1^/ Cosette, Sif DENIS, WEST& Johwstohi
K , 1 A ^^jVi,{i|k»!u,r}<jii|,i''LMi,ui^if.^fl)''.ii.''., ,' I'' ,^ Li#i'"*r JE4N f AtJEAN. I »v 7 To ba published to |ia<r* Payttj^l^&cli ?a*t » OoMyloto Hov«l, »• '' as ifidlows: 1^/ COSETtE, Sif DENIS, WEST& JOHWSTOHi. -'f 4-41 ••''^^•&: 1= fkS^ .mm}^^> "if^v. alii' i.-r, LES MISERABLES. (THE WRETCHED ) % lokl. BY VICTOR Huao. A NEW TRANSLATION, REVISED. IN FIVE PARTS: I. FANTINE. iri.-,KARIU8. II. COSETTJE. IV. ST. DENIS. V- JEAN YALJEAN. PART V RICHMOND: WEST & JOHNSTON 1864. CONTENTS BOOK FIRST. WAR BETWEEN FOUR. WALLS : PAQB. I.—What can be done in the abyss but to talk... 9 II.—Five less, one more 12 III.-—Marius haggard, Javert laconic... 15 IV.—The situation grows serious .Y 16 V.—The Gunners produce a serious impression.. 19 VI.—Use of that old Poacher Skill, and that Infallible Shot, which in fluenced the Conviction of 1796 21 VII.—Dawn 22 VIII.—The Shot which misses nothing and kills Nobody ^4 IX.—Disorder a Partisan of Order 24 X.—Gleams which pass , ! 27 Xl.^-In which will be found the name«of Enjolras's Mistress 28 XII.—Gavroche outside , 29 XIII.—Mortuus Pater Filium Moriturum Expectat 3J XIV.—The Vulture becomes Prey 38 XV.—Jean Valjean takes his. Revenge 35 XVI.—The Dead are right and the Living are not wrong 37 XVIL—Foot to Foot 41 XVIII,—Orestes fasting and Pylades drunk 43 XIX.—Prisoner 45 BOOK SECOND. TES INTESTINE OF LEVIATHAN : I,—The Earth impoverished by the Sea 47 II.—Future Progress , 50, BOOK THIRD.
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