English Abbreviations in Papyri 36, 39, 46, Authorship 58, 81 Descriptive Hypp
INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS English abbreviations in papyri 36, 39, 46, authorship 58, 81 descriptive hypp. 37 Achilles Homeric hypp. 82 golden vase of (53) 98 learned hypp. 32 on Scyros (54) 98 Menandrean hypp. 40 sacrifice of hair (53) 98 metrical hypp. 41 Actaeon, metamorphosis of (70) 144 narrative hypp. 2, 12 Actaeon's dogs (65) 134 aegis (52) 97 builders of temples, list of (69) 140 Aenea, founded by Aeneas (52) 97 Aeneas (55) 99 Caeneus (49) 94 Aethyiae, metamorphosis of (70) 144 Callicolone (53, 54) 98 Aglauros, metamorphosis of (70) 144 Callimachus 32, 49 Alcippe (7 4) 147 incipits 2 Alcyone, metamorphosis of (70) 144 Scholia Florentina 77 alphabetic order 3 Calydon (51) 96 in catalogues 129, 132, 139, Calydonian boar-hunters 144, 146, 150, 155 (61, 62, 74) 129, 130, 148 in Ps.-Hyginus 152, 171 Cassandra (50) 95 of hypp. ~ 23, 31, 40, 4~ 51 catalogues Amalthea (52) 97 function of 156 Amalthea, horn of (53) 98 geographical 138 Ampelius Liber Memorialis 138 in Ps.-Apollodorus 155 Amphithea (74) 148 in Ps.-Clemens 133, 155 Amphitrite (56) 100 in Ps.-Hyginus Fab. 151 Antoninus Liberalis of inventions 120 ascriptions 113 Ps.-Hesiodic 133 Apollo (54) 99 readership of 156 Apollo Smintheus (48) 93 catechism 56 Apollodorus of Athens 26, 106, 114, Charites (66) 136 124, 141, 156 children of gods, see unions Areopagus (69) 143 Chimaera (65) 134 Arethusa, metamorphosis of (70) 144 Cilla (48) 93 Argo (56) 100 Clemens Al. 133, 155 Argonauts, list of (60, 61) 128, 129 Clymene (56) 100 Ariadne (56) 100 column width 23, 66, 102, 149 Arion (53) 98 Aristophanes, hypp.
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