1993 December

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1993 December AIKIDO YOSFIINKAIU INTERNATIONAL Vol.4 No.3 DECEMBER ]993 1 YA F lqcnrviro\Al. yossrNKAr Alrrr(l ! ll)lrtAi roN K. .L.12 N fr& Anhffi,Hflm toYcr;hiril<m Nkih YOSHINIiAN A11llT)O l'IDLO ll iiriuirrrr rtrtr,tr ltoro tz IYAF First Step IYAF Second SteP Ersish 34m n U.S $33 i Ens ish 47mln U.S. $38 I I :i YOSHINKA\ AIKIDO \iIDDo I THE WAY OF AIKIDO TECHNIQUES ,LE VRAI ET PURE AIKIDO'' 60mn U.S $69 FF400 YOSHINIIAN l\1KIT]O VIDEO 2 DEI\,IONSTRATION OF i,;rii-....r., L-r.n 'P;i ", - IUOST ADVANCED TECHNIQUES ,DEI\,4ONSTRATION DES TECHNIQUES'' 3Omn U.S $50 FF330 IOSHINXAN -\IKII]O VIDEO N FIRST INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OF YOSHINMNAIKIDO - June 23, 1990.Tororto ontario. Canada 89n n U.s $ 60 CAN $ 65 i E',!r sr -ar*rrn^t oro,uo,rr,nu , YOSHINI{AN AllilDO XIDEO 10 #|t'i;i SOKE GOZO SHIODA SENSEIS SOKE GOZO SHIODA SENSEIS VISIT TO TORONTO, CANADA VISIT TO WINDSOR, CANADA Enlilnll 23min. U S $ 33 li Ers !h 46hi.. US $43 li AIKIDO YOSHINKAN INTERNATIONAL Vol. 4 No. 3 December 1993 (n,o Publish.r: shrodd O 1993 AIKIDO YOSHI\KA\ liditor: Hlrost'i NLLkano sr!ff: tron,ar.lBi.ndl 2 2E,8. Kanriochiai. Shl! !k! I!. Tokyo 161. J.pan Cofespondrnts: J.cques Payer Tel:81(i)l)l-1685556 |-ax: 81 (01) -1368 5518 lamcs Jcamctr. All rights rcsrrlcd Rohcrt NIunad Corer: Callleraphy. "Aikldo Yoshi.knn. bl \or. pame a Hunt Vark Baker Go/o Shiod, l,:l',;; .im U..n r1,. @'r.r.orlpok.-. I.n,tr .r.n rr'k.nr spnrt b lhose trho lore Aikido'" special thanks to Ntr. Akirn yagiu \4r.S 1u(.1.a,. \,.t.t..:1 ( 7.\t,rct, CONTENTS Introduction ................-.................,'.,'.* '...- 2 Yoshinkan Now. 3 IYAF-International Yoshinkai Aikido Federation... 8 Special Feature-Aikido Shugyo ............................ 10 Technlques Explanation.................. ....................... 13 Yoshinkan Aikido Worldwide...... ......................... 14 Yoshinkan in North America ................................ 18 Yoshinkan in Oceania...................... : . 19 Communication ........................20 Aikido Yoshinkan International SUBSCRIPTION Make.hc.lues payable to Tsuneo Ando,./o International Yoshinkai Aikido Federation 2-28-8, Kamiochiai,Shinj*u-ku, Tokyo 161,Japan Ayear's subscriptio& includinil postage, handlhg, and a Yoshinkan calcndar, isY3,500 \'r. \' \'1 " ..J \e$ Sut s.riprion U Citv Postal Codc Counlr]. Phonc Nurnber C-lub Please Print in Btock Letters SOKE SHIODA GOZO fro ief.r:::. ::.ksrounds but aLso ::i . differeni ..:.:.qi lienshu snnpL\ :'-.:: repetitiif .: ir .\Er.ise or exer.ise! :. :. r: : Hish proiile sports receive. great lleal ofnrcdia a,.o,e,,,1, attrntjon here in Japan aI]d clsetthere. Althoulih ,,, \\ ' I am lerl. impressed with the dedi..tiur and p..l1. I ,lF I L. i , ...L,il1tiei oi the athletes in thrse sforts, cannoi 'r - rl heLp brLt ll'onder about the clliicrences th.rt ha\.e port.xrth .:::..a!i tlitsPiritualand fl- .al .: .n irt. (o meafs .1.: : t\ .rl1 ed between competiti!c pr oiessional s Por is Frln.l:l:: , -h.J:ri,,,Jtl. .r.' ,.\udo. rrcnn! nr l.-r1:: l,ncthing and lo tll::. .. i: 1 sp.,rtsperc.m's trainhg.al(ndar is determned L\ tht.lcntsand krurnamenis th.t he orshe ill ..p ,. 1,,-. \..". ,' 1-,1 .'h"r ..ll\ .nd rncntally, at pre(tesjgnatcd umes. A nr.riinl .rtist, hou,cvcr, musi lr.in .onqtantly, to ihe nraximum, and bc toP con.l jiiorr and aw.ue In the Iapanese languagc, two lyords isilo and r.r*,r describe the Fra.tlce oi somcthing. In .Lrrrent usage, theyappcarto have sinri lar nlcan ings: trai ng. A look ai thcir etym.rogics, how- ,] ,l Aikido !oshilkon lnte rnat iLtttLt I Pamela Shidoin came to ]apan in 1986 to stu.:ly NEWS lapanesc. She was introduce.:t to the honbu dqo by a fticnd in l9U9 an.:l traine.t as a ge'ncral stu Dojo Depart dent n) thcshodan level prior to the Firt Tn icrna- iHonbu Sensei tional lnstru.tors Course, from rvhich shc suc- cessfrdly graduated in l992 as a ridrr,l$,cl Iive The honbu dojo reEirets to announce that instructor. Aftcr beinil inyiied to be.omc a Vlichiharulvlo K,\roshi and Pamela Hrn i Shid oin srirldrr,, shc assistcd withthe second instnr.tors \.ill be leavirg the horbu dojo al the end or cou$c.n.l, along with Silva Kheru Shidot& slowly De.emb€r 1993. Nlori Kyoshi is relocating io Aus- ,(,.,t u\c, \ dnLi-. .li, r rl-, l) A. (uI tralia, 'hile Pamela Shidoh is returring to her ^ Mark Baker. hr ]uly 1992, both I'amela and Silva n.1tiv€ N€1,!' Zealand. The honbu .lojo and the wcrc givcn the ilstru.tor rank of shliJonr, *,hich IYAFextendtheirbest'ishestobothlnstructors. prcvtu!sly had bccn h.ld bv only one othernon- l;rpanese lyorn. n. Panr cla Shid oin h.1s represented Mori Kyoshibegan hainnlg as a general srud enl the honbu dojo on hlo intcrnatiollal tours: she at thchonbu dojo 1985 prior to joining the staff .ccompanie.t Chida Shihan to Canada in October as .n lrr,i d.s/ri (livc-in stu.lcrlt) in March 1986 1992 anrl she.rtended FIST- an all somens'mar arld particlPatingin thc22nd Tokvo Metropolitan iial arts training weekend lasl Iul),. Riot Poiicc (bursc. Hc tcstcd for his Sodr,1 (fijth dan) and was ai{ardcd the titlc in b,o*; June Pamela Shidon] is leavinil thc honbu dojo \,vith a 1993. Mori Kyoshi nrstrucis at thc honbu (lojo, at vie\^.to furthering her educa tion Chdstchurch, tllo uni versi ties, and al a branch dojo. His strong Nelv Zealard. Pam willbe missed ror hcl exexr .omnri hnentand cledicaii.rn to Yoshinkan Aikido plar."- h'ork as an aikido teacher a nd for hcr dedi is iUusiraied by lis comment lhal orrc of the most catect etforts in promoihg and devcloping tll€ sa lisfvinit thinijs.bout his time here is scchg his IYAF. stuclenls cloinB well ai a demonstratnm. Mori Kyosli has also represented Yoshinkan Aikido ir lF,r Lur \. , .J,r. 1,,..,.",r-. " OAnnual Demonstration Held India for a three month period rn 1987, in Califor- ni.fornnryAFtorrrin l99l.andinlvlalt.in 1992 Thc 28lh All-Iap;rD Yosh kan Aiki.to De on- as part of a cultural exchante program. siratiorl1{'asheld orr Scptcnlbcr 26, 1993 . Groups n (!n allo\.er ihervo.ld pa.iicipated hthebiggest Y()shnlk.n cvcln t ol th. ),car. The enthusiasiic 540 Participants ftom 11 countries made ihis year's e!,ent a greai suc.ess. ThcjudSing panel, consist rrq . ,e lx-. ".t r.' ,l r, r ',, r nk"n \ \iJo n str! ctors acti\.e in Japa n, a rva rd cd this y€ar's firsi pize to a sroup from Y.nranashi Yoshinkan. Michiha Mai Kyashi exeutes a kakyunage at the rccent annLat Att J.pan voshtnkan DenonsttatioD \lori Kyoshi is leavnrg the honbu dqo to to to Ausiralia \\.here he hopes to lurthcr Australia I.f .nundersiandtugandtoassistnr thcspread of ' .'-l r. r ALI 'o"l-. a-r.blr.l r.. d,.',,..r: . irq IaF.rnese culiural jdeals. Denanstati.n panrc4..ts gathet lat the apentnq.eEnbny Aikil o Y oslt i n kt n ln f cr n n t i o nal Admission to lhe .:lemonstntion uras free. Alto- Congratulations to all tt ,i/,r/jcl on ihelr ilne i ests. gether, 3,000 people attended this thrillingcvent. A \.idco of the demonstratbn's highlights is no$, iHonbu Dojo Holds Summer availabl.r on \.idPo Gasshuku From Wcdnesday, Augrlsi.1 to Saturd.],, Augxst 7, ar5 studenis (including 10 non-Iaparese) irorr tl ,l',,nbud,'u.r-d,rrpnrr.urd \ . rirl.,,- lrninirE lll,i-)(r --u nmFr.- ./',/.. rr. '; canp) at Kashima Shinbucten h lbaragi Prefe.- ture, aPproximatel]. ihree hours nofth ofTokyo. Thcgeneralclassesr.veretaughtbyNakamSl an and Ogoshi Shidoin, and the children's classes u,ere taught btr Sakano Shidoin. The fhid lntetmtianai ln.iLdots C.utse tai.ees penom a l)A Guide to Testing Procedure se)ecth at dar nt kihan waza. Inanatte pt to unifv testing proce.lures through out the IYAF and in rcsponqe io numerous re- 129th Kidotai Course Opening quests, thc folloivhg is thc honbu .lojo's repre- Ceremony Conducted sentati\,e Ionnat for all tcsting at all le\ els. The openingceremony for thc 29ih Tokyo Metro- Participants should prepare thenrscl! cs nentall), politan Riot Policc Trainnlg G)urse was telcl on and physically prior io the test. A(cordingLr.ltis August 3, 1993. Tcn fiot police officers and one np,,rl.rl l,,be.,.Led'rr .. rl .,- ri'. r - IJf.' r--e 'r-rr. t,. lr \" . ill , .,ir ,,r r.r .e utcs bcfore connnencemenl of thc iest. months at the honbu dojo. The riot police course and the Internatbnal Instructors Cource are rur Conduct in conjunction rliih each oiher, r.ith the tminees The eramining serscl takes the r.i (b \ ) and trainingtogethcl in oneof th€irthree dailyclasses. stands ai the iront of the dojo facing the partici- pants. \ rhen the parti.ipants' names are called l)Senshusei oui,iheyshol d respond by shouiing '1,:r /. boir Undergo Grading nlg,andruminttoalinetrvomatlriclths trom the sensei. Participants should space themsehes Thc Third International Instrucbrs Corrrsc evenly, aboutonemeter apart, andbe so arranged srrsrrsei (trainees) took thcir tcst For dni ,?i k/ro, that their testing partners are adja.ent. ?r,2, (secon.t basic techniques) on Friday Augusi 22, 1 993, thereby conplcting thesecond segmeni The participant furthcst on the right ililes the ,,f ll'( Ir-Lnr.lor'.our-L Uf tl,L rni rLtu.tr.r-r- omm. d ,...rj.,. i drJ.h p"rlr rpdrl.rn ccs \arho tesied, trvo wcye au.arded lily, (tusi Ll,elr1"b^u rn Jrilor lo.h..Fr..i -h-.Fr.-l kyu) anct six \,vere ar{arded ,i/rya (second kvu) .
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