For Justice, Freedom & Solidarity PP3739/12/2010(025927) ISSN 0127 - 5127 RM4.00 2010:Vol.30No.5

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 1 COVER STORY Sleepless in Whichever way you put it, the political outlook does not look rosy for Taib and the other component party leaders who are so dependent on his patronage by Abang Benet

t was not meant to hap- II pen this way. After all, III the government media’s script for elections in Sarawak is that it’s the BN’s ‘fixed deposit’, the parliamentary vote- bank that delivers again and again and again, come rain or shine, through thick and thin.

And just to make sure that this re- occurred as per the official script, PM Najib Abdul Razak, DPM , CM Abdul CM TaibTaibCM PM NajibNajibPM Taib Mahmud and other BN min- isters openly abused public re- sources and poured millions of ringgit of public funds into the by- election. Even the Methodist Church in Sibu, despite their sup- posed embrace of ‘Christian’ val- ues, unashamedly pocketed a ‘badly timed’ mega-handout! It was a vulgar and unabashed dis- play of electoral bribery. The Sibu contest was little more than a ‘buy’ election. DPMDPMDPM DAP'sDAP'sDAP's Except that the Sibu voters (and Muhyiddin Lim Kit Siang especially those from the urban Chinese community) had other ideas. And notwithstanding the by a wafer-thin margin of 398 slap in the PM’s face but it also Election Commission’s shenani- votes. thwarted Najib’s not-so-secret gans of delaying the result in a plan of holding snap general elec- failed attempt - if DAP’s Lim Kit Loss a major blow tions had the BN emerged victori- Siang is to be believed - to cook ous. The BN’s loss of Sibu, hith- the results, the voters handed the The loss was a major blow for the erto a SUPP/BN bastion, only seat to DAP/PR’s Wong Ho Leng BN. Not only was the defeat a threw a major spanner in the

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE

Some people are probably having sleepless nights. In our cover story, Abang Benet zeroes in on the situa- CONTENTS tion in Sarawak. The political outlook there does not look rosy for Taib Mahmud and the other BN compo- nent party leaders who are so dependent on his pa- COVER STORY ••• Sleepless In Sarawak 222 tronage. The same writer then discusses the 1Malay- ••• Hypocrisy In Sarawak 888 sia hypocrisy in Sarawak and the plan to reduce or remove subsidies floated by cabinet minister Idris Jala. FEATURES Also touching on Sarawak, Anil Netto discusses the ••• BN: Hollow And Hypocritical 999 ••• Excuse Me, Idirs! 101010 likelihood of an early general election. But for deep- ••• Cock-Eyed View Of What Constitutes rooted change to take place, he says a society’s value Non-Muslim Rights 121212 system has to be transformed and its institutions re- ••• Why I Oppose Legalising Football vamped. Expect more defections when polls draw Gambling 131313 ••• Tukul Besi 151515 closer. Hishamuddin Yahaya likens such political ••• In Memory Of Gan Teik Chee 212121 defectors to tukul besi or hammers. These surface only ••• Eulogy To Gan Teik Chee 222222 when there is a hatchet job to be done but are then ••• Who Is My Boss? 232323 discarded or tucked away in a tool box. ••• MIC, Maika Deserve To Be Cursed For 10 Gemerations 252525 ••• Maika: Bleeding Again 262626 Elections are also expected in Myanmar, but these ••• The Upcoming Myanmar Election Is will not be positive for democracy in the country, writes Not For Home Democracy 323232 John Smith Tang. The military regime there clearly ••• Ibn Taymiyyah And His Fatwa On TerrorismTerrorismTerrorism 343434 aims to maintain its grip on power and shows no ••• An Early General Election? 404040 interest in building a genuine democracy. In a real democracy, elected reps are accountable to the people. It is the same with town councillors. Penang Island REGULARS Municipal Councillor Lim Kah Cheng, who is the ••• Thinking Allowed 191919 ••• LettersLettersLetters 373737 NGO representative in the council, asserts that her ••• Current Concerns 383838 real boss is the Rakyat and not the state government.

As elections approach, scandals and controversies OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS invariable surface or resurface. We carry a couple of ••• Subscription Form 181818 articles by P Ramakrishnan, who looks back and re- flects on the Maika debacle. The raging sports betting controversy, meanwhile, draws the attention of Francis Loh and Toh Kin Woon, who contribute to Published by the debate. Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN)(ALIRAN)(ALIRAN) 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, Aliran is an organisation for ‘social democratic reform’. We advocate freedom, justice and Penang, . solidarity; comment critically on social issues, offer Tel: (04) 658 5251 Fax: (04) 658 5197 analysis and alternative ideas keeping in mind Email (Letters to Editor): the national and global picture based on universal [email protected] human rights and spiritual values. We are listed on the on the roster of the Economic and Social Council of Email (General): [email protected] the United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran Homepage : welcomes all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Konway Industries Sdn. Bhd. Plot 78, Lebuhraya Kampung Jawa, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 3 works for Najib, who now has to within the party, their self-serving laysia.) continue governing the country attitude and the party’s inability like the lame duck, flip-flop PM to renew itself let alone represent And who is going to bury forever that he is; without any personal general Chinese interests within major ‘corporate mistakes’ like 1st mandate from the electorate and the BN. Silicon, Sarawak Medichem, and at the mercy of a fractious and in- Sarawak International Medical creasingly right-wing Umno/BN. Unfortunately, after three decades Centre? And who is going to en- of near feudal governance of the sure that public finance excesses Similarly, it was a big blow to Taib state with a weak and fractured involving numerous state infra- Mahmud’s stature as the opposition, Taib and his coterie structure projects and state land strongman of Sarawak politics. of BN political hanger-ons are just allocation to plantation compa- After all, if anyone loves electoral plain blind to this view. nies, political supporters and busi- clean sweeps, it is Taib who has ness associates remain buried always prided himself on being Regardless, even if Taib did want deep within the state civil service able to win (nearly) all seats con- to step down, the interlocking na- files? tested in any Sarawak election. It ture of politics and business in was bad enough that he had to Malaysia means that there is a real The ostensible ‘lack’ of any ‘ca- play second-fiddle to Najib dur- possibility that Taib, his extended pable’ successor within PBB to ing the by-election in his own family, relatives and corporate as- take over as CM is clearly ham- state. But to lose?!? Well, that was sociates stand to lose much if he pering Taib’s ‘succession’ plans a bitter pill. did leave centre-stage - just like even if he wants to go. His son, how his uncle, former CM Abdul Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib, Losing his grip? Rahman Yakub and his political recently bowed out of politics com- hangers-on did after he retired. pletely for ‘health’ reasons. Taib’s Hence, is Taib losing his iron grip brother, Mohamad Ali Mahmud, over Sarawak? Some like Prof. To whom would he entrust the who is the state assembly mem- James Chin of Monash University care and nurturing of companies ber for Muara Tuang, is politically Malaysia noted that losing Sibu closely associated with or directly inactive. His niece, Norah Abdul only showcased the increasingly linked to his extended family, rela- Rahman, is a junior parliamentar- widespread public perception that tives and business proxies like ian and may yet play a major lead- Taib has overstayed his welcome Cahya Mata Sarawak, Sarawak ership role at some stage in and should go. Not only are ur- Cable, Putrajaya Perdana, Loh & Sarawak’s future. But for now, ban Chinese voters fed up with Loh, Titanium, Quality Concrete, despite the presence of various Taib, they are also tired of SUPP’s Kumpulan Construction, other long-serving PBB leaders ageing leadership, the hypocrisy Kumpulan Parabena, Borsarmulu like Abang Johari, Adenan Satem, Resort, Majupun, Awang Tengah, Alfred Jabu and Naim Cendera, Ta Effendi Nawawi, neither Taib Ann, UBG, Hock Seng Mahmud nor the PBB membership Lee, KKB Engineering, has been able to identify a succes- Sarawak Energy, sor. Hence, for now, there is no Sarawak Plantations, transition planning within PBB/ Eksons Corporation, BN. Dayang Enterprise, mLabs Systems, Consequently, given his ‘sense of Sarawak Capital, duty’ to Sarawak, Taib is ‘unable’ Lanco, Achi, Saradu to leave centre-stage and will en- Plantation, Sanyan deavour to remain in office for as and Samling? (Note long as possible. Put it down to that this is only a his burning desire and commit- shortlist! There is more ment to ‘bring development’ to the and not only in Ma- people of the state. Lost by a wafer-thin margin of 398 votes

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 4 Cracks in the loss of Sibu to ‘an uncreative Umno, MCA, MIC, PPP or the coalition? and unenergetic BN election ma- Gerakan) come to Sarawak to chinery [which] had still followed campaign? Are SUPP and PBB But times they are a-changin’. So the old way of campaigning’. In and the rest of the Sarawak BN so too the electorate’s mood in other words, he pinned the blame politically juvenile and inept that Sarawak as evident by the Sibu on the Sarawak BN and its age- they are unable to keep up let result. Cracks are also showing in ing leadership! alone compete with their penin- the BN team between PM Najib sula contemporaries when it and CM Taib. Ever on the alert, Taib robustly comes to contesting elections? Are refuted the PM’s explanation of- Sarawakian voters so naive and There was a lot of recrimination fering instead the following: ‘This gullible that they will fall for a ‘dif- within the BN camp over the loss time we had a different sort of ferent campaign’ style? Are the of Sibu. Najib lost face when the campaigning on the part of the op- electorate in Sarawak so feeble- BN lost Sibu since he made the position, and there were many minded that ‘barking’ politics of contest a personal one when, un- outsiders coming in.’ He also ‘de- ‘outsiders’ will so easily ‘mess usually and against normal BN nied that the BN lost due to pro- them up’ and ‘derail develop- test votes cast by the ment’? Is this what CM Taib Sibu voters to show would like us to believe? their displeasure with senior politi- Additionally, by blaming the cians in the state’; a ‘barking’ politics of ‘outsiders’ for response no doubt, potentially messing up Sarawak’s to the DAP cam- politics, is not Taib attempting to paign that made isolate Sarawakians further from Taib’s record of al- global recognition of ‘democracy leged corruption as a universal commitment’? Is he and excesses (and trying to keep locals politically that of an ageing and culturally backward and in and politically im- the dark about what substantive potent SUPP leader- democracy means? Are ship) central to its Sarawakians mushrooms? Sibu campaign. Unused election posters Or is this an ongoing example of Taib convinced no- Taib deliberately trying to deflect by-election convention, he flew in body except his own sycophantic attention from his loss of political to campaign in Sibu three times cabinet ministers. His riposte also appeal; a threadbare attempt to within the space of a month. Not teasingly amplified perceptions shore up his position by blaming only did he upstage CM Taib in that he does not currently see eye- ‘outsiders’ for the slow but sure his own backyard but he also to-eye with PM Najib. haemorrhage of support for the reached out to the Sibu electorate BN in Sarawak owing to his own in a way no other PM had ever Later in June, in a visit to Sibu to ‘failings’? done before during any election launch the government’s ‘Program campaign when he said, ‘(If) you Sejiwa Senada – Kerajaan Bersama As well, whatever happened to help me, I help you!’ Rakyat’, Taib added that ‘barking’ his commitment to PM Najib’s politics as practised by ‘outsiders’ ‘1Malaysia’? Does not support for So, in order not to allow the oppo- could mess up the people and de- 1Malaysia also mean full accep- sition PR to tar his by-election de- rail the development tempo in the tance of other Malaysians and feat as a confirmation of his poor state.’ their ‘different sort of campaign- leadership as PM or to discredit ing’ when it comes to democratic his vacuous 1Malaysia campaign But what does it matter if ‘outsid- elections? By referring to non- - which it did - Najib attributed ers’ from Pas, DAP, and PKR (or Sarawakian election campaigners

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 5 as ‘outsiders’ that undermined the are discussed behind closed ing his grip and may not be relied BN’s political applecart in Sibu, doors during Supreme Council upon to deliver the BN’s ‘fixed de- did not Taib let slip his real (i.e. meetings or via confidential posit’ in full when the next elec- hypocritical) views about PM memos? tion swings round, Taib also Najib’s 1Malaysia unity emphasised that ‘Bumi votes are programme? Indeed, could it be The way forward in the bag’. According to Taib, ‘the that in Taib’s mind, there exists a electorally community’s support for the BN real divide between Malaysia and had increased’ as seen by their Sarawak, one that is concretely No leader in Umno or for that vote tally in the Sibu by-election. characterised by the state matter in the federal government government’s dogged adherence is under any illusions about CM In this respect, he is right. After to meaningless immigration con- Taib’s diminishing electoral ap- all, despite their best efforts, PKR trols despite nearly five decades peal. They know that he is increas- has yet to make any major inroads of nationhood? ingly turning into a political liabil- into breaking the BN’s hold over ity for the BN the longer he stays native and Malay Bumiputera Ironically, Taib’s post-election on in power. But herein lies the votes. Anwar Ibrahim is too busy outburst only reminded all that federal government’s dilemma. attending Parliament, the ‘barking outsider’ globetrotting, fighting style of politics from the sham court cases and peninsula was seemingly appeasing shady PKR much more attractive to political operators to the Sibu electorate than pay close attention to his own ‘sweet’ building up his party Sarawakian persuasions rank-and-file in the during the ‘buy’-election state. comprising RM600 mon- etary handouts to Still, Taib is worried. longhouse residents and His recent advice to the development projects Bumiputera commu- worth millions! Sibu contest was little more than a “buy” election nity betrays this when he advised them ‘not to Further reinforcing this view of How do you get rid of someone change the present political sys- tensions at the top is Taib’s recent who has been loyal and who has tem and administration since BN statement that Sarawak does not always delivered in the past? If political leaders were always ever need ‘sports betting’. Coming PM Najib and the rest of the BN ready to sacrifice themselves for from a CM of a state that happily Supreme Council cannot even get the good of the state’. taxes 10 per cent of all legal gam- rid of Samy Vellu, what more bling sales and which has its own Abdul Taib Mahmud? Now that the urban Chinese have locally-licensed gambling compa- all but abandoned SUPP/BN, nies, this is rich. To Taib’s credit, after the loss of Taib is undoubtedly even more Sibu, he indicated that ‘the reliant upon the Bumiputera vote And why would CM Taib openly Sarawak BN would formulate a for his continued survival. reject ‘sports betting’ if he did not new campaign strategy for the want to pile pressure upon PM next state election to mount a seri- And what of Najib, who is under siege from his ous challenge and counter all the the state election? detractors within Umno on this baseless allegations brought by question, the NEM, subsidy re- the opposition against the state Of interest now is the timing of the ductions and various other is- government’. forthcoming state election due by sues? Is it not an unwritten rule May 2011. There has been a lot of within the BN that CMs support But, as if to downplay the grow- speculation about it being held PMs and that controversial issues ing perception that he may be los- later this year.

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 6 But the loss of Sibu was a major dampener. And despite all the rah-rah pronouncements from Putrajaya and Petrajaya, the economy is weighed down by sov- ereign debt, lack of FDI and dogged non-competitiveness. The outlook is bleak. Don’t believe me? Just ask your local coffeeshop op- erator!

Additionally, the World Cup is a big distraction until mid-July. Ramadan begins in mid-August with Syawal and Raya celebra- DAP is all fired up, organised and poised for action tions ongoing until early October. National Day and Malaysia Day celebrations are in August and 2011. The exception of course will ently is that SUPP/BN is going to September. School exams are in be if PM Najib is suddenly ‘in- lose most if not all their urban November with the Landas (wet spired’ to call a snap parliamen- Chinese seats. As for the rural season) setting in soon thereafter. tary election. If so, then we can and native Bumiputeras, And December and January are expect Taib to hold concurrent although generally still support- not good months to hold elections state elections. ive of the BN, rumblings of dis- since the former ends the year content and frustration are grow- with many on holiday while the But this is highly unlikely since ing within their ranks over NCR latter begins the school year with PM Najib remains ‘uninspired’. land issues and towards Taib many stressed out. Umno and the federal govern- himself. ment, who would be more than Thus, there is now only one win- pleased to see the back of Taib, are Hence, whichever way you put dow of opportunity left in 2010 (secretly!) keen to see Taib go it it, Taib is presently sleepless with which to hold snap state elec- alone to gauge the extent of his in Sarawak. So too are all the tions, namely in October. But if electoral support. Any further elec- SUPP and other less important Taib does so then, it would con- toral stumbles on Taib’s part BN component party leaders firm that he is running scared of would only see the federal govern- who are so enamoured of him Sarawak’s electorate, which al- ment easing him out of office. owing to their dependency though still generally BN friendly upon his patronage. q is increasingly hostile towards All signs presently point to it be- Taib and his ‘inexplicable’ con- ing a lively election. Although Editor’s Note: There will be a follow tinued accumulation of personal/ PKR has yet to get its act fully to- up article on the state of the political family wealth. An October election gether in the rural seats that com- parties and the key campaign issues would also suggest that Taib is prise mainly Malay and native that will feature in the Sarawak state keen to avoid any possible fallout Bumiputera voters, the DAP is all elections in one of our forthcoming or reversal from a still very fragile fired up, organised and poised for Aliran Monthly issues; closer to when national or global economy in action. the state elections are held. 2011. Unless something unexpectedly If no snap election is held in Octo- surprising happens (like Taib’s Abang Benet is an expert ber, it is likely then that Taib’s resignation or if he transits to im- on Sarawak politics and government shall serve out its full mortality!) to make the urban Chi- continues to be a regular term and we can expect state elec- nese extremely happy, the general Aliran correspondent. tions after Chinese New Year in sentiment on the ground pres-

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 7 COVER STORY 1Malaysia hypocrisy in Sarawak The State Government dislikes Malaysians from Semenanjung by Abang Benet

hy are foreign retirees warm and friendly. They celebrate state government restricts entry of WWW under the MM2H diversity and promote it via mixed non-Sarawakians into the state to WW programme more ac- marriages. They are also very ac- three-month social visit visas and ceptable as long-term commodating of differences. Cru- annual work permits. residents in Sarawak by the state cially, none of those interviewed government than local Malay- encountered any racism while in The only ones exempt from an- sians from the peninsula. Sarawak. Indeed, so enamoured nual work permit regulations are were all interviewed that they federal government employees It is indeed heartening to read re- found it hard to leave Sarawak like teachers, doctors and security freshing newspaper articles about once their studies were over. personnel. However, even federal how wonderful life is in Sarawak But leave they had to. And why? employees are given the boot from when viewed through the prism Sarawak once they retire unless of youthful Malaysians. In the 15 Because non-Sarawakians do not they acquire a permanent resi- May issue of The Star newspaper have a choice to stay on in dence (PR) permit. (Sarawak Metro Section), an ar- Sarawak even if they want to. ticle entitled, Incredible Sarawak But PR is not easy to come by detailed how many West Malay- The fact of the matter – which is since a successful PR application sian and Sabahan undergradu- quite unknown to many if not really depends on one’s connec- ates who studied in University most Malaysians - is that the tions with big-shot officials in the Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Sarawak State Government only state government hierarchy. Alter- had their minds and hearts pays lip-service to the idea of natively, a non-Sarawakian opened by their experience of life 1Malaysia. Hence, while happy to woman who marries a local man in the state. crow to the whole world about may apply for and is likely to be how beautiful life is in the land of granted PR. But the converse, i.e. All those interviewed in the article the White Rajahs, the state gov- a non-Sarawakian man who mar- spoke proudly about how ernment adamantly refuses to al- ries a local woman is denied that Sarawak was a showcase of genu- low outsiders (i.e. non- right since ‘women follow their ine ethnic and religious harmony. Sarawakian Malaysians) to share husbands’! Not only was their experience of its bountiful heritage or partici- studying in Sarawak enriching pate in building up the state on Hence, despite UNIMAS produc- and eye-opening, but all admitted an equal and long-term basis. ing many graduates and profes- falling in love with the people and sionals, few stay on in Sarawak. the multi-cultural milieu of the In particular, the State Govern- Most make their way to Kuala state, which had much to offer. To ment especially dislikes Malay- Lumpur, Penang, Johor Baru, these youths, Sarawak was noth- sians from Semenanjung. Via Singapore and beyond partly in ing less than a showcase of what implementation of strict immigra- search of good jobs (which are 1Malaysia is all about. tion controls as enshrined in the relatively few in Sarawak) and Sarawakians are hospitable, 1963 Malaysia Agreement, the partly because Sarawak’s private

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 8 sector chooses not to hire them - despite needing their expertise – owing to the genuine hassle of applying for a work permit for BN: Hollow and them. hypocritical Ironically, nearly five decades af- ter the formation of Malaysia, the by P. Ramakrishnan reality is that Sarawak is increas- ingly losing its population via out-migration. Apart from a short- age of youthful professionals in the economy, the state is also fac- ing a shortage of skilled and un- skilled labour. This is partly ame- liorated via resort to Indonesian and Bangladeshi migrant work- ers. he controversial de- Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Sarawak’s economy is thus suf- velopment project at Yen Yen announced that the fering. And the stark reality is that TT TTT the Penang Botanical Cabinet voted unanimously Sarawak is going to run into a Gardens has been in to have the arches costing labour resource wall very soon. the news for sometime. This RM150,000 demolished. project was objected to and Surprisingly, if one is a foreign opposed by Penangites and She said, “We listened to all retiree (preferably white-skinned) NGOs as something that views before reaching this de- who applies to stay in Sarawak should not be undertaken as it cision. The beautification under the Malaysia My 2nd Home tends to destroy and violate project was meant for the (MM2H) programme, one is very the serenity of its natural envi- people and if they are not likely to be automatically granted ronment and pristine beauty. happy, we should not force a 10-year resident visa. Ceteris them to accept it.” paribus, non-Sarawakian Malay- Dismissing all objections and sian retirees are not welcome. criticisms, the project went It is unfortunate that her state- ahead: two monstrous arches ment sounded hollow and Why is this so? Why are foreign that stood out like sore thumbs hypocritical. If the BN had retirees who bank in a mere were erected. Soon one of the been in the habit of heeding RM350,000 to qualify for the arches reminded us of the the wishes of the public, then MM2H programme more accept- Leaning Tower of Pisa. It we need not have squandered able as long-term residents in started to tilt and the contro- the RM150,000 in the first Sarawak by the state government versy erupted once again. place. This huge sum of than local Malaysians with an money has gone down the equal or even larger amount of It looked as if it was a matter of drain. money in their bank accounts? time before the tilting arch would pose a hazard to the From the very beginning, the Put differently, why are non- safety of the public. When this proposed development was Sarawakian Malaysians actively possibility became very appar- not popular with Penangites. discriminated against in Sarawak ent, the Barisan Government They rejected it from the onset in terms of work opportunities became people-friendly. and residence? Continued on page 14 Out of the blue, the Tourism Continued on page 14 1Malaysia? q

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 9 ECONOMY Excuse me, Idris! Just who is addicted to subsidies? Certainly remove wasteful subsidies, Abang Benet tells Idris Jala. But please ensure that the poor and the marginalised continue receiving subsidies; after all, why penalise them for the excesses of Umno/BN?

Idris JalaJalaIdris

o, it finally took an out- as an Umno/BN outsider - is quite and its parasite partners within sider to tell Umno and incapable of pointing the finger at the BN under the auspices of the SSS the BN that it is addicted Umno/BN! Had he done so, his NEP? And further, just who ex- to subsidies and that head would have been chopped actly has benefited most from all they are going to bleed the coun- off faster than a speeding bullet – these subsidies and other eco- try dry within nine years if noth- metaphorically speaking, of nomic abuses and excesses if not ing drastic is done to stem our bal- course! the Umnoputras and BN-putras looning national debt. of the land along with their greedy But since I don’t have to operate corporate cronies? Of course, coming from a Sarawak- under the hypocritical constraints born outsider – and a non-elected that are imposed upon Idris Jala Certainly, the majority of Malays, one at that – the statement by Idris by Umno/BN, I shall do Idris a Indians and other non-Muslim Jala, the Prime Minister’s per- small favour and reinterpret his Bumiputeras (in Sabah and sonal point-man in charge of the recent statements by calling a Sarawak) have not benefited as Government Transformation Plan spade a spade and finger Umno much.Truth be told, our efforts to (GTP), was made to sound as if it and BN politicians (and their reduce national income/wealth was the Malaysian people who greedy, blood-sucking corporate and expenditure inequalities were being admonished; the Ma- hanger-ons) as the real culprits have been moribund - and that too laysian people who were the cul- who should heed Idris Jala’s mes- despite an economic redistribu- prits, who have “been living be- sage. tion policy platform (i.e. the NEP) yond our means”! of 40 years! After all, who is responsible for No doubt, this is Idris Jala’s po- enacting all the subsidies this The UNDP’s 2009 Human Devel- litical survival strategy since he – country has seen except Umno opment Report website provides

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 10 a comparative Gini Index table likes of Ibrahim Ali’s racist have never enjoyed the full ben- that measures income/wealth Perkasa goons and Malay Consul- efits of any genuine public com- and expenditure inequality where tative Council buddies are going mitment to our common welfare 0 measures absolute equality and to embrace Idris Jala’s GTP and and security? 100 absolute inequality. subsidy restructuring plan with love and affection? So, Idris, a little bit of honesty Malaysia’s Gini is 37.9; ahead of please with regard to your GTP the Philippines (44), Singapore Heck, is Sarawak Chief Minister and subsidy restructuring rheto- and Thailand (42.5), Cambodia Abdul Taib Mahmud even going ric. Please direct it towards your (40.7), Indonesia (39.4) but behind to buy into Idris Jala’s rhetoric? own cabinet colleagues and the Vietnam (37.8) and Laos (32.6). God knows, Taib and his family rest of Umno/BN. Unless they have benefited most from the pil- end their profligate lifestyles and Malaysia’s economic achieve- lage of Sarawak’s resources via the cease plundering the public cof- ments over the last 40 years have NEP. And what about Sabah CM fer, we, the rakyat, should not be been impressive. But considering Musa Aman and his coterie of asked to tighten our belts. In other the amount of NEP resources we greedy hanger-ons? Why should words, if you are going ahead have expended and the huge fi- they stop living it up just because with this plan, please ensure that nancial leakages that we have in- Idris Jala said so and just because your GTP and subsidy restructur- curred over the years to achieve the country risks tipping into ing programme reins in ALL the these results (“Just think of sub- bankruptcy? financial leakages, the economic marines that cannot dive; IPPs excesses and the policy abuses of with preferential tariffs; Bakun Since when has it been generally your Umno/BN pals even as we, Dam and numerous bailouts for acknowledged that Umno/BN the rakyat, are asked to tighten our starters!”), our accomplishments politicians have a moral con- belts. in restructuring society have been science to do what is right for the mediocre. country and its entire peoples? After which, consider a little more targeting please in terms of your Worse still, if Idris Jala is to be be- Do Umno/BN cabinet ministers subsidy restructuring plans. Cer- lieved, such mediocre accomplish- and politicians pay taxes? Ooops, tainly remove wasteful subsidies. ments in wealth restructuring I forgot, they all take home tax-free You are spot on to say that Ma- have been achieved via an addic- salaries and all sorts of perks and laysia cannot go on piling up our tion to subsidies; the removal of allowances. Not to mention the public debt to finance subsidies. which is going to cause Malay- millions their cronies rake in via sians generally a lot of pain and subsidies, rentier contracts and But please ensure that the poor more inequality of income/wealth kickbacks. and the most marginalised and expenditure. groups continue receiving subsi- Indeed, who really has been “liv- dies since they need it most. After But will Umno/BN allow an out- ing beyond our means”? Have all, why penalise the poor and the sider like Idris Jala to push ordinary Malaysians “been living most marginalised for the subsidy through this programme to dis- beyond our means”? Have poor excesses of Umno/BN? Why mantle subsidies? After all, it is Chinese, rural Malay farmers and penalise those who have been left the Umno/BN “subsidy addicts” Indian plantation workers “been out of the benefits of the NEP for who are going to hurt the most living beyond our means”? Have the past 40 years? since they are all so uncompetitive the Penans “been living beyond and all so used to leeching off our their means”? Think back to your days as a stu- public resources via subsidies dent of Development Studies in (like APs, educational scholar- Hence, even if Idris Jala does suc- USM. You are certainly aware of ships), rentier patronage (e.g. con- ceed in getting his subsidy restruc- what I am talking about. q tracts to cronies and family com- turing plan through cabinet, panies), and outright corruption. should we Malaysians accept this “one-size fits-all” bitter pill? Pray, Abang Benet is a regular Do we really believe that Umno/ why should we when we duti- Aliran correspondent. BN politicians along with the fully pay our taxes every year but

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 11 INTER-ETHNIC RELATIONS Cock-eyed view of what constitutes non-Muslim rights Nazri is absolutely right that the country does not belong to the Muslims by Francis Loh

ou must remember time Muslim state-exco and dig- lim rights. Where was the minis- that the country does nitary gamblers who have hit the ter and what is the stance of the “Y“Y“Y not belong to the Mus- headlines about their debts ever BN government when it comes to lims. There are things so often. The point is that gam- having access to land to build a that sometimes non-Muslims do, bling has nothing to do with any church or temple in general, or in for example, gambling. It is their religion. In the event, all religions a specific area, say in a part of culture, their way of life and we discourage their followers from Shah Alam, where the majority of have to respect their rights.” Ap- gambling. And only some non- the population is Muslim? Or to parently, the minister in the prime Muslims and Muslims gamble. use particular Bahasa Malaysia minister’s department, Datuk Seri Most do not. words in non-Muslim worship Nazri Aziz, expressed these and in their religious publica- words which grabbed the head- Second, the BN government has tions? For that matter, do we have lines on 20 June. consistently argued that certain absolute rights when it comes to civil liberties and rights must be choosing our religions? And con- Minister Nazri is absolutely right curbed for the greater common verting from one religion to an- that the country does not belong good. This is why they argue we other? Cakap tak serupa bikin? to the Muslims. have the ISA, the Societies Act, the Printing Presses and Publications Finally, the minister needs re- He is also correct to insist that Act, Trade Unions Act, Sedition Act, minding that all religions share Muslims have to respect non- etc. Time-and-time again, we have many values in common. It is not Muslim rights, and he should argued against these unnecessary just a common abhorrence to- have added ‘and vice versa’. curbs imposed upon the rakyat via wards gambling. All religions the introduction of additional acts also teach their followers to be But he is absolutely wrong to sug- of parliament. Yet, suddenly, when compassionate to all, indeed re- gest that gambling is a non-Mus- it comes to gambling, the BN gov- gardless of the religion the other lim “way of life” that ought to be ernment takes the stand that gam- professes. All religions also teach respected. This is a cock-eyed view bling is an absolute right and we us to respect women, to live in of what constitutes non-Muslim should respect that right. Whatever harmony with Nature which is culture, even less that it is a non- happened to those other more fun- part of God’s creation, and to ex- Muslim right that must be re- damental liberties to express our- tend a helping hand especially to spected. selves, to gather and to associate, the needy and the downtrodden. among others? First, gambling is a world-wide Too bad, the minister resorted to phenomenon and gamblers come Third, it is most regrettable that stereo-typed notions of “non- from all continents, countries and the BN government and the min- Muslims” and cock-eyed ideas of religions. If one doubts this, recall ister chose to portray gambling as what constitutes their rights. No how there have been some big- such an integral part of non-Mus- wonder there’s no 1Malaysia! q

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 12 GAMBLING Why I oppose legalising football gambling There is universal disapproval of gambling by Toh Kin Woon

f late, there have been a lot of debates in the print OOO media on legalising foot- ball gambling. Given the ongoing World Cup football tour- nament in South Africa, this issue has become all the more heated and relevant.

Initially, it was claimed that the Federal Government had already given out to Berjaya the licence to operate legal football gambling. But when this news was greeted with strong opposition by many quarters, the Federal Government quickly denied it. well run, with payments to win- however, call for strict control and To be fair, some individuals and ners almost guaranteed. With so regulations to be imposed in or- organisations like former premier much money driven underground, der to restrict such betting to only Dr Mahathir, the MCA, the MIC supporters of making football non-Muslim adults. In fact, all dis- and the Associated Chinese gambling legal argue that the gov- courage gambling, their call for Chamber of Commerce and Indus- ernment has foregone much rev- legalising football betting not- try have expressed support for the enue as a result of such illegal withstanding. government’s move. gambling. Since there is gambling anyway, it is better to operate it Why I oppose Arguments legally than to allow it be run ille- legalising football in favour of gally. gambling legalised gambling Some others assert that it is wrong I, however, oppose legalising foot- Those who are in favour maintain for the government to play the role ball gambling. that illegal football gambling is of moral policing by way of im- widespread and rampant. Hun- posing its morals on the wants of Firstly, there is, of course, the moral dreds of millions, if not billions of the public. Most Malaysian argument. All religions oppose ringgit, are placed in bets in what adults, they further argue, are gambling. Even those who are not must be one of the largest black mature and should hence be left followers of any particular faith do service industries. The industry is to make their own choices. Most, not approve of gambling. It can

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 13 therefore be safely said that there is universal disapproval of gambling, Continued from page 9 also elected by Malaysians to whether legal or illegal. It is gener- serve their interests. Why ally regarded as a vice to be pro- should these Malaysians be scribed or banned. but the BN government just penalised for exercising their ignored their objection and democratic rights guaranteed Hence, it is nonsensical for some went ahead with the project. by the Federal Constitution. political leaders to say that gam- It would have completed the bling is part of Chinese culture. project but an embarrassing What is the rationale for de- This is not true. Just because Chi- development threw it off-track. nying the Opposition MPs nese make up the bulk of punters their allocations, which ulti- in 4–D outlets, turf clubs and ca- It was the tilting arch that mately are channelled to ben- sinos, we cannot conclude that saved the day for Penangites. efit Malaysians. Why should the Chinese community very The engineering defect in the the BN deprive these Malay- much indulges in gambling. I dare erection of the arch posed a sians their due and deny them say that the bulk of the Chinese, grave danger that could not be benefits that are enjoyed by like those of other ethnic commu- ignored. At some point in the other Malaysians who voted nities, disapprove and thus es- future, the arch would have for BN candidates? chew gambling. certainly collapsed. When that were to happen, the BN The Federal Constitution does Secondly, legalising gambling would be derided and ridi- not make a distinction be- will not do away with illegal gam- culed. The writing was on the tween BN and Opposition bling. Worse still, it makes betting wall and the political cost for voters. Their votes carry the even more convenient. This will the BN would have been enor- same weight and have the result in gambling being even mous. same effect in determining the more widespread. Debts, includ- results of the election. As Ma- ing those from illegal loan sharks, Whatever said, the BN is not laysians, we are treated will pile up, bringing much de- that stupid not to take that into equally without any discrimi- struction to families and the larger account. So the wall has to nation. society. come down. We have to say good-bye to RM150,000 – a If the Cabinet truly listens ‘to Thirdly, I find it hard to accept that complete waste of good all views before reaching a the government should not inter- money. decision”, why is it that in this fere by banning football gambling. instance it failed to listen to There are certain goods and ser- So there you have it. It has the views of the Malaysian vices that are generally regarded nothing to do with the BN lis- public? Can the Cabinet as harmful to health or general tening to the people’s grouses. kindly clarify, what is the ra- well-being and are hence classi- Circumstances have forced tionale for the BN fied as socially undesirable. One the BN to come to its senses. If government’s decision to dis- obvious example is the taking of it is a caring government, as it criminate against Opposition harmful illicit drugs. Hence their pretends to be, let it prove its MPs? q consumption has been banned by sincerity. the government. Likewise, gam- bling should similarly be disal- Malaysians want the BN gov- * This is the personal lowed. ernment to grant allocations to opinion of the writer or the Opposition MPs and be the publication. The I therefore find it difficult to ac- treated the same as the BN Malaysian Insider does cept that the government is con- MPs who regularly receive al- not endorse the view sidering giving its official seal of locations annually for the unless specified. approval by legalising football benefit of their constituents. gambling. q After all, Opposition MPs are

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 14 POLITICS Tukul Besi The phenomenon of defections should prompt Pakatan to rethink its strategy by Hishamuddin Yahaya

of, threatening to expose secret sonal gain. documents they claim to possess and whatnot. If the BN wins they Defection are rewarded handsomely, even old and new by being appointed to offices they are not qualified for, but if the BN Defection is a phenomenon as old loses they are discarded. To the as the political parties themselves. BN these people are just utilities Defection has now become rife, to be exploited to perpetuate their and occurs for different reasons. grip on power. Politicians of yesteryear left their Types of Tukul Besi respective parties on principled reasons unlike those of today, Tukul besi are of two types: the who leave for wooly reasons. he proverbial Tukul Besi “professionals” and the “defec- TT (hammer) is still very tors”. Defectors need not speak, Dato Onn Jaafar, the founder of TTT much in fashion today, because defection itself speaks Umno, left the party because his even if it’s not fashion- better than words. proposal to turn Umno into a able. The hammer is a tool used multi-racial party was rejected. only occasionally when you need The professionals on the other He left and formed Party Negara. to drive a nail into a wall. After hand are those “impartial” politi- its use, it is placed in a tool box cal observers who do not belong and its existence is scarcely re- to any political party, but “have membered. the interest of the nation at heart”. Their perceived credentials have Human tukul besi, more aptly tremendous influence on gullible called “political prostitutes”, voters. These professionals, self- whose party loyalty is merely a proclaimed political scientists cover for their materialism, sur- and academics, have distin- face every time there is an election. guished careers behind them. As Employed as star speakers in political observers, their views are BN’s public rallies, they are in re- often perceived as impartial and ality political mercenaries, as- when voters find them to be in line signed to vilify and rile the oppo- with BN’s policies, it reinforces sition on any issue that comes to their belief that the BN is the cor- mind. Unethical to the extreme, rect choice. They are musang they use defamatory language and berbulu ayam (wolves in sheep’s hit below the belt, exposing the clothing) who have willingly very things they were once part traded their reputation for per- Onn Jaafar

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 15 Aziz Ishak who was Agriculture tions without the slightest pause. Minister in Tengku Abdul But their demeanour tells all. Rahman’s cabinet left Umno be- cause his proposal to manufac- Tukul besi capitalise on three re- ture urea fertiliser, which would cycled lies. Firstly, they say the have benefited farmers tremen- opposition has failed to walk the dously, was rejected. talk and are working torwards the detriment of a particular race. Sec- Dato Asri Muda who was Pas ondly, they say the opposition has president for many years left Pas strayed from its original objec- because of the latter’s dogmatic tives, without specifying what approach to politics which pre- those objectives are. Thirdly, they vented Asri from steering the say the political dichotomy party into clearer waters. among parties is a barrier to a genuine merger or coalition. The Chinese left MCA to form Gerakan because it was alleged Ayatollah Khomeini Voters’ response that MCA was a party of the towkays whose function was to As Abraham Lincoln once said, finance Umno. child, and no party members gave “You can fool some of the people any help. Upon his release, he all the time, or all the people some Ahmad Boestamam left Party went to see a well known lawyer of the time, but you cannot fool all Rakyat because, when he was in- friend to express his the people all the time”. Unfortu- carcerated, his wife and two chil- disapointment of his comrades’ nately, as seen from Malaysian dren were left to fend for them- cavalier attitude towards the suf- voter’s response, the majority selves despite being surrounded fering of his wife and children have been fooled all the time. by rich professional party mem- while he was in detention. They bers. Boestamam related to me in showed no appreciation at all of Pakatan’s uphill task 1970 how his wife was forced to his sacrifice and the price he paid earn a living by washing clothes for the party’s cause, which was Pakatan now and in the future from house-to-house to support too much for him to bear. He left faces a couple of major hurdles. herself and a young son and the party and formed Party Firstly they face year-round vilifi- daughter, who was a special Rakyat Marhain, which unfortu- cation from government-run me- nately never lived to its infancy. dia. Secondly, the money heaped on voters has swung over fence- Instant VIPs sitters.

The tukul besi have been given in- What must Pakatan do when stant VIP status, especially dur- faced with these challenges? It ing campaign periods. They are cannot fight their money because the limelight in mainstream news- the BN has unlimited access to it, papers and TV programmes. neither can Pakatan match the Their views and opinions are BN’s media campaign because the magnified to extreme importance. BN have full control over the Then they were invited as guests mainstream media. on special TV programmes with professional interviewers fielding Pakatan’s strategy should be to prepared questions to which they get its message across to the inner give prepared answers so they core of the voters, to jolt them to look articulate, intelligent and the point of realising that the pur- Ahmad Boestamam able to answer even cynical ques- pose of life is far more meaningful

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 16 and beyond the confines of mate- rialism alone. Justice, equality, Ho Chi Minh's statue care for the poor and the under- privileged, improvement in healthcare and access to medical treatment for the poor and the des- titute, land for the landless, citi- zenship for those who deserve it and adequate aid for all schools are all more relevant to sustain a nation. Pakatan’s strategy should be to get voters to realise this.

How the government’s colossal projects have impaired these fun- damental obligations must be ex- plained. A widening economic chasm between those in the corri- dor of power and ordinary people exists, caused by abuse the of power. This must be fully ex- plained so that voters’ eyes are opened. Our government’s for- This is something the Pakatan cant. Pakatan now represents the eign policy endangers the should emulate. The distribution hope and aspirations of the country’s security and is prejudi- of CDs and VCDs can spread in- younger generation. Putrajaya is cial to the Third World. It also aids fluence more quickly than public within grasp now. Defections the big powers’ insatiable politi- rallies, which are far between. may actually be a healthy trend cal hegemony to our detriment. CDs are more practical as people because such people will only This must be explained fully. can listen while they are driving serve to weaken the party. Mass or relaxing at home. A taxi driver support is more important than Pakatan must organise regional listening to a CD can share it with mass membership. flyer distribution centres sub-di- his passenger who is forced to lis- vided into micro-cell systems all ten while they are in the cab. In God willing, Pakatan will march over the country. A simple two- fact taxi drivers are among the best victoriously to Putrajaya. Remem- page flyer highlighting one issue disseminators of any information ber Ho Chi Minh and his deprived at a time would suffice. The cell as they come into contact with so army could first defeat the French system is both economic and effi- many people. Army (the world’s most superior cient as each cell covers only a army at that time) at Dien Bien Foo small group of people. It is im- These are some of the practical and then defeated the American portant to develop the most adroit programmes the Pakatan should Army with its superior weaponry, delivery system possible to avoid seriously think about, because to what’s BN, which is now led by interception by the JKK. Dedi- obtain a private tv/radio licence, weak uncharismatic leaders? cated, energetic young cadres as has been suggested is impos- Pakatan has to keep struggling must be recruited to accomplish sible under the BN. It is a formi- and perservering until it suc- the job. dable task no doubt: but trying (as ceeds. q Mahatma Gandhi once said) willl It is worth noting that the late produce some result, but not try- Ayatollah Khomeini succeeded in ing at all will produce no result at Data Hishamuddin bin toppling the monarchy in Iran by all. Haji Yahaya is a lawyer sending home taped lectures and former MP for Maran. while he was in exile in France. Defections are nothing insignifi-

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Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 18 sia as the medium of instruction in schools and universities, the stage was set for the decline in the standard of English. Short- sighted people believed that if the dominance of English in the life of the nation was not checked, BM would not develop. The language policy formulators got everything wrong. Can you believe that now English is not considered a criti- cal subject in the curriculum? So English, like Mandarin, comes under the BM head who enjoys the promotion post.

Robin the Hood scam in the Petaling Jaya Town Council. This is the tip of the ice- Robin Hood, legendary hero of berg. I have no doubt whatsoever English folklore stole from the rich that in every town/city council, to give to the poor. state and federal low-cost hous- ing projects for the poor, similar In Malaysia, for more than fifty scams exist. These “robbers” years the BN government at dis- have gone laughing all the way to trict town/city council, state and the bank. A Royal Commission federal levels have kept their eyes should investigate thoroughly and ears closed to widespread this scam. The flats meant for the corruption, malpractice, abuse of poor should be taken back from Raja Zarith power and administrative mis- the rich and given to the poor. deeds. Year after year the Audi- Those guilty should be punished tor-General’s report is a catalogue severely. We have heard enough horror sto- of this pernicious disease. ries of mistakes made by teachers In Malaysia, the rich are robbing of English at school, teacher-train- Umnoputras, their families and the poor to give to themselves! ing colleges and university pro- cronies with the connivance and These are the Malaysian “Robin fessors. Remember the citation collusion of civil servants have the Hood” of both genders. written by someone at Universiti apparently indulged in unbridled Hussein Onn when Raja Zarith robbery of the nation’s wealth. Q Q Q Q Q was given an honorary degree? The plunder continues and the English: The citation was totally incompre- loot is probably hidden overseas. Plumetting standards hensible. Citizen Nades has of- ten commented on the atrocious Without an independent print The great legacy left to us by the English, be it in government re- and electronic media, ineffective British upon independence was leases, advertisements on the enforcement agencies and a English, the standard of which website of government ministries shackled judiciary, anything is was on par with many developed or model answers like the ones possible in Bolehland. countries and advanced Com- provided by the Selangor Educa- monwealth countries. tion Department. Right-thinking Malaysians are sickened by the low-cost housing With the switch to Bahasa Malay- Everything about government

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 19 policies with regard to English teacher got this linguistic mon- gogy, methodology etc. It appears has gone frightfully wrong. At all strosity from one of his students: that in the case of Cikgu Alias, levels of the education system, “The hand that rocked the cradle these are secondary. What seems those teaching English are not up has kicked the bucket.” to be important is nightly sex and to the standard. Now the govern- reading in bed. It can be assumed ment wants to import a few hun- Q Q Q Q Q that the reading material is non- dred native speakers of English The morning after academic. It must be romantic and from Australia or England. The the night before sexually stimulating literature. government did this in the 1980s. The two hundred teachers im- The above phrase is usually used Recent news reports indicate that ported then had little effect on the in a light-hearted way to refer to he is a much sought-after man. standard of English. It was indeed bingeing or sexual hanky-panky Already he has been invited by a failure. the night before. During the World groups in Negeri Sembilan and Cup tournament, it referred to Perak to conduct courses. Our Neither have dozens of consult- those who came groggy to work ever-vigilant Ministry of Educa- ants who have come to our shores after watching matches into the tion, no doubt, will consider him done much good. They always wee hours of the morning. But for conducting in-service courses collect their cheques when the teacher Alias Ismail, Tokok for teachers. consultancy period ends and de- Nilam, Trengganu, has candidly part. MU experienced this with said that sex every night with his I wonder how unmarried teach- regard to their Scientific English wife and reading in bed is what ers who spend their nights pre- Programme, which ultimately ensured his professional perfor- paring their work or marking stu- was completed by their own staff. mance and productivity. (No pun dents’ exercise books feel. I hope The consultants always have the intended.) they do not develop an inferiority incorrigible habit of recommend- complex. ing their second coming! There is a mistaken belief that too much sex will wear out a person Malaysians who are not teachers It is time for some radical change and adversely affect his work. It will surely seek Cikgu Alias to with regard to the teaching and is for this reason that managers of gain some “Ilmu” regarding his learning of English. If teachers are World Cup football players keep enviable sexual prowess. selected on merit and trained well, way WAGS (Wives and Girl- then we will be on the right, long friends) of players when they are For a start, Cikgu Alias has do- and arduouos journey. training or playing matches. nated 300 of his books to S K Cikgu Alias proves this wrong. Jenderis where the majority of stu- On a lighter note let me tell you a dents are from poor families. Even story of a teacher of English des- It is popularly believed that to be if the books are unsuitable for perate to improve his students’ a good teacher one needs educa- them, the teachers may want to de- English. He had made them tion, knowledge, training, knowl- vour them in the hope of emulat- memorise idioms etc and given edge of learning theories, peda- ing the great Cikgu. their equivalent meanings. For example:

• Pull someone’s leg = tease someone • Bite the dust = experience de- feat • The hand that rocks the cradle = mother • Kick the bucket = die etc.

For his strenuous efforts the

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 20 OBITUARY In memory of Gan Teik Chee His passion for justice and fairplay might seem idealistic to those more inclined to the practical

hen the poet, John his words may have forced us to WWW Donne, tells us not to ask lift that dusty dictionary from the WW for whom the bell tolls shelf!) when someone passes on, he wants us to realise that any As a friend, he was very caring human being’s passing dimin- and friends can testify to his will- ishes all of us, whether he is ingness to help in moments when known to us or not. In Teik Chee’s legal advice was needed or in case, those of us who knew him, times of other emergencies. His however casually, cannot help but caring extended even to their chil- feel the loss. dren. Sombre as he was in some ways, he was humorous enough Some of us may have joked about to put the young at ease. his fastidious ways. For example, In Kota Baru on 15-10-88 we would never serve him ordi- I must confess that I have not read nary boiled water if he visited as too many of his poems but it seems he much preferred “Evian” min- instance of injustice was sure to to me that this creativity, which eral water. We may also have had rile him up and then the coolness could have been cathartic, may to mind our vocabulary when he of the careful reader of law tomes also have heightened a sensitive was around for here was a man would be replaced by the indig- vulnerability. Be that as it may, we who had a wide range of words nation of a man who could not tol- are glad that he was thus gifted. and not mere legalese. And he erate oppression. would further quote to you from Inclined towards Buddhist teach- the Bard (quite likely from “Ham- I remember that we all worked on ings himself, he was, however, let”) or share a few episodes from a campaign to decry the OSA (Of- very respectful of other religious Don Quixote. Very few people can ficial Secrets Act) in the mid- beliefs. All great religions, he recite from memory, line by line, 1980s. He saw that, with the OSA, would have maintained, teach us as he could, the haunting poem transparency would be compro- the same fundamental values of by W B Yeats on ageing, love and mised and that the Act could be compassion, justice and integrity. loss titled, “When You Are Old.” manipulated for various nefari- We can only pray, according to our ous reasons. Besides being a different religious leanings, that There was something Quixotic in founding member of Aliran, he he is now received into the tran- Teik Chee. His passion for justice wrote many thought-provoking scendent peace that surpasses and fairplay might seem idealis- articles for the Aliran magazine. human understanding. q tic to those more inclined to the The magazine, then in a quarterly practical. Tilting at windmills as format, allowed him to reflect on he might have on certain occa- important issues, not merely so- Wong Soak Koon is a sions, he was, nonetheless, very cial-political matters but the spiri- long-time Aliran mem- sharp about the ways of the world tual aspects of life. (He certainly ber.ber.ber. and the details of the law. Any made his readers work. Some of

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 21 OBITUARY Eulogy to Gan Teik Chee Teik Chee was a man of small physical stature; but his talents and sensibilities were monumental in quiet unassuming ways by Tong Veng Wye

With Tunku on 27-7-88 At the ‘Demokrasi Berparlimen Forum’ on 14-7-85

first met Teik Chee in 1980. He was a thriv- The depth of mind that he possessed gave him also II ing lawyer with his law office at Che Em the tools to be a person engaged for many long years III Lane in Penang in an area where law of- with not only the law but also social activism, the fices seemed to congregate. I was an un- performing arts, poetry, spiritual and ethical refine- dergraduate studying engineering but drawn to ment. Teik Chee was a man of small physical stat- non-engineering books in bookshops, one of which ure; but his talents and sensibilities were monumen- was Aliran’s “Whither Democracy”. tal in quiet unassuming ways.

Teik Chee’s name was in the book and I made con- He had his little quirks. He had a propensity to be tact with him. It was a cold call but Teik Chee was, late - very late - for Aliran meetings. But that was, not surprisingly, gracious enough to set up an ap- inexplicably, part of his endearment to Aliran col- pointment and we met at a coffee shop close to his leagues. He always seemed to me to be meticulously office. I think the intention was lunch. But it went clean. And, though this is really not a quirk but a from lunch to extended lunch to tea. That day I had manifestation of his spiritual values, he had a policy the pleasure of being an audience of one to a Teik of never buying a car costing more than RM100k Chee “ceramah” in a coffee shop as he held court. even though he could easily afford that. But when it counted, he would be generous. The Aliran build- A Teik Chee “ceramah” was always a worthwhile ing in Penang stands on a piece of land donated by experience. It was no self-indulgent peroration but Teik Chee. was always wittily intelligent, rich with informa- tion and insight; bearing much opinion but never How Teik Chee came to pass from this world the sanctimoniously opinionated. His conversations way he did is a matter none of us is in a position to were stimulating because behind the communica- judge. None of us ever really knows another’s world tion, eloquent and learned as they always were al- well enough. But we do know a good man when we ready, was a man with a habit for thoughtfulness become friends with one, and we have lost a good and reflection. and precious friend. q

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 22 HEART TO HEART "What comes from the lips reaches the ear, what comes from the heart reaches the heart" - Arab proverb Who is my Boss? My Boss is the Rakyat of Penang Island, not the State Government by Lim Kah Cheng Penang Island Municipal Councillor (NGO rep)

he answer is obvious. My Boss is the TT Rakyat of Penang Island, not the State Gov- TTT ernment, not the Chief Minister nor YB Chow Kon Yeow nor the Yang DiPertua of MPPP. The rate payers and the tax payers are my bosses. They are the voters and they are the reason why I agreed to serve in the council in the first place.

As an NGO representative whose loyalty is to the rakyat, I can act without fear or favour. When poli- cies are formulated, decisions have to be taken, the main criteria is what is in the best interest of the rakyat, of the poor and disadvantaged, not whether I or my party will win votes in the next election.

No grudge against state government CM is not my boss I have no grudge against the current State Govern- ment whom I had helped campaigned and voted for. I speak up not because of any grudge but be- cause I am duty-bound to report back to the rakyat my experiences in the local council and what I think needs to be done to remedy the wrongs done by the previous government and those by the present state government, if any.

When the new State Government came into power, it inherited structures, systems and procedures which had been engineered and emasculated over many years by BN to favour its cronies. If we con- tinue with these same features, we cannot bring about improvement to the lives of the rakyat. In other words, we cannot continue with the same structures and ways of doing things. After all, the new State Government came into power on a platform of change and the Competence, Accountability and Transparency (CAT) principles which I support. Lim Kah Cheng

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 23 from time to time give the local authority directionsdirectionsdirections of a general charactercharacter…” only.

A duty to keep the rakyat informed

When the State Government requested MPPP to build the Penang International Convention Centre (PICC) on the grounds of the Penang International Sports Arena (PISA), I openly objected within and outside MPPP as my Boss is the rakyat and they should know and should have a say whether RM50 million of the MPPP’s budget should be spent for that project at the expense of other priorities.

PICCPICCPICC I will speak up and continue to speak up not be- cause of any grudge against the State Government After being sworn in as an ahli majlis (councillor) but because I see it as my duty to keep the rakyat in 2008, among my first requests was for all meet- informed and to promote democracy. Of course there ings conducted by the council including those of are other avenues for me to voice my views and sug- the Committees to be made open to the public and gestions and I have used them at every opportunity. for the minutes of the meetings to be made available In fact I sit in the task force created by YB Chow to to all. After all, Sections 23 and 27 of the Local Govt help the State Government develop a road map to- Act 1976 stipulates that: wards local elections besides sitting in numerous other task forces. If I had been invited to assist the “All meetings of the local authority shall be open to three lawyers to draft the legal opinion on the legal- the public and to representatives of the Press unless ity of having local elections, I may have done so the local authority by resolution at the meeting oth- because I have been involved in this issue for some erwise decides…” and that “...The minutes of all time within the context of the Penang Forum and proceedings of the local authority … shall at all rea- the task force mentioned earlier. sonable times be open to the inspection of any Coun- cillor or rate-payer of the local authority area ..., any I wish to reiterate my call to the State Government of whom may at all reasonable times make a copy of that more NGO representatives (currently four in any part thereof without fee.” MPPP and three in MPSP) should be appointed as they can provide special expertise without fear or In my view, it is important that the distinction be- favour. In particular, there should be more women tween the powers and jurisdictions of the local au- councillors because women form half the popula- thority and the State Government be understood and tion and their experiences and needs as users of respected. If the State Govt makes decisions which council services are different from those of the men. fall within the jurisdiction of the local authority, those decisions are null and void in law. For ex- I must also praise the current State Govt for being ample, if the State Government takes it upon itself to receptive to criticism and wish to state that at no consider and decide on specific applications for re- time has anyone from within the State Government zoning, those decisions are not valid in my view. If told me not to say my piece. the State Government takes it upon itself to decide which illegal structure within the local authority I am fully aware that sometimes people who have area should be taken down or spared or if it decides some knowledge think that he/she knows every- that a particular application for planning approval thing. It is always better to find out more with an must be approved even after rejection by the local open mind and an open heart and to act with hu- authority, these are legally wrong. Under Section 9 mility based on one’s conscience and not any politi- of the Local Govt Act 1976, “the““ State Authority may cal agenda. q

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 24 POLITICS - MIC MIC, Maika deserve to be cursed for 10 generations

have been thankful. After 30 years, don’t they even deserve a wee bit For almost 30 years, Maika shareholders, many of for the sufferings that they have them poor, waited in vain to enjoy the fruit of their had to endure? investment. Now the shareholders are being offered a miserable RM0.80 for every ringgit invested, ob- But to offer 80 per cent is not fair s erves serves P Ramakrishnan... at all. The assets of Maika which include a potentially money-mak- ing insurance company and valu- able land - besides other assets - ore than 66,000 Indians, should have been able to yield a MMM mostly poor and from the better return for these poor Indi- MM estates, invested RM103 ans, who had been led up the gar- million with high expec- den path with rosy promises. tations of good returns. That was what they were promised, and What is unforgiveable is the fact they were enticed to rally around that it was an Indian effort to raise this Indian venture that was solely the welfare of the Indians that was for the Indians. Many pawned so badly managed by Indians in their jewellery, others took loans positions of authority. or invested their entire life-savings to support this venture that was The 10 million Telecom shares touted as a sure-win undertaking. that were offered to Maika in 1990 would have helped these unfor- For almost 30 years, they waited tunate Indians to realise their in vain to enjoy the fruit of their AM Vol.23:11 dreams but the Great Leader of the investment. Many continued to Indians high-jacked 9 million service their loans and suffered. now being offered RM0.80 for ev- shares and gave them to shell Others passed on, dejected and ery RM1.00 they had invested. companies run by his cronies. He frustrated. There was no hope for After waiting for almost 30 years, literally deprived them of their them whatsoever and they now they have to suffer not only a just dues. This unforgiveable be- stopped dreaming of the wealth 20 per cent loss on their invest- trayal robbed the Indians of what that was promised them. ment but also the purchasing should have been theirs by right. power of whatever they receive get While the Maika shareholders now is a lot lower than it was 30 It looks as if 20 per cent of their suffered, the directors of Maika years ago. Instead of some gains, assets will be given over to those continued to be paid very well. they are forced to suffer a further who have come up with this pack- They did not take a pay cut but loss after 30 long years. What a age to buy up the shares of these enjoyed their full benefits. tragic end to their dreams! frustrated Indians. Maika and MIC have caused enough misery Now, there is some kind of offer Even if the shareholders were to these shareholders to deserve for these shareholders. They are given a 0.05 sen profit, they would their curse for ten generations! q

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 25 PAGES FROM THE PAST Maika : Bleeding Again A case of noble intentions gone awry by P Ramakrishnan

AM 1992 : 12(5) AM 1993 : 13(10) AM 1994 : 14(1) n its twenty years of tor- tured history, Maika in- III vestors have known nothing but pain and sorrow. The new dawn of a golden opportunity that was held out to the Indian poor never ar- rived. Instead, each passing year only witnessed dashed hopes and broken promises that littered the chequered history of Maika.

Touted as an economic vehicle and a miracle to lift the Indian poor from the shackles of poverty, did, some scraping the barrel, others mortgaging their property and Maika was launched with much pawning their jewellery while the vast majority took loans at exorbi- hype and hope. The poor Indians tant rates to invest in a venture that promised dreams of hopes and - traditional MIC supporters, the tantalising prospects. lower middle-class and the work- ing class Indians as well as a vast It’s not only the poor Indians who responded to this call to rally be- majority of plantation workers - hind the MIC's efforts to secure seven per cent of the corporate owner- were mesmerised into responding ship for the Indian community - which at that time had been stagnat- enthusiastically. Respond they ing at under one per cent since 1960. Even the middle-class Indians

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 26 who were wary of the caste and ary 1992 the shroud of secrecy communal politics practised by surrounding the Telekom shares MIC came forward to participate. allocation was ripped apart. Then all hell broke loose. Incorporated on 13 September 1982, Maika commenced business A journalist from Watan disclosed on 31 January 1983. that “there could have been some hanky-panky in the allocation of A Phenomenal Telecoms shares to Maika.” Response This was then followed by another According to Terence Gomez, report in a Tamil magazine, “Although the original plan by Thoothan, on April 1, 1992 which the MIC was to ensure that at least disclosed that there could have RM30 million worth of Maika been some discrepancy in the dis- shares were subscribed to, so suc- tribution of the ten million cessful was the campaign to pro- Tun Daim Zainuddin: Finance Telekom shares allocated to Maika mote the company that by 1984 a Minister when shares were by the Finance Ministry. Malay- phenomenal RM106 million was allocated.allocated.allocated. sians learned for the first time that raised from almost 66,400 share- quisitions made into some impor- Maika acquired only one million holders. The largest individual tant companies - like the United and not the entire 10 million shareholder with almost 2.8 mil- Asian Bank (UAB), United Orien- shares that were allotted to lion shares was MIC president tal Assurance (UOA), Malaysian Maika. Datuk Seri S Samy Vellu. The Airlines System (MAS), Malay- amount invested in Maika was sian International Shipping Cor- Samy Vellu, through the Tamil even larger than that obtained by poration (MISC), TV3 and Edaran Nesan and at MIC meetings, tried the MCA’s Multi-Purpose Hold- Otomobil Malaysia Bhd (EON) - to explain by insisting that the ings when the company com- Maika’s performance has been cash flow problem faced by Maika menced business.” mediocre. did not allow Maika to take up all ten million shares. But, one of the What went wrong for a venture It registered a profit from 1984 to directors, a one-time ally of Samy that took off in a blaze of glory? 1986 - the total amount was noth- Vellu, Vijandran, issued a state- Why is it in shambles today? ing to shout about and amounted ment insinuating that the truth to RM16.5 million only - which may not have been told. It is a case of a noble intention that enabled Maika to declare three has gone awry through bad man- dividends which totalled 11 sen When this matter was raised in agement, poor investment and per share. parliament, Finance Minister sheer arrogance that brooked no Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dis- question and refused to be ac- Telekom Shares: closed that since Maika had stated countable to the shareholders. If Hanky-Panky that it could take up only one mil- proper business ethics had been lion shares, the remaining nine observed, if honest criticism had There wasn’t any fanfare when million shares were allocated to been tolerated and accommo- Maika was allotted shares in three companies proposed by dated, if from the beginning Syarikat Telekom Malaysia Bhd Maika because to his “ministry”s Maika was run by professionals (STMB). It was assumed in 1990 knowledge, the three companies rather than politicians, Maika per- that Maika had been allotted all represented the interests of the haps may not have nose-dived the shares it had subscribed to. No Indian community” (The Star, into the hopeless situation that it details were made known at that April 30, 1992).Incidentally, at the is in today. time. time of share allocation in 1990, the Finance Minister was Tun In spite of a number of major ac- Sometime in the middle of Febru- Daim Zainuddin.

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 27 Maika Didn’t Reject one million shares. The Shares Why did Samy Vellu prevent The mystery deepended and be- Maika from acquiring the 10 mil- wildered the shareholders when lion shares? Wasn’t Maika his another Maika director, brain-child to raise the corporate Pasamanikam, contradicted the wealth of the Indian community statements made by Anwar and so that their economic welfare Samy Vellu. According to would be secured? Wasn’t he the Pasamanikam, Maika did not re- leader of MIC which launched ject the Finance Ministry’s offer Maika as a business venture to and did not propose that the nine enrich the community which had million shares be allocated to any long been associated with depri- other company. He further re- vation and poverty? vealed that Maika had indeed raised a RM50 million loan to fa- This was God-sent wealth. Why cilitate the acquisition of the en- Tan Sri G K Rama Iyer : Maika was did he prevent this wealth from tire 10 million shares even before offered 10 million shares reaching Maika? Imagine how the Finance Ministry had with- much Maika would have made drawn its offer. ing and that Maika intended to from these shares for which it only take up the entire allocation of 10 paid RM5 per share. When Why did the Finance Ministry million shares.(Indeed, a letter Telekom shares were “first traded cancel the initial offer of the 10 dated October 5, 1990 from Arab- it fetched a price of RM6.15 per million shares and subsequently Malaysian Merchant Bankers share and that too during a bear- allot only one million shares to Bhd - AMMBB - offering RM50 ish market. By mid-1992 the Maika? Who was responsible for million to finance the purchase of Telecoms share price was hover- the retraction of the original offer? the 10 million shares was received ing around RM11-RM13,” ob- Who lied to the Finance Ministry? on October 6, 1990). served Terence Gomez. Who informed them that Maika had recommended that the nine There Must Have According to Ram, in an article in million shares be given to the three Been A Mistake the Aliran Monthly - 1993:13(10) - companies? Who supplied the by giving away the bulk of the names of these three companies? He further clarified that Samy shares, Samy Vellu had taken Who coerced the Finance Minis- Vellu replied that “there must away from Maika RM120 million try to change their mind? have been a mistake. The offer to in profit (which it would have at- Maika should be for one million tained had it just held on to the There was no earthly reason for and not 10 million. extra shares until then). the Finance Ministry to change its mind on its own after having al- “According to Dato Seri Samy They Don’t Deserve located 10 million shares. Who Vellu, the remaining 9 million 10 Million Shares aborted this offer? shares were for allocation to “other MIC bodies”. Samy Vellu made it abundantly According to Tan Sri G K Rama clear that he personally decided Iyer, the Managing Director of “Further, Dato Seri Samy Vellu to allocate only one million shares Maika Holdings Bhd - as revealed stated that he would contact the to Maika. According to Samy in his press release dated May 16, Ministry to clarify the position.” Vellu, “I could have given all the 1992 - Samy Vellu was informed shares to Maika Holdings if not at 6.10 am on october 5, 1990 that It was then, after Samy Vellu had for their past business record. Maika had been offered 10 million contacted the Finance Ministry, They don’t deserve 10 million STMB shares and of the probabil- that the letter of offer was retracted shares because of the dismal per- ity of obtaining full loan financ- and Maika’s allocation reduced to formance of the Maika manage-

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 28 his own, without authority or di- thugs confronted this shareholder rective from the Central Working and told him that if he wanted to Committee. And what was the ra- return home in one piece it was tional for doing so? the right time to go home. When the meeting resumed, Samy Vellu And who lied to the Finance Min- reportedly called for the share- istry that these “three companies holder to repeat his query. But represented the interests of the since he wasn’t there, Samy Vellu Indian community”? What was continued with his meeting with- the motive for diverting nine mil- out touching on the subject of lion shares to three private com- Maika. panies? Highly Those who sought to find the an- Questionable swers were threatened or beaten up. One brave soul who went on It was alleged that Samy Vellu’s Samy Vellu: They don't deserve a crusade to expose this scandal son and brother-in-law were di- 10 million shares was stabbed in Penang. When- rectors of of the RM2 companies, ever questions regarding Maika SB Management Services Sdn Bhd ment. They have to learn to do busi- were raised at MIC meetings pre- and Advance Personal Comput- ness on their own and not depend sided by Samy Vellu, it was al- ers Sdn Bhd. which received three on shares and make money out of leged that thugs would suddenly million shares each. The third it” (New Strait Times, 16 May appear beside the person asking company that received the re- 1992). the question and that would be maining three million shares was the end of the affair to seek an- Clearway Sdn Bhd. His autocratic style and arrogance swers. comes through so forcefully: “I How these companies disposed could have given all the shares to Some years ago, it was claimed of these shares and the manner the Maika Holdings…,” he boasts. that at one paricular MIC meet- profits were channelled to Maju “They don’t deserve 10 million ing at the Dewan Sri in Penang, Institute of Education and Devel- shares…,” he berates. Mind you, chaired by Samy Vellu, a Maika opment (MIED) were highly ques- he decides - not the Ministry of shareholder wanted to know the tionable. Millions of ringgit were Finance! position of Maika. It was alleged given to MIED in cash. In this day that Samy Vellu told this share- and age one has every right to sus- It is very apparent that he keeps a holder that he would provide the pect such transactions. Do you very tight hold on Maika. That answer after the adjournment for carry millions of ringgit in your being the case, how could Maika refreshment. In the meantime two person to pay to an educational undertake any business venture without his knowledge and bless- ing? Shouldn’t he be part of the debacle that is haunting Maika today? Shouldn’t he also shoul- der the blame for “the dismal per- formance of the Maika manage- ment”?

And why should he give nine mil- lion shares to three obscure com- panies, two of which were in fact shell companies with paid-up capital of RM2 each? He did it on Maika shareholders: Anger at being short- changedchangedchanged

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 29 institution? For God's sake, there is such a thing as bank transfers! Let’s for a moment try to be logi- Maika Tottering cal. How did these companies come to possess this amount of money before it was handed over On Brink Of to MIED? They must have been paid in cheques when they sold the Telekom shares. Does it mean Bankruptcy? that they went to the bank, cashed the cheques and carried the mil- Maika's accounts raise more questions: lions of ringgit, presumably in a bag, as one crazy Malaysian guy 1) Why does it take one whole year for the AGM to be held? did in Australia? This seems far (The AGM for the financial year ended 31December 2002 fetched! will only be held on 30 December 2003. Normally, the AGM should be held within 6 months of the end of the financial What is puzzling is the fact that in year). spite of so much overwhelming evi- dence, the Anti Corruption Agency 2) From RM125 million paid up share capital, the (ACA) after 17 months of investi- accummulated losses have come up to RM71.7 million. (The gation cleared Samy Vellu of any loss after tax and minority interests for the year ended 31 wrong-doing but unfortunately December 2002 was RM4.5 million). without clearing the doubts in the minds of the Malaysians, as was 3) The overall profit before tax for the year ended 31 Dec observed by Aliran Monthly. (See ac- 2002 amounted to RM8.9 million. The only significant prof- companying story on page 9 for a itable activity is insurance, which made a profit before tax fuller account) of RM26.9 million. Investment trading made a loss of Who Benefits From RM12.2 million, property incurred a loss of RM1.4 million and manufacturing made a loss of RM3.5 million. How Share Allocations? were these losses incurred?

But the larger question as to how 4) The current liabilities is four times the current assets. The and why political parties are al- general rule of thumb for healthy companies is that current located shares that are liabilities should only be half the value of current assets. monoploised by the connected This is why Maika is tottering on the brink of bankruptcy. few have not been addressed. These allocations are never re- 5) Provision for doubtful debts for the year ended 31 Dec vealed and it is not possible to 2002 amounted to RM8.3 million. Who were the borrowers know which crony benefits and or debtors? They should be named. by how much. This system has led to abuses and effectively blocks 6) Directors' other emoluments(remuneration) totalled the wealth from reaching a wider RM202,000 for the year. Do they deserve this? Why is there circle of deserving citizens. no figure disclosed for directors’ salaries?

Even the former Prime Minister 7) Staff costs of RM15.7 million works out to RM40,000 per Mahathir Mohamad, when que- annum per employee at the group level. At the company ried on the issue, confirmed the lack level, staff costs (for 11 employees) averaged almost of accountability being practised by RM70,000 per annum per person! How much was Vell government leaders. Mahathir’s Paari a/l Samy Vellu paid? twisted logic for not interfering with

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 30 Samy Vellu’s decision in connec- tors of a crime that robbed the poor dation to raise relevant questions? tion with the allocation of shares of their fair share of their due. Ten Will they receive honest answers? for the Indians was: “I cannot in- years ago the Aliran Monthly had terfere in this matter because I also rightly observed, “The contro- But answers may not be found at don’t want non-bumiputras to versy surrounding the Maika- this AGM. What could this AMG question how we distribute the Telekom shares scandal appears reveal that the previous AGMs shares among our commu- to be far from over.” failed to disclose? nity.”(The Star, 14 May 1992) Maika will be holding its Annual It is, therefore, a matter of urgent He wasn’t bothered whether the General Meeting on December 19, concern that the Maika scandal be benefits reached the right people. 2003 in Kuala Lumpur. As far as re-investigated seriously. Datuk He wasn’t concerned if there was we know, no shareholder seems Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, a corrupt practice in place. The to have received any Notice of our new Prime Minister who policy seemed to be one of non- Meeting. Neither have they re- seems to be on a crusade to wipe interference when wealth re- ceived the Annual Report nor the out corruption, should order the sources were allocated, particu- Statement of Accounts. And to- ACA to reopen this case. The poor larly under questionable circum- day is December 17, 2003. (This Indians have turned to him as a stances. AGM has now been postponed to De- last resort for help. Many of them cember 30, 2003) had lost almost everything in in- Maika Scandal vesting in the Maika shares. All Refuses To Be Buried How many shareholders are they want is the return of their in- aware of this meeting? And what vestment. Justice must be done to In spite of 10 years of history, the can they discuss without the ben- them. Will he respond? q Maika scandal refuses to be bur- efit of the annual report and the ied. It keeps on surfacing, haunt- statement of accounts? Will the Source: AM Vol23:11 - ing and hounding the perpetra- shareholders be free from intimi- MAIKA Bleeding Again

What, happend to our investment? Mr. R. Krishnan (age 72) in tears at the Maika gathering appealing for refund of his RM5,000 investment before his demise

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 31 REGIONAL The upcoming Myanmar election is not for home democracy The military regime clearly aims to continue to grip onto power and shows no real intention to build a genuine democracy by John Smith Thang

fter Myanmar’s military with the adoption and Aung San Suu Kyi AA regime was closely scru- approval of an Asean AAA tinised by the interna- human rights body in tional community earlier the same year. Hope- this year, on 8 March, it finally fully, this body will be came out with an election law and able to monitor and election commission for the up- pressure the military coming general elections, antici- regime on its human pated to be held later this year. rights violations within this regional This election will be the first in 20 bloc. years since the last one held in 1990, won by the National League US Assistant Secre- for Democracy. The NLD was not tary, Bureau of East allowed to form a civilian govern- Asian and Pacific Af- ment leaving Burma under mili- fairs, Kurt M tary dictatorship till today. Campbell’s visits to Myanmar last year Similarly, Myanmar’s last civilian and on 9-10 May this government lasted from 1948 and year appear to be the ended in 1962, when a military only US engagement with over the border, souring China- coup led by General Ne Win Myanmar’s military regime un- Myanmar diplomatic relations. seized power. Since then, techni- der the Obama administration’s cally, Myanmar has had no civil- policy for the democratisation of No real intention ian government - for nearly half a Myanmar. century! In these politically uncomfortable On the other hand, China also has circumstances, the military regime After pressure from the interna- grave concerns regarding its bor- has to show some progress in its tional community, the military re- der with Myanmar after the con- flawed seven-step road-map for gime has made only slight flict last year between Myanmar democratisation. As an interna- progress in democratisation of the military troops and the Han Chi- tional showcase, the junta govern- country. The UN General nese Kokan ethnic community. ment recently appointed hand- Assembly’s Third Committee Myanmar troops pushed out Han picked election commissioners for passed a resolution on Chinese Kokan ethnics from the the upcoming general election; be- Myanmar’s human rights viola- northern Shan state territory and sides adopting a flawed constitu- tions last year. This coincided intruded into Chinese territory tion earlier in 2008, amidst the

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 32 cyclone Nargis disaster – which killed thousands of Myanmar citi- zens, not helped by the government’s callous and irre- sponsible response. .

This hastily adopted constitution boldly states that 25 per cent of parliamentary seats must be given directly to the military.

Among the regime’s hand-picked election commissioners is Deputy Supreme Court Judge Thein Soe, Chairman of the Election Commis- sion and who is on the EU’s sanc- tions blacklist. Most of the Elec- tion Commission’s executive members are very close to the junta leaders and almost none of the ethnic minority representa- tives are included. Again these shows no real intention to build a Myanmar deserving of interna- election laws already bar Nobel genuine democracy. Neither is it tional condemnation. Moreover, it Peace laureate Daw Aung San concerned about the root causes is suspected that Myanmar has Suu Kyi and her party from par- of the problems faced by the been importing nuclear weapons ticipating in elections. country’s ethnic minority. Nor technology from North Korea over- does it want to serve the general land via China, according to the Although under pressure by the civilian population in the coun- South Korea news agency international community, the re- try. The motive of the election is Chosun Ilbo. gime deliberately chooses to move certainly not for domestic ahead unilaterally with the up- democratisation. It is a challenge to the United States coming general election. to maintain the right to take inde- An ethnic leader, U Aye Tha pendent action, as Kurt M Clearly the military regime aims Aung, told Kurt M. Campbell dur- Campbell said. At the same time, to continue to grip onto power and ing his visit to Myanmar, that he Asian nations and the interna- never believed the election to be a tional community must be solution to Myanmar’s problems. staunchly supportive in this mat- Similarly most Myanmar people ter. The military regime is not con- don’t believe the regime will solve cerned about domestic problems it the country’s crisis. largely leaves on the shoulders of the international community. q Rather Myanmar will become a threat to the region by potentially developing a nuclear weapon. In John Smith Thang is di- April, a vessel from North Korea rector of the Chin Democ- was found docked in Myanmar’s racy and Human Rights Thilawar Port near Rangoon sus- Network based in South pected to be carrying nuclear Korea. He can be reached arms cargo. If true, this will be a at [email protected]. violation of UN Security Council Resolution No. 1874; making General Ne Win

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 33 RELIGION Ibn Taymiyyah and his fatwa on terrorism The Ulama opposing terrorism are repeatedly emphasising the religious plurality of the world today and no medieval opinions expressed by jurists can be valid. by Asghar Ali Engineer

errorism has become a reflects, besides prejudices and ig- OsamaOsamaOsama TT worldwide disease norance, a hostile attitude to- TTT which is swallowing the wards anything Islamic or to do lives of thousands of in- with the Muslim world. No reli- nocent people in certain intensive gion can ever encourage the mind- conflict areas like Iraq, Pakistan, less violence that terrorists resort Afghanistan, Kashmir, North East to. Religion in its essence is noth- India, certain other parts of India, ing more than a moral and ethical and South Thailand. There are way of life, upholding the highest different reasons for terrorist vio- values of life. Everything else is lence in different conflict areas culture, politics or other interests. which vary from political to socio- Any conduct or behaviour which economic injustices. does not reflect this moral and ethical core is anything but reli- However, it must be clearly under- gious. stood that terrorism does not sud- denly drop out of heaven; it origi- Here in this article we are con- nates here on earth in response to cerned with the terrorist violence acts of omission or commission by the ruling classes. But soon it ac- quires dynamics of its own and ceases to be a mere response. It becomes a phenomenon in itself and various vested interests, po- litical, economic and those related to the armaments market begin to support it directly or indirectly. No terrorist movement can survive long without such support and merely as a response.

I would also like to say here that the very terminology ‘Islamic ter- rorism’ is a media creation and it

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 34 which was unleashed by Al- Yahya Michot Abdullah bin Bayyah Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden with his attack on the Twin Tow- ers in New York in 2001. We are not going to analyae here why he did it. We have thrown enough light on this in several other ar- ticles. We are concerned here with what legitimation he found to jus- tify this attack.

The famous fatwa

All analysts and scholars agree that Osama and his followers used Ibn Taymiyya’s famous fatwa on became uncontrollable, their con- jihad…on their own.” the use of violence against unjust science revolted and many of rulers. Ibn Taymiyyah was borne them decided to call al-Qaeda’s Prominent ulamas a few years after the Mongol sack bluff by opposing the fatwa. Now reject his fatwa of Baghdad which saw unimag- many of them are coming forward inable savagery committed by condemning the use and misuse Those who use Ibn Taymiyya’s them in killing hundreds of thou- of Ibn Taymiyya.. fatwa totally ignore the circum- sands of people in the most bar- stances in which the fatwa was barous of ways. Taymiyyah, him- Ibn Taymiyya, undoubtedly a issued. Nothing can be valid un- self a great jurist, was a follower great scholar and eminent jurist, less seen in historically concrete of Imam Hanbal. Imam Hanbal had issued a set of four fatwas circumstances. Ibn Taymiyyah prohibits rebellion against unjust known as the Mardin fatwas. himself, as pointed out above, had authority as it would result in Mardin was a Turkish fortress in gone against his own Hanbali anarchy and more bloodshed. South-east Turkey with a mixed School in issuing the fatwa. Even population. And Osama quoted then, all Islamic scholars had not However, Ibn Taymiyyah, against this Mardin fatwa repeatedly in unanimously endorsed it. More- the teachings of his own school his calls for Muslims to overthrow over, as pointed out by an Islamic issued a fatwa justifying violence the Saudi monarchy and wage scholar from, Belgium Prof. Yahya against unjust and authoritarian jihad against the United States. Michot, the Mardin fatwa has rulers so as to re-establish the Is- Some prominent Ulama from the some ambiguity, which has been lamic rule and the rule of Shari’ah. Islamic world decided to meet in ignored both by terrorists as well This fatwa is being used by ter- Mardin to discuss Ibn Taymiyya’s as many western scholars and rorists to justify their attacks as fatwa towards the end of March commentators. ‘Islamic’ and many young Mus- 2010 lims who do not even know who It is important to note that the Ibn Taymiyyah was and in what This historic document was re- Mardin conference gathered 15 circumstances he issued this ferred to by these Islamic scholars leading scholars from countries fatwa, get misled and find ‘Islamic and they took decisive stand including Saudi Arabia, Turkey, legitimation” in his fatwa. against it. They said, “Anyone India, Senegal, Kuwait, Iran, Mo- who seeks support from this rocco and Indonesia. Among Initially the Ulama, though, did fatwa for the killing Muslims or them were Bosnian Grand Mufti not necessarily approve of the use non-Muslims has erred in his in- Mustafa Ceric, Sheikh Abdullah of this fatwa; they kept mum or terpretation.” They further said, bin Bayyah of Mauritania and just whispered their opposition - “It is not for a Muslim individual Yemeni Sheikh Habib Ali al-Jifri. not loud enough to be heard. But or a group to announce and de- when the violence intensified and clare war or engage in combative While Ibn Taymiyyah was alone

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 35 in issuing the fatwa, here a gal- ture in Belgium University. This war, whose inhabitants are un- axy of prominent Ulama and book, Muslims Under non-Muslim believers. Rather, it constitutes Muftis from across the Islamic Rule, covers the four fatwas issued a third type of (domain), in world from Indonesia in South- by Ibn Taymiyyah known as the which the Muslim shall be east Asia to Algeria in West Af- Mardin fatwas. The book, besides treated as he merits, and in rica gathered and rejected the discussing the life and work of Ibn which the one who departs from fatwa. It is a representative state- Taymiyyah, analyses the four the Way/law of Islam shall be ment of the Islamic world reject- fatwas. combated as he merits.”. ing terrorism. Not that those ter- rorists are going to stop violence Yahya maintains that Taymiyyah Thus it is important to note that and come to the table for negotia- issued these fatwas in a certain Ibn Taymiyyah refused to say tions for peace. historical context and hence it is whether Mardin was a domain of imperative to study and explore war or peace and it is the most sig- There are too powerful interests his writings in the existential cir- nificant aspect of the Mardin to care for any such rejection from cumstances in which they were fatwa which has been ignored by across the Islamic world but it cer- produced; otherwise one is not Osama as well as western schol- tainly sets norms and indicates only likely to misunderstand but ars who demonise Ibn what the Islamic world stands for. also misinterpret them. His Taymiyyah. Today’s world is al- For sure, even then the anti-Is- Mardin fatwa is a good example. most entirely composite in nature. lamic tirade is not going to stop Mardin “occupies a strikingly There are either significant Mus- and many western commentators strategic location. It is dominated lim majorities or minorities. and anti-Islamic forces will con- by a fortress reputed to be unas- tinue to hold Osama bin Laden as sailable, from which the view The Ulama opposing terrorism the real representative rather than reaches deep into the vast plain are repeatedly emphasising this this galaxy of Ulama from across of upper Mesopotamia”. fact of religious plurality of the the Islamic world. world today and no medieval Domain of peace and opinions expressed by jurists can It is not only these Ulama who met religious plurality be valid. Any fatwa, like the at Mardin who have condemned Mardin one, can be issued with- terrorism, but several other con- Though the precise date of the out taking concrete conditions ferences and congregations have fatwa is not known, Ibn into account; there is unanimity been taking place in several Is- Taymiyyah issued it in response among Islamic scholars that if lamic countries condemning ter- to a request to clarify whether Muslims are allowed to live in rorist violence. Several books are Mardin was a domain of peace peace and have guaranteed reli- also being written and discussed. (dar al-salam) or a domain of war gious freedom such a region can- One of the remarkable works in (dar al-harb). According to Yahya, not be but dar al-saqlam i.e. abode this respect is that of Maulana there is a sort of ambiguity in this of peace, in Taymiyya’s own Tahirul Qadri of Pakistan, who fatwa and there is no clear answer words. No violence can be justi- has compiled a 600-page volume coming from the fatwa. fied in such a region. Thus terror- quoting authorities from the be- ism has no place in the modern ginning of Islam through the me- In his own words, “Is (Mardin) world. q dieval ages to the present day op- a domain of war or of peace? It posing terrorism and the sense- is a (city of a status) composite less killing of innocent people and (murakkab) in which both the Asghar Ali Engineer is non-combatants, which is strictly things signified (by those terms head of the Centre for prohibited in Islam. are to be found). It is not in the Study of Society and situation of a domain of peace Secularism in Mumbai. Another seminar took place at in which the institutions Oxford, where some Islamic schol- (ahkam) of Islam are imple- Source: Secular Perspec- ars met to discuss a book written mented because its army (jund) tive - 16-30 April 2010 by Prof. Yahya Michot, who is composed of Muslims. Nor is teaches Islamic history and cul- it in the situation of domain of

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 36 have made it clear that they can no longer exercise some of the con- stitutional rights enjoyed by their non-Muslim sisters.

The imposition of Islam on those born in the faith, by keeping them within the faith by force of law, unfortunately projects a dim im- age both for the religion and for Letters must not exceed 250 the society that imposes such words and must include the tion that Malaysia is an ‘Islamic rules. Surprisingly, chief Mufti writer's name and address. State’ in what was clearly a po- Harussani of Perak, one of the Pseudonyms may be used. Send litical ploy to win over the rural more influential conservative Is- letters or emails to Editor (see votes from Pas. lamists in Malaysia, has opined page 3 for address details). that if apostasy were not enforced Views expressed need not reflect For those who assume that our ‘thousands of Muslims world- those of Aliran. If e-mailing, secular constitution would pre- wide would leave their faith’! - a include message in the e-mail vent the gradual Islamisation of strange admission for someone body itself. the state, the current develop- ments where the ruling party is who also boasts that Islam is one empowering the more conserva- of the fastest growing religions in tive Islamic elements in the coun- the world. Why indeed should he Power-crazy try should be a matter of growing worry over the loss of a few thou- hypocrites who play concern. sand reluctant Muslims leaving the religious card their faith, if hundreds of thou- The prosecutions for apostasy, sands of new ‘true’ Muslims I refer to Asgar Ali Engineer’s ar- body snatching for funeral rites, would be joining up voluntarily! ticle (Should religion be centred parental rights disputes involving on power? AM vol 30 no. 3) which Muslims and non Muslims and, While this whole process of sums up very neatly the serious most serious of all, proscribing Islamisation is proceeding on the threats facing societies in many any official forum for interfaith political front, it is common parts of the world from the dialogue while allowing violent knowledge that on a personal politicisation of religious beliefs right wing elements a free hand, level, most of those political pro- by opportunistic leaders. It ap- all indicate a worrying trend to- ponents of Islamic values hardly plies to every major religion and wards turning Malaysia into an exhibit any of the traditional vir- to almost every country to a Islamic theocracy. tues of Islam themselves as they greater or lesser degree. Not least openly flaunt their wealth and in Malaysia. The Malaysian government has tolerate graft while skewing the expressed its intention in becom- justice system and arrogantly dis- We should all be reminded that ing a respected member of the playing their political power ob- Malaysia’s secular Constitution world community but unfortu- tained by playing the religious was based on the British model nately they clearly fall short in card when it suits them. where our Sultans take on the role their implementation of interna- as heads of the Islamic religion in tional human rights covenants It is time that the Malaysian pub- this country much like the British including the obligations ex- lic call their bluff and show up constitutional monarchy which pressed in the Universal Declara- these political leaders for what acts as head of the Anglican tion of Human Rights. The heavy they really are - power-crazy op- Church. However, the secular na- hand of the conservative Islamic portunistic hypocrites! ture of our government has been establishment is clearly evident.. gradually changing since Their many apparent restrictions S P Choong Mahathir’s highly public declara- especially against Muslim women Penang

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 37 10,000 tonnes of school sup- plies, medical equipment and construction material. The supplies were sorely needed by impoverished Gaza resi- dents, 80 per cent of whom rely on humanitarian aid.

Aliran supports the UN Secu- rity Council’s statement call- ing for a prompt, impartial and transparent inquiry into Israel’s attack on the flotilla..

A record of Aliran'sAliran'sAliran's stand on current affairs. We also demand the immedi- ate release of close to 600 hu- manitarian volunteers from Israeli attack peace activists being killed. several countries who have on Flotilla: been unjustly and illegally Release 600 The incident is all the more detained in centres across Is- detainees now heinous as it took place in in- rael. The ships bearing the ternational waters. Israel has cargo must be allowed to con- Aliran condemns in the stron- no jurisdiction there or over tinue their voyage and Israel gest terms the recent Israeli Gaza, which is under a vir- must end its three-year block- atrocities against unarmed tual Israeli siege. ade on Gaza. civilians on board an aid flo- tilla heading towards Gaza What was the crime of the flo- Aliran executive committee which resulted in at least 10 tilla? They were carrying 1 June 2010

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 38 AN EARLY GENERAL ELECTION? Continued from page 40

Ferdinand Marcos


”Cutting down rain forests is a double tragedy. Not not Suppress’, “People, when organized, have enor- only are tremendous ecological and social values mous power, more than any government. destroyed forever, but when governments lack the autonomy to capture timber rent from these forests, ”There is a basic weakness in governments, how- this can negatively impact the ability of states to ever massive their armies, however vast their wealth, prosper. If there is a lesson to impart it is that as however they control images and information, be- little timber rent as possible should be diverted to- cause their power depends on the obedience of citi- ward patronage ends or enriching rulers. If the rain zens, of soldiers, of civil servants, of journalists and forest is to be saved, or at least not disappear with- writers and teachers and artists. When the citizens out anything to show for it, developing nations must begin to suspect they have been deceived and with- create and faithfully implement incentives for the draw their support, government loses its legitimacy timber industry that encourage greater efficiency and and its power. We have seen this happen in recent sustainability, including the optimal capture of tim- decades all around the globe. ... Remember Somoza ber rent (Brown 1999: 72-80). However, this will not in Nicaragua scurrying to his private plane, occur unless nations restrain their own political Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos hurriedly assembling elites. Such restraints will not be erected by rulers, their jewels and clothes, the Shah of Iran desper- or even bureaucrats, who generally lack the au- ately searching for a country that would take him in tonomy to make such reforms. Rather strong insti- as he fled the crowds in Tehran, Duvalier in Haiti tutional restraints on elites are unlikely to arise un- barely managing to put on his pants to escape the less civil society demands it.” wrath of the Haitian people.”

In his parting shot, Brown recognises that civil soci- We cannot rely on politicians and the electoral pro- ety has to demand real institutional change to plug cess alone, though important, to bring about far- such leakages, which has deprived marginalised reaching changes and plug the leakages. For deep- communities of the financial resources to empower rooted change to take place, a society’s value sys- and uplift them. Indeed, civil society has to consis- tem has to be transformed to make them more sensi- tently demand that such loss of revenue be plugged tive of the importance of preserving natural re- and the political-business collaboration severed. sources, protecting the environment and empower- ing marginalised communities. A first step would Certainly democracy must see greater citizen par- be to raise public awareness of the issues that mat- ticipation at all levels, not just in the run-up to elec- ter in Sarawak and beyond so that conscientised tions but at all times. The legendary American his- ordinary people can demand reforms at the politi- torian and activist Howard Zinn, who passed away cal, institutional and societal levels to achieve real, recently, once wrote in ‘A Power Governments Can- meaningful change. q

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 39 POLITICS An early general election? For deep-rooted change to take place, a society’s value system has to be transformed to make them more sensitive to the importance of protecting the environment and empowering marginalised communities by Anil Netto

peculation is intensifying that an early gen- change is still some way off, although we are now SSS eral election could be called soon. closer to a viable two-coalition system. Hishamuddin Hussein has called on BN Much has been said about the next election being component parties to be prepared for a general elec- make-or-break for Pakatan, especially if the Election tion while Nazri has announced a sudden extra al- Commission manages to push through a constitu- location of RM500,000 for each BN MP because the ency redelineation exercise (which many believe government now has “extra money” (even though would favour the BN, if experience is anything to go the country has a worrying fiscal deficit and oppo- by). sition reps are denied such allocations). After the demoralising by-election defeats it suffered What can we expect from the next general election, in Bagan Pinang and Hulu Selangor, the Pakatan which a few believe may coincide with the Sarawak clinched a morale-boosting victory in the Sibu by- state election? The last general election was widely election. This result set off alarm bells in Sarawak described as a watershed general election, but real BN as Pakatan signalled it could make strong in- roads especially in urban seats in Sarawak. That could spell trouble for the BN as Sarawak and Sabah are seen as ‘safe deposits’ for the Barisan.

Taib: A liability to BN?

The mass of information now pouring out about the assets of the Taib Mahmud family and the ‘leak- ages’ in the state could steadily erode support for Sarawak BN especially if the information reaches rural areas. Needless to say, Taib is gradually being seen as a liability to the BN.

The conclusion of a dissertation by researcher David Brown on ‘Why governments fail to capture eco- nomic rent: The unofficial appropriation of rainforest rent by rulers in insular Southeast Asia between 1970 and 1999’, reads:

Shah of Iran Continued on page 39

Aliran Monthly : Vol.30(5) Page 40