AVID GUIDE for AMA Workflow GFCAM Media Composer 6.5 Symphony 6.5 NewsCutter 10.5 Avid Editing Systems IKEGAMI GFCAM Features in Media Composer 6.5, Symphony 6.5, NewsCutter 10.5 and later. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to acknowledge the advice, feedback and support of the following people who have given freely of their time and advice. I am responsible for the accuracy of the content, and any errors or omissions are mine alone. Angus Mackay Robert Russo Avid, Montreal, Canada Avid, Burlington, US Nobuhisa Miyazaki IKEGAMI ELECTRONICS,USA CORRECTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Feedback, advice and corrections are always appreciated.
[email protected] Be sure to visit WWW.AVID.COM/AMA Version 5 COPYRIGHT 2013 all rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form 2 | Page A M A IKEGAMI GFCAM G U I D E Contents INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4 IKEGAMI GFCAM PLUGIN SUPPORT ............................................................................................ 5 GFCAM FORMATS ....................................................................................................................... 6 WHATS ON YOUR GFPAK ............................................................................................................ 9 SCREENING AND ORGANIZATION ............................................................................................. 11 SCREENING GFCAM ..................................................................................................................