Human to Mars? • It’S Expensive!

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Human to Mars? • It’S Expensive! Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 1 Human To Mars? • It’s Expensive! • Global Cooperation • Human Spirit • Science and Engineering • $20 Billion ‘Mars Direct Mission’ - Zubrin Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 2 Mars Reference Mission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rof. DavaNewman 16.423J/HST515JSpaceBiomedicalEngineeringandLifeSupport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rof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 4 Solar Electric Propulsion Mission Concept +(2 /(2 (OHFWULF3URSXOVLRQ (3 VSDFH &UHZGHOLYHUHGLQ³VPDOO´ 5HPDLQGHURIWUDQV0DUV 6SDFHWXJUHWXUQVIRU WXJSHUIRUPVORZWKUXVWWUDQVIHU FKHPLFDOO\SURSHOOHG LQMHFWLRQSHUIRUPHGE\ UHIXHOLQJDQGQH[W IRU0DUVERXQGFDUJRWR+LJK WUDQVIHUYHKLFOH; FKHPLFDOO\SURSHOOHGV\VWHP DVVLJQPHQW IDVWHURUPRUH (DUWK2UELW PDQ\PRQWKV GHULYHG IHZGD\V HIILFLHQWUHWXUQVLQFHQR WUDQVIHU UHQGH]YRXVWLPH SD\ORDGSUHVHQW Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 5 2011: One SEP stage delivers 2014: Same SEP Stage is refueled two Cargo MTV/TMI’s to and delivers piloted MTV/TMI to 39,709 x 800 km @ 51.6 deg. 70,761 x 800 km @ 51.6 deg. 2011 2011 2011 2014 2014 2014 HLV HLV HLV HLV HLV STS /LFBB MTV 52.6MT MTV 55.8MT SPM 16.0MT TMI 29.2MT TMI 20.5MT TMI 21.4MT EPM 60.0MT MTV 80.3MT EPM 47.1MT Taxi 26.8MT Tot. 73.1MT Tot. 77.3MT Tot. 75.9MT Tot. 80.3MT Tot. 76.3MT Tot. 26.8MT MTV - (Injected) Mars Transfer Vehicle TMI - Trans Mars Injection Stage/Propellant TotalTotal Launches: Launches: IMLEO:IMLEO: SPM - Solar Power/Bus Module 5 HLV 382.9 MT (HLV) EPM - Electric Propulsion Module (wet) 5 HLV 382.9 MT (HLV) Taxi - LEO to HEO Crew Taxi 11 STS STS 26.826.8 MT MT (STS) (STS) Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 6 Nuclear Thermal Propulsion 0DJQXP )OLJKW(OHPHQW &DUJR/DQGHU (59 &UHZ/DQGHU 7RWDOV /DXQFK 0LVVLRQ7\SH '50 %LPRGDO '50 %LPRGDO '50 %LPRGDO '50 %LPRGDO 3D\ORDG 6XUIDFH,Q6SDFH 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ ,Q/LQH 3URSHOODQW7DQNDJH /+ RU/2; 17570,VWDJH 0RGLILHG'50 XVHVELPRGDO175V 7RWDO 0DJQXPV (59PLVVLRQXVLQJELPRGDO175VIRU02&DQG7(,LVOLJKWHUWKDQ'50E\aWDQGHOLPLQDWHV''7 (DQGUHFXUULQJ FRVWVIRU/2;&+7(,VWDJHDOVRUHFXUULQJFRVWIRUN:H39$DQGDHUREUDNH &RPPRQ%LPRGDO17570,VWDJHSURYLGHVN:HSRZHUFDSDELOLW\WRWKH(59&UHZDQG&DUJRODQGHUPLVVLRQV$OVR VXSSOLHV0&&EXUQVIRUWKHVHPLVVLRQV)RUFDUJRODQGHUWKH%LPRGDOVWDJHUHIULJHUDWLRQKHDWUHMHFWLRQV\VWHPVFDQEHXVHG WRFU\RFRROWRIVHHG/+DQGGXPSZDVWHKHDWIURPN:H',36SRZHUFDUW Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 7 Magnum Launch Vehicle Payload Fairing 92 ft cyl x 25 ft I.D. Circularization Stage LO2 Tank Payload/ Stage Liquid Flyback Adapter Booster (2) LH2 Tank Fwd Booster Attach Aft Booster Attach Thrust RS 68 Structure Engines (2) NTR stage and aerobraked Mars payload Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 8 Three-Magnum Combination Lander Scenario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rof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 9 Three-Magnum Split Mission Scenario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rof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 10 TemperatureTemperature Earth Mars • ~10°K (18°F) between Over 0.75 m (30 in) height 0.65 m (knee) & 1.4 m (shoulder) 15°C 288°K (55°F) -55°C 218°K (-67°F) ∆T 60°K (108°F) night day • Noon: vertical temperature variation highest • Night: vertical temperatures are very similar •Expansion and contraction of materials, resulting in great stresses Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 11 Life? 0DUV2EVHUYHU&DPHUD,PDJHV • High resolution images identify interesting places for exploration. 0DJQHWLF6WULSHV 2OGHVWSODFHRQ0DUVLGHQWLILHGXVLQJPDJQHWLFVWULSHV 6RXWKSRODUFDSPD\KDYHSUHVHUYHGRUJDQLFPDWHULDO Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 12 WindWind • Wind direction – blows from all directions within one day • Daily repeating wind direction and wind speed pattern. • Highest turbulence in the morning • Greatest wind speeds early morning and around noon • Numerous dust devils each day Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 13 Surface Materials 1 Sol = 1 Mars day = 24 h 37 min 22.66 s •Regolith •Dust: 40µm–large boulders several m in diameter •Harder than Aluminum & softer than Nickel • Abrasion: blowing dust will wear down solar panels, other equipment • Dust adheres to solar panels, 0.28% per Sol - decreases efficiency of solar panels • Dust is magnetic - sticks to everything - charges equipment and produces electrical discharges which interfere with operations Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 14 System Mass Design /RQJ'XUDWLRQ6SDFHIOLJKW ¶7HVW&KDPEHU 3KDVH,,, 7RWDO9ROPFUHZ 5HIPLVVLRQ 9 6N\ODE ,66 0LU 7RWDO 6DO\XW 3UHVVXUL]HG $SROOR 676 $SROOR 9ROXPH /(0 &0 6R\X] P FUHZ 0HUFXU\ 9RVWRN *HPLQL 9RVNKRG 0LVVLRQ'XUDWLRQ GD\V Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 15 Science Manifest 6XUIDFH6FLHQFH(TXLSPHQW '50 '50 )LHOG*HRORJ\3DFNDJH NJ NJ NJQRWDFFRXQWHGIRU *HRVFLHQF/DERUDWRU\(T NJ NJ NJQRWDFFRXQWHGIRU ([RELRORJ\/DERUDWRU\ NJ NJ 1RFKDQJH 7UDYHUVH*HRSK\VLFDO,QVW NJ NJ NJGLVFUHWLRQDU\PDUJLQUHPRYHG *HRSK\VLFDO0HWHURORJ\,QVW NJ NJ NJGLVFUHWLRQDU\PDUJLQUHPRYHG 0HWHU'ULOO NJ NJ 1RFKDQJH 0HWHURORJ\%DOORRQV NJ NJ 1HHGVEHWWHUGHILQLWLRQ %LRPHGLFDO%LRVFLHQFH/DE NJ NJ 1HHGVEHWWHUGHILQLWLRQ 'LVFUHWLRQDU\6FLHQFH NJ NJ 5HPRYHG 7RWDO NJ NJ &UXLVH6FLHQFH(TXLSPHQW 3DUWLFOHV )LHOGV6FLHQFH NJ NJ 1RFKDQJH $VWURQRP\,QVWUXPHQWV NJ NJ (VWLPDWHRQO\ 6PDOO6RODU7HOHVFRSH NJ NJ 1RFKDQJH %LRPHGLFDO,QVWUXPHQWV NJ NJ 1HHGVEHWWHUGHILQLWLRQ 7RWDO NJ NJ 1$6$5HIHUHQFH3XEOLFDWLRQ Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 16 Martian Space Walks • Beyond ISS humans will go to Mars • EVA primary activity to search for life • Revolutionary technologies/methodologies needed – Optimize human performance in partial gravity • Promise of engineering analyses and design Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 17 Space Suits Apollo Shuttle/ISS Mars Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 18 Why? ISS “The Wall” 7RWDO86(9$'XUDWLRQ 5HY($VVHPEO\6HTXHQFH 7RWDO5XVVLDQ'XUDWLRQ ZLWK+67$% 5866,$1 6+877/(+67'72,66 $32//26.</$% History *(0,1, &$/(1'$5<($5 We are here. Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 19 Mars: “The Mountain” 5HY($VVHPEO\6HTXHQFH 0$56 5866,$1 :LWK+67DQG6XUIDFH([SORUDWLRQ 6+877/(+67'72,66 $32//2 6.</$% $VVXPSWLRQV *(0,1, 86,660DLQW(9$\USRVWDVV\FRPSOHWH 5XVVLDQ,660DLQW(9$\USRVWDVV\FRPSOHWH +RXU/XQDU(9$VFRPPHQFLQJLQ +RXU0DUV(9$VLQ &$/(1'$5<($5 We are here. Prof. Dava Newman 16.423J/HST515J Space Biomedical Engineering and Life Support 20 NASA Mars Reference Mission • • Launch Strategy &$5*2 +$% $VFHQW9HKLFOH 'U\ /DQGHU +DE0RGXOHDQG/DQGHU ,6583ODQW +)HHGVWRFN 6XUIDFH1XFOHDU3RZHU 6XUIDFH3RZHU6\VWHP 8QSUHVVXUL]HG5RYHU 3UHVVXUL]HG 5RYHU 'D\&RQVXPDEOHV 7HOHRSHUDWHG6FLHQFH5RYHUV 8QSUHVVXUL]HG5RYHU ',36&DUW6FLHQFH P P P P P P W W (59 3LORWHG 5HWXUQ+DE/2;&+7(, 6XUIDFH+DEDQG/DQGHU 'D\V&RQVXPDEOHV 8QSUHVVXUL]HG5RYHU 'D\V&RQVXPDEOHV P P P P P P W W .
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