CO2 = LIFE - NOT Climate Control!

The following is a summary of a 16-lesson course “Energy and the Planet (Global Temperatures in the 21st Century)” which I presented at the U3A Noosa from January to June 2018.

John Turner B.Sc. Dip.Ed.; M. Ed.(Hons); Grad. Dip. Ed. Studies

he objective of science is to study the universe in order to discover the basic laws of nature. T Observations and measurements of the natural world produce the data on which the validity of the science can be tested. Scientists are always debating or discussing the interpretation of data, and this is a crucial part of the advancement of scientific knowledge. The validity of a hypothesis can only be decided by the results of experiments. A hypothesis cannot be proved; it can only be disproved. If a hypothesis does not agree with the empirical data from experiments, then it is disproved and must be discarded. The cause of the Ice Ages was the subject of scientific debate in the 19th century. Two hypotheses were suggested to explain the severe changes in climate which occurred during those times. One was based on assumptions about the Earth’s changing astronomical cycles; the other on the assumption that certain gases in the atmosphere (particularly CO2) interfere with the emission of infrared radiation from the Earth’s surface, restricting the Earth’s ability to cool itself. Thus, it was assumed that an increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would therefore cause global warming. The second hypothesis known as the “greenhouse effect” was refuted early in the 20th century. The discovery of the structure of the atom enabled scientists to understand the processes involved when radiation interacts with molecules. The molecules of the so-called “greenhouse gases” resonate with some, but not all frequencies of the infrared spectrum. CO2 resonates at and around only one frequency in the Earth’s infrared emission spectrum, thus it is not possible for CO2 to prevent the emission of infrared radiation from the Earth’s surface to space.

When CO2 absorbs photons of infrared radiation it will re-emit them. Some will go directly to space and others will be directed back towards the surface. The radiation from the CO2 in the atmosphere cannot warm the surface. The temperature of the Troposphere decreases with altitude; therefore, the CO2 gas will be at a lower temperature than the surface. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics implies that heat can only travel from a high temperature region to a low temperature region. Since no heat can flow from molecules in the cold atmosphere to the warmer surface, CO2 cannot cause global warming. Page 1 of 8 CO2 = LIFE - NOT Climate Control!

isible radiation will pass through glass and water but not through the skin. X-rays will pass through V the skin but not through bones. The reason that X-rays are more penetrating is that they have a higher frequency and hence more energy than the lower frequency visible radiation. Infrared radiation emitted towards the surface by CO2 molecules in the atmosphere does not penetrate the surface of the oceans or any surface water because it is low frequency low energy. Visible radiation from the Sun has higher frequencies than infrared radiation and will penetrate the oceans to depths of 200m in clear conditions. The absorption of energy from the Sun is the main reason for the heating in the upper levels of the oceans. Infrared radiation from CO2 cannot heat the oceans because it does not have enough energy to penetrate the surface of water.

here was no mention of, or reference to any “global warming” properties of CO2 gas molecules in T university science courses from the 1920’s to the 1970’s. CO2 was described as a colourless, odourless naturally-occurring gas vital for the maintenance of life on Earth. It is the most important link in the carbon cycle enabling carbon to pass from animals to plants. It is a low-energy molecule which plants need as food for their photosynthesis. All living things are composed of complex giant molecules formed by the ability of carbon atoms to join together in chains and rings. When the Earth was formed there was no life, but its atmosphere contained CO2 from active volcanoes. The source of all the carbon atoms in living things is CO2.

CO2 is a trace gas and its concentration in the atmosphere is so small it is not stated as a percentage of the total amount of all atmospheric gases, rather it is expressed as parts per million parts of air (ppm). Its current concentration from all sources is just over 400 ppm. This means that a sample of 2,500 molecules of air contains only one molecule of CO2. The amount of CO2 attributed to human activities, particularly through the combustion of fossil fuels, is only a small fraction of the total CO2. A sample of 77,000 molecules of air would contain only one molecule of anthropogenic CO2.

If all the nations of the world were to cease burning fossil fuels this would remove only one CO2 molecule from every 77,000 molecules of air. The temperature of a gas or mixture of gases is related to the average speed of all its molecules. The removal of one molecule of a gas from every 77,000 molecules would have no effect on the average speed of the remaining molecules and hence no effect on the temperature of the gas. The removal of anthropogenic CO2 from the atmosphere would not affect the global temperature.

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he atmosphere consists of a mixture of gases whose molecules are in constant motion. Enormous T amounts of energy are required to keep all these molecules moving. They obtain this energy when they come into contact with the warmer surface. The surface is warmed when it absorbs energy from the Sun. The surface warms the atmosphere; infrared radiation from CO2 in the atmosphere does not warm the surface.

The science is very clear: changes in the amount of the trace gas CO2 in the atmosphere have no effect on global temperature. Human emissions of CO2 cannot cause . This is why the hypothesis was rejected many years ago. Enter Politics! he current mass hysteria promoted daily by the mass media about the need to reduce emissions of T CO2 to decarbonize society has no basis in science. It is the result of a belief promoted by the IPCC that human emissions of CO2 will cause dangerous global warming. The IPCC is a political organization of the UN set up in the guise of a scientific body. There is no experimental data which show that CO2 from any source, let alone from human emissions, causes dangerous global warming. The IPCC was designed to put political leaders and bureaucrats rather than scientists in control of the science. It is a membership organization of governments not scientists. The governments fund it, staff it, and select the scientists who get to participate. They then revise and rewrite the reports after the scientists have finished their work, even if those revisions contradict what scientists said! It may seem incredible, but the mass hysteria about the supposed danger posed by increasing human emissions of CO2 resulted from the efforts of one man, Maurice Strong, a former UN bureaucrat. Strong was a committed socialist and an active member of the “Club of Rome” who realised that the amount of CO2 produced by a nation is related to the extent of its degree of industrialization and hence is a measure of its economic wealth. Strong believed that the developed nations were using up the world’s finite resources at the expense of the poorer nations. If a way could be found to demonize CO2, then a governing body would be needed to regulate it. This was Strong’s plan for the transformation of the UN into a world government. The resurrection of the discarded “greenhouse gas” hypothesis provided an unscientific rationale for the flawed science of the IPCC’s operations. It is difficult to identify if any scientists were involved in that decision but from that moment on the reputation of science as an open-minded, intellectually rigorous pursuit to discover the basic laws of nature was severely compromised! The science of climate change was politicised. Validity of climate science was to be tested by consensus not by experiment.

(Typical “pollution” propaganda – CO2 gas is invisible!) The politicization of climate science by the UN has led to demonstrations against the fossil fuel industries, particularly coal. The media have accepted as fact that the emission of CO2 gas from the burning of fossil fuels will cause dangerous global warming. The resulting UN Paris Climate Agreement expects nations to outline their plans to reduce emissions of CO2 based on a false claim.

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odern economies are becoming increasingly reliant on electricity. The dilemma for the UN is that M their approved no-CO2 technologies for generating electricity, solar and wind, have two major deficiencies. They are very weak sources of energy and they are intermittent because their outputs are dependent on the weather.

These renewable forms of energy are very expensive to build because large areas of land are needed for the large numbers of solar panels or wind turbine towers. They only provide reliable electricity 24/7 if they are backed up by conventional coal or gas electrical generating plants. Solar and/or wind plants can be backed-up by battery storage, but this adds to the costs. Solar power is fine for individual homes, but unsuitable for a national grid. The grid is designed to provide electricity on demand, so it cannot store electricity. When the demand increases, the grid must respond. This is easily achieved by conventional coal- and gas-fired electrical plants, but not by the unreliable renewables. There are abundant supplies of coal and gas to power the world for the next millennium. The folly of believing “renewable” energy can run a national electricity grid is illustrated by Germany: the “greenest” government in Europe. Germany has wasted 100’s of billions of dollars on solar and wind power. There are times during the year in the summer months when the renewable sources meet all of Germany’s grid demand; but in the winter months when German consumption is highest, solar production meets only 1% of the demand. On calm winter days, back-up from conventional fossil fuel plants is required, but these plants cannot be started up at a moment’s notice: they are designed to be kept running 24/7. Additional costs are imposed on taxpayers to keep these coal and gas plants operating. Germany installed solar and wind to reduce its emissions of CO2 and at the same time closed its reliable 24/7 nuclear power plants. German electricity, with its over-reliance on solar and wind, is controlled by the weather. When the weather is unsuitable, coal-fired power stations are needed to supply the grid. A number of new coal fired plants have been commissioned in the last few years, with the result that Germany is burning as much coal now as it was ten years ago.

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uclear fusion is the ultimate energy source. The fusing together of the heavier hydrogen nuclei, N deuterium and tritium, produces more energy than conventional nuclear fission reactors. The fuel supply is limitless because deuterium occurs naturally in the sea, and tritium can be generated in the reactor from lithium, a common mineral in the Earth’s crust. Nuclear fusion is completely safe, there are no radioactive wastes and no greenhouse gases. Great advances in fusion technology have resulted from the use of tokamaks to create and contain fusion plasma. ITER an international tokamak currently under construction in Provence in the south of France and is expected to be operational in 2025. It is the biggest and most important science experiment ever contemplated. Biggest in terms of cost, upwards of £15 billion, and biggest in terms of collaboration between 7 countries representing over one half of the world’s population: China, Europe, Japan, South Korea, India, Russia, and USA. ITER is an experimental reactor to investigate the feasibility of this new technology and is designed to have an input of 50MW to produce an output of 500MW.

th The 19 century scientists who suggested the CO2 “greenhouse gas” hypothesis had no understanding about the processes which take place in Sun’s core or the factors which affect the lifecycles of the stars. The field of solar physics advanced rapidly with the discovery of the Sun’s magnetic field in 1908. Solar observing satellites have enabled scientists to understand the role of the movements of the Sun’s plasma in the creation of its magnetic field. ecent research has revealed links between changes in the Sun’s magnetic field and the relative R motions of the major planets. It is no coincidence that the 11-year solar cycle is similar in period to the orbital time for Jupiter. The relative positions of the major planets control the position of the Sun in its irregular orbit about the Centre of Mass of the Solar System. Changes in the natural cycles of the Sun cause changes in the strength of its magnetic field. All stars have a lifecycle which ends when they have used up all the nuclear fuel in their cores. When this happens the radiation pressure from the thermonuclear fusion reactions in the core decreases and is unable to withstand the huge gravitational forces trying to crush the star. If it is a large star it implodes, and its matter is squashed into an extremely dense neutron star; or if it is a supergiant star the remnant is a “black hole”. These huge implosions create powerful magnetic fields which accelerate charged particles to enormous velocities. These high energy particles can bombard the upper atmosphere of the Earth; they are called “cosmic rays”.

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Research at CERN has shown that when high-energy particles collide with molecules of gases at low pressure, fragments are produced which act as seed particles for the condensation of water vapour. This has led to the Sun-Cosmic-Ray- hypothesis to explain climate cycle changes. The hypothesis says that when the Sun is in an active state its magnetic field will be strong and very few particles will bombard the upper atmosphere. Fewer cloud seeding nuclei are produced and there is a reduction in the amount of low cloud cover causing a warmer climate. When the Sun is in an inactive state, into which it is entering at present, its magnetic field will be weaker and more cosmic rays will bombard the atmosphere, more cloud-seeding nuclei are formed, and there is an increase in the amount of low cloud cover which produces a colder climate.

The Earth’s climate is not driven by the emissions of CO2 but rather it is controlled by the natural cycles of the Sun. Future generations will look back at these times and wonder how a small group of bureaucrats and politicians were able to corrupt the scientific process and cause mass hysteria about the concentration of a life-sustaining trace gas.

Making a landscape more attractive in Germany! (Comprehensive Internet Link to check.) About the Tutor John has a degree in Science with majors in Physics and in Chemistry, a Master’s degree with honours in Science Education, and a post-graduate diploma in computers and the teaching of digital electronics. He has taught HSC Physics; was the inaugural Science Adviser for the NSW Department of Education Centre for Research in Measurement and Evaluation, was a member of the NSW Science Syllabus Committee, has lectured in Science Education at university, and was a Member of Institute of Physics.

Page 6 of 8 CO2 = LIFE - NOT Climate Control! Further Information


Christopher Booker: “Global Warming - A case study in groupthink” How science can shed new light on the most important ‘non-debate’ of our time. GWPF Report 28 2018 Free download ( Christopher Booker “The Real Global Warming Disaster” Continuum Books 2009 Robert Carter “Climate - The Counter Consensus” Stacey International 2010 Fritz Vahrenholt & Sebastian Luning “The Neglected Sun” Stacey International 2012 Lucie Green “15 Million Degrees A Journey to the Centre of the Sun” Penguin 2016 Alex Epstein “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels” Penguin 2014 & Nigel Calder “The Chilling Stars” Icon Books 2008 Ian Plimer “Not for Greens” ConnorCourt 2014 Ian Plimer “Climate change delusions and the great electricity rip-off – ConnorCourt 2017” John Etherington “The Wind Farm Scam” Stacey International 2010 John L. Casey “Dark Winter How the Sun is causing a 30yr Cold Spell” Humanix Books 2014 Jennifer Marohasy “Climate Change: The Facts 2017” Institute of Public Affairs Tim Ball “The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science” Stairway Press 2014 Roy Clark “The Dynamic Greenhouse Effect and the Climate Averaging Paradox” Ventura Photonics 2011 S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery “Unstoppable Global Warming” Rowman & Littlefield 2008

Some Videos

Henrik Svensmark: The Cloud Mystery ( SkyMarvels Solar System Barycentre ( Ian Chapman: “Fusion: How to Put the Sun in a Magnetic Bottle” ( “Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion” Prof Dennis Whyte MIT ( Nobel Lauréate in Physics, Ivar Giaever Smashes the Global Warming Hoax – “Global Warming is Pseudoscience”: ( Dr William Happer, Destroys Climate Change Hysteria in Seven minutes: ( Feynman on The Scientific Method: ( Patrick Moore: The Truth about CO2: ( Climate Change-Biggest Scam in History Part 1: ( CO2 is Irrelevant for Global Warming: ( Paris Climate Challenge 2015-The Sea Level Fraud: ( Alex Epstein “Why you should love fossil fuel”: (


See next page.

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