109 Capture-based aquaculture of mullets in Egypt Magdy Saleh General Authority for Fish Resources Development Cairo, Egypt E-mail:
[email protected] Saleh, M. 2008. Capture-based aquaculture of mullets in Egypt. In A. Lovatelli and P.F. Holthus (eds). Capture-based aquaculture. Global overview. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 508. Rome, FAO. pp. 109–126. SUMMARY The use of wild-caught mullet seed for the annual restocking of inland lakes has been known in Egypt for more than eight decades. The importance of wild seed collection increased with recent aquaculture developments. The positive experience with wild seed collection and high seed production costs has prevented the development of commercial mullet hatcheries. Mullet are considered very important aquaculture fish in Egypt with 156 400 tonnes produced in 2005 representing 29 percent of the national aquaculture production. Current legislation prohibits wild seed fisheries except under the direct supervision of the relevant authorities. In 2005, 69.4 million mullet fry were caught for both aquaculture and culture-based fisheries. A parallel illegal fishery exists, undermining proper management of the resources. The effect of wild seed fisheries on the wild stocks of mullet is not well studied. The negative effect of the activity is a matter of debate between fish farming and capture fisheries communities. Data on the capture of wild mullet fisheries shows no observable effect of fry collection on the catch during the last 25 years. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES AND USE IN AQUACULTURE Species presentation Mullets are members of the Order Mugiliformes, Family Mugilidae. Mullets are ray- finned fish found worldwide in coastal temperate and tropical waters and, for some species, also in freshwater.