2018 Energy & Environmental Newsletters (1600± Studies, Reports & Articles on Energy, Environment, Education, etc.)

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies, world-wide. Our premise is that technical matters (like , our energy options, etc.) should be addressed by using Real Science. (Please see WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 2-4 weeks we put together a Newsletter to try to balance what is found in the mainstream media about Energy and Environmental issues. (More recently we have also included articles about Science and Education.) We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing the Newsletters.

Note 1: The Newsletters are intended to complement what’s on our website: WiseEnergy.org.

Note 2: For links to other excellent sources of articles on Energy and Environmental matters please see the “Current News” page on our website.

Note 3: The purpose of this extensive compilation is to make it easier to search for pertinent studies, reports and articles on a specific topic (e.g. wind energy interference with the military). It is advisable to try multiple search words — e.g. military, army, navy, etc. (Search terms are case insensitive over this HTML document.)

Note 4: We originally verified that all the links below worked. — but over time these can change. If you find any errors, please email John Droz [aaprjohn at northnet dot org] and we will try to make corrections. This is Rev: 1-1-20. ------

AWED 1/8/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: "Tesla has a broad interpretation of the truth" Greenpeace false wind energy ad is withdrawn The Disastrous Economic Impact Of CO2 Reduction Policies NYS Wind Project Goes Bankrupt The unseen cost of solar project on taxpayers in North Carolina Tax Reform: New Uncertainties for Big Wind Avangrid 2016 Financial statement. Note Exceptionally high profits ‘Electrification’: The Road to Higher Energy Prices The hidden costs of wind-power subsidies

Turbine Health Matters: Study: Subjective perception of wind turbine noise Wind power backup and storage batteries explode into flames Wind Turbine Infrasound is a new Signal in the Environment

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Short video: the destruction of a forest and its ecosystem Wild lands ‘irrevocably damaged’ by push for wind power US Accidental Bird Death Regulation is Modified Bird-tracking study reveals some migration paths cross areas slated for offshore wind projects

Misc Energy: Cartoon: “Welcome to 2018, the year of the Moratorium.” Australia Now Home to World’s Largest Battery (at what cost?) Tax bill opens Alaska to Oil Production, Strengthening America The war on coal is a war on the environment and the poor Trump orders boost in production of critical minerals Turkey spending $1B on Geothermal Energy Fishermen's Doubts Persist on Offshore Wind Project Saudi Arabia to sign contracts for two nuclear reactors in 2018 US fishermen fear forests of offshore wind turbines Cape Wind opponent plans to refocus on original mission Current Grid snapshot shows how poorly wind performs Wind Energy is an Out-of-date Solution Dutch plan vast wind project island in North Sea Freedom is only one generation away from extinction Offshore Wind is Not Without Risks NC County passes wind law with 1 mile setback & 35 dBA noise limit Archive: Why Wind Power Is Not Equal To Coal Fired Power How Much Fossil Fuels Are We Using Globally? US oil production booms as new year begins Wind project denied due to airport proximity TVA resists supporting major wind project

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Report: Gas Saves More CO2 that Wind Does DDP: Ten Questions about Climate Change Washington Bureaucrats Are Quietly Working to Undermine Trump’s Agenda Trump’s National Security Plan: ‘Energy Dominance,’ Not ‘Anti-Growth’ Study: Cosmic Rays and Climate Change Link Found Climate Modeling Dominates Climate Science 25 Papers: Natural Forcing Explains Why Oceans Have Been Recently Warming & Cooling Looking at an actual climate change debate The Cold Truth About Global Warming The Battle for Infographic Reality Seven 2017 Papers Forecast Global Cooling The Sun is Cooling Faster than Anyone Suspected Phony Prophets Painting Fake Pictures to Produce an Alternate Global Warming Reality? Climate Change: Fake Temperatures? No CO2 Warming for the Last 40 Years NOAA prediction: Most of US will have a warmer than average winter Huge snowfall increases over Antarctica could counter sea level rise How They failed to hide the gulf between predicted and observed warming Warming Projection May Be A Great Scientific Blunders Of Modern Times The population bombers keep on getting it wrong ------

AWED 1/29/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Trump's Tariffs on Solar Mark Biggest Blow to Renewables Yet State: Solar Projects are not viable when they pay normal property taxes Nations with more renewables have more expensive electricity Study: Green Energy Policies are Sacrificing the Poor Legislator Tells Wind Industry: ‘Government is Not Your Sugar Daddy’ Study Warns of Increasing Turbine Costs Laborers, neighbors spar over Illinois wind project plan How Trump's Tax Plan Made It Harder to Finance Renewables Trump Administration Considers Funding Massive Wind Project New Englanders Have Only Themselves to Blame for Energy Price Spikes What Is the Impact of Tax Reform on US Wind Tax Equity Deals? Germany shows how shifting to renewable energy can backfire Regulators stall University of Maine offshore wind project India proposes 70% provisional duty on solar cells and modules US DOE Offers $3M Prize for Solar Innovation

Turbine Health Matters: Landowners sue Indiana County over wind ordinance Nebraska Airport Authority Opposes Nearby Wind Turbines Wind Turbines and Trespass Zoning New news: two different Canadian turbines, break in half Minnesota wind project faces possible noise violations Australian University’s five-year study investigates wind turbine health effects Expert: Noise Standards May Not Protect Residents Near Proposed Wind Project

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: More drinking water woes related to wind turbines Some birds are so stressed by noise it looks like they have PTSD Wind Turbines Still Problematic for Wildlife Conservation, Not Environmentalism Developers: Weakening of bird protections has no "significant impact" on Lake Erie wind project

Misc Energy: Maine Governor establishes a state Wind Advisory Committee Lack of energy harms economy FERC issues disturbing ruling against DOE Cold temps remind of the importance of reliable energy Mass. turned to oil and coal during the cold snap. Here’s what went wrong Property Rights End At Property Lines NY Community Hearing Draws Wind Turbine Critics A surge, then a fade for Pennsylvania’s wind industry Iowa Office of Consumer Advocate backs lawsuit against Midamerican Energy Fossil Fuels’ Share Of Total Energy Use Unchanged in 40 Years! NYS Legislator introduces bill to protect military facilities from wind turbines NC: Offshore Drilling Benefits Exceed the Cost How Australia’s Renewables Obsession Destroyed its Reliable & Cheap Power The US threat to Australia: reliable and cheap energy Industrial wind turbines threaten our way of life Study Warns of New England’s Precarious Energy Future Mexico Court Puts Stop To 396 MW Wind Project Why China wants to dominate green energy Germany’s National Power Grid Mess — 172,000 Power Outages Annually! Good new media source Clear Energy Alliance Perry: US ‘not just exporting energy, we’re exporting freedom’ Texas is number one wind state due to lack of any regulations Europeans scold while the U.S. leads Heartland’s Submitted Comments on the Clean Power Plan Navy may torpedo offshore California wind project

Manmade Global Warming Articles — New Book Review: We Will Make You Green The Pentagon: Global warming not a security threat U.S. Regains The Ability To Identify Real National Security Threats The Climate-Change Doomsday Just Got Canceled Study: Spurns Anthropogenic CO2 Warming Carbon bounties (not taxes) could save us from the next Little Ice Age Merkel Lectured Trump On Global Warming, Now Germany Abandoning Its Climate Goal 485 Scientific 2017 Papers Undermine ‘Consensus’ Claim on Climate Change On Science and Non-Science Monckton Writes to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt on Clean Power Plan Valid reasons for skepticism Study Shows Past Research On Rising Ocean Temps Built On Faulty Science Select lawmakers urge Trump: make security strategy include climate again Germany Becomes the New Poster Child for Climate Change Hypocrisy Why the “Population Bomb” Never Exploded The Children's Climate Lawsuit Against The Children A tale of climate cash, collusion, and apparently, corruption Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to sue his way to “cleaner” planet Study: Worst-case global warming scenarios not credible A Discussion of The Geological Society of London’s Statement on Climate Change Unexpected Environmental Source Of Methane Discovered Manufacturing Climate Consensus Study: Climate Models Under-estimate Cooling Effect Short video: The Cloud Mystery Weather Icon John Coleman Dies Archive: George Carlin’s classic (short) skit on Global Warming New Study: German 2050 CO2 Reductions Could Cost $2.8 TRILLION! Good books by Climate Skeptics James Hansen: Natural Factors May Cause New Global Warming Hiatus A 'Climate Skeptic' Just Took Charge Of EU Environment Policy Video: The Environment — A True Story Al Gore would have lost global warming bet Want to review the next IPCC report? (Go here to do so) The Power of Grant Money ------

AWED 2/19/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: End of federal wind industry handouts is long overdue Report: White House to ask for 72% cut in renewable energy programs Propping up renewables is phony economics Why a Carbon Tax Does Not Work Wind project did not increase value of Orangeville (NY) farm property Solar giants getting stronger as opponents struggle to fight back Research into mountain wind projects: major risk to visitor economy

Turbine Health Matters: Citizens sue Ontario over wind turbine noise State Says Monitoring Energy Projects Is Not A Realistic Without More Money Wind projects are disrupting our way of life Putting fossil fuel “pollution” into perspective Ontario Turbine Opposition Groups Turn to the Courts Noise pollution linked to heart disease Solar panels could be a source of GenX and other perflourinated contaminants Some say noise, vibrations from wind project are unbearable The Divide Between Wind Turbines and Noise Control Engineering

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Wind project under criminal investigation for bat and eagle deaths 500+ Organizations Urge Congress to Defend Bird Protection Law Minnesota Company Helps Protect Farmland Bat and Eagle Deaths at Arizona Wind Project Prompt Federal Probe How thousands of carcasses were deliberately missed at wind project A Free Pass To Kill Birds? Migratory Bird Treaty Act Under Threat

Misc Energy: 437,000 Homes Without Power – Welcome To Your Wind Powered Future! Maine bill would gut wind energy streamlined permitting process Performance of New England Power Grid During Extreme Cold Steve Wozniak: 'I don't believe anything Elon Musk or Tesla says' anymore With winning energy policies, Trump is exporting freedom around the globe A proposed Maine law amending wind energy regulation Oklahoma, America’s No. 2 wind producer, sours on the industry Gov Cuomo’s Latest Green Power Fiasco Proposal to remove wind power's 'renewable' designation in Nebraska Canada's SMR development program is advancing fast Global Investment in Renewable Energy Has Stalled US oil output surges to new record highs Michigan Town Passes Two Year Wind And Solar Moratorium NY Town Upgrades its Wind Ordinance Governor Cuomo’s Article 10 Process Is Rigged Corruption trial shows Cuomo’s outsize control over state energy utility regulator Map of US Low-Level Military Airspace Op-ed: Wind Turbines and the Military It’s time to replace Clean Power Plan with a sensible solution Waite Park (MN) approves one year wind and solar moratorium New Hampshire denies permit for wind project Short video: Does Fracking Hurt Babies? The Legal Shakedown Of America’s Energy Industry Is Flagrant Abuse Of The Courts Evaluating a Wind Energy Agreement: A Brief Review

Manmade Global Warming Articles — President’s State of the Union Address Trump Delivered First SOTU In 8 Years To Not Mention Global Warming Democrats Ignore Climate Change In State Of The Union Rebuttal Crucial Climate Verdict, Naked Conflict-of-Interest Apocalypse Not Archive: How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama’s EPA Roy Spencer on the Unsettled Science of Climate Change: A Primer Professor Peter Ridd Standing Up For Scientific Integrity Against University Peer Review: the Publication Game and “the Natural Selection of Bad Science” Green Myth Exposed: China’s CO2 Emissions Jumped By 4% Last Year NASA Debunks Global Warming Theory The IPCC Wobbles Over Climate Models The fantasy of accelerating sea level rise just got hosed Short video: Can Computer Models Predict Climate Change? 1.5 degrees of climate madness Scientists Petition American Museum of Natural History to Stand against 'Climate- Change' Agitators Survey: US Christians Less Susceptible to Climate Alarmism Study’s Bizarre Claim: Global Warming Could Alter People’s Personalities Superior short video: Scott Pruitt re Climate Change, etc. Understanding “Sustainable” Development Archive: Is climate change linked to geomagnetism? Science or silence? My battle to question doomsayers The Two Degree Delusion Google’s global warming search bias Politicians can’t have it both ways on climate change Will Journalism Destroy Science? Study: No Evidence of an Anthropogenic Influence on Floods Exxon Sues the Suers in Fierce Climate-Change Case Report: More Than 100 ‘Climate Change Cases’ Filed In US Courts In 2017 Mann an embarrassing recipient of what used to be a prestigious award Deodorants, perfumes and soaps are fouling the air with harmful pollution — at levels as high as emissions from today’s vehicles Overheated claims on temperature records Climate Alarmism Is Based on Computer Models and Thus on Nothing The left’s civil war over climate change Study: heat from Earth’s hot core is what’s melting Greenland’s ice sheets World Leading Authority: Sea Level “Absolutely Stable” Report: Sea Level Rise Acceleration (or Not) ------

AWED 3/12/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Exxon institutes a Property Value Guarantee program Offshore Wind Energy Economic Fiasco New Hampshire House backs bill to limit renewable energy incentives Offshore Wind turbine blades damaged after just a few years — hundreds need repair Iberdrola CEO warns of Enron-style collapse in renewable sector Wear and Tear in European Offshore Wind Climate Coalition Delivers $7 Billion Check to NY Governor Cuomo The High Cost of Wind and Solar Archive: Do Wind Turbines Affect Property Values?

Turbine Health Matters: Proposed Colorado Legislation: Health Effects Industrial Wind Turbines When did knowing too much become so political? MN Wind Turbines Shut Down Over Safety Concerns From Ice Throws

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Dozens of studies about the ecosystem impacts of offshore wind turbines Use different wind turbine design to reduce the bird kill How Corrupt is Audubon?

Misc Energy: Beware ‘Social Cost of Carbon’ Models Congressional Report: Russia Meddling in US Energy Markets Russian interference in our politics by funding environmentalist groups Archive: States of Deceit Offshore Resources: Digging Up the Facts Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Benefits Green Ideology’s Failed Experiment New rebellion against wind energy stalls or stops projects Maine Places Moratorium on Wind Projects Report: On Coal-Fired & Other Power Electricity Generation Mammoth new shale drilling method may supersize the future of fracking NYS proposed bill to protect military from wind energy interference UK Natural Gas Shortage Crisis Scott Pruitt: The Weaponization of the EPA Is Over Grid Operator: Rolling Blackouts Could Become A Fact Of Life In New England US Rolling Blackouts: closer than you think Will Congress Finally Get Tough on Junk Science? Wind energy ethics violations in NYS? Solar, wind won't come in time to New York State GE unveils 12 MW (850 foot tall) giant turbine Wind coalition puts tracker on Oklahoma state legislator? Largest US wind project dealt blow by judge’s ruling Tenth Circuit takes expansive view of the definition of the term “mining” Iowa Appeals Court Rules Against Wind Developer Archive: Harmonizing the Electricity Sectors across North America Environmental group may have to register as foreign agents This collusion should worry all Why Wind and Solar are Not the Future Electric grid a prime target in cyberwar Congress: Kremlin Used Green Propaganda to Undercut U.S. Energy Military Concerns put New Mexico Wind Project in Doubt Five Things to Know about Dallas Area Wind Turbine Lawsuit Wind Developer Should Stop Stalking Savoy, MA Maryland bill requires offshore turbines to be 26+ miles out California Has Too Much Green Energy

Manmade Global Warming Articles — NOAA caught again manipulating climate change data Global Warming - A Case Study in Groupthink Preventing government data failures The glut of modeling in “climate science” Peer-reviewed study finds that three key global temperature data sets are "not a valid representation of reality." Climate Change Reality Check: Polar Bears are Thriving Too many scientists or too many bad scientists? Circular Reasoning with Climate Models Presentation Climate Change Computer Models: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Alarmist Climate Researchers Abandon Scientific Method Archives: Goodbye to Newspapers, Hello to an Era of Corruption So far 97 New 2018 Papers Support A Skeptical Position On Climate Change Report: Alarmist Climate Change Rebuttal, an Overview Study: Does Climate Denialism Still Matter? U.S. loses first bid to halt children's climate change lawsuit Sustainable Development: Code for Giving Up Your Rights Federal court will hold first-ever hearing on climate change science Study: Online Lies Spread Faster than the Truth Michael Mann’s ‘Counterfactual Science’ Alarmists throw in the towel on poor quality surface temperature data Those fraudulent climate litigation shakedowns Why Aren't Renewables Decreasing Germany's Carbon Emissions? ------

AWED 4/2/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Relying on renewables alone significantly inflates the cost of overhauling energy The Flawed Methodology Behind Cost of Climate Change Studies More Green, Less Energy Time to Tax the Wind? Wind developer offers to pay local electric bills for 30 years NY County approves resolution opposing PILOT tax breaks for wind energy Full Cost of Wind and Solar Simply Staggering

Turbine Health Matters: German Researchers Target Effects of Wind Turbine Infrasound on the Heart Test results prove wind turbine noise modeling faulty Is Big Wind the New Big Tobacco?

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Six New Papers Reveal ‘Green’ Reality: Wind Turbines Destroy Habitats EDITORIAL: Wind energy plan raises environmentalists’ ire Feds Investigate Arizona Wind Project for Killing Protected Species Archive: Big Wind’s Dirty Little Secret - Toxic Lakes and Radioactive Waste Opponents say Block Island wind turbines are causing problems across prime fishing grounds

Misc Energy: Vermont’s Green Energy Policies do not do what they claim they will Coal Cuts Dangerously Reduce Texas Power Capacity Chinese Companies Are Buying Up Cash-Strapped U.S. Colleges Opposition persists to wind turbines 2nd home owners say Iberdrola shouldn’t use them to deny wind energy vote How Important is Baseload Generation to U.S. Power Grids’ Reliability? An Ongoing Essay: Energy Curiosities Massachusetts’ Russian Pipeline and its Ugly Toll The EPA Cleans Up Its Science Phoenix Chamber Opposes “Clean Energy For A Healthy Arizona Amendment” New Minnesota Organization Takes Unique Tack Fighting Wind Projects Archive: Wind Energy Failures Hidden German authorities approve new Russia gas pipeline NY community residents strongly opposed to proposed wind project A Michigan Homeowner’s Sad Commentary on Wind Energy MIT: At this rate, it’s going to take 400 years to transform the energy system It’s Time to End the Auction Fiasco

Manmade Global Warming Articles — McKibben Publishes Op-Ed on Climate Change… Covers it With Blatant Lies The Stunning Statistical Fraud Behind The Global Warming Scare NOAA 2.5º F Data Tampering – ‘Science Doesn’t Get Any Worse Than This’ Should We Chill Out About Global Warming? Two CO2 Climate Change Myths The Conquest of Climate Enlightenment Environmentalism Most people don’t understand science, want their kids to do it Comments on the Red Team-Blue Team matter FEMA Strips ‘Climate Change’ from its Strategic Plan Senator Smith: Climate Change and the Scientific Method Climate deal critic Pompeo to replace Tillerson Ruling Climate Fanatics Obliterated in Aussie State Election The elementary error of physics that caused the global warming scare Would Einstein be a global warming skeptic if he were alive today? NOAA — Straight Talk on Sea Level Rise Climate science will be missing from San Francisco courtroom fight NOAA Data Tampering Approaching 2.5 Degrees Heartland Policy Advisors Join Amici Curiae Brief in California ‘Climate Trial’ A worthwhile assessment: “The State of the Climate” For a Court Case: A Tutorial on Climate Change The UN goal of “stopping” small warming is ridiculous Gallup Poll: Independents Are Shifting To Climate Change Skepticism EPA’s Ban on Secret Science makes Good Sense Climate Chaos Claims Continue Causing Consternation

Russian Energy Interference and Collusion: Russia Is Delivering Loads Of Natural Gas To Massachusetts EU is now even more dependent on Russian gas A Scandalous Case of Russian Collusion with Liberals Short video: Russia Behind Eco-Activists Britain may be left out in the cold over Russia row The US blames Russia for cyber attacks on the energy grid UK must boost fracking to reduce reliance on Russian energy Merkel Looks to LNG to Cut Germany’s Dependence on Russian Gas Europe's cold shoulder to Russian gas could lift US LNG export goals Can The U.S. Break Russia’s Gas Monopoly In Europe? U.S. Energy Markets: The Real Russian Meddling the Media Ignores Here Are The Clever Means Russia Used To Hack The Energy Industry ------

AWED 4/23/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: NextEra selling Ontario wind & solar assets Wind turbines affect property values Offshore Wind Surge Threatens Merchant Generator Profits Time for Industrial Wind to pay its fair share of Oklahoma's education costs Solar facilities receive more cash from green subsidies than selling the energy they produce Wind Turbines vs Property Rights Court Sees if Church Solar Panels Break Electricity Monopoly NY PSC eyes plan to offer incentives for wind energy companies U.S. Wind Power Slows Despite Tax Policy Meant to Boost It Oklahoma wind tax reform pitched despite litigation threat

Turbine Health Matters: Calculating absolute minimum safety margins around wind turbines Indiana Town takes aim at wind turbines: approves 38 DBa Noise limit

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Wind turbines impact bat activity, leading to high losses of habitat use in a biodiversity hotspot Study: Gone with the Wind - Wind Development and Raptors Solar panels could be a source of GenX and other perflourinated contaminants VA Solar Facility is Turning a Local River Brown All wind energy avian mortality research and reporting is just deception Science's 'irreproducibility crisis' is a public policy crisis too Decommissioning old turbines becoming a ‘Big New Problem’ How fishermen could thwart Cuomo’s offshore wind master plan

Misc Energy: Amazon Wind Project interference with military radar remains a concern Archive: Research points to serious under-reporting of wind turbine fires Chautauqua County (NY) says No to Big Wind Fracking, BREXIT and an oil and gas shale bonanza Why NY Ocean Wind Project Decision Will Be Biggest Ever The Seriousness of the Hydro One Purchase of Avista Sierra Club Likes Offshore Wind - Just Not This New Jersey One Fort Drum JLUS Report (with much about wind energy) Environmental activists ignore energy security realities Short video: Overcoming Bias in Energy Conversations Wind industry mogul claims to be giving up on Vermont Offshore Wind States: Beware Short Video: Energy Images Are Deceiving Tomorrow’s Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship Wind projects worry weather service official New York set to become a leading hub for offshore wind? The World Bank's anti-energy policy betrays its core development mission Environmental justice and the expanding geography of wind power conflicts Contesting energy transitions: wind power and conflicts in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Duke Energy Considering Extending Nuclear Plant Life to 80 years Cuomo’s renewable flop continues India slashes plans for new nuclear reactors by two-thirds NH energy strategy shifts from subsidizing renewables to lowering rates Green Insanity: Offshore Wind Project Cost Mind-Boggling $10K Per KW NuScale eyes first SMR module by 2020 Tennessee legislators pass their first wind regulation law: HB 1731 Apple Falsely Claims it Uses ‘100-Percent Renewable’ Energy Activists’ letter to FERC re gas pipelines — use for wind energy US Wind Turbine Database (AWEA, LBNL) Wind turbines delivering next to nothing to grid despite hysteria The World’s First Floating Nuclear Facility America's Next Energy Crisis In , wind turbines and military aircraft battle for airspace Why some rural communities are fighting back against wind development

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Does the Greenhouse Gas CO2 cool the climate? Climate Change Wackos Exposed in California Court If California v. BP Implodes via Insufficient Evidence, so can NYC v. BP Climate Change on Trial EU carbon market emissions rise for first time in 7 years in 2017 Investors stunned over oil producer’s climate-change exemption Study: Model falsifiability and climate slow modes IPCC report deleted uncertainties about human caused climate change A Challenge to the American Planning Association (re Sustainability) Startling New Discovery Could Destroy Global Warming Doomsday Forecasts DDP: Ten Key Questions about Climate Change Top Climate Scientist: CO2 Model Assumptions “Invalid”…”Natural Climatic Variations Dominate”! Scientist finds a warming error in satellite data, contradicts IPCC models EPA Gives North Dakota Power to Regulate CO2 Storage Wells Who Are the Real Science Deniers? It’s a Given Scott Pruitt - Warrior for Science Which is the Most Accurate Satellite-Derived Temperature Dataset? Archive: How simple physics demolishes the Greenhouse effect A Climate Science Tutorial Prepared for Hon. William Alsup Crushing the Global Warming Cult at the EPA Climate Change, Catastrophe, Regulation and the Social Cost of Carbon Peer Review — Why Skepticism is Essential The Irreproducibility Crisis of Modern Science Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks Republicans more persuasive than scientists on climate change U.S. Republican & Independent Climate Skepticism Spreading EPA 2017 Environmental Justice Report (Executive Summary) Interesting Twitter Thread: Roger Pielke, jr. and AGW Alarmists Will advances in groundwater science force a paradigm shift in sea level rise attribution? Sea level rise acceleration (or not): Part VII U.S. coastal impacts Four Questions on Climate Change Swiss Climate Institute Director: “Absurd” To Call CO2 “Pollutant ------

AWED 5/14/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive? NY County Declines to Give Wind Project Any Property Tax Reductions “wind turbines dramatically decrease attractiveness of a tourist destination” Icebreaker Great Lakes wind project will be a costly boondoggle How Ontario’s new hydro accounting could cost taxpayers billions German Solar Industry Crashes and Burns Moog is Dropping its Wind Energy Business Conservative Groups Take a Stand Against Carbon Tax Global wind turbine makers hit by reduction of handouts Oklahoma lawmakers take aim at wind energy subsidy Solar panels on farmland stir debate in central Washington Germany’s Wind Energy Mess: As Subsidies Expire, Thousands Of Turbines To Close Solar subsidies Hose the Poor

Turbine Health Matters: Introducing bill to ban non-disclosure clauses in wind contracts Noise is the New Secondhand Smoke Federal Official Served w Summons Regarding Wind Turbine Noise Study: How Environmentalism Destroys the Hope for the Poorest A tornado also generates infrasound

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Wind Turbine Construction Turning Ontario’s Water Supply to Toxic Sludge Renewable energy vs. the environment: Proposed project getting some blowback Pennsylvania wildlife agency says no to wind turbines on game lands There's nothing 'green' about industrial wind power Birds, bats, and wind turbines often compete for airspace

Misc Energy: An extremely important Statement from top federal meteorologist NOAA/NWS document: wind turbines affect weather radar, create false storm impressions Wind and Solar Are Distractions — Nuclear is the Answer Paul Krugman’s All-Renewable Delusion Wind, solar energy can destroy our quality of life The Connection Between Russia and 2 Green Groups Fighting US Fracking A New Low in the Media's War on Fracking Shale Gas in Europe Stop Fake Science Free Market Groups Call for Repeal of Clean Power Plan Large-Scale Engineering Debacle Threatens As North Sea Wind Turbine Breaks Apart Archive: Ministerial hectoring on green energy is fascism in the wind GE unveils 850 foot wind turbine Wind and Solar: Hype vs Reality EU 2017 CO2 Emissions Higher than 2016 US to Become World’s Top oil Exporter US Renewable Energy Output: A Closer Look An empirical assessment: Have fossil fuels been substituted by renewables? Perverse, Conflicted Ethical Systems Wind developer needs to respect community wishes The Argument Against Wind Turbines Maine Enacts Wind Energy Standards (“Chapter 382”) NY citizens fighting transmission line (for more renewables) Study: Low-carbon energy transition requires more renewables than previously thought Looming Catastrophe: Power Grid Collapse Now In Sight in New York US citizens: Tell your House Representative to support HR 3053 Solar Problem: In December Germany Saw Only 10 Hours Of Sun! 1 Minute Video: Energy is a Beautiful Thing Germany’s troubled energy policy US Navy Objects to Offshore Wind Turbines

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Powerful Video: Control the Words, Control the Conversation The Parade of Impending Catastrophes 18 Spectacularly wrong predictions… EPA Should be Applauded for New Rule Change My First Climate Change Conference, A View From The Other Side Unstoppable Change, Stasis, and Climatism Illusion of knowledge warming the planet The impact of recent forcing and ocean heat uptake data on estimates of climate sensitivity The one word hoax: “Will” versus “Might” Ex-NOAA Climate Scientist: CO2 Has A ‘Zero Net Effect’ Book: Global Warming Temperatures and Projections Climate change not key driver of human conflict & displacement in E Africa Britain Cuts Climate Change Diplomatic Staff by 25% The Scientific Importance of Free Speech Climate Activists are Lousy Salespeople The Quality Assurance of Climate Change Studies Feds' Flawed, Politicized Data Pollutes Science Bulk Energy Storage Increases United States Electricity System Emissions The Problem with Climate Alarmism Study: Climate Skeptics More Eco-friendly that Climate Alarmists From A Risk-Assessment Perspective, EPA Getting Rid Of 'Secret Science' Makes Sense Watchdog Group Launches Website Exposing Intimate Aspects Of Enviro-Led Climate Litigation Short Video: Y2K vs Climate Change Pentagon revised Obama-era report to remove risks from climate change UN climate stalemate sees extra week of talks added Many mocked this EPA proposal. They should have read it first. ------

AWED 6/4/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Cycling of conventional power plants: Technical limits and actual costs This Is How Germany Perfected the Free-Electricity Model Three New and Useful Speeches On Energy Finance Divesting From Fossil Fuels Is Harder Than Green Groups Thought NY Task Force Examines Carbon Pricing Impacts Is a wind project worth $65 per person? Electric rates going up again: grid constraints and green energy are culprits Now May Be the Best Time to Give Your Wind Turbine a Makeover Chevron wins $38m from Environmentalists behaving badly California’s solar rooftop mandate doesn’t make economic sense

Turbine Health Matters: MN administrative law judge says PUC should reject wind project Wind Turbines vs Bats — and the Health Consequences

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Rethinking Wind Energy If Renewables Are So Great for the Environment, Why Do They Keep Destroying It? Here’s How Renewable Energy Actually Hurts The Environment Activists warn of threat to birds from wind power Birding group opposes Lake Erie wind turbines ‘Green’ Energy’s Poisonous Legacy: Millions of Toxic Turbine Blades Destined for African Landfills GenX concerns cloud possible expansion of solar facility If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste? The EPA and PFAS (including GenX in solar panels)

Misc Energy: Visualizing the U.S. Clean Air Success Story Important Study: Wind turbines increase the dependence on fossil fuel plants Current government renewable energy policies actually benefit fossil fuels Testimony before the House Science, Space and Technology Committee NYS’s Green Energy Roulette Russian efforts to disrupt U.S. energy markets exposed Texas military facility and a regional wind project The Wind Energy Fiasco- Writ Large The start of the death-spiral for old wind projects in Europe Report: Costly Electric Vehicles Hardly Do Anything To Help The Environment Real Russian collusion the Dems and Main-stream Media ignore UK Announces More Measures to Support Shale Development Europe grapples with Dutch gas production ‘collapse’ Renewable Energy Use In Europe Didn’t Stop CO2 Levels From Rising From Russia With Love Bad news for green energy lovers: US oil & gas are booming Is 100% Renewable Energy Possible? Cuomo’s Wind Projects won’t fly without fracking Rehearing results in minor change to Cassadaga project certificate Germany Faces Gigawatt-Scale Loss of Onshore Wind Power Regarding Wind Energy Impacts: The Definition of Community Military review requirement added to Oklahoma wind development process Apex's windy disinformation campaign ignores reality Speculative climate chaos v. indisputable fossil fuel benefits Short video: Cuomo’s Hypocritical Energy Policies Will batteries do for wind what they're doing for solar? Austin political operative accused of high jinks by Oklahoma official Siemens Gamesa Makes Headway On Hybridization Of Renewable Energy Following passage of good wind law, wind developer loses interest in NY town How we create fossil fuel resources If I were Ontario’s new Minister of Energy … The Social Benefits of Fossil Fuels Trump prefers energy dominance to Paris Agreement DOE to conduct a study of vulnerabilities of US Power Grid System

Offshore Wind Energy: New film discusses issues with US offshore wind projects One Well-Placed Hurricane Will Destroy Offshore East Coast Wind Turbines How the ‘America-First Offshore Energy Strategy’ could bottom out Massachusetts and Rhode Island announce large offshore wind projects Eastern States Promote Expensive and High Risk Offshore Wind Systems A divided NY community speaks about proposed offshore wind project Will Offshore Wind Energy Deliver?

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Superior: Reclaiming Environmentalism Hippocratic Oath vs. 'Hypocritic' Oath? UN climate talks stalled as developing countries demand $100 billion aid from richer nations Study: China, India outsource emissions, risking climate goal Physicist: Climatologists Giving Science a Bad Name Six new studies conclude that climate models are worthless ‘Father of Global Warming’ Scientist Finally Admits Theory Is Wrong The $18-Billion Prize: The Dark Side of the Environmental Movement Democrats’ dark money and the climate industrial complex FYI We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling James Cook University’s Hip Pocket Nerve Archive: Flaws In Applying Greenhouse Warming To Climate Variability EPA Leads in Open Science EPA Extends Comment Period on Proposed Rule to Strengthen Science Transparency in EPA Regulations EPA’s Scientific Advisory Board’s scheduled first meeting Pruitt Interview re Paris Peace Accord Decision Woods Hole Climatologist Gives False Evidence To Congress Is the political class’s obsession with global warming rotting their brains? You Wouldn’t Think Sea Level Is So Complex ------

AWED 6/18/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Retail Electricity Prices for sample countries Australia’s Self-Inflicted Renewable Energy Crisis: 200,000 Families Can’t Afford Electricity Cost-Benefit Reform at the EPA Wind Turbines Threaten Property Values in Upstate NY Billions in U.S. solar projects shelved after Trump panel tariff Texas Wind Power Story — Part One Environmentalists don’t support nuclear — as there is no money in it Wind developer offers Ocean City free electricity, but town is still fighting offshore turbines

Turbine Health Matters: Audiologists — A Lingering “Conflict of Interest” Sound (and Light) Reasons to Tilt at Windmills Update of Wind Turbine Accident Data (4/1/18) Judge's ruling against Minnesota wind farm causes alarm for advocates

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: The Observed Impacts of Wind Turbines on Local Vegetation Growth A Free Pass to Kill Migratory Birds Archive: Overview of Turbine Fire Problem Adopting wind and solar energy not so ‘green’

Misc Energy: Wind Energy Illusions Archive: Wind and Solar have a Secret Friend — Gas Town Looks to Remove Failed Wind Turbine Britain Has Gone Nine Days Without Wind Power Wind Developer ordered to buy out Minnesota homeowners Wind Farm Nuisance Matter Resolved – Buy the Homeowners Out! Fossil Fuels Conquered Famine New England Operational Fuel-Security Analysis NY Town Supervisor: I listened to the majority, and can’t be bought by wind developer Wind Turbines and the Montague NY Doppler Radar — An Overview Natural gas - the miracle fuel Legislator sounds off again against offshore wind off Ocean City, MD White House challenges FERC on grid security Epic Renewables Fail, as Solar Crashes and Wind Refuses to Blow NY town tightens wind energy regulations Being “Green” is Easy — Ignore the Facts PJM region and California dominate US storage via different paths Special Judge to Hear Indiana Wind Project Lawsuit Ontario Election Muddies Red-Hot Green Energy Issue Newly Elected Ontario Premier’s encouraging Statement on Wind Energy New Texas Wind Project Could Interfere with Radars Regulators apply brakes to UMaine offshore wind project Canada Explores for more Atlantic Fossil Fuel Reserves Pope Francis' Crusade Against Fossil Fuels Hurts The Poor Most Of All Short video: Yanny, Laurel & Energy The Future of the U.S. Nuclear Decommissioning Market How North Korea Has Weaponized Electricity Taking aim at the real polluters: some US Environmental Groups The Social Benefits of Fossil Fuels Far Outweigh the Costs Dumb Energy

Manmade Global Warming Articles — EPA Celebrates 500 Days of American Greatness The Rise of Political Correctness Climate Change Has Run Its Course Americans Served Badly by a Religion that has Run Its Course Speculative climate chaos v. indisputable fossil fuel benefits Three Climate Change Questions Answered Tide gauges showing negative absolute sea level rise removed from data base Environmentalists Love Methane When It's Rebranded 'Renewable Biogas' The Corruption of Science Ten Religious Reasons Against Climate Change Inclusive of anything other than ourselves at universities The Climate-Change Tort Racket Citizens have a right to defend themselves against bad scientists There’s no need to panic about the rising sea level Archive: Caring for Creation: A Book of Good Intentions but Poor Science US Environmental Group Targeted Based on its China Connections Steve Milloy doesn't like 'climate bed wetters' Disequilibrium and relaxation times for species responses to climate change Why Climate Doomsday Won’t Happen This Summer Fellows of the Royal Geological Society pushback over climate position Identity Politics Undermining Science Scientists debate human involvement in climate change during panel The IPCC; Never Has So Much Been Made Out of So Little by So Many at So Great A Cost Help EPA rethink regulatory cost-benefit analysis ------

AWED 7/9/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: How a Florida Utility Became the Global King of Green Power NY Task Force Examines Carbon Pricing Market Impacts Blue State Community Rejects Free Electricity To Avoid Seeing Wind Turbines UK Rejects $1.3 Billion Renewable Energy Project Wind and Solar Require Massive Subsidies Sen. Rand Paul Calls for Shortened PTC Phase Out VA community to do study of solar impact on property values End Welfare Recipient-Fake Energy Wind And Solar The Incredible Scam of Rooftop Solar

Turbine Health Matters: Video: Wind Turbine Infrasound

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Technical Experts: Wind Turbines Pose “Significant Danger” To Environment Even ‘clean’ and ‘green’ energy have an environmental impact Archive Study: Infrasound- Some possible causes and effects upon animals...

Misc Energy: Energy development: free market purists vs the state Hawaii Geothermal Electricity Plant Shut Down Due to Lava Successful passage of an important US Nuclear bill Magical Wind Power: Illusions versus Reality Brazil’s power grid puts reserves on the bench for World Cup Two North Texas wind projects cancelled due to military concerns New Oklahoma Law (1576) passed regarding wind energy and the military Wind Turbines Go on Vacation as Heat Wave Is About to Hit Britain A sample analysis of wind and solar, with batteries Short Video: Solar Value Eclipse Ontario’s new premier must save the province The BP 2018 Statistical Review, electricity and CO2 emissions Beyond The Spin of Green Energy Storage Why “demand response” won’t work US House votes to advance Yucca Mt Project Japan Moving back to Coal Why IEA, OPEC and EIA have such different outlooks for energy consumption U.S. and partners form international alliance to push nuclear power The nuclear industry is making a big bet on small power plants (SMRs) China's Renewable Energy Growth Isn't as Good as It Seems If Nuclear Power Is So Safe, Why Are We So Afraid Of It? Get the Government Out of our Appliances Russia funneled cash to Greens to cripple energy (Billboard) Renewable energy seeks demand, investment to survive Trump squeeze US wind group buying ads in support of 15 candidates Russian Green Propaganda in the US It’s Time to Move Beyond the LNT Theory for Low-Dose Radiation Protection German Study: Compendium for a Sensible Energy Policy Examining the Issue of Bias in the Energy Industry California billionaire roils Arizona utilities with push for renewable energy The Electric Power Struggle US Military report: ROTHR Wind Energy Interference Study

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Archive: State of Fear — Author’s Message Original Sin, Prophets, Witches, Communists, and Climate Change Study: How One Flawed Climate Study Fooled the Media AGW: a Premeditated Crime Against Science Justified with Artificial Certainty The Southern Poverty Law Center has lost all credibility U.S. Reduces Emissions While Paris Parties’ Emissions Grow Global Warming Predictions Have a Big, New Problem A conversation with Prof. Richard Lindzen Not a single EU state is meeting its climate targets At least, a real debate on climate change (I hope) More proof that Wind and Solar won't fix climate change Global CO2 Emissions Surged To Record High In 2017 — But Dropped In US Pope Ignores Fossil Fuels' Essential Role in Human Flourishing 30 Years on - How Dirty Tricks in Congress Launched the AGW Scare Hate speech, bias and intolerance at University of Delaware Grant Clemency to Carbon NOAA Set to Abandon Climate Change Mission Frivolous Claim Climate Change Lawsuits Hit the Wall The Death of Climate Change Survey tries to assess the usefulness of climate models Presentation: The Balanced Truths about CO2, H2O and Climate Change The Problem with P-Values Thirty years of climate hysterics being proven wrong over and over again Montreal mission creep: The UN’s coming for your AC Summer Causes Climate Change Hysteria Climate Bandits Fall to Infighting DOE’s maverick climate model is about to get its first test Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare The Greenhouse Effect of Atmospheric CO2 Fearing Climate Change, Experts Say Nuclear Industry Faces Collapse

Re the EPA and Former Secretary, Scott Pruitt: EPA 'Secret Science': No More Rationalization The Press’ Lack of Accuracy and Accountability (e.g. w Pruitt) Embattled EPA Director Scott Pruitt Is Angering Deep State Operatives Defending Scott Pruitt from Scurrilous Journalists and Politicians Scott Pruitt Resigns as EPA Chief A NYT story was the “murder weapon” used against Scott Pruitt ------

AWED 7/30/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Largest US Wind Project ever, denied on the basis of economics Rejecting Carbon Colonialism State asks US Military to pay for wind energy interference (!) The Excess Costs of Weather-Dependent Renewables over Gas, for Electricity Generation Wind PILOT Agreements — A Sharp Slap of Reality New York power users fear paying twice for clean energy attributes Duke Energy Carolinas withdraws proposal to purchase wind power Ontario cancels wind, solar contracts Ontario Kills Renewable Energy Projects To Bring Bills Down NY offshore wind project cost will be borne by the whole state The cost of offshore wind power: worse than we thought Puncturing the Inequality Fact Balloon Mass residents pay the highest average retail price for power in the continental US US Wind Energy $4.5 Billion Transmission line is ‘Game Changer’ Goldman Sachs Puts a Grim Number on Solar Slump for This Year New Report: Grid Resiliency and Consumers’ Wallets Take a Hit with Premature Coal Plant Retirements Citizens don’t want to sacrifice quality of life for money from wind turbines Consumers Lose with Cuomo’s Bet on Wind Energy Future uncertain for NY Wind project’s tax breaks (PILOT) Wind Developer reportedly delinquent on paying contractors millions GE Turbine Sales Down in “Challenging” Market

Turbine Health Matters: Noise rules (30-35 dBA) added to DeKalb County wind ordinance draft Penn Forest (PA) hearing focuses on noise level Policymakers demand answers about GenX-like compounds in solar panels

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Massive Canadian forest fire sparked by wind project construction Offshore wind projects need closer look Archive: Bees reportedly being killed by wind turbine infrasound Archive: Bees and Wind Turbines Wind energy's big disposal problem

Misc Energy: An all-renewable energy policy is a prescription for disaster Wind and solar alone can’t meet America’s energy needs What the new Ontario Government means for the Energy Sector – an analysis Virginia county planners deny solar project MIT - Making nuclear energy safer and more affordable The Texas Wind Power Story: Part 2 A disturbing energy development: Community Choice Aggregation NY DEC Denies LPG Storage Proposal — Due To Community Character Wind turbines demonstrate what they can’t deliver: reliability Weird ‘wind drought’ means Britain’s turbines are at a standstill Solar Plan Collides With Farm Tradition in Pacific Northwest Nuclear Security There Are Questions Worth Asking about the Amazon Wind Project Urgent need: Legislators must protect radar systems from wind turbines Trump On Target Regarding German Energy Mistakes Germany's Incoherent Energy Policy Luddite eco-imperialists claim to be virtuous Let There Be More Than Light (solar) Lighthouse Wind Project (NY) Continues to Face Staunch Opposition New stackable wind power device aimed at circumventing planning barriers Consultants Hired to Assist NY Town with Article 10 President Trump’s comments re energy and the Three Seas Initiative California Wants to Reinvent the Power Grid. So What Could Go Wrong? NY Farm Family Speaks Out Against Industrial Wind Projects Iowa High Court mandates removal of wind turbines The $3 Billion Plan to Turn Hoover Dam Into a Giant Battery Wind developer cancel’s proposed Wisconsin project Short video: Black Gold Short Video: Immigration and Energy Entropy, Energy and Order in the Universe Energy & Man (part 3) Wind Developer Lobbied Against NY Bill to Protect the Military An extensive list of victories against wind energy — just in 2018! A Record-Setting Summer in Texas - and Renewables

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Paris climate treaty fails to fight global warming Lawsuits Are Not The Answer to Climate Change Climate models that can't predict climate NOAA: Climate Extremes for each US State Climate change, the scientific method and the search for truth Judge Kavanaugh: a Regulatory Reformer Scientists Are Being Purged From Universities for Doing Science Obama Administration Substantially Over-estimated Drilling Emissions Carly Fiorina educates leftist Katie Couric on 'climate change' Beware Scientific Studies — Most Are Wrong Global warming? 2018 year of 'lost summer' for Arctic Dr. Will Happer Interview re Global Warming Stare Decisis, the EPA, and the Endangerment Finding Whatever Happened to Agenda 21 and Climate Change Policy? Trump Sets Sights On Obama’s Misguided Climate Change Regulations Maladaptation to bogus climate change Meat and dairy emissions ‘could surpass those from largest oil firms’ US Coastal Sea Level Rise Rate So Far Only About 1/7 Of UN IPCC Projections Yes, It’s Hot, But No It’s Not Global Warming CO2 Reduction: US Beats the Entire Paris Climate Accord Graphic: The Scientific Method: Then vs Now The latest global warming scare might make you want to kill yourself The “Temperature Circle” Deception Obama-era EPA Deal With UN to Impose Agenda 2030 Still in Force The U.S. government is still the UN’s top climate alarmist The mayor of Honolulu should not believe in sea level speculations All These Climate Change Lawsuits Will Be Thrown Out The Perils of “Near-Tabloid Science” The Hansen Forecasts 30 Years Later Climate Uncertainty and Risk Pushback Against Canadian Global Warming Policies The ‘Heartbeat’ of the Deep State, Climate, Corruption, and Lack of Accountability ------

AWED 8/20/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Wind, Solar and Greed What Is The Cost Of Getting To A 100% "Renewable" Electric Grid? Weighing the NET Economic Benefits of Wind Energy NY Wind project’s PILOT tax breaks in question Wind Energy appears to be trying to undermine Baseload power producers NY ratepayers will pay for $2.1B offshore wind plan, but won't get the energy German Wind Industry In “Serious Crisis”, Could “Implode” World’s Most Expensive Joke: $2 Trillion Squandered on Wind & Solar (So Far)… The $2.5 trillion reason we can’t rely on batteries to clean up the grid Power Worth Less Than Zero Spreads as Green Energy Floods the Grid Bay State Wind alters layout for offshore wind farm, but fisheries call foul Archive: How wind farms blow away rights on real farms Have investors lost interest in renewables? Renewable energy subsidies are wrong (e.g. for Texas) Glick 'at a loss' over FERC role in Trump coal and nuclear bailout NYISO stakeholders clash over exclusion of REC holders from carbon price payments

Turbine Health Matters: NY representative says wind turbine project has community negatives International Wind Turbine Accident Data to July 1st, 2018 MassDEP rejects Wind Developer’s Noise Study

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Wind turbine sparks Oregon wildfire EPA finally admits ethanol mandate is causing environmental damage Comment on USFWS - Eagles and turbines Wind Turbine Development and the Future of Fishing EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Effects and the Precautionary Principle Archive: Tucker Carlson Segment on Wind and the Environment Wind Developers Want Permission To Kill More Bats — A Lot More

Misc Energy: A Trove Of New Research Documents The Folly Of Renewable Energy Archive: To Get Wind Power You Need Oil Nuclear Plant Digitalization Infographic 2018 The Ridiculous Myth Of Powering The Nation With Renewable Energy Archive: Wind Facility Energy Consumption from the Grid Maine community overwhelmingly approves more protective wind ordinance The Facts about China’s Energy Commitments China is building coal power again Fast Reacting Fossil Technologies Facilitate Renewable Energy Diffusion Wind and Solar Energy — Good for Nothing Small Maine Town Stands up against Corporate America Summary of Dumb Energy: A Critique of Wind and Solar Energy Michigan town continues to struggle with wind turbine zoning Archive: Natural Gas Is The Flexibility Needed For More Wind And Solar Study: Skepticism of Scientific Establishments is Largely Justified Environmentalists: Hydroelectric Power and Biomass are not Renewable Very short video: Putin’s Useful Eco-Idiots China is the Threat — and it May be Too Late Russia on an international offensive to sell nuclear plants To World Leaders considering Wind and Solar California Caught ‘Cooking The Books’ To Justify Solar Mandate Has Bezos Become More Powerful than Trump? Energy Efficiency, Smart Meters and Climate Policy 1 min (humorous) video: 100% Renewable Energy Isn’t Doable Worthwhile video: Epstein at Energy Conference 40% of financial services sector doubts renewable energy is here to stay Nuclear produces more clean electricity than all other sources combined Russian Reaction to Trump’s Energy Policies Echoes Soviet Opposition to Reagan’s Missile Defense New Very Good Pennsylvania Community Website about a Solar Project Archive: You Can't Have Offshore Wind Power Without Oil Can Offshore Wind Turbines Succeed in the Great Lakes? A story about NY Offshore Turbines — A Mighty Wind Legal Power List identifies political risks for wind Ontario Wind project killed by new government following legal battle

Manmade Global Warming Articles 100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering How Do You Tell If The Earth's Climate System "Is Warming"? Court Finally Unlocks Climategate Scandal Email Stonewall Breaking the Climate Spell Germany's Failed Climate Goals The Major Change in Global Warming Groupthink Between 1990 & 1995 Crucial global climate fund facing ‘massive challenges’ EPA: USA Air Trends since 1990 To date, 2018 Weather-Related Disaster Losses are at a Record Low Climate Alarmists Burned By Studies Showing Destructive Wildfires In Decline Warmer weather is a lifesaver Sea Level Rise — A Major Non-Existent Threat Exploited by Alarmists and Politicians Climate change emperors have no clothes Archive: Excellent short video on Climate Change Trump's Pro-Science Pick To Lead White House Science Office Global warming means a global fall in wildfires The Extinction of Honest Science Archive: Short video where College professors oppose groupthink Seabed Volcanoes Can Influence West Antarctic Glacier Melts The Complex Climate Conundrum: Moving from Panic to Progress Report: Climate Change and Health Dr. Droegemeier: Trumpers play politics with climate alarmism The Censorship Master Plan Decoded "Only Global Socialism Can Save Us From Climate Apocalypse" Radical Scientists Claim Failed Prognostications of Climate Alarm The changing climate of science YouTube adding “Fact Checking” to Climate Change Videos Questionable research practices in ecology and evolution Brief discussion of US Temperature Records New York Times hysterical over global greening Alabama’s State Climatologist Christy Debunks This Month’s Climate Hysterics ------

AWED 9/10/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Trump tax cuts to shave $1.2 billion from Texas electricity bills Impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 on Electric Utility Rates The Nightmare of Taxing New York Must Integrate Public Policy Goals into Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets Upstate NY pays the freight for Long Island Offshore Wind Boondoggle Short Circuit: The High Cost of Electric Vehicle Subsidies The Beginning of the End for Subsidized Renewables Innovation Is Making Solar Panels Harder To Recycle Solar Power Too Cheap to Meter? Another Green Dream Mayor vetoes renewable electricity law, calling it unaffordable and unattainable

Turbine Health Matters: Use of the Nor848A acoustic camera on wind turbines MA State Agency Finds Flaws In Turbine Noise Study Western NY Health alliance voices turbine concerns

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: A new Overview about Bats and Wind Turbines Bats Go Quiet During Mating Season Mysterious Deaths of Migrating Bats Thousands of bats are killed by wind turbines every year because they are drawn to red warning light Living in habitats affected by wind turbines may result in an increase in corticosterone levels in ground dwelling animals The Indirect Impacts of Wind Projects on Terrestrial Mammals Raptor Interactions With Wind Energy: Case Studies From Around the World Implications of Wind Development for Raptor Populations Bird collisions at wind turbines in a mountainous area... Impacts of wind turbines on redheads in the Laguna Madre A balanced solution to the cumulative threat of industrialized wind farm development on cinereous vultures Developer plan aims to reduce number of eagles, bats killed by wind turbines Fisheries science needs to catch up with offshore wind power Offshore wind rush is irresponsible Offshore Wind Story - Wind Rush EPA confirms GenX-related compounds used in solar panels Chemicals (e.g. from solar) in drinking water pose serious public health threat Great Lakes wind project at issue over birds and bats, headed into hearings

Misc Energy: EPA Proposal: Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) Rule Seven Ways EPA’s Affordable Clean Energy Rule is a Better Approach than the Clean Power Plan Trump Emissions Plan Aims to Boost Coal-Fired Power Humorous commentaries on the abuses by utility companies Does Russia Deploy American Green Groups as Pawns? Scottish tidal turbine generating 'phenomenal result' America First Energy Conference – ‘an amazing day Short video — Ethanol Pig All-renewable energy in California? Sorry, it's not going to happen Op-Ed: Finding ‘clean power’ is the least of New York’s energy worries Military — Indiana Air National Guard studies proposed wind project DOE — 2017 Wind Energy Report The Supreme Court, 'Clean' Energy, and the Clean Air Act California Moves to Require 100% Clean Electricity by 2045 California lawmakers pass bill to phase out fossil fuels by 2045 Energy Socialism Kills Coal hits the political fan in Germany Wind Developer Appears to be Violating State Law Trade bodies hit out at UK Govt as onshore wind turbines set to plummet 7 out of 10 French Wind Projects Under Appeal An interesting map — Carbon intensity electricity of some of the world Should Communist China to allowed to build and operate the largest wind project in Maine? VA Board Denies Permit for Solar Project Colorado College Students Polled support Coal by a wide margin A Damning Report — Putting New Yorkers at Risk VA Supervisors deny permit for solar project Archive: US & France sign 2018 Nuclear Power Agreement Largest offshore wind project opens off England's coast There’s Nothing Nice (or Smart) About the “Keep It in the Ground” Gang How Prosperity Can Save the Planet Who Killed the UK Modular Nuclear Program?

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Microsoft finds Russians targeting some U.S. Conservative institutions Science and Environmental Litigation Short Video: How to Debate a Climate Alarmist featuring Alex Epstein Are Western Wildfires Driven by Global Warming—Manmade or Otherwise? Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull Ousted Over Climate Policy Paris is No Longer Relevant Climate Alarmists Throw Temper Tantrum, Refuse To Debate Skeptics Global-Warming Advocates Pressure Media to Silence Skeptics Merkel Rejects EU Proposals for Stricter CO2 Standards Petition: Protect Free Speech in the Digital Public Square How President Trump Can Take on the Tech Tyrants Russia and China are Causing Climate Change, Not the US Law Enforcement for Rent The real story behind the famous starving polar-bear video Settled Science Nonsense Bloomberg accused of hijacking justice system re climate-change Australian Govt Promises To Abandon Green Subsidies & Ignore Climate Targets We Will Not Debate — How Science Becomes Dogma Canada’s Climate Plan In Freefall As Alberta Pulls Out Millennials Are Breaking Free from the Thought Police The NYT Latest Attempt to Scare Readers about Climate Change - Exposed Greenland Gains Huge Amounts Of Ice For The Second Year In A Row Endangerment Finding delenda est Short video: Climate Fraud At The New York Times Meet the Newest Member of Trump’s National Security Team A Double Standard At The Heart Of Some Scientific Journals Trump Taps Climate Science Critic as Top Adviser Potential Winners and Losers in the U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal New Paris climate agreement proposal would 'let rich countries off the hook' New Report Shows Paris Climate Accord Backers Are Just ‘Outsourcing’ CO2 Emissions To China Paris Agreement “On the Brink” ------

AWED 10/1/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Large NY Wind Project seeking major property tax reduction A copy of the lawsuit referenced in the prior article. Op-Ed against wind developer’s NYS lawsuit European Nations Urge Subsidy Extension For Coal Plants Beyond 2030 Ratepayers bankrolling offshore wind project opposed by LI fishing community How solar and wind mandates tax the poor and middle class More on above Green Folly EIA: One third of US households have difficulty paying their energy bill China to speed up ending wind and solar subsidies NY Town agrees to 60%± tax reduction of wind turbines Fracking ban cripples New York as Pennsylvania thrives Will property values be gone with the wind? Wind Growth after PTC Expiration Big Green Carpetbagging: The Out-of-State Spending of Elite Foundations Australian Carbon Tax Shows How Little Enviros Care About the Poor

Turbine Health Matters: Dr. Mariana Alves-Pereira explains vibroacoustic disease Investigation concludes: turbine Noise ‘detrimental and unreasonable’ Wind project noise report a blow to future of the industry Editorial: State Must Act on Turbine Noise No, wind turbine noise is not damped by the ground! A Review of the Possible Perceptual and Physiological Effects of Wind Turbine Noise Altered cortical and subcortical connectivity due to infrasound administered near the hearing threshold Wind turbine noise breaks up the excitement US Courts Ordering Wind Developers to Buy Out Noise-Affected Neighbors

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Solar Panel Waste: Solar Energy Not So Green After All Don't experiment with Lake Erie Disposal of Wind Turbines Proving to be a Major Environmental Concern Arizona wind farm investigated after death of bat, eagle Groups, states say policy imperils migratory birds Company revives wind project plan that Maine wildlife officials had opposed It gets messy when clean energy plays dirty

Misc Energy: Had They Bet On Nuclear, Not Renewables, Germany & California Would Already Have 100% Clean Power Report: Wind Turbines and Offshore Energy Development Connecticut court ruling about the State’s RPS Big Green Taxi "Sustainable" energy vs. evolving energy ACT for America Declares Culture War Oregon wind developer contemplates 650 foot turbines A New Strategy for Wind Project Opponents Don't make next generation pay for our mistakes Future massive wind turbines in MN face blowback from neighbors Keep carbon taxes in the ground 100% Renewables will Fuel the Growth of Poverty and Homelessness Why use Thermal Power Instead of Solar or wind? The Powerful US Organizations behind The Cause Analysis: Replacing Nuclear Facilities with Gas Plants Ontario Government Moves To Scrap Green Energy Act Minister of Energy: Scrapping the so-called “Green” Energy Act Study: Diesel cars produce less CO2 than Electric vehicles If the Problem Is Environmental Injustice, Natural Gas Is the Solution Wind Energy: On the Road to Truthfulness Editorial: Power of the People (regarding Wind Energy) Wind: The Pros And Cons Of Harvesting 'The Third Crop' Bloom Energy’s “tangled web” New Seismic Survey Provides Data on U.S. Atlantic Margin Gas Hydrates Dumb Energy Advances Questions about Maine’s Wind Energy Commission EPA's Proposed Affordable Clean Energy Rule Is Responsible, Constructive How ‘Green’ China Fooled The World As New Coal Boom Continues The Green Energy Act Is Dead. Let That Be A Warning To Green Politicians The war on coal is a winner for China New Coal War: China And Japan Compete For Hundreds Of New Coal Plants In Southeast Asia The Future of Nuclear Power in China Majority of Speakers Oppose Local VA Solar Project Land Area Required for Various Sources of Electricity Readily Available German Wind Power is less than 1% Of Installed Capacity France to cut renewable growth

Indiana Utility Chooses Solar and Storage Over Coal — An Ecological Transformation Starts to Emerge? Wind Developer Specializes in Public Deceptions Texas High School forum on wind energy draws speakers, mostly opposed Fight to stop an OK wind farm expansion blown before two state commissions Debate on Kansas wind energy project continues Unanimous vote puts hold on wind turbine projects in Monitor Michigan GE launches 5.3MW (800 ft high) onshore turbine

Misc Fossil Fuels: Penn DEP issues annual Oil and Gas Report The United States Is Now The Largest Global Crude Oil Producer Shale Gas – Not Renewables – Has Been The Biggest Disruptor In Energy Markets

Manmade Global Warming Articles — The climate empire strikes out — the perils of policy analysis in an echo chamber Climate-Change Derangement Syndrome (CCDS) Global Warming Skepticism for Busy People Hurricane Florence is not climate change or global warming. It's just the weather. Japan and climate change -- leader turned laggard California Climate Policies Facing Revolt from Civil-Rights Groups There’s Still Plenty of Room to Grow Natural Gas and Reduce CO2 Was this ‘the hottest summer’ ever? Not even close. Meteorologist: Climate change not causing more hurricanes “Climate Risk Disclosure Act of 2018” - Virtue Signaling to the Max The coming decarbonization tsunami Global Tree Cover Has Expanded More Than 7 Percent Since 1982 As the world and climate change yet again Inside The $4 Billion U.S. Foundations That Are Funding Green Activists Arctic Ice Growing Again Scientists seek to subject us to socialism Climate Alarmists Accuse IPCC Of ‘Watering Down’ Disaster Predictions Science Under Attack: Human Role in Climate Change Evidence Lacking for Major Human Role in Climate Change Scientists Throw Cold Water On Claims Linking Hurricane Florence To Global Warming We must all sacrifice for the environment EU Abandons 2030 Climate Target Nuclear Energy and Climate Change – A Controversial Science Discussion Questioning Climate Hysteria Blame It On Winter Weather ------

AWED 10/22/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: The high cost of being a ‘Good Neighbor’ to Big Wind Wind Gives Way to Solar Power and Natural Gas After Federal Subsidies End First US freshwater offshore wind project gets DOE approval, funding proposal Manitoba Dumps Carbon Taxes Are Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants Less Expensive Than New Gas, Wind or Solar? Foundations trying to buy Conservative groups’ support Wind Power Dying As the Subsidies Blow Away in the Wind Wind Growth after PTC Expiration Wind projects, subsidies would be bad business for Texas Counties Globally, $2.4 TRILLION per year required for renewables California invested heavily in solar power—so much that other states are sometimes paid to take it State PSC: Wind project no longer cost effective, so shut down 10 years early Archive Report: Wind Energy’s Dirty Word — Decommissioning The Good Old Days of Electricity Prices Former CEO Of Wind Energy Company Charged In Million Dollar Fraud Scheme

Turbine Health Matters: WHO Guidelines Cast Doubt Over Future Of Wind Projects World Health Organization: Wind Turbine Noise as a Health Hazard Archive: Measurement procedure for wind turbine infrasound Four NY state legislators raise health concerns over turbine project

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Is Bird Life Facing Global Catastrophe from Wind Turbines? EPA announces Science Advisors for Clean Air Act Committee More misplaced environmentalist outrage Wind turbines not so green for wildlife

Misc Energy: Anti-Wind Turbine Activism Is Sweeping Europe—and the U.S. Could Be Next Science Says: Wind Power Blows Is Renewable Energy a Fraud? The Reality of Industrial Wind Power Wind power lobbyist makes claims that don’t stand up to scrutiny Blowhard NY Governor Looks Behind Curve for Off-Shore Wind Energy Help EPA Moving to Loosen Radiation Limits Urgent wind project meeting ordered with planning minister NIPCC Study: Climate Change Reconsidered II — Fossil Fuels The Incredible Growth of the Middle Class DOE teams up with Bill Gates to move mini-nuclear plants to market Editorial: Wind project stoppage protects Oklahoma's No. 1 asset (military) Editorial: Wind projects not good for Northern NY NY Town Supervisors Speak Out Against Wind Developer’s Forum An uncertain future for Texas, America’s wind energy capital Colorado should rethink its risky Energy Plan Anti-fracking chaos in Colorado Hydraulic fracturing is still misunderstood Donald Trump Investing Big in Wind Energy Offshore wind projects planned on US East and West coasts Lord Christopher Monckton – The Economics Behind Windmills NY agency changes tone on large-scale renewable siting Enough Hysteria, Madness and Mobocracy: We Need Energy Solutions Trump’s Energy and other Accomplishments (total = 289) Bill McKibben Gives Another Wink and Nod to Extremists Sea of green at upstate NY wind turbine public hearing Hundreds pack anti-wind turbine meeting in Ohio Investigation: How Wind Turbines Interfere With Radars Overheard at ACE NY 2018 Fall Conference

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Wide-scale US wind power could cause significant warming — More than Coal! Audit: Global Warming Scare Is Based on ‘Careless and Amateur’ Data Changes in Asian rainfall due to industrial pollution, not climate change If We’re Going To Save The Planet, We’ve Got To Use The Nuclear Option How the Supreme Court Could Now End the Climate Wars Dr. Richard Lindzen Demolishes the Climate Change Scam Science Nepotism Racket — Small, Closed Group Of Climate Scientists Meteorologist - Capitalism must be destroyed to fix Global Warming EPA disbands PM panel… another HUGE win! Hydro-Québec’s greenwashing game US Tornado activity lowest in 65 years of record keeping 3 minute video: Benefits of Fracking President Trump on 60 Minutes: “I don’t think climate change is a hoax” US CO2 Emissions Plummet under Trump, While the Rest of the World Goes Up Can Poor Families Sue John Kerry for Climate Policy Deaths? How Al Gore Built The Global Warming Fraud Climate Tipping Points Quiz Three out of four living astronauts who walked on moon are skeptics Silencing Science the Facebook Way Richard Lindzen: ‘Warming Of Any Significance Ceased 20 Years Ago’ The Great Climate Change Debate: Dr. Happer v. Dr Karoly Greenland Gains Huge Amounts Of Ice For The Second Year In A Row Climate Science: Have Stats, Will Doctor Climate change trial: jury to decide if protesters' law-breaking is justified 4 Reasons Why 'Climate Change' Is a Flat-Out Hoax

The UN’s (IPCC) Manmade Global Warming Report — Climate Alarmists Accuse IPCC Of ‘Watering Down’ Disaster Predictions IPCC Report On Climate Change Is More Science Fiction Than Science Fact Leaked US critique of climate report sets stage for political showdown in Korea Lomborg: Don't panic over UN climate change report UN issues yet another climate tipping point IPCC achieves net zero credibility The IPCC now claims that ALL Global Warming is now Man-Made Terrifying climate change warning: 12 years until we’re doomed GOP shrugs off dire study warning of global warming The IPCC’s latest climate hysteria Direct Action to Shut Down the Fossil Fuel Economy What Are We Really Measuring and Why Are We Wasting All That Money? Former Harvard U. Physicist rejects new UN IPCC report Why U.N. climate report cannot be trusted Astronaut Harrison Schmitt stirs up a buzz with climate change views The UN climate-change panel that cried wolf too often U.N. Ignores Economics Of Climate Trump Queries IPCC’s $38.4 Trillion Ransom Note IPCC Pretends the Scientific Publishing Crisis Doesn’t Exist ------

AWED 11/12/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Federal renewable energy subsidies reduce reliability, hinder the market BBC Mislead Again — This Time About the Cost of Wind Power Report: Natural Gas Economics Outshines Solar, Blows Past Wind The Price We Pay for Giving the Green Energy Lobby Power NextEra: Wind will be competitive after PTC sunset Wind Turbines May Result in $27 Million Property Value Decline Fukushima wind turbine to be removed due to high maintenance costs What are the indirect costs of the Canadian carbon tax? The NY Times' "Three Surprising Energy Trends" Editorial: Surprising Because They Aren't True Twilight of the Green Follies The Production Tax Credit: Corporate Subsidies & Renewable Energy PTC still going strong Green Energy Mandates Could Double Your Electric Bills Wind Turbines "Imprudent, Unreasonable, Unnecessary, Approved" The Economic Fall and Political Rise, of Renewable Energy China, India will never impose carbon tax on themselves

Turbine Health Matters: MA Town Board of Health Says Turbines Negatively Affecting Public Health New Medical Research Confirms Infrasound Negatively Impacts Heart Health! Peer-reviewed study on wind turbine mechanical failures New WHO noise guidelines for Europe released Rural Communities Revolt as WHO Deems Turbine Noise Serious Health Risk Silencity: Wind Turbines 2018 Study: Wind Turbine Noise and Health Effects Wind Energy Proponents Don’t Acknowledge Proven Turbine Health Hazards Ontario moving on health hazard study into wind turbines

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Study: Turbines kill off 75% of buzzards, hawks and kites that live nearby Study: 10% reduction in birds near wind turbines Wind project monitors to warn of approaching eagles in bid to prevent bird deaths Is an Injured Peregrine Falcon a Harbinger of Future Economic Loss?

Misc Energy: Why Wind Power is Not the Answer Stilling: The curious case of land wind speed decline Electricity is Vital to our Society and Economy Industrial wind projects threaten rural quality of life To the Metal Beasts on the Hilltop Some worthwhile energy videos about improving the message Fact Checking Seven Falsehoods in CNN’s EPA Report Arizona AG Suing Steyer, Energy Group, for Demonstrably False Statements US Energy Policy After the 2018 Midterms Archive: US Renewable Energy Output — A Closer Look A looming technology-security minerals crisis? Mass-mailing of wind energy political flyers irks candidates Canadian government carbon tax plan rife with problems Washington State Voters Reject Carbon Tax California Supports “Foreign” Big Oil Upstate New Yorkers Are Being Targeted for Wind Projects Market forces buffeting future of wind power in Maine Indiana Towns Fighting Wind Energy Oklahoma wind project mitigation plan extended for a third time Rain damage to wind turbines is a serious and potentially costly problem GE announces the world’s most powerful offshore wind turbine Short video about Fracking and earthquakes in Kansas Proposition 112 (Not Fracking) Threatens Colorado Citizens Colorado voters say no to larger setbacks for oil and gas Washington Examiner’s Energy Reporting Going Downhill Ethanol Is Bad Science And Bad Policy The Dirt on Electric Cars Vehicle Tailpipe Emissions Are SAFE NYS fritters away clean hydro power Canadian Wind Lobbyists Make Promises They Can’t Keep Short Video: Caught Green Handed Neighbors sue local legislators about Virginia Solar Project Keep It in the Ground: A Strategy of Lies and Junk Lawsuits Growth of Wind Energy Spurring Blowback What’s Next for U.S. Climate and Energy Policies?

Nuclear Energy: Scientists and experts object to anti-nuclear bias in UN climate report Once Critical, Environmentalists Have Changed Their Tune On Nuclear Power Archive Report: Fukushima — The Response was Worse than the Event Next Generation Nuclear Power Study: Nuclear Power Learning and Deployment Rates - Disruption and Global Benefits Forgone Measuring Employment Generated by the Nuclear Power Sector Global nuclear power to reach 536GW by 2030 China and India Will Lead World’s Nuclear Growth India makes climate change case for nuclear power India Nuclear Facility Breaks World Operating Record Archive: Renewable and Nuclear Heresies Fraudulent science behind radiation regulations A Virginia Farmer Fights to Harvest His Uranium Van Snyder's Web about Nuclear Power Utah town mayor wants to withdraw from SMR project US Sen. Graham: MOX cancellation a 'colossal mistake' As Renewables Drive Up Energy Prices, Voters In U.S., Asia & Europe Are Opting For Nuclear Power

Manmade Global Warming Articles — IPCC: Where Dictators Overrule Scientists National Association of Scholars: Making Science Reproducible AGW Report: IPCC SR15 Climate Change Report is Based on Faulty Premises Short Video: Jordan Peterson on Climate Change Levin TV: Dr. Pat Michaels on Global Warming, wind energy, etc. Moving The Goalposts, IPCC Secretly Redefines ‘Climate’ UN’s Solution to Climate Change: End Capitalism The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud UN Report Shows Stopping 'Catastrophic' Global Warming Is Impossible: What's The Point? Physicist Presentation: Contradictions to IPCC’s Climate Change Theory Dr. Lindzen: Global Warming for Two Cultures Study: Sea Level Rise & The Illusive Flooding of New York City Expert Testimony in NYC against Sea Level Rise 500 Million Years of Unrelatedness between Atmospheric CO2 and Temperature Video: Is the Global Temperature Record Credible? Global Temperatures Rose As Cloud Cover Fell In the 1980s and 90s Fact-Checking the State of the UK Climate Do Hurricanes Florence and Michael Provide Evidence for Global Warming? NY AG Sues Exxon Over Climate Change Al Gore Admits Global-Warming Warning Concerns 'Torqued' New book: Exploding the Link Between Overpopulation and Climate Change Three Surprises About Nobel Laureate Nordhaus’s Model of Climate Change But What Will Take Its Place? Why Some Scientists Say Global Warming Is Out and Global Cooling Is In Some Catholic Bishops Call for Action regarding Climate Change Evolution of 21st Century Sea-level Rise Projections AGW Study: Alpine Glaciers Started Melting Much Earlier Than Thought Climate Predictions Could Be Wrong In UK And Europe The Paris Climate Gang is Breaking Up Only 16 Countries Meet their Paris Commitments MetaEval: A JMP Add-In to evaluate a claim coming from a meta-analysis NC Gov Signs 'Unprecedented' Executive Order to Reduce GHG Emissions 1 in 4 Statisticians Asked to Commit Scientific Fraud Archive: The Proper Role of Government The Sad, Sad Culture of Progressivism AGW Report: Radiation Balance and Transparent Media Attenborough Ditches 'Turn-Off' Eco Doom-Mongering The Intrinsic Value of Nature and the Proper Stewardship of the Climate Earth’s Upper Atmosphere Cooling Dramatically A major problem with recent climate change paper New book! The Green Swastika: Environmentalism in the Third Reich Climate alarmism paradigm protection at NSF 3 out of 4 Green ballot initiatives, bite the dust Aligning the IEA Sustainable Development Scenario to Paris goals Witch Hunts, Climate, and Climate-Change Madness Debunking the overpopulation alarmists ------

AWED 12/3/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Editorial: VA Offshore Wind Project Throws Caution to the Wind Study: UK’s Climate Change Act — History’s Most Expensive Virtue Signal A Green Logrolling Classic Cost of US Nuclear Generation at 10 Year Low America’s Wind Developers Are Ready to Go It Alone Analyses Show Flat Emissions Under NY Carbon Price NY/MA Double Counting Renewables UK electricity bills may soar after power row UK Subsidy Cuts a Blow to Wind Developers Irish Carbon Tax needs to be increased by 15X to meet goals How Billions have been wasted on wind energy — just in Ontario At least 10 local officials have a financial interest in NY wind project Investment risk: nuclear high, new load-following fossil fuel plants low Is Wind Power Actually Cheaper Than Coal Fired Power? No! 100% Renewable, is Bad Policy for Ratepayers Climate change alarmists seriously harm the economy The Paris Climate Discord — Not in My Wallet Failed Oregon Solar Equipment Plant Results in Millions In Taxpayer Losses NY says wind energy is about jobs

Turbine Health Matters: Study: Wind turbines adversely affecting nearby citizens Citizens living too close to wind turbines can experience cardiac instability Study: Obesity and other medical disorders connected with a noise increase Pennsylvania court-appointed referee: Deny Wind Application Study: Generation of Infra sound to replicate a wind turbine Study: Altered cortical and subcortical connectivity due to infrasound… Noise Pollution Is a Thing, and It’s Making You Sick

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: A solar issue at EPA: GenX and PFBS Draft Toxicity Assessments Short video: Thanks Fossil Fuels Do wind turbines kill birds? Sierra Club joins Big Wind Bullies

Misc Energy: Twilight of the Green Follies Debating with Mr. Renewable Energy Another report reluctantly admits that 'green' energy is a disastrous flop A New Day for Nuclear Advocacy — and for Environmentalism NYS Town passes wind ordinance: 1 mile setback, 35 dBA, PVG, etc. Wind project opponents: Zoning is best protection Natural Resources Canada releases recommendations for implementing SMR technology U.S. LNG Exports Are About to Reshape the Global Market APS spent millions defeating Prop 127. Is a clean energy compromise ahead? New Australian Organization: Saltbush Club What next for US climate and energy policies? Global Coal Demand Increased In 2017 Is Wind a Dead Issue in Indiana? Editorial: Fierce wind blowing over Seneca County turbine projects Is California going the way of Germany when it comes to energy? VA County mulls land limits for solar projects Wind takes a beating from solar French cab drivers join protest against carbon tax Quantifying wind surpluses and deficits in Western Europe Advancing the Coal Plants of the Future Floating Russian Nuclear Power Plant Starts first Reactor The Rise of Engineering’s Social Justice Warriors Was the Colorado wind energy plan made in Minneapolis? 100% Renewable Deception Neighbors in eastern Iowa fight to bring down turbines — and win US Wind Project Decommissioned After Just 20 Years Give thanks that we no longer live on the precipice Unprecedented rejection of NC solar facility expansion faces appeal New website: Burn More Coal Disposing of spent nuclear fuel by Dry Rock Deposition (DRD) Bill Gates thinks that Green Energy Zealots are Dangerous Consequences of Wind Turbine Wake Effects Japan is Building 30+ New Coal Plants Transmission is latest front in fossil fuels v. renewables battle Never Economic, Never Competitive: Wind Industry Built on Lies & Runs on Subsidies The Crocodile Turns: Rockefeller 350 Gang Goes Full Extremist on Cuomo

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Judith Curry: Special Report on Sea Level Rise Climate Collusion Real-World Measurements Show the ‘Greenhouse Theory Is Wrong’ – ALL Gases Are GHGs Radiation Balance and Transparent Media; Part 2; Part 3 Lack of sunspots could bring record cold, warns NASA scientist Global Warming and Fake Science Fake Data – The Basis Of Climate Science Climate Modeler — Reprieve Extended for Ten Years Climate forecasts: collect them all! Pseudonyms to protect authors of controversial technical articles The United Nations’ Climate Drama The IPCC Special Report – mountain or molehill? Behind the IPCC Curtain Top scientists, etc sign open letter backing nuclear to tackle climate change Brazil's new foreign minister believes climate change is a Marxist plot Trump challenges Warmists on California wildfires; media fight back Blaming climate – ignoring incompetence Climate change will make us more likely to wet the bed — & 466 other things Obama trashes Americans again – this time over global warming Lomborg: Global warming: 'Paris agreement will leave 99% of the problem unsolved’ Palm Oil Was Supposed to Help Save the Planet. Instead It Unleashed a Catastrophe A quick refresher course to remind us of previous global warming/cooling scares Geo-engineering: Ignoring the consequences The Academic Junk Science Scandal Continues to Unfold Draft G20 Statement No Longer Supports Paris Climate Agreement Message from Paris to the UN climate conference in Katowice Ask the research team: NASA’s climate data Climate Change: Facts and Theories G20 Nations Reportedly Set To Kowtow To Trump On Climate Change Sea Level Fraudsters Reveal Their Intentions More honesty and less hubris, more evidence and less dogmatism, would do a world of good

US Fourth Climate Assessment — The media got it all wrong on the new US climate report Latest US Climate Report Feeds into Alarmist Fearmongering The Froth of the Fourth Fake Science Again Serves Far-Left Political Agenda Judith Curry: Is RCP8.5 an impossible scenario? Experts: "Every Conclusion of the Latest Government Report is False" Latest Global Warming Lies from US Global Change Research Program The Fourth National Climate Assessment violates scientific integrity New Study Highlights Inconvenient Data Omitted from US Climate Report Climate Expert calls US Government Climate Report “Embarrassing” Having Fun With the Fourth National Climate Assessment Report President Trump Doubles Down on Global Warming Skepticism Presidential Press briefing (see 36:44-38:26, which is on this topic) Obama-era Holdovers Issue Fake News Climate Report Obama official helped prepare dire National Climate Assessment The media got it all wrong on the new US climate report Another government report is dead wrong on fragile state of our planet New U.S. Climate Report a 'Scientific Embarrassment' Making the Environmental Case for Natural Gas Is Simply Imperative ------

AWED 12/17/18 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics — French Version: France learns the hard way: green taxes carry political risks France to Announce Suspension of Carbon Tax The fallout from France's fuel tax cave France’s fuel tax retreat dismays COP24 climate talks France might be ahead of the curve when it comes to climate policy backlash Short video: What’s Behind the French Riots? La Taxe Carbone? Meet les gilets jaunes French Riots Show Why U.S. Carbon Tax Should Be A Non-Starter Paris Is Burning Over Climate Change Taxes -- Is America Next? Finally! We Can Thank The French For Something! Those French Fuel Riots and the “Great Wall of Cuomo” Macron’s Carbon Tax Disaster: There Was A Better Way France’s Finance Minister Calls Protests a ‘Catastrophe’ Green Taxes and Yellow Vests: Global Awakening amid Climate Fear Mongering Protesting carbon taxes with the Gilets Jaunes Climate Interventionists Won’t Stop with a Carbon Tax Was Poland’s COP-24 Climate Change Conference the End?

Greed Energy Economics: The economic risks related to onshore wind power investment Taxpayers Are Being Ripped Off By New ‘Green Energy’ Offshore Wind Project Wind Projects and Property Rights Canadians clash over Trudeau's carbon emissions tax Virginia County Repeals Solar Tax Break

Turbine Health Matters: Medical Director Warns of Turbine Health Consequences Infrasound Effects

Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems: Whale Deaths and Wind Turbines — The Facts That Cannot be Ignored Massive Wind Project in Nevada Shot Down due to Environmental Issues Illinois Wind Project Opposed by Environmentalists How does Commitment to Birds, Square with Reliance on Wind Power? Short video: How Wind Energy Destroys the Environment (#2) Wildlife fund set up by US industry Americans Have Planted So Much Corn That It’s Changing the Weather Proposed Virginia Solar Project Sparks Major Debate Wind Turbine Work Sparks Wildfire Wind Project Requests Permission to Kill Bats Solar Panel Waste: A Disposal Problem Turbines kill birds and warm the atmosphere Turbines vs. eagles debate continues amid new science

Misc Energy: Offshore wind power, a fraudulent fiasco Renewables and Climate Policy are on a Collision Course Wind Energy Solutions Promise Only More Hot Air Drilling Becomes Standardized While Completions Get Customized But How do Affected Citizens Think about Wind Energy? EPA Proposes 111(b) Revisions to Advance Clean Energy Technology USGS Report Expands US Oil Reserves Joint Declaration between Solidarity and Heartland Upwind wind projects can reduce the energy production of downwind neighbor turbine IPCC climate confab seeks to stampede the world into adopting destructive energy policies I Despise The Wind Industry But I'm Not A Sheep Major Good News: Ontario Scraps the Green Energy Act Judge Denies Wind Developers Injunction against Town Wind Ordinance Activists fail to get even 1% of Harvard students to sign anti-fossil fuel petition Short video: Who Are Some of the Most Powerful People in America? IPCC Poland conference presents fictional climate chaos and fake renewable energy salvation Giant Colorado energy company Xcel goes crazy green Court Orders Three Iowa Wind Turbines Dismantled NY Town passes ideal wind ordinance Lawsuit against federal government regarding East Coast Seismic Surveys What is Driving the Strategy to Demonize the Most Amazing, Life Sustaining Element? Major Military Facility Cancelling Biomass Energy Project? Inexhaustible Natural Gas: Why We’ll Never Run Out Upstate New York: The Unbearable Burden of New York City NY Town Board sued over wind turbines A different NY Town Board is sued over wind turbines NY Town Planning on Rescinding it Wind Legislation NY Key Senator Pushing Aggressive Energy Plan South Carolina offshore turbine possible training threat to the military First major US offshore wind project in jeopardy of being blocked

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Climate Change: Identifying the Problem Outstanding video re Climate Change (15:30-28:00) Former Top US Research Oceanographer Sentenced for Accepting a Salary from China Fact-checking the second volume of the U.S. National Climate Assessment Editorial: Global CO2 Emissions Spike, Despite Paris Climate Pledges Climate Change Alarmism Is the World's Leading Cause of Hot Gas The National Climate Assessment’s simple hoax Scientists Ridicule Latest Round of Federal “Climate Change” Hysteria Scientists Mock New UN Climate Report Seeking “Unprecedented Changes” to Society Groundhog Day: U.N. Climate Report Predicts End of the World (Again) Global Warming is a Hoax UN should sober up: There is no consensus on the threat of climate catastrophe IGO (a new organization monitoring the UN, etc.) Fear Over a Rising Sea is a Ruse Short video: Tucker takes on Democratic Socialist over climate change Know your NDCs from your LMDCs: A climate diplomacy glossary COP 24: Climate summit language reveals hidden agenda Calif. prepares policy for coastal 'retreat' 'Retreat' Is Not An Option As A California Beach Town Plans For Rising Seas Climate-Modeling Illusions Not Based on Reality Rapture Watch (Climate version) IPCC Contradicts ‘Experts’ and Pours Cold Water on Global Drought Hysteria Why Won't Liberals Look at the Evidence On Climate? Paris Agreement plans to reduce greenhouse gases miss the mark Is the Case for Drastic Climate Policy a Case of Misplaced Expertise? Ridiculous report claims humans have killed more than half the world’s wildlife in past 48 years New U.S. Climate Report a 'Scientific Embarrassment' From Clexit to UNexit Scientist Bullied by University and Students For Voicing Climate Dissent Archive PPT: A Skeptic’s View of Global Warming “Science” How NPR Is Carrying The Dirty Water Of The U. S. Climate Assessment, Ignoring Complex Systems Socialist Democrat Claims Stopping Climate Change will End Racism Global Climate Socialism Celebrated climate report mostly drivel US Interior Secretary Resigns Document Details the Eye-Popping Amount Attorneys Stand To Make from Climate Crusades "We are still in" totalitarians flunk basic reality The Green Farce at Katowice