VOL. LIIL, NO. 126. s.) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 27.1984. (T B N P A 6E 8) PRICE THREE CaUCH|^ PRESIDENT TO VETO Pastor’s Daughter Seized With Bandit Suq>ects ISAPFIADDED E1(»1T ARE KILLED, FORDEFENDDIG VETS’ BONUS BILL MHAILDEAL OVER 25 INJURED Makes First Ddbnte State­ STUDENTS’ BODIES Senate b retlig a ton ToU IN RAIL ACCIDENT ment on Snbject in Letter ARE SHIPPED HOME Tint PoBdeal Inflnence to Speaker Rainey— Vote PU-YI P R E P m Pennsylvania Train Leava and Personal Friaddiip Comes on March 12. College (Mfidals Advised FOR ENTHRONEMENT Tracks— Engine Plots Used to Obtain Contracts. Parents Not to Come to Down 20 Foot Embank­ WMhlngton, Feb. 27.— (AP)— The Preeldent's letter to Speaker Washington, Feb. 27.-^(AP)— Emperor of Manchokno To ment — Steel Coaches Rainey that he would veto the Pat­ Dartmonth. charges that “political influence man bonufl bill wga made public to­ and personal friendship were gener­ Be Principal Figure at Im- Keep On Moving, Knock day by the Speaker as follows: ally used” by airmail operators In "Memorandum for the Speaker: Hanover, N. H., Peb. 27.— (A P )— "Dear Henry: Men of Dartmouth today platmed a obtaining contracts during the Hoo­ pressve Rites Thursday. Down Two Story Signal "Mac has shown me your letter of farewell tribute to nine fellow stu­ ver administration, were laid before February twenty-first. Senate Investigators today by Karl “Naturally when I sugrgested to dents who were taken from them Tower and Wreck Three you that I could not approve the bill Simday by an invisible death. Crowley, department solicitor. Hsinking ((Changchun) Manchu- for the payment of the bonus certi­ A conference of Paleopltus, the Crowley was grreeted with ap­ kuo, Feb. 27.— (A P )—In sub-zero ficates I did not mean that I might student governing oody, and admin­ plause when he told the committee weather, the rites at the Altar of Story Brick BniMing. istrative officers was scheduled to let It become law without my signa­ he thought cancellation of all con­ Heaven which will climax the en­ ture. consider official honors by the col­ tracts Was “one of the most cour- lege, and an Investigation of heat­ thronement of Henry Pu-Yl as Em­ "I don’t do things that way. Bearing------------------ o evidence-------------------- of■«'- their hand-to-hand struggle withs T iv A t police inu i thev u o vcrowded f lobby of a downtown_____ New ageoua deeds that a Postmaster Pittsburgh, Feb. 27— (AP)—Al­ “What I meant was that I would ing systems and their care in bouses York hotel, the brntherAbrothers MertonMprtnn (center) and Irving Millin of Boston are pictiu'ed after they had ibeeii__ seized Graeral or a President of the Unit­ peror of Mauchukuo were solenmly most 12 hours after an Akron-Pltts- veto the bill, and I don’t care who occupied by students was under con­ rehearsed today. as siwpects in the robbery of a Needham, Mass., bank in which two pOaeemen were killed. Also in ed States ever did.” burgh train plunged from the Penn­ you tell this to. sideration. Yoimg Pu-Yi, present chief execu­ custody was Merton’s pretty 19-year-old wife, Norma (left), daughter of the Rev. Norman Brighton, Boston He charged that by “ definite, pos­ "Let me know your thought on Eight resident members of 'Theta clergyman. ® tive of the Japanese-assisted state, sylvania railroad tracks, workers the next step. Chi fraternity, in whose bouse the itive agreement,” Brown was to remained indoors. He was fasting today removed the bodies of eight award mall contracts to favored "F. D. R.” deaths occurred, were living else­ and meditatteg in preparing himself persons who lost their lives in the aviation companies. The "Mac” referred to by the where. xTiey probably escaped the for Thursdays ceremonies. wreck. More than 25 of the 40 in­ President is Marvin McIntyre, one fate of their brothers only because Closely Questioned But all Manchukuo and Japanese of bis three secretaries. they happened to be away for the officials tind courtiers who are to jured are in hospitals. NEEDHAM ROBBERY Closely questioned by Senator The engineer and fireman are The Next Step week-end. JOHNSON HAS NEW PLAN Austin (R., Vt.), Crowley declined participate enacted their assigned parts. missing and searchers believe them Questioned by reporters as to Sidney C. Hayward, secretary to to concede that Brown’s actions to be dead in the wreckage. They what the next step would be, Rainey the college, said it was probable the A high Manchu official took the were “in the public Interest,” al­ place of the Emperor-elect In per­ are W. M. Shaw of New (Ziaatie, Pa., said: house would be closed for the re­ APPEARS SOLVED though he asserted the authority to engineer, and O. C. Douthltt of ‘T o vote on the bill on March 12.” mainder of the vear. TO REVISE CODES OF NRA forming all of the traditional acts cancel contracts fell in that classi­ through which Pu-Yi himself will go Youngstown, Ohio. Railroad offi­ "Do you think it will pass now in “It is very unlikely,” he said, “ the <$>' fication. cials, who discarded ao earlier view of the President’s announced surviving members will feel like 'Thursday. The only sound breaking the theory of a frozen switch being re­ stand?” living there or using it as a social Bay State Public Safety Coni’ “Not one contract was made on sponsible, said they believed the two "I am not sure that it will pass center ever again.” *TVe Are Going On As We competitive bidding,” he asserted frosty stillness was the high, nasal PROBE FINANCES chanting of the ritualists—intoning had been removed by friends. 'They now but there is one thing sure Expressions of Sorrow emphatically, “Not one.” added they did not know what caus­ about it, if it passes the President Condolences cot tinued to pour in missioner Promises ''Sen­ Austin attempted to bring out commands and directions in the va­ ed the tragedy. is going to veto it.” from all parts of the country. All Begun ” He Says, ""And rious rites in ancient Manchu dia­ testimony that (Crowley’s criticism lects. Next to last to be removed was The vote was forced by 145 mem­ the chapters ol the National Theta OF SLAIN WOMAN was properly of the law's provisions the body of F. R. Dravo, millionaire bers of the House who signed the Chi fraternity expressed their feel­ sational Deyelopments.’’ Participants and onlookers alike contracting company head, who bad Now We Are Closing Our rather than Brown's administration, were chiUed to the bone. 'The 28- Lundeen petition to discharge the ings of bereavement; Earl Blaik, but Crowley would not agree. boarded the train only 30 minutes ways and means committee from year-old Pu-Yi’s octogenarian cour­ before on a trip to Washington, D. newly appointed Dartmouth foot­ Crowley, on the other hand, de­ tiers suffered acutely. cmisidering the bill. Under the ball coach, wired his sympathy from Ranks for New Moye.” Boston, Feb. 27.—(AP)— -The C. rules, a vote, requiring a majority, Police Discoyer $34,000 fended the cancellation at air tthi.ii Photographs Forbidden Identified Dead Dayton, Ohio, and a host of others “mopping up” began today as po­ Newspapermea were permitted a win be taken to decide whether the expressed condolences. Presidents contract^ by Postmaster General 'The other identified dead: House will consider the bill. lice of half a dozen Mas^chusetts Farley, and declined to agree to brief glance at the eartbwi, three- James R. Angell of Yale. W. A. Washington, Feb. 27__ (AP)— Bank Deposits of Miss tiertd altar. (Jn Thursday it will be David A. Duebarme, 50 of AlU- Rainey did not make public the Neilson of Smith and Frank K. communities sought to question Austin’s suggestion that there was sonia, Conn, and Akron, Ohio. text of his own letter to the White Hugh S. Johnson beat NRA’s as- | a close similarity between the 1933 entirely obscured from foreign eyes. Hyatt of the University of Pennsyl­ three men held for the staying of Photographs will be forbidden. Clarence J. Mayer, 45 of Ingram, House, but it was known that in it sembled critics to the gun today by | operators contract rsduction meet­ vania B^nt sympathetic messages. Alice G. Porter Withdrawn llie altar as completed is curtain­ Pa., a meat market owner. be said some members of Congress two Needhapa oo’ iccmen and the ing and the 193C allocation confer­ Mrs. W. Miller Wardrop of Pitts­ Fellow students said a .iorrowlng suddenly unfolding a twelve-point robbery of the Needham Trust Com' ed with high screens of yellow bunt­ felt the President might let the goodbye as the bodies of eight were ence. burgh, wife of a Pennsylvania r^l- l^ sIslation la t become law with- program for revising existing codes. pany. ing twelve feet high. It is open only seat last night to bereaved i^rents Medford, Mass., Feb. 27— (AP) — road official. out Yds sli^iture. t Before the hundreds invited to "IVo of the three, Merton Mlllen, at the top. 'Thomas Jeffry, negro, of Youngs­ and relatives. Unexplained withdrawals of $34,009 A buge, barbed wire stodwdc, complain could voice a ^pgle criti­ from bank accounts of Mias A l^ 24, and his brother Irvifig 2l> siwaitr town, Ohio. SENATE GOES AHEAD _The hody of the ninth J>«y. Ed- cism^ NBA. administrator -ta- •d «tradi^ p.Ji^ New^York. The draped vari-colored buntihg, ward M.
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