Summary of UNIX Commands- version 3.2 Disclaimer 8. Usnet news 9. File transfer and remote access Summary of UNIX The author and publisher make no warranty of any 10. X window kind, expressed or implied, including the warranties of 11. Graph, Plot, Image processing tools commands merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, with regard to the use of commands contained in this 12. Information systems Ó 1994,1995,1996 Budi Rahardjo reference card. This reference card is provided “as is”. 13. Networking programs <
[email protected]> The author and publisher shall not be liable for 14. Programming tools damage in connection with, or arising out of the 15. Text processors, typesetters, and This is a summary of UNIX commands furnishing, performance, or the use of these previewers available on most UNIX systems. commands or the associated descriptions. 16. Wordprocessors Depending on the configuration, some of 17. Spreadsheets the commands may be unavailable on your Conventions 18. Databases site. These commands may be a commercial program, freeware or public 1. Directory and file commands bold domain program that must be installed represents program name separately, or probably just not in your bdf search path. Check your local dirname display disk space (HP-UX). See documentation or manual pages for more represents directory name as an also df. details (e.g. man programname). argument cat filename This reference card, obviously, cannot filename display the content of file filename describe all UNIX commands in details, but represents file name as an instead I picked commands that are useful argument cd [dirname] and interesting from a user’s point of view.