The Anti-Clinton Election
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-smear names that cut off thought In contemplating the current ing the Democrat; and even and engender emotive hate re- generation of Big Government though Democrat incumbent sponse: "racist," "sexist," libertarian turncoats and rene- Robert Krueger tried to run to "homophobic, " "anti-Semitic, " gades, the case for retrospective- the right of Clinton, the Presi- "mean-spirited, " and perhaps or even retroactive-abortion be- dent sent his Number 2 cam- the rest of the panoply: gins to seem overwhelming. I paign honcho, Paul Begala, to /Iageist," "lookist," "logist," Texas to run the Krueger cam and what have you. It doesn't paign, and it was a particulai matter: in the mouths of this joy to see Begala end up with generation of vipers, smear The Anti-Clinton egg on his face as he engineered labels become a badge of honor. disastrous TV spots that made It all reminds me of two char- Election Krueger look like an idiot. And acters in a Dostoevsky novel. by M.N.R. in the last race before this No- One insults the other at length, vember, militant Christian con- and the other guy says in effect: There have been seven major servative Mike Huckabee-the "You are so low that nothing you elections since the black day in other man from Hope, Arkansas say could insult me!" November that the monster -pulled the remarkable feat of Is there anything left except Clinton was cho- beating the odds- the name "libertarian" to dis- sen President; on favorite, Presi- tinguish these Official Libertar- and every single dent Clinton's ians from regular, honest-to- one has been a hand-picked God leftists?The answer is: not thumping repudi- buddy, for Lieu- much, and less and less, as time ation of Slick tenant-Governor goes on. Probably the average Willie and all of of Clinton's home leftist is, by now, less anti- his works. Soon state of Arkansas. Christian and perhaps less egal- after the presiden- That was four for itarian than Modal Libertarians. tial election, mod- four against Clin- Since the economists among erate conservative ton. them still have a vestigial affec- Paul Coverdell up- This November tion, on efficiency grounds, for set the Clintonian there were three cutting marginal tax rates of up- incumbent Sena- major races, each per income groups, we will prob tor from Georgia, a test of the Clin- ably see the better-heeled Of- Wyche Fowler. ton Administra- ficials opting for their bosom Then the moder- tion. In New York buddy, the left-neocon Jack ate conservative City, the nerdy di- Kemp, although their hearts may Riordan upended saster David Din- be for Bill Weld, while the more the multicultural kins, the city's nomadic types opt for Nancy leftist Woo to be- first black mayor, Lord on the Libertarian ticket in come mayor of though running '96. But it makes little difference: Los Angeles; and moderate con- on the Democratic ticket in an the entire crew is as scurvy a servative Kay Bailey Hutchison overwhelmingly Democrat city, lot, both in person and in print, captured Lloyd Bentsen's seat was beaten by 2.5 points by as one is ever likely to meet. as Senator from Texas. It was Republican nominee Rudy In the continuing argument all very well for the Clintonian Giuliani. The Giuliani victory over abortion, pro-lifers like to media to claim that all these came even though President twit pro-choicers about all the races were local and constituted Clinton stumped the city several wonderful people the world no referendum on Clinton; but times for Dinkins, even stooping would have lost if their mothers in each case, except L.A., the to condemn whites who failed had chosen to abort them. But Clinton Administration urged to vote for people differing the argument can cut both ways. the voters to support it by back- from them. This racist remark by 9 December 1993 Clinton was particularly nervy campaign manager. Jerseyites sent us all a message, because, in the previous Din- Not only did Clinton stump all right, by sending High Tax kins-Giuliani race in 1989, about New Jersey for Florio, but so Florio packing by a margin of tlurty percent of whites had too did the Boss Lady Herself, two percent, snatching victory voted for Dinkins, whereas Din- Hillmy Rodham, who called on from the jaws of defeat. A key kins corralled about ninety-five New Jerseyvoters to “send the move that turned the election percent of the black vote. Which nation a message” in the Florio around was when Mrs. Whit- racial group was failing to vote election. Hillary made no bones man roused herself last summer, for different folk? about proclaiming Florio as her deposed her inept brother, and Particularly sweet was the kind of Democrat. Well, New brought aboard. the savvy con- New Jerseyvoters’ repudiation of their monster Governor Jim Florio, who went back on his “no new tax” pledge when elected four years ago by promptly Though Alexander Cockbum and Patrick Buchanan approached the sub- socking New Jerseyites with ject somewhat differently. .they had total agreement, an amazing feat in itself, the biggest tax increase in the on one point: Yeltsin is a dictator. Considering the extra-constitutional(read state’s history. While Florio’s illegal) measures Yeltsin continues to take to eliminate his political opposi- tion. , it is even more amazing to see how everyone (including our own popularity plummeted for a democracy-loving government and free press) continues to see this man as while, popular amnesia, coupled the only hope for democracy in Russia.-A. Jan, Los Angeles Times with a continuing barrage of An English professor at Penn State causes a reproduction of a Goya female pro-Florio propaganda by the nude to be removed from her classroom because she feels oppressed by it. media, hailing the thuggish As a feminist student activist tells us, paintings like Goya’s are “a form of por- Florio’s “statesmanship,” nography” that rose because “Playboy wasn’t around back then.“-Rod seemed to revive the governor’s Dreher, Washington Times approval rating. This summer, The Russians and we produced nuclear weapons to flourish at one another indeed, Florio’s Republican op- and played the game of calling bad names when there had been nothing at ponent, Christine Whitman, issue between us that need have prevented our living in the same world and when we were actually, for better or worse, becoming more and more alike- ran such an abysmal and bum- the Russians emulating America in their frantic industrialization and we in bling campaign that Florio imitating them in our persecution of nonconformist political opinion, white spurted way ahead in the polls, both, to achieve their ends, were building up huge governmentalbureaucracies in the hands of which the people have seemed helpless.-Edmund Wilson, and the Democracy and the The Sixties: The Lust Journal media were hailing the idea that high taxes and repudiating In Patriotic Gore, [Edmund] Wilson questioned the central myth of the American republic, which is also, paradoxically, the cornerstone of our subse- a no-tax pledge was, happy quent empire-e pluribus unum-the ever tightening control from the center day!, no longer poison at the of the periphery. Wilson is pre-Lincolnian. He sees virtue, freedom, in polls. La Whitman, a country- a less perfect union. Today’s centrifugal forces in the former Soviet Union and club moderate, was unhappy Yugoslavia he anticipated in Patriotic Gore where, through his portraits of various leaders in our Civil War, he shows how people, in order to free with proposing tax cuts or with themselves of an overcentralized state, are more than willing, and most attacking Florio’s tax record. tragically, to shed patriotic gore.-Gore Vidal, The New York Review of Books Refusing to attack the incum- Wilson’s meditation on the Civil War and wa and the nature of our state bent, Whitman passively al-, was published and: “There is shock after shock,” as Penn Warren put it, ”to lowed the Florio forces, led by our official versions and received opinions.” But. .unhappily, many others Number 1 Clinton campaign are in place to act as shock-absorbers. They also ,shroudthe martyred Lincoln with his disingenuous funeral address at Gettysburg in order to distract atten- maven James Carville, to por- tion from the uncomfortable paradox that his dictatorship-forbidden word tray her as ignorant and out of in a free country-preserved the union by destroying it.-Gore Vidal, The New touch with the New Jersey York Review of Books masses. She also surrounded One does get the impression that the Jews regard themselves as having a herself with incompetents, led monopoly on suffering, and do not want the Negroes to muscle in.-Edmund by her left-liberal brother as her- Wilson, The Sixties: The Lust Journal 10 December 1993 servative campaign manager, minors could have an abortion. to their faith. Rather than a Ed Rollins. Rollins’ stress on ac- To the average person, it seems ”theocrat,” Christian paleo tivism and positive ideas led bizarre that minor children Farris wants the State off the Whitman to adopt and push must have parental consent back of himself and fellow Chris- the thlrty percent tax-and-ex- before getting any surgical pro- tians. What’s wrong with that? penditure-cutting plan of editor cedures in general, but don’t Unfortunately, Farris’s race Steve Forbes and free-market need to when it comes to an im- was sabotaged by liberal Re- economist Larry Kudlow. Pos- portant operation such as abor- publicans from the very be- itive emphasis on tax-cutting by tion.