CHANGING LIVES ONE FAMILY at a TIME Strategically Planning, Transitioning For

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CHANGING LIVES ONE FAMILY at a TIME Strategically Planning, Transitioning For 20 1 4 and2 0 1 5 ANNUAL REPORT CHANGING LIVES ONE FAMILY AT A TIME Strategically Planning, Transitioning for Growth and Progress Commitment, Collabora=on, Community, “In every community there is work to be done. In every naGon, there are wounds to heal. In every heart there is the power to do it.” —Marianne Williamson Orchards Children’s Services was born of the recogni=on by our founders, the Na=onal Council of Jewish Women, that we all must assume responsibility for those members of our community most in need. The understanding that the greater community is made stronger by liJing up all its members is a core principal of the Orchards. We are commiKed to collabora=ng with others in our community to develop the best possible services for our children, youth and families. Throughout the past two years, Orchards worked diligently with other organiza=ons towards this goal. By interfacing with schools, networking with corporate and private donors, u=lizing opportuni=es offered by other non-profits and incorpora=ng the public into our outreach programs, we consciously wove a mul=faceted support system to meet the needs of those we serve. For the coming years, we look forward to con=nuing to seek out and develop partnerships with others who share our passion for making a difference in the lives of children and families. We know that by working together we will not only beKer serve Orchards’ families, but will strengthen the community as a whole. As we move forward, we will con=nue to plan strategically in order to transi=on as necessary to ensure we con=nue to grow and progress and collaborate. On behalf of the en=re Orchards Children’s Services Family- THANK YOU for your con=nued support. Always for Children and Families, Michael E. Williams, MA Dianna Ronan President and CEO Board of Directors President 1 ORCHARDS 2 PROGRAMS FAMILY PRESERVATION Services to high-risk families to avoid the need for placement of their children in out-of-home care is what Family Preserva=on is all about. Orchards works with other non-profits in the ten coun=es where Orchards serves families in their homes in Southeastern Michigan. • Pepper Ridge Farm offers therapy, educa=onal and personal growth opportuni=es for adults, children and families, and equine facili=es in a peaceful atmosphere on a 40 acre horse farm. • Our Macomb Office par=cipated in a 5K Walk/Run for Suicide Preven=on. Orchards staff are trained on suicide assessments and safety planning and understands the importance and need of spreading suicide awareness and preven=on throughout the community. • The Al Serra Automo=ve Group sponsored five families by providing each family with giJs for the holidays. Subaru of Grand Blanc dealership partnered with Orchards, through their “Share the Love” event which resulted in a large dona=on to support ancillary services to families in Genesee County. • Orchards collabora=on with the Neutral Zone is growing and John Weiss, Execu=ve Director, joined together in their mission of SCORE to provide increased support for at-risk youth in Washtenaw County. Orchards assisted the Neutral Zone with iden=fica=on of youth who are at risk educa=onally and connects them to the SCORE program, which provides homework support, college prep, a paid internship and growth in leadership skills. FOSTER CARE NAVIGATOR Orchards has increased its statewide presence by adding Navigator services. Through this contract, Orchards staff interact and mentor each prospec=ve foster parent in Michigan. • The prospec=ve foster parents oJen find out about this service by accessing our Foster Care Navigator website at which has many resources to assist them in understanding the licensing process and giving them resources to complete the process. • We need more foster parents in Michigan to service the vulnerable popula=on of children that need out-of-home care temporarily and all of our Foster Care Navigators have been foster parents and are now on our staff mentoring all families that wish to become foster parents as they move through the licensure process. ADOPTION Orchards Children’s Services filed their first adop=on in 1986 Since then… • We have completed over 3,000 adop=ons placing over 100 children in adop=ve homes each year. Not only do we file adop=ons in ten coun=es in Southeastern Michigan, but we also consult on children who are wai=ng for adop=ve homes statewide. • Our Adop=on Resource Consultant program has over twenty master level staff who consult with over 500 children in Michigan monthly around their specific recruitment plans. • Post Adop=on Resource Centers provide services for families who have adopted children from the foster care system in Oakland and Wayne Coun=es. These services include in-home case management, coordina=on of services, monthly family support ac=vi=es and adop=ve family training. 3 2014 Wayne County Minor Guardianship Services • 1,280 children, youth, and caregivers serviced • 100% of all Wayne County Probate and Circuit Court orders were fulfilled Family ReunificaGon • 158 families serviced, which is 110% of the contract u=liza=on • Reuni=ng over 300 children to their parents • 93% of families serviced remained intact 12 months post case closure Intensive Family PreservaGon / Growthworks Partnership • 65 families serviced • 95% of families receiving services avoid removal of children aJer 6 months- case closure Families First Program • 199 families serviced, which is 105% of the contract u=liza=on • 96% of families served did not require an out of home placement during program par=cipa=on • 90% of the families served have avoided out-of-home placement aJer (6) months of termina=on with the FFM program Oakland County Family ReunificaGon • 51 families serviced • 90% of families remained together 12 months aJer services ended Families First Program • 109 families serviced • 93% of families served did not require an out-of home placement during program par=cipa=on • 89% of the families served have avoided out-of-home placement aJer (6) months of termina=on with program Juvenile JusGce Diversion ReintegraGon AlternaGves • 16 youth serviced • 79% of youth were employed Family Support Services • 78 families serviced • 98% of the families stayed intact during program • 96% of the families stayed intact 6 months aJer program 4 G enesee County Juvenile JusGce Diversion ReintegraGon AlternaGves • 100% of youth referred, successfully maintained in a community sekng during program par=cipa=on and were not re-arrested Families Together Building SoluGons- Pathway to PotenGal • 232 families serviced • 98% of families receiving services will not require an out-of-home placement and • 94% of families comple=ng services will avoid removal of the child(ren) to foster care within six (6) months of case closure Families First • 105 families serviced and 90% of families that par=cipated in the program remained together aJer the 12 - month follow-up period. hiawassee County S Families Together Building SoluGons • 28 families serviced • 97% of families receiving services will not require an out-of-home placement during program par=cipa=on • 78% of families comple=ng FTBS services will avoid removal of the children to foster care within 6 months of case closure Life Skills • 57 families serviced • 99% of families receiving these services will not require an out-of-home placement during program par=cipa=on • 100% of families comple=ng services will avoid removal of the children to foster care within 6 months of case closure L ivingston /Shiawassee/Genesee County Families First • 70 families serviced • 85% of the families remained together aJer the 12 month follow-up period Family ReunificaGon • 51 families serviced Macomb County Family ReunificaGon • 54 families serviced Families First • 156 families serviced Families Together Building SoluGons • 125 families serviced 5 20 1 4 Total Revenue Total Expenses $17.2 million $17.4 million REVENUE EXPENSES Family Preserva=on Foster Care Program Services Foster Care Support Adop=on Management Contribu=ons Community Program Fundraising 4% 9% 3% 2% 12% 43% 13% 87% 27% 6 GIVING TREE $100,000+ Carol and Mitchell Klein & Meg and Lawrence Kasdan Townsend Hotel $50,000 - $99,999 Anonymous Anessa and David Kramer Barbara and Fred Goldberg The Serra Founda=on Wal-Mart Founda=on Wheeler Family Founda=on, Inc. $25,000- $49,999 Grainger Na=onal Recrea=on Founda=on The Henry Ford Randie Levin $10,000 - $24,999 Bank of America Founda=on, Inc. Centrum Officentre, LLC Detroit Lions Inc. Detroit Tigers, Inc. Hermelin Family Founda=on Kroger Barbara Mayer Meijer PNC Founda=on Delphine and Leon Tupper 7 DonaGons October 1, 2013-September 20,2014 $5,000- $9,999 $1,000 - $2,999 $500 - $999 Paula Allen Arlene and Eric C. Oppenheim Raymond James Financial, Inc. Debbie and Andy Colman Brooke and Michael Pachuta Robinson, Pietras, Kalisky & Co., P.C. Daly MerriK Insurance Palace Sports & Entertainment Joyce and Saul Rubenstein Kimberly and Jeffrey Davis LoreKa Polish Ph.D. Maha Sawyer First Presbyterian Church of Birmingham Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Sally B SchoKenfels Alizah and Adam Forman Erica and Sean Roberts Ronna Ross and Steven Schwartz Susanne Hilberry Kandarian Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Nancy and Barry Shapiro Kasdan Family Founda=on Sigmund and Sophie Rohlik Founda=on Sue and Dennis Sheridan Fern and Brian Kepes Lori and Douglas Soifer Shrine of the Black Madonna Michael J Morse, P.C. Southfield Community Founda=on Mar=na Stone Pepsi BoKling Group Spectrum Human Services, Inc Taylor Interna=onal Academy Debbie and Andy Colman Star
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