227A 2 2. 6.26%
J. M. BROWNING, FIREARM, APPLICATIONFILED NOV. 26, 1913. 1,143,170. Patented June 15, 1915. 5 SHEETS-SHEET 1, NY A7/ya SSAs. 227A 2 2. 6.26% J., M., BROWNING, FIREARM, 1,148,170. Patented June 15, 1915. S N y AN N.Y. N A. E < ... I 277/255As A || A4, 4 7% (2. lug A- rary J, M, BROWN ING, FIREARM, . APPLICATION FILED NOV, 26, 1913. 1,143,170. Patented June 15, 1915. 5 SHEETS-SHEET 3. %zyszs - - ?-O-24-21 a. - /222ave & 6. J. M., BROWNING, FREARM, APPLICATION FILED Nov 26, 1913, 1,143,170. Patented June 15, 1915, 5 SHEETS-SEET 4, & | N | (S NSN. l E & HSN N s NS n N A7/ya ssas.N S J, M, BROWNING. 1,148,170. Patented June 15, 1915, /72772eys, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JoHN M, BROWNING, OF OGDEN, UTAH. FiBEARM, 1,143,170. specification of Letters Patent. Patented June 15, 1915. Application filed November 26, 1918. Serial No. 803,192. To all whom, it may concern longitudinal section, the parts within the re Be it known that I, JoHN M. BROWN fNG, ceiver being shown, however, in full. Fig. a citizen of the United States, residing at 9 is a vertical longitudinal section, the parts Ogden, Utah, have invented certain new and within the receiver being shown in section. useful Improvements in Firearms, of which Fig. 10 is a top plan of the trigger-plate and 60 the following is a specification. associated parts, removed from the gun. A principal object of this invention is to Fig.
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