Waste Disposal Hearing
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Churches Are The Spiritual Only Newspaper Building Stones Upon Which Published The Foundation of a Community In The Malibu The Malibu Times Is Built In the Heart of Malibu Malibu in its Heart Vol. 3. No- 7. MALIBU, CALIFORNIA, June 19, 1948 Five Cents New Jenkins' Act To Continue Answering Queries Township Council Holds Be Featured at Legion Dinner Dance, June 29 City Proposal Through the courtesy of On Sixth Class Inside Waste Disposal Hearing screen comic Allen Jenkins, Is the Malibu Beach area ready for the establishment arrangements were completed of a city of the 6th Class? What are the advantages week to fa- The desperate need for adequate sewage disposal this feature the be derived from city incorporation? How much will it cost The Malibu mous comedian and his road- facilities in the Malibu area was stressed at an open meet- the people involved? What will it mean to the people out- show troupe at the next big for ing of the Malibu Township Council held last Friday at the side the area being considered incorporation? MIVES D. TEMPLIMAN Malibu Courthouse. community dance sponsored These and many other ques- A. M. Rawn, Chief Engi- by Malibu Post 605, American tions are being considered these Mr. O. Sher- neer and General Manager of ing were President K. Legion at the Seacomber, days as the time grows close for man, Reeves Templeman, Ralph Malibu Beach OUR THANKS—This has been a the Los Angeles Dis- Tuesday June 29. a presentation of the matter to Sanitation Jarboe, Herbert night, week of many letters. All of them trict/ addressed over 100 inter- Lamb, Owen The Jenkins' troupe, which is members of the Malibu Beach Wheeler, Ray Goodson, Allan have been interesting and sigi I- ested people at the largest gath- composed of several prominent Home Owners' Association. This J. Ulrich, Major C. ficant. We appreciate the one to ering held by the Council. Let- Storms, E. people as well as fellow- Ass'n Reports meeting, the annual meeting of Robert Hoyme, Col. Herbert local follow because it touches on a ters telling otf the meeting and comedian Frank Sully and "Smil- the organization, will be held on Meek, Lowell Matthay, Ray Roes- subject that renders us some- asking for support of the Council the Cat Jenkins, are making Warner Baxter Tennis court, sler, Buckley Angell, Bob Os- ey" the what apoplectic at times: were mailed the previous week to preparations to go on the road Class City Sunday, 12 noon, June 27, 148. born and Max On 6 Malibu residents and property Couchois. with new skit within a few Following the policy establish- MALIBU BUSINESS MEN'S a 16 owners. The Council was impressed and weeks. They will play in theatres June 1948 ed last week of presenting ques- ASSOCIATION, INC. with the Editor, Malibu Times Mr. Rawn cited examples for pleased large number and prominent night spots The tions by residents and our an- Malibu, Calif. June 16, 1948 districts with similar prob- of persons vitally interested in throughout the country. Book- swers, we are herewith publish- other the among many Mr. Reeves D. Templeman lems and of possible solu- Malibu, them ings for the tour are being ar- ing another letter which arrived told Los and other long Dear Sir: Editor and Publisher tions. He discussed ways of ob- from Angeles ranged by the William Morris in this week's mail: meet- The Malibu Times taining and financing a sewage distances, who attended the Agency. The proposal to incorporate a ing. Those present were: Dr. and To The Editor Malibu, California system. Malibu was likened to the "We are exceptionally lucky to 6th Class City .at Malibu is only Mrs. Rodney McQuary, Mr. and The Malibu Times, San Clemente area and it was get this act before it goes on the consequence the Mrs. James Jordan, George a natural of Malibu, Calif. Dear Reeves: felt that Malibu's two best pos- road," Allan Lund, chairman of Hodge, C. Armstrong, and growth of this area. It is really sibilities would either hook- M. Mr. the program committee of the Sir: lie in S. and has been con- My Dear have been requested to in- outfall Mrs. B. J. Boyd, Mrs. A. Wil- stated this week. "Ac- not a new idea I ing up with the Hyperion Legion, I very obliged to Mr. that meeting of liams, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dragon, the date times for eight am much form you at a or in establishing an outfall in cordingly, we have set sidered at various Bernal for asking those per- Business Mr. and Mrs. C. Wright, Anne Dyas Directors of the Malibu area. This work would be up for this dance to June 29. ten ■ years. The increasing the this Williams. Rus- or tinent questions regarding Men's Association, Inc., held preceded by forming a Sanita- Hyman Levine, Tickets can be obtained from community sel Gross, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. needs of a growing plan to make Malibu a city, and Tuesday, June 15, 1948, it was tion District and making a com- any of the members of the com- answering and Mrs. James have caused the directors of the equally to you for in that the thanks and ap- plete survey of needs, costs, and MacLachlan, Mr. mittee and the number printed resolved As- such a frank and unequivocal preciation of this organization water Elliotf, Bernice Palmer, Mr. and is being limited to 200 rather Malibu Beach Home Owners' conditions. Bernard Ro- way. be extended to you for your Mrs. Charles Hoyt, than provided heretofore. to request an investiga- The need of a master plan 350 as sociation few the senthal, Bernal R. Dyas, Thomas I should like to add a ques- splendid column "Inside M-ui- which could later be used to an- I would like to suggest that all tion by the undersigned and a bu," appearing in Ihe June 6th W. Quine, J. Burris Mitchel, B. those who are interested in ob- tions of my own: nex other areas. was deemed ad- Roger report on the matter will be giv- by issue of The Malibu Times in L. Hudson, A. G. Moore, taining tickets do so immediate- Q. What, exactly, is meant visable since once the plant is meeting of lo- called to the Mason, Harold Z. Brown, Mar- tickets en at the annual "the need for more adequate which you attention built for a certain capacity it ly. The 200 available will the low Lovell, Eugene Brodrich, is the Association, June 27, 12 noon cal control" for the Malibu Beach woeful lack of facilities for cannot be enlarged without un- not last long. The price the meetings well Mrs. Lowell Matthay, Mrs. An- per person." court. area? holding of civic as reasonable expense. The outfall same, $2.50 on Warner Baxter's tennis the gela D'Amico, Mrs. Owen Jarboe, Ans. Quoting from state- as the fact that American method was considered superior Lund said members of the While the following is not a a area Mrs. K. O. Sherman, Mrs. Lila ment issued to The Malibu Legion in this prosperous to the treatment plants because committee from whom tickets summary, it incorpor- club- Price Wright, Mrs. Charles Rice, complete by a committee of the has been unable to obtain a of the difference be "obtained are, besides him- Times in cost. Nicholas Alberti, Mr. and Mrs. can some of the principal con- house site. self: Bert Carlson, Lee Zeman, ates Malibv. Bsach Home Owners' The talk by Mr. Rawn was sup- D. Ciuffo, Mr. and Mrs. P. look into It is that Clark. Tom Cheney and Andy clusions arrived at: Association asked to hoped your article plemented by words from H. L. Mrs. Marvin Foster, Ray Anderson. of Mr. and can be area that is being con- the matter of incorporation the will draw the attention some Messier and Mosher of Orders placed through 1. The M. M. White, Allan S. Lund, Jessie for incorporation is strict- committee stated in the May 1 civic-minded persons or organ- Lund at. jus home by calling Mali- sidered the Los Angeles. County Health Coates, Charles Rice, E. Milton the is of the izations that could be of aid in bu 5172 or by contacting any of ly limited. The boundaries are issue: "The committee Department. These men warned Wright, A.V. Biastre, A.S. Bowns, on the South, Coal Creek opinion that a city government procuring such facilities. the audience that Malibu had al- the above committeemen. ocean Lee Zeman, Lou Levit, CecFe on the East, the ranch boundary is necessary in order that the Very its Music for the dinner-dance will truly yours, most reached highest expan- Trebaol, Mrs. Jeanne Trebaol, North and Solstice Can- community may properly meet be Frank ' on the BUSINESSMEN'S sion point without sewage facili- Mrs. Jean Couchois, Mr. and. supplied by Kerwin's incor- lo- MALIBU band headed by yon on the West. Such an and solve the many purely INC. ies. They told of many cases, par- Mrs. Arnold North, A. E. new Seacomber ASS'N., affair poration will not affect the resi- cal problems which continual- Lund ticularly along the where Dan Sterling. The will Allan • beach, Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. John Lev- dents of Las Flores, La Costaa, ly arise, and which now must the system no start at 6:30. Door prizes will be Executve Secretary. disposal is longer er, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Dickinson, Escondido, Point Dume and so be presented to remote disinter- condition and stated offered.