December 2020 - January 2021 St Ursula's Church Jubiläumsplatz 2, 3005 Berne, Switzerland Chaplain: Revd Helen Marshall
[email protected] 031 351 03 43 Day off: Friday Lay Reader Archana Jacob
[email protected] Church Office: 031 352 85 67 Marriages, Baptisms and Funerals by arrangement with the Chaplain Normal pattern of Sunday services: 8.30 Said Eucharist (2nd and 4th Sundays) 10.00 Sung Eucharist with Junior Church and Crèche Our services follow the Church of England's Common Worship Order One (2000) On the 2nd Sunday of the month, the 10.00 service is more informal. See Calendar of Services inside for details of the next few weeks. Services in Thun: 18.30 on the first and third Thursdays of the month at Chapelle Romande, Frutigenstrasse 22: Eucharist and Bible study. Contact: Church Office 031 352 85 67 ST URSULA'S BERNE The church is one of the nine Swiss chaplaincies that have a resident chaplain (minister) and together form the Archdeaconry of Switzerland. This is part of the Anglican Diocese of Europe which stretches from the Canary Islands to Ankara, from Moscow to Morocco. The church was built in 1906 on a site that had been given to the community by the British-Berne Land Co. An American lady, Mrs Castleman from St Louis, provided the bulk of the money for the building as a thank offering for the near miraculous recovery of her adopted daughter, who was treated at the clinic of the famous Professor Kocher. The hall and the house were added in 1959. An English Missionary Society, the USPG, helped to support the church from its earliest days.