AA-Postscript 2.Qxp:Layout 1
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014 HEALTH & SCIENCE For Chobani founder, American dream made of Greek yogurt NEW YORK: It only took Turkish immi- student job at a farm in a yogurt-produc- Manhattan’s trendy SoHo neighborhood. 2013 seems to have left the company rel- Germany and France, according to the grant Hamdi Ulukaya’s yogurt seven ing region of New York state, and the But, he emphasized, it’s the yogurt that atively unscathed. US Department of Agriculture. years to sweep American grocery isles, rest, of course, was history. The blossom- “will close the deal.” Meanwhile the yogurt market has Ulukaya would like to encourage where Chobani now competes with ing entrepreneur signed up for a busi- In October 2007 Chobani-named been totally recast: Greek yogurt now yogurt consumption for other US meals some of the biggest brands like Danone ness program at the University of Albany after the Turkish word for shepherd-was accounts for 40 percent of the $8 billion besides breakfast. He envisions yogurt and Yoplait. “I love winning, I hate failure,” in New York state. officially born. It contained no fat, twice US yogurt industry. And Chobani, which with oats, a sour cream rival, and a mues- said the 42-year-old, whose story epito- the protein of its peers and no artificial employs 2,000 people, boasts 40 percent li-infused product. He invested $450 mil- mizes the American dream. When Self-made man flavors. At the time, Danone and Yoplait of that market share. lion in a plant in Twin Falls, Idaho, consid- Ulukaya arrived in the United States, he During a visit to the United States, his accounted for 71 percent of the ered to be the biggest production facility had $3,000 in his pocket.
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