Public Disclosure Authorized MOVING TOWARDS 2010 Partnership Report


Public Disclosure Authorized

Public Disclosure Authorized

Public Disclosure Authorized An Inform al Report Prepared for the M id-year Consultative Group M eeting Can Tho City, June 2-3, 2005



This volume serves as an updater to the main report Vietnam: Partnership for Development produced for the full Consultative Group Meeting in December 2004. It is the product of teamwork and partnerships in Vietnam, and brings together contributions from many of the joint Government-donor-NGO partnership groups in Vietnam. Its production was only possible through the co-operation, contributions and active support of a wide range of development partners, including Government staff, donors and NGOs. Key contacts (though not necessarily leaders) of the partnership groups, many of which have reported in this volume, are currently as detailed below. Non-inclusion in this volume does not imply non-activity on the part of a partnership group: some prefer to report on an annual basis only.

Poverty Working Group/Poverty Task Force Cao Viet Sinh (MPI); Martin Rama/Doan Hong Quang (World Bank); Nguyen Tien Phong (UNDP) Partnership to support National Target Program Nguyen Hai Huu/ Tran Phi Tuoc (MOLISA); HERP/135 Do Thanh Lam (UNDP) Gender Action Partnership Tran Mai Huong (NCFAW) ISG Environment Nguyen Thi Tho (MoNRE) People’s Participation’s Working Group Frank de Caires (CIDSE) Partnership on SOE Reform & Equitization Daniel Musson (World Bank) SME Partnership Group Philippe Scholtes (UNIDO) Financial Sector Working Group James Seward (World Bank); Susan Adams (IMF) Trade Reforms Working Group Martin Rama/Nguyen Minh Duc(World Bank) Vietnam Business Forum Deepak Khanna (IFC) Education Working Group Tran Ba Viet Dzung (MoET); Chu Shiu-Kee (UNICEF); Steve Passingham (DFID) Health Sector Working Group Hans Troedsson (WHO) HIV/AIDS Nancy Fee (UNAIDS) Forest Sector Support Program and Partnership Vu Van Me (FSSP - MARD) Partnership to Assist the Poorest Communes Le Thi Thong (MPI) Natural Disasters Mitigation Partnership Nguyen Thanh Phuong (MARD) ISG-MARD Tran Nam Binh (MARD-ISG) Transport Partnership Group Truong Tan Vien (MoT); Masayuki Karasawa (JBIC) HCMC ODAP Trang Trung Son (HCMODAP) Urban Forum Tran Ngoc Chinh (Ministry of Construction) Legal Reforms Partnership Luu Tien Dung (UNDP) Public Administrative Reform Partnership Pham Van Diem (MoHA); Nguyen Tien Dung (UNDP) Public Financial Management Partnership Nguyen Ba Toan (Ministry of Finance) Partnership group on Aid Effectiveness Duong Duc Ung (MPI)

Bo Thi Hong Mai (World Bank) managed production of this volume and coordinated the Theme Notes from the Development Partnership Groups. Cover photo by An Duong Pham.

Further copies of this report are available from the Vietnam Development Information Center, Ground Floor, 63 Ly Thai To, Hanoi, and at www.worldbank.org.vn , www.un.org.vn and www.vdic.org.vn



POVERTY TASK FORCE……………………………………………………………………….5

NATIONAL TARGET PROGRAM HERP/135 ………………………………………………..7

GENDER...... 9



SOEs REFORMS...... 16


TRADE REFORMS……………………………………………………………………………..34


FOREST SECTOR………………………………………………………………………………51

NATURAL DISASTERS MITIGATION……………………………………………………….55


TRANSPORT...... 72



ADB ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations AFD Agence Francaise de Developpement CEBA Committee on Economy and Budget (NA) CEPT Common Effective Preferential Tariff CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CIE Center for International Economics CIEM Central Institute for Economic Management CPNET The government information network CPRGS Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy CPLAR Cooperation Program on Land Administration Reform Customs General Department of Customs, Ministry of Finance DANIDA Danish International Development Agency EU European Union FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation GDP Gross Domestic Product IAC Internal Affair Commission of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam ILO International Labour Organisation ISG International Support Group JICA Japanese International Cooperation Agency JBIC The Japan Bank for International Cooperation KfW Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau LPTS Legal Professional Training School LMDG Like-Minded Donor Group MDG Millennium Development Goal MOFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MOJ Ministry of Justice MOT Ministry of Trade NA National Assembly NGO Non-governmental Organization NORAD Norway Agency for Development NSCERD National Steering Committee for Enterprise Reform and Development ODA Official Development Assistance ONA Office of National Assembly OSS One-Stop Shop PPA Participatory Poverty Assessment RPA Regional Poverty Assessment SDC Swiss Development Cooperation SI State Inspectorate SIDA Swedish International Development Agency SPC Supreme People’s Court SPP Supreme People’s Procuracy SSC State Securities Commission, Ministry of Finance UNDP Development Programme UNODC United Nations Office of Drug Control UN United Nations UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UNESCO United Nations Educations, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisaiton

4 UNV United Nations Volunteers UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee USAID U.S. Agency for International Development VDG Vietnam Development Goal VHLSS Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey VLA Vietnam Lawyer’s Association VNU Viet Nam National University SBV WB World Bank WHO World Health Organisation WTO



The Poverty Task Force (PTF) is a Government-Donor-NGO forum for poverty analysis and strengthening the poverty focus of policy making and development planning in Vietnam. Since its inception in 1999, the PTF has supported the Government in a range of tasks including collaborative analytical work and activities associated with the development of a poverty reduction strategy (the Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy - or CPRGS). Meetings are held several times a year and comprise representatives from government ministries, from the donor community and from local and international organisations. Where the agenda seems relevant, representatives from provincial governments are sometimes invited to attend. Each meeting is co-chaired by the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) and a representative from the donor community (which rotates every meeting).

CPRGS rollout: strengthening planning processes in the

Over the past 6 months, the rolling-out of CPRGS at sub-national levels of government has moved to the next stage with further activities arranged in a number of provinces. Inspired partly by the successful work supported by the ADB and GTZ in several Central Highlands provinces, MPI, with support from various donors, organized technical training course in a series of provinces for provincial leaders and planners. The training courses aim at raising awareness of the new requirements for planning as stated in Directive 33/2004/CT-Ttg. Besides the introduction of the principles that guided the preparation of the CPRGS, the participants have been trained on some practical tools for result-based planning, public participation in the planning process and monitoring and evaluation of plan implementation. Participants have also been encouraged to adopt these tools in developing the SEDP for a district in their in a practical session of the course. Until present, training to “rollout” the CPRGS has taken place in provinces in almost all geographic regions including , Central Highlands, , Red River Delta and Northern Mountains.

Recognizing the urgent need to assist provinces and also line ministries in strengthening the planning process in a consistent way, MPI has initiated the drafting of a planning manual utilizing the valuable lessons and training material from the on-going CPRGS roll-out. The planning manual will serve as a practical guideline for planning staff at all levels of government about strategic planning, results-based planning and down-to-earth explanation about important tools which can be applied in strategic planning such as SWOT, Log-frame and matrices linking development objectives with activity–output-outcome-impact indicators. In May, MPI already arranged a number of training sessions for line ministries to introduce practical tools for strengthening M&E and prioritising the set of indicators by looking at these linkages.

The next five year plan

A PTF meeting was held in April 2005 to review progress to date with preparations of sector five year plans and the national Socio-Economic development Plan (SEDP) and discuss donor-NGO support to their formulation. MPI proposed an action plan for arranging broad-based consultation in the preparation of the SEDP and invited donors to support these activities. Discussion included other support activities such as developing a results-based approach and integrating an appropriate M&E system into the plan and donor support to strengthening M&E of he SEDP.

6 Also discussed at this PTF meeting was the work on developing a new poverty line by MOLISA, GSO and others. As requested by the Prime Minister, MOLISA has coordinated this work in close collaboration with GSO and technical assistance from donors. The objective is to develop an internationally comparable unified poverty line for Vietnam for improvement of poverty measurement and pro-poor policies and budget allocation. It has been proposed that GSO will be mainly responsible for poverty measurement at provincial and national level, using the Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) while MOLISA will be in charge of monitoring poverty at sub-provincial levels, using their poor people census.

Supporting the formulation of the next five year plan at line ministries

Intensive work towards developing the next five year plan has taken place in line ministries in the first half of 2005. A number of line ministries have worked closely with the donor community in the process of drafting the plan. This includes the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which has developed a log-frame format of its five year plan and submitted this to MPI for consideration. The Ministry of Education and Training set up provincial support teams for developing provincial education plans

What role for the PTF in the second half of 2005?

It is expected that consultation with all stakeholders at all levels about the next five year plan will take place in the last 6 months of 2005. Support to these activities as well as continuing support to line ministries and provinces will form an important focus of PTF aiming at integrating CPRGS into the next five year plan.

The assessment of the potential poverty and social impact of WTO accession represents another important issue requiring active contribution of PTF. Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences will take lead in this important task and outcome of the work will have significant policy implications for poverty reduction and growth in Vietnam in coming years.

Another important area of work for PTF is supporting Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and GSO in updating poverty assessment using newly available data from VLSS 2004 as well as contribution from other analytical work.

Perhaps a last area of interest is ensuring a better link between plans and budgeting. Strong fiscal management and linking planning and budgeting are pre-requisite for successful poverty reduction and growth. The Public Expenditure Review and Integrated Fiduciary Assessment (PER- IFA) jointly conducted by the , LMDG and the World Bank was completed and launched in early May 2005. The recently published final report of PER-IFA provides a comprehensive assessment of the contribution that public expenditure has made to poverty reduction and growth in Vietnam in recent years. In addition, it also identifies priorities and actions for strengthening that contribution over the coming years. The report recommends among others strengthening the collaboration between MOF and MPI in the development of SEDP, accelerating the implementation of pilot MTEFs in four sectors and four provinces. Monitoring effectiveness needs to be improved by strengthening the link between performance indicators and budgetary decisions.



1) What progress has your partnership group made over the past six months to support CPRGS and sector strategies and programs?

The Government’s targeted programmes for poverty reduction - the National Target Programme for Hunger Eradication and Poverty Reduction & Job Creation (NTP HEPR-JC), and the Programme for Socio-Economic Development in Communes Faced with Extreme Difficulties (known as Programme 135) - are important elements of efforts to ensure an equitable, socially inclusive and sustainable growth.

The two programmes were evaluated under a UNDP-supported project in 2003-04, and the report, "Taking Stock, Planning Ahead", was published jointly by MOLISA and UNDP and formally launched by MOLISA Minister on 24 November 2004. The evaluation helped develop an improved understanding of the programme performance by the stakeholders, and build donor confidence for providing TA support to the design, and the subsequent implementation, of the National Target Programme on Poverty Reduction (NTP-PR), and the Socio-Economic Development for Communes Faced with Extreme Difficulties in Ethnic and Mountainous Areas (SEDEMA) programme, for the period 2006-10.

The Technical Assistance to the seven ‘Technical Design Working Groups’ (TDWGs) set up in September 2004 after the Do Son workshop, completed their inputs, which fed into the draft document of the NTP-PR (2006-10). Working closely with the Drafting Team, two short-term consultants provided support to the technical design process in October-December ’04 and March- April ’05 to develop the draft programme document for the NTP-PR (2006-10). The draft document was shared at 4 regional workshops organised by MOLISA in December 2004, and March-April 2005 to elicit feedback and comments from provincial-level officials. Donor representatives also participated in some of these workshops and provided comments and suggestions.

An advanced draft programme document of the NTP-PR was shared at a government-donor meeting on 1rst April 2005. At the same workshop, CEM shared an outline of the SEDEMA programme, 2006-2010. Well attended by donor, NGOs and government representatives, the workshop marked the formalisation of the joint government-donor partnership process whereby both the NTP-PR and the SEDEMA programmes would receive TA support from a number of donors in design and implementation through the UNDP-supported project VIE/02/001 during the period 2006- 10.

Written comments prepared jointly by donors and NGOs were sent to MOLISA and CEM, the two leading organizations, after a donors’ meeting on 11 April. These comments, together with comments and ideas provided by provinces and ministries from recent and on-going regional consultations, are being analysed and incorporated selectively by MOLISA and CEM in the two revised Programme Documents, respectively.

2) Over the next six months, what concrete actions will your group take?

Two separate national workshops are planned to be organized by MOLISA and CEM respectively around mid-June. The final draft program documents are expected to be completed and submitted to the Office of Government shortly after that.

8 In addition, a number of key actions are planned: development of suitable implementation and management system; designing and piloting of the M&E system as well as pilot testing different programme components; conducting programme baseline surveys; curriculum development for training and testing; developing detailed guidelines for implementation; and strengthening information sharing among group members through newsletters and websites.

3) What are your revised success criteria - or milestones- for 2005 to ensure your partnership group reaches its development outcomes?

The work of the Steering Committees, Inter-agency Research Committee, Drafting Teams and TDWGs will lead to many concrete outputs, such as: ° A final programme document for the NTP-PR (2006-10) – likely in the third quarter of 2005. ° A final programme document for the SEDEMA programme (2006-2010) – likely in the third quarter of 2005. ° Draft implementation guidelines for components of the two programmes (by end-2005). ° Baseline surveys conducted, M&E and management systems piloted (by end-2005). ° Training programme designed and tested, and curriculum revised (by end-2005).

4) The future of this Partnership

The nature of poverty in Viet Nam has changed over time, and fresh challenges have emerged. It is also fairly clear that targeted programmes will remain essential elements of the GOVN’s poverty reduction strategy, at least until 2010. Addressing these challenges will require a coordinated approach through an inclusive and a participatory process whereby government agencies at different levels, all stakeholders in society, donors and NGOs work in tandem.

The collaborative process is an outgrowth from the evaluation of the NTP-HEPR and P135 and continues during the design process of the NTP-PR (2006-10) and SEDEMA (2006-2010). A number of donors (DFID and the Finish Embassy) have come together to channel TA support to the targeted programmes for poverty reduction through the UNDP-supported project VIE/02/001.

This partnership is expected to be further strengthened, under the leadership of the GOVN, based on the practical needs of its members to improve coordination, learning and cooperation during the implementation of the NTP-PR (2006-10) and the SEDEMA programme (2006-2010).

Contact persons: 1. Dr. Nguyen Hai Huu, Director, Social Protection Department, MOLISA Telephone: 9362926; email: [email protected] 2. Mr. Tran Phi Tuoc, Director, International Cooperation Department, MOLISA. Telephone: 8269533; email: [email protected] 3. Dr. Tran Van Thuat, Director, Department for Ethnic Minority Policy, CEM. Tel 8230500. 4. Mr. Do Thanh Lam, Programme Officer, UNDP. Telephone: 9421495, ext. 212; email: [email protected]



The Gender Action Partnership (GAP) is an open forum for discussions on key development issues related to gender, for all members of the development community. GAP’s membership comprises representatives from government agencies, international and Vietnamese non-governmental organizations, bilateral donors, United Nations and other multilateral agencies that assist in Viet Nam’s development. The group contributes to equitable development and poverty reduction in Viet Nam by supporting gender-responsive policies, practices and approaches in the national development process.

Because gender equality plays a central role in poverty reduction and sustainable development, GAP’s work focuses around promoting gender equality outcomes. It does this through dialogue, policy review and specific development initiatives on gender issues between partners and government, and within government. The National Committee for the Advancement of Women (NCFAW), the key government agency responsible for the provision of policy advice to government on gender equality in national policy and planning, acts as the GAP Secretariat. GAP meetings are hosted and facilitated on a rotating basis by member organizations.

Key gender-related developments over the past six months:

Mainstreaming Gender into Development Policy Tra Vinh province was successful in mainstreaming gender into its provincial development plan. The scope of mainstreaming work in Tra Vinh included: (i) working with stakeholders; (ii) capacity building activities; (iii) gender mainstreaming guidelines; and technical guidance on skills and targeting. It is significant that representatives of Women Union of the poorest 36 communes were able to participate in process of planning development. The successful case of Tra Vinh revealed that Gender Mainstreaming Strategy in policy formulation is an effective means to realize gender equality and to contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development. To ensure success, close guidance and support of the leaders were crucial. Despite the long process, starting with training to establishing a planning group in every department, Tra Vinh’s considerable efforts to institutionalize gender mainstreaming into development policy were effective. In addition, Tra Vinh’s provincial Committee for the Advancement of Women (CFAW) was revitalized after an eight year suspension and is now financed by the provincial budget.

Gender Equality Law After a review of all the related laws and an analysis of gender equality situation in Viet Nam, an outline of the Gender Equality Law was developed by the Law’s drafting committee which is led by the Viet Nam Women’s Union (VWU). Both the legal review and the assessment focused on ten areas: (i) political; (ii) education; (iii) labour/employment; (iv) culture; (v) family/marriage; (vi) criminal; (vii) public administration; (viii) land; (ix) population/health; and (x) environment/technology. Major findings from the assessment are as follows: (i) Viet Nam’s laws/regulations are not gender biased, most of the laws pay attention to gender equality; (ii) laws/regulations primarily focus on state employees but not yet on the majority of women who work in other sectors (i.e. agriculture); (iii) the land law just pays attention to the wife (in relation to husband) but not yet to dependents (daughters/sons); (iv) the lack of an enforcement mechanism to implement laws; and (v) the lack of regulations regarding household work, and responsibility of family members in housework. Recommendations for the proposed Gender Equality Law focus on the need for the law: (i) to be suitable to Viet Nam’s legal system and based on experiences from other countries; (ii) to follow CEDAW and the good traditions of the country; and (iii) to be easily understood and applied. ADB is providing direct support to the VWU to draft the detailed law for submission to the National Assembly in mid-2006. UNIFEM is active in supporting the VWU to carry out various studies.


Beijing Plus 10 A delegation of ten representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Viet Nam Women’s Union and National Committee for the Advancement of Women attended the Beijing plus 10 Conference held in New York in March 2005. Viet Nam shared its experiences in implementing the Beijing Platform of Action. The third Plan of Action for Advancement of Women in Viet Nam is to be developed soon, which will take all the recommendations and actions of the BPFA into account.

Promoting Women’s Human Rights and Gender Equality The new CEDAW Asia Program, funded by CIDA, is being implemented by UNIFEM in seven South East Asia countries from 2005-2008. Key implementing partners are NCFAW, VWU and the Department of Social Affairs of the National Assembly. The program aims to (i) increase awareness of women’s human rights and CEDAW (Convention on Eliminating all forms of Discrimination Against Women); (ii) improve capacity of government and civil society, including women’s NGOs to promote women’s human rights under CEDAW at national/regional levels; and (iii) strengthen political will and commitment to CEDAW implementation, developing women’s knowledge and capacity to claim their equal rights.

Program for the next six months:

Support to the Five-year Socio-economic Development Plan (2006-2010) The GAP views that developing a gender-responsive five-year Socio-economic Development Plan (SEDP) for 2006-2010 through gender analysis of issues as critical for ensuring that women and men, girls and boys, benefit equally from the broad development plan outlined in the SEDP. At central level, MPI and line ministries will need support to mainstream gender concerns into SEDPs (overall and sector-specific SEDPs). Support to provinces in making provincial level SEDPs more responsive to local gender issues will be equally important. Sectoral SEDPs must be completed and submitted to the National Assembly by November 2005, and thus intensive support to line ministries will be needed over the next several months. GAP maintains that it is important for government agencies to initiate and develop gender-responsive plans and policies themselves, and that key agencies with expertise on gender issues (e.g., NCFAW at the policy level, the VWU at local levels) are regularly consulted during the planning process. The GAP aims to support these processes as a collective group and also as individual GAP member agencies.

Related to this, a manual on gender integration into planning processes is currently being prepared by MPI with the technical assistance of a gender consultant and expected to be completed by September 2005. The manual is meant to guide all sectoral and provincial planning processes. The new manual will take into account the recently-published National Gender Mainstreaming (GMS) Guidelines developed under NCFAW in 2004 which provides a practical handbook for officials to develop gender-responsive plans and policies at different levels. There are tentative plans to pilot the new manual within one sector per province. This initiative will build on the applied gender mainstreaming work piloted by NCFAW in 2004 in Tra Vinh which supported the development of a gender-responsive annual plan at the provincial level, using the NCFAW GMS guidelines.

Mainstreaming Gender in Poverty Reduction Support Credits Gender issues were considered for the fourth Poverty Reduction Strategy Credit (PRSC-4). During the preparation of the PRSC-5, the GAP intends to support the integration of gender concerns into this macro framework. A range of donors co-finance the PRSC, including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Commission, Japan, UK, Denmark and the Netherlands.

Mapping of Key Gender-related Activities in Viet Nam GAP members plan to undertake a basic mapping of key gender activities currently being carried out by government, donors, NGOs and other development partners. The mapping is intended to help identify possible strategic areas for collaboration as well as major gaps in programmatic

11 activities among all development partners. As the GAP Secretariat, NCFAW will take a lead role in coordinating this process.

Plan of Action 2 Review and Development of POA 3 The Beijing+10 Conference took place in New York in March 2005, to review ten years of implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. In follow up to this, NCFAW will continue to conduct reviews of provincial Plans of Action 2 (POA2) and begin preparations for developing Viet Nam’s third POA. GAP members aim to support this process.

Gender Equality Law The GAP continues to follow progress made on the Gender Equality Law and will provide, when possible, substantive inputs to the Law as it develops. GAP sub-group meetings will be organized on the Law, with continued discussion on the Law’s substance at GAP plenary meetings.

GAP Secretariat Contact details: National Committee for the Advancement of Women (NCFAW) 39 Hang Chuoi Street, Hanoi Phone: (84 4) 971 13 49 – Fax: (84 4) 971 13 48 E-mail: [email protected]

12 INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT GROUP FOR NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT (ISGE) Group note for 2005 mid-term CG Partnership Report June, 2005

Progress To be focused on the targeted task of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) is the development of Five Year Plan (FYP) of natural resources and environment (NRE) sector, ISGE has played very significant role in supporting MONRE to develop its FYP. Within ISGE’s framework, a Joint Task Force was formed under the Decision of MONRE’s Minister, including 12 MONRE’s assigned members and 18 representatives of international donor community. Within ISGE, technical and financial support for process of NRE's FYP development has been undertaking, e.g. foreign experts involved, series of workshops/seminars/meetings held to discuss and comment to on-going draft of NRE's FYP and so on. The supporting mechanism of ISGE to NRE's FYP development is mutually agreed by both MONRE and international donor community. Three Thematic Ad-hoc Groups (TAG) within ISGE have been carrying out. TAG 1, its title of water resources and water environment, has held 2 general meetings to discuss and agree on priority policy-dialogue issues. This Group has been co-conducted by ADB, the Netherlands Embassy and DWRM/MONRE. To date, a report made by a national consultant is finalized for discussion at next meeting which is expected to be held on 10th June 2005. The issue of water resources is abundantly concerned by international community and Vietnamese stakeholders. It is hoped that many of shortcomings and needs of water resources sector were drawn in the consultative report will be discussed, recommended to help the development of water resources sector. TAG 2, as scheduled, will finalize its consultative report by the end of May 2005. Topic of TAG 2 is poverty – growth – environment, and priorities of which will be focused on integration of objectives and tasks of CPRGS and National Strategy on Environment Protection. TAG 2 will be used as forum for information sharing of “Poverty and Environment” project under UNDP. TAG 3 – “Capacity building and institutional strengthening for NRE sector”, is highly concerned by donor community. As a key issue of MONRE, the establishment of an ‘Institute of NRE strategy’ which implied significant meanings to develop MONRE’s strategies, policies, has been brought for discussion at the meeting of TAG3 on 5th May 2005. For next period, TAG3 will focus on discussion of decentralization with wide participation of provinces/cities. With functions regards information sharing, ISGE’s website was set up and run at address of www.isge.monre.gov.vn and newsletters published quarterly. ISGE looks for to draw attention from all stakeholders to exchange information at ISGE forum i.e. ISGE’s website and newsletters.

Proposed actions for next six months

° To be continued to support the process of NRE FYP’s development through Joint Task Force towards application of modern methodology and approach to develop FYP which also is considered as NRE roadmap to serve policy dialogue between MONRE and donor community. ° To finalize consultative report of TAG2 and TAG3 for information sharing and policy dialogue through and follow topics of these both TAGs. ° To continuously develop ODA databases regards NRE.



Partnership Notes for the Mid-year Consultative Group Meeting May 2005

1. Development Context in Vietnam The PPWG was established to promote the implementation of the Government of Vietnam’s Grassroots Democracy Decree, people’s participation in development programmes and projects.

The Government Decree no. 29 of 1998 with later amendments promulgated through the Decree no. 79 of 2003 established the principles of grassroots democracy at the commune level. These principles are: “people know, people discuss, people decide, and people supervise.”

2. History of PPWG PPWG forms part of a network of thematic Development Partnership Groups, which facilitate information exchange and government/donor coordination and provide input for the Country Group meetings in different thematic areas of common interest.

The group emerged together with the Public Administration Reform Partnership Group out of the Governance Group in 1998. In 2003, the group decided to take stock and reconsider its purpose and activities. The group decided to change the name from Civil Society Working Group to People’s Participation Working Group.

3. Workshops in 2005 In 2005 the PPWG has facilitated and is planning the following workshops:

a) ‘Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategies (CPRGS), Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS) and the Rights of the Child’ Initiated by Save the Children Sweden following their research study by Agneta Gunnarsson, 11 March 2005 b) ‘Civil Code and its Relation to Civil Society Organizations’ Presenters: Mr. Nguyen Am Hieu, Deputy Director, Department of Economic and Civil Laws and Prof. Bui Thi Thanh Hang, National University, 15 March 2005 c) ‘Participation’ - Grassroots Democracy Research Project – UNDP by Pamela McElwee, Yale University and - Civicus Civil Society Index Study - Vietnam Institute of Development Studies, UNDP and SNV by Irene Norlund, NIAS, 27 May 2005. d) ‘Legal framework for Community Based and Civil Society Organisations’ Studying Rural Farmer Associations at commune level, September 2005 e) ‘Contribution of Vietnamese NGOs to Development processes’ Studying issues of Vietnamese NGOs networking, parameters of “Vietnamese NGOs”, explanation/definitions of terms relevant to local NGO/not-for-profit sector, November 2005 f) ‘Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategies (CPRGS) status/mechanism’ Studying the whole process, status and mechanism of CPRGS to see how interest groups interact and advocate for their beneficiaries.

4. PPWG Objectives The objectives of the PPWG are to promote: i) An enabling environment and capacity building for enhancing people’s participation and promote ii) Coordination of activities for efficient use of resources invested in participation.


5. Participation (initial working definition by core group) “Participation is a process to include and empower stakeholders in decision-making that affects people’s lives and their development.”

There are three main dimensions to participation: 1) Civil Society; 2) Decentralization; and 3) Democracy

People participate by forming civil society organisations and taking part in activities that are decentralized to commune and village levels and being involved in democratic processes. Key stakeholders are government agencies and disadvantaged and marginalized people (as individuals and representatives of organizations).

In Vietnam, the 10-year Socio-Economic Strategy 2001-2010, the Five-Year 2001-2005 Plan and the Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy (CPRGS) constitute, among others, strategic vehicles to reach the overall objectives of socio-economic development and poverty reduction and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Vietnamese Development Goals (VDGs) to which the Vietnamese Government is committed.

The MDGs and the VDGs emphasize the need for good governance for poverty reduction. With regards to participation, the national development strategies referred to above clearly articulate the need to:

- Create conditions for people to fully participate in the development process and to have equal opportunities, - Strengthen the capacity and create opportunities for all people to bring into full play their talents - Participate in the development process and to enjoy the fruits of development.

The strategies further point out the need to provide a legal framework for NGOs and for civil society and community organisation at the local level. The aim is to improve the poor people’s participation in development processes and improve their capability to overcome poverty.

6. PPWG Outputs and Activities Towards this end, activities – mainly in the form of workshops and meetings – the PPWG contributes to the production of three outputs: i) Information, experience and knowledge sharing ii) Clarification of concepts and iii) Promotion of dialogue

Key activities include: ° Thematic meetings annually on relevant topics relating to participation and grassroots democracy ° Regular group meetings annually exchanging information and discussing ongoing activities ° Regular update of the inventory of donor/INGO activities in the area of people’s participation ° Maintenance of the group Web site http://www.un.org.vn/donor/civil.htm (including ‘civil society readings’) ° Preparation of Partnership Note for the bi-annual Consultative Group meetings

7. Core Group of PPWG To ensure the effectiveness of group interactions, a voluntary core group of regular PPWG participants was formed in 2004 to take on a coordination role. The core group met regularly throughout the year and helped organise five PPWG meetings in the course of the year. a. Frank (Chair) – CIDSE: [email protected]

15 b. Toan – VNAH: [email protected] c. David – VUFO -NGO Resource Centre: [email protected] d. Irene – NIAS: [email protected] e. Ha - The Asia Foundation: [email protected] f. Tung – IFAD: [email protected] g. Nghia - Finnish Embassy: [email protected] h. Hoa – Oxfam GB: [email protected] i. Anh – C&D: [email protected] j. Katrine – UNDP: [email protected]

8. Members of PPWG Members of PPWG consist of diverse organisations, including: bilateral international agencies, international NGOs, Vietnamese social organisations and individual consultants. See the worksheet (on the website) for organisations involved in PPWG and their activities on People’s Participation. The PPWG is open to all those who are interested in participating and contributing to sharing information and carrying out joint objectives.

9. Resources The PPWG does not have any specific funding for its activities but relies on members to contribute to joint activities in terms of staff time and use of meeting rooms and logistics. Members’ activities in the area of People’s Participation is funded from each members own sources and means.


1. The working group on SOE reform continues to mobilize and coordinate technical assistance for the formulation of the SOE reform and equitization program, even though the frequency of meetings of the SOE reform group has been irregular.

2. A weakness of the working group previously identified has been its inability to secure representation of the Government on a regular basis, in part because relevant agencies were engrossed in developing greater consensus in the Party and re-organizing their machinery for implementing SOE reform.

3. However, the group has been very effective in disseminating and sharing information and in mobilizing assistance. Donors have used several mechanisms for spreading information. Also, they have helped to mobilize assistance for both formulation and implementation of the program.

Meeting the success criteria and supporting the CPRGS

• The implementation of the multi-year SOE reform program continues. More than 2,500 transformations were planned over the period 2003-05 of which the majority were to be equitisations. This would reduce the number of SOEs to less than half this number there were at 31 December 2002. Implementation of these plans is behind schedule, although the target schedule was ambitious. The numbers of SOEs equitised each month continues to increase. In 2004 the rate of equitisations was more than 50 per month making 2004 the most successful year for equitisations. Planning is under way for more transformations as a result of reducing the numbers of SOEs in which the State will retain 100% ownership. • The Social Safety Net set up for employees leaving SOEs has been operational throughout the last six months. So far more than 79,000 former employees have benefited. • In January 2003, work began at 3 General Corporations: Vinatex, Vinacafe and Seaprodex directed at producing restructuring plans for the General Corporations themselves and, thereafter, restructuring assistance to several of the SOEs at each of the three industry groupings. This work is being funded by DFID. The restructuring plans for the 3 General Corporations were presented in June 2003 and were adopted by Government. There are several recommendations including converting each of the 3 General Corporations into holding companies. Decree 153 to facilitate the formation of “mother-child” companies was signed in August 2004. • 47 performance assessments of large SOEs have been carried out. The work has been funded by AusAID, Danida and, latterly, by PHRD funding. The results of the 47 completed assessments were the subject of a well publicised one day high level workshop held in Hanoi on 20 October 2004. • Since the major meeting held in Hanoi in March 2004 at which the status and future direction of SOE reform was discussed, there have been several developments with SOE reform legislation. The criteria for the classification of SOEs (previously Decision 58) has been amended as Decision 155, a Decree 153 on the conversion of SOEs into holding companies has been issued and Decree 41 on excess labour in SOE divestiture has been amended as Decree 155. In November a new equitisation Decree was signed. This Decree 187 and its implementing Circular 126, further encourage the sales of shares to outsiders and mandate the employment of professionals to value enterprises prior to their equitisation. • 2005 has seen the auctioning of shares in larger SOEs via the stock exchanges in HCMC and Hanoi. More than $60 million was raised through the sales of shares at 2 enterprises: Vinamilk and Vinh Son-Song Hinh hydropower company.

17 Aligning support to the CPRGS over the next six months

• The remaining agenda for SOE reform as listed in the CPRGS has been largely completed.

• The Government’s implementation of the plans to transform smaller SOEs will continue.

• It is programmed to continue the implementation of the restructuring plans for the Vinatex, Vinacafe and Seaprodex and commence upon the reform work at other associated SOEs. • Work is also in progress to improve the reporting of financial data by SOEs and to develop a set of criteria for supervising and evaluating the business performance and effectiveness of SOEs under Decision 271.

Success criteria for 2004 and beyond

Progress measured against the criteria in the CPRGS has been good. SOE reform continues to be regarded as a “litmus test” of reform and is frequently cited by both donors and Vietnamese officials as an area that should be given special attention. As well as tackling the remaining tasks, attention should be focused on:

° Continued implementation of SOE reform and the equitization program.

° Greater participation of Government, including a leadership role in the working group.

18 Assistance to SOE reform

Donor & Purpose (Implementing Agency) Status Grant Amount ADB Enhancing institutional capacity of key agencies Ongoing. US$ 1,400,000 (MOF, SAGO, SBV, SSC) in diagnostic audit of SOEs and in review and approval of SOEs seeking to equitize and obtain public listing (MOF, SAGO and SSC) ADB Formulate and implement a strategy and practical Ongoing. US$ 1,600,000 method for corporatization of SOEs; Implement and enforce the adoption of international best practice in corporate governance (NSCERD). ASEM 1 European Social safety net program to deal with labor displaced Completed (WB administered) by SOE reform (CIEM in coordination with US$ 100,000 NSCERD) ASEM 5 European Support implementation of SOE reform in three line Phase I completed, (WB administered) ministries (industry, agriculture, and construction) extended to a Phase II – US$ 1,470,000 and two provinces /municipalities (Hanoi and one ongoing +US$ 400,000 other). (NSCERD) ASEM 1 European Project Monitoring of SOE Transformations and new In progress (WB administered) establishments (NSCERD). US$ 400,000 Danida (Denmark) Support to Industry Restructuring and Enterprise Ongoing administered Development by implementing equitization plans and US$ 3,100,000 providing post equitization assistance (Ministry of Fisheries). Danida (Denmark) Support to capacity building in NSCERD in the SOE Completed. US$ 1,700,000 reform process (NSCERD). DFID (UK) Ongoing Pilot restructuring of three general corporations – UK£ 4,800,000 Vinatex, Vinacafe, and the Seaprodex (NSCERD). Japan PHRD, Diagnostic audits to assess financial health and Completed: December AusAID, Danida performance of selected SOEs, and recommend 2004. US$ 7,900,000 restructuring plans to turn around enterprises.


The Government-donor financial sector working group was established in late 1999 to discuss the proposed banking reform program developed by State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), to support implementation of that program, and to coordinate donor support on banking reform. Since that time, the working group has expanded beyond just banking reform and now covers a wide range of financial sector issues, including capital market development, and representatives of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and State Securities Commission (SSC) are also invited to participate in the meetings. The partnership on financial sector reform is informal, but serves as an effective forum in which partners can periodically share information on the financial sector reform program, provide updates on current financial sector developments, and coordinate various donor reform activities. In addition, the working group serves as a forum for seeking donor assistance.

Meeting the Success Criteria and Supporting the CPRGS

Implementation of the Government’s financial sector reform program continues with strong donor support as evidenced by an ever increasing number of related assistance projects. The working group is now meeting on a quarterly basis with two meetings of the working group having taken place in the past six months with strong participation from Government and donors. • The December 2004 meeting was held to discuss the key areas of banking reform that should be focused on in the near term and the related assistance needs. For the first time, the donor meeting was hosted and led by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) with support from the World Bank (WB). There was participation by representatives from 15 donor organizations and donor-funded projects. • The SBV introduced the progress achieved in banking sector reform to date since 2001. The key achievements made by the State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs) has taken place under the restructuring plans that were developed in 2001 were: (i) resolution of over 70 percent of the stock of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) to end-2000; (ii) separation of policy and commercial lending; (iii) development of business strategies; and (iv) improvement of credit quality through the implementation of credit manuals, credit risk management systems, asset and liability management, internal audit and control, and management information systems. The SBV also presented a project proposal for donor support to develop staff capacities at the SBV, which included a mix of methods, including on the job training, study overseas, and longer-term training to attain advanced degrees. • In the December meeting, the World Bank highlighted five policy areas in which the Government must concentrate its efforts: (i) Taking an integrated approach to financial sector reform; (ii) Strengthening the banking sector, concentrating on the transformation of the SOCBs; (iii) Rationalizing policy lending; (iv) Enhancing banking supervision and regulation; and (v) Developing the capital. It was stressed that the implementation of these policy changes must be undertaken immediately and simultaneously, with the longer-term technical reforms to follow. • The April 2005 meeting, attended by representatives from 15 donor organizations, focused primarily on the progress on the banking reform agenda and assistance needs of the SBV, as well as an update of World Bank projects in the financial sector. The SBV provided an overview of the restructuring progress of the State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs). The key point made was that most of the SOCBs are working to improve the standards and performance with new management tools, enhanced organizational structures, internal controls, credit manuals, and other methods. The SBV is also developing a new reform strategy for 2006-2010 for inclusion in the 5 year plan. The Deputy Governor also touched on the equitization of two of the SOCBs, The Mekong Housing Bank (MHB) and the Vietnam Bank for Foreign Trade (VCB). In both cases, the State will hold a minimum of

20 51%, but the goals are to enhance the management and technology and to improve the international competitiveness and transparency of the banks. Other SOCBs will continue with their restructuring process and VCB will guide the way towards their equitization in the future. • Also in the April 2005 session, the World Bank highlighted the assistance projects to support the banking reform agenda, including the newly proposed Financial Sector Modernization and Information Systems (FSMIS) lending operation for the SBV. The focus of the FSMIS project is to support the SBV in improving: bank reporting and monitoring systems, data collection, management, and analyses, management information systems, credit information systems, and other areas of systemic reform at the SBV. The other projects discussed were the technical assistance projects, including a new project to support the SBV’s efforts to define all technical assistance and capacity building activities needed for the implementation of the “Plan on International Economic Integration of the Banking Sector” and subsequent reform strategies for the SBV and banking sector. Other projects were highlighted, including those supporting a new regulatory framework for asset classification and loan loss provisioning, as well as prudential standards and corporate governance for banks, improving accounting standards, SOCB restructuring, and policy lending reform. The World Bank is also working closely with the SOCBs, SBV, and other Government agencies on a very confidential basis to produce analyses of the International Accounting Standards (IAS) for each bank. These were requested by the Government and are designed to help the SOCBs better understand the results for management purposes, the SBV to recognize the supervisory implications, and the other Government agencies for state shareholder purposes. • A meeting in July 2005 is being planned to discuss the status of the capital market development, to discuss what technical assistance is being provided to support market development, as well as what assistance will be needed going forward. • There continues to be good accord between the sections on financial sector reform in the Government’s CPRGS and overall donor supported technical and lending assistance. In addition, the key Government agencies involved in reform implementation, the SBV and SSC, are tightly linking their issued sector development strategies to their assistance needs and priorities. • The comprehensive matrix covering the technical assistance and lending support provided by all donors on the Government’s financial sector reform agenda has been updated, improved, and expanded to cover most areas of financial sector support beyond banking (such as policy lending, microfinance, and non-bank financial institutions). The Financial Sector Assistance Matrix is organized by financial institution and then by function for easier navigation, with active links to the appropriate contacts for each project, and it is now posted on the on the World Bank Vietnam Country Office (www.worldbank.org.vn).

Aligning Support to the CPRGS Over the Next Six Months

The Government’s CPRGS enjoys strong backing by the members of the working group on banking reform. This is expected to continue to be the case going forward. The SBV outlined its broad assistance agenda in a number of key areas of reform in both the December and April sessions of the donor working group as follows: • Development of regulations based on international standards – This includes enacting new standards for prudential standards, loan classification, loan-loss provisioning, accounting, and information analysis. • Reform of the banking laws – The Law on the SBV and the Law on Credit Institutions must be substantially revised to meet international standards of banking and central bank operations.

21 • Equitization of the SOCBs – Two SOCBs, (Vietcombank and the Mekong Housing Bank) have been selected for equitization and the SBV needs assistance in determining methods to value and sell the SOCBs, methods of NPL resolution, and the prevention of risks during the process. • Restructuring the SOCBs – Despite the progress made over the past three years, there remain many changes necessary to the operations and organization of the SOCBs to meet international standards. The specific areas include (i) financial capacities, (ii) organization, (iii) management and risk and asset-liability management specifically, (iv) new products and services, (v) Management Information Systems, (vi) bad debt resolution, and (vii) human resource development. • Enhancing banking supervision – This is an area where many changes are needed simultaneously, including on the regulatory framework for supervision, organizational structure and management of supervision, methodology of supervision, and capacity building for supervisors. • Development of the monetary market – There are a number of changes required to bolster the monetary market, including improvements to the legal framework and SBV capacities to intervene in the market. • Accelerating international integration – The Government has made and intends to make many more commitments to liberalize the financial sector and the SBV and SOCBs will need to speed up their reform efforts to meet the coming demands and competition from the international trade commitments.

Success Criteria for 2005 and Beyond

The success of the Financial Sector Donor Working Group for this year and going forward will be based on a number of qualitative measures, including the following:

• Regular meetings of the Financial Sector Donor Working Group with strong participation of donors and representatives from relevant Government agencies, such as the SBV, SSC, and MOF. • Full transition of the leadership of the Working Group process to the Government, with donor support of the process. • Effective information sharing and project progress reporting through the Financial Sector Assistance Matrix, which is posted on the World Bank Vietnam Country Office website and updated as appropriate. • Increased efficiency of donor assistance to support the financial sector reform agenda through enhanced strategic planning and sequencing of financial sector reforms and assistance initiatives. • Improved and accelerated implementation of the financial sector reform programs as outlined in the CPRGS and other key Government development strategies.

22 FINANCIAL SECTOR ASSISTANCE PROJECTS IN VIETNAM Financial Sector Donor Working Group As of April 13, 2005


State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs)

World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Bank Support for implementation. of restructuring plan for European Union Completed 2001 World Bank Restructuring ICB ASEM Trust Fund [email protected] Support for Implementation of ICB Restructuring Marc Gilbert, AFD AFD Ongoing Sept. 2003 Plan [email protected] Hans Peter Verhoeff, Dutch Embassy Dutch Embassy / [email protected] Twinning arrangement for VCB Ongoing 2003 World Bank Thomas Rose, World Bank [email protected] Support for implementation. of restructuring plan for WB/ European Miguel Navarro-Martin,World Bank Completed 2002 BIDV Union ASEM TF [email protected] Support for the implementation of the restructuring WB/ European James Seward, World Bank Approved 2004 plan for BIDV – phase 2 Union ASEM TF [email protected] Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ Business strategy for VCB GTZ Ongoing 2002 [email protected] Reform internal auditing for VCB and several joint Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ GTZ Ongoing 2002 stock banks [email protected] Designing Financial Management and Governance James Seward, World Bank Monitoring Indicators for the SOCBs to enhance the World Bank Ongoing 2004 [email protected] MOF shareholder role in the SOCBs World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, World Bank Plan for SOCB Restructuring Completed March 2000 Japan PHRD TF [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Bank corporate governance European Union Completed Nov. 2001 World Bank ASEM Trust Fund [email protected] World Bank / Mekong Housing Bank IAS Audits, Assessment, and Amanda Carlier, World Bank European Union Approved 2003 Preparation for Strategic Partnering / Equitization [email protected] ASEM Trust Fund 23 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE Advisory assistance for the Mekong Housing Bank Deepak Khanna, IFC IFC Ongoing 2004 equitization transaction [email protected] Seco (Swiss Barbara Jäggin, Swiss Embassy Mekong Housing Bank Embassy) / Private Completed Nov 2003 [email protected] Diagnostic Review Sector Mekong Housing Bank Seco / Private Barbara Jäggin, Swiss Embassy Ongoing 2004 Assistance for Corporate Strategy Planning Sector [email protected] Mekong Housing Bank TA for Credit Management, Seco / Private Barbara Jäggin, Swiss Embassy Treasury and Asset Liability Management, HR Ongoing 2004 Sector [email protected] management, IT,and MIS Barbara Jäggin, Swiss Embassy Seco (Swiss Workshops in Bank Restructuring [email protected] Embassy) / Private Approved Dec 2003 Quondam Partners, Juerg Vontobel Sector [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin,World Bank Planning the establishment of a national AMC European Union Completed May 2000 [email protected] ASEM Trust Fund World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, World Bank Development of AMCs in each of the SOCBs European Union Completed Dec. 2001 [email protected] Asset Resolution ASEM Trust Fund Non-performing loan resolutions for Joint Stock Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ GTZ Ongoing 2004 Banks [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin,World Bank Workshop and training on AMCs European Union Completed Dec. 2001 [email protected] ASEM Trust Fund Miguel Navarro-Martin, World Bank Closed [email protected] Payment System Payment System and Bank Modernization Project World Bank 1996 (Dec. 2003) James Seward, World Bank [email protected] Miguel Navarro-Martin, World Bank Second Payment System and Bank Modernization [email protected] World Bank Active 2005 Project James Seward, World Bank [email protected]

24 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE Payment System and Bank Modernization for Marc Gllbert, AFD AFD Ongoing Sept.2003 VBARD (extension of the WB PSBM) [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Enhancing VAS for Banks (Application of IAS) Japan PHRD Trust Completed Dec. 2001 World Bank Fund [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Workshop on IAS Application Japan PHRD Trust Completed Dec. 2001 World Bank Fund [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Audit Pre-work for ICB European Union Completed Sept. 2001 World Bank ASEM Trust Fund [email protected] World Bank / James Seward, World Bank IAS Audits 2003-2004 for ICB European Union Ongoing 2003 [email protected] Auditing ASEM Trust Fund Dennis Zvinakis, USAID IAS Audit 2000 for ICB USAID Completed Sept. 2001 [email protected]

Dennis Zvinakis, USAID IAS Audit 2001 for ICB USAID Completed Nov. 2002 [email protected]

Mikael Winther, Danish Embassy IAS Audit 2000 for VCB Danida (Denmark) Completed [email protected] Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ Audit Training series GTZ Ongoing 2003/4 [email protected] Regulation: Minimal requirements for internal audit Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ GTZ Ongoing 2004 of commercial banks [email protected] Internal Audit Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ Pilot Training Internal Auditing for VCB GTZ Completed Jan. 2002 [email protected]

Joint Stock Banks (JSBs)

World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Bank Blue print for JSB restructuring and consolidation Japan PHRD Trust Completed 1999 World Bank Restructuring Fund [email protected]

25 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Management information system diagnostic European Union Completed Dec. 2001 World Bank ASEM Trust Fund [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Assessment of 10 JSBs European Union Completed Dec. 2001 World Bank ASEM Trust Fund [email protected] Miguel Navarro-Martin, World Bank / Review risk management procedures and techniques Completed Dec. 2001 World Bank AusAID [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Risk management training European Union Completed Dec. 2001 World Bank ASEM Trust Fund [email protected] Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ Risk Management for Joint Stock Banks GTZ Ongoing 2003 [email protected] Risk Management

Training of the JSBs in credit risk management, under Barbara Jäggin, Swiss Embassy asset / liability management and human resource Seco / BTC 2005 preparation [email protected] management

Training and enforcement of capacities, specially in Marc Gilbert, AFD the fields of credit policies, risk management and AFD On-going Sept. 2003 [email protected] sectoral analysis for VBARD

State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)

James Seward, World Bank Organizational Banking Sector Review World Bank Completed 2002 Change [email protected] Banking Sector Review – Update (and expansion of Thomas Rose World Bank Proposed 2005 coverage of other areas of the financial sector) [email protected] Financial Sector Modernization and Information Systems investment loan for the SBV to develop a Thomas Rose World Bank Proposed 2005 comprehensive MIS system solution for all data [email protected] collection, management, and analysis

26 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE Unidentified—to be coordinated by Tony Jennings, BTC Training in change management Proposed Nov. 2002 MPDF—Bankers [email protected] Training Center SBV restructuring, in particular banking supervision Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ GTZ Ongoing 2002 restructuring [email protected] Dean Frank/CIDA Long-term training and technical assistance to the [email protected] SBV on supervisory, regulatory and banking CIDA Proposed Feb. 2004 Claude Goulet/CIDA services issues [email protected] World Bank / SBV Capacity Building in Regulation, Supervision, James Seward, World Bank European Union Ongoing 2003 and Development [email protected] ASEM Trust Fund World Bank / Supporting the SBV Master Planning of Technical European Union Ongoing 2003 Thomas Rose [email protected] Assistance ASEM Trust Fund Francisco Fontan, EC SBV Capacity Building European Union Proposed 2005 [email protected] Susan Adams, IMF Supervision / [email protected] Safety-Soundness Assistance in directing Credit Manual Preparation IMF / World Bank Completed 2001 Miguel Navarro-Martin, World Bank Standards [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, World Bank Review on-site inspection manual Completed 2001 Japan PHRD TF [email protected] Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ Establish chair for bank auditing at Banking Institute GTZ Ongoing 2000 [email protected] Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ Training on Bank Auditing GTZ Completed 2001 [email protected] Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ Strengthening banking supervision/auditing GTZ Ongoing 2000 [email protected] Andreas Hauskrecht Training IAS GTZ Ongoing 2003 [email protected]

27 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE Transition of VAS to IAS for banks and improving WB/ European James Seward, World Bank Ongoing 2003 financial reporting Union ASEM TF [email protected] Capacity Building Program on Anti-Money James Seward, World Bank Laundering and Countering the Financing of World Bank Ongoing 2005 [email protected] Terrorism (AML/CFT) Training on U.S. financial system and money Private Sector/US Jennifer L. Bachus, US Embassy Completed Feb. 2003 laundering regulations Government [email protected] Anti-money laundering- assessment and assistance Shigeko Hattori, ADB for drafting decree, action plan for FIU ADB Approved Sept. 2003 [email protected] establishment WB / European James Seward, World Bank Full Basel Core Principle Assessment of the SBV Approved 2003 Union ASEM TF [email protected] Assessment of the implementation of a CAMELS- World Bank / Irish James Seward, World Bank Completed 2003 based ratings system for the supervision of banks CTF [email protected] World Bank / New James Seward, World Bank Assessment of the bank reporting system. Completed 2003 Zealand CTF [email protected] World Bank/ASEM James Seward, World Bank Assisted self-assessment of the Basel Core Principles Approved 2004 Trust Fund [email protected] Advisory services for strengthening banking Susan Adams, IMF IMF/MFD Ongoing 2004 regulation and supervision [email protected] Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ Review of State Bank and Credit Institutions Laws GTZ Ongoing 2003 Legal Framework [email protected] for Banking Dean Frank, CIDA [email protected] Technical advice on the State Bank and Credit CIDA Ongoing June 2003 Claude Goulet, CIDA Institutions Laws [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Review of the Banking Sector Legal and Regulatory European Union Completed May 2000 World Bank Framework ASEM Trust Fund [email protected] Introduction of international standards (Basel Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ GTZ Ongoing Principles) [email protected]

28 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE Workshops, legal analysis and reference materials to Dennis Zvinakis, USAID support the development by the SBV of the key USAID-STAR [email protected] Ongoing Aug. 2004 implementing decrees for the amended Law on Project Steve Parker, STAR Credit Institutions [email protected] World Bank / Miguel Navarro-Martin, Review and development of key functions of the European Union Completed Dec. 2001 World Bank Credit Information Center (CIC) ASEM Trust Fund [email protected] Credit Information WB/ European Miguel Navarro-Martin, World Bank Workshop on CIC Completed Dec. 2001 Union ASEM TF [email protected] World Bank / Completed James Seward, World Bank Assessment of the CIC Nov. 2003 Spanish CTF (Oct. 2004) [email protected] Assessment of and technical workshops on the USAID-STAR Dennis Zvinakis, USAID [email protected] financial sector implications of the US-Vietnam Ongoing Nov. 2002 Project Steve Parker, STAR [email protected] Bilateral Trade Agreement Support the amendment of the Law on Credit International Institutions, and other SBV-related legal USAID-STAR Dennis Zvinakis, USAID [email protected] Agreements Complete Nov. 2002 instruments in support of the US-Vietnam BTA and Project Steve Parker, STAR [email protected] WTO accession Assistance to SBV in formulating the strategy for Graham Alliband, CEG Facility AusAID Ongoing Oct. 2004 international integration for the banking sector [email protected] SIDA/Swedish Karl-Anders Larsson, SIDA Reserves Management Capacity Building Proposed May 2003 Central Bank [email protected] IMF/Treasurer’s Safeguards Assessment Ongoing 2001 Susan Adams, IMF [email protected] Department Reserves Assistance in auditing the SBV IMF/MFD Proposed 2004 Susan Adams, IMF [email protected] Management Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ Introduction of new monetary policy instruments GTZ Ongoing Thru 2003 [email protected] Private Sector/US Jennifer L. Bachus, US Embassy Training in Reserves Investment Completed Jan. 2003 Government [email protected]

29 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE Phase I: 1997- Barbara Jäggin, Swiss Embassy Seco (Switzerland) 1999 Financial market/policies [email protected] / Graduate Institute Phase II: Train the trainer, HR management/appraisal, Ongoing Graduate Institute of International Studies Geneva, for International 2000-2002 empirical research skills Prof. Camen Studies Phase III: [email protected] 2003-2005 Training in Macroeconomic model-building and INSEE/Banque de Ongoing 2002 Alain Fontanel [email protected] forecasting France/ ADETEF Monetary Policy Workshops in Macroeconomic Policy Coordination IMF Ongoing 2002 Susan Adams, IMF [email protected] Sida/Swedish Karl-Anders Larsson, SIDA Staff exchange Proposed 2003 Central Bank [email protected] Research / seminars on monetary statistics JICA Completed July 2002 Daisuke Hosokawa [email protected] Guidance on monetary policy instruments and IMF/MFD Ongoing 2004 Susan Adams [email protected] operations Training SBV and Commercial Bankers, Monetary GTZ Ongoing 2002 Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ [email protected] Instruments Drafting regulations on Money Market Development ADB Completed 2002 Alessandro A. Pio, ADB [email protected] Money Market and Repurchase Agreements Development Assistance in development of a database for tracking ADB Approved May 2003 Alessandro A. Pio, ADB [email protected] money market transactions SBV Capacity Building as Executing Agency for SME Credit JBIC Ongoing Dec. 2001 Takayuki Sato, JBIC [email protected] Policies SME Credit Policies SME Finance Project JBIC On-going 1999 Takayuki Sato, JBIC [email protected] Pilot Study on Soft Infrastructure development for On-going / JBIC March 2003 Takayuki Sato, JBIC [email protected] better Financial Access of SME Proposed SME Credit Line (ICBV) KfW Ongoing 2001 Helmut Schoen, KfW [email protected] SME Development Program Loan (co-financed with KfW Proposed Dec 2004 Helmut Schoen, KfW [email protected] ADB and AFD) Francisco Fontan, EC SME Revolving Fund European Union Ongoing Oct. 2004 [email protected] Housing Credit Line through Mekong Housing Bank AFD Proposed 2004 Marc Gllbert [email protected]

30 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE Vietnam Competitiveness Initiative - training and Dennis Zvinakis, USAID [email protected] technical assistance to joint stock banks (JSBs) to USAID On-going 2004 Bob Webster, DAI [email protected] facilitate access to finance for SMEs Vietnam Competitiveness Initiative - training and Dennis Zvinakis, USAID [email protected] technical assistance to joint stock banks (JSBs) to USAID On-going 2004 Bob Webster, DAI [email protected] facilitate access to finance for SMEs

Policy Lending Institutions

World Bank / Comprehensive TA for the reform and development European Union Approved 2003 James Seward, WB [email protected] of the Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) ASEM Trust Fund Operational Financial Sector Policy Issues Note: Vietnam Bank Completed World Bank 2004 James Seward, WB [email protected] Framework for Social Policies (Aug. 2004) World Bank / Comprehensive TA for the reform and development European Union Approved 2003 James Seward, WB [email protected] of the Development Assistance Fund (DAF) ASEM Trust Fund

Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) Support the establishment of the People's Credit Claude Goulet, CIDA Access to CIDA Completed 1994 Microfinance Fund network [email protected] Développement Modernizing a number of People's Credit Fund and international improving the services of Approved Feb. 2004 [email protected] Desjardins the Central People's Credit Fund (DID)/CIDA Legal, regulatory and supervisory framework for ADB Ongoing Aug. 2002 Brett Coleman, ADB [email protected] MFIs Loan and technical assistance to support rural enterprise finance through VBARD and People’s ADB Ongoing Nov. 2000 Alessandro A. Pio, ADB [email protected] Credit Funds Loan to support rural enterprise finance through AFD On-going Sept. 2003 Marc Gllbert [email protected] VBARD On-going / Study On Rural Finance JBIC Feb. 2003 Takayuki Sato, JBIC [email protected] Proposed

31 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE Support of PCF system on supervision, internal Andreas Hauskrecht, GTZ GTZ Ongoing audit, and external audit audit [email protected] Rural Credit and Saving Program (VBARD) KfW Ongoing 2002 Helmut Schoen, KfW [email protected] Revolving Credit Fund for Poverty Alleviation KfW Ongoing 2001 Helmut Schoen, KfW [email protected] (VBARD) Rural Finance Loan - Micro-finance Loan Fund (MLF) and its implementation agencies (Micro- World Bank Ongoing 2003 Xiaolan Wang, WB [email protected] finance Institutions, MFIs) Role of Postal Networks in Expanding Access to World Bank Ongoing 2005 James Seward, WB [email protected] Financial Services: Vietnam Case Study Alternative Remittance Systems: Vietnam-Canada Completed World Bank 2004 James Seward, WB [email protected] Remittance Corridor (Feb. 2005) Institutional strengthening for the Vietnam Women’s Embassy of Marcus Leroy, Embassy of Belgium Union on providing microfinance and advice on the Approved 2004 Belgium [email protected] MFI legal framework Institutional strengthening for the Vietnam Women’s Embassy of Marcus Leroy, Embassy of Belgium Union on providing microfinance and advice on the Approved 2004 Belgium [email protected] MFI legal framework

Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs)

Oshikiri Koji, JICA Seminars/courses on financial leasing JICA Completed Jan. 2003 [email protected] Second Financial Sector Program Loan to support the development of alternative channels of market- based financial intermediation including insurance sector, leasing sector, money market and ADB On-going Jan. 2003 Shigeko Hattori, ADB [email protected] Leasing capital market, and financial market infrastructure such as secured transactions registration and accounting association Program Loan, co-financed with ADB and AFD to facilitate diversification of funding sources of Helmut Schoen, KfW KfW Proposed Dec. 2004 financial leasing companies to improve credit access [email protected] for SMEs

32 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE Second Financial Sector Program Loan, cofinanced Market-Based Approved/On- Marc Gilbert, AFD with ADB, to support the non banking financial AFD 2003 Financial going [email protected] Intermediation sector. Technical Assistance for Capacity Building for Shigeko Hattori, ADB Nonbank Financial Institutions and the Capital ADB Ongoing 2003 [email protected] Market Assistance to State Securities Commission in Shigeko Hattori, ADB ADB Completed 2003 preparation of the Capital Market Roadmap [email protected] Capital Market Development, Securities Law, Andreas Hauskrecht GTZ Proposed 2004/5 Decentralized Depot and Clearing Center [email protected] TA for the State Securities Commission (SSC) for World Bank / James Seward, World Bank capacity building, linking the equitization process European Union Approved 2003 [email protected] with market development, and investor education. ASEM Trust Fund

Seco (Swiss TA for the State Securities Commission (SSC) for Barbara Jäggin, Swiss Embassy Embassy) / Private Proposed 2004 the development of the securities market and the [email protected] Sector medium and long-term capital market Training and advisory services and assessments to the MOF / SSC on Asian Bond Market Initiative, Junichi Mori, IIMA bond market legal framework, OTC government IIMA (Japan) Completed 2003 [email protected] bond market, settlement system for the bond market, and human resource development Assistance to the MOF to develop the corporate Kengo Mizuno, NRI NRI (Japan) Approved 2004 bond market [email protected] Assistance to the Government (MOF, SBV, MPI, Trinh Tien Dung, UNDP UNDP Ongoing 2000 OOG, MOJ) for external debt management [email protected] Capacity building assistance to the MOF for Trinh Tien Dung, UNDP UNDP Ongoing 2003 financial policy analysis [email protected] Comprehensive assessment of municipal bond Paul Marin, USTDA USTDA Approved 2004 market issuances and development [email protected] Supporting the SSC to develop a (transitional) decree on unlisted shares and the (planned) law on USAID-STAR Dennis Zvinakis, USAID [email protected] Ongoing Nov. 2003 securities in support of the US-Vietnam BTA and Project Steve Parker, STAR [email protected] WTO accession. 33 DONOR / START REFORM AREA TASK STATUS CONTACT PROVIDER DATE Workshops, legal analysis and reference materials to support the development by the State Securities USAID-STAR Dennis Zvinakis, USAID [email protected] Ongoing Aug. 2004 Commission of a new Law on Securities and a Project Steve Parker, STAR [email protected] Decree on Over-the-Counter Trading Capacity building for the National Registration ADB On-going Dec. 2002 Armes Adhikari, ADB [email protected] Agency of Secured Transactions Supporting the Ministry of Justice to develop the USAID-STAR Dennis Zvinakis, USAID [email protected] Secured Ongoing 2002 Transactions legal framework for secured transactions. Project Steve Parker, STAR [email protected]



Vietnam’s WTO Accession: Summary of TA programs - Updated as of May 25, 2005

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries ADB Tariff and Analysis of trade policy regime and the Policy analysis and Industrial Policy August 2003- structure of protection in the context of capacity building. Analysis March 2004 trade liberalization. ADB Capacity building $150,000 Build capacity in MOF to conduct tariff MOF Policy analysis and for MOF to support January- policy analysis; review and assess in detail capacity building Analysis (tariffs, December 2004 the current Government assistance industry and programs, in particular, the financial subsidy) for WTO supports, such as the subsidies in Accession the context of WTO accession; propose modalities/approaches to the Government on how to deal with these issues; and assist MOF to strengthen the WTO accession and implementations issues. ADB The Implication of December Detailed diagnosis of the regulatory Policy, and institutional Vietnam’s WTO 2004-February framework of investment in Vietnam. analysis. Accession on 2005 Examine the possible economic and social Existing implications and adjustment costs that the Investment elimination or adaptation of investment Incentives and measures and incentives may have on the Market Reform key domestic goods and services sectors. This work intends to build on the TA for Capacity building for MOF to support analysis of tariffs, industry and subsidy for the WTO accession, and covers services and manufacturing sectors. AusAID AusAid Regional 3,500,000 /2005 Policy analysis and To support a program of WTO related Training MOT MOT Trade Analysis and USD, /2007 capacity building in 4 capacity building Researches Reform Project design selected ASEAN countries Policy Analysis (TARP) – formerly finalised WTO Capacity Building Project AusAID/ AusAid-MARD 600,000 /2003 Agriculture Policy analysis and Improving understanding of the Policy research MARD MARD VN program on USD /2005- Agreements research implications of integration, Developing Training seminar capacity building Capacity Building policies to optimize the domestic for WTO accession consequences of integration and training on 35

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries WTO-related issues under CEG facility AusAID Vietnam 393,032 2003-2004 Anti-dumping Policy development Improving the capacity to develop policy Policy development MOT MOT integration in the USD Agreement World Economy Capacity Building for Anti Dumping under CEG facility AusAID Technical 460,000 2003-2004 Strategy of Policy analysis and To strengthen the capacity of the SBV to - Research on existing context and proposed SBV SBV Assistance for USD Integration in research formulate and implement a Strategy on strategies for the formulation and Formulating a the banking Capacity Building International Integration of the Banking implementation of the Integration Strategy Strategy of sector Sector; completed. International - Increased skills of SBV staff and other Integration in the selected stakeholders in policy analysis, Banking Sector formulation and implementation on banking integration issues

AusAID Assistance for 100,000 2004 Improving the Policy development To improve the professional knowledge and Draft, finalize and incorporate MOT MOT improving the USD domestic legal Capacity Building legislative capacity of those who participate articles/stipulations related to the issues of Commercial Law in doc. regulating in the drafting and approving of Commodity futures trading and Franchising the integration the commercial Commercial Law and its major supporting in the draft Commercial Law. process. activities and guidelines. the int’l Organize workshops to gather feedback/raise integration awareness on the revise draft requirements AusAID AusAid Regional 3,000,000 /2005 SPS Capacity Building on Building capacity for MA Study tour, surveys, booklet, Seminars N\a Government SPS Capacity AUD /2007 Agreements Trade related Plant and workshops and courses on the SPS issues agencies Building Project Animal quarantine for 8 concerning ASEAN countries SPS issues AusAID Technical 40,000 2005 TBT and SPS Policy development To create a legal framework for - Advice on the Draft Ordinance STAMEQ STAMEQ Assistance to the USD Agreement Capacity Building standardisation activity in Vietnam to meet - Organize workshops to gather feedback/raise (MOST) (MOST) development of its socio-economic needs and the awareness about the Ordinance draft(s) of the requirements of WTO Agreements, Ordinance on particularly the TBT and SPS Agreement; Standardization and facilitate Vietnam’s accession in WTO. Belgium Trade liberalization 100,000 Environment Assess the socio-economic impact of VN’s and environment, EUR accession to WTO Assess impact on the socio-economic environment impact of WTO accession Canada/ APEC Economic 9,000,000 /2004 To assist in building the capacity of some Training, WTO-related technical assistance, Conference MOT and Capacity building CIDA Integration CAD /2008 developing economies in APEC in development of regional learning forum Board of other VN

Program Southeast Asia to negotiate their accession Canada / ministries (APEC/EIP) to the WTO and/or implement their specific Estey Centre and 5 APEC WTO commitments. for Law and countries Economics 36

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries in Int Trade Canada/ Legal Reform 4,995,000 /2001 Capacity building Assisting Vietnamese Government in Strengthening the legal capacity for BearingPoin Ministry of CIDA Assistance Project CAD /2006 promoting the rule of law by achieving international economic integration, capabilities tand Justice (LERAP) greater efficiency, coherence and for the enforcement of civil judgments and University of transparency in the legal system. Increasing comparative law research and Victoria analysis. Denmark/ Agricultural Sector 330,000 5/2002 – WTO assessment and MARD/ DANIDA Program Support / USD 5/2004 related training Pham Thi WTO assessment Hong Hanh and related training Denmark/ Framework 2,000,000 2005-2009 -Changed role of, or improved service -National-level initiatives that directly increase Business DANIDA conditions and USD delivery by government (and quasi- private business competitiveness through Sector services improved government) organisations that directly improved access to capital, land, and export Programme for business benefits the private business sector. markets. [Specific initiatives to be specified] Support’s competitiveness -Capacity of STAMEQ to deliver -Information campaign about standards and (BSPS) international standardisation and certificates led by the VPC. Project certification services significantly -Study of certification services market. Facility in enhanced. -Develop long-term Business Plan for cooperation -Improving access of businesses to QUACERT. with information about technical barriers to trade -Direct capacity building of the WTO/TBT ASMED for exporting by strengthening and Enquiry Point widening the scope of services delivered by -Twinning relationship with Dansk Standard. the STAMEQ WTO Office. EC Multilateral Trade 3,250,000 Capacity building, Supporting Vietnamese officials in policy- Training on WTO issues, Research on the Multilateral Relating Policy Assistance Euro 01/2001- technical assistance and making departments of all relevants impact of service liberalization; Fostering Trade Policy ministries Program 3/2004 advisory ministries involved in multilateral trade knowledge of the Doha Development Agenda; Department, (MUTRAP) policy issues Establishment of the Technical Barrier to Ministry of Trade (TBT) and Sanitary/ Phyto sanitary Trade (SPS) enquiry points; Training of judges on trade and related issues; Trade Law Chairs in Universities; and negotiation techniques; EC MUTRAP Bridging 191,076 8-11/2004 Short term TA to assist the beneficiaries in Several short term EU experts missions on Multilateral Relating Euro strengthening the capacity of the SPS Action plan, SPS and TBT enquiring Trade Policy ministries government of Vietnam and Vietnamese points and services. Department, stakeholders for managing WTO accession Ministry of and meet their commitments and challenges Trade from other international and regional trade related agreements EC Trade needs 195,956 2005 Trade Needs Assessment exercise. assessment Euro Understanding of TRA priorities for next Country Strategy Paper. EC Asia TRTA trust 4,500,000 1/7/2004- Short term TRTA and capacity building to WTO rules & agreements issues, private ITC Fund to Asian Euro EC 31/12/2009 Asian developing countries and Asian international trade law, contract negotiation ATF sub-site developing 500,000 regional organisations and commercial arbitration, regional trade will be part countries (19) and Euro ITC integration. Trade information, packaging and of ITC sites Asian regional trade finance Http://www.i 37

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries organizations ntracen.org (ATF) EC Multilateral Trade 5,350,000 2004-2007 The project purpose is to strengthen the - Sector specific: legal, policy, capacity Multilateral Relating Policy Assistance Euro capacity of the government of Vietnam and building, training (Agriculture, Services Trade Policy ministries Program II Vietnamese stakeholders for managing (general and sectoral), Department, (MUTRAP II) WTO accession and meet their SPS (Animal, plants, health, fisheries/TBT, Ministry of commitments and challenges from other enquiring points) Trade regional and international trade related - Horizontal issues (legal, capacity building agreements. network & curricular development, information & awareness raising, trade and environment, gender, social issues EC European 11,034,800 2003-2008 Supporting Vietnam transition to market Ministry of Technical Euro economy and international integration/ Planning and Assistance preparation for WTO accession and Investment, Programme eventual implementation. It includes the Ministry of drafting of taxation/custom/ accounting Finance, legislation and procedures in line with Ministry of international standards, norms and Science and recommendations, development and Technology implementation of trade facilitation (Directorate mechanisms and information systems to for Standards minimise the burden of customs procedures and Quality) on trade. Harmonization of both the conformity assessment procedures and the quality assessment infrastructures with international standards. EC EU-ASEAN 1,500,000 1999-2006 Enhancing EU/ASEAN investment and Seminars, training, research and MoST Intellectual Euro for trade to achieve further economic Technology (National Property Rights Vietnam cooperation by upgrading the ASEAN (National Office of Co-operation component intellectual property rights systems, in line Office of Intellectual Programme (ECAP (7,500,000 with the highest international Intellectual Property II) Euro for the standards and practices. Property Right) and whole Right) MOCI (Copy program) right office)


Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries EC EU-ASEAN 9,000,000 1993-2005 Enhance commercial exchanges between ASEAN Regional Co- Euro for the EU and ASEAN through standardisation, Secretariat operation on whole conformity assessment procedures and Standards, Quality program) quality structure and practices. and Conformity Assessment (ISQAPII EC ASEAN 4,000,000 2003-2006 To strengthen EU-ASEAN relations as a ASEAN Programme for Euro for the whole and complement the on-going EC- Secretariat Regional whole ASEAN dialogue process. Intergration program) Support (APRIS) Finland/ Project on 2,374,347 12.2000- Human Resources Assisting the Ministry of Trade to raise the Providing training programs and training MOT MOT'and MOFA assistance on Euros 12.2004 Development capacity of its officials in formulating and consulting on formulating and implementing subordinatep Capacity building managing policies. trade strategies and policies. rovincial for the Ministry of trade Trade Supporting to upgrade the information system services. of the Ministry of Trade. France/ Technical 1,600,000 1/2002-11/2005 Laws Regulatory Capacity Training and assisting reviewing of legal Training, Study tour NCIEC NCIEC MOFA assistance to the EUR building system NCIEC and line Capacity Building and Support to media ministries for economic integration and WTO accession Germany/ Vietnam’s 10/2003 Seminar NCIEC Seminar on subsidy MECD Accession to WTO: agreements, anti-dumping Preparation for regulations, impacts on Competing in a business, and trade New Env. disputes. Germany/ Macro-Economic 3,0 Mio. Start: 2005 Economic advice to Government through Advisory CIEM CIEM, SBV, Economic advice MEDC/G reform Programme EUR (first support to CIEM. and other government State

TZ phase) agencies (state bank, state audit, MOF) Audit,MOF IMF Legal Aspect of Annual Covers legal, institutional Human capacity building for senior lawyers Seminar IMF-JVI SBV, MOF, International Seminar and operational aspects of responsible for legal aspects of IFI and Institute and MOT Financial IFIs and WTO WTO membership. Institution IMF Balance of 9/2003 Statistics of trade, Enhance the accuracy of the BOP statistics TA report IMF SBV, GSO, Payments statistics investment,income,transfer towards international practices. MOT, and mission s, and FDI MPI IMF Article VIII 2/2005 Removal of all exchange To verify that Vietnam still applies some TA report IMF SBV, MOF, Review restrictions under Article foreign exchange restrictions such as the MOT, and VIII of the IMFs Articles evidence of tax obligation fulfillment before MPI of Agreement transferring foreign exchange abroad, absolute restrictions on a few current 39

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries transfers, and absolute restrictions on re- exchanges; in order that Vietnam has a fair and open international trade and investment environment. IMF Balance of Annual Covers main concepts of Enhance human capacity building in Seminars IMF Inst, SBV, GSO Payments Seminars the BOP and how to compiling the IMF standards BOP IMF-Vienna and MOT compile the BOP Joint-Ins, IMF-Spore training Inst IMF Proposed Technical 6/2005 Covers both legal and To have the first time foreign exchange Advisory IMF SBV, MOF Assistant for economic requirements of ordinance which can cover the best and other drafting the foreign a standard foreign practices and meet the WTO requirements related exchange ordinance exchange ordinance government agencies IMF Seminar of the One-day Covers the key concepts of Enhance human capacity building to Basic training course GSO, SBV, manual of the seminar on on international trade develop statistics concepts on trade in MPI,MOLIS International trade October 15, statistics in services services A, MOT, statistics in services 2004 MOET Tourism Dept Italy Providing technical EUR 01/2003- Enhancing the skills and knowledge of Basic training course assistance for 786,202 07/2003 Vietnamese policy and regulations makers Initial Follow-up and Evaluation Workshop; institutional (estimated) in addition of researching and organizing Tailor-made training course composed of four enhancement to current knowledge body in order to develop phases facilitate the a long-term subsidy and countervailing WTO trade policy course participation through Socialist republic measures policy and WTO-compatible scholarship; of Vietnam’s detailedd regulations which support Intermediate follow-up and evaluation accession to the domestic production while establishing fair workshop; WTO competition for domestic producer Final Seminar presentation of training component results. Japan/JIC TA Project on --- /2001 GATS, Human resources To support capacity building related to the Seminar by Japanese experts Multilateral NCIEC A WTO issues /2003 Safeguard, IPR, development implementation of the WTO Agreements Trade Policy member Competition Department - agencies MOT Japan/JJC APEC Regional /2002 /2004 TBT, AD, Human resources To train government officials to improve Training in Japan MPI Govt. A Training for WTO Safeguard, SPS development the basic knowledge of the individual WTO officials related agreement Japan/JIC (*5) Modernisation n/a 04/2000 TRIPS To training maintenance staff of computer Dispatch of Japanese experts NOIP NOIP/MOST Institutional capacity A of IPA project 03/2004 system, management staff of industrial Vietnamese officials, building property administration, application providing equipment formality examination, substantial examination registration, publication licensing and legistration staff will be developed Japan/JIC Utilization of 530 million 1/2005~3/2009 TRIPS Institutional capacity Through the utilization of the IP Dispatch of Japanese experts, NOIP NOIP/MOST


Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries A Intellectual yen building information system, efficient application Send Vietnamese officials to Japan, providing Property processing, management and information equipment Information service of the IP are available in NOIP Japan/JI Capacity Building 2005~2006 Capacity building Enhance the capacity of Ministry of Trade Dispatch of Japanese experts, MOT MOT CA on competition in the implementation of Competition Law Send Vietnamese officials to Japan policy and enforcement of competition law Japan/JI Tax administration 2005~2008 Institutional capacity General Department of Tax capability for Dispatch of Japanese experts, GDT GDT/MOF CA Reform building staff training and instructing the work of Send Vietnamese officials to Japan, providing provincial and municipal tax bureaus is equipment strengthened Japan/JI Training course” 2005 TRIPS Human resoures To train govenrment officials to enhance Training in Japan MPI Govt. CA Intellectual development the knowledge of IP officials property for APEC Economies” Japan/JIC Stock exchange 2005 Hunan resources To train government officials to improve Training in Japan MPI Govt. A Seminar for Asian development the basic knowledge of the stock exchange officials Countries Japan/JI Training course 2005 To train government officials to improve Training in Japan MPI Govt. CA “Operation of Human resources the understanding on rules and procedures officials Understanding on development governing the DSU, WTO agreement Rules and procedures governing the DSU, WTO Agreement” Korea Knowledge About 2003-2004 General WTO issues, Sharing Korean experience of economic Selected consultants will be dispatched to MOT MOT and Rep/ Partnership: 200.000 economic adjustments development: economic development Vietnam and disseminate knowledge and other Korean Sharing Korean USD planning, financial crises and the experiences related to a variety of issues relevant Int’l Economic (Under implemented adjustment and restructuring regarding economic development processes. Ministries Cooperati Development and preparation) programs ... on Crisis Management Assisting policy makers of developing Agency E x p e r i e n c e s w i t h countries gain both theoretical and practical Developing knowledge to achieve their economic Countries development goals and overcome the on- going financial crisis;

New English language 185,000 Ongoing Zealand training for trade NZD policy specialists Scholarships for Masters level study Ongoing at Hanoi NEU on trade liberalization topics 41

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries Norway/ Market Access and USD 1/2003 – TBT Facilitate industrial development and export 1) National capacity creation related UNIDO Apex Integration into the global NORAD Trade Facilitation 908,520 6/2005 capabilities (and consequently spurring to market access requirements and technical institutions trade environment through Support for economic growth and employment barriers to trade (TBT) and identifying in each alleviation of technical Mekong Delta opportunities) of the assisted countries by manufacturing sub-sectors and export country barriers to trade for Countries, through reducing technical barriers to trade through market focus for remedial action in each dealing with Vietnam, and Strengthening the strengthening of standards, metrology, beneficiary country Standards, Lao PDR Institutional and testing and quality institutional structures 2) Upgrade the required technical Accreditatio National Capacities and national capacities. infrastructure for (a) standards development n, Metrology Related to and harmonization, (b) metrology and and Testing Standards, testing laboratories required by the selected metrology, Testing sectors; (c) standards for labeling and and Quality accreditation and/or certification of Manufacturi (SMTQ) laboratories and quality systems ng facilities

exporters Oxfam Analysis of impact Poverty and Social Impact GB of WTO accession 2004-2005 Agriculture Analysis of impacts of accession on poor Research in Nghe An, Lao Cai, Son La and MARD/OGB on poor farmers on poor maize maize farmers in rural areas as input to Dak Lak farmers in four MARD members of WTO negotiating team provinces Singapore International Trade To provide premier training, research and Training, research, consulting, seminar Companies, Trade facilitation, TA Trade Institute of consulting institution in customized training officials

Singapore programmes, courses, seminars, from relevant conferences in international business and agencies trade to help companies maintain their competitive edge (ASEAN Initiative for CLMV) Sida Technical About 9/2003- 6/2004 ROO Capacity Building Reviewing legal framework on ROO, case Seminar, training NCIEC NCIEC (Sweden) assistance on rules 200.000 studies and study tour in Sweden members of origin (ROO) EUR Sida Strengthening of 100,000 Ongoing - 2005 Capacity Building Training, research VIT (Sweden) research capacity USD for Vietnam Institute of Trade Sida Support to Trade 3,165,000 6/2004 To assist Vietnam in achieving the export Update National Export Development ITC, VIETRADE, Trade promotion and (Sweden) Promotion and USD 5/2007 growth rates set for the decade. Strategy; VIETRADE Trade Export development and Seco Export To assist the government of Vietnam, Set up Operational Trade Support Network; supporting (Switzerla Development in Vietrade, trade supporting institutions and Strengthen Training & Counselling Capacity institutions nd) (see Vietnam exporting enterprises to take advantage of of TPO/TSIs; and Develop Effective Trade and seco) the new export opportunities offered by Information Capacities exporting trade liberalization and global economic enterprises integration.


Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries Switzerla Swiss Import 1,500,000 04/1999 Export promotion capacity To assist SMEs in Vietnam in their efforts Technical assistance; training information; SIPPO SMEs nd/ Seco promotion USD - open building to gain access to the Swiss and European contacts Program(SIPPO) markets Switzerla Vietnam WTO 320’000 10 / 2004 - To increase negotiating expertise among - Negotiation Analysis and advise IDEAS MOT Negotiation analysis and nd/ Seco Accession – USD 12 / 2005 the Vietnamese negotiators – specific TA Center advise negotiation support - To assist in solving negotiating issues Geneva

– To foster a favourable negotiating climate in Geneva through the services of a “honest broker” Switzerla (5*) Special 1,800,000 01/2002 - TRIPS To assist Vietnam to fulfill the obligations TA in enforcement of Intellectual Property SFIIP,NOIP, NOIP nd/Seco Program of Co- USD 12 / 2005 set forth in International treaties on I.P. incl. Rights Swiss operation in the TRIPS Agreement under WTO Consulting Field of IP Co. Switz. Support to Trade 3,165,000 6/2004 To assist Vietrade, trade supporting Update National Export Development ITC, VIETRADE, Export promotion (seco)/ Promotion and USD 5/2006 institutions and exporting enterprises to take Strategy; VIETRADE Trade

SIDA Export advantage of the new export opportunities Set up Operational Trade Support Network; supporting (See Development offered by trade liberalization and economic Strengthen Training & Counselling Capacity institutions above) integration. of TPO/TSIs; and Develop Effective Trade exporting Information Capacities enterprises Switzerla Market Access USD 2/2003- TBT and SPS Integration into the global Facilitate industrial development and export Upgrade the required technical infrastructure UNIDO STAMEQ, nd (seco) Support for 985,000 trade environment through capabilities (and consequently spurring for metrology, textile/apparel, microbiology Manufacturi (UNIDO Vietnam, through alleviation of technical economic growth and employment and chemical testing and calibration needs in ng facilities executed) the Strengthening barriers to trade for opportunities) of the assisted countries by industry, system certification capacity and and exporters of Capacities Vietnam reducing technical barriers to trade through strengthen SMTQ institutional service Related to the strengthening of standards, metrology, capability Metrology, testing testing and quality institutional structures and Conformity and national capacities. UK/DFID Beyond WTO: 7-10 million Being Various To give the government a flexible financial Three big components: legal development, Office of the Various Legal development, Strengthening USD developed, facillity to take on various reform measures economic capacity strengthening and dealing Government government economic capacity Vietnam’s capacity proposed to to address institutional and social and with social and poverty impacts agencies strengthening and negative to sustain pro-poor start late 2005 poverty issues arising from WTO impact mitigation growth and poverty and end 2010 membership reduction UK/ Support to 300,000 1/2004-12/2004 Sectoral tariff reduction To support the preparation of WTO Research into the various tariff reduction World Bank MoI/ MARD DFID analytical and USD options in industry and accession roadmap. options in industry and agriculture sectors, Institute and outreach act. to agriculture, WTO training and outreach activities for high level Vietnam prepare for WTO accession awareness officials on the challenges and implication of Academy of accession raising WTO accession. Social Sciences UK/DFID Training in subsidy 40,000 USD First quarter To support the formulation of subsidy and Training in subsidies and countervailing NCIEC and countervailing 2004 countervailing measures and WTO duties, and negotiation skills for officials measures, and accession negotiation dealing with WTO negotiation negotiation skills UNDP Managing 230,000 10/2001 Research and stock takings Stocktaking of Vietnam integration process Integration Study NCIEC NCIEC Vietnam’s USD 9/2003 End: and signed trade and trade-related member 43

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries Integration into agreements including the US BTA, AFTA, agencies Global Economy APEC,World Bank’s PRSC, IMF’s PRGF, (Phase I: WTO accession. Road mapping the Integration Study) integration strategy. Capacity gap assessment on implementing international trade-related commitments. Study on the inter-ministerial coordination mechanism for WTO accession and experience of acceding countries. UNDP Integration Study 55,000 USD 2003 Legal reform and Capacity Revision of the Commercial Law to support In-depth research to examine the status of the NCIEC MOT Extension: Building a level play field for commercial activities Commercial Law in relation to other domestic Commercial Law and for WTO compliance legislation and its consistency with the WTO Revision treaty and BTA obligations. Clear set of recommendations relating to the proposed changes of the Commercial Code. UNDP Competition Law 200,000 2001-2003 Competition Legal reform and Capacity Support drafting and finalisation of the first Technical support provided by MOT MOT Legal USD policy Building Competition Law UNDP/UNCTAD and international Department competition experts to review the successive and Drafting drafts of the laws. Committee Organise several advocacy events to raise awareness on the competition law and policy. Conduct a study on state monopoly applied to 5 sectors. UNDP Capacity 2,550,000 2003-2005 Service sector Promoting the Regional - To provide technical support to formulate - Formulation of a comprehensive strategy for Ministry of MPI and Strengthening to USD development and Global Integration a comprehensive and integrated the development of the services sector; Planning & other related Manage and Process development strategy for the services sector - Improvement of information flows on Investment agencies Promote Trade in in the context of Vietnam’s international services and of the current trade in services (MPI) Services in economic integration to ensure a long-term statistics system; Vietnam in the inter-agency and cross-sector coordination - Assessments of the competitiveness and Context of on policy formulation and implementation impacts of trade liberalization of selected Integration (or of integration commitments; services sectors; “Trade in Services - To provide substantive inputs to assist in - Conduction of specialized and targeted Project”) the on-going negotiations for WTO/GATS training programs and study tours in Vietnam accession; and overseas. - To enhance human and institutional capacities in the area of trade in services; - To increase public awareness of required reforms in the services sector. UNDP Training and 300,000 2003 GATT, GATS, Curriculum development To enhance the capacity of Vietnamese Conduct a series of workshop on selected UNCTAD Universities research capacity USD Agriculture, and research capacity trainers to adapt the "generic" issues in the international economic agenda, building for S&D, Trade building UNCTAD/Commercial Diplomacy training WTO accession, training of trainers on trade Vietnam on trade remedies policy. tools on WTO issues to the local data, and development Research done by national university lecturers policy making and legislation, economic structure, and researchers on WTO related issues in negotiations development needs agriculture, trade in services, market access, and trade remedies for the post-curriculum 44

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries development. UNDP Asia Trade 1,500,000 mid-2002 2004 To facilitate the cross fertilization of Participating Participating Initiative US D experiences and lessons learnt on trade, national national investment and economic governance. governments governments, , UNCTAD, UNCTAD, To strengthen the ability of countries in Regional Regional the region. CSOs, CSOs, To facilitate the coming together of UNDP COs UNDP COs governments (developed and developing) and SURFs and SURFs and non-governmental groups to learn from each other and strengthen their collective perspectives in trade fora and institutions. To advocate for human development policies. USA/ Support for Trade 10,661,000 09/2001 Trade in goods STAR is demand driven, To support the Government of Vietnam’s TA on legal and economic issues, including: The STAR- 46 state USAID Acceleration USD 12/2005 and services, responding on an ongoing efforts to implement reforms required for support for policy and training workshops and Vietnam and agencies, Program (STAR) customs basis to requests by state the successful implementation of the US- seminars; legal analysis comments on on- the GVN’s including valuation, agencies. The focus for the Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement -To going drafts of over 50 laws and regulations, Steering ministries, transparency, remainder of 2005 is support Vietnam’s efforts to accede to the of which around 25 have been approved; Committee NA, SPC, right to appeal, directed to supporting World Trade Organization (WTO). support for implementing effectively new laws for a the party 10 investment fulfillment of the and regulations; provision of reference Program to People’s relations, requirements for BTA materials and guidebooks; limited study tours; Implement Committees 1 protection of compliance and accession support of legal and economic research. Also the BTA, IPRs, dispute to the WTO. serves as a gate way for peer to peer chaired by settlement, collaborations from U.S regulatory/ legal OOG, arbitration. agencies such as FTC, SEC, etc. including 9 other state agencies USA/ Trade and Law 1,192,000 9/2002 Trade in goods Institutional capacity To assist the GVN in implementation of Design and facilitate study tours abroad for Educational Key USAID Exchange and USD 5/2005 and services, building; demand-driven the BTA with additional focus on WTO Government officials involved in BTA Forum of ministries Partnership customs technical assistance disciplines and international best practices implementation. US-VN such as Program valuation, program that are important for overall international Trade Ministries of transparency, economic integration, including WTO Council Trade, right to appeal, accession. (USVTC) Justice, investment with Various Finance, relations, ministries SBV, Office protection of (MOT, MOJ, of the etc.) Government

1 The BTA covers much of what is in the WTO, with stronger investment requirements and limited requirements on agricultural support, tariff levels, subsidies and anti-dumping. STAR provides legal analysis and supports workshops and references to develop legal and policy reforms to conform with BTA and WTO requirements and to benefit from international best practice, as requested by our Steering Committee, in the following areas: for trade in goods -- customs reform, commercial arbitration, contract and property law, trading rights, tariffs, VAT, special consumption taxes, non-tariff barriers, SPS, TBT, safeguards; for IPR includes -- conforming with 5 international conventions on IPR and IPR enforcement in TRIPS, which includes: strengthening court procedures and skill levels, strengthening remedies and enforcement of judgments, improving customs border measures, and publication of court decisions; work on services includes -- complying with GATS and Annexes on Telecommunications, Financial Services and natural persons, the Telecoms Reference Paper, and liberalization of joint venture and other market access for more than 30 services, including banking, insurance, telecommunications, distribution, professional services, construction services, education services, health-related services, and travel-related services; work on investment includes -- TRIMS plus export requirements, strengthened investment protections, investment dispute settlement processes (ICSID), streamlining investment procedures, eliminating discriminatory pricing, certain corporate governance issues, and shifting most investment licensing to a registration rather than an evaluation process; and work on transparency includes -- rules for publishing laws of general application at the national and local levels, support for an Electronic Official Gazette, encouraging public comment of draft laws, and the right to appeal administrative actions. STAR also supports the development of economic analysis and reports on the impact of the BTA, efforts to raise the public awareness and understanding of the BTA and WTO, and training for officials, judges, lawyers, and business leaders. 45

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries IPRs, dispute etc. settlement and arbitration.


Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries USA Vietnam UD$ 10/ 2003- 10/ Regulatory environment of Provide technical assistance to This initiative focuses on: (1) improving the Agency of MPI,VCCI, Competitiveness 5,642,068 2006 business, capacity building complements the GVN’s efforts to foster a enabling environment for the private sector by SME CIEM,other Initiative for SMEs, access to credit strong, viable indigenous private sector that promoting SME-supportive policies and Development agencies in for private sector can harness the benefits of integration into regulations; (2) increasing capacity of the (ASMEAD) business businesses the world economy. private sector using cluster-based approach to of the mgment; improve management skills, increased access Ministry of Business to technology and other services for SMEs, Planning and associations and strengthened business associations; and Investment and (3) improving access to credit.. enterprises World Vietnam’s exports: US$ Complete, 2003 GATT Export Growth Strategy; Assess Vietnam’s policy reforms with (i) Lessons from East Asia’s Export. WB Gov’s Bank Challenges and 300,000 Regulatory Environment respect to exports and to assess future Experience: Interpretation and Implications for (EASPR) officials (EASPR Opportunities; and Export Support prospects for achieving the exports targets Vietnam; from various and trust Assessment of System; Exports of such that have been set in the Gov’s Socio- (ii) Export Growth Strategy and Trade related line- funds policy sectors as Agriculture and economic Development Strategy (2001- Integration; ministries, from recommendations Seafood, Tourism, 2010) in the context of the WTO accession. (iii) Export Incentive Structure and Foreign research DFID and for improving Footwear, Electronics and Direct Investment; institutions. AuSaid) Vietnam’s IT, Textiles and Clothing, (iv) Regulatory Environment and Export competitiveness. and Infrastructure Support System; (v) Export Competitiveness and Trade and Macroeconomic Policy Link; (vi) Sub-sector studies ( Agriculture and Seafood; Tourism, Footwear, Electronics and IT, Textiles and Clothing, and Infrastructure)

World Diagnosis of US$ Completed by GATT, GATS, Political economy of the Provide Institutional and capacity building (i) Organize Vietnam – Readiness for WTO (VASS) in Gov’s Bank Vietnam’s WTO 700,000 2003 - TRIMs, TRIPs, WTO accession, studies on support to the Vietnamese Authorities that accession Forum in Hanoi and HCMC (Jun 3- collaboration negotiations (EASPR readiness and AOA, SPS, impacts, readiness and are preparing roadmaps for policy reform 7,03); with line- team; and WBI) awareness building TBT, ATC, prospects of some selected that will pave the way to Vietnam’s (ii) Conduct surveys of 220 manufacturing ministries, related line- among key ACV, SMC, sectors / industries in the accession to the WTO. firms and 80 firms in service sectors to assess Economic ministries, Government AOS etc. context of the WTO their readiness and strategy in response to and Budget MPs of the stakeholders. accession. Vietnam’s accession to the WTO accession Committee NA, (inputs for Vietnam – Readiness for WTO of the NA, researchers. accession Forum). and (OOG). (iii) Organize a series of workshops on policy implications of Vietnam’s WTO accession with various ministries. World GDLN dialogues Completed, Jan. Conduct GDLN dialogue on trade and Four- day dialogues on trade and poverty. WBI / VASS Gov’s Bank/ on trade and 2003 . official and WBI poverty in researchers. Vietnam. World Support Vietnam’s US$ Completed, GATT, GATS, Awareness raising and Provide support to the WTO accession (i) Organize series of training workshops for VASS, Gov’s Bank accession to the 310,000 2004 TRIMs, TRIPs, capacity enhancement with process, including enhancement of the officials from various ministries, MPs of the OOG, NA, negotiations (EASPR, WTO. AOA, SPS, regards to political analytical capacity in assessing impacts of National Assembly (NA), officials from the related line- team; Gov.’s WBI) TBT, ATC, economy of the WTO Vietnam’s WTO accession; raising Office of NA and the Gov’s Office. (Mar, Jun. ministries, officials ACV, SMC, accession, and assessment awareness through outreach activities for and Sept., 2004). research from various AOS, etc. of impacts, readiness and understanding of the WTO-related issues (ii) Analyze implications of Vietnam’s WTO institutions. related line- 47

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries prospects of some selected which are important both to the negotiations accession for selected manufacturing sectors; ministries, sectors industries through and implementation phases. export subsidy in agriculture; service MPs of the training, research and industries and service export; transport sector NA, outreach activities. (2004) researchers. (iii) Compare Vietnam’s legal framework of intellectual property rights with WTO requirements (2004); (iv) Study implications of WTO accession for the legal reform agenda; and propose a legislative action plan in the context of WTO accession. (April 2004) (v) Translate, publish and disseminate 41 chapters out of 55 chapters of the book “Handbook: Trade, Development and the WTO” (2004).


Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries World Preparation for US$ 2004-2005 GATT Customs Customs modernization / Conduct a comprehensive diagnostic study WB MOF / Bank Vietnam Customs 996,500 Valuation trade facilitation / WTO of Vietnam’s customs system in comparison (EASPR) / GDVC / Modernization Agreement accession. against international good practice; identify (MOF) / Gov’s Project . (CVA). policies and mechanisms to address the (GDVC) agencies gaps; and support their implementation through current and future projects. World Vietnam Customs US$ 70mln 2005-2010 GATT Customs Customs modernization / The VCMP aims to strengthen the capacity (i) Customs Systems and Procedures; (ii) EASPR / MOF / Bank Modernization (including Valuation trade facilitation / WTO of the Customs administration of Vietnam Organizational Restructuring and MOF / GDVC/Gov Project (Specific TA Agreement accession. to ensure that it is able to make an efficient Management; (iii) Information and GDVC agencies/ Investment Loan component (CVA). and effective contribution to the Communication Technology; (iv) Project manufacturer that covers with achievement of the Government objectives Management Support. s / exporters / significant financing in respect to trade facilitation, revenue importers / technical assistant requirement collection, production of foreign trade freight component.) of more statistics, commodity protection, and forwarders / than $10 national security. The project would be a shippers / mn) key factor in facilitating Vietnam’s port accession to the WTO and securing the operators. gains from greater integration into the world trading system. World Revenue Impacts of US$ 32,860 Completed, GATT Customs Revenue implications of Conduct a revenue impacts analysis of EASPR Gov. Bank WTO Accession: June 2004 Valuation the switch to required various commitments that WTO accession officials, Vietnam’s Customs Agreement administrative and will entail, will have on revenue. researchers; Modernization. (CVA). procedural changes toward Gov task implementation of CVA . team of the Customs Modernizatio n Project Preparation World Trade in Services US$ 60,000 May 2005 GATS Trade in services Capacity enhancement with regards to the VASS to Gov/s Bank/ and International economics of services trade reforms, the coordinate. official and WBI Agreement rules of international agreements, and the researchers. (Regional Training institutional challenges of trade negotiations Course). in services. World Vietnam SPS US$ 2004 - SPS Sanitary and phyto- (i) Assist Vietnam to develop its Medium- Ministry of Direct Bank Action Plan. 250,000 sanitary issues, agricultural term National Action Plan for Food Safety Agriculture beneficiaries (ARD and health, capacity building and Agricultural Health in support of the and Rural include the EASRD) implementation of its SPS commitments. Development Gov’s (ii) Provide advice to MARD on the TOR (MARD). officials of the National SPS Notification and providing Enquiry Point SPS services. Ultimate World Preparation and US$ 48,000 May-December TRIPs Compliance and (i) Provide and support the businesses with VASS / Vietnamese Bank publication of Q & 2005 enforcement in respect of adequate knowledge and skills on VIPO businesses, A handbook on the intellectual property intellectual property rights, as well as the including Industrial Property rights legislation. ways to proceed properly and quickly in SMEs. Rights for 49

Donor Project Project Start - End Related WTO Focus area Objectives Project components Executing Beneficia- budget Agreements Agency ries Vietnamese compliance and enforcement with required Businesses procedures; (ii) encourage the businesses to actively participate in intellectual property activities worldwide, and contribute to the implementation of the Agreement on Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) of the WTO. World Multi-modal US$ May 2005 – Jan Logistics, international and The objective of the Consultancy is to Road freight haulage WB but MoT Transport Bank transport regulatory 450,000 2006 national trade. present the Government of Vietnam with steering users, (PPIAF review. detailed regulatory options for encouraging Inland waterway freight committee exporters/im trust a transport and logistics industry best able Railways porters, fund) to meet Vietnam’s trade and economic Coastal shipping, Intl shipping,Ports (int.and transport growth objectives. This would enhance domestic) Air freight/Freight service Vietnam’s regional trade within the context forwarding/Logistics centres (ICD’s)/Cross- providers of AFTA and GMS; as well as its global border movements/CustomsTrade and trade once it accedes to WTO in 2005 as transport insurance. planned. World Implementation of US$ July 2005 – Implementation Implementation of WTO Provide a TA for Vietnam to prepare (i) Drafting, adapting and implementing some EASPR / Gov.’s Bank the WTO 200,000 July 2006 of GATT, obligations. domestic legal conditions to implement WTO-related laws and regulations, including a VASS / MOJ officials, obligations in the GATS, TRIMs, WTO obligations and commitments in check list of important issues may be / ONA MPs of NA, legal system. TRIPs, AOA, respects of the domestic legal system. developed to guide or use in drafting laws and and the SPS, TBT, regulations;(ii) Reforming the legislative public at ATC, ACV, process;(iii) Institutional capacity building to large SMC, AOS, identify and train a group of international trade etc. lawyers in the MOJ and ONA; and(iv) Disseminations and information rules and obligations of WTO; World Poverty impacts of Preparation Possible impacts of the Provide support to enhance analytical ERSPR / Government Bank Vietnam’s WTO WTO accession on the capacity in assessing social impacts of the VASS officials and accession. poor, other distributional WTO accession. researchers. effects, and policy responses.



May 2005

The Partnership is co-chaired by the Agency for SME Development (ASMED) of MPI, the Embassy of Japan and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). It normally meets twice a year; the last meeting on 19 November 2004 had drawn an attendance of 70, representing between them all donors interested or involved in enterprise promotion.

Previous meetings of the Partnership had recommended the creation of sub-groups of donors focused on specific aspects of SME promotion, where concrete cooperation opportunities could be fostered. In March 2005, seven topics have been identified in order to set up sub-groups, they are: business regulation reform, business development services, SME finance, local economic governance, sectoral approaches, sustainable business practices, and business research and monitoring.

In addition, ASMED was assigned in late 2004 the responsibility of coordinating the drafting of an SME Strategy and Action Plan to be integrated in the Socio-Economic Development Plan 06-10. To that end, ASMED set in motion a highly participatory initiative by commissioning technical inputs from over 15 stakeholders: other Government ministries, provincial authorities, and business associations through VCCI. A workshop organized by ASMED brought together over 70 stakeholders in Hai Phong on 25-26 April 2005.

The workshop offered ASMED an opportunity to consolidate the contributions from the stakeholders, identify gaps in the argumentation or underlying dataset, and request further work whenever warranted. A first draft is expected to be ready-and main parts to be translated in English-by June 08, 2005.

Considering the importance of the SME Development Strategy and Action Plan for the donor community, the co-chairs decided to convene the next meeting of the Partnership on June 15, when donors will be invited to react and contribute to the draft document before its integration into SEDP 06-10.



The Forest Sector Support Program & Partnership is a broad framework for collaboration between the Government of Vietnam and now 24 international development partners working in the forestry sector. The FSSP MOA includes 15 basic principles of collaboration agreed amongst the partners, and a Program Framework, which specifies indicative performance standards for the broad goal, focused objective, or purpose, and specific activities under 9 Result Areas2. FSSP & P has been operating since November 2003. Prior to the FSSP & P establishment, it was preceded by the 5 Million Hectare Reforestation Partnership, which operated from 1998 through 2001.

This report provides an update on major Forest Sector Support Program implemented activities during the last 6 months, 2005 planned actions , and revised success criteria of FSSP & P. It also comments upon the ongoing preparation of the 5-year plan.

Main activities implemented in the last 6 months

1. Legal framework for Forest Protection and Development

The (revised) Law on Forest Protection and Development was adopted by the National Assembly in 2004, and went into effect on 1 April 2005. Work has been ongoing to prepare a Decree on Implementation of the Law. The FSSP Partnership has supported preparation of the Implementation Decree through a ⁄50,000 small grant from the FSSP Trust Fund for Forests. This grant has enabled the Forest Department to conduct a number of workshops, including one with international partners on 6 May, and a national workshop on 10 May. The aim is to finalise the decree and submit it to the Prime Minister for promulgation in June 2005.

The FSSP and TFF will also be providing support to a number of other important legal decrees and regulations that are to be prepared this year. This legal work is part of the overall efforts to develop an updated and more coherent legal framework, which is important for Vietnam’s development and also for WTO accession.

2. Formulation of National Forestry Strategy (2005-2020)

The Forestry Department is leading efforts to prepare a new National Forest Strategy (2006-2020). Work has been ongoing for the past year, with the involvement of a 30-person inter-ministerial Strategy Team and a team of international and national consultants. Support for the strategy development is being provided by MARD, related Ministries, the FSSP CO Trust Fund, the new Trust Fund for Forests (TFF) , ADB and the World Bank, and a wide range of key stakeholders.

To date, considerable analytical work has been done, reviewing recent sector performance, preparing future scenarios, agreeing upon basic orientations, and preparing three development programmes, dealing with sustainable forest management, forest protection, conservation, and environmental services, and timber and forest product processing (industry) and trade. The Strategy Team and other key stakeholders will be reviewing the work to date, and discussing how to resolve some key issues, in an upcoming 3-day retreat workshop, to be held 8 to 10 June.

Work on the NFS is also being linked and harmonized with a number of other ongoing strategies and studies, such as the preparation of the forest sector 5-year plan, more detailed plans for forest seedlings, forest material supply plantations, revisions of the 5 Million Hectare Programme (see below), studies on gender and poverty issues, etc.

2 It is anticipated that the FSSP Programme Framework, with its nine Result Areas, will be replaced by the forthcoming National Forest Strategy (NFS, 2006-2020), as the key document for collaborative support and implementation by both national and international partners.


The strategy will articulate a vision for the sector, which will seek to balance social objectives, such as poverty reduction and improvement of rural livelihoods, with improving the forest sector’s contribution to the national economy and ensuring environmental and biodiversity conservation for selected forests. The strategy will also look at future challenges, as Vietnam’s forest sector becomes more integrated into the global economy. This analysis considers the likely future impacts of WTO accession and reduction in AFTA tariffs, as well as Vietnam’s obligations to international conventions and multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). Although it was originally planned that the new National Forest Strategy would be approved by the Prime Minister in June 2005, it is now agreed that the strategy formulation will be finalized later in 2005.

3. Five-year Planning

The forest sector has been actively engaged in preparation of its 5-year plan (2006-2010), to serve as a contribution to the MARD 5-year plan (5YP) and National Socio-economic Development Plan (NSEDP). In line with the CPRGS, as well as the forthcoming National Forest Strategy, the forest sector 5YP focuses on achieving goals of economic growth, environmental sustainability, improvement of social conditions including poverty reduction, and improved forest sector management. Considerable efforts have been taken to link the 5-year planning process with the preparation of the new National Forest Strategy, which will include action plans to implement the strategy (with a detailed plan for the first 5 years). The FSSP CO has been supporting these efforts, through participation in a MARD Joint Task Force on the 5-year planning, and compilation of initial international partner review comments on draft MARD and forest sector 5-year plans.

4. 5 Million Hectare Reforestation / 661 Programme

The Five Million Hectare Reforestation Programme (5MHRP), implemented by Decision 661, is government’s major forestry programme for the period 1998-2010. It is a major government programme intended contributed towards the achievement of the CPRGS. The 5MHRP aims not only to reforest Vietnam, but also to address issues of rural poverty and national socio-economic development. Its objectives are to: • To speed up forest plantation, regreen bare land, protect existing forests as well as new forests, increase the protective function of forests and protect the environment and biodiversity; create favourable conditions for sustainable national development, and increase the forest cover to more than 40% of the national territory; • To create employment, increase incomes for local people [residents in forest areas], thus contributing to hunger elimination and poverty reduction; develop production and create conditions for secure livelihoods, and ensure national defense and security; and • To create raw material areas in association with development of industries processing forest products. Thus, the 5MHRP aims to contribute to improved environmental protection, poverty reduction, and enhanced contributions of forestry to the national economy.

As of 2004, the 5MHRP has achieved approximately 2 out of 5 million hectares of planned reforestation. The Government is concerned about how to improve implementation, especially with respect to increasing the programme’s impacts on poverty reduction. Currently, a number of different studies and proposals for revision of 661 are under discussion. Government aims to revise Decision 661 in 2005.

4. Forest Sector Monitoring and Information System (FOMIS)

Work is ongoing to further develop the initial forest sector database. Currently efforts are focusing on developing a database on ODA support to the forest sector, to complement the data already collected by the International Support Group of MARD. Later in the year, when the sector 5YP and the new National Forest Strategy are finalized, then sector monitoring will be improved to monitor implementation of the 5YP and NFS.

5. Trust Fund for Forests (TFF)


Vietnam’s Trust Fund for Forests (TFF) is a grant facility to support pro-poor and sustainable approaches to forest management, and a transition towards a comprehensive sector-wide approach for development and cooperation in the forest sector. By pooling resources from several donors into one fund, the TFF will provide a more effective means for supporting key sectoral priorities, which are agreed and updated annually by the FSSP partnership. The TFF was established in June 2004. Two technical advisors have been working with the FSSP Coordination Office and relevant ministries since November 2004, to develop the TFF Regulation, operational procedures for the TFF, launch operations, and build capacity to manage the fund. In 2004, the FSSP Technical Executive Committee approved 5 small TFF grants, totalling ⁄ 200,000. Currently, the TEC is appraising two proposals for full-sized projects. Work will be undertaken in 2005 to begin to develop benchmarks for sectoral budget support.

6. Harmonization of Implementation Frameworks (HIF) Study

The Phase II HIF report was finalized in late 2004. This study looked at ways in which the procedures for large-scale forestry projects, whether funded by 661 or ODA, could be harmonized. A proposal for Phase III HIF activities, to include provincial piloting, has been prepared and submitted to the TFF for possible funding.

7. Other Ongoing FSSP&P Activities

The FSSP&P has been engaged in other ongoing activities, such as development of the Forest Sector Manual and improvement of communication systems, including the launching of a new FSSP&P website (www.vietnamforestry.org.vn) and quarterly newsletters Information exchange among FSSP, International Support Group (ISG), 5 MHRP, and the Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development is being improved through regular newsletters, magazines and publications.

The FSSP Partnership Steering Committee (PSC) met in January 2005 to discuss the 2004 Annual Review and approve the 2005 work plan and budget. The FSSP PSC will meet again 21-22 June 2005. The Technical Executive Committee has met to discuss progress with implementation of the FSSP annual work plan. The TEC is becoming increasingly involved in the management of the TFF, such as appraising proposals for TFF grants.

The Provincial Reference Group continues to work to disseminate information about FSSP&P among the provinces. The PRG will assist the Strategy Team with upcoming provincial and regional stakeholder consultations, and work to establish regional networks this year.

All these activities aim to improve the communications, transparency and governance among FSSP&P partners, and to support forestry’s contributions towards improving rural livelihoods and poverty reduction. The FSSP Partnership continues to work towards a gradual adoption of various elements of sector-wide approach (SWAP), and improved aid coordination and harmonisation.

Activities to be Continued or Completed in the Coming Months of 2005 • Ongoing support for key sectoral activities and building stakeholder understanding and consensus (strategy, law & legal decrees, 661 revision, FOMIS, TFF, HIF); study on sectoral financing issues (EC) and forest law enforcement; FAO sectoral support through 2 grants, from the National Forestry Programme Facility & the FAO-Netherlands Partnership Programme • More focus on decentralization of FSSP&P activities, and possible development of regional networks to support Provincial Reference Group • More attention to forestry’s biodiversity, poverty/social, and economic impacts in the preparation of NFS and 5-year plan • Studies on gender issues in forestry and forestry, poverty, and rural livelihoods are being conducted, to improve forest policies and strategies


• TFF-supported activities will focus on pro-poor and sustainable forest management and movement towards a sector-wide approach, and piloting strategic forestry activities, such as community forestry, in areas with high rates of forest cover and poverty, i.e., northern uplands and central highlands • Further development of communications and information sharing among FSSP partners, such as ongoing work to develop the Forest Sector Manual

Some Possible Success Indicators for 2005 • FSSP Forestry, Poverty, and Rural Livelihoods Study completed • FSSP Forestry and Gender issues study completed • Outputs of poverty and gender studies provide inputs into new strategy • New National Forest Strategy (2006-2020) adopted by Prime Minister • New strategy used to guide preparation of 5-year forest sector development plan for 2006- 2010, with more focus on how the forest sector can contribute to CPRGS implementation and national socio-economic development • 5 Million Hectare Reforestation Programme (Decision 661) revised • Trust Fund for Forests supporting one or more full-sized projects focusing on forestry- poverty linkages and/or other key TFF strategic priorities • Forest Sector Monitoring and Information Systems (FOMIS): sectoral monitoring system being piloted, and improved, including indicators on poverty in forest-dependent districts • Support to SFE reform, with a particular focus on reallocation of forest land currently allocated to SFEs to local communities and households • Strategy prepared to improve research, extension, training, and education linkages • Improving support to communities and households allocated forest land, i.e. extension, credit, seeds and seedlings, forest management guidelines, etc. • Decentralisation of key forest sector and FSSP activities, with a particular focus on the northern uplands and central highlands. Activities may include: o Support to regional networks o Support to the national community forestry working group o Support to allocation of forest lands to communities




The NDM-Partnership completed its initial phase of implementation in late 2003, which has resulted in setting up the Partnership institutions and coordination mechanism and finalization of several provincial pilot projects. A more comprehensive Action Plan of the Partnership for the next three years has also been developed setting more challenging targets for the Partnership in strengthening coordination while contributing more actively to sectoral priorities and the implementation of the CPRGS. This note provides a brief update on progress of the NDM- Partnership over the last 6 months (from December 2004 to June 2005), which was devoted mainly to continuing of mobilizing partners in discussing and finalizing the new Action Plan, undergoing necessary procedures to establish NDM-P’s Trust Fund for financial contribution from donors toward Partnership operation in addition to starting actual construction of pilot projects in provinces.

1) Progress of the NDM-Partnership over the last 6 months to support CPRGS and sector strategies and programs

• The last 6 months have recorded the successful completion of bidding process and early actual start of construction work of the two provincial priority projects in Binh Dinh province and Da Nang city. The capacity building component of the two projects is in its early stage of implementation. These projects are a combination of upgrading small-scale flood control infrastructure and grassroots capacity building to reduce vulnerability of people, particularly the poor to annual flooding. As such, they will contribute to reducing the human and property loss due to floods while empowering the communities and people in planning for their own actions in disaster reduction.

• With wide consultations and inputs from different partners in the formulation process of the NDM-P’s new Action Plan, the Plan has incorporated CPRGS implementation targets and sectoral priorities including mobilization of support for finalizing the Strategy for disaster reduction, integration of disaster risk concerns in the new Water Resources Management Strategy and preparing a new Law on dyke management and disaster reduction, etc.

• A number of NDM-P partners have achieved good progress in their on-going and planned programmes/projects in disaster reduction aiming sector-wide approach issues and poverty reduction. Examples of these are the AUSAID project in Quang Ngai, formulation of the World Bank NDM project and other water-supply and sanitation and vulnerability reduction projects of INGOs.

• In cooperation with ISG, NDM-P has supported the Dyke Department in developing the Ministry’s five-year work plan (2006-2010).

2) In follow-up to the discussion at the mid-term CG meeting in Vinh City, what progress has your partnership group made in developing views/proposals for integrating the CPRGS approach into socio-economic planning?

• As part of its workplan for 2005, the NDM-P, in close collaboration with the International Support Group (ISG) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), facilitate discussions and provide inputs to ensure that a holistic approach for disaster


reduction is clearly reflected in Ministry and subsequently the National 2006-2010 Socio- economic development plans.

• The Action Plan has outlined a number of studies on inter-linkage between natural disasters and poverty, environmental degradation

3) Over the next twelve months, what concrete actions will your group take?

The key milestones of the NDM-P will be the establishment of NDM-P’s Trust Fund, which will bring NDM-P operation back on track and endorsement of its Action Plan to allow implementation of the above planned activities. The Netherlands Embassy, AUSAID, Luxembourg Embassy, SIDA and UNDP have expressed their continued support to NDM-P and together signed in the Letter of Intent. Actual implementation of its Action Plan is expected to start soon.

4) What are your revised success criteria - or milestones- for 2005 to ensure your partnership group reaches its development outcomes?

The approval and implementation of the new Action Plan of the NDM-P will lead to many concrete outputs, the principle three of which are: ° A final Strategy for Natural Disaster Reduction that emphasizes vulnerability reduction, particularly for the poor in hazard-prone areas (by June 2005) ° Recorded inputs to the MARD and National 2006-2010 Socio-economic Development Plans for 2006-2010 ° An Implementation Framework that shows priorities and clear assigned responsibilities across sectors and at all levels to implement the Strategy for natural disaster reduction (draft for discussion by end 2005)

5) The future of this Partnership

Natural hazards are forecasted to be on the rise with high risks to turn into disasters without exceptions for a disaster prone country like Viet Nam. There has been an increasing recognition on causes of natural disasters for poverty in Viet Nam and the CPRGS has set a clear target to halve by 2015 the number of people relapsing into poverty due to disasters. Further, awareness on climate variability and the risks of natural disasters is increasing. Much remains for the NDM-P to further promote its coordination and mobilization of other sectors, institutions to support a broader disaster reduction agenda. The Government and MARD renewed commitments to this Partnership as well as participation of new partners from other sectors, research institutions and local levels are keys to success.


ISG process: An update and recommendations

ISG activities follow the 7 Key Areas

1. Facilitation of policy dialogue within and between MARD and donors 2. Coordination in formulation of foreign-funded programs/projects 3. Development and coordination of thematic studies 4. Support to the International Cooperation Department (ICD of MARD) 5. Information collation and dissemination 6. Capacity building and management processes (appropriate training and other capacity building activities) 7. Monitoring and evaluation (in ISG process)

I. Activities planned for the year 2005 Main activities planned for 2005

¢ Support to the development of the sector FYP (from March to December 2005), and support its implementation ¢ Policy Advisory Briefings (PABs) process ¢ Continue support for 5 provincial dialogue platforms (Thanh Hoa, Thai Nguyen, Tra Vinh, Soc Trang, An Giang) ¢ Support MARD institutional development activities, strengthening capacity in formulation and development ODA M&E system; strengthen capacity in management of ODA, INGO and FDI for the ARD sector ¢ Improve activities of ISG MIS (website ISG, ISG newsletter, Monthly Briefing, integrated database…) in service of sector policy dialogues and management of foreign resources. th th ¢ 10 meeting of ISG Steering Board (May 2005) and 11 meeting (tentatively in September 2005) ¢ ISG Annual Plenary Meeting 2005 (tentatively in Sep 2005) ¢ Thematic activities (TAG1, TAG2, and TAG3).

II. Main activities done in first half of 2005 Support to formulation of the FYP 2006-2010 of the ARD Sector

¢ March 05: preparation and support to donor consultation process of MARD. ¢ 18/3/05: Consultation workshop held : ¢ Synthesis report of international partners comments to development of the FYP ¢ Joint donors Statement on the FYP development process ¢ Carrying out supporting activities to specific units under MARD (development of log frames for the FYP, Plan 2006 for some sub-sectors, trainings; the planning tasks is to be completed by end of November 2005)

This activity is highly appreciated by MARD and donors, through which the role of ISG process in coordination is strengthened.

Development of Policy Advisory Briefings (PAB) within the ISG process (see further in Annex 1)


Some PABs underdevelopment: (details in Annex 2)

1. PAB No. 1: Experiences from the first PAB on “Streamlining CPRGS into MARD Rural Development Strategy” (completed March 2005) 2. PAB No. 2: Joint donor statement on MARD planning process for 2006-2010 (completed March 2005) 3. PAB No. 3: Policy recommendation drawn out from the joint Gov-donor Rural water supply and sanitation (RWSS) sector review (to be completed May 2005) 4. Recommendation and issues drawn out from the planning for 2006-2010 of the forestry sector, including viewpoints of international partners (to be completed June 2005) 5. Recommendation and issues drawn out from the planning for 2006-2010 of the ARD0 sector and recommendations for an improved mechanism for coordination among key players in the sector (to be completed July 2005)

Follow-up actions for PABs process:

‹ A consensus should be reached on policy themes for 2005 and for coming years. ‹ Completion of PABs as proposed: i. Publishing series of PABs as reference policy documents ii. Submit to MARD Minister iii. Shared with the donor community at the mid term and annual CG meetings 2005

PAB considered as an effective policy advise tool for the ARD sector; stakeholders are encouraged to actively participate in PAB process to ensure common interests/benefits.

Activities of Thematic Ad-hoc Groups (TAGs) and thematic activities

¢ TAG1: monitoring implementation of 3 study proposals approved by ISG SB Chairman ¢ TAG2: ¢ Support the joint GoV-donor RWSS sector review (organization of meetings, workshops, sharing of info, results and progress of the review team) ¢ Contribution to the ISG MIS (relevant legal documents, news regarding water sector activities) for sharing with ISG stakeholders. ¢ TAG3: ¢ Support efforts in implementation of CPRGS in the sector ¢ Coordinate with Planning Department in preparation for introduction of guidelines for formulation of new FYPs and plan 2006 for dialogue platforms provinces

Activities within ISG framework to support efforts to strengthen capacity and institution of the management task in general (ODA, FDI, NGO), and sector ODA monitoring and evaluation

¢ Support MARD (CPOs, ODA projects) in introduction of application of the harmonized progress reporting tool approved by the 5 banks: WB, ADB, KfW, AFD, JBIC to selected projects which were approved by MARD Minister ¢ Coordinate with ICDMARD to hold a training workshop on application of the new report format/tool ¢ Join ICDMARD in some field trips to several ODA projects to review their implementation and withdraw lessons learnt ¢ Support MARD in formulation of pilot system for monitoring and evaluation of ODA projects in the water sector (piloted on two big loan projects) ¢ Basic completion of the ICD website ¢ Developing the integrated database regarding international cooperation of the sector:


¢ A workshop held April 2005 for collation of comments from ICD officers and related partners for completion of the ICD website and the database ¢ Provision of training for ICD officers on networking (April 05) ¢ Support ICD MARD in implementation of some bilateral cooperation programmes (for example: MSCP)

III. Key indicators for 2005

Indicators 2005 for ISG process: FDI: ¢ Completed proposal for strengthening FDI management system, covering both institutional and capacity aspects. ¢ Study on FDI in agriculture and rural development sector completed, including a list of prioritized FDI projects and a package of policy recommendations. ¢ Consultation between MARD and donors on FDI issues completed (ISG plenary meeting 2005). ODA: ¢ A pilot M&E system on ODA projects completed with 2 projects: experience of the World Bank funded national water resources management assistance project (MARD Code: BNN-TL-02-037; VWRAP-P065898), and the ADB funded Second Red River Basin sector project (MARD Code: BNN-TL-02-002; ADB 3 - VIE 1855/TA), and shared among all the sector’s projects and donors (5 banks). ¢ A harmonized monitoring tool agreed by all the relevant partners in the cycle of ODA management. Planning: ¢ Final draft of the sector five – year plan log frame, indicators, M&E mechanism. ¢ Final draft of Department/sub-sector five – year plan log frames, indicators, M&E mechanism. ¢ Strategic planning knowledge and skill absorbed by a network of planners with MARD and at MARD departments. PABs and Study: completion of the PABs mentioned above and studies under TAG1

IV. Recommendations for consolidating and strengthening ISG process as a partnership Context ¢ On Dec 2005, ISG Trust Fund will be invalid. ISG activities will come to a stop if there is no further extension/or a new mechanism for management of the Fund ¢ Partners involved in the ISG process witness effectiveness from the activities done by the ISG process and expressed commitment to provide technical and financial support to develop the ISG process: ¢ MARD contributions. ¢ The Framework Arrangement signed between MARD the four Core donors (Australia, Denmark, Netherlands, and Sweden) to fund implementation of the ISG work plan 2004-2006. ¢ MARD-Sida Cooperation programme to be signed, in which Sida committed to finance ISG process until 2007.

Actions to be done in the second half of 2005 (ÏÏÏ)

For MARD: ¢ MARD to request the Government of Vietnam for consideration of an extension for the ISG Trust Fund until 2010. ¢ Ensure need legal conditions for stable development of ISG process, in terms of organization and personnel.

For donors as ISG SB members: ¢ To prepare recommendations in written to GoV/MPI/MARD on consolidation and


development of the ISG forum in the new period for better performing its role in policy dialogues, in which forms of assistance/support for ISG in the next period should be clearly stated ¢ To provide comments for consolidation and strengthening ISG Steering Board organization and to the development a of a new work plan for ISG in period of 2006-2010 ¢ To get more actively involved in ISG activities, including information sharing with MARD on issues of common concerns via the ISG forum

For ISG Secretariat ¢ Support implementation of the ISG work plan 2005 ¢ Prepare for a review of the ISG for period of 2003-2005, support formulation of a new work plan for ISG in the period of 2006-2010, and propose a mechanism for financial management for the ISG Trust Fund in the period of 2006-2010 ¢ Support in preparation of documents/procedures to submit to ISG SB/GoV/MPI/MARD for approval.


Annex 1:

Review of the Policy Advisory Briefing Process 3 in the International Support Group

This report provides a review of the initial experiences from developing a Policy Advisory Briefing (PAB) as part of ISG Work Plan (WP). The assignment has resulted in three “outputs”. These include i/ this review report; ii/ a draft guideline for preparing PABs; and iii/ an example of what PAB might look like.


In order to carry out this evaluation different documents (ToR for different functions in ISG, the ISG Work Plan, the draft from the first PAB, minutes and notes from different meetings and events in ISG and a fair number of other relevant documents, studies and publications) has been studied.

Meetings and interviews have been a significant part of the work as well. These meetings and interviews included both different MARD as well as Donor representatives. A special brainstorming event was organised as well in order to solicit views and ideas on how the PAB process could be improved.

SWOT analysis of PAB

An attempt is made to summarise the observations in a SWOT analysis for the PAB and the PAB process (see the Box). The SWOT is characterised by more ”views” under Strength and Threats reflecting that the PAB initiative is new and that ”weaknesses” has only been partly revealed. Many of the observations are addressed in the next chapter , but as this represents the ideas and opinions of this mission , the ISG members may not agree with all of them. Chapter 4 and the SWOT analysis can then serve as a departure point for modifying and negotiating alternative approaches, if needed

SWOT analysis of PAB and the PAB process

STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES • The overall purpose of enhancing policy • The purpose of the PAB as expressed in the dialogue is recognised, but also the need to WP and the expectations among stakeholders further develop the mechanisms for this differs. (highlighted in the SWOT in the ISG Work plan • The process for development of PABs lack 2004 – 2006) realistic routines to function properly. • There appears to be support by a clear • The role of different actors in developing majority of ISG members for the general idea of PABs has not yet been convincingly addressed. preparing PABs on a regular basis • Enthusiastic and capable people staff the Secretariat • High degree of commitment from the MARD leadership and from the Core Donor Group OPPORTUNITIES THREATS • The expectations among ISG members could • The purpose, expectations and value added of be further explored to strengthen initial the PABs has not been convincingly addressed momentum in ISG. • The PAB can serve the dual purpose of • The ISG members may not appreciate the enhancing the policy dialogue as well as need for the development of the PAB process increasing the understanding of policy as much as their enthusiasm for the PAB

3 Detailed report can be obtained from ISG Secretariat


processes among all stakeholders in ISG product. • The understanding of what constitutes the PAB has not been convincingly addressed. • The complexities of “policy analysis” are perhaps not fully recognised among ISG members (31)

Main conclusions and recommendations

The main conclusions from the review of the PABs with implications for how to move the process forward are:

• To expand the purpose to accommodate more of these different expectations in order to enhance the policy dialogue in line with the objectives of ISG. • The PAB should be brief, but that more than one page needs to be allowed if a more meaningful summary should be produced. The drafts (if there are any) can be attached or provided to ISG members on request. The PABs should however have a similar template regardless of policy theme, while these restrictions should not apply for any drafts prepared. • Other actors than the MARD department heads should be involved in the preparation of PABs depending on the subject. The role of the ISG secretariat should be modified, while the role of the ISG Steering Board should be more specified. • The number of PABs and the proposed themes are reviewed with the dual purpose of being both useful for ISG as well as for developing and fine tuning the PABs both in terms of process and content. • The articulation of policy themes be given more attention. This will help in categorizing policy themes and therefore the process for developing them. • To organize a special session to discuss different dimensions of policy in order to have a more shared understanding of concepts and terms • The value added of PABs when themes are selected and formulated can be enhanced if more attention is given for the aspects mentioned above. • To allow different type of policy subjects as long as these are articulated to match one of a limited number of categorized purposes. This would still allow the methods for developing them to be streamlined to a considerable extent and also make it possible to have a limited number of template for presenting them.


Annex 2:

Policy Advisory Briefing No. 1

Experiences from the first PAB on “ Streamlining CPRGS into MARD Rural Development Strategy”

Author(s): Thorsten Celander

Date: 2005-01-23


This PAB is different from what is the expected outcome of future PABs. It will analyse the outcome of the first PAB on the subject of “ Streamlining CPRGS into MARD Rural Development Strategy”. The general view is that this PAB did not result in the expected outcome. These experiences have however been very useful for the development of the PAB-process.

The PAB is based on a combination of documents (see ref.list) and meetings with some of the MARD departments involved as well as with some representatives of the core donor group (see list of people met).

This PAB will not address the original subject as such, only the experiences from preparing it and provide a brief analysis of the outcome of this first PAB

The Issues


The source of information for this PAB is based on a questionnaire developed with the intention of being a future standardised format for PAB preparations, regardless of subject. The questionnaire was circulated to 17 MARD Departments, 10 MARD Research institutes, and 3 MARD Centres. The average response rate was low (50%), but varies with type of organisation with response rates of 100 % for Centres, 65% for Departments, and 20 % for Research institutes. The overall response rate is hardly satisfactory though.

For those who answered the questionnaire, the responses address different departments priorities in relation to Vietnamese policies/guidelines and/or the need for special support for this. CPRGS is not even mentioned in any of the answers. The reason for this seem to be Ù The ambiguity of the subject. As there is no single “MARD rural development strategy” one has to ask how CPRGS should be streamlined into this. If the intention was to streamline CPRGS into any of the rural development planning cycles , why not say so? (e.g. any of the 10 yr, 5 yr or 1 yr plans) Ù While all departments, centres and most institutions are aware of CPRGS; this poverty strategy is said to be not well understood. Guidelines for CPRGS once expected to be developed by MPI are said to be non-existent. Hence CPRGS has never been internalised in MARD in any operational sense. There are however MARD guidelines on how to address poverty for relevant departments related to e.g. the 5 yr planning cycle

Other reasons suggested for the outcome, that might have implication for other future PABs is that


Ù The questions in the questionnaire tend to follow the general procedures of project preparations i.e. identify issues => identify desirable status => identify problems to be addressed => the resources needed for these problems Ù MARD departments are occupied with the routine work of their departments and only involved in policy/strategy issues of more immediate relevance for their particular mandate. Ù Horizontal interactions between departments are rare and crosscutting themes (like CPRGS) may be difficult to address. Ù Policy in general and different dimensions of this is not always well understood or concepts and definitions are not necessarily shared. This is not confined to MARD only, but possibly also to other ISG partners (read donors). Ù Hence, the conditions for a more holistic approach and analysis of in particular “cross cutting” policy subjects require more attention for future PABs at least for how line or sector departments and organisations in MARD could be meaningful involved.

The main outcome of the first PAB and the reasons as seen by the author of this PAB are summarised in the box below

Response rate Response type Response answers Is low since the Addresses resource Do not address the subject is not needs in relation to PAB subject, since relevant departmental it is not understood priorities

PAB Subject Streamlining CPRGS into MARD Rural Development Strategy

CPRGS as a topic Articulation Policy in MARD The questions Cross-cutting and The subject refer Departments The question used complex to a non existent involvement tend to promote a strategy limited to their project approach own sub sector response on resource

If one goes beyond this first PAB and review some available documents and other initiatives of relevance for the subject and the observations made above, a mixed picture emerge. In 2002 a Working Group consisting of 14 MARD representatives (from 7 different departments) and 7 Donor representatives addressed a similar subject. The task were essentially about i/ reviewing a draft version of CPRGS; and ii/ propose how MARD strategies and plans could be integrated in the final version of CPRGS.

This was documented in the report “Rural Dimensions of CPRGS: A Cross-Sectoral Vision”. This report is only partially reflected in the final version CPRGS from 2003 (if at all). While the reasons for this are beyond the purpose of this PAB, there are at least two somewhat speculative


observations one may highlight that have some relevance for the outcome of the first PAB. These are that Ù The familiarity and knowledge of CPRGS in MARD may not have been as low as one is lead to believe from the outcome of the first PAB, Ù The potential frustration that may have developed in MARD from seeing so limited impact of the efforts made by the Working Group. This may have discouraged resource persons in MARD to engage more actively in CPRGS’s integration into MARD plans and strategies.

Somewhat contrary to the observation above on the knowledge about CPRGS, are some of the projects that aim at enhancing the understanding of CPRGS in MARD. This refers to both finalised, ongoing and potential pipeline projects4. Part of the justifications for these projects all seem to suggest that the outcome of the first PAB should not have come as a complete surprise.

The bottom line here is that – whatever conclusion one wish to agree with above – there appears to have been limited considerations for previous initiatives of relevance for the first PAB subject on “Streamlining CPRGS into MARD Rural Development Strategy”. Had this been done the subject could have been formulated differently or abandoned altogether.


The overall purpose of this PAB has been to suggest the issues behind the limitations of the outcome of the first PAB on “Streamlining CPRGS into MARD Rural Development Strategy”. An attempt is here made to categorise them. The most significant issues are

Issues related to CPRGS and MARD rural development strategy Ù The ambiguous articulation of the subject itself. Ù Insufficient consideration for previous experiences of relevance for this subject.

Issues related to cross cutting subjects Ù The special difficulties that characterise crosscutting subjects are particularly evident; when specialised line departments MARD are expected to address them. MARD has no well- developed system for horizontal interaction between departments.

Issues related to the use of the questions in questionnaires Ù The questions used are in general similar to the approaches used to develop project proposals. This is likely to limit the policy dialogue based on PABs to discussions on support (read projects).

Issues related to lack of experiences and common ground related to policy analysis Ù While not being immediately revealed from the answers on the questionnaire, the expectation in ISG that a standardised questionnaire can be applied for different policy subjects is overly optimistic. Policy is far too complicated with many different dimensions. Even the understanding of the terminology may not be fully shared among ISG partners. Ù The partners in ISG needs to ensure that they have a shared understanding of common policy concepts and terms in order to have a meaningful policy dialogue Ù Different methods may be needed for the preparation of different PAB subjects to reflect these different policy dimensions.

Sources of information

4 1/ FAO supported —Implementation of the CPRGS and Capicity Building in Pipeline Development Project Formulation (completed in 2004) 2/ French supported —Information capacity strengthening for agricultural policy formulation (ongoing) 3/ SDC supported project formulation mission in November 2004 on —Rural Policy Support in Implementation of CPRGS“ (for potential future support)



Anon (2003) The Comprehensive Poverty and Growth Strategy. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Anon, (2002), Rural Dimension of the CPRGS: A Cross-Sectoral Dimension. MARD CPRGS Working OUP

People met

Ms Carole Ly Information Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development Mrs. Chu Thi Hao Cooperative and Rural Development Department Dr. Dang Kim Son Information Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development Ms. Do Hing Chi ICARD Dr. Hoang Kim Giao Department of Agriculture Mr. Le Quang Tuan Department of Water Resources Dr. Nguyen Dinh Ninh Department of Water Resources Mr Nguyen Than Muong NDM – partnership secretariat Dr. Nguyen The Dzung World Bank Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dieu Dyke Management and Flood Control Department Mr. Nico Bakker Royal NetherlandsEmbaasy Mr. Ole Pedersen Agriculture Sector Programme Support Mr. Pham Van Tham Centre for Natural Disaster Mitigation Mr. Phu Dung National Disaster Mitigation Partnership Mr. Rob MacGregor AusAid, Australian Embassy Mr. Tran Nam Binh ISG secretariat Dr. Trang Hieu Dzung Department of Planning


Policy Advisory Briefing No. 2

Joint Statement of Comments from a number of International Donors on the Second Draft of MARD’s 5-Year Plan (2006-2010)

Mr. Joe Thwaites, Ambassador, Australian Embassy Mr. Peter Lysholt Hansen, Ambassador, Royal Danish Embassy Mr. Gerben de Jong, Ambassador, Royal Netherlands Embassy Mr. Jan-Olov Agrell, Minister for Development Cooperation of the Swedish Embassy Mr. Klaus Rohland, Country Director, The World Bank Mr. Bradford Philips, Country Director, Vietnam Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank Dr. Markus Cornaro, Ambassador, Head of Delegation, European Commission

We would like to express our appreciation to you, Minister Cao Duc Phat, for the cooperative and open way in which you and your Ministry have engaged with us in considering the Five Year Plan (FYP). It is not an easy task to reform the planning process for such a major and diverse Ministry. We applaud the initiatives that you are taking.

We support your efforts to establish a more strategic, transparent and result-oriented FYP - one based on sub-sectors rather than departments, one that incorporates social and sustainability goals, and one with added emphasis on consultation with stakeholders, including the donors.

We have prepared a report that synthesises our detailed comments on the draft FYP. We would like to present that to you for your consideration and also invite other international partners to put forward their comments at the Consultation Meeting on 18 March 2005.

We believe that the Synthesis Report contains suggestions and comments that will assist MARD and MPI to clarify how this planning reform could be institutionalised in the sector’s regular management activities. We believe that renovation of the planning process needs to be sustained throughout the entire planning and management cycle.

There are a number of points that we consider would strengthen the planning process. We would like you to consider these:

• Firstly, the FYP should establish a stronger overall long-term vision for the future direction of the agriculture and rural development sector at large. This vision would help anchor other elements of the plan and should be based on genuine and thorough scenario planning and analysis.

• We consider that the FYP should be based on market-oriented growth, sustainable natural resource management and empowerment, and especially include provision for specific targeting of priority programmes towards poor people and regions, and outline application of equitable and participatory approaches.

• There is also a need to create better linkages between, on the one side, the overall objectives and targets and, on the other, priority programmes, resource allocation, definition of institutional delivery mechanisms and indicators for measuring success. These linkages are critical and would allow assessment of real needs at the sub-sectoral level. It is also critical to align public spending and institutional setting. We are confident


that the proposed logical framework will help clarify the internal logic of MARD’s FYP and its component activities.

• While the overall goals support poverty and sustainability concerns, the FYP in its current form does not provide clear direction as to how these goals and concerns are to be addressed in priority programmes. This is a critical missing element.

• In addition, the FYP should define relative priorities between priority programmes. This would greatly enhance the document’s potential as a management tool for prioritisation of effort and resources in the implementation phase.

• The FYP has a strong agriculture basis but other sub-sectors need to be covered adequately and cross-sectoral linkages needs to be established. MARD and its departments should promote cross-sector collaboration in the rural space as a whole, consistent with its mandate.

• The FYP should also reflect existing priorities and commitments embedded in current national and MARD-level action plans, strategies, legal frameworks and in international conventions signed by Viet Nam. In this context care needs to be taken that the FYP, the sub-sector strategies (e.g., forestry), and the underlying sub-sectoral work plans, are all internally consistent and reflect agreed priorities and outcomes.

• In addition, the FYP should clarify what services MARD and its network intends to deliver to rural peoples in view of the market-oriented directions and the emphasis on increasing decentralisation.

• Many of us are seeking further information from MARD on the evidence-based planning and prioritisation that it has undertaken, which so far is not evident in the FYP. What is the analytical foundation of the FYP and what are the gaps to be covered in view of dramatic changes in drivers of rural growth?

• We also suggest that implementation capacity should also be considered in greater detail. This will be applicable at all levels. The FYP should include a critical assessment of how this is to be addressed.

• We believe that the FYP will be better based, more comprehensive and of greater relevance if it were based on even more transparency and consultation, particularly at the sub- sectoral and sub-national levels, to allow the full range of stakeholders opportunities to give more substantive contributions. These stakeholders include the private sector, provinces and civil society.

Finally, Minister Phat, we ask that you consider and respond to our suggestions in the spirit in which they are made – to continue the process of renovating the planning process so that the resultant FYP will serve you, and all of us, as a sound and rational tool for planning, managing and investment by your Ministry and by us as donors. We look forward to continuing to work closely with you and to providing support to achieve this outcome.


Policy Advisory Briefing No. 3

Key Policy Challenges for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation

Authors: John Soussan & Jens Rydder Date: 25th May 2005

Introduction A recently completed joint GoV-donor review of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) provides a consensus position on the present status and key development priorities for the development of the sector. Meeting the needs of rural people for good water supplies and improved sanitation is a key development priority for the country. The Review highlighted the progress made and areas where challenges remain in the five years since the National Rural Clean Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy (NRWSSS) started in the year 2000.

The final findings of the Review include a number of specific recommendations on changes to the policy and regulatory environment covering the sector. These policy recommendations are consolidated in this brief, with a number requiring urgent action if the challenges facing the sector are to be met.

The Issues The overall national picture for water supply shows good progress, with the proportion of the rural population having access to good quality water increasing by 20% in the five years since the NRWSSS was introduced. Around two out of every three rural families now have water supplies that meet their needs and that are up to international standards. If the present trends continue the government’s targets of 85% of rural people having access to good water by 2010 and 100% by 2020 will be met.

Differences exist in the quality of water services between different parts of the country and different sections of the population. Present levels of coverage in highland areas are far below the national average and these areas need special attention. At the same time, more poor people in absolute terms live in coastal and delta areas, with many lacking adequate water supplies. Special efforts are needed to reach many people who’s needs are not presently being met. Similar differences can be found by income group, with less than a quarter of the poorest 20% of the rural population having good water supply coverage: a figure that contrasts with the richest 20% of the population, where 80% of families have good water supplies.

The generally positive picture for increases in access to water supply is not true for improvements to the availability of improved sanitation facilities amongst the rural population. Here progress has been slow in all parts of the country and amongst all sections of the community (though the poor are still much worse off than middle income and high income families). Nationally, less than one third of the rural population have access to improved sanitation and the rate of improvement has lagged far behind that needed to meet national targets for the future. The Review emphasised the serious challenges facing Viet Nam for sustainable sanitation. This has a serious impact on the health of rural people, and especially affects children, the elderly and the poor who are most vulnerable to water-borne diseases such as dysentery, diarrhoea and typhus. It also has a serious impact on the environment, and in some cases threatens vulnerable ecosystems such as wetlands and lagoons.

The importance of encouraging the involvement of the private sector (and especially small local entrepreneurs) and the greater participation of local communities in water supply and sanitation development was stressed by the review. The Review identified the need to open up greater choices for rural communities: choices in what sorts of technologies to invest in, choices in financial mechanisms for making investments and recovering costs and choices in how they organise themselves to manage new facilities. 70

Key Policy and Institutional Issues The Review presented a series of detailed recommendations for the future development of the sector. These recommendations are intended to build on past successes and address areas where performance has been less than satisfactory.

The challenges facing the sector need to be addressed on multiple levels through an integrated approach. This includes the need to establish a core national programme as follow-on from the first phase of the RWSS-NTP, need for a clearer framework of policies and regulations, better coordination between different ministries and between the centre and the provinces, a more effective strategic planning approach and the need to generate more resources for the sector. It also includes the need for more effective and coherent coordination between the efforts of the GoV and the support provided by the donor community.

On this basis, it is recommended that the following key policy and institutional issues be addressed on a priority basis:

1. Development of the sector should be based around a national programme which includes a distinct programming framework for sanitation and major increases in the funds available for this critically important health, environmental and poverty issue. 2. Development of a coherent and integrated framework for strategic planning within the sector. This strategic planning process should focus on: ° Strengthening the level of decentralization and make sure that provinces are more in control over details of planning, implementing and managing of RWSS facilities, but within a regulator framework set at the centre. ° Socialization as a means for enhancing demand-led approaches, consumer contributions, greater participation and private sector enterprise involvement. ° A distinctive programme for sanitation, with dedicated budget provisions and institutional capabilities, to address the sanitation challenge. ° The effective targeting of assistance to the areas and people most in need, based on improved strategic planning and monitoring and evaluation. ° Direct donor support focused on: (a) building capacities and helping the institutional reform process and (b) targeting the specific needs of different poor communities who are unable to pay for improved facilities. ° A nation-wide approach to awareness raising through IEC interventions that builds on experiences in projects (esp. Danida, UNICEF, etc) and defines modalities for disseminating these nationally. 3. Establishment of a RWSS Division within MARD, with 2 distinct units: one for water supply and one for sanitation to enable the development of a national initiative to develop a more effective policy and regulatory framework and strategic planning system to address the sanitation challenge. 4. Establishment of a RWSS Sector Support Partnership comprising key GoV and donor agencies as a mechanism for improved sector coordination and harmonisation in support of nation-wide application of the National Strategy in the context of the new national programme and donor supported programmes. 5. Strengthening the participation of local communities RWSS decisions need to focus on the policy and legal framework and supporting its implementation at the local level. This framework includes the socialization of RWSS, decentralization and grassroots democracy. Firstly, regulations and guidelines are needed to support the implementation of Grassroots Democracy decrees from the commune to provincial level. Secondly, regulations and guidelines are needed to implement Decree 24 on the mobilization, management and utilization of people’s contribution to rural infrastructure at district and commune levels. Thirdly, regulations and guidelines are required to make clear the roles and responsibilities of the different agencies, organizations and individuals that have the potential to participate in the socialization of RWSS. Fourthly, revision of Decision 62 on provision of credit towards RWSS interventions is required to ensure access to financing for all rural constituencies throughout the country. 6. Developing a strategy to enhance private sector involvement. The strategy should focus in particular on small, local entrepreneurs. Criteria for fair and effective pricing and cost recovery 71

mechanisms need to be established. As such, the first step in the development of the strategy is a number of further studies and pilot activities to investigate different aspects of private sector development. Finally, there is a need to reform the Enterprise Law and related policies to create a level playing field for the private and public sectors and to replace the present plethora of licenses and sub-licenses issued at local levels by simplified and systematic regulatory model developed at the centre. Decree 24 on the mobilization, management and utilization of people’s contribution to rural infrastructure should be amended, so that the community has the authority to manage the funds that they contributed for RWSS under the supervision of the commune PC.

Clean Water Supply Coverage Hygienic Latrine Coverage Clean Water Supply and Hygienic Latrines by Income Group Clean Water Supply Hygienic Latrines Region Poorest Middle Richest Poorest Middle Richest 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Red River Delta 54.7 73.1 93.2 2.5 11.9 71.1 North East 5.3 11.6 47.3 0.5 3.6 51.0 North West 5.3 11.6 47.3 0.5 3.6 51.0 N. Central Coast 12.9 30.1 65.1 2.6 7.5 57.1 S. Central Coast 16.0 21.7 63.9 4.0 19.4 83.0 Central Highlands 4.3 9.4 43.9 1.3 16.9 76.7 South East 27.7 37.8 87.6 6.5 23.1 86.7 Mekong Delta 41.1 48.8 75.3 1.0 4.9 44.8 All Viet Nam 22.7 42.7 78.8 2.0 10.7 69.6 (2003, VLSS data) For further information, please contact us at: Secretariat of the International Support Group (ISG) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) Room # 209, A9, No 2 Ngoc Ha, Hanoi Tel: + 84 - 4 – 7336610; Fax: + 84 - 4 - 7336624 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.isgmard.org.vn



1. Partnership Assessment 1.1 The status of the partnership group Since its establishment in July 2000, the group has consolidated information and experience on projects and programs in the transport sector in order to encourage the alignment of supports and the improvement of aid effectiveness. The group is currently moving toward a forum of active discussion on sector issues and in joint policy formulation. A new approach – focusing on a few specific policy issues for active discussion -- has been introduced since the 8th partnership meeting in May 2004 and followed by related small group meetings. The focus of the partnership to date has been on two specific agendas, “Road Maintenance,” and “Hanoi Urban Transport”.

1.2 The structure of the partnership group Presently MOT and JBIC jointly chair the partnership group with participants from MOT-affiliated organizations and donors involved in the sector. The partnership group values flexibility in its membership and actively involves new participants relevant to discussed topics. Hanoi People’s Committee (Hanoi PC) participated in the 8th and 9th partnership meetings which focused on specific issues in the transport sector in Hanoi.

2. Activities of the partnership group and its members 2.1 The 10th Transport Partnership Working Group Meeting The 10th transport partnership meeting is planned to be held in early June 2005, with the focus being on “Road Maintenance” and “Hanoi Urban Transport”. In addition, discussion will also be held on “Donors’ Inputs to the next SEDP.” (For details, please see 3. Socio Economic Development Plan)

2.2 Efforts to align supports for the improvement of aid effectiveness (1) Road maintenance As the Vietnamese government and the donor community have confirmed the necessary improvement of the balance between investment and recurrent expenditures in order to ensure sustainability of investment expenditures in various occasions including the PRSC process, a consensus has been built among the partnership group members to place great emphasis on improvement of road maintenance. In this regard, the stakeholders, especially ADB, JBIC, and WB where support to maintenance programs have recently commenced, agree to coordinate their areas of assistance, so that capacity building for VRA can be designed in a comprehensive and effective manner avoiding overlaps.

MOT, VRA, and donors shares the perception that VRA, as a user of the road management system, is in a focal position to handle the overlap issue. With the commencement of the ADB project in November 2004, stakeholders had coordination activities in order to avoid duplication and to achieve effective division of roles among the involved donors, result of which was summarized in Attachment. Stakeholders agreed to continuously hold regular coordination meetings.

(2) Capacity building for provincial transport Agreement has been reached between all the major donors on the need for a consistent and comprehensive capacity building approach for Sub-national transport development.

ADB, DFID and WB have agreed to support a joint programme focusing on Provincial, District and commune capacity development focusing on the road sector primarily. It is hoped that initiatives from other donors will also be integrated under this MoT led programme in future – for example JBIC work on rural bridges, JICA road safety etc. A detailed framework of support


options was circulated to the transport donor partnership group for comment in the end of May. The initial implementation phase is expected to start at the beginning of 2006.

(3) Hanoi Urban Transport The F/S for the tramway project has been completed with the supports from the French government and submitted to HPC and MPI. However, the second phase of the F/S is ongoing with a view to examining further technical alternatives, which will be completed by September 2005.

The WB has recently completed a study to look at the possible role for the private sector in supplying bus services in Hanoi. This has resulted in the first round of competitive tenders for bus routes in the capital. The consultants for the feasibility study to introduce MetroBus (Bus Rapid Transit) mobilized in April and they will also prepare plans for extension of ring road 2 and facilities to encourage smooth inter modal transfer between the bus and tram system. Several coordination plans including common ticketing system and transit terminals are being considered by the two donors and Hanoi PC.

The F/S for the elevated railway project between Hanoi and Ha Dong was completed and submitted to MPI. MPI is now gathering comments from related ministries.

JICA has assisted Hanoi People’s Committee in preparing “Comprehensive Urban Development Programme in Hanoi ” (HAIDEP), while “Hanoi Metropolitan Master Plan” is being undertaken by MOC and the National Institute of Urban and Rural Planning under the technical assistance of WB and Ile-de-France Region (IMV) with the support of the cooperation service of the French Embassy. The development of these plans will be important to ensure prioritised infrastructure is financed (such as key bridges) and that sufficient coordination is in place between different infrastructure sub-sectors. Coordination among donors will be made through Transport Sector Partnership Group as well as regular meetings arranged by these donors.

3. Socio-Economic Development Plan MOT has been finalizing the transport sector development plan for next five year (2006-2010) in accordance with Prime Minister’s guidance (Ref. No.33/2004/CT-TTg) on drafting the 2006-2010 Socio-Economic Development Plan (SEDP).

At the 9th Transport Partnership Working Group Meeting, the participants reached a consensus on the outline of donors’ input to support MOT’s drafting of this SEDP. The consultant’s draft final report was shared at the 10th Partnership Group Meeting for broad consultation among MOT and other stakeholders. While the final version has been in consolidation process, here are the main findings by the consultant at present:

3.1 Review of 2001-2005 plan and Sector Issues: The total investment fund for the transport sector was VND 130 trillion for 2001-2005 period, of which VND 65 trillion goes to MOT. Of the investment to MOT, the State budget contributes VND 28 trillion, half of which comes from ODA sources.

The fund executed during 2001-2005 by the whole sector including MOT and provinces reaches VND 79,455 billion. Comparing with the approved investment plan till 2010, 47.8% will be achieved during the first 5-year period in monetary terms. When the achievement of the sector are compared with the plans adopted in VITRANSS, 67.5% of VITRANSS plan up to 2005 in monetary terms will be completed within this SEDP period, of which the road subsector with largest pie of investment fund also shows the highest achievement of 95.2%.

Alongside massive positive impacts to the national socio-economic growth and poverty reduction, the sector has been facing a number of challenges which includes but not limited to: (i) unbalance between investment and maintenance; (ii) urban transport in major cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city; (iii) development of expressway in key areas; (iv) traffic safety issue; and (v) the need


to ensure consistent National and Sub-national transport systems in a decentralized administrative and financial system.

3.2 Orientation for 2006-2010 period: During the next five-year period, the transport sector would need some VND 361 trillion to meet its development targets. On the other hand, all funding opportunities would only sum up at VND 258 trillion and VND 203 trillion for the next SEDP period for high and moderate growth scenarios respectively.

Under this budget constraint, it would be most important for the sector to: (i) properly determine priorities among projects based on sound selection criteria; (ii) enhance capital mobilization especially through increase of ODA commitment and Government bonds as well as an increase of the absorptive capacities through performance improvement; and (iii) strengthen the role sharing between central and local level, for example discussing local roads in provincial master plan.

Recommended actions are: (i) to prepare monitoring and evaluation system for more effective planning; (ii) to prioritize candidate projects listed in 2006-2010 SEDP; and (iii) to coordinate with regional (by MOC) and provincial plans to determine priorities and role-sharing.

Investment priority is preliminarily recommended in the following order: (i) ongoing projects; (ii) maintenance; (iii) provincial/rural roads (considering connectivity); (iv) urban transport (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City); and (v) key rehabilitation project of each sub-sector.

4. Actions for the Next 12 Months © To continuously support MOT in finalizing SEDP by the partnership group members with DFID’s finance, including consultations on the plan with transport stakeholders. © To pilot a Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) in transport which would bring together the need to plan under budget constraint, to balance investment and recurrent expenditure, and to set out clear priorities and performance measures for PRSC-5. © To organize regular Government/ Donor coordination meetings on road management system to ensure a consistent and sustainable approach with harmonized donors’ support. © To share the progress of master plans and the F/S related to the transport sector in Hanoi and, with the lead of Hanoi PC, provide inputs for refining these planning activities.



Demarcation among Donor’s Support for Road Maintenance Issues

JBIC Finland ADB WB*

  Pavement With focus on integration of With focus on development Management System the related systems as well as of PMS development of PMS

 With focus on the core design   Bridge Maintenance of BMS, including With focus on preparation of With focus on data collection System programming & financial bridge inspection and repair and analysis module and its manual institutionalization Road Maintenance   

Planning With focus on bridges With focus on roads With focus on roads

Road Maintenance  and Finance

Institutional Reform  for VRA

Note: Further discussions may be necessary especially between WB and ADB, when consultants employed under the WB’s Road Network Improvement Project are mobilized. DFID are providing support in collaboration with the WB for sub-national planning in these areas.



PROJECT DONOR STATUS DURATION C O NTACT Road Improvement ADB Completed 1993-2001 Sai Gon Port ADB Completed 1994-2001 Second Road Improvement ADB Completed 1997-2003 Third Road Improvement (including Implementation of [email protected] ADB Ongoing 1998-2005 Sector Development Policy - ISDP component) [email protected] [email protected] GMS: HCMC-Phnom Penh Highway ADB Ongoing 1998-2005 [email protected] [email protected] GMS: East-West Corridor ADB Ongoing 2000-2005 [email protected] [email protected] Provincial Roads Improvement ADB Ongoing 2001-2006 [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] Central Region Transport Network ADB Preparation Stage 2005-2010 [email protected]

GMS: Ha Noi - Lao Cai Railway ADB Preparation Stage 2006-2010 [email protected], [email protected]

[email protected], [email protected] GMS: Kunming-Haiphong Expressway - Phase 1 ADB Concept Stage 2006-2011 [email protected] GMS: Southern Coastal Corridor ADB Preparation Stage 2007-2011 Standby 2007 and Firm Ho Chi Minh City Metro Rail ADB Concept Stage 2008 GMS: Kunming-Haiphong Expressway - Phase 2 ADB Concept Stage Firm 2008 HCMC Ring Road ADB Concept Stage Standby 2008 France F/S on rehabilitation of Long Bien bridge Completed 2004 [email protected] (MoF) France F/S of tramway line on Road 32 Completed 2004 [email protected] (MoF)


France Study on Intergrated Long-term Public Transpor [email protected] (FFEM: Ongoing 2004 Development Plan in Hanoi [email protected] AFD/ MoF) Mr. Richter; Mr. Nguyen Van Minh: Rehabilitation of 15 Main-Line Locomotives KfW completed 15.03.1996 - 2000 [email protected] Mr. Richter; Mr. Nguyen Van Minh: Feasibility Study on Urban Railway System of Hanoi KfW completed 1999-2000 [email protected] Mr. Richter; Mr. Nguyen Van Minh: Supply of Modern Railway Cranes KfW Ongoing 2000-2003 [email protected] Mr. Richter; Mr. Nguyen Van Minh: Workshop Programme Danang KfW Ongoing 1999 - 2005 [email protected] Mr. Richter; Mr. Nguyen Van Minh: Main Line Locomotives KfW Ongoing 2001-2007 [email protected] Mr. Richter; Mr. Nguyen Van Minh: Hopper Suction Dredger KfW Ongoing 2000-2005 [email protected] Mr. Richter; Mr. Nguyen Van Minh: Vietnam Railway Control Center KfW under preparation [email protected] Vietnam Railways Project GTZ Ongoing 2001- 2006 Nguyen Van Tau [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC National Highway No. 5 Improvement Project JBIC Completed 1996 – 2004 [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC National Highway No. 1 Bridge Rehabilitation Project JBIC Ongoing 1996 - 2005 [email protected] Second National Highway No. 1 Bridge Rehabilitation Satoko Tanaka, JBIC JBIC Ongoing 1999 - 2006 Project (3) [email protected] Third National Highway No. 1 Bridge Rehabilitation Satoko Tanaka, JBIC JBIC Ongoing 2003 - 2009 Project [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC National Highway No. 10 Improvement Project JBIC Ongoing 1998 -2007 [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC National Highway No. 18 Improvement Project JBIC Ongoing 1998 -2008 [email protected]


Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Bai Chay Bridge Construction Project JBIC Ongoing 2001 - 2008 [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Binh Bridge Construction Project JBIC Ongoing 2000 - 2007 [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Red River (Thanh Tri) Bridge Construction Project JBIC Ongoing 2000 - 2008 [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Can Tho Bridge Construction Project JBIC Ongoing 2001 - 2009 [email protected] National Highway No. 1 Bypass Road Construction Satoko Tanaka, JBIC JBIC Ongoing 2001 - 2009 Project [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Hai Van Tunnel Construction Project JBIC Ongoing 1997 - 2007 [email protected] Rural Development and Living Standard Improvement Satoko Tanaka, JBIC JBIC Ongoing 1999 - 2006 Project III (Rural Road) [email protected] Small-Scale Pro Poor Infrastructure Development Project Satoko Tanaka, JBIC JBIC Ongoing 2003 - 2007 (Rural Road) [email protected] Hanoi – Ho Chi Minh City Railways Bridge Satoko Tanaka, JBIC JBIC Ongoing 1994 - 2005 Rehabilitation Project [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Hai Phong Port Rehabilitation Project (Phase II) JBIC Ongoing 2000 - 2007 [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Cai Lan Port Expansion Project JBIC Ongoing 1996 - 2005 [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Da Nang Port Improvement Project JBIC Ongoing 1999 - 2006 [email protected] Coastal Communication System Project in Southern Satoko Tanaka, JBIC JBIC Ongoing 2000 - 2007 Vietnam [email protected] Tan Son Nhat Airport International Terminal Construction Satoko Tanaka, JBIC JBIC Ongoing 2002 - 2007 Project [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Sai Gon East-West Highway Construction Project JBIC Ongoing 2000 - 2007 [email protected]


Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Transport Infrastructure Development Project in Hanoi JBIC Ongoing 1999 - 2006 [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC National Weak Bridges Reconstruction Project JBIC Ongoing 2004 - 2008 [email protected] Hanoi – Ho Chi Minh City Railways Bridge Satoko Tanaka, JBIC JBIC Ongoing 2004 - 2009 Rehabilitation Project (III) [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Cai Mep-Thi Vai International Port Development project JBIC Ongoing 2004 - 2012 [email protected] Satoko Tanaka, JBIC National Highway No.3 Improvement Project JBIC Ongoing 2005 - 2011 [email protected] Stakeholder Traffic Safety Program on Interurban Satoko Tanaka, JBIC JBIC Ongoing 2005 National Roads [email protected] Detailed Design Study of CAI MEP-THI VAI Komori katsutoshi, JICA JICA Ongoing 2004-2006 International Terminals [email protected] Komori katsutoshi, JICA The Project of the Improvement of Port Management JICA Ongoing 2005-2009 [email protected] Komori katsutoshi, JICA Traffic Safety Program JICA Ongoing 2004-2005 [email protected] Human Resource Development Project on Traffic Safety Komori katsutoshi, JICA JICA Proposed 2005-2009 Program [email protected] Komori katsutoshi, JICA Study on Roadside Stations JICA Proposed 2005-2006 [email protected] Study on Urban Transport Master Plan and Feasibility Komori katsutoshi, JICA JICA Completed 8/2002-6/2004 Study in HCN Metropolitan Area [email protected] Study on urban transportation master plan in Hanoi (as Komori katsutoshi, JICA JICA Ongoing 2004-2006 one component of the Hanoi City Planning Master Plan) [email protected] Project for Reconstruction of Bridges in Mekong Delta Komori katsutoshi, JICA GOJ/JICA Completed 6/2001-3/2004 Area [email protected] Project for Reconstruction of Bridges in the Central Komori katsutoshi, JICA GOJ/JICA Ongoing /Proposed 4/2002-3/2006 District [email protected]


Shomik Mehndiratta Urban Transport Improvement Project WB Ongoing 11/1998-6/2005 [email protected] Inland Waterways and Port Rehabilitation Project WB Ongoing 03/1998 - 09/2005 Simon Ellis [email protected] Maria Margarita Nunez Mekong Transport and Flood Protection Project WB Ongoing 06/2001 - 06/2006 [email protected] Road Network Improvement Project WB Ongoing 12/2003-9/2008 Jerry Lebo [email protected] Road Safety Project WB Negotiated 2005-2010 Jerry Lebo [email protected] Shomik Mehndiratta Hanoi Urban Transport Development Project WB Under preparation 2006-2011 [email protected] Mekong Transport Infrastructure Development project WB Under preparation 2006-2011 Simon Ellis [email protected] Baher El-Hifnawi Northern Delta Transport Development Project WB Under preparation 2008-2012 [email protected] Baher El-Hifnawi Multi-Modal Transport Regulatory Review (PPIAF) WB Ongoing 5/2005-1/2006 [email protected] Study on Consolidation and Development of bus System Shomik Mehndiratta WB Ongoing 6/2005-1/2006 in HCMC (PPIAF) [email protected] [email protected] Simon Lucas [email protected] Second Rural Transport Project WB/DFID Ongoing 01/05/2000 - 12/2005 or Phuong Thi Minh Tran [email protected] [email protected] Third Rural Transport Project: WB/DFID Under preparation 2006 - 2010 Simon Lucas [email protected] Simon Ellis [email protected] RITST or Robert Petts intech- Rural Road Surfcing Reasearch WB/DFID Ongoing 01/05/2003 - 12/2005 [email protected]

Review of Rural Road Strategy DFID On going May 2005 - June 2006 Simon Lucas [email protected]

Satoko Tanaka, JBIC Transport sector co-ordination (SEDP inputs and other November 2004 - JBIC/DFID On going [email protected] co-ord. support) December 2005 Simon Lucas [email protected]



The most significant recent event was the tentative approval of the Legal System Development Strategy (LSDS) by the Politburo in March. The Politburo’s approval was conditional upon a few minor changes being made to the draft. These amendments have been made and it is expected that the LSDS will be issued as a resolution of the Party before the end of the month. The Strategy should provide clear policy direction, and the accompanying annexes a clear framework, for comprehensive legal development to 2010, as well as its orientation up until 2020. The mid-year meeting of the Legal Partnership Forum, to be organised under the UNDP-Sida-DANIDA funded project shortly, should clarify the nature of the strategy.

At the same time, the Politburo is reported to have considered the draft Judicial Reform Strategy formulated in the wake of the April 2004 National Judicial Conference review of implementation of Politburo Resolution No. 8 on ‘Key Judicial Tasks’ (January 2002) and given it’s qualified approval. While the exact details of the strategy are not yet public, the strategy will provide strategic directions for increasing the capacity and independence of the courts and procuracy, as well as investigating and other quasi-judicial bodies.

It is expected that the final text of the LSDS will be released shortly. While it is not yet known when the contents of the Judicial Reform Strategy will be made available, it is understood that the two strategies are complementary. As such, the challenge will not be to avoid overlap or conflict in implementation plans but, rather, to harness and promote synergies in their implementation. The UNDP-Sida-DANIDA funded project is preparing to step up its activities to implement the LSDS once it is finally approved. There are discussions to see whether the financing facility being developed under this project might also be used to support Judicial Reform Strategy implementation activities, in addition to those relating to the LSDS.

Work continues to flesh out the framework for the adoption of international treaties and their incorporation into domestic law. In addition to giving effect to the international standards embodied in the international agreements to which Vietnam is a party, or to which it plans to become a party, this process should enhance the government’s ability to review and ensure the internal coherence of laws and regulations, as well as their compliance with higher legal norms. This links, in principle if not practice, with ongoing efforts to refine the process of post-adoption review (post-checking) of legal normative documents.

In this context, expectations of WTO accession – possibly as early as the end of 2005 - are accelerating efforts to overhaul the legislative and regulatory process. Not only is this affecting those specific areas of law and administration relating to trade, it is spurring efforts to ensure greater conformity and transparency in the legal regime. Toward this end, while balancing this imperative against the need for greater decentralisation, work continues to finalise the regulations to implement the Law on the Promulgation of Legal Normative Documents by Local People’s Committees and Councils.

Anti-corruption is a high priority item on the agenda of the Vietnamese Government. Vietnam signed the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in December 2003 and the Government Inspectorate is currently leading the drafting of a Law Against Corruption (LAC). The LAC will be reviewed in the first session of the National Assembly in 2005 and is expected to be adopted by the end of 2005. In addition, it is expected that Vietnam will ratify the UNCAC by the end of 2005. The Government Inspectorate has approached the donor community for support to anti-corruption efforts in Vietnam. Donor support will be coordinated within a cooperation framework coordinated by Sweden/SIDA.



General Support Area of support Donors Key objectives Counterparts Status Start-end dates Contact persons Support the Legal System UNDP/SIDA/DANI To strengthen the Management Capacity for MOJ and On going Sep. 2003- Sep. UNDP: Luu Tien Dung at Development Strategy DA/WB/ADB the LSDS implementation other legal 2007 [email protected] or agencies Katrine Pedersen at UNDP/SIDA/DANI [email protected] A To implement a number of high priorities of SIDA : Anette Dahlstrom at the legal and judicial reform agenda On going Sep. 2003-Sep. [email protected] 2007 or Mr. Vu Tuan Minh at [email protected] DANIDA: Ms.Charlotte Lauersen Counsellor at [email protected] WB : Hoi-Chan Nguyen Hnguyen3@worldbank, Or Soren Davidsen [email protected] ADB: Mr. Shinsuke Kawazu at [email protected] Mrs Kanokpan Lao-Araya at [email protected]

Professional advice and assistance USAID/STAR To create a legal environment for 36 On going 2002-2005 Mr. Steve Parker: in carrying out legal reforms implementation of the BTA and accession government [email protected] needed for the implementation of to WTO This involves supporting legal and state Mr. John Bentley at the Bilateral Trade Agreement reforms in almost all key economic and agencies at the [email protected] between Viet Nam and the United commercial sectors, as well as advancing national level, Mr. Hank Baker at States (BTA) and accession to the procedures and capacity of the courts to and 10 [email protected] WTO resolve commercial, IPR and investment provincial/ Mr. Phan Vinh Quang at disputes. city [email protected] governments Ms. Helle Weeke at [email protected] To develop the capacity of key Vietnamese


USAID/USVTC officials and supporting players involved in DPM, PM’s On-going 2002 – 2005 Ms. Virginia Foote Vietnam’s WTO accession negotiations and Advisory [email protected] to assist in the implementation of the U.S.- Group, WTO Ms. Shiumei Lin Vietnam BTA as it relates to the accession accession [email protected] process. team, MOT Ms. Tran Hong Ha and MOF [email protected] Review of English translation of key legal documents necessary for WTO accession USAID/USVTC PhillipsFox On-going March 2005 to Ms. Vu Thanh Thuy WTO [email protected] accession Support for developing a suitable Atlantic To develop the capacity of Vietnam’s law MOJ, HLU, On-going 2003-2005 Mr. Nghiem Thanh Tung international trade law curriculum Philanthropies/ faculty and students in international trade HCMCUL [email protected] and materials at law schools USVTC law and policy. throughout Vietnam EC Institutional Support EC Institutional support to the legislative and M OJ, ONA, Planned 2004 Mr. Francisco Fontan Pardo at Programme (ISP) for Vietnam legal/judicial sectors in Vietnam pertaining SPC, SPP three years [email protected]; (EC contribution: 8 million Euro) to integration issues including a) policy and Mrs. Vu Thi Tuan Anh at advice and institutional support and b) [email protected] capacity building and training.


Area of support Donors Key objectives Counterpart Status Start-end dates Contact persons Catalog of Legal Updates: USVTC To catalog legislation and regulatory efforts PhillipsFox On-going Since July Ms. Shiumei Lin Vietnam Trade Policy Regime made by Vietnam in areas affecting its 2000 [email protected] (Updated Monthly) international trade policy regime. Provides Ms. Vu Thanh Thuy an ’s overall trade and [email protected] investment policy regime and highlighting legislative developments relating to obligations under the BTA and in preparation for WTO accession. Strengthening legislative drafting UNDP To strengthen capacity of reviewing MOJ On going Sep. 2003 Luu Tien Dung at process constitutionality, legality and consistency of [email protected] or normative legal documents Katrine Pedersen at [email protected] Support for developing a follow- USAID/STAR Support a research study and workshops by MOJ/NA On going 2004 Ms. Helle Weeke at on Roadmap for changes to laws, MOJ and related agencies (CEBA and [email protected] regulations, and procedures Committee on 84

needed to implement the BTA and Foreign to accede to WTO including Relations) exploring the omnibus law- Organize a study tour to the US making technique for amending USAID/USVTC to study the U.S. experience in MOJ, NA, Preparation June 12-19, Mr. Nghiem Thanh Tung several laws at once implementing international commitments, OOG Phase 2005 [email protected] especially those on WTO at both federal Ms. Ngo Thuy-Dung and state levels. Specifically, to learn how [email protected] an omnibus law is drafted, examined, approved and implemented thereafter. Support for developing a USAID/STAR Support a research study, workshops and ONA Completed 2003 Ms. Helle Weeke at Legislative Development Report publication of the Report by the ONA [email protected] (“LDR”) for National Assembly Center for Legal Information, with legislative action needed to dissemination to all Deputies and relevant implement the BTA and Accede NA staff to WTO Technical Assistance to National WB NA and MOJ On going Assembly and Ministry of Justice on the development of a Legislative Action Plan for WTO Accession.

Co-operation between Vietnam Sida • Enhancing the supervisory Office of On - going 2004-2007 Anette Dahlstrom at National Assembly and the (oversight) function of the National Vietnam [email protected] Swedish Parliament Assembly by strengthening National or Mr. Vu Tuan Minh at parliamentary supervision Assembly [email protected] knowledge and skills of Parliamentarians and staff. • Enhancing the parliamentary public information to ensure transparent, participative and democratic processes. • Enhancing the internal information services of the Office of Vietnam National Assembly (ONA) to support Parliamentarians.

Revision of Commercial Law UNDP To revise the Trade Law MOT On going 2003 Khuong Viet Thang at [email protected] Revision of the Commercial Law USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to MOT/NA After expected 2003-2005 Ms. Helle Weeke at develop a consistent, effective set of (CEBA) approval of [email protected]


contract provisions and enabling legislation revisions on CL regarding trade in goods and services in June, will support development of implementing regulations Revision of the Commercial Law CEG Facility Consultancy advice on sections of revised MOT Sections on law 2004-2005 Graham Alliband (AusAID) law and decrees on franchising and completed. [email protected] commodity futures exchange Project extension planned for the decrees Amending the Civil Code USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on draft MOJ/NA Expected to end 2003-2005 Mr. John Bentley at amendments to develop a consistent, (Law May 0r June [email protected] effective set of contract provisions, clearer Committee) 2005 with IPR protection, more effective protection of passage of the property rights more generally, and an Law by the NA effective regime for secured transactions. Repeal of Ordinance On USAID/STAR Workshops to develop a consistent, SPC/NA Expected to end 2003-2004 John Bentley at Economic Contracts effective set of contract provision to ensure (CEBA, Law May 0r June [email protected] clarity in applicable law to contracts in Committee) 2005 with NA Vietnam. Action Drafting new comprehensive IP USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts and MOST/ Ongoing 2004-2005 Hank Baker at Law issue papers to develop a comprehensive MCI/NA [email protected] IP Law that will meet requirements of (S&T TRIPS, the BTA, the Berne Convention on Committee) Copyright and the Paris Convention on Industrial Property, Drafting Law on Negotiable USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts and Ongoing 2004-2005 Instruments issue papers to develop a new Law on STAR: NA Negotiable (CEBA)SBV Drafting the new Civil Procedure USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to SPC/NA Completed 2003-2004 John Bentley at Code develop effective rules of procedures for (Law [email protected] court operations in compliance with Committee) BTA/WTO and best practices to effectively handle IPR and civil cases. Drafting implementing USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to SPC On going 2004-2005 John Bentley at regulations for the Civil develop effective procedures for court [email protected] Procedure Code operations in compliance with BTA/WTO and best practices to effectively handle IPR and civil cases.


Revision of Ordinance on USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to SPC On going 2003/2005 John Bentley at Procedures for Administrative develop effective procedures for judicial [email protected] Cases review of administrative actions in line with BTA/WTO requirements. Draft of SOE Law and Revision UNDP To increase a more efficient business CIEM Completed 2003 Do thi Nguyet Nga at of Cooperative Law environment [email protected] Draft of government regulations UNDP To effectively implement the Enterprise CIEM On going Apr 2002- Dec. Do thi Nguyet Nga at on business registration and Law 2006 [email protected] licenses Draft of a Law on Investment UNDP To create an uniformed legal basis for both CIEM On going Apr 2002- Dec. Do thi Nguyet Nga at foreign and domestic investment 2006 [email protected]

Draft Common Investment Law USAID/STAR Workshops, support for research studies and MPI /CIEM/ On going 2004-2005 John Bentley at and Unified Enterprise Law comments on drafts to develop a level PMRC [email protected] playing field for all business sectors in line with the commitments in the BTA and WTO and best practices to enable more and better investment.

Providing comments on drafts in an effort to USAID/USVTC assist Vietnam in drafting and enacting the STAR, Sidley On-going Since April Ms. Virginia Foote enterprise and investment laws to ensure Austin Brown 2005 [email protected] WTO/.BTA compliance. & Wood LLP Draft Competition Law UNDP To create a legal foundation for fair MOT Completed 2001-2004 Steven Geiger at competition in business [email protected]

Draft regulations on customs USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to MOF/ On going 2003-2005 Phan Vinh Quang at valuation, classification, post- develop WTO/BTA compliant customs Customs [email protected] entry audit and border measures regulations in these areas. for IPR enforcement; amendment to the Customs Law USAID/USVTC Comments on drafts to develop WTO/BTA STAR, Sidley On-going May 2005 Ms. Virginia Foote compliant customs regulations in these Austin Brown [email protected] areas. & Wood LLP Amended Law on Complaints and USAID/STAR Workhops, support for research studies, GI/IAC On going 2003-2004 John Bentley at Denunciations regional study tour and comments on drafts [email protected] to develop effective, BTA/WTO-compliant mechanisms for handling administrative complaints and judicial review of administrative decisions Law on Electronic Transactions USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to NA/S&T On going 2004-2005 Phan Vinh Quang at


develop effective rules on electronic Committee [email protected] transactions to enable trade in goods and services, and development of e-government and e-customs Law on Concluding and USAID/STAR Workshops and comments to develop a MOFA/NA On going 2004-2005 John Bentley at Implementing International BTA/WTO compliant law to enable the (Committee on [email protected] Treaties effective implementation of international Foreign treaties Relations) Ordinance on Commercial USAID/STAR Comments on drafts to develop effective, VLA/SPC/ Completed 2003 John Bentley at Arbitration and implementing BTA/WTO-compliant rules for commercial MOJ [email protected] regulations arbitration and enforcement of arbitral awards Ordinance on Anti-Dumping USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to MOT/NA Completed 2003-2004 Ms. Helle Weeke at develop WTO compliant rules and (CEBA) [email protected] procedures for anti-dumping cases Bankruptcy Law USAID/STAR Workshop and comments on a draft to NA(CEBA) Completed 2004-2005 John Bentley at develop effective legislation on bankruptcy [email protected] Development of Regulations on USAID/STAR Workshops on BTA/WTO requirements and MOPT Completed 2003-2004 Steve Parker Telecommunications comments on drafts to develop effective [email protected] regulations in telecommunications to foster competition, liberalization and regulation in line with the BTA/WTO commitments. Amendment of the Law on Local UNDP To support the debate on amendment of the ONA On going 2003-2004 Shane Sheils at Election and the Law on law and in consultation with people’s [email protected] Organization of People’s Councils councils and committees and Committees Draft of a Decree and other legal UNDP/AusAid/SEC To support the implementation of the MOF and On going 2003-2006 Trinh Tien Dung at regulations to implement the State O/DFID Revised Budget Law CEBA [email protected] Budget Law Review of State Budget Law, UNDP/DFID/CIDA Review the state budget law (2002), the CEBA/MOF On-going 2005-2006 Trinh Tien Dung at Resolution 387 and Decree 73 Resolution 387 of the National Assembly’s [email protected] Standing Committee on the budgetary process, the decree 73 and propose changes Decentralization of state financial UNDP Support for drafting and finalizing a MOF New 2004-2005 Trinh Tien Dung at management government decree on delegation of [email protected] responsibilities in state management to local governments Regulation on local investment UNDP Support for review and improvement of a MOF New 2004-2005 and development funds government regulation of local investment and development funds


Law on compulsory purchase and UNDP Support for drafting the law by providing MOF New 2005 Trinh Tien Dung at requisition comparative experiences [email protected] Decree No. 10 on socialization of UNDP Support for the implementation of the MOF New 2005-2006 Trinh Tien Dung at social services revised decree 10 aiming at mitigating [email protected] negative impact of the socialization on the poor Support for finalization of draft UNDP/DFID/CIDA To provide comparative experience in CEBA/SAV On-going 2004-205 law on state audit arranging an independent audit Legislation on human trafficking, UNODC Enable VN to ratify the UN Convention on MOJ On going August 2003 – Troels Vester at smuggling of migrants and Transnational Organized Crime and its August 2005 [email protected] transnational organized crime. protocols Drafting Ordinance on registration ADB To assist in drafting the Ordinance MOJ On-going 2003 Ms. Xuechun Zhang at of secured transactions [email protected] or Mr. Ramesh adhikari at [email protected] Support revision and DANIDA To support a speedy introduction of the SPP On going 2005 Mette Jacobsgaard, implementation of law related to adversarial system in Vietnam [email protected] court procedure. Support revision and DANIDA To increase capacity to deal with SPC Ongoing 2005 Mette Jacobsgaard implementation of law on administrative cases [email protected] administrative procedure Strengthening the NA and ONA DANIDA To reduce the adoption time of laws ONA On-going 2005 Mette Jacobsgaard participation in the legislative presented to the NA and increase the [email protected] process (study tours on specific number of laws passed in each session of laws, comparative studies, the NA. workshops, internships etc.) Legislation on Anti-Dumping CEG Facility Develop legal and institutional framework MOT On-going 2004 Graham Alliband (AusAID) to deal with anti-dumping measures taken [email protected] against Vietnam and against foreign products in Vietnam Increasing capacity to undertake CIDA Improving law drafting and research MOJ On going 2001-2007 Vu Thi Yen at comparative law analysis [email protected]

Isabeau Vilandré at [email protected] Amendments to the Law on USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to SBV/NA LCI Completed, 2003-2005 John Bentley at Credit Institutions develop a strong legal underpinning for a (CEBA) support for [email protected] sound, competitive commercial banking implementing sector in line with BTA/WTO commitments regulations and best practices. ongoing


Revision of Law on Credit CIDA Creating a legal foundation for credits VSB Completed 2003-2004 Vu Thi Yen at Institutions [email protected] abeau Vilandré at [email protected] Consolidation of Decrees on USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts of the SSC/NA On going 2003-2005 John Bentley at Securities and Development of a Securities Law to develop effective (CEBA) [email protected] new Securities Law legislation on securities to enable development of capital market and portfolio investment in line with BTA/WTO and best practice Drafting of Judgment USAID/STAR Workshops, study tour and comments on MOJ/NA-Law On going 2004-2005 John Bentley at Enforcement Code drafts to develop a more effective Committee/ [email protected] mechanism for execution of judgments. USVTC Amended Law on Promulgation USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to MOJ/OOG/ Law Completed, 2002-2005 John Bentley at of Legal Normative Documents develop a transparent and effective system NA(Law Regulations On [email protected] (“Law on Laws”), and of publication of enacted laws and Committee) going implementing regulations regulations and consultation on draft legislation Decree On Official Gazette USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to OOG/MOJ Decree and 2003-2005 John Bentley at develop legislation to ensure timely and Circular [email protected] effective publication of regulations before Completed, their effectiveness support for implementation ongoing Draft Law on Local Laws and USAID/STAR Workshops and comments on drafts to MOJ/OOG/ Law Completed, 2003-2005 John Bentley at implementing regulations develop a transparent and effective system NA(Law support of [email protected] of publication of enacted laws and Committee) implementing regulations, and consultation on draft regulations on legislation, at local levels going Support legislative drafting and CIDA Strengthening law drafting and reviewing NA Law On going 2001-2007 Vu Thi Yen at review process Committee/ [email protected] Committee for Isabeau Vilandré at Social Affairs [email protected] of NA Establishing legal framework NORAD Creating a legal environment in the fisheries Ministry of On going 2000-2004 Chinh Tran for fisheries sector sector Fishery Judicial Reforms Area of support Donors Key objectives Counterparts Status Start-end Contact persons dates Drafting a Bench book for Judges CEG Facility Improve the professional and practical skills SPC On-going 2004-2005 Graham Alliband 90

(AusAID) of the judiciary in court proceedings [email protected] Legal Aid UNDP/DANIA/SID To develop a sound legislation on legal aid MOJ On going Luu Tien Dung at A/NOVIB/SDC/ and supporting the provincial legal aid [email protected] or centers Katrine Pedersen at [email protected] Training and support for legal Atlantic To develop the capacity of legal HCMC Bar On-going 2003-2005 Ms. Vu Thanh Thuy professionals in Ho Chi Minh Philanthropies/ professionals in Vietnam to address and Association [email protected] City on enforcement of USVTC resolve disputes and issues arising from commitments in the US-Vietnam increased international trade. Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) and accession to WTO Strengthening Legal Aid System Sida Strengthen NLAA capacity to carry out MOJ On going 2005-2009 Anette Dahlstrom at in Vietnam legal aid, strengthen the PLAC’s capacity to [email protected] carry out legal aid, strengthen the capacity or Mr. Vu Tuan Minh at of mediation groups, lawyers, law students [email protected] to carry out legal aid. Strengthening judicial – Sida MOJ Under 4 years from Anette Dahlstrom at administrative procedures at local preparation 2005 [email protected] levels or Mr. Vu Tuan Minh at [email protected]

Legal Aid CIDA Strengthening legal aid service for MOJ On going 2003-2005 Vu Thi Yen disadvantaged groups in two provinces [email protected] Isabeau Vilandré [email protected] Supporting to the establishment of Sida • To assess the organization, activities and MoJ On-going Jan.-Oct. 2005 Anette Dahlstrom at a Vietnam National Bar autonomous capacity of the local bar [email protected] organisation associations. or Mr. Vu Tuan Minh at • To create a forum for lawyers, legal [email protected] researchers, bar associations, judicial bodies and other state agencies to discuss on the role of the local bar associations in society, to suggest the requirements and necessary conditions for the establishment of the National Bar Association in Vietnam. • To complete a detail outline of project on the establishment of the VBA.

Strengthening to Bar Associations DANIDA/Sida • To strengthen the professional capacity MoJ Under approval 4 years from Anette Dahlstrom at of Vietnam of practicing lawyers procedure 2005 [email protected]


• To strengthen the normative basis for or Mr. Vu Tuan Minh at practicing lawyers [email protected] • To establish an autonomous National Bar Association of Vietnam based on self-regulation and the highest degree of professional standards. • The elaboration of long-term development strategy for the lawyer’s profession in Vietnam up to 2020 Law Implementation/Enforcement Area of support Donors Key objectives Counterparts Status Start-end dates Contact persons Support for law enforcement in UNDP To strengthen capacity of the police force in Ministry of On going Sep. 2003 Luu Tien Dung at dealing with administrative implementing the Ordinance on Dealing with Public [email protected] or violations Administrative Violations Security Katrine Pedersen at [email protected]

Drug law enforcement UNODC To strengthen the law enforcement efforts over Ministry of On going 1 Jan 2004 –31 Troels Vester at trafficking in drugs Public Dec 2006 [email protected] Security Law making and law Sida - To strengthen the capacity of MoJ in law Ministry of On going 2001- 2004/06 Anette Dahlstrom at implementation making and law implementation Justice [email protected] - To strengthen law implementation ability of or Mr. Vu Tuan Minh at judges and civil executors, [email protected] - To strengthen MoJ’s admin. management capacity Assistance in drafting Civil Code, JICA Basic civil laws consistent with market economy MOJ, SPC On going July 2003 – Mr. Morinaga, Taro Civil Procedure Code, Enterprise are enacted through the increased law drafting June 2006 [email protected] Bankruptcy law, and other laws capacity of legislative staff. or related to Civil Code including Mr. Sasaki, Naoshi Security transaction Ordinance, [email protected] Immovable property registration law and Judgment Execution law. Assistance in the study on laws necessary for economic integration

Registration of secured ADB To support the capacity building and training National On-going 2003 Ms. Xuechun Zhang at transactions Registration [email protected] or Mr. Agency of Ramesh adhikari at Secured [email protected] 92

Transactions, MOJ Support the establishment of an DANIDA To collect, process and disseminate accurate data SPP On going 2005 Mette Jacobsgaard, Agency for Criminology and on crime [email protected] Statistics Support the international CIDA Strengthening legal capacity for international MOJ On going 2001-2007 Vu Thi Yen at economic integration economic integration, [email protected] Access to WTO Isabeau Vilandré at [email protected] IPR Reference Collection and IPR Atlantic To provide materials and training on intellectual GSL, HCMC On-going Since 2004 Ms. Dana R.H. Doan Seminar Series Philanthropies/ property rights to local lawyers, judges, law People’s [email protected] USVTC students, government officials and businesses so Committee, Ms. Vu Thanh Thuy that they may be better able to address specific HCMCUL, [email protected] issues arising from increased international trade HCMC Bar and investment and the development of domestic Association law in this area. Support for enhanced USAID/STAR Workshops to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of On going 2004-2005 Hank Baker at enforcement of Intellectual enforcement officials force in enforcing IPR and Public [email protected] Property Rights (IPR) by the assisting the Police Academy to develop training Security enforcement officials manuals on IPR enforcement Support for enhancing the USAID/STAR Workshops to strengthen the capacity of the Supreme On going 2002-2005 Hank Baker at capacity of the courts to enforce Supreme People’s Court and local courts in People’s [email protected] Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) enforcing IPR, including an intensive 3-week Court training course in Vietnam and Thailand in addition to a number of on-going workshops Support for enhancing the USAID/STAR Strengthen the awareness of and coordination Hanoi and On going 2003-2005 Hank Baker at capacity of local governments to within People’s Committees in Hanoi and Ho Chi HCMC PCs [email protected] enforce Intellectual Property Minh City on the importance and means of IPR Rights (IPR) enforcement through awareness-raising, coordination, and training workshops Support for enhancing the USAID/STAR Strengthen the capacity of the Vietnam Copyright Vietnam On going 2003-2004 Hank Baker at capacity of Vietnamese right- Center in enforcing IPR of Vietnamese artists Copyright [email protected] holders to enforce their and authors through awareness-raising Center Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) workshops Improving capacity to enforce CIDA Strengthening law enforcement capacity MOJ On going 2001-2007 Vu Thi Yen at civil judgments [email protected] Isabeau Vilandré at [email protected] Law Education and Training Area of support Donors Key objectives counterparts Status Start-end dates Contact persons 93

Support for the law training for UNDP - To strengthen capacity of officials at the grass Central Party On going Sep. 2003 Luu Tien Dung at officials at the grass root level root level in law implementation Internal [email protected] or Affairs Katrine Pedersen at Committee [email protected]

Strengthening legal education Sida - Upgrading law teachers’ knowledge on Hanoi and on going 2001-2005/02 Anette Dahlstrom at teaching methods, HCMC Law [email protected] or Mr. - Training law teachers at LLM and PhD University and Vu Tuan Minh at level the Ministry [email protected] Teaching curriculum development of Education Lars Malmberg at Hanoi Law - improving project management and and Training University international relations [email protected]

Strengthening judicial training JICA Judicial training institutions become capable of Judicial On going July 2003 – Mr. Morinaga, Taro developing high-caliber human resoureces Academy June 2006 [email protected] A comprehensive manual for procurators in the (MOJ) Mr. Sasaki, Naoshi field of criminal investigation and criminal first SPP [email protected] instance trial is developed. Assistance to education in JICA Ditto VNU On going Ditto Ditto Japanese Law at the Law Faculty of Vietnam National University Support to the Judicial Training DANIDA Strengthen the capacity of the court system to SPC Ongoing 2004 (2005) Mette Jacobsgaard School of SPC move towards greater independence for the [email protected] Constructing mock court and courts develop training material. Procurement of Vietnamese and international books for library Support to the capacity building in DANIDA Strengthen the capacity of the court system to SPC Ongoing 2004 (2005) Mette Jacobsgaard SPC in administrative law, court move towards greater independence for the [email protected] management and case courts management. Procurement of Vietnamese and international books for library and translation of selected books Training in general judicial skills DANIDA Train prosecutors in international and SPP Ongoing 2005 Mette Jacobsgaard for prosecutors comparative law [email protected] Training in judicial skills for DANIDA Increase independence of judiciary and their SPC Ongoing 2005 Mette Jacobsgaard judges capacity in selected areas [email protected] Intensive training programs and USAID/STAR Increase awareness about the BTA/WTO, NA/SPC/ On going 2002-2005 John Bentley at


workshops for government especially in IPR, transparency, investment, and MOT/IAC/ [email protected] agencies and business leaders on trade in goods and services, and develop MOJ/OOG BTA and WTO commitments and consensus and support for respective legal and others their implications for Vietnam changes. LAW INFORMATION AND DISSEMINATION Area of support Donors Key objectives Key Status Start-end dates Contact persons government counterparts Support publication of court USAID/STAR Support for publication of two volumes of SPC On going 2004-2005 John Bentley at decisions judicial decisions for the Supreme Judicial [email protected] Council (Vietnam’s highest court decision making body) and continuing awareness raising workshops Development of an Electronic DANIDA/ Develop a Roadmap for Creating an Electronic OOG SCOG 2003-2005 John Bentley at Official Gazette and development SCOG and Official Gazette to publish laws and regulations Completed May [email protected] of provincial official gazettes USAID/STAR on the internet, . 2005 STAR On going Support enhanced transparency in USAID/STAR Support a research study and workshops by the ONA On going 2004-2005 Phan Vinh Quang at legislative operations of the ONA Center for Information. Quang.starvn@fpt,vn National Assembly Support online business forum for USAID/STAR Support the development of a website operated VCCI On going 2004-2005 Phan Vinh Quang at publishing draft regulations for by VCCI for publishing draft legal documents for Quang.starvn@fpt,vn comments by businesses public comment. Support publication of reference USAID/STAR Raise awareness and build support for legal NA/SPC/ On going 2002-2005 Mr. Steve Parker at materials on BTA/WTO and changes in BTA implementation and WTO MOT/IAC/ [email protected] Phan related legal reforms and research accession and the economic impact of the BTA. MOJ and Vinh Quang at on economic impact of the BTA others Quang.starvn@fpt,vn Support for the development of UNDP - To better coordinate existing legal databases MOJ - On going Sep. 2003 Luu Tien Dung at national legal database and make them available for public use. [email protected] or Katrine Pedersen at [email protected] Strengthening legal information Sida - enhance capacity of MoJ’s staff in accessing Legal on going 2001-2004/11 Anette Dahlstrom at legal information in the National Legal Database Research [email protected] - strengthening legal dissemination Institute, MoJ or Mr. Vu Tuan Minh - library development [email protected] Assistance in improving JICA The quality of judgment documents is improved, SPC On going July 2003 – Mr. Morinaga, Taro Judgments and compiling court and court precedents are made available to legal June 2006 [email protected] precedents professionals. Mr. Sasaki, Naoshi [email protected] Support for IT networks DANIDA To improve and expand the communication and ONA, SPC, On-going 2004/2005 Mette Jacobsgaard 95

information system SPP [email protected] Other areas Strengthening the skills of the DANIDA Improved general skill sets of MPs. ONA On-going 2005 Mette Jacobsgaard MPs as representatives of the Communication with voters, handling of claims [email protected] people and petition, policy analysis, debating and presentation skills and assessment of bills. Strengthening the rights of UNICEF/Sida • Reduced crime rate of children offending or CPFC and Under Vietnam’s 3 years from Anette Dahlstrom at Vietnamese children in conflict being victimized other legal approval 2005 [email protected] with the law • Decreased the number of children dealt by agencies procedure or Mr. Vu Tuan Minh at the formal justice system (to avoid further [email protected] stigmatization and victimization) • Established child sensitive system/procedures for children (in case the child is dealt by the normal court system) • Improved prevention and reintegration/rehabilitation programmes as well as laws/policies to strengthen the rights and situation of the CICLW.