JUN. 15 1959 UNIVERSITY of Va.AFO:RNIA Rkke.1-Y
MONOGRAPH SERIES: 3 NcTITlTtE OF I N D1.A.IA RT-ON5' tUVLs.RY JUN. 15 1959 UNIVERSITY Of vA.AFO:RNIA rkKE.1-Y THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR IN BELGIUM By Leon Watillon TRANSLATED BY FREDERIC MEYERS Institute of Industrial Relations . University oftCalifornia, Los Angeles" THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR IN BELGIUM IQ. 4. it lb. THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR IN BELGIUM) By Leon Watillon. Translated and with an introduction by Frederic Meyers, INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 1 UNIVERSITY OF LCALIFORNIA - LOS ANGELES r- COPYRIGHT, 1959, BY THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Industrial Relations Monographs of the Institute of Industrial Relations No. i. Due Process on the Railroads: Revised Edition, by Joseph Lazar No. 2. Right-to-Work Laws: A Study in Conflict, by Paul Sultan No. 3. The Knights of Labor in Belgium, by Leon Watillon. Translated and with an introduction by Frederic Meyers Copies of this publication may be purchased for $1.50 each from the INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ioo Business Administration-Economics Building University of California Los Angeles 24, California Foreword The Institute of Industrial Relations is pleased to offer, as the third in its monograph series, The Knights of Labor in Belgium, by Leon Watillon, which has been translated by Professor Frederic Meyers. This series is intended to include studies of medium length and will receive a distinctive cover treatment to set them apart from the Institute's other publications. The Knights of Labor in Belgium sheds light on a little-known episode in the history of the American labor organization. Ameri- can labor historians, if we are to judge by their writings, have been unaware of the interesting and important activities of the Order in Belgium.
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