Access map

Address PAQS is easily accessible by public transportation (bus, metro). The nearest Metro stop is "Vandervelde" on Metro Line 1 towards "Stockel". Here you will find several routes: from the Metro stop "Vandervelde", from bus lines 359 and 659, in train and Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs, 30 from airport. (6th floor) 1200,

Access map Walking route from Metro stop

Walking route from Bus stop (line 359)

Walking route from Bus stop (line 659)


Metro stations

Bus Stops

Paid parking

Parking in blue zone with parking disc

From Zaventem Airport Yellow Route In the Leopold Avenue go to Perron A. Take bus 359 towards "Zaventem – Roodebeek". The bus stop is "Woluwe-Saint-Lambert". Follow the yellow route. Red Route in the Leopold Avenue go to Perron A. Take bus 659 towards "Zaventem – Roodebeek". The bus stop is "Sint-Stevens-Woluwe Hippocrates". Follow the red route.

A train connects the airport to Brussels-Central train station. From the station, take the metro line 1 towards "Stockel" and follow the directions on next page. Total route time: about 40 minutes

1 Access map

Reach PAQS by public transportation from Brussels-Midi railway stations, Brussels-Central, Brussels-Schuman and Brussels-Nord.

By public transportation

Brussels-Midi Brussels-Central

Take the metro line 2 or 6 towards "Elisabeth". Get off at "Arts-loi" stop. Take metro line 1 towards "Stockel". Get off at Change to Line 1 towards "Stockel". Get off the "Vandervelde" stop. at the "Vandervelde" stop. Total route: about 20 minutes Total route: about 35 minutes

Brussels-Schuman Brussels-Nord

Take tram 4 towards "Stalle". Get off at the "De From "Schuman" take metro line 1 towards Brouckère" stop. Change to metro line 1 towards "Stockel". Get off at the "Vandervelde" stop. "Stockel". Get off at the "Vandervelde" stop. Total route: about 15 minutes Total route: about 30 minutes

Network plan PAQS