1995 October

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1995 October INTERNATIONAL Vol. 6 No. 3 October 1995 &Fv '.,,r:iitl.iili:\!, frlL^f ffiGOZO SHIODA: ffiAIKr DrvrNE SUBTLETY yoshinkan aikido video E THE WAY OF AIKIDO TECHNIQUES LE VRAI ET PURE AIKIDO 60min US$65 n400 (English & French veEions available) rehniqu$ ibG' DsmoNrEr on by G yoshinkan aikido video E DEMONSTRATION OF MOST ADVANCED TECHNIQUES DEMONSTRATION DES TECHNIQUES 30m n US$50 fi33o (Enq ish & French vercions available) hiqJesdfulod6lenseFEslya yoshi.kan aikido video ll yoshinkan a kldo v deo l! IYAF First Step IYAF Second Step 34m r US$38(in Englsh) 47min US$38(in E ngl sh) Dojo.ho Yasuh sa sh oda,Dsmons yosh nkan a kldo video E FIRST INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OF YOSHINKAN AIKIDO June 23, 1990 Toronlo, 89min uS$60 CAN$65 (in English) yoshinkan akdo v deo E yoshinkan aikido video lU SOKEGOZOSHIODASENSEISVISITTOTOBONTO,CANADA SOKE GOZO SHIOI)A SENSEI S TO TiI NI)SOB, CAMDA 28min Us$38 (in Enslish) 46mln US$43 (r Engish) 'iISIT Indicate your namc/rddress, video titleG), language, and fomat. All mrjor tbrmats alaihblc (\TSC, PAL, SECAM). A11 prjces include postagc and handling. Please inclnde payment in the torm of personal chcck. moncy ordcr, bank drafr, eurccheque. postal ordcr, chaqne bancairc or cash. Mai Your order lo : QUEST Co., Lld. Unlon Ekimae Bldg 5F 3 Takadanobaba, ShnjukL kL, Tokyo 169Japan TEL:03 3360 3a10 FAX:03 3366 7766 . Alow 3 4 weekstordellvery.'l Aikido Yoshinkan International Vol6. No.3 October 1995 OI995 AIIIDO YOSIIINXAN 2-28-8 shinjuku ku Tokyo l6l. Japdr Editor: Ililoshi Nakano Xamn,.nial 'lel 8l'3-3363 5556 Far 31-l-1163-5173 Imail: iyaflglac.ojp Daren Fnend Nl rightu reseNed Michacl Slu'n!!l Michael Kimeda Cov€r: "Aikid. Yoshinld" olligraph, by Sokc Oozo Shrcdr Spccial llanks ro kn. Ya81n Shigcru Sakanoto Dsnonstration plntos @utcsy oil Mamoru Sano Hi.obmi Ajno CONIENTS Yoshinkan Notice Board -- 2 IYAF Notices All Japan Yoshinkan Demonstration -- - - - - - - - - - -'- 4 Aikido Shugyo 6 Special Report - Gozo Shioda Festival -------- 7 Technique Explanation - Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi 2 -------- 8 Letters to AYI 10 12 AYI S I]BSCRIPTION I $ould lilc onmbcr) ole lear subscriplions to AYI (Nav sit issues per).dr ) - single subscription- : x Y3000 E renexal group of 3 subscriplions or morc l x Y2500 E neir subscriplion group of l0 subscriptro s or nore \Y2000 sct olall a\'ailable back issues: x Y35(10 Total (Y*) Y , 1996 Yoshinlan Calendar xY700 (colelt Ys rotrl t, hone ctrrdo1 IMPORTANT: I To qualii for group sub$riplion discounl, please pay *ith on. .heqlc for the total amoull 2 Please male chcqucs oul ir thc currcncy of ] our own country (nof $n). 3 Those lrom South menca and Eastm Euopc pleas. usc US doliars 4 Make cheques palzble tor T$meo rdo c/o Lrl.matioMl Yosln .ai Arliido ledcrahon. Name Mr.A,Is. Dojo Address City Country Postal Code Phone Number Seidokan Dojo Honbu Dojo News Georgetown, Ontario November 3rd - sth 1995 Ando Shihan Ando Shihan has resigned his fulltime teaching Mits Yamashita Sensei (sth dan) from status at the Honbu Dojo. While he will remain California will be the guest instructorfor a on staff as a part time instruclor, he will be three day clinic from November 3rd lo sth. All dedicating his efforts to his dojo in Urayasu, an area just outside of Tokyo. For more information contaci: IYAF on the lnternet A ister Thompson 531-4940 {416) you you Fred Haynes (905)873-1295 lf are on the iaternet, can contact the IYAF at "[email protected]". lf you have World Wide Web access, check out the official home Shinbeikan Dojo page of the IYAF. For additional pholos from Long lsland New York septembefs All Japan demonstration, information on Honbu dojo and more lry: Sunday October 15th, 1995 url=http://iac.co.jpl-iyafl Graham Lewis Sensei is hosting Yukio Utada Sensei (7th dan) for a one day clinic. All are Black Panthers visit welcome. The four young insttuctors from the Philippines' lone Yoshinkan dojo are visiting forthree November 10th - 12th months. Their dojo was fou.rded by Louis Rod Rhem Sensei and Kobi Bar llan Senseiwill cavieres Sensei, a sludent of Soke Shioda be in New York for a three day clinic. All are from the 1950's. Their dojo is curently being welcome. run by Rose liu Azarcon Sensei. For more rnformation coftact: Quest Video News (516)938 8079 The set often kiho, waza (basic technique) Sowakan Dojo videos, formerly available only in Japanese, are now available in English for Y8,000 each, November 17th - 1gih ot y70,000 lor the sel. The lirst video is an in depth analysis of kiho, dosa and other basic Keith Taylor Sensei is hosting Alister movements. Each of lhe following videos Thompson Sensei and John Reelfor a three examines one technique in delail fiom each day clinic. All welcome. kind of basic attack. For more information contact: Keiih Taylor (604) 944 9329 A new video of Soke Shioda Sensei's demonstmlions and black belt classes is now Hikari Dojo available. lt is entitled Kamiwaza (God techniques) and contains footage from 1962 San Paulo, Bmzil onwards. Continuous action from start to finish! l\rid February 1996 It is priced at Y8,000 for all IYAF membe.s and Y8,800 for non-members course study lesson Eduardo Pinto Sensei is hosting Alister Thompson Sensei, Fred Haynes Sensei and Tim Webb Sensei for a five day clinic. All For more informaton contac| Eduardo Pinto: (011)702 1665 IYAF Passports A similar system is cunenlly being used in Europe by the EAYF (European Aikido Yoshinkai Federation) and many other martial The honbu dojo is currently considering the arts. Allhough this system has met with great implementation and use of an IYAF Passport. success in Euaope, it is quite a radical step for This passpo would be issued to all IYAF the IYAF so please let us know what you think membels and would contain a comprehensive and feel about this. The greaterthe feedback record of ones'Yoshinkan Aikido career. and discussion we get while this poect is on the drawing board, the greaterthe chance we We foresee the passport being used both as an have of getting it right. We would like you to 'international membership card'and as a letter considerthe of introduction for people visiting olher dojos following: world-wide. The honbu dojo willwaive the initial 1. ls it a good idea? dojo membership fee (y11 000) for up to three 2. ls lhe cost reasonable? months forvisitors to the honbu dojo holding should be included in it? passports- 3. Whal 4. Whai languages should it be issued in? . ls English and Japanese sufficient? The record oftraining would not include day-to- day lraining, but would be a record of unique We look foMard to hearing frcm you and evenls, such as gradings, clinics and visils to publishing your views in ihe AYl. other dojos. The passport wlll be slamped by examining inskuctors and clinic organizers. The passport is also a convenient way to NAF Registratlons Sin(€ ensure that people attending clinics and visiting other dojos bring relevanl medical information frrgust 1995 with ihem. This information could prove very valuable in the evenl of an injury while training. Dan Rankings We are proposing that the passport contain the USA following information: Rlchard Ess ck 1. Name John Campagna nidan 2. Pholo T mothy Luley 3. Membership Number 4. Address Charles Southe 5. Dojo Lynette Barnard shodan (youth) 6. llledical information Kevin Bradley 7. Emergency contact Glen Giacoletto 8. History of gradings, clinics and seminars Kenneih Homick David Alexander Rogers 9. Any relevant certifications (i.e. lirst aid training, other martial arts) lnstructor Registrations The IYAF passport would be very similar in form to an ordinary passport, sturdy and Scotl Roche level 5 conlaining aboul 30 pages. Each memberwould be charged *2000 to be lr s Epshtain level 5 issued with a passport. Ofthis, Y1000 would be USA fo.warded on 10 the honbu dojo while lhe home dojo or organization would keep Y1000. Chester Bowman level 5 Subsequent years would require a yearly fee of Timoihy Luley level 5 V500 to be foMarded to the honbu dojo to be ievel 5 used to help qenerate revenue for IYAF tours. 4dh Ail lapdn Shioda Shihan and Nakano Shihan showed fast Yoshl nhan Ih monstratio n and powedul./liuwaza with Ando Shihan and Chino Kyoshi demonslrating thet smallstature This year's event was scheduled a little eadier is in no way a disadvantage when being in order to coincide with the 60th biathday of attacked by one or even two foreigners of far Kyouichi lnoue Shihan. As the second such greater size. The senshusei perfoamed kiro, event since the passing of Soke Shioda Gozo dosa tenzohu, lanlo soho and lanfo doi. as there was an inevitable poignancy about the they do every year. occasion, but with the immediate demands upon the participants to follow Kancho Sensei's Of special note were lwo foreign instruclors leachings, the embukai was an exciting and Joe Thambu (godan) of Melbourne Auslralia dynamic display ofYoshinkan Aikido in all its gave a riveling pedormance oflhe more forms. self-defense oriented iechniques as well as suwari jiyuwaza and Geordan Reynolds (yodan) The hierarchy of Aikido Yoshjnkan was fully of Califomia who gave a spiiled demonskation represenled with Terada Shihan showing the of ushiro jiyuwaza . importance within kho, waza, lnoue Shihan demonstratng kokyurro and amazing ki Conglatulations go to Sono Miyazaki (Japan) techniques, Takeno Sensei burying his ukes and Peggy Wu (Canada) from the Honbu Dojo beneath the tatami before they had finished lnternational class forwinning first prize in lhe their Lia, and Chida Sensei putling hrs ukes in kiho n waza compelilion.
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