Non-Motorized Transport Policy Guideline For Mid-Size Cities in Indonesia Published by: Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) Contact: Fani Rachmita - Senior Communications & Partnership Manager
[email protected] Ria Roida Minarta - Urban Planning Associate
[email protected] ITDP Indonesia Jalan Johar No 20, 5th floor, Menteng, Jakarta 10340 Prepared by: Faela Sufa, Ria Roida Minarta, Etsa Amanda, Annisa Dyah Lazuardini Published in: January 2020 Institute for Transportation Development Policy (ITDP) is a non-profit organization that works with cities worldwide in realizing a sustainable urban transit system as a way to cut greenhouse gas emissions and improve the quality of urban life. Founded in 1985, the ITDP has become a leading organization in the promotion of environmentally sustainable and equitable transportation policies and projects worldwide. ITDP Indonesia has been providing technical assistance to the provincial governments of DKI Jakarta, Medan, Semarang, and other cities for more than ten years on mass public transportation, parking systems, and improving pedestrian infrastructure. NMT Policy Guideline for Mid-Size Cities in Indonesia 3 GLOSSARY APBD Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah / Regional Annual Budget ARI Acute Respiratory Infections BPS Badan Pusat Statistik / Central Bureau of Statistics CBD Central Business District DKI Daerah Khusus Ibukota / Special Capital Region FHWA Federal Highway Administration ITDP Institute for Transportation and Development Policy LLAJ Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan