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Jews and Muslims

Jews and Muslims

The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opin- ions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary What’s the Real Jewish Story and Why Does it Matter to You? All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015 Jack Christian v3.0

Cover Photo © 2015 Jack Gorman. All rights reserved - used with permission.

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ISBN: 978-1-4787-5632-3

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Preface...... i

1. 2 Percent...... 1 2. This is not a Book to Explain the History of the Jew as Outlined in the Bible...... 3 3. What Constitutes a Jew?...... 7 4. Miscellaneous Stuff...... 11 5. Jews, Who Are They?...... 19 6. Jews Who Have Affected Our Lives...... 23 7. To Be Successful Hire a Jew...... 41 8. Usury...... 43 9. Christian’s Perception of Jews...... 48 10. Who Controls Your Fortune?...... 56 11. A Theory on the Lack of Warriors...... 62 12. American Jewish Progressives...... 66 13. Are Jews Really Self Loathing?...... 71 14. You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees...... 74 15. Comparisons of Jews and Muslims...... 79 16. Dichotomy...... 83 17. Do Jews Really Finance Wars?...... 90 18. Give Up Your Jews - Give Up Your Dominance...... 96 19. Hillary and the Jewish Vote...... 103 20. Imagine a Day of Television Without Jews...... 106 21. Irish Jews...... 110 22. Islam’s Hatred of Jews...... 113 23. Jewish Girls and ...... 116 24. Jewish Loss in the Belief in God...... 118 25. Jews and Chess...... 123 26. Jews and China...... 125 27. Jews and Diamonds...... 130 28. Jewish Cowboys...... 133 29. Jews and IQs...... 138 30. Another Look at this IQ Thing...... 142 31. Jews and Major League Sports...... 144 32. Jews and Vermont...... 147 33. Jews in Cuba...... 149 34. Joseph...... 152 35. Project...... 154 36. Jewish Marks of Brilliance in the Popular Music World...... 160 37. Obama: Discovered by Jews, Empowered by Jews Then Emancipated from Jews...... 164 38. Obama’s Dependence on Jews...... 171 39. Red Headed Jews...... 173 40. Russian Mob...... 175 41. Shopping Malls...... 179 42. The Magic Gene...... 183 43. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion...... 187 44. Tidbits...... 197 45. What if There Were No Jews?...... 206 46. What’s This ‘Jewish Conspiracy Theory’ Thing All About?...... 211 47. What’s This ‘Old Testament’ Thing All About?...... 215 48. Who Controls America’s Corporations?...... 217 49. Who Did Kill Christ Anyway?...... 219 50. Why Are Jews So Persecuted?...... 222 51. Why the Lack of Jewish Leaders in the Modern World?...... 230 52. Jewish Words, Terms, Phrases, and Expressions...... 235 53. Ending??????...... 241


Throughout history there has remained a constant perplexity re- garding Jews. Always shrouded in mystery, I’m not sure if even Jews understand Jews.

Ashkenazic, Sephardic, Haredic, Hasidic, Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, Yiddish speakers, Hebrew speakers, all a mystery to prob- ably 95% of the rest of the world. To complicate matters even more, there is still an ongoing Jewish metamorphosis due to Jewish persecu- tion throughout the world. From Russia to the Muslim world Jews are continuously relocating and adapting in their eternal Diaspora.

Simultaneously, the most admired and despised people on earth. Philanthropic and narcissistic while self loathing, it’s no wonder no Christian in the world can truly understand them.

In American politics, the ruling Democratic Party is greatly influenced by Jews with about half of their political contributions coming from Jews, who make up just two percent of the American population. This same two percent of the population has provided an unprecedented representation in the party including both senators from , one Senator with the second a Catholic whose father is named Rutnik (hiding a Jewish bloodline is still fairly common, as is evidenced by reviewing the bios of politicians). With ten Senators

i ) and more than twenty House Representatives, the Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee, and three of the nine Supreme Court Justices, Jews hold a huge amount of political power in the United States.

I can think of no single group on earth that is affecting YOUR life, right now, more than Jews.

Perhaps the most fascinating piece ever written, regarding Jews, was called ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’. I have dedicated a chapter to explain its origin, its exposure as a hoax, but its uncanny correla- tion to the current American economic and political situation. It is reminiscent of the mystique of Nostradamus, who, by the way, was also Jewish. Although you, as a modern day goy, have probably never even heard of ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, it will fascinate you; especially when you realize that it was written over a century ago.

This is not just a good book - this is a great book. Not written by a Jew and not written by an anti-Semite; this is a rarity. Not written to enhance your opinion of Jews and not written to denigrate Jews; I will hopefully answer most of the questions that pop up in a gentile’s mind and make you aware of their affect on your life that you were never aware of.

What makes Jews so different – and successful? Is it genetic or is it because they have been continuously persecuted throughout history and have learned to cope?

As I lay out the results of my speculation I hope to be the first Christian to have an understanding of the situation. You, as the reader, will be second.

The information presented in this book is available from numerous

) ii sources. Much of it is fairly common knowledge to well read Jews who take an active interest in Jewish history and culture, but not as prevalent to gentiles. What is a gentile? You are. If you are not Jewish then you are a gentile – also known, by Jews, as a goy.

Read other sources and verify what I present in this book. Don’t take my word on any of it. Many sources of information on Jewish history are very controversial. Bear in mind that the greatest source of all is the Bible and that is perhaps the most controversial of all books for non-believers.

iii )

Chapter 1

2 Percent

Throughout this book an important fact to remember is that only two percent of America is Jewish. This is very important to remember so you will understand the massive impact made by such a minute seg- ment of the population. To emphasize this I will occasionally insert a reminder which looks like this {2%}.

If, for example, half of all money given as political contributions are made by Jewish donors and only two percent of the population are Jewish then the impact of Jews on American politics is HUGE!!! {2%}.

If roughly thirteen percent of the physicians in America are Jewish then, at two percent of the population, Jews are twenty six times more likely to be a physician than the average American. {2%}.

If, out of the thirty NBA teams, over half have Jewish owners; do the math! {2%}.

Twenty seven percent of the US Nobel Prize winners in the 20th Century were Jewish. {2%}.

1 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Thirty eight percent of Oscar winning film directors were Jewish. {2%}.

See what I mean?

) 2 Chapter 2

This is not a Book to Explain the History of the Jew as Outlined in the Bible

This is not a book to explain the history of the Jews as outlined in the Bible. You can always read that in the Bible or in a thousand other books that interpret the Bible.

I am laying out the uniqueness of the Jews, the idiosyncrasies of the Jews, the outstanding contributions made by Jews to the world, the quirks that drive gentiles nuts, their financial success, and the reasons that the rest of the world is so jealous and sometimes suspicious of that success.

I will offer my guess at to why Jews have been so persecuted by so many for so many centuries. And, why they have bounced back so many times to not only achieve equality but to control the purse strings of empires while never having their own geographic empire.

Their empire is not constricted by geography, although in this tiny blip of time, some may believe that is center of their empire. For the last two thousand years their geography has been ever changing but their empire is ever growing.

3 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Devotion to the Jewish principals has secured this empire even though many of the very richest Jews are agnostic or atheist.

The power of a strong family has been a key factor in achieving suc- cess but the divorce rate among the very richest is huge.

A belief in God has been their most enduring attribute but commu- nism was only possible because of Jews and Jews are still it’s life’s blood and it’s only chance to succeed. Remember, communism ex- pects an end to religion and the elimination of riches. Go figure...

The financial success of the Jews who have come to America is phenomenal. They may have back burnered God in many cases but the riches are indisputable. Although many Jewish families have not been here long enough to be considered ‘old money’ yet, ‘new money’ is huge!

As of 9/12/2014, Forbes’ listing of the richest Americans puts elev- en of the top twenty five positions held by Jews: #3. Larry Ellison, #10. Michael Bloomberg, #11. Mark Zuckerberg, #12. Sheldon Adelson, #13. Larry Page, #14. Sergey Brin, #16. Carl Icahn, #20. George Soros, #21. , #23. Michael Dell, and #24. Len Blavatnik. Almost all are Ashkenazic AND, not all are rich through the handling of other people’s money. Many have invented new and exciting products and programs which have benefited America and challenging the stereotype that Jews produce nothing – they simply live off the handling of other people’s money. The percentage of Jews in the Forbes top 400 richest Americans is even more interest- ing but it would require a whole book to cover it effectively. {2%}.

In Russia today, almost all of the top ten richest are Jewish men. Most, are the oligarchs who transformed Russia from a bankrupt communist failure to the capitalist economy of today. In the US the top ten richest are mostly old money with new money Jews catching

) 4 This is not a Book to Explain the History of the Jew as Outlined in the Bible ) up. In Russia, there was no old money so Jews hold most of the top ten.

From the richest families in the largest mansions in the most power- ful nation on this planet come young Jewish girls and boys to join Amnesty International, the ACLU, and a hundred other socially rebel- lious organizations to march with the poor, the oppressed Blacks and other helpless minorities who, they often believe, are being exploited by ‘the man’. Ironically, their dad is the ‘man’!

They will work in the trenches to overthrow the ‘one percenters’ but when they get it out of their system, and it is no longer fun, they will become the ‘one percenters’. Again, Go figure...

It’s been explained that the reason Jews are so liberal is because they spend the most time in academia where everything is controlled and ideal, and studies are often about the search for utopia, from profes- sors who have never been in the real world. This is partly true but there is so much more. Is it any wonder that gentiles are confused! Read on!

I will give you enough examples and explanations to either, have it make sense, or just understand that it is beyond comprehension for Jews and gentiles alike.

Although Jews today may be in the most powerful position they have ever held in the world, their situation is not new. It has been repeated over and over since there have been Jews.

Many Jews believe that when success has been overachieved and God has been put on a back burner, His ‘chosen people’ have fallen out of favor with Him and, as outlined in Jewish history, have been crushed. It would be interesting to see if they are right this time.

5 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Each chapter in this book is relatively short and it is not critical to read in the written order. By all means, find the chapters that interest you the most and read them to pique your interest for your own research and verification of what I have presented.

Enjoy and learn!

) 6 Chapter 3

What Constitutes a Jew?

In ancient times no one could absolutely prove who their fa- ther was. A blood line was only guaranteed through the mother. Therefore, lineage was determined by mom. To ascertain that a baby was truly Jewish, mom must have been Jewish.

Many Jews still live by that rule. Even though DNA can trace one back to the dawn of time, tradition is tradition.

According to Halakha, (Jewish law derived from the Torah) if your mother was Jewish, you are Jewish.

Furthermore, if you are Jewish and do not practice, or worse, prac- tice another religion, you are still Jewish.

Laws identifying Jews in Israel differ from what is considered iden- tification of a Jew in America. In Israel, law and religion are one; there is no separation of church and state.

So, in Israel, if mom is Jewish, the baby is Jewish. Difficulties arise in that Jews cannot marry non-Jews in Israel. One must leave Israel to marry a non-Jew then return. Then, the spouse can convert, if

7 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary desired, and the children are Jewish. Take a minute to digest that one.

Many Jewish sects, who are not so orthodox today, consider converts to be Jewish. Many also consider lineage through a Jewish father.

I would imagine that the most liberal acceptance of Jewish identity was Hitler. That didn’t play well for six million. Anyone with three Jewish grandparents was considered Jewish. Anyone with two Jewish grandparents who belonged to the Jewish community on or after September 15, 1935 was considered Jewish. Anyone married to a Jew on or after September 15, 1935 was considered Jewish. Anyone who was the offspring of a Jew on or after September 15, 1935 was con- sidered Jewish. Those boys were serious in their attempt to eliminate all Jews.

Today, to be considered Jewish by most Jews, one can have a Jewish mother, one can have a Jewish father, or one can convert to Judaism.

Knowing that genes pass from both the mother and father, I’m with them.

Some think that they can identify a Jew by their name, some by physi- cal characteristics, some by traits.

Some Jews have renounced Judaism or have denied their Jewish heri- tage for personal or professional reasons but that doesn’t necessarily make them a gentile. More often, today, it has become popular for Jews to make reference to being descendent from holocaust survivors in their bios. Maybe as a tribute to the sacrifices made by parents or grandparents. The trend today is to not run away from a Jewish heri- tage, but to embrace it.

How do you tell if a famous person is Jewish? Look at the name. First

) 8 What Constitutes a Jew? ) and last names often pay tribute to, and identify ethnicity. Just as a Pablo Dominguez, a Paddy O’Holloran, or a LaQuanda Washington may give a hint as to one’s heritage, so may a Saul Goldstein, or a Sarah Horowitz.

Names are often helpful but many have been changed to avoid stigma or to enhance one’s image (Kirk Douglas sounds better than Issur Danielovitch). Some Jewish names have been shortened or anglicized such as Rubenstein to Ruben or ‘Schwartz’ to ‘Black’ (same meaning but different feel) but these variations are still recognizable by most other Jews.

In reality, the overwhelming majority of Christians are oblivious to Jewish names. In the past, however, Muslim terrorists have used name identification to detect Jews while commandeering aircraft and even a cruise ship - the Achille Lauro in 1985, where 69 year old Leon Klinghoffer was shot in his wheelchair and thrown overboard by Palestinian terrorists - for being Jewish.

Sometimes the name is unidentifiable to an ethnicity but certain char- acteristics pique an interest such as - a famous movie director or a prominent New York Investment banker or hedge fund manager. One cannot simply assume that they would be Jewish (a stray gentile may have accidentally stumbled into one of these positions) so check their bio. Most prominent celebrities assure that their bios are posted on line today and ethnicity and religious preference are often included. If not included, then their parent’s, and often, grandparent’s informa- tion is usually available.

Physical characteristics are so varied among Jews due to emigration and intermarriage through the centuries. European Ashkenazim are sometimes as blond and blue eyed as a Scandinavian whereas some Sephardic Jews are dark from African ancestry. Some gentiles who have not had much experience with Jews expect all Jews to have

9 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary large noses, as was depicted in older books and caricatures of Jews, and to speak with heavy Yiddish accents. Many Jewish parents spend fortunes on cosmetic surgery and elocution lessons for their children, allowing them to procure the traditionally WASP positions such as news anchors or politicians.

Many Jewish traits are identifiable although it sounds almost racist to say it. Jewish genes seem to greatly increase one’s chances of success despite (or because of) the persecution that has existed for over two millennia.

Racist, in this case, may not be a derogatory term as high intelligence, a strong appreciation for education, and superior management skills come naturally to so many Jews. Throughout recent history the richest of the rich have overwhelmingly been Jewish.

Remembering the tiny fraction of the population that is Jewish, you will be amazed when I show you the wealth that has been controlled by Jews. I know of no other group that has controlled so much wealth, power, and influence per capita.

Back to the question ‘What constitutes a Jew?’. Bottom line… if you’ve got the genes – you’ve got the genes!

Read the rest of the book then make your own decision.

) 10 Chapter 4

Miscellaneous Stuff

The following is a list of miscellaneous ‘stuff’ which will bring more clarity to the uniqueness of Jews. As I so often state, it is more than just the contributions that Jews have made to this world, it is more; it is the fact that this impact was made by the tiniest of minorities. This has got to be more than just a fluke. The Bible itself, the cornerstone of law for most of the world, was brought to us by Jews.

Modern US law is affected more by Jews than any other single entity. Not just that so many of the most successful and influen- tial attorneys are Jewish but, of the nine members of the Supreme Court, three are Jewish - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Stephen Breyer, and Elena Kagan. With thirty three percent representation com- ing from only two percent of the population, my point is made. A concern about the high Jewish representation on the Supreme Court is the natural liberal tendencies of Jews. In cases regarding subjects such as the second amendment, abortion or gay rights, Jewish judges are normally consistently liberal leaning. Although it brings a balance to the system, the nation’s liberals have become almost completely dependent on Jews for representation at the Supreme Court level.

Jewish influence on US law will most likely continue in that, where

11 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary the percentage of Jewish medical school applicants has dropped from sixty percent in the 1930’s to less than ten percent today, law schools are still vastly overrepresented by Jewish applicants. Of the top ten law schools in the country about fifty percent of the deans have traditionally been Jewish. It does appear that attention has been brought to this situation in that ‘diversity’ seems to be rearing its head and, today, gentiles are appearing as replacements in traditionally Jewish held positions to even the representation. Another result of Jewish tendencies toward liberalism is seen in the US Congress. There are normally no (‘0’, zero,nada) Jewish Republicans in the Senate. Of the ten currently serving in the Senate, all are Democrats or Independent (socialist Bernard Sanders of Vermont).

Of the twenty two or so serving in the House, only one is Republican. Jews represent the highest proportion to population of any religious group in the Senate.

To see where Jews stand as a percentage to the population, here are some numbers:

The world population today is just over 7 billion people.

Catholics number about 1.2 billion world wide or about 16%. In the US, Catholics number about 77 million or about 25%.

Christians (including Catholics) number about 2.2 billion or about 33% of the world population. In the US - about 230 million or about 75%.

Muslims number about 1.6 billion world wide or about 21%. In the US, Muslims number between 5 and 12 million - less than 1%.

Jews number about 14 million world wide or about .22%. In the US,

) 12 Miscellaneous Stuff ) Jews number around 6 million or about 2%. Exact numbers are dif- ficult because of the ambiguity of defining who is Jewish.

The two holiest days of the year for Jews are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Rosh Hashanah “the day of judgment” begins the year and is a time for reflection and repentance.

Yom Kippur is the “day of atonement”

These are known as the High Holidays to Jews around the world. Passover is a holiday to commemorate the Jew’s exodus from Egypt 3300 years ago. God brought ten plagues upon the Egyptians for keeping the Jews enslaved. The tenth and worst of the plagues was the killing of the first born of all of Egypt from the Pharaoh to the cat- tle. Before beginning, God commanded Moses to have the Israelites mark their doors with lamb’s blood to be ‘passed over’ by the angel of death - thus, Passover!

Here’s a brief overview of history as prescribed by Jews and in the Jewish calendar: ƒƒ The world is just under 5780 years old. ƒƒ You know about the first seven days. ƒƒ From Adam to Noah took ten generations. ƒƒ From Noah to Abraham took ten generations.

Abraham was the father of Judaism and also Islam. He believed in one God and made a covenant with God that his children would be the ‘Chosen People’. Among the challenges that God made of Abraham, one called for his self circumcision at age ninety nine. That was one dedicated man!

13 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary ƒƒ From Abraham to Moses, to King David to David’s son (King Solomon), beginning the building of the first Temple in Jerusalem brings us to the year 2928 in the Jewish calendar. ƒƒ 410 years later the Temple was destroyed. ƒƒ Next came the exile to Babylon, for 70 years, which were very momentous years for the Jews. Upon their return to Jerusalem a second Temple was built. ƒƒ In 3622 the miracle of Chanukah (Festival of Lights) occurred when a one day’s supply of oil miraculously burned for eight days. ƒƒ In 3828 the Romans destroyed the Temple but left the Western Wall. This is when the Jews were dispersed throughout the world until Israel resurfaced in 5708 on the Jewish calendar – 1948 on the modern calendar.

There have been numerous books written to explain the Orthodox Jewish take on Darwinism, dinosaurs, and the many other conflicts regarding the 6000 year old Earth, while fossils indicate the Earth’s existence for a much longer time. Explanations range from a variation on the length of a day to a flat out dismissal of what scientists present as facts. I guess this is where ‘faith’ comes in.

Here’s a quick one: Many Jews will not write the word ‘God’. It will be presented in a variation such as G-d.

Here’s a partial list of lesser known atrocities, committed against Jews: ƒƒ 1066 Grenada Massacre (Grenada, Spain) Joseph ibn Naghrela and as many as 1500 Jewish families were killed by a Muslim mob. Joseph was the vizier (top political advisor) to the Berber king and the Muslim population resented his power. What a recurring theme throughout history! The 1066 Norman Conquest of England took most of the headlines that year.

) 14 Miscellaneous Stuff ) ƒƒ 1096 Rhineland Massacre. Peasant crusaders from France and killed over 800 ‘Christ killers and moneylend- ers’. The preachings of the First Crusade instigated Christians to look locally for enemies rather than having to travel to kill Muslims. Rationalizing that the Jews were Christ killers, someone could have his own Crusade right in his own town. The fact that many people were indebted to Jewish money lenders for their lending needs, which could only be satisfied by Jews (due to Christian prohibitions on usury), meant that killing Jews provided the added benefit of debt relief. ƒƒ 1190 150 Jews were killed at York Castle in England. With mounting debts to Jewish money lenders, peasants may have been goaded by their aristocracy to kill Jews and therefore al- leviate their debt. ƒƒ 1290 All Jews were expelled from England. ƒƒ 1478 Spain - everyone knows of the Spanish Inquisition where Jews were tortured and killed or forced to convert to Catholicism but a lesser known fact is that up to four thou- sand Jews were killed in Seville in 1391. And, the remainder of thousand Jewish families of Seville were forced to convert. ƒƒ 1540 Portugal targeted the ‘conversos’(Jews who claimed to have converted to Catholicism to avoid the Inquisition) who had escaped to Portugal from Spain. ƒƒ Odessa (killings of Jews in Odessa, Ukraine) ƒƒ 1821 - Jewish persecution by Greeks of Odessa which was part of the Russian Empire. May have been the first of Russian pogroms. ƒƒ 1859 - Also by Greeks. Jews and Greeks were two ethnic groups in Odessa competing for commerce. This was agitated by the religious conflicts also. ƒƒ 1871 - Again, persecution by the Greeks of Odessa but this

15 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary time Russians also perpetrated the attacks against the Jews of Odessa. ƒƒ 1905 - Over 400 Jews were killed by Russians, Greeks, and Ukranians. ƒƒ 1903 Kishinev(now the capitol of Moldova) (orga- nized massacre of Jews), at least 47 Jews killed, 92 severely injured, 700 houses destroyed, 600 businesses pillaged. ƒƒ 1905 Second , 19 Jews killed, 56 injured. It was explained away in that it was not persecution against Jews – but a revolt of peasants against money lenders. ƒƒ 1991 Crown Heights Riot was a three day conflict, in New York, between Blacks and Orthodox Jews. It took place in August of 1991 after a vehicle in the motor- cade of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch Hasidic sect caused the death of a young black child.

Vehicles were destroyed, businesses looted and many Jews injured. One Orthodox Jewish man visiting from Australia to conduct research for his doctorate was attacked by twenty young black men, stabbed, beaten, and killed. Two weeks after the riot another man was shot, allegedly, because he had a Jewish appearance.

The percentage of Jews in the US is on the decline. Most new immi- grants are not Jewish although some Russian Jews continue to arrive.

A major reason for the decline, percentagewise, is that Jews live a lifesyle different than many other ethnic groups. Jews procreate at a much lower rate than other minorities. Jewish women are more career oriented than most and sometimes place less importance on the traditional role of women. Jews are also among the most accept- ing of alternative lifestyles, further reducing procreation. Finally, Jews are increasingly marrying outside their religion and so, reducing the

) 16 Miscellaneous Stuff ) number of offspring growing up in the faith while ‘watering down’ the Jewish genes.

One of the first documented cases of Jewish presence in North America occurred in New Amsterdam 1654. Peter Stuyvesant attempted to have twenty three Jews expelled for usury and deceptive trading with Christians however several influential Jews of the Dutch West India Company interceded on their behalf and overrode Stuyvesant’s de- cision. The Dutch West India Company in 1654 was controlled by Sephardic Jews who had emigrated from the Iberian Peninsula to the cities around present-day Holland. The Dutch West India Company and the Dutch East India Company were extremely rich and powerful trading companies who were able to utilize the trading skills of their Jewish members. Jews, having no country of their own, looked upon the whole world as an opportunity and were a vital asset for these newly formed trading companies.

Exploiting trade routes which were used by Jews for hundreds of years, Jewish trading and merchandising skills were put to good use throughout the world, enriching and therefore gaining the support of their gentile backers.

There’s a good chance you’re wearing a Jewish name on your butt right now. Levi Strauss, an Ashkenazi from Bavaria, immigrated to the US in the mid nineteenth century to join his brothers in the dry goods business. Upon moving west to sell his brother’s dry goods, he partnered with Jacob Davis (Jacob Youphes) who had just invent- ed the copper riveted blue jean work pants. In 1873 a patent was granted and one hundred forty two years later we are still wearing ‘Levis’.

Way back in 1878 Friedrich Nietzsche wrote an interesting dichotomy in ‘Human, All Too Human’. Nietzsche has been proclaimed both, the greatest admirer of the Jews and the most damaging anti-Semite.

17 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Hitler and Nazi Germany used the writings of Nietzsche as rationale for their persecution of Jews.

In his ‘Human, All Too Human’, he writes, about Jews, “…to whom we owe the noblest human being (Christ), the purest philosopher (Spinoza), the mightiest book and the most effective moral code in the world…”

In the same chapter he also writes, “…the youthful stock-exchange Jew is perhaps the most repulsive invention of the whole human spe- cies…” Are you thinking Bernie Madoff? Maybe George Soros? That depends on your politics. Many feel that way about Wall Street as a whole. Remember, that was from the year 1878!

) 18 Chapter 5

Jews, Who Are They?

The Jews, “they’re just like us.” The hell they are! If they were just like us it would be a completely different world. It’s not politically correct to say it, but it’s true. Not only that, but the ‘politically correct police’ are Jewish.

Jews have endured a consistent status throughout history with part of the equation undoubtedly being a jealousy factor on the part of the gentiles. Voltaire called Jews, “fanatics and betrayers who do not belong to any place except that place which makes them money.” For over three thousand years Jews have had difficulty playing well with others. Jews have been unfailingly successful, but gentiles al- ways seem to believe that Jewish success comes at the expense of work done by gentiles. This has been an ongoing theme throughout the millennia. Simultaneously, Jews have evolved their idiosyncrasies so as to become the champion of the poor guy. This Jewish need for fairness may be because they are rarely picked for sports teams as kids. Aside from the occasional Sandy Koufax or Mark Spitz there has not been an overabundance of Jewish athletes or Jews who excel in physical attributes. Jews have evolved their minds. They have learned to out-think the rest of us and have learned that - to gain the most influence on sports – own the teams!

19 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Listen to ‘talk radio’ for one week and you will be convinced that Jews have been put on this earth to give Fox News something to talk about. The moniker ‘Jew’ is never spoken but the recipients of the diatribes are overwhelmingly Jewish. Coincidently, the complainants and most of their corroborating experts are also Jewish.

It took all these years of placing Jews in such key positions as MSNBC, Congress, the ACLU, and the Obama Administration, to justify a full cable news network to complain about liberals (who just happen to be under heavy Jewish influence). In other words, thank God for His Chosen People, or we wouldn’t have Fox News. Side-note: If I don’t insert a ‘LOL’ here will I need to hire a good Jewish lawyer?

In recent years the management staff of virtually all the major net- works has become overwhelmingly Jewish. Watching the credits run at the end of the evening news is more reminiscent of roll call at the local synagogue. Slowly but surely each network fell, liberal or con- servative makes no difference, the decision-makers are Jewish and therefore decide what information we poor gentiles receive to form our opinions.

To understand the true power of Jews simply read Time Magazine’s top 100 list or any of the Forbes lists. Although only 2% of the US popula- tion, they sure make a helluva showing on these lists. These people are exceptional! Their strong showings are not only in America but England and Russia also. Germany France Switzerland Ukraine and Lithuania also have strong showings from their Jewish populations. Although Hitler annihilated Jews in some of these countries they are back with a vengeance. Jews have realized that education and skills can transcend hard times. These traits helped them survive during the times of persecution and excel ‘beyond the beyond’ in normal times.

An example of the brilliance of Jews can be seen in the “Support Israel” bumper stickers that are found on so many American pick up

) 20 Jews, Who Are They? ) trucks. Traditionally, the stereotype of American pickup truck drivers was the ‘good old boy’, Baptist, red neck who had no special love for Jews (or even Catholics for that matter).

Today thousands of these pickups are plastered with bumper stickers calling for the support of Israel; often times, right next to a rebel flag sticker. Tell me that wasn’t brilliant marketing! Maybe based on the ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ concept, (with the ‘enemy’ being Obama, Islam, or being convinced that they are one and the same) Israel has now become the ‘friend’ of the redneck. That was a sales job that George Wallace never could have imagined.

Jews, who are they? There is no single definition of a ‘Jew’. Comparing an (no one but God knows if it’s ‘a’ or ‘an’) Hasidic to an atheist Reformed Jew is like comparing an apple to an orange. Appearances are completely different, language is different, family unit is different, culture is different, treatment of women is different, assimilation to the host community is different. SO MANY DIFFERENCES, but still both Jews! Hasidic men are quiet, modern Jews can be more like the screaming lawyers on the commercials. Hasidic women are told which side of the street to walk on. Modern Jewish women would castrate the man who would even make that suggestion. Hasidim (plural of Hasidic) deal in diamonds. Modern Jews adorn their wives and mistresses in diamonds.

What does one picture when someone says ‘Jew’? The real hodge- podge would be found in Israel where this is an ongoing question due to the legalities of Aliyah (the immigration of Jews from the diaspora back to the land of Israel). Being ‘Jewish’ permits one to become a citizen of Israel with all its rights and privileges.

The remnants of the Chinese Jews, the Ethiopian Jews, and others who claim Judaism have posed challenges to determining who is per- mitted to become an Israeli.

21 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Thousands of years of migrating throughout the world has made it a difficult task to discern who is truly a Jew as opposed to someone attempting to take advantage of Israeli citizenship including Israeli welfare.

For Jews who adhere to Jewish tradition, the culture is very rich. Family ties are extremely strong and holiday celebrations are extraordinary. The Americanization of Judaism has diminished this for thousands of Jewish families. Imagine the comparison of a family supper for a Brooklyn Hasidic family to a Hollywood Reformed, atheist family. So again… Jews, who are they?

) 22 Chapter 6

Jews Who Have Affected Our Lives

If you had never realized how much your life has been influenced by Jews, I will give you a small list of everyday names, from the last few years, of stars, from all walks of life, who are Jewish - Jewish because they have Jewish lineage through their mother’s line, father’s line, or both. Most are Ashkenazic but some are Sephardic. These people cover the spectrum from TV, to Hollywood, to the music industry, to the media, and to sciences. They are in no particular order - just a small sample of a much larger group of influential names of history makers whom most gentiles never realized were Jewish.

Mel Blank: The man of 1000 voices such as Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, Tweety, Sylvester, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, and Barney Rubble. From Russian-Jewish parents, he brought pleasure to millions of American kids and adults.

Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster: creators of ‘Superman’.

Rodney Dangerfield: Born Jacob Rodney Cohen to Hungarian-Jewish parents. Rodney was the king of one liners like “I don’t get no re- spect!” He also starred in monumental comedies like ‘Caddyshack’, ‘Easy Money, and ‘Back to School’.

23 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Phil Silvers: From Russian-Jewish parents, he was featured in many Hollywood movies but was most famous as Sergeant Ernie Bilko in ‘The Phil Silvers Show’. Phil made numerous appearances on shows like the ‘Beverly Hillbillies’ and ‘Gilligan’s Island’ normally playing a shyster.

Jack Benny: Born Benjamin Kubelsky to Polish-Lithuanian-Jewish parents. One of the pioneers of comedy who successfully transitioned from vaudeville, to radio, to television. He was famous for portraying a violin playing miser and being 39 years old for decades.

Carl Reiner: Son of Jewish immigrants from Romania and Austria. Although a performer on Broadway, and a popular comedian (duo’d with Mel Brooks), Reiner was one of the writers who made television successful, working along side of Mel Brooks and Neil Simon. He later developed ‘The Dick Van Dyke Show’ on which he sometimes appeared as Alan Brady. He also co-wrote and directed comedies for Steve Martin such as ‘The Jerk’ and ‘Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid’.

Rob Reiner: Son of Carl Reiner who became famous as Michael Stivic (Meathead) on ‘All in the Family’. He also directed some great hits such as ‘When Harry Met Sally’, ‘Misery’, and ‘A Few Good Men’.

Norman Lear: Mother was Ukrainian-Jew. Produced the most famous of the 70’s like ‘All in the Family’, ‘The Jeffersons’, ‘Maude’, ‘Good Times’, and ‘One Day at a Time’.

Neil Simon: Playwright and screenwriter winning three Tony Awards, one Pulitzer Prize, and two Emmy Awards. Wrote ‘Barefoot in the Park’ and ‘The Odd Couple’ as well as many more hits.

Soupy Sales: (Milton Supman) Comedian and TV personality famous for children’s show where pies in the face were a common theme.

) 24 Jews Who Have Affected Our Lives ) Henry Winkler: The Fonz! The tough Italian hood from ‘Happy Days’ and ‘The Lords of Flatbush’ is really Jewish with a Masters in Fine Arts from Yale.

Tom Bosley: Howard Cunningham of ‘Happy Days’ and a Catholic priest in ‘Father Dowling Mysteries’.

Harvey Korman: Aside from appearances on various TV shows and playing Hedley Lamarr in ‘Blazing Saddles’, Harvey won four Emmy Awards for his work on ‘The Carol Burnett Show’.

Goldie Hawn: Made famous in Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-in she went on to star in movies like ‘Private Benjamin’ and ‘Cactus Flower’.

Jerry : From 1989 to 1998 starred, co-produced and co-wrote the hottest TV comedy in the world - ‘Seinfeld’.

Larry David: Co-produced and co-wrote the ‘Seinfeld’ show. Also, created, wrote and starred in ‘’.

Jason Alexander: (Jay Greenspan) Although he won a Tony for Best Leading Actor in a Musical in ‘Jerome Robbins’ Broadway’, will always best be remembered as George Costanza on ‘Seinfeld.

Bill Maher: Stand up comedian who is better known for political satire. Although I have heard him called a ‘sarcastic, smart ass Jew’ by those who oppose his liberal point of view, he was raised as a Catholic, claiming not to have realized that his mother was Jewish.

Jon Stewart: (Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz) Also a standup comedian who is better known for political satire. Maybe it was him that I heard called a ‘sarcastic, smart ass Jew’. Neither one make many friends in the Conservative world.

25 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Howard Stern: Became famous as a radio show host by pushing the edge with censors, making him a hero to millions of American males.

Adam Sandler: Comedian, actor, ‘’ cast member. Starred in ‘Happy Gilmore’, ‘Mr. Deeds’, ‘The Wedding Singer’, ‘Big Daddy’, and ‘The Waterboy’ among others.

Don Rickles: Actor and comedian specializing in ‘insult humor’ since 1948.

Lenny Bruce: (Leonard Schneider) The original Howard Stern, Jon Stewart, and Bill Maher. However, he did it in a time when you put your life on the line for your convictions.

Al Franken: US Senator from Minnesota. Writer and performer on Saturday Night Live from the 1970’s till the 1990’s. Extremely left leaning.

Jerry Springer: Said to have been born in the Subways due to the German bombing of London in World War II. Former Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio. Host of the Jerry Springer Show.

Marcel Marceau: World’s most famous mime.

Joan Rivers: (Joan Molinsky) Comedian, actress, author, TV show host. Emmy winner, Tony winner. Maybe the most famous female co- median of all time.

Zsa Zsa and Eva Gabor: Sisters who emigrated from Hungary. Starred in numerous movies, plays, and TV shows. At least fourteen husbands between them. Normally played sexy European socialites.

Jerry Lewis: (Joseph Levitch) Initially became famous as half of the

) 26 Jews Who Have Affected Our Lives ) comedy team ‘Martin and Lewis’ as a night club act, then their own radio show, then making numerous movies. He gained additional fame as the host of the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s Labor Day Telethon. His son Gary Lewis became famous in the 1960’s for his band ‘Gary Lewis and the Playboys.

Howie Mandel: Germaphobic stand up comedian, host of ‘Deal or No Deal’ and judge on ‘America’s Got Talent’.

Paul Stanley: (Stanley Eisen) ‘Starchild’ - front man for ‘Kiss’. Inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Gene Simmons: (Chaim Witz) Israeli born ‘Kiss’ front man known as ‘The Demon’. His mother survived the Nazi concentration camps. Very conservative and pro-American in his philosophy.

Mark Knopfler: Film score composer but better known as founder, lead guitarist, and vocalist of ‘Dire Straits’.

Barbra Streisand: Singer, songwriter, actress, director. Winner of Academy Awards, Golden Globes, and Emmys. Has sold over 200 million records worldwide.

Bette Midler: (The Divine Miss M) Singer, songwriter, actress, come- dian, and film producer. Three Grammy Awards, Three Emmy Awards, and four Golden Globes. Held as an icon in the Gay and Lesbian community.

Barry Manilow: (Barry Pincus) Former piano accompanist for . Master jingle writer, singer-songwriter, producer. Three num- ber one singles. Known as the ‘Dancing Pixie’ in Britain.

Neil Diamond: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee with ten number one hits and selling over 125 million records.

27 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Paul Simon: A bit more than half of ‘Simon & Garfunkel’. Absolutely brilliant song writer and singer with fifty years of hits.

Art Garfunkel: The other part of Simon & Garfunkel. Contributing not just the harmonies, but the name that grabbed everyone’s attention.

Carol King: (Carol Klein) Winner of four Grammy Awards. Singer and song writer writing a large number of hits for others until performing herself on her ‘Tapestry’ album in 1971 taking the ‘Album of the Year’ Grammy.

David Lee Roth: Rock and Roll Hall of Famer and lead singer for Van Halen from 1972 to 1985.

Kenny G: (Kenneth Gorelick) Soprano sax player famous in adult contemporary and smooth jazz. Sold over 75 million instrumental records around the world.

Adam Levine: Lead singer for ‘Maroon 5’ and famous as a favorite judge on ‘’. Heavily tattooed but still considers himself Jewish.

Paula Abdul: Choreographer, dancer, singer, and judge on ‘American Idol’ and ‘The X Factor’.

Lenny Kravitz: Although his mother is Black, his father is Jewish - thus, the name. Singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist winner of four Grammy Awards.

Lou Reed: Legendary singer, songwriter, and guitarist. Well known from ‘the Velvet Underground’ and then solo career which started with ‘Walk on the Wild Side’ and lasted over thirty years.

Pink: (Alecia Moore) Singer, song writer, and actress. Winner of two Grammy Awards.

) 28 Jews Who Have Affected Our Lives ) Benny Goodman: ‘King of Swing’.

Phil Spector: Originator of the ‘Wall of Sound’, and one of the most famous record producers of the 1960’s. Pioneer of ‘girl groups’ like the ‘Ronettes’ and the ‘Crystals’, writing many of their hits.

Don Kirshner: ‘The Man With the Golden Ear’ launched many careers through his talents as a publisher, producer, and songwriter, including , Carol King, and Bobby Darin. Also famous for ‘Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert’ which showed live bands on TV during the 1970’s. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee in 2012.

The 3 Stooges: Moe, Larry and Curly - and Shemp. Moe Howard (Moses Horwitz), Larry Fine (Louis Feinberg), Curly Howard (Jerome Horwitz), Shemp Howard (Samuel Horwitz). Masters of ‘slap stick’ appeared in over 200 films. The 3 Stooges configuration changed through the years due to illness and deaths and later included Joe Besser, and Joe DeRita who was the only member to not have been Jewish.

The Marx Brothers: Chico, Harpo, Groucho, and Zeppo. Chico (Leonard Marx), Harpo (Adolph Marx), Groucho (Julius Marx), and Zeppo (Herbert Marx). From Vaudeville, to Broadway, to motion pic- tures they helped pioneer American comedy with films like ‘Duck Soup’ and ‘Soup to Nuts’.

Al Jolson: (Asa Yoelson) Actor, comedian, and singer once known as the “World’s Greatest Entertainer”. Star of the first ‘talkie’ - ‘The Jazz Singer’ in 1927. Became famous as a ‘black face’ performer.

George Gershwin: (Jacob Gershvin) Writer of Broadway musicals, operas such as Porgy and Bess, orchestral pieces, and Hollywood film scores.

29 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Irving : (Israel Beilin) One of the greatest American composers and lyricists of all time. Wrote one of the most patriotic songs ever - ‘’, and some of the best Christian songs such as ‘White Christmas’ and ‘Easter Parade’.

Lauren Becall: (Betty Perske) Super star leading lady and wife of Humphrey Bogart.

Steve Lawrence: (Sidney Liebowitz) Singer and actor. Had a #1 hit with ‘Go Away Little Girl’ in 1962 and still performs today.

Edie Gormé: (Edith Gormezano) Wife of Steve Lawrence. Winner of a Grammy Award and an Emmy Award.

Neil Sedaka: Singer, songwriter, and producer selling millions of re- cords since the 1950’s.

Billy Crystal: Film star (‘When Harry Met Sally’), writer, film producer, and comedian.

Walter Winchell: Newspaper columnist and radio commentator. Narrator for the ‘Untouchables’, and one of the most famous radio voices of his era. Morphed from a friend of the underworld to an ardent supporter of law enforcement and dedicated anti-communist and anti-Nazi.

George Burns: (Nathan Birnbaum) Cigar smoking comedian who worked till age 100. Starred in top rated radio shows, to hit TV show ‘Burns and Allen’, to starring in movies such as ‘Oh, God!’ Married Gracie Allen, an Irish Catholic, in 1926, years before this type of in- termarriage was common. George Burns helped to mainstream Jews into American society.

Geraldo Rivera: Everybody knows of Geraldo! Although his father was

) 30 Jews Who Have Affected Our Lives ) a Catholic Puerto Rican, his mother was an Ashkenazi Jew. Attorney, talk show host, and journalist - the Jewish side shone through.

Gloria Steinem: Star of the ‘women’s liberation movement’, political activist, ‘counter culture’ figure, writer, and journalist.

Bella Abzug: Leader of the ‘Women’s Movement’, member of the US House of Representatives.

Judge Judy: (Judith Scheindlin) Family court judge who later became ‘Judge Judy’ of the ‘Judge Judy Show’. Over 4500 episodes on daytime TV.

Judge Wapner: Star of ‘The People’s Court. One of the pioneers of courtroom TV.

Mike Wallace: (Myron Wallace) Famous journalist and star of CBS’ ‘60 Minutes’.

Chris Wallace: Son of Mike Wallace. News anchor and host of ‘Fox News Sunday’.

Tom Friedman: Three time Pulitzer Prize winner. Journalist, colum- nist, and author specializing in the Middle East.

William Safire: Journalist, columnist, author, and speech writer for Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew. Rare conservative in this scenario. Household name in the 60’s and early 70’s.

Matt Drudge: Conservative pioneer in internet news. Probably the most consulted news website of all. Became famous after breaking the Monica Lewinsky story. Also became an enemy of the liberal press.

31 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Bill Kristol: Neo-conservative commentator and co-founder of ‘The Weekly Standard’, a conservative political magazine.

Barbara Walters: Hosted ‘The View’, the ‘Today Show’, and ‘20/20’. ‘”Baba Wawa”!

Ted Koppel: Family escaped Nazi Germany. Anchored ABC News’ ‘Nightline’ from 1980 till 2005.

Larry King: (Lawrence Zeiger) Nationally famous TV interviewer featured on CNN’s ‘Larry King Live’. Married eight times.

Andrea Mitchell: TV journalist, reporter, anchor, and commentator for NBC. Frequent guest on many NBC news shows such as ‘Meet the Press’ and ‘Hardball’. Married to Alan Greenspan.

Alan Greenspan: 13th Chairman of the Federal Reserve making him one of the most powerful men on the planet. His minor comments could make or break Wall Street.

Henry Kissinger: Escaped Nazi Germany and went on to become the 56th US Secretary of State. Nobel Peace Prize winner and con- sultant to a number of US Presidents.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg: First Jewish female Justice of the Supreme Court.

Ann Landers: (Eppie Lederer nee Friedman) From 1955 to 2002 wrote newspaper advice column read by millions of people.

Dear Abby: (Pauline Friedman) Identical twin to Eppie Friedman. Also a nationally famous advice columnist, competing with her sister.

) 32 Jews Who Have Affected Our Lives ) Elizabeth Taylor: Unknown if there was any Jewish blood in her ancestry but she converted to Judaism at age 27.

Kirk Douglas: (Issur Danielovitch) ‘THE’ Kirk Douglas! Ran away from his Jewish roots when he was prodded toward the path to becoming a rabbi. Embraced Conservative Judaism later in life.

Efrem Zimbalist Jr.: Here’s a name from the past. ‘ Jim Buckley’ on ‘Maverick’, ‘Inspector Lewis Erskine’ on ‘The F.B.I.’, and ‘Stu Bailey’ on ‘77 Sunset Strip’, as well as many movie rolls.

Rod Serling: Screenwriter, producer, and narrator most famous for ‘The Twilight Zone’.

Eddie Fisher: (Edwin Tisch) Top pop singer of the early 1950’s. Married to Debbie Reynolds, Elizabeth Taylor, and Connie Stevens, among others.

Scarlett Johansson: Tony Award winner.

Gwyneth Paltrow: Ashkenazic dad. Academy Award, Golden Globe, and Emmy Award winner.

Sarah Jessica Parker: ‘Sex in the City’ star. Winner of four Golden Globe Awards.

Elliott Gould: (Elliott Goldstein) ‘Trapper John’ from ‘M*A*S*H’ and a hundred other roles.

Tori Spelling: Author and actress. Been on best sell- ing list and appeared in tons of movies, made for TV movies and TV shows. Daughter of Aaron Spelling.

Aaron Spelling: Producer of ‘The Mod Squad’, ‘7th Heaven’, ‘Beverly Hills 90210’, and ‘Charlie’s Angels’ among others.

33 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Coen Brothers: Joel and Ethan Coen. Academy Award winning direc- tors, screenwriters, and producers of hits like ‘Fargo’, ‘No Country for Old Men’, ‘O Brother, Where Art Though?’, and ‘The Big Lebowsky’.

Alan Arkin: Academy Award winning actor appearing in over fifty movies.

Joaquin Phoenix: Academy Award winning actor.

Sean Penn: Winner of two Academy Awards and political activist. Dad, Leo Penn, was the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants.

Lisa Bonet: This one may surprise some. Denise Huxtable from ‘’ had a Jewish mother.

Katey Segal: Peggy Bundy on ‘Married... With Children’, and Gemma on ‘Sons of Anarchy’.

Michael Landon: (Eugene Orowitz) ‘Little Joe Cartwright’, ‘Charles Ingalls’. Brought Christian values into American homes.

William Shatner: ‘Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise’.

Leonard Nimoy: ‘Mr. Spock’.

Jane Seymour: (Joyce Frankenberg) From ‘Bond Girl’ in ‘Live and Let Die’ to ‘Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman’.

Edward G. Robinson: (Emanuel Goldenberg) Appeared in over one hundred films. Quintessential gangster.

Tony Curtis: (Bernard Schwartz) Appeared in over one hundred films. Married six times.

) 34 Jews Who Have Affected Our Lives ) Paul : ‘Cool Hand Luke’, ‘The Hustler’, ‘The Color of Money’. Co-founder of ‘Newman’s Own’ food products.

Marcus Loew: Founded Loews Theaters and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer: Founded by Marcus Loew, Samuel Goldwyn (Szmul Gelbfisz), and Louis B. Mayer (Lazar Meir).

Cecil B. DeMille: One of the greatest Hollywood director/producers with over seventy five works to his credit. Academy Award winner.

Columbia Pictures: Founded by Jack and Harry Cohn.

Paramount Pictures: Founded by Adolph Zukor.

Universal Studios: Founded by Carl Laemmle (believed to have saved hundreds of Jews from Nazi Germany) and Charles Baumann.

Warner Brothers: Hirsz, Szmul, Aaron, and Itzhak Wonskolaser start- ed with one projector and built a business with over eight thousand employees.

Houdini: (Erik Weisz) Most famous escape artist in history.

David Copperfield: (David Kotkin) 21 Emmy Awards for television specials. Eleven Guinness World Records. The most commercially successful magician in history according to Forbes.

David Blaine: World famous street magician and illusionist.

Uri Geller: The spoon bender.

Abbie Hoffman: Original Yippie. Professional protester.

35 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Jerry Rubin: Professional protester. Counter-culturist who switched to become a successful business man in the 1980’s.

Sigmund Freud: Father of psychoanalysis.

Ed Koch: US House of Representatives from New York and three term Mayor of .

Abraham Beame: (Abraham Birnbaum) 104th Mayor of New York City.

Fiorello La Guardia: 99th Mayor of New York City and US House of Representatives from New York.

Michael Bloomberg: 108th Mayor of New York City and multi- billionaire.

Rahm Emanuel: First Jewish mayor of .

Alan Freed: Radio disk jockey called ‘Moondog’ and commonly re- ferred to as the ‘father of rock and roll’.

Murray the ‘K’: (Murray Kaufman) Radio disk jockey sometimes called the ‘fifth Beatle’.

Bruce Morrow: (Bruce Meyerowitz) Radio disk jockey known as ‘Cousin Brucie’.

Mort Zuckerman: Owner, publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the U.S. News and World Report and publisher of the . Multi-billionaire.

Leslie Moonves: President and CEO of CBS Corporation.

) 36 Jews Who Have Affected Our Lives ) Carl Bernstein: Pulitzer Prize winner who broke the ‘Watergate’ story.

David Brooks: Writes for the New York Times and called a ‘conserva- tive’ (by NY Times standards). Also a regular on Meet the Press and NPR.

Charles Krauthammer: Conservative author, columnist, and Fox News regular.

Albert Einstein: Persecuted by Nazi Germany, immigrated to the US. What a loss for Germany! The name alone, ‘Einstein’, says it all.

Bernie Madoff: Stock broker and fraud who bilked up to twenty bil- lion dollars from clients, most of whom were Jewish.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: Convicted of espionage for passing atom- ic bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.

Donald Sterling: (Donald Tokowitz) Attorney and previous owner of LA Clippers who lost team and was fined two and a half million dol- lars for making racial remarks.

Monica Lewinsky: Former White House intern famous for her affair with Bill Clinton.

Gloria Allred: (née Bloom) Feminist attorney and TV personality. Possibly the most famous female attorney in the US.

Calvin Klein: designer who launched Calvin Klein Inc.

Vidal Sassoon: Hairdresser and businessman with a worldwide chain of hairstyling salons and hair products.

37 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Sandy Koufax: Three time Cy Young award winner as a left handed pitcher for the Dodgers. Youngest player elected to the ‘Baseball Hall of Fame’. Remembered for refusing to pitch game one of the 1965 because it fell on Yom Kippur.

Mark Spitz: Winner of nine Olympic Gold Medals for swimming.

Mike Nichols: (Mikhail Igor Peschkowsky) Academy Award win- ner for best director in ‘The Graduate’. He won an Emmy, Oscar, Tony, and Grammy during his career. On Broadway he directed ‘Barefoot in the Park’, ‘The Odd Couple’, ‘Plaza Suite’, and ‘Death of a Salesman’, among many others. In film he directed ‘Who’s Afraid of Woolf?’, ‘Catch-22’, ‘Carnal Knowledge’, and ‘Silkwood’, among many others. His fourth and final wife was Diane Sawyer.

Saul Alinsky: Community organizer ‘extraordinaire’ Author of ‘Rules for Radicals’, used by organizers, including Obama, as the bible of empowerment of the ‘Have-Nots’.

Joan Collins: Actress (Alexis Carrington on ‘Dynasty’) and author.

Jackie Collins: Author of twenty nine novels selling over five hun- dred thousand copies. Sister of Joan Collins.

Sacha Cohen: Actor, writer, screen play writer. Starred as Ali G, Borat, and Brϋno.

Estée Lauder: (Josephine Esther Mentzer) founder of Estée Lauder Cosmetics.

Howard Cosell: (Howard Cohen) Maybe the most famous sports journalist of all time. Rose to fame with Muhammad Ali.

) 38 Jews Who Have Affected Our Lives ) Brigadier General Oscar Koch: Military Intelligence officer who was the brains behind General George S. Patton in World War II.

Michael Savage: (Michael Weiner) Ultra conservative radio talk show host with over three million weekly listeners. Russian-Jewish back- ground but does not profess to being Jewish.

Mark Levin: Another Ultra conservative radio talk show host with mil- lions of weekly listeners. Claims to have come from an extremely liberal family but ‘saw the light’. Worked in the Reagan administration.

Harry Connick jr: Singer, musician, actor, and ‘American Idol’ judge having sold over twenty eight million albums worldwide.

Herb Alpert: Of the Tijuana Brass fame. Only Billboard Top 100 winner as #1 vocalist (‘This Guy’s in Love with You’) and #1 instru- mentalist (Rise). Also a recording industry executive (was the ‘A’ in A&M records).

Abraham Maslow: If you’ve ever taken a psychology course you are familiar with ‘Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs’. Another Brooklyn boy who made an impact on the world.

Isaac Asimov: Professor of biochemistry, one of the most brilliant, all round men of his time. Authored over five hundred books. One of the greatest science fiction writers of all time. Wrote works on un- derstanding: physics, math, the Bible, and even Shakespeare’s works. Another loss for Russia. His family immigrated to Brooklyn around 1923.

Jerrod Niemann: Country music star who gives no hint of his religious back ground. With six top forty hits he is one of the very few Jewish performers in country music.

39 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Lesley Gore: (Lesley Goldstein) ‘It’s My Party’, ‘Judy’s Turn to Cry’, etc.

Drake: Rapper with over five million albums so far. Canadian Jewish mom.

Carly Simon: ‘You’re So Vain’ (about says it all), ‘Anticipation’, ‘Mockingbird’, ‘Nobody Does it Better’. Raised a Catholic but you can’t deny the genes. Dad was co-founder of Simon & Schuster.

Henry and Richard Bloch: H&R Block 11,000 tax offices in the US and another 1,700 abroad accounting for almost 25,000,000 tax re- turns prepared. Two Kansas City, Missouri brothers who branched out of their accounting business into income tax prep on a fluke. The rest is history.

Ayn Rand: (Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum) Brilliant philosopher/ novelist/playwright/screenwriter born to a Russian Jewis bourgeois family who rejected the communist revolution and immigrated to the US as a devout anti-socialist. Author of ‘The Fountainhead’ and ‘Atlas Shrugged’.

If you could believe that your life has not been affected by Jews you must have been raised on Mars. This is only a partial list of some of the most famous names from the headlines – all Jewish. {2%}.

How different would life be if these people had not existed? How much greater would their original homelands have been if they were not forced to emigrate but instead were given the opportunity to de- velop to their maximum potential?

On the other hand, it has always been known that Jews possess the ability to add immensely to any nation. Why were so many nations willing to forfeit the advantages the Jews offered? Maybe it was simply the envy of their success.

) 40 Chapter 7

To Be Successful Hire a Jew

One thing that has been known throughout history is: if you want to be successful - hire a Jew!

Since ancient times, leaders from the ancient Mid East, to Rome, to Medieval Europe, to the US today, have hired Jews to organize their nation’s finances including the structuring of tax codes and the collec- tion of those taxes. This is definitely not a task for gentiles. Throughout this book you will find numerous examples of this.

Joseph (the guy with the coat of many colors) virtually invented taxa- tion for the Egyptian pharaoh. Moses became almost indispensable to his pharaoh who couldn’t imagine Egypt without a Jew running things. British exchequers, since the twelfth century, and the American Internal Revenue Service today are completely dependent on Jews to function.

The American Revolutionary War and the Civil War were both fi- nanced by Jews and in the case of the North in the Civil War, even the uniforms were supplied by Jews.

The , the National Association,

41 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary and are overwhelmingly dominated by Jews in ownership, management, and player agents.

Wall Street and most investment banking in the Western World are overly represented by Jews. Commercial real estate and shopping malls – Jewish and Jewish!

The conversion of Russia from a failed communist state to a capital- ist economy was done almost exclusively by a small group of Jewish entrepreneurs who became known as the ‘oligarchs’. In a communist state where ‘theoretically’, everyone’s income is equal, about a dozen men were poised to become overnight BILLIONAIRES. Almost every last one was Jewish. Russia accomplished its conversion ONLY be- cause of Jewish management.

Jews are a unique group of people. They control so many aspects of our lives, all the major TV networks: NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, and even the Disney Channel - they control them all. What news is brought into your home and your nightly entertainment is decided on by Jewish executives who we depend upon for truth in news reporting and quality in our family entertainment.

Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, and the writers of Saturday Night Live have more effect on American voters than any other source, except for maybe The View. For such a small minority of the American popula- tion this is a huge impact on our lives.

This is a great book if you are interested in knowing how and why Jews are so special. Jump to any chapter and you will learn the things that gentiles – that’s you – don’t know about these people who have so much influence on your life. As one researches successful businesses it is amazing to see the impact that Jews have had. As I mention else- where in this book, “if all successful businesses are not run by Jews, it’s probably because there aren’t enough Jews to go around.”

) 42 Chapter 8


Usury - the practice of making immoral or unethical loans.

Exodus 22:25 “If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not treat it like a business deal; charge no interest.

Deuteronomy 23:19 “Do not charge a fellow Israelite interest, wheth- er on money or food or anything else that may earn interest.”

Deuteronomy 23:20 “You may charge a foreigner interest, but not a fellow Israelite, so that the Lo r d your God may bless you in every- thing you put your hand to in the land you are entering to possess.”

Leviticus 25:36 and 37 “Do not take interest or any profit from them, but fear your God, so that they may continue to live among you. 37 You must not lend them money at interest or sell them food at a profit.”

Qur’an (Al-Baqarah 2:275) “Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say, “Trade is [just] like interest.” But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden inter- est. So whoever has received an admonition from his Lord and desists

43 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary may have what is past, and his affair rests with Allah . But whoever returns to [dealing in interest or usury] - those are the companions of ; they will abide eternally therein.”

Magna Carta (clause 10) “If one who has borrowed from the Jews any sum, great or small, die before that loan be repaid, the debt shall not bear interest while the heir is under age, of whomsoever he may hold; and if the debt fall into our hands, we will not take anything except the principal sum contained in the bond.”

Magna Carta (clause 11) “And if anyone die indebted to the Jews, his wife shall have her dower and pay nothing of that debt; and if any children of the deceased are left under age, necessaries shall be provided for them in keeping with the holding of the deceased; and out of the residue the debt shall be paid, reserving, however, service due to feudal lords; in like manner let it be done touching debts due to others than Jews.

Siddharta Gautama Buddha in his sermon on the Eightfold Path (Majjhima Nikaya Suttra 117) “One discerns wrong livelihood as wrong livelihood, and right livelihood as right livelihood. And what is wrong livelihood? Scheming, persuading, hinting, belittling, and charging interest. This is wrong livelihood.”

(Vasishtha, The Sacred Laws of the Aryas, Part II, Chptr 2, vs 40-42) A Brâhmana and a Kshatriya shall not lend anything at interest... ‘He who acquiring property cheap, gives it for a high price, is called a usurer and blamed among those who recite the Veda.’

‘God weighed in the scales the crime of killing a learned Brâhmana against the crime of charging interest; the slayer of the Brâhmana re- mained at the top, the charger of interest sank downwards.’

Plato (Laws) “No one shall deposit money with anyone he does not

) 44 Usury ) trust, nor lend at interest, since it is permissible for the borrower to refuse entirely to pay back either interest or principle.”

Aristotle (Politics) “The trade of the petty usurer is hated with most reason: it makes a profit from currency itself, instead of making it from the process which currency was meant to serve. Their common characteristic is obviously their sordid greed.... Hence of all the kinds of wealth acquisition this one is the most unnatural.”

Perhaps the main cause of persecution of Jews throughout history has been usury. Usury has been loathed by most of the world’s cultures and even outlawed by some. By the fourth century AD the Catholic Church began its banning of usury by the clergy and later extended it to the laity. In the eighth century Charlemagne declared it a crim- inal offense and in 1311 Pope Clement V totally banned it for all Christians.

Since before the time of Christ throwing changers out of the temple, Jews have been taking the scorn of gentiles for their han- dling of money.

As Christians (as well as Muslims) were forbidden to borrow money, for interest, from other Christians, Jews filled that need in that they were exempt from Papal law.

To build a castle or to finance a war, the necessary funds came from Jews who were able to leverage this situation to become exceedingly rich but, as equally, hated.

Where many people believe that it is a modern phenomenon of Jews controlling banking; it has been a gradual empowerment taking hun- dreds of years to reach today’s state of affairs.

Huge efforts are made today to explain away and deny the over-

45 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary representation of Jews in the banking world but, as is also quoted elsewhere in this book, “don’t pee on my boot and tell me it’s rain- ing!” You can find a hundred stats that show that banks are not Jewish controlled but, if it is not true that all banks are Jewish controlled – it’s possibly because there aren’t enough Jews to go around.

I would prefer that they acknowledged : Jews are the best money handlers! If you want to be profitable – your CFO had better be Jewish!

Whether it is truly a gift from God to His Chosen People, OR, only Jews are prepared to acquire the education needed to excel in fi- nance rather than drop out of school to play video games like so many gentile kids do, OR, there is indeed a worldwide network of Jews who assist one another to succeed; the result is the same – Jews are the most successful money lenders.

Proving that this is not a new phenomenon, it is only necessary to study literature.

Stories of the famous ‘El Cid’ tell of his dealing with Jewish money lenders to finance his endeavors back in Medieval Spain.

‘The Jew of Malta’, written by Christopher Marlow in 1590 tells of Barabas the Jew who is portrayed with all of the negative Jewish ste- reotypes. Barabas is depicted as miserly and placing money above all else, including family, friends, and country.

Possibly the most famous case of anti-Semitism in literature was ‘The Merchant of Venice’, written around 1596 by Shakespeare, where Shylock the Jew is a hated and hateful money lender who demands a pound of flesh from Antonio ‘the merchant’ when Antonio is unable to satisfy a debt to Shylock. This story has instigated anti-Jewish senti- ments for centuries, and shows that usury has always been a stigma

) 46 Usury ) for Jews. On the other hand, usury has been active only to satisfy the desires of gentiles. If Christian practice was to purchase only what was immediately affordable, there would be no usury.

The benefits of the usury expertise that Jews possess have obviously been enormous. Per capita, Jews are among the richest people in the world. An exception may be the citizens of small oil producing coun- tries such as Kuwait, however, that wealth does not come from skill. It is simply the luck of living on top of oil reserves.

The ability to make money from nothing – to have others manufacture the goods or toil the fields, but still derive greater profits simply by handling their money is genius, although not appreciated much by Aristotle (see above).

Whether it is resentment because producers are normally compen- sated at a much lower level than money handlers, or simply envy of the massive material wealth of so many Jews, human nature can bring about an animosity; especially when instigated by anti-Semites.

Throughout this book you will find more in-depth information on this subject.

47 ) Chapter 9

Christian’s Perception of Jews

Growing up as an Irish Catholic, I was curious about the difference in cultures between us and them. Opinions have changed quite a bit in the last decades but I still remember the sentiments back then.

ƒƒ What many Catholics perceived as reality was that most Jews in America were rich. It appeared that shortly after the Jewish ghettos of the large cities disappeared, many of the Jews be- came well off quite quickly. As so many of them became successful professionals, one sure sign of success was an Irish mistress. Many of the Irish girls off the boat were hired as house keepers and babysitters by the wealthy. Many of the wealthy were Jewish, placing many of the naive and ambi- tious Irish girls in personal contact with wealthy Jewish men who, often, even if truly attracted to the girls would not marry outside their faith in those days. This perpetuated feelings of awe and jealousy. This was further exasperated by the under- standable power trip of a wealthy Jewish man who was only recently removed from the ghetto but was now found quite attractive because of his wealth and power even if he didn’t possess physical allure.

) 48 Christian’s Perception of Jews ) Many humorous stories are told about Jewish women’s attitudes ‘after the wedding’, making the search for a mistress legendary.

ƒƒ Another image of Jews, in the past, was that many Jews were ‘commies’. Many New Yorkers believed that most of the com- munists in the US were New York City school teachers. Many, today, believe that the natural progression has placed today’s ‘commies’ in the universities where the pay is better. With many of their parents having fled Eastern Europe after initi- ating the Bolshevik Revolution, conversations around Jewish dinner tables may very well have been about the dream of a successful socialist state in America.

American communist activists were disproportionately Jewish. As the ‘progressive movement’ of the late 19th and early 20th centu- ries morphed into a more socialist movement, its leaders were still disproportionately Jewish. Leaders like Saul Alinsky transformed the movement into a more radical counter-culture. Although it may be trendy to be a ‘socialist’ today, it represented a threat to the American culture as was accepted at that time. With the newspapers revealing Jewish spy rings such as Alger Hiss or Julius and Ethel Rosenberg selling atomic weapon secrets to Russia, it gave an impression that Jewish loyalties were not to the land they escaped to, but to the land they escaped from. This was very confusing to Americans who were very often recent immigrants themselves and were extremely loyal to their new home. What many Americans failed to realize in the 1940’s was that without Jews there would have been no atomic weapons. Virtually all the real players in the ‘Manhattan Project’ were Jewish. It’s ironic how Jews helped save this country while other Jews sold us out. I cover this in more detail in the chapter called ‘Manhattan Project’.

ƒƒ Prior to that era, the perceived threat to American culture was anarchism. The most famous leaders of the anarchist

49 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary movement were Jewish. Anarchists like Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman were immigrants from Eastern Europe whose purpose was to tear down the prevailing American sys- tem. To ordinary Americans, the Jews in the headlines must have resembled the terrorists of today.

An unfortunate result of such negative publicity about Jewish an- archists was that when Nazi Germany began its persecution of the Jews, many Americans were reluctant to allow the exodus of Jews into America.

It is hard to imagine that Judaism could have produced such radicals. Today’s most popular anarchists are still Jewish - names such as Noam Chomsky (who sided with the Palestinians in the 2014 conflict) and Bernadine Dohrn who is of Bill Ayers and was a leader of the Weather Underground who was responsible for the bombing of the White House and the Pentagon among others. If you read the his- tory of these zealots their persona appears completely inconsistent with Jewish Americans today although many conservatives believe that they are still active in their goals but more subversive in their actions.

ƒƒ Another difference in the cultures of Irish Catholics to Jews is the closeness and inter-dependence of families. Irish families are notorious for squabbles which lead to lifelong alienations. Jews are normally less likely to let family arguments prog- ress to such a level. Often, Jewish families are also business relationships which are inter-generational with the financial well being of each member a concern for all. It’s not that there aren’t such cases in the Christian community, but cer- tainly not at the level of the Jewish community. In general, Christians go to banks for loans - Jews go to family for loans. Although not always true, this is how Jews are perceived by many Christians.

) 50 Christian’s Perception of Jews ) ƒƒ Although it is becoming more common for all today, through- out modern history, well to do Jews divorced in very high numbers. Probably half of all the Jews mentioned in this book have been divorced at least once.

Divorce was traditionally rare in the Christian community and sacrile- gious in the Catholic Church. Jews may have been better able to afford to divorce or maybe there was less of a stigma in their community.

ƒƒ Very well to do Jews also turn from their religious affiliation in high numbers. Although many Christians may be non-practic- ing, percentage wise, Jews are more likely to profess atheism. Of course, many gentiles will blame that on the worship of money rather than God. The Old Testament endorses financial success as opposed to the New Testament preaching about the evils of money. ƒƒ Christians perceive Jews as traders. For the last couple of thou- sand years they have perfected the art. Jews are most often the ‘middle men’. Not normally the producers of the product, such as the farmer or the welder, but the ‘middle man’ who makes the larger profit. Each time a product is moved, an ad- ditional cost is applied till the ear of corn bringing three cents to the farmer, sells for twenty times that amount to the con- sumer. It is sometimes joked among Jews that, “only schmucks pay retail”. If true, most Americans are schmucks in that most goods are purchased at retail. Traders make the profit in most businesses.

A skeptic may believe that the concept of the World Economy was actually a plan to not only produce goods at a lower cost but to also put more traders between the producers and the consumers, as evidenced by consumers paying virtually the same price today for goods that are produced at a fraction of the previous cost. American factories were closed and millions of American workers were placed

51 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary on under the guise that production costs were cheaper overseas and it would make goods more affordable for American consumers. It does seem that prices of everything from car parts to cashmere sweaters are as high as they have ever been. SO, if our goods are now produced by slave labor to reduce production costs and the prices have not dropped, who profited???

ƒƒ Gentiles (as well as some Jews) often ask if the Holocaust was a punishment from God. Historically, believers in the Bible trust that God had punished His ‘Chosen People’ whenever they lost their way. From Sodom and Gomorrah, to the Jews of Egypt as outlined in Jeremiah 44, to the destruction of the Second Temple where as many as a million Jews were killed; so many times in Jewish history God has cleaned house on the Jews who have placed materialism over Him.

The holocaust may be a different case though. Although the Jews in Germany were increasingly becoming secular Zionists, and it would appear that it was time for God to step in and put them back on track, the logical answer may be different. When you look at who was pun- ished it provides a different answer.

The rich secular Jews were the ones best able to avoid the death camps. The most devout Jews were more often the poor Jews without the resources to emigrate. In Jewish history God normally smites the non-believers.

If this is the new standard then American Jews may be safe for a while longer. God knows that it has been a while since so many Jews have abandoned their belief in Him.

ƒƒ Jews are also perceived to have less loyalty to geography. Loyalty to parents –Yes! Loyalty to business – Yes! Loyalty to sports teams – Yes! Loyalty to spouse – Sometimes! Loyalty

) 52 Christian’s Perception of Jews ) to country – Maybe not so much! To an American Christian it may appear that Jews find more faults with America than good. The most vocal Jews seem to want to change the ba- sic foundation of America; to reduce religion, capitalism, and morals. The major players in most anarchy movements in America have been Jewish.

If this is true – the question is, why? A possible answer may be that Jews were nomads for longer than they have been stationary. Abraham was a nomad! Moses led the Israelites through the desert for forty years. Jews were thrown out of more countries than any people in history. Jewish history originated with tribes and that men- tality is ingrained in their brains.

Loyalty is naturally to the tribe. For the Orthodox Jews in America, loyalty is definitely to the tribe. In the towns like Kiryas Joel, NY and Monsey, NY, and in Jewish sections of Brooklyn most Jews feel that they are accountable only to their rabbi. Their only association with the civil government is the expectation of money for the schools, public transportation, and public assistance. Jews vote as directed by their rabbi and therefore are able to exert quite a bit of politi- cal power. The tribal feel in these areas is almost like they could pick up the community and resettle anywhere with little effect. This probably is the case in that these very communities have moved throughout Eastern Europe from Lithuania to Russia to Ukraine, speaking Yiddish, consistent in dress, and maintaining their self rule regardless of their current municipality. Through the centuries there has been little variation in their lifestyle regardless of their physical location.

Another result of the nomad culture (or maybe the belief that they are citizens of the ‘world’) showed in the early part of the 20th century when Jewish orthodox Marxists spread their message throughout the world. Without national loyalties, these revolutionaries were

53 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary oblivious to borders. Their newspapers were printed in many languages and distributed everywhere. European revolutionaries like Leo Deutsch, while exiled for terrorist activities, would simply move to New York City to work for Svobodnoe Slovo (Free Word) or similar anarchist publications. Speaking Yiddish and Russian were as useful as English is today.

ƒƒ To Christians there appears to be many similarities between Orthodox Jews and Muslims. One major similarity is the as- sociation between the sexes. Common to both is the ban on even shaking hands between adults of sex who are not related. To conform to the business requirements of the modern world, some have compromised that a man may shake the hand of a Jewish or Muslim woman if she ex- tends her hand first. Aside from the cases of the necessity for medical care, it is a rare circumstance when touching of a stranger of the opposite sex is permissible for the orthodox practitioners of either religion. ƒƒ There are some Jewish customs which would be attractive to most Christians if these traditions were shared. One of which is the ritual of moving to a new home. Upon moving into a new home, the first items brought in are bread and salt. Perhaps, bread signifying prosperity and salt suggesting the permanence of the new home as salt does not spoil or lose its flavor over time. Bringing books and a ‘charity box’ to the new home represents study and kindness.

Before moving in, some invite children into the home to read from the Torah which claims that the existence of the world depends on the Torah issued from the breath of children.

ƒƒ For many Christians growing up in the 60’s and 70’s Archie Bunker defined the stereotypical Jew. When in trouble – get a “Jew lawyer”. When sick – get a “Jew doctor.” Archie ac-

) 54 Christian’s Perception of Jews ) knowledged the advantages of individual cultures. When it came to law and medicine – hire a Jew.

ƒƒ Here’s another offering as to why the success rate of so many Jews is so high: upon listening to Jewish comedians, Jewish wives seem to be a common source of consternation. With that in mind, it makes sense why the Jewish workers never go home. All those extra hours on the job surely pay off. Thinking back on their high divorce rate I guess it all makes sense.

55 ) Chapter 10

Who Controls Your Fortune?

Gold - If you watch the advertisements on television you would be led to believe that the only stable factor in finance is gold. So, what is it that would make one believe this to be true? First question is: what the heck is going on with the price of gold?

The value of gold was set at $20.67 per ounce in 1933 by execu- tive order 6102 which was signed by President Franklin Roosevelt. Americans were even required by law to turn their gold in to the gov- ernment. Shortly afterwards the price was set at $35.00 per ounce, where it stayed till 1970.

Forty three years ago President Richard Nixon took the US, and there- fore the world, off the ‘gold standard’. Maybe it was because his staff was overwhelmingly gentiles (you would have thought that Kissinger would have advised differently). By untying the dollar from gold, the price of gold went nuts. Gold rose (or the dollar declined) tenfold within ten years and virtually stayed there until 2004 (remember that year -2004!)

So… The price of gold is set in London by the London Gold Fixing Ltd. This was handled by NM Rothschild & Sons, one of the richest

) 56 Who Controls Your Fortune? ) and most established Jewish banking families in the history of Europe, until 2004. At that time control was sold to Barclays who, together with Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), Scotia- Mocatta, and Société Générale, took over the task of setting the price of gold which is done twice per day. None of these four banks, to the best that I can ascertain, are Jewish controlled. The result is the ridiculous position of the dollar to gold today where gold has hit the $1600 per ounce mark.

With that situation out of control, and probably no way back, large banks and investment firms prefer to reduce the influence of gold on currency. Somehow gold has lost its historic dominance to currency.

The largest banks and investment firms normally are Jewish controlled so where does that leave the gold hoarders? It’s probably not a good idea to bet against the masters of finance.

Money - Currency has become the crazy thing. Not affixed to gold, it is impossible for a gentile to comprehend. It can be printed, at will, with no backing but the word of ‘someone?’.

How did we respond? We dumped the goyim for the pros: ƒƒ Chair of Federal Reserve - Janet Yellen ƒƒ Vice Chair - Stanley Fischer ƒƒ Secretary of the Treasury - Jacob Lew ƒƒ Deputy Secretary of the Treasury - Neal Wolin ƒƒ Deputy Secretary of the Treasury - Sarah Bloom Raskin ƒƒ And many more in the key financial positions.

To the untrained eye it would appear that the finances of the US has been turned over to Jewish control to the greatest level since prior to World War I.

57 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Unbeknownst to most of the populous, our government does not control our money. In America, as in most of the nations today, our money is controlled by a ‘central bank’. In our case it is the Federal Reserve (Fed), although, in my opinion, the word ‘Federal’ is used only to make it appear that it is part of the government. As described elsewhere in this book, the Fed was established under shady circum- stances and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913.

The Fed prints our money and controls interest rates. It has control of inflations, depressions and business growth because it determines the value of our money (no longer backed by gold) and it also controls the availability and terms of loans. Most Americans assume these to be government functions. WRONG!

When the chairperson of the Fed speaks – the stock market reacts. The slightest hint as to her plans regarding interest rate changes can crash the market. This makes the Chairperson of the Fed one of the most powerful persons in the world. Just a note – there hasn’t been a gentile in that position in over twenty five years.

Just so you understand that this is not just an American circumstance, the leaders of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have been overwhelmingly Jewish also. Bear in mind that the percentage of Jews worldwide is only 0.2%. To be clear, that is two tenths of one percent!.

Diamonds – Diamonds have been a blessing for Jews. Small enough to transport or conceal (to reestablish your life after a holocaust for example), they are valuable enough to be able to put a lifetime’s for- tune in your pocket. The diamond industry was monopolized by Jews until recently.

Since the 1920’s the name in diamonds was DeBeers. DeBeers was controlled by the Oppenheimer family who brought the diamond

) 58 Who Controls Your Fortune? ) business to cartel status controlling all aspects of diamond production including pricing. Controlling the vast majority of diamonds left no room for any competitor to affect pricing.

With a recent increase in diamond production in Russia and some other countries, and losing some anti-trust against the DeBeers monopoly, the Oppenheimer family abandoned DeBeers. Such is the fluidity of the ‘chosen people’.

What about investment banking? SO… who controls the stock market????

The stock market is a manipulation of money that MOST of the world does not understand. Market goes up – but your 401(k) does not. The market goes down – your 401(k) goes down.

Everyone with plans for a retirement someday is invested in this thing. A small number of participants make money by investing in the stock market. Most do not. If I took a humble guess I would say that very few make money honestly in the stock market.

Now, who does make the money? The money handler, the guy who makes money whether you win OR whether you lose. Some of these ‘players’ are traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. They handle the trading of stocks for investors.

With seats on the New York Stock Exchange selling for as much as $4 million, there is no longer room for the dumb gentile looking to make his way in this cold, cruel world. This is a player’s game today.

The other side of the business – the hedge fund guys, the serious hus- tlers – not so overrun with goyim in the upper echelons anymore.

59 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Yes, there are still the Hassidics who control millions, if not billions of dollars in the diamond world, but the stock market is TRILLIONS! With millions of pension funds and 401(k)s and IRAs and thousands of private investors, there is more money controlled by the money handlers today than the total amount of money in existence in the history of the world! And, it has been determined that they are “too big to fail” and are therefore protected by our tax dollars.

Seems like they can’t lose – guaranteed! Too bad your 401(k) or IRA doesn’t come with that same guarantee.

An area of the lending world with some stout Jewish representation is ‘Pay Day Loans’, sometimes called ‘Cash Advance Loans’, and also ‘Title Loans’. This is a brilliant concept which actually charges the equivalent of up to three thousand percent (sometimes more) interest for small cash loans. The borrower applies for a short term loan and because APR (annual percentage rate) is calculated ‘annually’, and the loan is always for less than a year, APR restrictions do not apply.

One might borrow one thousand dollars and pay back the thousand plus two hundred fifty dollars on the next payday, which may be in less than one month.

Where this would appear to be an interest rate of three thousand percent, paydays are often less than a month after the borrowing date and so the interest rate is considerably higher.

The largest such company in the US is ‘Advance America’ which was acquired by Grupo Salinas which was headed by Moises Saba Masri from the Jewish community in Mexico City. Moises was killed in a plane crash in 2010.

In Britain, wonga.com is one of the largest and was founded by Errol Damelin, formerly of South Africa. Interestingly, the Archbishop of

) 60 Who Controls Your Fortune? ) Canterbury had spoken out about trying to put them out of business for preying on the less fortunates. Although religion certainly has nothing to do with this, the fact that Damelin is Jewish may appear reminiscent of usury difficulties in England’s past (as outlined else- where in this book).

In the US these things have become HUGE, with more outlets than even McDonalds. They are banned in many states but in the states where they are legal, they spend millions in daytime TV ads. You wouldn’t think that people with ‘pay days’ would be home in the day time! Maybe that’s why ‘title loans’ have surfaced. With a ‘title loan’, one places their vehicle title as collateral for the short term loan.

Some of the companies use spokespersons that are more familiar to day time TV watchers. MoneyMutual, LLC, for example uses Montel Williams as spokesperson for their product.

Another twist to this business is that the ‘loan’ company is not usually the one that actually lends the money. The loans are arranged by them but the contracts are sold to outside lending institutions who bid for the business based on application criteria.

How clever the money lenders!

61 ) Chapter 11

A Theory on the Lack of Warriors

Jews normally have a reputation of being great money handlers, doc- tors, lawyers, managers, but rarely warriors. If this is a true assessment then maybe there is a genetic reason.

We have all studied the effects of the Napoleonic campaigns on France. With so many of the fittest men lost to war, and the less fit left to procreate, it is claimed that two inches were shaved off the average height of Frenchmen.

With this in mind, follow this theory:

‘The Great Revolt’ against Rome in 66AD may have played a part in the genetic makeup of Jews today.

Rome, under Caligula, persecuted the Jews of Palestine. Roman ex- pansion into the Mid-East met some resistance in Palestine (Israel). The emperor Caligula had some ideas that did not go over well with the Jews who were fairly well established in Palestine. He believed that he should be held as divine by all. This, of course, conflicted with the Jewish belief in the One True God.

) 62 A Theory on the Lack of Warriors ) The Jews in Galilee, known as Zealots, took it personally and fought back, killing some Romans. This did not go over well with Rome who sent orders to destroy the Jews.

The Zealots were the warriors of the Jewish tribes and became over- confident after their initial success in conflicts with the Romans.

As the Roman legions arrived the Jewish Zealots were slaughtered with an estimated one million Jews killed by the Romans.

While the revolt raged, Jewish leadership in Jerusalem negotiated with Rome to prevent their own slaughter.

As a side note, some Zealot survivors escaped to Jerusalem and slaugh- tered those Jewish leaders for their appeasement of the Romans. The leaders were killed but none were killed by Romans. Their deaths were simply retribution for cooperating with the enemy.

One great story to surface from those events was documented by Titus Flavius Josephus. Josephus was a Jewish-Roman historian who had headed Jewish forces in Galilee but surrendered to the Romans and eventually became a Roman citizen.

He wrote ‘The Jewish War’ documenting Jewish history and their in- teractions with the Romans during the first century AD. In it he told of Masada, a fortress built by Herod, on an isolated rock cliff at the western end of the Judean Desert.

Masada was a masterpiece designed to be impenetrable. Built on a plateau, it was naturally protected by steep cliff walls.

Being designed for Herod, it sported a bath house, entertainment ar- eas, a storehouse complex, and cisterns which filled with water to provide for long sieges.

63 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Masada had been taken from a Roman garrison by the toughest of the Zealots, the Sicarii, a splinter group whose name derived from their use of small daggers (sicae) to assassinate Romans and Roman sym- pathizers in an attempt to drive the Romans from Judea.

These were some serious warriors. During the revolt, in Jerusalem, the Sicarii had destroyed the city’s food supply to force the citizens to fight the Romans rather than negotiate a truce.

Back to Masada... After the fall of Jerusalem, Zealots and their families escaped to Masada and lived there with the Sicarii. For three years they raided and harassed the Romans until 73AD when the Roman governor Flavius Silva marched against them with the Tenth Legion and thousands of Jewish prisoners-of-war.

The Romans began building a 375 foot high ramp to roll a battering ram to breach the fortress wall but were repelled by stones from the Masada defenders. The Romans adapted by using Jewish POWs to do the construction. Rather than kill fellow Jews the stoning stopped. The ramp was completed and the battering ram began penetrating the fortress wall.

In lieu of surrendering to the Romans, the defenders chose mass sui- cide, burning much of Masada but leaving the food stores to let the Romans know that it was not hunger that initiated . It is believed that there were almost one thousand suicides in Masada. The story shows the resolve of the toughest Jewish warriors. Rather than succumb to the Romans and sacrifice their belief in One True God, they chose their fate.

The story was disclosed by two women who had survived, document- ed by Josephus, but not popularized until the 1920’s.

Now, to correlate to the Napoleonic Wars theory. If these accounts of

) 64 A Theory on the Lack of Warriors ) ‘The Great Revolt’ are correct, it might suggest that the warriors were virtually eliminated leaving mostly the negotiators to procreate. The account is that over one million Jews died in ‘The Great Revolt’ and that more were lost in two subsequent revolts in 111AD and 132AD. The survivors were not the warriors - but the negotiators.

65 ) Chapter 12

American Jewish Progressives

Most Jews are liberal in their politics and some have been exception- al contributors to liberal causes. Although professing socialist ideals, some are un-Godly rich. Here are some examples that stand out:

Peter Lewis – just happened to chair ‘PROGRESSIVE’ Insurance Company. He was worth over a billion dollars at the time of his death in 2013. One of his preferred causes was the legalization of mari- juana. Having been busted in New Zealand for possession in 2000, it became a passion of his to legalize pot. It is reported that his con- tributions went from less than half a million dollars in 2004 to three million dollars in 2007.

Another ten million dollars went to ‘America Coming Together’ to support Democratic candidates, and two and a half million to ‘Move On.org’, a political action committee to support progressive candidates.

Up to fifteen million dollars was donated to the American Civil Liberties Union, and even though his homes were in Miami, Aspen, Cleveland and New York, he contributed to propositions in California and Washington State for the legalization of Marijuana. That was a liberal’s liberal.

) 66 American Jewish Progressives ) George Soros – had many associations with Peter Lewis and sat on some of the same boards. He also matched Lewis’ contributions to ‘America Coming Together’ and ‘Move On.org’.

Where Peter Lewis was American born, Soros was born in Hungary as Schwartz Gyorgy. Soros is infamous as the ‘Man who broke the Bank of England’ by causing a ‘short sale’ of the British pound. It brought him a one billion dollar profit but cost Britain many times that amount in losses and jeopardized British pensioners as well as others. I don’t think that many Brits consider him a ‘friend of the working man’

Upon reading Soros biographies and watching his own interview on CBS’ 60 Minutes interview in 1998, it is somewhat difficult to warm up to this guy. His treatment of his own family members in Europe who provided him the opportunity for his education, and his exciting memories of his experiences assisting Nazis with the confiscation of Jewish possessions while a teenager in Hungary would have a ten- dency to skeeve many, especially Jews. He is held in high regard by many liberals due to his financial contributions to their causes. This is a man who was willing to spend his fortune to keep George W. Bush from the Oval Office. Unfortunately for him it wasn’t enough.

If Soros acted for the betterment of America because he is simply a concerned citizen he might have even more disciples. I believe that he considers himself a citizen of the world and American politics is more of a private hobby. It appears that his true passion is to trigger crises and profit from the results. Speculation is that he contributed to the protests involving the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. It would be interesting to see this publicized to find out what his true intentions were.

If this seems like a prejudiced opinion, take some time to read some of his many biographies. He caught my attention while watching his 60 Minute interview where he discussed his association with the

67 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Nazis. He was an unknown to me prior to that. There has since, been many explanations of the ‘misrepresentation’ of his words. He said the words!

One would say that, today, he is trying to buy his way into heaven - but I believe he’s an atheist.

Herb and Marion Sandler – numerous associations with Peter Lewis and George Soros through progressive organizational boards. They created Golden West Financial Corporation and grew it into a mon- ster organization generating 19% average growth per share for thirty nine years. They sold to Wachovia for twenty four billion dollars in 2006. Not bad for a couple of hard working Jewish kids from New York.

Their generous contributions went mainly to Progressive causes like ‘The Center for American Progress’, ‘Human Rights Watch’, and the ACLU, as well as noteworthy medical projects like the American Asthma Foundation.

Saul Alinski – in my opinion, the quintessential ‘Progressive’. He wrote the book on this (literally). Never called a ‘Progressive’ because he would not accept such labels. He claimed to belong to no political parties so as not to be classified communist, democrat, or socialist. He was the ‘father’ of community organization and wrote the book ‘Rules for Radicals: a Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals’ which has established the guidelines for community organization.

His particular methods of achieving power for workers and low-in- come people are considered radical by many. ACORN, Occupy Wall Street, and the leaders of organized dissent such as was found in Ferguson, Missouri and other US cities at the end of 2014 consider his writings to be their bible.

) 68 American Jewish Progressives ) Although most of America had never heard the term ‘Community Organizer’ just a few years ago, we elected a professional ‘Community Organizer’ as President in 2008 and again in 2012.

Barack Obama – the most famous ‘Progressive’ in history! Although a little shy with the term ‘Progressive’ in the beginning, it became his mantra after his second election and no future elections to lose.

The title page of barackobama.com reads: “Organizing for Action: We’re the people who don’t just support progressive change—we’re fighting for it.” And, “The OFA (Organizing For Action) Fellowship Program is all about giving organizers at all experience levels the tools needed to go out and make a difference in their communities. Whether you’re a seasoned organizer or just getting your feet wet, this fellowship will make you better at what you do—guaranteed.” He has gone a long way to bring the ‘Progressive’s’ dreams to fruition. (refer to protocol 2 of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion – although this is probaly just a coincidence)

Although the Democratic Progressives have been Jewish driven and funded, it has a new face today. The most visible members are now people of color. The Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), for ex- ample, has an advisory board including almost all of the Democratic Congressmen of color. The Staff and Consultants, however, are very well represented by Jewish members.

Perhaps the main voice of the Progressive movement is the Huffington Post. Although more balanced, when founded (one of the founders was Andrew Breitbart), the ‘Huff Post’ has morphed into what appears to be a mouthpiece for Progressives. Much of its staff, many of its col- umnists and what seems like a majority of its responders are Jewish. The biggest surprise of the ‘Huff Post’ is that Arianna Huffington is not Jewish. She appears brilliant, driven, educated, and even has the quasi-Eva Gabor accent. I would have bet the farm on that one.

69 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Overall, the name ‘Progressive’ is brilliant. Even though the stigma of the words communist or socialist has been mellowed quite a bit, pro- gressives know that ‘Progressive’ is a much more tolerable word for Americans with a memory of the Cold War and the Red Scare. It has been decided that ‘Progressives’ would be paired with famous names like Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson to add a more ame- nable and ‘testosterone’ feel to the moniker. In fact, the Progressive movement is more of an ultra-left faction of the Democratic Party. Different from the original Progressive Party of 1912 (Bull Moose Party), the name was reconstituted in 1948 but became known as a bastion for communists and, due to pressures arising from the ‘Red Scare’, was disbanded in 1952.

The Progressive Party of 1924 also became infiltrated with socialists to the point that it never achieved public favor.

As the rest of the world is abandoning their failed attempts at commu- nism, American ‘Progressives’ seem to be attempting to grow it here.

Maybe another stab at the failed attempt to socialize America which began about a century ago.

) 70 Chapter 13

Are Jews Really Self Loathing?

To gentiles, it sometimes appears that Jews are self loathing. For example, Dianne Feinstein, Democratic Senator from California, re- cently insisted on releasing a report damning American actions after 9/11. Her claim being that American operatives had tortured captured prisoners. Despite the fact that it would cause unforetold damage to national security, the potential deaths of American military personnel, and damage to American relationships with allies, she chose to stand naked before the world and release her report. I believe that most gentiles (and maybe ALL Muslims) would have let bygones be by- gones, promised not to do it again, and felt glad that at least America retaliated for the 9/11 attack. Not Feinstein! Was it self loathing? Her claim – “the people have a right to know.”

A gentile’s question: “what about the enemy and the rest of the world who are not the ‘American People’, public information today is avail- able for the whole world to hear.

One opinion on such self loathing: it is not self loathing. Feinstein will not walk the streets of Kabul or Baghdad. She will not even drive a car in Saudi Arabia. She will not expose herself to the dangers that her righteous confessions will present. Such a liberal, Jewish woman

71 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary would be stoned to death in the enemy’s cities. Not much of a concern for Feinstein who lives in a security protected mansion far from the repercussions of her actions. Self loathing? No. Self righteous with a desire to enjoy the benefits of martyrdom without the personal risk.

Gentiles often ask why there are so many Jewish kids marching in civil rights rallies and protesting as ‘occupiers’. They desire to walk among the ‘downtrodden’, to ‘feel their pain’, and be one of the ‘people’.

Of course, they do not return home to the tenements of the ghettos as the ‘downtrodden’ do. They go home to their parent’s homes with stories of how they, “were the people”. How they guided the ‘unfor- tunates’ in their message to the establishment. The fact is: Daddy is the establishment, and when their own education is complete they too will join the establishment but will have terrific stories to tell their own kids someday; maybe to rationalize, in their own minds, their guilty conscience regarding their own comfort and wealth.

During the most recent bout between the Israelis and the Palestinians of Gaza, what most Americans did not see were the Orthodox Jews in the New York diamond district marching along side Muslim protestors to protest Israeli actions. As Palestinian rockets were being launched on Israel from Gaza, Jews in New York and Jews in Israel were protest- ing Israel’s defense actions by marching in the streets to voice their opposition.

Much of the rest of the world was protesting Israel’s retaliation but one might expect Jewish pride to at least keep fellow Jews from be- traying their own. Now this, is self loathing!

To betray one’s own during such a crisis while you actually put it all on the line – that’s the real deal. If you truly want to prove your con- victions, march on a Gaza street. Not in the safety of New York.

) 72 Are Jews Really Self Loathing? ) One popular Israeli is Miko Peled whose father was a general in the Israeli Forces during the War of 1967 and whose grandfather signed the Israeli Declaration of Independence. Peled joined Israeli Special Forces but resigned to become a pro-Palestinian activist, touring the world speaking about the evils of Israel. Miko not only has fans throughout the world but also with Jewish groups with whom he does speaking engagements throughout the world. It’s sometimes hard to believe the dissention of so many Jews against the State of Israel.

Once again, Noam Chomsky, a noted Jewish anarchist, raised his head to voice opposition to the ‘establishment’. In response to the infamous ‘Charlie Hebdo’ attack in which Muslims attacked and killed journalists in Paris for insulting Islam; Chomsky voiced his con- cerns that the West commits the same type of crimes on numerous occasions but they are ignored. Whether his claim is true or not, one questions his motivation to attack in such a way. This may very well be just another example of Jewish self loathing. Is it the need to hate oneself or the desire to appear as an ‘equalizer’ for the downtrodden? Whichever, it seems most prevalent in Jews.

Maybe it’s in all of us but Jews are more able to manifest it due to their overwhelming wealth and positioning. The poor gentile garbage man may feel the same feelings but would never have the platform to voice it. Perhaps, someday, a Jewish leader will again surface to lead the poor downtrodden. Where is Trotsky?

73 ) Chapter 14

You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees

Growing up in New York City, one is oblivious to Jews. Jews are an everyday part of life. A “You can’t see the forest for the trees”, sort of thing. Most of the landlords are Jewish. Most of the popular politi- cians are Jewish. Most of the doctors are Jewish. Most of the lawyers are Jewish. And, even your dentist was Jewish.

Most of the big name stores are Jewish: ƒƒ Gimbels – founded by Adam Gimbel (Jewish). ƒƒ Bloomingdales – founded by Joseph and Lyman Bloomingdale (Jewish). ƒƒ Saks Fifth Ave. – Founded by Andrew Saks (Jewish). ƒƒ Bergdorf Goodman – Founded by Herman Bergdorf and Edwin Goodwin (Jewish and Jewish). ƒƒ Neiman Marcus – founded by Herbert Marcus, Carrie Marcus Neiman, and A.L. Neiman (Jewish and Jewish and Jewish). ƒƒ Abraham & Straus – founded by Abraham Abraham and Nathan Straus (Jewish and Jewish). ƒƒ Macy’s – bought out by Nathan Straus. ƒƒ Alexander’s – founded by George Farkas (Jewish).

) 74 You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees ) ƒƒ John’s Bargain Store – yes, even John’s Bargain Store founded by Harry Cohen (Jewish).

This list could go on and on… Do you see the common denominator?

Many of the more famous restaurants such as Tavern on the Green are Jewish run and even some of the better Italian and Mexican res- taurants are Jewish owned. Most New York connoisseurs of food and wine, as well as most of the critics, are Jewish. The art stores, the music stores, the boutiques, overwhelmingly Jewish!

The smartest kids in school were Jewish. The families in the biggest apartments and the few private homes in Manhattan – mostly Jewish. The Jews are just a part of life –everywhere in the New York world, and not appreciated for what they are.

Watching television, one becomes oblivious to Jewish names. Most gentiles have no perception as to what a Jewish name is. O’Malley, Santiago, or Fiorelli may present a familiarity for Christians but Jewish names are everywhere and are so popular that they don’t stand out. Black is often a Jewish name as it is the English translation of Schwartz but there are also Schwartzman Schwarz and other variations. Gold is often a shortened version of Goldstein or Goldberg. Rose, Rosenblum, Rosenberg, Rosenthal, Rosenblatt, Rosenbaum, Rosenstein, or Roseman are plastered on half the attorney and jewelry store advertisements across the country. Diamond, Diamondstein, Epstein, Shapiro, Segel, Segal, Shubert, Shulman, Silver, Silverstein, Silverman, Simon, Stein, Stern, Sternberg, Sternberger, Weinberg, Weinberger, Weinstein, Weiner, and Weber are just a few more very popular names that are often Jewish.

The idealists might say that name identification should be avoided because all people are the same. I might say “BULL $#%!.” Or to be a

75 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary bit more congenial, “to ignore the significance of a name is to ignore the rich cultural history associated with it.”

Years after leaving New York, in a world devoid of real knishes, lox, or real pastrami, I became reacquainted with the magic of Judaism. Working with a Jewish sales manager, still in his twenties, in a dealer- ship for an upscale automobile line, I was introduced to the world of business through Jewish eyes.

For a young sales manager this guy was rather impressive. His boss was a redneck who made no qualms about the fact that he did not particularly care for Jews but would certainly utilize a ‘Jew’ to ensure his own promotion. He had no reservations about physically abusing this young man and took great pleasure in making his life miserable.

Knowing that a young man appreciates time off, he insured that his time off was kept to a minimum. With the store closing at nine pm, he would go home at five but call each night at nine on the dot to ensure that his sales manager was still there, regardless of whether there were customers or not.

Day after day he would punch this young man at any opportunity un- til finally; his father saw the bruises and instructed him to inform his boss that he would be sued if it continued. The environment changed considerably in that this young man’s father was a very successful business man, very well placed in the Jewish community, who had spent a lifetime dealing with such situations.

The wonder of everyday business, with a Jewish twist, in an almost exclusively gentile area made the job more interesting; as observed from a poor goy’s point of view. This young sales manager, with less than a quarter of the experience of his boss, far surpassed his boss in all aspects of the business.

) 76 You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees ) Watching the ‘Jewishness’ at work was amazing. For example, while speaking with his mom on the phone, his free hand was always on the adding machine and you could almost feel that mom’s hand was also on one. Discussions were always involving finances and he was blindingly fast on that adding machine. Even telephone numbers were recorded on the adding machine. He somehow managed to fit an adding machine into almost every conversation.

His family was actually an incorporated business and this caused him great concern when he decided to get married. She was from a very Reformed family- mostly academians. He was from a Conservative, business oriented family who still kept kosher.

Pop, a very successful accountant, knew the situation and insisted on a pre-nup to protect the family investments in the event of a parting of ways. She held out till the very day of the wedding before signing. Pop was brilliant. The marriage lasted less than a year! There were many hurt feelings in the whole transaction but Pop’s family corporation is still intact. I remember that the pressure on the son was massive as the wedding day was approaching but he trusted Pop (or, perhaps, didn’t want to be divested from the family business).

All the tension caused very little affect on his job performance. He remained one of the best sales managers I had worked with, regard- less of outside pressures.

On numerous occasions, when employees would threaten to quit due to shortages of promised pay, he would resolve the situation by pay- ing the employee without his boss’s knowledge. He was so superior to his boss in handling the books that he was able to cover any of his boss’s bad dealings and keep peace in .

One of the most valuable lessons learned was from observing him work with Jewish customers. As others rued the Jewish customers

77 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary who often seemed to take great pleasure in making each transaction miserable, he enjoyed it. As every thing was a demand and every penny was fought over, he relished in the confrontation. His retort was simply – “NO!” When a Jewish customer screamed about price, his response was unique, “You want the vehicle.” “Thank God you can afford it.” “Pay the price!” It rarely failed. When was over, you could almost imagine hearing the customer calling home saying, “he bent me over the car; I can’t believe I paid that much.” What was really said in that conversation was, “I’m successful enough to not have to worry about price.”

As young as this man was, he understood the Jewish mentality and knew how to play on its idiosyncrasies. You could ‘feel’ that it was ‘ge- netic’. In a gentile world, he was even more destined for greatness.

Regarding his boss who was so abusive to him… He managed to get himself promoted on the back of this sales manager, who, in turn, was promoted to general manager and when he became even more criti- cal to the next promotion of his boss; he realized that he was still not out from under the thumb of his nemesis and bailed out to another organization, at triple the pay, leaving no one to generate the profits that he had been mostly responsible for.

) 78 Chapter 15

Comparisons of Jews and Muslims

Jews and Muslims originated in the Mid East from similar stock. Orthodox Jews appear to have a manner somewhat similar to conser- vative Muslims. The treatment of their Holy Book and prayer appear similar; treatment of family, especially women, appears similar although Orthodox Jewish women are not abused (by Christian stan- dards) as Muslim women sometimes are. Even dress is maintained to very traditional standards in both groups.

Many Jews get rich to survive in a discriminatory world; some Muslims choose violence.

Jews feel that their intelligence is a gift from God to His Chosen People to help them succeed. Many Mid East Muslims feel that oil reserves were a blessing from Allah to ensure their success.

Another similarity is their reverence for God. Jews will not write God’s name and Muslims will kill someone who dares to draw an image of Allah or their prophet Muhammad.

Through the years the strongest of the Muslims maintained their cen- turies old standards and customs. Orthodox Jews such as the Hasidim

79 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary did the same. Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews brought Judaism into the modern world. Muslims attempting to bring Islam into the modern world often face serious repercussions including death.

Where the conservatives of both religions reject the assimilation to modernity, Jews are restrained by local laws due to their Diaspora. Muslims more often live under sharia law and can dispense their jus- tice without restriction. An interesting question would be: given the opportunity, would Orthodox Jews dispense justice as per the Old Testament?

An interesting difference between Jews and Muslims is that Jews do not seek to convert non-Jews. Muslims not only attempt to convert non-believers, but place penalties, including death, on them.

Jews come in a variety of flavors, from Ethiopian Jews to Chinese Jews and everything in between. But, they come in relatively small num- bers. Jews did not conquer their way through the world. They were more often evicted from a region or migrated in search of prosperity.

Muslims come in an even larger variety and in HUGE numbers. From the small number of original Muslims in Arabia, most of the Mid East was conquered and converted. Mongolians eventually spread Islam throughout the known world till today it comprises a large portion of the world from Africa to the Philippines. Indonesia alone has almost two hundred million Muslims. Many non-Muslims, picture Muslims to be Arabs. This is very far from the truth today.

Ashkenazi Jews are perhaps the least like Muslims. Ashkenazim are often agnostic or even atheist while still Jewish. They sometimes seem as far removed from as they are from Muslims. Throughout the world, with all the varieties of Muslims, it is hard to believe that there is a sect of Muslims that is as far removed from Islam as some Ashkenazim are from Orthodox Judaism.

) 80 Comparisons of Jews and Muslims ) On the subject of comparing Muslims and Jews… Quite a few years ago I visited a number of universities in the New York – area as a recruiter. It entailed quite a bit of hanging around the campus awaiting appointments. The universities, which had always had a large number of Jewish students, were getting an increas- ing Muslim population. Many were Mid-Eastern students from rich families or engineering students on grants from their own countries and even grants from the universities.

One of my favorite time killers was to strike up a conversation with one of these students; many of which were Palestinian. I would usually begin with a chat about Israeli-Palestinian relations. First response was always positive; professing the desire for peaceful coexistence. My next move was to expound on the brotherhood between the two groups. How both had similar roots and were almost the same people. Normally, I could see the jaw clenching by then.

For a while, the conversation would become one sided as the young man would strain to withhold his true feelings. The next move was to compliment the Israelis on recovering such a dire piece of land to turn it into such a prosperous country. And, “aren’t you proud to be related to such an industrious people?” By this time I could al- most read his mind; thinking that he should study his physics even harder if he is ever going to learn how to build bombs.

It didn’t take too much work to get the true feelings to manifest. After just a few more barbs I normally got the lecture about the terrible Jews who dispossessed the poor Palestinians causing ap- palling strife and how all Jews should be removed from Israel.

I always eased off before they hit the point of seeking seventy three virgins.

81 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary I was normally certain of the true feelings of many of these students, regardless of what they professed in order to obtain .

I am sure that most Jewish students did not harbor similar feelings toward their Muslim brothers. That, is the difference!

Here’s an old joke from that era: On board an airline, two Palestinian passengers confront an elderly Jewish rabbi.

One Palestinian strikes a conversation with the Jew regarding the ter- rible condition of the Palestinian State.

Unable to rile the Jew, he insists that the rabbi show his friendship by walking to the galley to bring a coke to the Palestinian.

While gone, the Palestinian defecates in one of left be- hind by the Jew. With the rabbi unfazed upon his return, the second Palestinian also requests a drink from the rabbi and proceeds to def- ecate in his other shoe.

Again unfazed, the Palestinians try harder to irritate the rabbi and ask his opinion on the Palestinian question to which he replies, “Oy Vey!” “What a terrible condition in the world today with Palestinians crap- ping in Jewish shoes and Jews peeing in Palestinian drinks…”

) 82 Chapter 16


There are a number of dichotomies regarding Jews that are tough to understand.

First: Jews lead the way in the protection of the downtrodden; seek- ing equality for all.

The civil rights movement was made possible largely with the as- sistance of Jews. Jewish activists, civil rights attorneys, Saul Alinsky (the king of community organizers), and proportionately, the highest percentage of defense attorneys in the country. The leaders of the ‘open border’ movement, the Jews who marched in the streets of New York City alongside Palestinians protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza, and the overwhelming majority of Jews who voted for Obama twice.

‘The New Colossus’ (“... give me your tired, your poor, your hud- dled masses yearning to breathe free...” on the plaque of of Liberty) was written by Emma Lazarus, a Sephardic Jew.

The dichotomies: 1. Aliyah (exclusive Jewish immigration to Israel). The Zionist goal

83 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary is for a Jewish homeland, founded by Jews, inhabited by Jews including Jews of the diaspora and governed by Jews.

2. In 1977 Israeli officials approved Ethiopian Jews as eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return (aliyah). Over one hundred thousand immigrated to Israel. But, as in so many other countries, these Black citizens face prejudice and discrimination from many non-Blacks.

3. A number of years ago, in Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in NYC, I made a friend who had traveled from Jerusalem with his infant daughter. She suffered a heart defect. Each time he left the bedside he asked me to watch for a group of Jewish women who roamed the hospitals annotating the names of sick Jewish children. When they approached, I was to change the name tag on the baby’s bed. These women compiled lists of children with genetic disorders. These children would carry the stigma of the illness to affect their eligibility for future marriages.

4. My favorite - the over representation of Jewish officers in the American Kennel Club. Pedigree matters with pets???? At the ground level... bringing a gentile home does not make for great dinner conversation in many Jewish homes.

Second: Jews are the richest people on earth. From the Rothschilds, to Wall Street, to Russia, wealth is decidedly controlled by Jews more than any single grouping of people.

The dichotomy: Twenty percent of the Jews in New York live in poverty. One of the highest poverty rates in America is in Kiryas Joel in New York State where nearly 40% of the town of Hasidic Jews are on food stamps.

) 84 Dichotomy ) With one of the highest birth rates in America and most women not working outside the home, much of the community has elected to live with the aid of government assistance while maintaining an orthodox lifestyle. Strict adherence to religious leadership has provided for a solid voting block to control elections ensuring specialized schools, public transportation and facilities.

The Williamsburg section of Brooklyn has tens of thousands of Hasidic Jews and, similar to Kiryas Joel, many are on public assistance. With strict loyalty to their rabbi, they also form a strong voting block pro- viding much power in city politics.

Third: Some of the most God fearing people on earth, the Orthodox Jews devote their entire lives to serving God. Many live in poverty because their lives are spent in the study of the written word. Every factor of their lives is completely dedicated to religious tradition. They believe that the earth is less than six thousand years old, despite what science says, because the Torah says so. Centuries old traditions are strictly followed from dress, to the subservience of women.

The dichotomy: Huge numbers of the most famous Jews have been atheists. Here is a small sample: ƒƒ Golda Meir ƒƒ Karl Marx ƒƒ Einstein ƒƒ Carl Sagan ƒƒ Baruch Spinoza ƒƒ Saul Alinski ƒƒ Emma Goldman

85 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary ƒƒ Abbie Hoffman ƒƒ George Soros ƒƒ Mark Zuckerberg ƒƒ Milton Friedman ƒƒ Sigmund Freud ƒƒ Ayn Rand ƒƒ J Robert Oppenheimer ƒƒ Leo Szilard ƒƒ Eugene Wigner ƒƒ Edward Teller

Although Jewish, they have rejected the religious aspect of Judaism.

A large percentage of the European and American communist devo- tees have been Jews. With communism and religion being mutually exclusive it is confusing to the Christian mind how communism could pose so strong an attraction to such an ancient and noble religion.

Fourth: Some of the biggest proponents of the separation of church and state are Jewish. Jews are well represented in the American Civil Liberties Union which is constantly demanding the removal of reli- gion from all government agendas.

Jews in America had traditionally been tolerant of religious repre- sentation in the public as long as their rights were equally respected (New York has always acknowledged Jewish Holidays as well as Christian ones).

) 86 Dichotomy ) Today the majority of Jews are separationists. The majority of those are Reformed Jews.

In the Orthodox sections of the New York area, Jews are more tra- ditional and freely exhibit their religious symbols. Very contrary to the Jewish complaintants and attorneys who appear, on a regular ba- sis, on TV and radio shows to petition for the removal of symbols of Christmas, prayer in public schools, or crosses from buildings and state and city flags.

The dichotomy: Israel has no separation of church and state. Judaism is the law of the land and is represented in the Knesset (legislative branch of government). Jewish law is derived directly from the Torah and is believed to have been handed from God to Moses. From im- migration law to marriage, all aspects of Israeli law are based on religion.

Fifth: Jews are, and have been for most of recorded history, the mas- ters of capitalism. From the days of Christ throwing the Jewish money lenders from the temple, to their absolute dominance of Wall Street today, Jews have thrived under capitalism and capitalism has thrived under Jews. When Russia finally dissolved their failed communist system it was Jewish control that made the transition possible and Russia’s very richest, today, are overwhelmingly Jewish.

The dichotomy: No one has hated capitalism more than Jews. From Karl Marx to Saul Alinsky, the leaders of the anti-capitalist movement have been predominantly Jewish.

The leaders of the Russian socialist movement from the 19th century through the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 were over-represented by Jews.

87 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Many of the Ashkenazi Jews, forced to leave Russia and Eastern Europe, immigrated to America and championed the anti-capitalist movements here. Elsewhere in this book you will find numerous examples.

Sixth: Jews are undoubtedly the most philanthropic people on earth. Throughout America hospitals, museums, universities and even pub- lic broadcasting are funded by the generosity of Jewish supporters.

Hospitals with names like Mount Sinai, Maimonides, Cedars-Sinai, or Barnes-Jewish give an indication of the contributions of Jews to health care but many more hospitals have Jewish supporters who have provided additional clinics, wards and pavilions to further cater to the needs of the public.

Famous museums such as the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York would not exist without Jewish sponsorship. Universities throughout the US enjoy billions of dollars of Jewish support. Top rated schools such as NYU, Harvard, George Washington University, and Columbia University have student bodies over twenty five per- cent Jewish and this alumnus provides massive endowments to their alma maters.

Watching the Public Broadcasting donation credits at the end of each show it is obvious that there would be no PBS without Jewish supporters.

The dichotomy: Even though over thirty percent of the richest Americans are Jewish {2%} and their philanthropy is famous, Jews have a reputation as being ‘cheap’ and unscrupulous in business. The verb ‘to Jew’ is understood to mean: to be cheated, in the urban ver- nacular. This is not new. Throughout history, Jews have been accused

) 88 Dichotomy ) of ‘un-Christian like’ behavior in money matters. From Jesus throwing the Jewish money handlers from the temple to Shylock exacting his pound of flesh, Jews have carried the stigma of being devious when money is involved.

Seventh: Here’s a quick one. No group is more fervently anti-gun, in the US than Jews. In congress, virtually the only Jew to support gun rights was Cantor from Virginia, who just so happened to be the only Jewish Republican congressman. He’s now gone.

The dichotomy: Israeli citizens openly carry firearms, for protection, on a daily basis.

Eighth: Many Jews remain loyal to their principles so much so, that they choose to not purchase Mercedes Benz vehicles because of their affiliation with the German war effort in World War II. Other Jews have given their lives to stand by their convictions during persecu- tions throughout Europe and the Mid-East for centuries.

The dichotomy: Al Jazeera America, the news organization originat- ing from the area of the world that is the most anti-Semitic, is growing in popularity with the assistance of Jewish entertainers and experts like Suze Orman, a Jewish lesbian who would be put to death upon setting foot in many of the countries served by Al Jazeera. David Shuster, a Jewish television journalist, adds his skills to assist in Al Jazeera’s success. This should be raising questions to the loyalists in the Jewish community.

89 ) Chapter 17

Do Jews Really Finance Wars?

It is sometimes said that wars are often fought to make Jews rich. Some anti-Semites claim that Jews instigate and then fund wars but rarely fight in them.

Wars do require funding and many of the richest institutions with the ability to make large loans happen to be Jewish run. Participants often must procure funding. Therefore, Jews do finance wars – and have for centuries. Instigate wars?? Not sure on that one. There may have been occasions where circumstances may have presented that appearance, but wars are too easily started without the need for Jewish instigation. There should be plenty of wars to fund without the need to instigate one.

Jews are not normally known as ‘warriors’. Outside of some heroics involving Israel since 1948, modern Jews are too busy to become warriors. There is a funny term regarding Jews in the US military since World War II. The Coast Guard is often called the ‘Jewish Navy’, in that Jews could serve while virtually eliminating their exposure to battle. Whether this is true or not, the ‘Coasties’ are normally consid- ered the brightest of the military.

) 90 Do Jews Really Finance Wars? ) Below are some examples of Jewish involvement in various wars through history. You decide if Jews really do finance wars.

Crusades During the Crusades, which began in 1096, participants were ini- tially required to outfit themselves for the long march to free the Holy Land. After the failures of the First Crusade it became apparent that twenty thousand peasants and lesser nobles were not going to accomplish the task. Especially, trying to fund their own efforts.

In subsequent Crusades the need for proper funding became obvi- ous. The financial success of Jewish traders in the Mediterranean and Jewish money lending throughout Europe made Jews a major source of funding the Crusaders.

Many nobles and kings borrowed money from wealthy Jews while others, as in England, taxed Jews at high rates to support the Holy Cause. In 1188 the ‘Saladin Tithe’ was enacted to tax citizens at a rate of ten percent to fund the Third Crusade. Although the Jewish population in England was minute, the taxes collected were: ten thousand pounds from the few hundred Jews of England and sev- enty thousand pounds from all of Christian England. Jewish wealth in England was huge due to their trading expertise and their ability to lend money for interest while it was forbidden for Christians to do so.

Medieval Spain In eleventh century Spain the greatest warrior was known as ‘El Cid’. Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar was a Castilian nobleman who became the national hero of Spain due to his numerous military victories

91 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary and he became a legend so popular that Charlton Heston played him in the Hollywood movie “El Cid”.

What is not commonly known is that in Poema de Mio Cid, a poem written near the end of the twelfth century chronicling the life of El Cid, there is a story of El Cid having to approach Jewish money lend- ers Raquel and Vidas to fund an expedition. His intent was to deceive them, upon repayment, with chests of sand which were presented as chests of gold. The tone of the story reflects an anti-Semitic attitude which may have been present in medieval Spain. To the people of Spain, even back then, Jews were popularly accepted as money lend- ers. To fund a war - apply for Jewish financial backing!

Revolutionary War During the American Revolutionary War funding for the Continentals was always at critical levels but one man who made a world of dif- ference was Haym Salomon. Haym was a Polish Jew who emigrated to New York and became a very successful merchant and dealer in foreign securities. Becoming a devout patriot, he contributed greatly to the financing of the Continental Army and was a personal friend of George Washington being Washington’s ‘go to’ man in dire financial times. Haym was credited for raising the funding necessary for the final victory at Yorktown.

He also personally supported members of the Continental Congress, including James Madison, when their fortunes were compromised.

Although statues have been erected in his honor and in 1975 a com- memorative postage stamp was issued honoring him as a Revolutionary War hero, Haym died in poverty due to the non-repayment of debts owed to him by his adopted country.

) 92 Do Jews Really Finance Wars? ) Civil War During the American Civil War both the North and the South received substantial funding from European Jewish money lenders.

In 1863 the Confederacy entered into a business arrangement with Emile Erlanger a Jewish banker headquartered in France. Erlanger agreed to market $15,000,000 in Confederate bonds.

The bonds were backed by southern cotton and it was ‘insinuated’ that the bonds would be cashable regardless of the outcome of the war. The bonds were purchased by Erlanger at seventy seven cents per one dollar face value and resold throughout Europe at ninety cents per dollar face value - plus a commission.

This money allowed the purchase of ships and weapons from European suppliers extending the war for an additional two years. Although many European investors grew concerned with the decline of the Confederate war effort, Erlanger managed to float the bonds to guarantee massive profits for his bank.

In the North a key financial player was named August Belmont who had represented Rothschild’s interests during the Panic of 1837. As the US suffered a recession Belmont was able to salvage the Rothschild business interest. This success made him popular with Rothschild but also in American politics earning him chairmanship to the Democratic National Committee. He was also able to use his influence to curtail some of the European support for the Confederacy during the war while securing capital for the North.

Another Jewish hero for the North was Joseph Seligman. The Seligman family emigrated from Germany and excelled in the trading of dry goods, eventually supplying uniform items for Union soldiers. His success was so great that he was able to provide substantial financing

93 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary for the North and use his influence in the disposal of millions of dol- lars of Union war bonds. Some claims suggest up to $200,000,000.

Both the South and the North made use of loans from Jewish con- trolled banks in Europe to support their war efforts. Thus, the claims of Jewish instigation and profiteering from the American Civil War.

Russo-Japanese War Jacob Schiff, whose father was a broker for the Rothschilds, had im- migrated to the US after the Civil War to become one of the most financially powerful Jews in America. Possibly out of concern about Russia’s persecution of Jews, Schiff arranged for the funding of Japan in their war with Russia in 1904. Thanks to over twenty million dol- lars in loans for their war effort, Japan was able to defeat Russia denying Russia of a warm water port and suffering the first defeat of a European power in the age of modern warfare.

World War I As the US entered World War I President Wilson placed much of the decision making power in the hands of previous campaign backers who happened to be Jewish and who were also deeply entrenched with Jewish bankers in Germany.

Paul Warburg was a very powerful German banker who married the daughter of Solomon Loeb, the founder of Kuhn, Loeb & Co, one of the most influential investment firms in America. In 1914 he was the chief architect of, and appointed Governor of, the Federal Reserve and remained governor through the US entry into the war. His brother Max was married to the daughter of Jacob Schiff who was known as the most powerful Jew in America. His family also controlled much of

) 94 Do Jews Really Finance Wars? ) the banking and investment concerns in Germany with Max working as an advisor to Kaiser Wilhelm II prior to World War I and eventually serving on the board of the German Reichsbank.

Eugene Meyer was appointed Head of the War Finance Corporation, controlling the loan programs which financed the war and was spe- cial advisor to the War Industries Board.

Bernard Baruch served on the Advisory Committee to the Council of National Defense and became Chairman of the War Industries Board. As Chairman of the War Industries Board he coordinated the pur- chase of war supplies for World War I.

This arrangement caused some concern in that the money, control of the loans, and the procurement of the supplies were in the hands of Jewish bankers. And, in the case of Warburg, someone whose family’s interests also influenced the enemy.

Jacob Schiff had married a daughter of Solomon Loeb and had be- come head of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. With two of his brothers well placed in German banking, Kuhn, Loeb & Co partners provided for Rothschild interests on both sides of the war. So… Do Jews finance wars?

95 ) Chapter 18

Give Up Your Jews - Give Up Your Dominance

Throughout history civilizations have discovered the benefits of hav- ing Jews in their population. With extraordinary abilities in economics and management, many nations have thrived due to Jewish influence. For centuries, governments have used Jews to control finances, all areas of financing, from tax collecting to controlling wealth, both lo- cally and nationally.

Oftentimes leaders would need to finance projects such as roads or bridges and would need to borrow capital from Jews who had accu- mulated great wealth through clever financial management.

Historically, Christians were forbidden to lend money to other Christians for interest. Usury was outlawed by Charlemagne in 806 and by 1311 Pope Clement V made the ban on usury absolute. Due to these questionable business decisions made by these brilliant(?) leaders, Jews were left with the opportunity to fill the need. Being non-Christian, they were permitted to make loans for profit.

After vast accumulation of wealth by being able to take advantage of the short sightedness of Christian (and Muslim) leadership, Jews became extremely important to governments and economies. It was

) 96 Give Up Your Jews - Give Up Your Dominance ) almost impossible to finance a new castle, a war, or even a crusade without becoming indebted to a Jewish money lender. Having the only game in town placed Jews in a unique position. Being per- ceived as a separate entity, without a country of their own, unique in language, dress, and culture; but, a necessary evil who, even the greatest leaders were indebted to, an alienation fostered between Christians and Jews. It was further compounded by the fact that Jews were exceptional finance handlers and promoted this proficiency through the generations. This extraordinary wealth provided op- portunities for advanced education for the sons of rich Jews. Being multi-lingual, minimally loyal to any particular government, and having a vast network of fellow Jews throughout the known world, these offspring of wealthy families were able to travel for premium educations and share their acquired knowledge with fellow Jews within their network. This helped to exponentially increase Jewish wealth and also provide the world with brilliance in the arts and sciences.

The metamorphoses went from ‘Jewish money lenders’ to, eventu- ally, Jewish bankers; morphing into families like the Rothschilds, Montefiores, Gildsmids, and Schiffs who controlled massive amounts of the world’s money and could influence world history with their financial power.

The huge increase of Jewish wealth obviously generated jealousy and detestation among non-Jews. Powerful leaders became behold- ing to Jewish money lenders and often thrust rank and privilege on some Jews either as payment for debts owed or in appreciation for their guidance and managerial skills. And, just as had occurred since the time of Moses and the pharaoh, jealous non-Jews took issue with these Jews. The story has been repeated for over two thousand years. Brilliant Jews obtain power and privilege and envious gentiles retaliate.

97 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Some cases in point:

Jewish money lenders were brought to England from Normandy by William the Conqueror around 1070 to utilize their skills to make England more prosperous. In the 1100’s, a Jewish money lender named Aaron of Lincoln became one of the richest men in England. Aaron specialized in the lending of money for the build- ing of abbeys, cathedrals and monasteries. Noblemen, including King Henry II, borrowed huge amounts of money from Aaron. With usury forbidden for Christians the Jews became rich and powerful and Aaron became the richest and gained favor with Henry II. His wealth was said to exceed even that of the king. Jewish wealth was so large that the exchequer (tax office) established a separate divi- sion just for Aaron’s wealth. Upon his death, the king acquired all of Aaron’s debtors but, being Christian, was forbidden to collect the accumulated interest, undoubtedly providing relief to the noble obligors.

Jewish finances were used to fund projects from the Crusades to Strongbow’s conquest of Ireland and control of these Jews provided certain advantages to the king.

Jews were assigned solely to the king and this offered him additional benefits such as beneficiary rights to the monies owed to them and complete control over the taxation of Jews.

As Jewish prominence increased and Christian debt to them also increased, animosity, again, raised its head as it had so often since Biblical times.

In 1190, over one hundred Jews were massacred in the city of York. As anti-Jewish sentiments were rising throughout England the fear- ful Jews of York sought refuge in the royal castle. Instigated by area nobles, possibly in an effort to free themselves from Jewish debt,

) 98 Give Up Your Jews - Give Up Your Dominance ) the local population burned the structure killing the Jewish families inside.

Anti-Jewish sentiments increased until 1275 when King Edward I is- sued the ‘Statute of Jewry’.

Upon his return from the Crusades Edward I discovered that many of his subjects were dispossessed from their land and were destitute. He attributed this to Jewish money lenders who had provided mortgages for their lands and repossessed the properties. His ‘Statute of Jewry’ outlawed usury by the Jews and gave them fifteen years to readjust from their trade of money lending. He also absolved certain debts which were owed to Jews. Jews were also required to wear yellow badges identifying themselves as Jews.

It was discovered that Jews had continued to secretly lend money and in 1290 King Edward I issued the ‘Edict of Expulsion’ and expelled all Jews from England.

By 1655 Amsterdam was becoming the seat of commercial pow- er in Europe, partly because of their population of Jewish traders and business men who sought refuge in Amsterdam after being ex- pelled from other areas of Europe. Oliver Cromwell believed that to compete with the Dutch, England would need to invite Jews from Amsterdam into England to court their commercial skills, their com- mercial contacts with Spanish trade with the New World, and their fortunes. After three hundred and fifty years, Jews were welcomed back to England. Coincidently, England became the next world power.

Although Jews had been present in Spain since the times of Solomon there was a Golden Age for the Jews of Spain after the Moorish con- quest in the eight century. After enduring centuries of persecution in Spain the Moorish Muslims offered Jews opportunities to flourish. It

99 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary is speculated that Jews may have actually assisted the Moors in their conquest of Spain.

As had happened so many times in history, the councilor to the leader was Jewish. The Caliph, Abd ar-Rahman III, had a Jewish court phy- sician named Hasdai ibn Shaprut who assumed control of customs and trade. And, as had happened so many times in history, Jewish management ‘kicked butt’. Spain became the mecca for attracting Jewish scholars and Jewish commerce. Culture, education and pros- perity flourished although credit is often given to Islam rather than to the Jews.

Throughout the numerous conquerings of Spain for the next half a millennium, in spite of numerous persecutions, the Jews of Spain (Sephardic) held strong while Spain became a world power. While per- secuted in Christian Spain, which was controlled by Ferdinand and Isabella at the end of the fifteenth century, Jews had thrived in Granada alongside Muslims. Ferdinand and Isabella had required that Jews con- vert to Christianity or leave Spain. After conquering Granada in 1490, the Jews, who had thrived in Granada, were now under Spanish con- trol and came under the same persecution as in the rest of Spain.

Many Jews agreed to convert to Christianity to remain in Spain but many emigrated and many were tortured and killed in the Spanish Inquisition. Many of the converts, known as marranos, were accused by the Inquisition of secretly practicing Judaism and were also killed. The purpose of the Spanish Inquisition was to rid Spain of all Jews.

In 1492 Spain had discovered the New World and was positioned to dominate the world with its unlimited riches. Speculation is that without Jewish management of those riches and Jewish control of trade, Spain bungled the opportunity and entered a downward spiral which continued until even the vast riches of the New World couldn’t maintain Spain’s position as a world power.

) 100 Give Up Your Jews - Give Up Your Dominance ) Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century approached two ma- jor revolutions. In 1905 a revolution began to attempt to overthrow the Tsar Nicolas II. Strikes and assassinations occurred throughout Russia but the revolutionaries were eventually defeated. Concessions were made though and a constitutional monarchy was formed.

In 1917 the ‘Bolshevik Revolution’ succeeded where the ‘1905 Revolution’ left off. One common denominator of the two was the Jewish influence. Many of the leaders and much of the brains behind these revolutions were Jewish, often Jewish atheists, but still Jewish. The overthrow of Russia was only possible with the work of Jews such as Leon Trotsky. Jews provided the planning, the networking, and the access to financing. Jews were the founders and the zealots of the communist movement devised by Karl Marx - also Jewish.

Not long after the Bolshevik Revolution the Jews were once again persecuted and massive numbers were killed, including most of the Jewish leaders, at the orders of Joseph Stalin. The early zealots of the movement became the victims of the heirs of the revolution and those that weren’t killed fled to the US or were exiled to settlements throughout the Soviet Union.

AGAIN, as so often happens in history, the Jews are removed from in- fluence and the country suffers. For seventy years Russia was a mess. The populous never prospered from the revolution and the USSR ex- isted in poverty with little else to show but a massive war machine (which was made possible through the use of Jewish spies, scientists, and engineers). Of the Jews that fled Russia from the end of the nine- teenth century through the beginning of the twentieth century, almost two million immigrated to the US, building wealth greater than any other group in America. From Hollywood to Wall Street, Russian Jews brought their potential for success to America rather than Russia who had stifled them.

101 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary In 1987, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Boris Yeltzin moved to privatize the communist economy. In 1992, free vouchers were dis- tributed to all Russian citizens to purchase shares of state enterprises and initiate mass privatization. Most of these vouchers were bought up for cash by a group of intermediaries who were able to take con- trol of much of Russia’s economy. These buyers of vouchers became billionaire tycoons in telecommunications, energy, finance, industry, and the media. They were mostly Jewish and became known as ‘oli- garchs’. Some of the names were Boris Berezovsky (auto industry, aviation, oil industry, banking, and media. died in exile in London), Mikhail Khodorkovsky (banking and oil), Victor Vekselberg (alumi- num and oil), Mikhail Fridman (banking, oil and gas), and, a little later, Roman Abramovich (aluminum, steel, and oil). Abramovich, although Jewish, like the rest listed here, and also imprisoned for questionable activities, is possibly the only one not to have been on Putin’s hit list. Unlike the others, he appears to have fostered an ex- cellent rapport with Putin since the 1990’s.

A question of interest is: if the USSR was a communist economy with evenly shared wealth (poverty), how did these ‘soon to be oligarchs’ procure the billions of rubles to buy up the vouchers?

To stay on subject... , 44th President of the United States, was brought to power by Jewish backers and staffed his admin- istration disproportionately with Jews who guided him to a position of extreme popularity. After re-election and a reduction in the number of Jewish staff, his popularity plummeted to the lowest Presidential approval rating since Jimmy Carter. Probably just a coincidence! Additional note: when the ebola scare threatened to expose the mis- takes of the administration’s response, Obama’s Ebola Czar pick just happened to be Jewish. Not a Jewish doctor or scientist, but a Jewish attorney! The scare subsided.

) 102 Chapter 19

Hillary and the Jewish Vote

This is just speculation but... Hillary will get the Jewish vote. When she ran for the Senate seat from New York there was a slim chance for the support of New York Jews. Her support always appeared to be for Palestinians rather than Israel. There was no way any self respecting, knowledgeable Jewish voter would have supported Hillary, and in New York, there was no chance without Jewish support.

THEN ALONG CAME BILL! Maybe still speculation but... it seems like Bill made a trip upstate to parley with the Orthodox Jewish leadership and voila!, Hillary was the new Senator from New York. Wouldn’t you have loved to have been a fly on the wall during those conversations? I often wondered what promises were made that pulled that one off.

Hillary seems to do great with Jewish women. During TV discussions there is usually a mesmerized look on their faces when Hillary’s name is mentioned. It’s a glow of adoration. Young Jewish men sometimes have it too but not so much for older Jewish men. Mind you, this is simply my observation.

The 2008 democratic presidential primaries, pitting Hillary against Obama, must have been a nightmare for Jewish voters. Female

103 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary infatuation with Hillary, claims of Obama being a Muslim, but still, the possibility of electing the first of the downtrodden. Of course the question was: who is more downtrodden - a White female or a Black male?

With a virtual mandate that all Jews must vote Democratic, it was an interesting time to be a Jewish voter.

During my lifetime the Jewish vote in presidential elections has al- ways been two to one or three to one, up to nine to one, in favor of Democratic candidates. The exceptions being Reagan in 1980 where it was within six points and Eisenhower in 1956 at twenty points. Jewish support did go with Carter and Stevenson in those but not at the landslide rate that it normally does.

The 2016 election will undoubtedly follow with overwhelming Jewish voting for Hillary if she chooses to run.

Some points of confusion are: 1. While under Hillary’s senatorial rep- resentation, New York State continued its fall to the abyss of the ‘rust belt. And 2. While Secretary of State, Israel witnessed Hillary’s (as well as Obama’s) distain for them over and over again. It appeared that Netanyahu had as hard a battle with American leadership as Palestinian leadership. This will absolutely make no difference to the majority of Jewish voters though.

Contrary to promises made through the years, the US Embassy in Israel is still in Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem. This proves to the rest of the world that the US is not a believer that Jerusalem is the true capital of Israel. Never the less, most Jews will continue to vote Democrat, regardless of who the candidates are.

As an example of Hillary’s absolute control of American Jewish voters (or vice versa): on 10/20/14 Jeffrey Katzenberg presented a fundraiser

) 104 Hillary and the Jewish Vote ) for the presidential candidate hopeful raising $2.1 million. Jewish at- tendee/donors/sponsors included: Barbara Boxer, Michael Rapino, Andy Spahn, Michael Bennett, Steven Spielberg, and Alan Horn.

With Bill’s moderate sprinkling of Jewish staff (as opposed to Obama’s), a Hillary run for the Oval Office might require something spectacular to actualize a dynasty. How about a Jewish grandchild!!!

105 ) Chapter 20

Imagine a Day of Television Without Jews

Imagine a day of television without Jews. It would be empty, just a blank screen. Maybe ‘Al Jazeera in America’. Certainly not much else.

No news shows because if the anchors and reporters aren’t Jewish, then most of the ‘experts’ are. No Dr. Nancy Snyderman, no Charles Krauthammer, no Barbara Walters or Andrea Mitchell.

Pretty boring ‘Today Show’ with Al Roker filling in all the blank spots.

Sunday morning shows might be down to Stephanopoulos running solo.

Read the credits and remove the Jewish names; there would very little left. ƒƒ CNN - off the air ƒƒ NBC, MSNBC, CNBC - off the air. ƒƒ CBS - off the air. ƒƒ ABC - off the air.

) 106 Imagine a Day of Television Without Jews ) ƒƒ Fox News - struggling to interview Republican politicians and victims of the ‘War on Christmas’. They wouldn’t even have Geraldo. ƒƒ Oprah may stand a chance. Only because the competition would be gone and maybe she could return to real television. Guests would be a bit more limited though because she does like to interview authors. ƒƒ TMZ - gone. ƒƒ ESPN - who would do the interviews, make the predictions, or provide the expertise on doping or injuries?

Who would even turn on TV for financial advice sans Jim Cramer, Suze Orman, or even Clark Howard?

Even if a show managed to get on the air, there would be very few op- portunities for guests because even the Christian guests have Jewish managers and agents. ƒƒ Food Network - Great chefs are as likely to become famous, without Jewish guidance, as basketball players. There wouldn’t even be a ‘Food Network’ without Reese Schonfeld. ƒƒ MTV - Let’s be real; even the Beatles needed Brian Epstein to achieve success. Who would have ever heard of Ice-T if not for Seymour Stein and Richard Gottehrer founding Sire Records? ƒƒ Disney Channel - After the concept of a Disney TV channel being continuously turned down by the gentiles, it took Alan Wagner to bring this channel to fruition. And, despite the alle- gations of Walt Disney being anti-Semitic, the executive staff at the Disney Channel is well represented by Jewish execs today.

Virtually every news show utilizes ‘experts’ to add credibility, verify

107 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary facts, explain the subject, or offer opinions on events. From medical subjects, to Hollywood, to crime, and war; the ‘experts’ that appear on your TV are overwhelmingly Jewish.

Regarding medical, it seems obvious, aren’t most prominent doctors Jewish?

Hollywood? Aren’t most critics, directors, producers, and writers Jewish?

Crime? A few Christian ex-cops get face time on the screen but law- yers and judges... Jewish and Jewish.

War? The only Jewish combat officer I know of, Jack Jacobs, gets the big slot on NBC. And, Jewish war correspondents? Richard Engel and Thomas Friedman!

Seymour Hersh received a Pulitzer for his coverage of the Mi Lai mas- sacre in 1970 and covered everything from KAL 007, to Abu Ghraib, to Osama Bin Laden’s death.

The exercise ‘experts’ the family ‘experts’, the vacation ‘experts’, the diet ‘experts’, the bullying ‘experts’. Jewish, Jewish, Jewish, Jewish, and Jewish. Goyim rarely become ‘experts’ for television purposes.

Sometimes I watch the credits from ‘60 Minutes’ and realize that there would be time for four segments instead of three if they simply sped up the credits by removing the Jewish names. The eleven, or so, Christian names could be displayed in four or five seconds.

Watch ‘Meet the Press’ and look for the stray Gentile. Thank God for John McCain and the obligatory ‘Black’ guests. If not for them, the show could broadcast in Hebrew.

) 108 Imagine a Day of Television Without Jews ) From David Gregory to Chuck Todd let’s look at the regulars: Ruth Marcus, Andrea Mitchell, Thomas Friedman, David Axelrod, Richard Engel, David Brooks, ...

109 ) Chapter 21

Irish Jews

Although Jews are rather few and far between in Ireland, they have had quite an impact. The first record of Jewish presence in Ireland was way back in 1079 when a small emissary visited the king of Munster from Normandy. The next recording did not occur till 1170 when Strongbow ignored Henry II’s order and in- vaded Ireland from England, funded by a Jewish moneylender. In 1232 the Treasurer and Chancellor of the Irish Exchequer (treasurer of Ireland sent from the English king Henry III) appears to have been placed in charge of Jewish affairs in Ireland. Probably to ensure that the maximum taxes were collected from Irish Jews and that Jews were not purchasing land.

When the Jews were expelled from Portugal in the late 15th century some made it to Ireland and settled in and near Cork on the southern coast. One, named William Annyas was elected mayor of Youghal, Cork in 1555. Jews lived in Ireland more peacefully than virtually any other nation in Europe.

During the Irish Famine in 1845-1852, some of the greatest relief contributions came from Jews including the Rothschild fam- ily. Jews in Ireland were mostly businessmen and professionals

) 110 Irish Jews ) and so were not as affected by the famine as Irish farmers were. In 1876 Lewis Wormser Harris was the first Jew to be elected as Lord Mayor of Dublin. He died, however, before attaining office. The Jewish population in Ireland remained in the hundreds until the 20th century when it maxed out at about five thousand five hun- dred as Jews sought to escape the persecution in Europe. It declined again, after 1948 and the establishment of Israel, to just under two thousand.

During the Irish War of Independence in the early 20th century Michael Noyk became famous as a solicitor defending Irish Republican pris- oners. Also, during the War of Independence, Bob Briscoe became a prominent member of the Irish Republican Army and Sinn Fein and handled the procurement of weapons from Europe. He also accom- panied Eamon de Valera to America to solicit funding for the war.

The woman known as the most important Jewish woman in Irish history was Ellen Cuffe, Countess of Desart, nee Bischoffsheim (9/1/1857-6/29/1933). She was active in the Gaelic Revival of the time and supported the revival of the Irish language by reminding the Irish that Hebrew was also a revived language which reunited the scattered Jews of the world. She was also the first Jew to serve in the Irish Senate.

Some of the most prominent Jews of Ireland were: ƒƒ Justice Henry Barron, Irish Supreme Court judge 1997-2003 ƒƒ Daniel Day-Lewis, actor ƒƒ Gerald Goldberg, Lord Mayor of Cork in 1977 ƒƒ Chaim Herzog, sixth President of Israel ƒƒ -Sir Otto Jaffe, Lord Mayor of Belfast 1899 and 1904 ƒƒ Alan Shatter, Minister for Justice and Equality and Minister for Defence

111 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary ƒƒ Abraham Weeks, first person killed in the 1916 Easter Rising ƒƒ Gustav Wolff, founder of Harland and Wolff shipbuilding (builders of the Titanic and the Queen Mary) ƒƒ Bob Geldof, Lead singer of the Boomtown Rats and business- man worth ₤32,000,000. At least one quarter Jewish.

For such a minor portion of the Irish population, Jews played major parts in Irish history.

) 112 Chapter 22

Islam’s Hatred of Jews

The common denominator of Muslim hatred is Judaism. Not that all Muslims hate Jews, but more Muslims hate Jews than any other entity.

The Qur’an is quite clear in its distain for Jews. Rationalization is given through references dating back to the Exodus where some un- believers were denied entry into the Promised Land. Some did suffer God’s wrath but this was presented by Mohammed as God’s rejection of the Jews. He elected that Jews were not the ‘Chosen People’.

Mohammed identifies Jews as “the greediest of mankind” who broke their covenant with God and are therefore cursed, and all, but for a few of them, are treacherous. Furthermore, Mohammed wrote that God turned some Jews into apes and pigs. In the ‘hadiths’ (reports of the sayings, teachings, and deeds of Mohammed) it is underscored that Muslims are to, “fight against and kill Jews.”

It is claimed that the true reason for Mohammed’s hatred of the Jews was that they would not accept his self proclaimed status as a prophet. Whatever the reason - he wrote of his hatred, and his writings are followed to by zealots throughout the world. If Mohammed said, “hate!” then hate, you will.

113 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary This concept is taught to Muslim children as well as adults and it is perceived by some Muslims that the killing of a Jew is to be consid- ered an act of worship bringing one closer to Allah. It is evidenced that Mid-Eastern Muslim children are taught to believe that Jews are actually apes and pigs. It will clearly be quite a few more generations before this weeds out.

Some Orthodox Jews believe that the response is in the words of Yahweh. Genesis states that He will bless anyone who blesses the ‘Chosen People’ and curse whoever curses them. Some other Jews have elected to arm themselves with weapons rather than words.

Muslims worldwide are enraged by Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians. Non-Muslim countries are also chiming in on this. Some northern European countries, such as Ireland, are overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestinians in this conflict. Of interest to me is why these same protesters voice virtually no interest in the oppression of Palestinians in Syria or Lebanon. If the interest is in the protection of stateless peoples then what about Kurds, Gypsies, or Chechens?

The fact of the matter is that Jewish involvement strikes a nerve every- where. Even in Israel, where Jews march on the streets to protest Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. When Jews are in conflict with Muslims, very few peoples of the world, aside from American Conservatives, side with the Jews. Not even American Jews are united in their sup- port of Israel, in that most are liberals and seem to place their political affiliation above loyalty to Judaism. You can bet that there are some Jews that are wondering when God will return to smite the enemy.

On the surface it appears that Zionists would be commended for taking a tiny piece of almost worthless land and turning it into such a successful piece of invaluable real estate. Jewish kids immigrated to Israel and worked on kibbutzim (plural for kibbutz) as true socialists working towards utopian communes. Although most had

) 114 Islam’s Hatred of Jews ) no agricultural background, their desire was to change the paradigm of Jews as money lenders and traders, and return to the original agricultural society of ancient Israel.

To do this they studied modern agricultural methods and managed to drain swamps while irrigating deserts; working from sun up till sun down and fighting malaria, cholera, typhus and Bedouins. Building farms and then factories, these kids laid the foundation for modern day Israel. The land was purchased piece by piece by Jews worldwide to purchase Palestine. Many of these Jewish kids were secular or avid atheists so it was not religion that alienated them from Muslims.

Opposition to early 20th century Jews in Israel was most likely due to a jealousy of their accomplishments coupled with a hatred taught from Muslim prayer books.

Islamic opposition to Jews in the rest of the world comes from a com- bination of jealousy of Jewish wealth, power, and influence, and hatred taught from Muslim prayer books.

115 ) Chapter 23

Jewish Girls and the Beatles

During the 50th anniversary of the Beatle’s arrival in New York City a number of women who had attended the concerts as young girls were interviewed for the TV show. The common denominator was that almost every woman interviewed was Jewish. Looking back at the crowds of screaming girls in the audience, there were a lot of Jewish girls.

One of the reasons may have been that most of the associated pro- moters, radio personalities, and producers were Jewish. Therefore, the best tickets went to friends and relatives who, often, were also Jewish. ‘Connections’ always gets the best seats.

Sid Bernstein was the producer of the concert (setting the world’s attendance record for a concert). Brian Epstein was the Beatles manager. The top two DJs in New York were Cousin Brucie (Bruce Morrow) and Murray the ‘K’ ( Kaufman), sometimes called the 5th Beatle. Norman Weiss, of New York’s General Artists Corporation, worked with Brian Epstein to set up the Beatle’s exposure to America’s teenagers. Sandy Gallin helped arrange for the Beatle’s Ed Sullivan show appearance. In case it wasn’t obvious, these are Jewish names!

) 116 Jewish Girls and the Beatles ) Two of the Jewish girls in attendance at the early Beatles concerts were: Barbara Bach, who married Ringo and Linda Eastman, who married Paul McCartney. Paul is one of the richest and financially suc- cessful musicians of all time. Could a poor Liverpudlian gentile have pulled that off alone? Linda’s brother, John Eastman, became Paul’s at- torney and manager. In an era where gentile musicians were making their agents and recording companies rich; but, themselves, dying in poverty, Paul McCartney broke the paradigm. So many of the famous musicians of his era are still touring today (some of them are in their eighties) just to pay their bills. Paul tours at his own pleasure.

Paul’s current wife, Nancy Shevell, is also Jewish.

Just a note; Ringo is also listed as one of the richest musicians of all time.

With that said - thank you to the Jews for the greatest band in history.

And - Yoko is NOT Jewish. If John would have chosen a Jewish girl the band may have continued for many more years.

117 ) Chapter 24

Jewish Loss in the Belief in God

Jews have one of the oldest and richest religious belief systems in the world. Their traditions are the envy of the world. Thousands of years older than Islam, and, without all the need to kill non-believers. Twice as old as Christendom and twice the written history.

Jews are perhaps the best educated in their religious history with thousands of years of history carefully documented and passed on systematically through all generations. Adherence to their beliefs has caused persecutions and has martyred believers for over three thou- sand years. Why then are there so many Jewish non-believers? And, why do so many feel the need to profess their disassociation from God?

“A Jew, although he has transgressed, is a Jew.” (Sanhedrin 44a)

Someone who contributes to Jewish society by attending synagogue, participating in Jewish affairs, and donating to Jewish charities is con- sidered good Jew, regardless of whether, or nor, he or she believes in God.

Some see no contradiction in atheism and Judaism. That super huge

) 118 Jewish Loss in the Belief in God ) IQ rationalizes that Jewish tradition is to question everything about God. It is guessed that one half of all American Jews question God’s existence. For Christians, only ten to fifteen percent do.

An atheist Jew will often attend synagogue, sometimes only on the High Holidays as some Christians attend church only on Christmas or Easter Sunday, but there is a difference. The Jew may be an athe- ist but the Christian is normally a believer in God but just not overly enthusiastic about it.

I’ve seen it explained that Judaism is not dogmatic, meaning: a dog- matic person (a person such as a Christian or a Muslim) may force their ‘unproven’ beliefs on another. Is it the insinuation that Jesus is the ‘unproven’ belief; does it infer that Judaism is a ‘proven’ belief, or is it that Jews simply don’t proselytize? To the best of my knowledge, there haven’t been any Jewish missionaries bringing the ‘word’ to the non-believers. This too, is a subject far too deep for a simple gentile.

Some rabbis teach that God doesn’t care whether you believe in Him or not. God only cares that you do the right thing.

I seem to remember a lot of ‘smiting’ in the Old Testament for ‘non- believers’. Would that mean that such a rabbi doubts the validity of the Talmud?

Below is a very small list of famous Jewish atheists and agnostics:

Karl Marx - The father of communism who opened the door for Jews to transition from Judaism to communism. “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”.

Albert Einstein - Influenced by Spinoza but still identified as a Jew. Just not a believer in God.

119 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Carl Sagan – World famous astronomer and cosmologist. One of the two people that Isaac Asimov believed himself to have been subordinate to.

Baruch Spinoza – 18th Century philosopher who was excommu- nicated for equating God with nature. Wrote that the universe is identical to divinity.

Saul Alinski – The father of ‘community organization’

Emma Goldman – Perhaps the most famous anarchist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Abbie Hoffman – Famous political activist of the 1960’s.

George Soros – Billionaire ‘Progressive’ supporter of liberal causes.

Mark Zuckerberg – Co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive of Facebook.

Milton Friedman – World famous economist and economic advisor to Ronald Reagan.

Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalyst and author who wrote, “Religious concepts are transmitted in three ways and thereby claim our belief. Firstly because our primal ancestors already believed them; sec- ondly, because we possess proofs which have been handed down to us from antiquity, and thirdly because it is forbidden to raise the question of their authenticity at all. Psychologically speaking, these beliefs present the phenomena of wish fulfillment, fulfillments of the oldest, strongest, and most urgent wishes of mankind.” ( The Future of an Illusion Ch. 6 pg.38).

) 120 Jewish Loss in the Belief in God ) Ayn Rand – Novelist, philosopher, playwright and screenwriter fa- mous as the author of ‘Atlas Shrugged’ and ‘The Fountainhead’.

J Robert Oppenheimer – Father of the atomic bomb.

Leo Szilard – Conceived the ‘nuclear chain reaction’ and wrote the letter that Einstein signed to begin the ‘Manhattan Project’.

Golda Meir - The fourth and maybe the most famous Prime Minister of Israel.

Woody Allen – Comedian who often jokes about his lack of religion.

Bill Maher – Makes a living by being irreverent towards believers.

Irving Berlin – Composed ‘White Christmas’ and ‘God Bless America’. Very meaningful works for an atheist!

Billy Joel – Family escaped Nazi Germany. Multiple suicide attempts. Seems like candidate for religion. Claims to be an atheist.

Larry David – Not much of a surprise here. This is the real ‘George Costanza’.

Isaac Asimov – Although a professor of biochemistry, he was a genius science fiction writer with over five hundred books. For sci-fi enthu- siasts, he is virtually the father of hard sci-fi, having written the ‘robot code’. Additionally, he wrote ‘Asimov’s Guide to the Bible’ culminat- ing into a 1296 page secular look at the Bible.

Moshe Dayan - Israeli Military hero and Defense Minister and Foreign Minister.

David Ben-Gurion - First Prime Minister of Israel.

121 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Yitzhak Rabin - Fifth Prime Minister of Israel.

It appears that atheist Jews consider the Torah as nothing more than Hebrew mythology. Whether it is more convenient to completely dis- avow God than to adhere to the somewhat strict Jewish requirements of religious practice or that the atheist has simply decided that he is too smart to be subordinate to a deity, the result is the same. Jews are drifting from the religious segment of Judaism.

American Jews seem to be accelerating the schism. That may be because they feel separated from the pressures and supervision of European Jewry, similar to the kid who heads off to college and stops the Sunday church attendance.

Hundreds of books and articles have been written by Jews who are rationalizing their atheism while still identifying themselves as Jews. There must be some sort of guilty conscience there or they wouldn’t feel compelled to bare their souls.

Some of these writings are from rabbis. It does make sense to me for a rabbi to encourage an atheist Jew to attend religious services. Exposure to Judaism may encourage a return to religious roots if one was raised in a religious environment but drifted away later in life. It may also offer an introduction to the religious aspect of Judaism to the ‘religion free’ family members who are becoming more and more common in America.

This subject is a bit unusual for Christians who rarely feel the need to proclaim that they have abandoned God but still expect to be identi- fied as Christian.

This all plays back to the question of, ‘what makes a Jew a Jew?’.

) 122 Chapter 25

Jews and Chess

With only about fourteen million Jews throughout the world, or about .22% of the world population, it is facinating to see that almost half of the top chess players in history were Jewish. Out of the thirteen ‘undisputed world chess champions’ seven were Jewish.

The USSR seemed to turn out an extraordinary number of champions but many of them were Jewish. As many of the Jews immigrated to Israel, Israel has become the breeding ground for champs.

Some of the most famous Jewish names in the chess world are: Garry Kasparov (father was Jewish), Alexander Khalifman, Mikhail Botvinnik, Mikhail Tal, Judit Polgar ( Hungarian grand master and maybe the greatest female chess player in history), Viktor Korchnoi, Boris Gulko, Iosif Dorfman, and Bobby Fischer.

Bobby Fischer has brought much attention to the game of chess through his personal antics. Claiming to be a an anti-Semite, he has spoken out many times about his ill will towards Jews. Strangely enough, al- though he grew up believing that only his mother was Jewish, recent revelations indicate that his real father was also Jewish. Some attri- bute his attitude to the thin line between genius and insanity.

123 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Many books have been written about the Jewish influence on chess but, to most Americans, chess is not considered exciting nor a sport, and so, receives little attention except maybe in the case of Bobby Fischer.

Thinking of Judit Polgar though; she is required to compete only against women if she chooses to compete for the Women’s World Chess Championship. So far, she has not chosen to enter this particu- lar competition. She has successfully taken on most of the greats in the men’s world.

Where it is understandable that in high contact sports like football or basketball, men and women normally do not compete against each other due to physical differences, chess discrimination is baffling.

) 124 Chapter 26

Jews and China (Tell Me Marco Polo Wasn’t Jewish)

There appears to have been a long history of Jews in China. Before Marco Polo visited China around the 1270’s and 1280’s, there was already a Jewish synagogue in Kaifeng, China. Many, mistakenly, be- lieve that Marco Polo was the first European to visit China. In his journals, written upon his return, called ‘Book of the Marvels of the World’ Marco mentions meeting Jews in China. This was a book that he dictated to a fellow inmate after being imprisoned following his return to Venice.

Marco Polo had traveled to China with his father and uncle on a twenty four year adventure. The two older Polos were traders who had already traveled and met the famous Kublai Khan.

On their next voyage they took the seventeen year old Marco who was well educated and spoke four languages. His education had in- cluded mercantile skills including foreign currency appraisal. While in China Marco had impressed Kublai Khan with his extensive knowl- edge and may have even become a government official.

Upon returning to Venice the Polos were rich. With a war raging

125 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary between Venice and Genoa and their futures uncertain, their fortunes were converted to jewels.

After being imprisoned and then released, Marco became a success- ful merchant.

My reason for this diversion to Marco Polo? How could he not have been Jewish himself! Trader, money specialist, favorite of Kublai Khan, and converting riches into jewels for protection… text book Jew!

Now, back on track – Jews in China…

The members of the oldest community of Chinese Jews were known as the Kaifeng Jews who built the first known synagogue in China in 1163. It is unclear where these Jews had originated from. Speculation is – either Persia or India. They may have been in China from as far back as the 900’s or even earlier. Through the centuries, intermar- riage had watered down the Jewish bloodline till it became virtually extinct. It is so far removed from the original that they are not rec- ognized by Israel for immigration status unless they would actually convert to Judaism.

Even before the Kaifeng Jews, the Radhanites traded with China and other countries of the Far East. The Radhanites were Jewish traders who traveled the ‘silk road’ and provided Europe with spices, per- fumes, jewelry, and silk in exchange for eunuchs, slaves, furs and swords, from approximately 500 to 1000 AD. They established and maintained trade routes from Western Europe to Eastern Asia for hun- dreds of years.

By the nineteenth century there was little to no active Judaism prac- ticed in China but Jews once again found trading opportunities in China around 1850 when the Sassoon family, originally money han- dlers from Iraq, traveled to Shanghai where they eventually controlled

) 126 Jews and China ) the opium trade and became real estate moguls. After centuries in Iraq controlling finances for the Pashas, the Sassoons had migrated to Bombay to avoid persecution and eventually to China becoming one of the richest families in the world.

In the early twentieth century many Jews moved to northeastern China to escape the pograms of Russia which were persecuting and killing Jews. As many as twenty thousand Jews populated the city of Harbin by 1920. Harbin became a home for Jews as well as other White Russians escaping the Russian Revolution and then the Bolshevik Revolution. Many Jewish Mensheviks became ‘persona non-grata’ when the Bolsheviks emerged victorious. Harbin grew from a small frontier city of less than seventy thousand in 1913, to over one hun- dred thousand in 1920, to over ten million today. Much of the Jewish population left Harbin during the Chinese Cultural Revolution and after the formation of Israel.

During the Nazi period in Germany as many as twenty five thousand Jewish refugees escaped to Shanghai. Germany requested that the Japanese, who controlled Shanghai at that time, eliminate the Jews in their region but the Japanese provided safe haven for them till after the war. Shanghai was already home to some very rich Baghdadi Jewish families such as the Sassoons and the Kadoories but the new Jewish immigrants were consolidated into a one square mile Jewish ghetto of ‘stateless refugees’. Some notable survivors of this ghetto were: Peter Max, the famous ‘pop art’ artist and W. Michael Blumenthal, the 64th US Secretary of the Treasury.

There were numerous notable cases of Jewish influence throughout China. A number of Jewish Westerners were attracted to the Chinese Communist movement and left their previous lives to partake in the movement.

Jakob Rosenfeld, an escapee of the Nazi holocaust, served as Minister

127 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary of Health under Chairman Mao in 1947. In 1941 he served as field doctor for the Chinese Communist forces during the Communist Revolution. A number of other Jews, such as Ruth Weiss and Eva Sandberg became infatuated with the Chinese communist move- ment and joined in the revolution attaining important positions in the People’s Republic of China.

One of the few ‘non-Chinese born’ to become a member of the Chinese Communist Party was Israel Epstein. Israel was born in Warsaw in 1915, while Warsaw was still under Imperial Russia. With his father exiled for labor uprising activities; and anti-Jewish senti- ments growing in Eastern Europe the family immigrated to Tianjin in northeastern China.

Israel led an adventure filled life partaking in the numerous Chinese wars and revolutions. It was later disclosed that he, allegedly, had been working undercover as a Russian spy while working in China. Such is the devotion to communism. Epstein was often photographed alongside the most powerful leaders of the Chinese Communist Party.

Sidney Rittenberg was the first US citizen to join the Chinese Communist Party becoming closely associated with Chairman Mao. He was imprisoned in solitary confinement twice totaling sixteen years. His Chinese connections enabled him to establish Rittenberg & Associates consulting firm, dealing with the largest companies trad- ing with China such as and Intel. Not bad for a Jewish kid from South Carolina chasing the communist dream.

Sidney Shapiro was a Brooklyn kid who also chased the communist dream and lived over fifty years in Beijing as an author and translator, rising to the highest circles in the Party.

Because of the presence and power attained by these and other Jews

) 128 Jews and China ) in Chinese power circles it is sometimes speculated that this was an- other example of Jews attempting to further the communist cause. It may very well be that it was merely coincidental that, in a very closed Chinese society, virtually all of the foreign nationals to achieve prominent positions in the formation of the Chinese Communist Party were Jewish.

Through the years of Jewish presence in China there has surfaced a mystique regarding Jewish business prowess. The Chinese public regards Jews as the masters of business and entrepreneurship and has become fans of Jewish wisdom, extending invitations to Jewish entre- preneurs for seminar appearances to find success ‘the Jewish Way’.

Although rarely discussed, Jews have had a long and interesting his- tory with China.

129 ) Chapter 27

Jews and Diamonds

Today, when one thinks of diamonds, the picture that comes to mind is either the excitement of the new bride upon receiving her engage- ment ring or the Hasidic dressed in his traditional black garb going about his business controlling the diamond industry.

The diamond business actually originated in Surat, India. India had discovered diamonds over three thousand years ago and until later discoveries of diamond mines in South America, Africa, and a limited number of other locations, India was the sole source of diamonds for the world. Surat also happened to be the home to displaced Iraqi Jews.

In the 11th century, two rich and powerful brothers named Abu Saʿd al Tustarī and Abu Naṣr al-Tustarī were Jewish money lenders and diamond merchants in Cairo who supplied the Caliphs with gems. Being money lenders and taking diamonds in pawn, they had much influence in controlling the value of diamonds as did Jews throughout the rest of history. They also had access to the Jewish network that was beginning to control the diamond business of the world.

Early European Jews in the diamond business were Jews from Venice

) 130 Jews and Diamonds ) who had controlled the trade routes from India. As Vasco da Gama of Portugal discovered the Cape route around Africa to India and for- ever changed the trade routes, Portugese Jews took over the diamond trade.

In the 1490’s, as Jews were expelled from Portugal and headed for the friendlier Antwerp, diamonds, being small, valuable and easily tran- portable headed out with the displaced Jews. Control of the world’s diamonds went to Antwerp.

Jews in Northern Europe were periodically blocked from trade guilds and other professions and diamond handling was an excellent alter- native. Although the Sephardim introduced the diamond business to Antwerp, Ashkenazim gained a foothold in the business and eventu- ally Hasidics specialized in diamonds and took control of much of the business.

As new mines were discovered, Hasidic Jews discreetely controlled large fortunes and were able to buy up the glut to control prices.

In southern Africa new mines were being discovered and DeBeers, perhaps the most famous name in diamonds, was founded by Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes was not Jewish, however, his funding came from Alfred Beit and the NM Rothschild & Sons bank of London bringing some control of the diamond business to English Jews. As European nations competed to obtain their share of the lucrative diamond mar- ket, it was overwhelmingly Jews who controlled the trading.

Although Surat, India does ninety percent of the world’s diamond cut- ting and polishing, the profit is in trade – and Jews control the trade!

Antwerp still handles eighty percent of the world’s rough diamonds although some of the cutting, polishing, and trading has migrated to New York and Israel where the familiar black clothed Hasidic

131 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Jews often project the appearance of frugal paupers while actually being millionaires. Hasidic Jews belong to worldwide networks powerful enough to still buy up the world’s diamond supplies to control pricing.

) 132 Chapter 28

Jewish Cowboys

The ‘Autry’ – the Gene Autry Museum of the American West present- ed a special exhibit on the ‘Jews in the Mosaic’. Although there may have been some cases of Jewish cowboys in the Old West, Jewish contributions were greater as developers of Hollywood which brought the great cowboy stories to the screen for everyone to enjoy.

The exhibit actually concentrated more on how Los Angeles Jews helped to recruit the Dodgers from Brooklyn than on Jewish Cowboy stories. How that qualifies as an exhibit for the museum honoring the most famous cowboy of all time eludes me.

The real Jewish cowboys were not in the Old West of the United States but in the Pampas of Argentina during the same period.

The cowboys of Argentina were known as gauchos and were a tough bunch, similar to America’s cowboys. They lived and worked on the Argentine Pampas which are the vast plains located in Argentina, Uruguay, and parts of Brazil where cattle have been herded since the nineteenth century.

Similar to the American cowboys, the gauchos work from horse-

133 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary back and spend their lives herding cattle on the open range. In South America they have become the heroes of legends in song and story, similar to their cowboy counterparts. Famous for living off the land and fighting corruption, they are presented as the quintessential strong, silent type representing the free men of South America.

Their dress is different than the cowboy’s but the folklore is similar. Gauchos would more likely be bearded and the centerpiece of their outfit was the poncho which was used as a saddle blanket, protective clothing, and as sleeping gear. Another unique difference was the use of ‘bolas’, three leather covered stones connected by leather straps, which are used to capture cattle in the pampas by throwing it to en- tangle the legs of the animal.

Many of these gauchos were Jews who immigrated to Argentina from Russia.

The ‘Jewish Colonization Association’ was established by a Jewish- European industrialist named Maurice De Hirsch who had become rich through the financing of railroads throughout Russia.

Hirsch purchased almost two hundred thousand acres in Argentina to assist Jews, in Imperial Russia, to escape persecution and to start new lives in South America where they could freely practice their religion.

The first eight families arrived in 1888 followed by thousands more in the next few years. These Jews formed the first cooperatives in South America and coexisted with, and became, gauchos. They built ranches and farms and established synagogues and schools similar to the shtetls they had left behind in Russia. The final group came from Germany in 1936 to escape the Nazis.

Today Argentina has almost three hundred thousand Jews but only a

) 134 Jewish Cowboys ) few hundred remain in Moises Ville (Moses Town), the primary settle- ment for the Jewish gauchos of the past. There are still a few Jewish gauchos but today’s young Jews prefer the big city life of Buenos Aires and after graduating seminary in Moises Ville, most move away.

With an aging Jewish population, there is only one Jewish birth in Moises Ville every three or four months.

What a heritage to give up! Their grandparents arrived in a foreign land with little more than the clothes on their backs, not fluent in the native language, and learning to live off the land as gauchos and farmers. They raised their families and built schools and synagogues and hospitals, and thrived without employing the stereotypical mon- ey-lending vocations. This was the predecessor of what eventually happened in the State of Israel; young Jews attacking the unknown and succeeding.

Virtually, all that is left of these great people’s trek is a museum dedi- cated to these pioneers and a few remaining working Jewish gauchos who, today, are over sixty years old but still proficient in gaucho skills.

Post Script on Jewish influence in Argentina today (fairly far removed from the subject of cowboys):

World War II was an interesting event for Argentina. Although not directly involved in the hostilities, sympathies of many Argentineans were pro-axis as a large portion of the Argentinean population was of German, Italian, or Spanish descent. Additionally, President Juan Perón had spent time as a military officer in Europe and was a fan of Benito Mussolini.

135 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary With the axis defeat, thousands of Nazis were welcomed to Argentina to evade prosecution for their war crimes.

As Israel was gaining position as a Jewish State, Israeli Mossad (the National Intelligence Agency of Israel) sent teams throughout the world to capture escaped Nazis and return them to Israel for trial.

One high profile case was Israeli Prime Minister David Ben- Gurion’s order for the capture of Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the Nazi program to exterminate Jews. Eichmann was living in Buenos Aires and was picked up by Mossad agents, with the help of Argentinean Jews, and secreted off to Israel where he was tried and convicted in December of 1961 and executed in May of 1962 causing embarrassment for Argentina and resulting in animos- ity toward Argentinean Jews. Occurrences of anti-Semitic crimes rose in retaliation and the Israeli ambassador was removed from Argentina.

Thirty years later, in 1992, the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires was attacked by a suicide bomber killing twenty nine and injur- ing two hundred forty two. The bomber was believed to belong to Hezbollah with allegations that Hezbollah found a sympathetic, anti-Semitic environment in Argentina.

In 1994 another, and similar, attack occurred on the Buenos Aires Jewish Center where a suicide bomber drove a van filled with ex- plosives into the building killing eighty five and injuring over three hundred others including children and non-Jewish citizens work- ing in and around the building.

A Jewish Argentinean named Alberto Nisman accused Iran of directing the attack. Nisman was an Argentinean Federal Prosecutor and alleged that Iran was retaliating for Argentina’s cessation of nuclear transfers to Iran. This subject of Iran’s desire for nuclear

) 136 Jewish Cowboys ) weapons is still one of the hottest concerns of Israel, the US, Europe, and the Sunni Muslim world.

In 2015 Alberto Nisman accused Argentinean President Cristina Kirchner and a man named Hector Timerman of covering up the in- volvement of Iranian suspects in the bombing of the Jewish Center and drafted warrants for the arrest of Kirchner and Timerman.

Kirchner is not Jewish as the name might insinuate. It was her hus- band’s name and is reported to have been of Swiss-German origin.

Timerman, on the other hand, is Jewish. He received his master’s de- gree from Columbia University while exiled to the US in 1981. He was a journalist and political/human rights activist during some of the more turbulent times in modern Argentinean history. A personal friend of President Kirchner, he is currently the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

To add to the intrigue factor – Nisman was found dead in his apart- ment on 19 January 2015. The police reported it as a suicide but evidence appears to shed doubt on that finding. Stay tuned!

Today there are about a quarter of a million Jews in Argentina and they are deeply entrenched in the fabric of Argentinean politics. From Nazis to Hezbollah, Jews are as vulnerable to national and interna- tional peril as Jews are in most of the Western World.

137 ) Chapter 29

Jews and IQs

Much has been written about IQ comparisons across social, ethnic, racial, and gender lines. There have been published listings of IQs from across the world. Most researchers draw similar conclusions on the IQ scorings. East Asians, including Japanese, Koreans, and Hong Kongese score very high with scores ranging from 105 to 108, the highest average scores among the countries of the world.

Northern Europe ranges from the upper 90’s to around 100, the US - just under 100, and some African countries scoring in the 60’s.

With that in mind, some estimates claim that Ashkenazi Jews average 115 - 117.

The reports of IQ scores across countries, genders, races, etc. are of- ten contested (probably not by East Asians or Ashkenazim) and are loaded with accusations of poor sampling and racism but the high scoring of Ashkenazim is more than a coincidence.

There are a number of possible reasons for this unique situation. People who study these sorts of things sometimes lean towards eu- genics so we’ll look at eugenics.

) 138 Jews and IQs ) Eugenics is the belief and practice of improving the genetic quality of the human population. This social engineering stuff is also what Hitler thought would improve the quality of the German people. It seems counterproductive to eliminate your 117 IQ’ers from your 100 IQ population. I guess he skipped class that day...

One theory on the eugenics involved in the abnormally high IQ among Ashkenazim begins with Nebuchadnezza around 586 BC. According to the two Books of Kings, the Jews were up to their same old tricks of forgetting the agreement about one, and only one, God. In the Reader’s Digest version God got fed up with the Jews and sent the Babylonians to raze Jerusalem and carry off the best of the Jews to Babylon. “He carried away all Jerusalem, all the princes, all the mighty men of valor, 10,000 captives, and all the craftsmen and smiths. None remained except the poorest of the land.” 2 Kings 24:14.

Meaning - the best and brightest were taken away and the rest were left behind. The Jews prospered in Babylon and eventually returned to Jerusalem to find the area abandoned.

Eugenics theorists might say that the area was purged of the poorest genes and then populated with the best genes. From a religionist’s point of view God may have purified His ‘Chosen People’. Who’s to say?

Note, that this type of experience has occurred numerous times in Jewish history - up to, and including the Holocaust where many of the best and the brightest found their way to America.

This is just one of many theories as to the superior IQ of the ‘Chosen People’. It is noteworthy that only the Ashkenazi Jews exhibit the phenomenally high IQ. Some other branches of Jews are higher than average but not at the Ashkenazic level.

139 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary There are a number of other possible reasons for the elevated IQ level which may individually answer the question, or collectively answer it, or incorporate with the eugenics theory.

Some of the more popular hypotheses are: ƒƒ The historic nature of Judaism requires intensive study. Each Jew must be educated to continue the passing down of Jewish history and the study of the Word of God. ƒƒ Jewish women prize scholars and financially promising men for potential mates as opposed to some other cultures who prefer physical strength and attractiveness. This may have led less intelligent Jewish men to have married outside the tribe. ƒƒ Unable to own land for much of history, Jews abandoned agriculture and became traders, money lenders, and professionals. ƒƒ Without a country of their own, Jews often became multi- lingual and multi-cultural to enhance their trade potential throughout the world resulting in the continuous increase of intelligence. ƒƒ In many religions the ‘priest’ class is the most educated. For centuries, the Catholic Church controlled the Western World. While priests were required to remain celibate and therefore not pass on their genes, rabbis procreated and personally edu- cated their offspring, ensuring the passing on of the ‘brightest’ genes.

Whatever the reason, or reasons, the result is obvious. Jews have ex- celled due in great part to high intelligence.

Always remembering that Jews comprise the smallest of minorities throughout the world, their contributions in fields requiring high in- telligence is staggering. The greatest scientists, physicians, financiers, and artists from Einstein to Al Capp.

) 140 Jews and IQs ) The next subject should be the correlation between IQs and eye glasses. Put some thought into that one till you find a Jew without eye glasses. The great equalizer today may be contacts and corrective eye surgery.

141 ) Chapter 30

Another Look at this IQ Thing

Let’s take another look at this IQ thing. It is often assumed that the advanced IQ of the Ashkenazi Jews explains their success in so many fields from finance to arts and sciences. Let’s compare to the runners up on the IQ scale: ƒƒ The Japanese - They came on like gang busters from the turn of the 20th century till the last quarter of the 20th century. Not only did they challenge the world militarily but later, chal- lenged the world economically. Today - not so much! ƒƒ Korea - The North - worthless! ƒƒ – Hot as a firecracker right now! But, will the extra IQ points provide stamina for the long haul or will they emulate Japan. ƒƒ China - In and out of the game for thirty centuries. Is China’s current success part of a consistent rise to the top or just an- other cycle as in the past?

It seems like each of these attempts to master the world fall short of the Jews. Jews, without even a country of their own till 1948, have consistently increased their impact on the world over the past two thousand years till they now control the finances in the

) 142 Another Look at this IQ Thing ) two most powerful countries in the world - The US and Russia, as well as banking and investment in most of the Western World. No single group has as much impact, per capita, as Jews, from medi- cine to finance to Nobel Prizes.

143 ) Chapter 31

Jews and Major League Sports

Jews have taken a major role in controlling major league sports. There are more Jewish owners than Jewish players. In the National Basketball Association (NBA), the National Football League (NFL), and Major League Baseball (MLB) it has become the rite of passage for the most successful of Jews to own a major league team. Recently, it has become the goal of even Jewish-Russian oligarchs to get in on the action, here and in the European soccer leagues.

Below is a partial listing of Jewish owners and executives of American profession sports teams at the time of this writing:

NBA ƒƒ Bruce Levenson - owner ƒƒ Grousbecks - father and son own Celtics ƒƒ Leslie Alexander - Owner, ƒƒ Paul G. Allen - Owner, ƒƒ - Owner, ƒƒ - Owner,

) 144 Jews and Major League Sports ) ƒƒ - Owner, ƒƒ Eddie Gottlieb - Owner, Philadelphia Warriors ƒƒ Ernie Grunfeld - GM, ƒƒ and - own, ƒƒ Jerry Krause - GM, ƒƒ Joe Lacob - Co-owner, Golden State Warriors ƒƒ Maurice Podoloff - President, NBA ƒƒ Abe Pollin - Owner, Washington Wizards ƒƒ Steve Ballmer - owns LA Clippers ƒƒ - part owner ƒƒ Joshua Harris - owns 76ers ƒƒ Bruce Ratner - Owner, ƒƒ - Owner, Chicago Bulls ƒƒ Robert Sarver - Owner, ƒƒ - NBA Commissioner ƒƒ Herbert Simon d- Co-owner, ƒƒ Mikhail Prokorov - owner, New Jersey Nets

NFL ƒƒ Paul Allen - Owner, Seattle Seahawks ƒƒ Arthur Blank - Owner, Atlanta Falcons ƒƒ Steve Bornstein - CEO, NFL Network ƒƒ Leon Hess - Owner, New York Jets ƒƒ Robert Kraft - Owner, New England Patriots ƒƒ Al Lerner - Owner, Cleveland Browns

145 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary ƒƒ Jeffrey Lurie - Owner, Philadelphia Eagles ƒƒ Stephen Ross - Owner, Miami Dolphins ƒƒ Dan Snyder - Owner, Washington Redskins ƒƒ Jim Irsay - owner, Indianapolis colts ƒƒ Zygi Wilf - Owner, Minnesota Vikings

MLB ƒƒ Theo Epstein - president of baseball operations, Chicago Cubs ƒƒ Peter Guber - part Owner, ƒƒ - president and part owner, Los Angeles Dodgers ƒƒ Ted Lerner - Owner, Washington Nationals ƒƒ Randy Levine - President, ƒƒ Jamie McCourt - President, LA Dodgers ƒƒ Jerry Reinsdorf - Owner, Chicago White Sox ƒƒ Bud Selig - Commissioner ƒƒ Stuart Sternberg - Owner, Tampa Bay Rays ƒƒ Fred Wilpon - Owner,

The next best thing to actually playing the game is controlling the game - from the best seats in the house!

) 146 Chapter 32

Jews and Vermont

With all the notoriety of Jewish influence in Russia, China, Ukraine, the US, as well as other countries around the world, let’s look at a microcosm – Vermont.

Vermont, the land of stonecutters and farmers had historically been a fairly conservative state and, more often than not, voted Republican. The home of heroes like Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys who kicked ass in the Revolutionary War and were tough enough to capture Fort Ticonderoga from the British and actually attack Montreal with a force of only one hundred and ten men. That’s the Vermont that I had studied in school!

Vermont, with only six hundred and twenty six thousand residents, the second least populated American State, was ripe for change.

The second half of the twentieth century brought about some major changes to Vermont demographics. Out-of-staters discovered Vermont and brought their money and resources to one of the poorest states in the US. The ‘new’ Vermonters took political and economic control of Vermont. In a state where there had never even been enough Jews to be listed in the demographics, Jews, today, are disproportionately represented in Vermont’s power positions.

147 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary At the time of this writing, Peter Shumlin is the governor, Miro Weinberger is mayor of Burlington, the largest city in Vermont, and is Senator. Where one would expect Jewish politicians to be Democrats, Sanders goes a step further and actually identifies as a socialist.

A perfect situation which enhances the chances for continued politi- cal success exists in Burlington. In a city of forty two thousand people, there are twelve thousand students at the University of Vermont. The students – even the transient students – are permitted to vote in lo- cal and state elections. And, students being students (as it was said, “Show me a young Conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.”) will most often vote liberal. What a brilliant formula for perpetuated Democratic success!

So as not to think that this liberal transformation of Vermont is simply in government… Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield left New York and moved to Burlington to found Ben & Jerry’s, one of the world’s most famous ice cream companies, as well as the most liberally active ice cream company on the planet. From two New York Jewish guys investing twelve thousand dollars for the conversion of a Burlington gas station into an ice cream parlor, becoming the social conscience of the ice cream world, old time Christian Vermonters never saw this coming.

Most conservatives somehow resist the temptation to boycott Ben & Jerry’s, selling out their principles in exchange for ‘chunky monkey’.

) 148 Chapter 33

Jews in Cuba

First, here’s an overview of the history of Jews in Cuba. Jews had early involvement in Cuban history. Spanish Jews who claimed to have converted to Catholicism to avoid the Inquisition in the late 15th century were known as marranos. It has been claimed that Columbus included marranos on each of his three ships on his first voyage to the New World. Because of their superior education, trading and language skills, marranos were valuable as navigators, interpreters, and money handlers and were prized assets on voyages into the unknown.

As Jews were facing persecution in Spain, and later in Portugal, it was advantageous to immigrate to the New World. Early on, Jews settled in Cuba and prospered.

As Portugal joined in the expulsion of Jews, Brazil, which had been a popular destination for Portuguese Jews, lost many of its Jews to Cuba.

Cuba did not completely escape the Inquisition. In 1613 Francisco Gomez de Leon was outed as a Jew in Cuba and put to death. His large fortune was confiscated.

149 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Jews became ingrained in the Cuban society and economy through the following years and took leading roles in the trading of Cuban sugar and tobacco. They were credited with developing the practice of using protective cloth to control the sun and wind in the tobacco fields, increasing the quality of the plants, leading to the production of the finest cigars in the world.

These Sephardic Jews became interwoven (but quite wealthy) in Cuban society. Additional Sephardim immigrants arrived from Turkey.

In the early 1900’s Ashkenazi Jews came from Eastern Europe to es- cape persecution. For most, it was supposed to just be a temporary stay until they could enter the US but as American immigration quo- tas tightened, some decided to settle in Cuba permanently. By 1924 there were twenty four thousand Jews in Cuba. Many of whom pros- pered in Cuba’s garment industry. Eventually, a majority of these Jews were able to continue to their final destination of New York City.

In the 1930’s more Jews immigrated to Cuba to escape the increasing persecutions of the Nazi regime.

After the formation of Israel in 1948 many Cuban Jews, just as Jews throughout the world, immigrated there. By 1952 only twelve thou- sand Jews remained in Cuba. After the Cuban Revolution in 1959 most of the remaining Jews fled Cuba. Although Castro did not initially per- secute based on religion, Jews were targeted because of their wealth and ninety four percent of Cuban Jews fled. The few Jews that remained were too old, too poor, or believed in the revolution. It was another ironic case where Jews, who are often the patrons of communism, were again ejected from a country due to a communist takeover.

Prior to the revolution, Jewish mobsters, along with Italian crime families, had built Havana into a city that surpassed Las Vegas with fabulous hotels and casinos.

) 150 Jews in Cuba ) Meyer Lansky, known as the ‘Mob’s Accountant’ (and partner of Bugsy Seigel), directed the Hotel Habana Riviera, one of the most lavish in Cuba.

Lansky’s brother, Jake, managed the Nacional Hotel which enter- tained guests like Frank Sinatra, Ernest Hemingway, , and much of Hollywood. These enterprises were targeted after the revolution.

It’s coincidental that, half a century later, as US sanctions against Cuba are ending and diplomatic relations are reemerging, the names in the news, having to do with Cuba are mostly Jewish: {2%}

The first name mentioned was Alan Gross who was arrested in Cuba in 2009, convicted and sentenced to fifteen years for importing banned technology and trying to establish clandestine internet ser- vice for Cuban Jews. Gross was released in a prisoner exchange in December, 2014.

John Kavulich, the senior advisor for the US-Cuban Trade and Economic Council, advises businesses about trade with Cuba.

Roberta Jacobson, the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, is acting as representative to Cuba, as there is no ambassador until relations are normalized.

Doug Jacobson, of Jacobson-Burton PLLC in Washington, appears to be becoming the ‘go to’ guy for announcing when Cuba will be open for business.

Would this be an indicator that, in coming years, Jews will again be an influential force in the Cuban economy?

151 ) Chapter 34


In Genesis, Chapter 47, beginning in verse 13 there is an early ex- ample of a Jewish manager providing the goods for the boss and himself.

From Sunday school interpretations of this story it is told as a story of benevolence about Joseph saving the people of Egypt from the effects of the seven year famine of which he had foretold to the pharaoh gaining himself the number two spot in Egypt.

As a recap, Joseph was the son of Jacob who had given to him the legendary ‘coat of many colors’. Joseph’s jealous brothers attempted to kill him but he ended up as the number two man in Egypt by con- vincing the pharaoh that he possessed the power to interpret dreams. This is the Reader’s Digest version. Read the original, it’s great.

Joseph interpreted a dream of the pharaoh as predicting seven years of prosperity to be followed by seven years of famine. On Joseph’s recommendation, great stores of food were saved during the first sev- en years which were to save Egypt during the impending famine.

Chapter 47 is loaded with great stories with fantastic twists and turns

) 152 Joseph ) but the most enduring, in my opinion, begins in verse 13. During the famine, the starving people came to the pharaoh to purchase food. They were directed to Joseph who was managing the pharaoh’s business.

Joseph took their money in exchange for food. As the famine pro- gressed, Joseph took their cattle, horses and flocks in exchange for food. As the famine progressed further, Joseph bought their land and themselves in exchange for food. And so, the pharaoh came to own all the land, livestock and the people. For some reason, Joseph then moved the people to the cities of Egypt; maybe to help disseminate his upcoming proclamations to the people. I’m not really sure why that part was added to the verse!

In exchange for their servitude Joseph permitted the people to return to the land and work the land (as the famine diminished) while col- lecting twenty percent of their harvest for the pharaoh.

In effect, Joseph initiated a twenty percent tax on the people enrich- ing the pharaoh and himself while having the people grateful for the transaction.

I have never seen this passage interpreted this way but I recommend that, if interested, blow off the popular interpretations and read the actual writings. I may be presenting a cynic’s point of view but I’m sure that this may have been used to rationalize many shady transac- tions during the last two thousand years.

I suspect that DNA testing would prove a direct lineage from Joseph to George Soros.

153 ) Chapter 35

Manhattan Project


1 “aw crap!” cancels 1,000 “atta boys”

Seventy years later, scientists throughout the world with all of modern technology at their disposal are trying to duplicate what a group of Jewish scientists and engineers accomplished without a single mod- ern computer or even a hand held calculator.

In the early 1900’s, the greatest scientific minds in the world were Jewish. In the late 1930’s it was assumed that a race was on to de- velop atomic weapons and the US elected to win that race.

A program, which would eventually be called the ‘Manhattan Project’, began and the greatest minds in the nation (probably the world) were gathered up to develop the atomic weapon that would eventually end World War II.

Below is a listing of some of the greatest scientific minds in existence at the time – all of these listed were Jewish. These were the ‘players’:

) 154 Manhattan Project ) ƒƒ Albert Einstein, German born physicist. (What more needs to be said?) ƒƒ J. Robert Oppenheimer, American born theoretical physi- cist sometimes known as the ‘father of the atomic bomb’. Recruited and motivated the men of the program. ƒƒ Leo Szilard, Hungarian born physicist. Wrote a letter in 1939 for Albert Einstein’s signature that resulted in the Manhattan Project. The Einstein-Szilard letter was sent to FDR explaining that the Germans were working on an atomic project already. FDR gave the go ahead for the project. ƒƒ Eugene Wigner, Hungarian born physicist and mathemati- cian. Co-wrote the Einstein-Szilard letter. ƒƒ Alvin Weinberg, son of Russian-Jewish immigrants. (nuclear physicist) ƒƒ Rudolf Peierls, German-British-Jewish physicist who worked on the British team. ƒƒ Edward Teller, Hungarian born theoretical physicist known as the ‘father of the hydrogen bomb’. ƒƒ Felix Bloch, Swiss physicist who left Germany when Hitler came to power. ƒƒ Hans Bethe, German born nuclear physicist. ƒƒ Emilio Segre, Italian-Sephardic physicist who left when Mussolini banned Jews from University positions. ƒƒ Niels Bohr, Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner who escaped Nazi occupied Denmark after being hunted for as- sisting refugees. ƒƒ Otto Frisch (physicist) Austrian-British Jew worked on the British portion of the project designing detonators.

These men were the key players in the development of the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending World War II, and

155 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary saving hundreds of thousands of American lives by ending the war without a landing of troops on the Japanese mainland.

The German Nuclear Energy Project had made advances in the dis- covery of nuclear fission but came to the conclusion that nuclear fission would not contribute to the war effort. Hitler’s scientists obvi- ously lacked the vision of our scientists.

If Hitler had not elected to persecute his Jewish scientists, our power team may have been working for the German war effort and there may have been a completely different outcome to World War II. The US East Coast might, today, be speaking German and the West Coast – Japanese.

Years ago I had heard a clever saying: “1 ‘aw crap!’ cancels 1,000 ‘atta-boys’”. Meaning, that no matter how much good one does, one mistake, will inevitably be what is remembered most. And so…

The Soviet Union initiated the Soviet Atomic Bomb Project when Stalin was informed about the US efforts.

As most of the top physicists and scientists were Jewish AND in America due to persecution in the USSR, catch up occurred through espionage.

Strangely enough, most of those who spied for the Soviet Union were Jewish and many were American Jews who acted against American interests.

Most had communist affiliations which had carried from their pre- vious lives in Europe or passed down from parents who emigrated from Europe. The fact that they had been persecuted in their previous homeland paled in importance to their faithfulness to communism.

) 156 Manhattan Project ) Some other spies expressed a desire to maintain a nuclear balance by preventing a US monopoly on nuclear power, and so, fed secrets to the Soviets.

Below is a partial list of some of the most infamous Jewish spies who contributed to the Soviet nuclear program:

Jewish spies for the Soviet Union: ƒƒ Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, executed for espionage. Two of the most infamous spies. ƒƒ Theodore Hall (Theodore Holtsberg) born in Far Rockaway, New York. A physicist who was the youngest to have worked on the ‘Manhattan Project’ but passed information on to the Soviets. ƒƒ Saville Sax, Harvard room mate of Hall. His mother worked for ‘Russia War Relief’, a communist organization, and in- troduced him to Soviet agents. He later worked for President Johnson’s ‘Great Society’ funded education program called Nextep. ƒƒ Lona and Morris Cohen. Lona was pictured on a Russian post- age stamp. ƒƒ Ursula Kuczynski, was a member of the Communist Party of Germany prior to moving to the US and spying for Russia. ƒƒ Harry Gold, chemical engineer passed info to Russia. ƒƒ Jacob Golos, transferred a communist cell of engineers to Soviet handlers. ƒƒ George Koval, born to Jewish immigrants in Sioux City Iowa, traveled with his family to the ‘Jewish Autonomous Region’* of the USSR where he was recruited as a spy. He returned to the US, was drafted, and then worked on the Manhattan Project sending secrets back to Russia.

157 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Some say that the secrets that were delivered to the Soviet Atomic Bomb Project by these spies only expedited the Soviet program by a couple of years but the truth is that no other nation possessed the brain power that the Jewish physicists and scientists of the Manhattan Project provided. Today, with powerful computers and massive bud- gets, most of the nations of the world are still unable to duplicate the results produced seventy years ago. Slim chance that Russia would have ever been a player in that game!

To sum it up – with all the brilliance that catapulted the world into the atomic age, the primary ingredient was Jewish intelligence.

The deception and espionage that brought that same atomic power to our enemy of the next half century, the Soviet Union, which brought about the ‘Cold War’ placing us in a position threatened by a policy of ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’, was also brought about by spies who were overwhelmingly Jewish.

Throughout the 1950’s and 1960’s, as American children were trained to hide under their school desks to try to survive potential nuclear attacks which were threatened by the Soviets, we could thank the ‘New Americans’ who were running from the persecution they and their families had experienced in the USSR but still chose to sell out America. There’s your “aw crap!”

Another unintended consequence of the Jewish spies enabling the USSR to develop atomic weapons was Stalin’s unrestrained extermi- nation of various groups, including Jews, within the USSR. Eliminating the threat of the US, Stalin faced no consequences for the annihila- tion of millions of his citizens.

Stalin had publicly condemned anti-Semitism in 1931 and appar- ently gained favor with Jews worldwide. What didn’t seem to affect Jewish opinion were his later actions such as the purging of Jews from government positions in 1939 to appease Hitler.

) 158 Manhattan Project ) In October, 1948 Golda Meir visited Moscow, as a representative of the new State of Israel, receiving a huge reception from the Jewish community which was again feeling comfortable as part of the Soviet Union. Beginning the following month, though, Stalin ordered the shut down of many symbols of Jewish culture such as Yiddish and Hebrew learning centers and museums.

Stalin had believed that his façade with Jews would have made Israel a Soviet satellite in the Mid East but Jews there were more astute than some of their American cousins and elected to ally with the US.

So, in retrospect, as Stalin began his purges (murder) of millions of citizens, including Jews, the only force that could have prevented its continuation, post World War II, was a nuclear US. This edge was nullified by the development of Soviet nuclear power which held the US at bay.

There’s another “aw crap!”

*Jewish Autonomous Oblast, was a region established by Stalin in 1939 for Jews to pursue their Yiddish cultural heritage. It is an area in far eastern Russia, near the Chinese border. Many Jews emigrated there from Russia and also from elsewhere around the world. The Jewish population peaked at about 30,000 but dwindled after Israel was established.

159 ) Chapter 36

Jewish Marks of Brilliance in the Popular Music World

There are many great musicians in the pop music world but when a song is beyond brilliant there is usually a Jew behind it. When you hear it - you know it. The best of the best,

When you finally listen to lyrics like Janice Ian’s (Janice Fink) “At Seventeen”; you hear the pain in the lyrics; you realize that no one can feel the pains of society’s tragedies like a Jew. When young peo- ple are called ‘drama queens’, some ignore the title while the gifted convert their pain into profit.

To a gentile, who may be struggling for their next meal or dodging bullets on the way home from the unemployment office, it may be hard to understand the tragedy of acne on a young girl’s face. To oth- ers, the poetry and the heart felt pain in the vocals of “At Seventeen” will bring you to tears. This song is a masterpiece. From such a poet, such a master of the English vocabulary, you are able to feel her pain and devastation as a Valentine’s Day card fails to arrive, just as one would a massacre in the hood. Could a goy have accomplished this?

) 160 Jewish Marks of Brilliance in the Popular Music World ) For all around brilliance as a story teller, try Paul Simon.

Somewhere around the sixth grade I remember Brother John, a Christian Brother and my English teacher, ranting about Paul Simon. He seemed to be greatly impressed with Paul Simon’s lyrics. It took a few more years for a grammar school student to appreciate the Simon magic. Eventually “the words of the poet were written on walls and tenement halls” and there was no denying him his place in the annals of storytelling. Hit after hit after hit showed the world how he floats above the mere mortals but still expounds the feelings of the proletariat.

I recently listened to an interview of some famous English musicians who were reminiscing about their encounters with Paul Simon in the 1960s. BBC was doing a tribute to Paul Simon and was contacting people who had associated with him during his time in England. The interviewee’s most memorable comments were of his opening each new introduction by telling of his exceptionally high IQ. His bril- liance was probably already obvious to his new acquaintances but he left a narcissistic impression which has lasted fifty years.

Here is just a small list of Jewish songwriters and performers who controlled the music charts in the 1960’s: ƒƒ Bob Dylan is one of the most influential song writers in the Civil Rights and Anti-War Movements. His songs are brilliant and will be known for decades and decades. ƒƒ Carol King, with four Grammy Awards, wrote or co-wrote one hundred eighteen Billboard Hot 100 hits. Her “Tapestry” al- bum topped the charts for fifteen weeks and remained in the charts for six years. ƒƒ Neil Diamond sold over 125,000,000 records and had ten number one singles. ƒƒ Neil Sedaka wrote or co-wrote over five hundred songs for

161 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary himself and others. In the early 1960’s Neil Sedaka dominat- ed the pop charts with his own hits and also with hits written for other performers. ƒƒ Marvin Hamlisch won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony (EGOT). He also won three Oscars in one night as well as two Golden Globes. ƒƒ Randy Newman has been nominated for twenty Academy Awards and won twice. He has also won six Grammy Awards and three Emmys. ƒƒ Barry Manilow had three number one singles and twenty five top forty hits. He wrote some of the most famous advertis- ing jingles for Kentucky Fried Chicken, State Farm Insurance, Band-Aid, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, and McDonalds. Everyone knows his jingles.

Do not think that Jews were only influential in popular music be- ginning in the 1960s. The greatest popular song writers EVER were Jewish. Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein wrote the music for “The Sound of Music”, “Carousel”, “The King and I”, “South Pacific”, and “Oklahoma!”. There is no one who isn’t impressed with these classics. I would guess that more people know more songs from “The Sound of Music” than almost any movie ever made. True to Jewish form, they managed to also address social issues from race issues in “South Pacific” to the 3rd Reich in “The Sound of Music”.

Israel Baline a.k.a. Irving Berlin, a Russian Jew wrote some of the greatest Christian themed songs ever. “White Christmas” and “Easter Parade” are both Berlin tunes. And, how about a Russian writing one of the most patriotic American songs - “God Bless America”. “Blue Skies”, ‘Always’, “Alexander’s Ragtime Band”, “Puttin’ on the Ritz”, twenty five chart toppers for everyone from Sinatra to Linda Ronstadt. Maybe the greatest American song writer ever.

) 162 Jewish Marks of Brilliance in the Popular Music World ) More of the most famous Christmas songs of all time were Jewish written: “You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch” - Albert Hague, “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” - Johnny Marks, “Let it Snow!, Let it Snow!, Let it Snow - Jule Styne and Sammy Cahn, and “Silver Bells” - Jay Livingston and Ray Evans. Livingston and Evans also wrote the theme songs for Bonanza and Mr. Ed, as well as “Tammy” from “Tammy and the Bachelor”.

From George and Ira Gershwin, to Sammy Cahn, to Lorenz Hart and Rogers and Hammerstein; if you know the tune, almost a century later, it was probably written by a Jew.

From the days of ‘Tin Pan Alley’ to the extravagant Broadway and Hollywood musicals, the greatest song writers were Jewish. {2%}.

163 ) Chapter 37

Obama: Discovered by Jews, Empowered by Jews Then Emancipated from Jews. (or: Reverend Wright’s Quagmire)

Reverend Jeremiah Wright, on June 9, 2009, in an interview with the Daily Press Newspaper in Tidewater, Virginia, indicated that he hadn’t had contact with President Obama up to that point because, “Them Jews aren’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck, or in eight years when he’s out of office.”

Despite loss of support from the famous Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who had been his minister for twenty years, President Obama has managed to bridge the gap between Blacks and Jews.

Although there is a history of young Jews marching for Black civil rights and filling the ACLU ranks to represent the oppressed, there has never been the kindred spirit that exists today and this is directly attributable to Barack Obama.

The core beliefs of so many Blacks have been turned upside down.

) 164 Obama: Discovered by Jews, Empowered by Jews Then Emancipated from Jews. ) Christian and Muslim Blacks have traditionally had strong biases against liberal causes such as and abortion. Jews were often supporters.

Today, Blacks are more tolerant of both subjects than ever. Obama strategically morphed his stand and virtually took the majority of Blacks with him. Tossing Reverend Wright left the strategic move of enlisting who was traditionally considered to be an anti-Semite by many due to his unfavorable statements of the past. Sharpton is a chameleon who appears to adapt to any opportunity offered and has the uncanny ability to affect the opinions of millions of Blacks. Partnering with Sharpton guaranteed the continued control and support of Black constituents ensuring Obama’s legacy as the modern day Robin Hood.

Some of Obama’s previous supporters claimed that he had become a tool of the Jews who devised the scenario to be able to cleverly use card provided by electing the first Black President, to accomplish their goals. The claim being that, in many discussions on liberal subjects the opposition can be effectively shut down by call- ing the opponent a racist. If true, it was a brilliant move. With ‘race’ being as hot a subject today as it has ever been, virtually no one will press a point that can, in any obscure way, be catagorized as ‘racist’. Whoever formulated this strategy was brilliant.

As an observer, it appears that Obama was discovered and promoted by a heavy Jewish influence. I have heard numerous Jewish power players claim to have discovered him after his famous keynote ad- dress at the 2004 Democratic National Convention but the truth is, he had had strong, brilliant Jewish handlers prior to that. David Axelrod handled his campaign media since 2002.

The partnership of Obama and Jews seems to be apparent in his choice of staff. {2%}.

165 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary The following is a partial list of Jewish staff in the Obama administration: ƒƒ David Axelrod, Senior advisor ƒƒ , Chief of Staff ƒƒ , Sec of Treasury ƒƒ , Sr. Advisor ƒƒ Elana Kagan, Solicitor General ƒƒ Peter Orzag, Dir. of Office of Mngt and Budget ƒƒ , Dir of National Economic Council ƒƒ , Dir. of National Economic Council ƒƒ Richard Holbrook, US Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan (Jewish envoy to Muslim countries?????) 1/19 - 12/10 ƒƒ Mark Grossman, US Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan (Jewish envoy to Muslim countries?????) 2/11 - 12/12 ƒƒ Daniel Rubenstein, Ambassador to Syria (Jewish envoy to Muslim countries?????) ƒƒ Steve Rattner, Secretary of the Treasury appointed ƒƒ Ron Bloom, Sr. Advisor Automotive Task Force ƒƒ Todd Stern, Special Envoy for Climate Change ƒƒ Cass Sunstein, Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs ƒƒ Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve ƒƒ Tony Blinken, Deputy National Security Advisor ƒƒ Gary Gensler, Chairperson of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ƒƒ Jonathan Greenblatt, Special Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation in the US Domestic Policy Council.

) 166 Obama: Discovered by Jews, Empowered by Jews Then Emancipated from Jews. ) ƒƒ Adam Szubin, Director of Office of Foreign Assets Control ƒƒ Janet Yellen, Chair of the Federal Reserve ƒƒ Stanley Fischer, Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve ƒƒ Mary Schapiro, Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission ƒƒ Steven Simon, Senior Director, Middle East/North Africa National Security Council ƒƒ , White House Deputy Chief of Staff ƒƒ James Steinberg, Deputy Secretary of State ƒƒ Dennis Ross, Special Assistant to the President ƒƒ Ronald Klain, Chief of Staff to the Vice President ƒƒ Susan Sher, Chief of Staff to the First Lady

After his reelection, though, it may be that Revered Wright’s words are coming to fruition.

Maybe the President decided that he no longer needed such a high level of Jewish backing and guidance.

Maybe, post-presidency, it would be nice to resume his position as ‘Robin Hood’ to the oppressed.

As of 01/2015: ƒƒ Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough ƒƒ Deputy Chiefs of Staff, »» Anita Breckenridge »» Kristie Canegallo »» Rob Nabors ƒƒ Counselor to the President,

167 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Not very Jewish!

The ‘Jewish Conspiracy’ theorists must be thanking Reverend Wright for saving America.

If not an exodus, certainly a reduction of Jewish influence.

Coincidently - Obama’s ratings went in the toilet among non-Blacks.

Valerie Jarrett held tight to her spot as Senior Advisor to the President. Although it is believed that one of her great-grandfathers was Jewish, she seems, from a casual observer’s view, to be personally interested in Obama’s best interest. So, if she thought that there was a percep- tion of any undue influence in the administration, her advice may have been to reduce the dependency. Her history with the Obamas is long and personal.

One can only imagine the tug of war that had been going on in previ- ous years and her personal conversations with the president regarding the massive presence of Jewish staff. {2%}

This is only a casual observer’s perception but, if true, she won!

A possible sign of the reduction of Jewish blind allegiance to Obama manifested on Meet the Press in September, 2014. The new host, Chuck Todd (also Jewish), who always appeared to me to be a water carrier for Obama, from his campaign, on, was granted a personal in- terview with the President. My guess is that it was pay back for being the faithful soldier. The tone was completely different than I had ever heard from a typical NBC cheerleader.

Appearing to be caught off guard while being grilled for the first time by a previously loyal Todd, Obama seemed to show frustration and irritation on his inability to dance around serious questions. Where

) 168 Obama: Discovered by Jews, Empowered by Jews Then Emancipated from Jews. ) it always appeared to me that Obama was presented previously re- viewed, softball questions, this interview could have been done on FOX News.

I had never witnessed this level of discomfort from the President while visiting a previously friendly camp. I truly wondered if the love affair was over.

There were also instances of Black disappointment with Obama. During some racially charged events, there were actually newscasts of Black demonstrators complaining about Obama. That was a first!

It is very confusing as to why the majority of Jews were such ardent supporters of Obama.

Obama does not appear to be exceptionally pro-Israel as most Republicans are. In fact, there is an obvious animosity between him and Netanyahu which even the previous major news network cheer- leaders have reported on.

Obama, also, does not project himself to be pro big business and much of America’s big business is Jewish controlled.

Where Jews are very highly represented in big business and thus, take the biggest hit from more restrictions and higher taxes, they over- whelmingly support him. It must be their genetic coding which calls for the protection of the downtrodden.

A portion of the Jewish support came from Ashkenazi Jews who see their ‘Manifest Destiny’ of a socialistic society on the near horizon. A Black, community organizer showed the promise of a social messiah fulfilling grandfather’s dreams which failed so miserably in Russia. Remember, Marx claimed that a transition to socialism must start with a successful capitalistic society.

169 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary I’m sure, to many Jews, Obama seemed to be the answer.

With a Jewish controlled campaign machine, Jewish financial support (Jews contributed more money per capita to his campaign than any other group. Obama’s top 5 contributors are Jewish), and overwhelm- ing Jewish support in the media, Obama owed his presidency to his Jewish supporters.

) 170 Chapter 38

Obama’s Dependence on Jews

I’ll give you two more examples of my opinion of President Obama’s dependence on Jews:

ObamaCare, also known as the Affordable Care Act. Not just for the fact that most of the top doctors in the country are Jewish and that the top economists in the country are Jewish, but, the top salesmen are also Jewish.

From Ezekiel Emanuel down to Jonathan Gruber, an architect of the program who had later revealed that it was passed thanks to the “stu- pidity of the voters”, the players were mainly Jewish. Rest assured that the occasional gentiles played minor roles. It was not just for the technical knowledge and the organizational and financial skills that Jewish program architects were required but, who else could sell a program that was so infected with obvious problems. As a farmer might say, “who else could pee on your boots and convince you it’s raining”? That was a sell job that was best left to the pros.

Now for the other side of the coin - amnesty for millions of illegal im- migrants. Late in his second term, in what history may call his ‘post Jewish’ period, Obama received selling assistance from O.T.J. (other

171 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary than Jews). Big mistake! His Latino salesmen ran with the line that the illegals need to come out of the shadows so they can start paying taxes.

This was obviously not a line written by a Jew, in that illegals were already paying more tax than they would likely pay for another gen- eration. Previously, the millions of illegals were paying sales tax on their purchases. From cigarettes to clothing to food, sales tax was being paid. Upon becoming legal, millions of immigrant families would indeed pay payroll tax BUT, it would amount less than noth- ing - much less than nothing in that millions of families would then receive the benefit of earned income credit among other benefits and will stand to receive thousands of dollars in annual tax returns plus medical benefits and social security benefits although they were not previously contributing.

I don’t believe that Jews would attempt to sell that. Not the brilliant Jews. Just the party water bearers like Polosi.

) 172 Chapter 39

Red Headed Jews

It is written that King David was a red head. This opens up some ques- tions - or answers some questions.

Ashkenazi Jews are often a lighter complexion than the Middle Eastern rooted Jews would be expected to be. Some Ashkenazim have red hair and this has led to claims that they may not actual- ly be Jews at all, but may be descendants of the Khazar Kingdom of the 7th to the 11th centuries who had converted to Judaism. DNA research is placing doubt on this and is tracing the genes back to the Mid East for the male lineage and European genes on the fe- male lineage.

Jews had been migrating toward Europe for two thousand years and inter-marrying undoubtedly occurred bringing red hair into the mix. That doesn’t explain King David though. Some say that the mention of his red hair may have been during a period of his life where graying began and a temporary red hue is not unheard of - even for darker hair. Another possibility is that he may have colored his grey hair with henna, a dye which has been used for six thousand years to turn hair red.

173 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary For centuries, Ashkenazim have been able to refer to King David to explain their occurrences of red hair but regardless of whether one hundred percent of Mid Easterners have dark hair, Ashkenazi male lineage does trace back to the ancient Jews. Next question... if one believes that Judaism passes only through one’s mother - are Ashkenazi Jews Jewish?

) 174 Chapter 40

Russian Mob

The Russian Mob, also called the Russian Mafia, dates back to the 18th century when certain criminals stole from the government and gave to the peasants. Strict codes of conduct were developed and adhered to; one of them being opposition to the government.

Lenin tried and failed to wipe them out after the Bolshevik Revolution. Stalin simply arrested thousands of criminals and sent them to the gulags.

During the Second World War, due to a severe shortage of troops, Stalin offered reduced sentences to prisoners who would join the military. At the end of the war, the ones that returned to prison were brand- ed ‘sukas’, or ‘bitches’ due to their violation of the code established among criminals prohibiting cooperation with the government.

To survive, the ‘sukas’ collaborated with the guards and prison offi- cials, obtaining prominent positions in the prison system.

After Stalin’s death eight million prisoners were released from the gulags and a new type of criminal emerged; one who thrived through association with corrupt government officials.

175 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Eventually, the country was virtually run by power elites along side of crime bosses. The black market was booming and the economy was collapsing. The communist economy was failing miserably but the un- derlying ‘capitalists’ who were mostly Jewish, prospered. Regardless of the domestic upheavals in Soviet history Jews had continued their education in finance and economics and had maintained their world- wide business contacts. The communist government offered very little competition in supplying the goods that the Soviet people requested. The government, itself, could not supply the goods and capitalist ven- tures were outlawed leaving only the outlaws to provide the goods.

The outlaws had two good reasons to head for the US: 1. They were outlaws in the USSR, and 2. The US market was more lucrative and offered better living conditions.

Jewish exodus from the Soviet Union began in 1967 when the Kremlin relaxed quotas on exit visas. It escalated in 1974 after the passage of the Jackson–Vanik Amendment in the US which limited trade ben- efits to countries which restricted emigration. To increase trade with the US and show good faith in the period of ‘Détente’, Soviet exit visas increased from just a few hundred per year to over twenty five thousand.

Visas were granted to Jews to immigrate to Israel and many of them continued on to America.

Out of fear, a ‘diploma tax’ was initiated to stop the mass exodus and brain drain of Jewish professionals from the Soviet Union. It amount- ed to Jews having to reimburse the government for the cost of their education which had been provided by the government; averaging ten year’s salary for a professional.

June 2012, a new proposal called the Magnitski Act removed Russia from the Jackson–Vanik Amendment. The Magnitsky Act was named

) 176 Russian Mob ) after Sergei Magnitsky who was arrested and killed in his jail cell after exposing government corruption in Russia. Its purpose was to deny visas to Russians officials who restricted human rights. No human rights = no preferential treatment by the US.

Digressing… In the 1970’s the US relaxed immigration restrictions and so, allowed Soviet Jews, and criminals, increased opportunity for entry into the US. Most settled in ‘Little Odessa’, as in Brooklyn was called. Brighton Beach had been home to Jewish im- migrants for years and offered a comfort zone for Jewish mobsters to begin their enterprises.

Jewish mobsters had prospered beside the Italian Mafia since the 1920’s. They had expanded their operations from the Jewish ghettos of New York City to Havana and Las Vegas and had paved the way for the next generation who would be even more ruthless.

These new mobsters were savage in their dealings and were interna- tionally connected, providing great success in rackets and narcotics. Connections went all the way back to Communist Party leaders in the Soviet Union.

Around 1992, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, organized crime groups took over much of the Soviet economy. Hiring ex-KGB troops and Afghan vets as ‘enforcers’, crime bosses became more powerful than ever, there, and also in the US.

Having such an international network and having connections in Russian State Intelligence provided them with an edge far beyond their competitors in the Italian Mafia.

Lax government control of visas for Soviet Jews provided easy access for crime bosses to come to America and thus, their influence in the US increased.

177 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Today the Russian Mob is alive and well in the US having established alliances with drug cartels, money launderers, weapons smugglers, and American crime bosses. Couple that with traditional Jewish eco- nomic wizardry and they are assured a very bright future.

) 178 Chapter 41

Shopping Malls

What an invention – what a concept – gotta be Jewish???? Not so much anymore. The rest of the world has certainly surpassed us with the building of the largest ones. Not too long ago it was just us. The world looked upon us in awe.

In the late 1970’s there was a TV show in England which exchanged Britons with counterparts of the same profession outside England. The episode that I remember best is one where a fireman was exchanged with another fireman from the US. On his return to England the thing that impressed him most was American shopping malls. The smaller salary and the inferior firefighting equipment were irrelevant compared to the opportunity to spend his salary in the likes of an American mall. Having been outside the US for a few years I didn’t grasp the enormity of the new American concept. When I did return home, it became abundantly clear. Shopping in the US had changed. I hadn’t seen a true American style shopping mall anywhere in Europe. Malls became as American as apple pie. Every big town got one and it reflected American success.

Of course the downside of the American malls was the death of the downtowns in many small cities and towns. Mom and Pop stores

179 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary became obsolete overnight. Everyone preferred a day at the mall, out of the elements, with hundreds of stores, with food courts and movies and everyone else there with you. No downtown could compete with that so downtowns slowly passed away. I remem- ber a town in upstate New York, with a new shopping mall on the outskirts of town, where the chamber of commerce attempted to assist the downtown shops by adjusting the traffic lights to have vehicles stop in front of the shops, thereby giving the shop owners an opportunity to dress up their windows to attract shoppers. The unexpected result was that drivers avoided downtown altogether due to the delays it caused and the downtown shops closed one by one till it resembled a ghost town. This became a common theme around the country and now, around the world.

Stateside, most malls are Jewish owned or managed. Throughout Canada and most of Latin America there is significant Jewish in- vestment also, but Asia and the Pacific Rim have gone nuts in the building of malls and they now own most of the largest in the world. It appears that they have accomplished this without Jewish guidance or investment. How? It doesn’t seem plausible?

Around 1957 the first mall to be called a mall was built in Bergen County, New Jersey. It was commonly called the ‘Paramus Mall’ and was founded by Steven Roth, another bright Jewish kid from New York. Today it’s called ‘The Outlets at Bergen Town Center’. It seems that they’re all called ‘something’ at Town Center. Quite posh! Today, Paramus, New Jersey is a mall. There are whole cities that don’t see the traffic that exists on the 4 and 17 interchange at Paramus.

The biggest malls in North America were built by an Iranian-Jewish family in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The Ghermezian family built the West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton, which was the world’s larg- est until 2004. With Galaxy land, an Ice Palace, and a water park, it

) 180 Shopping Malls ) offered 3,800,000 square feet of everything a family could want in a controlled climate. They followed up with another in Bloomington, Minnesota, called the ‘Mall of America’. They have a few more with a new one due to open in East Ruthersford, New Jersey, near the Meadowlands, at maybe 4,800,000 square feet.

Most of the largest malls around the world are outside the US. At this time the largest malls are in China and the Philippines. It ap- pears that the two largest, which are both in China, are struggling. The next two, in the Philippines, are controlled by a Chinese ex- patriot and seem to be profitable and growing.

Chinese ex-pats, sometimes called the ‘Jews of the Orient’, seem to be the most successful in business. From Hong Kong, to Taiwan, to the shop owners in Viet Nam and Thailand, they seem to run the most successful businesses. Maybe, like the Jews of the shtetls, when released from their confines, magic happens.

Stateside, the Simon Growth Properties are the number one play- ers in the mall business. Founded by Melvin Simon, another magic Ashkenazi from New York, along with his brother Herb (who had purchased the Indiana Pacers), they have become the number one American commercial real estate company. They are also in Canada, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico and Puerto Rico con- trolling over 300 properties.

The second largest in the US is General Growth Properties, found- ed by Martin and Matthew Bucksbaum with one hundred twenty regional shopping malls in forty states. Unfortunately, after turning control over to the next generation, ninety seven percent of the family fortune was lost by 2008. It goes to show that just being Jewish doesn’t guarantee success.

Large ventures, such as major shopping malls, do not seem to be

181 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary overrun with gentiles. There are some instances of non-Jewish success in the mall business but remembering that Jews com- prise only two percent of the American population, the stats are phenomenal.

) 182 Chapter 42

The Magic Gene

Jews possess a ‘Magic Gene’ personally inserted by God Himself. This gene has identified them as the ‘Chosen People’.

The gene has a variety of characteristics such as: a propensity toward philanthropy, greed, drive, an appreciation of education, the ability to organize and manage, an understanding of the value of family in business, mastery of making profit, satisfaction in allowing others to enjoy the limelight while profiting behind the scene, and the ability to endure misery and eventually rise like the phoenix.

This gene has had Jews survive the unimaginable from Moses through the holocaust. But, as manifested ever since Adam and Eve, each of the ‘Chosen’ must decide which parts of that magic gene will dominate.

That decision, made by each, is what has made Jews the most ad- mired, the most hated, the most famous, and the richest minority on the planet.

The gene is not like the genes of other peoples. The gene is domi- neering. It’s an all consuming gene. It appears that all Jews possess

183 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary it but some suppress it. This may be why they do not own the whole world.

Conspiracy theory believers assert that there is a Jewish plan for world domination (I’ll elaborate on that later) but that would require that no Jew would suppress their magic gene. There just aren’t enough of them to complete such a monumental task. note: This is where I should insert disclaimers or ‘LOL’ or whatever keeps the overly serious or overly sensitive readers from being misled or having their feelings hurt.

Even if there is no ‘magic gene’, Jews believe that there is and that ‘perception is reality’ thing kicks in.

As proven so many times, if, for example, you convince people that they are ‘above average’, they will often rise to the expectation and become ‘above average’. As your associates also believe this, it becomes a culture of ‘above average’ and eventually this culture be- comes ‘above average’ and eventually, ‘superior’.

‘Superior’ can be a good attribute or a bad one. It’s the difference between Albert Einstein and Bernie Madoff. Each ‘superior’, but each utilizing their ‘magic gene’ differently; two of the most famous Jews, but thus, the cause of most confusion for gentiles. Each famous for what is perceived as a ‘Jewish trait’ by non-Jews. Hopefully, this causes confusion for Jews also.

This ‘magic gene’, or the ‘Chosen People’ concept, for whatever the reason, has produced the most unique and impactive group of people which have survived and eventually thrived for thousands of years.

The reason I use the term ‘group’ is because I am not sure if the grouping is defined by religion, ethnicity, culture or language.

) 184 The Magic Gene ) Religion is doubtful because so many of the most renowned have long since dumped their religious affiliation. Maybe an invitation for God to return and do another ‘attention getter’ for the Jews’ that He is so famous for.

Ethnicity is a good bet but not a perfect answer. Because Jews have been so spread out over the past two thousand years it is sometimes hard to see the ethnic resemblance between Russian Jews and Arab Jews or between Persian Jews and German Jews. All carry the gene though. The Ashkenazim seem to have gotten an extra helping of the gene.

Culture may define how Jews are defined because true Jewish culture enforces the need for education, hard work, thrift, and everything else that defines what gentiles assume are Jewish traits. The confusion occurs in cases where a Jew is insulated from Jewish culture but still succeeds as one would expect a Jew to succeed such as Madeline Albright, first female Secretary of State, speaks half the languages of the earth, PhD, multi-millionaire, etc., etc., etc., but raised as a Christian and allegedly, not knowing of her Jewish background till later in life.

Language? No way! Half the Jews I know don’t speak Hebrew or Yiddish but still are Jewish.

Thus, I figure Jews are a group. The group simply carries the ‘magic gene’. The ‘magic gene’ defines the ‘Chosen People’.

Now the other side of the coin for that gene…

185 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Along with the good comes the bad. That magic gene also carries some terrible diseases and Ashkenazim are the most prone for these also:

Tay-Sachs: progressive deterioration of nerve cells beginning at 6 months of age and normally resulting in death by age 4. It takes 2 car- rier parents to produce a Tay-Sachs baby so couples can be screened prior to marriage. There is no cure for Tay-Sachs.

Niemann-Pick: a disease causing a metabolic disorder, also takes 2 carrier parents. It is normally fatal before adulthood.

Gaucher’s disease: Ashkenazim are 100 times more likely than others to contract this disease which causes problems with the liver, spleen, bones, skin, and blood. Treatment can cost $200,000/year for life.

Mucolipidosis type IV: causes delayed development of movement and coordination as well as eye problems.

Dor Yeshorim (Committee for the prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases) offers genetic screening to Jews to eliminate genetic disor- ders common to Jews. Jews are tested and carriers are identified to prevent marriage to another carrier.

I have personally witnessed groups of Jewish women who monitor neonatal and pediatric wards of hospitals to identify Jewish babies with genetic defects, with or without the parent’s consent, so they can be tracked for future marriage eligibility.

) 186 Chapter 43

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ was first published in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century claiming to be a report of a meeting of Jewish leaders who planned a takeover of the world.

At that time, in Russia, pogroms (organized massacre of Jews) were commencing and many Jews were being murdered or displaced as a result of Jews being blamed for the growing revolutionary problems in Eastern Europe.

‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ was alleged to have documented the minutes of a nineteenth century meeting of Jewish elders who intended to have Jewish bankers control world currency and Jews to take over the press to gain and maintain control of the masses (the ‘masses’ being us!).

It listed twenty four protocols covering subjects such as economic war and anarchy leading to an international government, destruction of organized religion, and a system of domestic loans using govern- ment credit. These were hot topics at that time, just as today, and as Russia and the rest of Europe entered some very trying times the book gained in popularity.

187 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Anti-Jewish sentiment in Russia was growing in the beginning of the twentieth century and as Jews were being persecuted they were also being blamed for many of the country’s problems. As an example: Russia entered a war against Japan in 1904 and a Jewish banker living in the US, named Jacob Schiff, arranged for $200 million in loans for Japan enabling them to defeat Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. This was a humiliating defeat as it was the first time a modern European power had ever been defeated by an Asian power. It also prevented Russia’s access to a warm water port in Asia. This embarrassing Russian defeat certainly left them looking for a scapegoat. ‘The Protocols of the Elders of the Zion’ seemed to rationalize the situation. Who ever actually wrote this document was extremely clever. It has stirred up anti-Semitism for the next century.

As Russia’s revolutions were fomenting in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, many of the leaders were Jewish, thus, causing concern to the czar about Jews. And, as other countries from Germany to even the US were blaming Jews for their growing eco- nomic problems, a publication such as ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ seemed to rationalize their suspicions. It was quoted often in the eventual rise of the Nazi party in Germany and alluded to in ‘Mein Kampf.

In the US, it is alleged that Henry Ford sponsored the printing of thousands of copies believing that the ‘International Jew’ was the world’s foremost problem. The book is still in print today. However, for each copy sold there are numerous books sold which contest its authenticity.

An interesting side-point: Carl Ackerman, the first dean of the Columbia School of Journalism, published the first excerpts of an English translation of ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’. He re- placed the references to ‘Jews’ with ‘bolshevists’.

) 188 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ) If this was indeed written as a hoax it was almost prophetic to today’s political situation in the US. I will list some of the more interesting protocols and you can see the correlations. Remember, these were protocols alleged to have been broadcast to three hundred Jewish leaders who met secretly to discuss the take over of the world by Jews who were spread throughout the world. Allegedly, these Jews lived without borders in that there was no Jewish homeland. They had unfathomable riches which they were prepared to use to retaliate for the persecutions they had endured throughout history. Their loyalty was to themselves and never to any established government, forging the way to a ‘world government’ which they would control. Their su- perior intelligence was supposed to be the weapon that would bring world conquest to fruition.

These are excerpts taken directly from the twenty four protocols. Notice the uncanny applicability to today.

Below, in bold, are the actual excerpts from ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’.

From protocol 2: ƒƒ “Our international rights will then wipe out national rights...” This is the indication that the intent is for a world government which overrides the present day established gov- ernments. Coincidently, this is one of the claims made against the Progressives by some American Conservatives who be- lieve that there is a movement to subordinate the US to World interests through the United Nations and the World Court in The Hague. ƒƒ “The administrators, whom we shall choose from among the public, with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedi- ence, will not be persons trained in the arts of government and will therefore easily become pawns in our game in the

189 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary hands of men of learning and genius who will be their advis- ers, specialists bred and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world.” This is precisely the claim that some have made about Obama; a community organizer who was greatly influenced in socialist ways and overwhelmingly advised by Jewish staff. Although he was trained in some of the arts of government (i.e. constitutional attorney), it did not get in his way. It ap- peared, to some, that his actual knowledge of constitutional law was extremely limited. He has been willing and able to readjust his positions, such as his use of executive orders, to accomplish the goals of his ‘advisors’.

ƒƒ “The intellectuals of the goyim will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want.” Goyim is the Jewish word for non-Jews. One term that would come to mind today would be ‘Global Warming’. Another might be ‘ObamaCare’. Whoever did write this, over one hundred years ago, almost appears to be clairvoyant when comparing to the concerns of American Conservatives.

ƒƒ “Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzscheism. To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the goyim.” If truly the words of devout Jewish leaders, they would not have, themselves, believed in any of these concepts as they

) 190 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ) are all counter to the Torah. It shows how such subjects could be used to control the flocks of non-Jews.

ƒƒ “In the hands of the States of to-day there is a great force that creates the movement of thought in the people, and that is the Press. The part played by the Press is to keep pointing out requirements supposed to be indispensable, to give voice to the complaints of the people, to express and to create discontent. It is in the Press that the triumph of freedom of speech finds its incarnation. But the GOYIM States have not known how to make use of this force; and it has fallen into our hands. Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade; thanks to the Press we have got the GOLD in our hands, notwithstand- ing that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand GOYIM.” The claim today is that much of the press is Jewish owned. Most of the TV news outlets are also dominated by Jewish owners, managers and producers.

From protocol 5: ƒƒ ““Per Me reges regnant”. (“It is through me that Kings reign.”) And it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth. God has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task... All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is Gold. The science of political economy invented by our learned elders has for long past been giving royal pres- tige to capital.” It is claimed that the goal of the Jewish leadership was to think internationally and to remove themselves from local

191 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary currencies. As goyim remained focused on their local curren- cies, gold would dominate and the controllers of gold would obtain power on an international level. An example of this avoidance of local currency occurred during the American Civil War where Jewish European Bankers who financed the South demanded collateral in cotton which was a tradable commodity regardless of the outcome of the war and the eventual disintegration of Confederate currency.

From protocol 6: ƒƒ “We shall raise the rate of wages which, however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle breeding.” With the hotbed discussions on minimum wage today, tell me this isn’t relevant!

From protocol 8: ƒƒ “We shall surround our government with a whole world of economists. That is the reason why economic sciences form the principal subject of the teaching given to the Jews. Around us again will be a whole constellation of bankers, industrial- ists, capitalists and -- the main thing millionaires, because in substance everything will be settled by the question of figures.” ‘Figures’ is the term for money and the control of it. From the Rothschilds financing every movement in Europe for hundreds of years to the control of Wall Street today, Jewish economists, such as George Soros, have been phenomenal.

From protocol 10: ƒƒ “To secure this we must have everybody vote without dis- tinction of classes and qualifications, in order to establish an

) 192 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ) absolute majority, which cannot be got from the educated propertied classes. In this way, by inculcating in all a sense of self-importance, we shall destroy among the goyim the importance of the family and its educational value and re- move the possibility of individual minds splitting off, for the mob, handled by us, will not let them come to the front nor even give them a hearing; it is accustomed to listen to us only who pay it for obedience and attention, In this way we shall create a blind, mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any’ direction without the guidance of our agents set at its head by us as leaders of the mob. The people will submit to this regime because it will know that upon these leaders will depend its earnings, gratifications and the receipt of all kinds of benefits.” The initial assertion was that this was the precursor for the Communist movement that was rising in Russia and other European countries around the turn of the twentieth century but it is also the claim made today by Conservatives against the Progressive movement. Most Conservatives do not attribute this to Jews, but simply to Liberals. With Conservatives being the main supporters of Israel it is beyond their line of sight to associate Liberals with Jews. ƒƒ “In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favour of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some “Panama” or other - then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the reten- tion of the privileges, advantages and honour connected with the office of president. The chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the responsible presi- dent, a puppet in our hands. Naturally, the authority of the

193 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary president will then become a target for every possible form of attack, but we shall provide him with a means of self-defense in the right of an appeal to the people, for the decision of the people over the heads of their representatives, that is to say, an appeal to that same blind slave of ours -- the majority of the mob. Independently of this we shall invest the president with the right of declaring a state of war. We shall justify this last right on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army of the country must have it at his disposal, in case of need for the defense of the new republican constitution, the right to defend which will belong to him as the responsible representative of this constitution.” First, let me explain that ‘Panama’ reference. During the French involvement in the construction of the Panama Canal, which was just prior to the publishing of these protocols, some shady financial dealings at high levels of government became publicized and the term ‘Panama’ inferred corruption.

This protocol seems like it could be taken from a Republican ‘defense manual’. This is beyond imagination in how, over a century ago, the accusations were identical to those of today.

From protocol 11: ƒƒ “God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of the dispersion, and in this which appears in all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over all the world. There now remains not much more for us to build up upon the foundation we have laid.” As one reads the history of Jewish financing throughout Europe and the Americas it is amazing to see that, without even having a country of their own, prior to Israel, Jewish financiers controlled massive pieces of history.

) 194 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ) If one were to read ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ without knowledge of its history, one might mistake it for the Progressive Party playbook. It is uncanny how many of the accusations made by Conservatives against Democrats today seem to be correlated to these one hundred year old writings. It may be that history does repeat itself.

‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ has been influential in many an- ti-Semitic movements since first being published in 1903. Although exposed as a hoax many times, it continuously surfaces to inflame people fascinated with ‘Jewish Conspiracy’ theories.

In the early 1920’s it concerned Henry Ford enough that he, alleg- edly, published anti-Semitic articles warning of the dire threat of the International Jew. It is claimed that he believed that Jews had instigated World War I to profit financially and Jews had contrived the Federal Reserve to fund the war and put America’s wealth under Jewish control.

It was claimed that Jewish money had manipulated the election of Woodrow Wilson; paying to split the Republican vote by founding and funding the Bull Moose Party to ensure Wilson’s victory. Repayment for that win was to have been the formation of the Federal Reserve de- signed and controlled by a recent Jewish-German immigrant named Paul Warburg whose family, concurrently, controlled major German banking.

Many believed, at that time, in conspiracies that Jewish bankers con- trolled most economic and political decisions being made in both Europe and the United States and that war was simply a money maker for the financiers.

The ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ can be a tough read but, for those interested in politics, it can be fascinating and can appear prophetic.

195 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary It may very well have been a hoax but it appears to have predicted the current political situation in America. It may, on the other hand, have been discovered by opportunists and used as a playbook to success- fully achieve their goals. Many of these goals appear to have been accomplished.

If politics, at this level is of interest to you, download the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Most editions are heavily prefaced with disclaim- ers clarifying that the contents of the original book are in no way true and that the book was a hoax to discredit Jews. Regardless, it is fascinating to think that, over one hundred years ago, the world held the same beliefs that many hold today.

) 196 Chapter 44


Jewish Emancipation During the nineteenth century in Europe there was a period now known as the Jewish Emancipation. After years of persecution, Jews were given freedoms to practice their religion, own land, obtain high- er education, and practice in the professional fields.

With the new found freedoms many Jews assimilated freely into European society causing concern among the more orthodox Jews. Fears regarding intermarriage with gentiles, abandonment of Judaism for secular pleasures, and allegiances to nations or any communities outside the traditional Jewish tribal community caused Jewish leader- ship to take actions.

Intermarriage with gentiles posed the threat of ‘watering down’ Judaism. Instead of the traditional tight knit community life, some Jews would reject the tribe and raise their new families as Germans, or Frenchmen, or Poles. Gentile women would marry into a Jewish community but children were considered Jewish only if mom was Jewish.

197 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary With the new access to the gentile world and perks such as higher education, there was suddenly more to life than lectures from the rabbi. The tunnel vision of having Judaism being law, education, live- lihood, and all pleasures of life was being jeopardized.

With the new access to the benefits of belonging to a new communi- ty, allegiances to nations, towns, or villages detracted from the tribe. Interests in all the new aspects of gentile life, from sports to dress, to guild membership, to university life diminished the absolute power of Judaism over the lives of many Jews.

This, obviously, threatened the power of the rabbis. A rabbi’s author- ity had traditionally been absolute in Jewish economy, law, religion, language, and social matters. They believe that there should be no separation of church and state.

One result of the Jewish Emancipation was a further growth of Orthodoxy. was for control of the tribe. Some became even more conservative and insulated in an attempt to maintain status quo and not lose members to the world of the gentiles.

The enhanced traditions, begun then, are still apparent in the Haredi communities with traditional dress, culture and language still utilized to keep the outside world out. The rabbi is still the leader of church and state inside the community.

Orthodoxy Orthodox Jews and Ultra-Orthodox Jews are often Haredi. Sporting traditional black clothing with white shirts and unique head cover- ings, Haredim (members of Haredi) normally congregate together in communities that maintain the traditions established centuries ago. They retain traditional language which enhances the fostering of their

) 198 Tidbits ) primary purpose in life - the continuing study of the oral and written law and the quest for perfect understanding of the word of God.

Heredi Jews have many unique and antique traditions which have not evolved much in centuries. Women are treated differently than in the secular or Christian world. Women are normally not photographed. Outside the home, women are segregated. Worship and many types of celebration such as weddings are conducted differently and separate- ly for men and women. Even bathing beaches are gender separated. Separate sides of the street are designated for men and women. And, women cannot bear witness in rabbinical trials.

Haredi communities have very high birth rates. The population in the American and Israeli Haredi communities is currently doubling every twenty years.

Haredi men believe that their studying of the word of God is paramount and should be supported by the community and the government. Where women may work till the birth of their second child, men often times will not obtain a job in that they believe that government assistance such as food stamps is acceptable as long as they are active in the study of God’s word.

In Israel, where conscription in the Israeli Defense Forces is mandato- ry, ‘Torato Omanuto’ provides for an exemption for students studying the Torah who claim that their job is to pray for peace.

Less than forty percent of Haredi men are in the Israeli work force. Over fifty percent receive government allowances as opposed to fif- teen percent for the rest of the population. The high birth rate among haredim may spell future economic difficulties for Israel as it does in some American Haredi communities.

Israel faces situations similar to the New York area concerning Haredi

199 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary communities. Tightly controlled by rabbis, Haredim vote and pur- chase in blocks. This gives them additional power with politicians and venders. Prior to Hillary’s run for the New York Senate seat, Bill visited the appropriate Jewish leaders to repair some of the dam- ages done by Hillary’s perceived anti-Jewish sentiments of the past. Without their voting block it would have been a very tough, if not impossible, battle.

Manufactures and advertisers pay particular attention to the market- ing of products in Orthodox Jewish areas being careful to conform to standards acceptable to them.

Many Orthodox Jews are also anti-Zionist. Their belief is that a Jewish homeland was not to come until the arrival of the Messiah.

Yiddish and Hebrew Of the Haredi, a sub-sect called Hasidic are also Orthodox but normally speak Yiddish in the community except when Hebrew is necessary for the interpretation of the word of God. Because many of the Hasidic groups originated in the Lithuania area where Yiddish was developed and spoken for centuries, it is still spoken in the home.

Some Jews speak only Hebrew and believe that Yiddish is a reflec- tion of life in the ghetto. Jewish ghettos called shtetls were towns and villages located throughout Central and Eastern Europe prior to the holocaust. Through the centuries the Jews there developed a lan- guage which incorporated Germanic vocabulary and local languages and infused with Hebrew. It is written using Hebrew script.

It has become the language of the Ashkenazi Jews; having been used in the Lithuanian yeshivas to study the Talmud.

) 200 Tidbits ) Hasidic Jews are often identified by their adherence to the teach- ings of famous rabbis of the past. Some were considered outstanding in their interpretation of the Torah. These rabbis were identified as Rebbe, meaning our master, our teacher, our rabbi.

Some initiated Hasidic Dynasties which continued by succes- sion; usually through the family. A rebbe would groom a son in the study of God’s word. God’s word is used to guide every aspect of the community’s existence. The rebbe is not just the rabbi, but the judge, family counselor, community representative and the final decision maker for everything involving the community.

As opposed to a Hasidic Dynasty, a Hasidic ‘group’ is one founded by a leader who did not have a successor.

Torah and Talmud The Torah is the ‘Written Law’. It was given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. For Christians it is the first five books of the Old Testament. Jews contend that it was written by God in seventy languages, for all people of the world, but only the Israelites accepted it. Thus the ‘Chosen People’!

The Talmud is the ‘Oral Law’. It ‘explains’ the Torah. After centuries of being passed down from generation to generation orally, it was first written down around the year 200 AD to assist in the continu- ity during a time enduring a lack of Jewish scholars. Rabbis through the centuries worked on the minutia to define the Torah. Sessions would sometimes last for years to precisely interpret just a few words. Throughout the Jewish world rabbis and scholars would debate the interpretation of the Written Law to eliminate ambiguity.

201 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Reform Movement After the ‘Jewish Emancipation’ in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries many Jews began assimilating in to their local communities. Many Jews adapted their lifestyle and religion to be more amenable to the Gentiles. A ‘Reform Movement’ arose to attempt to retain the Jews who were rejecting orthodoxy but not converting to Christianity. In the US, Reformation of Judaism was a natural progression as Jews were often isolated from Jewish centers as they spread throughout the growing nation.

Reform Jews emphasize the fight for social justice and care for the downtrodden. They often reject a literal interpretation of the Bible believing that Judaism can evolve. Women’s roles have evolved to the point that women can become rabbis. Reform Jews do not always keep kosher and are open to intermarriage. They are not necessarily awaiting a Messiah and not stringent about the need for a separate homeland. It is classified as a ‘Progressive’ form of Judaism.

Conservative Judaism Conservative Judaism (Masorti Judaism outside the US) is a more modern form of Ashkenazi, from 1850’s Germany, to preserve a more conservative Judaism than the . This is the largest Jewish sect in the US. It is also classified as ‘Progressive’ and permits women rabbis. They fall between the Orthodox and the Reform sects. Their belief is that it is ok to evolve as long as it doesn’t violate the Torah.

Kosher Keeping ‘kosher’ includes unique eating habits derived from literal interpretations of the Torah. Before access to modern science and

) 202 Tidbits ) refrigeration, rabbis looked to protect their people from diseases and poisonings that occurred from foods. Looking to the Torah for guidance they identified distinct rules for the handling of foods.

Meat from cud-chewing animals with split hooves, such as cows, sheep, and goats, was okay. Edible fish required scales and fins (no bottom feeders). Only domesticated fowl such as chicken or duck can be kosher. Only eggs and milk from kosher animals and birds are permitted. Fruits, vegetable and grains were safe.

Forbidden foods, known as ‘trefa’, include meat from pigs, horses, and rabbits, and bottom feeding water animals such as lobster and crab. Avoiding pork in a hot climate without refrigeration still makes good sense.

Meat and milk are also required to be separated; probably from a biblical commandment not to “stew a kid in its mother’s milk”.

Shmita Shmita, also called the Sabbatical Year, is the seventh year of a seven year growing cycle. In the Shmita the fields are left fallow in Israel. Agricultural activity is forbidden. This is perhaps the precursor to crop rotation.

In Leviticus 25, God told Moses to have the land obey the Sabbath and to not reap or prune or harvest. God promised a bounty on the sixth year which would carry one over for the following two years. Any residual harvest during the Sabbatical Year is fair game. Also, all debts, except to foreigners, are remitted.

203 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Judaism vs. Zionism There is a distinct difference between Judaism and Zionism. Judaism is the monotheistic religion based on the Hebrew Bible which establishes the Jews as God’s ‘Chosen People’ to set the example for holiness and ethical behavior in the world.

Zionism is a nationalist movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. It has become unrelated to the religious aspect of Judaism. Most of modern Israel’s leaders have actually been secular or atheist.

Theodor Herzl, the father of modern political Zionism was an atheist. He was extremely motivated and a key player in the preparation for the formation of a Jewish homeland.

Prior to the formation of Modern Israel he attempted to obtain Palestine from the Ottoman Empire. He offered to pay off Turkey’s foreign debt and to help regulate Turkey’s finances in exchange for the real estate. This offer was eventually refused but it showed his determination for a Jewish homeland and also the financial power of Jews in the nine- teenth century.

To further show that this was not a religious endeavor, also in consid- eration for the Jewish homeland was Uganda and the Sinai Peninsula. His goal was for a homeland free of persecution. Most of the leaders of the Zionist movement were secular, as opposed to Orthodox Jews who believed that Israel would be restored only after the coming of the Messiah. Many Orthodox Jews considered it an affront to God to prematurely create a Jewish homeland.

Anti-Zionists believe that Zionism is the enemy of Judaism and Zionists are sometimes described as the ‘new nazis’ who have caused most of the animosity toward Jews.

) 204 Tidbits ) They reflect to ‘Labor Zionism’ which was a socialist movement that believed that Israel would not be established by foreign money but by Jews working the land. Jews needed to become ‘working class’ and were only locked in the ‘professional’ trades because gentiles had excluded them from work. They established kibbutz’ to work the land and lived in communes.

Anti-Zionists also reflect to ‘Poale Zion’, a Jewish marxist-socialist movement popular in various cities of the Russian empire in the early 20th century. And, to the Bund (Jewish Labour Bund), a secular Jewish socialist party who sought to unite all Jewish workers in the Russian empire at the end of the 19th century.

These were the forerunners to the Menshevik and Bolshevik move- ments that provided the excuse for the execution of millions of Jews. Some Orthodox Jews believed that the extermination of the Jews in the twentieth century was related to the Zionist movement.

Modern anti-Zionists sometimes refer to Zionists as ‘Rothschild Zionists’ to infer that their unpopular financial dealings have been the cause of anti-Semitism.

205 ) Chapter 45

What if There Were No Jews?

What would be missing in our world if there were no Jews? I’ll give you some examples and I’m sure that for each one given you could make a counter-argument OR come up with many more examples of your own. When all are added up you can decide if the presence of Jews was beneficial to the world or not. I will avoid the strictly religious arguments, such as the Bible or Jesus because those two subjects alone could fill a book, and stick to the secular. Below is a list of possible results of having no Jews in our world. Many of the ar- guments for the following examples are expounded upon elsewhere in this book.

1. No Crusades. The Crusades were launched, in part, to punish Jews. Not just to free the ‘Holy Land’ from the Muslims. Also, Jews provided much of the financing for the expeditions. A pos- sible outcome of not having the Crusades may have been the eventual conquering of Europe by the ever increasing power of the Arab world. We may all be studying the Koran today.

2. No World War II. A major motivation for the rallying of the German people was to eliminate Jews from Germany. Many Germans were convinced that they were living under the yoke of rich Jews.

) 206 What if There Were No Jews? ) Anti-Semitism was a driving motivation for the writing of Mein Kampf. Maybe, without that motivation, Hitler’s programs would not have gained popular support among the German people.

3. No Atomic age. Albert Einstein and virtually all the key play- ers in the ‘Manhattan Project’ were Jewish. And, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg as well as a number of other Jewish spies, carried key secrets of the atomic research to the Soviets escalating a ‘Cold War’. If the US had not developed atomic research in the pursuit of a weapon perhaps atomic research would not have occurred. All of the world’s energy produced by atomic reactors would need to be provided otherwise.

4. No Hollywood as we know it. Almost all of the major motion picture industry was developed by Jews. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Columbia Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, and most of the producers, directors, and writers are overwhelmingly Jewish. Even Sony, which is a Japanese owned company, is Jewish controlled. Not just Michael Lynton (CEO and co-chairman), but over half of the Sony executives are Jewish. Not bad when only two percent of the nation is Jewish.

5. No banking as we know it. Both of the major religions in the West, Catholicism and Islam, outlawed usury. Banking was developed by Jews in response to the opportunity to profit by the accrual of interest on loans.

6. No Superman. Superman was developed by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Two Jewish kids with a great idea and the drive to sell it. Most of the developers of the follow-on comic book heroes like Spiderman, Green Lantern, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, and the Hulk were also Jewish.

7. No President Obama. Obama’s winning campaign team was

207 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary overwhelmingly Jewish and the majority of his campaign financ- ing came from Jewish sources.

8. No . Both William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are Jewish. Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock were responsible for the show’s eter- nal success.

9. No Bonanza, Little House on the Prairie, or Highway to Heaven. Michael Landon, the key component to all three shows was Jewish. Ben Cartwright (Lorne Greene) was also Jewish.

10. No Wall Street as we know it. Although some of the original trad- ers from the Buttonwood Agreement back in 1792 were Jewish, the New York Stock Exchange didn’t take off till the infusion of Jewish traders from Europe in the mid 1800’s. Today, with just two percent of Americans being Jewish, most of the money from trades on Wall Street is Jewish controlled. Almost all of the CFO’s on Wall Street are Jewish.

11. No popular music as we know it. This one could fill a book on its own. Almost half of all Academy Awards for Best Original Song went to Jewish composers. Many of the most brilliant song writers from Bob Dylan to Billy Joel to Carol King are Jewish (see chapter ‘Marks of Brilliance in Popular Music’). Most of the best Broadway and Hollywood musicals from Annie to Beauty and the Beast to South Pacific to Les Miserables to The Sound of Music, and many, many more were written by Jews. The Brill Building in New York City (worth a book of its own) was crammed with mostly Jewish song writers like Bacharach and David, Neil Sedaka, and Marvin Hamlisch who squeezed into their cubicles day after day and cranked out hit after hit that topped the charts for decades.

12. No medicine as we know it. Aspirin, Novocaine, Polio vaccine, chemotherapy, oral contraceptives, Hepatitis-B vaccine, discovery

) 208 What if There Were No Jews? ) of the Rh blood factor, local anesthesia, and dozens more lifesavers were discovered by Jews. Throughout European history half of all the physicians were Jewish.

13. No NAACP. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was co-founded by Henry Moskowitz. Jewish support has provided the traction and the verification that equal rights was not just a Black desire, it was a universal desire.

14. No New York City as the center of world trade and most popu- lous city in America. The influx of millions of Jews from Europe brought Jewish trading skills and world wide contacts to New York City. New York became the American hub for Jewish traders and investors in Europe. Super rich Jews like the Rothschilds be- gan investing in America through contacts in the New York Jewish sector. Jewish money then developed real estate and businesses in the New York area to eventually provide housing and employ- ment for eight million New Yorkers while further enriching Jewish investors and landlords.

15. No Richard Simmons, Roseanne Barr, Sharon Osbourne, Steven Seagal - all Jewish.

16. No ‘Friends’. Creators/producers Marta Kauffman and David Crane - Jewish. Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer - all Jewish.

17. No ‘Seinfeld’. Almost everybody was Jewish!

18. No Popeye or Betty Boop cartoons. These were brought to the screen by the Fleischer brothers who also invented the rotoscope which revolutionized cartoon production and even leading the way for the success of Walt Disney.

209 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary 19. No Looney Tunes. Leon Schlesinger and Friz Freleng brought the world; Bugs, Porky, Tweety, Sylvester, Yosemite, and Speedy.

20. No philanthropy for education at the level it is today. 12/15/2014, Forbes listed six of America’s top educational philanthropists: Stephen Schwarzman ($200 million), Michael Milken ($137 mil- lion), George Kaiser ($300 million), Elaine Wynn ($22.5 million), Barry Sternlicht ($2 billion through the Robin Hood Foundation), and Jim Breyer (unreported amounts to Harvard and Stanford). The common denominator – six out of six are Jewish!

I should have left blank lines where you could insert your own ex- amples. I had to stop here or the whole book would have been just this one chapter.

It seems like everybody wants to immigrate to the US based on the images of America that were virtually created by Jewish immigrants of the past.

And, yes, there may be plenty of gentiles in these industries but the key players are mostly Jewish!

) 210 Chapter 46

What’s This ‘Jewish Conspiracy Theory’ Thing All About?

In the late 1800’s a German Lutheran minister named Adolf Stoecker compiled some popular theories held about Jews. Being chaplain to the Kaiser, he commanded some respect and received attention.

His concern was that the recent industrialization and capitalist direc- tion of Europe was causing Germany to drift away from his protestant dreams. The problem, in his estimation, was the Jews, defined as non- Christian and industrial capitalists.

Because Jews were perceived as Jews and not Germans, he alleged that their allegiance was questionable and their goal was the subjuga- tion of Germany. His assertion was that Jewish control of the press, Jewish wealth, and an over representation of Jews in the professions and in academia was a threat to Germany and to Christians.

Not long afterwards ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ was pub- lished in Russia accusing Jews of conspiring for world domination. Some even imagined a conspiracy between Jews and the Masons.

211 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary These theories traveled the world and eventually fomented with Hitler and the Soviets. For the Germans it was used to explain the loss of WWI and why the collapse of the German and world econo- mies after the war did not seem to have as much affect on Jews as it did on non-Jews. For the Russians it was used to explain all the problems from the Czar to the revolution. After all, it was believed that the Bolsheviks were overwhelmingly Jewish; from Trotsky to Lenin himself (whose mother was reported to have had Jewish roots).

If Jews were disproportionately represented in Bolshevik leadership, one reason may have been that the Jews were more educated, more able to manage such an endeavor, and - in dire need of change.

Post revolution, the new Bolshevik power base was not very kind to the Jews. More Jews were actually Mensheviks who were more or- thodox Marxists, believing that the socialist revolution must wait until Russia first became a successful capitalist society as per Karl Marx. The Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks had been competing parties in the impending revolution. Lenin elected not to wait for the transfor- mation of Russia into a successful capitalist economy - initiated the revolution - and led the Bolsheviks to victory.

Although only five percent of the Bolsheviks were Jewish they formed and maintained much control of the party until eventually being purged by Stalin. Many of the Jewish Bolsheviks were atheists and were actually anti-Judaism.

Here are a few of the Jewish leaders of the Bolsheviks: ƒƒ Leon Trotsky - Founder and first leader of the Red Army. Assassinated on Stalin’s orders. ƒƒ Grigory Zinoviev - Head of Communist International. Executed by Stalin.

) 212 What’s This ‘Jewish Conspiracy Theory’ Thing All About? ) ƒƒ Moisei Uritsky - Chief of Cheka (secret police), Petrograd City ƒƒ Lev Kamenev - First Head of State of Soviet Russia. Executed by Stalin. ƒƒ Yakov Sverdlov - Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive. ƒƒ Grigory Sokolnikov - People’s Commissar for Finance of the USSR. Arrested during the Great Purge and killed in prison.

From the last quarter of the nineteenth century till the Russian revo- lution over one and a half million Jews immigrated to America. It is certain that many Jews in America with family still in Russia followed the Russian transformation to communism closely.

Some Russian Jews who escaped to America held to the belief that the communist revolution would have been a complete success if it had occurred here. Remember, Karl Marx (also Jewish) claimed that a successful communist revolution must begin from a successful capi- talist society.

An extension of the Jewish Conspiracy Theory might dictate that the Jewish-Russian ex-pats and their offspring may have morphed into the American ‘Progressive’ movement attempting to finally get it right. American history from the turn of the twentieth century identifies nu- merous examples of Jewish anarchists, traitors, and revolutionaries who may have carried their sympathies and beliefs to America in the hopes of fulfilling their dreams which failed in Russia.

Although ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ was undoubtedly an anti-Semitic hoax, it gained popularity around the world.

It was used by the White Russians to raise support against the Jews and the Bolsheviks. It was also a contributor to the Nazi movement in Germany leading to World War II.

213 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary In the US, it is claimed that Henry Ford had half a million copies printed which certainly would have been a contributor to the ‘Red Scare’.

Such a history has allowed some to rationalize that there was, and is, a conspiracy to allow Jews to control the world. As historical infor- mation is twisted to conform to an agenda and the agenda is fed to a population which may be in a less fortunate economic position than most of the Jewish population, it is not all that hard to sell the idea of a Jewish conspiracy.

) 214 Chapter 47

What’s This ‘Old Testament’ Thing All About?

To Christians it seems that Jews are ok with the Old Testament while Christians believe in both the Old and the New Testament.

The Old Testament, which is also the basis for much of Islamic dogma in that Abraham is claimed as their ‘Father’ also, is kind of universal for the ‘Big Three’ religions.

Recognition of the New Testament would require that Jews accept that the Messiah has already arrived. This doesn’t hold much water for most Jews although some Jewish sects, such as Messianic Jews, have a fair acknowledgement of Jesus, just as some Christian sects worship at synagogues.

To Jews, the first five books of the Old Testament constitute the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, book of Numbers, and Deuteronomy); believed to be orally transmitted to Moses by God on Mount Sinai.

It is believed that it was made available, by God, in seventy languages so that all mankind could benefit from it but that only the Jews ac- cepted it. I say, “go chosen people - good choice!”.

215 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary The Old Testament is a hard read and can appear vague in some parts to the untrained reader. Although the ‘begats’ may be obvious, there are parts that need explanation. Jonah spending three days inside a whale, samples of every animal type on the planet together on an ark, the Red Sea parting for Moses, rules of war in Deuteronomy while the Commandments say, “thou shalt not kill”... Compound this with the interpretations to various languages through the centuries and the possible creative input of the interpreters.

In an attempt to maintain accuracy to the original words of God, Jewish rabbis, through the millennia, have dedicated their lives to the precise interpretation of the Torah and explained it word by word in the Talmud. Since the times of the Babylonians, rabbis have docu- mented their interpretations in volumes to be disseminated to Jews throughout the world. For Jews, this was not simply a religious book was also the book of law covering every aspect of Jewish life from murder to menstruation.

Due to the evolution of languages, Jewish scholars have maintained proficiencies in ancient dialects to ensure the accuracy of the Talmud text.

From Babylon (Iraq) to Lithuania, Jews have established yeshivas (schools) to maintain the continuity and accuracy of the Talmud.

Since the early 1500’s the Talmud volumes have been available in print and are over six thousand pages in length. Over six thousand pages to explain the Old Testament.

At least the Jews have clarification. Ask a Christian to explain the cor- relation of the Old Testament’s, “an eye for and eye”, and the New Testament’s, “turn the other cheek”.

) 216 Chapter 48

Who Controls America’s Corporations?

Listed below is a sampling of the US economy and the percentage of Jews in key positions. Keep in mind that only two percent of the na- tion is Jewish.

There are two ways to look at the following information: 1. Thank you to Jews for making this the most successful nation in the world. Our business is solid and the quality of our lives is optimal because of your input. OR... 2. Jews are vastly overly represented and control too much of the US economy from finance to entertainment.

In any of these important fields a gentile is hundreds of times less like- ly to achieve a controlling position than a Jewish counterpart. {2%}

This list shows the percentage of Jews in key positions: ƒƒ Apple Corporation »» 33% of Executive Officers »» 50% of Directors ƒƒ US Treasury Dept over 50% of Senior Officials

217 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary ƒƒ Goldman Sachs »» >75% of Executive Officers »» >50% of Management Committee ƒƒ Hollywood Senior Executives >75% ƒƒ Television broadcast networks, cable TV and Production Companies >75% ƒƒ Record Label Senior Executives >50% ƒƒ Major Advertising Corporations >50% ƒƒ Major League sports teams owners and managers >50%

Most of the cutting edge corporations such as Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and E-Bay have similar statistics of huge percentages of Jewish representation. Almost every corporation named has a Jewish CFO. “When control of money matters, there is a thousand year tradition of putting it in Jewish hands.” Jack

These figures are available to anyone who wishes to view public listings of managers and directors of public and government busi- nesses. In most of these I have purposely kept the figures conservative because, with only two percent of the population being Jewish, the point is easily made.

) 218 Chapter 49

Who Did Kill Christ Anyway?

According to the Gospels of the New Testament it’s pretty clear. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all claim that it was the Jews who were responsible for Jesus’ crucifixion and for almost two thousand years it has fostered a persecution of the Jews.

Orthodox, zealous, rabbis always appeared to me to be very protec- tive of their position as teacher, priest, judge, and counsel to their congregation. Often times, in their world, they held a position in which they lived at the expense of their flock, expecting financial support for their guidance. This may or not be justified but it is un- derstandable that someone living off the support of his people would not appreciate someone like Jesus stealing his supporters and coun- termanding so much of his teachings.

Trying to place oneself in the situation that existed, one could almost picture the fear held by the rabbis of losing support and needing to find a new career all because a young upstart like Jesus preached that much of what they had been teaching was wrong. With the large gatherings that Jesus was commanding and the miracles He was performing He posed a formidable threat to their livelihood. To be fair, the rabbis may have very well believed that Jesus was, in

219 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary fact, a blasphemer who needed to be removed before their congrega- tions were misled and lost.

As the story goes - Jesus was arrested after the Last Supper and brought to the Sanhedrin which was the Jewish judicial body. After trial and abuse, Jesus was brought to Pontius Pilate, the governor of Roman Judea, to request the death penalty because it was not within their own authority to condemn Jesus to death. The charge was His claim to be the King of the Jews.

Pilate, being a Roman governor, and not desiring to participate in this event tried to pawn it off on Herod in that Jesus was from Galilee and Herod was the authority there.

Herod returned Jesus to Pilate and Pilate tried again to dissolve the situation but the Jewish leaders were determined. Pilate and Herod both found no evidence justifying crucifixion but further conversa- tions with the Jewish elders brought about the sentence of death. Pilate, famously, washed his hands of the situation and succumbed to the Jew’s demands.

The Jews accepted responsibility and a passage from Matthew (Matthew 27:25 “His blood be on our hands and on the hands of our children”) amplified their involvement and almost foretold of the coming problems.

Although this is clearly spelled out in the Gospels and there have been two thousand years of persecution of the Jews by Christians due to this, recent years have redirected blame. Most Jews, I’m sure, would prefer that the Romans took the fall for Jesus’ death and many writings today lean in that direction.

The Catholic Church had adjusted its position to say, in the ‘Nostra Aetate’ of the Second Vatican Council in 1965, that ‘all Jews’ are not

) 220 Who Did Kill Christ Anyway? ) responsible. The result is that fewer and fewer Christians believe that Jews are responsible. Of course - fewer and fewer Christians today read the Bible or are as devout as Christians of the past.

Another point may be that the Jews were ‘played’ because Jesus need- ed to be crucified to fulfill His mission. If true, then the question arises as to why an all knowing God would have allowed it to play out that way leading to two millennia of persecution.

There was another explanation that I had heard quite a few years ago by the famous radio show host Howard Stern. He claimed to be both- ered by the discomfort he felt as a Jew during Christmas and wanted to offer an alternative explanation for the killing of Christ. Explaining that most Jews are docile and physically non-aggressive, it would be out of character for Jews to have killed Jesus. His conclusion was that it was more likely to have been Puerto Ricans as it was more in their nature. I’m not really buying that one.

221 ) Chapter 50

Why Are Jews So Persecuted?

A question on the minds of most gentiles is: why are Jews so persecuted?

The traditional answer has always been that they were blamed for killing Christ. That stigma has definitely caused much of the perse- cution. BUT, the Bible identifies the Romans as the actual killers of Christ and yet no one persecutes Italians for their role in history.

A simple defense of, “it was God’s plan so if you believe in God’s plan, Jews were tools of the Lord and should be thanked, not hated” should have sufficed, but it didn’t.

There must be more to it. I’ll toss out a few ideas so you can decide which hold credence:

Tax Collecting - Historically, Jews lost favor among fellow Jews and among gentiles because they were the favored tax collectors for the authorities. Tax collectors were rated as traitors and were regarded about the same as prostitutes around the time of Christ.

Matthew, the apostle, was a tax collector and Jesus was scorned for

) 222 Why Are Jews So Persecuted? ) attending dinner at Matthew’s home. Jesus responded that, “I came not to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.”

The tax collectors were hired to collect taxes for the Romans, who controlled Judea at that time. They achieved their position by bidding for the job.

Their income came from whatever they could collect above and be- yond what was actually owed. It was bad enough that taxes were collected for an occupying force, but to have the money collected by a fellow Jew who extorted even more for himself, under the protec- tion of Roman soldiers, added insult to injury.

Two hundred years prior to that, Joseph ben Tobiah provided similar services for the Egyptians who occupied Judea at that time, and be- came excessively rich. He was able to manipulate his job to become ruler of Judea with the power of two thousand Egyptian soldiers at his disposal for the collection of taxes.

In the Talmud, tax collectors are equated to robbers and therefore are ineligible to be judges, nor witnesses. Neither are their family members.

Throughout the middle ages Jews were sought after to collect taxes throughout Europe. Jews were known for their ability to maximize tax income from the peasantry while compensating themselves at no additional cost to the government. From France to Russia to Turkey, although Jews were often restricted from public offices, they were necessary for the collection of taxes.

Tax collectors have historically been hated by Jews who had viewed them as traitors. To gentiles tax collectors often represented Jews be- cause that was often the only interaction they would have had with Jews. Even today, when Lois Lerner became the face of the IRS with

223 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary her ‘lost emails’, some of her critics accused her of being another crooked Jewish tax collector. Funny how stereotypes have persisted for over two thousand years.

Too big to fail – Beginning around 2007, with the housing bubble bursting and workers seeing their 401(k)s and pensions plans crush- ing their hopes for retirement, it appeared that the only people not affected were the executives of the giant lending and investment companies. As thousands of people were losing their homes they were informed that their tax money was being used to bail out the perpetrators of the crisis. The claim was that they were too big to fail. We were told that if they failed, it would have a devastating affect on the US economy. One Jewish expert seemed to make a bit of sense – Alan Greenspan said, “If they’re too big to fail, they’re too big.”

The executives at Goldman Sachs were making billions by actually betting on the collapse of the sub-prime market while companies like Citigroup, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America were taking our tax dollars as their executives maintained their royal lifestyles without much repercussion. In fact, the only one I know of who went to prison was a Muslim named Kareem Serageldin.

As one watched the news at that time, the one thing that gentiles saw was the shortage of gentiles. From the reporters, to the hosts of the Sunday morning ‘talking head shows, to the ‘experts’, to the per- petrators of the crisis, to the executives still getting rich – not many gentiles! Probably because only Jews could even understand what was going on. If you hadn’t attended the Wharton School of Business it was all greek. Although I’m sure that this was not actually the case, it had that appearance to us poor proletariat.

All you could do was trust that the government would watch out for our interests. The gentiles in government turned out to be too stupid to help and many of the Jews hired by the government were recruited

) 224 Why Are Jews So Persecuted? ) from the very institutions which their friends and colleagues still controlled.

Although the majority of the American public cannot differentiate a Jew from a gentile and would therefore not assign blame to any par- ticular group other than the ‘corporate executive’ villains; Jews and gentiles, alike, in the business, are distinctly attuned to who is who on Wall Street and in the banking world.

Communist Jews of Russia - One of the reasons for the animosity to- ward Jews in early Soviet Russia was due to an assassination attempt on the life of Vladimir Lenin by a Jewish revolutionary named Fanny Kaplan. Kaplan considered Lenin a traitor to the revolution and fired three shots at him at close range. Two struck him. One passed through his neck and punctured his lung and the other lodged in his shoulder. He survived the wounds but was plagued by after effects till his death in 1924. Kaplan was executed with a bullet to the back of the head in 1918. Twelve years prior, Kaplan, aged sixteen, had been arrested in Kiev for her part in a terrorist bombing plot and spent years in hard labor camps in Siberia.

This assassination attempt by a Jewish revolutionary brought harsh repercussions on Soviet Jews. Shortly after the shooting there was a decree for ‘Red Terror’ to eliminate ‘enemies of the revolution’, lead- ing to the execution of hundreds of thousands throughout the Soviet Union including thousands of Jews.

Jews of Germany - Why did the German people allow the Nazi par- ty to persecute Jews? After World War I the German economy had been rebuilding - mainly due to the investment of American money. Because much of the war was fought outside Germany, their industry was not destroyed.

The first challenge encountered was hyperinflation which made

225 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary German marks worthless. The government simply printed more money to pay workers. The worthless money was sometimes called ‘Jewish confetti’ by anti-Semites who claimed that the hyperinflation was a Jewish plot to destroy the German economy.

By the 1930’s the ‘great depression’ in the US was catastrophic. In Germany, it was worse. American investment money to Germany dried up. Workers were being paid with worthless money and people began to starve.

Jews represented two things to the Germans: wealth, which some- how appeared to be unaffected by the depression, and a communist threat. These ideas were perpetuated by the propaganda of the Nazi party and it was a very effective sell. Hitler was able to convince the German people that the First World War was lost because Jews stabbed Germany in the back. With the German people believing that Jews controlled almost half of the private banks in Germany, the stock market, many of the newspapers, and a majority of the chain stores it was possible for Hitler to convince them that they were propagating a ‘communist’ plot, similar to the Bolshevik plot which had recently overturned Russia.

A related question is: why didn’t the US do more for the Jews that were being exterminated in Germany? Our government did not react. Sadly enough, many of the powerful American Jews, with a few ex- ceptions, did not react as expected either. Newspapers did not press hard for action. Aside from New York Times coverage of ‘’ in 1938, there was surprisingly little coverage of the atrocities that were becoming increasingly known to the press.

Hollywood was strangely quiet. The billions and billions of Jewish dollars in the US were rarely used to help save the Jews of Europe.

Franklin Roosevelt was apprehensive of Jews. He felt that some of

) 226 Why Are Jews So Persecuted? ) Europe’s problems stemmed from Jews dominating their economies and cited cases where this was becoming problematic in the US al- ready. FDR’s plan was to keep Jews, “spread thin”. As an example, he had privately been concerned with Jewish quotas for Harvard. In 1923 Jews comprised one third of the entering class. FDR recom- mended that the Jewish quota be set to fifteen percent. He appeared to be overly concerned that Jews were overcrowding professions and should be balanced to prevent a duplication of the problems in Europe.

Some of the Jews in the US had already been posing a communist threat which caused concern for many Americans observing the Bolshevik Revolution and the spreading communist threat through Eastern Europe. It was perceived that many of the leaders of the communist movement were Jewish and many Americans were ap- prehensive to invite more Jews here.

Bernie Madoff – The most famous Jew in finance of recent years was Bernie Madoff. Madoff was a Stock broker, investment adviser, finan- cier, and a former chairman of NASDAQ. He defrauded his clients who had trusted their investments to him. Billions of dollars were taken from his customers who were guaranteed massive profits from their investments. High estimates approached sixty five billion dollars missing from client’s accounts including his fabricated gains.

The unique feature here is that most of his victims were also Jewish. He defrauded Jewish organizations like Steven Spielberg’s Wunderkinder Foundation and the Lappin Foundation which is a non-profit set up to keep Jewish kids Jewish.

Speculation was that it was not simply greed for the massive returns that he promised that made his scam so huge; it was the fact that Jews did not expect to be scammed by a fellow Jew and therefore no flags went up. One of the only people to raise a flag was a Greek-American

227 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary named Harry Markopolos who found it strange that Madoff could consistently get his clients a return of one to two percent per month. It took nine years to convince the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the fraud.

The first question raised by a poor Christian such as myself is: do Jewish investors really get a consistent return of ten to twenty per- cent when most of American’s 401(k)s have been flat for almost a decade?

Some very popular writers were anti-Semitic – Martin Luther’s writ- ings reflect his abhorrence of the Jews - possible because they did not follow his conversion to Protestantism as he had hoped. He called them thieves and robbers who made money from the labor of others through usury.

Voltaire called Jews, “fanatics and betrayers who do not belong to any place except that place which makes them money.”

Shakespeare famously penned ‘Shylock the Jew’ in the ‘Merchant of Venice’.

The Gospels of the New Testament lay blame for the crucifixion on Jews. Revelation makes two references to “those of the synagogue of satan who claim to be Jews but are not.”

Although there are plenty of verifiable anti-Semitic references from ancient Rome to Mein Kampf, the internet is full of bogus quotes which take the appearance of legitimacy but have been twisted to infer a meaning different than the original. All these, taken into ac- count, foster a negative image of Jews.

Spies – In Europe, Jews have often been accused of spying against their home countries. The accusation is that Jews are loyal to themselves

) 228 Why Are Jews So Persecuted? ) and not to any country. This was the justification for persecution in Russia and in Germany. In the US Jews were discovered to have sold atomic secrets to Russia during and after the Manhattan Project.

Anarchists – Some Jews fervently embraced anarchy in Eastern Europe and carried their beliefs to America. Anarchists like Emma Goldman were outspoken about their intents and this confused, and scared Americans who could not understand why someone would leave the persecution of their old country to come here to tear this country down. This is a very confusing concept to a simple American. Although there were anarchists of all varieties in this country, the ma- jority of the leadership was Jewish. {2%}.

And So… The main question is… The chicken or the egg… Are the attributes that have been pinned on Jews, i.e. money manipulators, anarchists, etc. the cause of Jewish persecution or has persecution caused Jews to adopt these attributes to survive in a persecutory world. OR, are these attributes completely fabricated?

229 ) Chapter 51

Why the Lack of Jewish Leaders in the Modern World?

Throughout the world there is a noticeable absence of nations with Jewish leaders. It is not for the lack of qualified Jews. Jews are the highest educated people in many countries and are often the most skilled in law and politics.

One example of a Jew attaining a country’s ‘top slot’ was Janet Rosenberg Jagan, from Chicago, who became Prime Minister and then President of Guyana from 1997-1999. True to the Jewish stereo- type she was a socialist who championed non-white liberation in a white dominated government.

Also in South America, Henrique Capriles Radonski, the Governor of Miranda, Venezuela ran for president in 2012 and 2013 narrowly los- ing. Although a self proclaimed Catholic, his family was Jewish with no telling how much effect that played in the election.

Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil seems to possess the characteristics of being Jewish but she does not claim Jewish roots. A socialist/Marxist from a well to do family, her father was a lawyer and entrepreneur

) 230 Why the Lack of Jewish Leaders in the Modern World? ) from Bulgaria who fled due to persecution of communists. Dilma became a revolutionary in Brazil and spent time in prison but still managed to complete her degree in economics. Even has a divorce! How could she not be Jewish? She lists herself as Catholic.

20 September 1948, Time Magazine’s cover featured Ana Pauker called, “the most powerful woman alive.”

Pauker was a Jewish communist leader of Romania.

Born to a religious Orthodox family in Romania, she discarded re- ligion to become a fervent, pro-Stalinist communist zealot. Despite prison sentences and numerous exiles, she received formal commu- nist training in the Lenin School in Moscow and returned to Romania in 1944, as the Red Army entered the country, to become Foreign Minister of the new communist government.

Called ‘the Iron Lady’, she was a devout Stalinist who had not only abandoned her religion but also her children for communism.

Pauker eventually opposed Stalin’s anti-Semitism programs and was purged from her position and imprisoned. Released in 1953 upon Stalin’s death, she remained a pariah to former associates until her death in 1960.

France was close with Nicolas Sarkozy whose grandfather was Jewish but was himself raised as a Catholic. England has Ed Miliband, lead- er of the British Labour Party, who was close to becoming the next Premier. One of England’s most famous leaders, Benjamin Disraeli was Prime Minister from 1868-1880. Although Jewish, he convert- ed to Anglicanism at age twelve, but is still the only British Prime Minister of Jewish birth.

The Al Gore/Joe Lieberman ticket in the 2000 US Presidential election

231 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary was extremely close with Gore/Lieberman winning the popular vote but losing to Bush/Cheney in the electoral vote. Joe Lieberman, a Modern Orthodox Jew, stood to be the first Jew on an American presidential ticket.

A major concern in the lead up to the election was the repercus- sions in the anti-Semitic world of having a Jew a heartbeat away from the American Presidency. Arab relations could have become quite dicey.

Barry Goldwater of the 1964 Presidential race was of Jewish ancestry but claimed to be Episcopalian and was not even close to winning in that run.

Ukraine may be the next country to have Jewish leadership. Jews have a long and interesting history in Ukraine.

There since the 4th century BC, Ukraine was home to twenty percent of the world Jewish population just prior to the Second World War with about three million Ukrainian Jews.

Being the ‘bread basket’ of Europe, Ukraine was a perfect home for Jews who were skilled traders and merchants. In the sixteenth cen- tury, Jews were welcomed from Poland and Lithuania to become tax collectors, agents, traders, managers, and estate and land managers for Ukrainian aristocracy. Jews thrived in Ukraine but their chosen professions again conflicted with native gentiles and animosity grew toward Jews. After multiple persecutions and exterminations, today’s Jewish population in Ukraine is down to about sixty seven thousand.

The Jews that have survived are deeply entrenched and are waiting out the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine each blame the other for the anti-Semitism that is present in Ukraine. ‘Svoboda’, the pro-nationalist Ukrainian party, claims that Ukraine

) 232 Why the Lack of Jewish Leaders in the Modern World? ) is run by the Jewish Mafia in Moscow and can therefore be consid- ered anti-Semitic. Pro-Russians in Ukraine claim that Pro-European Ukraine is anti-Semitic. The Ukrainian Jewish community says the anti-Semitism is from Russia. Very confusing! The constant is the Jewish presence in Ukraine. The second constant is the anti-Semitism. BUT… Jews are deeply entrenched in Ukraine.

One of the key players in Ukrainian politics is named Yulia Tymoshenko who was Prime Minister in 2005 and again from 2007 to 2010. Claiming to be Ukrainian Orthodox, her father’s family was Jewish. She was a leader in the ‘Orange Revolution’ in 2001. Her degree is in engineering-economics. Listed in Forbes list of the most powerful women in 2005, tell me that’s not Jewish genes!

Volodymyr Groysman, the incumbent Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, has held office as Vice Prime Minister and is of Jewish roots.

Here’s an interesting side note regarding Ukrainian Jews: Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square in Kiev) is legendary as the tra- ditional location of the birth of political revolts in Ukraine. With the current turmoil in Ukraine, control of the ‘Maidan’ is important.

Five Ukrainian Jews have become famous for having immigrated to Israel, joined the Israeli Defense Forces, and returned to join the Ukrainian battle against Russia by utilizing their IDF skills to train gen- tiles to protect the ‘Maidan’. They have become renowned for their blue helmets and are reminiscent of the red beret wearing ‘Guardian Angels’, who guarded American cities and subways in the past.

Their orders are taken from the Svoboda in spite of the claims of anti- Semitism. Having an Israeli militia commander fighting in the streets of Kiev to save lives has to be gaining brownie points for Jews.

233 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Israel may be the only nation to actually have an acknowledged Jew as leader today. A strange feature of Israeli Prime Ministers is that they were almost exclusively non-religious. Yitzhak Rabin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak, Golda Meir, David Ben-Gurion, and Moshe Sharett were all secularists or atheists.

) 234 Chapter 52

Jewish Words, Terms, Phrases, and Expressions

This is a list of popular words, phrases, and expressions used by Jews. Spellings are sometimes varied, such as beginning some words, such as Chanukah, with a ‘C’ to emphasize the guttural sounds used in spoken Yiddish (Chanukah = Hanukkah).

Some of these words are used in this book and others are heard in the English language due to the Yiddish influence. Yiddish greatly influ- enced the language in the New York area due to the millions of Jews from Eastern Europe who immigrated to New York before spreading throughout the US. The lower end of Manhattan, Washington Heights, all along the Grand Concourse in the Bronx, and the Brighton Beach area of Brooklyn all enjoyed the colorful Yiddish language as a major influence; and many of the Yiddish words were incorporated as slang into the English language in these areas.

Many goyim hear these words but are not sure of their meaning. Ask Lavern and Shirley, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Shlemeil, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated. We’re gonna do it!...”

235 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Ark of the Covenant – As described in Exodus, it is a chest containing the tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written.

Aliyah - the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the land of Israel.

Ashkenazi – A branch of Jews who inhabited the area in and around Germany during the Middle Ages. They developed and spoke Yiddish and eventually spread throughout Europe and then North and South America.

Brit Milah – Hebrew for the circumcision done on the eighth day after the birth of a boy. Yiddish pronunciation is ‘bris’. Anesthesia is tradi- tionally prohibited as pain is a desired affect.

Bubbe – Yiddish for “grandmother”.

Bupkes – Yiddish for “horse droppings”, used to indicate something trivial. i.e. “after all that time spent, I got bupkes!”

Chutzpah – Yiddish for “arrogance”, as opposed to English speakers who use it to describe “courage.” By the way, the ‘C’ is silent.

Diaspora – An involuntary dispersion of Jews from the Holy Land. Jews of Judea were historically scattered throughout the world. It began in the sixth century BC with the Babylonians and continued throughout history resulting in more Jews living outside Israel than in Israel today.

Gesundheit – Yiddish for “health”, used after hearing a sneeze.

Glitch (from the Yiddish gletshn) – The literal meaning is “to slip or slide.”

) 236 Jewish Words, Terms, Phrases, and Expressions ) Goy – Hebrew for a “non-Jew”. Similar to “gentile.” Plural is goyim.

Hanukkah – Sometimes spelled Chanukah, it is an eight day Jewish festival of lights.

Jewish Autonomous Oblast – An area of Russia, in the far eastern section, which was set aside for Jews to pursue Yiddish culture.

Kibbitz or kibbutz, in Hebrew – Means “collective”, and is used to describe the Israeli communes.

Klutz – Actually means a ‘block of wood’, and so describes a dense or clumsy person.

Kosher – Yiddish for something acceptable to Orthodox Jews, as in food. Informally, it has come to mean ‘authentic’ of ‘proper’.

Mazel Tov – Literally, “good luck”, but used more as a congratula- tory expression on an announcement of good news in both Yiddish and Hebrew.

Menorah – The traditional symbol of Judaism. It is a seven branch lamp stand for a temple and also a nine branch lamp stand for Hanukkah. Biblical instructions require it to be made of gold.

Mensch – Yiddish, describing someone who is good to other people.

Mezuzah – A parchment scroll on which a Biblical passage is writ- ten. It is placed in a container and mounted on the doorpost of a Jewish home to protect the inhabitants.

Mitzvah – Hebrew word meaning ‘commandment’. Bar (son), bat

237 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary (daughter), so, Bar Mitzvah means ‘son of commandment’ and Bat Mitzvah means ‘daughter of commandment’. These are ‘coming of age ceremonies’ for Jews.

Mizrahi – Mizrahi Jews originated from the Babylonian Diaspora who settled in the Middle East, and the Caucasus. An example would be Iraqi Jews, Persian Jews, and Lebanese Jews.

Mohel – One who is trained to perform circumcisions.

Oy Vey – Yiddish for an exclamation of exasperation.

Pogram – A violent riot, typically aimed at persecuting Jews.

Schmooze – Hebrew for ‘small talk’. Has come to mean someone who initiates small talk to acquire something.

Sephardic – Jews whose ancestors lived on the Iberian Peninsula.

Shabbat (Sabbath) – Hebrew for the seventh day of the week which is set aside for resting as God did in Genesis.

Shalom – Although it literally means peace, it is most often used to say “hello” or “goodbye.” This is from the Hebrew so coincidently, “salaam” has the same meaning in Arabic.

Shalom Aleikhem – “Peace be upon you.” From the Hebrew and Yiddish. “salaam alaikum” in Arabic.

Shikse – Yiddish word to disparagingly describe a non-Jewish woman. Sometimes the pretty, gentile wife of a Jew.

Shlep – Yiddish, to haul or carry something.

) 238 Jewish Words, Terms, Phrases, and Expressions ) Shlemiel – Yiddish for ‘klutz’ .

Shlimazel – Yiddish for someone with constant bad luck.

Shmaltz – Yiddish for chicken fat but has come to mean ‘over the top’ or excessively sentimental.

Shmutz – Yiddish for a small amount of dirt, as may be found on a child’s face.

Shtik – Yiddish for ‘prank’, but now describes an entertainer’s routine.

Sitting Shiva – Jewish tradition done during mourning. Family of the deceased may spend seven days accepting condolences while sitting on a low stool or a box. Mirrors may be covered and little attention is paid to personal appearance. Candles are burned and prayer services are held.

Talmud – Known as the Oral Law, it is a written commentary on the Torah. It explains how the Commandments should be carried out.

Tanakh – The ‘canon’ of the Hebrew Bible. Twenty four books divided into three sections to form the Hebrew Bible.

Tefillin (the phylacteries) – A small leather box containing Hebrew text on parchment and worn on the head of Jewish men during Morning Prayer to remind them to keep the law.

Torah - The first five books of the twenty-four books of the Tanakh. This is the central concept of the religious Judaic tradition.

Yarmulke – Yiddish word for the Jewish skull cap called a kippah in Hebrew. Orthodox Jews are taught to keep their heads covered, virtu- ally, at all times.

239 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary Yente – Yiddish for a gossipy woman.

To a New Yorker, some of these words are so common that it is rarely realized that they have Jewish origins. Throughout this book there are more in-depth definitions on some of these terms.

) 240 Chapter 53


If you think that I might have already accounted for every Jew in America – WRONG! Although they are such a small part of the popu- lation and they are so entrenched in corporate and financial America as well as entertainment and academia, there are still more Jews who are making a major impact on our lives. These are the players in the ‘think tanks’ that make the decisions on which direction this country goes. Some are left, some are right; and a very small number are near the center. Jews are not famous for hanging around near the ‘center’.

As the ‘talking heads’ – the ‘experts’- hit the Sunday morning news shows and the MSNBC and Fox News circuits and spew their rhetoric, that rhetoric came from somewhere! All those pundits don’t actually wake up with exactly the same opinion. Those opinions were given to them from their respective ‘think tanks’.

The morning meetings at party headquarters and for congressional staffers and presidential advisors are all controlled by emails and tweets from the ‘think tanks’. Each word track is formulated, struc- tured, and then fed to the pundits for clarity and consistency. Pundits no longer have to think for themselves or even have an opinion. Their ‘opinion’ has already been crafted by professionals. It seems, to me,

241 ) ) The Perplexed Christian’s Guide to the Jewish Quandary to be similar to the NFL quarterbacks with the green dots on the backs of their helmets indicating their headsets which allow the plays to be called from the sidelines. No more need to think on the field. These quarterbacks are no longer the ‘generals’. They are the athletic show- men similar to the current generation politicians who have traded the need to think for the security of a solid ‘party platform’ controlled by the ‘think tanks’.

From the ‘think tank’, to the pundit, to the viewer who takes it as gos- pel in forming his or her ‘own’ political opinion on each issue; that’s the progression that makes us lean in our respective direction.

When stats are conjured up and twisted to present a point, it is un- canny how every ‘talking head’ has exactly the same information. Whether the information is correct or incorrect, the presented infor- mation is consistent.

If you hear an important speech, these are the people who will tell you what you had ‘really’ just heard. You, as a mere citizen, do not have the ability to understand what you had just heard. More air time is spent interpreting for the unwashed masses, than is ever given to the actual speech. Often, the speech can be eliminated from a broad- cast with only selected snippets played to rationalize the opinions that the citizens will be forming under careful guidance of the ‘talking heads’.

From the Brookings Institute, to the RAND Corporation, to the Heritage Foundation, to the Center for American Progress, that’s where the missing Jews are. The thinkers of those organizations are the greatest minds in America – and vastly represented by Jewish scholars who know how to utilize those massive IQs and then sell their opinions.

For the ‘elite’, who avoid television and form their own opinions based on print, i.e. the ones who claim that they would not have

) 242 Ending?????? ) a TV in their home, the result is the same. The New York Times, the LA Times and level newspapers may sport the names of gentiles in management positions but the writers who form the opinions of the masses – the Pulitzer Prize winners like Thomas Friedman, David Brooks, and the Carl Bernstein – rarely a gentile among the real players.

And you thought you had your own opinion.

To test the point, listen to any speech, then turn to MSNBC and then Fox News and let them tell you what you thought you had just heard. If you don’t already believe that to be true, try it. The result – most people have no opinion – they just spew the opinions they were given.

Remember the saying, “when I want your opinion, I’ll give you one!”

And so… Is it just a coincidence that Jews happen to succeed (excel) at the highest rate, per capita, on the planet? The results are indisput- able. Is it family and friends helping one another to succeed? Is it an elevated competitive nature located deep in their genes or do they simply have higher standards than gentiles? Non-Jews would prefer to believe that it is a Jewish conspiracy which works to elevate Jews at the expense of gentiles. The hard core anti-Semites will show you hundreds of examples of ‘proof’ of the evil of Judaism, “The ‘evil’ Jews control the banks, the press, the government, and all business- es.” The truth is that Jews are greatly over represented in all these areas however; it does not make them ‘evil’ Jews. Most Jews in these positions are smart as hell and work harder than anyone else. If luck is truly what happens when preparation meets opportunity then, Jewish preparation is unsurpassed in this world and Jews know how to make opportunities where no one else can see them. The luckiest people in the world!

243 )