Upper North Wakashan and Southern Tsimshian

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Upper North Wakashan and Southern Tsimshian UE O WAKASA A SOUE SIMSIA EOOAY E KOWEGE A USAGE O AS A UGI AMOG E OWEEKEO AAKSIAA (KIOE A KEMAO AISA (KIAMAA A KIASOO EOES O E CEA A O COASS O IIS COUMIA y ia ougas Como S Ease Iiois Uiesiy 19 MS Ease Iiois Uiesiy 19 A ESIS SUMIE I AIA UIME O E EQUIEMES O E EGEE O OCO O IOSOY i E ACUY O GAUAE SUIES (eame o oay We acce is esis as coomig o e equie saa E UIESIY O IIS COUMIA uy 1993 ©ia ougas Como 1993 I eseig is esis i aia uime o e equiemes o a aace egee a e Uiesiy o iis Coumia I agee a e iay sa make i eey aaiae o eeece a suy I ue agee a emissio o eesie coyig o is esis o scoay uoses may e gae y e ea o my eame o y is o e eeseaies I is uesoo a coyig o uicaio o is esis o iacia gai sa o e aowe wiou my wie emissio (Sigaue eame o 4. 40 7 e Uiesiy o iis Coumia acoue Caaa ae .0.4.&64, — ” S E- (/ ASAC is esis eas wi oaica kowege use a caegoiaio amog ee Wakasa cuues (Oweekeo aaksiaa a aisa a a Soue simsia gou (Kiasoo o e Cea Coas a o Coas egios o iis Coumia e eseac as ioe e is comeesie aem a e ocumeaio o ames a cuua oes o ugi a as amog ese cuues Aoimaey 9 aa o ugi a as ae kow o ae a iigeous ames a cuua oes i Kiasoo cuue aoimaey 1 aa i Oweekeo cuue a aoimaey 1 aa i e aisa a aaksiaa cuues eaie accous o e ames a cuua oes o ese secies ae esee e asic eaues o Ue o Wakasa a Soue simsia ok oaica omecaue a caegoiaio as eeae om eseac amog ese eeseaie gous coeso i geea wi iigs esuig om eious suies i e aciic owes a esewee A geea a em is ese i Ue o Wakasa u ackig om Soue simsia ie-om caegoies ae geeay simia amog a e suy gous as ae seea iemeiae oaica caegoies A somewa uusua "ie-om come" cosisig o "ey uses" a "ey uses o ay us" is ese i Soue simsia wie a uique "e" ie-om is oose o Oowekyaa aaksiaa a aisa I o Ue o Wakasa a Soue simsia some geeic ee aa ae see o eese ooyes o moe icusie ie-om caegoies a iemeiae caegoies Isaces o ok seciic caegoies coesoig o aious coou oms o samoeies (uus secaiis occu amog a e suy gous I geea a ume o omecaua a caegoiaio eaues ae sae y a e suy gous esie uamea a eesie ieeces ewee e Wakasa a simsia aguages ese simiaiies ae oay aise om eesie a egy cuua coac a iecage ewee e cuua gous A ma o e suy aea is oie as ae seea igues aes a aeices a coai iomaio eaiig o oaica kowege use a caegoiaio amog e suy gous COES Asac^ ii is o aes^ ii is o igues^ iii Ackowegemes^ i oewo^ ii 1 e Coe o eseac^ 11 Ioucio ^ 1 1 Oecies a Sigiicace o e eseac ogam ^ 4 13 Aeiaios Coeios a Oogaic oes^ 7 131 o Wakasa Oogaic oe ^ 8 13 o-ecica Guie o e ouciaio o Ue o Wakasa Wos ^ 9 133 Oowekyaa acica Oogay (Oowekyaa Aae ^ 11 13 aisa acica Oogay (ik Aae ^ 13 135 Soue simsia Oogaic oe ^ 1 1 ackgou o e Suy ^ 19 11 ysica a oaica Eiome ^ 19 1 e eoe ei omeas a ei ogues ^ 22 11 e omea o e Oweekeo^ 22 1 Cuua a iguisic Aiiaios o e Oweekeo ^ 3 13 e omeas o e aaksiaa a aisa ^ 5 1 Cuua a iguisic Aiiaios o e aaksiaa a aisa ^ 5 15 e omea o e Kiasoo ^ 28 1 Cuua a iguisic Aiiaios o e Kiasoo ^ 28 13 isoy o eious eseac ^ 3 131 eious Eogaic Wok Amog e Oweekeo^ 3 13 eious Eogaic Wok Amog e aaksiaa a aisa ^ 3 133 eious Eogaic Wok Amog e Kiasoo^ 3 1 eoeica a Meooogica esecies ^ 33 15 Cae 1 oes ^ 3 Meooogy^8 1 ieaue eiew a Acia eseac ^ 3 Coiuios o aie Cosuas ^ 3 3 ouce Secimes^ 39 iguisic Coiuos ^ 40 3 esus^42 31 as a ugi ame a/o Use y e Oweekeo^ 44 311 Agae^ 44 31 ugi ^ 48 313 ices^ 9 31 yoyes^ 5 315 eioyes^ 53 31 Gymosems^ 1 317 Agiosems - Moocoyeos ^ 7 31 Agiosems - icoyeos ^ 82 319 Uieiie oaica Secies a aa Ieiie Oy y Oowekyaa ames^ 1 3 as a ugi ame a/o Use y e aaksiaa a aisa ^ 1 31 Agae ^ 1 3 ugi ^ 133 33 ices^ 11 3 yoyes ^ 15 35 eioyes ^ 19 3 Gymosems ^ 159 37 Agiosems - Moocoyeos^ 19 3 Agiosems - icoyeos ^ 9 39 oaica Secies Ieiie Oy y aaksiaa o aisa ames ^ 9 33 a a uga Secies ame a/o Use y e Kiasoo^ 31 331 Agae ^ 31 33 ugi ^ 3 333 ices^ 31 33 yoyes^ 311 335 eioyes ^ 311 33 Gymosems^ 313 337 Agiosems - Moocoyeos ^ 3 33 Agiosems - icoyeos^ 35 339 Cae 3 oes ^ 35 iscussio a Syesis o aa ^68 1 as a ugi i aiioa Oweekeo Cuue ^ 3 11 as oug e Seasos ^ 3 1 as as oo a ei eaaio ^ 37 13 as Ioe i ae eaios ^ 37 i 1 as i ecoogy ^ 37 15 as as Meicie ^ 37 1 as i okoe a Myoogy ^ 37 17 as i Siiua eigious a Ceemoia ie ^ 379 1 as i Misceaeous Aicaios ^ 31 as a ugi i aiioa aaksiaa a aisa Cuue ^ 3 1 as oug e Seasos^ 3 as a ugi as oo a ei eaaio ^ 3 3 as Ioe i ae eaios^ 39 as i ecoogy ^ 395 5 as a ugi as Meicie ^ 39 as a ugi i okoe a Myoogy ^ 397 7 as a ugi i Siiua eigious a Ceemoia ie ^ 399 as i Misceaeous Aicaios ^ 400 3 as a ugi i aiioa Kiasoo Cuue ^ 1 31 as oug e Seasos^ 1 3 as as oo a ei eaaio ^ 402 33 as Ioe i ae eaios ^ 402 3 as i ecoogy ^ 3 35 as as Meicie ^ 3 3 as i okoe a Myoogy ^ 3 37 as i Siiua eigious a Ceemoia ie ^ 404 3 as i Misceaeous Aicaios ^ 404 oaica omecaue a Caegoiaio ^ 5 5 Oweekeo aaksiaa a aisa oaica omecaue a Caegoiaio ^ 1 51 e Oowekyaa aaksiaa a aisa a Kigoms ^ 13 5 Oowekyaa aaksiaa a aisa ie-om aa ^ 420 53 Oowekyaa aaksiaa a aisa Iemeiae aa ^ 3 5 Oowekyaa aaksiaa a aisa Geeic aa ^ 5 55 Oowekyaa aaksiaa a aisa Seciic aa ^ 5 5 Oowekyaa aaksiaa a aisa aiea aa ^ 5 Kiasoo oaica omecaue a Caegoiaio ^ 53 1 e Kiasoo a Kigom^ 53 Kiasoo ie-om aa ^ 5 3 Kiasoo Iemeiae aa ^ 5 Kiasoo Geeic aa ^ 460 v 5 Kiasoo Seciic aa ^ 1 Kiasoo aiea aa ^ 1 7 Cae oes^ 462 5 Summay a Cocusios ^468 iiogay ^4 7 Aeices^48 71 Aei 1 is o ouce Secimes Coece uig is Suy ^ 9 7 Aei is o UC eaium Secimes Use i is Suy ^ 95 73 Aei 3 Geea Oowekyaa oaica emioogy^ 55 7 Aei Geea aaksiaa a aisa oaica emioogy^ 51 75 Aei 5 Geea Soue simsia oaica emioogy ^ 5 7 Aei ooogica Secies Meioe i is eo ^ 5 77 Aei 7 Accous o iua aig y ack ea a ime Wo ^ 57 7 Aei Soy o e Game ^ 59 i IS O AES ae 1 ^ 1 Cosoas o e Oowekyaa Aae ae ^ 1 owes o e Oowekyaa Aae ae 3 ^ 1 Oe Eemes o e Oowekyaa Aae ae ^ 13 Eemes o e aisa acica Oogay ae 5 ^ 1 simsiaic Oogaic Equiaes ae ^ 1 Isaces o e aicaio o e "a/us/ee" sui i Oowekyaa aaksiaa a aisa ae 7 ^ 3 Iemeiae oaica caegoies i Oowekyaa ae ^ 37 Iemeiae oaica caegoies i aaksiaa a aisa ae 9 ^ 7 Isaces o e " o Y" omecaua omaio i Oowekyaa aaksiaa a aisa ems aie o oaica ogaisms ae 1 ^ 9 Isaces o e " o Y" omecaua omaio i aaksiaa a aisa geea oaica ems ii IS O IGUES igue 1 ^ 20 Ma o iis Coumia sowig e eioies o e o Wakasa (aiais aisa aaksiaa eisuk Oweekeo a Kwakwakawakw; Soue simsia (Kiasoo; a Coas simsia eoes igue ^ 11 Oweekeo geea oaica caegoies igue 3^ 1 aaksiaa a aisa geea oaica caegoies igue ^ 55 Kiasoo geea oaica caegoies i i i ACKOWEGEMES o oec suc as e ese oe is ee ossie wiou e suo goowi uesaig aiece a geeosiy o a as ume o iiiuas oemos amog e eoe wo ae aie me i e eoaio o e aiioa esecies a aicaios o as a ugi o a aou e Cea a o Coass o iis Coumia ae e aious aie ees wo geeousy sae ei ime a kowege wi me a wiou wose coiuios is eo wou o ae ee ossie e Oweekeo aiais aaksiaa aisa a Kiasoo eoe wo oie iomaio a as ee esee o aaye i is esis ae ame iiiuay i e meooogy secio o is esis I am eey iee o a o em o oeig ei omes mis a eas o me I wis o eess my sicee gaiue o e aious a cies coucios a oe sa wo emie a aciiae is eseac ey ae e Oweekeo Iia a; e Oweekeo a Couci; Cie Coucio ak oso wo oie iauae suo o my wok i Oweekeo iage; e eisuk Iia a; e eisuk Cuua Eucaio Cee; Gea Amos Cie Coucio Kiamaa Iia a a e Kiamaa Iia a Couci o ei emissio a suo o my wok i Kiamaa iage; Acie oiso Cie Coucio o e Kiasoo Iia a; ecy Sa a Maage o e Kiasoo Iia a a oee oiso I am aso eemey gaeu o my eseac co-sueisos acy ue (Eiomea Suies ogam Uiesiy o icoia a ack Mae (eame o oay e Uiesiy o iis Coumia acoue a e oe memes o my gauae commiee W Scoie (eame o oay e Uiesiy o iis Coumia acoue a M ae Kikae (eame o iguisics e Uiesiy o iis Coumia acoue ei suo suggesios a kiess wi o e ogoe May memes o e iguisic commuiy ae gie me immeasuae suo a assisace ei as a coiuig coiuios o my eoioogica iquiies ae eey aeciae ese iiiuas ae Emmo ac eame o iguisics Uiesiy o Massacuses Ames; o A u eame o Moe aguages ieaues a iguisics e Uiesiy o Okaoma oma Okaoma; eie ico eame o iguisics Simo ase Uiesiy i uay iis Coumia; ay Mie; ak a Gea ae; o C a ome ieco o e eisuk aguage ogam Wagisa iis Coumia; uce igsy eame o Aooogy a Socioogy Uiesiy o Queesa S ucia Queesa Ausaia; ai Seeso; Maie-ucie ae eame o Moe aguages Mou Sai ice Uiesiy aia oa Scoia a Eey Wiso wo oie iauae assisace eyo e oe i is wok as a cosua o Oweekeo eooay My secia aks ae eee o s a ico a ac o ei coaoaio isigs a comaiosi May oes ae oee me aice assisace a suo i my eseac o Ue o Wakasa a simsiaic eooay a oaica cassiicaio o is a oe coiuios o is eo I oe ki aks o e oowig iiiuas Magae Segui Aeso Co-oiao is aios Suies e Uiesiy o oe iis Coumia ice Geoge; oe aoi eame o oay e Uiesiy o iis Coumia acoue; Saiaa (Misu aeee; ouise aei; eey i; ay ouca a ooy Keey o e iis Coumia Iia aguage oec icoia; e a aaa ouce; Saa uius Cuao okes Eogaiska Museum Sockom Swee; eie Caee Cooiao a sa o e eisuk Cuua Eucaio Cee Wagisa iis Coumia; ougas Coe eame o isoy Simo ase Uiesiy uay iis Coumia; Aiso ais; esie M oso Goese; eo Gowa; Mosea Goaes Kiima Ceeia Museum Kiima iis Coumia; Cameo i; C ai i-ue; Gie C uges eame o oay e Uiesiy o iis Coumia acoue; Susae io; oe ames Sciece Isiue o e owes Yeowkie owes eioies; Eiae oso Cuao o Eogaic Coecios UC Museum o Aooogy; ae omas asaees a Esee ame Oae oicia ouse acoue; o Keso; au Koege acoue Mycoogica Sociey; Saa K isom eseac Associae eame o oay e Uiesiy o iis Coumia acoue; eoa ie Kiima Ceeia Museum Kiima iis Coumia; Mike Maceso Isuco Kiamaa Au asic Eucaio ogam Kiamaa iis Coumia; Ke Magois Ecous oa Oego; Aa Maso ome Cooiao is aios ea Cae oessios ogam e Uiesiy o iis Coumia acoue; as a Gisea Mee; acy ickeso eseac Scieis ey Co aoogy Agicuue Caaa eseac Saio Keie oa Scoia; ee a Waa Oaes; A ameee

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