Criminals Hiding on the Costas Beware As
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SOUTH EDITION - OCTOBER 2010 Issue 144 October 2010 • Tel 902733622 1 IInlandnland & CCoastaloastal FFREEREE / GGRATISRATIS rader Authorised Dealer VValenciaalencia - AlicanteAlicante Tel 902733633 T w w . t h e t r a d e r o n l i n e . e s SSOUTHOUTH EEDITIONDITION MARCHMARCH 22011011 CLOCKS GO FORWARD MAXIMISING THE VALUE OF YOUR Don’t forget to set your clocks forward by one hour UK PENSION! Would a lump sum on Sunday 27th March 2011, offi cially the start of cash payout help your current Summer Time. situation? Page 7 Great for buying and selling stuff Criminals hiding on the RASTRO & AUCTION Costas beware as IN NOVETLE NEXT AUCTION SUNDAY 13 MARCH AT 11.30. Operation Captura returns See Main Ad on Page 4 UK crime-fi ghting char- Operations at Crimestop- SOCA, said: “Operation ity Crimestoppers and the pers, said: “The public is Captura is helping make expat insurance agency Serious Organised Crime one of the greatest weap- the ex-pat community in Agency (SOCA) are once ons in the fi ght against Spain an uncomfortable again closing in on Brit- crime, and once again place for fugitives. Hav- ain’s most wanted who we are asking the public ing the public’s attention are believed to be on the to help track down most focussed on these indi- run in Spain. wanted individuals who viduals goes a long way to See our advert on page 3 are sought in connection making it harder for them Ten new appeals, which with some violent, sexu- to hide and should act as include some of the UK’s al and highly organised a warning that Spain is most dangerous individu- crimes. We’ve continually no safe haven for British CCarbootarboot RRastroastro als, have been revealed. had an overwhelming re- criminals.” Operation Captura is the sponse to this campaign, HHasas Crimestoppers and SOCA MMOVEDOVED successful multi-agency resulting in over 500 piec- work closely with the Brit- TToo VILLALONGAVILLALONGA campaign which identifi es es of useful information SEE OUR ADVERT ON PAGE 4 ish Embassy in Madrid individuals on the run in on the fugitives sought. nnrr GandiaGandia and British and Spanish Spain who are wanted by You can view all the ap- law enforcement agen- Name: Antony FRASER OONN SSATURDAYSATURDAYS & SSUNDAYSUNDAYS UK law enforcement agen- peals on the most wanted cies. The campaign high- DOB: 24/12/1971 FFREEREE SSTALLSTALLS Public: 9.30 - 1.30 cies for serious crimes section of Crimestoppers’ lights appeals for informa- Place of birth: London Stall Holders committed in the UK. Since website and if you know OONN SSUNDAYSUNDAYS tion on individuals facing from 7.30 the campaign launched anything about the indi- prosecution in the UK who Offences: Antony FRASER, Anthony FRA- WWee aarere onon thethe PaseoPaseo inin thethe villagevillage in October 2006, there viduals please contact have European Arrest SER, grandson of the notorious criminal TTreeree LLinedined wwithith BBarsars & RRestaurantsestaurants have been 50 appeals; Crimestoppers. No one Warrants issued against ‘Mad Frankie FRASER (and son of convicted 38 of whom have been ar- will ever know you who you CCallall 630949816630949816 them. Information given criminal Frank Fraser), is wanted in connec- rested. Many of these are are and you will not go to to Crimestoppers anony- tion to his involvement in the importation now serving lengthy prison court. Contact us on 0800 mously can help locate of approximately 2 tonnes of cannabis into sentences for their crimes 555 111 or through our the UK from the Netherlands on 17/03/09. these criminals so that ar- which range from drug website crimestoppers- FRASER is alleged to have hired a lorry rests can be carried out by CLOSING traffi cking to sex crimes to” to collect the cannabis which had been Spanish law enforcement. murder. concealed within a consignment of frozen Ken Gallagher, Head of chicken produce. DOWN Dave Cording, Director of European Operations for Description: Dark brown collar length untidy SALE hair, height 5”10, green eyes, he has scars on his left brow and on his right hand. No Sensible Calls to the Spanish 900 555 111 tel- offers refused ephone number are answered in the UK by Crimestoppers’ call agents and Country Gardens a translation service is available upon request. People can also pass on in- Caudete formation anonymously via the online Giving Information form on Crimestop- See Our Main Advert on pers’ website www.crimestoppers- Page 21 for more Details . Those in the UK should call 0800 555 111 or visit the website. AADVERTISEDVERTISE CCALLALL 661832951118329511 AANUNCIONUNCIO LLLAMALAMA 661832951118329511 2 2 [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] • Tel 902733622 MMarc Octoberarch 220112010011 IT’S YOUR DUTY TO KNOW THE RULES APH explains the UK duty free rules and regulations Airport Parking & Hotels European Union are enti- is important to note that (APH), the UK’s award- tled to bring in goods up to one cannot combine both winning airport parking a certain limit without hav- alcohol and tobacco allow- specialists, is helping holi- ing to pay duty and/or tax ances. daymakers returning to in the UK. When bringing When brining in other the UK avoid fi nes by high- in alcohol to the UK, pas- goods to the UK such lighting the duty free limits sengers can bring either as perfume or electrical when returning from the one litre of spirits or strong goods, passengers can EU and beyond. The full ta- liqueurs or two litres of bring in up to £390 in ble, available to download, fortifi ed wine, sparking value without paying duty can be found in the Know wine or any other alcoholic and/or tax in the UK. If Before You Go section of beverage of less than 22% bringing in goods worth the website http://www. volume. These allowances more than the allocated may be combined provid- allowance, travellers must foreyougo/dutyfree.shtml. ed the total allowance is pay duty and or tax on the Passengers travelling not exceeded. In addition, FULL value. passengers may also bring from the European Union Airport Parking and Hotels Ltd is DVLA*** are now worst offenders back 16 litres of beer and can bring an “unlimited” one of the UK’s leading booking Which? to launch beginning to levy when it comes to amount of most goods four litres of still wine. agencies and this year celebrates super-complaint excessive charges excessive card sur- into the UK, provided they With regards to tobacco its 31st year as a retailer and op- for paying by card. charges but this are for personal use and allowances, passengers erator of pre-booked airport park- murky practice ing and travel extras. APH offers against ‘rip-off’ The super-com- transported by the pas- can bring in either 200 plaint is Which?’s is becoming ever senger, however, passen- cigarettes or 100 cigaril- parking at all major UK airports plus airport hotels packaged card surcharges fi rst since 2007 more widespread, gers may be asked ques- los, or 50 cigars or 250g from cinemas to with parking and airport lounges. Which? has today of the journey, in and kicks off the tions if they are bringing of tobacco. Like with al- hotels and even APH is also a carbon balanced announced plans spite of the fact consumer cham- in more than 3,200 ciga- cohol, these allowances some local author- company and has, through the to launch a super- that they only pion’s new cam- rettes, 110 litres of beer can be combined so long World Land Trust, helped pur- paign against rip- ities.” or 90 litres of wine. as the total amount is chase more than 1,000 acres of complaint against have to process off charges, which Fair charges – the costs not exceeded. However, it endangered rainforest. the surcharges one transaction. Travellers from outside the consumers can to the consumer should that many com- For example, a support the cam- be the same as the cost panies impose family of four paign www.which. to the retailer – this when customers booking a return This shouldn’t be a hidden pay with a debit or fl ight with Ryanair will be submitted way of making money; credit card. would be charged along with the su- The consumer £40 to pay by For debit cards, as the per-complaint to champion will use card when the cost to the retailer is the OFT at the end its powers* to ask cost to the airline so small, we think it’s of March. the Offi ce of Fair would be around more reasonable for Trading (OFT) to 20 pence to proc- Which? chief exec- the retailer to absorb investigate card ess a debit card utive, Peter Vicary- the cost and not pass it surcharges, which payment and no Smith, says: on to their customers. are often sprung more than 2% of “There’s simply Which? is a consumer on the customer the transaction no justifi cation champion. We work to at the point of value for a credit for excessive card make things better for payment and can card. The same charges - paying consumers. Our ad- be far in excess of family would be by card should vice helps them make what it costs the charged £38 by cost the consumer informed decisions. retailer to proc- Flybe and £5.50 the same amount Our campaigns make ess the transac- by Easyjet for that it costs the re- people’s lives fairer, tion**.