VOL. LIIL, NO. 126. s.) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 27.1984. (T B N P A 6E 8) PRICE THREE CaUCH|^ PRESIDENT TO VETO Pastor’s Daughter Seized With Bandit Suq>ects ISAPFIADDED E1(»1T ARE KILLED, FORDEFENDDIG VETS’ BONUS BILL MHAILDEAL OVER 25 INJURED Makes First Ddbnte State­ STUDENTS’ BODIES Senate b retlig a ton ToU IN RAIL ACCIDENT ment on Snbject in Letter ARE SHIPPED HOME Tint PoBdeal Inflnence to Speaker Rainey— Vote PU-YI P R E P m Pennsylvania Train Leava and Personal Friaddiip Comes on March 12. College (Mfidals Advised FOR ENTHRONEMENT Tracks— Engine Plots Used to Obtain Contracts. Parents Not to Come to Down 20 Foot Embank­ WMhlngton, Feb. 27.— (AP)— The Preeldent's letter to Speaker Washington, Feb. 27.-^(AP)— Emperor of Manchokno To ment — Steel Coaches Rainey that he would veto the Pat­ Dartmonth. charges that “political influence man bonufl bill wga made public to­ and personal friendship were gener­ Be Principal Figure at Im- Keep On Moving, Knock day by the Speaker as follows: ally used” by airmail operators In "Memorandum for the Speaker: Hanover, N. H., Peb. 27.— (A P )— "Dear Henry: Men of Dartmouth today platmed a obtaining contracts during the Hoo­ pressve Rites Thursday. Down Two Story Signal "Mac has shown me your letter of farewell tribute to nine fellow stu­ ver administration, were laid before February twenty-first. Senate Investigators today by Karl “Naturally when I sugrgested to dents who were taken from them Tower and Wreck Three you that I could not approve the bill Simday by an invisible death. Crowley, department solicitor. Hsinking ((Changchun) Manchu- for the payment of the bonus certi­ A conference of Paleopltus, the Crowley was grreeted with ap­ kuo, Feb. 27.— (A P )—In sub-zero ficates I did not mean that I might student governing oody, and admin­ plause when he told the committee weather, the rites at the Altar of Story Brick BniMing. istrative officers was scheduled to let It become law without my signa­ he thought cancellation of all con­ Heaven which will climax the en­ ture. consider official honors by the col­ tracts Was “one of the most cour- lege, and an Investigation of heat­ thronement of Henry Pu-Yl as Em­ "I don’t do things that way. Bearing------o evidence------of■«'- their hand-to-hand struggle with s T iv A t police inu i the v u o v crowded f lobby of a downtown_____ New ageoua deeds that a Postmaster Pittsburgh, Feb. 27— (AP)—Al­ “What I meant was that I would ing systems and their care in bouses York hotel, the brntherAbrothers Merton Mprtnn (center) and Irving Millin of Boston are pictiu'ed after they had ibeeii__ seized Graeral or a President of the Unit­ peror of Mauchukuo were solenmly most 12 hours after an Akron-Pltts- veto the bill, and I don’t care who occupied by students was under con­ rehearsed today. as siwpects in the robbery of a Needham, Mass., bank in which two pOaeemen were killed. Also in ed States ever did.” burgh train plunged from the Penn­ you tell this to. sideration. Yoimg Pu-Yi, present chief execu­ custody was Merton’s pretty 19-year-old wife, Norma (left), daughter of the Rev. Norman Brighton, Boston He charged that by “ definite, pos­ "Let me know your thought on Eight resident members of 'Theta clergyman. ® tive of the Japanese-assisted state, sylvania railroad tracks, workers the next step. Chi fraternity, in whose bouse the itive agreement,” Brown was to remained indoors. He was fasting today removed the bodies of eight award mall contracts to favored "F. D. R.” deaths occurred, were living else­ and meditatteg in preparing himself persons who lost their lives in the aviation companies. The "Mac” referred to by the where. xTiey probably escaped the for Thursdays ceremonies. wreck. More than 25 of the 40 in­ President is Marvin McIntyre, one fate of their brothers only because Closely Questioned But all Manchukuo and Japanese of bis three secretaries. they happened to be away for the officials tind courtiers who are to jured are in hospitals. NEEDHAM ROBBERY Closely questioned by Senator The engineer and fireman are The Next Step week-end. JOHNSON HAS NEW PLAN Austin (R., Vt.), Crowley declined participate enacted their assigned parts. missing and searchers believe them Questioned by reporters as to Sidney C. Hayward, secretary to to concede that Brown’s actions to be dead in the wreckage. They what the next step would be, Rainey the college, said it was probable the A high Manchu official took the were “in the public Interest,” al­ place of the Emperor-elect In per­ are W. M. Shaw of New (Ziaatie, Pa., said: house would be closed for the re­ APPEARS SOLVED though he asserted the authority to engineer, and O. C. Douthltt of ‘T o vote on the bill on March 12.” mainder of the vear. TO REVISE CODES OF NRA forming all of the traditional acts cancel contracts fell in that classi­ through which Pu-Yi himself will go Youngstown, Ohio. Railroad offi­ "Do you think it will pass now in “It is very unlikely,” he said, “ the <$>' fication. cials, who discarded ao earlier view of the President’s announced surviving members will feel like 'Thursday. The only sound breaking the theory of a frozen switch being re­ stand?” living there or using it as a social Bay State Public Safety Coni’ “Not one contract was made on sponsible, said they believed the two "I am not sure that it will pass center ever again.” *TVe Are Going On As We competitive bidding,” he asserted frosty stillness was the high, nasal PROBE FINANCES chanting of the ritualists—intoning had been removed by friends. 'They now but there is one thing sure Expressions of Sorrow emphatically, “Not one.” added they did not know what caus­ about it, if it passes the President Condolences cot tinued to pour in missioner Promises ''Sen­ Austin attempted to bring out commands and directions in the va­ ed the tragedy. is going to veto it.” from all parts of the country. All Begun ” He Says, ""And rious rites in ancient Manchu dia­ testimony that (Crowley’s criticism lects. Next to last to be removed was The vote was forced by 145 mem­ the chapters ol the National Theta OF SLAIN WOMAN was properly of the law's provisions the body of F. R. Dravo, millionaire bers of the House who signed the Chi fraternity expressed their feel­ sational Deyelopments.’’ Participants and onlookers alike contracting company head, who bad Now We Are Closing Our rather than Brown's administration, were chiUed to the bone. 'The 28- Lundeen petition to discharge the ings of bereavement; Earl Blaik, but Crowley would not agree. boarded the train only 30 minutes ways and means committee from year-old Pu-Yi’s octogenarian cour­ before on a trip to Washington, D. newly appointed Dartmouth foot­ Crowley, on the other hand, de­ tiers suffered acutely. cmisidering the bill. Under the ball coach, wired his sympathy from Ranks for New Moye.” Boston, Feb. 27.—(AP)— -The C. rules, a vote, requiring a majority, Police Discoyer $34,000 fended the cancellation at air tthi.ii Photographs Forbidden Identified Dead Dayton, Ohio, and a host of others “mopping up” began today as po­ Newspapermea were permitted a win be taken to decide whether the expressed condolences. Presidents contract^ by Postmaster General 'The other identified dead: House will consider the bill. lice of half a dozen Mas^chusetts Farley, and declined to agree to brief glance at the eartbwi, three- James R. Angell of Yale. W. A. Washington, Feb. 27__ (AP)— Bank Deposits of Miss tiertd altar. (Jn Thursday it will be David A. Duebarme, 50 of AlU- Rainey did not make public the Neilson of Smith and Frank K. communities sought to question Austin’s suggestion that there was sonia, Conn, and Akron, Ohio. text of his own letter to the White Hugh S. Johnson beat NRA’s as- | a close similarity between the 1933 entirely obscured from foreign eyes. Hyatt of the University of Pennsyl­ three men held for the staying of Photographs will be forbidden. Clarence J. Mayer, 45 of Ingram, House, but it was known that in it sembled critics to the gun today by | operators contract rsduction meet­ vania B^nt sympathetic messages. Alice G. Porter Withdrawn llie altar as completed is curtain­ Pa., a meat market owner. be said some members of Congress two Needhapa oo’ iccmen and the ing and the 193C allocation confer­ Mrs. W. Miller Wardrop of Pitts­ Fellow students said a .iorrowlng suddenly unfolding a twelve-point robbery of the Needham Trust Com' ed with high screens of yellow bunt­ felt the President might let the goodbye as the bodies of eight were ence. burgh, wife of a Pennsylvania r^l- l^ sIslation la t become law with- program for revising existing codes. pany. ing twelve feet high. It is open only seat last night to bereaved i^rents Medford, Mass., Feb. 27— (AP) — road official. out Yds sli^iture. t Before the hundreds invited to "IVo of the three, Merton Mlllen, at the top. 'Thomas Jeffry, negro, of Youngs­ and relatives. Unexplained withdrawals of $34,009 A buge, barbed wire stodwdc, complain could voice a ^pgle criti­ from bank accounts of Mias A l^ 24, and his brother Irvifig 2l> siwaitr town, Ohio. SENATE GOES AHEAD _The hody of the ninth J>«y. Ed- cism^ NBA. administrator -ta- •d «tradi^ p.Ji^ New^York. The draped vari-colored buntihg, ward M. Wentworth of GmoagOf lay G. Porter, ^ for whose death W t ■'-BpjSIps.of a qegro and ^blte. wonpi- Washington, Feb. 27 '— (AP) — nounced a wide code revision woiffd rd, Aoranam Faher, 24, s iv m a m thft attar form ing'a scene an.are unidentified. ^ in a funeral parlor here, kwaltlng, cook, handy.man and heir is beihg Ihir erhofly unlike that fEunlllar at With administration forces appar­ bf* effected, if pp3r*ble, sweeping held, have been uncovered by in­ j^ham jail awaiting a specif tea* Railroad officials ‘said about ently submitting, the Senate today the arrival of the youth’s father, presidential nmodate. Sion of the Norfolk county grand any eountry fair. seventy passengers were on the William M. Wehtworth, a meat vestigating officers. added another estimated annual Individual industries, Johnson told Samuel J. (Datino, who has served jury, scheduled for tomorrow. IS NOT CENSORED The feitive aspect la heightened train. Two PuUmap cars were to 156,000,000 for World War veterans the opening session of his “Field Merten MiUen’s wife, Norma, 19- by nqmerous gtager-bread triumph­ have been transferred to a New (Omattnoed on Page Six) as Miss Porter’s cook and handymein to the Independent offices bill. Day for Criticism,” will be allowed for 12 years, was charged with her year-old daughter of a Natick cler­ al arches adong the solemn, three- York Ehepress and few of these pas­ Without opposition or a record modifications only^ If Justification slaying. Police said they had dis­ gyman, was brought here from mile way over which the Emperor- sengers were hurt Most of the im- vote, it adopti^ the Steiwer-McClar- can be shown in public bearings. covered he was also her heir. ,New York last night. She had designate will pass enroute to wor­ injured continued east on later ran amendmdlit restoring to the Code revision, he added, will be The fact that withdrawals been arrested ther ■ Sunday with A. P. Chief Proves It in Long ship at the Altar of Heaven. trains. rolls 29,(X)0 veterans whose disabili­ CAPONE’S BROTHER followed by a bigger and better amounting to $34,000 had been made her husband and her brother-in-law Newspapermen and photograph- Search For Bodies ties were presumed to be of service Blue Eagle compliance campaign— from her bank accounts during the and was to be questioned today by Distance Telephone Con­ era on Thursday wlU be pes^tted Wrecking crews, aided by a huge origin but who were taken off by “call it what you will,” he said— to past three years was discovered yes­ District Attorney Eldmund R. DeW' to stand within the outer stockade, crane, worked through the night the economy law of a year €igo. make the emblem indispensable to terday. Police also found, they said, ing of Norfolk- county. 100 feet from the point where Pu- and into the day clesuing up the The amendment gives the veter­ FREED FROM JAIL all businesses. that the handy-man had been given Yi will leave his automobile and tangled mass of steel, iron and ans the full former rates and puts Sensational Developments. versation With London. “We are going on as we have be­ a very broad power of attorney in Brigadier General Daniel Noed- walk toward the altar. brick, looking for any additional the burden of proof on the govern­ None, however, will be permitted bodies. gun,” be said in a paragraph aimed the spring of 1930. ham, state commissioner of public ment to show the disabilities were A second autopsy was performed to photograph or even see the Em­ The train,— "1638”—was ten min­ not of service origin. at NRA’s enemies, “these meetings safety, promised sensational devel By FRANK H. KING utes behind time when it jumped Serves His Time for Tax on Miss Porter’s body last night. opments today. peror at the altar. The proposal also restores the full Dr. William H. Boss, Harvard uni­ (Copyright 1984 by Associated Press) Oosely Goarded the tracks at 9:32 o’clock last n l^ t. rates for service-connected disabili­ (Continued on Page Six) "The Needham murders and rob­ Seldom la any monarch guarded The engine ploughed down a twenty versity toxicologist, had already re­ bery have been solved,” he said, ties with $100 a month fqr total Evasion and Pays $10/ ported finding two g(rams of un­ Lndon, Peb. 27.— (AP) — 'The foot embankment. 'The five stoM permanent disabilities. “but fEir more sensational develop­ Associated Press chief of bureau in (Coottnned on Page Two) cars, disconnected, drove on, wreck­ assimilated poison in certain organs. ments are to follow.” A short while later the adminls- The second autopsy was to deter­ ing a two-story signal tower and District Attorney Dewing was \^enna, Wade Werner, demonstrated 000 Fijie; Model Prisoner. ICE FLOES APPEAR mine the possibility of the poison conclusively to me late this after­ knocking down part of a three-story (Oontinned on Pngs’ Six.) enthusiastic over the sudden “solu­ brick building. also being found in other parts of noon that reports of Austrian cen­ tion” of the Needham case. “The cause is still a mystery,” the body. sorship, widely circulated in the “All the facts in the Needham PEEK TO ORGANIZE one of 10 executives who viewed the McNeil Island Federal Prison, Medical Examiner John P. Rear­ , were entirely untrua IN BOSTON HARBOR case are now known,” Dewing said, wreck said while watching a crane Wash., Feb. 27 — (AP) — Ralph don of Middlesex County declined to ■ Over a telephone hook-up giving “all the principals are imder arrest pulling away at the tangled mass WILLIAM F. MCGEE Capone, Chicago gangster, was issue a burial certificate to permit even clearer transmission than often and the extraordinary evidence will of steel. ready to pay his debt to the United interment in Miss Porter’s cemetery is possible from one par. of London U .S. EXPORT BANKS States government today and re­ lot which, under the terms of her be presented to the grand jury to­ He pointed out that Einglneer W. morrow.” to another, Werner and I diecussod DIES IN POVERTY ceive its permission to leave this First Time This Has Oc­ will, Cantino would inherit. the Austrian situation fully and M. Shaw of New Castle, Pa., and penitentiary. Miss Porter died at 8 a. m. a week Police Qilefs Confer. fraxikly. Fireman O. C. Douthltt of (134 ago today, doctors said, but the A conference of the police chiefs North Wesley St.) Youngstown, Uncle Sam convicted Ralph, the “Those sensational reports of Fonner Farm Administrator elder brother of Scarface Alphonse curred Since Late 80’s ^ medical examiner was not notified of six Massachusetts communities Ohio, had disappeared. until 2:25 p. m. Police, investigat­ ended with the officials confident the Austrian censorship are untrue,” he Capone, of Income tax evasion, and said. “Here I am tAiking to you “We couldn’t find them in the ing Catino’s assertion that he mere­ three arrests will solve several ma­ Notorious Backet Shop Oper­ charged him two years and five and I could call Chancellor DoUfuss to Direct New Foreign cab,” he said. “Of course t h ^ months and $10,000. Small Towns Isolated. ly thought Miss Porter ill at 8 a. jor crimes committed during the might be buried beneath the engine. m., and went to his parents’ home pent three months. a blankety blank or a so-and-so. Ralph was sentenced on June 16, “In fact, just for fun. Til do It We have heard eiIso that they got for aid, said they obtained from his Police of Quincy gathered their ator Under an Assumed 1930, to serve three years, but he and we’ll see what will happen.” Trade Body. out all right.” became a “model prisoner” and was Boston, Feb. 27.—(AP)— ’There mother, Mrs. Josephine Catino, the evidence in the $15,000 robbery at So he did exactly that in the Mow, Disconnected from their pilot given time off for good behavior. admission that her son told her the Wollaston branch of the Gran­ is no rest for the weary snow-shov- deliberate tones that Werner’s home after it plunged down the embani^' Name Passes Away. Prison officials were culvised his “Alice is dead” when he reached her ite Trust Company. The Brook­ ment, the cars were shoved past lay eler. home. town friends in Los Angeles, Calif., Washington, Feb. 27 — (AP) — fine would be paid today and Ralph line police delved into their files on George N. Peek hustled today into the momentum of their sp e^ , esi^ made preparations to leave secretly Last ’Tuesday it was a blizzard. The mother, and father said they would reex^ize. a $20,0(K) theft at the branch of a Nothing H^pened a new job—chief salesman of Amer­ mated by some passengers to be be­ New York, Feb. 27.— (AP)—Death with friends. That night it turned to sleet. ’Then cleaned up the Porter bouse before bank there. Worcester officers the medical examiner was called. Nothing happened, and we con­ ican goods abroad. He sought to tween 35 and 40 miles an hour. divulged the secret of William F. In exchange for his time and a warm day came; and a cold night. dug up their notes on the $3,500 Tower Knocked Down. money. Uncle Sam gave Capone The whole ness froze. Police last night found 21 bank tinued with our discussion of aU complete quickly the setup of three McGee, whose name made the head­ robbery of a theater manager and Federal export banks that will pour The comblndtion express-smoker lines in the heydey of the bucket valuable information, prison offi­ By Sunday night the shovelers books which once had carried maxi­ phases of the Austrian situation. mum aggregate deposits of about his Eissistant. The ruthless slay­ “No one ever made the slightest out funds to help Americans sell dived off an embankment 500 feet' shop a decade ago. cials said, the last running some­ hadn’t more than cleared the main ing of a Fitchburg man was recalled past the engine, resting its front thing like this: $35,000. About $900 to $1,000 re­ effort to interfere with what has goods to other countries. Penniless and broken, McGee died highways and the city thorough­ by police of that city. Peek accepted the presidency of down on the ground aud its rear on 1. The idea that “crime does pay mained credited in the books. been sent out frpm the Associated in a hospital last night, imder an fares, and another storm struck “Mopping Up” Underway. all thi^ee—latest wrinkle in the the trackbed. The diner remained —the Federal government.” New England. Press office In Vienna,” said Wer­ assumed name. It was not until Boston and State police took an' Roosevelt foreign trade pl«m. He upright. The day coach knocked police got to checking finger prints 2. A fsdr knowledge of cooking The snow was light and fluffy, and TREASURY BALANCE ner. “The only breakdown of cotn- and the other culinary arts. Washington, Feb. 27.— (AP)—’The other look over evidence seized in a nmnlcations we experienced was for thus tackled the job of helping ex­ down the signal tower and was bur» early today that he was identified lasted through Sunday night and alL garage in the Dorchester section porters meet the credit terms de­ led in the debris. It is here the as the man who went to priscm with 3. Some facility in reading and yesterday. ’Then, late last night, position of the ’Treasury February a few hours during the cl4(ll war writing of Spanish. 24 was: Sunday night and scores of officers manded by foreign purchasers. bodies are feared buried. Edward M. Fuller back hi 1927 as a cold wind blew in and the light when the general strike was effec­ 'The. former farm administrator 4. A definite notion of the dif­ Receipts, $5,013,082.89; ^ e n d l- compiled the data on the Needham tive and the telephone system was 'The two sleepers turned over, one the result of a flambuoyant bucket snow drifted. case. said the form of financing would be shop trial. ficulty of breaking and shoveling tures, $10,440,205.83; balance, $4,- dead because of the str&e rather above the engine and tender, the Eight inches fell during yester­ -The “mopping up” process was outside anything offered by regular McGee, although he must have harcF rocks. 983,282,128.80; customs receipts for than frdm censorship. other against a three-story build­ day’s storm, but in the outlying the month, $19,968,979.12. underway and everything was being banking channels and that these ing, knocking down large piles of suspected he was dying of atrophy 6. Something about bow to ar­ open sections it had drifted to as “It is true a censor has been in­ agencies should not be affected. range radio programs. Receipts for the fiscal 3rear (since presented to Dewing for his \ise be­ bricks. , / of the liver, kept the secret of his high as six'feet today. stalled In the telegraph office as a 'The new plan emerged from a identity to the last Police records Worked His Way Up July 1) $4,669,777,787.81; expendi­ fore the grand jury tomorrow. seml-offlcitU personage to see that Dazed by the tragedy, 'the surviv­ The snow shovelers, many of tures, $4,158,0S9,’r88.49 (including Needham kept in constant touch conference late yesterday between said be was wanted in Chicago in a “Capone soon got the idea that nothing detrimental to the state is President Roosevelt and his trade ors of the m-fated “No. 1638,” told he had to earn all the privileges he whom have worked 15 hours a day $2,351,804,929.18 of emergency ex­ with State. Detective John Stokes, sent abroad. ’This is the sort cf tiieir stories of the plunging steel “ marriage racket” and also in for more than a week, were out and' tariff advisors. 'The $11,000,000 Waukegan, 111. desired in this prison,” said Warden penditures); excess of receipts, who was in New York cooperating censorship existent in some other Export-Import Bank of Washington, giants from hospital cote Finch R. Archer. “He w m treated again clearing roads, plowing Friends are said to have sent an $511,737,999.32; gold assets, $7,340r countries." create two weeks ago for trade Men, paled by the nearness of appeal to Chicago asking bis wife, like all the bthers. He cleaned up through drifts, attempting to reach 318,902.34. (Ooattaiied on Page Six.) Asked for a brief summary of the with Russia, was named as one of death, and women, hysterically hold­ Louise Groody, actress, for funds to trash and shoveled gravel until his the small isolated communities that situation, Werner replied; the trio of banks. A second will deal ing nondescript pieces of clothing to hands were sore. Then he gradually bury him. have about given up hope of getting “Austria is quiet this afternoon. with Chjba, the third, and probably bleeding wounds, trudged through worked his way up to cook.” in contact with the outside world largest will deal with other coun­ knee-deep snow drifts to' shelter Fallow Their Lawyer Capone mingled very little with Both the chancellors’ and Heimwehr at least until the spring thaw sets tries. after the wreck, they said. As a result of the trial of Mc­ the other prisoners, the guards said, headquarters deny that any troops Gee and Fuller, the bar association in. are being rushed to the border. Financed by B. F. 0. Only three minutes more— and It but was made a member of their The official total snow fall for the Capitalization of the two newest made an attempt to discipline the radio committee. On McNeil Island, “Prince von Starhemberg said to wouldn’t have happened. The New pair’s attorney—the noted William winter had reached approximately eW A Men To Report the Assooiateed Press in this con­ banks —to be financed by the Re­ York bound train would have com­ is a giant loud speaking system, 50 inches today. Twice tempera­ construction Corporation—remained J. Fallow—^but the .^pellate Di- with many speakers placed inside nection, Tf it should become neces­ pleted its run into the Union station visi(xi of the Supreme Court dis- ture records of 65 y-^ars standing sary to safeguard the frexotier, to be settled. llie directorates of about 9:35. the cell blooks, so that all inmates were broken—once when the ther­ two also mTist be named. It was in­ miased the case in 1926. not under discipline may “listen in.” For Work Tonight Heimwehr troops would, of course, Eye Witness Story. After the brokerage Arm of Ed- mometer dropped to 17 b^ow zero be rushed in that direction,, but dicated interlocking (firectorates Mrs. M ar/ Ckmnell, of Youngs­ E m ^ y e d in Kitchen and again when it brojee that record Wteild be in vc^e, but each bank waiYI M. Fuller—a Twaw once He finally learned kitdioi work, personnlly I do not anticipate the town, buyer for a department rtors, admowledged that he lost 1881,000 by reciprdixig.lS below. The local CWA Board todi^ decid^ to clear Main necessity.” ' v prpbat>ly have a director or two told how a man’s chlm voice quletsd and was employed during most of whb',is an expert on the country or bettiitf with Arnold RothsMn-i-eol- bis stay here in cooking for the ’Tbouaands of imemplc/.ed have the passengers after the terrific im­ lapsed spectacularly in 1922, the been given work, but the niunicipal street of snow immediately and announced that the countries touched. guarjds’ mess. LAke many others . Peek undertook quicklv to dispell pact that threw people all the way baad of the concern and McGee in the prison he enrolled under the treasuries which pay them have been work woUId start promptly at 6 o'clock tonight. All IWPABTMENT OONFEBENCT from the rear to. the front of thatr. were indicted for Inidketing cus­ badly depleted. aity .ldea that thh institutiqps would Department of Education for a CWA men who have not had 48 hours in two weeks and out kuge supaa without proper coach. ■ tomers orders. After four trials course in Spanish. Ice appeared in Bostou harbor Hartford, Feb. 27.—(AP)—The “The porter was making up marked by accusations of contempt this winter for the first time ^ c e have not worked today are askeii to r^x>rt at the town entire force of the U. S. Imndgtfa- or without fitting the in- Capone became “No. 9436” at Me- exports fhtp a w ^ 4 m lt plan. bwtha,” She said. “AU of a auddtol and Jury tuhperlng, they went to NeB after -expressing a desire to the late 80’s. Ice floes were com- tkxL and NaturaUsatioa Department: garage before 6 o’clock. It is al£K> requested that those loFtheprtfjfaia; , tha car h4gan to aw^.> B iy i S i^ prisim for a year. •mrve his sentence at Leavenworth num ajbng ^tbe f^cast today and for Connecticut will attend- a con­ flew post a burning ohjfst IM a y Joseim {Dteiiidan, with threatonad amaU craft anchored in hae xmA b e ^ ccaKtad for the penitentiazy. The government wish­ ^ th dump trucks, employed by tiie CWA, report at the ference in Boston Thursday,' it was of artteg as dUth Oaus to oraaOr 4bB oii^ jrliQm McGee had lived recently at a ed to sepiaHte the members of the Maasacbusetts harbors. same tim e. announced this morning by Laursrt out pretanbi .at home or, baiiAi'of the car waa hotel, was held on a charge at bar- Capone gang, and there were two of But toifiorrow, tiu weather man L. Martinsau. director of the ooov fwrfBg a crlminaL titim la the Kansas prisrau eeOKmts and im-' aaya, wtU be itetr and wanner. Maed taiiz^ for tte itite. must

' . f ■ V i ^ , , ^■ *'- ‘ ■ ■;-' V ' "'■■L' ' V . '- - r ■ f^ A Q I T W O HANOBBSraR EVEinKG I ^ U t D , UAKOHBBTSk, o b m ^ TDESDAT, Z T ^ l^

All members of the east for the SEEK TO REGISTER play **rbe Taming of Horrors,” are HORSE DRAWING m u TOWH M EEnili; ABOUT TOWN requested to be present at a re­ TO REMOVE SNOW hearsal In the Salvation Army cita­ OBITUARY CCC CAMP EUGIBLES The Asbury Circle of the South del tonight at 7:46. StEIGH DROPS DEAD NEXT HONDAV Methodist church will not meet tm- til further notice. IN BUSINESS AREA Emergency Relief Commission One of the crosstown buses was A horse-owned by the Weat Side held up for a considerable length of/ DEATHS Would Place Youths On The Emblem Club will have a Dairy, used in the delivery at milk time during the busy noon hour, on to customers, dropped d ^ late this Rolls Whose Parents Get Aid. public card party tomorrow c^ter- Bfn. Elonooe BL C. Wheaton ^ ectoM D at Special Session aooQ at 2:30 at the Elke home in. Mam street near Middle turn^ke Selectmen Accede to Re­ afternoon at the corner of Cooper where the highway is «ctremely nar­ and Walnut streeta. T ^ hone was Mrs. Florence M. Carter Wheaton, For Second Tino . W i ^ a An appeal for estabUahment of Rockville. widow of Levi .Wheaton, died early row. The driver of a t n i i r i T i g car drawing a sleigh, driven by Sher­ a file of young men ^gible for the last ex^Snlng embolism aftsr an ‘ Today Draw Dp Meetinf and the driver of a Wg truck parked quests of Merchants — wood Trueman, which bad been at state’s CCC camps, preferably eons The Woman’e Home League of pressed into use after the recent illnen of two weeks. Mrs. t^eaton Week SokebBoa the Salvation Army will hold a parallel to each other, leaving a was born la Westbrook, Conn., of persons on town aid, has been narrow neck of roadway for the snow stonna. x • C a l made to the town charity depart­ special bueisesa meeting tomorrow Start Job Tonight. December 10, 1866, the daughter of careful motorist co thrtr 4 his way Incidentally, t^e sleigh was form­ ment It is the plan of the Emerg­ afternoon at 2 o’clock at the citadel, Mr. and Mrs. Slda^ Carter, natives Wordmg Inconroct. through, but no room for a bus. erly owned by Watkins brothers, ency Relief Commisaion to place 50 weather permitting. Every mem- local undertakers. of Bast Haddam. She was married bec ia urged to be present as import­ Thoughtfulnsss for othsra is more to Levi Wheaton kt Calais, Maine, At a ipaeUl maetlng of the Board Manchester men in the state camps Membera of the executive board This is the first ti^ s in 35 years as of April 1 as a further relief ant buaiDeu ia to be transacted. Re- than ever necessary thsse d a ^ December 10, 1890. She leaves her For ths second time within a of Selectmen held this noon, the freabmaota and a aocial time will when huge piles of enow line every of the Retail Merchants ox the that a horse pulUng a milk meigh mother, Mrs. Harriet M. Carter of measure to the local families now week, a petition for the closing of Board lasued the call for the annual follow. street Chamber of Commerce of Manches­ expired on the Job. 38 Strickland street, one son, Sidney drawing aid from the town. ter appeared before the Board of the beer taverns on Sunday, sigasd adjourned town meeting to fix the' L Wheaton of 23 Autumn >rtreet; All parents who have sons be­ Selectnien in special session this by 129 petitioneri, reprsaeattng The Cub Scouts of the South Mrs. Marvin Birnls and daughter, ^ e daughter, Mrs. Kenndth G. tax rate for the year, b^flnning Oc> tween the ages of 18 and 25, and Mathodist church will omit their noon for the removal of snow on ssvpn local ohurebas and tha Man­ Miss Dorothy Sharp of Sprlngfleld, BushneU and two granddaughters .1 tober 1, fdeo issued a call for a spe- who Eu% physically able to pass the meeting this week. Main street in front of * the local EIGHT ARE KHIED of Ossining, N. Y., and a brother chester Y. M. C. A. was read by tha -cial town meeting to immediately federal examination, are requested formerly of this town, ecoompenied business places. The petition was Louis S. Carter, also of Manchester. aacratary of the Board of Selectmen ^follow the adjourned meeting. to present themselves at the chari­ The Women’s League of the Sec­ by Mr. Birnle and a girt friend of made by Eldred J. McCabe, execu­ Mra. Wheaton was a member of m special sesaien today. The adjourned town meeting will ty office, in the municipal bxiUding ond Congregational church will Miss Sherp, are leav^ for Ber­ tive vic^presidtot of the Chamber IN RAE ARDENT the (Jenter Congregational church The petition was ordered return­ be held in High school ball, Monday as soon as possible, so that a reg­ postpone its meeting tomorrow af­ muda tomorrow, where they plen to of Cmi^eroe and eight members of and of the Manchester Mothers club. ed to the signers, due to the fact evening, March 5 from 8 to 8:15 ister may be established for the ex­ ternoon owing to dlffieult traveling rernam until April 4. ths executive board. (OoBttoaad (rsna Pags Ona) For many years she was a teacher th&t tha phraseolo^ of the petition o'clock and the special town meet­ pected draft one month hence. conditions. f Later, in executive sesclon, the in the public schools of Connecticut, was not m accord^ce with 1^^ ing will start at 8:15 p. m. Full Informatlqn concerning age, Under the auspicee of the Connee- BeleetnMD voted to remove the enow ward, with bags and luggage crash­ Massa^usetts and Rhode Island. requirements. Articles to be voted on in the The supper and entertainment to tieut State Federation at Democratic from Main street, Depot Square and ing on top at lu. The fimeral will be held Thursday Asks Word Changing oirthplace, and other data must be In a letter to the Selectmen which special town meeting are: presented at the time the applicant be given at the Second Congr^a- Women’s clubs, e lunchson x^ting other business streets, beginning “At first there was a bedlam of afternoon at 2 o’eiock at her home, tiohal church by the choir and music 19 Autumn street. Rev. Watson accompanied the signatures, Wil­ 1. To see if the town will author­ files in the charity officer will be held at the Hotel Burrltt this evening at 6 o’clock. screams and groans. Then some ise the Selectmen to purchsue the committee has again been postpon­ Cali On Workers mao called out in a calm voice. He Woodruff of the Center Congrega­ liam E. Keith, sponsor of the peti­ New Brltam. Tuesday, March 6, at tions asked that the Selectmen six voting machines and to make an ed until Friday evening, March 16. 12:80, followed by a forum on “The Immediately after the vote was told us to be quiet. tional church will officiate. appropriation for same. change the wordiiy at the petition District Court System.’’ Mrs. Fan­ taken. Clerk G. H. Waddell author­ “We were panicky because we “so as to fully comply wltii the 2. To see if the town will make The storm last night cut down ised Hajrden L. Griswold, supervis­ feared we would be burned to deatb. the attendance of the Manchester nie Dixon Welch would like as many Liquor Control A ct’ an appropriation for the construc­ FEED WED BIRDS as possible to attend. ing engineer of the local CWA The man went on telling us to crawl Improvement Association meeting FUNERALS It was the consensus of the meet­ tion of an addition to the town gar­ board to contact truck owners, and back to some place where we ing that the Selectmen were power­ age on Harrison street. when Colonel William C. Cheney CWA workers who have not work­ wouldn’t be on top of somebody else Isaac Robbins less, in view of the wording of the It was also voted at the meeting gave a'talk on prisons. There was The regular monthly meeting of IN THIS WEATHER the Manchester Ci^ club will be ed their allotted'48 hours within and to, be quiet That calmed xu petition, to include the article In the to insert in the call for the special an over supply of oysters for those the last two weeks to report for and we waited.” T’he funeral of Isaac Robbins who attended. held m the club rooms, 40 Oak was held last evening at 8 o’clock call for the special town meeting. town meeting an article, making it street, at o’clock Thursday work this, evening. Firemen smd pollcemra reached The petition specifically asked that a criminal act, the failure to remove The work will be continued to­ them witb^ difficulty, wacUng through at the W. P. Qulsb Funeral home, the petition be brought before the The card party at St Bridget’s night A lunch and social hour will the mow Itom the sidewalks in follow. morrow, using such men as have six-inch snow and breaking the win­ 225 Mam street. There was a large voters at “the adjourned town meet­ front of residences and business Screech Owl Occupies Abode ball drew out a euffieient number of not completed the required number dows to enter the wrecked cars. attendance of retetives and friends. ing, March 5, 1934.” places and all other properties players to flU 17 tables. The ad­ Rev. Watson Woodrvff of the Center Tomorrow evenmg at 7:30 a spe­ of hours since Feb. 16; All men must J. S. Stevens of Akron, aald he No other business except the lay­ abutting on the sidewalks of the vance sale of tickets made it a fi­ "had a feeling just before the train Congregational church conducted the of Squirrel Found Frozen cial soldiers’ meeting will be held report at the town garage at 6 ing of the tax rate for the year can town. nancial success and the players who o’dock this evening and tomorrow crashed that it buckled.” He thought service, and today the remains were come before the adjourned meeting, at the Salvation Army citadel, when The board also voted to purchase did reach the hall enjoyed the eve­ morning, eqiilpped with shovels. they bad hit an automobile. placed in the receiving vault m and the petition was ordered return­ Adjutant Martin hopes to meet all one cow for the almshouse. ning. It was estimated that the remov­ WllUam Ortlleb, a patrolman, Cypress Hill Cemetery, Jamaica, ed to the signers, for the proper on West Side. the soldiers and recruits. al of the anow' from Main street among the first rescuers to reach Long Island, N. Y. legal drawing. The meeting of the Selectmen alone would cost $1,.*>00, of which the wreck safd: The Petition scheduled for laet night was called Dr. Sloan, dial 6123, and Dr. Wel­ the town will be required to pay the "All I could hear were screams The petition read was as follows: The quest of food has driven not don, 5740, are the physicians who Alfred W. Dnffree HOSPITAL NOTES off until today. cost of trucking, the CWA the cost and groans. I cUmbed in and The funeral of Alfred W. Duffree, “ We the undersigned, legal voters only the birds but other forms of will respond to emergency to­ of labor. handed out five or six persons. By of 98 Church street, will be held at of the Town of Manchester, Connec­ wild life to the houses. morrow afternoon. Lenten Devotions with Rev. Fa­ Town Treasurer George H. Wad­ the sounds I thought at least 26 8:30 tomorrow monfing at his late ticut, submit the following ordi­ Last week, or Just before the Admitted yesterday afternoon: ther Frederick of Winsted as the dell told the Board of Selectmen were dying.” home and at nine o’clock at S t nance to be voted on at the adjourn­ blizzard, Constable James Duffy Miss Christine Petlg of TalcottvUle. speaker, will be held In St. James’ 'The monthly chest clinic which that he would not recommend any Some of those killed were trapped James’s chiu-ch. Burial will be m ed town meeting, March 5, 1934. captured a young gray fox, treed was to have been held tomorrow Frederick Roberts, Jr., of 91 Birch churish this evening at 7:30. extra ^propriation at the special beneath the swinging upper berths S t James’s cemetery. "An ordinance limiting the hours by his dogs at the rear of his house. morning at the Health Center on the opening and cloring of beer street EUid Mrs. lilllan Helm of 2 5 town meeting next week. A semi­ that crashed down. Ja r Haynes street, has been postponed taverns on Sundays. Spruce street. A West side resident who built a The trip planned by members of annual report of the standing of for a week, it was decided by the “Beer taverns in the Town of Discharged yesterday: Mrs. house and has been feeding a gray Memorial Lodge K. of P., to Water- appropriations from August 15, PARTIAL UST OF VICTIMS PATROLMAN RYAN BURIED squirrel for some time, only to have town on Thursday has been called doctors this afternoon. 1933 to Feb. 20, 1934 was given the Manchester, Connecticut shall open Thomas Jamison and infant daugh' Pittsburgh, Feb. 27.— (AP)—Only at 10:00 a. m. and close at 12:00 ter of 238 Oak street and Mrs. John it succumb to the extreme cold, off. The weather conditions in Wa­ Board of Selectmen this morning a partial Ust of the victims the Lynn, Mass., Feb. 27 — (AP) — at John “Blondy” Ryan, shortstop of noon, Sundays.” Swanson of Bolton. found another tenant in the former tertown are such that a postpon- for their perusal. wreck of the Pennsylvania’s Akron- the New York Giants, walked by his Admitted today: Mrs. Elsie Brown abode of the squirrel, namely a ment of the degree wor)c has to-New York train was available to­ mother’s side today at the funeral of 99 Henry street and William screech-owl. It arrives each morn­ been taken until March 22, at which OVER 40 PRIESTS day. E. B. JERALDS DEAD ing and enters its shelter where It time members of Memorial Lodge The identified dead. services for his father. Patrolman Zorskis of 169 Hllliarl street Theie Thomas P. Ryan, of the Lynn police were no discharges. remains all day. About 5 o’clock, will attend. David A. Ducharme, 50, of An- Prospect, Conn., Feb. 27.— (AP) or when the sun goes down, it sticks Weddings sonia. Conn., mid Akron, O .. department St Pius’s Roman AT CROWLEY RITES Catholic church was almost filled by —Edgar B. Jeralds, 82, retired man­ its head out, eats meat that has been A still alarm for a chimney fire Clarence J. Mayer 45, of Ingram, ufacturer died last night at bis home Pa. members of the police department left for it, disdaining bread or at 521 Middle turnpike, east, at smd friends of the Ryan family. from a heart attack. For ^ears grains, and flies away for the 11:16 this morning brought No. 3 of Wright-Brown Mrs. J. Miller Wardrop, of Pitts­ burgh. Ryan’s father, who had been 111 Jeralds had a needleshop on Roar­ night. the South Manchester fire depart­ Mrs. Marietta Brown of 364 Bid- well street and James Wright of 55 stece suffering an injury several ing Brook and later was with the Another housewife who feeds the ment to the scene. The fire was ex­ Pontifical High Mass Cele­ The injured (in hospitals) weeks ago, shot himself Saturday Hemlock street were married last Mrs. Helen Hoover, (513 Miseltoe Scovlll Company In Waterbury re­ birds every day did not get out as tinguished without damage. night tiring 15 years ago. early as usual this morning. When Friday evening at 7 o’clock at the Ave.) Youngstown, O. she opened the dbor to her rear brated by Bisbop Mc- home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Leg­ Mr. and Mrs. Fageal, Kent, Ohio. Past Matrons of Temple Chapter gett of 54 Bliss street, Hartford. porch she found on the light snow C. W. Nee, (264 Weat Harrison OJl.S., will meet Thursday evening The ceremony was pertormed by avenue) Alliance, O. the Imprint of many little bird feet, at 8 o’clock with lira. James Shel­ AuMe. Rev. Raymond Cunningham of ’Trin­ Charles J. Stralle, (160 Fifth ave­ FIRST smd still more criss-crossed at the don of 5 Oak place. ity church, Hartford. nue) Freedom, Pa. —TWO BIG FEATURES— usual feeding station. The bride wore a gown of Ber­ Wesley Anderson, 28, New Wil­ The birds evidently had been dis­ The west gate on the south side New London, Feb. 27 — (AP) — muda blue silk. 'The matron of mington, O. appointed in not finding their usual of the ra ilrc^ tracks at the Main honor, Mrs. F. W. Leggett, wore The funeral of the Rev. Timothy M. Mrs. Mary Connell, (1720 Fifth breakfast and instinct led them, to street crossing gave promise of black panne velvet. Carolyn Leg­ a:Venue) Youngstown, O. THEY SWEAR OFF DAMES... A the door from whence the supply freezing up. The gate tender was Crowley, for 24 years pastor jf St. gett, four, and her sister Sally, two, Walter C. Shanks, conductor. came. attracting attention this morning Mary’s Star of the Sea church m led the brided party, carrying Pittsburgh. A m AT EACH OTHER! as be kept hin ^f busy lowering this city was held 'today wltii the flowers. 'The bride was given In highest honors of the Catholic Merle Brown (Broadhurst street) marriage by W. Mather, a guest at New York, dining car employe. and raising the gates trying to pre­ church being bestowed on the priest The 500-mlle nm at Indianapolis vent the ice from sticking and the ceremony. F. W. Leggett was William Brown, Pittsburgh, din­ at top speed is estimated to be A pontifical high mass was cele­ best man.. ing car employe. locking the gate. brated by the Most Rev. Maurice F. equal to the wear anected of pany textile strike came today when Webster Lima Beans, -j f \ and place of business for a year without reoeivlnff a cent of rent. resided here since 1917, being em­ What 8 Manchester coming to by taxation? How much further can plotting to disturb the enthrone­ Ralph White, a striker, was arrest­ c a n ...... l U C ed on a charge of intimidation and ployed In the Birmingham Iron foun­ they go? ment. A t Harbin, 26 persona have dry at Derby and later with the been arrested and thousands of de­ threatening b ^ ly harm to a mem­ Campbell’s Vegetable H When the town revalued its property in 1926 all buildings wers Farrel-Blrmlngham Company. In tectives are aiding in the watob^ for ber of the mill maintenance staff. Soup, 3 cans ...... ^ O C measured and assessed on the cubic foot basis and a depreciation al­ 1929, be was assigned by his firm lowed depending on the age of the buildings. I flwfi that no depreda­ suspicious characters here. He will be tried in the Somers Land O’Lakes Milk, Ff The new government will observe Jiistice Court later today. Company to its Akron office. tion has been given since then on any home in Manchester to my be­ Mr. Ducharme was formerly 4 tall c a n s ...... m OC lief, other than what the Board of Relief has made and the 10 pdr cent the enthronement by issuing a large officials reported today that seversd cash grant for orphans. A special ■trlken had soug. •. to be taken Grand Knight of Valley Council, £ Mazola Oil, n q reduction which the assessors gave this year. As far as the 10 per of C., of Ansonia imd a member of cent reduction is concerned, I find it won’t be any saving '.t cUl in dol­ fund will be created for , the - treat­ back and an annoiincement will be pint c a n ...... 1 9 C ment of opium addicts. made shortly as to a decision to re­ Ansonia lodge Elks, and during his lars and cents. If a bouse was assessed ^ t year for $5,000 and the residence here was active in the pro­ M AY ROBSON Krasdale Grape Juice, Q Q Several new libraries and mu­ tax rate was 18 mills, the owner paid $90, With the 10 per cent reduc­ open the mills even on a limited quart b o t t le ...... C seums will be endowed. ' basis. motion of Boj^ Scout work. He JEAN PARKER m 5LEWIS STONE tion he will still M y $90 as the tax rate, we are given to understand Land and salt taxes will be re­ was In his 50th year. will be 20 mills. I f the small home owner had a coop or other outdoor duced. . ABBE8T MANI7FACTT7BEBS Mr. Ducharme is survived by his pound pkg...... l U C building that was not used, IIS'was evidenUy told to tear It down in Prison terms will be suspended or widow, three daughters, Bertha, order to avoid paying a tax. New Britain, Feb. 27.— (AP) — *Yo u Can *t Buy Everything * San Lucas Tuna, in ^ shortened greatly. Warrants were served by the police Ruth and Marian and cme son, How­ Not only have Cheney Brothers appealed for a reduction on the pure Olive Oil, can . . . 1 U C The government will restore con­ today on William W. S ^ t o c k and ard, all of Akron, and by two brotix- O ^ d ^ t , but no” - comes our good Wend the Manchester Electric fiscated estatei^ to all political of­ Jacob Soroken, owners of the Ace era, one of New Haven and one of Light ^mpany asking for flOO.OOO. What a playground, it seems to fenders who swear allegiance to the Medford, Man. me, is this town of Manchester. Coat Company, of this city, charg- new throne. lug them with violating the state Wed. M A H IE U '8 I wish for the benefit of. the small home owner that a special town Young Pu-Yi will receive gifts, labor laws by failing to keep an ac­ Federally licensed non-commer* meeting be held and oppose this burden of extra taxation. too. The civil government will make curate record o ( wages paid to em­ cial pilots and other airmen not „ „ HARRY B. KOHLS. grants of large areas of farming ployes and failing to report to the in the piloting grades may now DOtPT M IBSm GROCERY South Manchester, Feb. 24, 1934. T h u r s e and forest land to the Emperor. state labor commission on w^ee have licenses renewed by mail. m This adverttsemeot paid for by E. d. OamplMD. ThSM lands will bdbome “the per­ paid. They will appear in Police Instead of presentlnsT applications liij tkeim m iiP 188 Spruce Street COMING SUNDAY—GARBO petual property” of the dynasty. Court tomorrow morning. personally, as the past. I ...... W l W i #


- - With two exceptions, the maximum every day by'myself and my assist­ comings and mistakes of the rapid here through those aoxiouE days salary here is 16,000 and iSiere is ants. process at codification which, meas­ will ever again be .persuaded that GIVEN Here Is Complete Text hfurdly any one here in a prbicipai Before we opBran is the National way we have been accused of that.) The purpose of this meeting is to with whatever may develop as a re­ recovery acts, several industries had Natural Laxative. If it were used ail the strength I have. Instead of bringing in men commis­ make a round-up of every kind «.• sult of this meeting, will be the prin­ rushed into speculative overproduc- ference and more than six ounces in and girl who insists weight. by every family in the United When a mam has aisserted that sioned to express adversary opin­ helpful comment that has been pro­ cipal heads of discussion in the code t m. Stocks were piling up in moun­ States for breakfast, we would ions we could have fired anybody on being outdoors any provision of a code or amy act duced as a result of six months of conference which opens March 5th. tains. We were keenly aware that, have a much healthier race o fp eo- who did so. We elected' the con­ unless something were done instant­ \mder it works a hardship, or an operation under the President’s Code Conference. WILL despite threatening ple.”— Mr. John Daniels, 1090 Third injustice, or produces a bad result, trary course because NRA is an employment agreement and the It is our purpose to determine, in ly, we would be deluged by a new economic democracy, an arena for wave of unemployment with possi­ St., North Bergen, N. J. or opeia.tes aigainst the economic codes. That should be time enouga the code conference, the opinion in controversy, a place where an earn­ ble tragic results. noo weather needs that Tests show Kellogg’s All-Bran principles of the President’s pro­ to give us some real results of ex codified industries as to how many est attempt is made to reach realis­ Marshall’s Works HELP YOU NOW? furnishes “bulk” to exercise the in­ gram, or contrary to any statutory perience. Do not suppose that we of these improvements we CEin put tic compromise of conflicting opin­ Third: We talk about interstate added protection that testines and 'vitamin B to help tone provi^on of any pronouncement of do not have a great deal of mate­ into effect by general presidential If to. «te can am n m a loan of ion for the general good and not a rial wholly outside what ■will be and intra-state commerce. As John that amount or mor* tor 7oa in 24 the intestinal tract. All-Bban idso the President’s policy, or that some place for the exploitation of rulings, leaving to each industry Marshall once said: “In commerce to48hoara. only fresh/ rich milk offidad is imjust, Incompetent, in­ gathered here. the opportunity to show why the Monthly repayments may ba supplies iron for the blood. academic theory at the expense of we are one people,’’ and that was extended over any cooTenient efficient or unfair, or when the the common welfare. We receive "from 1,000 to 3,000 application of such rulings can not, never more forcibly demonstrated period—3.6.10 mooths or looser. and cream con give. The “ bulk” in All-Bban is much criticism is of method or organiza­ But there is a sort of assault oc letters a day. They are all digested or ought not to, be applied to it, than upon passage of the Recovery Uur chiirseK ure an lun as like that in leafy vegetables. Isn’t tion amd, in every one of these NRA to which I have continuous'y and the comment in them classified, or to what extent such rulings Act. 'We are raising costs by in­ any obtainable for this this food much pleasanter than cases, where facts amd not objected. It is a very different not only for the purpose of feeling ought to be modified oiTstayed. It creasing payrolls. Intra-state com­ ty-)e of full loan service. Cloverleaf Dairy risking pills and dhigs? Two table- epithets are presented, and especi­ thing from what I have described daily the pulse of the recovery pro­ is our plan to move into this cor­ merce and industry competes with Loans up to $300 L W. TAYLOR, Prop. )oonfuls daily are usually auffi- ally where a suggestion of improve­ gram, but for the Identical purpose rective process just as soon as the 142 South Main St. Phone 4811 3ent. If not relieved this way, see —imwarranted aspersions on the interstate commerce and Industry. Come in . . WriK . ■ or’Phemt ment is made, the doors of N.R.A. good faith of men assisting here of this meeting—to get all critical code conference is finished. Unless we could find some rule to your doctor. comment promptly and to find out I go thus into some detail Ijecause are wide open to such an assertion who to my certain knowledge have put them on the same basis of hours PERSONAL f in a n c e CO. 'ATPOPUn Get the red-and-green Mckage and we will go more than half-way come to us at great personal sacri­ where there is an inequitable or un­ I do not want anybody to assume and wages, we would not have been ItiMiiii Sliiic rh ra ter ItoliilInK at y^our grocer’s. Made by K ^ogg to meet it. fice and given their strength and intended bearing of the codes. Also the error that either of these two justified in doing anything at all 753 Slain SI., M anchester in Battle Creek. Indeed the assertion that we have ability and health and manhood— the administration maintains a daily conferences is a gesture or a kind because intra-state operations Phone 3 4 3 0 of ‘‘pep’’ meeting. They are both in would simply have ruined interstate l'he only charge Is Three ever done anything else is absurd like crusaders in a holy cause, and digest of newspaper comment which Percent Per Month on Dn- KEEP ON THE and that is a statement which I can to limits of devotion the like of covers practically every publication. deadly earnest and 'die purpose of enterprise. This was so clear and nnld Amount of Loan them is to mop up the errors, short­ threatening that no man who lived • prove to amybody’s satisfaction. All which I never saw even in the way. These also are studied personally t lOANS MADE IN NEA»»Y TOWNS SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE that you need to do is to consider the orgamization and method of N Jl~A. From the very first day and the very first plan for its organiza­ tion the effort was to put in all con* trolling positions through which the codes must strain, men of every possible shaide of opinion—from those who were popularly considered extreme on the radicad side to men who were thought to be conserva­ tive. We created a board of industrial­ ists to pass on the codes from that viewpoint amd—lest it be thought that NRA itself was industrial mmded—the secretary of commerce was amked to name them. But to get a completely opposite point of view, we created a board of labor leaders also to pass on the codes amd similarly, lest it be thought that NRA should influence this se­ lection, we asked the secretary of labor to appoint the board. On my personal staff, with access to every­ thing that passes the control office, I selected an industrial assistant but I also selected a labor assist­ ant—one of the outstanding lead­ ers of the labor movement in this coimtry. Oonstimer's Board There was complaint that the You hear a lot today .consumer’s interest might be over­ looked in the shuffle. Now, while we tvunk that every person and about balanced diet— thing in this country—every factory, store, railroad, or other enterprise— is a consumer and therefore that the .. and there’s something too real consumer’s representative is tbe President himself, we neverthe­ less recognized the necessity for a in the way tobaccos are bal­ channel of complaint and criticism and therefore set up a consumer’s anced that makes a cigarette board, the fimction of which is to pass on all codes from that point milder and makes it taste of view. Even in our staff and serv­ ice departments such as the legal better. and research and planning depart­ ments, we similarly sought to se­ cure leaders of economic and po­ I keep coming back to litical thought from both sides of^ the argument to keep every policy that statement on the back and action, broad, flexible and con­ stantly informed by every shade of THURSDAY, MARCH 1 opinion. o f the G iestcrficld package— This idea has attended every act of NRA. At all hearings there sit representatives appointed by all A t 2 P. M. © esterfield- three of these boards of directly The Eighth conflicting interest. -Cjj5ARETTES Not a code or order comes across In Our Winter Series of Cooking Demonstrations my desk that is not accompanied Using the Electric Range ARE A BALANCED BLEND by the reports of all these advisory OF THE FINEST AROMATIC interests. While someone must Under the Direction of make an ultimate decision, no such TURKISH TO BACCO AND decision is ever made without ex­ THE CHOICEST OF SEVERAL traordinary effort to compose these conflicting points of view. MRS. MARION ROWE AMERICAN VARIETIES Pnblic Hearings Home Economist of the Manct^ester Electric Compkny BLENDED IN THE CORRECT In addition to all this, there is PROPORTION TO BRING not a single important action taken In the Store In the Odd Fellows Block by. NRA, that is not the result of a At the Center OUT THE FINER QUALITIES public hearing. In those hearings O F EACH TOBACCO. Formerly Occupied By the Southern New England every person—^from Communist to m . u.fuPAT.orr. Conservative—who asserts any in­ Telephone Company terest In the subject matter U in­ vited to get. up and make any ertti- MENU clsm, comment or suggestion that Oyster Soup We believe you’ll enjoy may occur to him and never has any­ Macaroni Loaf with Tomato Sauce one been denied, curtailed, or si­ Buttered Beans Chesterfields and we ask you lenced. It all goes into the record and is considered when action is Butter Scotch Meringues taken. to try them. Also, it has been.our invariable practice whenever a responsib.e and effective proponent of any adverse estemeld point of view has presented specific criticism of methc^ and personnel, —the cigarette that’s MILDER to give that person complete access The Manchester Electric Co. to an3rthing we do or have here; to invite that person to join this or- 773 Main Street Phone 5181 —the cigarette that TAS'TES BETTER ganixatiOD h is^lf (or to nominate seme one to Jom it) and show us • 1994, Im rrr 4t K i* f Jobacco Co.

. --- - . -


Astiri^rgtFr bs imprssesd, tbeufli hs w os’t. Zt religious, chaHtabls or educational points out that in the Ust fifteen •Btlty the same rights to engage Getting Madder and Madder £nntttig Hrrald years we have killed 820,000 of our the services of the station that are own people with automobiles where­ granted to other candidates or en­ PXJBI4BHED BY THE JIERALD p r in t in g c o m p a n y . INC. as In al] our wars put together our titles. In other words the radio sta­ IS Strc«t enemies have killed only 800,000 of M&seheiur, Conn. tions are forbidden to play any fa­ Equipment . THOMAS rSROUSON us. It shows that the impact when a vorites. Another section of Mc- General Manager that is complete oar travellBf at forty miles bits an Fadden’s bill is occupied with the Founded October I, 1881 object Is four times as great as prohibition of any attempt to inter­ Publlebed Every Evening Except ROBERT K. ANDERSON Sunday! and Holldaya. Entered at the when traveling at twenty; that at fere with or prevent the broadcast­ Funeral Uirectoi For Poat OfCloe at Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. sixty it is nine times as great It ing of a radio program by threats, WATKINS BKOTHKRS, Inc. SUBSCRIPTION RATES shows that braking capacity fig­ coercion or misrepresentation. So TBL. Ofnee 5171. House "eM One Year, by mall ...... 18.00 Per Month, by mall ...... t .60 ured in, a twenty mile an hour car far so good. Single copies ...... $ .03 occupies thirty-eight feet of road­ Delivered, one yeai ...... 89.00 But there is a clause in this part way in addition to its own length of the law that is not easy to under­ MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS while at sixty miles an hour it oc­ stand. It says; The Associated Press is exclusively cupies two hundred and aixty-three entitled to the use for republication No person, persons, company, of all news dispatebe - credited to it feet plus its own length. It shows association, society or corpora­ FORTUNES VANISHED, NOW MEN ARE or not otherwise credited In this tion shall induce or attempt to in­ paper and also the local news,pub­ that a twenty mile car striking an MAKING MONEY AND PROPOSALS lished herein. object and stopped within three duce any person, persons, com­ pany, association, society or cor­ All rights of republication of feet exercises a pressure sufficient apectal dispatches herein are also re- poration to withdraw business or By HELEN WELSHIMER aerved. ^flve cent eating place, They are in to lift four similar cars three feet— financial support or social inter­ ------I the mood for love again, that’s all. Full service client of N B A Ser­ while a sixty mile car bitting an ob­ course from any radio broadcast­ Husbands are stiff to be had. | Every Juliet who haa wondered if ing station, or the owne*, lessee, vice, Inc. ject smd stopping within three feet There was a dearth of them on the Romeo’s stepsons have rteumatlam or operator of any radio broad­ j or athlete’s Publisher’s Representative; The strikes a blow that would lift forty market for a while. But the stock i a ^ e te s foot because they Julius Mathews Special Agency— New casting station in the use and I haven’t been climbing her fire es­ York, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. similar cars three feet. operation of such radio station or of bonds and blondes is going up. capes feels better now that she has In other words “The Great Amer­ •In the broadcasting of any and all Men, who have bwn the answer to I seen what the mailman brought, MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU ^ programs offered to be broadcast solo prayers ever since Adam’s sons CIRCULATIONS. j VMien Women Yearn for Romance ican Gamble,” which is the title of at any such station. felt lonely on moon-bright nights, : The world U a barren placi to The Herald Printing Company, Ino.. the booklet, makes out a complete Aside from being a singularly want sweethearts again. I women when love grows stale. Men assumes no financial responsibility case against speed as, far and It took the 1984 Valentine’s Day may concern themselves wiUl busi­ for typographical errors appearing In ambiguous piece of phraseology this to prove it. The makers of valen­ ness. A woman may try to. But advertisements in the Manchester away, the fundamental cause of the Evening Herald. clause looks suspiciously like some­ tines, now that thetr statistics are there comes a moment when some­ slaughter. thing under which a newspaper ad­ gathered, are reporting that the one Is playing the Vionnesc Waltl-, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 But it doesn’t take the position demand for valentines that talked of lilacs are rain-sweet in the late vertising agency might be prevent­ love— permanent, dyed-in-the-wool, that crusaders against this frightful spring night, or the man she usrd ed from arguing the case of the ninety-nine and forty-four one-hun- to love comes back to town with bis “ECONOMY” MELTS barbarity must sooner or later take newspapers vs. radio before some dreths per cent pure, guaranteed not wife when she wants to take a to shrink, fade or run in the wash —that an end can be put to the national advertiser. paint brush and spread some President Roosevelt’s laudibly love— have come as tidal waves en­ glamor somewhere. Not that she motivated economy program has menace of speed only through the Despite the fact that Mr. McFad- gulfing lonely hearts. would have the man on a blue willow started to disintegrate before his adoption and remorseless enforce­ den is one of the grimmest of men, It seems teat it wasn’t that men platter now! But she thinks of what ment of drastic regulatory laws. didn’t want to get married last year he might have been if he bad naar- eyes as these imposing snowbanks his bill may be suspected of con­ and the year before. They didn’t rled her. Such pleas and arguments as of ours will begin to dissolve one sisting principally of Joker. have money to do it or tim# to go Even a woman who is a great of these very early days under the those presented by the Travelers’ courUng. Being men, they didn’t executive often hopes that some booklet are tremendously Impres­ know that often little couiilng was particular man will read about it in power of the ascending sun. And necessary. the paper. sive to thinking and reasonable PENN CANDIDATES having started, be need not be sur­ In fact, until their heart Interests The Years Haven't Changed began to play postoffice this year, prised if he finds that suddenly be people. But it is not thinking and Pennsylvania Republicans, unless SentUnent reasonable people who kill them­ they should happen to be smitten by women didn’t know that love bad We have tried to believe that the is Involved in a very debacle of un­ weathered the market crash. Soma world was a co-operative individual­ controlled wastefulness. selves and their fellow beings in the impulse to pick their own can­ women still don’t know it. You see. ized, pecimlary organization which there was a greater demand for Nor will it be of lasting service automobile accidents. It Is the hare­ didate, will be called on to choose took sentiment for what It was brained, the ignorantly reckless, between Gifford Pinchot and David Behind the Scenes in sentimental I’ll-be-yours-lf-you’ll- worth and filled its rag bags regu­ to the President to wax sternly In­ be-mlne verses than the shops could larly. Now it haa been proved that dignant with bis recalcitrant Con­ and another element which is reck­ A. Reed In the naming of their nom­ A BOOK meet. Nobody dreamed so many it isn’t. It is as old-fashioned as less not out of ignorance but from inee for United States senator this men wanted to declare themselves your great-grandmother’s first date gress and sends in vetoes of its ex­ in rhyme. sheer cynical fatalism or through year. Reed has already announced amd as sweet as the flve-for-a-penny travagances. Because the respon­ WASHINGTON A r w .Love Becomes Fashionable Again gum drops you bought when you sibility for the state of affairs now a superstitious faith in its own ex­ his candidacy to succeed himself and Yea, love is on the upgrade. Min­ were seven. isters are reporting more marriages. impending, with Senate and House emption from bad luck. now Governor Pinchot presents him­ New Deal Booms Capital HotelsATugwell of the “ brain trust,” toting The heart pick-up la remarkable. .Hanger Marcher Chief Shane CJITES ’PRUSSIANISM’ If you don’t get your man It Is be­ One thing has been proved, though. rivals In tbelr haste to restore pen­ You can’t reach these people with self as the present senator’s oppon­ his tray at the Department of Hostelries -----Tngwell ’Totes His Agriculture cafeteria___ Baldhead­ IN A GIRLS’ SCHOOL cause you didn’t choose wisely. Ot When poverty comes In at the door admonition, with object lessons, ent for the nomination. Reed’s course you must not get an idea sions, pass the bonus bill and gen­ Tray-----Sleighs Are Difficult to ed, Jovial Thomas H. Beck, president love doesn’t come knocking. Econ­ This Novel Is Reminiscent of that men are handing out proposals erally to participate In the good old with scientific argument. You could platform is simple: Whatever the Find in Washington. ol Collier’s, and call, spectacled omic increase influences the roman­ “Maedcher In Uniform” as freely as they do election candi­ tic output. reach them by a system of law that present administration has done or Ding, the cartoonist, two voluble gsune of “standing in back borne” , date tickets or those cardboard You may bid hearts—but dollars automatically would deprive of the proposed or conceivably may do or By RODNEY DUTCHER conversationalists, talking each squares that advertise a new thlrty- is all bis own. The Evening Heraid Washington “Frost In May," by Antonia are trumps. privilege of the road every driver propose Is absolutely, totally and im- other’s head off. They’re the works So long as it appeared that Mr. Correepondeat CD the President’s new commission White, is another of those delicate Roosevelt was following a definite, who, by an infraction of the strict­ qualifiedly wrong. Plnchot’s plat­ Washington, Feb. 27.—When you tor restoration of wild game. and sensitive studies of a school est kind of a code, imperiled the come to Washington, you’ll find the p r l’s progi ess through a Pr Asian- from Lakeland, Fla., four years comprehensible and scientific policy form is not more complex: What­ Mrs. Roosevelt, driving ont with ago...... life or limb of any other human be­ ever this administration does is ab­ first visiDle evidences of the New her first consln, Mrs. Joseph Alsop, ized and Inflexible eaucatlonal sys­ of retrenchment in the cost of gov­ Deal in your own hotel. tem. Things looked pretty bright and ing regardless of whether his luck member of Connecticat’s leglsla- ernment this Congress was, as a solutely, totally and unqualifiedly You’ll be surprised—if you It probably will be compared simple when she got a role alnaost tare. That’s one Repablican con- held or not. right. haven’t been here this last year— widely with “Maedchen in Uni­ at once, but after rehearsals and whole coimtry can testify, amazing­ sin who maintains aflectioDate ly eager to co-operate. But when When we get to the point where to find the manager happy, the bell­ form,” which Is hardly fair, since NEW an out-of-town tryout, the show Possibly, though not probably, relationship with the White House hops grinning, and a lot of other “Frost in JAay” is capable of stan 1- collapsed. Another part was offer­ it became apparent that, though we value human life above the Roosevelts. She's a sister of Theo­ Pennsylvania Republicans may people staying in the same place. Ing on its own feet—and, besides, ed, and that show closed before it privilege of driving fast we can es­ dore Donglas Robinson, one of the anxious to save a few hundred mil­ evolve the idea that it might be a You even may have trouble getting the parallel isn’t quite exact, any­ reached Broadvray. A third time, five assistant navy secretaries lions at the expense of pensioners, tablish such laws—and enforce a room. way. YORK while her play was closed for revi­ good thing to name a candidate tor from the Roosevelt family, and a • M£A S6fiV^C6.INC government employes, public them to the very letter. There is a A year ago the lobbies were de­ We get, in this book, the story sion, Miss Love skipped to a new senator who bad some ideas of bis niece of T. R. of a young English girl who is put growing number of people who serted and the establishments were By PAUL HARRISON job, only to be replaced at the last functions of one sort and another, own as to the needs of the people broke. Since March 4 the New Deal NRA: Ed McGrady, Johnson's into a convent school at the age minute by a famous actress. And would welcome them even now. right-band man, stalking out and of eight and left there, with brief the PrMident was entirely willing of Pennsylvania and the country and iTAS been paying off hotel mort­ New York, Feb. 27.—Many work­ by that time it 'was too late for her to load the nation with eight or ten Perhaps there will soon be recruits gages all over town. throwing bis topcoat back so he can intervals of vacation, until she Is to return to the first one, which who would be able to see the na­ 14 ing girls who live along the Grand enough from among the, widows The big places have run almost jam his bands In his hip pockets.__ was reopening for a long and suc­ billions of dollars of interest by tion’s plight aifd not the personality Attractive, blond Mrs. Don Richberg With a grim and almost inhu­ L'oncourse, up in the populous the orphans, the mothers and fa­ a? capacity and sometimes were cessful run. financing the recovery program of Franklin D. Roosevelt as the fuil-up in sumraq;- for the first time and her little daughter, waiting for man ruthlessness, the school au­ Bronx, accept lifts from motorists thers of automobile tragedy vic­ Eight times, in all, she headed through bond issues— for no better paramoimt issue. on record. big, bald Don in his office at the end thorities proceed to take the shy for Broadway but never quite ar­ ot the day. and sensitive child and make her driving from their Westchester reason than the preservation of the tims, to constitute a ponderable Code business, federal disburse­ rived. Discouragea, she decided to over in the Image that seems gooo homes to their Manhattan offices.. same old bank-money system that voting force. Some time, at all ments in dozens of directions, con­ Mrs. Mary Rumsey of Consumers’ try for a role in the road com­ tacts and lobbying with new federal Advisory Board, hustling down a to them. Inflexible repression Is the One girl, especially pretty and events, we shall surely become as order of the day pany of “strictly Dishonorable.” brought on the depression— what agencies reaching Into every state, corridor In her daily different dress, well-dressed, stands on comers and Girls are not allowed to form When Brock Pemberton asked her longer was the sense in Congress civilized as were the Indians when Health and Diet patronage, more national conven­ but always the same bat...... Frank politely shakes her bead at most friendships, to look at life for them­ to speak a few lines she bouidn’t the Pilgrims came. Then we shall tions, curiosity—those are reasons. R. Wilson, expert Blue Eagle bally­ men who slow down Invitingly. But members sacrificing themselves for selves, to be In any way he natural remember anjrthing but “Mary had In the lobbies you sense the new hoo campaign organizer, thinking when a nice-looking fellow in an old the sake of saving at the spigot put a stop to the murder of thirty Advice young animals that nature intended a little lamb— ” That won her the spirit of things. Everyone seems to ot leaving soon, because ballyhoo model car comes along, she accepts. leading part though, and she tour­ while the President was wasting at thousand men, women and children By Ur. Praob McCoy them to be. have a feeling of going somewhere. days at NRA are over. On the way downtown she gets to ed in it for a year. Next she re­ the btmgbole? and the maiming of almost a mil­ All must conform to the same talking about the new cars of 1934, The clack of portable typewriters A questionnaire as to feasibility model, at no matter what cost In hearsed for the role of the intel­ What odds a few scores of mil­ lion, every year, for the sake of that BODY BSMABKABLE IN echoes In the corridors, with the of a “place your order now” cam­ and particularly about the excellent lectual little courtesan in the com­ Individuality. points of a certain make. By this lions, more or less, handed over to mad thing speed. MANY WAYS clink of cocktail shakers. Many paign drew a favorable majority, So this particular child grows edy called “By Your Leave.” It’s a rooms become impromptu offices. but not enough enthusiasm to war­ time, the driver is getting a little Spanish war veterans, or a few hun­ up in a lonely and forbidding en­ bit, and Elizabeth Love has finally When we begin to study the body Some guests have set up personal rant one. ashamed of his old bus, and brags arrived on Broadway. vironment. In thf eyes of her that he’ll soon be turning it in.... dred millions paid to post-war brides FREE SPEECH and to compare certain facts about office suites, Including Frank Walk- One Sleigh in Capital teachers, her own personality is At this, the girl confides that she widowed by automobile accidents or it with outside facts, we find out ei of NEC and Joe Guffey at the Snow here is something seldom. supremely unimportant: her child­ That solemn person Richard is a friend of the sales manager some astonishing things. Mayfiower and George Bronson Folks who telephoned around trying ish wi’ l exists only to be broken. to non-service attached victims of Whitney, who “rides to hounds” and for the car they've been talking For example, in your blood you Rea, Manchukuo’s agent, and Henry te rent a sleigh after the recent She Is what they have made her. recent mlsfortime who happen to about, and that—just as a favor— observes every particular little have the same kind of water foimd L. Doherty at the Shorebam. blizzard located only one in the and she faces life lonely, afraid, and motations— in the sea; and the same salts axe she could get him a discount on have once been drafted, in the face tenet of the American social upper- “Soffers” to Play Safe whole capital—and that would cost very badl> confused. of the huge burden of interest eat­ also fotmd. in the blood that are Herbert Beojamiii, veteran “Frost In May” is an uncom­ one of them. And so, occasionally, crust with the most meticuloiu fotmd in ocean water. Biologists 812 an hour. monly forceful Job of writing. the girl is able to take the prospect ing debt which Mr. Roosevelt, by have decided that life started in the Coimnunlat hanger march leader, Mme. Veerka, wife of the Czecho­ Religion does not consist in doing fidelity, and who has exactly the says he avoids even cheap hotels Published by the Viking Press, it around to the showrooms, and a choice, elects to lay upon the should­ great oceans and that' the blood slovak minister, has painted a pic­ deal is made. The buyer never special things, but in doing aff sense of humor that one mu8t*bave which now fiows in your veins Is re­ becaose reports always spread ture of Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, Smith­ is priced at 82.50. things with a special quality. ers of the nation? that he's living extravagantly at learns that she is one of the star who takes a pink coat seriously, is lated to the water of the ocean. sonian anthropologist, and is one of members of the sales staff. —Dr. Glenn Frank, president of For some reason the people—and a swell one. the University of Wisconsin. of course a thousand miles away Or, consider your eyes. In your the few here who can pronounce his Another lass from the Bronx, also the press—o f the country failed to Last time I saw hinuhe was In name. He’s a Czech, too. from being able to discern the joke two eyes you have two perfect little pretty nut not so well dressed, has realize that on the day when it was cameras, which take two pictures. a low-price restemrant, working Secretary Frances Perkins re­ Overnight A. P, Fascism was bom the day you in his "freedom of speech” wall, on some vegetable soap, a hajp. evolved a brash gold-digging scheme forbade tbb Parliament to speak As these pictures reach the brain ceived a dammed-up shower of call­ which adds materially to her in­ definitely aimounced at Washington they become blended into one pic­ burger sandwich, and a glass of freely its criticism of the Stavisay Mr. Whitney departed from bis ing cards after she gave up keeping News come as a stenographer... .She also that the recovery program would be ture. A peculiar thing about the beer.- and other scandals. stem and unbending resolution to her home address secret. She lives chooses to accept rides in oldish financed by bond issues instead of eyes is that one eye does more work Here and There in a Georgetown house with Mrs. —Andre Tardieu, accusing French give no interviews because bis very of seeing than the other; if vou Newport, R. I.—The forty-fpot cars, but for a different reason. As Premier Daladler diming Paris by utilizing the Impounded gold as Aroimd Town: Handsome Rex Rumsey. soul was seared. It was, be told the are right-handed, the right eye does trawler Rose Jarvis of New Bedford she gets in and settles herself she rioting. a basis for a direct issue of treas­ aground at Mackerel Cove, on Co- looks down ruefully at a wide run interviewer, just exactly the end of most of the work, but if you are left-handed, the l^t eye makes the nanlcut Island at the mouth o2 in one of her stockings. (It was Presentations on the screen have ury notes, the whole structure of the ment that the human stomach will low a cleansing regimen as it will all freedom of speech if charges of main part of your picture. Undoubt­ Narragansett Bay, her captain and there all the time, of course). “Just dwarfed the efforts of the stage. New Deal blew up. But Congress imdergo. You can Imagine what probably prove of great benefit. If propagandizing, hurled against him edly, man has invented some won- would happen to your car If tacks, crew of two rowed ashore to notify my luck,” she pouts. “Just look —Earl Carroll, famous producer. knew it well enough. And Con­ deriul cameras but no man-made the pains from neuritis do not dis­ Coast Guards. what your darned old car haa done by those common fellows of the pins, or glass were carelessly poked appear within a reasonable time, it gress, naturally, is asking itself, camera can touch the cameras of into the motor, yet the average Worcester, Mass.—Captain Eddie to my brand new chiffons!” ___ Nine The average woman Is a better Senate Banking and Currency Com­ the human eye. is advisable to go to a doctor who V. Rickenbacker denounces the gov­ ’’Why should we, senators and rep­ stomach will very oftqa handle such understands manipulative treatment times out of ten the driver gallant­ bridge player than the average man, mittee, were “sustained by public Within your body you have many objects without much difficulty, and ernment action, which cancelled ly insists on paying for the stock­ but the average husband won’t gl/e resentatives, provoke the anger of email roots througn which you soak and have him diagnose the case as commercial air mall contracts, opinion.” 'The propagandising with many a baby has swallowed an open It might possibly be that one or two ings— a dollar or a dollar and a half. his wife credit for knowing any­ millions of voters by continuing to up nourishment about the same way safety pin which made the Journey Bridgeport, (Donn.—Patrick F,. The girl accepts, almost tearfully, thing. which he had been charg^ consist­ treatments would produce a marked O’Brien, chief delivery clerk for the fight for the shadow of economy as a tree soaks up food through its through the body with no barm Improvement. because she says she hasn’t any —P. Hal Sims, bridge authority. ed of circulating a printed state­ fine bair-llke roots. The place where done. New Haven railroad for 43 years, money and wouldn’t dare go to her when our leader has abandoned its you have an advantage over the tree and a past president of the Brother­ Properly regulated, and under the ment in which he condemned the In buying an antiseptic prepara­ (Rapid Heart Beat) office looking like this. ... substance?” is that its roots hold it in one place, hood of Railway Clerks, dies. expert direction of medical men, Stock Exchange Regulation bill. tion, you insist that it have a cer- Eight times out of ten, the This is not exactly noble: It would but your roots are conveniently tai strength, yet your eve is bath­ Question: Mr. Dan Q. of Colorado sterilization is the most benefleia) Mr. Whitney’s position is, obvi­ located In the small Intestine and Springs, C3olo., writes: “I have a driver tries to make a date be Immensely more to the point if ed by tears which contain an soclEd measure we know. ously, that not only does free speech you can easily carry your roots antiseptic called Lysozyme . which very rapid heart beat. What are with her. Coloring prettily, she —Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, anthropolo­ Congress instead of fighting the aroimd with you, absorbing food as some of the causes?” Deaths Last Night mnmnrs a wrong telephone consist In the right to say what you has such a great antiseptic jiower gist. President over pensions and bonus­ you go. In the small intestine you that it is not lost even though the Answer: A rapid heart beat may number and a flctitloas name. St. Louis— James Flannery, 78, please but also in the right to have have small cilia which stick up like Lysozyme is diluted 6 million times! be Induced by any number of causes, Getting Down to Cases There is a potential grand opera es, were to fight him on the vital the threads in a heavy batbiowel. such as: Thyroid disorder, gas pres­ father of James W. Flannery, vice what you say accepted as the last I give you the above facts so you There’s a good deal of specula­ star in almost every home in Amer­ issue of that frightful burden of These cilia work on the same princi­ sure, nervousuess, valvular leakage president and treasurer of the Miss­ and irrefutable word on the subject. will understand that in having a tion as to the true identities of peo­ ica. —Otto Kahn. bonds. But it is human. ple as the threads of the towel; they body to do your bidding and carry of the heart, or fibroid tumors. In issippi valley barge line. There Is no such thing as free make it easier to soak up moisture. some cases It is a symptom which Anoka, Minn. — Matthew Ten ple Gerald Bretlgam writes about In out your actions, you have at your ills new book called “Dare to Live.” Britain is as likely lo drift in­ speech for you unless the other fel­ Of course, the food materials as disposal a remarkable machine appears from time to time in those Eyck Caine, 52, sports writer and they exist in the intestine are car­ who are in fair health and means cartoonist. Instead of- being utterly didactic to wai as anybody else, If some­ SPEED low can be somehow kept from an­ which is truly the most marvelous in making his plea for individual­ one else starts It. ried in a fiuid or liquid, and it is piece of apparatus ever placed on little. However, since a rapid peund- New York—Carrol B. Dotson, 50, ism, the writer, a 'prominent New —(]reorge Bernard Shaw. One who examines closely the swering you. If he does make reply, very easy for the cilia to absorb the earth up to this time. ing"of the heart may serve as a founder of the Newspaper Institute then you have been denied the right food particles in liquid form Just in warning signal of coming heart of America, a correspondence York newspaperman, has generous­ fourth of a series of booklets Is­ school. When an actor draws manj peo­ the same way as the fine tree roots QUES'nONS AND .ANSWERS trouble, I mid it a good rule to ad­ ly sprinkled his work with actual sued by the Travelers Insurance of free speech. absorb nourishment. vise a complete examination which New York—Lola Jean Simpson, case histories of people who are ple to the tbeacers the only fair Company in its campaign against We doubt if Mr. Whitney will In your brain you have a switch­ (Neuritis) will determine any possible cause. 50, novelist and former magazine well known, but unnamed. There’s method of paying him is by giving ever be able to see the joke. When board which is said to have more Question: Miss Loretta G. of Tuc­ editor. an actress, a private banker a him a share of his picture's p i^ ts . the slaughter of human beings In connections than the main switch­ son, Ariz., writes; “What is neuri­ Hollywood, Fla. — Joseph W. —Adolph Zukor, movie magnet they’re that way they're that way, theatrical producer, and many automobile accidents must be forced board for the New York City Tele­ tis?” Young, 51, who converted another whose story illustrates some phone Company. 'Through this swamp land into the city of Holly­ to the conclusion that this brochure and that’s all there- is to it. Answer: Neuritis may be due to point in Breitlgam’s formulation of Marriage Is not a monastic re­ switchboard you make all the either a chemical or a mecbanlcaJ A Thought wood. tirement and a married maw is not —short of just one thing—does thousands of connections between Chicago— Capt. Matthew Zimmer, a credo for a full life. Instead of irritation of some of the nerves. A “Deme to Live,” he might have call­ a soda* leper. practically everything that can be JOKER BILL? brain, nerves and muscles, needed great bodily toxemia must be con­ head of Chicago’s uniformed police. —Supreme Court Justice Peter every time you move. 'The human ed It "Be Yourself. ’ done by any such an agency to­ sidered a most important cause of For every one that doeth evil Schmuck. New York. 'There is a bill before the House brain holds about 9 billion ceUs and all inflammation in the body and, The volume of air express dur­ Love Story ward the prevention -of preventable the new connections which you can hatetb the light, neither conieth to Making a first appearance on the of Representatives, introduced by when this inflammation exists the light, lest his deeds should be ing 1933 was 1,510,215 pounds, make in teaching your brain and Broadway stage, its people will teU Even with stjeh cutbreaks as the accidents. the militant Representative McFad- around a nerve trunk, it is only be­ reprovwL—St. John S.20. or an Increase of nearly 50 per cent Bremer case, we believe much prog­ muscles to work together as you cause some of the toxic wastes have over the 1,033,970 pounds carried In you, is largely a matter ot luck, It presents the picture of 29,000 den of Pennsylvania, which would lean new actions, are almost im- ress baf^been made in stamping out accumulated In this particular place. An evil life is one kind of death.— 1982. partly Infiuqnpe, and to some slight Idc&upli^ - - . deaths and 850,000 Injuries in this make It a criminal offense for the limlted. The pain from neuritis is often, very degree, ability. S^en wbsn one's The messages or nervous impulses Ovid, —C3ol Henry B. Chamberlin, Chi­ country in 1933 with such striking responsible management of a pub­ severe. The most important cause Domestic airmail for 1981 was ability is recognized, there’s still a fiash edong a mile of nerve-track ao of neuritis is an intestinal poisoning cago C2rimt Commission. clarity that it would almost seem more than 9,000,000 pounds, but great element of chance in any per­ lic broadcasting station to deny to quickly that you can not keep track arising from the use of Improper John Langdon of New Hampshire in 1932 it dropped to less than of the time it takes. former's success story. Consider the Joseph Conrad’s real name was that the most reckless driver would a x ^ political candidate or ts any kinds of food and wrong food com­ was the first president pro tempore 7,400,000 pounds and continued Cinderella yarn of Elizabeth Love, No machine will take the punish- binations. I suggest that you fol­ Theodor' Josef Konrad Korzenlow- of the United States Senate. at this low level through 1933. a pretty youngster who caine here skL ’ r' ; v;


operations Monday momlsf after being closed fw the past oe* COSTS UP, PRODUenON C .H .T .C . ENROLLMENT cause of the shortage of fuel. A TOLLAND DAILY RADIO PROGRAM ROCKVILLE supply of soft coal arrived Sunday TALCOTTVUIE afternoon when a special freight M r. and M rs. Ivan Wilcox of Mer- DOWN, BOARD’S REPORT FOR *34 POSTPONED TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 27 (Ceotral and Eaitari Bundard Tima) train was operated to Rockvllie row were Sunday guests of rela­ George Dswsea ass rstuned heme Note All procrama to key and baale ehalaa or vreupa tAareef unleaa aped* with a supply. tives. after T&itiBg hla SCO in Charlotte, Oed; coAat to coast (e to c) designation Includes all avallabla atatlona Data Furnished by U. S. Labor Aotiem dn Army Appropriation Cent. East. RookvlUe Briefs The Farm Bureau meeting which Norih Canfilna. Programa subject te change. P. M. TRAFFIC IS PARALYZED RockvUle Council. No. 1165, was to be held in the soei^ rooms Bureau Is Basis for Indus­ John Beebe le still la the Hartford Bill Delayed^ Cannot For* NBC-^EAF NETWORK • i4a— ,1:44—UIttIa Italy—east; K n lfh t Orch.—Diae; Al and Fata—west Knights of Columbus, are to hold of the Federated church Tuesday to trial Conferencs Figures. hospital reooveriag from a minor mqlate Plans. BASIC — Saat! waaf wlw weel wtic 6:00— 7:0O-Myrt A Marga—east only; their regular meeting this evening in give lessons in chair seating has operation on hie hand, lie le «c- ^^Ja^ wtag wesh wf! wilt wfbr wre wgy Msledlsa of Yastsrday—midwest BY SECOND SNOW STORM when wcae wtam w ^ 'w sa i; Mid: ksd 6:15- 7)16—Just Plain Bill—east; The the K. of C. ball in the Prescott been postponed until next week. New York, Feb. 27.—During the pooled to be home in a few days. Boston, Feb. 27.—Major Qeaersil wmaq well woe-who wow wdaf wkbf Due to the weather thsre wae do Canadlana—Dixie; Panlee Orehee. block. The echcols in town reopened Fox Conner, Commanding Qeaerat NORTHWEST, A CANADIAN - wtmj —midwest; Taxaa Rangers—west Rev. George T. Slnnott, pastor vf 6-month period July to December, Christian Endeavor Suaday alght avlba ketp webc wday kfyr cret cfcf B uses Hours Behind Schedule Monday after a ten days’ vacation. ("• the First Corps Area aimounced A:30— 7i30-Phil Cook Prog. — east; St. Bernard’s Catholic church, who 1933, prices of finished manufac­ Sunday. Maroh 4, will he observed SOUTH — wrva wptl wwnc wis wjax Oliver Naylor Orchestra — Dixie; The Tolland firemen were called here today that plans for the open­ wfla-wsun wlod wsm wmo wab wapl Buck Rogert—repeat for midwest and Streets Harder to Open has been seriously 111 for the paet out Saturday ev-ning for a chimney tures rose 3.6 per cent, >abor cost as Communion Sunday. ■wjdx wstnb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre 6:45— 7:45—Boake Carter, Talk—ba> week, is showing marked improve­ On account of road conditions ing of the enrollment season for the woal ktbs kths wsoc wave sic: Brown’s Harmonettet—west Because of Previous Blizzard. fire at the home ot Mr. Sherry in per man-hour. 27.7 per cent, labor 1934 Cltixene’ Military Training m o u n t a in —koa kdyl kglr kghl ment. He is being attended by Dr. bueea have been unable to go 7:0O- 8:00—tittle J. Little Oreh.— the Giant’s Hill district. cost per unit of product, 54.3 per Camps have been temporarily post­ PACIFIC COAST—kgo kfi kgw komo basic: Orandma’s Modsrn—Dixie Rockville and surrounding towns Francis H. Burke, Jr. through the village for the last khg kfsd Ktar kgu kpo Charles C. Taicott and Howard poned. This Is due, be'fiaid. to the 7:15— 8:15—Edwin C. Hill — baalo; were again handicapped by the se­ Radio stars, “Joe and Bateese", Ayers were guests of relatives and cent, and labor cost in relation to several days but they are now run­ Cent. East. 5 Spades—Dixie; Orchestra—west fact that the pressure of legislation 7:30— 8:30—Voles of Bxpsriene*—es vere snow storm yesterday which from Radio Stations WJZ and WBZ friends at Marion, Conn. Sunday. manufacturers' gross Income, 48.8 ning. on schedule. 4;0C— 8:00—The WEAR box of Music On Saturday night the Pioneers before Congress is so great, action 4:30— 5:30—Nursery Rhymes—also c 7:46— 8:40—CBS PIsno Team—e to o paralyzed traffic in all dlrectioiM. at Boston and Springfield, appear­ Miss Alice B. Hall returned to per cent, while, on the other band, 4:4^— 5:45—The Mountaineers—weat 8:00— 9:00—Stokowski Orch.—c to o production declinec 30.9 per cent ac­ went to Wapping to play the Senior on the Army Appropriation Bill has 'The fact that there was a coating ed In person at the Palace theater Seymour after spending the High 8:00— 6:0O-Mme Franeae Alda—to c 8:15— 9:15—Ruth Etting, Sengs—to e Sunday and Monday evenings cording to computations of the Na­ "Y.” Due to the Inability of eome been delayed, with the result that 5:30— 6:30—Weekly Hymn Sing—to 0 8:30— :;30—George Jesseb—also coast of snow and ice under the new:y school vacation with her parents. 6:00—10:00—Col. Stoop. A Budd—o to o of the Pioneer players to attend, the no information is ..i-ailable upon 5:45— 6;4^Chetrlo Musical Mosaics fallen snow made it very hard to through special arrangements made The meeting ot the Men’s Coih- tional Industrial Conference Board, 6:00— 7:00—Mary Small A Orchestra 9:30—10:30—CBS Broadcast—c to cst by Manager Robert Beattie. based on data ot the United States game resulted In their defeat by the which to formulate plans for the 6:15— 7:15—Billy Bachelor’s Sketch 9:45—10:45—Harlem Serenade—basic; keep the streets open to traffic dur­ munlty club of Toland. which was score of 42 to 20. 6:30— 7:30—Fur Trappers—weaf only Myrt and Marge—repeat for west ing the day. • Miss I^ th Josephine Carver, to have been held Monday evening Bureau of Labor Statistics and the conduct of the Citizens’ MUitaary 6:45— 7:45—The Qoltfberge, Serial Act 10:00—11:00—Acs Brigede Orch.—west daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Eli B. Car­ at the social rooms of the Federated Federal Reserve Board. Training Camps during the coming 7:00— S:00—Lao Reisman’s Orchestra 10)15—11:15—Charles Oarllie—c to cst The bus service on the different ver. of Brooklyn street, and Arthur Until 1929 production Increased summer. 7:30— 8:30—Wayne King’s Orchestra 10:30—11:3<^Ozxie Nelson Orch.—ba« lines leading into Rockville begun church, was postponed until next : — 6:00—Ben Barnie and the Uads sic: H. Sosnik Orchestra-west Eugene Edwanls, of High straet, greatly, and prices declined moder­ General Conner said that be ex­ 8 00 11:00—12:00—VInesnt topes O rch.-to o to slow up early in the morning. Monday evening, March 5. WAPPING 8:30— 6:30—Ed ‘ Vynn A Band—e to c will be united in marriage Thursday Professor A. J. W. Meyers of ately. Labor cost per man-hour in­ pected the 1934 enrollment season 9:00—10:00—Seth Parker Cruise—to c 11:30—12:30—Panohe A Oroh.—baslo: Beginning with the bus trip from at the home of the bride’s parents. creased somewhat, but the Intensity 9:30—10:3(^Madame Sylvia—also cat C. DIcktrson Oroh.—midwest Rockville to Hartford at 9:20 in the Hartford was the preacher Sunday There was a large crowd at the to open some time during the month 9:45—10:45— Robert Simmons, Tenor 12:0^ 1:0O^Dancs Hour—wabc only Tbis will be the golden wedding an- morning at the Tolland Federated of manufacturing activity lowered eighth annual George Washington’s of March and that notice of the ex­ morning, the bus service was seri­ niverseuy of Miss Carver's parents. 10:00—11:00—John B. Ksnnedy’s Talk NBC-WJZ NETWORK church. labor cost per unit of product, while dance of the Evergreen Fellow- act date would appear in the press. 10:1^11:16—Tha King’s Jestsra, Voe. ously handicapped throughout the The regular meeting of the Board 10)30—11:30—Paul WhTtsman’a Orohsa. BASIC — East: wla wbs-wbaa wbal Owing to the had traveling not as the price decline raised the labor crafts of South Windsor, which was wham kdka wgar wjr wlw wsyr wmal; day. Many trips were more than an of Selectmen will be held this eve­ cost in relation to gross income. 11:0C—12rf)0—Th# Rudy Valias Orehss. MIdweat; wcky kyw wenr wla kwk hour late and several trips were many attended the memorial serv­ held at the Community church bouse 11 ;15—12:15—Buddy Regsrs Orchsstra ning with First Selectman Francis A/ter 1929, in the depression last Friday evening at Wapping. All 11:30—12:30—Jack Denny's Orchestra kwer koll wren wmaq kao wkbf missed during the latter part of the ice for the late Mrs. Mary Louise NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmJ J. Prichard presiding. Daniels conducted by -the Hartford years, nroduction and prices fell reported an enjoyable evening. WHEN YOUR DAUGHTER CBS-WABC NETWORK wiba kstp webc wday kfjT cret efef day. Judge John E. Fahey will re-open prec'pitously; hours were reduced, SOUTH — wrva wptf wwne wla wJax The srtwlce between the centar Seminary Foundation at the seipi- The Federated Sunday School BASIC—East: wabc wade woko wcao the Probate Court tomorrow. it and employmen* was curtailed. La­ COMES TO WOMANHOOD waab wnac wgr wkbw wkro whk cklw wfla-weun wlod wsm wmo wsb wapl and the east end of Rockville to the nary chapel. Dein Edward Warren Board will bold its monthly meeting wJdx wsrob Icvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre has been closed for the past week bor cost per man-hour changed lit­ wdre wcau wip wjas wean wfbl wspd section adjoining the town farm had Capen of the Kennedy School of at the primary rooms of the Feder­ \\jsv wmas; Midwest: wbbm wfbra woal ktba kthe wsoc wave to be refinished by CWA workers. tle until the latter port of the peri­ ated church next Thtursday 'evening. Most girls in kmbe kmox wowo whas MOUNTAIN — koa kdyl kglr kghl to he abandoned late yesterday us The Hopkins FWnlturc store nas Missions, with which Mrs. Daniels OMir teens need PACIFIC COAST — k«o kfi krw komo was associated for nearly 10 yea.-s, od, when it fflU because of cuts In It is hoped all officers and teachers EAST—wpg wbp wibw whee wlbs wfea khq kfed ktar kne it was last 'Tuesday and Wednes­ moved from Market street to West will try and be present. a tonic sod rego- wore wlcc clrb ckac day. was the ineaker. wage rates. 'ITic reduction of the la­ Istof. Give TOOT Cent. East. Main street bor force, characteristic of the pe­ There were coUy about 50 people DIXIE—wjBi wsfa wbre wqarn wdod 4:30— 6:30—The Singing Lady—east The buses returned to Hartford Victory Assembly, Catholic La­ Mr. aod Mrs. Lathrop West were daughter Lydia E. klra wrec wlae wdsu wtoc krld wrr Sunday guests of friends at Ver­ riod, was a selective process, the brave enough to attend the Feder­ PioUam’s Vege* ktrh ktaa waco koma wdbo wodx wbt 4:45— 5:45—Orphan Annia—east only from either the center of RockvtUe dies of Columbus, will hold a meet­ ated church last Simday morning wdae whig wtar wdbj wwva wmbg wsjs 6:00— 6:00—N,B.A Convention, Talks or from the junction of School and non. more experienced workers being uble Compound wmbr - 5:80— 0:80—Stamp Club — wis only; ing Thursday evening in their rooms retained in employment. Labor cost on account of the very bad travel- for the next fow Tha Slnflng Lady—rapaat for warn Park streets. This plan was adopt­ in the FTescott block. A social hour Harold and Byron West, who MIDWEST—weak wgl wmt wmbd wlen per unt of product, therefore, de­ months. Teach S;45— 6:45—towsll Thomas — east;, ed because it was impossible to will follow the meeting. have been guests of relatives at wjbw kfb kfab wkbn weco wsbt ksej Orphan Annio—repeat to midwest' Bagleville and Merrow, have return­ clined, while labor cost 41 relation The Federated Workers will hold her bow to guard wnax move a stalled bus at tne east end Mr. and Mrs. David A. Sykes are their regular meeting at the home of 8:00— 7rtXk—Amoa 'n’ Andy—«ast only ed to their heme at Crystal Lake. to gross Income held levels general­ her health at this MOUNTAIN—kvor kli Koh ksl 8)15— 7:15—Radio In Education—to e of Rockville without bringing a expected to return this week from Mrs. Lois C. Collins next Friday af­ COAST—khj koin kXrc kol kfpy kvj 6:45— 7:46—Ous Van and Company service truck from Hartford. This ly higher than cost per man-hour. critical time. When she is a happy, 7:00- 8:00—Crime Cluea. Dramatie their trip to Miami, Florida. ternoon at 2 o’clock. kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgmb kfb roesmt a delay of several trips to After Marcbr 198.3, production in­ healthy wife and mother she wUl Cent. East. 7:30- 8:80—Haalth Advanturas, Talk creased sharply until July, and Miss Mimjorie Elmore, a student 7:45— 8:45—Bavarian Passant Band Hartford. of the Bay Path Institute in Spring- thank you. 4:00— B:0O^Sklppy, Sketch—east only 8:00— 9:00—Mutle Mameriea A Poet fialBemin Penalized Recreation Tenter prices rose in less degree. Labor 4:15— 5i15—Madiaon Ensambla—to e field, Mass., spent the week-end-with Sold at all good drug stores- 8:80- 8)80—Eddie Duehin Oraiiastra William H. White, 58, a salesman DOHERTY LOSES AWARD cost per man-hour was somewhat 4:30— 6:30—Jack Armstrong—es only; 9:00—10;00-Hill Billy Heart Throbs less, and, a>ded by better plant util­ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eddia Copaland Orahaatra—west 9:30—10)30—Marie CessI, Baritone of library and school books, wao Items of Interest ESmore of Pleasant Valley. 4:46— 6:45—Ths Funnybonsrs—asst 9:45—10:46—To Bo Announced ization labor cost per unit of prod­ bails from New York, was before The Abe B. Miller Post of the 5:00- 6:00—Buck Regers—east only; 10:00—11 d)0—Tha Throe Beampa—east: uct was reduced After July pr^uc- Skippy, Sketch—repeat for midwest Amof ’n’ Andy—repast for weat Judge John E. Fisk in the Rockville OF $342,561 JUDGMENT American Legion held a dance Sat­ 1:15— 6;i5—Bobby Benson—east only: 10)15—11:15—The Poet Prince, Sengs city court Monday morning, charged Today tion fell abruptly, and prices rose urday evening at the Lone Oak Nolan and Bharr—west and Dials 104(^11)30—Richard HImber'a Orehaa. with intoxication. The women’s swimming classes slightly. The higher-wage rates im­ dance ball. Eddie Reid and his 8:80— 6:30—Mary Eastman — basic: 11i0^12:00—Frankla Maatars OrehOA posed by government policy increas­ Jack Armstrong—repeat to midwest 11:3^12:30—Hal Kemp and Orehaatrs He was arrested Simday evening Landowners Trust, of Denver, will meet as follows: 7 to 7:45, be­ Rambling Cowboys furnished muaio. ■ about 9:80 o'clock by Patrolman Ar­ ginners; 7:45 te 8:80. intermediate. ed labor cost per man-hour. Cur­ thur JYey of the local police, after Col., Wins Reversal of De­ The men’s volleyball session win tailment of hours lessened the effi­ a complaint had been received that cision Before State Supreme be held from 5 to 6:15. Two games ciency of the working force. As a a man was lying in tb snow near Court. u e scheduled in the Rec senior bas­ result. labor cos* per unit of prod­ Queer Twists the driveway leading to the rear cf ketball league. At 7:46 the Celtics uct increased and labor cost In re­ WDRC the Town ball. and The Herald will play. Imme- lation to manufacturers’ gross in­ In court it was shown that White Denver, Colo., Feb. 37. •— Henry dltaly following tbis game the come rose. In Day*s News t %6 Hartford Oobb. UtO bad been in Rockville for over a L. Doherty, of New York, lost s Jaffe Jewels wQl play the I ^ o u t week and had been making a nuis­ skirmish in the Colorado courts •«- Five. Program for Tneoday, Feb. 27 ance of himself. He bad been 'e- day when the State Supreme Court The dance this week will be held qXCVS COUGH D H o p CblcsEo ^ Asotber old Chinese Thursday sight. Val Jean and his BRANDS F. S. T. fused board in several places because reversed a decision of the Denver eustoin has been brought to light, of bis intoxicated condition. District Court in a case in which Arcadians furnish the music. . . . Real Throat relief 1 Kenneth E. Foster, director of stage 4:00 p. m.—U. 8. Navy Band. Entering a plea of guilty, White Mr. Doherty was awarded a Judg­ Dancing will be from 8:30 to 12:30. Medicated with ingredi­ art and design at the Chicago Aca­ 4:30—Enoch Light’s Orchestra. admitted be was on a "^riodical ment of $842,561 on a proml^ry ents of Vicks VapoRub demy of Fine Arts, says. 4:46—Yc Happy Minstrel and Tiny drumk” , which iunially lasted about note Issued by the District Land- The modem country of Albania He told the Junior Association of Band. ten days and which occurred about owners’ Trust of Denver. The up­ was founded In 1912. OVLRCOMES BAD BREATH Commerce that prototypes of the 6:00—Skippy. every three or four years. He told per court ordered that a general de­ Naticmal recovery, agricultural ad­ 5:16—Madison Ensemble. the court that his “spree” was end­ murrer of the trust be sustained. THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY! justment and public works admin­ 5:80—Jack Armstrong—All-Amer' ed 6md would not be repeated. The trust borrowed $225,000 at Here !• Pea Soup luub as you never tasted bdfore. It istration existed in China more than lean Boy. He failed to identify himself per cent interest annually from Mr. is prepared from tbe cbolc est pc.a& we can buy. and 700 years ago. clearly as a salesman but bad a few flavored with whole bamsRooked right Into It. 5:45— Brooke, Davis and Btmny. Doherty for application on the High Blended and eeaeoned tp.^ delicious flavor. Just tbs Canton, HI. — Four Lewistown 6:00— Everett D. Dow—The Fact book covers which he said was the Line Extension Canal end latera'.s, thing during Lent. ^ residents, fined for gambling, were . Finder. binding of the books he was sell­ an Irrigation project iiear Denver. given jobs shoveling snow for five Salteeea Pea Soup Is practically eolld In the can. It 6:15— Bobby Benson and Sunny ing. Mr. Doherty contended the note was COMBINATION SALE should ’•e weP diluted and Is. therefore, very eco­ days to pay for their fun. Jim. Captsifi Richard E. Shea told the due and payable January t , 1920, nomical. A nourishing meal In itself! Great for Chicago—The police are looking 6:30—Mary Eastman, soprano; court that White was “rather sassy ” and sued in the District Court. The growing children! Builds bone and muscle! for a pickle fancier. Evan Evans, baritone. and insisted he was spending his trust argued the note was not due Quaker Maid Ask your dealer for Saltesea Products. If he doesn’t It’s no crime to fancy pickles, of own money when warned to get out until the termination of the trus', cariy them, please write us, and we -will see that course, but the particular individual 6:45—Uttle Italy. 7:00—Myrt and Marge. of town while partly under the influ­ which still continues. you are eupi.lied. sought fied from a delicatessen after ence of liquw. “The language of the certificate BEANS ' - tal^ig 129 in cash—but not imtil be 7:15— Terry and Ted. SALTESEA PACKING CO. 7:30— Screnaders. A fine of $5 and costs of $10.18 ot indebtedness and the declaration bad belp^ himself to a handful of was imposed, but be bad no money 5 cans 19c 315 Fox Po nt Boulevard pickles. 7:45— Sbowdom News. of trust precludes present recovery," Providence, R. I. 8:00—Little Jack Little’s Orche.s- to pay. the court stated in reversing the Pblladetobia — Imagine the sur- Davis Goes To Jail tra. judgment and ordering the demurrer MADE BY THE • prise of James Benney when upon Albert Davis, 34, was before the sustained. Quaker Maid opening a window of his automobile 8:15—Edwin C. Hill. M AKERS OF Rockville city court on a charge of Mr. Doherty is the head of the be found himself in a subway sta­ 8:30—Voice of Experience. vagrancy to which he entered a plea Cities Service Company. The delicious, nour­ tion. His vision obscured by ice on 8:45— Melodies. of ^ I t y . KETCHUP ishing Rhode Island the windshield, Benney bad followed 9:00—Leopold Stowkowski and He was arrested by Captain Rich­ product which Bottle 10c rings you the RHODE ISLAND the street car tracks which at 29tb the P’hlladelphia Studio Orches­ ard E. Shea Saturday afternoon flavor and vigor of street leave the surface, cross a tra, after be bad been found in the bam deep sea clams with bridge over the Scbulykill river and 9:15— Ruth Etting; Ted Husing; at the Town Farm by Delos Rich, 6 6 6 all their rich and go into the subway. Traffic was BOTH healthful Juices. CLAM CHOWDER Johnnie Green’s Orchestra. superintendent. Davis had started UQUID, TABLETS, SALVE held up 42 minutes while Benney 9:30— St. Louis —A Modem got out. a fire in the bam which attracted NU8B DROPS FOR Drama by Irving Reis. attention, as Mr. Rich believed the (liecka Colds first day, Ueadaclies Saltesea Products wlB be on display at the Manchester Cooking Baltimore — Baltimore hospitals 10:00— Colonel Stoopnagle and Bud bam was on fire. When an investi­ or Neuralgia In 80 mlniites. Malaria SrhTTi March 13th, 14tfa, 15th and 16th. may soon be serving starling with Glen Gray’s Casa Loma gation was made it was found that Id 8 daya delicacies. Orchestra. Davis bad just put out the fire and An ordinance has been prepared Fine Laxative and Tonic MEAT SPECIALS 10:30— Harlem Serenade; Luis Russ. the smoke was still there. Most Speedy Remedies Known. for introduction into the city coun­ 11:15— Columbia News Service. Captain Shea told the court that cil to empower the police commis­ 11:30— Ozzie Nelson’s Orchestra. for the past two months Davis bad sioner to assign patrolmen to kill no place *o stay and bad been living the birds with shotguns. The “bag” in bom s about the town and in the MILK FED FOWL would be turned over to hospitals and charitable institutions for con­ Prescott block. “ MY TELEPHONE sumption. Judge Fisk questioned Davis about his past and also as to rela­ AMCO Washington—Harry Malsel, deli­ WBZ-WBZA tives. He expreMed a desire to help catessen proprietor, is an oblighig him rather than to penalize him. HAMBURG . SAVES ME $1:22 A WEEK soul. Springfield — Boston Davis was very willing to go to Jail Water White He left no money in his cash as be needed nourishment and a register—only a slip of paper. On it Tuesday, Fdimary 27. place to sleep during the extreme BY ACTUAL COUNT,” was the combination of his safe. cold. RANGE tb. Thieves opened the store, the regis­ A penalty of 30 days in Jail smd MIDDLE RIBS ter and the safe and wandered off P. M. costs of $11.18 were imposed so that with $327 an!’ candidate for re-election to both town of Vernon re-opened Monday Lv. Hsrtfsrd ...... big saving tn earfares, I have hoars for doing this spring. The Republican Party 6:45— Lowell Thomas. morning after a week’s vacation. DualZStb St ...... OCTAGON SOAP4bp~17 puts no ticket in the township race, 7:00— Amos ’n’ Andy. Notwithstanding the severe snow Dq« N«w York* ...... tliXSAJI. other things which I would not have time for and the Democrats none in the 7:15— National Advisory Council on storm the attendance was much Lt . Nrw York* ...... without a telephone.** village. Radio in Education. higher than at first expected. Many Lt. IZStk St ...... TtSOPJI. * Grand Cm irtl Tarmtnal. New Baltimore, Mich. — A lone 7:45—Bob Becker Dog Stories. of the students come to Rockville Wildmere You can save with a telephone, too. You can prisoner in the village jail was 8:00— Eno Crime Clues. A day far tighitatk^, witHing friandt m 2 d oz. 4 1 from adjoining towns and have to rtlativtf—iltaaira. marooned for several hoilrs while 8:30—Adventures in He.alth — Dr. be brought to this city by bus. They EGGS enjoy rainy-day chats with yonr friends over police chopped away a bank of ice Herman Bundesen. PurehMo UcIn U ta m ^ rw a c a . NokW were late arriving but made the trip llmiUd te •ceenmedatieM am es^clsl ' the telephone. You can save your strength by which froze against the outside of 8:45—“Twentieth Century Ideas”- to tbis section vi^tbout accident eoaek train. iDEL MONTI SALE; the prison door when the pump on Prof. Klrtley F. Mather, direc­ letting the telephone mn errands for yon. More than 326 tuition pupils at­ THE NEW HAVEN R. R. the village water tank burst. The tor. tend the Rockville High school from Inmate, a vagrant held over night, 9:00—Household Musical Memories surrounding towns. Principal Philip Why delay longer? Ask yonr friends. Most was freed In time for lunch. —Edgar A. Guest, poet. M. Howe stated that the attendance S P I N A C H . » ^ p Z ^ . 2 9 c of them will tell yon they could not afford t’o Charleston, S. C. — Crime here 9:30— Eddie Duchln and his Or­ was very creditable considering the ^ y s —^for its rides to the police sta- chestra. severe weather. • €HABACTEa go without. Why not got ip touch with 10:00— Providence-Blltmore Orcbes- Town Clerk Returns The city police commission abol­ • FURNITURE our bnsinaoe office today? Or any tele­ txa. Town Clerk and Mrs. John B. ished the time-honored “free ride” 10:80—Buccaneers5:30- Male Quartet. PEARS Z«“Z5® phone employee will take yonr order. W In the patrol wagon'given all of­ Thomas returned to Rockville Sun­ • C O -M A K E R 10:45— News. day evening from their vacation m fenders since the days it was horse- m 11:00— Time, weather, temperature, *Mr,. rinnla . ona at aaaaadk CannaatUnt waman wHa ita a tratad Mtik drawn and henceforth defendants Miami, Florl(te, after a most tedious F R U I T S f o r S A | ^ D S 2 "J ..’ 2 9 c tha T a U r M i Campmaa *• taa ham nam h • Htgphwma part far Utatf. will be charged $1 each for patrol 11:04— Sports Review. drive because of the storm. rides unless charges against them 11:14— Old Farmer’s Almanac. Mr. Thomas returned to hla office are dismissed. 11:15— Cascades Orchestra. yesterday after being away for sev­ ASPARAGUS TIPS 19c 11:30— Kltz Carlton Orchestra. eral weeks and stated that he was THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGUND 12:00— College Inn Orchestra. much improved in health. A. M. He stated that it took him six FLIGHT ABANDONED 12:30— Blackbawk Restaurant Or­ and tbree-qimrter hours to drive 10 t v ^ 3 0 0 chestra. from ^rt^ester. New Yorit to TELEPHONE Para, Brazil, Feb. 27.—(AP) — 1:00— NBC Program Calendar. Rockville whereas under normal con­ Oa/y *Mt k « aoatWr *k«rt6 W cans Richard Du Pont, American sports­ ditions it should only have token tkratptrtmtmmmildkmmn SHRIMP COMPANY man, and his sister, Alice, aban­ about three hours. He reported tne ir IDEAL HNANQNG doned their projected flight to There were 6,893 aircraft and driving conditions very dangerous. ASSOCIATION, Ak . Buenos Aires today and departed in 13,960 pilots holding active, j De­ Regan’s Mill Ri^Opens AfrP FOOD STORES OF NEW ENGLAND their plane for Miami by way of the MM91 Matr ft ttsflOH partment of Commerce licenses on The plant of the James J. Regan 1 8 5 9 ThaCrutATlAN TIC. PACK’ICTMCompiny 1 9 3 4 rt I / ' t! i ! ( i i i Guianas, Trinidad, and the Antilles. January 1, 1934. Manufacturing Company resumocl MANOUmS TELEPHONE SERVICE--'""’


“Sez You’’ Pals In New Panic space we have called this confer­ Main Highways of State BULGARIAN ARSON JOHNSON HAS NEW PLAN ence, open to the world, the sole purpose of which is to receive criti­ STORM M ( ^ cisms— open or oonfldentlal, direct Kept Open During Storm SUSPECTS DEPART TO REVISE NRA CODES or ImpllM—and I assure you'' that there is nothing but truth and sin­ (OontiniMd from Page One) cerity in this endeavor. By Associated Press. #roads open and said travel should be “reasonably good’’ during the day. Acquitted in Reichstag Trial, are the first move in a closing up of I object to attempts^ by furtive The sun shone today on a Con* The latest storm dropped ''.4 our ranks for a new forward move­ innuendo, to shake public confi­ nectlcut weary with battling two inches setting a new record for Feb­ ment by NRA. dence, by outright lies or half-bakM Bot Leaves Heavy fianket ^ i n snow storms in a week’s time, but ruary snowfall of about 48 inches Trio Leave by Plane for and i^ oran t assertiens respecting compared to the previous mark <>f “Chance or circumstance may stop it, but you are not going to acts and policies—usually uttered apparently successful in keeping the 33 inches recorded in Februarv, Sdow Over Mapy Sectioflft stop it or even make it falter.” with the ail of '»ome secret and spe­ main highways and other transpor­ 1893. Moscow. Thus with a bang, the bluff and cial Information. ’There is no inside tation lanes in the state open for the Mild curtailment of orderly pro­ information about NRA. cedure in the state resulted from hard-talking administrator threw of United States. movement of life’s necessities. the second storm, but trains and open sessions which will run in five But the fair skies failed to tell all Berlin, Feb. 27.— (AP) — The simultaneous performances, day and We receive from 1,000 to 3,000 trolley cars and even buses main­ three Bulgarians acquitted in the the story, for the weather man at tained schedules although in some night until everybody who wants to letters a day. Also the administra­ By Associated Press : New Haven forecast colder weather Reichstag arson trial and since held tion maintains a daily digest of cases these were disrupted a bit. Edmund Lowe and Victor present objections to the current Near-zero weather followed today for tonight with the mercury sliding in “protective custody’’, although throw down the hatchet program or complain of the codes newspaper comment which covers At the last minute, the CWA granted Russian citizenship, were ^glen, those two boisterous, clout­ in the wake of blizzards which down to near the zero mark by early authorities in Washington extended ing, clowning pals, who have fought tartly and go with Sally has had at least 15 minutes to • do practically everr publication. These tomorrow. Warmer weather is reported today to have departed it in. also are studied personally every transferred their tracks to Cana- ^ the time limit on payment for CWA plane for Koenigsberg and Moscow. tJleir way around thf world, are ^ $2,000,000 sunken treas- looked for after tonight, however, workers removing snow from mid­ it again, forty fathoms under the ure. His talk was aimed not only at the day by myself and my assistants. dlan maritime provinces after de­ the forecaster said. night last night until Wednesday, A man who declared he witnessed sea, in the Paramount picture, “ No Forty fathoms underneath the immediate audience but over their positing heavy sheets of snow over their departure, said the thre heads to the country itself. Into With the storm abated, state thereby giving the municipalities of More Women,” coming on Wednes­ surface of the water, a diver from We already know from all these many sections of the United SUtes. highway officials reported they had the state a chance to even their Georgi Dimitroff, Wassil Taneff and day to the State Theatre. an opposing tug tries to kill McLag- microphone he challenged enemies sources what needs Immediate at­ succeeded in keeping the principal flnancial scores. Blagoi Popoff, left at 7 o’clock this Hard guys, sore-heads when their leo. Lowe starts to the rescue and denied that NRA had fallen short of tention: Govemmenc wekthermen explain­ morning. fight is private, they are pals to the then follows a most exciting climax, its promises, and. spoke a confident 1. A more uniform and equitable ed coaditlonr ware due to a sort of The informant, who claimed as death against outsiders. This time, which brings the boys back safe and claim that the industrial program rule of national price stabilization meteorological tug-of-war. would lose his Job if his name be­ they are cast as two deep-sea sound, ready to resume their private will march on. In those cases where it is necessary A high pressure area took charge came known, said that “shortly be­ divers; ace-men on rival tugs, they scrap for their oest girl’s heart. The twelve corrections which he to maintain wages at a decent of things in central and eastern SNOW STORM FAILS fore 7 o’clock, the Prussian secret fight together on the bottom of the The film is a Charles R. Rogers’ said already gathered data haa standard against t^e certain results sectors, resulting in bright, cold Local Stocks service in whose custody the Russo- ocean for sunken gold. production. shown to be necessary were: of predatory and cut-throat compe­ weather. I'emperatures vest of the Bulgarians are, suddenly issued a Just when they think their jobs Co-feature on the program will be 1. A more uniform and equitable tition, and further insurance against Mississippi river and north of Kan­ TO DELM TRAFFIC requisition for a regular plane for are lost due to a mortgage on the May Robson’s newest picture "You rule of price stabilization where nec­ Increase of price fsister and further sas rose slightly under the influence (Famished by Putnam & Co.) Koenigsberg. tug, their hopes are revived. Sally Can’t Buy Everything.” Miss Rob­ essary to prevent throat-cut com­ than increase o^ purchasing power. of a low pressure region. Blane appears as the owner of the petition, win further 'insurance Central Bow, Hartford, Conn. “Three regular passengers who boat. son well remembered for her part in 2. A more effective rule on costs North Atlantif' and New England Conditions Here About Nor­ were booked to fly had to yield their “Lady for a Day” will be supported against prices outstripping purchas­ for the purpose of maintaining rules states were being uncovered from 1 P. M. Stocks seats. Dimitroff, Popoff and Taneff After a hectic battle in which by an all star cast including Gean ing power. against sales belov/ costs of produc­ McLaglen is almost murdered, they two strata of snow, that of a week then took their places.’’ Parker and Lewis Stone. 2. A more effective rule to pre­ tion. ago and the blanket laid down by mal as State and Town Bank Stocks News Confirmed vent sales below costs of produc­ 3. Uniformity of wage-s and hour­ yesterday’s storms. tion. Bid Asked Secret police at first refused either ly rates in competitive Industries. In New York City, an emergency Cap Nat Bank & Trust 13 to deny or confirm the report. How­ 3. Uniformity in wages and hours Plows Open Streets. Conn. R iv e r ...... 450 force of 53,000 men shoveled. The ever, when confronted with details in industries which are competitive. It is our purpose to determine, in snow was 13.9 inches deep. First National of Htfd 85 4. Uniform classification of areas by the Associated Press, an official THE OPEN FORUM the code conference, the opinion In Main highways in Massachusetts Htfd. Conn. Trust-___ 46 50 said: for the prevailing southern wage codified Industries as to how many Hartford National___ 17 differential. and western Connecticut were open Working in many parts of the 19 of these Improvements we can put Phoenix St. B and T .. 160 “Between ourselves, there is some­ Communications for publication In the Open Forum will not but secondary routes were impass­ town, snow shovelers today are 5. Further reduction in work into effect by general presidential able. West Hartford Trust.. 95 thing to it. The very fact that the be gu^anteed publication If they contain more than 300 words hours and further Increase in hourly rulings, leaving to each industry the opening up the entrances from Main Insurance Stocks chief is so busy and-1 cannot reach The Herald rwerves the right to decline to publish any matter wages. Cold In the South opportunity to show why the appli­ roads into side streets. In addition Aetna Casualty...... 50 53 him indicates that. Officially, how­ toat may be libelous or which is in bad taste. Free expression 6. Protection against monopoly, Falling temperatures prevailed in cation of such rulings can not, or to this other men are at work open­ Aetna Life ...... 18% 20% ever, I cannot yet confirm it.” of poUtlcaJ views Is desired but contrtbuUons of this character oppression of small enterprise and the south, particularly in the (Jaro- ing trenches along the side of walks Aetna Fire ...... 35 37 . The plane in which the three were which are defamatory or abusive will be rejected. inclusion in codes of buying regula­ ought not to, be applied to it, or linas which last Sunday were visit­ to allow for the flow of water when Automobile ...... 20 22 said to have departed left for Mos­ tions to protect the small fellows. to what extent such rulings ought ed by a sleet storm that caused the thaw or rains come. This is no to be modified or stayed. Conn. General ...... 29 31 cow at 10:50. It was due there HORSES AND THE SNOW' 7. An Improved method to secure much property damage and indi­ easy task. The ice in the gutters Hartford Fire ...... 47 49 7:55 o’clock this evening. ^could not have expressed himself compliance. rectly took three lives. melted two weeks ago and froze Phoenix F ire ...... 56 58 The Russian Embassy apparently ^better. With the cost of living stationary, over again last week. Now the only Editor, The Herald, 8. A method for financing code Army air maii aviators got into Hartford Steam Boiler 50 53 was wholly unprepared for this turn These plots were quickly and administration without racketeering. NRA re-employed 3,000,000 people action with the return of clear way to clear the ice is to use picks. National Fire ...... 52 54 These are hard days for all kinds cheaply made, and when revamped (who were without jobs before) and Use Picks on Ice of events. In mid-moming, an at­ 9. Elmination of inconsistent or weather. Flights from Cleveland Travelers ...... 420 430 tache informed the Associated Press of animals especiadly those that in the future is liable to be expen­ conflicting provisions in codes. added $3,000,000,000 to the annual westward were continued. Airports Several different men are working sive. It might be a good idea when wherewithal of workers to live. It ahead of the shovelers picking up Public UtUities Stocks that an Embassy official had been are exposed to the cold and storms 10. Adequate labor and consumer at Boston and Richmond, Va., re­ granted permission to see the Russo- this work is done over to obtain representation in an advisory capac­ must be remembered, too, that all the ice. This is ^en removed by Conn. Elec S e r v ...... 39 43 0: are compelled to struggle mained Inactive, however, because ^ Conn. P o w e r ...... 35 37 Bulgarians for the first time late some ideas of a similar condition in ity on code authorities. this happened during a downward of ground conditions. the men with the Shovels. The state cycle of production when, without and town plows are being operated. Greenwich, W&G, pfd. 50 today. through deep snows tugging heavy the eastern approach or better the 11. Uniform government repre­ A blizzard raged in the maritime The roads are clear between Man­ Hartford Elec ...... 48% 50% burdens. The horses, especially, real boulevard to Bristol. Possibly sentation on the authorities. NRA we would probably have had provinces of Canada and with it a fresh deluge of uuemployment. chester and Hartford by way of Hartford Gas ...... 42 46 should have the sympathetic con­ with shrubbery and paving, it might 12. Wider use within code groups came intense cold. Roads were Woodland and Silver Lane. The do., p f d ...... 45 stop autos from crossing these oasis. of mechanism for settling labor dis­ blocked, communication lines snap­ sideration of ever\’ driver and trav- putes. trolley cars from Manchester to S N E T C o ...... 107 112 The ornamental line of poles Now these are the cold hard facts ped and shipping Impeded because ejer on the roads. It is hard enough Headline Reforms of thi.s NRA job, and of these un­ Hartford and the Silver Lane buses Manufacturing Stocks tor single or douole teams to pull through the center of the street of frozen harbors. ; are ruiming almost on schedule. N. Y. Stocks Other needs for correction exist, derhanded, tricky, and dishonest Am Hardware ...... 20 22 heavily loaded milk wagons or city ought to be furtr.er utilized as sup­ White river, Ontario, upheld its The Rockville buses are making he said, but these are the headline criticisms of NRA. I ask you—can Am Hosiery ...... — 30 carts without their being forced to ports for rapid growing vines. This distinction of being the coldest spot \ their trips over the Buckland route Arrow H and H, com reforms. He promised that any­ you beat it ? 11 13 still greater exertions by impatient will cover up the bare look of the in the dominion. It was 45 degrees,- • and were close to schedule this do., p f d ...... 90 Adams E x p ...... thing else developed by the critic­ auto driver who thinks they should poles and would help form a partial We below zero there. ’ ^ morning. The New England Trans­ Billings and Spencer. 1 Air Reduc ...... lOO ism sessions would be considered delivered what we promised portation company, running ear'y be made to get out of his way the eclipse of the setting sun at this along with the twelve points in next and what we delivered was all to Bristol Brass ...... 21 23 Alaska Jun ...... 20% Ume of the year as the Vernal Equi­ morning buses between Willimantic Allegheny ...... 4 ^ second he comes along. The vast week’s assembly of code authorities. the good for American workers of do., p f d ...... 95 nox approaches. and Hartford, were on time and the Case, Lockwood and B Allied Chem ...... 152 majority of young truck drivers “It is our purpose to determine, in all classes. What then'is this talk — 300 East Center street one of the TRUCK LOAD OF GALOSHES troUey cars were carrying big loads Collins Co...... 45 Am Can ...... 103^ evidently have no knowledge of or the code conference,” he said, "the of ballyhoo? I’ll tell you what it Is. main arteries to the Town ought to on their morning trips. There were Colt’s Firearms ...... 23 25 Am Com Alco ...... 51% experience with horses, their needs, opinion in codified industries as to It is that some of these enemies of De put in first class condition, when more privately owned car^^4n opera­ Eagle Lock ...... 28 31 Am For Pow ...... 10% powers or limitations. They are how many of these improvements higher wages and shorter hours ob­ IS SAVED FROM FLAMES tion this morning than has b e ^ the Fafnir Bearings ...... 50 60 Am Rad St S ...... 15 laboring hard enough without being times are right, so that strangers we can put into effect by general ject because we went over their case in a week, but the number has Fuller Brush, Class A. 7 Am Smelt ...... 45:5^ harassed by the honking of some entering our gates will get a favor­ presidential rulings, leaving to each heads straight to the people with not been such as to prevent increas­ Gray Tel Pay Station. 16 18 Am Tel and T e l ...... 120V2 irresponsible truck driver or, worse able impression of an up to date industry the opportunity to show the Blue Eagle We are about to ed numbers using the trolley cars. Westport, Feb. 27.— (AP) — Al­ Hart and Cooley ...... 125 Am Tob B ...... 74^ still, being sworn at by either driver town. Also our residents can point why the application of such rulings embark on a new Blue Eagle cam­ Trucks Operating cannot, or ought not to, be applied though flames caused damage of Hartmann Tob, com., 5 Am Wat Wks ...... 21% cr motorist. What’s the hurry, any­ with pride to a fine old boulevard paign and a new and much tighter Large trucks that travel at night to it, or to what extent such rulings $1,000 to the motor cab of a truck do., pfd 10 — Anaconda ...... 15 restored. drive for compliance. between points in Connecticut and way? Everybody will arrive earlier ought to be modified or stayed. It is in Saugatuck this morning, 2,000 Int S ilv e r...... 40 43 Atchison ...... ] ] 66 and in better spirits if mercy is In conclusion referring to the pairs of women’s galoshes which cities to the east of Manchester Auburn ...... 5514^ our plan to move into this corrective were operating last night and early shown these faithful workers with­ subject of my remarks “Water will were beinz,n^eia to New Yoi* * Landers, Frary & Clk. 31 33 Aviation C o r p ...... 7% not run uphiU.” “Curve is the line process just as soon as the code con­ this morning. Bread trucks and out whom our streets would be in ference is finished.” City were teved. New Brit. Mch. com .. 8 10 Balt and O h io ...... 30% of Beauty.” Therefore if we had LOCAL ( M ( H S NOTE Edward ‘Oenovez of 57 East trucks bringing express and freight Bendix ...... is 7^ infinitely worse condition than they This sweeping presentation was i\ do., p f d ...... 40 are now. stuck more to the original contour Liberty street, Waterbury, was the- into town are back in service. Trains Beth Steel ...... 451^ followed up by a declaration that are maintaining a regular schedule. Mann & Bow, Class A 3 7 lines of this street, we would have driver of the truck, which is owned do.. Class B ...... _ Beth Steel, pfd ...... 75 And say. Buddy, when you stop neither meeting was to be “a ges­ OF PRESIDENTS THANKS The Incoming express to the Man­ % for a few minutes don’t forget to had much better drainage and bet­ ture or a kind of pep meeting.” by Lombard Brothers of Waterbury. North and J u d d ...... 18 21 Borden ...... 23 He left the Post road route to chester station this morning was Can P a c ...... 15^ blanket Dobbin. He deserves every ter perspective with undulating “They are both In deadly earnest not as large as during the pest Niles, Bern Pond . . . . 12 14 lines instead of a flat plain. There Miss Florla Plsanl, of Pine street, New York, when he couldn’t nego­ Peck, Stow and Wilcox Case (J. I.) ...... 75 protection and all the care you can and the purpose of them is to mop week, being only slightly above 2% 4 ''.’•e still spots on this street where who composed a poem .on the Presi­ tiate a hill here and started by the Russell M f g ...... 30 _ Cerro De P a s c o ...... 357^ give him. up the errors, shortcomings and normal, which is an indication that the water will noc run up hill. mistakes of the rapid process of dent’s birthday, January 30, has re­ shore route. His vehicle became trucks are again in operation. The Scovill ...... 24 26 Ches and Ohio ...... 43% —Connecticut Humane Society. stuck in a drift in Saugatuck and Chrysler ...... 55 —Observer. codification, which, measured in ceived a reply from Louis McHenry shortage of coal in Manchester was Stanley W orks ...... 20% 22% Hciwe, one of Mr. Roosevelt’s secre­ while he was on his way back to Standard Screw ...... 50 60 Col Carbon ...... 66% futures of employment has already further relieved this morning with W/ATER WILL NOT RUN UPHILL covered about 90 percent of Ameri­ taries. The lettei follows: Westport, to get help the fire the arrival of eight cars of coal. At do., pfd., guar...... 100 — Coml Solv ...... 27^ started In the cab. The cargo qf Cons Gas ...... 39^ can industry and which in a rela The White House. the Willis yards this morning the Smythe Mfg Co ...... 30 35 Editor, The Herald, STUDENTS’ BODIES My dear Florla: galoshes was in a trailer which was Taylor and Fenn . . . . 70 _ Cons Oil ...... 127^ tively short time will have covered elevator was unloading two cars of This old saying is quite applicable it all. The President has received the disengaged from the truck by the Torrington ...... 50 53 Cont Can ...... 77^ firemen. coal that had been spotted there to a portion of the subject. An old Welcoming the critics, Johnson copy of your poem which you were early this morning. Underwood Mfg. Co. . 44 46 Corn Prod ...... 721^ ARE SHIPPED HOME r?me Resident and observer notices turned a fresh attack on those who good enough to send to him. He as Union Mfg Co...... — 10 Del L and W n ...... 28% Bus Service Normal on East Center street, just take a asked me to thank you most warm­ Automobile bus service to the U S Envelope, co m ... 70 _ Du P o n t ...... 98% make “unwarranted aspersions on casual glance along the street and . (Continaed from Page One) the good faith of men asslstlne ly for your kind message of birth­ east of Manchester was normal to­ do,, p f d ...... 90 _ Eastman Kodak ...... 90 Elec and M u s ...... 6 % notice the countless number of wa­ here.” * day greetings. day. There was trouble to the Veeder Root ...... 24'A packing executive. The elder Went­ PLEASANT REIEF Elec Auto L ite ...... 28% ter puddles, whereby the water does He assailed also those who make Very sincerely yours, southwest of New Haven and trans­ Whitlock Coil Pipe . . . 2 4 worth was enroiite across the con­ Gen Elec ...... 20% not drain or flow off. This problem “attempts, by furtive innuendo, to LOUIS McH. HOWE, portation was not being guaranteed J.B.WiTms Co. $10 par 40 — tinent by train and airplane. Gen F o o d s ...... 33 i.s being left for solar evaporation shake public confidence, but out­ Secretary to the President. by the bus lines west or south of Bodies Sect Home FROM CONSTIPATION Gen M o to rs...... 37% and some seepage. It appears at itsi right lies or half-baked and ignor Shoulders droop under weight of New Haven. A passenger bup left The bodies of the two only sons the Center this morning at 10:20. GUlette ...... 107% worst in front of the Masonic and ant assertions respecting acts and years. Young, yet beauty haa fled. of Rev. Alfred B. Moldenke of New policies,” he added: There had been little trouble in get­ PRESIDENT TO VETO Gold Dust ...... 19% Orange Hall buildings. This could Cheek* are sallow and drawn. Un­ ting to Manchester from Boston and Hudson Motors ...... 19% York, Edward F., 21, and Alfred H., “I think we have a right to an­ NEEDHAM ROBBERY easily have been avoided by using 20, were sent to New York City. sightly pimple*. Keep your *ystem it was expected, from reports re­ Int H a rv ...... 41 swer such statements to the Amer­ clean and you keep the beauty of the gravel in the road bed of the The other dead youths and their ceived here, that by the time the VETERANS’ BONUS BILL Int Nick ...... 23% ican people, to substitute facts for youth. Its energy. Its irresist­ former trolley line. This particu­ homes were: William M. Smith, Jr., nonsense and, where we know the APPEARS SOLVED bus arrived at New Haven the roads Int Tel and T e l ...... 14% lar p avel was of very excellent ible charm. Then life is not a fail­ would be opened. It was in and Johns Manvllle...... 56% 21, Mannasset, N. Y.; Amerlco S. circumstance of such destructive ure. (Continaed From Page Cme) quality, as people who formerly DemasI, 21 Little Neck. L. I.; Har­ and sterile criticism to state those aroimd New Haven that the storm Kennecott ...... 19% (Continued from Page One) Clogged bowels and Inactive liver used the old roadway can testify. old B. Wataon, 21, Wilton, Me.; Wll- circumstances, especially when we was most felt yesterday. tratlon forces also gave in without a Lehigh Val R d ...... 13% cause poisons to seep through the State Plows Busy Ligg and Myers B ...... 86 A coating of this gravel in front of mot H. Schooley, 21, Middletown, know the motive of such sniping and fight and let an amendment go the above mentioned buildings with with New York police in the ques­ S37stem. Health vanished and w ith! The state plows have been work­ Loews ...... 31% N. Y.; John J. Griffin, 19, Walling­ sapping Is to deceive the public for tion of the Millens. Stokes said he through by Senator Goldsborough proper grading would have practi­ some particular purpose— political it beauty and energy. Dr. Edwards ing many hours during the past (R., Md.), restoring the former rates Lorillard ...... 17% ford. Conn., and William S. Fuller­ had found a material witness, a man Olive Tablets will help save you week. They opened up the main cally solved the water puddltf prob- or otherwise— a purpose subversive of $150 a month for World War vet­ Mont Ward ...... 31% ton, 20, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. named Messenger, who knew consid­ from this dark hour. For 20 years roads to allow passage of trucks and lem. of the good.” erans who lost both eyes in the war Nat Biscuit...... 41% College authorities had advised erable about the recent actions of they have been prescribed in place automobiles, but today they are and $50 a month for their depend­ Nat Cash Reg ...... 20 The present, travelled highway against parents coming here, both He denounced also those who as­ the Millens. again being rim over state highways Nat Dairy ...... 15 sailed the Blue Eagle campaign as a of calomel to men and women seek­ ents. These rates were cut $25 a and sidewalks including the grass because of difficult mid-winter trav­ Messenger left New York volun­ ing health and freedom from con­ and the width of the traveled road­ month by the economy act. Nat Pow and L t ...... 11% plots were laid out without taste or eling conditions and because of the failure, as an actual retarder of re­ way is being increased. This is tarily to report to. Dewing at Ded­ stipation. ’They act easily and 400 Such Cases N Y Central ...... 3g judgment. Someone in planning additional shock certain to be ex­ covery through boosting prices noticed on Main street from the ahead of purchasing power, and as a ham and, with Mrs. Merton Millen, smoothly. No demgerous griping. Goldsborough estimated there NY NH and H ...... 19 the roadway must have had the perienced by the boys’ friends and was detained as a material witness. Center north. The plows iiave made Noranda ...... 34% their parents. campaign of “ballyhoo and propa­ Take nightly before retiring. Re­ were 400 such cases of which 25 idea to use a railroad grade, which ganda.” Dewing said Faber, a former hon­ sults will amaze you. ^ four trips over the stretch from the were in Maryland. The amendment North Amer ...... 19% The nine youths died In their Center north and in so doing have in trying to be somewhat level “What is this talk of ballyhoo?” or student at Massachusetts Insti­ Thousands of men and women was approved without a roll call. makes an ideal speedway. A t times sleep at the fraternity house Sun­ tute of Technology, had been defi­ made a wider path of travel which It was apparent the administra­ Penn ...... ^ ...... 34^ he called, "It Is that some of these would never be without Dr. EldwaBda is helping out in the congestion. there is too much fast driving on day as they breathed carbon mon­ nitely placed In the Needham bank Olive Tablets, a vegretable com­ tion group would make no further Phlla Rdg C and I ...... 5 % oxide fumes that floated from a dis­ enemies of higher wages and shorter At the Center the state and town this street It is noticeable that the at the time of the robbery and add­ pound. Know them by their olive effort to combat the onslaught Phil Pete ...... 16% connected furnace pipe in tlv cellar hours object because we went over plows left a section uncovered motor speeding diminishes on ap­ their heads straight to the people ed he was satisfied Faber had the color. 15c, 30c and 60c. All drug­ against the Economy Act, which Pub Serv N J ...... 39 'Their bodies were discovered late around the silent policeman. This proaching the Center, probably due with the Blue Eagle, and showed cooperation of the Millens. gists. already had been loaded up with Radio ...... 7% Sunday afternoon and Dr. R. E. Mil­ has narrowed up the traffic lanes to the fact that then auto speeders workers how they could every one $189,000,000 additional in Fedeial Reading ...... 52 ler reported the house furnace had and today men in the employ of the pay for next fiscal year and $60,000,- Rem R a n d ...... 12 may have an unexpected interview co-operate to get the benefits in­ town were digging the section out. been attended by someone unfamn. tended for them by thjq act. 000 on yesterday for Spanish-Amer- Rey Tob B ...... 40% with the poUce. As for the side­ lar with It. Ice had formed and it was no small Sears Roebuck ...... 46 “It was to these gentlemen tod ican war veterans. walks, these naturally had to con­ Windows Were Open task to get it broken up. It was The Stelwer-McCarran amend­ Socony V a c ...... i 6 % form to the highway grade. The terrtfjdng simple, all that people being carted away in trucks. There was a great deal of specu­ ment adopted today was proposed South Pac ...... 28% result of this in many cases haa had to do was to patronize Blue Letter carriers left the Manches as a substitute for an administra- Sou P Ric S ...... 34 lation as to how the students died Eagle firms and Ignore the rest. No ter postoffice carrying well laden left the property owners lawns some of carbon monoxide while their win­ The Manchester Public Market jtion proposal which would have re­ South Rwy ...... 30% inches below the sidewalk level employer could afford not to have packs. The blockade of trains was stored the presumptive cases at 75 St Brands ...... 21% dows were open. The explanation, in the Blue Eagle and to have the considered responsible for the large necessitating filling in to conform which the medical referee, Dr. Mil­ per cent of their former rates pend­ St Gas and E l ...... 12% to the grade. Many have not as yet Blue £lagle he had to play the game. number of extra letters received to­ ler; the janitor of the frat house, That is the reason for this campaign ing decision by the Washington vet­ St Oil Cal ...... 39 done so. This leaves an edge for day, while the desire on the part of erans board of appeals. 'This left St Oil N J ...... 46% Merton D. Little, and a professor of of misrepresentation of NRA.” A Steak Sale other to tell just what they had ex­ the burden of proof, however, still Tex C o r p ...... 26% rprained ankles etc., especially at the college chemistry department, perienced in different places during on the veteran. night, as the lighting of the street who asked his name be withheld, thp storm was another reason. Timken Roller B e a r ...... 36% HIGHLIGHTS OF SPEECH SIRLOIN STEAK—Cut from tender, choice Would Aid 18,000 Trans America ...... 7 is poor and in keeping with the gen^ agreed, follows: Washington, Feb. 27.— ( A P I - corn-fed beef, on sale at, lb...... ^ Senator Steiwer estimated his Union Carbide ...... 45% eral run down at the heel condition , “The damper had been shut, ap­ Some of thfc striking sentence* with 29c amendment ultimately would leave Union Pacific ...... 126 of the “Boulevard” as a whole. parently by one of the victims, and which Hugh S. Johnson welcomed Fancy Fresh Fowl, cut up for a nice chicken stew or St. Paul Man Offers on the rolls perhaps from 10,000 to Unit Aircraft...... 24% In regard to the lighting—evl fuel piled on the fire without leav­ NRA critics at the outset of their soup, on sale a t ...... 69c rach 18,000 veterans of the 29,000 now Unit Corp ...... 6 % dently a start was made at western ing enough hot coals to enable the conference here today were: Nice Lamb for Stewing ...... 2 lbs. 25c Fjree to Stomach off. Unit Gas Imp ...... 17% end, to conform to that of Mpjn gas to be consumed. 'The coal gas, The National Recovery Act is an Tender Shoulder Lamb Chops ...... 25c lb. A third Steiwer-McCarran amend­ U S Ind A l e ...... 53 street, which is over illuminated. At a part of which was carbon monox­ IMcer Victims attempt to spread employment, in­ Boneless Veal for Stewing, all lean, solid meat .. ,19c lb. ment approved would make manda­ U 8 R u bber...... 19% Summit street there are three lights ide, collected In the furnace in the crease wages, cut out unfair and de­ tory free hospitalization for needy U S S m e lt...... 126 within 160 feet. After passing Sum­ space above the fire, and finally ex­ structive trade an'' industrial prac­ ” — ^ 8 t Paul, Minib— Wm. H. TtaMr, veterans of all wars to the extent of tibia dtr, beBe>^ ba haa an eat- U S Steel ...... 55% mit street, the lighting gets poorer ploded, blowing off the pipe con­ tice and make definite the rights of that existing *veterans hospital Util Pow and L t ...... 3 % fnd poorer. "The so-called grass necting with the chinmey and a labor. AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT atasdlxig dlaeo^sry for vietlma of facilities are available. Stomach TBcen, Acfd Stomaoh, lu- Vick C h em ...... 29% plots, created in the middle of the door. The noise apparently had Steiwer estimated 7,000 vacant West U n ion ...... 57% awakened someone^ who went down­ Home Made Sugar Crullers...... I5c doz. dlgestioii and other aymiitoaaa of beds were available, and the cost depression period to help give some There is not a single important excess acidity. 'Phonsanda have West El and M f g ...... 39% work to men out of work, this was stairs, replaced the door, but over­ action token by NRA that is not Home Made Snowflake R olls ...... 26c doz. writtea to him highly praJatag of putting them to use has been Woolworth ...... 49% looked the pipe. As a result none of estimated up to $8,000,000, an excellent idea. 'The results have the result of a public bearing. In Home Made Cracked Whide Wheat B read...... 10c loaif treafmeiit wWeh is kaoem as Elec Bond and Share (Curb), 17% not been a great success, no fault the gases went up the chimney, and those hearings every person—from Udga. Mr. Fraaar, Stoto A, Foot- Senator Byrnes (D., S, C.), in all poured through the house. charge of the administration fight, of. the workers by the way. The Communist to Conservative—who Sdialie Hdg.. fit. Faai. twitwi , ts EUGIBLES NAMED “Three windows in the house assarts any interest in the subject atwaya glad to hear ftom stomach sat silently in his chair as tihe Washington, Feb. 27— (AP)—’The gnaa plots become so hard in sum­ . Fresh Green Vegetable Bunches. amendments were adopted vlrtimlly mer that the grass has no show. were open from six to eight Inches, matter is invited to get up awn sugerers and win send a free sam­ postoffice department announced to­ and the face of one of Uie victims Fancy Celery — Leeks. ite to aayoDa wdio writea him. wrecking the entire Economy Act day the civil service commission had Might as well try and gtow grass make any criticism, comment or approved two weeks after Prekdent on a clay court. The writer asked was only a foot and a half from an suggestion that may occur to him Native Parsnips...... , 5c u,. r--v The aeeemter trial hoc of XM(ga certified to Postmaster General Far­ open window; but,” the cherplstry Roosevelt took office. one o f the town’s men, who was and never baa anyone been denied, TMteto is sow tmter a acaar- ley the following who had been professor explained “rtnee the poi­ Fancy California Carrots, large bunches...... 2 for liic badk goBMBtoe ef mtlMauthm by Democratic lead^s bad held a foimd eligible for appointment as running a nursery machine one day curtsied, or silenced. It all goes in­ residential veto threat for the bill son of the gas Is cumulative, and to the record and is considered when Arthur Drug Store, E. J. Murphy postmasters: Fairfield, Conn., WU- last summer. '‘What the deuce are the boys were breathing it for a all the changes made by the Sen­ liam M. O’Dwyer, John D. Leahy, you mowing!” The instant aqd ap­ action is taken. and other ^>od druggists.—Advt. ate were i^rovad by the House. number of hours, it bad slowly and D IA L 5111 John L. Leahy, John W. Stefanke. propriate reply was “Wind.” He quietly killed them.” At Q|^ first monetary breathing MANC rrEK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Z7. i m . Mac One of Greatest EXCEED

Players in Baseball In This Comer . . . By Art Krenz WESTS TRACK FANS Tronsky Kebart to Bowl CMMEMISSIIU EDCrOB’S NO TE; John Mo-4>hlm. They not only played baseball JOHNNY ON THE SPOT Graw’e days on the diamond are re^ side by side when Jennings became GLOAT OVER ‘ROLL’ Match on Thursday Night PKXEDAT3T01 dewed In thia aftiole, the second of shortstop and McGraw was shifted a s e r ^ of tour on the life of the to third, but they talked it at night, colorf^ leader of the Olanta. dreamed of it and practiced it in the TRIUMPH BY MARTY Postponed last night by tbe beavy^ Great interest has been shown in momlngs to correct their weakness. snowfall, the Charlie Kebart-Nlck the match, indicated by the fact TOBUTUWGIDtAK By BELL BRAUCHER McOraw had fielding weakness. Tronsky bowling mAtch Will be held that numerous Inquiries were re­ N E A -Servioe Sports Editor > Jennings hit ground balls to him at the YM C A alleys on Thursday ceived at the Y and The Herald New York, Feb. 27.—Llttie atten­ hour after hour. Jennings was shy night of this week, it was an­ from fans who wanted to make cer­ tion was paid to infielder John Mc- at the plate. McGraw pitched to Also Known as “Horine-Bee- nounced today by David Hamilton tain of when the match would be Believe Gate WiD Be Loweit of the Y, sponsor of the match, rolled. Kebart and Tronsky will Graw when he reported to the Balti­ him until Hughey became a .300 hit­ LED which brln]^ together the town meet In a ten-game tbtal plnfall more Orioles 42 years ago. He was ter. O0UM1P5V1S J0CKE/$ son** Style of High Jiunp- champion and the leading bowler in match that should prove the out­ regarded as just another fresh kid They nad ambitions for an educa­ Since 1903, When Corbett IN l9?2 WITH 1\1 the United States. The main at­ standing bowling treat of tbe sea­ from the bushes. tion. McGraw arranged for both of them to coach the St. Bonaventure WINNERS^ AW NOW traction will go on. at 8:30 o’clock son, as,both are capable of toppling He took his seat on the edge of ing; Is Employed by Hold­ with the preliminary between Mrs. tbe pine for unusually high scorea. Fought Jeffries; Fan In­ team at Allegany, N. Y „ in return the bench As the perspiring play­ Jennie Schubert and Mis^ Florence The preliminary will be a flve- for board and tuition during the HE 15 Ri&KT BACK ers came off the field, John McUraw, Johnson scheduled for 7:45 o’clock. ame total plxifall affair. Mrs. winter. They studied for four years ON TDP AGAIN er of World Record. an 18-year-old weighing 120 pounds, ■When notified of the postpone­ fchubert, anchor on the Charter terest at Low Ebb. smd coached the team during the was jostled and shoved from the ment, Tronsky said that he was Oak Girls’ team, has been in top- bench by the tired athletes seeking winter. perfectly wUlingr to make the trip notch form all season and should their seats. , Feb. 27— (A P ) — from WilUmantlc, storm or no prove a tough opponent for Mias Miami, Fla., Feb. 27.— (A P )—The “Little Mac” quickly picked him­ It can be fairly said that the Some call it the “western roll” ; to storm, but it was felt that it would Johnson, a leading pinner in the Orioles rose with McGraw. He start­ artistic success of Prtmo Carnera’s self up, trembling with fury, and others it’s the "Horlne-Beesoa” style be best to postpone the match Hartford Insurance League. ed the season of 1892 as a raw heavywreight title defense against started swinging his best Sunday of high jumping. rather than risk the possibility of a Tickets dated for last night will, punches at a big outfielder who had rookie on the bench. He played In small attendance, or Tronsky being of course, be honored Thursday Tommy Lougbran amid a back­ usurped what McGraw regarded as only 30 games that year, but he Im­ In any event, western track and ground of palms seems assured, re­ field fans are saying held up on the way here by poor night. Arrangements have been proved himself by ardent practice. traveling conditions. gardless of the outcome, but from, a his perch. of Fresno State, who employs it, made to seat at least 300 persons. Thus before the hard-bitten Jennings came to the team in 1893, financial standpoint the receipts to- has bolstered their friendly argu­ Orioles had seen Little Mac field a was assigned to bench duty and ^ c - ntorrow night probably will fade all Graw was sent to short. ment with easterners over the rela­ ball or stand at the plate he was ac-. tive merits of the roll and the the way back to the low records of In 1894 McGrav was shifted to boxing’s dark ages. cepted as one of them. “scissors” form which prevails third and Jennings sent in at short. As the huge champion from Italy The team cUcked, winning three along the Atlantic seaboard. McGrow’s abilities as a player As a result of the defeat of George Dugout Five and Jewels and Loughran, his veteran chal­ pennants in a row in the old 12-club have not been acclaimed as loudly Spita, former New York University lenger, were content today with National League, and furnishing the as his managerial genius. But, off star, by Marty in the New York A. light exercise and rest, the training his record, he was one of the great­ fans with what was written of as a C. meet, the " I told you so” chorus campaign over, it became apparent est ball players of his or any other sensational surprise. is resounding along the Pacific. from lack of interest at the box day. The Orloies as a team was hard­ Marty broke both Spitz* Indoor To Meet at Rec Tonight office that the match will not draw hitting, but it was a team that more than 176,000 in gate receipts. When McOraw got on base, the mark and h}8 own outdoor world’s 4>- boys keeping taUy usually figured could change Its pace and play record by clearing the^ bar at 6 feet Goes Back To 1808 on a run. I f they didn’t advance smartly for the single run by bunt­ 8 3-4 inches. The Jaiffe team is well fortified in The last heavyweight Utle match which dropped below $75,000 In re­ him on the paths with hits, he stole. ing and base-running when occsision Templeton Speaks Up Jaffes Need Win to Remain I reserve material with Bycholsky, ceipts was Jim Corbett’s feiilure to And how he stole is proved Indisput­ demanded. The debate has been going on Hutt, Jim Tierney, Larson and regain his crown from Jim Jeffries ably by his record of 442 stolen these many years and at times it Seelert. in 1903. That match drew $63,340. bases over a period of 1,680 games. The Orioles worked up a trick hEis become somewhat acrimonious. Tied for Lead in Rec Sen­ While the Dugout Five has been Jack Dempsey and Gene 'Tunney His best year was ’94 when he stole play for the 1895 Temple Cup series “ Dink” Templeton, Stanford coach, a bitter disappointment in the drew $1,896,733 in Xhelr first match 77, his next best ’99, his last year of Its day. It was a cutoff throw charged the eastern objections to league with Its outstanding array from the outfield, designed to trap the western form were baused on ior League; Herald Faces uf players it can be expected that in in 1826, and the top with the Orioles, when he copped 73. gate of all boxing, $2,658,660 for McQraw averaged nearly a run base-runners. prejudice and that it led to attempts the Dugout team would have had The play failed, but after the se­ to ban the "roll” by changing rules their return match in Chicago the per game throughout his active ca­ Celtics in Opening Game things much their own way if only next year. Camera, the present reer. His success at gettlfig around ries McGraw and his mates worked and the design of the apparatus. its regular lineup had participated HE m *rAK£N ENOUGH "Now,” says Templeton, “that it champion, is formally in bankrupt­ the sacks is further shown by the on It for several weeks. They won in all games. Boasting of players cy. the flag again in '96, met the Spid­ has been definitely proved that the fact that he scored 1,018 runs while MOMEV A\WAV the at 7.45 OXlock. such as “ Hank” McCann, “ Pete” It would take an amazing run on making 1,306 hits. Of course he was ers again and wiped out men on the standards and the cross bars and Campion, "Cap” Bissell, “ Hap" i w :ks lb REMoctu the so-called diving has nothing to the box offices to bring the gate up followed by great batsmen, such as paths time sfiter time with the cut­ Madden, Paul Briggs and “ Stiffy” to the total Madison Square Garden oke in an do with the superiority of the west­ Keeler, Kelley, Hugh Jennings. Ja. k off, the score of runs in that series KoTHaR'i H « $A5, When the Jaffe Jewels and Phan­ Stavnitaky thcffe is very little doubt hoped for when the match was Doyle and others, but he contributed being Baltimore 25, Cleveland 5. ern style, It seems high time to 90V Her an auTo /aoBile change the standards back to the toms gained victories over the An- rut what the Center team should made— $100,000. his own share of hits, too, batting not be among the leaders, if not Camera Is Favored McOraw became a player-man­ AMD KEEP TUP W^Mlt-V same kind that Page, Sweeney, Ho- saldi Masons and Celtics last week .384 as a UfeUme average. That is leading the league. However the Odds on Came) a to retain his ager in 1899 who Ned Hanlon left IN 9ftSA0 ANb rlne, Beeson and Oabom all made the highest mark on record for a tbe results threw the two winning Dugout Five has yet to produce championship, perhaps by an early the Orioles to manage Brooklyn, their records on." major league third baseman. quintets into a tie for flrat place anything other than ordineu-y baak- knockout, still hold at 3 to 1 and taking with him Kelley, Keeler and Horlne, Beeeon Started It He. was one of the hardest men in Coast pride In the development of once more. Thua the race for honors etball, m fact they have been clear­ a faw wagers have been made with Jennings. With a sadly shattered baseball to pitch to. Rarely did he ______-• the “western roll” dates back to In the Rec Senior remains close the tltleholder a favorite as high as team McGraw managed to finish In ly out played In three quarters of hit at bad balls. He was unparal­ 1813 when of Stan­ down the final stretch. their games. The spirit to win ia 5 to 1, a situation which has the leled as a*ead-off man, not only be­ fourth place. ford and Eddie Beeson of Califor­ *Herald-Celtica sadly lacking in the ranks of the veterans shaking their heads and cause be let the bad ones pass, but In 1900 the National League was nia engaged in a titanic duel, both analyzing sharply the chances of a Tonight the Herald Newsboys Dugout team which is another one he could hit the good ones. In later reduced to eight teams and Balti­ helping to originate this 186-pound Loughran beating a 868- years as a manager he had no sym- more was squeezed out. McGraw perform against the Celtics in the of the reasons for its medlcore Mrs. McGraw Aided John form. showing. However the Dugout Five pound Camera. pathf for a batter who was hit ' j and his 'friend, Wilbert Robinson, Beeson’s record stood until 1924 first game, scheduled to start at still has a chance for honors in the Back again in ring history, the a pitchiid ball. It. was McGraw’s went to St. Louis, where McGraw when of the Illinois 7:45 p. m. This will be the final sharps can show you that every second round and are determined to theory it wouldn’t have happened If was paid what then wns the un­ Athletic Club, using the same form, garde for the W es t. Side aggrega­ time the heavyweight title has In Managing N. Y. Giants be at full strength in Its two re­ the man at the plate hadn’t taken heard-of salary of 39,000. raised it to 6-8^4. There It stood tion which has won one game and changed hands under the Marquis of maining games. In an effort to prove his eye off the ball. As the century turned, McGraw until Marty, another disciple of the lost three In the second' round. A Queensbury rules, the challenger tc the fans that they are capable of was nearing his great adventure roll, boosted it to 6-8% in outdoor win for the over west quintet will was the under-dog. Little Mac roomed with Hughey with the New York Giants. New York, Feb. 27— (A P ) — A cussed baseball strategy with her competition and put in his recent Keep them out of the cellar posi­ playing the game they are noted and he listened carerully to her As the athletes finished hard Jennings, a kid with kindred spirit few days ago Mrs. Blanche Slndall claim for the indoor mark at 6-8%. tion, while a win for the Herald f(-r. Tonight Lefty Bray will use criticism.” training yesterday, tbe Miami Box­ In that nothing was too tough for NEXT: McGraw’s Greatest Team. Almost Universal On Coast team will keep it in the running bis strongest lineup of McCann and McGraw was known as just the wife It was to her McGraw spoke his ing Commission named Colin Mc- of baseball’s most picturesque char­ In the meantime, however, Splitz’ providing the Jaffe team is on the Campion at forwards, Briggs former Lochlan and Roy Latham to judge last words. many triumphs over all compeUtion Rec star at center, with Madden acter. Today intimate friends re­ Frank Behler, former actor and r.hort end ol the score in its game the fight with Leo Shea previo^ indoors and his setting of an in with the Dugout Five. Just what and Stavnitsky at guards. The re­ appointed referee. The match i* vealed that she, unknown tn the cigar manufacturer, who paled doors record via the scissors style combination Manager Louis Smith serve players of the Dugout Five schedu.ed for ten p. m., e. s. t„ and public In general, and the sporting with him for 40 years wept as he was a challenge to the form which the Herald team will use to keep are Jim Neill, Anderson, Reid, YALE BANKS ON BROWN public in particular, played an im­ told of the death bed scene. western schools have almost univer- will not be broadcast. portant role In his management of Mrs. McGraw, he said, was stEind- h-ls team in the race is not exactly Davis, Bissell and Olsen who can sally adopted. give a good account of themselves the New York Giants for thirty ing at her husband’s bedside. She The “ roll” is used admost exclu­ known, but it Is expected that Caru- it called upon to flh In. This game years. was sobbing audibly. sively at Southern California, Weish kln. Brink, Kovls, Keeney and Hed- IN 1. C. 4-A TRACK MEET Edward T. Brannick, assistant Calling on his rapidly waning ington and Stanford and predomi­ lund will be the starting lineup, should attract one of the best secretsuy of the club, who started at vitality, McGraw roused himself nates at California, although Coach v/ith Johnson, Swanson, Walker crowds of the season to the School Local Sport the agb of 12 as sm office boy and and asked "W hy are you crying adheres to the pol­ and Sears in reserve. In its final Street Gym and Malin of Hartford n I ir !.• p .* ' lef®* So far these boys have been In his 25 years’ association grew to Blanche?” icy of continuing the training of a league game the Celtics will rely will be the eleventh man on the I s Pole Vaultmg Sensabon undefeated. look on McGraw as a father, spoke "Oh, John, I ’m crying because I ’m recruit in the form which is most on its regular list of men in Ma­ floor for both games. Chatter 1 Little Manhattan appears to have feelingly of the couple’s private life. so happy you’re getting well,” she natural to him rather than teaching honey, Quinn, Vennart, Kerr, Had- said, then leaned over and kissed a repeater — Frank Crowley, In the ‘"T h ^ were a devoted and lovable any particular form. Four out of deiy Brown, Jolley,- F. Bissell, W er­ mile. Frank has been running be­ pair,” Brannick said. “Mrs. McGraw hjm. Has Topped 14 Feet five of his best jumpers, however, ner, Gribbon and Breen to bring hind Cunningham, Bonthron and was his best companion. When the "You know I ’ll be out of here to­ use the roll. them victory. Both teams will be The Ansaldi team was booked tc 'Venzke during the present indoor team struck a losing streak John morrow,” he said' and added: appear against the Boys’ club at Eight Times; Bhie Has series, but with all three of these would become blue. She was the "Blanche, I loVe you dearer than bending every effort to win this game as It means considerable as Springfield tonight, but cancelled boys out of the way, he Is figured only one able to console him. anything else.” Bulgaria has a treaty of amity the game on account of poor travel­ to final standing in the second* round to step home ahead of the field. “ Mrs. McGraw, you know, is an Then, he closed his eyes and a with only one country, Turkey: and ing conditions. 25 of Last Year’s Point While no change is expected In €U^ent baseball fan. In the twenties few .minutes later lapsed into the she once considered Turkey her op­ cc the league. the ranking of Yale and N. Y. U. in she barely missed a game played at coma from which he failed to rally pressor. Jewels-Ougouta Tomorrow night at 8:30 the unde­ the Polo grounds. Often he dls- and did not speak again. What should be one of the banner Winners Back This Season first and second place, Manhattan is By Associated Press feated Rangers will be host to th« figured to give up Its show spot to The six-hour working day was games of the Rec Senior League New York — Jim Londos, St. Winsted " Y ” team at the East Sid« Princeton, which finished fifth in given at. one of the Ideal conditions schedule Is between the Jaffe Jew­ Louis, threw Sammy Stein, Newark, Rec. Following this game the Fra­ 1933, right behind ’ ennslyvania, and in Sir Thomas More’s “Utopia,” els and the Dugout Five scheduled ternity Five will oppose the Baldwin By NEA Service N. J. Harvard may climb from sixth to published in 16lb. to start at 8:45 p. m. The Jaffe Kansab City— Frank Spears, A t­ A. C. New York, Feb. 27.—Ytde will win fourth pkssing both Manhattan and team by Its sensational performance lanta, threw Jack Lewis, San Fran­ the I. C. 4A indoor Pennslyvanla. Baseball Fans Pay Last over the Ansaldi team last Satur­ cisco. The trophy to be presented to thi meet in rather easy fashion when day is prime favorite to win its winning team of the Rec Senior Bas­ athletes from approximately 35 col­ BUSINESS FINE final game of the second round. A ketball team is now on display at leges gather here March 6, for the win for the Jewel team will at least tbe School street office. Inditddua! 13th annual runfest. Last Night's Fights Respccts to J. McGraw assure them of a tic for first place, basketballs are to be given also t« The reason Is that o f the 27 wear­ while a loss will put them out of the members of the cheunpion team and ers of the Blue who scored 32 points can be seen upon request. to win the honors for Yale last year, (By The Associated Press.) race providing the Phantom team HockeV' in Pelham Manor tc them. :s victorious against the Herald 25 will be returning. Out of those Paul Ballsieper, the east aide rec- who team next week. The Jaffe team By Associated Press 25 are five who are nearly sure Paris—Marcel Thil, 159, France, Mourners Visit Home of I A ll day the ordinary fans, rebtion pool tournament winner de­ points winners — the same five who outpointed Ignacio Ara, 156 3-4, followed the fortunes of the New fully realizes it is'stacking up agains Can.-Am. League feated Bill Russell in the second and scored 24 of those 32 points. Spain, (15). 4L/. York Giants during the 30 years the a most worthy opponent and will final bracket of their 800 poini Ot , “ LltUe Napoleon” managed the have to step at full speed, to finish Boston 5, Providence 4. This quintet is composed of Keith Columbus, O.— Georgie Annarino, Little nupoleon toe TONIGHT’S SCHEDULE pool match for the Senior Poo: club, the older ones who kne,w or on the winning end. With “Tom­ Brown, W irt Thompson and Frank 118, Newark, O., outpointed FrauK National League championship 150 to 77 with the to­ saw him as a player with the Bal Pierce, Coach A. C. Gilbert’s pole Wolfram, 124, Canada, (10); Nordy mie” Faulkner playing up to h)s old Montreal Canadiens at Attawa. tal final score being Ballsieper 30( vaulting trio; Hilman Holcombe, Smith, 149, Newark, O., outpointed Giants All Day; More Than tlmore Orioles and the youngsters, time form and John Tierney playing Toronto at Montreal Maroons, ana Russell 160. In winning th« weight man, and Charley Rose, Tony Petruzi, 149, (8). to whom McQraw was little more .a strong game, both these men will New York Rangers at Detroit. championship Ballsieper played bril- than a tradition, out of baseball’s broad jumper. Syracuse, N. Y.— Johnny Jadick, furnish plenty of trouble to the Chicago at Boston. lihnt pool throughout the match and Sixty Names on the List of past, were allowed to pay their last 137 3-4, Philadelphia, outpointed Center team before the final Can.-Am. League at no time was he forced to resort tc respects to the dead leader. This fellow Brown is becoming a Mickey Serriem, 142, Scranton, Pa., whistle. Nelson at center, Ander­ Ndw Haven at Quebec. any safe playing as his lead gave sensation in pole vaulting. Since (10 ). Honorary Pall Bearers. Previously only McGraw's close son and (Dorman at Gueu*ds are a him many opportunities to take dar­ his first leap of 14 feet in the Mill- Albany, N. Y.—Joe Gorman, 159, friends and associates had been ad­ strong trio on the defense besides Sand In the bottom of the outer ing break chances. Medals will b». rose games in 1933, he has equalled New York, and JackiC Aldare, 160, mitted to the house where his body possessing good scoring power. This harbor at Oakland. Cal., is being awarded the finalists. or' bettered that mark eight times. Brooklyn, drew, (8). lay waiting for the funeral services lineup has had success In league dredged to a deptn of 35 feet to His top height, 14 feet 4 inches, set New York, Feb. 27.— (A P)—The An attempt was to be made todaj Bethlehem, Pa.—Allie Tedesco, tomorrow. competition having lost only two build a four-mile fill for the eastern at the N. Y. A. C. meet recently, is admiration and respect which base­ to schedule the postponed Man­ 124, Jersey City, outpointed Ernest , Honorary Bearers games, and In each case by the approach to the Oakland-San Frau- a new Indoor mark. He hasn’t done ball fans felt for John J. McGraw chester High-Rockville High couri Torres, 124, Porto Rico, (6). More than sixty names w'ere narrowest of margins of one point. under 14 feet this year, and is said today opened the doors of his home cisco bridge. clash for tomorrow night. Arrange­ to be the most consistent vaulter placed on the list ot honorary pall ments having been held up pending at t ^ t height ever developed. bearers. Among them were William the outcome of the latest snov In addition to his vaulting, Brown H. Terry, McGraw's pupil who suc­ storm. Windham High comes hen is nq mean high jumper. In last ceeded him as manager of the on Friday to close Manchester’s sea­ yearifl intercollegiate he tied with Rangers Seek to Reduce Giants In 1932; representatives of Yale Loses 4th in Row son and is also slated to meet Rock­ , New York U. jumper, all the National League clubs and ville this week. and pob Pitkin, Columbia, at 6 feet of the league, George M. (Dohan, % iqph. Detroit*s Lead Tonight Sam Harris and De W olff Hopper, To Dartmouth, 23 to 19 The big threat to Yale’s suprem­ close friends of McOraw, represent­ acy an the boards will be New York ing the stage and the Lambq club, DENNY SHUTS WINNER John McCormack, the Irish tenor, University j^ain. The Violet has New York, Feb. 27.—(AP) —4>halted Detroit’s winning streak New York, Feb. 27.— (A P )— The-Rahead and they gained a 15-11 mar- six athletes returning who scored 19 and Edward P. Mulrooney, former With a letup in the breath-taking after if had reached 13 games with­ mystery of why Yale, the Eastern gin at tbe half. Yale made a vig­ of tlfeir second place 28 points. They New York police commissioner, who OF GASPARILLA OPEN race,between the Montreal Cana- out a loss and took the lead in their Intercollegiate Basketball League orous attempt to rally In the second are George Spitz, high jump and once was In charge of the police de­ diens and New York Americana for series, three games to two, but the champion of a year ago, fedled to half but never could come close. broad jump: Frank Nordell, 1500- tail at the Polo Grounds. Terry left the very desirable third place in the Wings have won both their home live up to their early promise this Stangle, with seven points was St. Petersburg, Fla.. F^. 27.— meteilP runner; Abe Schuer and Jules Canadian division, the American the Giants In their training camp at season remained unexplsaned today high scorer, followed by Bob Miller (A P )—With $600 first prize monej Fink^lstein, shot-putters and Pete games. Miami Beach, Fla., to come here for section struggle again comes to tbe Two things stand in the way of a as the Elis sank deeper than ever with six. Al Bonnlwell, Dartmouth from the Gasparllla Open golf tour­ Zarefoba, 35-pound weight man. front in the National Hockey tbe funeral. into fourth place following their ace, was held without a field goal, nament jln g ll^ in his pockets, Pen­ O^the six Spitz loolu to be a prediction of an easy victoi^ for, League tonight as tbe New York 'The services wl*l be held tomor­ fourth straight defeat, a 23-19 set­ in the first half but accumulated five ny Sbute of Miami was reaily to­ winiftr in the high jump and Zar- tbe Black Hawks. 'Iliey are only row morning at ten o’clock, at St. Rangers and Chicago Black Hawks back from Dartmouth on their own points and went into second place day to compete with virtually -tlM emba a point winner In his weight even with tbe Bruins so far with two Patrick’s cathedral. The Rev. Vin­ try simultaneously to cut into the court last night. in the Individual scoring race. TIaIs same field In the $1,000 S t Peters­ event. It is possible that Nordell victories apiece and a tie, and Bos­ cent De Paul Mulry, pastor of the’ lead hsld by Dstroit’s fast stepping Early this month they ran up a gave him 98 points to 96 for Ken burg open. will jKore points in the 1500-meter ton has gone through eight straight Pelham Manor church where MO' Red Wings. record df five victories in six league Fairman of Princeton and 101 tor Shute downed Hortpn Balth (8^-^ event, but It Isn’n ik e ly he will cop games without a victory and seems Graw worshipped, will celebrate the The Rangers make their attempt games by trimming the Indians 40- Johnny Ferraro of Cornell, the lead­ Oak Park,\IlL, jreatarday la an 11, first «place there. about due for a change. high requiem mass A fter the funer­ by direct frontal attack at Detroit 81 at Hanover. Since then they have er. Eggle Miles, with five, was hole play off after they had llhlshet ^ Ottawa’s Senators nuy be a bit al bis body will be taken to Balti­ while the Hawks tackle tbe off-beat­ dropped two decisions to Princeton, Yade’s high man. Both teams missed in a tie Sunday at the end of thA;^ Thj^ mile relay is sure to see a cocky after two trlumpns over Bos­ more where it wrlll be placed in a en Boston Biulnd. In the other co-leader of the league, one to the shots frequently. Captain Kra- regular 72 holea ut play. > new ^quartet under the wire first. ton 8utd If they carry it far enough vault in Bonnie Brae cemetery to race, tbe Canadiens, already two to beat the Canadisns it will give Joseph E. Wtdener, Philadel­ second place Cornell team and one' zewski of Dartmouth was kept out The S t Petaraburg event la pEnydiJ In 1K3 a great Pennslyvanla squad jawalt burial. phia financier and owner of set a new record of 3:17 to this points os the safe side; face tbe tbe idle Amerks a much better to Dartmouth. The loss left Yale of the grame with an injured leg. annually on the Pasadena ^ last'^ace Ottawa Senators whits Hialeah Park race track, MlathI, with a .500 average for ten games Six of tbe league ceama move into event. But Penn will have none ot cbanct in ths plsyoff race. STENGEL GOES SOUTH here. Last year Boh tbe Arnerks art idls- The Toronto Toronto’s h i^ scoring Lstfs have FU m Ib • happy man thsss while Dartmouth, one place behind action tomorrow nl|^t, giving Dart­ cago pro, walked off with o m ( those four men around this season. days. His track bandied Maple Leafs meet the Montreal Ma­ nu\ up soma of their season’s high* In the standing, has won four games mouth a possible enanee to pass He is not oompetiaf thlayear* The logical successor to Penn’s New York, Feb. 27 — (AP) — 1 1 ,000,000 mors during the roons, first and second respectively est totals on their own rink In beat* and lost five- Yale in the standing, While Prince­ — ■ ■ - I I I I ■ I.IMI.)- i throne, is Holy (Dross. The Crusad­ Casey Stengel, the Dodgers new firs^l ten cluya of 1984 than dur­ in the Canadian group, at Montreal. ing the Maroons four games out of Only In the early part of lost ton and Penn battle for the lead on- A body of matter with a ers’ team, composed of Mulready, manager made up a Brooklyn dele­ ing the corresponding period of Morin, Murphy and Ring have al- The Ranger-Red Wing clash is five, but the tables, were turned the night’s raggedly played game could the Tigers’ floor, Dartmouth plays of 181 pounds a t eitSiir ot t lli'. gation of one which was scheduled 1988— hence the smile as he read! defeated Harvard, Pitt Mar- the standout of the schedule. New last time they met, tbe Maroons Tale bold its own, then a spurt led Cjomell at Ithaca and Yale encoun­ ot the egrth would only to depart for the training camp at strolls to the clubhouse. quetfe, Maryland and Boston (Dol- York’s world champions recently winning 6-0. Orlando, FI*., today. by Jocko Btangle put the Indians ters Columbia at New York. poimtie at the equator. , X \ -. ■■ ' .■ ■' ' p^ ( : e e t g h t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCH^STER^CONN,. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1984.

/.. -yw i\ :

L081 AND FOUND i PUBLIC PASSENGER else,’’ ffnnounced the girl with the to have a ebanfe. Perhaps when I tawny hair with relish. “And that’s come back things will have arrang­ C(X CAMPS CONTINDE SERVICE 20A Y. M. C A. Notes TO DISTRIBUTE FISH .08T — FRIDAY AF tSJ o ON, a case of good riddance if you ask ed themselves." J n a r r i e i small purse, in State Theater, IN ADDITION TO Silver Lane Bus me.’’ “I doubt It.” “Anyhow. I’m grateful to you, FOR N E H 6 MONTHS Today's Profiam Finder please call 8192. Line, De Lt^ae Bus for lodge, party 4:00-5:00— Grammar School boys IN STREAMS IN MAT or team trips, we also offer 7 pas­ A t Pier 57 in the beat of mid­ dear, for standing by me so splen­ gym. IXJST—BLACK AND WHITE Eng­ senger sedan livery. Phone 8068, day a limousine nosed Its way didly, with Aunt Marion and all tbe Will Not Increase Number Un­ 5:15-6:80— Business Men’s Volley . k 4 el among tbe trucks and taxis, sliding rest against me.’’ Appropriations Cat This Tear lish setter, license No. 87648. Find­ 8860, 8864. less State’s Quota Is Ex­ Ball. er please call 5675. McELUOTT^ ^ up to the curb. 6:30-7:80—WoodworUoff class. — Individual Called On to O lyM N6A SuvkA kc W M l “Empiric sailing?’’ Two porters Lila would employ this manner panded. 7:00-8:00— Oxford Qub Gym. Help. (’OUKSES AND CLASSES 27 Jiunped on tbe running board and with males to her dying day. This 8:15-10:00—Adult WrestUng, Box­ MUVINU— rKUCRlNG— , a uniformed chauffeur said some­ one— elderly, precise, conventional— ing. and Volley BalL BEAUTY CULTURE— Earn while BEGIN HEBE TODAY Washington, D. C., Feb. 27.—Un­ STORAGE 20 thing in a low voice to them. They responded to it as she had expected 6:30-7:00— Int. Basketball practice. Washington, D. C„ Feb. 27.—The learning. Details tree. Harttoro GYPSY MORELL and TOM less state quotas for enrollment in fell away and a lady emerged from him to. He said, “Not at all. You’re Wonoen’s Division Activities flab difitrlbution program of the U. Academy of Hairdressing, 698 Main WEAVER are married on the same tbe (Jivillim Conseivatlon Cjorps are 2:15-3:30— Bowling class. PERRETT i t OLENNET INC. locaJ the depth of tbe cat. She was slim, tbe victim of circumstances, my increased, Connecticut will probably B. Bureau of Flaherlea will begin in and long distance moving. Dally street, Hartford. day as LILA MOTAUNG and she was very beautiful, she was 4:00-5:00— School Girl's club child. Nothing more. Aunt Marion continue for the next six months meeting. Connecticut early in May with dls- express to Haittord. Overnight DEREK BLISS, but while Lila lives young. Everything about her, from simply doesn’t understand.. . . ” in luxury Gypsy has to straggle to with fourteen camps in active tributlon of trout from tbe Maaaa- service to and trom New YorK. tbe many bags in their suede cas­ Lila kissed him fondly. He was HELP WANTED— MALE 36 keep expenses ulthln Tom’s Income. status, according to Senator Loner- chuselts Hatcherlea, and will be fol­ Tel. 306»—8860 or 8864. ings to tbe pearls around her slim 9. bit of a lamb. No one else under­ After Gypsy’s son is bom her gan (D) Conn. lowed by distribution of small- throat, looked costly. She looked stood her so well Aunt Marion and WANTED MAN TO REPRESENT days become a dreary round of Acting upon tbe recommendations 250 SILK WORKERS mouth blacK bass during May and aroimd quickly, as though fearing her cousins had been horrid all Plumbiog-Heatin^ and EHectrlcal caring for him and for her home. of State Fores cer A. F. Hawes and June^ according to Senator Loner- notice. 'Then, followed by the chauf­ through her trouble. 'They had never Supply Company. Muit reside in She suspects Tom is Interested In others, the Senator has notified gan, (D) Coimecticut. feur and tbe men, lugging bags, she liked her, had always been Jealous GO OUT ON STRIKE Waat A6 Manchester. Ehtcellcnt proposition VERA GRAY w’ho works In tbe Robert Fechner, Emergency Con­ The Senator has conferred with disappeared into the crowd. of her because she was beautiful. to man of ability. Apply by letter same office. servation Cerps director that the fisheries officials here, who, in co­ The August sun beat down upon Women! only to IjOW Supply Company, care LUa divorcee Derek. Vera finds present camps have full work pro­ Middletown, Feb. 27.— (A P )—Un­ operation with the Connecticut Manchester the decks of the huge liner, "rhe After he had gone she began to grams capable of occupying the ol this newspaper. excuses to see Tom often and one rest in the textile manufacturing l^ara of Fisheries and Game, have lady came up the gangplank, look­ feel a trifle lonely. Had she been Evening Herald night, after tricking him Into tak­ present quota of 3,250 nen satis­ industry made Itself evident today been conducting a successful fish ing neither to the right nor the factorily. He advised Mr. Fechner, ing her home, suggests they run wrong not to bring her maid? But when about 250 employes of the distribution and propagating pro­ SITUATIONS WANTED— left. A man in blue, 'with gilt braid then she bad felt she wanted to be however, that if there should be an CLASSIFIED away together. Tom leaves hastily, Portland Silk Company, locaied gram in the state for &e past sev­ FEMALE 38 on his officer’s cap, saluted her and alone. There was an engraved list increase In the state’s quota he advertisements Derek, learning Lila divorced him here, did not go into work as usual. eral years. He was advised that ap- led her to the elevator. Her suite of passengers on board and she would be prepared to recommend propriatluns have made it necessary to marry MARKO BROUGHTON, Joseph Sylvia, of Providence, a was on A deck. There was a sitting picked it up, reading it avidly. One additional camps. to curtail transportation of small .Count SIS svaraa* words to a ilaa iVANTED—GENERAL housework. richer and older, comes uninvited to union organizer, with a delegation Initials, numbers and abbrsvlatlons room, all delicate French furniture name caught her eye; “The Marquis The Senator’s action followed re­ quantities of fish co individuals, and Apply 368 Oakland street. a dinner party given by Lila. Gypsy of employes, were in conference each eonnt aa s word and oompound and damask hangings. Tne bedroom of Emelin-Dare.” ceipt of an Inquiry from Mr. Fech­ with the mill management for over during the Spring distribution this words as two worda Mlnlmnni eoet is Is there and also HUNT GIBSON. beyond was a blue and rose sym­ ner regarding the need for addition­ three hours last night without reacn- year it will be necessaiy for them to pries of tbrse llnsa ___ Derek, who has been drinking, falls Why, that was the handsome Lins rates z>er dsr for transient phony and beyond could be glimpsed young man she had met at Cannes al camps or new work projects In Ing common ground. The demand call at their nearest fish hatcheries ARTICLES FUR SALE 45 from a balcony to the street. Sev­ ______a gargantuan bath, all chrome plate two or three seasons ago when she Connecticut for the next six months is for readjustments of the wage or otherwise assist the Governme.it BSeetlTe Mareh 17, 1SS7 eral days later he dies. Car.b Cbarge FOR SALE—ONE SET of horse and gleaming tile. had been visiting the Dentons. He enrollment period. schedule and changes in other in the distribution costs. » ou bob .sleds. Can be seen at 38 Main Tom and Gypsy quarrel and Tom The lady was obviously nervous. working conditions. The specific The Commissioner of Fisheries S Consecutive Usys ..1 7 cu leaves home. He is sent out of tovMi was a delightful Englishman. He I Consecuilre Days .. » ou 11 ets street or telephone 3036. "You wait on the pier for Mr. had been poor as poverty then but demands were not made known at has informed Senator Lonergan 1 Day ...... 1 11 o“ ------11 eu on business and when be returns All ordars for Irrsgular inserUons Hotaling,” she Instructed the chauf­ he had since come into a lot of thi.s time. Another conference will that approximately 406,690 fish and FOR SALE—BABY CARRIAGE I^ypey II ^he apartment or feur. “Give orders that no one is HILLIARD WORKERS probably I« held during the day. flfih eggs were distributed by the will bs otadrgsd at tbs ons Urns rata and crib, in drst class condition. In­ her parents' home. Tom, trjrlng to money through the death of a rela­ Special rates for Ions tsrm every to be admitted to my suite. There tive. Lila sauntered over to the Some 37 employes of the Cycak Federal Bureau In Connecticut dur­ day advertising glvsn npon rsquegt. quire at 66 School street. find her, appeals to Hunt, who sug­ may be newspaper people. ..." Silk Compemy at South Farms left ing the fiscal year from July 1, Ads ordered for tnree or six toys gests she may be at the Long Island dressing table and touched her hair DEMANDS NOT MET and stopped before the third or flftb “ Certainly, madam. It’s too bad their work during the forenooti, 1932 to Jifiy 1, 1933. The state summer camp. Tom and Hunt set speculatively. She looked a fright. day will be charged only foi the ac­ FUEL AND FEED 49-A you didn’t bring Davies. She could She would ring up the beauty shop without making public their reason board contributed much to this al­ tual number of times the ad appear­ off for the camp. They arrive just In have fended them off for you.” Hinted Strike Does Not Devel­ for so doing. lotment. Localities where the dls- ed. ohargtng at the rate earned, but time to rescue her from a night and have a facial. Maybe she would no allowance or refunds can be made FRANKLIN BLUE FLAME range She shook her head, dismissing not keep to her cabin all the way, op as Operations at Mill Con­ tributlou was made, were announced OB alz time ads stopped after tbe oil has more “heat units' . fhe prowler. Tom and Gypsy are bliss­ him. CELEBRATE REQUIEM MASS as follows: fully reconciled. as she had threatened, but dine in tinue as Usual. fifth day. Rackilfle OU Co. Phone 398U. The sound of hurried footsteps the main salon. After all, she had BR(X>K TROUT: Bridgeport, No “till forbids” ; J.lsi>lay llnss aot NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Bridgeport. Feb. 27.— (AP) — Canoe Brook, 650; Granby, RoUln’s sold. went past. On the deck two or three been terribly shut up for the past Twenty-five priests of the Easte.'n Pond, 300; Lake-vlhe, Wononscopu- Ths Herald will aot be responsible CHAPTER XLVII young people, gay ip sport clothes, month. She owed it to herself to The -demand made by a newly or­ for more than one Incorrect insertion HOUSEHOLD GOODS .51 diocese of the Polish National Catn- mac Lake, 2,500; Meriden, Woncks Two gins were at lunch in a passed one damask draped window. ganized local of textile workers in of any advertisement ordered lor take an interest in life .... She was olic Church were in session here Pond. 250; Mount Carmel, ML Olen more than one time. downtown restaurant. One was thin ’The woman, pacing nervously to the Hilliard mills in Hllliardville for STROLLER 82, CRIB 81.50, mirror, young...... after attending a solemn lilga Pond, 600, and Mill River, 2,400: Ths inadvertent omission ot inMr- baby carriage, bureau, chest of and eye-glaased and her blue suit and fro, could hear suppressed gig­ The Marquis was young, too. And an increase ot 25 per cent in wages, rent pubhosUon ot advertising wUi be wore an adr of prlnmess. The other gles. “The brldsd suite,” she heard requiem mass for the late Rlgnt Norfolk, Rougbland Pond, 205; Old rectified only by oaneeUatlon of the drawers, reed rocker, kitchen ta­ Maxko Broughton was old. Poor has not been granted. The demand Rev. Wladislaw Gawrychowski, had a merry, mischievous face, someone say. And she winced. Lyme, Ehght Mile River, East eharge made tor tbe service endered. ble. 29 Strant, 6129. Marko! Maybe it had been providen­ was made two weeks ago and It was bishop, of Chicopee, Mass., held at Branch, 400; WInsted, Sucker All advertlsemenu must oonform cro'wned oy a bleached mop of The chauffeur came back with hinted that failure to meet the de­ in etyle, copy and typography with tial that woman had made such a St. Joseph's Polish Nation^ Catho­ Brook, 60, Greenwoods C^ek, 45, WHITE IRON BED 3-4 size, mat­ permanently waved hairT some message. As she wrote out mand would take effect yesterday reffulAtiont 6Dforo€d by tbt putllih* fuss. He had been very generous lic church. Morga 1 Brook, :O0. Total.il.Y,410. ers and they reserve tbe right to tress and springs; also antique ‘‘You know what happened,” she 0 direction for him, a knock came with LUh. She would send him a when a number ot the members of edit, revise or reject any copy con­ The Right Rev. Bishop Francis SMALLMOUTH BLACK BASS: curly maple bed 3-4 size, mahogany urged the other, spooning up her at the door. radiogram presenLy. It would be the newly organized union would Hodur, of Scranton, Pa., presided at sidered objecttonabla ite cream eagerly. “Tell me—don’t New Britain, Job’s Pond, 15,000; CLOSING HOURS— Classified ads W bureau, extra chairs, lawn swing, “ See If that’s the steward,” the friendly and cheerful and sisterly In not report for work and an effort the meeting and also celebrated the Yantlc, Red Cedar Lake, 6,000; be such a meanie. I’m dying to he pnbllshed same day must be re- bench and chair, dressmakers dress woman said. “Let him in. I sent tone. Then sbe would change and go would be made to close the mill. The mass. Bishop Hodur Is head of the WInsted, Highland Lake, 90; State salved by 11 o'clock noon; 3ntu''days form, wicker tea cart, with glass know.” for him.” expected trouble did not develop as 10:10 a. m. on deck. Those dreadful reporters Polish National Church In Poland, of Counectlcut Board of Flsherlca tray. Telephone 4481. “Honestly I don’t,” said the girl But the man at the door was not would be g o n e ...... the mill was In operation yesterday the United States and Canada. TELEPHONE YOUR and Game, waters within state, in blue wliose name was Catherine in uniform. He wore careless gray (To Be Continued) as usual and is also operating today. The priests will nominate two 287,910. Total, 309,000. WANT ADS. Miles. “ Honestly I haven’t an idea. tweeds and a battered hat. He said, candidates for appointment js KOOMS WITHOU'I BOARD 59 In addition, the Federal Bureau Ads are accepted over tbe telephone The only thing was when I came in “I’m from tbe Globe, Mrs. Bliss. . . ” bishop of the diocese to fill the va­ distributed 150,280 Loch Leven St the CHARGB RATE given above that morning I heard Mr. Lawrence She uttered a little cry. “No re­ cancy caused by Bishop Gawrycho w- as a convenience to advertlsen, but SINGLE ROOM, FACING Main REDUCTION OF HOURS trout eggs to the State Commission, the CASH RATEb will be accepted as say, ‘Well, I’m sorry to hear you’re porters. I said I v/ould see no re­ NEGRO DISCOVERS SNAKE ski’s death. the report shows. street, entirely redecorated, John­ leaving us, Miss Gray...... FULL PAYMENT If paid at the busl- son Block. Telephone 6917. porters. ’ She shrank in her chair. aesa office oa or before the seventh “That’s good.” The blond girl “If you’d just make a statement? day following the first Insertion ot COILED UP IN ICEBOX MEETS WITH OBJECTION each ad otherwise the CHARGE finished the last of her sundfie and Is it true that your reported en­ RATE will he collected. No responsi­ APAKTMEN'Di— FLA'l'S— reddened her lips with the aid of gagement to Mr. Broughton is \ m bility for errors In telephoned ads a small pocket mirror. “He’s the broken?” industrial Committee of New will be assnmed and their accuracy TENEMENTS 63 New York Man Finds Reptile cannot be guaranteed. only one who was sorry, I can tell “I won’t answer. You have no England Council Opposes you. She should have been eased out When He Goes to Refrigera­ FOUR ROOM FLAT. 1st floor, Im­ right to break into my suite this Any Statutory Reduction. INDEX OF provements, good neignborhood, long ago. What I don’t know a*)out way. I’ll complain to the captain. tor for Glass of Milk. ttofy Otttrw i f _ CLASSIFICATIONS reeisonable. App.y Chas. J Strick- that one....” She looked mysteri­ Grisson...... ” MAL COCHRAN 6E O P G E s o t o s o - Births ...... A lajid, 168 Main street. Phone 7374. ous, compressing her lips. Boston, Feb. 27,—The Industrial BngagemsnU • •ea«sa«fiin #•••••• B “Well, you know lots more than The chauffeur elbowed his way New York, Feb. 27.—Esau Rich­ Committee of the New England MArr*- es • e eceasnV aRV • •• •#•••••:« O FOR RENT—LiLLEY street, near you pretend to. only you’re afraid ards, a Negro, who lives on the sec­ Council today filed with General Deaths ...... D into the passage. “Mrs. Bliss ,pays Center, modem four and five'room to spill It, ’ she taunted. “I heard you’re to ease out! Get that?” ond floor of 71 Easi 114th street, Hugh S. Johnson in Washington a Card of Thanks ...... E went to the refrigerator yesterday In Memorlam «*. E flats, garage. Available. Inquire 21 a few things myself. That morn­ The man in gray gave no sign statement registering "its serious to get a glass of milk, and was Lost and Found ...... 1 Elro street. ing—the one after Mr. Weave^ got he had heard, but continued im­ objection to any statutory reduction Announcements ...... J transfixed with astonishment and tack from his western trip—he perturbably with his barrage of of current hours of work in indus­ Personals ...... * • tO R RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ dread when a brownish snake reaped stormed in like a hurricane. I was questions. “Is it true that Brough­ try by act of Congress, or ax.y ad­ Aatoasebllee ment, with all improvements. Ap­ up from beneath the icebox like a Automobiles tor Sals ...... 4 In Whiffy’s office, right next to ton’s common law •wife threatened ministrative bleinket reduction of ply at 111 Holl street or telephone living Interrogation point. Antomobllss for Bzobarge ....■• ( hers, and I heard plenty though I you with a suit for alienation? hours through the NRA.” The com­ Auto Aoeassorlea—Tires ...... 4 6806. “ Adelaide!” bellowed Mr. Rich­ mittee requested formal permission Auto Repalrlntr—Painting ...... 7 wasii’t supposed to. He said to her, What are your pltins?’’ ards with masculine readiness to Auto Schools ...... T-A FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat also ‘‘Where’s that telegram?” “No statement. .. .no statement,” of General JohnsoT to present the Autos— Ship by Trnck 8 blame everything on his wife. “Ad­ statement in the public hearings six room half nousc with ab im­ Miss Catherine Miles leaned for­ the woman chattered, her eyes Autos—For Hire ...... > elaide, what you doing with a snake which started today. Garages—Service— Storage .7. . . . 10 provements. Inquire at 147 East ward, putting down her cup of tea flashing. "Oh, Uncle Morgan, send under the Icebox?” The committee, of which Win- Uotorcyoles— Bicycles ...... 11 Center street. in her excitement. “He said that!” this man away!” This to a dignified Mrs. Richards came bustling in, Wanted Autos—Motorcycles . . . . IS “ Yes, he did. And he was mad gentleman whose white hair and throp L. Carter, of Nashua, N. H., EuslBees and Pvotessloaal Servlecs expostulating and incredulous, and is chairman declared that no Business Services Offered ...... 13 FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene­ clean through. I thought he wsis pince-nez appeared over the shoul­ was stricken dumb at sight of the Household Services Offered ...... IS-A ment, with garage $20 month. going to chew the partitions. der of the newspaperman. changes In working hours should be Building—Contracting ...... 14 reptilian head with Its thln-lipped Arthur A. Knofla. Telephone 5440 ‘Where’s that telegram?’ he said “You’re annoying my liiece, sir. brought about except through con­ Florists—Nurseries ...... 16 grin which swayed with truculent ference with the authorized repre­ funeral Directors ...... 14 or 4359. and she said, ‘I don’t know what Please take yourself off, or, by the grace in front 6f the refrigerator sentatives of each industry. Ray M. Heatin Plumbing—Roofing . n 17 you’re talking about.’ Then he laid Lord Harry, I’ll give you a whal­ door, Hudson, secretary of th>* Industrial huuranee — 18 into her. He said he was going ing.” M org u Hotaling raised his ItilllBsry—Dressmaking ...... II “Esau,” she ordered when she had Committee, is In Washington pre­ •Coving—Trucking—Storage . . . 10 BUSINESS LOCATIONS straight to Mr. Lawrence and she ebony stick. caught her breath, “don’t you lay pared to present tbe statement. Painting—Papering ...... II FOR RENT 64 said, ‘You don’t dare.’ He laughed Lila Bliss sank bemk against the finger on that snake, you hesu: me. Professional Serviess ...... II and said why didn’t he? And she It’s sure poison—I can tell -by its Repairing ...... IS rO KENT—OFMCES AT »66 Mam cushions. “Why do they persecute Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning . . . 14 said if he did she’d tell he’d been eye.” street (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ed­ me like this? What have I done?” Toilet Goods and Servles ...... 16 coming up to her aparttnent at all “ Hush, hush, my dear. Don’t, let Mr. Richards, who had contem­ 53,400 MEN EMPLOYED Wanted—Business Servloe .n .... II ward J. HoU. Tel. 4642 and 8U25. hours and drinking her liquor and the bounder hear you.” plated no such foolhardiness, waxed Bdacatlaaal confident at this evidence of wifely (BEAD THE STOBY, THEN COLOB THE PICTUBE) purses ana Classes ... m .,*.*.. 17 pestering her “He’s gone, madam,” Grisson said. ON SNOW IN NEW YORK Private iBstruotloa ...... II HOUSES FOR REN'l 65 “She said that!” Miss MUea went "Is there anything more I can do?” concern, announced that he bad Must think! He Is a flying fish,’’ to see. The plane dove r^h t Into Dancing ..m ....s c .Il-A killed lots bigger snakes than that crimson all over. “Why, the— the "Nothing.” She had her handker­ said little Dotty. “Gee, I wish that the sea.” cried Qoldy. “Why, of , . gnsleal—Dramatic ...... II TO RENT —SEVERAL desirable in his time, and reached vediantly course,” said Nick. “The flying flah Wanted-Instruction ...... 10 nerve of her. I don’t believe a word chief to her eyes. New York, Feb. 27—(AP) — The be would do some stunts for us flve, six and seven room houses, of It.” “Marko come yet?” for -a broom. Mrs. Richards thrust largest emergency force ever em­ lives there. Flaaaelal away up In the air. lends—Stocks—Mortgages w . . . 11 single and double; also heated “Well, anyhow, he laughed again She shuddered. “I told him not to. him bodily out of the apartment, ployed by the city, 53,400 men, "I Itnow' why he dove' out of lusiness Opportnnltles SI apartments. Apply Eldward J. Holi, and said he wouldn’t have believed He simply mustn’t. They’d have his however, and both together they shoveled at 13.9 inches of accumu­ “I’d dearly love to see him swoop sight. ’Twas to prevent an awful doney to Loan ...... Il p ^ h t. If you’ll look up, you’ll see Phone 4642 and 8025. it of her, though he’d been warned picture In all the tabloids. Besides, sought Mrs. Annabel Berkley, negro lated snow today to earn a part of right up and do a loop-the-loop. Help and. filtnattone superintendent of the house, com­ That’s quite a risky trick, though, a blg.kin^sher in the air.” Belp Wanted—Female ...... before what she was like. “I thought I didn’t want to see him.” the $2,000,000 appropriated for Its plaining In bitter chorus of an and I’ll bet he woulto’t dare.” Belp Wanted—Male ...... : : : S you were just a good scout,” he “The thing is over then?” removal. apEurtment which was overrun with “Oh, yes, he would,’’ said Nature “Why, sure enough! And, what Sale-smen War.ieC . . . 18-A said or something like that “I didn’t Four of the 13 inches was the She frowned. “Of course. She estimated remainder of the storm of Nick, ru have him prove he’s a bird! Til bet our flying flah friend know you were a sncJte in the grass. snakes. oerp wanted—Male or Fomald . . n RALPH CAPONE SHEVES threatened me— threatened both of Mrs. Berkley took a.^ single look at a week ago. Yesterday’s fall made really slick.” Then, when the flying beard the flapping of that fellow’s Agent! Wanted ...... «.I1-A You tell Lawrence any lies like that us. My nerves won’t stand it. I had the snake coiled beneath the Icebox the city’s total for the winter 43.8 fish went by, Nick Shouted, "Do wings,” said Coppy, with a smile. Bltuatloni Wanted—Female...... II and you’ll be finished In this busi­ to get away. New people—new Bltnatlona Wanted—M a le...... SI PRISON POTATO KNIFE and called Patrolman Ollaen. OUsen inches. some stunts! ! “The big k in gi^er has a neL Employment Agenolee ...... 44 ness for life.” places.” dispatched tbe reptile with bis night­ Food deliveries to Long Island “ First, do a nose dive t’ward the Some fish he’s going to try to geL Live Stoek—Pete— Poultry—▼cklelee “Then she started to hedge, sort “You knew of her existence be­ stick, wrapped It In a newspaper ^ d communities still are hampered by ground and then whiz up and He's dipping now, into the sea. Doge— Bird!— Pete ...... 41 of, and said naturally a girl didn’t He’ll catch one, after while,” Llv Stock— Vehicle! ...... 41 Gangster Will Be Released To­ fore then?" It was the lawyer deposited It In the yard of the Blast some impassable drifts which were speed around, and go Into a loop- Ponltry and Supplies ...... 41 want any trouble and what did he speaking now, not the concerned 104th Street police statloq, whence being cleared away as rapidly aa the-loop. We want to see It, once.” The Tlnies watched him ’ for a Wanted — Pete— Poultry—Stock 4t day If $10,000 Added Penal­ want her to do? He had all the male relative. pMjsslble. There was no alarm. One spell and then tbe bunch heard it will go out on the htreet in a trash Goldy yell, “Good luck to you, king­ Fur Bulu—HleecUaMoaa ty Is Met. breaks, she said. A man always did. “ Oh, I had heard of her—natur­ can this morning. operator of chain stores had rushed The fish seemed willing as could Artlclea tor S a le...... 41 He didn’t pay any attention to that ally. I didn’t suppose it was im­ out extra deliveries Sunday on the be. “Okay! Just keep your fisher. Catch a flah that we can Boats and Acceaeoriee ...... 44 It was a snake more than three see!” Building Materlala ...... 47 McNeil Island, Wash., Feb. 27.— You could see she thought being portant All men....” strength of the weather bureau’s eyes on me,” ■ he shouted to the feet long, mottled brown In color, warning. Jes. Then they witnessed quite Once more the bird swooped Diamonds— Watchee-^ewelry .. 41 (A P )— Saved from taking the pathetic was going to break him “Lila, dear,” Interrupted the thought it a copperhead, and some Electrical Appllanoee— Radio . . . 4S The temperature, which fell to 9 a show. down, and then, when It sailed pauper’s oath by promises of pay­ all up or something. He said, “You other. “I don’t like to hear you talk a garter snake. The most reason­ Fuel and Feed ...... 48-A ment of a $10,000 flne, Ralph Ca­ above zero at 7’ a. m., rose to 13 Soon Scouty cried, “Give him a through tbe air again, there was Barden — Farm—Dairy Products 60 be out of here tomorrow morning like that. It’s flippant. It’s unbecom­ able guess seemed to be that it bad a big fish In its net. Wee Windy Household Goode ...... II pone peeled his last potatbes in the at 11 a. m. Rail service from New hand! I think he has performed or else....!” ing.” escaped from the stock of some ven­ Jersey and suburban Westchester just grrand.” And while they shouted, "G ee!” Machinery and Toola « u « • e e ( « d liC l • 61 Federal penitentiary here yesterday Mualoal Inatmmenta ...... 61 “So she resigned,” breathed She shrugged her shoulders. der ^ nostrums in the vicinity who coimty was restored to normal. clapped, the fish cried, “Well, Office and Store Equipment . . . . 14 and cleaned up his cell for the last Catherine Miles. •Well anyhow...... Marko’s been had used It to advertise his “snake Long Island trains ran from 10 to (The T n i e s meet aaofiier time. goodby! I’ll have to go!” r Bpeelala at the Stores ...... 64 "She didn’t dare do anything very nice about It He said I ought oil.” 40 minutes late. “Well, goodness! What a sight strange bird in the next story.) Wearing Apparel— Fni* ...... IT Sentenced June 16, 1930, to serve 7Wanted^"To Boy II three years for evasion of Income Beemu—Boar*—Hutelu—Beserte B—tuursmt' taxes totaling around $300,000, looms Without Board ...... 61 Ralph, the brother of "Scarface A l” A LLEY OOP Full Speed Ahead! By H A M U N loardors Wanted ...... M..6I-A Capone, of Chicago and Atlanta lountry Board—Roaorta 64 penitentiary, became a “model pris­ lotola—Raatauraats ...... 41 oner" and his sentence was cut for Fan tod—Rooms—Board ...... 61 good behavior. He will be released U E V ^ ^ h e r e v a Buul Estato Fm Rout ^artmenta. Flats, Tenements . . 61 today. The Associated Press learned . ? WHUT’5 iM h ass Looatlone for Rest 64 from reliable, unofficial sources that Houses tor Rent ...... 66 his fine would be paid. If it was not luburbaa for Rout • IBS • «is 61 faflunor Homes for Rent ...... 17 paid he would have to take the pau­ ^Fasted to Rant . 61 per’s oath, swearing that he hsid no R«U Betate For Sale property, and then serve thirty days partmont Balldlnig tor Sale . . M more. ' sse Property for Sale . . . . 71 'arms aad Land ter Sale 71 loaaa for S a U ...... 71 HEADS CORRESPONDENTS ita tor Sals ■u#vjs. 76 .»rt Piepofty tor Sale . » n . 74 Washington, Feb. 27,—(AP) — borbaa 71 Francis M. Stephenson of tbe As­ ~ Bplata t m Ba^aata . . . . Tf Batato 77 sociated Press Is the new president *esalSe«leee of the White House Correspondents K^Saalr Association . He was elected to succeed George E. Dumo of McClure newspaper syndicate. } RmuI The Herald Adrs. Stephenson has covered the White House since tbe Inauguration of >■- jPreiiilent Roosevelt. / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CQNNn TOE8DAT. FEBRUARY JT, 19B4, nm Tooneirllle Polks By Fontaine Pox OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Gene Altera :-rs^. SENSE and NONSENSE So THEY COULD J

^ A H D AW--NOW DONT qaici T^EPEA-nNO} >jOU Girls, Remember: It’s lo t always The World is Full of Misfits, NOU A-PIH A SMAPII M A S p R j n f e the Ideal boy who ftrs* you a Who Blame it all on the World ALtC-\OKEl:S Ow A U N A V C O N TOSSED N\CE square deal. ’There May be Something in ’Their View of the Case. Possibly it Ought YUE AlEPfT TO SNOWBALL TV4t CAMS AT USTH' ^ W H E K I T C O Drugg^ist— W as that sleeping to Have Been Made to Fit Them in FIRST TIME UPTW' , .w draught any good? Advance. But ’That Looks Like it S\LK ^AT OF Man—W ^, I took it and went to was Asking a Good Deal. • A COUPLE OF UNCOUTH a l l e y —AN'NOW AN' sleep right away. Then a friend NOU'RE T>K>QSkS with his head under his arm came First Student— Professor Bugg HOOW.Urv\S^-ELEM\&HES ON alonig and wanted to sell me his says there are ten million germs on THE POL\SHET> SUPFACE OF THE SAME 0 N E S 2 ,S ? 2 wife’s hands. Then the dragon on a dollar bill. That sound imagina­ UP AiSAlM 7 \^T*LACE9 which I was riding slipped out of its tive, eh? •peFUMErHENT H, A s w e l C skin and left me marooned high in Second Ditto— It does. Where did “ i f OF ipe the air, and a two-headed giant the professor get a dollar bill? SW WH^TTUNS-BUT helped me down. But just then the conductor asked me for my ticket, “Thirty is a nice age for a worn cO' WE FEELSUSHTED-' and when I said I didn’t have cmy ne an,” says one theorist. Yes indeed •NOU le ft folded up the train and put it in his — especially if she is 40 or 45. OUT BUMS pocket Just then I woke up. I Vou are- had been asleep exactly ten minutes. Clerk—Are you looking for some­ Sure the dam stuff worked. thing in men’s clothing, sir? ■0* 6 ' Man— Yes, my wife. Nowadays, you d(m’t only have to go a fter w hat you w ant jrou have to Jack—What do you think my girl stay till you get it. would like for her birthday? Carl—Not to be reminded of it. ‘ JUDGE—What, are you here // again? Aren’t you ashamed to be Clerk—May I have a day off to here? get married, sir? PRISONER—No, your honor. Boss—And what fool’s going to What’s good enough for you is good marry a clerk who's getting only enough for me. $12 a week? Clerk—Your daughter, Edithe, To avoid colds, keep your mouth sir. shut, says one health expert. It will also be found a good practice in avoiding a lot of other troubles. DID YOU KNOW THAT- Would-be Golfer— I’d move heaven and earth to play golf properly. The United States government H ike Caddie—Well, you’ve only got cannot be sued in any court ex­ O F F A TX3CKS heaven to tackle now. cept by its own consent _ L'vii Ten years ago it required 6,696,- laaMir. "BACK' Quite ctften the fellow who wants 666,666,667 Germein marks to pur­ • tm nr IB* to see you “on a little personal mat­ chase only one United States dollar. ter” really wants a loan. The coloniel “New England TAKE HiM carried more than a little small The Ob river in Siberia is the se eN Y H e h e a p l in e s THE RiffHT TRACK / Him ? THAT IT WAS A PLANE - I SAW WITH NIA1 Fo r a f e w r e p - h a n o e o lb pRove ^ « change aroimd with him and so third longest in the world. IN THIS /60UN INS’S IT CLEARLY - A^INUTgS - T H e y h a v e n 't a n y t h in ® - ' H h practically all be lost was his life. Fez is the largest city in Morocco. PAPERS ? Greenland, New Guinea, and Bor­ TH006 HT IT w ise To AAOVS Jesse Jones neo are the three largest islands h im pro m TMg gMIROtNcy EMERGENCY Jesse Jooes was the banker’s in the world; Australia is considered FieLD Ho s p it a l - name. a continent. FIELD On the RFC he rode to game; Ho s p i t a l Lent four billioa dollars in a sin­ 1 gle year To banish a nation’s financial fear. lapper anny ays F RtaU.aPAT.OfF. F S Jesse said: “Before I’m through There’s one thin more Td like to do.” Tell us, Jesse, w hat Chat m ight be? "It’s to get another billion for the RFC.” • im n>* A. R. AD Ruati itenma 2-21 KITTENS ... Every politician WASHINGTON TUBBS knows* that if you give people what By Crane OUT OUR WAY By WiUiams they want they won’t want it long IT’S UP TO y o u , MCQUIGGLE, OLD BOY, VBS.SIR, ... Ehivy provides the mud that TO SETTLE OUR AFFAIRS. WE'RE LEAVIMG. WHERETO, ( L A S T * THE KVSTERIOUS’ SPEARIN' FROGS? ^ failure throws at success ... The 'T SIR? AND c l a m o r o u s e a s t . average bachelor is convinced that r IN SEARCH OF ADVEN­ C'MON- CA -MOKl! women are given to small talk in TURE, R3MANCE, AND 61T OUTA THERE, large quantities ... It is better to THE FOUNTAIN OF VOUIH. f''iHw one good example than it is I BEFORE SOME GUY, to set a dozen bad ones ... Deter­ AS NUTTY AS YOU, mination never begs for a - chance COMES ALONG AN’ ... A penny saved is a good example to the other 99 cents ... Strong men SPEARS YOU PER may go down imder bad luck. But A f r o g ! no amoimt of good luck can keep -O. Kwn. o^ers from failing ..: With a wom­ an a secret is either too good to 11 keep, or else it isn’t worth keeping ... Some folks are so anxious tr> mend their neighbor’s morals that they overlook their own. iW

Plumber—And none of your lip Gt^' about me forgetting things. I’ve got my mate and my tools, and— Maid— 'iTien take ’em to the right Girls who try to crash the Blue OCL 7 ^ , WHAT HOW THE BLAZES DO WE KNOW? IT'S^ house. Book may wind up in the Red. /^BEG6IN6 YOUR OOITE CXK., OLD POTATO^ CITY, S IR ? ^NOO MILES AWAV-WE DREW’THE NUMBER ' PARDON,SIR, BUT WE OFTEN THINK TH E OUT OF A HAT. AND, BY THE WAY, MAC, I THINK YOU'RE T WE’RE^TO ARRIVE WITH ONLY A DIME— s a m e THING. ,— FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser HERESSOM6 SPARE CASH FOR YOU. r r 7^ LOOK, WinriY! OLD MAN S c u t t l e c a n t ktEEp h is e y e s 1 f DIE !,' ''4 / i

y, >/>

2rX1 iTiwucwvtca. w>Ci OIR.vViLLiA M 3 V LuaPATrow. AN EASY MISTAKE. e in * n nni SALESMAN’ SAM-— ______Taking No Chances I______" By Small ®tr SQU(^N0£RHA.T ICOIN’ SO FORCrSTFtiL LAiTeLY ( KlMCXh GOT (A ) s / Q U R o ' ” BPsCK THOSS.'TLuo G U C K S ^ ^ T AU, (U OKie PLAce.'. d o ! TH’ D o c hum ch i ' m l o s im ' «y\V coetAOR.’Y' / /V\FIV\»»V? " % T ' ------r~^ tS-ETs VTF kLL.! ^ ^ OAcl^ FCf: h- sif, MR.SCUTTLE, 1 ' HA-HA...WHERE WOULD ^ IP I CAN RAISE OF COURSE Ncn; tVCM IP You HE EVER CET THE MONEY ? d o c t o r . T THE MONEY TO 'S y l v e s t e r .' i ‘m ‘ UoT ILL, Doctor. Pa l sy GIVE MXI PART l>bOR MOTHER’S HES AS OPTIMISTIC AS THE m a n w h o WENT woiiTSYou’To T: OF OUR NEXT BEST FRIEND.... COt^E IN I ’LL HELP You LOOkING FOR A NIGHT’S AMO PAYMENT, WILL SHAKe TtU STILL PUT IN EVERY WAY l o d g in g , WITH A TROM Bo n e u n d e r o n e a r m U9 OUT OP POSSIBLE AND A p ic c o l o u n d e r THE H O U SE? THE m o t h e r !

tv tij/ ’ MCA Itnyfec, MCI .Uai ( GAS BUGGIES Hem Biased? B y Frank Beck


V.- .,v . 'y- ■■ f ■ •* i ^


Rev. Peter Latas, pastor of the VAL JEAN Daputy Ooroner Harria D. -Sep* William Pitkin, foreman of tho Polish National church In Manches­ fidd, of Hartford, who made the 1» town road departmant, was amazsd ABOUT TOWN ter. Is In Bridgeport today attend­ And His Arcadiaiu vMtlgatloii Into tbe abddent fiii to see a meadow lark in a snow ing a conference of the clergy of the South Wlndaor January 24 when a covered field while enfaged In the Dancing With Entertainment Connecticut company Inu driven by ta*k of supervising snow removal Leonard Bccellente, violinist, of Elastem diocese of the Polish Na­ tional Catholic church at the Hotel 8:80-12:80 Tharsdsy, March 1 Jamee Duffy of Manchester went on one of the outlying streets here Bpruoe street, who has been on tour SCHOOL STREET REG off the road ana killed John Gib­ yesterday. and on the program of WOY for Slratfleld. Admission 25o. bons, 60, of South Windsor, who the past few weeks, expects to re­ was a passenger on the bus, has Tlie card party which Sunset turn to his home here by ICaster. T.inn* Lodge No. 72, will observe ezooeraWl Mr. Duffy of all blame. Council, DegTM of Pocabemtsa, was MANCHerm Conn- Its 27th anniversary tomorrow night Robert S. Cooper, of 284 South In his findings the deputy coroner to have held tonight at the home of The regular meeting of Campbell at Orange hall, when a supper wUl Main street. Is named co-defendant finds that Mr. Ouffy pulled sharply Mrs. Myra Fltzger-Jd, 85 Cottage Council, Knights of Columbus, be served to members at 6:80 in a suit fo r $2U,000 dam ages filed off the road to prevent hitting a street, has been again postponed to scheduled for last night but post­ o’clock. A short business meeting In Fairfield County Superior Court pedestrian and In doing so crashed Thursday evening of this week, poned due to the storm, will be held will follow after which a card party yesterday by John G. Leary, of Into a tree. The pedestrian, the re­ when better traveling conditions are at the council rooms next Monday will be held. All members are urged Bridgeport. Mrs. Antoinette G. port states, was In the center of tbe hoped for. night at 8:80 o’clock. to be oresent. Gabb, wife of George H. Gabb, road and because of the poor light Get Out Your Pencil And Check Hartford dty treasurer, also Is could not be seen m time to pre­ '■M named in the action as co-defend­ vent the accident. ant. Leary, suing through bis fa­ These Marvelous Values! ther, Watler Leary, aUeges that he The Highland Park Community was struck by an automobile owned club will hold tbe usual setback to­ by Mrs. Gabb and driven by Cooper night at' the clubhouse. Prizes will NOTICE! n ,9 ttc . for the benefit of Mrs. Gabb’s son, be awairded and refreshments serv­ “Wednesday” Specials William Gabb, in Bloomfield last ed. Tbe hoeteeses will be Miss Har­ October 21. Eight of Leary's ribs riet Sinnamon and Mrs. - Arllne The were broken Leary was a student at St. Thomas’s Seminary In Bloom­ Eagleson. Center Shoe field at the time of the accident. Brand New Spring Tile monthly chest clinic will be The regular mid-week “Quiet held tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock Repairing Shop Brown Thomson continue their Hour’’ Lenten service will be held at the Health Center on Haynes at the Emanuel Lutheran church to­ street. Is Now Located In The Home Frocks morrow evening from 7:16 to 8 o’clock. Despite Inclement weather, Specially Purchased these services have been well at­ Odd Fellows tended. As the Hartford District’s 68th ANNIVERSARY annual meeting has been postponed Dorothy H. Keeney and Priced for WEDNESDAY! until next month. Rev. K. E. Erick' TEACHER OF PIANO Bldg. son will be in charge of the service. Graduate of the On Main Street Hartford School of Music Members of Llnne Lodge, No. 72, Peter Peperitis, Prop. Knights of Pythias, will bowl as Phone 7689 1 usual at Murphy’s alleys at 8 SALE I o’clock tonight. All Advertised Merchandise for Cash Only Tomorrow evening will be Sizes 16 to 44 No Charges. .No Mail. .Phone or C. 0. D. "Boosters’ Night” at Manchester Grange. The regular meeting , will Orders.. All Sales Final. take place at 8 o’clock in Odd Fel­ These are the frocks that will keep kitchens lows hall, smd applications for mem­ bright and make work seem lighter. And what bership should be brought In at this W here meeting. Past Master John Mc- a low price we’re asking for these crisp cotton Loughlin will be in charge of the prints in attractive, neat styles. program. It will be an open meet­ Corticelli Hosiery Manchester's At HALE’S Cotton Frocks—Main Floor, center. ing. IT P A Y S The Sewing Circle of Mons-Ypres Auxiliary will meet ttiis evening at TO WAIT ON i Housewives Greedily Absorbent! Extra Heavy! 6 8 ^ pair 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Samuel High Grade Haugh of Proctor Road. YOURSELF Do Their Tapestry Squares II Ckjrticelli full fashioned chiffon silk hosiery, silk to The regular meeting of the 4-H Linen Dish Towels the top, with cradle foot, picot tops, first quality in all Fairy Needle club scheduled for to­ night, has been postyoned imtll fur­ colors. Regular $1.00 pair. ther notice. Buying! 59c B. T. Inc. . . . street floor. Here’s a value in high grade Chapman Court, Order of Amar­ each tapestry squares. Remn€Lnts of anth, will meet Friday evening in pattiems selling as high as $5. and the Masonic Temple. A poverty White Loaf $6. a yard. A verage piece, 27 social will follow and all members Inches. (Main Floor, left). are requested to come dressed in old Fresh Green Cabbage, 2c a ^ T od a y's regular 29c grades., Sport Frocks clothes. Prizes will be awarded to Floiir Pound With save 10c on each towel to­ the msm and woman who presents morrow. the most poverty-stricken appear­ Armour’s Melrose 1 0 Color-fast borders in blue, ance. The program is in charge of $1.09 50c Black v.^gold, red and green. I Mrs. Fredericka Spiess and Mrs. (24 Vi-lb. bag) Smoked ' 1 $ I Laura Loomis will see to the re­ Milled by Gold Medal mill­ 1 ' 0 Hemmed ready to use. Size Sateen Aprons 2.68 ers! ______16x34 inches. freshments. SHOULDERS \'m Towels—Main Floor, left each Of acetate crepe, smart styles for misses, 14 to 20, Hale’s Famous —— 29c and one style for women 38 to 44. Bright new Spring Cofifee 1 0 c lb. W fil made black sateen edvera'j colors. WANTED TO BUY Gordon’s $2. and $2.50 aprons suitable for factory and ALL KINDS OF LIVE Small! Lean! Sbankless! shop workers. 50c grad«^ tomor- . B. T. Inc. . . . second floor. ^' POULTRY AND RABBITS 1 7 c Have an Armour shoulder on row only 29c each. (M€iln Floor, ’ (pound) hand these days because one Pure Silk rear). A. Gremmo & Son “Red Bag” coffee. Fresh never knows when another bliz­ ground or In bean. zard wiU keep one snow-bound PHONE 3441 again! Twin Sweater Sets Large Mesh Hose One Lot Rinso Peanut Butter, O 7 j a r ...... ^ f C pair Baby Apparel 17c Beardsley’s. In 2-pound glass $3.68 PINEHURST (package) pall. DIAL 4151 We reserve the right to 1-2 Price Regrularly to $4.95, dark and pastel colors. Sizes 34 Unfit quantities. Good-looking (medium) mesh hose at 69c! Walnut Meats, O C ^ Our first order placed on sale a few weeks Mothers! Real valUjBS here. to 40. You will enjoy the new Heinz Many one-of-a-kind itemfUn .fpeks, 1/2 lb...... o D C ago sold out the first day. $2. and $2.o0 Fresh Better-Than-Chicken grades from stock. Not all sizes in each sweaters, beret seta, ' ieggingi>, B. T. Inc. . . . second floor. Perfect Bordeaux halves. shade. other needs. O dd sizes. (Ma'Ji Cucumber Pickles, TUNA Floor, rear). quart jar ...... 29c Hosiery—Main Floor, right. 2 cans 3 5 ® Canned Mackerel, O Q ^ Plump, Good-Sized, Milk-Fed 3 c a n s ...... Closing Out Patterns! Regular 25c Grades! Fancy white meat tuna! FuU tins. - BU RNS LONG Fricassee

FOWL, each $1.09 Florida Percale Prints ‘blue COai b u r n s s t e a d i l y Purple Top Lamb Kidneys, 4 for 10c. ^ T ru ly the best value in 80-square per- BURNS COMPLETELY ORANGES Beef Liver, 2 lbs. 25c. TURNIPS ^cale prints in town tomorrow! Roasting Chickens. doz. 3® yards ^DlsconUnued patterns in high grade, peck 13® • color-fast percale prints. Meaty ^up Bones. 1/2 Good Juicy oranges. Just For Fast, Clean Deliveries Tender, Juicy Pot Roasts. 8oUd centers. Medium 100 dozen to seU! Neat prints for home frocks, tots’ size. • dresses, aprons and smocks. 36 Inches T elep h on e We are careful here at Plne- wide. ... hurst to give you only the freth- At HALE’S Fabrics—Main Floor, left. est, Juicy meat In our Plnehurst GROUND BEEF Repeated Again Phone 4149______$5.98 Corduroy By Popular Request! 19c pound 25c Ski Jackets The W. G. Glenney Co. stewing Oysters. HEALTM MARKET $2.98 Goal, Lumber, Masons' Supplies, Paint Chowder Clams in the shell Close-out group. Not all sizes. 386 No. Main Street Manchester or opened. (Main Floor, center). Filet of Mackerel, lb. 25c. We Repeat . . . Filet of Sole, lb. 39c. Weduesday! Sr 39c to 50c Fancy Scallops, pint 45c. $ Platters each Theee crisp, freeh Beans are Shoulder Steak worth 6o more. 25c Due To Large meat platters and vegeta­ • Regulation Size GREEN BEANS ble dishes to close-out! (Base­ Due to the severe snow I ment) . ______storm last week many of our Special, 2 quarts 29c customers couldn’t ^op for Traffic Conditions these window shades. We 8-Cup offer them again ^WEDNES- Carrots or Beets, 7c. China Tea Pots DAY at this price. Heavy Where Carrying Fuel Cauliflower — Peas. cloth shades with roller and Spinach, 2 lbs. 15e. attachments. Light tan, dark tem and green. GOOD COOKING, NATTVB PO­ 50c Is Necessary A Charge Irfaported china tea pots. 8-cup Shades— Basement TATOES. SWEET POTATOES lb. size. Decorated. (Bcuement). Guaranteed! 2-Quart Size! Of 50^ Per Ton Will Plnehnrst JMoy 69c and 89c ORANGES Out from heavy qnaUty prime beef. This special was so Japanese Trays Hot Water Bottles Be Made popular two we^u ago, we offer it again at the same tow 2 dozen 45c I»iee for WEDNESDAY only. Special Wednesday! Grapefruit, 5 for 25c. 39c LJolorful wooden trays In neat Apples, 5 lbs. 25c. Japanese designs and colorings. 69c and 89c grades. (Basement). iC THE W . G. GLENNEY CO. 29c 2-Lb. Glass Jars each Mince Meat...... RANGE & FUEL OILS Lin-x L. POLA COAL CO. 2-Lb. Jars Peach or Pine­ Oear-Gloss A Fully guaranteed, 2-quart hot water bottles. ,8h(» for this apple Jam, 35c. We Handle Only The Beetl pint quart barpdn Wednesday. 7 . , , SEAMAN COAL CO. When In Need Of Range Or Fuel Oil 85c Bayisr Aspirins...... ,...... , Bovril, 49c« 59c 98c 25c White Pine and Tar Cough Syrtp..%...... iSte 45c C. & B. Chow Chow, Spe PHONE 5293 Water and alcohol proof. Lln-x Pond's Creams, ja r s ...... dal 37c. clear gloM requires no robbing, I (Cold, eleanslsg and vanishing craapi). G. E. WILUS & SON INC. scrubbing. Great for linoleum 85c Gem Razor Blades ...... A . .I..' floors. List prices, 75c and $1.26. The Baqtly OU Co. (Basement). Drugs—Main Floor, s i w t - - '•*^7; >'; 165 Caster Street Mancheater ARCHIE HAYES PINEHURST I ■■ Poetorg’ Prescriptions Carefully 4