The Chemical and Preservative Properties of Sulfur Dioxide Solution for Brining Fruit
The Chemical and Preservative Properties of Sulfur Dioxide Solution for Brining Fruit Circular of Information 629 June 1969 Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, Corvallis The Chemical and Preservative Properties of Sulfur Dioxide Solution for Brining Fruit C. H. PAYNE, D. V. BEAVERS, and R. F. CAIN Department of Food Science and Technology Sweet cherries and other fruits are preserved in sul- control are given in papers by Waiters et al. (1963) and fur dioxide solutions for manufacture into maraschino, Yang et al. (1966). cocktail, and glace fruit. The sulfur dioxide solution, Sulfur dioxide and calcium are directly related to commonly called brine, may be prepared from liquid brined cherry quality. Improper use of these chemicals sulfur dioxide, sodium bisulfite, or sodium metabisulfite may result in cherries that are soft, poorly bleached, or using alkali or acid to control pH. Calcium salts such as spoiled due to fermentation. It is the purpose of this calcium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, and calcium chlo- circular to show how the basic chemical and preservative ride are added to the brine to prevent cracking and pro- components of brine solutions are afifected during prep- mote firming of the fruit tissue through interaction with aration, storage, and use. pectic materials. Directions for brine preparation and Chemical Properties of Sulfur Dioxide Solutions When sulfur dioxide or materials containing sulfur range of sulfur dioxide concentrations, the relative dis- dioxide (bisulfite or metabisulfite) are dissolved in tribution of the sulfur dioxide ionic forms is constant. water, three types of chemical substances are formed: Within the initial pH range used for brining cher- sulfurous acid (H2SO3),1 bisulfite (HSO3"), and sulfite ries, there is a predominance of calcium bisulfite (SO~).
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