at Liberal Mo.

DAVID CARL TRUSKETT, son of Lawn Carl & Zola May Brooks Truskett, born 2 Feb 1945 at Pittsburg Kans

LOLA FERN BROOKS., dau of Selistifte & Alice Asalee Smith Brooks, born 12 Feb 1908 at Summersville Moo died 18 Jan 1923 of burns.

GENEVIEVE MARY BROOKS, dau·of Selistine & Alice Asalee Smith Brooks~ born 16 Jun 1912 at Liberal Mo md 16 Jun 1928 at Girard Kans PAUL ZIGLER ADAMS, son ' of Timothy & Flora Zigler Adams, born Jun 1909 at Liberal Mo.

Their Children:

DONALD ALLEN ADAMS, born 12 Dec 1929 at Liberal Mo. WANDA JlJNE ADAMS, born'24 Jun 1932 at Liberal Mo died -23 Oct 1934 VERA JOAN ADAMS~ born 23 Sep 1935 at Liberal Mo MARY ELAINE ADA11S, born 11 Aug 1940 at Liberal Mo JANICE KAYE ADAMS, born 8 Jan 1948 at Liberal Moo

SA1vfUEL- RUTHERFORD S1.1ITH., son of Andrew Jackson & Mary Caroline Walker Smith$ born 27 Nov 1880 at Mountain View Mo. md 7 Sep 1904 at Mountain View Mo. LUCY ALBINA POLK, dau of James K & Mary Frances Robinson Polk~ born 7 Jan 1885 at Mountain View Mo Sam is now retired and they live at Liberal Mo. 159

Their Children~

Olive Irene, Charles Samuel, Lois Alyne.

OLIVE IRENE SMITH~ dau of Samuel Rutherford & Lucy Albina Polk Smith, born 6 Dec 1905 at Moun~ain View Moe md Sep 1926 JOHN~ MOHLER, son of Jason & Mabel Unkefer Mohle~, born 1903 at Liberal Moo OLIVE m.ENE md 2nd in 1948 JAMES L CAMPBEIL, born 5 Oct 1912 in Canada~ They live at 1798 Ashland Columbus Ohioo

CHARLES SAMUEL SMITH, son_ of Samuel Rutherford & Lucy Albina Polk Smith, born 11 Jun 1909 at Liberal Mo. md 21 Sep 1940 ~t Lamar Mo MERYL PATRICK~ dau of Henry & Mary Frances Patrick, born 11 Nov 1916 at Webb City Mo

Their Children:

VICKE MARIE SMITH, born 5 Jul 1945 at Pittsburg Kans MICHAEL SAMUEL SMITH, born 19 Jan 19g2 at Joplin Mo.

LOIS ALYNE SMITHj dau of Samuel Rutherford & Lucy Albina Polk Smith$ born 26 Jun 1914 at Mountain View Mo. md 27 Sep 1940 at Carthage Mo CHARLES GENISIO, son of Dominic & Rosy Signetti Genisio, born 8 Mal' 1908 at Mindenmines MoQ Their address is 1720 Jackson Street Joplin Mc o

Their Childreng

JOHN CHARLES GENISI0 9 born 18 Aug 1942 at Joplin Mo. JERRY ALLEN GENISIO, born 1 Feb 1944 at Joplin Mo.

WILLIAM WEBSTER ~viIT~ son of Andrew Jackson & Mary Caroline Walker Smith.9 born 16 Nov 1882 at MouJ1tain View Moc died 27 Anr... 1957 at Lincoln Nebr. Funeral held in Baptist Church at Liberal Meo Bu.rial at Liberal Mc$ md 12 Oct i905 at West Plains Moo MA01)E ELLEN ROPER PHELPS~ dau of Mr Reper & Electa Phelps

Roper1 born 23 Jul 1890 at Mountain View l~o. died 25 May 1955 at Liberal Mo., 'buried at Liberal Moo

Their Children g

Roy Gilford~ Helton 9 Mabel Vivian! Rama Fayo 160

ROY GILFORD SMITH, son of William Webster & Maude Ellen Roper Phelps Smith, born 7 Aug 1906 at Mountain View Mo. md 28 Jan 1932 at Albert Lea Minnesota HAZEL MAE ROY, dau of Harvey August & Marie Bamgart Roy, born 15 Sep 1908 at Rudd Iowa. They reside at 604 Grand Ave West Des Moines Iowa.

Their Child:

DOROTflY AGNES SMITH, born 14 Jul 1936 at West Union Iowa md 28 Jul 1957 GUY AUN JOHNSON

MA.BEL VIVIAN SMI'J;H, dau of William Webster & Maude Ellen Roper Phelps, born 31 Mar 1909 at Mountain View Mo, md ARVIL EDWARD DAVIS$. son cf Joseph E & Eva Claypool De.vis, born 27 May 1907 at Liberal Mo Their address is 1310 So 48th St Lincoln Nebr.

Their Child:

DON ELWIN DAVIS, born l Apr 1929 at Liberal Mo md MARY ELLEN

Their Children:

DON MARSHALL DAVIS, born 1955 at Ft Leavenworth Kans CATHERINE DAVIS, born 28 Apr 1957 at Ft Leavenworth Kans

HELTOl~ S!!ITR, son of' William Webster & YAude Ellen Roper Phelps Smith, born 15 Apr 1910 at Liberal Mo died 13 Jul 1944. He was a Soldier in World War II and paid the supreme sacrificeo

RAMA FAY SMITH, dau of William Webster & Maude Ellen Roper Phelps Smith, born 30 Jan 1919 at Mom1.tain View Mo. md 18 Feb 1940 at Sedalia Mo. JAMES WILLIAM DALE, son of Glenn H & Susan Scott Dale, born 23 Jul 1918 at St Joseph Mo. They reside at 2907 - 5th Ave Pueblo Colu. Their Children: JAMES WILLIAM DALE III. born 4 Apr 1945 at Lawton Okla DAVID WEBB DALE, born 23 Jul 1950 at Gunnison Colo. 161

EUNICE NAOMI SMITH, dau of Andrew Jackson & Mary taroline Walker Smith, born 25 Oct 1884 at Mountain View Mo. She had her first conversation with Charley Allen on the Fourth of July 1902 at a picnic. They went on a Merry-Go-Romid, pulled with horses. She md 14 Sep 1902 at Mountain View Mo CHARLES THOMAS ALLEN, son of John & Nancy Jane Smith Allen., born 13 Feb 1879 in Miller Co. Mo. Charley has been a farmer most of his life., now retired. He and Eunie enjoy their fine family., with their nwnerous activities. They live at 605 No Center Willow Springs Mo.

Their Children:

LeRoy., Nola., Robert Jackson·., Beulah., Roby Hollis., Mary Gertrude., John Benjamin., Dixie Pauline, Joy Dwane., Fay Lorane~ Charlotte.

LER-OY ALLEN., son of Charles Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen., born 7 Jul 1903 at Mountain View Mo. died 5 Jul 1904 at Mountain View Mo.

NOLA ALLEN., dau of Charles Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen., born 25 Jan 1905 at Mountain View Mo md 4 Nov 1924 ALPHONSE DUBUS, son of Alphonse & Angie Queant Dubus., born 3 Sep 1894 at Lievin France. He is a retired coal miner. Their home is at 523 No Phillips Wichita Kansas

Their Children:

Rose~ry, Robert Edward, Yvonne Joy.

ROSEMARY DUB1S, dau of Alphonse & Nola Allen Dubus, born 25 Sep 1925 at Arma Kans md 5 Jan 1944 at Olathe Kans DONS WALP, son of Ralph & Beatrice Thomas Walp, born 23 Apr 1926 at Dallas Pa. Don is an Aircraft factory Foreman. They reside at 544 No Phillips St )Vichi ~a Kansas

ROBERT EDlVARD DU3US, son of Alphonse & Nola Allen Du"bi1s., born 7 Sep 1929 at Liberal Mo. md 2 Oct 1947 a·t Mo FAY MEDLEY., dau of Carl & Ada Hoover Medley, born 22 Dec 1929 at Arcadia Kansas. Robert is an Aircraft Inspector 162

YVONNE JOY DUBUS, dau of Alphonse & Nola Allen Dubu.s born 30 Sep 1934 at Liberal Mo.

ROBERT JACKSON ALLEN., son of Charles Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen, Q'?rn 25 Apr 1907 at Mountain View Mo. md 23 Dec 1933 WilMA WOLF, dau of William & Lizzie Galvin Wolf, born 14 Nov 1916 at Deerfield Mo Their home is on E. F D # 1 Sheldon Mo. Their Childre·n:

Mary Naomi, Edward LeRoy, Dolores Mae., Dixie Jo, Ida Lucile.

MARY NAOMI ALLEN~ dau of Robert Jackson & Wilma Wolf Allen, born 9 Dec 1934 at Deerfield Mo. md 18 Jul 1954 at Nevada Mo JOSEPH EARLL, born 1926 at Nevada Missouri. They live at Sheldon Mo. R =#= l

EDWARD LEROY :ATJ,EN., son of Robert Jackson & Wil~ Wolf Allen, born 12 Dec 1936 at 9eerfield Mo md May 1956 at Walker Mo MADELYN SWARTZ BROWN., born 1936 at MountaillVille Mo. They live at Sheldon Mo Rl

DOLORES MAE AYJ.EN, dau of Robert Jackson & Wilma Wolf Allen, born. 9 Nov 1938 in California

DIXIE JO ALLEN., dau of Robert Jackson & Wilma Wolf Allen., born 6 Jul 1941 at Joliet Ill.

IDA LUCILE ALLEN, dau of Robert Jackson & Wilma Wolf Allen., born 19 Jul 1943 at Joliet Ill.

BEULAH ALLEN~ dau of Charles Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen., born 26 Jun 1909 at Mountain View Mo. md 27 Dec 1939 at Moundville Mo EVERETT LEON RIPLEY, son of Jake & Mary Folk Ripley, born 25 Oct 1907 at Deerfield Mo. Their address is Deerfield-Mo R # 1

Their Child:

HEIEN FAY RIPLEY, born 3 Oct 1932 at Deerfield Mo. md 4 May 1952 at Fort Scott Kans KENTON W PETTIBON, son of Herbert & Lela Pettibon, born abt 1930 at Deerfield Mo. Their Child: 163

LELA FAYE PETTIBON~ born 24 Dec 1952 at Nevada Moo She weighed three powidse

ROBY HOLLIS .ALLEN~ son of Charles Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen, born 26 Oct 1911 at Mountain View, Moe md 8 Oct 1932 at Nevada Mo GEORGIA MAXINE MORRISON, dau of El & Bessie Mynatt Morrison, born 2 Sep 1914 at Paris Springs Mo. They live at Sheldon r.iissouri

Their Children.:

Patricia Ann, Thomas Eugene.

PATRICIA ANN ALLEN, dau of Roby Hollis & Georgia Maxine Morrison Allen., born 9 Oct 1933 at Deerfield Mo md 1 Aug 1950 at Nevada Mo EVERETT REUB~N HOPE, son of Jaxie Franklin & Bessie Ann Willard. Hope~ born 25 Aug 1931 at Bronaugh Mo. They live on a fine productive farm at Bronaugh Mo.

Their Child:

EVERETT LEON HOPE, born 29 Aug 1952 at Ft Scott Kans

THOMAS EUGENE ALLEN, son of Roby Hollis & Georgia

Maxine ~orrison Allen1 born 9 Feb 1939 at Nevada Mo

MARY GERTRUDE ALLEN., dau of-Charle-s Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen, born 16 Dec 1914 at Mountain View !w1o. md 7 Jun 1933 at Nevada Mo TIMOTHY MAC 1~100RE; son of George Timothy & Lillie McHolland 1111oore, born 4 Jun 1912 at Proctor Okla. They make their home at Arma Kansas

Their Children:

Jackie Lavern, Lora Janice, Benjamin Leon, Sandra Jean, Phyllis Ann.

JACKIE LAVERN MOORE, son of Timothy Mac & :Mary Gertrude Allen 1.1oore; born 29 Sep 1934 at Deerfield Mo. md 3 May 1953 at Bentonville Ark DOROTh-Y LAVERNA DENTON, dau of Ray Denton, born 9 Sep 1932 at Vlichita Kansas 164

LORA JANICE MOORE, dau of Timothy Mac & Mary Gertrude Allen Moore, born 1 Oct 1937 at Liberal Mo. md 16 May 1954 at Arma Kans PATRICK TOMS., son of James Edwin & Lois Rutn Toms., born 4 Ju..~ 1932 at Mindenmines Mo.

Their Child:

MARY GAIL TOMS., born 15 May 1956 at Pittsburg Kansas

BENJ.AMrn LEON MOORE, son of Timothy Mac & Mary Gertrude Allen Moore. born 23 Feb 1941 at Liberal Mo.

SANDRA JEAN MOORE., da.u of .Timothy Mac & Mary Gertrude Allen Moore, born 17 Aug 1943 at Liberal Mo

PHYLLIS ANN MOORE., dau of Timothy Mac & Mary Gertrude Allen Moore, born 12 Jul 1950 at Pittsburg Kansas

JOHN BENJAMrn ALLEN, - son of Charles Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen, born 29 Jul 1917 at Surmnersville Mo md 12 Jul 1951 at Chickasha Okla ELSIE FREED., dau of CE Freed., born 25 Aug 1917

DIXIE PAULINE ALLEN, dau of Charles Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen, born 4 Ju-1 1919 at Liberal Mo md 29 May 1943 at Miami Florida MORRIS MCCORKLE, son of Roy & Rosa Dumber Mccorkle., born Aug 1917 at Hoisington Kans. Their address is Georgia Christian Institute Valdosta Ga.

Their Child:

DAVID ALLEN MCCORKLE, born 14 Jan 1944 at Kansas City 1v1o.

JOY DWANE ALLEN., son of Charles Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen., born 6 Jul 1922 at Mountain View Mo. md 5 Jun 1943 OLIVE m.ENE DUBWIGG, da.u of Sophus & May Thomas Dubwigg., born 23 Aug 1927 at Mountain View Mo. They live on Rural Route 2 Box 142 Stratford Tufo. Their Children: JOYCE SUE .ATJ,EN, born 23 Jun 1945 at Kansas City Mo THEODORE WARREN ALLEN born 14 Sep 1948 at Springfield Mo TERRY DWANE ALLEN, born 1 Oct 1955 at Springfield Mo 165

FAY LORANE ALLEN, dau of Charles Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen, born 28 Sep 1924 at Arma Kans md 20 Aug 1942 at Moi.mtain View Mo JOHN ARNOLD DAVIDSON son of Arnold & Rosie Adair Davidson, born 22 Apr 1922 at Mountain View Mo. They live at Poplar Bluff Mo. Route # 2 Box 90

Their Children:

BARBARA KAY DAVIDSON born 24 Jun 1943 at Mountain View

VERNON RAY DAVIDSON, born 14 Oct 1946 at Brushie Mo. NANCY FAY DAVIDSON born 24 Feb 1949 at Mountain View Mo

CHARLOTTE ATJ,EN, dau of Charles Thomas & Eunice Naomi Smith Allen, born 7 Apr 1926 at Deerfield Mo .• md 26 Apr 1944 at West Plains Mo. OTHEL BEAN, born1 20 Jan 1922 at West Plains Mo. They now reside at Granite City Ill. R # 1 Box 1155

Their Children:

CAROL JANE BEAN, born 19 Jan 1945 at Springfield Mo LilIDA JEAN BEAN, born 9 Jun 1947 at Mountain View Mo LOIS RE'NEE BEAN born 20 Dec 1949 at Granite City Ill DELORIS ANN BEAN born 27 Jul 1955 at Granite City Ill

BENJAMIN ANDREW SMITH, son of Andrew Jackson & Mary Qaroline Walker Smith, born 30 Nov 1886 at Mountain View Mo md 6 Feb 1910 at Mountain View Missouri MABEL DUBWIGG, dau of John & Lula Wallace Dubwigg, born 6 Jan 1889 at Mountain View Mo died 17 Oot 1928 at Mountain View Mo. Ben now makes his home at

Edwardsville Kans where he spends.... most of his time in his shop. He makes cabinets of all types and they truly reveal his expert craftsmanship and love of his work.

Their Children:

Ruth Irene, Lula Helen, Eva Mae, Edna Lucile, James Donald.

RUTB IRE.NE SMITH, dau of Benjamin Andrew & :Mabel Dubwigg Smith~ born 2 Aug 1911 at Mountain View Mo. 166 md 31 Dec 1929 at Kansas City Mo RALPH KERNS, son of Alexander & Myrtle Beall Kerns; born 28 Sep 1909 at Santa. Fe Kans. They have a lovely home in Edwardsville Kansas.

Their Child:

MA.RY HELEN KERNS., born 9 Sep 1930 at Edwardsville Kans md 23 Nov 1947 at Olathe Kans LINDBERG- TRENT, son of M H & Kate Parker Trent., born 17 Aug 1927 at Muncie Kansas. He is now Mayor of the City of Edwardsville~ Kansas where they reside.

Their Children:

TERRY TRENT., born 29 May 1949 at Kansas City Mo MILLIE ANN -TRENT., born 6 Dec 1950 at Kansas City Mo SUSAN TRENT., born 15 Oct 1954 at Kansas City Mo

LULA HELEN SMITH, dau of Benjamin Andrew&: Mabel Dubwigg Smith, born 21 Jun 1914 at Mountain View Mo md 15 Jun 1931 at Kansas City Mo DONALD PARDEW, son of Charles & Ella Eddington Pardew, born 17 Mar 1909 at Edwardsville Kans. Edward is an Electrician, and they live comfortably at Edwardsville·Kansas

Their Children:

Jerry Lynn, Ja,n Lee, Janice, Danny.

JERRY LYNN PARDEW, son of Donald & Lula Helen Smith Pardew., born 6 May 1932 at Edwardsville Kansas md 15 Jul 1953 at Kansas City Mo LEONA DEANA HILLIARD, dau of Joseph & Dorothy E Reed Hilliard, born 20 Oct 1935 in Okla. Jerry is an employee of the General Electric Corp.

Their Children:

MICHAEL ALAN PARDEW born 22 Apr 1954 at Leavenworth Kan JAN PARDEW, born 27 May 1956 at Leavenworth Kansas

JAN LEE PARDEW, dau of Donald & Lula Helen Smith Pardew, born 11 Aug 1934 at Edwardsville Kansas 167

JANICE PARDEW, dau of Donald & Lula Helen Smith Pardew born 12 Aug 1936 at Edwardsville Kans Md 24 Nov 1953 OTTO KELLERMAN u"R, son of Otto & Edith Messer Keli-er­ man, born 17 Jun 1935 at Kansas City Kans. Otto is engaged in the Insurance Business

Their Child:

KA.RI LYNN KELLERMAN, born 5 Oct 1954 at Kansas City Kan

DANNY PARDEW, son of Donald & Lula Helen Smith Pardew born 16 Nov 1940 at Edwardsville Kansas

FNA 11.A.E SMITH, dau of Benjamin Andrew &: Mabel Dubwigg Smith, born 6 Nov 1918 at Mountain View Mo. md Oct 1935 at Olathe Kans DARRELL EVERETT, son of Frank & Ruby Peterson Everett, born 10 Mar 1918 at Bonner Springs Kansas

Their Child:

CAROL ANN EVERETT, born 17 Jul 1936 at Bonner Springs Kans md 23 Sep 1953 at Bonner Springs Kans JAMES D.ANELSKI, son of Joe & :Mabel Danelski, born 19 Apr 1935 at Kansas City Mo. James· is an employee of the Armour Meat Co. They live at 219 E Insley Street Bonner Springs Kansas

Their Children:

RICHARD D.ANELSKI., born 18 Jul 1954 at Kansas City Mo VICKEY .A.•. NlTR DANELSKI; born 20 May 1956 at Kansas City l,-!o

EVA 1v1AE SMITH EVERETT, dau of Benjamin Andrew & Mabel Dubwigg Smith, md 2nd on 20 Oct 1940 at Olathe Kans LLOYD LAYMAN, son of Joe Layman, born 22 Apr 1910 at Harden Mo. They ovm a Grocery 1.'Iart, and reside at 218 n Nettleton Bonner Springs Kansas

Their Child:

GLENNA LAYMAN, born 20 Nov 1943 at Kansas City Mo.

EDNA LUCILE SlIITH., dau of Benjamin Andrew & Mabel 168

Dubwigg Smith, born 20 .>.. ug 1921 at Mountain View Mo md 10 Feb 1951 in Japan PAUL J KLEIN., born Aug 1918 at New York City NY. Edna Lucile served her Country in the Women's Auxiliary Corps.

JAMES DONALD SMITH, son of Benjamin Andrew & Mabel Dubwigg Smith, born 23 Nov 1924 at Motmtain View Mo. md 24 Nov 1947 at Kansas City Mo PATRICIA ANDERSON., dau of Da~iel & Jennie Merri Anderson., born 19 Mar 1921 at Kansas City Mo.

Their Child:

BEN JAMIN DANIEL SMITH., born 2 Sep 1948 at Kaasas City Mo.

MARY ELIZABETH SMITH, dau of Art.drew Jackson & Mary Caroline Walker Smith:, born 2 May 1889 at Mountain View Mo md 27 Jul l909 at Lamar Mo CHARLES FRANK HOOP son of Charles E & Janet Watson Hoop., born 20 Oct 1890 at :Mulberry Kansas died about 1950 in the West.

Their Children:

Janet Mae., Cora Lee., Frank Edwin., Jack Clifford, Charles William.

JANET MAE HOOP~ dau of Charles Frank & Mary Elizabeth Smith Hoop, born 15 Jun 1910 at Liberal Mo. md 15 Sep 1928 at Carson City Nevada E.ARL GRIFFITH. Their address is 9823 Ferry St Salem Oregon

Their Children:

KATHRYN IBE GRIFFITH, born 17 Apr 1929 at Visalia Cal ROBERT EARL GRIFFITH., born 7 Dec 1930 at Carson City Nevada md JANE JPJ~IES DON GRIFFITH, born 25 Sep 1932 at Carson City Nev IvIARJORIE :MAE GRIFFITH, born 25 Sep 1932 at Carson City Nev. md 7 Feb 1952 at Lordsburg N lvlex LESTER SJOLANDER

Thei.r Children: M.ARY LA~"E SJOLANDER, born 25 Nov 1952 at Lebanon Ore SHARRY SJOLA..i.'IDER., born 1954 at Lebanon Ore ROBERT LESTER SJOLANDER, born 1955 at Lebanon Ore :69

SUSAN EIA1NE GRIFFITH, da,J. of :Sari. & Janet- Mae Hoop Griffith, born 12 ,Jui: ~ 946 at- Ho i ..:..v Ore. ;J

CORA LEE HOOPJ ?r-an.k': & ·_/.a'!:·y Eliza beth

Their Child:ren~

Albert Eugene~ T cmmy· Lee.

ALBERT EUGENE EVANS!' son of AJ..ber,:; Eugene &

Cora Lee Hoop E~ans 3 born :.2 Jan :930 at -Bakersfield Cal if md 4 May 1952 at Po.mcna Cal if JOAN CRAWFORD

JULIE ANN EVANS~ born at Pomona Calif KAREN LEE EVANS"., born at Pomona Cali:'

TOMMY LEE EVANSj son cf Albert E",,lgene & Cc1ra Lee Hocp Evans, born 30 .Ju:. 1.931 a-s bake!'.°sfield Calif md 17 Jan 1953 at Las Vega~ Nevada SHARON RAE OTT

SCOTT LEE K"\TAllS, born 23 ~.Jar 1954 at: Pomona Calif ?lIARK EVANS, ':'Orn l 7 Apr -~_957 ati Pomona Ga.lif

...,.,, l""lar .• ~.:. T"1.-·-,.oan·r .. r-.~0 1Ja'. rv FRAUK EDVV"lli HOOP~ \,,...., ••--· - I- .A. ~ ..I

:;, UQOP :.- -..,,.V\ ::-, -; 1.lARY ,Joye '4-J ll...... ,,, ~ .... #,...t. C..,,. • 170

CHARLES WILLIAM HOOP, son of Cha-rles Frank & Mary Elizabeth Smith Hoop., born 8 Jul 1922 at Liberal Mo. died 12 Jul 1952

MARY ELIZABETH SMITH HOOP, dau of Andrew Jackson & Mary Ca?'oline Walker Smith., md 2nd on 16 Jan 1939 CLARENCE ALLEN VENABLE:, son of Bryson Lafayette & Alice Hendricks Venable, born 6 Apr 1881 at Liberal Mo. He and May a~ she is called have a modern., comfortable Liberal Mo.

WALTER LE"E SMITH. son of Andrew Jacksoll &: Mary Caroiine Walker Smith., born 17 Jul 1891 at Mormtain View Mo. md 1st in 1914 at Mountain View Missouri EDNA DUNCAN., dau of Benjamin Franklin & Naomi Phipps Dunacn., born 3 Jan 1895 at Motmtain View Mo. died 3 Mar 1916 at Liberal Mo. complications of child birth

Their Child:

WAYNE DUNCAN SMITH., born 2 Mar 1916 at Liberal :Mo. md 12 Aug 1948 in Ark LOUISE DEFFENBAUGH., dau of Fred & Grace Deffenbaugh., born 8 Mar 1929 at Adair Okla. They reside at 616 West St Petaluma. Calif.

WALTER LEE SMITH, son of Andrew Jackson & Mary CarDline Walker Smith, md 2nd on 20 Mar 1921 at Liberal Mo RUTH AGNES CRAFT., dau of William Frances&: Arma Alvira Sale Craft, born 13 Nov 1901 at McCune· Kans. They have an attractive home at Mindenmines Mo.

Their Children:

Richard Lee., Ralph Eugene., Raymond La.Vern., Eva Nadine.

RICHARD LEE SMITH., son of Walter Lee &··Ruth A-gnes Craft Smith. born 3 Dec 1921 at Liberal Mo. md 7 Apr 1946 at Pittsburg Kans MARJORIE DEAN HALL., dau of Lyle Miles & Irene Cotter Hall., born 8 Nov 1928 at Mindenmines Mo. They reside at Marana Ariz. Box 83 Their Children: RITA AMN SMITH., born 31 Jul 1948 e.t lamar 110 }JARK .ALLEN Sl~ITH., born 3 Jun 1951 at Tucson Ariz BRUCE MILES SMITH., born 6 Feb 1955 at Tucson Ariz 171

RALPH EUGENE SMITH, son of Walter Lee & Ruth Agnes Craft Smith, born 10 Sep 1924 at Liberal Mo. md 31 Oct 1948 at Carthage Mo DORIS mENE DUNLAP, dau of Glenn & Grace Berryhill Dunlap, born 4 Oct 1928 at Nashville Mo. Their Address is Box 81 Thoreau N Mex

Their Children:

SANDRA JO SMITH~ born 5 Jul 1952 at Tucson Ariz STANLEY KENTON SMITH, born 16 Sep 1954 at Tucson Ariz

RAYMOND LAVERN SMITH, son of Walter Lee -& Ruth Agnes Craft Smith, born 31 May 1928 at Hannon Mo. md 27 Mar 1952 at Bentonville Ark WANDA LEE PATRICK~ dau of Melvin Lloyd & Grace Schaff-er Patrick, born 19 Nov 1928 at Mindenmines Mo. Their kome is at Mulberry Kansas

Their Children:

NICKY RAY SMTIH., born 21 Sep 1953 at Pittsburg Kans CYNTHIA LEE SMITH, born 26 Aug 1955 at Pittsburg Kans

EVA NADINE SMITH, dau of Walter Lee & Ruth Agnes Craft Smith~ born 13 Feb 1935 at Mindenmines Mo. md 13 Jun 1953 at Mindenmines Mo HERBERT JAMES WOLFINGTON son of Harry Lester & Ruby Patrick Wolfington, born 31 Oct 1929 at Mindenmines Mo, where they reside.

Their Child:

SCOT EV.4JT 1'YOLFmGTON., horn l Sep 1957 at Pittsburg Kans

BElTHA A11N SMITH, dau of Andrew Jackson & Mary Caroline ~Va!ker-·Srnith, born 6 Dec 1893 at Mountain View Mo rnd 14 118.r 1909 at Mountain View Mo LUTHER ALLEN, son of John & Nancy Jane Smith Allen, born 11 Apr 1888 at Mountain View Mo. died 30 Sep 1916 at Springfield Mo buried at Mountain View Cemetery.

Their Children:

Fred Myron, Kathryn Gwendolyn.

FR:SD MYRON ALLEN, son of Luther and Bertha Ann Smith Allen, born 2 5 Sep i 92.3 at Motu1ta L'l View Mo. md 17 Oct 1934 a~ Vfat.e!',:~_co Ill :MARY 'WATSON., dau of John & ~1ary One3k1 Watscr.~ bcrn 13 Apr 1918 a.t Ha.rtshorn Okla. Fred is a RR Engineer~ their address is 2018 Skeen St Madison Ill.

Their Children:

MILDRED J ALLEN; born 21 Mar 1936 at Madison Ill GERALD WAYNE ALLEN~ born 6 Oct 1939 at Madison Ill RICHARD BRYAN ALLEN,g born 23 Aug 1944 at Madison Ill ROBERT KEITH ALLEN~ born 26 Dec 1952 at Madison Ill

KATHRYN GWENDOLYN ALLEN:1 dau of Luther&: Bertha Ann Smith Allen., born 22 Apr 1916 at Mountain View Mo md 14 Sep 1933 at Nameoki Ill WILLIAM GIBBS WILSON, son of Edward & Anna Deering Wilson, born 23 Feb 1907. he is a Steel Wor~er, ~hey live at 214 Briar­ cliff;, Granite City Ill o

Their Children:

William Gibbs:J Joe Ann, Jimmie Alleno

WILLIAM GIBBS WILSON., sen cf William Gibbs & Kathryn Gwendolyn A1len Wilson$ born 24 Oct 1934 at Madison Ill

JOE ANN WILSON, dau of William Gibbs & Kathryn Gwendolyn Allen Wilson~ born 9 Sep 1937 at Madison Ill md 18 Jul 1953 at Grani~e City Ill CARL EDWARD ALFORD, sen of Arno:d & 1:Iartha Leona Crawford Alford., b orn a-c T~wrencev1 - ,, ..... 1 1.e.. I1... .,·"·

Their Child:

P.AiIELA. ~JOE ALFORD, born i.O May 1955 at Granite City Ti 1 .l. ..L J. •

JIMt~IE P..11.SN ViILSON, son of William Gibbs & Kathryn Gwendolyn Allen Wilson, born 27 Jul 1944 in St Clair County Ill.,

BERTHA ANN SMITH ALLEN, dau of Andrew Jackson & Mary C°aroline Walker Smitb, md 2nd in Nov 1919 at Lamar Tuia WILLIAM ROY PROVENCE; born 26 Apr 1900 at 173

Grandtower Illo He is an exuert Carnenter. They reside at 4510 Nameoki Rd Granite City Ill.

Their Children::

Mary Nell, Wi1.liam Bryan., Jack E'-4.g;ene, Dorothy, Beverly.,

MARY NELL PROVENCE~ dau of William Roy & Bertha Ann Smith Provence~ born 20 Ja...~ 1921 at Liberal Moe md 29 Oct 1938 at Clayton Mo K.Ci~NETH ARTHUR BOELLING, son of Otto & Eleanor Baum Boelling, born 27 Jun 1917 at Venice Ill, He is. a "'t-aat cu-ctar. Their home •'is at 1612 Venice St Granite City Ill

Their Chi:i..dren~

KENNETH EUGENE BOELLING born 11 Oct 1939 at Madison Ill RUTH ANN BOELLING bcrn 21 Feb 1942 at Granite City Ill DARRYL WAYNE BOELLilIG born 17 Jul 1945 at Madison Ill JANIS FAY BOELLING born 4 Sep 1949 at Granite City Ill

WILLIAM BRYAN PROVENCE, son of William Roy & Bertha Ann Smith Provence~ born 19 Jun 1923 at Madison Ill md 22 Sep 1946 at Hot Springs Ark LOUISE WILLIAMS,

· dau of Carlos &: Mamie Batterton Williams 9 born 15 Mar 1928 at Hot Springs Arko He is a Plant Guard. Their home is at 2813 Buxton Granite City Ill.

Their Chi~dreng

BRUCE WYATT PROVENCE, bo:on 2,,. Dec l949 at Granite

NELSE KIRK PROVENCE~ born 24 No? l954 at Granite City Ill ..

JACK EUGENE PROVSNCE: se,n cf Wi~.liam Roy & Bertha Ann Smith Provence~ bcrn 24 Aug l926 at Granite City Ill md 18 No·v 1949 at Granite City IJ.:: GEORGIA PENROD., dau of John & Ed1th Hancock Penrod;) born 18 Nov 1925 at Granite City Il~e Ja:;k 2-s a Meat Cutter. Their address is Ed"ward.~·ville I:.:._., R # 2

'Iheir Chi:.dreni

MYRON JACK PROVENGE 9 bcni 30 Sep i950 a~ Granite Citv., Illo 174

BRENDA SUE PROVENCE, born 10 Apr 1953 at Granite City Illinois JOHN ROY PROVENCE., b.brn 20 -S-ep 1955 at Granite City Ill ALICE MARIE PROVENCE., born 25 Sep 1956 at Granite City Illinois

DOROTHY PROVENCE, dau ·o1 William Roy & Bertha Ann Smith Provence$ born 18 Mar 1928 at Granite·~ity Ill. md 14 Jun 1947 a-t· Edwardsville Ill. MILTON C ZIEGLER., son of Henry C & Elizabeth Schmedlin Ziegler, born 9 Jun 1920 at Highland Ill.

Their Children:

CHERYL BETH ZIEGLER., b-orn 22 Jul 1949 at Highland Ill BONNIE JO ZIEGLER., born 9 Mar 1951 at Woodriver Ill.

BEVERLY PROVENCE., dau of William Roy & Bert.ha .P... nn. Smith ~ruvence., born 10 Jul 1930 at :Madison Ill.

- .PJ!IBDA SMITH; dau of Andrew Jackson & :Mary Caroline Walker Smith~ born 23 Mar 1895 at Mountain View Mo died Jan 18S6 at Mountain View Mo.

1'1YRTLE IVY S1JITH., -dau· o·f Andrew Jackson & :Mary Caroline Walker Smith., born 21 Jun 1897 at Mountaim View Mo died 1899 at Mountain View Mo.

FLOSSIE FERN. S11ITH., dau of Andrew Jackson & Mary

Caroline Walker Smith1 born 15 Aug 1900 at Mountain View-Mo md EVERETT BEAL, son of Andrew & Caroline Beal~ born 1902 at Edwardsville Kans. She md 2nd in 1945 GEORGE G PURCELL~ from Kansas City Mo

ELSA FAY SMITH., -dau of Andrew Jackson & Mary Caroline Walker Smith, born 5 May 1902 at Mountain· View Mo. · di,ed 24 Sep 1923 at Lib~ral :Mo md 1 Apr 1922 at Lamar Mo RUSSELL NEWSOME of Nashville Mo. Their C-hild: ]lA.XIlJE NEWSOME.9 born 31 Jan 192 3 at Richfield Mo

****ANDREW JACKSON .SlJ.l:ITH., son of Samuel E?,rrison & Tu1ary Ellen Batman Smith., md_ 2nd 1923 JENNIE JACKSON

BR01JVN 3 of DuraE.t Okla. She was a devoted Companiom.. died in Oklahoma.

T (')-rTt,J t~~ Vy-'--'--'-• ~- '

.;:***ALSIE ANN SMITH., dau of Samuel Harrison & :Mary ELLEN Batman Smith~ born 5 Nov 1860 at Mountain View Mo. died 23 Nov 1946 at Peace Valley Mo. buried at the Barnett Cemetery md8 Aug 1878 at Mountain View., Mo. ANDREW JACKSON SEAY., son of Joseph & Martha Ann Maxwell Seay, born 6 Oct 1850 at Livingsten, 1.Eenn died 10 Oct 1899 in Howell Co. Mo. Alsie lived · most of her life in Peace Valley Mo. on their farme She was average size, very quick in her actions~ and clever1 free··s-poken.,· and witty in he!!- conversations., and a good Christian Itother. Her children and grand Children were the delight of her· +ife. She was always concerned with their problems and activitieso Her own brothers and sisters joys and sorrows were felt deeply by her. Sometime after her husband·~assed ·on she· went to live with her sister Caroline~ She returned to Peace Valley, where she spent the last years of her life.

Their Children:

]lfartl:1a. Ellen., Adolphus Monroe, Hil.lery Simpsono

MARTHA. ELLEN SEAY, dau of Andrew Jackson & Alsie Ann Smith Seay, born 3 Aug 1879 at Peace Valley :Moo md 28 Sep 1902 at Peace Valley Mo. JOHN FROST.~ILLIAM son of Thomas Langston & Caroline Brixey Gill:,iam~ ~om 2_8 Jan 1872 in Howell County Mo,;~ied 2 Apr 1932: at Peace Valley Mo. buried· at New Hope Cemetery. John anu ~Jiartha made a good home for their family of eight children. They were taught righteous Christian -principles and the values of work and industryo She v,ras an energetic and ambitious devoted mother o She taught scl-:col for several terms and according to Adam-Winningham, she was the most-capable teacher he -ever had. She seemed to possess the ability and had the personality to teach facts and figures so that they would be understandable and be rememberedc Hun­ dreds of pupils have been touched by her teaching and her unusual personality. She has a . rew.arkable gift for remembering the activities of her own family and 176 all her relatives. She has an unusually retentive mind, for without hesitation she can recall accurate dates and data pertaining to most of her relatives, and friends. Her crorltribution ~o tni~ volume has ·oeen freely· given a:nd· is __.,1nost·valuable. She taught school for seven years, was the efficient Postmaster there, and became a Newspaper Correspondent for the West Plains Quill., and has extended hospitality to count­ less relatives and friends, who delight in her whole­ some., entertaining, fascinating stories of the early settlers of Howell County, and harrowing as well as humorous experiences of her numerous relatives. Her friends and relatives love her because of her . fair­ ness, good judgement~ and devotion to righteous prin­ ciples which govern her life. She lives in her own home., the same one that was once owned by her mother at Peace Valley Mo. Her address is West Plains Mo. R #= 2

Their Children:

Georgia B., Jack., Elsie Caroline, Effie le.Verne., Jessie Ma.oel., Harry Freel~nd., Theodore Raymond, James Frost.

GEORGIA B GILLIAM, dau of John Frost & Martha Ellen Seay Gilliam, born 23 Oct 1903 at Peace Valley, Mo. md 28 Sep 1920 at West Plains Mo.. RAYMOND M BASER son of Louis & Martha Grose Baser., born 15 Nov 1895 at Pe.ace Valley Mo. Raymond and Georgia have a fine rh 1c+: 1 -rre .&aa- ~'\.,, e~... , .; ~o "'.,., P 2 m,o S + 'P 1 o ; ,., S Mn Pro"" - v .._ ,. j. 4 Uj. e .Ao.,_ .i. J ~ -1. 11 v v ...i. -~ ii'-" ~ .. .._...., ...... ,...... , e

Their Children:

Orelia Rae, Raymond Mancil, Martha Bernadine, John Donald., Dorothy Louise, Nila Armis., Tvvila Avis, Marjorie., Georgia Maxine.

ORELIA RAE BASER., dau of Raymond M & Georgia B Gilliam Baser., born 23 Dec 1921 at Peace Valley Mo. md 23 Mar 1946 at St Louis Mo. GORDON T SMITH son of Thomas & Devine Gordon Smith, born 19 Jan 1916 at Farm.L'YJ. gton Mo.

Their Children: 1 7:-, - • I

C~IERYL LYNN SMITH., born 10 Jul 1947 at St Lcuis Mo. GORDON THOLlA.S SMITH., born 29 Sep 1950 at St Louis !Ee. SHEILA RAE SMITH, born 7 Jul 1956 at St Louis Mo.

RAThlOUD ;.iA.NCIL BASER, son of Raymond M & Georgia B Gilliam Baser., born 1 Apr 1924 at Peace Valley Lioe died 3 Apr 1945 at Luzon in World War II.

LLIBTHA B3IDJADINE BASER, dau of Raymond 11 & Georgia B Gilliam Baser, born 15 May 1926 at Peace Valley lloo md 12 Sep 1946 at Denver Colo CLAR3NCE C~ WIESE, son of CW & Annie Wiese., born 24 Aug 1924 in Oklahoma

Their Children:

GARLAND RAYMOND ~VIESE., born 17 May 1948 at West Plains Mo. TERRY RHON WIESE, born-23 Sep 1950 at West Plains Mo.

JOHN DONALD BASER, twin son of' Raymond M & Georgia B" Gilliam Baser., born 9 Aug 1928 at Peace Valley Mo. md 16 Dec 1950 at Chicago Ill BETTY DENTON, dau of John & Dora Reese Denton, born 2 Jan 1932 at Mountain View Mo.

Their Children:

PAULA BASER, born 25 Oct 1954 at Grandview Wash. LARRY BASER, born 28 Jun 1956 at Grandview vVash.

DOROTHY LOUISE BASER, twin dau of Raymond :M & Georgia :a Gilliam Baser, born 9 Aug 1928 at Peace Valley IEo. md 18 Mar 1948 at West Plains Mo CAROL 7i JOHNSON, son of R~y & Edith Moon Jolmson., born 6 Apr 1924 in Nebr.

Their Child~

GARY fvAillE JOHNSON born 30 Dec 1948 at -tlest Plains

NILA A1JNIS BASER~ twin dau of Raymond M & Georgia B. Gilliam Baser~ born 2 May 1935 at Peace Valley Mo. md 1 Jan 1956 at faotmtain View Mo MAX DENTON, son of John & Dora Reese Denton., born JULi 1929 at Mountain View Mo. Their Child: 178

GORDON MAX D3NTON, born 9 Sep 1956 at Auburn Wash.

T''{lILA AVIS BASER, twin dau of Raymond M & Georgia B Gilliam Baser, born 2 Llay 1935 at ~ace Valley Mo. md Jun 1953 JOHN REID, son of Herbert & Olive Brixey Reid, born 18 Feb 1935 in Douglas County Mo.

Their Children:

NILA DIANE REID, born 11 Sep 1954 at West Plains Mo. PA11ELA DENICE REID born 28 Mar 1957 at McMinnville Ore

MARJORIE BASER, dau of Raymond M.& Georgia B Gilliam Baser, born 22 ~:Iar 1942 at Peace Valley Mo.

Georgia Maxine Baser, dau of Raymond M & Georgia B Gilliam, born 8 Jun 1945 at Peace Valley Mo. died 9 Jun 1945 buried at Mt Zion Cemetery.

JACK GILLIAM., son of John Frost & Martha Ellen Seay Gilliam., born 25 ~ul 1905 at Peace Valley Mo. died 20 Feb 1910 at Peace Valley Mo. buried at New Hope Cemetery.

ELSIE CAROLINE GILLIAM., dau of John Frost & Martha Ellen Seay Gilliam, born 30 Oct 1907 at Peace Valley Mo. md 1 Jun 1930 at Peace Valley Mo PETER M. S.CALES son of Pleas M & Mary Middleton Scales., born 8 Dec 1905 at Peace Valley Mo. They have lived many years in Ellinwood Kansas but have recently bought a new home in Bushnell Nebr. Box#•• 28 • Their Children:

Twila Beth, Jackie Sue, Jay Peter.

TWILA nETH SCALES, dau of Peter M & Elsie Caroline Gilliam Scales, born 22 May 1931 at Gridley Kansas md 8 May 1951 at Ellinwood Kans BURT HUMPHRIES son of Wallace & Minnie M Fritz Hmnphries, born 20 Aug 1930 at Salyards Kansas

Their Children:

DEE BURT HUMPHRIES, born 14 Feb 1952 at Ellinwood Kan ELSBETH BEATRICE nu1lPHRIES born 6 Sep 1954 at Ellinwood Kans :_79

JACKIE STE SCALES, dau of Peter M & Elsie Carolme Gilliam Scales, born 16 Oct 1932 at Gridley Kansas md 20 Mar 1952· at Perry Georgia. DAVID LEAN; son cf William & Arline Mae Hodges Lean, born 7 Jun l929 at Cleveland Ohio

JAY PETER SCALES, son of Peter M & Elsie Caroline Gilliam Scales, born 17 May 1945 at Ellinwocd Kan

EFFIE LAVERN GILLIAMll dau c,f Jchn Frcst & Lra.rtha Ellen Seay Gilliam.9 born 6 Apr 1910 at Peace Valley Mo~ died 3 Dec 1955 at Springfield Mc. buried at New Hope Ceme­ tery- at Peace Valley Mc. rod 11 Nev 1932 at West Plains Mo FRANKO REED son of John & Bessie McMahon Reedsborn 6 Aug 1910 at West Plains Mo. Frank owns a fine farm at White Chur-cb Moe Their addres~ is West PlainE Mo R 2

Their Children~

JOHN FRANK REED.9 born 3 Nov 1943 at West Plains Moe JAMES DALE REEDjl bcrn 15 1v1ay 1948 at Vvest Plains l'.io.

JESSIE MABEL GILLIAM, dau of John Frost & Martha Eilen Seay Gilliam.9 born 3 Dec 1911 at Peace Valley Llc. died 30 Sep 1919 at Peace Valley Mo buried at New Hope Ceme­ tery, near Peace Valley ~\·100

HARRY FREELAND GILLIA1l, son of John Frost & Martha Ellen Seay Gilliam, born 4 Jan :914 at Peace Va:ley Mo. md 25 Jan 1934 at ~Yest Plains Moo MATTIE SMITH~ dau of Edward C & Lucy Ann Smith$ born l9 Feb :_91.3 at Peace Valley Mo~ a v 0 ~, -r·1•na ~a ..... ·T"\t='Y'IT'.~~ T"he~.,.. . , Ha~ .L..L-')'O~y ..;...... ::;.,.. -·· ...... _. v .... ,._,..., .... '-"'-'•-~ -"' .J...• 9.._t u - :-:c•:!1.e :_s 1907 E Main Aubrun. Wash


LAWAlJDA R.A..E GILLIK~Ii bcrn 5 -..-- p.., ' ~ ~ V ICKI:2: KAY GILLIA1I~ b crn :3 a.t vvest ..1.S.ln2 ~.10

TI-iE0D0RE RAYl~I0ND GILLIA1J~ son of John Frost & Martna Ellen Seay Gilliam, born :o Nev 1915 at Peace Valley Mo. md 30 May 193 6 at White Church Mo. JANETTE BOSS-~ dau of John & Lucinda Eldringhoff Boss~ born 9 Nev 1914 at Peace Valley Mo~ Theodore is a geed farmer and a devoted son to his Mother. Ted and Janevte live comfortably at Peace Valley Mo. 180

Their Children:

JOHN ELDEN GILLIAM, born 23 Apr 1938 at Peace VRlley Mo. md 8 Dec 1956 at Mountain View Mo LULU STEPHENS, dau of Claud & Virgie McClure Stephens, born 4 Feb 1938 at -St Louis Mo. RITA SHARON GILLIAM, born 27 Mar 1941 at Marshalltown Iowa MARTHA KAREN GILLIAM, born 31 May 1943 at West Plains Mo. MICHAEL TED GILLIAM, born 18 Dec 1952 at West Plains Mo. DENNIS GENE GILLIAM, b-orn 6 Dec 1954 at West Plains Mo

JAMES FROST GILLIAM, son of John Frost & Martha Ellen Seay Gilliam, born 3 Aug 1918 at Peace Valley Mo. md 31 Oct 1946 at Toppenish Wash ISABEL KIEDRONSX.I, dau of Felix Kietlrownski, born 31 Dec 1918 in Montana. He is a Trucker. Address Grandview Wash R # 2 Their Children: SANDRA SUE GILLIAM, born 29 Dec 1947 at Sunnyside Wn JAMES FELIX GILLIAM born 26 Feb 1951 at Sunnyside Wn

MARTHA ELLEN SEAY GILLIAM, dau of Andrew Jackson &: Alsie Ann Smith Seay md 2nd on 5 Feb 1945 at Medicine Lodge Kansas MURRAY AUSTIN DAV~S of Kansas. He died in the fall of 1954 at Peace Valley Mo.

ADOLPHUS MONROE SEAY, son of Andrew Jackson & Alsie Ann Smith Seay, born 11 Jul 1881 at Peace Valley Mo died 2 May 1935 at Yakima Wash md 5 Apr 1906 at Fort Collins Colo VIBGINIA FRANCES JESSE, dau of Archer Floyd & Mary Jane Jessee, born 1882 at Paris Texas. died 5 Oct 1913 at Fort Collins Colo.

Their Children:

Virgil Floyd, Dorothy Opal.

VIRGIL FLOYD SEAY, son of Adolphus Monroe & Virginia Frances Jessee Seay, born 14 Jan 1907 at Grandview, Wash. md 28 Jan 1928 at Eminence Mo. LOIS MARGARET SHELTON, dau of Andrew Jackson & Evalyn Margaret Clark Shelton, born 25 Apr 1904 at Stanford Texas. Virgil works for Postal Delivery RR, address Grandview Wash 181

Their Children:

Jeanne Yvonne, Virginia Margaret, Virgil Floyd.

JEANNE YVONNE SEAY, dau of Virgil Floyd & Lois Margaret Shelton Seay, born 2 Jan 1929 at S1.mnyside Wash. md 3 Jul 1951 at Sunnyside Wash SEVERO TERRONES, son of Raphael & Rosa Salas: Terrones, born 25 Mar 1927 at Pacoima. Calif. They now reside at 310 Ave H Grandview Wash.

Their Children:

LINDA ROSE TERRONES, born 27 Feb 1954 at Indio Calif ROSE MARY TERRONES, born 14 May 1955 at Indio Calif

VIRGINIA 11ARGARET SEAY1 dau of Virgil Floyd & Lois Margaret Shelton Seay, born 21 Nov 1931 at Sunnyside Wash md 2 Mar 1951 at Shelton Wash LYLE GUY WARE son of Guy H & Gladys Anne Irons Ware, born 22 Nov 1932, at Douglas Nebr.

Their Child:

MICHAEL GUY WARE, born 30 Oct 1952 at Shelton Wash.

VIRGIL FLOYD SEAY, son of Virgil Floyd & Lois Margaret Shelton Seay born 26 Jul 1933 at West Plains Mo.

DOROTHY OPAL SEAY, dau of Adolphus Monroe & Virginia Frances Jessee Seay, born 6 Jul 1911 at Grandview Wash md 24 Jun 1931 at Golendale Wash JESSE THOMAS STEVENS son of Jesse Alexander & Eva Jane Harrow Stevens, born 19 Oct 1909 at Leon Iowa. Their home is at 224 Rouse Rd. S1.mnyside Wash. He is a Construction Engineer.

Their Child:

ELWOOD ORSON STZVENS, born 4 Sep 1932 at Sunnyside Wash md 2 Sep 1950 at Wichita Falls Texas ISABELL MARTENS, dau of Harry H & Jane Martens, born 5 May 1932 at Squim Wash

Their Children: 80~n l9 Aui 1951 at Rantoul Ill. sc~n 8 De8 1952 at Roswell N Mex

EILGRY S:[JPSON S:AY? son of P..ndrew Jackson & Alsie luin Smith Seay, 80rn 22 Jul 1883 at Peace Valley, Mo died 2,3 Feb :_934 at Edmon"tc.n~ Alta. Canada. He md in 1926 ANNIE .E-IANSEN: a :!.cvely lady from Norway, who had five chi:dren~ Hillery Simpson was a good, sympathetic fa"ther to these fine children.

****WILLIAM S~.IITH$ so-:i of Sam.1;e1 Harrison & Mary- Ellen .Eatman Smit~ bcrn 1853 at Mountain View Mo aieu 1854 at Mountain View INDEX *

Adams, Donald A, * 158 Atwood, Allen A* 53 Estelle, 45 Jay F * 54 -Jennie, 45 John & Ma.rilyn,56 Aden, Henry & Edna, ll~ John F * 53 Alb~an, John M J * 57 Walter H * 54 Hohn N J * 57 Aubin, Joseph F * 9 Alexander, Theodore & Fern,61 Alford, Carl E • 172 B Alldredge, Chester P • 61 Del Duane• 29 Balcom, May 115 Del Ray • 63 Barnett, Billy D * 113 Donald J * 2'3 Donald M * 113 Duane L • 28,29 Jack * 113 Eugene R * 25 Joe & Darlene, 113 Ezra P * 23 .Joseph R * 112 Ezra W & Carol, 23 Marvin S * 112.113 Frederick D • 59 Orval M * 112 George A & Ruth,32 Barnhart, Roland* 39 Millor M • 49 Bartlett, William M * 127 Minor W,.. 48 Barz, Carl* 83 Minor W * 6? Baser, John D * 176,177 0 Olaron * 51 Raymond M * 176,177 0 Layton* ·50 Batman, :Mary E 3 Parsons* 19 Baxter, Barbara, 25 Phillip R * 59 Bay, Kenneth & Lula, 84,85 Reed I* 31 Bayrd, Shirley, 8 Reed W • 31 Beach, Wilford M * 133 Ruel L • 58. Beal, Everett & Flossie,174 -~· Samuel I * 2:0 Bean, Mary J, 119 Allen, Charles T * 161 Othel * 165 Edward S * 162 -"Rel----, 1 Fred M • 171,172 Rodney S * 68 Luther* 171 Ronald & Betty, 67,68 Robert J * 162 Beller, Arthur H * 8~ Roby H * 163 Billy R * 84 Ronald L * 22 Coy N * 84 Ambrose, Gerald & Jessie, 128 Elmer G * 85 Anselma, Judith L, 156 James ·M & Delma 82 Anderson, Carma H, ~6 Johnnie & Marie 86 Dorothy M, 37 Joy A * 83 Patricia, 168 Melvin N * 81 I Applegate,, Mildred A, 97 Roy C & Gladys 86

Armour, Bertha A1 110 Roy E * 83,84 Atkin, Boyd F * 42,43 Trey C * 84 Conrad T * 42 Willard R * 8~ Conrad T Jr* 42 Bennett, Cl~o• _67, 68 , * indicates family. JR & Roberta 1Z7 ~__; .:ie, Lawrence &: Delores 18 Busby, Don J * 62 Martha 85 Bevan, Annie:M, -~1 I Bever, FlorenGe J, 143 Buster, Cecil J·* 154 3igley, Ivan L • 108 Donald L * 134 ·1,ee W • 108 Lewis F * 132 Roland P • 108 Virgil & Sylvia 136 3ills, John L tr: 52 Bisson, Robert G • 124 C Black, Beulah, 75 Ida D. 46 Cage, Adolphus A* 65 Blake, Juanita 155 Allen A* 66 . Blevens, Betty 154 Andrew J • ~ 69 Boelling, Kenneth* 173 Andrew J Jr • 70 Boss, Janette 179 Carlyn* 76 Bovee, Carol J 29 Durwood_L * 72 Bowman, Lewis C • 158 George H * 69· Briggs, Lola I 123 James R S L * 65 Brock, Howard• 133 John C * 73 Broo~s., Aubrey J • 95 Lucian C * 74,75 Carroll D • 155,156 Luther E * 71 Clarence A• 153,l~ Martin L * 71 James E * 155 Nathaniel & Mona 69 Joy A* 154 Raymond F * 68 Max Delos• 154 Rudolphus A* 69' Oliver C * 156.,157 Salathiel & Cora 75 Raymond D * 155.,156 William W * 67 Russell W * 156 Campbell, Margaret J 43 Selistine * 153 Canada,' Ellen B 3 Virgil W • 156 tHannah 3 Wayne W • 155 Mary Ellen 3 Brown., Edgar P * 141 Canham, Isaac* 33 Edgar P Jr • 145 Carlson, Carlyle & Edith 143 John & Blanche 140 Carroll, Cecil* 101 j Loudora 74 Carsey, Jae D & Joyoe 50 Oral K • 145 Casada, Maxine 72 Orval E * 142 Caulkins, Richard & Aretta 21 Royal H * 14.J. Chernick, Robert B * 24 Velma A 71 Cherry, Thomas* 22,23 Virgil* 130 Chrisman, Bobby & Sharon 93 William R * 144 Chisum, Dennis E * 18 Bulkley, Arthur V * 51,52 Christensen, Ralph* 150 Bunch~ Phillip* 78 Christofferson, R * 136~137 Burl.-? 1s ie., Car 1 & Patsy 95 Clark, Ina 87 Burgon, Maggie 59 Clift., Ronald* 142 Burris, Jeanene 109 Cofield, Emery & Elaine 42 Burrow,- Norma M 143 Coleman, David* 131 Burrows... J· S * 24 Collins, Kathy 113 3 Coltharp, Beulah 18 Del Villa, G & Elaine 42 Compton., Laura 147 Denton, Betty 177 Cook., Mary 43 Max* 177,178 Coons., Edythe 13 Deucholz., Herbert & Elva 121 Cooper., Jessie 136 Deuel., IaRue 25 Coppenbarger, 0 * 117 Deveraux Dale* 41 Cordner, Blaine* 44 Dick~ Charles• 37 Corpes, Amelia 122 Die, Marilyn 56 Cougher, Thomas* 14 Dixon., Katherine 5 Cox., James R * 132 Douglas., Polly 79 Craf't., Ruth 170 Douglass., Harry* 135 Craig., Milton & Sylvia 14 Olive 164 Crawford~ Joan 169 Dubus., Alphonse* 161 Creamer, Michael* 103 Robert E * 161 Crisp., Mathew J * 94 Dubwigg, Mabel 165 Crompton, Gladys 34 Olive 164 Curnutt, Oscar R • 89 Duggan, Cay Joy * 98 Oscar R Jr• 89 Duncan, Edna 170 Allen F • 89 Gladys 149 Custor., Madeline 108 Richard• 87 Duncombe., Ruth 145 D Dunlap, Charles .* 154 Dqris 171 Dahl., Wayne * 55 Dunn., Wilma 111 Dale, James W • 160 Durham, Ruth 12 Dalrymple, E & Flossie 140 Dandurand, Zepher * 142 E Danelski., James* 167 Dannely., Betty 154 Earp, Obie & Lorene 92 Dardis, -Orma 144 Earll, Joseph & Mary 162 Darrow., Will & Lutecia 81 Eastwood, Edi~on * 99 no~~~s~~ ~o~o~ ~~v~- v~J •-• ~ *• ~n-v Edmund, Margaret· 55 John A* 165 Edwards, Jane 2 Myrtle 92 Ehlert., Charles & Agnes 130 Davis, Arvil E * 160 Eidson., Robert* 97,98 Frederick• 56 Elliott, Harry* 15 Frederiek Jr* 56 Ellis, James* 43 Murray & Martha 180 Elmer, Nona 125 Phyllis 101 Elser, Donald L * 143 Wanda 98 Mathew B * 143 Dayton, Brent & Carolee 48 Ma thew B -Ji4 * 143 Leland K * 47 Engle, Marianne 86 Leland M * 47 Englehart, Robert* 121 Deaton, Charlene 8 Erickson, Stanley* 63 Deffenbaugh, Louise 170 Essex, Sarah 69 DeGraff, Elaine 40 Evans, Albert E * 169 4

Evans, Albert E Jr* 169 Gilliam, Jolm F * 175 Da!l * 80 Theodore* 179 Tom."!IY L * 16 9 Gilmore, Claude* 91 Evere~t, Da~rell * 167 Glasglow, Opal 63 Glenn, Fred* 73.,74 F Goans, Zelpha 84 Godfrey., Edward & Margaret 41

Farmer 11 L"'.lla 96 Gollar, Dolores 85 Far~ens, Hubert* 17 Goodwin, William-* 79 Farris, William* 112 Gosney., William & Jackie 67 Faulk~ Julius* 109 Gowdy, Lavon* 91 Felton, Thomas* 107 Green., Minnie 26 Ferres., Cora 75 Greene, Norman* 80 Ferris, Tom & Ella 85 William & Roberta 127 Finkbiner, George* 17,18 Gregory, William* 91 Fisher., Mona 69 Griggs, Charles* 63 Fitzgerald, Mary 80 Griffith, Earl* 168,169 Ford~ Clarence* 117,118 Guidenger, Juanita 21 Robert* 117 Guinn., Alma 70 Fox$ Dorman * 94 Gulledge, Joy 89 Franklin, Clayton* 93

Frazier 9 Jessie 126 H Freed., Elsie 164 - French, Betty 145 Hall• Marjorie 170 Friend, Alverta 113, Hallstrom., Leo• 61 Fry~ Eva 113 1 Halsey., Harold & Hazel 106 Fultz~ Aulto~ * 97.,98 Hamnett, Marjorie 61 I Furlong, Clarenc~ * 92 Hanks., Ola 8d Kenneth'* 94 Hanson, Annie 182 Kenneth R * 94 Harris, Clen &: Margaret 27 T * 93 Elwin M * 25 Gaye D * 27 G Gwendolyn 23 J Orden * 27 Ga.retto, David* 56 Oral M * 25 Garton, Irven * 86 Phil * 26 Pa.u:i * 86 Quintin* 26 Gazdik.s, Margaret 17 Rosalee 7 Genesio, Charles* 159 Harrison, Fabias * 22 George, Everett* 74 Hart, Fred & Letha 122 Gese.s, Ralph * 21 · Harry &: Norma 16 Gil:, Sarah Malissa 81 Tyrel W Jr * 73 Gilliam.~ Harry F * 179 Harvey., Mary 66 James 'fi1 * 180 Hawker, Ardella 28 John & Lula 180 Haydon, Edward H * 10 5

Haydon., Frederick* 10 I Head, Esther 113 Hefter., Arlice * 124 Ireland, Beverly 122 Heinz, Charles K 9 Lawrence* 9 J f Robert W • 9 - Hemsworth., Donald• 15 James, Marty 129 Henderson., Bertha 34 Jarnagin, Veva 137 l,uella 63 Jaynes Ida D 58 Herder., William & Blanch 38 Jacobsen, Bruce• 37 Hill, Coy & Jean 97 Darrell• 57 James E • 96 Delma * 36,37 James E Jr * 96 Virginia 45 James W • 96 Jamison, Reece* 46 Lutie 107 Jepson., Raymond* 61 Roy L * 97 Jenson, Billy• 30 Roy L ~r & Mildred 97 Jack* 140 William &: Mamie 97 John M • 57, Hilliard, Leona_l66 John N * 57 Hilton, Ora 105 Jesse, Virginia 180 Hodgson, Florence 13 Johnson, Alan• 160 Holloway, Velma' 77 ;· Bernice 11 Holcomb, Paul• 129,130 LawrencE) & Lu.ty 14 Holman., Charles & Maralyn 41 Lula 2'3 HoltJ> Neul * 72, 73 Wj Jxoa 101 Vernon• 72 Jones~Alton:* 1e,1~ F~uner, Helen 106 Loree 116 Hood., E~ily 105 Jercy &: Luti e :t50 Hoops, Charles·• 168,169 Stella 49 Frank* 169 Jungnatch., Mertice lli Jack* 169 Jussell, Clarence & Shirley·lOS Hope, Everett* 163 Hopper, Richard & Iris 78 K Horney., Julia 83 House, Rebecca 67 Kanckell, Sylvia 136 Hubert, Hilda 50 Kay, Myrl * 23) Hubbell., Mary 48 . Keetch, Hazel 36 -Hudson, John & Ollie 68 Keller~n, otto * 167 Huebner, Ruth 83 Kelly., 'Michael * 99 Huff., Barbara 150 Kent, Donald* 54 Nell F 26 Kerns., Ralph* 166 Hugart., Urith 147 Kiedronski, Isabel 180 Humphries, Burt* 178 Kinder., Burley* 105 Hunk, Forest* 57 Charles* 108 Hunter, Helen 51 Everett&: Bertha 110 6

Kinder, Floyd* 107 Lloyd, Carolee 48 James* 105 Loader, Gwenn 59 Leo E * 106 Loper, Robert.* 137 Ray E * 110 Loring., Barbara 62 Robert* 107 Lovegreen, Anna 54 Vernon* 107 Lyons., Mary L 29 King., Edith 115 Myrtle 107 Raymond* 142 Lynn, Leo* 130,131 Kingdon., George* 35 Kirkendall, Julia 29 Mo Klein, Paul & Edna 168 - Klonda, Taos & Myrtle 141 McConnell, Shirley 78 Koch, Eunice 131 McCormick, Jim C * 90 Koch_ Larry & Carolyn 138 Marjorie 169 Fraul., Anna li7 McCorkle., Morris• 164 McCullough, Ernest• 12 L Helen 71 - McFarland., Quilla 15 laker, Ruth 32 McGrath, Lucile 111 Lamb., Lela 127 MeGrew, Etta 89 Melva. 38 McGuire., Lucian* 148 I.angdorf" William * 52 McLa.ughl in., Irene 12 5 Langford., Joveta 44 McMinnis., Pearl 11 Iangley, Thomas* 91 Langston., Mary 70 M Latham., Arthur * 21 Ira * 21 Maestas, John* 130 Layman., Lloyd* 167 Magruder., Robert * 99 Lean" Da:vid & Jackie 179 Malone, Emma 82 Leonard., Albert* 111 Mangleson., EVEf. 40 A, .. • • ...... 11.rcnie • J.J.J. 1ra.nsheim., Mary 128 Harold* 111 Manuel., Jesse* 71 Lois E 27 Martens, Isabel 18 William* 111 :Marshall., Berta 7 Lester., Golden* 132 Mathers, Robert & Grace 108 Marjorie 120 Ma.thews, Grace 141 Letman, Helena 169 Robert * 122 Lewis. Haskell* 149 Matlock, Mary 5 James* 149 Means, Shirley 139 Joseph * 148 Medley,_ Fay 161 Walter* 151 Mendenhall, Jake• 95 William* 148 Mennicucci, Eva 140 Lilla.rdg Jane 66 Merkett, otto * 28 Lima~ Michael* 115 Messick, Clara 38 Lindsay~ Helen 47 Miller, Albert C * 66 7

Miller, Minnie 149 0 Reba 94 Richard• 66 Ogle, Paul * 37 Roy * 85 Olson, tlbin & Elva 121 Ruth 8 Carol Ann 32 Millward,· Florence 42 Owen, Willard* 14 Miner, Mark & Reta J 49 Owens, Robert & Elsie 140 Mitcheil, Jane 84 Ott., Sharo~ 169 Mlaker, Fred & Fern 62 Mohler, John & Olive 159 p hlollinson, Thressa 38 - Molte., Mamie 97 Padgett, Alba R * 121 Monson, Beatrice ~8 Andrew J'.• 126 Montgomery, Bertha 126 Benny• 129 Mooney, Caroline 3 Cloyd* 137 Moore, Betty 56 Cyrus• 131 Evelyn 10 Edward• 123 Jackie'. & Dorothy 163 Farrel & Nona 125 Natha Naomi 86 Harold* 123 Timothy* 163.,164 Harrell* 125 Moreles, Natalie 88 Isaac E • 119 Morgan., John* 34 Isaac E Jr * 126 Lynn * 34 James* 127 , Phillip • 34 Leo W * 128 Morrison, Georgia 163 Robert D • 122 Mortensen, Ronald* 29 Robert F * 119 Warren* 29.,30 Robert R • 128 Mullens, Audrey 157 Russ·ell Jr * 122 Martha 156 Russell R • 128 Mundy, Richard* 68 Pardew., Donald• 166,167 Murray, Harry & Ee!~ia 120 Park, Lillian 37 ""' .. -~ ~ . ., .. ,,. mutn, Lawrence• ~~o Parker, Swuuel * 54~55 Myers, Rubert* 11,12 Parks, Douglas & Essie 140 Myres, Louis* 11 Parton, Delma 82 Patrick~ Meryl 159 N Wanda 171 William & Lucy 14 Nease, Ellis & Sarah 73 Peak, Rosemary 135 Nelson, Stella 53 Pennell, FL* 26 Wayne & La.Vee 49,50 Penrod~ Georgia 173 Nemic, Rudolph & Betty 66 Peterson, Dan• 40 Newsome, Russell* 174 Leonard A* 48 Nichols, Dale R * 120 Leonard V * 48 Daniel E * 120 Myrna ~24 Edward D * 120 Pettibon, Kenton* 162 Lawrence* 120 Petty, }tilbry 77 Peveto, Homer* 87 Ripley, Everett* 162 Pfisterer., Josephine 116 Roark, Ira E * 115 Phillips., Jean 88 Roy N * 114 Lavern* 32 William* 114 Pickenen, Darlene 113 Roberts, Benny* 132 Pierce., Opal 68 Rodi er, Jean 97 Platt, Elmer* 121 Fo~ars, Jerol

Reid, John* 178 Shayhan 1 Frances 11 Reinke~ Donetta 144 Shellev. c~cil & Eva 140 Reish., josie 69 Jo~ A * 139 Reynolds, Lureline 79 John R * 138.139 Rhoads, La.verta 121 Luther M * 138 Richards., Avlyn A* 43,44 Shelton, Lois 180 Elmo K * 38 Sherwood 1 Myrtle 114 George F • 35 Shumate, James & Ella 149 George O • 44 Simpson. Cecil J * 139 Moral A* 42 Smith. Albert E * 18 Parsons F * 36,38 Albert R * 87..88 II Ray .fi * 45 Albert Roy & Alva 88

Rue "P~ 38 Alfred* 79 * ._ Timothy l * 45 Alice 2 Willial!! 1"'\~, * 44 Alsie A 4, 175 ...R. 1moa ' lt... , T uerrv-ti 42 Andrew 2 9

Smith, An_drew J * 4.,l53.,174 Smith, Lloyd E * 87 Aretta Jane 3,19 Louis L * 15 Arzilla 105.110 Pernita 2 Aseneth 2 Ralph E * 171 Benjamin A• 165 Raymond L * 171 Bernard & Letha 122 Richard 2 Cral O * 109 Richard D G 1.2,3 Carl & & Dolores 109 Richard G * 3.,5 Carl T & Juanita 150 Richard L * 170 Charles S * 159 Ross T & Mary 104 Clarence E • 144 Roy & Ola 80 Clarinda 2 Roy G * 159.,160 Clarinda M 3.,65 Ruben R * 89 Curtis E * 144 Ruel L * 100 Daniel W * 47 2 David Edgar * 92 Samuel H 1.,3,4 Everett• 147 Samuel R * 158 George 2 Theodore* 95 Gordon* 176 Thomas L * 4,105,114 Harold* 133 Thomas L * 116 Henry 92 Wade* 77 Jacob 2 Wade K * 78 James-1Alfred * '10 Walter L * 170 James Andrew f 70 Wayne D & Louise 170 James D * 165• .l 68 William 4.,182 James David * 71 William B * 100 James Earl• 60 William I* 99 James J * 109 William R 1.,2 James K Pol~* 3; William R :* 13 James Luther * 78 William W * 159

James R 13 Smothermon., Glady1s 155 James Riobard* 77.79 Minnie P 153 Jimmy• 95 Susan D 156 Joe* 77,80 Snead~ Arlie* 90 James L 80 Solander, Lester* 168 John 1,.2 Spangler, Hazel 100 John 92 Spiller, Grace 115 John B * 3,103.,104 Spore, Anita 127 John D * 70 Spradlin, Charles R * 6 John S *. 114,116 ~ Donald G * 8 John Webb* 81.86,92 Grover L * 7 Kenneth & Jaculine 97 Lloyd W * 9 Kennet!+ F * 144 Loren W * 11 Kent * 135 :Marshall C * 7 Leonidas* 6,12 Oren O * 12 Lewis M & Frieda 115 Richard B * 10 Spradlin., Richard E * 11 u Walter iC • 6 Waltel" R • 7 Utley, Martha 121 Steeples., Earl• 129 Stephens., Elwood* 181 V Je~se * 181 Lu~a 180 Van Valkenberg., Mary E 104 Mary V 73 Vaughn., Imogene 7 Stephenson., Mary 154 Venable., Clarence &: Mary 170 Stetler., James • 128.,12·9 Vicklund., Verna 44 Stewart., Dolly 108 Vinson., Karl W • 150 Donald. 125 William A * 150 Mildred 142 Stiener, Haward* 123 w Ke-nneth * 124 - Norman• 123 Walker, Don B *.40 Stocks., 1?1Yce • 32,33. Jesse * 40 Stockstil!l., Betty Jo 96 Mary C 153 Stolp., Frieda 115 Mary CW 159 I Stout, -Lois 155 Robert* 39 Strong., Samuel &: Martha 35 Sally 147 Sundell, Shirley •.60 Walling, Herman 116 Swru;tz., Charles• i33.,134 Walp~ Don & Rosemary 161 Sweeney, Wesley• 28 Walton., Juanita 69 Swing., Morris * 22 Waltrip., Nancy Jo 72 Ware, Lyle G • 181 T Ward., Charles• 75 - Warren. Janet 78 Tabor, Sharon 107 Watson., Ida 97 Talcott, Neal* l~O Mary 172 Taylor, Lloyd & Reta J~49 Way., Richard * 24 Lona 113 weatherly., Mary Helen 10 Terrones~ Severo* 181 Weaver, Claudia 155 Terry., Redell&: Ruby 57 Martha J 99 Theobald., John L &: Clara 41 Webb, Harry R 16 Thomas, John* 2 Weed~ Velva Jo 88 Thompson, Della 84 Weidman, Henry * 115 Titterton William* 58 Weitzacker, Gloria 87 Tipton., Arthur* 106 Wenzinger, Colleen 27 Toms, Patrick* 164 Wescott, Minnie·s Trent, Lindberg• 166 Whitaker, Delia 92 Triplett1 Frances E 104 White, Alva E 88 Trombley., William* 130· Glotha 87 Tru.skett., Lawn C * 157 Mary 92 Turley, Frank* 95 Vera Gladys 89 11

Whitesides, Albert* 134 Whittle, Gertrude 28 Wiese, Clarence* 177 Wilcox, Neva 27 Wilding, Nile F * 30 Willbanks, James A• 101 James B * 101 John• 110 Willes, Sumner H • 136.137 William & Reta'49 Willis, Gladys 86 Williams, Connie 145 Elbert.* 8 Louise 173 Sarah 65 Wilson, Billy R & Wanda 98 Frances 87 Ray* 98 Robert D •- 135 William G • 172 Winnifred, Loraine 122 Winningham, Adam R * 16 Raymond* 17 Wirth,·Iawrence & Hazel 106 Wisker, Rose 120 Wolf, Wilma 162 Wolfington, Herbert* 171 Woodard, Mahala Jane 20 Wyrich, Arthur* 16 y- York, E * 93 Young, Hawley C * 75 -z Ziegler, Milton C * 174 Zielonka., Dolores A 109 Zul,:::n, Jean M 126 •