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Yale Medicine Magazine yAn appale for Lyme A food m desert on edicineMixing medicine autumn 2010 disease Whalley Avenue and business 5 6 18 Women in medicine and the “glass ceiling” 12 autumn 2 0 1 0 yale medicine autumn 2 0 1 0 CONTENTS 2 Letters 4 Chronicle 8 Books & Ideas 0 1 Capsule 12 Improving the lot of women in medicine In many areas women at the School of Medicine fare better than counterparts around the country, but hidden biases remain. By Jill Max 18 When medicine meets the business world Yale alumni heal the sick—not at the bedside one by one but in the boardroom by the thousands. By Jenny Blair 24 Faculty 6 2 Students 8 2 Alumni 2 3 In Memoriam 3 3 End Note on the cover Joanne Weidhaas juggles a dual career as a physician- scientist, plus a family life that includes a husband and three children. Growing up with a twin brother, Weidhaas never thought that men and women might be treated differently. this page Weidhaas’ work as a clinician informs her research as a scientist. One question that moved from the bedside to the lab is why some people get cancer and others don’t. Weidhaas recently discovered a genetic marker associ- ated with increased risk of ovarian cancer and worse outcomes. Photographs by Julie Brown 2 letters Only one take on this elderly woman had brought a it was not reachable. Wood asked health care? stranger into her house and cared Cushing how long the procedure Are we to believe from the article for her for the past five years in was going to last. Cushing replied [“From Cedar Street to Capitol spite of the latter’s substantial that it would be over soon, or Hill,” Yale Medicine, Winter 2010] behavioral difficulties. words to that effect. From the that there are no Yale School of Later, a man in his 30s sought comments in the journal, I had Medicine alums working on the help in controlling his aggres- the impression that Wood died other side of the aisle to improve sion. Every two or three weeks, on the table. the health care system or having he admitted with shame, he Robert I. Finkel, m.d. ’65 a truly different take on health would drink heavily and beat Toledo, Ohio care reform? Or does coming at his wife. Then his 7-year-old son this from another vantage point would wet his bed. Suddenly, Liberal arts important yCushingale brains The physician’sm edicineBiotech after spring 2010 on display apprentice the bust 4 10 12 not count as being interested in he was jarred by memories of for clinicians improving our health care sys- wetting his own bed at that The article “Keeping Body and tem? From my read of that article age after seeing his father Soul Together” [Yale Medicine, as well as the piece “Doctors for come home drunk and beat his Spring 2010] resonated with America,” it seems like one of the mother. He was ready, he said, my wife and me. We have felt two. But my hunch is that neither to “break this cycle of violence.” very strongly that practitioners is in fact the case. I admire the courage of our of the medical arts should have Michael Horn patients and their caretakers to broad experience with the lib- Yale College Class of 2002 make better lives for themselves eral arts while in college. Even Science by design As research becomes more interdisciplinary, architects and others, and I am grateful to though most will have majored are designing buildings that foster collaboration. 18 Student lauds psychiatry have been a part of this healing in science while in college elective in Peru process. I highly recommend the because of the prerequisites of YM_Spring2010_Cover-Spine.indd 2 4/7/10 9:49 AM Recently I had the opportunity to rotation to other students and nursing school or medical school pilot a new psychiatry elective at thank my mentor, Alfredo Massa, entrance, they need the experi- how to reach us Yale Medicine welcomes news the Mental Health Commission m.d., fw ’09, for his dedication. ences that will enable them to and commentary. Please send of Ayacucho in Peru. Beyond Tyler Dodds understand and communicate letters (350 words or fewer) and everything I learned about the Yale School of Medicine with their patients beyond the news items to Yale Medicine, practice of psychiatry, it was Class of 2011 physical ailment. The experi- 300 George Street, Suite 773, also one of the most personally ences in the liberal arts will New Haven, CT 06511, or via meaningful experiences of medi- Account of Cushing surgery also allow them to enjoy life e-mail to [email protected], and cal school for me. rekindles memory outside of their profession. For include a telephone number. In Ayacucho, where James I was interested in your account this reason, over 15 years ago Submissions may be edited for Phillips, m.d., associate clini- of Harvey Cushing’s second we established the Kenneth L. length, style, and content. cal professor of psychiatry, and operation on General Leonard and Lorraine M. Harkavy Mark D. Rego, m.d., lecturer in Wood in 1927 [“Cushing Scholarship at my alma mater, visit us on the web psychiatry, have developed an Collection Once Again Open for the University of Virginia, which yalemedicine.yale.edu international psychiatric collabo- Research,” Yale Medicine, Spring recognizes a student who, while ration, about 25,000 people died 2010]. As a student interested planning a career in health in the conflict between Shining in the history of medicine, I met care, can describe the value of Path terrorists and the Peruvian Cushing’s secretary, Madeline a liberal arts education in his/ military between 1980 and 2000. Stanton, who had an office her life and future career. We Today a different type of violence in the Historical Library. She strongly encourage all teachers predominates, with most of our permitted me to go into a back to emphasize the value of a lib- patients reporting histories of room where Cushing’s journals eral arts education. physical or sexual abuse. were available. Kenneth L. Harkavy, m.d. ’71, In the setting of such violence, After 45 years my recollec- hs ’73, m.b.a. however, I was struck by the tions may be faulty, but Cushing Lorraine M. Harkavy widespread desire to overcome had extensive notes about the Potomac, Md. terrible circumstances. Two cases second operation. Wood was correction stood out. awake during the procedure. In the Spring 2010 issue of Yale In the first, a middle-aged Cushing was not able to com- Medicine, the sidebar to the woman with severe cognitive pletely excise the tumor and article “Biotech After the Bust” 2010 impairment came for follow-up expressed a desire to terminate included incorrect degrees care, accompanied by an elderly or finish the operation. Wood and an incorrect title for John Online: Yale Netcasts Quechua woman. When I asked talked him into trying to finish autumn Geibel, m.d., d.sc. He is a profes- Additional content for articles if they were related, the older the operation and do a more sor of surgery and of cellular in this issue of Yale Medicine woman replied, “No, but she was complete or curative resection. and molecular physiology and edicine is available online at iTunesU, living on the street and people During the additional excision m vice chair of the Department of or by pointing your browser were mistreating her. I just of tumor, a bleeder developed ale Surgery. We regret the error. y to yalemedicine.yale.edu. couldn’t leave her there.” And so and retracted into a region where starting point 3 yale medicine Alumni Bulletin of the Yale University School of Medicine Autumn 2010, Volume 45, No. 1 Editor in Chief Michael Kashgarian, m.d. ’58, hs ’63 Professor Emeritus of Pathology and Senior Research Scientist Editor Michael Fitzsousa Director of Communications Keep the letters coming! Managing Editor John Curtis As an alumni magazine Yale Medicine has a built-in hook to attract readers—our Alumni Notes Contributing Editors page. We always like to hear news of classmates, even ones we may not have known well during Peter Farley, Jennifer Kaylin, Karen Peart, Cathy Shufro, Marc Wortman, ph.d. our school years. And it doesn’t matter whether the news concerns a classmate who just won a Contributors Lasker Award or another who was named dean of a prestigious medical school. It’s enough to Jenny Blair, m.d. ’04, Sonya Collins, Terry Dagradi, John Dillon, Catherine Dinsmore, know that someone is alive and well, just got married, or just saw her daughter graduate from col- Kerry Falvey, Steve Kemper, Jill Max, Kara lege—or enter kindergarten. A. Nyberg, ph.d., Colleen Shaddox Design A member of the Class of 1959 recently pointed out to us that our Alumni Notes section Jennifer Stockwell lacked news of anyone who graduated before 1960, and asked that we correct that oversight. Copy Editors About two years ago another alumnus made the same point. Rebecca Frey, ph.d., Anne Sommer Editorial Advisory Board Like these two alumni, we would love to publish more news of alumni from all years and Jenny Blair, m.d. ’04 generations. But we’re at the mercy of you, our readers. We print the news as we receive it, and Sharon L. Bonney, m.d. ’76 Irwin M. Braverman, m.d. ’55, hs ’56 that means we rely on alumni to tell us about their lives and careers. Until recently the magazine Sharon A.
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